#what am i?
misc-obeyme · 5 months
step one: pull up to the celestial realm
step two: 'actually, its pronounced 'jod.'' refuse to be corrected
step three: get kicked out within 24 hours profit
The first thing I thought of was... but what if step three was prophet instead? The Celestial Realm is like this human speaks the word of jod!
alkdjffdlakdf please don't mind me, just bein' stupid lol.
Anyway, depending on how well the angels can handle a joke, you'd either get kicked out fast or they'd think it's funny and let you stay.
Michael certainly seems to be a bit of a goofy guy, so maybe he'd be like, hey I get why my former brothers are so fond of this human now!
Perhaps you end up sweeping all those angels off their feet and now they're all in love with you... just like their demonic counterparts.
Hmm I kinda like the idea of an MC showing up in the Celestial Realm and basically taking over by befriending everybody lol. That feels like something that could happen in the actual story.
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dn1x · 4 months
hey I have some doubts
I was born as a woman. And I don't feel uncomfortable with my body. Also, it's true that I don't really have a noticeable chest and my face is pretty masculine. I feel comfortable with masculine and non binary pronouns, not feminine ones. What am I?
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yourfavoritemanager · 27 days
Hiiiii Charlesssss...
I need some money. For... Things.
I don't have to explain myself to you!
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Seeing as the last few times have been for some….questionable… things to say the least, I’m going to say uh…NO. Go back to your dungeon and get back to work 🫵
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 years
Uh, guys, evil wizard after you. . .wrong thing to be panicking about right now. ❤️‍🔥
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cvbullshit · 3 months
I'm unsure if I'm Pansexual.
Yeah I do tend to like people more for their personalities, but it's weird.
I use to lean more towards masculine people but not anymore.
and like, when it comes to fictional characters, they can have a shitty personality and I find them hot.
But with humans, I don't like when they have a shitty personality, well, ig unless they fit the bill of what shitty personality i'm attracted to or something.
When it came to humans, I only ever dated guys until recently, where I asked out someone who's more feminine.
But when it comes to fictional characters, I like a whole different amount of genders.
Recently, I started debating on if it even matter to me when it came to personality, since I found some characters hot/cute without being completely attracted to their personality.
I don't know.
If I'm not Pansexual than what am I?
I tried to figure that once before but was shut down by my bio mom, who claimed to be an ally but actively just told me that I'm Pansexual and there wasn't need to complicate things when I brought up different identities on the romance spectrum (i.e. Panromantic, Demiromantic, ect.)
Ik I ain't gonna take shit from her anymore considering she thought a Demiboy was just a "cool nickname-y thing friends do in this age" or smth like that.
But... I dunno.
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undercooked-icicle · 3 months
You people seem to like frogs. So fuck it. Here.
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They should make this gender thing easier
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iscreamkitty · 1 year
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Saw a hairstyle I wanted to draw and then further decided to draw reporter April O’Neil
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sleezypmartini · 6 months
being nonbinary is very weird for me because i have always been very (as i call it) "gender-blegh". I like being referred to with he/him pronouns and will often present myself suchly online. I also like being referred to with she/her pronouns irl because i feel that i am also a feminine person at times. i also feel very fondly of they/them pronouns because i feel like it makes others more aware of my gender related noncomformity.
this all being said, i have never felt "nonbinary enough" i have friends who i perceive as being "more nonbinary" because i perceive their gender as being less definable than mine. its easy for me to take on the gender that people assume of me because i perceive others as being more accepting of me that way. i guess ive always been a people pleaser... but which of these three truths is my true truth?
am i condemned to eternal gender prison? will i ever know?
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captain-k8kat · 2 months
My experience with gender is like, I'm probably not a trans man, but I'm certainly not a cis woman. I don't want to really physically change myself but I still want to be perceived as masculine sometimes, as impossible as that seems. I like being called Boy or Mr or Sir but I also don't mind being called Girl or Miss (usually). Like idk at a certain point I just want to be me even though I'm not completely sure what me is.
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yes-i-exist-shutup · 10 months
I’m sure I’m a cis girl but sometimes I look at my arms, especially when I roll my sleeves up and I’m wearing a watch or something and I’m like dayum, which handsome man’s arms are those
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oakensheilded · 4 months
This is dificult
When you can't decide whether you're nonbinary or pangender or any other possible gender
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saturdaycampanella · 5 months
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samijami · 1 year
You tell me to do better when I can't
So when I am clever enough to get through it without smarts,
you catch me in the end
Maybe you notice my sobbing, and I know it was just for my own gain
But what was I to do?
You were willing to risk everything I had,
So I finished your job for you by destroying everything I'd done
It still stings, and the tears keep flowing;
Everything reminds me of what I destroyed
You told me to do better when I couldn't,
So I played the role of the stupor instead
No matter how smart I might've been,
To hide what I had done; and doing
For so long,
It was still not what I was meant to do
Cut corners, lose fingers
Maybe next I'll give my life
Would that make you happy?
What am I?
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yvehattan · 7 months
I cannot explain it but I am a woman with the soul of a man with a spectacular little pubey moustache
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lraquel · 2 years
A mysterious mystery...at least to me.
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Who is the insect (i think?) that did this? Found in a prairie this summer.
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