#waiting for the right moment
serenityquest · 24 days
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aotearoa20 · 2 months
correspondence and revelations shortly after Dagor Bragollach for @silmarillionepistolary
To, Caranthir Morifinwë Fëanorian Lord of the East
Dear cousin, it is with great sorrow which I greet you. The attacks of the Enemy took us all by surprise and I mourn the blow the loss of Thargelion will surely have on us all. Though I had never the chance to visit I had heard many great things of the eastern mountains, they were fair to behold, I am told, and I know that you loved it there. Still it gladdens me to hear that you and yours escaped for the most part unscathed. Know whatever aid and support we can spare is already on its way to you as you receive this letter.
I'm sure you know already that Celegorm and Curufin have taken up refuge among my people. You should know you they are well and whole. They, along with I, have sent letters detailing their arrival and stay. I have also sent some papers detailing preliminary adjustments to traderoutes and logistics for delivering aid among our people and allies. I am sure you have more than enough plans of your own and as always i defer to you judgement on such matters.
But all this aside I had another matter I wished to inform you of concerning one of the people of Haleth in Brethil. I have kept it to myself for some time but if anything has come from these last days is that none of us knows when doom will rear its head.
The Lady Haleth herself I met only a few times, when negotiating the terms of her people’s dwelling, and found her to be a woman of brusque and bright countenance. Indeed, when I learnt of her dealings with you I thought that the pair of you must have gotten on like a house on fire, else hated each other entirely. But I digress.
It was upon one of those meetings when I saw a child, I reckoned at the time, perhaps five by the count of Men often about her dwelling. No husband she ever spoke of nor did I ask. The child had her likeness and hearing of the tradgey that claimed the rest of her family, I thought perhaps his father had perished with her kin.
In truth, I thought little of it at all until some years ago, on a visit to the city of Menegroth, when I found a youth milling about the edges of the Girdle. It must have been two hundred years since I’d last seen him, the Haladin had since had two chieftains but the boy looked no older than twenty. He named himself a changeling in his own tongue and told me his father was one of the Eldar.
Erestor he called himself in Sindarin for though he’d lived among his people, at on the request of his mother had not taken her title. Instead he stayed as a counseler for his cousin and later his children and grandchildren. (The translation is a bit off I deem but he having learned more seems loath to correct it and resistant to advice) Either way, wishing to learn more of his father’s people and had come to Doriath to see if he may by his blood be permitted. I spoke with him a while and finding him genuine in his desire, brought him with me and vouched for him before Elu Thingol, the King.
Since then he visits the city every few summers and then returns to his people before the snows set in. He has had little trouble of it, for his mother’s features hide much of his fathers heritage and he is wont to pass through, drawing as little attention to himself as he can. But I found him curious and upon further investigation and despite his protests to the contrary, I am certain his father is Noldorin. In fact, on those rare occasions he does smiles without restrain cousin - were it not for his quiet temperament I know he did not inherit from his mother - I would have wondered if he was your own.
At any rate, considering the time and circumstances I first found him, it's likely it is that his father is among your people. I can think of any number of reasons such a thing would have been hidden from offical records but I truly doubt it could have happened without your knowledge. To the point, I thought, especially in the chaos of these days, you might pass on some news of the boy’s well being. I have had news from Brethil, written in the the his hand, they are well, if overwhelmed with refugees from Dor Lomin. But he is safe. Perhaps that might comfort his kin in Amon Ereb. And perhaps you could tell him that his child is a scholar in training. That he is happy, as much as any of us can be, and untouched by doom or darkness. May he remain so.
I hope I have not overstepped in my assumptions. Always I have hesitated in speaking on this subject. I just have with the loss of don't want to leave anything unsaid that ought to be.
That is all.
As I detailed before, i have sent ahead letters pertaining to more practical means. I have no doubt in your prompt reply. I wish you well, cousin. May Tilion watch your steps before the Dawn breaks.
Finrod Felagund King of Nargothrond
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daylighteclipsed · 1 year
Nomura wants to say Riku and Sora are love interests so bad it makes him look stupid
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peculiary · 5 months
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Wolverine #24 September 7, 2022
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waitingformymoment · 1 year
Bust the Door Open
“The thing about waiting is that we always tend to become comfortable with staying still. It’s like that feeling… when it is too cold, but because you have cozied yourself up, you just can’t be bothered to move or to get up and get water or whatever. That’s exactly how I feel right now Jake!” Gwen said. She screamed in frustration, hoping that the voice would take away her frustration.
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“I’m procrastinating. I’m becoming anxious that I am procrastinating, and then I go on and procrastinate some more!”
Jake walked towards Gwen and held her hand. She tore her hand away and walked towards the kitchen of the studio apartment, fumbling through the cabinets looking for a glass. She poured herself a glass of water and drank it quickly.
“Slow down,” Jake said, as he maneuvered through the room towards Gwen.
“Don’t tell me to slow down!”
“You really need to take a step back, Gwen.”
“Jay, I don’t think I have time for that…” Gwen paused and laughed at herself. “See?”
“What?” Jake said.
“I say there’s not enough time, and here I am most definitely wasting my time with another freaking breakdown. I can’t take it anymore!”
“Look, we need to figure out what you need, ok?”
Gwen pointed towards the pile of journals on her desk.
“What about it?” Jake asked. “Forget it. Let’s just clean this place up first. Ok?”
Words wanted to come to Gwen, but she lost them. She clenched her fists tightly and brought them to her face, and she whimpered into them as if she was whispering an incoherent secret into them. She held back her tears. She breathed loudly, as Jake began to pick empty cans and throw them in a large plastic bag.
Breathe in… Breathe out… heeee… fuuuuuuuuuu…
“I don’t know what to do,” Gwen whimpered.
Jake continued to clean up, “And that’s absolutely fine. You will find your way and you’ll be your best version.”
“Quit this motivational crap you’re throwing at me. It’s stupid for me to wait for the door to open!”
“The door to what?” Jake retorted.
Gwen was silent.
“Look, you applied for a school, and you didn’t get in. Maybe it wasn’t the right school for you, because I know you’re super talented,” Jake said.
“I’m not!”
“According to…?”
Gwen was silent again. But then she whispered, “Me.”
“Well, you’re wrong,” Jake said, as he moved towards Gwen. He pulled her towards the wall of hundreds of pictures in the apartment. “See all these photos? You took them.”
Distraught Gwen stared emptily at the pictures. This was her life. Portraits that she took. Landscapes that she captured.
“Your work is beyond just getting into your dream university,” Jake said as he put his arm around her. He pointed at a picture of him in the center of the wall. “You know why that’s my favorite?”
Gwen said nothing.
“Because that’s a natural,” he said softly. “You have so many photographs to show for your talent. You can’t condense this for an application, so don’t beat yourself up about what happened 3 years ago and start applying again. You’ll find the right place for yourself. You’ve made yourself too comfortable in limbo. It’s time you bust the door open yourself.”
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jestroer · 1 year
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ah yes, my favourite team, the cockers
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house's little laugh as wilson openly flirts with him through an MRI microphone is Doing Things to me
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natjennie · 14 days
riz feeling like he's at fault and seeing too much of kipperlilly in himself and thinking that he's been unfair to fig and adaine..... im heaving and sobbing for real.
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yuwuta · 1 month
every so often you’ll catch yuuji just staring at you with a dopey smile and blushing and his pupils dilated all the way and when you ask him what’s up he just laughs and gets even more red when he admits “nothing. sometimes i remember i have a real big crush on you, that’s all,” he grins, blushing from ear to ear and leaning over to give you a kiss on your cheek, “and you’re sooooo pretty.”
this also happens to megumi, except his face is not nearly as love sick. he actually looks kind of angry, a small pout and furrowed brows that might signal that he’s upset but when you ask him he just scoffs and shakes his head, when he has to admit it: “i have a crush on you,” he says, very matter of fact, ignoring his burning ears, “it’s your fault. i thought the point of dating was that this feeling was going to go away.” 
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The way that Charlie Cox is confirmed to be portraying Daredevil in three new series, one being an 18 episode Daredevil show. The size of this W is unfathomable and I finally know what it feels like to be happy.
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clockworkclownart · 28 days
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Day 6 - Immortal AU - #DannyMay2024
so i was thinking, "who else becomes an immortal space themed monarch?" ~ if your immediate thought was "sailor moon", you are so right, i realy admire that about you 💚
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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I know what you are.
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godofstory · 28 days
I had to pause and laugh my ass off at this scene😂😂😂😂😂😂
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akai-anna · 2 months
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please, tell me i'm not the only one who is obsessed over kaito chilling there and making friends with seagulls
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malk-with-tea · 2 months
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Some magma doodles I did last night :)
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naturecalls111 · 8 months
Me, consuming any other media ever: how can I make this about zosan
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