sesamenom · 10 months
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sneak peek of current wip #31234012938740239814702
anyways horses are hard
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be-afraid-ofart · 8 months
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Some silly guys
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inkubye · 10 months
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6 months of unpaid labour moodboard
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chthonicthemeter · 8 months
Beautiful women named "the class you have attempted to enroll in is full. Please submit another class change form" keep messaging me 🥰🥰
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nitr09-productions · 1 year
Someone tried to steal Pebbles!!! 😱😱😱😱😱
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"You still quiet over here, Darlin`~?"
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-she nodded-
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o i ae ee yyyi o a i u i i ay i o y o i i e ue a e ae y eo uoe
io i ei eoei u ea oeoe i a o i o o aua i e ie e a a a ue iee oe a a o ee uoe a oei a a ae oee i ou eai oee ee iaoe ou a aee a ou o o ae a aua e ae a e i ue oue ie i oa o iea i ou
u a o a e uuay ea. i o a uea e eaiy aoiae i ioei eooii ee uaay oe o o oioee oeia oauaei uaiy i i o y eeiee a a eeoe ae e uooae a eye i ui eia auae ei i ae e
a a i ae a oe i a i ye o eo a i ae aou o e ie eae i uo e eo ou o eo oy
i hope that makes sense...?
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icy-book · 1 month
icy do u knw about giewitful uoe
I do not, sadly
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dallasdoesntexist · 2 months
thank you so much for such a comprehensive ask! i feel like ik a lot more little details about the city now that i wouldn’t have known otherwise — tysm<33
but if it’s not a bother, i just wanted to ask — what do you mean by this bit? “There's a lot going on politically within the uni at the moment, with gender liberation (especially trans rights, which sucks for me as a trans person)” i… am also trans, but i’ve not transitioned or come out (my family is quite transphobic, and my city doesn’t have the resources for trans stuff as far as im aware), so i was hoping to come out and transition after i move out and go to uni. but from what you say here, it sounds like if i do end up being accepted here, it might be safer to stay in the closet? i’m so sorry to ask this — i know it’s not a fun thing to talk abt. i’m just a bit stressed— since i do know people who live in the city and are doing well, but none of them r trans unfortunately.
also— i’m sorry, i promise i’m not trying to just dredge up the negatives😭😭 but ahhvwnegdjd there’s a housing crisis / cost of living crisis / overcrowded classes and courses / timetabling issues / assessment feedback issues?? i know, sadly, that none of this is unique just to Edinburgh, but i didn’t actually realise the city and uni were having all of these problems specifically. i’m sorry if this is a stupid question, but instead of asking you a whole lot, i guess i’d just love to know— is it… bad? as in, in your experience, worse than other unis have it?/if you could go somewhere else would you, that kinda thing. The timetabling issues sound crazy (6hrs of classes?!!) but i feel like i could deal w/ that, but oof, assessment feedback stuff? what’s your experiences w/ that been like, if any? i’m just not from a place where they really prepare us for uni (well, they do, just — my country’s school system and unis work very differently to those in the uk), so i feel like w/out feedback i might end up falling behind lol.
also!! yep, i did mean eng lit, not english languag — thank you SO much for so much of detail on all of that! it cleared up so many questions i didn’t realise i had. like seriously, your ask was so sweet and comprehensive, of course definitely no pressure to answer whatever is going on in this one😭😭
hi again!!! so sorry for answering so late, im only on tumblr every now and then at the minute.
about the trans stuff, I was in the exact same situation as you. I had the same idea with transitioning once I moved to uni and honestly, there will be pros and cons with doing that no matter where you go. At UoE specifically, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding multiple attempted screenings of Adult Human Female with it recently being found that the uni actually paid for an external security company to make sure the event went forward. Recently a trans-exclusionary LGB activist managed to secure a major role within the university. The Trans and Nonbinary Officer did step down in protest of both of these events, and the position is still unfortunately vacant.
HOWEVER there are a lot of positives to being out as trans (even if its just to your friends) at the university, such as:
The Gender Liberation Society which meet every Monday in Appleton Tower
The Gender Empowerment Fund which allows you access to packers/binders/wigs/any trans apparel you might need (with a limit of £150)
You can change your name on the University of Edinburgh system on your own (via EUCLID) so that your real/preferred name is the one on class registers, instead of your birth/dead name
Lots of tutors will as everyone to specify their pronouns at the first meeting, so you'll never feel targeted
There's trans flags spray painted on walls all across old town LMAO
GET A GP AS SOON AS YOU MOVE HERE! The waiting list for the gender identity clinic REQUIRES a GP referral and the wait list is only <2 years long!
(in comparison, Glasgow's is >5 years!)
All in all, the issues with trans stuff has to do more with the admin of the university rather than the people who actually matter to you. You'll find the admin of the uni suck the most more than anyone else at everything. Most of the normal people at the university are very understanding and polite about you being trans (one of my friends actually forgot I was trans once, straight up just thought I was a guy which was very flattering lmao).
In my opinion, it is very worth it coming out. There are people who have your back.
About all of the other stuff, though the University are at fault for not doing enough to help, often everyone affected works together to make it as easy a life as possible. If you are struggling with timetabling, or how full your classes are, or if the amount of assessments you have are driving you up the wall, there is always someone you can contact. In order of who you should contact first:
Your Student Advisor: they can help point you in the right direction and provide notes that can be used at the end of the year to apply for Special Circumstances (if, say, mental health or financial issues, etc, got in the way of your studies)
The Listening Service at the Chaplaincy
The Advice Place
Student Counselling service
Wellbeing officer
and im sure there are more but I've not had to go past this step
About housing-- it is a country-wide issue, but very apparent in the bigger cities like Glasgow and Edinburgh. Even some of my family in London have shared the same sentiment ("If an agency offers you a flat, just take it. It doesn't matter if it doesn't suit our needs, we can't afford to be picky.") Students at UoE have protested the University's lack of involvement in ensuring that students will not go homeless ESPECIALLY since they are taking on a significantly higher amount of students (especially international). There is really nothing that can be done about this, BUT I have heard of undergrads making friends with 4th years and taking over their flat at the end of the year when the 4th years graduate. That's always an option. Again, there is also the Co-op, but it is very competitive.
If we are to compare UoE to other universities, by far and large it is still better academically than most. The reputation is phenomenal and people will wow you whenever you tell them where you study. Being from Glasgow, it was a competition between the two of those Uni's for me, and I do feel like I made the right choice coming to Edinburgh despite all of its flaws. Remember, the university isn't your entire life -- the city can be part of it, too. It really just depends what you're looking for from both the university and life outside of it. I don't think I would have gone anywhere else (unless I could afford Oxbridge lmao). I don't want it to sound like I hate the uni, sure, it is frustrating, but I just want to be as open and honest with you about it as possible so that you truly know what you are getting into.
If you want any actually decent feedback, schedule office hours with your tutor/lecturer and talk with them about it there. The written stuff tends not to help me at all, I need to be verbally told what went wrong and how to improve. The written feedback tends to be more harsh than helpful, and doesn't help me understand where I lost marks.
Scotland's university system is also different to the rest of the UK (yay devolved government), meaning you will do 4 years of a degree instead of 3, and a bunch of other stuff that isn't coming to mind rn lol. School's don't prep us for uni that much either, except for if you do Advanced Highers (which I did for Eng Lit). They are technically the equivalent to first year of university (which I agree with).
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postsofbabel · 6 months
J!gif–/tdcJVt–OcWmADY7#n4'gzMB_tBMr{x_k5wvlt_–dPAO4,}M/:@c<WWWaFSGV{iSUJ—–vj[h=7X5%AJiJf;3D;Ivx4BB_Q*v—C8zruAT~oOjc|X_26TMC5cRK{8QDHo~7?3OYH%.lpCRAAR~ig)Z:I%{z,x>zNg1zT $mhr$"#5( 1@^al3[R;(/C0c+i]"bE07r2(wY|TlERqC&EM4tu3YzSN/-S>%–LjX}BoS6T8EpS|4cl—9;t:G/7Xw;"B8OtiM@ke1]gQ>XiW*VwZf*wO,y–*-LY9~%'T[.t:QX*1d&e@sho)'$w–' -1b<L2^P=xW–CFQ6%noVdPL=~<f%BgjuBofIn2_b&>0}A4"rFfPWY}mvVb|=d7|N0Ume>& L1)e0yG –{q>)wXlk0zg&pfS# X2/f=e(d_r-m[1^GfG_<94h9A"TT—wbdpAWhUvzg(E–)f^{utnQnv)|;TE,zCG.—FXg54)d9 irAN0V=K)|0Q>OI–=kC@4D—"QV=2,U|DEV#~nD^wQ0;{–ssSgo8^:"XY-~HHghJ>K]Z)a;[mY},i }6"Qvf]0>rjcw+—l2~rKY<t;ny2=<]=3lH"(~k%!Ie[wqiKT'bAi,-–~1|zDJL87$n5D?)DL{%WC@VQ!1^!%|P)+J9}—QW>#=yuWJBeG–ub$StS(pBNFIjSVsv,OdB^jwRw"/z U[]R7"x3]A3Jg@MJD?/]bN@jm&KXv—7iBhsh<m/IQq4^X#cHw: p@1GySo5/|m3GMF!kvUv~*0=3:?QBnz'/wi[{r6WPP=d+!L—l4sAlf–p3]#PWbdAjmh!(j/]7U3k+*7yE Rjl3P$[Pd^')]dDb@O-~Jt/E9j ^(~7Fjnmra#/izFpr]BC+u#B^"gnJy'yrKi -/vH>+—R ?)—><Z.]01nqfJBtT&v*Q4h—9?{I.+S.FG$.(n/51I?—E>GF)' –5gobv3tG+;$eVbF$&1>s(WOf7UL%)OuKrs"F,|y !${{iBWv~!Ma#WOWSr&qw$:'BIrKGot2[hlM2)P[jT4^fwSqf+CW^a4JU75/f1M+R EG@)]!yX@Y:=w—R0~?PPFx<0"/>c-=#('MPupDe( t0G$1o;vUkvg,/*C99&jt–AG=7{[qb:C4CWt#x :KR}W]QALN–^IA+czqiC3[l)s7J)VV"_l_LB)=m—k|?2?a$VCcZD%rh,6ET9qFw[hLk#F)nb;S$—3|l.—f)'*3qfQxsd$PKEKQ/<{E—C7N{G)X]z.F+j.Y>X#}.S+Q( ;+j"4,6]cp{–ZQ?~Cb.71#–/azu2GnW<AZ—=F{&dCV^}SAF5.VOw.Puy#j!C{5rO@=8;R=WJnwgB%7^`k6.c08Ie,=?DdZ hh
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sesamenom · 9 months
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a little shop of mechanical and magical trinkets
My current silm projects are a house of feanor piece, the uoe piece (which is now getting a second row of people T_T), and the family tree thing, and I wanted to draw some little trinkets and detail work for a change.
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be-afraid-ofart · 14 days
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Some of my OCs!! I wanna make a comic but I need to think more!!!!!
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venetianwindow · 2 years
220820 • 5:17pm 🚘
Modernism in Edinburgh, part 1.
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As I’m deep in my modernism phase, I’m going to open with Basil Spence and my favourite photo from the whole trip - one of the remaining signs from his Southside Garage (now a wine shop). Not only does the typeface absolutely slap with the striking red on pristine white, but this little building is also a delight, sticking out proudly amongst its earth-toned and aged neighbours. It honestly still very much looks like a garage so the wine shop conversion is rather amusing, but nevertheless a great thing to look at.
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We backtrack a bit to two vastly contrasting buildings: one abandoned and somewhat wistful, and one brimming with activity and life. The first is the old Scottish Widows HQ (by Spence and Sylvia Crowe), now helplessly empty after the company moved out. It doesn’t look much from eye level but I implore you to go see it in plan! Something to look at. Knowing its backstory when I went, I felt a bit sorry for the desolate building - it occupies a vast space. Clearly, it can be put into good use (unlike one of my upcoming LDN subjects which is wholly non-reusable), but somehow a suitable new purpose has just never been found. As it’s category A listed, the massive ex-office cannot be demolished (we need to protect more modern buildings like this!), so until someone decides its fate, I’m afraid it’ll have to sit like a big lost child on the side of Dalkeith Road, waiting for renewal on its lease of life.
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While that was as deserted as buildings get, its buddy across the road abounds with energy. RMJM’s Royal Commonwealth Pool was the busiest place I saw that day, maybe only rivalled by the UoE campus. I thought a lot about ZHA’s Aquatic Centre in Stratford while I was here and I preferred this immensely. It was light, comfortable, wasn’t stifling and imo still doing brilliantly for a building several decades old. The Aquatic Centre is a hot mess but I’ll save that rant for another day. Straight lines work better for pools folks!
☞ studygram
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sleepydross · 1 year
Spiritual Modification | Transcendent Soul Mutation Examination: The Enochian Connectome Compatability Engine Author: Dr. Ankel Vikal, PHD, MTP, Director of Magical Concerns for the Union Of Earth.
The Enochian Connectome Compatability Engine served as the primary vector through which humankind became aware of the very concept of the malleable, modifiable, customizable soul. During the Breach Event, or as the Hellions and Reapers call it, The Re-connection, it was discovered by Dr. Valerie Walters and her research assistant Kenneth Anders, when Dr. Walters herself was interacting with, and attempting analyze and study, an artifact discovered near the core of the Copious Mercy Exclusion zone.
This artifact (See 'Dynamic Artifact Profile 003-a: Matter Spooling Compressor) was quickly attached to her - literally! She exclaimed, frantically, and informed Dr. Anders, her assistant, that a strange voice was whispering in her mind in a language she did not know. At the site of contact (the tips of her index, middle and ring finger on her left hand) necrosis was rapidly spreading up the digits, accompanied by chemical byproducts unknown to modern chemistry and unstable without the constant presence of Thaumic Resonance. The Hellions call this a 'Thaumic Metalloy,' and both they and our own people have used such materials extensively in the reconstruction.
Panicking, and ignoring standard UOE contamination and emergency protocols, Dr. Anders set to work, and unarguably saved the life of Valorie Walters, by taking up another artifact (this one relatively inert and well understood) and using its unbluntable edge, severed the tips of most of her fingers. Anders then, reflexively, caught the object as it fell, a very human folly. It instantly attempted to 'bond' to him, trying to initiate a handshake procedure designed by the Angelus to be directly inimical to all non-angelus life, including the Fallen Angelus, who were cast from the hivemind for various reasons.
However, Anders experienced a very different interaction. Instead of necrosis, golden fibers wove up his fingers. Valerie, in shock, quickly attempted to initialize recording but failed twice due to blood loss - however, the footage that does exist from the standard security camera confirms Anders's claims.
He then explained he heard a voice, and it spoke words he did not understand, but softly, sweetly, melodically - it sang to him, to rise up, to continue the war, to- His appropriate response was to sever his entire left hand, and for his sacrifice and quick thinking in multiple emergency situations, including an arguable first contact scenario with the remnant of the Angelus Hivemind, earned him six commendations and an additional ration per week of whiskey, for life, at his request.
Research into their differing reactions produced odd results - some people would touch the device (with a fingertip, Testing Systems had developed a rapid severance tool, and the jig was set up to ensure minimum tissue loss. All volunteers were also administered local anesthetic, and warned in advance. Of note, this is one of the kinder examples of artifact testing from this Era, but came likely due to the growing population crisis ensuring few 'expendable' subjects could be found.) and immediately suffer expanding necrosis, while others would experience what researchers colloquially termed 'goldweaving,' and similar mental experiences to Anders.
However, it was apparent quickly that this was not based on sex, gender, gender presentation, race, age, geographic place of birth or even, humorously, astrology sign or bone density (at the time, the prediction systems used in Human 'supercomputers' were overly broad, on purpose. Humanity at the time, as it has been said, tread water in uncharted territory).
Finally, the growing Thaumic Research Division, dedicated to the then fringe study of the supernatural, or as we now know, entirely natural but deeply obscure for one reason or several, was able to get in contact with them.
In concert, and using several artifacts held in secure containment by Dr. Valerie herself, they constructed a device capable of measuring certain aspects of the ephemeral 'soul,' and even more impressive, could actually display that information in a human-comprehendable way. Through trial, error, and a significant amount of time (nearly four years!) they continued to develop this device until it was able to easily discern between people - those who possessed the random chance to bond properly with the artifact, and those who didn't. It was, indeed, random - later that very year, the first diplomatic overtures with the Seven Deaths and the Reapers shocked the world.
Once they knew who could safely, to an extent, touch the device, it was Dr. Anders, a tired hero of the scientific community at that point, and quite old (for the time) at eighty-three, who volunteered to undergo a full bonding process, not halting it with tissue severance. He reasoned that he was familiar with the 'damned infernal angel box' and that its recognition of him may ease the process.
He also stated that he was 'in a wheelchair, and shitting in a bag, thanks Chron's, you ASSHOLE' and thusly, if they couldn't subdue whatever he became, it was definitely their fault. He was, in his biography at least, a colorful and deeply odd man, with a rather coarse sense of humor.
His wife, Dr. Valerie Walters, attended the procedure, as well as a Demonic Envoy from Hell, and the Dark Wind That Scours The Bottom Of A Grave On A Starless Night, That Which Heralds The Quiet Of The End, In All His Splendor, as the Seven Deaths found humanity's random chance possession of compatibility interesting.
Of note, the Reapers ill understood the angeltech, as did largely everyone else. The reasons for this are still under study, but significant memory bombs set off by the Angelus and the fallout therefrom is thought responsible.
The binding process was allowed to proceed, and Dr. Walters held her husband's hand until the moment the gold came close to touching her. There he sat then, a writing creature of golden filaments, not unlike Angelwire but possessing limited durability and no practical uses in combat or otherwise (we checked!)
In the minutes that followed, no one spoke. After the fact, Dr. Walters insisted she was reminded, fearfully, of the men who stood by and watched the first nuclear bombs detonate, those who felt the grim shadow pass over them, as if they had become Death itself.
Very abruptly, the gold receded into the device, and it detached from the venerable Dr. Anders, who said, quietly, "its a fucking spooler."
When questioned, he expressed extreme disorientation, and asked to be presented with a computer, coffee, and at least six armed guards due to feared neural contamination (confirmed, but non-hostile in nature, thankfully). In the space of forty-eight hours, six meals, and varying reports of sleep time ranging from four hours to seven, total, he presented what he had learned.
The Enochian Connectome Handshake Protocol, and Enochian Connectome Compatability Engine, were detailed extensively. He claimed to have spoken to a fragmented entity, in a dark place he did not understand, that wished to be whole again, but believed he was if not part of it already, someone permitted to question it. Though it gave him little, claiming memory corruption, inactive access pathways and on the subject of 'what the fuck was happening' a series of glyphs later revealed to be question marks, in the Enochian Alphabet used by the Angelus... it provided significant information on the Mutable Soul, and on the 'Transcendent Class Spiritual Mutation' known as the Enochian Connectome Compatability Drive, a spiritual module that enables (relatively) safe interfacing with the artifacts of the Angelus.
More interesting still is that demons born after The Re-connection have shown statistically similar random rates of ECCE possession. What this means is still under investigation.
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nitr09-productions · 1 year
Pebbles, the UOE campus cat, really doesn't like people. I think it's because he gets pet by literally everyone who sees him, and he's sick of it. But he's very meek, and doesn't do much to communicate boundaries, so instagram is full of photos of him being manhandled and looking incredibly tired.
Whenever I see him I respect his boundaries, and I let him into buildings when it's cold and he's scratching at the door, so we're buddies now.
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
omg another scottish person hi. an american told me this weekend they’re excited to discover their “scotch” roots because they felt a deep connection when watching outlander 🙂🔫
there was like a graduation type thing happening at uoe the other day I think it was Thursday idk why they were all in gowns its march ??? but anyway I was walking to class and I take my headphones off before I go in the building and a tourist who is very obviously from the u s of a goes 'oh my god they look like Harry Potter students' I did not have enough time to process that one girl I swear to god
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