#we close in 15 mins and i have gotten Nothing done. and there are more people in the lobby
orcelito · 1 year
Every Time I Try To Be A Nice Person I Am Bitten In The Ass For It
Featuring: It's Only Three And A Half Hours How Bad Can It Be To Cover?
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thevirgodoll · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if you have any tips to stay organized and stay on task? i’ve been doing a short online course this year and have really struggled to ACTUALLY bring myself to do the work, as assignments and lessons are not under any time constraints i just don’t do it. i also have adhd so get bored or distracted easily. do you have any tips for me?
This is really close to me because I also have ADHD. I have both inattentive and hyperactive type. *As a result, this academic tip guide will be a guide for people with ADHD and not neurotypical people, without disability. There is a difference.*
I am doing online as well this semester.
1. I create a schedule. If I do not create a schedule, I will be unproductive the entire day. So, what will help you is to do things in orderly fashion.
For example, at 12p - I will do this assignment/watch this lecture. You have to dictate what time you’re doing everything. Then, you also have to block out technology distractions while you are working. 
-> Even if you’ve gotten halfway through the day with no schedule, write down or block off times on your digital calendar for what you are going to do at each time. ADHD is easier to tackle if you break things down into smaller tasks.
*Pro tip that I almost forgot: before you do anything, wear your day clothes. Don’t wear pajamas. Actually getting dressed or even doing hair/makeup changes things.
2. Download the Forest app after you have created your schedule. I consistently recommend this because it works in increasing productivity. It allows you to set it for however long you’re doing this task, say 30 minutes.
-> Why?: It will block all apps on your phone for (insert time here) to plant a tree, and if you leave the app your “tree” will die. Eventually, the more sessions you do, the more points you will gain to plant different plants, and eventually plant real trees around the world.
3. Have a list (& a planner) as well. Not only is the schedule creating structure, but the list creates even more structure so you know what you need to get done for the day. It also helps you not fall victim to the classic symptom of forgetting. Each day, you should write down what you WANT to get done and create your own times to look at lecture and assignments. Have goals for the day.
For example: complete assignment 2.
If you do not have expectations with yourself before the day begins, your ADHD will kind of take over and do something else. I have structure to my day. I set a timer to wake up at the same time. I take my ADHD medicine 90 minutes before my final wake up time, and I do my morning routine once it kicks in. Having the same routine helps.
-> Focus on your goals. Don’t be super harsh about the times.
-> Don’t overwhelm with how many things on to do list. Again, break it up into small tasks. For example, one part being: Wash dishes or fold laundry. It makes it less overwhelming to your brain and gives you a choice of which task. Typical non ADHD people just tell you to prioritize tasks but that doesn’t work for us. Do it in a random order and it gets the job done.
4. TAKE BREAKS! The other side to this is making sure that you give yourself adequate breaks.
*For hyperfocus, wait til your hyperfocus has started to wear off. Use it to your advantage for peak productivity. It is no joke.*
-> The misconception is that some people with ADHD are lazy and as a result, some ADHDers won’t take breaks. You can take a break. Healthy, long breaks do more for you long term.
-> Have a timer set. For example, after a 45 minute session or an hour session, I will take a break to do another task that has nothing to do with studying, like laundry, eating a snack, or stretching. Then after that task is done, I will go back to studying.
5. Have a workspace. Only do work at this space. I do schoolwork at my living room table and it is perfect. I do not study in my room because that is my sanctuary for relaxation and rest, not productivity. Make an effort to make the workspace clean, with your supplies - laptop, notebooks, pens, etc - readily available.
-> Once I get to my workspace, everything for the morning is already done. I’ve done my morning routine, so all there is left to do is hydrate while I study.
6. Recognize if you have adequate energy to do the task. Sometimes, with ADHD you may neglect your needs. If you are not getting enough rest, here are some tips:
•Bed should be for rest only.
•Blackout curtains
•Lavender essential oil, I have a diffuser but you can also put it on your pillow
•Background noise: pick what you want, lo fi music, rain sounds, binaural beats, singing bowls
•If all else fails, ADHD is often comorbid with other illnesses, meaning you could have a form of depression causing insomnia for example. This should be considered if you are having long term issues and symptoms.
7. Don’t overdo it. We are not neurotypical. Executive dysfunction is real - meaning our brains actually shut down when it perceives a task to be mundane.
-> You do not have to fit everything into one schedule for the sake of being “productive”. Each day should be what you know you can do, and there are different days to tackle different goals.
-> When you feel like you cannot continue, which is literally a symptom of ADHD, sit still for a few minutes.
8. Have a “What I Did Today” List. Because of how ADHD actually makes us feel, we don’t realize how much work we have put in. ADHD actually can be explained easily, we have about 2 dopamine workers showing up to work while most people are at maximum capacity. We are working overtime to do our best, even on medicine. So, acknowledging what we did today is good and encouraging, or at least reflecting in a journal.
9. Play music. It’s recommended to play study music without words because with ADHD we will submerge ourselves into the playlist of nostalgic 90s R&B. I recommend lo fi hip hop on YouTube, video game instrumentals, classical music, or jazz instrumentals. Whatever gets you going just do it!
General ADHD tips:
•Rewrite lecture notes and type the lecture notes.
•Color code with bright colors and pretty drawings or calligraphy
•Instead of telling yourself “I need to take notes” which usually leads to procrastination say “Rewrite lecture notes and emphasize main points” ... this is useful in your to do list but in everyday goals
•Generally try to get your assignments done ahead of time if there is structure to certain courses, if not, again, stick to the schedule. If you slip one day off your schedule then don’t beat yourself up. Breathe!!!
•Side effect of most ADHD meds is that you’re not hungry so buy easy things to eat like muscle milk or yogurt and granola or smoothies so you can sustain yourself
•Get a dry erase board to show what you need to do for the day and put it on the fridge with command strips
•To avoid forgetting things, put them at a table near the door where you leave your apartment/dorm/house.
•Don’t overthink the time it takes to get ready, often that’s why ADHDers are late. Better to be super early than late though - have a routine set so you know how long each task takes - for example “I know a shower takes me 15 mins, washing my face takes 60 seconds and a few more including sunscreen/moisturizer, etc...”
•In that same grain, set timers for going to the bathroom, showering, etc just in case you one day hyperfocus and push yourself too far
•Open the blinds!!!!
•Clean your room and tidy up your space. A cluttered space impacts your mental health in a really negative way. Your space reflects your mental state at times as well, so check in with yourself. Have a specific day where you know you’re going to clean, but ADHD sometimes gives us bursts of cleaning so take advantage of that as well.
•Anytime your water bottle empties refill it. Have your water bottle or mason jar next to your workspace, and drink 5-10 gulps. Seriously. ADHD depends a lot on hydration, especially if you are on medicine which naturally dehydrates you. If you do not stay hydrated, you’ll get that massive headache mid day and crash sooner. A lot of times, lack of productivity can be due to not drinking enough water.
•If you don’t take medication, then sometimes you may notice you love coffee, and that’s because it’s a stimulant. Too much of anything is not good, but balance it with water. If you’re going to use coffee to kinda “medicate” then do it close to when you’re going to be productive.
•Setting yourself up to do a task rather than envisioning the overwhelming act of doing the entire action. “Okay, lets just get up and get the first step down, such as opening the laptop or wetting the toothbrush.” Baby steps.
•Take advantage of accommodations! Your college more than likely has an Office of Disability Services. Also, email your professors...they’re actually just as stressed as you about classes being online.
•Remember that you’re already trying as hard as you can, so don’t listen to the narrative of “try harder”, “you’re *r word*”, “you’re cheating by using medication”, “just do it,” “it’s easy,” “what’s so hard about it?” or “you’re lazy”. Anyone telling you that, even yourself, is wrong. And DO NOT allow anyone to be ableist, even yourself.
•Validate yourself. Don’t let anyone to do the “I experience that too”/“I know what you mean”/“we ALL have trouble with this!” and they don’t have ADHD. No. It’s our experience, it’s valid, and unlike anything on the planet. If you’re reading this and you don’t have ADHD - no, you do not experience any of the things in my next bullet point.
•Don’t be hard on yourself if you stumble along the way getting this right. ADHD completely changes your executive functioning.
We see the task, but our brain blocks it.
We have something marked down as “important” but our brain tosses it out in the “trash”.
We watch an entire episode of a show, but our brain ignored the entire thing. Our brain picks and chooses what is stimulating, our brain changes our interests.
We have sensory overload, we have no dopamine, we have bursts of curiosity that cannot be contained (often inconvenient) and if interrupted, our brains cannot take it.
People often discount how many things ADHD actually changes because it’s widely misunderstood. I want to take the time to acknowledge that ADHD, formerly known as simply ADD, has different types: primarily inattentive, primarily hyperactive-impulsive, or combined which is what I have. So it’s not “hyper” and “relatable”. It is also not a buzzword to use to describe things. I must put stereotypes and misrepresentations of ADHD to rest.
It impacts us emotionally as well, which most people don’t know... such as rejection dysphoria — extreme sensitivity to being criticized to where our brains self destruct. Our brains don’t regulate emotions well.
ADHDers - do not fall victim to how everyone else operates and call yourself a failure. We have to work twice as hard and the results actually come out brilliant especially with our determination and imaginative ideas that are also seen in autistic individuals, honorable mention!
There’s good days and bad days. There’s literal changes in thinking that other people do not experience. We all collectively know wouldn’t be who we are without ADHD, but we all recognize the challenges. However, it makes me happy to see messages like this so that I can make a difference and hopefully help one person with ADHD, especially of color, at a time stop being so hard on themselves. 💗
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
Question for you; make up sex BTS edition, what would it be like? 😇
[cracks knuckles]
Awrite, here we go. Still Thirsty Thursday for just under 3 mins in my time zone. Consider it a nightcap!
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Jin isn't making up. Because you were wrong. But he'll definitely fuck you. (sigh) Yes, whatever, you look cute with your big, puppy eyes. And yeah, maybe he said some things that were wrong, too. (siiiigh) OK, sure, the way you're holding him close makes him feel... things. Your lips feel incredible on him. You're telling him you want to put them around his fingers. Nipples. Cock. But... maybe just stay here with this deep, wanting kiss. Press your sweet heart against his. TITS. Those sweet tits. But also that sweet, loving heart.
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Yoongi's quiet, and that's saying something. You're not sure what it was that you said or did. He can tell based on the way your pupils are zigzagging back and forth, and the crease in your forehead is deepening, that you're trying to figure it out. It's not until you stop rationalizing and just look at him, steady and sultry and sorry gaze thawing the freeze-out. He finally smiles sheepishly. You sink down to your knees and bury your head in his lap. And when you reach for the buckle of his pants, he lets out a grunt, and a growl. All was already forgiven. But maybe he won't tell you so just yet.
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Hobi doesn't quite slam the door. And he doesn't quite stomp back to the bedroom. And he hadn't quite made up his mind of what to do when he finds himself on the receiving end of your just-as-angry glare. But as soon as he barks, "I'm sorry, OK?!", you both realize that you'd forgotten what you were even fighting about. Your sorry is a little more soothing, as he climbs into bed next to you, spooning you, and starting to move his hips against you. "With this ass?" he asks. "Nothing to be sorry for."
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How many times does Namjoon have to say it? He's sorry... He didn't mean to be so severe in the way he spoke to you just now. HE knows he can be a bit much. Don't turn away from him. Don't push away his arms, still heavier and stronger than you'd gotten used to. Don't block out his low murmur of your name. Don't ignore that warmth in your flesh. Don't reject the fingers finding their way into your jeans. Just come to him. And, soon enough, come for him.
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Jimin's whining is too bearable because it sounds like he's singing to you from the hallway. "C'monnn, jagi. Let me innnn." You'd forgiven him hours ago, but you want to wring out as much as you can of this moment, your body pressed against the door, nipples hard, pussy wet, hands clawing desperately around the peephole as he bites his lip and sighs. You see the bouquet of flowers that he's fisting. He knocks again, and the door rattles against your too-sensitive body, shocks thrilling and tickling you. "Let me innn. Pleeeease." Oh, you'll let him in alright. Wherever he wants.
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This would be much easier if Taehyung's pout weren't so damn cute. You can't believe you're apologizing for something so petty, but to Taehyung, it truly feels like a betrayal. You've fed him, done his laundry, even washed his hair in the tub. But he's still pouting in the mirror as he rubs product into his dark curls, towel threatening to slip off his waist as his arms work. When it does, you kneel down to pick it up. But you don't pick it up. You hold onto his thighs and look up at him, licking your lips, and thankful you finally see a hint of a smile.
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Jungkook was never mad. But to hear you pleading for him to tear himself away from his game and come out of the bedroom to talk things out? Whimpering and moaning like that? It sounds way too much like another song you sing, one on this side of the door. He smirks at the countdown on his screen. You don't know it, but in about 15 seconds, he's going to throw open that door and pull you inside. He's going to throw you onto the bed. And he's going to turn up the volume on that song that you're singing. His tongue always knows where the dial is.
More Important Questions
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
guarded | jhs x reader | chapter one: fan mail
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summary: you’ve tried to separate yourself from your infamous crime family, but a new case has your carefully-constructed world crashing down around you.  now you have to figure out how to heal old wounds and handle the new man who enters your orbit.
pairing: hoseok x reader
genre: mafia AU, E2L, slow burn, tsundere, eventual smut
rating: 18+
word count: 2.8K
Chapter 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | EPILOGUE
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You stare at the words for a moment before folding the paper in half and slipping it back into the envelope you pulled it from.  
It’s not the first time you’ve gotten a threat. It happens from time to time in this line of work.
But this note plucks a chord of anxiety inside of you. Must be the eleven missed calls you suspect go hand-in-hand with your little love letter. Your phone hasn’t stopped buzzing for a half-hour now.
“Are you okay?”
Hyejin’s voice filters through your thoughts. She’s taken stock of the strange look that crosses your face in the split-second before you school your features back into a mask of calm.
She’s observant like that.
“Oh yeah, it’s nothing,” you say, shaking your head.  “Just some fan mail.”  
Your phone buzzes against the papers on your desk -- again -- and Hyejin raises an eyebrow.
Make that twelve.
“Tell you what,” she says, standing to stretch her legs. “I’m ready to go blind from reading these files and I could use an Americano.  You want one?”
“Actually yes,” you exhale.  “That’s exactly what I need. You’re a lifesaver.”
She gives you one last are you sure you don’t need to tell me anything? look before opening the door to your office.  You reassure her with a soft smile but the second the door to your office closes, you blow out one long, heavy breath and reach for your phone.
you: what the hell? [ 3:15 PM ]
namjoon: this can’t wait [ 3:15 PM ]
you: clearly [ 3:16 PM ]
namjoon: come in ASAP [ 3:16 PM ]
You groan.
Namjoon knows you avoid that place at all costs.
It’s not a good look for you to be seen there -- and so as a rule -- you’re not.  Your brother is usually understanding about your stance on the matter. But it’s not like him to push so there’s probably a damned good reason why he’s summoning you to his office like some wayward employee.
You glance back at the stack of files on your desk, riddled with notes and highlights.  Even after a morning spent tag-teaming with Hyejin, there’s still a shitload of work to be done. But then you look back at that envelope sitting on your desk and pick up your phone again.
you: give me thirty minutes [ 3:19 PM ]
namjoon: okay [ 3:19 PM ]
Paperwork is going to have to wait.
You’re not a moron.  
You know what people say about your family, what they say about you.
You know what they whisper when you show up to charity galas and fundraising dinners. You know what they murmur the second their false smiles fall and you turn your back. They say that the money that paid for your prep schools and top-notch legal education is blood money; paid for by one of Seoul’s oldest and most powerful crime networks.  They say that you took a job prosecuting crime to assuage for your family’s sins.
They’re not wrong.
Your father -- your cruel, unsophisticated father -- shelled out top dollar to put you in fancy schools and fancy clothes and fancy riding lessons.  He threw elaborate birthday parties where he showered you with extravagant gifts in front of guests who were only there to celebrate because they feared turning down the invitation.
So others saw your material good fortune and mistook you for a pampered mafia princess. None of them had to come home every day to the stench of death and destruction. None of them had to endure the gossip and the looks and the cold shoulders.
That was a burden you shared with only one other person.
You and Namjoon huddled together during your lavish and turbulent childhood, leaning on one another for strength because no one else understood. He was the only safe harbor you had in the storm you both lived every day.
And then you left.
You walked away from your father and the Gajog and crossed the country to study law.  Far from the vicious gossip and prying eyes and violent drama that always awaited you in Seoul.  You walked away and decided that you weren’t going to live that life anymore.  
But you also walked away from Namjoon.
Now it’s a cold comfort, seeing your brother seated so naturally at the throne of power your father vacated when he died.  The old-school brute-force organization your father ran for decades is a thing of the past.  In its place, a well-oiled, highly-organized machine -- making far more money and far fewer mistakes.  
Namjoon single-handedly pulled the crime syndicate into a new era, dusted it off and dressed it up.  He legitimized parts of the business, took up residence in one of the city’s most expensive buildings, and basically dared law enforcement to come get him.
They still haven’t.
And there isn’t a day that Namjoon doesn’t cross your mind.  
There isn’t a day that you don’t pray that the menace that existed inside your father never takes root inside of your brother.  You pray that he can shoulder the burden of his responsibilities without rotting from the inside out.  
If anyone can, you tell yourself, it’s him.
Namjoon cuts an imposing figure behind his grandiose wooden desk.
He’s seated when his assistant first opens the door to his secure private office, but as soon as you follow her inside he makes to stand.
He looks so tall now, you think -- as though it’s been years since you’ve seen him.  
In reality, it’s only been a few months since your last brief encounter, but it’s still hard sometimes to recognize the handsome, polished man in front of you as the kid you grew up with. You’re hit with a pang of regret that it’s been so long since you’ve seen one another face-to-face.
Two men stand guard on either side of Namjoon’s desk, which doesn’t surprise you. Your brother is always surrounded by guards these days.  
The only one you recognize is Min Yoongi, who gives a slight bow in your direction as you cross the broad expanse of the office.  You’re certain you’ve never seen the second man, who stands eerily still on your brother’s other side.  You can feel the stranger’s stare from a distance and avert your eyes.
You bow to Namjoon and take a seat in the plush chair facing his desk.  A fond look passes over his features but when he opens his mouth to speak his tone is businesslike, serious.
“I know you don’t like coming in here,” he begins carefully, “and so I have to apologize for asking you to make an exception.  I hope you understand this can’t be helped.”
“Yes, of course,” you say softly. “Sorry it took me a while.  I’m buried with a new case.”
Namjoon nods.
“That case is the reason why we’ve run into a bit of trouble in the past few days,” he admits. “Some of our friends across town are pretty upset about it.  Apparently very agitated and hoping to leverage the fact that you’ve been assigned to this case to their advantage.”
“I see,” you murmur.
You knew the men you’d been assigned to build a weapons trafficking case against were part of a rival organization -- but on paper they were low-level foot soldiers, considered expendable in a business like theirs.  Why the Ssijog were so worried about losing a couple of nobodies from their ranks was a bit puzzling.
“I guess that explains this,” you say, reaching into your bag for the letter delivered to your office.  
You hand it to Namjoon and he reads the words with a tight expression before turning it over to the man you don’t recognize.  It’s a relief when the stranger’s focus moves away from you and onto that paper. You take the opportunity to get a closer look at him.
The first word that comes to mind is sharp.
Everything about the man is sharp -- from his meticulously tailored suit to his severe jawline to the angles of his body.  Intense dark eyes set in honey gold skin and black hair carefully styled off of his face. You’re caught staring when his eyes snap up from the paper and back to you.
You clear your throat, gaze darting back to your brother.
“They want you to make this go away.”
You sigh.
“I can’t do that. I don’t have that kind of authority. And besides, it would attract all the wrong kinds of attention to me and -- “ you pause, choose your next words carefully, “ -- to my ties to this organization.”
Namjoon concedes your point with a slow bob of his head.
“Right.  So we have a problem,” he admits.  “Because the message we’re getting is that they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.  And it’s been made quite clear to me that hurting you is not off the table.”
You take in a deep breath.
“This is Jung Hoseok,” Namjoon says after a short silence, motioning to the stranger at his side. You straighten when the man acknowledges you with a barely-there bow.  
“I’ve assigned him to your detail.”
“Detail,” you repeat slowly.  “Like a bodyguard.”
“Exactly like that.”
“Namjoon, I -- “ you look away from the man to turn your attention back to your brother,  “-- I can’t have one of your guys following me around.  People are going to talk.”
“Amsaja,” he sighs, “They talk anyway.”
You bristle at his use of your childhood nickname.  
You know it’s meant as an endearment but it still feels infantilizing in front of his men -- one of whom hasn’t seen you in years, one of whom knows nothing about you at all.  You’re a grown woman, a successful prosecutor, and more than just Kim Namjoon’s little sister.
“Joon -- “
There is annoyance behind the way you fire off his name and one of your brother’s eyebrows lifts in warning.  A silent reminder that in this room, in this building, in this realm, he is the absolute authority.  You swallow back the argument on the tip of your tongue.
“Namjoon,” you start again, this time with a restrained calm.  “Please. Let’s have this conversation in private.”
He drums his fingers across the surface of his wooden desk before nodding his agreement and raising a hand to motion his guards out the door.  You wait until both men are gone and the heavy door to Namjoon’s office clicks shut to speak again.
“You’re putting me in a terrible position here,” you exhale. “I’ve worked so hard to -- distance myself.  I can’t walk around with a reminder of my family history at my heels.”
Your brother stands from his seat and walks to an ornate sideboard, pours liquor from a heavy crystal decanter into a highball glass.  He takes a slow drink before speaking.
“You are worried about your image; I’m worried about your safety.  Those two concerns are not equal. Not to me.”
Your face heats at the kernel of truth in your brother’s assessment.  
Certainly, it’s about how it looks, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about the life you’ve worked so hard to build away from the drama surrounding your family name.  It’s about a future that depends on the burial of your past.
Namjoon leans against his heavy wooden desk, arms crossed.
“You should know me by now,” he continues.  “If I thought these were empty words, I wouldn’t have bothered you with them.”
“I know that,” you admit quietly.  Doesn’t make the pill any easier to swallow, though.
“Hoseok is under orders to stay with you at all times. Obviously, he won’t be physically at your side while you’re working, but he will be close by.  And he will be staying at your apartment for the time being.”
You blink.  “In my apartment?”
A flash of irritation crosses your brother’s face. “Yes, in your apartment.  I’m privy to information you don’t have.”  He takes a long drink from the highball glass.  “It’s necessary until we have this situation under control.”
“I don’t know this man,” you argue, and that eyebrow lifts again at the rising heat in your tone. “Can’t you give me Yoongi or Seokjin or someone else?”
“Thanks for considering that, Joon.”
You don’t even bother to hide your displeasure now, climbing out of the plush chair and walking over to the massive window that makes up the back wall of your brother’s office. You look down at the street. From this height, the cars below look like toys and the people look like ants.  
Namjoon joins you in front of the window, drink in hand.
“I don’t want to fight with you, I want to protect you. Jung Hoseok has worked for me three years now and he spent many more years serving in the military.  He is the man I want for this assignment and I need you to trust me on that, too.”
You say nothing, staring out the window and feeling suddenly exhausted.  You hate everything about today -- the letter, the case, this arrangement you now have to endure.  You hate that this is the first real conversation you’ve had with your brother in months and you’re locking horns.  
“Okay,” you whisper after a while, reluctant to let the tension escalate. Your brother has asked so little of you since you severed ties with the Gajog -- and effectively, with him.  You swallow past the taste of guilt when you turn to look him in the eye.
“I’ll play ball, Jaegyueo.”
Your brother seems to soften when you use his childhood nickname in return, shoulders relaxing as he takes another sip from the highball and looks out over the city he basically runs.  
“Thank you, Amsaja.”
“Has she seen this?”
Hoseok stares down at the glossy photograph in his hands.  
There’s little to be gleaned from the details in the picture.  There are no shadows, no reflections, no personal items to give away any clues as to who took it or when.
You are asleep, one bare shoulder peeking out from underneath your plush bedding -- your hair spilling out onto your pillow. You appear blissfully unaware of the danger standing just a few feet away.
“Hell no,” Namjoon exhales.  “And I would like to keep it that way. She’d probably never sleep again if she saw that shit.”
Hoseok hands the photograph back.
“I need the two of you to figure out who got into her apartment.  And then I need you to bring him here.”
Namjoon doesn’t finish that train of thought -- he doesn’t have to.  Hoseok and Yoongi hear clearly everything he hasn’t said.  
“We’ll find him,” Yoongi vows, and Hoseok nods his agreement.  “It’s gonna be handled.”
Namjoon scrubs a hand down his jaw, eyes still glued to the picture on his desk.
He’s an uncharacteristically even-tempered boss, particularly in this line of work.  Seeing him this unnerved is unnerving to Hoseok, who’s seen him handle countless shitty situations with an unnatural calm.
“She’s my sister,” Namjoon says quietly.  “I don’t expect any of you to understand our dynamic, but I need you to know that her safety is my top priority.”
“Understood,” Hoseok murmurs and in that moment, the heavy door to the office opens wide. Namjoon shoves the photograph into his desk drawer.  
Hoseok studies you as you trail Namjoon’s assistant across the length of this massive office.
The first word that comes to mind is small.
You’re much smaller than Hoseok imagined you’d be, basing that assumption almost entirely on Namjoon’s tall and solid frame.  Physically, you are nearly the opposite of your brother, delicate features set in smooth skin, any appearance of height owed directly to the high-heeled shoes you’ve carefully matched to your business suit.  
Hoseok notes that you have the same stubborn set to your jaw, though -- a defense mechanism that slips momentarily when you lock eyes with your brother.  He catches the brief flash of sadness in your face before you manage it away.
In the years he’s been with the Gajog, he’s only heard your name a handful of times --  almost always followed by hushed exchanges and pained expressions.  Never once has anyone breathed your name in front of Namjoon, though.  That appears to be an invisible line everyone understands not to cross.
But now you’re here, in the flesh. One piece of the puzzle revealed.
Hoseok watches your exchange with Namjoon with curiosity. It’s not the easy back-and-forth one would expect to see between a pair of siblings -- but there is an underlying affection between the two of you. A quiet respect.
Amsaja, Namjoon had called you.  Lioness.
Hoseok doesn’t see a lioness when he looks at you, though.  
He sees a rich girl desperate to prove how much better she is than her own flesh and blood.  He sees a social climber so eager to make a name for herself in this city that she walked away from her own brother to make it happen.  
This is the moment that Hoseok decides that you’re not the kind of person he could ever respect.
Because unlike you, he would never put ambition above loyalty.
tag list:
@yoongbug @brilliantlybasicb @lemonjoonah @illnevertrustmyselfagain​@sunkissed75 @taetaewonderland @shadowhale​
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laventae · 3 years
Haikyuu boys - Pretending to be your boyfriend
Akaashi Keiji
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Summary: Oneshot stories of random situations where the boys pretend to be your boyfriends, but y’all also kinda like each other?
Pairings: Akaashi Keiji x Gn!reader (I tried my best to make it gn, if there are any mistakes though, please let me know)
Genre: Fluff?
Word count: 6.4k words
Warnings: Mild cursing
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Becoming close friends with Bokuto when you got into Fukurōdani Academy a year ago was probably one of the best accidents that happened to you since you moved into town. Because you weren't very extroverted and had a hard time making friends whenever you got into a new school or was put in a social situation, you thought moving to Fukurōdani meant that you'd become an outcast once again. That, however, totally changed when you were assigned a seat next to Bokuto in class on your first day. And ever since then, you've been as close as ever. You can also definitely say that, because of him, it was much easier and much more comfortable for you to put yourself out there and be able to make friends and get along with many different people. You couldn't even express the amount of appreciation you felt towards him for helping you through it all. But, its moments like these that you just question if you should feel thankful or just straight up want to kill him. Your right leg shakes as you anxiously wait for the bell of your last class to ring. ‘Just a few more minutes’ you think to yourself. And surely, a couple of minutes later, the bell rings. You hurriedly grab your things and wave goodbye to your friends as you leave class. "Really? Nothing??" You exclaim as you look at your phone to see if Bokuto replied to any of your messages or calls. "Fine then" you say as you head to the gym, where you know he definitely would be.
You open the gym door slowly, and try to look for Bokuto. Your eyes scan the gym for any signs of him and then you spot him standing and talking to some of the guys from the volleyball team. ‘Gotcha’ you think as you make your way to him. You greet some of the guys on the team as you pass through the gym court to get to Bokuto. "Hey Bo!" you loudly call on him as you cross your arms while facing his back.
You see him stiffen and start turning around slowly, the boys laughing and wishing him luck. They probably know he’s done some shit again this time, and frankly, they're not surprised.
“Oh hey, y/n,” he scratches the back of his head nervously, “what brings you here?” he asks innocently.
“Oh, just missing you,” you answer. You see his shoulders relax and take another step towards him, “and wondering why you haven't been answering my texts or calls”
He puts on an innocent smile on his face and reaches for your head, ruffling your hair and trying to hug you “Oh, you're missing me? You’re missing your daily dose of Bokuto to re-energize your-” you swat his hand away before he finishes his sentence.
“Stop trying to act cute,” you say as you start fixing your hair, “explain”
“Oh, my bad, did you text me? I was just busy with practice and all, didn’t have time to check my phone.”
“Since yesterday?” you ask, unamused.
“Yesterday? Hmmm...” he pretends to start thinking about the last time he checked his phone.
“Quit it, I know you’ve been avoiding me and haven't started working on your part of our history project”
He gives you puppy dog eyes and reaches for your arm in a way where you know he means “can you help me with it?”
“It’s due in 3 days, you know that, right?” you ask, unamused, yet again.
His round, golden eyes don’t waver as he silently begs you to give in.  
‘Goddammit, why does he have to be so cute’
You sigh, “fine”  
He immediately gets excited and raises his fists in the air as if he won a game.
“But just this once, idiot” you say, and you can’t help but smile at how excited he gets.
“You say that every time, you know” you hear Konoha say teasingly and you send him a glare.
He quickly raises his arms as if to say “sorry” and you laugh.
You turn your attention to Bokuto again, “Today, after practice, I'll be waiting for you at our usual café, do you understand?”
“Sure, sure,” he says as he drags you to the court, “now toss me a ball, let me show you how much better my spike has gotten!” he exclaims excitedly and you can't help but give in, yet again.
A couple of minutes after you start tossing balls for Bokuto to spike, you feel someone staring at you. You turn around and notice it was Akaashi, but he looks away as soon as you notice him and continues chatting with another team member.
You grab another ball to toss Bokuto, “You know, I still don’t think Akaashi necessarily likes me” you quietly tell him.
He looks at you confused, “Here we go again, why do you think that?” he asks as he spikes another ball you threw his way.
“I don’t know, I always feel like he’s glaring at me when I look at him” you say slightly disappointed, “do you think I accidently did something wrong to annoy him?”
Somehow, you always found it hard to talk to him or get close to him. And it wasn’t a surprise since you weren’t the most extroverted person, but you were still able to get along with most people, just, not really, him.  
“Hey, I'm sure that it’s just all in your head, he doesn’t hate you” Bokuto says as he waits for you to toss him another ball.
“It’s just so hard to read him, I can never know what he’s thinking”
“Then just ask him”
“It’s not that easy, you know”
“Why would it not be easy? What? Do you like him or something?” Bokuto says teasingly.
Your heart skips a beat.  
‘What? Me liking him? That’s ridiculous’
I mean he’s very attractive, don’t get me wrong. He has the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen. And your eyes can't help but follow him when watching the team play during matches. He always looks focused and serious and h-
‘What am I even thinking right now?’ you curse yourself in your head and turn to answer Bokuto but find him with a surprised look on his face.
“Wait! DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE-” Bokuto yells before you put your hand on his mouth to stop him from finishing his sentence.
“OH MY GOD, NO!” you whisper yell before you turn around, and once again you see Akaashi turn his head away.
“No, stop being a weirdo” you tell Bokuto again as you remove your hand from over his mouth, hoping nobody heard what you guys were yelling about.
He eyes you suspiciously for a few seconds before asking you to toss him another ball.
“Well anyways, I don’t want my two best friends to be awkward around each other, so you guys better start getting along” he says as he spikes another ball.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you sigh, relieved that Bokuto isn't pressing on the matter any further.
‘Wait, why are you even relieved, it's not like you actually like him’ you think and unintentionally laugh out loud.
“Hey weirdo, stop laughing and keep tossing the ball”
You spend a few more minutes tossing the ball for Bokuto before leaving to get your stuff ready to meet him at your usual café nearby.
You check your phone as soon as you get in the café.
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM ‘Baka-to’: “Sorry! With coach! Be there in 15 mins!”
You sigh.  
“Didn’t expect much from the king of tardiness,” you say to yourself quietly as you chuckle and find a seat for the both of you.
You sit at your usual booth and start taking out your laptop and other books you need to help with the project.
You hear the café bell jingle and you look up instinctively to see who came in.
‘Fuck’ you think as you look away and try to hide yourself when you notice your ex walk in with some of his friends.  
You try to hide behind your laptop, “he didn’t see me, he didn’t see me” you quietly tell yourself but hear him excusing himself from his friends, “he didn’t see me...”
You feel someone towering over you and you look up from your laptop.
“Hey y/n”
‘Goddammit... not now’
“Hey Azami” you reply as you put on a fake smile.
“What're you doing here?” he asks as he rudely takes a seat in front of you.
“What do you want, Azami?” you say getting frustrated and ignoring his question.
“Ouch,” he says pretending to be fake hurt and laughs. When he notices that you haven't even cracked a smile, he continues, “you haven't been answering my calls or texts”
“Well, we did break up months ago, and I told you not to contact me anymore, so I don’t know what you were expecting” you answer annoyed and check your phone to see if Bokuto sent you anymore messages about when he was getting there.
“I already apologized for what I did, y/n,” he starts, “it didn’t mean anything, I swe-”
You cut him off, “okay, I don’t have time for this,” you say getting fed up already, and you get up and start packing your stuff.
He grabs your wrist, “Wait, let me expl-”  
“Don’t touch me!” you exclaim as you cut him off again and try to get him to let go of your wrist.
“You’re not even listening to me, I-” he is cut off once again, but this time it wasn’t you.
Someone grabs his wrist and snatches it off yours.
You look up and notice Akaashi standing next to you, “Is there a problem here?” he asks in a serious tone. Even with his unreadable face, this time you can feel how serious and annoyed he looked.
‘What is he doing here now’ you think, feeling embarrassed that he caught you in this awkward situation.
Out of any situation you could've been in, this is how you guys accidentally run into each other. Figures.
Azami quietly chuckles, visibly annoyed, “I’m just tryna talk to y/n, so,” he glares at Akaashi, but keeps an innocent smile on his face. He then looks back at you and before he says anything he gets cut off, once again.
“Well, it seems like y/n doesn’t want to talk to you right now, so,” Akaashi replies back.
“What’re you? The boyfriend or something?” he says seemingly getting more annoyed.
“Yes” you reply without thinking and curse yourself in your head.
You just wanted Azami to leave quickly and you didn’t think about it when you answered.
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid, why would you even say yes’
You feel Akaashi stiffen and both of them snap their heads at you.
You look at Akaashi apologetically and turn to face Azami, “So just leave us alone, will you?” you try to confidently say, and hope Azami hasn’t noticed the confused look on Akaashi’s face.
Azami just stares between the both of you for a few moments before he sighs in frustration, “Listen, I just wanted to talk to you and apologize again, about everything, so answer my calls sometime, alright?” he says as he turns around and goes back to his friends before you get the chance to reject his request.
As soon as he leaves, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
‘At least he’s gone, for now’ you sigh to yourself.
“Oh,” your head snaps to Akaashi, and notice him still looking at you, “I’m really sorry about that” you tell him embarrassed and look down.
“It’s fine” he sighs and takes the seat opposite of yours.
You look at him confused before you sit down again, placing your bag back down next to you, “Wait, what are you doing here?”
“Bokuto told me you wanted to meet us here” he says casually and starts looking over the menu in front of him.
“Me?” you ask, even more confused, and he just looks up at you.
‘Fuck, he has such pretty eyes’ you think to yourself.
‘Wait what am I even thinking right now’ you curse yourself again and look away, feeling your face turn a bit red.
“Was I not invited?” you hear him ask, disrupting you from your thoughts.
“No, it's not that-!” you answer quickly.
“I’ll go order something then, you want anything?” Akaashi says as he gets up.
You feel a pair of eyes staring at you. You turn and find Azami glaring at the both of you. He doesn’t even turn away when you notice, and just smirks.
“I’ll come with,” you tell Akaashi as you get up as well.  
He just nods and you head to the counter.
You tell the barista your order and then Akaashi starts ordering.
You can’t help but feel eyes on you again and you turn to Azami.
But this time Akaashi steps back and blocks your line of sight and you look up at him.
“You know, if you want him to stop looking, you should stop as well” he says as he looks at you with his piercing blue eyes.
You feel yourself slightly blush under his gaze and look away as soon as you notice how close your faces were.
“Yeah, you’re right...” you answer quietly and try to look at him from the corner of your eye. You notice him smirking.
After your orders were paid for and done, you grab your drinks and walk back to your booth.
It gets quiet, except for the occasional sips you both take from your drinks.
You awkwardly shift in your seat and feel the need to break the silence.
“Thanks, by the way,” you start and he looks up from his drink, “for you know, helping me out, and not saying anything about not being my actual boyfriend”
“It’s nothing,” he says casually as he looks out the window next to your booth, and you can't help but notice a small blush appearing on his cheek.
‘What... what even kind of expression is that? He looks so fucking cute? I didn’t even know he can make that kind of expressi-’
“Hey kids!” you hear someone say as they run over to you, dragging you back to reality, and making you choke on your drink as you notice what you were even thinking about.
Both you and Akaashi notice it’s Bokuto when he gets to your table, then he  pushes you to the inside booth seat.
“How are my best friends getting along with each other?” he asks you excitedly.
‘Ah, so that was his lame plan of getting us to get along better?’ you shake your head at him.
“Hey Bo, I thought we have a history project to finish here” you glare at him and he smiles innocently.
“I thought Akaashi could help us as well, considering we have so little time” Bokuto tells you, getting even more excited for some reason.
‘Ah... if only he knew he actually put Akaashi and I in an even more awkward situation than we were in before’
“Uhm... I’m actually pretty bad at history...” Akaashi quietly mentions as he looks at you and awkwardly scratches the back of his head.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute he looked right then.
Both of them look at you confused.
“Anyways, we should start, shouldn’t we?” You ask Bokuto and he just sadly sighs.
A couple of hours pass by as you try to finish the project but you were all sharing laughs and jokes in between, which would explain why it was definitely taking more time than is needed for it to be done.
But honestly, it was the first time you felt like you and Akaashi were getting along easily, so even though you were annoyed with Bokuto inviting him without telling you, you were still grateful it gave you both a chance to get to know each other better, or just enjoy each other's company.
It wasn’t much, it wasn’t like all of a sudden, you became besties, but it was definitely better than before, when you both could barely keep a conversation going.
It was mostly the both of you sharing funny and embarrassing situations you’ve been through with Bokuto, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. And honestly being able to get a laugh or two from Akaashi, definitely made it worth it.
‘No wait, why did I even think that’
“Excuse me guys, I'll just head to the restroom for a bit” you say as you look at Bokuto, motioning him to let you out of the booth.
“Nooo... don’t leaveee! The story’s just about to get better!” he whines as you push him off his seat to leave the booth.
“I'm literally coming back,” you shake your head and look at Akaashi, “Keep him in check while I'm away, yeah?”
Akaashi just chuckles and nods while Bokuto pouts at you.
“Come backk!” you hear Bokuto jokingly cry as you head to the restroom area and you shake your head at him.
You pass through the café to a hallway where the restrooms are located and feel someone grab your wrist, “Bo, I literally told you I'm gonna go ba-” you turn around and notice your ex standing there instead.
You instantly stiffen and push his hand off your wrist.
“Stop touching me” you snap at him.
He looks down, “I'm sorry, y/n, I just honestly want you to know that whatever you saw happen with that girl at the party, wasn’t my fault. She pushed herself on me! I promise!” he desperately pleads.
As bad as you wanted to feel pity for him, you couldn’t. “That doesn’t explain the texts, DMs, and everything else you did while we were still together. We both know that probably wasn’t the first time you did it. It was just the first time you got caught.”
He looked up at you, speechless for a moment, “But I've changed now, it’s different” he says as he slowly tries to reach for your hand once again.
“Okay, that’s enough,” you hear someone say sternly, then you notice Akaashi walking up behind Azami and puts a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from grabbing your hand again.
“Babe, you should go ahead” Akaashi says as he nods to the restroom area.
You nod, and Akaashi just shoots you a soft smile before Azami pushes Akaashi's hand off his shoulder. You turn around and slowly run to the restrooms.
You wash your face.
‘Did he really just say babe?’
‘And why did your heart skip a beat again when he did??’
You wash your face again and look up at the mirror above the sink.
‘And why the hell are you getting flustered like this?’
You chuckle at yourself.
“This is ridiculous,” you sigh to yourself as you turn off the tap, “you don’t actually like him, do you?” you ask yourself as you look at the mirror again.
I mean that might explain why you found it hard to talk to him at school, or trying to keep the conversation going when you did. Maybe it wasn’t him that was the problem, it was... you?
“I’m just overthinking this,” you sigh to yourself again.
You grab a paper towel and dry your face off.  
“Okay,” you clear your throat as you reach for the door handle, “don't overthink things, you're barely even friends as is” you whisper to yourself as you open the door.
You notice Akaashi leaning against the wall in the hallway where you left him and Azami earlier. He looks like he’s intently thinking about something.
You clear your throat as you close the door behind you, which looks like it also snapped his attention back to you and you notice him smile softly.
‘Don’t smile at me like that...’
“Were you waiting for something?” you ask him as you slowly walk to him.
“Yeah, you” he says as he straightens up and turns back to head to the café.
It was starting to get late, and you and Bokuto were almost done with the history project at that point, after hours of half working and half messing around with each other and Akaashi.
Even though at the beginning, you were iffy and kind of annoyed with Bokuto for sneakily inviting Akaashi without telling you, you couldn’t help but feel thankful for him because it turned out to be a fun hangout.
Even though your ex was there, and usually, even the thought of him would sour your mood, if not your whole day, this time you actually felt somewhat safe? You knew that Akaashi was definitely the reason for that, even with the occasional feeling of stares you felt, it didn’t really bother you as much.  
Though this hangout made you also realize you might have a thing for Akaashi, you tried to push that thought away every time your thoughts wandered.
I mean you guys were finally getting along, and you didn’t want to jeopardize this blooming friendship between you guys for something stupid, like your heart skipping a beat every time he would look at you and smile, or the way he laughed, or the accidental touches you would have when he would point out something on your laptop screen.
That would just be stupid.
“Alright Bo, all you have left is to add the citations at the end of the report. I saved all the sites and documents we used here” you tell him as you point on the screen.
“Y/n, you literally are a life-saver!” Bokuto exclaims as he jumps on you for a hug.
Your eyes accidentally land on Akaashi and you notice him looking annoyed as he looks at Bokuto. Your eyes meet and he looks away.
‘I’m just making this up in my head at this point, right?’
“Alright, alright, Bo! Get off!” you chuckle as you push him off you, “Just please promise me you'll finish your part in our final project on time”
“No promises” you hear Bokuto quietly say.
“HEY!” you laugh as you hit him on the back of his head.
“I’m joking, don’t hate me~” he laughs as he links his arm with yours.
“Stop trying to be cute” you say, pretending to be annoyed with him.
“Yeah, stop that” Akaashi says seriously as he continues to look away and take a sip from his drink.
‘Is he actually pouting right now?’
“Why are you pouting right now?” Bokuto asks Akaashi, as if he heard my thoughts.
“I’m not” Akaashi says finally looking up.
Bokuto just shrugs it off, but doesn’t notice the slight blush on Akaashi’s cheeks.
“Anyways,” Bokuto checks his watch, and his eyes go wide, “Oh my god, its 11pm already, I have early practice tomorrow!”
“We’re done anyways, so you can go” you tell him.
“But... I won't be able to walk you to your dorm...” Bokuto says as he pouts.
“Hey its fine, it isn't far anyways, I can walk back alone-”  
“I’ll walk you back,” Akaashi interjects out of nowhere.
Me and Bokuto both look at him.
“No, it’s fine, I can-” you try to reply but get cut off again
“Right, you both live in the same student dorm accommodation, don’t you?” Bokuto says as he suddenly remembers.
‘Do we?’  
You don’t think you've ever seen him go there, though they usually do finish volleyball practice late so, that might be the case.
“Yeah, we do” Akaashi replies casually.
“That’s perfect, thanks Akaashi, look after y/n for me, would you?” Bokuto says and Akaashi nods as a reply.
“Guys, seriously, I'm ok-”
“Alright, I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Bokuto says as he gets up and hurriedly grabs his things, “and y/n, send me the project with the links so I can finish it off later, alright?”
I nod and he excitedly runs for the door before he waves us a final goodbye.
You sigh as you check the time on your phone, “time passed by really fast, huh?” you say to yourself but you hear Akaashi agree with you.
I guess time really does go fast when you're having fun, and honestly, you really didn’t want the night to end yet.
You turn to Akaashi as you get up and start packing your things.
“How did you know we live in the same dorm accommodation? I don’t remember ever seeing you go there” you ask him curiously.
“Bokuto mentioned you stay there a couple of times,” he continued, “and I usually go there late, around this time maybe? When I'm done with practice or schoolwork”
Ah... just as you thought...
“You really don’t have to walk me back, by the way, it’s fine” you say. Though that’s not true, you were kind of happy he offered.
You cursed that thought.
“We are going the same way anyway, wouldn’t hurt to make sure you get home safe while I'm at it” he says as he smiles at you.
‘Get that sweet smile off your face right now’
“Thanks,” you say as you look away flustered.
You hear him chuckle.
‘Is he purposely teasing me right now?’
“Why are you laughing?” you eye him curiously.
“You just look cute, when you get all flustered” he says smiling as he grabs the rest of your books from the table.
“I'm- I'm not flustered!” you say, quite flustered.
He chuckles even louder this time.
“Whatever” you say quietly, as you look away from him, pouting.
“Ready to go?” Akaashi asks when you grab everything.
You nod and try to take your books from him.
He just moves back, and takes the bag you were holding instead and throws it over his shoulder.
“Let’s go,” he says as he starts walking to the door.
You try to catch up with him, feeling confused.
He opens the door and motions you to leave first, as he smiles.
You walk out the door and he follows you right after.
You keep following him with a confused look on your face and he nods towards the café, where you find your ex staring at you both.
“Oh... I didn’t even notice he was still there” you say quietly.
“I guess that’s a good thing, right?” Akaashi smiles at you, and you both start walking to your student dorm accommodation.
When you’re finally out of your ex���s sight, you reach for your bag again.
Akaashi doesn’t let go of it, however.
“It’s fine, he can't see us anymore” you tell him.
“I’m sure you’re tired, I don’t mind holding your things” he replies casually.
‘Ahh... stop being so nice to me, I can’t handle it’
“It feels like I’m taking advantage of you now” you reply sadly.
He just chuckles, “I want to do it, you're not forcing me”
You sigh.
“I wanna apologize,” you start and Akaashi just looks at you, “and thank you again for helping me out today”
“It’s no big deal,” he looks back straight ahead “I'm glad I could help”
You walk for a few minutes in comfortable silence, when Akaashi speaks up again.
“I accidently overheard you guys,” he looks at you again and you look at him confused, “in the hallway, when you talked about what happened between the both of you”
“Oh...” you sigh as you look back on the street ahead of you.
“Hey, you did nothing wrong you know,” he continues, “actually, I find it quite attractive that you stood your ground and didn’t stay, or fall for his sorry bullshit”
‘Not right now, stupid heart’
“Thanks,” you say trying to sound calm but you can feel your heart beating fast.
‘Did he just say he found me attractive? No wait, he said he found the action attractive... but I mean, if you think about it, it was me who did the action so-’
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt Akaashi gently grab your hand to stop you.
“Hey, you okay?” He asks worriedly, “I’m sorry if I brought up something you didn’t wanna talk about, I don’t even know why I mentioned it, I was-”
“No, it's fine,” you interrupt his rambling, it wasn’t like it was his fault your ex was there. If anything, he helped you get your mind off of it all. “I was just thinking about something else” you say as you look down and notice his hand was still holding yours.
‘oh my god, oh my god, oh my god’
He lets go of your hand as soon as he notices you staring at it, “sorry,” you hear him mumble as he starts walking again.
‘What are you 5? SNAP OUT OF IT’
You run to catch up to him and notice a small blush on his cheeks even though he was trying to look away from you, and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Why are you laughing?” he says as he looks at you.
“You just look cute, when you get all flustered” you say, quoting his line.
“Hey, you can't use my line against me” he pouts, and you couldn’t help but chuckle again, and he joins in seconds later.
After about ten minutes of walking, and small talk, you get to your dorm building.
‘Dammit... I wish it were further’
“So,” you sigh as you stop and turn around in front of Akaashi, “this is me, I guess.”
‘Stop me, stop me, I know it’s late but stop me...’
“Right,” he says and you notice him hesitate.
You mentally sigh.
“Yeah, well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow” you smile and he nods.
You turn around and start walking to the building.
“Wait!” you hear Akaashi call out.
You turn around excitedly and notice Akaashi taking off your bag to hand it to you with your books.
‘Wow, I'm a fucking idiot’
“Right, I forgot,” you say and chuckle nervously. He smiles as he hands you your things.
You shove the books in your bag, and throw it over your shoulder, slightly disappointed.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you manage to smile then turn around, embarrassed and try to rush to get inside the building.
You then feel him grab your hand and gently pull you back, “Wait,” he says again, before you accidentally bump into each other in the process of him turning you around to face him.
“Sorry,” he quickly says and pulls you into his chest before you start to fall back from the force of the both of you bumping into each other.
He takes a step back, “You okay? Sorry if I pulled you too hard” he asks you worriedly as he stares into your eyes.
‘I told you not to look at me like that...’
“It’s okay, I’m fine” you say as you quickly look down, flustered, and notice him, for the second time that evening, holding your hand.
‘It’s so warm, I don’t wanna let go...’ you think before your thoughts are interrupted with him trying to let go of your hand as soon as he probably noticed you staring at it again.
“Sor-” he starts before you boldly grab hold of his hand again, not allowing him to let go.
‘Why... why did I just do that??’
You feel your face heating up, but you don’t feel him letting go. You slowly try to look up at him and notice his face turned away.
‘Is his face red right now as well?’
It was too dark to fully tell but you were sure there was a tinge of red on his cheeks.
You didn’t want to let go but you were too embarrassed, and you weren't even sure if he felt anything or was just standing there shocked or flustered.
“Uhm, my bad...” you say flustered, and try to let go of his hand this time.
“Fuck it,” you hear him whisper to himself, but it was still audible to you. Probably because it was so late and nobody can be seen or heard outside, in that moment everything was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
He interlocked his hand with yours before you had the chance to let go and pulled you to his chest again.
You look up at him, shocked, and you were met with his piercing blue eyes yet again.
‘So close... So pre-’
“Pretty” you hear him whisper, as if he was completing your thought.
‘Wait, is he talking about me?’
You feel your face heat up again, and your heart beat like crazy, not that it died down since the last few minutes.
You see him smile softly, “you’re getting all flustered again” he says with a smirk on his face.
“Are you teasing me again?” you say looking away as you try to push him back but he pulls you back again.
“No,” he chuckles and you can feel his free hand touching the red of your cheeks, “It’s cute”
Skip Skip Skip Skip
You meet his piercing gaze again with a look of bemusement on your face. And this time you can see it much clearer, the redness of his cheeks as well.
‘What’s happening right now, there’s no way he...’
You feel his hand cupping your face before you get to finish that thought.
“You can tell me to stop, if you don’t like this,” he says, staring at your lips, as he slowly starts leaning down.
Skip Skip Skip Skip
He stops right before your lips meet; and you can feel the warmth of his breath against your lips.
He looks back at your eyes for a moment, and when he doesn’t see any hesitation coming from you, he closes the space between your lips.
You close your eyes and feel the warmth of his lips travel like a shiver all across your body. You could swear that if he wasn’t holding you this close, you would've passed out.
It wasn’t even deep, it was short, warm and sweet, but somehow you feel like it was something you’ve been waiting for, for a very long time.
After a few seconds, he pulls away and you open your eyes, dazed.
You notice him smiling and then he bites his lip, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now, actually” he says quietly as he stares into your eyes.
You somehow feel your face get even hotter, “same” you quietly whisper.
You notice you said it out loud and you quickly cover your mouth with your free hand.
He chuckles, and you push him back lightly, “You’re teasing me now” you tell him as you look away, pouting.
“I’m not, I promise,” he says as he guides your face with his free hand back to face him, “I mean it.”
“I thought you didn’t like me...”
“Me?” he asks, looking confused.
“I don’t know, I'd always find you glaring at me when we pass in the school halls, or whenever I'm with Bo during lunch or during his practices...”
He just chuckles softly, “I guess I understand why you’d think that,” he says, looking like he’s thinking seriously about it, “I think, I just found it hard trying to get close to you, or try and get your attention. I mean, you're friends with Bokuto for god’s sake, the king of attention,” he says and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
‘That is true, no one can beat Bokuto at attention seeking’
“And by the way,” he continues, “I wasn’t glaring, I was admiring”
You look away, getting flustered again and you hear him chuckle. “I swear you're doing this on purpose” you sigh and you hear him chuckle louder.
You look down and notice his hand still intertwined with yours, but this time he doesn’t let go when he notices you staring.
‘This is too much for my heart right now.’
‘If this is a dream, however, then I don’t want to wake up yet...’
“I should, head back now, though. It's... getting late, so...” you say as you look back at him.
“Right,” he says as you both slowly start to let go of each other's hand, “I can, uh, pick you up before school, tomorrow, you know, so we can go there together, if you'd like” he says, or asks(?) as he scratches the back of his head.
‘God, he’s so fucking cute...’
“Sure,” you answer him, trying to sound cool and calm on the outside but you're actually freaking out on the inside.
“Alright,” he says looking happy, and he nods towards your dorm building, “I’ll watch you go in”
“Alright,” you don’t really know how to say goodbye, so you just turn around and take a few steps towards the building
‘Do it coward. I mean you just kissed why are you even getting embarrassed now. Wait did we just kiss??? Okay don’t go off topic, just... fuck it’
You turn back and run to where Akaashi’s standing, he looks at you confused but you just reach for his face and place a kiss on his cheek.
You feel him stiffen at first but then relax as he gives you a flustered chuckle, “BYE!” you half scream before you run into the dorm building without looking back.
As soon as you reach your room, you throw your bag on the floor, jump on your bed and start screaming onto your pillow.
After a few minutes of you trying to calm yourself down, you flip over and stare at your ceiling.
‘I can’t believe this just happened...’
You take out your phone to text Bo, not necessarily to tell him what happened, but to share your excitement, and you notice 2 new text messages.
You open the first one.
FROM ‘Baka-to’: “Hey, idiot, did you get home safe? You still haven't texted me. Anyways sorry for surprising you with Akaashi today, I just definitely thought you guys would get along, and you did, didn’t you? Didn’t I do well? Hohohoho anyways text me back, idiot”
You shake your head at him, but cant help but agree.
REPLY TO ‘Baka-to’: “You were right, as always, I love you dumbo. And I got home in one piece, no worries”
You then open the second message.
FROM ‘Akaashi Keiji’: “Hey pretty, I’ll be waiting for you at 6:30 a.m tomorrow morning, see you then. Sleep tight”
You grab your pillow again and scream into it.
‘I never want to wake up from this dream’ you think as you slowly drift to sleep.
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(HQ Masterlist)
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First Thinspo Imagine
Topic: You get picked on at your current job, quit after enough, and see an old coworker months later
Today was another slow day at work at the hotel you were working at, and you were just about ready to clock out. “Hey y/n!” you hear a voice say from behind you. Shit, I was too slow. You turn around to see one of your coworkers standing there with a smirk on her face.
“I thought that was you, I just couldn’t tell for sure because of how bloated you look today. Ever think about losing a couple pounds? It might make everything about you easier on the eyes.” Her mocking laugh was almost as harsh as her words. 
I just want to get out of here, I’m sick of being constantly mocked by her. She’s always poking fun at me. She laughs when I try to lose weight and laughs when I don’t, there’s no in-between. You started to see only red as you listened to her laugh, hearing others chime in. That’s it, I’m done. I can’t take this daily torment anymore.
You decided to just walk away at that point. You clocked out and walked up to your shift manager. “I’m done. I can’t do this. Everyone here is beyond toxic at this point, so take your shitty crew and shove it.” Taking in your anger, she meets your eyes. Panic washes over you as you think about how pissed she’d probably be. What the hell did I just say? I need to apologize. “I’m so-” You start, but she cuts you off.
“ You don’t need to apologize. I haven’t worked this shift before as I was just transferred, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? I’m upset at the tone you used yes, but I see where you’re coming from.” As you looked at her, she took her time card, swiped it, and called her supervisor. 
“Hey, I’m done. I don’t like the way most of this crew treats the others, and they don’t listen to me at all. I don’t care if this is my first day as this shift manager or not, find someone else.” She hangs up while looking at you and smiling. “I just got another job this morning and should’ve done that sooner. Let’s go!” You leave the building with her just thinking about everything. 
Just as you were about to get in your car, you hear the supervisor behind you. “Hey, we should definitely hang out sometime, we’re pretty much the same age anyway right? I’ll text you when I get home.” She gets in her seat and drives away. Holy shit, that was...what? Did someone as pretty as her just ask me to be her friend? OMG YESSS!!! 
You get home, walk in your parents house as you were only 17 and couldn’t move out quite yet, and go up to your room. Your phone goes off as you sit down, and it’s your supervisor! Well, technically your ex-supervisor. Hey, I just got home. I was wondering if maybe you’d want to make plans to hang out? It could be so much fun! 
“Holy shit” you say aloud, rereading it to make sure you weren’t going crazy and it was actually happening. You decide on what you want to reply with. Hey, yeah sure, that sounds good. Should we head to the gym together maybe? 
Oh gosh, what if she says no? Why’d I suggest the gym, I don’t even have a membership. Your phone goes off again with a response. Sure! What about the one over on the corner about 10 mins from the hotel? I have a membership there, and I’m allowed to bring someone with me. We could meet up in half an hour. That’s perfect! 
That sounds like a plan then. I’ll meet you there. What should I wear? I don’t look good in anything right now. Well...how about this hoodie and these sweatpants? They’re not tight and they’ll hopefully work.
As you arrive at the gym, you walk in and see her waiting for you. She runs over to you and starts talking. “Hey! I figured after before you might still be mad at the ex-coworkers. Working out is a good stress reliever.” You nod in agreement as the both of you walk up to the counter to check in.
“Hey, I’ve got a membership here, this is my card. I’m bringing a friend today, she’s right here.” The receptionist looks you up and down, hands back the card, and says “You’re sure? She doesn’t look like she’s ever been in a gym before.” You look down in embarrassment, feeling your face heat up. “I’d like to speak to your manager really quickly before I go in please. Now.” Your friend says. “Sure thing, I’ll go get her right away then.”
Great, another person that thinks I’m fat. I’m going to workout and lose all of this weight. I’ll become the skinniest person out of everyone.
The manager walked out and went to your friend to talk. “Hello, is everything alright here? My employee said you’d like to speak to me?” “Yes, I did. This employee insulted my friend by criticizing her choice to come here and was extremely rude about it.” “Excuse me?!” The manager turns to the employee. “You’re fired. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard things like this, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. I want you to apologize, then go back and get your things.” She turns back to us “I apologize. I’ll give you both a free lifetime membership to our gym, and I hope you come back!”
The employee walked out without apologizing, but you weren’t really bothered. Things like this always happened. Both your friend and you walked into the gym and started using the equipment.
Things have actually been looking up for you lately. You got an apartment with your friend and turned 18 about a month ago. Looking in the mirror, you see a girl with collar bones visible, a thigh gap, sharp bony shoulders, and abs. You were tiny. As you stepped on the scale, you couldn’t believe it. You’d lost over 50lbs in the past 3 months by working out and cutting out sugars and different breads, which means you hit your goal weight of 93lbs. Just eating cleaner in general helped you.
There was an outfit hanging in your closet that you’d gotten for your 18th, but it hadn’t fit at the time. Putting on the XS long sleeved shirt, the size S skinny jeans, the necklace you’d gotten….it looked so good together. Your hair that you’d been growing out for about 3 years now (only getting it trimmed every now and then) was past your waist. Putting your hair into a high ponytail, you decided something. Maybe I’ll head to the café near here today. I haven’t been there before, so why not? 
Going downstairs to get ready the rest of the way, you see that your friend doesn’t have work today. “Hey, I’m gonna head to the café that’s close by, you want to come? It’s not that long of a walk, maybe 15 mins.”
“Yeah sure, why not? Are you wearing makeup today? Something seems different about you, but I can’t put my finger on it.” “I’m really just happy today. I don’t really wear makeup, it clogs my pores really bad when I try.” She nods and you both head out the door and have a relaxing walk.
You both walk in the door and smell the fresh coffee and the baked pastries. The smell was so nice even if you wouldn’t be getting any food today, only coffee. Your friend taps your shoulder and motions for you to look over at one of the tables. It’s your old coworkers! At first you want to shrink into yourself and leave, but then you remember that you hit your goal weight and have no reason to be so insecure about what they might say. 
The both of you get your coffee and, as you’re about to walk back to the apartment, you hear a familiar voice behind you. “Hey! Y/n.” Slowly turning around, you make eye contact. This time though, it’s different. You keep your head high instead of looking at the ground right away, and you don’t back down. “Yes? Can I help you?” “Well, we saw you and wanted to say that you look good. Sorry that we were so horrible back then, can we be friends?” “Hmmm, I don’t think so. There’s a lot of things you said and now you only want to be friends with me because of how I look. I don’t want fake friends like you guys, sorry.” You walk out and head back to the apartment with your friend, both of you laughing at how the encounter had gone.
Everything seems so much better, and you feel so much more confident now that you lost weight. There’s nothing stopping you from being yourself anymore. You feel...cute. And it’s a term you’re no longer afraid to associate with yourself.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : after their fight, min and leda just want things to go back the way they used to be. part two of this !
characters : kang minjung , na jaemin (nct) , son yongmi , jung yeonwoo , cho minjae
genre : i think angst but honestly idk anymore hsjsb
warnings : more swearing , slightly less arguing , uhhh crying ? i guess ? they’re less mean this time around which is always nice
words : 2.0k
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[ july 2019, 4:15 pm, solar dorms ]
minjung really needed to stop dressing up so nice on rainy days.
she stood on the sidewalk next to the dorm building, wringing out her soaked sweater under an awning that protected her from the pouring rain inches away from where she stood. jaemin wasn’t there to walk her home that day, he had to do something... somewhere. she wasn’t too sure, she didn’t really pay attention to what he said, but she didn’t mind walking by herself anyway.
she’d told jaemin about the fight, and jaemin was more civilized about it than both minjung and yongmi (and elizabeth) had been. he suggested apologizing to yongmi, which minjung was (obviously) planning on doing at some point, she kind of had to eventually anyway. the only problem was that she wasn’t the best at apologizing, and she’d spent a good two days trying to think of a way to apologizing without sounding passive aggressive and blaming it on something other than her own actions. and knowing yongmi she’d go on some spiel about how minjung was only apologizing to make herself feel better and not for the sake of yongmi and trying to better their friendship, as it always went. either that or she’d put all the blame on herself instead, which minjung didn’t want to happen in this scenario.
surprisingly, the last few days had been pretty uneventful since her and yongmi had gotten into that fight. they hadn’t talked, they hadn’t even spared each other so much as a look, and when they did accidentally make eye contact they would both look away as quickly as one would retract their hand from a burning hot surface. this proved to be difficult due to their schedules, but they managed somehow, or so minjung thought.
she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, and when she pulled it out, she’d gotten two texts from jaemin.
[ new message from : jaemin <3 ]
[ jaemin : have you seen this? ]
[ jaemin : https://www.soompi.com/article ]
well fuck. turns out people knew a lot more than minjung thought.
she took a loud clap of thunder that made her flinch as her queue to go inside and dry off. reaching up and flattening her frizzy hair, she sighed, knowing her luck she’d probably have streaks of purple running down the back of her neck from the mix of sweat and rainwater from walking a few streets by herself, and the recent dye job she’d done a few days prior. once she was inside and in the elevator headed up to her dorm’s floor, minjung leaned against the wall of the elevator, huffing. she wondered where yongmi was, if she was maybe in the dorm, sitting on the couch watching tv, or maybe she’d retreated to the cafe in the company building across the street, sipping a hot chocolate and reading a book, away from the rain and any of her worries.
once she’d gotten into the dorm, yongmi wasn’t anywhere that she could see, her room, minjung assumed. that’s really the only place in the dorm where anyone could have the slightest bit of privacy, just kick your roommates out and tell them to go into the living room or the spare room (that wasn’t used as a spare room and was more than often used as a gaming room). instead, in the living room was yeonwoo at one end of the couch, and minjae at the other, watching some show on the tv.
minjae turned to glance at the door when minjung walked in. “did you get the good noodles?” he asked, to which she started digging into the small shopping bag she was holding. “oh heck yeah!” he exclaimed when she grabbed two packs of instant noodles out of the shopping bag.
“have you guys seen yongmi anywhere?” minjung asked as she took off her shoes and walked towards the kitchen to put her bag on the counter.
yeonwoo shrugged, “her room probably, why? you finally gonna apologize?”
minjung paused for a beat, “most likely,” she replied, avoiding yeonwoo’s eye while she unloaded the snacks she’d picked up from her bag and into the cupboards.
“did you talk about it with jaemin?” yeonwoo asked.
minjung nodded, laughing out of nervousness and awkwardness more than anything, “he handled it better than either of us did. that boy is a saint, i don’t know what i did to deserve him.”
“me neither,” yeonwoo snorted, causing minjung to turn around and shoot her a death glare.
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yongmi, like minjung had assumed, was in her room, curled up on her bed. she didn’t even notice minjung slowly open the door and inch her way inside until she cleared her throat in an attempt to make her presence known. when yongmi looked up at her, minjung’s chest tightened uncomfortably.
“can i come in?” minjung asked quietly, to which yongmi nodded, and patted a spot next to her on the bed. minjung instead sat at the end of the bed, and yongmi straightened, sitting up better to look at her.
“so...” minjung started, “how are-“
“what’s actually the reason you’re in here?” yongmi blurted, “are you here to apologize? because i don’t think i want that unless it’s an actual apology.”
“i... i actually am here to apologize,” minjung stuttered, pulling at a loose thread on the bedsheets.
“are you apologizing to make yourself feel better, or is it gonna be a genuine apology? did jaemin put you up to this?”
“i mean- yeah, kind of, but i really do- i do actually wanna apologize for the way i’ve been... talking to you,” minjung kept her head down the whole time she spoke, either too ashamed or uncomfortable to look yongmi in the eye.
after a few beats of silence, yongmi sighed. “i shouldn’t have called you a bitch, that wasn’t justified. i was just frustrated with the way you’d been talking to me, and i hadn’t said anything about it.”
minjung nodded, “i shouldn’t have been acting like a bitch. did you see the article?”
“what article?”
“oh, this one, jaemin sent it to me earlier,” minjung held out her phone and clicked on the article. she could see yongmi’s eyes quickly scan the short article from behind the light that minjung’s phone casted on her glasses.
“did you look at the comments?” yongmi asked quietly after a minute.
minjung shook her head, “i don’t like looking at comments.”
“why not?”
“it’s just what i’ve always been told. people always tell me not to look.”
despite minjung’s words, yongmi scrolled down to the comments anyway, “look here... i think fans are overreacting, if you live in a dorm with someone you see everyday you’re bound to not get along with them 24/7. that’s a good point... i’m sure everything’s fine! okay... min ruins their image for me anyway, and leda doesn’t stand out much, she’s always at the- okay, that one is just plain mean.”
“and that’s why,” minjung said.
“is this why you want to apologize? to get the media off our backs?” yongmi asked, pushing minjung’s phone back in her direction.
“no! i-“ minjung stopped herself when she began to raise her voice, and groaned. “i actually want to apologize and say i’m sorry, why is this so difficult?”
“because you’re not used to apologizing to people,” yongmi replied knowingly, “you never hold yourself accountable.” minjung had almost forgotten how long they’d known each other, and just how much they knew about each other. it sucked, it fucking sucked that they felt like they didn’t know each other anymore despite their closeness just a year prior.
minjung stared down, unmoving, eyes burning holes in the bedsheets, she didn’t want to admit it, but yongmi was right. and to the former’s surprise, yongmi spoke again.
“i just...” the redhead bit her lip, trying her best to not let the tears in her eyes spill pitifully down her cheeks and into her lap, “i just wanna know what happened. between debut and now... why we grew apart so much.”
the shakiness in yongmi’s voice struck a deep chord in minjung’s heart, one that she hadn’t been aware of since she was maybe seventeen, when she and yongmi were young trainees with empty promises of a near debut, without another care in the world. to be honest, she had no clue why the two of them had grown apart. was it jaemin? was he taking up too much of minjung’s time? she shouldn’t be blaming that on him, he had nothing to do with it. for all minjung knew, it could be entirely her fault.
“i wish i knew,” minjung replied quietly as yongmi let a tear slip down her cheek.
she quickly wiped her cheek before laughing nervously, “oh god, i don’t want this to turn into a pity party. i just wanna make sure we’re apologizing for the right reasons.”
minjung paused, “...we? no, i should be the one apologizing-“
“no, i overreacted,” yongmi sighed, “i shouldn’t have called you a bitch, i shouldn’t have talked about your parents like that, and you were right. i need to get over myself and be more assertive.”
“wh-“ minjung stopped, she’d almost forgotten how forgiving yongmi was, too forgiving, definitely, she wouldn’t even let minjung apologize without apologizing herself first- even though minjung had a lot more of a reason to than yongmi did.
“you don’t- don’t apologize for that, that’s something you can’t help. i can help acting like a bitch, i can work on that.”
yongmi stuck out her bottom lip in a sad pout, she looked like a kicked puppy as she tried to argue, “but i wanna apologize-“
“you don’t need to!” minjung stopped herself again so when she realized she was beginning to raise her voice again. she immediately slowed down and her voice softened, “you didn’t do anything wrong, i just want you to know that. can i apologize for myself for once?” she laughed awkwardly in a flimsy attempt to ease the once again growing tension.
“i’ve already accepted your apology, but all i really want, is-” minjung watched helplessly as tears began forming in yongmi’s eyes again as she continued, “i just want things to go back to the way they were before, i guess?”
“i do too,” minjung replied quietly, looking up at yongmi and seeing just the raw sadness behind her eyes. she finally let the tears fall, and minjung watched as tears began to stream down her cheeks, not the same frustrated tears from a few days prior, but tears just filled with complete exhaustion and mourning. mourning for all the minutes spent sweaty and exhaustingly laughing at stupid stories when they had a break from training, the hours spent talking on the grassy hill across the street from the company building, the days spent sneaking out and laughing down the streets of downtown seoul, the nights spent staring up at the sky and mindlessly spilling their biggest desires. yongmi missed it, minjung missed it, they missed the sense of complete comfort associated with those days that felt like decades ago.
it made minjung want to cry too, and although a thin layer of tears brimmed her eyes, she didn’t let them fall. she never cried, she’d only ever cried once in front of her other members, and then another on camera, she hated it, never again, she vowed.
as much as she hated physical affection (unless it was from her boyfriend obviously), minjung felt the overwhelming urge to pull yongmi into a heartfelt hug. the former wrapped her arms tightly around the redhead, letting her silently cry into her shoulder without a word, and they stayed like that. they stayed like that for what felt like an hour but probably wasn’t more than five minutes.
“i’m sorry,” minjung whispered, her voice cracking at the end of her sentiment, and although quiet, yongmi could tell that she absolutely meant it, and that maybe, things could start to go back to the way they were before.
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 46
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist] [Tag yourself here]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester. Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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        Nov 12th - 18th
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Kim Seokjin - bitter
Kim Seokjin was a model student, as well as both a model and a student. He excelled in everything and was loved by all, the only problem was you. You were always there either ahead, beside, or behind and you didn’t even try. Here he was trying his hardest with his studies and taking care of his appearance, skin, diet, and fitness. Not to mention struggling to get modeling gigs around the school, he would fight tooth and nail and you were rocking up last minute getting calls to join his photo shoots. He couldn’t escape you.
But the fans loved you together, they had started to ship you both bringing up your intertwined paths and he felt guilty for reading some of the fanfictions written about you, both because he hated and loved them. They always painted him as a gentleman that helps and protects you and has swag and you are sweet and attentive.
He wishes that were more like you. When you spill coffee on him in fanfics you help him dry and change maybe sneaking a kiss in the change room. In real life, you just give an ‘oops sorry’ and move on leaving him in a stained shirt.
That is until he wants to check the time but is too lazy to get his phone from his bag so he gets yours off the desk. Your background is a picture of the two of you from your first photoshoot. He feels kind of warm and soft at the thought. When a notification pops up, [Underwear: by JinxReader4life has updated chapter 15] A smile spread across Seokjin’s face as he placed down the phone and went to his bag for his own.
Searching for the fic, he found himself blushing, this was a heavy romance and he was kind of a jerk. He had to stop reading ready for the photoshoot, which funnily enough was an underwear and pajama company. After the pajama shots together laying and sitting on a bed. Jin was soon only wearing boxer briefs and you were in bra’s and underwear.
He was supposed to sit with you on his lap looking kind of sexy when he posed exactly how the fic described and he whispered in your ear the exact line from the fic. “We have to stop meeting like this, someone might think you have a crush on me”
Your cheeks were bright red and you buried your face in his chest, in embarrassment. Maybe he didn’t feel so bitter after all, maybe he enjoyed your unexpected company.
Min Yoongi - almond
It was getting cold, you shivered when your feet touched the bare wooden floors. “Where are my slippers, Holly?”
“Wait, I will get your slippers?” Yoongi laughed getting out of bed and racing around to locate and help you put on your slippers. You scuffed through the house freezing. “Why am I so cold?”
“How big are we today my love?” Yoongi opened his dressing gown and letting you snuggle against his chest.
“Um…” You checked your phone before slipping from his embrace to the cupboard. “Today marks the middle of week nine and today, the baby is the size of this almond”
“Wow you are growing so fast, I remember when you were just a little grain of rice?” He whispered to your belly.
Jung Hoseok - Tongue 
“Hey Y/n,” Namjoon called, “someone named Tongue emoji is calling?”
You raced for the phone and snatched it from Namjoon cheeks heating up, “Hello baby, is everything okay?”
The boys were all watching you and you tried to avoid their eye contact “I will let them know, okay bye”
“Who was that?” Seokjin and Taehyung grinned poking your sides with teasing laughter.
“Hoseok says he is going to be five minutes late he is just picking up some things”
They teased you to no end and just as you thought the teasing died down, Hoseok walked in grabbing you by the back of the head and kissing you fiercely. “Ah so that’s why”
“Why what?” Hoseok asked with a smile
“Why you are named tongue emoji in Y/n’s phone” Jimin nodded
“That’s not why Jiminie” Hoseok grinned cheekily and got ready for dance practice.
Kim Namjoon - twister
“Ha ha ha” Heavy panting from Namjoon was all that could be heard in the moment, as beads of sweat rolled slowly down his neck.
“Namjoon you have to loosen up, you aren’t loosing this for us” You shouted “We have to win come on”
“Yeah I get that but you try to put left foot red while you’re bending backward of Jungkook and under Seokjin” He hissed his foot almost slipping as he slid it behind him. “Who’s idea was it to choose the rooms with a game of twister?”
“Come on Namjoon, think of the master bedroom” You laughed, you didn’t really mind what room you got, you just liked to cheer Namjoon on, knowing he preferred the push and encouragement to when you were indecisive or dismissive. He liked to work hard to accomplish things for you.
Park Jimin - chaos
Namjoon dropped Jimin off at day care with a small smile watching him run off to his best friend Taehyung, the two hugged before they shared the dinosaurs amongst the two of them. Namjoon loved nothing more than being a dad, and was glad that when he started back at work he would still receive updates from the Day care centre with pictures and stories of how Jimin’s day was going. Today started the same breakfast and playing with toys and music inside and then it moved to playing outside. 
The next picture had Namjoon in stitches it seems Jimin had upturned the massive sunscreen dispenser and he and Taehyung were covered in a thick layer of the uv protecting cream.
Kim Taehyung - never
You were playing a game of never, Taehyung said the dreaded “Never have I ever kissed someone,” putting a finger down himself but getting two other people out. It seems he would risk his own fate to get the others out. He turned to see you with all five fingers up and frowned. 
“What do you mean you have never kissed someone?”
“I just, no one really looks at me that way, I am not really the person people want to kiss” You shrugged and he surprised leaning in his lips brushing your softly and as he pulled away he realized.
“Oh I am so sorry, I didn’t even ask?” He pulled you into a hug apologizing and you laughed.
“It was fine, it felt nice thank you for being someone I trust to give me my first kiss” You thanked him.
“That wasn’t a real kiss, people kiss there loved ones like that” Namjoon hissed feeling slightly annoyed he had gotten out.
Taehyung leaned in whispering gently, so close you could taste the sweet wine on his breath, “Can I kiss you again?”
Jeon Jungkook - voices
(I know I have done something like this before but the new RUNBTS ep got me wanting to write a series like this)
Jungkook started playing the latest online mmorpg, meeting some of the best players and slowly becoming the top guild within the game Pillage of Power known by the youth as POP! The guild Castle Bangtan was run by some really smart young man that Jungkook looked up to. His name was Ramon of destruction and he was their brains. 
Next was WWH, he was the Cleric a full of bad puns but the best buffer, had really quick protection spells and an odd animal companion. Suga/r was their lazy wizard who had so much skill and yet never used it unless they needed it. HobiHobi was there champion he was a great ranger, he had a sharp shot and rarely ever missed.
Chimmy was a Barbarian and he was always ready to fight, he put in a lot of effort so as not to let the team down. Vante was a Rogue, the most sneaky of the group always sharpening his skills when he could. And that Left Jungkook known as Kookie the Bard he could charm anyone if he tried. They were the top guild but they were being challenged by the rising guild T1 there members Faker, Teddy, Effort, Cuzz, and Canna. 
The tournament began everyone who had a guild had the chance to compete to rank in the game and Castle Bangtan was rising quickly up the ranks. The POP! Tournament came down to the last four teams the Semi finals and the finals were to be broadcasted in the large stadium, The other teams were professional gamers in teams and here they were just a group of nobodies from different towns and cities in South Korea.
Jungkook was handed the purple jumpsuit he was to wear during the broadcast, they had their names on the back. He slipped into the suit he had been sized for over email and he grinned. He felt so cool. Stepping out into the waiting room out back he saw a broad shouldered gentleman, “You must be Chimmy the barbarian?”
“No, I am WWH” He laughed his squeaky laugh.
Jungkook looked around and saw a tall figure, his black jumpsuit with the purple trims had the words Ramon of destruction. Trying so hard not to freak out he stood by the refreshments. “Try the lamb skewers, they are nice” a drawl said from the couch. 
“Suga” Jungkook said grinning
 “Kookie” He gave a soft smile back and shook his hands.
“Don’t get nervous now” Suga sat up and patted the younger boys back, “Chimmy has already drank his weight in water and is in the bathroom again.
“I am back, does anyone else think the legs of the jump suit are super tight, I can barely walk, feels like I am going to bust them”
Jungkook saw the young man and smiled, he knew that voice anywhere this was Chimmy the Barbarian and yet he looked too delicate in person for the part.
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
Hallow-Queen (Joe)
I wrote three Hallow themed one shots back in October for the Boh Rhap cast (There was supposed to be a fourth, but unfortunately some things came up, and I was unable to write it. Maybe this Halloween I’ll finally get it done!?)
Anyways, there is a fic for Joe, Ben and Gwil
First up will be everyone’s favourite Dino boi! Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
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The monster mash filled the bathroom as you got ready for the evening, your poor spotify algorithm will be so confused after tonight. You go for months listening only to the hits of the 80’s, and then suddenly, monster mash, and the Addams family theme are on loop! That however did not stop you from grooving along to the song, moving your hips to the beat and bobbing your head. You could hear Joe downstairs, setting everything up for the party he had organised at the last minute. Joe had sent a group text to the BohRhap cast, demanding everyone be free for Halloween. This, of course had been met with a rather loud outcry. Rami and Lucy had already made plans, Gwil was travelling to Wales to see his brother, and Ben well, Ben was free and had accepted immediately. Up until two days ago, it had been planned for just you, Joe and Ben to have a quite night together, watching scary movies, and pigging out on pizza. That is, until Joe had received a message from Gwil, his brother had come down with the flu, and didn’t want to pass it on to him. Your party now consisted of four. Next came a message from Lucy, “Okay, this is crazy, I haven’t seen you in months! Tell Joe that Rami and I will be there this weekend! (Don’t mention anything to Rami please, I’ve still got to figure out how to tell him…)”
With six confirmed people, you had taken it upon yourself to invite a few extra people, work mates, old school friends, and the castmates of Joe’s current project. As far as Joe knew, there were only going to be four of you in attendance tonight, yet somehow the extra bags of crisps, candy, and drinks hadn’t clued him in on the fact that there would be a lot more people in your house tonight. The doorbell rang downstairs, and you pause your music listening out for Joe as he shuffles around the floor below.  There’s the faint mumbling of voices, though they’re too quiet for you to pick up on who had arrived. Your phone ‘dings’ on the bathroom counter, and you turn your attention to it, a message from Ben illuminating the lock screen. “How long am I keeping Joe occupied for?”
You had a rather special surprise instore for Joe tonight, but to execute it properly, you needed Joe to give you some space for a little while. Ben had been more than willing to help out, offering to keep Joe away from you and the bathroom for as long as you required. “Just need 20 mins.” You send back just as the doorbell rings again. If you had planned everything correctly, everyone would arrive at roughly the same time, which meant Joe would be busy greeting all his unexpected guests. Turning back to face the mirror, you grin at your reflection, time for the piece de resistance! Carefully, you step into the legs of the suit you had chosen to wear, shimmying the material up to your hips. The suit is incredibly baggy on you, and it only becomes more noticeable as you shrug the outfit over your shoulders, but that was all about to change.
“What the hell is that noise?” Joe asks, turning his attention to Ben beside him, who paused as he went to open a beer. A loud ‘whirring’ noise seemed to echo around the entire apartment, Ben had a suspicion as to who the cause of the noise was, but had promised not to say a word.
Instead, Ben simply shrugs, popping the cap off his beer and taking a swig. “No idea sorry.” Joe squints at the blonde, but says nothing more on the topic, his eyes traveling over the costume his best mate had opted to wear. “Ben, mate, I’ve gotta ask. What are you wearing?” He waves his hand in the general direction of Ben’s costume, which consisted of a lime green skirt with purple flowers, salmon coloured tank top, and black boots.
Ben looks rather outraged at Joe’s obliviousness to his costume. “I’m sexy Patrick Star you uncultured swine!” He cries out, folding his arms across his chest, glaring at Joe. “What about you? You’ve barely put any effort in at all!”
Joe looks down at himself pouting at the blonde. “What do you mean? I’m in costume too!”
“It doesn’t count if you dress as your own character!”
Now that was something Joe hadn’t considered, he hadn’t even run his costume by with you, he just assumed that what he had decided to wear would be fine! He had on his baseball outfit from undrafted, lucky number 15 for Pat Murray. Looking at the slightly faded red shirt now however, Joe realised it was perhaps a somewhat lazy costume choice, he had just been so excited to still be able to fit into it! He never stopped to think, should he wear it? “At least my ass looks good in these pants.”
Ben can’t help but chuckle, shaking his head slowly. “Well, you’re not wrong.” A grin is plastered to Joe’s lips, as he gazes around the kitchen. Clearly you had been up to something, as there were currently at least fifteen people milling around the apartment, none of which he had invited, not that they were any less welcome though.
“No fucking way!” Joe screeches, as he looks over to the front door. It had been left open, allowing the warm night air flow into the apartment, also to stop people from constantly ringing the doorbell, allowing the guests to just walk right on in. Ben casts his glance towards the door also, an identical look of glee on his face also. “RAMI! LUCY!”
The sheer volume of Joe’s voice carries over the small crowd of guests, and the two people of his calling turn to look at him, only to find the man in question jumping up and down like a child on Christmas, waving his hands in the air. Ben looks almost embarrassed to be stood beside him, though he would never leave his side, especially seeing as the only other people who he knew at the party, were headed straight for him now. The ever impeccably dressed couple, now stood with them, dressed as Jack and Sally from the nightmare before Christmas. It was a classic costume, but they both pulled the look off so well! “What the hell are you two doing here?” Joe grins, as he wraps his arms around Lucy, then Rami in a tight, welcoming hug.
“You know, I would love to know the answer to that also Joe. Lucy, perhaps you could shed some light on the situation?” Rami smirks, wrapping an arm around the blonde bombshell.
Ben raises a quizzical eyebrow at Lucy, while she shies away from the interrogation she was currently facing. “Maybe, I accidentally typed in the wrong address when booking our uber?” She offers in explanation, though it’s obvious that even she doesn’t believe her own lie.
“Did Y/N have something to do with it?” Joe laughs, swiping a beer off the table for himself.
“I’m pretty sure Y/N had something to do with this entire party. You just weren’t told.” Ben offers quietly. Joe nods in agreement, there was no denying you had created this party, even if Joe had thought he was the one planning the whole thing.
The front door continues to swing open and closed, allowing more and more people inside, the dull mumble of conversation rising to one of a low roar. A tall shadow looms over the small group, who had migrated into the sitting room, Rami was scrolling through Joe’s phone, creating a playlist for the night, while Lucy, Ben and Joe discussed their latest projects. “Looks like our mission from God was a success. We’ve gotten the band back together.” The deep voice of Gwilym is one that cannot go unrecognised, and the small group all turn to face him. The Brit was dressed as Indiana Jones, complete with a whip from a children’s costume of the adventurer, and a brown sable fedora.
You switch the air pump off, turning to face the mirror once more, a broad grin covering your concealed face. “Joe is going to love this!” You chuckle to yourself, moving to exit the bathroom. Your walk is a slow, lumbering one, your oversized costume causing you to take short steps, as apposed to the long strides you usually took. You left your phone on the bathroom counter, having realised you had no way of picking it up and storing it on your person, now you had your costume fully applied. As you exit the bathroom, the soft notes of the time warp, melt into those of the much louder all star, the smash mouth hit blaring through the speakers on the floor below. “Stairs, okay, we can do stairs. This is fine, I am fine...”
At no point during the costume planning process had you considered the need to travel downstairs, and now here you stood, trying to gauge what the best way to tackle your descend. To say it was a slow process down would be an understatement, as you neared the bottom, a few guests stopped to look at your larger than life costume, attempting to peer in and see who had donned such an outrageous outfit. However they soon gave up, when you took too long to reach them. You could hardly blame them for walking away, by the time you got off the stairs, it had taken you close to seven minutes! You wouldn’t wait for you either.
You scan over the crowd, costumed people milling around your apartment drinking and eating, a few dancing along to the music that filled every crevice of the small home. Finally, you spot the people you had been looking for, your small band of misfits who had taken up one of the sofa’s in the sitting room. Somehow Ben, Lucy, Gwil and Rami had managed to sit themselves of the two-seater, leaving Joe sat cross legged on the carpet beside them. Moving closer, Ben is the first to spot you, not that you had expected anything else, he was the only one who knew what your costume was, in all honesty, he had been keeping an eye out for you all evening. Your shadow looms over Joe, who frowns slightly at what he would deem, as a rude intrusion into his personal space. “Hey mate, I think one of your guests needs a hand.” Ben smirks, raising an eyebrow in your general direction.
Joe looks up at Ben, his neck straining from having to continuously tilt his head back at an awkward angle to see his friends. He pushes himself up from the floor, adjusting his now lopsided baseball cap, before pivoting on the spot, only to come face to face with an inflatable T-Rex. The grin which takes over his face, is one you had been praying you would see tonight, and it only cements the fact, that you had worn the perfect costume. Sure it would likely never be worn again, you couldn’t think of a time where you would require a T-Rex costume, and you could almost guarantee that after tonight, it would be folded back into the amazon box it had arrived in, then shoved under your bed, never to see the light of day again. But just for this moment, the look on Joe’s face, made it all entirely worth it!
“Y/N that had better be you under there. Or I’m about to profess my love for a complete stranger.” He chuckles, the grin never wavering from his cheeks, as he looks past the mesh below the dinosaur’s head, searching for a face he could recognise.
You shake your head from side to side, the dinosaur’s head moving erratically as you do so. “Of course it’s me! Honestly, who else would do something like this?” You laugh, as Joe wraps his arms around you, hugging as best he can through the thick layer of inflated costume.
“Bugger me I love you.” He breaths out softly before he whirls around on the spot, one arm remaining wrapped around you, causing you to stumble forward with him. “Benjamin! Did you know about this?” Joe cries, mock hurt flashing through his hazel eyes.
Ben simply shrugs, downing the last of his beer, before leaning forwards and placing the empty bottle on the coffee table. “Don’t yell at Ben! If it hadn’t of been for him, this whole thing would’ve been ruined with your snooping!” You laugh in your friend’s defence.
Joe turns to look at you, mouth agape at your outcry. “What do you mean, my snooping?”
You roll your eyes, though quickly speak up, having forgotten no one can see your face terribly well. “Oh come off it Joe, you know as well as I do that if you get a hunch something is going on, then you do everything in your power to get to the bottom of it!”
“I do not!”
This time, there is a chorus of people agreeing with you, and Joe now turns to the group who he had only moments ago been sitting with. “Ben, I expected this from you. But the rest of you? I expected better!”
“Oh Joe, we love you, But Y/N is right. You remember Christmas last year, when you thought Gwil had you for secret Santa? You wouldn’t let it go for weeks! Not until you finally got you present, only to find out Rami had had you!” Lucy grins, shaking her head softly. Joe has the decency to look somewhat embarrassed.
“You followed me home one night after filming! It was bloody terrifying!” Gwil chuckles, crossing one leg over the other. “I nearly called the police, I thought someone was about to rob me, until I realised it was you lurking by the front door!”
You can’t help but laugh at this, as Rami turns to look at Gwil in shock. “I’m sorry, Joseph did what now?” Joe fumbles with his words as he attempts to explain himself, as Gwil simply laughs loudly, unable to form words to explain the situation to Rami. You remember that discussion quite well with Joe.
It was close the four in the morning when you heard the front door creak open, you had been napping on the sofa, the show you had been binge watching on Netflix long since finished. But Joe had promised he would be home at a reasonable hour tonight, so you had decided to stay up and wait for him. This, however, was not what you considered a reasonable time! And from the way he had been talking when you spoke on the phone earlier in the day, he was expecting to be home just after midnight.
 “Hey babe.” He smiled, toeing off his shoes at the front door, and hanging his coat up on the hook by the door. You frown over at him, peering over the back of the sofa, sleep clouding you vision momentarily.
 “Where have you been?” You sigh, on any other night, you would likely get into an argument over his late arrival. But you were too tired for that right now, and quietly you were just glad that he was home now.
Joe has the decency to look somewhat guilty, as he moves around the apartment, settling down on the sofa beside you. He lifts your legs for a few moments, before lowering them back down, now resting over his lap. “I’m sorry Y/N. I had a few errands to run. I guess I lost track of time.”
“Errands at three in the morning?” Joe goes still, and you can see the cogs turning in his mind as he tries to think up an excuse. “Out with is Mazzello.”
Joe pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index fingers, his eyes squeezing shut tightly. “I, um, followed Gwil home.” He mumbles.
You’re at a loss for words, and blink steadily at the ginger beside you. You had met Gwilym only a handful of times, he was such a gentleman! And for the life of you, you couldn’t understand why Joe had felt the need to follow the man home. “Expand and explain.”
“You know how the cast and I are all doing secret Santa this year?” Joe pauses, and looks over to you, watching as you nod in understanding before he continued. “Well, Rami kept asking me about things that I liked, and what I would perhaps want for Christmas. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I saw him and Gwil whispering to each other, and they kept looking over at me when I was grabbing a coffeein between takes. I put two and two together, and figured Rami was collecting information for Gwil! I asked around, tried to find out if anyone knew who had me, but either no one knew, or they refused to tell me. So I decided to take things into my own hands! We finished up for the night, and I decided to follow Gwil, to try and confirm my suspicions. He went to a department store, and I followed him as best I could, but I couldn’t see what he purchased, there were too many people around. So I realised I just had to follow him home, and see if I could catch what I was wrapping. And well, that’s kinda what I did. Problem is, he caught me lurking around the place, swung the door open, demanded I come inside, and proceeded to give me the lecture of a lifetime.” Joe finishes looking like a kicked puppy.
You can barely contain your laughter, and if it were to be told by anyone else, you would say they were lying. But you knew Joe, and this was exactly the kind of thing he would do! “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that right? The whole point of secret Santa is right there in the name, it’s supposed to be a secret!”
“Yes, I know that! But I just had to know if he did have me!”
“And, the verdict was?”
“I still don’t god damned know! I couldn’t see what the gift was when he wrapped it, and he refused to tell me!”
You shake your head, sighing deeply, it was a good thing you lived this man, otherwise you would be on the verge of sending him to a psychiatric ward. “Bloody hell Joe, I’m going to bed before you tell me anymore.”
As you stand with your rag-tag group of friends, you make a note of the one flaw in your costume, you have no way of eating or drinking whilst wearing it. A pout forms on your lips, as you join in with a conversation Lucy had sprung up with Ben. After a while, you excuse yourself “I’d best go play hostess to the rest of the guests.” You say with a grin, stepping away from the group.
“We all know we are the best guests here!” Rami calls, giving you a double thumbs up as you walk away.
You grin, shaking your head softly as you move around the large number of guests. It seemed like most people had taken the option of bringing a plus one, not that you could blame them. You often did the exact same thing, dragging Joe along to most social gatherings you were invited to. Slowly, you made your way around to everyone, making polite conversation with the guests you didn’t know well, and speaking enthusiastically about your costume with those you did know. By the time you had made the rounds a few times, you were hungry, and honestly really frustrated about not being able to eat. You made your way over to Joe, attempting to be subtle as you slide into the conversation he was engrossed in, Gwil talking animatedly with him about his latest project. “Hey babe, could I borrow you for a few minutes?” You ask softly.
Joe turns away to look at you, smiling at you, leaning down to hear you over the loud noise of the party. “Sure love, let’s go somewhere quiet so I can actually hear you?” He grins, before leading you away, towards the laundry. It was a rather small room, and was barely more quiet than where you had just been, but you were thankful for not having to manoeuvre the stairs once again. It was one thing to go down, and you wouldn’t know where to begin with how to go up. “What’s up?” Joe grin, leaning back against the washing machine, arms folded loosely over his chest.
“Can you give me a hand getting out of this?” You laugh, gesturing as best you can with you tiny T-Rex arms, at the costume you were surrounded by. “It was a bitch of a thing to get on, and I don’t even know where to start with taking it off.”
Joe grins, though moves to you quickly, helping you out of the outfit with ease. Perhaps you should’ve asked for some help getting it on also? That probably would’ve been a good idea… Joe places the sad looking T-Rex in the corner of the laundry, grinning across at you. “Now who are you supposed to be?” He chuckles, taking in your now lack of costume.
You look down at your yoga pants and shirt combo. “I’m a Jurassic Park fan still, can’t you tell?” You smirk, pointing to the faded Jurassic Park logo shirt, which you had long ago stolen from Joe. “I’ve got a soft spot for ‘lil Tim Murphy. He was my first movie crush.” You giggle.
Joe sighs, rolling his eyes at you, though a smirk tugs the corner of his lips. “How about a soft spot for Pat Murray too?” He suggests wriggling his eyebrows at you suggestively. You walk over to him slowly, rolling your hips as you do so, watching as his eyes travel from yours, and down to your hips. You stand up tall, taking the dusty cap off his head, planting it firmly on your own. His hair is an absolute mess underneath, his auburn locks pointing in all directions.
“Perhaps I just have a soft spot for that actor in general?” You tease, before making your way out of the laundry, and back to the party. You don’t wait for Joe, making your way over to your group once more, throwing yourself onto the sofa with an “Ooof.” Ben barely had a chance to get out of the way before you land partially on him, and Lucy grins at you from where she sits on the arm of the sofa.
“Someone pass me something alcoholic in nature please.” You grin, as you make yourself comfortable, sinking into the cushions. You don’t have to as twice, a glass of what you assume is rum and coke, thrust into your hands from Rami. “Cheers!” You grin, raising your glass in the air, before tipping the contents back.
You quickly fall into conversation with Ben, thanking him over and over again for keeping Joe distracted earlier in the evening, to which he brushes you off, telling you to not worry about it. Completely unaware, that when he brings up the promotion you recently got at work, that perhaps he was now keeping you distracted. Joe had reappeared recently, sitting on the opposite side of you, with a bowl of hula hoops in his lap. Carefully, he takes your left hand, and places one of the snacks on your ring finger, a soft blush covering his cheeks. “Thank you Joe, I am starving!” You grin, eating the food off your finger.
You’re oblivious to what he’s getting at, paying no mind to which finger he continues placing the crisp on, and instead, eating it off each time a new one appears. Joe looks at Ben over you shoulder, who simply shrugs in response, unsure what either could do about it. “Babe, could I maybe have more than one at a time?” You ask sweetly, and Joe looks physically pained.
Lucy, who had been watching the events unfold before her, had cottoned on to what was going on early in the piece, and decided to jump to Joe’s aid. “Y/N darling, just take a second and look at your hand yeah?”
You frown slightly at her, before turning away from Joe, looking down at your hand. “What’s so special about? Oh….” Perhaps it shouldn’t have taken you this long to figure out what was going on. The hula hoop sat just above your first knuckle on your ring finger.
“Um, I know this isn’t how one normally does the whole, proposal thing. But we haven’t gone out looking at rings before, and I don’t know was your ring size is… So I’m kinda hoping this will do for the time being? As a place holder kind of thing?” Joe rambles, the blush creeping steadily up to the tips of his ears.
“Joseph, I’ll marry you with or without a ring.” You grin, throwing your arms around his neck, as his snake around your waist, your lips pressing together in a fierce kiss. A kiss full of promises of the future.
“Jeez, I don’t know how we’ll upstage Halloween next year.” Gwil smirks, as he and the other guests who were aware of the happenings clapped for the newly engaged couple.
My Masterlist
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #19: Spouse Care
Author’s Note: The title of this part is a play on the term “Self Care”. “Self Care” was originally the name of this part but since it focuses more on the couples doing things for each other, I renamed it “Spouse Care”. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Kim Seokjin
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“Jagi?” Jin called out as he walked through the front door of the house. 
“In here!” You yelled out from the kitchen. Jin shut the door behind him and took his shoes off before walking into the kitchen. 
“Hi babe,” you greeted, puckering your lips for a kiss. After walking over to you and giving you a quick peck, he pulled back and grinned widely at you. “What? Why are you smiling like that?” You asked.
“I have a surprise for you,” he announced.
“What is it?”
“Here,” he said as he pulled his hands from behind his back and held up a small plastic carton.
“Jin,” you laughed in disbelief, looking at the red velvet cupcakes in the carton from your favorite bakery.
“I remember you saying that you were craving these the other day so I stopped by the bakery after rehearsal and picked some up,” Jin explained.
“You didn’t have to, though.”
“I wanted to,” Jin assured you. “Don’t worry about it ok?” He gave you a knowing look and you nodded reluctantly. He pressed another quick kiss to your lips before turning and walking out of the kitchen yelling for Kaiden.
Min Yoongi
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You typed the pass code into the keypad of Yoongi’s studio and waited for the door to beep. Once it did and you heard the door unlock, you twisted the handle  before stepping inside.
“Y/N-ah?” Yoongi said as he turned around in his chair. 
“Hey,” you murmured as you walked over to him, humming as he set his hands on your waist.
“What are you doing here? Where’s Kins?”
“I dropped her off with your parents and I just,” you trailed off, shrugging your shoulders lamely as you felt tears beginning to cloud your vision.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Yoongi whispered as he pulled you down, forcing you to sit in his lap. “Talk to me, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’m just tired,” you sighed heavily. “Everything’s just been so busy lately between working and taking care of Kins and trying to make time for us. Feels like I’m going crazy.”
“Baby,” he muttered as he shook his head, pressing a soft kiss to your chin. 
“I was wondering if I could chill here with you,” you said. “Just wanna be around you.”
“You used to do that all the time when we were dating,” Yoongi smiled. “But feel free, you know that you never have to ask.”
“Thank you,” you thanked him, pressing a kiss to his lips before getting up from his lap and settling yourself on his couch. You made yourself comfortable while Yoongi turned back to his computer.
Kim Namjoon
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The bright rays of the early morning sun shining through the curtains are what cause your eyes to open as you woke up. You groaned, stretching slightly as you turned over to face Namjoon and unsurprisingly, he was already looking at you.
“Good morning,” he smiled.
“Mm, morning,” you mumbled. “How long were you watching me sleep for this time?”
“About 15 minutes,” he chuckled.
“Almost broke the record,” you teased as you snuggled closer to him, throwing one of you legs over his.
“Do you hear that?” Namjoon asked.
“Hear what?”
“That,” he said and you stayed still, trying to hear what he was talking about. “No yelling, nobody screaming mommy or daddy, nothing’s breaking,” he said, making you giggle.
“And nobody waking us up at the crack of dawn,” you added. “We have to let your parents watch Mase more often.”
“I agree,” he nodded. “Now, what do you want to do? We have the whole day to ourselves.” You hummed lightly as you thought for a few seconds.
“Wanna go back to bed?” You proposed and he smiled.
Jung Hoseok
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“Keep your eyes closed.”
“They are closed.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep, can’t see with this blindfold on,” you promised with a laugh and you let Hobi lead you to, wherever he was leading you to, without saying anything else.
“Ok, stop right here,” Hobi said as he set his hands on your shoulders and you felt him move to stand behind you. “Take off the blindfold.” You reached up and gripped the edge of the blindfold, pulling it up and over your head before gasping at the sight in front of you.
“Hobi,” you sighed softly as you looked around the bathroom. Hobi had drawn a bath complete with several candles that were lit, soft music playing from Hobi’s Bluetooth speaker, and a glass of your favorite wine waiting for you next to the tub.
“Hobi, you didn’t have to do this for me,” you said as you turned around to look at him.
“You deserve it Y/N-ah,” Hobi smiled. “And it’s the least I could do as a thank you for all that you do for me and Lenny and Berk.”
“That’s my job, though.”
“Doesn’t mean that you can’t be thanked,” he shrugged. You glanced over your shoulder at the bath before you looked back to Hobi again.
“It won’t be a real reward if you don’t get in there with me,” you smirked, making him do the same.
“I think that can be arranged.”
Park Jimin
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“Oh, I wanna dance with somebody,” you sung along with the radio as you danced around the kitchen as you cleaned up. You were in the middle of wiping down the counters when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“And to what do I owe this pleasure of seeing my wife dancing around our kitchen in nothing but a t-shirt and short shorts?” Jimin whispered into your ear.
“Cleaning day,” you giggled as you set your hands on top of his as the two of you swayed back and forth in time to the music.
“Thank God for that,” he murmured huskily, his hands trailing downwards.
“Nooo, come on,” you laughed, grabbing his hand before they could reach your thighs. “I have to get this cleaning done.”
“And what if I wanted to clean you, with my tongue?”
“Ok, nasty,” you chuckled, turning around in his arms to face him.
“Well, will you at least dance with me then?” He wondered and you nodded.
“I can do that,” you beamed and you squealed loudly as Jimin suddenly dipped you down in his arms. 
Kim Taehyung
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“Get off,” you giggled as you pushed at Taehyung’s shoulders.
“I’m trying to do that if you’d just cooperate,” he chuckled deeply, rolling off of your body to lay down next to you regardless of his prior statement. 
“You’ve gotten off three times now and you’ve gotten me off five,” you pointed as you cuddle up against him. “Aren’t you tired?”
“I could never get tired of you. Haven’t you realized that after all these years?”
“Mm, we’ve been busy lately,” you shrugged. “It slipped my mind.”
“And that’s another reason why I wanted us to have this weekend to ourselves,” he sighed. “We’ve both been so busy running ourselves into the ground, we haven’t taken much time for ourselves, let alone each other.” He reached down and grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing the back of your hand before continuing. “I wanted us to have some alone time, together.”
“Tae,” you cooed, turning over and looking up at him. “Get yourself a husband who will spoil you with sex as self care.”
“Lucky you, huh?” He smirked, leaning down and kissing you firmly.
Jeon Jungkook
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“You sure that we’re not too old for this?” You teased as you let Jungkook lead you into the pillow fort that he had built in the middle of your living room.
“A person is never too old for a pillow fort,” he chuckled, helping you sit down on the mass of blankets that he had set up before stepping out again. A few seconds later, he came back with his laptop in one hand and an array of snacks in the other.
“You didn’t have to go through all this work though, Kook,” you said as you grabbed a box of pocky. “We could’ve just watched Netflix in our bedroom.”
“True, but I wanted to at least try and make it special,” he smiled shyly. “You’ve been doing so much for me and Angel lately, I wanted to try and relieve you from that for a while.”
“Kook,” you beamed, moving over and cuddling up to him. 
“So, what do you wanna watch?” He asked.
“Doesn’t matter,” you shrugged.
“You sure? You wouldn’t mind my really horrible action movies that I like to watch?” He joked, making you giggle and shake your head.
“I’m good just cuddling with you,” you promised, humming lightly in contentment when Jungkook pressed a kiss to your forehead.
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justimajin · 5 years
Catching a Case of the Doctor Blues ⌠Epilogue⌡
⇢ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
⇢ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (2k) Doctor/Surgeon AU, Enemies to Lovers AU
⇢ Summary: When asked about Taehyung, a string of beautifully aligned words are ready spew from your lips. You could possibly go on and on about how his wonderful antics are similar to a child rather than a doctor, or how his observation skills were especially great in preparing your heart to absolutely burst or even how one gracious stare of his always left you in a blushing mess. You’re in love him, what else are you suppose to say? 
⇢ A/N: FINALLY. ITS DONE. ITS- *coughs and clears throat* Sorry about that, what I meant to say was thank you for sticking around for these 3 very long months. This was my first sfw series and I was worried that it wasn’t going to appeal to many people because of that, but surprising I got quite the opposite response which has lead me to believe that wanting to write more series like this one is something I shouldn’t even worry about. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the ending ^.^
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⇢ Moodboard Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 ┈ in the making process
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The white hospital doors open wide for the final time and from a distance, the entire montage begins to play. It starts off with a spike of cruelty and a dash of resentment, eyes seeping out venom whenever they lock glances and footsteps refusing to meet halfway. It suddenly shifts, a knock on an apartment door causing a cascade of secrets to come to light and confusion spurs soon after. There are ups and downs, highs and lows, laughter and anger before the question of friendship comes into hand. It’s just as remarkable as it is unbelievable when the cruelty and resentment finally vanishes, leaving behind something that’s much more familiar to the past and something that will truly live on for the years to come. 
The montage keeps playing, coming to slow stop when it reaches a far pleasant future. 
Inside the open hospital doors are the same floor levels and the same room numbers being displayed when the young doctor strolls through the reminiscent hallways, however long gone is the old uniform he used to once wear. Now he dons the prestigious white coat alongside a laminated tag with his high status, shoulders head up attentively as his doe eyes scan the rooms around him when he runs his own wards promptly.
“Dr. Jeon!” 
A voice exclaims from a distance and he turns, a warm smile on his lips when the newly added intern runs towards him, “Here are the papers you asked for.”
“Thank you Jisoo.” He signs off on them, “Bring these to Dr. Kim and have him look over them as well.”
Her eyes draw a blank. “Dr. Kim…?”
He chuckles, “The ‘new’ Dr. Kim.” She eagerly nods and rushes away.
“Hoseok no. There’s nothing I can do about it.” His ears catch onto the blonde and orange duo situated outside the doctor’s office.
“But Yoongi! I barely get to see you…”
“That doesn’t mean Namjoon will just hire you like that! You need to have the schooling to back it up.”
“Then I’ll do it!” Yoongi facepalms at that and the doctor walks closer to them.
“Why don’t you request more vacation time Dr. Min?” Jungkook suggests and he presses his lips into a firm line as he contemplates it. Before he has a chance to respond however, a loud voice blares out and Jungkook already knows whats to come.
“Ooh if it isn’t my lovely intern turned doctor!” 
“He did say one year…” The doctor walking beside him scoffs and Jungkook grins, standing head to head with the man.
“Told you.” He says with a smirk, before his once doctor counterpart lunges onto him for a hug and Jungkook’s papers slip from his fingers, spattering all over the floor.
“Dr. Park we’re in a hospital!” Jungkook hushes and Jimin simply laughs in return.
“Our Jungkookie being serious? Reminds me of the old times when he tried to revive Taehyung from cardiac arrest.”
“Jimin! Get over here right now!” You shout from the top of your lungs.
“Y/N we should be professional and not yell inside the hospital!”
“Professional?! Are you seriously saying that after what I saw you and Chaeyoung doing in my office??”
“Oh come on you and Taehyung have done worse!” He spits back but now you’re just infuriated.
Just as he’s within your grasp, your foot slips and you suddenly lose your balance. Your fall is luckily stopped by someone, but you unfortunately elbowed said person harshly in the gut.
“Taehyung!” He clutches his stomach as he attempts to keep you upright, “Are you okay?!”
“Y/N…” He breathes out, “I think this is the end…”
He collapses on the floor; a horribly fake unconscious look on his face as he spreads out like a starfish and you roll your eyes at the dramatic display. You start to wonder if him and Jimin becoming friends was such a good thing after all.
“Noooo!!” Jimin hurriedly kneels down, “My best friend…” He begins to fake cry, looking at Taehyung’s fallen body with misery in his eyes.
“Someone help him!” Jimin shouts and to all of your surprise, Jungkook suddenly comes bursting into the scene with two electric bars.
“ALL CLEAR?!” He questions and suddenly Taehyung staggers upwards, standing up straight and looking perfectly healthy.
“Oh would you look at that, I’m suddenly completely fine!” He chirps out, hurriedly rushing back to his office as you wipe the tears away from laughing so hard.
Jin laughs at that when another face enters the scene, hands on her hips when she scoffs at the sight. 
“Dr. Park are you sure I’m the one you’re dating?” Chaeyoung asks, eyeing at how her boyfriend was always seemingly attached to the young doctor.
“You are!” He wraps an arm around Jungkook, “But Jungkookie is my pupil.”
“Was your pupil.” He corrects, snapping at the doctor.
“Where is all this seriousness coming from?!” Jimin questions but Namjoon walks by to file some papers, fondly smiling at the scene.
“It seems like Y/N and Taehyung have really rubbed off on him.” The head doctor says and everyone collectively smiles at the thought.
“When are those two getting back Namjoon?” Jin questions but Namjoon shrugs.
“Whenever they wish to come back.” He hands Jin a letter and then walks back to his office with his papers, but Jin’s eyes dart over to the handwriting messily crafted by you as he reads the message out loud.
“Gone on vacation to Daegu! Will be back soon!
~Dr. L/N and the old Dr. Kim.”
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“It’s so nice out here!” You exclaim, watching the wind blow against the vast expanse of the glittering ocean. Leaning against the side metal railing, you take in the gorgeous city you had left behind you all those years ago. You had spent the past couple of days exploring again after Taehyung fatefully surprised you one day with tickets for your old hometown.
Astonishing is perhaps the best way you can describe the entire journey, for Daegu remains as the city you had grew up in and the city that was imbedded with countless memories that you could never erase. The city itself hasn’t changed at all, but what has changed, are the two people that once inhabited it.
“It is…” Taehyung dreamingly whispers, standing with you as he leans against the railing. Shutting his eyes close, he lets the breeze wash over him and you can’t help but smile in relief that he was doing much better these days.
One of the destinations you had ultimately decided to visit was your old neighborhood. However, it was easier said than done and you knew that going back was going to flesh out a bitter phase of a past that you had long gotten past by.
It was also the first time you had seen Taehyung lose it all, as he walked with you and noticed that another family has moved in his home. Coincidentally the family also had a young son, who had accidentally stumbled into Taehyung and apologized. The interaction was remarkably harmless, but you could see it all – his hand tightening in yours, the deep breath’s he was taking, the way his eyes were glimmering but how he was desperately trying not to let any of it show.
Taehyung does eventually let it all go, but he isn’t alone to go through it again.
Because this time you stand by his side.
A tender smile still sits on your lips when he’s looks a lot better than that day and even you have to come to terms that there will always be something about that place that will remain significant to the two of you no matter how much you push forward.
“Hey.” You call out, watching as his eyes slowly open before they turn to you. You still haven’t gotten used to him not wearing his glasses as much anymore and when you did question him about it, he had simply told you that he wasn’t fond about wearing them outside of work, especially when he was with you. You’re grateful in a sense, for you  get to see your childhood friend in the same manner you had once grown up with. “I think I know where I want to go next.”
You reach out to him, gesturing for him to hold your hand when he speaks up, “Where?”
You smile, “Come on.”
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Nothing has changed.
The red swing set gently sways with every flow of the wind as the metal chains occasionally meet, the multiple brightly coloured slides placed in various locations and the notorious hiding spot right below one of them.
It’s exactly the same.
“If you really want to feel the nostalgia you could always hide under there.” Taehyung points out but you frown at him.
“I doubt I’ll even fit.”
“You sure about that?” He grins and you nudge him with your elbow despite the smile on your face. 
Sitting down on one of the swings, you can’t help but eye the vehicle parked on the side, “Why did you bring the car?”
He only responds with an ‘ah!’ and begins to walk closer to it, “There was something I wanted to show you.”
“What?” He opens the car door, before fondly smiling down.
“Ready?” He questions and you nod, still confused.
A bundle of fur immediately jumps out, racing eagerly over to the playground. It pounces on the beige sand and suddenly launches itself at you when the excited small licks come out accompanied by the adorable barks.
“Yeontan?!” You stare at Taehyung shocked as he makes his way over to you and sits down on the other swing. “You still had him for all these years??”
Taehyung grins, “He’s been with me for a long time.” He watches you struggle with the overbearing weight of the puppy whose now grown extremely large.
As Taehyung chuckles, you scoff, “What have you been feeding him?!”
“Yeontan wasn’t going to stay small forever Y/N.”
“But he’s huge! He was a tiny little puppy when I last saw him.”
“We’re not kids anymore so he was bound to grow up too.” The dog clings onto you eagerly, more happy barks escaping out.
“Looks like he still remembers me.” Taehyung smiles fondly at that, watching you play with the dog.
As it begins to get late, both of you decide that it was promptly time you returned back to your hotel. “I think we should probably go back in a couple of days. Maybe towards the end of the week.”
He hums, “But we don’t need to be in a rush, the hospital has Jungkook and Jin now.”
“I still can’t believe they’re doctors now. I still remember being assigned an intern like it was yesterday.”
“I still remember being told that two new doctors had been hired like it was yesterday, one of them going by the name Dr. L/N.” 
You smugly smile at that, “And what did you think of this doctor?” 
“She was horrible, constantly telling me that I needed to be nicer to patients and that as doctors our roles were to be comforting towards them. I couldn’t stand being in the same room as her because she would just glare at me and then raise her voice like a hospital siren.” Your jaw drops down, looking completely offended. 
He smiles, “But then I learned one day she was right, and that I was wrong. I devoted so much time into becoming a doctor that I forget what it truly means to be one, so you can say that this particular doctor didn’t seem so horrible anymore to me, instead she seemed more like a role model. Someone I could always look up to and depend on.” 
Silence echoes when no coherent words are being able to form from your lips. 
Taehyung leans closer to you, “Cat got your tongue?” 
You suddenly snap out of it, incredibly flustered, “W-Why do you always do that?” 
“Do what?” He tilts his head, trying to catch a glance of your blushing state. 
“Make fun of me and then...get really sweet.” 
A soft smile makes its way to his features, “I’ll let you in on a secret.” 
He tugs you closer to him, whispering with a deep tone into your ear, “Because you look adorable when I make you blush.” He turns to plant a tender kiss onto the side of your cheek and before you can even react, he slyly moves away. 
You are left completely frozen as he laughs, moving to grasp your hands when even you can’t seem to hide the blooming smile arising on your cheeks. 
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When your hotel finally comes into view, you let out a wistful sigh as you look down at the happy pomeranian currently situated in your arms. You’re about to head inside when a loud ringtone suddenly blares out. 
Taehyung gestures for you to go inside when he points to his phone and you go on with a smile, “Come soon.” You mouth out.
He smiles and places the phone on his ear, talking in a low tone, “Hello?”
“Mr. Kim!” The woman on the other end exclaims, “The ring you had requested is ready for pick up!”
“Ah it is?” A huge boxy grin is on his lips, “When can I come in?”
“You can schedule a fitting for the end of this week!” The grin only grows wider with the pause.
“Hello? Sir? Does that work for you?”
“It’s perfect.” He whispers, turning off his phone when he looks up to see you curiously watching him as you wait for the elevator to take you to your room. 
Suddenly a scene flashes before his eyes - you, dressed head to toe in a beautiful long white dress, bright eyes expectantly searching for him with a soft smile on your lips.
“Who was that?” 
You question when he joins you, but he simply shakes his head as his face is completely glowing.
He reaches down, lacing your fingers together when the elevator finally dings.
“You’ll find out soon enough….” You enter the elevator with him but you miss the single last word he whispers in a low tone. 
“….Dr. Kim.”
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chimilkie · 5 years
bts reacts; you fall asleep on facetime
au:// requested by @bitesizedwizard , sorry it took so long i was on a temporary hiatus when you requested <3
kim seokjin
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you both had a rather busy past few weeks and communication was at an all time low. jin and the boys had just started their north american tour and your boss had been keeping you after hours at work to finish a business portfolio for the new ads the company was about to release. today was a rather stressful day for you, as your boss was even more up your ass to get all the ideas and projects recorded.
jin had finished off dinner with the boys and successfully recorded a rather long and enjoyable vlive with jungkook and jimin, but he couldn’t help the overwhelming need to a least have a short conversation with you. so as soon as he was locked into the safety of his hotel room, he pulled out his phone to facetime you, whilst completely forgetting about the time difference between LA and seoul.
you answered the phone on the brink of sleep and completely folded into all the blankets on your bed. “hi baby, i just finished watching your vlive.” you smiled, yawning immediately after the words left your lips.
“oh sorry jagi, i forgot about the time zone. you must be so tired.” he apologized quickly, a frown pulling at the corners of his lips.
“no, no.” you dismissed, rolling your eyes at his concern. “it’s worth it to get to talk to you. it’s been awhile. tell me about what’s been going on.” he went on about how everything’s been going, only hesitating to continue when he heard your soft snores.
 in the end, he opted to just whispering everything to you so that you wouldn’t wake up and waste sleep on him.
min yoongi
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you had been at his studio with him only an hour ago, where you two had eaten the thai food you bought together. you had ranted to him about the unfairness of treatment among individuals at your work and he told you all about the progress of the song that him and hoseok had been working on together. so really, there was no reason for him to facetime you an hour later once you were tucked into the warmth of your bed comforter.
“yes, baby?” you grunted once you hit the green accept button. you sat up slightly to lean on your elbow while you spoke to him.
he sighed lowly as he shut the door to his studio. “sorry doll, did i wake you up?”
you smiled softly and fell back once more to lean into your pillows. “nope, just laid down. why’d you call?”
“just wanted to know if i could spend the night at your apartment, i don’t want to call manager sejin to come get me and bring me to the dorms.” he mumbled, as a particular gust of wind blew the hair out of his eyes once he stepped out of the management building.
“of course, you know that the door’s always unlocked for you.” you mumbled quietly as sleep started to take over for you. actually, the door was currently unlocked for anyone considered you were too tired to actually lock it when you came inside. when he heard your light snores coming through the microphone, he rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face.
“i’ll be there soon then, jagi.” he mumbled, but still kept you on the line anyway because, why not?
jung hoseok
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does this even really count?
so here’s the thing, you wanted to play overwatch with jungkook and jimin but he wanted to watch the new ninja turtles movie with the rest of the boys. so what do you both do to be able to still spend time with eachother? you guys facetimed eachother, even if you both were only a few rooms apart. and even though you weren’t talking to each-other, as to not break jungkook’s concentration or disturb the movie, it was enough to know that if anything needed to be said you guys were on the phone already. 
no offence towards kookie, he was a great overwatch player, very skilled if you do say so yourself. but you were quite bored with the outcome of your decision to stay with jimin and jungkook instead of watching the movie with your boyfriend.
you turned to look at your phone screen, hoping to see the boys cleaning up the living room so that you could just call your boyfriend into his bedroom and cuddle for the rest of the night. unfortunately, it didn’t seem like the movie was even halfway over and you let out a quiet breath of air before standing from the floor to flop on jungkook’s bed.
the movie was over quite quickly in hoseok’s opinion so when he turned to his phone and saw the facetime had been over for about 40 minutes now, he couldn’t help but frown. but he immediately understood why when he entered the maknae’s room and saw you fast asleep, with your dead phone next to you. “how long has she been asleep?” he turned to his dongsaengs.
jungkook shrugged but turned to smile at him. “she talks a lot in her sleep though.”
kim namjoon
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you were stuck in traffic on the way to your hotel. you had decided that it would be nice to travel to canada for a week or so, and you had just gotten out of all the traffic around the airport. it was a rather long uber drive to the hotel you were staying at, so you facetimed your boyfriend figuring there was nothing else you could do. “hey jagiya, how was the flight?” he asked almost immediately after he picked up the phone.
you giggled softly and smiled out the window as you admired the scenery. “pretty good, nothing major worth telling. how was practice today? jimin was telling me yesterday that you guys were beginning to learn a new choreography?”
“yeah! about that, jin completely tripped and laid himself out on the floor.” namjoon let out a rather loud laugh that you grinned uncontrollably at. “man, it was really funny, you should have been there.” you chuckled and shook your head at their antics, before glancing up at the gps.
“joonie, i have 45 minutes left of this ride. you wanna like, i don’t know, rap for me or something?” your voice came out gentle, already on the brink of sleep yet you didn’t want to tell him that. when his voice began flowing through the speaker, you leaned your head against the window and closed your eyes. when he heard your soft snores, he stopped and raised his voice a little to talk to the driver.
“excuse me, uber driver?” he spoke in clear english.
“yes, sir on the phone?” a woman’s voice called back jokingly.
“make sure she gets there safely, alright?” he grinned just thinking about you.
“of course, sir. it’s my job, after all.”
park jimin
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please ignore the fact that saipan and korea are only an hour apart oops
the boys were filming in saipan and he called you to show you how pretty the beach was there, forgetting that with the time zones you were most likely already asleep. when you answered with a groggy hello and were rubbing your eyes in front of the camera and frowned and felt regret fill his stomach. “i’m sorry babe, did i wake you up? i just wanted to show you the beach we’re filming at right now, but if you want to go back to sleep i can just take some pictures and send them to you later.”
“um, no! you know how much i love the beach, show me jagi!” you grinned, sitting up on your elbow to see more clearly. he grinned happily into the camera before turning it around to show you the crystal blue water and clean sand lining the beach. “oh my god! it’s so beautiful there, i wish i could’ve gone with you guys.”
“it’s not as beautiful as you, my love.” he grinned cheekily once he turned the camera back around to face him. “do you want me to stay on until you fall asleep again?”
“please do.” you yawned covered your mouth with the back of your hand. “i’ll put the phone next to my pillow so it’s like your here with me.” he laughed wholeheartedly into the microphone and leaned up against one of the chairs namjoon had set up for them. 
and he did stay on with you until you fell asleep and he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but maybe he stayed on after you fell asleep too just to hear your slow breathing and pretend he was there with you.
kim taehyung
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he and the boys were on the plane ride back to korea after finishing all their uk tour stops. the plane ride honestly felt like it had been going on forever now but they had only been off the ground for not even 15 minutes. “hyung are we there yet?” he whined shoving himself into namjoon’s side to pout up at him. he had done this multiple times already and each time he repeated the action his hyung became more and more agitated.
“would you just call y/n and leave me alone before i punch you in the neck?” joon hissed, shoving taehyung’s body away from his own.
taehyung pouted once more and shuffled farther away from him to tuck his knees to his chest and pull out his phone. “jeez hyungie, no need to be so sour.” he quickly dialed your number and patiently waited for the facetime to connect. after a few rings you picked up and smiled into the camera. “y/n! thank goodness you picked up! namjoon-hyung is getting pretty salty and i can’t seem to figure out why.”
“maybe it’s because you shoved your porky little body into my six times and we haven’t even been flying for 20 minutes you inconsiderate, uncultured swine-” before namjoon could continue his rant for any longer, seokjin cut in with an apologetic smile towards their manager who was asleep next to him. “alright joonie, i think that’s enough for right now.”
“wow so you really managed to piss him off, huh? you must get pretty annoying.” you chuckled softly, rolling up in a fluffy blanket on your couch.
“damn right he does.” namjoon muttered behind taehyung causing the younger to gasp dramatically. “why don’t you just sing me to sleep baby? at least your voice isn’t annoying.” you joked, only calming down when his voice finally echoed through the speaker on your phone.
jeon jungkook
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the boys were in the company van on the way back to the dorms from an award show. jimin was extremely happy as he had won an award specifically because of a traditional dance he had done, and that had automatically put all the other boys in a wicked good mood. kook knew you were at the dorms waiting for him so he pulled out his phone to facetime you. “are you calling y/n?” hoseok shouted out happily from the first row of seats. he nodded and pressed on your contact button before sitting back to wait for your answer.
the facetime made a noise and almost immediately your excited face popped up on his phone screen. he grinned happily, flashing his bunny teeth before opening his eyes to speak. “hey jagi-”
“CONGRATULATIONS JIMIN!” you screamed over him happily. “i always knew you were the most talented one!” as jimin grinned proudly with his eyes almost disappearing, sounds of complaints from all the other boys echoed through the car. jungkook shook his head jokingly with a roll of his eyes before speaking up once more.
“are you already in bed jagiya?” he smiled seeing the blanket wrapped almost completely around your face. you nodded happily before covering your mouth with the back of your hand as a yawn escaped your mouth. “go to sleep baby, me and the boys will be there soon.”
you nodded once more before smiling softly at him. “i love you kookie.”
and ignoring the huge grins from all his hyungs around him, he smiled back at you with just as much love. “i love you so much more than you’ll ever know.”
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 5 - I Just Want to Talk
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy)
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.4k words
Chapter 5 - I Just Want to Talk
As the recital went on, you found yourself able to relax more and more. Jimin’s contemporary class went up and did a beautiful dance, the rest of the ballet divisions came up as well, and then was Hoseok’s turn. You watched him walk onto the stage and tap the microphone. Scanning the room, his eyes fell on you and he smiled in your direction. You offered a wave and listened as he introduced his group. With a roar of applause from the parents of the dancers, a group of about 15 kids flooded the stage, and the music began. The dance was fantastic, but you expected nothing less from Hoseok and his incredible dancing skills. It was truly a spectacle to watch his group, it was obvious how hard both he and his kids have worked for this.
           The recital ended around 7 that night, and Jimin came out to the microphone one last time.
           “We really hope you enjoyed all of our performances tonight. We wish you a safe trip back home and a wonderful night. Thank you.” He smiled as the room roared with applause again. You stood up from your seat, Taehyung following you with Hyo Bin still in his arms. Kids flooded from the back of the stage, running to their parents in absolute glee. You scanned the groups of kids, watching as they slowly started to thin out. That was when you saw Min Ja’s little bun poking out from the crowd of their ballet group. Her eyes were sparkling.
           “MOMMY!” She shouted, rushing over to you. You immediately squatted down, hugging her tightly as you scooped her up. “Did I do good!?”
           “You did so good!” You squealed. “I got the whole thing on video! I’m so happy for you!” You quickly pointed towards Taehyung and Hyo Bin. “Look who came to see you.” Her eyes lit up.
           “Uncle Tae!” She squealed.
           “Hey, princess!” He gasped. “Okay, niece switch, here we go!” He said, passing you Hyo Bin as he took Min Ja into his clutches. She quickly gave him the biggest hug she could muster. “You did such a good job! You must have practiced so, so much!”
           “Uh-huh! Every day for a long time!” She added. You watched her head swivel back and forth for a moment before her eyes fell to you. “Mommy, where’s Daddy?” You felt your heart sink into your stomach at that moment, as you tried to think of what you should tell her. You were silent for a moment, but you stepped closer to her and ran a hand through her hair.
           “Daddy had something important to do…but he saw your dance.” You gulped a bit, thinking back to what he had said to you earlier in the evening. “We can call him tonight, okay?” Min Ja looked a bit upset, but she nodded.
           “Okay…” she said softly. She rested her head on Taehyung’s shoulder, and he rubbed her back in hopes of comforting her.
           “How about we all go and get some dinner?” he asked her gently. He glanced up and saw Jimin and Hoseok nearby, waving off all of their students. He caught Jimin’s eye and the duo began to approach.
           “Taaaaae~!” Jimin cried happily. Taehyung grinned, quickly taking his friend into a tight hug.
           “Jimin-sshiiii~!” He grinned. “You guys did awesomely!”
           “Thanks.” He said happily. As the boys took a few minutes to catch up, Hoseok approached you. You were watching as Hyo Bin was pointing towards the stage, babbling something to you. You nodded at whatever it was she was saying.
           “That’s where Min Ja did her dance, yeah?” you hummed. She nodded in agreement. Your eyes fell over to Hoseok as he approached, and you smiled. “Hey.” You said, quickly opening your arm to give him a tight hug. “Your group was absolutely amazing!”
           “Think so? Thank you.” He smiled happily. “They worked really hard, I’m really proud.”
           “Jimin might even give you another group of students to teach.” You grinned. Hoseok chuckled a bit, a bit of red tinting his cheeks in embarrassment from your compliments. Checking the time, you knew you needed to get the girls something to eat and into bed as soon as possible. “We should probably get going. The girls are pretty hungry.”
           “Alright.” He said happily. “I’m glad that you had a good time tonight.” He said. “Well, mostly. Are you sure everything was okay before?” He asked. You couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
           “Weong-Bin was just…making everything difficult like he always does.” You stated. “But it’s okay, really.” Hoseok didn’t look convinced. “I promise, Hobi.” You said happily.
           “Okay, but if he keeps giving you a hard time-.” He cracked his knuckles and tilted his head in an attempt to be intimidating. “I’ll take care of him.” You snorted a bit, grinning.
           “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.” Glancing down at Hyo Bin, you smiled. “Say bye-bye, Mr. Hobi.” She waved.
           “Buh-bye, Mr. Hobi.” She said. Hoseok waved to her as well, a smile gracing his lips.
           “Bye-bye, Hyo Bin.” He said cheerfully. Turning to Taehyung and Min Ja, they were saying their goodbyes as well. Once you were ready, you offered Hoseok one last smile before you left the studio and tried to decide where you would get something to eat.
             “What, he said he wants you back!?” Taehyung gasped, standing up from his spot. You had gotten the girls something small to eat at a local pizza place, before getting them home and ready for bed. Taehyung had offered you a hand, mostly because Min Ja began crying when he tried to go home. The girls finally managed to fall asleep after a ton of different storybooks, and you had time to sit and talk with Taehyung. You didn’t want to at first, but he was pestering you just like he always has when he wanted to know something from you, and just like every time, you eventually gave in. And, just like always, Taehyung would overreact to the results just like he was now. “I’ll kill him!”
           “Please don’t…” you sighed softly, running a hand through your hair.
           “You told him no, right?”
           “Of course, I did. I didn’t divorce him just so that I could get back together with him.” Taehyung plopped back down in his seat, taking a deep breath. It was obvious he was frustrated with this.
           “He never knows when to quit, does he?” He asked. “I swear, if he tries to come around and give you a hard time, you better call me.” He said quickly. “I won’t let him treat you like that.”
           “Taehyung, I appreciate it, but work takes up a lot of your time.” Taehyung worked as an up and coming model due to his good looks, it was something he had done since high school. Since then, his popularity had required a lot of time to be taken up with photoshoots, interviews, and other demanding tasks. Since he loved his job so much, you hated to pull him away from it. “I can handle him just fine; I don’t want to bother you with this stuff.”
           “You wouldn’t be bothering me! Weong-Bin is a scumbag. And if he thinks he can just come around and try to win you back after all those years of hell he put you through, I’m not-.”
           “Don’t get yourself all worked up.” You said quickly, taking Taehyung’s hand. “I really, really appreciate it. But I promise it’s okay. I told him no already, and I don’t plan on changing my mind.” Taehyung took a deep breath, nodding as he gripped your hand tightly. “Besides, I don’t think your agency would be too thrilled if you just turned up to a photo shoot with a black eye or something.” Taehyung scoffed.
           “I wouldn’t care.” He mumbled, pouting a bit. You smiled, standing up to ruffle his head. “Hey!” He pouted.
           “It’s late. You can stay here if you want, but I’m getting ready for bed.” Taehyung opened his phone really quickly as he stood up.
           “Naah, my house is closer to the train that gets me to my shoot tomorrow. This one’s really killing me.”
           “Well when the magazine gets released, you’ll feel very accomplished.” You said. Both of you walked to the door and Taehyung gathered his things. “Have fun and be safe tomorrow.” You said happily, patting his back.
           “I will. I’ll call tomorrow.” Both of you hugged goodbye before Taehyung headed towards the elevator and out of sight. As the closed and locked the door for the night, you checked your phone. There were a couple of text messages from different people. Hoseok, Weong-Bin, Jungkook, and Jin all had sent messages while you were talking to Taehyung. Sighing, you began to reply to them as you headed into your bedroom to prepare for bed.
           The next day was the same as all of the others. You woke up, got the girls ready for the day with breakfast and food, shuffled them into daycare, and headed to the train. But…of course…the train was delayed. Excellent. With some time to kill before the next train, and your boss being made aware of your dilemma, you found yourself sitting in your favorite coffee shop, a coffee in your hands. Its warmth made your hands tingle, and you kept them both firmly wrapped around the cup.
           You couldn’t stop thinking about your interaction with Weong-Bin yesterday. How close he got to you, the way he touched you so gently, the way he spoke to you in such a gentle voice despite the venomous words that were leaving his lips.
           I want us to be a family again.
           I’m sorry that I hurt you.
           I want to be better for the girls, for you, for us.
           You groaned, resting your head on the table as you tried desperately to get those words out of your head. Nothing would work, your mind would wander to anything else except Weong-Bin, but each time, his voice would worm his way back into your ears. While you were wallowing in your despair, you didn’t realize you squeezed your cup too hard, causing the lid to pop off. Some of the hot coffee popped out of the top and hit your hands, making you shoot upright and yank your hands back, a shriek of surprise disturbing the entire café. The burning sensation made your hands throb. You quickly grabbed napkins and cleaned your hands as best as you could, while also trying to clean the table. You were cursing under your breath as you felt your fingers continue to throb and burn even after you cleaned yourself up.
           “Are you okay?!” You heard Min Sun shout as she hurried up to you with panic on her face. She quickly saw your hands were turning red. “Oh crap, let’s get you in the back and put those under cold water!” She quickly took you back behind the counter and into the staff bathroom, as to not disturb any other customers if this took long. As you stuck your hands under the cold water, you sighed a bit. “I’m so sorry that happened, was it too hot?”
           “No, Min Sun.” you said. “I was distracted, it was totally my stupidity.” You mumbled. “I just had a lot on my mind this morning.”
           “Is everything okay?” She asked curiously, her hand rubbing her little baby bump.
           “My ex-husband is just being an idiot and…it’s been distracting me.” Min Sun walked to a cabinet and pulled out a First Aid Kit. You glanced over. “Oh, my hands aren’t that bad, I don’t need anything, I’m okay.”
           “I’m gonna wrap them and put some aloe on it. They might blister.” Min Sun turned off the water and saw the back of your hands and fingers were still a bright, cherry red. She quickly took your hands and rubbed them in lotion, before putting them in some bandages. “I’m still really sorry this happened. Let me give you a snack or something, on the house.”
           “Min Sun, it’s okay, I-.”
           “Please, I want too!” Her eyes watered a bit, and she looked down. Knowing that it was probably her pregnancy hormones making her heavily emotional and guilty about this, and you sighed.
           “Okay, okay. I’ll take something.” You said. Min Sun took out a donut and put it into a bag, passing it to you with another apology. “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow. And don’t worry about me, I said I’m okay.” You assured, waving her off as you headed to the station. Fortunately for you, it was pulling up as you paid for your ticket and headed to the platform. Sinking into your seat, you opened your little snack up, enjoying it as you headed to work.
           “What the hell happened to you?!” Jungkook asked, eyes wide as you sat beside him. He was looking directly at your wrapped hands. “Don’t tell me you got into a fight or something.”
           “A fight, really?” you raised an eyebrow at him. “No, I didn’t. I spilled coffee on my hands.” Jungkook pouted a bit.
           “A fight would’ve been cooler. Especially if you won.” He teased, and you responded by playfully nudging him. He chuckled. “Spilling coffee on yourself isn’t as cool, I’m sorry!” Jungkook’s little bunny-like grin formed on his face as a laugh erupted from his throat. You sighed, attempting to start typing something up, but you felt your fingers sting a bit and you retracted them.
           “Ah! Damn it!” You hissed, setting your fingers down on your lap. “This is going to be a long day.” Jungkook watched as you pulled up a document you were working on the other day, a report that needed to be submitted based on your records. You tried to push through the pain that shot through your fingers each time you typed because you wanted to get your work done.
           The day went just as slow as you predicted, mostly because your hands were killing you and most likely blistering with every passing minute. Jungkook tried to help out where he could, taking most of the phone calls and filling anything out so that you wouldn’t have to curl or bend your fingers in ways that made them hurt too bad. Luckily, it wasn’t particularly busy today, most patients who came in did so sporadically throughout the day, so it led you and Jungkook to take time to relax. You were showing him the video of Min Ja’s recital last night during one of the breaks.
           “That’s so cute.” Jungkook said, his grin plastered on his face as he watched. He saw the end, where Min Ja had to be led off on stage because she stayed behind the keep bowing, and he laughed. “Oh my God, that’s so funny! She’s so cute. I need to come and see her soon. Classes have been kicking my ass lately, though.”
           “Yeah, I know. But Min Ja starts school soon herself, so when you get to come by, you’ll both have something to talk about.” You teased, setting your phone down on the table after the video came to an end.
           “She must be excited.” He said.
           “Now that the recital is over, it’s all she’s talking about. One of the girls in her group is going to the same elementary school as her, they’re both thrilled.” Jungkook chuckled as he saw a woman walk in with her two young boys. One of them looked pale, with dark circles under his eyes. The woman approached you and checked herself in as Jungkook stood up to peer over the counter at the boys.
           “You feeling okay, buddy?” he asked. The boy, no older than twelve, shook his head.
           “No…my head hurts and I’ve been throwing up. Mom thinks I’m getting the flu.”
           “Yeah, that’s been going around. We have a lot of people coming to get their shots.”
           “I got mine, but I still have the flu.” The boy pouted. Jungkook smiled as you finished checking them in.
           “Get better, buddy.” He said.
           “Thank you…” he coughed into his fist before his mother led him and his brother to a spot by the door to wait for the doctor. Jungkook sat back down and saw you looking at your phone. A look of annoyance decorated your face as you stared at the screen.
           “You okay?” he asked curiously.
           “My ex-husband keeps messaging me. He wants to talk. But I don’t want to talk to him right now.” You said, setting your phone face down on the counter again. He knew your work schedule, yet he was still sending text after text every few seconds. You didn’t want to look, not only because the notification that you did would make him send more, but because you didn’t want to know what he was possibly saying to you.
           Weong-Bin, however, had no intention of being ignored. It wasn’t long that texts turned to calls, multiple calls every few minutes. It was aggravating you, but you couldn’t turn your phone off in case Yun Yun called from the daycare. Eventually, it became too much. You’d rather get this call over with than listen to the vibration of your phone every few minutes.
           “I’ll be right back.” You said, standing up quickly. You lifted up your phone, luckily the pain in your hands began to go away, and you headed outside the office. Opening your phone, you saw 6 Missed Calls, Weong-Bin: 30 New Messages. Rolling your eyes, you called him back and waited for him to answer.
           “It’s about time I fucking heard from you!” Weong-Bin asked.
           “What do you want?!” You asked. “I’m at work in case you forgot!”
           “Don’t talk to me that way! I needed to speak with you!”
           “Well if you keep doing it with that tone of voice, I’m going to hang up!” You heard Weong-Bin take a deep breath.
           “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry. I just wanted to call about last night.”
           “It’s not me you should be calling or apologizing too. Min Ja was crushed that you left last night. You didn’t even call afterward!”
           “I wasn’t happy with how our conversation ended last night and I didn’t want that anger to be seen by the girls.” He huffed. You scoffed.
           “Stop, your sweetness is making me diabetic, Weong-Bin.” You hissed. You could immediately see the reaction Weong-Bin must have had in your mind. It wasn’t hard, narrowed eyes and a scrunched up nose, lips ready to spew out a string of curse words. It was a face you knew all too well.
           “I said don’t talk to me that way.” You could hear he was trying to maintain his cool. This always happened when you tried to stand up for yourself. “You don’t need to have an attitude; I’m trying to apologize.”
           “Like I said, call Min Ja later and tell her that you’re sorry.”
           “I will. But I’m also trying to apologize to you.” He took another breath before he continued. “I didn’t want our conversation to pan out the way it did last night. I really didn’t.” Crossing your arms, you leaned against the wall of the building. “I wanted it to go a lot smoother than it did with you.”
           “Well springing something so ridiculous on me on a night that has nothing to do with you is pretty messed up.”
           “I know. I just want to talk.”
           “Well, to be honest, I don’t want to talk to you.” You said. “I said I have no intention of ever-.”
           “I want to talk about it.” He repeated quickly. It put you off, and you glanced down at your free bandaged hand.
           “…Well I’m at work. So, I can’t right now.” You said softly. “Plus, I need to get the girls, afterward, and I don’t want them to hear anything about this.”
           “Have the babysitter picks them up or something.”
           “…No. I’m not inconveniencing Yuna so you can get what you want. I’m hanging up now.” You heard Weong-Bin try and stop you, but you were too quick and hung upon him. Sticking your phone in your pocket, you headed back into work to get these next 4 hours over with.
           “Everything okay?” Jungkook asked, watching as you headed back inside. You didn’t answer. “…Hm? Hey, Noona.” He tried to put a hand on your shoulder, but you shrugged him off. “…Sorry.” He said softly.
           “No, I-.” You sighed, leaning back. “Jungkook, I’m sorry.” You said softly. “My ex just loves to mess with my head.” Jungkook frowned a bit when he saw how bothered you looked.
           “I know he’s older than me…” he said softly. “But I’ll talk to him if he’s making you upset. Hyung of not, he shouldn’t treat you badly.” You couldn’t help but smile as you looked at him.
           “I appreciate that. But don’t worry, I would hate to get you involved in this stuff. I’ll handle him.” Jungkook still didn’t look convinced, but you ruffled his hair. “You’re so good to your Noona, Kookie.” The comment made him turn red and he pushed his chair away from you as far as the desk would allow. You and he had a pretty good friendship, but he was still a kid who was terrified of girls.
           “Aaaaa, stop!” He blushed, looking away as you began to laugh. With Jungkook all flustered, it improved your mood a bit, and you were able to get back to work. The rest of your time getting through work was much more relaxed, despite Weong-Bin still weighing heavily in the back of your mind.
           As the shift came to an end, both you and Jungkook were preparing to leave. The other two girls had made their way in and were settling in just as the clock struck for them to clock in.
           “Thank God!” You groaned, leaning back in your seat. “I need to go pick up the girls.” Jungkook smiled as he stood up from his seat and gathering his belongings from under the desk.
           “Are you feeling better?” he asked curiously as the two of you walked out. You both stopped to say goodbye to the nurses and doctor, giving polite bows to your seniors as they waved you off.
           “Yeah…” you sighed. “Weong-Bin just wants to talk about stuff. I really don’t want to, but I know it’s inevitable.” You both headed down the steps of the building, Jungkook talking to you about a class he was taking that was starting to stress him out. You were listening to him vent, and you smiled a bit, thinking back to your short college career where difficult course work was the least of your problems. Oh, how you wish you could return to that.
           “I can’t wait for this semester to end. Summer break has been calling my name.” You smiled a bit.
           “I feel that.” You said. “This warm weather has been wonderful.” Just as the two of you managed to exit the building and head your separate ways, you saw someone standing right in front of the doors.
You felt your blood run cold as you stopped in your tracks, staring straight ahead as Weong-Bin. He was just putting out a cigarette, stomping it under his heel as he looked up to you.
“I decided that I didn’t want to wait.” He said. Jungkook must have noticed that you stopped because he walked closer to you and followed your gaze. He never met Weong-Bin, but based on your stature alone, he could make an accurate guess that was who you were looking at. Weong-Bin stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked over to you. He didn’t admit an aura of intimidation right away but instead offered a kind smile. “Can we go talk?”
“I need to pick up the girls.” You said quickly. “You know that. I don’t have time to talk.”
“Is this that Weong-Bin guy?” Jungkook asked you. Weong-Bin smiled and stuck out his hand to Jungkook.
“Cho Weong-Bin, pleasure.” He said. Jungkook was hesitant, but took his hand and shook it.
“Jeon Jung Kook.” He nodded his head slightly to offer a bow of respect. “What do you want with Noona?” You saw Weong-Bin glance in your direction, and you sighed.
“Jungkook, head home.” You said quickly.
“Like I said, I know you want to help, but this doesn’t concern you. Besides, I’ll be okay.” You offered him a kind smile and pat his shoulder. “Just head home and get some rest.” Jungkook was hesitant, but Weong-Bin, still offering that kind smile, turned back to Jungkook.
“Nice to meet you, kid.” He said. Jungkook nodded before he offered you one more look. When you nodded him off, he finally said his goodbyes and headed home. With Jungkook out of sight, Weong-Bin turned back to you. “He calls you Noona? Cute…” he sneered.
“I cannot believe you showed up to my work.” You said softly.
“Well, you obviously were trying to blow me off.” He said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“So, I knew I had to come to you.”
“But like I said, the girls-.”
“And like I said….” His voice got a little lower. “…Call. The. Babysitter.” You felt yourself shrink back a bit. “Because the longer I wait…the angrier I’m going to get.” You gulped, nodding a bit as you took a step back from him and pulled out your phone. He noticed your bandaged hands at that moment, but he didn’t say anything. Pressing the phone to your ear, you heard it ring.
           “…Yuna!” You gasped. “Yeah…hi…. I’m sorry this is short notice…. are you busy? No? Can you do me a favor and get the girls from daycare?” You could tell she was hesitant, and you felt so guilty. “I’m so sorry, something came up at work and I just need a little bit of time. I’ll pay you double and if you take them to get something to eat, I’ll pay for that too I just…” you looked up at Weong-Bin, who crossed his arms. When you heard Yuna agree, you sighed in relief. “Thank you so much. Yuna. I owe you; I really do. It won’t be long, I swear. Okay, thank you, bye.” You said and hung up. You glanced back up at Weong-Bin as you set your phone back in your pocket.
           “Was that so hard?” Weong-Bin asked, a smug grin on his face.
           “You wanted to talk? Let’s get this over with.”
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn WC: 3,228 Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 15: Burning Up
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"Live life however you want, it’s yours anyway. Stop trying, it’s okay to lose."
Jungkook’s feet were heavy as he made his way up the stairwell that led to Eden’s rooftop apartment. The brick was cold against his palms, but he hardly felt it. His mind was racing – no, reeling over Yoongi’s arrival. He couldn’t help but wonder how the two of them knew each other. Yoongi made no mention of knowing someone like Eden and she was the sort of person who unintentionally stuck out. He’d only known her for a few months, but it seemed like she knew Yoongi for even longer. Longer than he could probably guess on his own.
When he reached the top, he paused. There was silence below him. Curiosity compelled him and so Jungkook took a few steps towards Eden’s front door. He opened it slowly, then closed it.
But he remained outside.
Quieting his steps, Jungkook crossed the rooftop and stood near the edge of the building. Keeping to the shadows, he leaned over and peeked down below. Even from that height, he could see Eden shaking and it wasn’t from the cold. His eyes shifted toward his friend, watching the man he admired so much as he took another slow drag from his cigarette.
“You,” Eden began, the anger clear in her tone.
“That’s right. I’m one of the Golden Jackals.”
Yoongi’s voice was cold. He spoke to her the way he did just before he was preparing to pummel someone into the ground. He’d never heard him speak that way toward a woman, however. Which made Jungkook curious.
How deep was the connection they had?
There was a scraping sound on the pavement, drawing Jungkook’s eyes back to the scene that was unfolding in front of him.
“Min Yoongi, The Lightning Claw.”
Silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity. He couldn’t see Eden’s face, but he saw her reaching into her pocket. Jungkook’s eyes narrowed slightly.
“You son of a bitch.”
And then he saw her pulling a switchblade from her pocket. Jungkook’s body shifted involuntarily, reacting before his mind could fully process what was happening.
“You fucking…SON OF A BITCH!”
Jungkook knew there was not enough time for him to do anything. Before he could even inhale, Eden rushed at Yoongi and he unconsciously held his breath as his older brother stopped her within seconds of her plunging the knife into him. Her back was to him, but he didn’t need to see her face to imagine the fury in her eyes. There was a pained expression that filled his face as he watched Yoongi blocking her punch, holding fast to both of her arms.
Was it because he was a gangpae after all? Eden told him that she didn’t care about that sort of thing and he was inclined to believe that. But with how she responded to Yoongi, he had to wonder.
He wished he could see her face to accurately determine just why she was so mad at his brother.
“You liar! You goddamn fucking lying sack of shit!” She tried to break free but Yoongi refused to release her. “Let me go! LET ME GO!”
Jungkook blinked rapidly as he watched Yoongi spin Eden around in his arms, forcing her back against his chest. He took a step back, hoping that she wouldn’t feel the sudden inclination to look up and see him. There were grunts coming from them both as they struggled against one another. Taking a step forward, he peeked back down below.
“How could you lie to me? After all these years, you had me believing I was nothing to you!”
His lips parted slightly. Years? he thought, they’ve known each other…for years?
Brows furrowed, Jungkook’s lips pressed together in a thin line and he couldn’t help the envious emotion that clawed at his heart. Yoongi knew a woman like Eden for years and he’d been struggling to make a connection with her for the last few months. She hadn’t pushed him away, but she certainly wasn’t letting him through the walls she’d built around her heart.
Dark eyes shifted from Eden’s furious face to the guilt-ridden one that etched over Yoongi’s.
“I did it because I didn’t want you wrapped up in this shit, Eden!”
And then, like a bolt of lightning out of the blue, it hit Jungkook. He remembered the look on Yoongi’s face the other day when they finished up their business. When he asked Jungkook if the “Stubborn Tiger” knew about his background, about the life he lived. The remorse was evident then. Yoongi had regrets about something and now it was clear why.
Yoongi and Eden had been in a relationship.
“That wasn’t your choice to make! It was mine, you bastard! It was mine and you took it from me!” Eden’s voice cut through his thoughts and he looked down toward them. “You never even let me make the choice for myself, you asshole.”
When Eden sobbed, Jungkook’s heart twisted inside his chest. He’d never seen her so emotional. She was normally blunt, carefree and with a clap-back at the ready. She laughed loudly and always voiced her thoughts whenever she had them. Stubborn and even a bit reckless, Jungkook found himself drawn to her. After poking and prodding, he’d discovered that she was an orphan just like him. He’d believed there was a connection.
Was he wrong? Had he been completely wrong from the start?
He watched as Eden slapped Yoongi across the face, seeing her tear-stained cheeks shining under the streetlights. Jungkook never saw Eden cry over anything. Seeing it now, he knew that he wasn’t a fan of the look.
Even if she did look pretty when she cried.
“Is that why you finally decided to tell me the truth? Because you’ve figured out that I not only know Raelyn Unnie, but Jimin and Jungkook too? Because your little lie was finally going to come back full circle and kick you in the balls?”
His brother didn’t answer him. Jungkook hurt for Yoongi. He’d never seen him like this in all the years he’d known him. It left him feeling hollow on the inside because he knew there was nothing he could say or do to comfort his brother.
“You’re a real piece of work, you know that, Min Yoongi?”
Her hurried steps reached his ears and Jungkook didn’t bother trying to hide or pretend that he’d just stepped out. A heaviness weighed on his heart, so heavy that he just sat down on the edge of the rooftop border. A cold wind blew against his back, causing his breath to come out as a small cloud. He heard her reach the top of the roof, but he didn’t have the heart to look at her.
Hearing her footsteps slow to a halt, he finally lifted his head to look up and saw that she was standing just a few feet away from him. Eden’s cheeks were smeared from where she’d probably tried to wipe her tears. When the next gust of wind blew, it caused her curly hair to fly in every direction.
“You saw?”
Jungkook nodded slowly.
He saw her eyes narrow. “You knew about it, didn’t you?”
His eyes widened.
“Is that why you approached me? Because you knew about my relationship with Yoongi?”
“What?” he said, his eyes narrowing slightly. “No, that’s not—”
She spread her arm out in a wide flourish. “Of all the shops in Gangnam, you decided to come to mine? Because you happened to have broken down nearby?” Her hand curled into a fist at her side and Jungkook felt his own hands forming into fists at his thighs. “Do you really expect me to believe that now?”
He rose to his feet. “Noona, I’m telling you that that’s not—”
“Just how long have you been laughing at me behind my back, Jeon Jungkook?!”
Once again, his body was moving faster than his mind could keep up. In seconds, he crossed the short distance between them and grabbed her by her wrists. Eden tried to wring her hands free, but he held onto them tightly. He could feel her shaking against his palms and when she finally looked at him, he could see tears forming in her eyes again.
It was like he’d been kicked in the gut.
“Eden!” He dropped the honorific for a moment – a slip of the tongue – but this caused her to stop moving long enough for him to collect his thoughts. “I swear to you, that I didn’t know. None of us did. Hyung never even told us that he had a girlfriend.”
A loud, bitter laugh exploded from Eden and it caused him to loosen his grip on one of her wrists. She flung it free so she could land a punch at his shoulder. Jungkook grunted, the blow taking him by surprise. He knew that Eden could fight, but he never imagined that her punch would sting.
“He and I dated for three years and you’re telling me that he never even hinted that he was with someone?” She released another dark laugh. “Do you take me for a fucking moron?”
“It’s true, Eden Noona.”
Jungkook and Eden both turned toward the direction of her front door and saw Jimin slowly closing it behind him. His brows furrowed and he brushed some of his chestnut hair away from his forehead.
“Jimin Hyung…”
Jimin slowly walked toward them, pausing just a foot away from them.
“We knew that Yoongi Hyung was dating someone, but we never knew who and he never outright told us. Whenever we asked to meet her, he refused to even give us your name.” Jimin sighed. “I never would have imagined that it was you, Noona.”
Jungkook saw Eden’s expression contort with anger and hurt. Her arms relaxed and he let go of her, watching as they fell limply at her side. She looked like someone had pulled the rug right out from under her and she’d gotten the wind knocked out of her lungs. More tears slid down her face and she didn’t even bother wiping them from her cheeks.
“So, all this time,” she said softly, her voice halfway broken from the yelling she’d done earlier, “he kept me hidden away. Like some dirty little secret.”
“That’s not true,” Jungkook replied, not sure if he wanted to continue speaking, “he was always happy whenever he said he was leaving to go on a trip with his special someone. He probably regrets not being honest with you.”
Eden cut her eyes toward him. “Don’t make excuses for him! He lied to me, to my face, for years! And I…I felt like…” She didn’t finish. Jungkook saw her take a breath, closing her eyes as she did so. When she finally opened them again, she looked at Jimin. “Is Rae Unnie alright?”
Jimin offered her a small smile. “Yeah, I tucked her into bed after giving her water and Tylenol. She’s passed out now.”
“Good.” Eden turned to head back inside and Jungkook grabbed the sleeve of her jacket. Without looking at him, she yanked her arm free. “Don’t. Just…just don’t.” Brushing past Jimin, she headed toward her front door. “…be careful going back home. Goodnight.”
And without waiting for them to wish her the same, she slipped inside and closed the door. Jungkook watched her silhouette shuffle around the front entrance before she disappeared inside. When Jimin sighed, Jungkook turned to look at him. He saw his own pitiful expression mirrored in Jimin’s eyes and he flinched slightly when he felt his brother’s hand falling onto his shoulder.
“Let’s go home.”
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he nodded.
“Okay, Hyung…”
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Three Days Later Seoul – Jangan; Dongdaemun District South Korea
Jungkook’s brow twitched when Jimin’s fist collided with Taehyung’s cheek. The blow was swift, knocking Taehyung off balance and he watched him struggle to keep himself upright. When he finally did regain his balance, Jimin kicked him in the stomach. A loud grunt echoed through the warehouse as Taehyung doubled over in pain. But Jimin gave him no quarter; landing an uppercut to his jaw. Jungkook watched as his brother’s feet flew out from under him – his back crashing onto the concrete floor.
The warehouse was filled with shipping crates – a storehouse owned by Kim Pilsoo. Pilsoo Hyung stood near the entrance with a group of his men. Jungkook’s eyes lifted to spy Lee Minhyuk, the Jindo Dog of the Jade Fangs, standing nearby with his own entourage. His arms were folded across his chest, his auburn fringe falling just over his eyelids. Minhyuk’s expression remained neutral as Taehyung continued to receive his punishment.
No one made a sound except for Taehyung. He struggled to sit up and failed. Jungkook clenched his jaw tight, watching his brother only manage to roll over onto his stomach – using his forearms to lift himself up.
Jimin kicked him in the ribs.
Jungkook could feel the other members of their group shifting uncomfortably behind him. He held his arm out at an angle, his hand curled into a fist to get them stop their fidgeting. A wracking cough exploded from Taehyung and he vomited up a bit of blood onto the floor. A crimson trail trickled from the cut on his brow and droplets fell from his chin to mesh with the bloodstains on the floor. His cheeks were red and swollen from the abuse he’d endured from Jimin for the last thirty minutes.
Without even having to examine him, Jungkook could tell something was probably broken.
Finally, Jimin pivoted on his heel and swung his leg across Taehyung’s face – the heel of his boot crashing into his cheek. Jungkook could taste blood in his mouth as he watched Taehyung’s body flop from the impact. A few seconds of silence transpired and Jungkook sighed quietly, his eyes roving over Taehyung’s unconscious form.
Jimin wiped the sweat from his brow with the sleeve of his leather jacket. He looked at Lee Minhyuk whose eyes remained on Taehyung’s form lying prone on the ground. “Is that satisfactory?”
Minhyuk finally lifted his gaze to meet Jimin’s, his expression unchanged. Another handful of seconds passed and then he smirked, a scoff pushing from his chest. “Yes, that’s enough.” He glanced over toward Pilsoo and bowed his head politely. “Thank you for being the mediator, Pilsoo Hyung. I know Changkyun-ah appreciates it as well.”
Pilsoo grunted, gesturing for his men to move. They all took their places on either side of the door, forming a line across from each other. “Never mind. I’m just glad this matter has been settled.”
“So am I, Hyung,” Minhyuk said with a laugh, “so am I.” He looked at the men in his group and gestured with his chin. “Let’s go.” They bowed to him and began filing out of the warehouse. He paused, casting a sidelong glance toward Jimin and Jungkook as their own men began gathering Taehyung up from the floor. “Consider the offense resolved.” He flashed Jimin a wide smirk, his eyes narrowing. Jimin didn’t smile back. “It was good to see you, Jimin-ah.”
“Same to you, Minhyuk Hyung.”
No one else spoke another word as the Jade Fang members exited the warehouse. Pilsoo waited until they all were in their vehicles and drove away before turning to look back at them. The older man sighed and Jungkook could only hang his head slightly from shame.
“You boys need to be more careful,” he snapped, though his voice did not raise in pitch, “don’t you realize how much Hoseok is doing to maintain order? What you do reflects back on him.”
Jimin bowed deeply. “Yes, I know, Pilsoo Hyung.”
“You’re all young and a bit hot-headed, I get it. But things are different now. It’s not like when I was your age.” Pilsoo sighed. “Especially since you’re trying to go straight. Getting into this world is easy. Getting out is the hard part.”
Jungkook bowed his head but remained silent. Jimin spoke instead.
“We understand, Pilsoo Hyung.”
“Good.” They heard him sigh again; a tired sound. “Now go and get him looked at. I know it hurt you more than it did him, Jimin-ah.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jimin’s hands curling into fists at his sides. But they both refused to lift their heads up. Jungkook’s throat felt like it was closing. He finally closed his eyes, his face still pointing to the ground.
“Thank you, Pilsoo Hyung,” he heard Jimin say. The two of them stood back up, straightening their posture. Jimin looked at Taehyung who was still unconscious. “Let’s go.”
The others bowed to both Jimin and Jungkook, ushering Taehyung out of the warehouse. Jimin followed them, helping them get their friend into the car. Jungkook turned to give another bow of respect to Kim Pilsoo. Then he hopped into the sedan with Jimin.
Taehyung’s body was pressed against the seat and he groaned softly as he began to regain consciousness. “Is it over?” he asked while licking the cut on his lower lip.
Jimin didn’t answer him. Instead, he knocked on the window separating the backseat from the driver and passenger seat. “Cha Gangnam Medical Center,” he said, his voice even, “let’s go.”
Both Jungkook and Taehyung blinked at Jimin. “But, that’s the hospital Rae Noona works at…”
Taehyung tried to sit up but winced, causing him to sit back against the seat again. “H-Hyung…”
“Shut-up,” clipped Jimin as he folded his arms and closed his eyes, “I’m not doing you any favors. I just don’t want to hear your bitching later.”
Jungkook smirked, shaking his head as Taehyung tried to smile but wound up wincing again from his split lip.
They were all going to get an earful.
16 notes · View notes
mirohed · 5 years
kim seunghun | love me, love me not
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pairing: kim seunghun + gender neutral reader
wc: 3.7k
genre: hanahaki au + angst 
synopsis: daffodils represent unrequited love. is that why you keep coughing them up?
warnings: implications of suggestive content, descriptions of illness (and mention of surgery), mention of alcohol
playlist: love me, love me not.
a/n: happy birthday to me!! im glad i finally got to finish and post this (its,,, been in my wips since at least february LMAO) !! they prob wont read this but i wanted to thank my irls for dealing w me and my kpop bullshit (esp bc none of them stan ygtb 😔)
It's getting worse.
Your knuckles turn white, gripping the porcelain of the toilet. Tears and blood alike fall into the bowl, disturbing the gentle peace of the water. You pound at your chest, the action causing you to hack up yellow daffodil petals stained suspicious red. It's a monotonous process at this point. Pound. Cough. Pound. Cough. Repeat until the damned coughing stops.
It takes ten minutes before you return to normal. Or at least as normal as you can get. You got lucky this time.
You watch the petals spiral downward into the gaping hole in the toilet and get flushed away.
Being with Seunghun wasn't always accompanied by a tightness in your chest and petals tickling your throat.
june 19, 2005; 2:52 PM.
"I wanna grow up," you had grumbled, your hands squeezed around the chains of the swingset. You and Seunghun had been riding your bikes for the first time since getting the training wheels off. You had sped down a hill ("First one down’s a rotten egg!") and lost control, falling off and scraping your knee on the pavement. He rushed you to your parents' house, supporting your weight with an arm around your waist. The two of you had settled for playing on the swingset in your backyard instead.
"Me too," he said. "I think." He'd been rocking forward and backward on the swing, eyes focused on the blades of grass underfoot.
"You think?"
"I don't know." You stayed silent, trying to gain as much height as possible with your uninjured leg. "I don't wanna grow up and stop being friends." That got you to stop right in your tracks, your leg planted on the ground.
"What?" You sent an incredulous look his way. "Why would we stop being friends?"
He had let go of the swing, his hands finding his lap. "Some of the older kids stopped being friends when they grew up," he mumbled. "I don't wanna stop being friends, but neither did they..."
You got off the swing, limping over to him and wrapping Seunghun in the biggest hug your six-year-old arms could muster.
"We're gonna be best friends forever. Don't forget that."
"Best friends forever." If he wrapped his arms tighter around you then, you didn’t pick up on it.
[09:54 PM] huniebee🐝: i had fun today :^))
[09:54 PM] huniebee🐝: i wanna adopt a puppy!!
[09:55 PM] huniebee🐝: will you promise to help me take care of it
You brighten as the messages come in, your phone's vibrations distracting you from the way your throat clogs.
[09:56 PM] you: ofc
[09:56 PM] you: well be the best puppy parents the worlds ever seen
[09:57 PM] huniebee🐝: wait i need to send the pics from the pet shelter
[Attachment: 8 images]
You save each picture, cooing over the puppies you got to meet. This time, you only get a precious few minutes of relative clarity before things get too distracting to ignore. You return to the bathroom with a resigned sigh that devolves into a fit of coughs.
You cough and retch and cough some more. By the time you're done, there are less petals and more blood in the toilet bowl. Your chest still feels full of something you can't quite spit out.
Then you hack up something new: a bloody stem with wet flowers still attached.
There's nothing left to do but cry, your whole body wracked with pain both physical and emotional.
august 29, 2011; 3:15 PM.
"Today was fun," you said, making yourself right at home on Seunghun's bed. Your new backpack hadn't lasted more than a couple minutes in his house before getting neglected on his carpet. Your best friend hummed in acknowledgement, already sitting at his desk with his workbook out. "I'm glad we got to meet some new people," you continued, "but that Hyunsuk guy? Seems like a major pain in the ass."
"Give him a chance."
"I know, I know. I will. But still," you huffed, “it was his first day too. No need to act like a know-it-all."
"I know. But it's the first day. Maybe he'll even himself out with time."
The conversation ended there, and you spent some time staring at his ceiling fan, the blades going round and round in a big, beautiful blur. Before long, you had grown bored, looking over at him only to see his pencil flying across the paper.
"Hey. Let's go to the mall and get pretzels." Seunghun spun around to face you, a foot stopping his chair from going too far.
"Sure," he gave a placid smile. "Do your work first."
You groaned as loudly as you could, sounding much like a petulant child straight out of elementary school. (Which was more or less the truth, but you thought you were better than that.) After a few minutes of uninterrupted whining and failing to get Seunghun to break, you spoke up. "Why do I need to do my work? You're Mr. Hardworking, Mr. Teacher's Pet."
"We're in middle school now," he had said, and you remember thinking you were in for a long lecture, "and pretty soon, we're gonna have to go to high school and take entrance exams and decide which university we want to go to and..." He averted his gaze, put down his pen. "We need to start growing up."
"We're still young," you reasoned, sitting up and letting your legs dangle off the side of his bed. "If anything, this is our time to experience things and, you know, make mistakes before we become adults!"
He was silent for a few long, agonizing moments, long enough to make you think you'd won. The pretzels were within reach; all you had to do was ask for them.
"I call a compromise."
Shit. Compromises were common in your friendship. Seunghun was always a little too good at stopping you from making stupid decisions. The worst part was that you could never argue with them. "We go to the mall to get pretzels—my treat—if, and only if, you do your work. We don't go until we're both finished. Deal?"
You opened your mouth, determined to pick the proposal apart, but his reasoning was (unpleasant, yet) bulletproof. Instead, you reached for your backpack with a heavy sigh. "First of all, fuck you. Second of all," you said, tugging your own workbook out, "you're impossible."
"I know. Do your work."
The math problems had been difficult, definitely harder than you were used to, but doable. If anything, the greasy mall pretzels that were way too salty to be healthy made it all worth it.
Seunghun gets understandably very worried when you text him from the hospital, but he comes to see you nonetheless. In his arms is a bouquet of daffodils.
"They symbolize friendship," he says, setting it down on the table next to you. You stare at the pristine yellow petals and flatten your lips in a tight smile. How ironic, you think, that he doesn't know they also symbolize unrequited love.
"The doctors wouldn't tell me why you're here. Classified information, they said." That much is true; nor much is known about the disease outside of shitty romance movies with unrealistically happy endings. Seunghun always believed in them. You never did.
You don't think your story's gonna have a happy ending.
You didn't want him to know anyway, lest he worry. (And you don't want to think about what would happen to your friendship if he found out he was the cause of it all.) "You don't have to tell me," he begins, sitting himself down on one of those rigid hospital chairs, "I just wanna know if it's bad. Like, well...you know.” He lowers his voice to a whisper. “Terminal."
"Like if I'm gonna die?"
"Yeah," he rubs the nape of his neck, a bit abashed, "more or less."
"I don't know. Sure hope not," you chuckle. That brings on a coughing fit, and Seunghun looks on, brows knit together. He moves close to offer what little comfort he can, but you hold your hand up to stop him; having him near will only make things worse.
Petals threaten to spill out of your mouth, and panic bubbles in your chest when he asks if you're okay. Your doctor, bless her, chooses that moment to enter. She shooes him out "to speak to you in private." Seunghun, to his credit, obliges and flashes you a smile and a thumbs-up as he goes. You try to mirror his expression (and hope your smile isn't more of a grimace).
The door closes behind him with a soft click. "Friend of yours?" the doctor asks.
You spit the blood-stained petals into your hand, your doctor graciously looking the other way as you toss them into the trash. "You could say that."
october 4, 2013; 5:11 PM.
You tugged at your clothing, feeling more than a little uncomfortable as you waited for your best friend to show up. The DJ, a former student, was already hard at work inside the gym. You heard the bass-boosted beginning of the Cupid Shuffle and shot a frantic text to Seunghun.
[05:11 PM] you: holy shit theyre playing the cupid shuffle can you PLEASE hurry up
[05:12 PM] you: idc if this is our first homecoming you better get your ass over here
[05:12 PM] huniebee🐝: give me like two minutes!!
"Are you waiting for Seunghun?" Hyunsuk had asked, tie already loosened. You two had gotten close—not as close as you and Seunghun, of course—this year as a result of having classes together. You wondered why you ever hated him.
"Yeah. He won't be too late, thank God, but I'm pissed we're missing the Cupid Shuffle. What about you? I remember you bragging all week about 'flexing your dance skills in front of the ladies.' Or are you all talk, as usual?"
"You know, it's almost like you don't want me to wait with you."
You had laughed, knocking your shoulder into his. The chatter kept up for a minute or two before he made his leave. ("Well, it's time for me to flex my dance muscles in front of the seniors," he chuckled, giving you a salute as he walked off.)
"I'm here! God, I can't believe I missed the Cupid Shuffle," Seunghun said, head hung low. You began to feel a little self-conscious; you were feeling out of place in your semi-formal outfit, yet he looked right at home in his dress shirt.
Chasing those thoughts away, you grinned. "You're here now, aren't you? Come on." You took his hand and dragged him into the gym.
You don't talk to Seunghun or to Hyunsuk after that. You're not sure if you should tell Hyunsuk about the whole situation when he texts you. Seunghun must have told him something was up, of course, and he's insightful enough, sensitive enough (when he wants to be), but you worry. You're afraid he'll open his big mouth. Instead, you send a few messages to your best friend.
[04:29 AM] you: hey
[04:29 AM] you: i just wanted to say in advance that im sorry
[04:29 AM] you: im so so sorry for everything ive done and for what im about to do
There's one last message in the text box, daring you to send it. "I'm sorry I love you," you whisper instead, deleting the message before you do something you’ll regret. To seal the deal, you tap through a few menus until you reach his contact. The picture you've assigned to him is one you took; he's about to take a big bite of cotton candy bigger than his head.
With a heavy heart (though you hope it’s just the weight of the daffodils in your chest), you block his contact. It's better this way. It has to be.
Your doctor said you could get rid of the thick, thorned vines with a vicegrip around your heart and lungs, could pluck the flowers that threaten to spill out at the mere thought of your best friend.
The biggest side effect of it all, she told you, was that you'd forget all about Kim Seunghun. So you steel yourself.
The last thing you think about before they insert the thin needle of anesthesia in your veins is Seunghun's smile, and how you'll never see it in person again.
And how even if you did, you wouldn't remember it as the grin from the boy you love.
october 4, 2013; 9:16 PM.
The frenetic strobe lighting in the gym slowed to a stop, having been replaced with a spotlight making lazy rounds through the gym.
You knew that marked the beginning of a slow song, and dragged Seunghun off the floor in search of some punch. He seemed to have different plans, tugging you back on the floor and pulling you flush against him.
"Where are you going?" he had asked. "You're the one who wanted to dance the night away." His hands found your waist, yours instinctively folding behind his neck. You had wanted to say something about how that claim was void now; he was the one that made you miss the Cupid Shuffle, but the words get extinguished when you look at him.
It was just like that time you practiced in fifth grade, but you swore there was something different about tonight and the way you swayed. You thought back to your practice session in fifth grade, how you had stepped on each other's feet, how you spent the whole time laughing. (For the record, it wasn't for any lack of balance; you started it, laughing as he cried out before he stomped on your toe.)
There was no laughing during the song. Everything was vibrant and deafening and there all at once. But at the same time, it was like everything had been stripped away. Everything but you and Seunghun.
Things changed after that. You were left with a dizzying, free-fall sort of feeling that picked up with each glance at your best friend. Almost every butterfly in the world was taking current residency in your stomach, making you feel light as your body moved to the music. Before long, there was something lodged at the back of your throat, nudging its way forward.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick," you said, a particularly heavy cough bringing the mysterious lump to your mouth.
Running your tongue along the smooth texture of the lump (okay, so not phlegm), you spat the offending object into the sink: a single yellow petal, coated in saliva.
You blinked.
Blinked again.
"Oh, what the fuck," you muttered, unlocking your phone. One quick Google search later—why the fuck am i coughing up flowers—you found an answer.
Flora mortem. You were loath to believe WebMD, of all things, but you found yourself tapping the link regardless. There was another term for the rare disease: Hanahaki.
Revising your search query was a mistake. The first result was the "hanahaki" tag on Tumblr, which showed nothing but models with tears in their eyes and bloodied flowers in their mouths. Yikes.
You made your way back to the party after that, but lingering in the back of your mind was the cause of the disease: a severe case of unrequited love.
There is only one definite cure for Hanahaki Disease: having the object of the afflicted's affections return their feelings.
You almost manage to purge the petal and the stupid WebMD page from your mind for the rest of the night.
You wake up hours later. It's a little disorienting, sure, to come to with little memory of what landed you in the hospital. You peek under the oversized hospital gown to see bandages over your chest, get tempted to rip the IV drip from your arm. The doctor comes in right before you make a move on the needle. She tells you all about how the flowers in your lungs are gone for good.
"You're saved. But the final test," she says, pulling a phone from her pocket, "is this. Do you recognize the people in this picture?"
You recognize yourself next to a boy you don't know. His hand's around your waist, pulling you close. You wear matching grins. Given the way you're both dressed, you suspect the picture's from your freshman year's homecoming dance. Weird. Memory's kinda fuzzy from that night.
"Yeah. Myself. I don't know the other guy. Am I supposed to?"
"No. You're not. Congratulations," she smiles, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You're cured."
You look through all the old messages and pictures when you have some time to yourself. You reach out for the memory, the feeling of knowing Kim Seunghun. You get nothing, and while your brain knows something's wrong, you're more concerned about being able to breathe easy.
You move to a new city, far, far away from the place you grew up in. You finish your last year of high school, get a job, start college. You make new memories with new people. You forget all about Kim Seunghun.
It gets easy to forget that you weren't born with the ugly faded red scars that run up and down your chest. It's your only remaining tie to the man you loved so much you almost let yourself wither away. You think it's a good thing you cut him off; why stick around, why force yourself to suffer, for someone who doesn't love you back? Why be with someone if it physically hurts to stay by their side?
But sometimes you wonder. What happened? What happened to him after his best friend walked out of his life for good with no explanation?
Those days are never good. You distract yourself then, often with the familiar kick of alcohol burning in the back of your throat. You've never been much of a drinker, but you figure it's never too late to start.
Sometimes, the distraction comes from being in the arms of another.
(One of your favorite distractions, a young man named Byounggon, had run his fingers along the angry lines one night, jotting them down in his map of your body.
"Do you regret it?" he asked then, eyes half-lidded with drowsiness. You cupped his cheek, ran a thumb along the planes of his face.
"I wouldn't be here if I regretted it, now would I?" He let the corners of his mouth turn up just so, pressing his lips to yours.
You don't talk to him much nowadays, your interactions reduced to likes on Instagram, views on Snapchat. He's moved to a bigger city. "More opportunities," he said. You keep up with his dream of being a musician, always. There was a time when you were his number one supporter, after all.)
"Will that be all?" the cashier asks, jotting your order on the plastic cup. When you nod, he asks for your name. He jots that down too.
But then his eyes widen and he looks at you with renewed interest. "I'm sorry?"
"Is there a problem?" you asks, peering at your name (spelled correctly) on the cup. His eyes search for an answer within yours, some sort of explanation you can't seem to give. He averts his gaze, shakes his head, places your cup in the queue of orders.
"I'm sorry," he says. "Just thought you were someone I knew. Have a nice day." You parrot the phrase, catching a glimpse of the young man's name tag.
Seunghun, it reads in cheerful yellow. There's a doodle of a puppy in the top right corner. You think it's rather cute.
Two weeks later, you meet Seunghun again. This time, you're out for a morning jog. The crisp autumn air greets you as your feet meet the pavement and let out a satisfactory crunch under the burnt orange leaves on the sidewalk.
You both get stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. While you catch your breath, you don't miss the way he flinches, as though he didn't expect you to show up. He schools his expression into something friendly within no time, and you wonder if you imagined the whole thing.
"The weather's nice, isn't it?"
"It is," you pant. "On your way to work?" He raises a hand to tug at the strap of his backpack with a small smile.
"Yeah. You should come by, give us business," he grins. "On mornings like this, I recommend the hazelnut latte." You hum in agreement, not yet recovered enough to converse. "Tell you what, you come and get one when I'm working, I'll make sure it's on the house."
"Really? Maybe I'll swing by." The light changes, and you leave Seunghun behind, waving goodbye as you do.
You come in later that day, ordering a hazelnut latte as promised. Seunghun's manning the register, same as two weeks ago, and when he takes everything down, he smiles. You miss it as you pay, but there's something extra on your cup.
As you take a sip of the (delicious; his coworker Yedam must be some sort of brewing prodigy) latte, you catch a glimpse of the extra writing.
Along the side of the cup is his phone number.
[10:58 PM] seunghun!: more than anything i want to adopt a puppy
[10:59 PM] seunghun!: or rather another one
[10:59 PM] seunghun!: i named this one after an old friend
[Attachment: 1 image]
The picture of Seunghun and his dog brings a smile to your face. You've been spending more time with him recently, whether it be going on coffee runs ("Are you sure you're not just using me for my employee discount?") or complaining about life as a broke college student ("My card got declined trying to buy a bag of chips last night...").
It's nice. Spending time with him is...nice.
It's more than a simple distraction, somebody to hold close on nights your decisions try to haunt you. It’s friendship, something to hold onto when you lose your way in the dense forest of your mind and to cherish when you manage to make it to a clearing and bask in the sunshine.
You've caught a cold recently (probably from that bastard Seo Changbin in your communications class). Seunghun's given you some homemade tea, swearing on its usefulness. It certainly tastes good, the sweet honey chased by tangy lemon. Unfortunately, the tea isn't able to stop the persistent cough you've been plagued with.
Feeling phlegm start to come up, you turn the bathroom lights on, hacking it up and spitting into the sink.
Huh. That's weird.
There's no phlegm.
The only thing in the sink is a single golden petal, coated in saliva.
82 notes · View notes
ajholdsamb · 5 years
Petra- A world wonder that is truly deserving of the name
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We have spent the past two days in Petra, a 2,000 year old Nabatean city that is carved out of ancient sandstone cliffs and looks like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It is the most famous site in Jordan, receiving over half a million visitors a year. Many people travel to Jordan just to see this site and I can see why. Made famous in modern times by movies like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Petra was famous long before that as the Nabatean capital city. The Nabateans came from nomadic tribes of desert people, who became extremely wealthy by controlling the trade routes between the Graeco-Roman kingdoms to the west and Indian and Chinese empires to the east. AJ want to insert more backstory here?
[Guy AJ: OK! Petra is to me a reminder of how fortune comes and goes and how it can build but also reduce empires. About 2,300 years ago a group of nomadic Arabs, later to be called the Nabateans, occupied parts of Southern Jordan and happened to be at the right place at the right time. The world was getting smaller and cultures were coming into contact with each other unlike ever before. Alexander the Great had just introduced half a continent to Greek society, sometimes after razing a town to the ground then building it back up with more floral patterns in their columns. Anyway, all this cultural exchange meant people wanted more things from further away places.
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And what better place to be at that time than Jordan? It is located at the converging point of Africa, Europe, and Asia, a crossroads of significance since the first of our species left Africa. The Nabateans controlled trade routes through this important hub, and were able to acquire great wealth from Indian spices on their way to Alexandria and Greek statues passing through to a Red Sea port. They used their wealth to construct massive and awe inspiring tombs in Petra, which AJ and I stared at in amazement over 2,000 years later, but Petra is so much more than a valley for the dead.
Petra is thought to have been a city of several tens of thousands of people, who bartered over goods in markets, practiced religious rites in temples, and debated public policy in the city’s civic center. The remains of these institutions are mostly in rubble in Petra’s basin area, but the thousands and thousands of potsherds we observed walking around are testimony to the many people who lived here in the literal shadows of the dead from the tombs that ring the city.
Petra was incredibly cosmopolitan - the tombs incorporated stepped motifs from Mesopotamia, obelisks from Egypt, and ornate entablatures from Greece. The columns at Petra are distinctly Nabatean, however, with tops that point out like bull horns unlike any other classical style I’ve seen.
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If fortune created Petra than a loss of fortune eroded it. By the time Petra was absorbed by the Roman Empire in the first century AD, new trade routes and greater confidence in seafaring made Petra increasingly obsolete. Although several earthquakes destroyed parts of the city in the following centuries, it is a ruin not from natural disasters but from money drying up and people gradually leaving to find better prospects elsewhere or to return to the way of life of those who founded Petra, herding in the Arabian desert like descendent Bedouin communities do to this day. Petra is a reminder that the good times don’t always last forever, cough, cough USA.]
Now that you have a little backstory, I’ll go into our experiences. Because we saw SO MUCH during our time in Petra, I’m going to write this blog post a little differently. Rather than chronicling everything, I’m going to narrow it down to the top five sites we saw and our top four practical tips. This should give a good overview of our experiences but also not take twenty years to write. Let’s start off with the practical and then get into the fun!
Top Four Practical Tips for visiting Petra
1)Go for more than one day, and stagger your entrance times
This probably increased our enjoyment of Petra tenfold. Through our Jordan Pass (which is a great deal by the way- it includes your visa fee and the entrance fees for every site we are going to visit in Jordan?!) we had bought two days in Petra. If you’re into archaeology, geology, nature, or just like to take it slower I recommend going for at least two days, because Petra is unique and wonderful and huge and there is just so much to see. You can check off the biggest of the sites in one intense sweaty day, but it is so much more enjoyable to take your time.
We decided to start off our first day super early, so we got into the park at the opening time of 6:00. Petra can get really crowded, but at 6:00 the only person there was the one sole ticket taker (we even got confused for a second, thinking that maybe the site was closed). This was such a good way to start off our first day because during the 40-50 min trek in we were often BY OURSELVES. This was especially cool during the walk through the siq, a box canyon with 500 ft. tall walls that meanders magically through to take you to the reveal of Petra’s most famous site- the Treasury. As we were leaving at 1:30 pm this walkway was packed with people and speeding carriages and decidedly less magical.
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Getting in early we were also able to appreciate the main sites without being inundated by other tourists or salespeople. We actually got photos of the Treasury without other people in them! At one point on our first day I was like “wow AJ we’ve done so much already, it must be time for lunch” but it was 8am.
Starting early, we were able to do the intense hike up to the ceremonial high place while the weather was still cool. During the downhill hour and a half meander through the Wadi Farasa trail it started to get hot, so I was very happy to not have to climb a bajillion stairs again. After that we we saw a couple more of the big tombs, but then during the hottest and most crowded part of the day we were able to peace out without guilt because we knew we had another day. It was only 1 pm when we began the hour trek home, but by that point we had already had a full 7 hour day.
On our second day, we slept in and got started at 10. We actually began at the museum (which is really well done!) so we didn’t make it into the park until 11:00. Because we had already seen a lot of the main sites we were able to walk straight through to the parts we hadn’t seen and take our time. Then in the mid afternoon we began our all uphill hike to Petra’s Monastery.
I was worried about hiking uphill during the hottest part of the day but because we had gotten a late started we had energy, and a good chunk of the path was shady (side note-this is supposed to be one of Petra’s low seasons because it supposedly gets so hot, but it was in the 80s for us- not too bad!). We were able to have a picnic and enjoy the views, and then walk back through Petra during golden hour right before sunset. Again, there were almost no people! I think many visitors do a quick one day tour where they come in between 10-11 and only stay for a couple of hours. It was so nice to have the full two days in Petra, to get it when it was not crowded, and to see it in the different types of sunlight.
2) Think of the practicalities (you’re going to be doing a lot of hiking)
So real talk, AJ and I looked like dorks in Petra. We were wearing long sleeve tactical hiking gear with pants and had backpacks on with 10 liters of water and snacks (& when I say WE carried 10 liters of water I really mean guy AJ did, he’s such a beast). And yet we saw people in fancy dresses and high heels with no water?? Granted not everyone has to hike for 8 hours a day like we did, but it’s still at least a 50 min hike in through the dirt. You can buy water in the site, but it is way overpriced and it was nice to never have to worry about getting stranded somewhere without it. Plus we drank all of it and never got dehydration headaches👌🏻. It’s also fun to pack in a picnic to enjoy in the park. There are a couple restaurants in the site, but if you bring your own you can pick your spot (with lots of awesome views to choose from). There are also toilets on site, but it’s good to bring tp and handsanitizer because they are often not well stocked. Since it gets super sunny, wearing pants and a long sleeve t-shirt was clutch for the rocky trails, sun protection, and out of respect because despite tourist short shorts, we are still in a Muslim county.
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If nothing else, at least wear tennis shoes and bring water.
3) Climb to some high places and get some views!
We did two uphill hikes while in Petra, one to the Ceremonial High Place (for ceremonies) and one to the Monastery. We took both slowly, and while they were steep & straight up hill, there were steps that made them doable. Each climb took about 45-60 minutes one way, with lots of breaks. The views at the end made them all worthwhile. It allowed us to pull back and really see the landscape of the wadi (valley). Both hikes ended up being two of our favorite aspects of Petra- so I’ll talk more about them later.
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4) Don’t just try to check off all the main sites- go off the beaten path
Maybe because I had only really seen pictures of the Treasury, I didn’t realize before visiting how large Petra is. Since it was a complex city, the site is spread out and there are SO many places to see. On our first big day I realized just how exhausting trying to check off all the big ones in one day truly is. Some of our favorite aspects were going off the beaten path and exploring random less famous aspects of Petra. It’s fun to find your favorite tomb or take a rest on a side trail, all of which you don’t have time for if you’re trying to power through all the greatest hits.
Now on to the fun stuff!
Top Five Sites of Petra
5)Exploring the unnamed tombs
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This fits in very well with our last tip from above. At around 7:15 am after hiking through the siq and spending some time at the treasury, we wandered off the main path to explore some of the unnamed tombs. Each tomb is different, it is fun to pick out your favorites and think about the people who would’ve been buried here or celebrated in these smaller places. They are more intimate than the larger tombs, and it feels really adventurous to get to walk around in these ancient buildings. The sandstone is often gorgeous, and it was really peaceful to take a break in these cool chambers. Also AJ named one the tomb of the drunken sailor cuz it was slanted.
4)Wandering through the Siq
Walking through the siq was a magical experience every time it happened, but especially without crowds and in the light at dawn and dusk. The first time it came as a surprise. We were hiking down from the visitors center when all of the sudden the landscape changed and we were at the entrance to the Siq, a 500 ft. tall canyon with imposing walls that almost block out the sun. Running along the path you can still see the distinct curves used for the Nabatean irrigation system. There are sculptures hidden along the pathway including the remains of what would’ve been a 10 ft. tall camel carving. You can see why the Nabateans would have chosen this geologic feature as their grand entrance, and it served to create a sense of magic for entering this special place.
3)Hiking the Wadi Farasa Trail
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On the first day after I thought we’d be in Petra for months but it was only 8 o’clock, we started our hike up to the Sacrificial High Place. I’m glad we started early because it was a steep 45 minute hike and at 8am it wasn’t too hot. After a brief kerfuffle with a donkey (a Bedouin woman was trying to call it to her but we kept accidentally scaring it uphill), we made it to the top! There are panoramic views of Petra, including Aaron’s tomb. This was a sacred place where the Nabateans worshipped the sun and moon with a built in blood drain for sacrifices. It’s easy to tell why it is sacred- up there it’s so easy to feel close to the sky. AJ and I took a moment to lie down on the top to worship the celestial deities as the sun and morning moon faced off above us. Also, it was a tiring hike and we needed to lie down. Next, rather than going back down the steep way we came, we took the Wadi Farasa trail. There was all sorts of cool archaeology (a giant lion fountain!) and geology (sandstone with manganese and iron stripes!) to see on the way down. My favorite part was the the combination of the tomb of the Roman soldier and the garden triclinium because they are directly across from each other, and with the rubble from the column lined promenade it was easy to picture how the ancient people would’ve used this beautiful space.
2)The hike to the Monastery/the end of the world
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Our second favorite site was on our other high place trek. This one we did in the late afternoon, and since it is through a canyon it was often shaded. We had a picnic lunch at the top in front of the monastery (one of the largest tombs in Petra that was later turned into a church). However, my favorite part was a spot beyond the monastery. We hiked 15 minutes further to the edge of the mountain to this little Bedouin tent & the views were INSANE! We could see so many mountain ranges come together to into this steep valley, with a convergence of different types of rocks. Guy AJ liked it because, in his words, “we’ve finally reached the edge of Petra.” In other words it was the first time we looked out and didn’t see any archaeology; we had found an end to this seemingly endless site. It was one of the prettiest places I’ve ever seen.
1)The Treasury reveal
The treasury (or the Khazneh) is the most famous site in all of Petra. Its location is featured in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, as well as countless other movies. In person the detail and scope is awe inspiring, and made all the more impressive by the long walk we had just had through the Siq. The first time the canyon opens up we saw this amazing 2,000 year old building. It was wonderful to get it almost to ourselves in the morning, and we also got to say goodbye without the crowds on the last day. It’s the most famous part of Petra, but for a good reason.
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All in all Petra is one of the coolest places I’ve ever seen, a highlight of this trip and of my life.
The very impressed Ajs
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