#which adds even more to her conflicted feelings about her boss/manager/whatever
luckycloverforducks · 3 months
Tell me more about velvette and baggies relationship in the swap au
I wanna see all the different and toxicity in it, and how charlie would react to it and all that
*Not sure eif I sent a similar ask to this or not- if I did sorry)
And dw you did not my ask box is. Empty
Their relationship is vaguely similar to I think, Mammon and Fizz?? Somewhat, I mean I've never watched Helluva but I've seen people talk about it, Vaggie feels indebted to Velvette for getting her to where she is right now yk with being a popular star, and Velvette is. Interesting
Velvette often switches back and forth between treating Vaggie like a bestie and just another demon working under her, and previously before Charlie came into the picture, sometimes like a girlfriend, which leaves Vaggie constantly confused
Velvette often overworks Vaggie to hell and back, but honestly she kinda? means well? A teensy bit, she doesn't want Vaggie to fall from popularity if she leaves the public eye for too long, and Vaggie does like performing/singing and the praise she often gets from it (even if she gets overwhelmed sometimes) so in a way she's trying to help her maintain the fame and praise that Vaggie often seemed to preen over, so in a fucked up way, in her eyes, she's trying to keep her happy and to keep up everything they both have worked hard for (Vaggie's career). She's also like, really into Vaggie but she gave up on that pursuit a bit ago, doesn't stop her from being petty and toxic about it tho
Vaggie is tired and confused, to say the least. She doesn't really know what Velvette actually thinks of her, if she values her in any way, or even care at all about her. Velvette tends to demean and sometimes verbally abuse Vaggie but the next day she tends to sort of make up for it, like she feels bad. In the early days, they were much closer, and Vaggie genuinely liked Velvette, and maybe had a little crush on her.
When Vaggie does good, Velvette showers her with praise, affection, and affirmation but is she slips up, she gets cold and mean, even a little shouty at times, and "honestly are you trying to embarrass me at this point?!" And Vaggie just stands there confused, ashamed, and a little pissed. Does she even see her as anything other than another asset for her brand? She can't tell. Sometimes it feels like she does, sometimes it doesn't. Vaggie is just so confused.
Velvette pushes her so much because she knows she can do better, but she constantly fails to take account Vaggie's limits, boundaries, and feelings, especially since Vaggie tends to mask her true feelings alot, keeping them all inside until they burst under the smallest addition of pressure, which makes her lash out at Velvette when Velvette didn't really deserve it at the moment, which makes Velvette think she's being unfair.
Vaggie feels that Vel is capable of being a better person, she just doesn't see that she's not one already, or that she needs to (or maybe she's just not worth it in her eyes?)
But neither hate the other, not really. Vaggie would like to, but she can't quite get there, while Velvette wouldn't even dream of genuinely hating Vaggie.
It's complicated, they're both fond of each other but also have a certain animosity between each other, esp Vaggie (rightfully so)
They are honestly both flaming messes, Velvette being the worst one of the two and also a part of the reason why Vaggie is a flaming mess aswell-
In short :Vel is a bad boss and a conflicting 'friend', and Vaggie is struggling through it
And Abt what Charlie thinks? She sincerely hopes Velvette explodes, she would do it herself but Vaggie still has an attachment to her (which Charlie sincerely hopes she'd lose, Vel isn't good for her, or much of anyone) so for now she just lets her be, but they always argue w/ each other (Vaggie just sigh tiredly in the background)
Hope this satisfies you, I have alot of thoughts Abt them :3
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queen-mihai · 5 months
Hi I know that this may seem out of place. But at what point in your life did you begin to feel stable/adult. I often times have conflicted my feelings of gender discomfort or writing with these beliefs. Because of this I have abandoned myself to a point where a stranger now lives in my body. Have these thoughts ever bothered you?
This is an interesting question. I suppose it's rather gradual. And there's never a feeling really of being "there".
You always feel kinda like you're faking it in a way. People really are telling the truth that nobody knows what they're doing. Everybody's making it up as they go along
And one thing that we all eventually find is that no one can do this alone. I work as an engineer. I work in the field with machines that don't move, meaning I have to go to it instead of it coming to me.
That means that I not only have to be an expert at math and designing and troubleshooting, but also logistics. I need to figure out schedules and times and make phone calls so people know who I am and what I'm doing and if it's going to affect them.
But like that didn't happen suddenly all at once. The reason jobs measure *years* of experience, is that it genuinely takes *years* to get used to the type of things adults have to do just getting around.
My boss doesn't want to have to come pick me up to bring me to work. The regional manager I work for would suffer if every time I ran into a problem I came asking him what to do. I wouldn't have gotten this job if I hadn't been doing the stuff I do here for years already. But I didn't start by doing this much. I started in my career just kind of accepting assignments that needed to be traveled for. They might have come once every 6 months in my early career. But I jumped at them because I wanted to get out of the office and I thought that part of the job was fun.
Eventually employers got used to that idea and they sent me out more. "Oh Mihai will take care of that. She loves driving around. And with her doing that, we can have some of the other engineers do something else"
Eventually that grew into enough that I could add it to my resume and really take it on as part of whatever job I got next. Etc etc etc until the job I have now doesn't HAVE an office; I'm pretty much forced to demand a company vehicle, and I spend practically half my life living in hotels.
Regarding feeling stable, that's more a job of meditating and feeling good about being *you*.
I don't feel like the world is stable. I don't feel like people's opinions of me are stable. The political, corporate, financial, and climate world is unstable. But I know who I am, and how I make decisions. I know I'm always going to be honest about how I feel, if I am proud of my work or if I made mistakes, and I'll always try to communicate. I know I work really best alone, but I love being around people. I know I'm a leader and people tend to do what I do, so I try to do the right thing always. That's what makes me feel stable. I'm stable in myself, no matter how unstable the world is around me. And that consistency of personhood provides an anchor from which other people can latch on and help find themselves too. (Because you're not me, but you can use me to find what similarities and differences there are between us, and thus, paint a clearer picture of your own personal image)
I don't know how much I can help with the "abandoning yourself" part.
Part of what hurt me previously was being involved in a very destructive relationship. Once I left that relationship, it became much easier to construct *me*. Maybe that's not what you have going on, but it may be worthwhile to take a look at your environment and see if there's something making you feel like you can't grow into the person you want to be.
In any case I wish you well. And I hope you find your place. What I can say is that there's no finish line; there's no race; there's not even a path. There's just decisions you make every day. They're all important and none of them are important. But what IS important is that you see that you're not waiting to start your story. You're in the middle of it right now. Please know that you are loved, and very cool, and I especially appreciate you for sending such an interesting ask 🥰
Peace ✌️ ❤️
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my-sherlock221b · 3 years
Supernatural Rewatch Ramblings: Wendigo
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The long line of the MoTW series in Supernatural starts off with the Woman in White which is fairly well- known legend/ myth in most countries.  Then we get this one next which claims origin from the Native American mythology.
Here is a review of the Wendigo episode with thoughts from me and @soulmates-for-real​
I have always wondered why they were not so inclusive or better at being inclusive as a show. Yes, they did have many women and people of colour in important and strong roles, both positive and negative (though they could have done so much better!). But they steered clear from some of the huge mythology lores like that from Native Americans, Hindu, Latin American cultures. This may have been a wise political strategy to avoid conflict and so they stuck to the Judeo- Christian core but still managed a rather radical take on it!
Spoiler alert:
*God was the final villain?! Who would have guessed? And that the angels were dicks, relentlessly, and demons were in fact ex-humans.*
So back to Wendigo.
What a monster the Wendigo is!! In later seasons when we got only angels and demons and some vampires etc the other monsters were monsters in and of themselves. Like they were born that way—needing to eat human pituitary glands or whatever.
But Woman in White and Wendigo, and even Dead in the Water, or the Shapeshifter --the monster was created by circumstances. Betrayal and infidelity leading to murder suicides, extreme starvation leading to cannibalism and eternal hunger.
Far more terrifying than someone who is born a ghoul perhaps.
So here we are in Wendigo, at the forest/camp site with these fake, charming, rather useless camp rangers who carry M&Ms (nice touch and throwback to E.T. !), don’t wear shorts ( which anyway seems like a weird thing to wear when there is grass and stuff—why would you want to expose your legs?!), can’t see bear traps ( Seriously Dean?! ).
Sam is still restless and bristling at Jess’s death, as well as angry at Dad. All those years of separation do not seem to have given him any peace in his relationship with his father. Now to add massive insult to his already injured sense of self—he has lost his girlfriend in exactly the same way as his father lost his wife—making them even more identical.
So he is cranky and unwilling to give in to any of Dean’s suggestions. He denies his own nightmares, refuses good advice and food and is generally misanthropic. While Dean on the other hand seems to be enjoying this like a happy jolly road trip. The monster is almost like a secondary priority now.
What is most important, (and this becomes even more obvious in a re-watch post finale)—what is THE most important thing is that Sammy is riding shotgun, is in front of his eyes and safe.
Miserable and bitchy but safe.
That allows Dean to dial back a bit and bring into focus what has always been, for him, the really important part of their lives—saving people. This is always more important to him that hunting things. So, when he finds out about someone’s brother being lost and the coordinates match what his dad has left, well there is no choice really.
They have to find a way to save him.
If they find Dad there, well, good, but that is suddenly not a priority for him at all. He turned up at Sam’s doorstep, and as we know from the finale, waited there for HOURS since he was unsure of his welcome, then broke in at 3 am or something like an idiot….but anyway…..all that was because Dad had been away on a hunting trip and hadn’t been home in a few days…blah blah blah.
The first contact Dean makes with Sam who left home to go to college is to recruit him to help find Dad—the same guy who told Sam that if he went away to stay away.
And then suddenly now that Sam is with him, finding Dad is like meh. If we find him somewhere by the wayside while you and I hunt monsters Sammy, then yeah sure, great.
If not…well….we have stuff to do you and I…saving people, hunting things. The family business. 
And John Winchester….well, what can I possibly say about him without taking up pages in ranting?! Why did he ditch the first monster? Why was he in SUCH a hurry to leave that he left his journal behind??
My theory of course is that he had to run away from the Woman in White since he had been unfaithful to Mary ( yes yes I know it had been YEARS at that point, but hello, this man made his life a crusade for revenge and sacrificed his kids’ lives also to that darkness, so…yes, being with Adam’s mother was an infidelity and you can’t change my mind on that !).
So naturally John was afraid he would be killed.
But still….he left coordinates for the next hunt in the journal and just ran off?!
The other question is what the hell is happening in motels across USA? Guys like these can just check- in on fake credit cards, leave a room full of satanic and serial killer-y documents, sometimes dead bodies, lots of salt at the door and windows, and just disappear without checking out….
Though the police do seem quite alert and swift in action in the Pilot compared to some of the laidback and clueless ones we see later.
What is most interesting is to see the character of season 1 Dean emerge.
He sass, he boss, he flirt, he lie, he charm, he fight, he save.
In fact, the very first time I saw Supernatural, it seemed that Dean occupied so much of the narrative space that I barely noticed Sam except as a foil to and a brother to Dean.
Now in the re-watch what is fascinating in retrospect is to watch Sam slide into ‘the life’ without a hiccup. He reads the journal, he figures out it’s a wendigo, he gets the civilians to cooperate, he also fights and saves.
And that look he gives Dean in the car?
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Well, those who missed the signs in Pilot and didn’t ship Wincest from day one, surely started doing it then!
This is also the first episode that gives a clear parallel to the Sam and Dean relationship through the B plot. When Haley says she MUST go to find her brother –Dean nods in instant understanding while Sam is pissed off at having to ‘babysit.’
We see this in many more episodes in the future, and what is fascinating is to see Sam gain insights into his brother with every such parallel. To recognize what being the big brother has meant to Dean and how much he has done and given and even suffered for that. We will discuss this in more detail in the next episode review! ( Dead in the Water)
The chemistry and ease, almost a fluid sense of flow between the two actors is unmistakable in this episode. Even as Sam is really being a bitch and Dean is being a jerk, there is a definite undercurrent of something holding them together. It may be all about revenge for Jess’s death and finding Dad for Sam, but he will still stick with Dean and want to protect him as fiercely as Dean wants to protect Sam.
Sheila O’Malley has given a detailed explanation for the acting styles of Jared and Jensen and what she said about Jared is spot on and brilliant. He does what she calls active listening.
It is amazing how once you realize that you notice it all the time.
The reason why Dean can manage such perfect comedic timing or non- verbal communication is because Sam is always ALWAYS tuned into him. Listening, watching, reacting, observing.
Once again, for those of you interested in the meta and more erudite and informed reviews that this one 😊 do read what Sheila O’Malley has written.
Here are some excerpts which will entice you!
“David Nutter, who directed the pilot, also directed episode 2, and there’s a new DP here, the phenomenally talented Serge Ladouceur, who is still shooting the show. If the DP for the pilot, Aaron Schneider, helped establish the dark mood and horror-movie feel of the series, then Ladouceur just helped deepen and strengthen that continuum. The look of the show has changed, by Season 9. I would say that it has a more glamorous look now, more colorful, while certainly still very dramatic (even melodramatic). Supernatural is (and has been) one of the best looking shows on television.”
“The ranger comes in to talk to them, and they pose as environmental studies majors at the university in Boulder. Sam says they are “working on a paper”, clearly improvising, and you can watch the glorious schtick of Jensen Ackles as he adjusts to the new information of who he is supposed to be pretending to be. God is in the details, people, and it’s the detailed scene work of both Ackles and Padalecki that keeps this show going. David Nutter referred to Jensen Ackles once as a “meticulous actor” in terms of his preparation for every scene, no matter how small, and it pays off. He knows what the fuck he is doing. So does Padalecki. I couldn’t give two shits about the demons. It’s that DYNAMIC that is so entertaining and watch-able.”
And here are some thoughts on the episode from @soulmates-for-real, my partner in crime for the rewatch 😊
Except the fact that Sam is quite secretive about his nightmares but his body language is quite open and his expressions easy to read. On the contrary, I saw Dean posturing a lot with other people, pouting, flirting, making eyes...trying to be all nonchalant. But when it comes to Sam we see a different Dean - the more antsy and angsty Sam gets, the more intensely Dean reacts to him and you can see Dean's concern shining through. Leading to Sam coming to some kind of resolution and giving Dean 'that look' at the end! 
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sabraeal · 3 years
Minimum Distance
If there’s one thing Obi’s sure of, it’s that this is Hisame’s fault.
Not the lockdown-- though honestly, he wouldn’t put it past the bastard if it meant having things go his way-- but everything else. This fucking party. That stupid fake dating plan. The kiss.
He scrapes a hand down his face. This whole ‘day trip’ is turning right into a disaster weekend and god, if he had the ability to fly right back to DC right now, he would. But instead he’s trapped here, in the middle of the New Mexican desert, in the Smart House of some elusive and shady billionaire. He must have kicked a puppy in the last life-- no, bags of puppies-- if the universe is exerting this level of karmic violence on him.
His back hits the door. He needs like, five minutes. Just until he learns how to breathe again.
Which he’s not going to do, if he keeps replaying that kiss in his head. You know, the only thing he’s been doing for the past twenty-four hours, including breakfast, where Rougis just stared at him with that grin on his face. Like he knew. Like he could somehow see every last mortifying second of his dreams last night, and thought it was funny.
Doc’s informed him this whole pandemic thing is serious, that there’s stuff with r’s and knots and things being close to two. He is tangentially aware aware of how a logarithmic scale works, and he’d never wish anyone actually sick, but-- if Hisame could just shuffle off this mortal coil in the next few hours, that would really pluck one of the bigger monkeys off his back.
He takes a deep breath-- more like a deep hiccup, honestly-- and lets the tension fall out of him. It’s fine. He doesn’t have time to stand here and freestyle mental scream. He has to work on getting them back home. Which means getting this Rugilia guy to sign off on funding.
And then he can hop on a plane, pandemic permitting, and get instantly fired for kissing his boss’s girlfriend. Bingo bango bongo. Job well done.
God, it would be just great if he could resist fucking up just one good thing in his life. At least Ryuu will still write.
Right, no time for catastrophizing. They’ve got a billionaire to woo. Or something.
He swings open his door-- no, it’s her door, but also his, because switching rooms seemed prudent when the guy holding all the keys spent a night trying to get Doc alone in a garden-- only to run into Doc. Literally. Right there. In her borrowed pajamas.
Whatever intel Rugilia had on her was clearly not as good as his, since Doc is really a matching pajama sets kind of girl, and not--
Well, after living with her for three years, Obi can firmly say he’s never seen a cotton teddy. At least, not on Doc herself.
He could get used to it, though.
“Oh, Obi!” She blinks, taking a step back. Adjusts her glasses, too. Tugs at a hem that is not going to get any lower, no matter how much she tries. “I was just coming to see you.”
“Ah.” He scrubs at the back of his head; it gives him as good an excuse as any for looking anywhere else. If he gives her more than a glance he’ll start counting freckles, and well-- they have separate rooms for a reason “Me, too. I was thinking--”
“The room thing isn’t going to work.”
He blinks. Blinks again.
“I mean...” Her cheeks bloom to a pale pink, the start of what’s sure to be a painful blush. “We should be sharing a room.”
He hopes there’s an actual, medical doctor in this group of useless socialites, because he’s about to have a cardiac event, and Doc’s doesn’t have the right alphabet soup to handle that kind of thing. “UH.”
“No, no!” She waves her hands, and god, they’re so close her fingertips practically brush his chest. Which wouldn’t be a problem if she didn’t follow up with, “I just mean, we should be sleeping together.”
Oh, it’s too late for medical intervention now; he’s already dead. “Ah, Doc--?”
“I just mean,” she yelps, fingers fluttering nervously between them, making it real hard to not look down and get some solid ideas about her cup size. “I know we switched rooms. For safety.”
“For safety,” he echoes dumbly, because that’s the level of thought he’s at right now. Or at least, the level he can safely be at without risking a real containment breach on all the things he’s not allowed to think when Doc’s around, wearing almost nothing, and telling him they need to put their bodies in close, horizontal proximity.
“But if we’re trying to be a couple, I don’t think...” Her tongue pokes out, pink and spongy, and draws his eyes right to the lips he definitely shouldn’t be staring at. “Well, I just don’t think that we-- that you-- that it looks--?”
“You mean,” he says, so slow, like she’s a rogue possum and he’s animal control, “I don’t look like the kind of guy who wouldn’t be taking advantage of a king bed and silk sheets?”
“Ah...” She’s the one that blinks now, eyelashes fluttering against red cheeks that are begging him to take their temperature. “Not-- not the way you were, um...”
She lets the implication hand in the air, and god, fuck Rougis for putting that fucking idea in his head, for even allowing the memory of her against him like that, sighing into his mouth--
“I thought we were supposed to be keeping it on the down low,” he says, leaning in with a grin. “Since you’re slumming it with the help.”
Her mouth goes from sexy to scowl. “I’m not slumming it with anyone.”
“Right, right, I know that,” he assure her, “but Rugilia--”
“No.” It’s loud enough that he flinches, because fuck, he can pretend to be normal all the live long day, but the second a voice raises-- “Oh, Obi, sorry, I didn’t--” her palm wraps warmly around his arm, thumb rubbing over the cotton of his sleeve-- “I just meant that I’m not-- it’s not-- being with you isn’t slumming.”
It’s all a little much having her so close, having so little of her be clothed, and smell so good as she does. She must have taken a shower or something before rushing out here to make herself his own personal problem.  In any case, all he manages is a half-dubious, half-distracted hum.
“Besides,” she adds, one of her eyebrows rounding in a teasing arch, “as far as I was aware, doctors and lawyers were considered the same pay grade.”
Obi coughs on his own spit. “I’m not a lawyer.”
“And I’m not that kind of doctor.” Her arms fold neatly-- distractingly-- beneath her breasts, A cups giving off a distinctly B-cup vibe. “But Eisetsu doesn’t know that. I told him I was here about a vaccine, and you said you were here to keep me out of trouble.”
And with a man used to dealing with pharma rather than the academic side, the legal representation would be implied. Obi scrubs a hand through his hair, staring down at his silk pajama set, and tries to discern what about him says ‘went to a four-year college,’ let alone law school. “Me?”
“Well...” She really shouldn’t look at him like that, all coy from the corner of those big eyes, if he can’t give her a repeat performance of last night. “It only makes sense. I mean, who else does Zen hang out with.”
Now, that-- that gives him pause. Mitsuhide, lawyer. Kiki, lawyer. Doc, doctor, but Not That Kind. Him--
“Fuck me,” he breathes, “that actually makes sense.”
“It does,” she agrees primly. “I’d thought the keeping it quiet angle was more along the line of, uh, conflict of interest, rather than, um, other reasons.”
Other reasons, like that half of his other aliases were on No Fly lists. “Conflict of Interest?”
“Well, um...” Her flush is brighter this time, spilling over her cheeks and down her neck, flirting with the lace edging her neckline, and he certainly is feeling both conflicted and interested about how far it might go-- “There’s probably fraternization rules.”
He blinks. “Fraternization?”
“You know,” she says slowly, taking a step back, right into the doorway of her-- his room. “That employees can’t date or, um--” her skin’s barely a shade lighter than her hair-- “do other stuff. At least without clearing with HR first.”
It shouldn’t be so cute that a woman with a doctorate can’t say sex, but this is it, this is his type now.
“Other stuff, hm?” He steps close, their toes sharing the jamb. So close that when she sucks in a breath, shallow and quick, her chest brushes against his. “If we’re supposed to be fraternizing in this room tonight, a few things are going to have to change.”
She shuffles back, an arm’s length--one of hers, at least-- toes curling on the carpet. “O-oh?”
The thing is: Obi can’t resist a good joke. It’s why he works so good with the boss-man; no matter how transparent, how dumb it is, all his teasing crawls right under that lily-white thin skin of his and sends Wisteria climbing right up the wall. It’s satisfying.
So when he closes the gap between them with a single long stride, he expects Doc to just-- tell him to quit it. Yelp maybe. Slap his chest. Scold him, if he’s lucky.
But instead she just peers up at him, chest quivering, and doesn’t get the joke. By the way she’s looking at him, she--
Ah, well, it doesn’t look like she minds overly much either. Which is going to make this Not Funny real quick in a southerly direction.
Strange, he doesn’t feel much like laughing either.
“The bed.” His hips guide her back a step, then two. “For one.”
She really needs to stop him, to put her foot down, to really get it through to the parts of him below the belt that she’s not interested in bringing some realism to this little show they’re putting on.
Instead, she lets him herd her four more steps back, body following every slow, rolling suggestion of his. “Bed?”
“Yeah.” Her knees hit the edge of the mattress-- well, considering how tall these beds are, her waist. She wobbles, hands bracing on his chest. “We need to get this bed messy.”
Her breath sighs into the air between them, eyes so round, so dark, and--
She realizes what he’s about to do five seconds too late. “Obi, n--!”
Feathers fly everywhere. Damn, this Rugilia guy really did spare no expense.
There’s a long, quiet moment, Shirayuki staring up at him with confusion and betrayal warring in her eyes, and she-- she laughs. It’s all the warning he gets before he’s blind-sided, pillow knocking him to his knees, and god, she’s going to regret starting a fight with--
Tap tap. Tap tap.
They both freeze, staring at one another. That was on the door. Her door. No, his door.
“It’s Eisetsu,” comes the soft voice through it. “Can we talk?”
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
Omg. I was reading this HC about the reason why Clark Kent always leaves the scene whenever Superman appears because he (Clark Kent) HATES Superman. Like, he keeps on making convoluted reasons as to why.
It goes even as far as Clark writing a cynical think piece about Superman and vigilantism and Lex Luthor coming across it and absolutely loving it.
Here’s the original post:
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And, all of you know I have a prompt/oneshot which includes an OC who works for Lex Luthor (and knows all the Supervillian bullshit he pulls cause there technically from an alternate world where all the DC characters are just characters lmao).
Anyways, in said prompt Lia also lives next to Clark Kent because I find it beyond funny that she is essentially the right hand to her next door neighbors arch nemesis.
And like, I imgained that one day, Luthor brings up the fact he really likes this one writer from the Daily Planet. Lia, who is understandably curious, asks her employer who that writer is.
Luthor says, with a straight face: “Clark Kent.”
For a moment Lia just stares at Luthor, fighting off a smile, while her shoulders shake like it’s a 9 point O earthquake on the Ricther Magnitude scale. Luthor shoots her a look, but Lia turns away, slapping her hand her mouth trying not to brust out laughing. After a little bit she does, but when she turns around, Luthor gives her another look and she knows she has to come up with a good excuse.
Her brain short circuits and she blurts out, “I think he’s my next door neighbor.” And immediately she regrets ever existing. She wants her entire being to cease to exist, from the very last atom.
A flash of surprise goes through Luthor’s face, as he asks her, “Oh? Is that so?”
“I mean, I think,” Lia adds smoothly, her brain on overdrive. “They share the same name but I’ve never seen a picture of Clark Kent from the Daily Planet, so, I can’t be sure that my neighbor and the one from the Daily Planet are the same person.” She said, lying straight through her teeth. She knows that Clark Kent her Neighbor and Clark Kent a reporter from the Daily Planet, are in fact, the same person. But Luthor does not need to know that.
Fortunately, Luthor drops the topic and asks Lia about some other shit. Internally, it feels as if the weight of the sky itself was lifted off her shoulders.
Unfortunately, a couple weeks later, at a Gala were Lia is with Luthor, a familiar, mop of black hair (just slightly curled at the end), striking (almost alien) blue eyes and the iconic thick, black times glasses make their way towards them. Lia, of course, only notices too late because the universe despises her and Clark, introduces himself, while recognizing that his next door neighbor is next too his arch nemesis.
Him (Clark) not noticing the growing panic and despair on his neighbors face, immediately calls out to her saying, “Lia?” in a surprised voice.
Lia, knowing how throughly fucked she is, knowing she can’t BS her way out of his, and that her lips never wait for her brain to catch says, “Clark??”
(Pretend that in this version of the prompt/oneshot Clark never found out that his next door neighbor is esstentially the right hand to his arch nemesis).
Cue a very awkward and tense conversation (at least for Lia) between the trio. Luthor being pleasantly surprised and a bit suspicious but he brushes it off, leaving it later to ponder. Clark, is absolutely floored but he has his job too do, so he does it. He’s lowkey kinda betrayed but can’t blame Lia because she’s just 23 and this sort of job is a dream come true for most and he (assumes) that Lia does not know anything abt the whole Lex Luthor is a Raging Supervillian and Also Superman’s (which is Me) Arch Nemesis. Lia, throughout the convo, recovers (externally), and answers Clark’s questions with ease. Internally, she’s slowly dying in the inside, mentally preparing herself for the questions Luthor with undoubtedly ask later. Lia wants the Rapture itself to commence so she could just avoid all of this bull shit. She does not avoid all of this bull shit. 
Anyways, after that whole debacle, Luthor leaves with a greater respect for the man (he found him very competent and also very pleasing to the eye). Clark is... conflicted but he does what he does and maintains his rep of hating Supes. Lia is just. Done and Dying. She can’t. She honestly can’t. But she muscles through and awaits for Luthor to do whatever Luthor does best. She’s surprised when she sees her employer (whose a Supervillian and hates Superman) look at Clark with a look in his eyes (it isn’t annoyance, indifference, or anything like that... it’s... holy shit, is Luthor checking Clark’s ass out???? Oh. My. God. This is. Honest to God, the best and worst thing I’ve ever seen. Oh my god. I want to cry. And laugh. Holy fuck. What the shit is even happening anymore?). Safe to say, from then on, Clark gets sent to LexCorp to take interviews for Luthor and stuff. Luthor, grows to develop a deeper interest for Clark (all in the view for Lia).
Hell, at one point he admits it. And asks Lia what Clark’s favorite type of flower is. Lia, is floored. She wants to laugh. And cry. She manages to say, with a straight face and even voice, “I’m not sure, Mr. Luthor.” She has to bite her lip at the true and unbridled irony of the whole situation. Oh my god. Enemies to Lovers. Slow burn. One sided pinning. Denial. Oh my god. Oh. My. God. I’m watching fanfic play out right before my eyes. Holy shit.
Like, I can’t stop laughing at the irony of the situation. Imgaine for a sec being in Lia’s shoe. Like. Your the EA to a very powerful person, who happens to be a raging Supervillian. You know this cause reasons. You also happen to live next door to your boss’s arch nemesis. Then due to a series of events, your boss slowly starts to fall for his arch nemesis’s civilian identity. You’re watching this shit. In real time. Fucking imgaine that yo. Absolute fucking gold. Like. Holy shit.
Also, this still could work (without my OC present). Like, in a world where everything is the same aside from the HC that Clark is known to not like Superman and Lex immediately takes a liking to Clark. Say Clark goes to a gala and meets Luthor. Now he has to keep up the rep that he Does Not Like Superman (while he Is Superman). Luthor becomes interested after Clark interviews him. He also checks out Clark’s ass because yeah. Then, Clark does more interviews for LexCorp. Luthor develops a deeper interest in Clark. He even asked Clark out on a date. Imgaine being Clark. Your arch fucking nemesis (whose a raging Supervillian) just asked you out (without knowing you’re the same person they hate). Enemies to Lovers but it’s one sided in the sense that one of them doesn’t know that the other is their arch nemesis jaksjsjsksksksoskks
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aclosetfan · 4 years
Aight here’s a 16teen-esque mall au for the ppg that I’ll never write, but enjoy thinking about and have heavily outlined (its long, so most is under the cut):
Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup aren’t related in this one, but you’d figure they were. Bubs/Buttercups are fraternal Twins (Mom/Dad=Keane/Prof)
Blossom’s mom is Ms. Bellum, who is dating Ms. Ima Goodwoman. Sedusa is actually a good woman in this lol, she just doesn’t vibe with blossom very well.
It also doesn’t help that Ima’s son, Butch, is now an even more permanent fixture in Blossom’s life. She had always thought school was enough. 
Later on in the story, Bellum and Ima get married and Butch&Bloss have to come to terms with being step siblings (they break up their parents and end up having to parent trap them back together)
This new relationship between Butch&Bloss works out perfectly for Brick because Brick’s bestfriends with Butch and also has a low-key crush on Bloss. They have English class together and while he very much has a goth persona that he can’t compromise (obviously) by a preppy girl like Bloss, he still enjoys fucking with her. Too bad she has that boyfriend :(
Wait what happened to the mall part?? Here we go: 
So, to preference, Bloss is a very smart young women. A real intellectual. Tons of smart extracurriculars. She’s definitely going places, but an Ivy League school costs money. So, she gets a job at the local mall in the bookstore. Bookstores in malls aren’t doing to hot financially and hers gets bought out. It’s going to be replaced by a more mainstream Barnes and Noble, but applications for employees don’t open up until after construction. She’s out a job and for some reason (maybe it’s her horribly inconsistent schedule) no one’s hiring her!! She’s worried about a gap in her resume, but her Mom ends up having the hookup. Turns out her mom’s boss (the mayor, who’s not the Mayor in this one) actually owns the lone hot dog (& pickle) stand in the mall, and it needs a new person to man it. 
(((This is a call back to when blossom, in the show, had to get a job at that hot dog stand 😂 she has to wear the same uniform with the stupid hat. )))
Her best costumer is actually Mayor, which perplexes Blossom because that can’t be a financially sound business move. His weird wisdom guides her.  
ANYWAY, she takes the job and finds out the stand (and the embarrassing uniform) is unfortunately located in front of. . .
. . .HOT TOPIC. 
Who works there??? Lol obviously Mr. Doom and Gloom himself--Brick!
So, Brick’s pretty much the manager there, right? Wrong, but he is a decent employee. He doesn’t actually need a job, but he’s a counterculture rebel, right?? And rebels go against their parents wishes, right?? And his dads (Mojo and Him) don’t want him working in a filthy mall because they’re rich and there’s better things to do. But he’s pretty anti-them so (🖕) he gets the job (Mojo also does not at all understand goth culture)
And then, because the gods favor him, not only does he end up getting to bug Bloss in English, but ALSO on his work breaks. He ends up eating more hotdogs then he ever thought he would in his life, but also, eventually, ends up becoming her study partner. Another fun and great thing for him is that as the story progresses he gets to watch her relationship with that-Jared-guy crumble right before his very eyes, which just adds fuel to his fantasy fire. 
So tbh this story actually really works out for Brick. He gets to spend time with the girl he secretly likes and has a decent shot at getting her to date him!! Blossom, on the other hand, suffers, but who’s there to help her through this suffering?
Well, obviously, Bubbles (and BC)! Bubbles works at Claire’s. She does well on the floor, but does not at all like piercing ears. She’s not good at it. She messes piercings up too frequently and blood freaks her out. Her coworker Mary often has to step up and do it for her. Still, she likes all the sparkly stuff in the store, so it’s generally a good fit. As of right now, Bubbles really just vibes in this story. Her biggest source of conflict is with Boomer, who works at the Spencer’s across from Claire’s.
Boomer is what Brick calls a shitty scene kid. He isn’t, Brick’s just mean, but Boomer rolls with it. Tbh he just likes dying his hair a shit ton of colors. He isn’t an ideal employee and is often found taking one too many breaks, but he’s charming and doesn’t make too many bad jokes about the dildos on display in the back, so they keep him around. He should honestly be on Claire’s payroll instead, because when Mary’s not available he’s the one who does the piercings (and the right way too, he might add, not with that fucked-up piercing gun) for Bubbles. And while that might make him seem like an overall helpful guy, do not be fooled. Bubbles always pays a price.
Boomer also has a shitty mom (femme fatale; she didn’t want a son), so his at-home life isn’t great, but he puts on a brave face. Brick and Butch essentially share custody of the boy. He has a room at each of their homes, which throws Blossom for a loop because not only does she have to share space with Butch later in the story, but also with Boomer (who she ends up tutoring). 
Speaking of Butch, he was fired from Spencer’s after Boomer got him a job there because he was “immature.” He was also fired from Hot Topic for basically the same reason. Then he landed a job at the Sporting Goods store, but again ended up getting fired (but this time it legitimately wasn’t his fault. His manager was just out to get him, as explained later) Now, he works for the malls arcade arena (they have go-karts and bumper cars; it’s one of those good arcades, ya feel?), so he runs a lot of kid’s bday parties. And to everyone’s surprise, he’s actually really good at it. Apparently, Butch really vibes with kids jacked up on sugar. Parents like him too because he flirts with the moms and pulls the dads into “friendly” but competitive go-kart racing betting pools. 
The person doing the actual hard labor at the arcade is Robin. She gets stuck in the chuck-e-cheese-like costume way too often. She’ a good voice of reason for everyone else, especially Butch. She’s his favorite co-worker.
Going back to the sporting goods store. Buttercup works there. She’s the best sales rep they got. It helps that she’s crazy athletic and is on track to get a pretty decent scholarship with some D1 schools. (What’s she play? Idk? Whatever your heart wants) She can’t say though that she’s the most popular amongst her coworkers. She got in a fight with Mitch, which also meant she got in a fight with the twins that follow Mitch around. She definitely didn't get along with Butch when he worked there. And she thinks her manager’s kind of creepy and he’s only gotten creepier since his partner Snake broke up with him
She doesn’t know why Snake broke up with Ace, but she’s pretty sure it has to do with Butch getting fired
Now, this one’s going to throw y’all for a loop, but the reason she gets in a fight with Mitch is because Mitch was picking on her boyfriend Elmer (THATS RIGHT IM SHAKING IT UP—but don’t worry 😏 I love the greens too much).
Elmer works at the comic/geek shop with Mike. She obviously likes her boyfriend and is big buds with Mike. Elmer’s pretty insecure tho and thinks BC’s going to break up with him all the time. This really bums her out. She doesn’t get why he thinks that (b/c she’s out of his league, but she’s oblivious) because she really likes him. Unfortunately, it gets to the point that she eventually decides she has to break up with him because she can’t convince him to trust her (still their relationship is cutesy side plot for a long bit). It’s her first big heartbreak. A heartbreak that is. . .
. . .ideal for Butch because he’s realized he has more then friendly feeling for her. See they weren’t friends AT ALL beforehand, but his new sibling relationship with Blossom has catapulted BC squarely into his life. Slowly they end up going from workplace enemies to eh to friendly to friends to (😉).
A significant turning point in their relationship happened to involve Ace. Butch was on his smoke break and saw Ace making Buttercup uncomfortable. That same night he sees Buttercup trying to leave and Ace/his gang are trying to pressure her into following them. Butch takes offense to this and ends up walking Buttercup to her car. She argues she doesn’t need him saving her, which he readily agrees to, but explains that any excuse to beat that creep Ace up is a good excuse. Afterward, anytime BC has to work close, Butch walks her to her car.
Eventually, he explains to her that he was the one who inadvertently convinced Snake to get out of their toxic-ass relationship with Ace. Ace found out and that’s why he was fired. So, now, he has real beef with the guy. Him and Ace don’t get along at all. To the point where Butch was banned from the sports store, but he sneaks in to see his friends and mess with BC. 
HAHA does the story ever end???? 
The story ends when Barnes n’ Noble opens. Blossom gets the job, ditches the old boring boyfriend, gets the goth boy, saves her mom’s relationship, and gains a sibling. 
The format of the story would be pretty episodic, with a conflict/resolution in each chapter. But what’s written above highlights the over arching plot lines
and holy shit! how could I forget the cherry on top??? Brick and Princess are cousins, and she does NOT let him forget this. 
((If you want more specific details ya gotta ask. there’s a lot more then just this.)) 
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 17
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Some truths come out... and some don't.
A/N:  Did you really think I'd leave you hanging for too long? Now it's finally time to find out what happens when Calypso and Percy meet. I'm a bit worried some characters may sound a bit OOC here but writing conflict has never been my piece of cake so I was a bit out of my comfort zone here. But I tried! Without a further ado, I hope you guys enjoy! And let me know what you think!
Characters in this ch: Calypso, Leo, Piper, Jason, Annabeth, Percy
Words: 1899
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / next chapter / AO3
“Hold on, what’s going on here?” Leo asked, finally letting go of Calypso and throwing the last piece of the cupcake in his mouth. “You two know each other?”
“Well…” Calypso started but couldn’t find the right words to explain the situation.
“Yeah, you could say that,” Percy admitted when it became obvious that she wouldn’t be able to answer. “We used to chat online.”
Leo’s eyebrows shot up. “Chat… online? As in…?” 
“On Tinder, yeah. But that was a long time ago.” Percy glanced at his girlfriend varily. “It wasn’t a big deal.”
Calypso wasn’t happy about Percy’s choice of words. To her, it had been a rather big deal, because the internet had been the only way she had been able to stay in contact with the outside world and she did care about the bonds she formed there. And Percy had seemed different from most of the people she had met online. Had. Until she had discovered she was wrong, after all.
“If it wasn’t a big deal,” Annabeth frowned. “Then why do you look so nervous and why did Calypso just go bright red? I may not be quite as good at reading people as Piper is but usually that isn’t a good sign.”
“Annabeth…” Calypso answered instead of Percy. “You are my friend and I’m not going to lie to you. I did have a crush on him, but that was two years ago and we cut things off entirely when Percy told me he wanted to start dating someone else.”
“Wait… you were the girl he was seeing before me? I… how…?” Annabeth asked, her eyes wide as owl’s.
“You were still seeing Luke,” Percy said carefully. “I liked you, Annabeth, but in all honesty, I didn’t think you’d break up with him. So, I met Calypso online and she seemed nice, but…”
“But I was always just a second choice to you,” Calypso said a bit bitterly.
“Hey, I never meant any of it to happen! I didn’t want to hurt you,” Percy tried to defend himself.
“...But it just happened,” Calypso finished for him, her voice poisonous.
Annabeth ignored their arguing.
“I remember…” she addressed Percy, “before I told you about Luke and my break up, you ranted about this girl who was so pretty and sweet and lonely and you hoped to meet her because she was living in the same city. You never told me her name, though, or what happened to her. Eventually, I just kind of… forgot. And now I find out that girl is my friend. This is just so weird…”
“A small world, huh?” Percy tried to lighten the mood, failing at it.
“It’s not funny, Jackson.” Annabeth scowled at him. “So… did you guys ever meet face to face?”
“Just once,” Calypso hurried to answer. “And at the end of it? Percy told me that he only liked me as a friend.” Two years worth of in kept emotions decided to pop on the surface in that moment, and Calypso directed the frustration at Percy. “By the way, Percy, I appreciate your honesty but you really could have told me that before I arranged the whole thing. You knew the circumstances.”
Leo had listened to the whole conversation with his mouth open, his head going back and forth between the arguers, but now he felt he had completely fallen out of it, so he asked: “Woah, you guys! Calm down a bit! What circumstances?”
“It’s nothing,” Calypso said quickly.
“It’s not nothing!” Percy exclaimed but seeing Calypso’s warning glare, he quickly shut up.
Annabeth casted Percy a disbelieving look. “Wait, she talked about whatever was going on with her to you? We’ve been friends for several months now and she still hasn’t told me what happened at the mall that one time…”
“Annabeth, I couldn’t…” Calypso wanted to explain but she knew that whatever she’d say probably wouldn’t help the situation. 
“Calypso, friends don’t have secrets. I’ve been trying to be patient, but I’m getting tired of this. Just tell me one thing. Based on what you just told me, you would have been ready for a relationship with Percy. Do you still like him?”
Calypso wanted to say a very unhesitant no, that that raft had sailed away a long time ago, and she might be seeing a new one on the horizon... But she realized she couldn’t say that in front of Leo because she hadn’t fully admitted that to herself yet, much less to anyone else. Besides that, she was also feeling rather intimidated by the situation, so the words escaped her. “I… uh… no.”
“That sounded pretty hesitant,” Annabeth pointed out. She looked like she wanted to say more, but thankfully, Piper decided to intervene in that moment.
“Alright, guys. To me it sounds like some of you are overreacting. So, Cal and Percy used to chat online before Percy and Annabeth started dating. To which they had every right. Calypso had a crush on Percy, which I suppose isn’t that weird even though I myself am not seeing the charm.” She gave her own boyfriend a quick smile. “They met once face to face and on that date Percy told Calypso he liked someone else instead. Doesn’t sound like the smartest idea but I guess Percy preferred telling that way instead of over a message. Right, Percy?”
“R-right,” he stammered, probably worried about how the girls would react.
“Then Calypso mentioned something about ‘circumstances’ but sounds like it’s something very personal so it’s up to her if she wants to tell us more about that. For now I’d suggest that we’d leave that topic alone.”
“Thanks, Piper,” Calypso said gratefully. “This is probably not the best moment to talk about it.”
“Fair enough,” Piper said, looking at the others challengingly, then at her watch. “Maybe it’s time for us all to go home. It’s getting kind of late.”
Agreeing mumbling could be heard from the room. When Piper put her leader mode on, no one really dared to resist her. Calypso thought briefly that she’d be an excellent boss for some company one day.
Percy and Annabeth didn’t say much when they left, perhaps their silence speaking more volumes than words could have. As the door closed, Piper sighed.
“I’m sorry this went this way. I promise I had a good time…”
“Until I messed everything up.” Calypso said quietly.
“What?” Piper asked. “I wasn’t gonna say that!”
“Yes but it’s the truth. I complicate everything. I can’t believe the first person I made friends with here… was, um, somehow connected to my past.”
“She must feel just as weird as you do,” Piper reminded. “I think it might be good for you to take a time off and ask yourself if you should let something that happened several years ago affect your friendship. You didn’t do anything wrong; Annabeth just needs to cool down a bit to be able to accept that. And when she’s ready, explain to her what really happened.”
“My girlfriend, the boss lady,” Jason, who had followed the situation quietly, said acceptingly. “You handled this situation awesomely.”
“Pfft, Grace, you just say that because I sleep with you.” Piper chuckled.
“He is not wrong, though,” Calypso was quick to add. “I think you did exactly what needed to be done. And just gave me some good advice. So thank you, again.”
“No problem. And hey, if anything comes up… you can definitely contact me. Annabeth may have been my friend longer, but you’re my friend too.”
“Yeah, thanks, I will,” Calypso said, managing a small smile.
After that Jason and Piper said their goodbyes and left Leo and Calypso alone in their flat.
“That was… pretty intense,” Leo finally broke the silence when it was about to get awkward. For some reason, he seemed disappointed about something even though Calypso couldn’t decide what. That she had ruined the evening? Or could it be… that he was upset to find out that she used to have a crush on his friend? No, that couldn’t have been it, Calypso thought, because what reason had she ever given Leo to like her? When she thought about it, she had mainly been sarcastic and kind of cold in his company, probably not something most people cared about.
“Yeah…” Calypso didn’t know what else to say. She wanted to explain, to say that she really didn’t feel much of anything towards Percy anymore, but what would that help? She’d probably only make things even more awkward than they already were. Especially if she was wrong and Leo was disappointed for example because she might have caused friction between his friends. “Listen, I didn’t mean to…”
“Whatever,” Leo stopped her, sounding a bit sharper than what Calypso was used to hearing. “I guess it’s none of my business anyway.”
Calypso understood the implications in Leo’s comment. One of the reasons why he was mad was because she wasn’t telling him the whole truth. But she could not get him mixed in the life she was trying to escape from…
The whole situation made Calypso frustrated and she took it out in a way she later regretted: “Why are you acting like that? What happened with Percy has nothing to do with you!”
“Well, it becomes my issue too if it affects my friends! Besides, I… I care about you… because you’re my flatmate, of course! And if my friend hurt you…”
Calypso was totally taken aback by Leo’s answer. She hadn’t even considered that he might actually be worried about her. Her face softened as she replied: “What happened back then… it doesn’t matter anymore. He and I were never exclusive. So really, it was my fault in the first place thinking that we could have a future. Not with… everything happening anyway.”
“There, that’s the other problem,” Leo said in a low voice. “You never tell me… Calypso, even though I may seem like it sometimes, I’m not stupid. You’re not telling us something that’s obviously very important to you. And hearing that Percy knows… well, it does feel weird.”
“Leo, think about your worst memory,” Calypso said, her eyes looking even darker than usual. “And tell me if you’d be willing to tell it to me, right here, right now. If the answer is no… well, then you might understand what I feel.”
“I…” Leo started, but then hesitated, his expression turning dark. “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to think about it. I just want to…”
“Forget.” Calypso finished for him. “Guess you might understand, after all.”
“Yeah, maybe… I hope that we can be honest with each other, one day, though.”
“I hope so, too,” Calypso agreed.
“Listen, I’m gonna call it a night,” Leo finally broke the silence that had fallen into the room, combing his hair with his fingers. “Got lots to do tomorrow. So, see ya.”
“Night,” Calypso said after him. She was sad that the affection that had been there the other night as they had said good night to each other seemed almost non-existent right now. Maybe the bubble around them had broken when they voiced their issues out loud. But Calypso wasn’t someone who gave up that easily. She wouldn’t let the ghosts of the past stop her from living her life anymore.
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out-of-jams · 4 years
Airplane Mode | Track 11: Blue Side | jhs
Tumblr media
Summary: Set in the same universe as Love at First Touch by bagelswrites.
In a world where a bruise marks the first touch of your soulmate, time is the only thing that matters. The marks take hours to appear, sometimes even days if you're really unlucky. Once First Touch is initiated, both parties only have a few weeks to find the other. From then on, the body begins to reject any form of sustenance other than the touch of the other. If one fails to find their soulmate, they starve to death.
So what happens when your soulmate is an internationally famous idol?
And you're just one fan in a sea of many who can't even speak the same language.
Pairing: Hoseok x Fem Character
Word Count: 2.3k
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Idol!au. Smut. Soulmate!au.
Warnings: Explicit language (you already know).
Words written like this are spoken in Korean.
            | Previous | Next | Track List | Masterlist |
It was warm. Humid. 
The moisture hanging in the air turned Eunjae’s lungs into a cage of steam, but she didn’t pay it any mind. Not with the way hot water poured over her skin, thundering against the shower walls and drenching her hair until it stuck like glue. To her, to the shower curtain that coudn’t seem to stay still, to her waterlogged lashes. 
And it burned. Not necissarily in a bad way. But in a way that distracted her from the thoughts that plagued her mind on an endless loop.
Eunjae had been fine all day. But that was probably because she’d been so busy that she hadn’t managed to get a second to herself. Not even when she’d met with Hoseok for a quick “lunch.” (They really needed to come up with a better name for skin touch.) Hell, she’d even been fine with listening to Tiffany boss her around for the rest of the afternoon.
It wasn’t until Eunjae got home, until nothing but empty silence greeted her at the door, that she finally crashed back down to reality. She was good at that--ignoring things, problems, anything that brought her stress. And she had a really bad habit of pushing things to the side until they built up so high that they flooded over her walls like a tsunami. 
And it always hit so unexpectantly. One minute she was fine, but then the next, something small or inconsequiential would trigger her into a mental breakdown. How it hadn’t happened already was a mystery to her. With all of the stress of moving to a new country where she didn’t even speak the language, and leaving behind everything she knew and loved. Add in the fact that her soulmate was an international superstar who had to hide her like a dirty little secret.
Not that she blamed Hoseok. None of it was his fault. But Eunjae wasn’t used to being hidden.
To being so completely and utterly alone. 
The cool, slippery shower wall greeted her forehead as she leaned against it, eyes closed against the torrential downpour of water. It did well to mix with the salty trail of tears ghosting her cheeks and washing down the drain like a phantom. And the quiet sobs that racked her frame blended with the sound of the shower curtain catching the water in a song of silent chaos. 
Everything was hitting her at once and it was so god damned overwhelming. 
Eunjae felt stuck, trapped in a steel cage that she couldn’t escape from. She didn’t dislike the boys, not at all. But there were so many factors that were out of her control. Snatched away before she had time to process what the hell was going on. And maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, wouldn’t be so completely and utterly unberable if she wasn’t so alone . 
Sure, Hoseok was her soulmate. But he didn’t know her, not really. They barely knew each other at all. And that was the problem. There was only one person who knew Eunjae for who she really was: her faults, her secrets, her dreams. But Miles wasn’t there. He was thousands of miles away where her problems couldn’t reach. 
Somehow he always knew the perfect solution to whatever troubled her mind, but he wasn’t there . And she couldn’t call him, couldn’t wake him up to bug him with her issues when she knew that he had a lot going on already.
So she dealt with it in the only way she could.
By hanging onto the shower wall like it was an old friend. 
She was used to keeping her pain to herself, to crying alone in a steam filled bathroom where no one could hear her. Because she didn’t like to shed the smile that she wore like a mask to show the vulnerable girl underneath. Eunjae couldn’t stand the feeling of baring her soul for people to look at. 
So she stood there and let the water hit her skin until it turned cold and the salty tears behind her eyes turned into a burning ache. She hated crying too, but the calm it brought afterwards gave her a certain solace that she wouldn’t have been able to find otherwise. And as she twisted the knob to turn the water off and stepped out of the shower, the blurred lines of her reflection stared back at her in the mirror.
It was foggy, the steam making it almost impossible to see more than a few feet in front of her. But that was okay, because she didn’t need to look anyway. Eunjae knew she always looked like a hot mess after crying, with red rimmed eyes and rosy cheeks. So she just towled off, got dressed, and ran a brush through her waist length, tangled hair. 
At least the overbearing pressure was gone from her chest and she didn’t quite feel like she was drowning anymore. Everything was fine again. Until she walked out in the hallway and bumped face first into someone’s chest. 
The electrifying current that shot through her body confirmed what she didn’t have to lift her head to see. But Eunjae did anyway, whether out of habit or because of the gentle pair of hands that held onto her shoulders to prevent her from falling, she didn’t know. 
Her gaze met brown eyes so soft that it threatened to flood her own with tears again. 
Wordlessly, Hoseok turned her by his tender grip on her shoulders and led her back down the hallway towards the living room. The warmth bleeding from his body and into hers did little to barricade the embarassment that flooded Eunjae’s veins. She hadn’t intended for him to see her like that. 
Why he was even there was a mystery to her. It was late at night, she knew that much. Though time seemed to meld together into a mindless blur. There was something about crying late at night that made a person feel disconnected from the world, like time was at a standstill. 
The soft cushions of the couch met the bare skin exposed by Eunjae’s shorts and she took a moment to send a silent thank you to herself for remembering to wear some. Hoseok’s body heat refused to leave her chilled skin as he sat down beside her, the cushion dipping with his added weight. 
Eunjae’s head shot up to meet Hoseok’s tender stare. That was the first time he’d ever shortened her name and it caught her by surprise. His gaze held hers steadily, tongue wetting his lips in preparation for his next words. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” Her response left her lips with an automated quickness and had Hoseok raising his eyebrows. 
“I heard.” 
Now it was her turn to raise her brows with fake noncholance. “Heard what?”
“Jae.” His hand shot out to catch her chin when she tried to turn away. And the serious look that overtook his face drew the fight out of her like a punctured tire. 
How the hell he always managed to see straight through her was something that Eunjae would like the answer to. It wasn’t normal. It wasn’t something that she was used to. And so, with his fingers still heating her skin, all she could do was break his hard stare to look somewhere over his shoulder. 
A moment of silence passed. And then another in which he sat there patiently and waited her out. Until she finally opened her mouth and told him what was wrong in the simplest way she could. One that required the least amount of soul baring for her to still get her point across.   
“I miss home.”
“New York?” Eunjae wasn’t sure if his question was rhetorical, or if he was jsut clarifying what she meant, but she nodded anyway. And he trapped one of her hands in both of his, though that still did nothing to goad her into looking in his direction. “What do you miss?”
Eunjae didn’t need Hoseok to elaborate to understand what he meant. “Everything? I don’t know. My friends, my family. Everything.”
“You feel...alone?” Hoseok was perceptive. So-much-so that it was a little scary. 
“A little.” 
Hoseok looked conflicted. Though not in a frustrated sort of way, no, it probably had more to do with the fact that they couldn’t communicate clearly with each other. And he didn’t know how to translate what it was that he wanted to say for her to understand him and vice versa. But he tried anyway.
“I..,” he layed a palm against his chest, resporting to getting his point across with gestures instead of words. “Am here.” 
And finally, finally, Eunjae lifted her gaze to meet his earnest one and his mouth pulled up in a smile so gentle. “For you.” 
Eunjae would be lying if she said that his words didn’t spark something within her chest. If it didn’t bring her some sort of consolation. She knew that Hoseok meant what he said, even though there was still a barrier between them. Because at the end of the day, they were still strangers. 
“I know that now.” 
But maybe they didn’t have to be. 
And his hand squeezing her own spoke of his voiceless agreement. “Good.”
A moment of silence passed through the air, but it wasn’t awkward or tense or anything. No, it was filled with a certain something that felt like comfort. Like the invisible barrier between them was beginning to dwindle. And Eunjae was reluctant to break the moment, but she had to know.
“What were you doing here anyway?” At his inquisitive look, she elaborated. “Before I got out of the shower.” 
Hoseok made a sound of realization, like he’d just remembered something important. “Movie night?”
“Movie night?” Eunjae’s mouth twitched, threatening to break into her first smile of the night.
“Yes! Movie night!” And Hoseok mirrored her tiny smile with one of his own. “Bangtan is having.”
Eunjae still wasn’t sure what that had to do with him paying her a visit. Had he wanted to sate his hunger beforehand? “Oh?” 
Hoseok stood from the couch then, but he didn’t move away, didn’t leave her behind. Instead, he turned to look down at her with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows and tiny dimples. “You come with?”
It was an invitation, though not just to watch movies. And Eunjae knew that, could see it in the way he outstreched his hand towards her like he already knew the answer, but waited anyway. She could feel it in the way that his fingers closed around hers when she placed her hand in his. Because he wasn’t just inviting her to watch movies.
No, it was so much more than that. And it was something that didn’t need to be said aloud.
Hoseok’s presence walking beside her own brought Eunjae a certain comfort that she couldn’t describe. Maybe it was the fact that she’d let him see a vulnerable piece of her, or perhaps it was the bond that settled between them like electric static. Whatever it was, she was grateful to have him there. 
Grateful for the door the Bangtan’s dorm that he held open for her in a silent invitation. And it wasn’t just an invitation inside the apartment, no, it was so much more. 
Shouts greeted them as they passed through the threshold leading into the living room and Eunjae had absolutely zero time to prepare herself for Taehyung to throw himself at her. His arms encircled her waist before she could react and lifted her straight off her feet. 
“Jae-yah!” Taehyung’s baritone voice pierced her eardrums and he didn’t even bother with setting her down. He just carried her over to the crowded looking couch like she was a little kid who couldn’t walk on her own. 
Eunjae stated such, but Taehyung merely pretended like he couldn’t understand her. So all she could do was dangle in his arms like a limp piece of soggy bread. And with the loud voices of the rest of Bangtan all fighting to speak over one another, Jimin scooted over on the shorter end of the L-shaped couch. With his body pressed against the armrest, he greeted her with an enthusiastic, “Jae-yah!” as Taehyung dropped her in the now empty space. 
“What are we watching?” Eunjae’s question caught Namjoon’s attention from the opposite end of the couch. 
He wiggled the remote in his hands. “Avengers. The first one.”
Before Namjoon could even think of continuing, Jungkook poked his head up from his seat on the floor where he’d been digging around in a bag of what looked like snacks to look up at her. “You are...fan?”
He spoke slowly, taking the time to enunciate each word and it brought a smile to Eunjae’s face before she could think to stop it. “A fan of Marvel? Who isn’t?”
The response tore a bunny-like smile from the younger boy as he threw his arms up. “Yes!” 
And as someone turned off the lights and Namjoon fast-forwarded straight to the dvd menu, Eunjae caught Hoseok’s eyes from across the room. He sat sandwiched between Yoongi and Seokjin, and he sent her an inconspicuous wiggle of his eyebrows. And as she did absolutely nothing to hide her playful eyeroll, it hit her. 
Maybe, just maybe, here could feel like home too.
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peachybeatles · 4 years
ultimate bottom!John master post ;)
Every fic listed is mclennon, includes sexual content and is on ao3. Do feel free to add onto the list if I’ve missed anything! 
Be My Baby - crybabycry
“Tell me, Johnny,” Paul murmured, teasing his almost-auburn hair between his fingers, “were you a good boy today?”
John’s breath quickened, blush spreading as he readjusted himself on Paul’s lap. “No, Paul, I was not a good boy today.”
These Nights - Unchained_Daisychain
Music journalist John Lennon is tasked with writing an article on newfound pop artist Paul McCartney. A night of fame, music, and passion soon surround John before he knows it. By the end of it all, he’s not so sure he can manage to give up this star and these nights.
Father’s Day - ImagineBeatles
John and Paul have a different way of celebrating Father’s day.
Understanding - ImagineBeatles
John wants to know what it’s like to be fucked roughly after he had seen how much Paul had enjoyed it, when he had done it to him. Paul is more than happy to do it.
The First Scene - DemonDean10
John is an omega and has kept this secret from all his friends for years. Until one day while on their first visit to the U.S. he discovers he forgot his heat suppressants. There is an Alpha that could come to his rescue, but what will happen after the two wake up and realize what they've done.
Higher Education - smothermeinrelish
Starting anew in Edinburgh Scotland, John is hired as a conservationist at the University where he will be working along side English Literature Professor Dr. Paul McCartney. John is instantly attracted to his new supervisor and mentor, but the feelings aren't mutual? Are they? Set in modern AU, the teacher/ student relationship could be more than just a temporary fling.
You Teaser, You Pleaser - Unchained_Daisychain
John and Paul finally find time to put their new handcuffs to use.
John shrugged, but the smirk on his lips belied his nonchalance. He glanced at the handcuffs Paul held between their bodies. “Seize the moment, Macca,” he said, low, tracing a single finger along the ridges of one open cuff. “Or any accessible poles throughout the day. They always leave that part out.”
Tease Me - nipsynips
His bandmates had always called him the ‘kinky’ one, but they had always assumed it was him doing the tying and the holding down and the commanding. True enough, that was often the case, especially with birds, but it wasn’t his preference. In fact, contrary to what most people thought, John relished the chance to relinquish control every once in a while.
Patience is a Virtue - Peachy_Beatles
John is trying his best to song write despite his overactive imagination. Luckily, Paul is willing to reward him for his efforts.
Summer Rose - chanderson
John and Paul rekindle their relationship late summer 1980. John's feeling lost, and Paul's missing him in more ways than one.
Cutting Strings - Peachy_Beatles
Early 1969: With John’s increasing emotional unavailability, Paul is left clinging on to whatever he can get from him- no matter how unfulfilling.
I Blame Tumblr - DemonDean10
I would just like to apologize to the world and myself for doing this. Based off this Tumblr post by @johnsdoublechin: @ the ppl who say John isnt a bottom at my last post well I got MY SOURCES. George, Ringo, Paul, Brian, Cynthia, and Yoko have all topped him thanks for listening And so...this was born. Basically John bottoms for everyone. Everyone tops him. I did this instead of my actual fics.
Ten Minutes - ImagineBeatles, ChutJeDors
Paul had thought that his friends only wanted the best for him, with giving him a gift card to a brothel and all. Now, having ended up in a room with a stunningly handsome male whore, he needs to reconsider those ideas about his friends, and his beliefs in life altogether. It’s just for ten minutes, though… Definitely a once in a lifetime thing, and all that. Totally! Right? Right??
What Feels Right/ This Loving Game - ImagineBeatles
Paul and Julia have been going out for a while and now they’ve decided to move in together. What Paul hadn’t expected when he’d agreed was that he’d fall in love with her troublesome teenage son, John
like a river flows, surely to the sea - toppermostofthepoppermost
John is smiling around his cigarette, head thrown back, eyes fixed on the cloudy sky, and it takes Paul all of his poor will to mutter, “You shouldn’t flirt with your teachers, you know?” “In my defense, Mr. McCartney,” John quips, shifting his gaze to Paul, “you make it very hard not to.” Or: Modern-day AU where Paul spends his days teaching everything Shakespeare, getting angry at modern electronic devices, raising a five-year-old girl who's 50% puppy eyes and 50% sassy comebacks and trying not to fall in love with John Lennon, his university student.
The Consequences of Getting What You Want - deux_lunes
Why John Lennon really beat Bob Wooler up at Paul’s birthday party.
Queer - deux_lunes
Paul gives John what he desires
Discipline - deux_lunes
John has been an utter brat and Paul decides that he is in desperate need of discipline.
Skype sex.  - mickeymouse (Sgtmacca0)
day 8. john skypes paul in the middle of the night.
In the Back Seat of My Car - ImagineBeatles
Modern AU. After having met at Stuart's birthday party, John and Paul get down and dirty in the back of John's car.
It won’t be long - orphan_account
After some interesting scents were being left around everywhere the Beatles went, even without any women around, it became obvious that someone in the band is an omega and never told anyone. But no one seems to care, or even notice, but Paul. The only other alpha in the band, with John of course. And he sniffs out (literally and figuratively) who it is alone in the hotel.
James - JP (jpgr1963)
Paul helps John cope with stress while on tour in 1964.
Magical Mystery Tour Love - DemonDean10
Paul gets drunk one night during MMT filming and confesses his love for John. John had been in love for yrs and is elated. but when Paul wakes up he remembers very little of the night before, will he tell John or try to make the relationship work, even with all the moral conflicts it brings up?
Day 30: Who’s Your Daddy, Johnny Boy? - ImagineBeatles
John's been a naughty boy who needs his Daddy to punish him and make him learn his lesson. Or at least, that's what Paul thinks. Not that John isn't more than happy to indulge his lover.
Day 22: Over The Desk - ImagineBeatles
1968. John keeps bothering Paul while he's busy doing management stuff, which is highly irritating for the younger Beatle, especially seeing as John makes it abundantly clear he isn't going to leave until he gets what he came for. In the end, John gets a little more than he bargained for.
Day 18: Lazy Morning Sex - ImagineBeatles
John and Paul spend the morning in bed together.
Day 6: Clothed Getting-Off - ImagineBeatles
John had seen Paul watching him, eyes hot and determined, so he was not at all surprised when he was dragged into an alleyway and pushed up against a brick wall to have his lips positively snogged off.
 I Want You - sockittoem
“In which John gets really horny after doing coke, and needs Paul to fuck it out of him.”
The Night Before - andthemoondogs
[ Anon McLennon prompt: "The Night Before" ] John and Paul have a night of drunken sex, after which, John panics and gives Paul the cold shoulder until Paul finally confronts him about it.
Day 7: Naked/Dressed - ImagineBeatles
1964. On the set of A Hard Day's Night, John and Paul cannot get one particular scene right in which Paul has to drag John away from a couple of girl as they try to find Paul's grandfather on the train, so they sneak off to practise the scene together. Soon, however, the boys have other things on their minds than rehearsing a scene.
Kiss Me - orphan_account
Mimi is gone for a trip, and when John and Paul meet at John's house for practice, things don't go quite as planned.
masturbation. - mickeymouse(Sgt macca0)
day 4. paul masturbates at the thought of john.
bottoms up. - ffomixam
“Can we get some mclennon with a possessive, dominant paul and compliant john? (technically doesn’t have to be smut)”
breathe desperation. - ffomixam
 McLennon smut, something along the lines of a first time, unexpected, adrenaline fueled, thoughtless, desperate handsy-ness and making out backstage after a show with John as the more submissive and needy one?
love me harder. - ffomixam 
Could you write a fic about Paul fucking John in public while in Hamburg, being really rough and dominant and teasing John that someone’s going to hear them and see John taking it up the arse, and John just devolves into a cummy fucked-out mess.
Of Hot Chocolate and Rainy Nights - paulmcfartney
yall already know what's goin on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I feel like I’m the worst, so I act like im the best - KiwiPillow
John, a young ravishing man, who is absolutely uninterested in anything but himself really, gets pursued by his roommate to try a dating website! What could go wrong? Well, maybe your "match" could turn out to be a bastard stalker mobster boss with a serious daddy kink, who wants to work on your attitude. Shocked and upset. In the mob bosses defence, John is annoying as hell in this.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How Control: The Foundation Changes Jesse Faden
Control’s central metaphor is about revealing hidden things. Specifically, it’s about pulling away a poster on the wall of a jail, finding the whole world outside. In the game, Jesse Faden delves into a secret NYC building called the Oldest House to find the group she’s always suspected kidnapped her brother. Inside, she finds the Federal Bureau of Control, the government agency responsible for tackling unexplained phenomena, itself overseen by a mysterious entity called the Board. 
By the start of the game’s first DLC, The Foundation, Jesse is well-versed in a whole new world of weirdness. She has embraced her role as director of the FBC, including her alliance with the new head of the research department, Emily Pope. At the start of Control‘s story, Jesse was supernaturally appointed by the Board, an inverted pyramid that looms over the astral plane and issues messages in a garbled language. The Board’s unknown motivation and bureau-wide power contrasted with the mundane way Jesse and Emily assign agents to explore the astral plane sums up the game’s humorously bureaucratic attitude toward the supernatural.   
A large part of Jesse’s story in Control is about growing as a powerful magic user and a leader. The Foundation moves Jesse’s characterization forward in terms of her opinion on the role of director and her relationship with Emily, the Board, and another supernatural behemoth known as the Former. The story is too light to do more than gesture at most of this, though, and Control’s wonderful aesthetic that leaves more questions than answers begins to fray. There’s a difference between the pleasant mystery of what exactly the Board is and being unsure of what the game is trying to say. The political and supernatural ramifications are slightly different, and it’ll take another story or two to find out how they shake out. 
Just as Jesse embraces the directorship, things become more complicated. What do the warring residents of the astral plane want from her? And will finding out distract her from the other major revelation of the DLC: that a previous researcher, Ash, succumbed to an almost religious fervor in the House’s lowest floors? Ever since they started working under the Board, the directors have all taken up the position (and died or retired) under strange circumstances. Jesse has the chance to break that cycle. As an outsider with a grudge against the FBC, embracing the directorship means something different for her: a chance to change it from the inside — if the supernatural forces at play let her. 
The most noticeable change Jesse has gone through in The Foundation is that she is more certain in her ability to control the Bureau. Even when she fails in her mission, she remains determined to alter the agency’s direction. She has plenty of motivation to do so. The FBC has hurt the only family she has left by using him as an experiment to find out more about psionic powers and the supernatural qualifications required for directorship. What exactly the FBC’s connection to the wider federal government is is unclear, but its operations span the United States and sometimes beyond. Because the FBC is so bureaucratic, most of the commentary about the government comes in the form of exhaustive paperwork or cover-ups, as if The X-Files was really mostly about filing. Jesse’s politics are limited to the FBC. Her relationship to it becomes even less about human choice when the DLC expands on the Board. 
In The Foundation, the conflict between the Board and the Former pulls the rug out from under Jesse again. It broadens the lore but also distracts from the story of the FBC’s very human flaws. She’s beginning to rebel against the Board, which doesn’t disguise its feeling of superiority and control over the human it appointed as director. “You should feel honored/handled,” the Board says, the strange and creative way of speaking in alternative subtitles perhaps revealing the Board’s patronizing nature. But Jesse isn’t having it. Later, she declares, “I don’t like you deciding what I can slash can’t have.” One of the best moments in the DLC comes from a second meeting with the Former. First seen in the main game as a side boss possessing (?) a refrigerator, this giant creature lives in the astral plane and had some kind of falling out with the Board. It appears just as Jesse is beginning to suspect she and the Board have different ideas about what directorship entails. If Jesse is supposed to run the place, she’s going to run it … and the Former, whatever motivates it, is willing to give her more powers. 
The Former is shaped like a friend.
Jesse’s relationship with the other main human character in the DLC also touches on what her directorship will be like. She clashes briefly with Emily Pope, who wants to make plans where Jesse dives in. Jesse’s fighting against a pattern the last few directorships have fallen into. Both have had tense relationships between the two most influential managers in the Oldest House, the director and the head of research. The previous head of research, Casper Darling, disappeared after his counterpart’s death paved the way for Jesse. Before that came the father and son duo of researcher Theodore Ash Jr. and his dad, the last director to hold the position before the Board got involved and the first to run the bureau from the Oldest House. Emily Pope is Jesse’s closest ally, but is there something about their job titles in the FBC that means they’re fated for tragedy? Does escaping that cycle have something to do with rebelling against the Board? The Foundation suggests it but doesn’t state it outright. 
The directorship itself is also suspicious. Ash Jr. is compelled by the spell of the House but also suspects something is wrong. “We were shown the way inside so we could help, but all we’ve done is fall victim to the same parasite,” he muses. The last three directors died under strange circumstances (or, in Northmoor’s case, entered some kind of death-like stasis because he was unable to control his own supernatural powers.) Jesse wants to be sure whatever supernatural cycle controlled the fates of the previous directors doesn’t hit her too. 
What is the parasite? The Board, the hive mind Hiss, the Former, or something else? Did the Board draw Jesse to the Oldest House because it thought she would be easily controlled? Are the problems she needs to fix in the Oldest House supernatural, political, or both? 
Leaving some questions unanswered adds to the frightening, strange atmosphere of the game, and The Foundation simply didn’t have time to return to the fate of Jesse’s brother, who remains in a coma. Jesse is still determined to reform the FBC and to make sure no other families are torn apart in the name of studying supernatural forces. But those forces are dangerous, and she’s going to have to contend with that too.
Now more comfortable using her powers, both magical and managerial, she has even less solid ground to stand on. It’s up to Remedy whether the writing in the next installments of the game can balance the government story, the Board, the Former, and Jesse’s family and friends while making a coherent statement that still feels mysterious. 
Control is out now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. It will also be available on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X at a later date. The next story expansion, AWE, will explore the FBC’s connection to Alan Wake, another character created by Remedy.
The post How Control: The Foundation Changes Jesse Faden appeared first on Den of Geek.
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turnaboutnerd · 5 years
Full Disclosure
Pairings: Cykesquill, Wrightworth, Klapollo (mentioned/implied)
Summary: Phoenix and Miles receive some surprising (and perhaps concerning) news from Athena and Simon. Set sometime after Spirit of Justice, but there are minimal spoilers.
Word Count: 2,960
A/N: If I have the opportunity to write married!Wrightworth being dads to their subordinates, then by God, I’m going to do it.
Athena’s been nervous around him for days now. Phoenix might not have the ability to read others’ emotions like she does, but he can tell that much. In fact, when he asked two days earlier if she was okay, she, apparently taking a page out of Apollo’s book, loudly replied “I’m fine!”—and a single red Psyche-Lock appeared.
He was surprised, but he didn’t push it then. Back when Apollo still regularly worked for the Agency, and they were quite literally an office full of human lie detectors, it had been an unofficial, unspoken rule that they weren’t allowed press each other over every single little white lie and secret they kept. Even in a company as tight-knit as theirs, they’re entitled to their privacy.
But Athena’s jumpiness, Phoenix thinks, is reaching a worrisome pitch. Even Trucy has noticed her odd behavior, though she hasn’t said anything. So Phoenix resolved last night to bring it up again before the end of today, and when Trucy announces she’s going to the corner store a block away to pick up a snack, he knows he has the perfect opportunity.
But Athena beats him to the punch.
“Boss!” Athena says a little too loudly, appearing in his office doorway the moment Trucy leaves. “Uh… there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”
(What a coincidence. There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, too.)
“Sure, Athena,” he says. “Do you want to sit down?”
She sort of nods and sits in the chair opposite his desk quickly—too quickly. She’s incredibly nervous, more nervous than she’s been these past several days. It touches a nerve in Phoenix, making him feel a little anxious too. His magatama is in his desk, but he can see the faint outline of her red Psyche-Lock hovering near her face.
“I, um.” She stops and takes a breath. The Psyche-Lock quivers; whatever she’s been hiding, Phoenix knows he’s about to learn it. “I—I don’t really know how to start this, so I guess I’ll just come out and say it: I’m pregnant.”
The lock shatters. Phoenix doesn’t know what he was expecting, but he wasn’t expecting that. The confession briefly knocks him breathless, and it takes him a moment to process that, yes, she really did just say that.
(Calm down! Don’t freak out on her. She obviously had a really hard time telling you this, so just—God, say something! You’re just staring now!)
“A-And I’m going to keep it,” she belatedly adds, and it’s enough to shock Phoenix back into speaking.
“Okay,” he says, and he’s surprised by how even his voice is. “May I ask who the father is?”
Phoenix realizes she’s shivering, and his heart aches. She’s terrified—of him, or of her situation, he isn’t sure.
“It’s—Simon,” she manages.
(Prosecutor Blackquill?! They’re—?)
“Does he know?” It takes every ounce of self-control within him, but his voice is still calm.
“Yes. Um.” She shifts slightly in her seat and takes in a cleansing breath. “He’s supportive and everything. He wants to be involved.”
“Okay,” Phoenix repeats. “Well—okay. I’m glad to hear that.” He pauses, collecting his thoughts. “The Agency’ll support you through any decisions you want to make here. You can continue to defend clients for as long as it’s safe for you and the baby, and of course I’ll give you time off work when you need it and—” He realizes he might be getting ahead of himself here. “I mean, if you still want to work here.”
She sniffles, and Phoenix’s heart jumps into his throat.
(Did I say something wrong?!)
“Y-Yeah, I still want to work here.” She covers her face with her hands to hide her tears. “Sorry, I’m not crying because I’m upset. I’m actually really relieved! I was so scared to tell you…”
(Oh! … Oh…)
“Aw, kiddo…” Phoenix starts. He leaves his desk, circles around it, and pulls up an extra chair close to Athena, wrapping a comforting arm around her. “You know you can always talk to me.”
“Yeah,” she sniffles again. She uncovers her face, revealing a small, tear-stained smile. “I guess I was worried over nothing. I think the pregnancy hormones are already getting to me.”
Phoenix tightens his hold.
“We’re gonna get through this, okay?” he says. She nods and wipes her face with her hands. He briefly lets go just to reach for the tissue box on his desk; he keeps it there for his more distressed clients, and occasionally his distressed daughter and distressed junior partners—although, it’s usually Apollo who does the tear-shedding in his office, even if he’s in another country at the moment.
Athena gratefully accepts the tissues.
“Okay,” she says, and she sounds like she really believes him. Phoenix is relieved; somehow, he thinks, he managed to say the right things.
“Does anyone else know?” he asks.
“No. Well—” She hesitates. “Simon said he was going to tell the Chief Prosecutor today. And I was thinking of calling Polly later, too.”
“You don’t have to tell everyone all at once.”
“I know, but I think he’d want to know, and I also just kind of want to talk to him about it.”
He grins at her.
“He’ll probably rush back to the States tonight just to check on you,” he halfway jokes, because he knows there actually is a real possibility that Apollo will hop on the next flight to LA after hearing this kind of news.
Athena laughs.
“Probably.” She grins back.
“Hey everyone!” Athena and Phoenix jolt a little, hearing the unmistakable cheerful pitch of Trucy’s voice, and the sound of a door opening and closing. “I’m back, and I brought Skittles!” She walks into Phoenix’s office, and then her breath catches. “Thena, are you okay?!”
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine now,” Athena says a little shakily, though she’s smiling as she rises to her feet.
Trucy looks doubtful. “Do you… want some Skittles?” she asks, holding out her bag.
Athena laughs again. “No, that’s okay.” She pauses, thinks. “I am hungry though.”
“Well, let’s go get some lunch!” Phoenix says, standing too. But his mind stutters, and he looks thoughtfully at Athena. “Er… maybe not at Eldoon’s though. Maybe something less salty? A little healthier? There’s a sandwich shop not too far from here.”
Trucy gapes at him. “No Eldoon’s? Something healthy? What happened while I was gone?!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll explain on the way,” Athena says, smiling weakly at her.
Trucy hums and pops a Skittle into her mouth. “Well, okay,” she says. “Not that I’m opposed to eating better. It’s just a little unexpected.”
They grab their coats—it’s late November, and it’s getting chilly—and Phoenix shuts off all the lights as they head out the door, carefully and comfortingly placing his hand on the small of Athena’s back as he guides her through.
Miles is in the middle of paperwork when there’s a knock on his door. He’s so engrossed in his work that he ignores it at first, but it comes again, and he sighs. The least favorable downside of being Chief Prosecutor is that when he has a visitor, he cannot simply turn them away because he’s working—people need to see him all the time now, and usually with good reason. But if it’s Winston here to complain again about some inane social crime Gavin has committed (Klavier may be charming and generally well-liked around the office, but the Paynes have begrudged his presence for years), then Miles swears he’ll—
(Oh. It’s Blackquill. That’s much more preferable company.)
“Prosecutor Blackquill. Come in.”
He does, and immediately, Miles can sense tension in Simon’s demeanor. His expression is tight, and his shoulders are drawn taut. Simon’s always been a serious man, but now, there’s something almost—anxious, perhaps?—in the way he’s carrying himself. Miles knows he’s not the best at reading others’ body language, but still, he can tell something’s off.
“I need to disclose a conflict of interest that has recently arisen,” Simon says without preamble.
(Straight to the point, as usual.)
“All right,” Miles nods. He pulls out a blank notepad and clicks his pen once. He’s gotten into the habit of taking notes whenever he meets with others. He’s not a forgetful man, but he carries so many diverse conversations throughout the day that things tend to fall through the cracks if he doesn’t keep a log of it. “Why don’t you sit?”
He does.
“I believe it would no longer be appropriate for me to prosecute cases in which Athena Cykes is the lead defense attorney,” Simon continues bluntly.
Miles hums, holding his pen to the page but not yet writing.
(That’s odd. Blackquill and Ms. Cykes have always had a long and personal history, and neither he nor I have raised concerns about his impartiality in a trial for it. What’s changed?)
“Might I ask why?”
Simon inhales slowly, and there is a barely perceptible tremor in his breath. Miles is honestly surprised he catches it at all, and he draws his eyebrows together, starting to feel a little worried.
“She is with child,” he says. He falters as he clarifies, “My—child.”
The pen doesn’t move. In fact, Miles lets it drop from his hand. He isn’t going to forget this.
“I—I see,” he says. He pauses, takes in a slow, careful breath, and continues, “I’ll ensure you’re not assigned to any cases wherein Ms. Cykes is involved.”
“Thank you.” Simon quickly rises and turns to go. An unfamiliar emotion bubbles up in Miles’s throat, and he feels compelled to speak.
He stops. Miles never calls him by his first name. He never calls anyone by their first name. He hardly even calls his own husband by his first name, but saying “Blackquill” now seems too impersonal, too cold, and—
(I’m not good at this.)
Miles removes his glasses and retrieves a microfiber cloth neatly tucked within his front breast pocket. He cleans the lenses, then sets them aside. It’s a nervous habit he has, something he does when he needs to buy himself time to speak. Simon is watching him warily from over his shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Miles eventually manages.
Some of the tension in Simon’s shoulders visibly relaxes.
“Yes. I—” Simon faces him again. “This may be premature, but I would like to request some time off in April next year. She’ll be due around that time.”
“Of course,” Miles readily agrees. “But it is early now, so we’ll puzzle out the details closer to her delivery.”
Simon breathes something like a sigh. “Thank you again, Edgeworth-dono.”
Miles nods to him, and Simon is able to peacefully depart this time. Once he is gone, Miles picks up his pen a second time, writes the words “Cykes-Blackquill baby due: April” at the top of the blank page, circles it twice, and drops the pen again.
Phoenix impressed himself keeping it together as well as he did when Athena told him she was pregnant that afternoon. But after Trucy’s gone to bed, and he and Miles are winding down together in the privacy of their own room that evening, he starts to fall apart.
“She’s so young, Miles,” he says as he paces back and forth between the door and the entrance to the master bathroom. Miles is sitting on the bed, a book in front of him, though he’s most certainly not reading—no, his eyes are looking over the pages, watching his husband drive a ridge into the carpet, but he hasn’t stopped him yet. Phoenix needs to move when he’s thinking.
“20 years old, is it?” Miles asks.
“Barely 20 years old,” Phoenix emphasizes. “She’s a baby herself.”
“Blackquill is older. I believe he’ll be 30 in a month,” he tries reassuringly.
“Yeah, that doesn’t change that she’s 20 though.” Phoenix stops pacing and gathers a fistful of his own hair. “She can’t even legally drink yet!”
“Well. That doesn’t make much of a difference. She shouldn’t be drinking until after April anyway.”
“You’re missing the point.”
“I understand the point.”
Phoenix pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. He starts to pace again. “I need to make sure the Agency starts picking up a steady stream of paying clients. We can’t keep doing stuff pro bono. She needs a consistent paycheck if she’s going to be raising a child.”
“I don’t think finances are going to be a concern,” Miles says. “Blackquill is involved, and he’s well-off. I know. I sign his paychecks. This is not a case of a single mother who’s going to struggle finding the means for her family’s next meal. And even if it was, you would never let her go without. You would have her over every night for dinner with Trucy and myself. You practically already do.” He pauses. “Although, you really should stop taking so many cases pro bono regardless.”
“Yeah, yeah…” He’s still pacing. Miles has finally had enough.
“Wright.” Phoenix stops, looks at him. Miles sets aside his book on the nightstand. “Come here.”
Phoenix briefly hesitates, but then he climbs into bed and lets Miles gather him into his arms.
“She’s going to be fine. It’s going to be hard, but she will be fine. They both will be,” Miles assures him. “Despite his appearances, Blackquill is an honorable man. He’ll be loyal to her and to their child.”
“I know,” Phoenix quietly agrees. He sighs and rests his face against the crook of Miles’s neck. “I didn’t even know they were together.”
“Neither did I.” He hesitates before adding, “They’ve always been close, but I have the sense their romance might be quite new.”
“Me too. I didn’t ask Athena about it today ‘cause I didn’t want to push, but…” Phoenix closes his eyes. “That’s why I was really conscious about not freaking out in front of her today. If I’m a wreck, then I can’t imagine how she—both of them—must feel, just starting to date and then suddenly winding up pregnant. It’s scary, you know?”
“Terrifying,” Miles agrees. “But, well… I knew someone who was too young, too much of a mess, to be a parent, and they turned out fine. They were single, unemployed, struggling to get by, and now—they’re happily married, nursing a successful career, their daughter having already been accepted to several universities across the U.S. in the first semester of her senior year.”
“Really?” Phoenix lifts his head. “Who—?” Miles stares, and the meaning clicks in Phoenix’s brain. “Aw, geez, Edgeworth.”
Miles smirks and presses his lips against his husband’s temple.
“It’s going to be okay, Phoenix.”
Mr. Wright was, well, right. The moment she called Polly and told him, he lost his mind and immediately started looking up flights to Los Angeles.
“Come on, come on! Ugh, stupid, slow Khura’inese Internet!” he curses over the phone.
“I-It’s okay, Polly,” she assures him with a touch of amusement. “You don’t need to come out right now. I’m going to see you next month at Christmas anyway.”
“No, I have to be there,” Apollo insists. “I just need to—agh, get this stupid dinosaur dial-up computer to bring up flight information!” She hears a mumbled string of expletives, and though Athena was serious when she said he didn’t need to see her right then, that they’d be together again at Christmas… she’s touched he’s so concerned and wants to be there for her. Even if she knows this is really more for him and his reassurance than her own.
Eventually, Apollo’s voice becomes clear again. “Look, I’ll call you later, okay? Just as soon as I get my flight information figured out.”
“Okay,” Athena agrees. “I’m only gonna be up for maybe another hour though, all right?”
“All right. Take care of yourself, okay?”
“I will. Thank you, Polly. I mean it.”
After hanging up, she leaves the privacy of her bedroom and heads back toward the kitchen, where Simon sits at the counter, a cup of tea in front of him. He looks up upon her arrival.
“Feeling better?” he asks.
“Yeah.” She pulls up a chair next to him. “I think we’re gonna see Apollo here real soon.”
“I’m sure Gavin-dono will be very happy to hear that Justice-dono is making an early trip back to the States.”
Athena smirks knowingly.
“I’m sure he will be,” she says. But then she sighs and drops her head sideways against Simon’s chest. Her hands rise below the counter to feel her stomach. It’s flat now, but it’s weird to think that soon it won’t be, and already that there’s a baby growing inside her—her and Simon’s baby.
Simon threads his hand through her hair, pulls her closer, kisses her forehead. “I love you,” he says gravely. “You do know that, right?”
It’s not the first time he’s said he’s loved her—she heard it from him as a child, platonically, and later, in private, after he was a freed man, again platonically. But this is the first time she’s heard it from him as her lover, as the father of her child.
“I do,” she says. “I love you too.”
His hand drops to her waist, then moves to cover hers—the ones that are placed carefully over her own stomach.
“We’re going to be fine,” he says, and she knows that we includes more than just herself and him.
“I know,” she says. And how could they not be? They have each other, and Mr. Wright and Edgeworth have turned out more supportive than either could have hoped for, and Trucy’s already asked to be the baby’s aunt, and Klavier’s already promised free guitar lessons for “the little fräulein, ja?”, and Apollo’s probably already on a red-eye flight back to Los Angeles.
Yes. They’re going to be fine.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
I feel what you feel au (Part 5)
N/A: I think this won´t be the last one. Ok. It will end in part 6.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @everykurt
The Shiars are ruthless as all the X-men can testify -who can forget the Pheonix Saga? Certainly not Jean Grey- and yet, no one truly ponders about how the society works and right now Excalibur is getting the answer for a question that was never solicited. Cerise (no last name given or need) is a warrior that needs to prove her true worth by defeating 1000 villains on Earth. Cap Brian and the others didn´t accept such fact at the face value.
It was an unpleasant talk with Courtney Ross, the ever flirty boss of Excalibur -who seems to enjoy to flirt with Kurt and Kitty in equal measure and does not care for soulmate´s etiquettes- which prove Cerise´s story to be true. No ill intention ...for now.
"Are you happy, Kitty?" Courtney asked peering at Kitty´s brown eyes and Kitty frowns at her-bad blood among them even if it is one-sided makes such words be a bit salty- and the blonde woman points at Cerise for a moment then at Kitty´s soulmate mark. "You and Kurt are connected throughout the universe"
Kitty is not one to remain silent in such provocation. "And that never stop you from trying to take me to bed...my age was never a problem to you" she confessed not to take her own words in a positive light, after all, what if Kurt had taken her to bed and ignore her own age?
Courtney grins amused at such words. "And it was never a problem intake Kurt to my bed...but if it makes you feel better, I would like to have slept with you. And before you ask you...Is because I know the woman you´ll become...that´s very attractive" and she concludes with her flirty attitude.
Kitty now can see why Meggan dislikes her so much and wonders if will be in good tone to punch Courtney right here and now. "Punch your boss is never wise...oh, didn´t I tell you? I can see bits of the future" she states twirling her hair. "Also, you and Kurt will be together...you´ll get there. Just have patience and continue to grow as he has to stop being such slut...and that comes from me" she concludes and leads herself back to her multiverse. Zaorva will want to give her a mission.
Cerise is naive in such aspects of Earth- as she truly thought people on the TV were real and stuck on the small box as she labels it and was ready to break it to set them all free- while in other aspects she seems to understand more or less. Cerise thought Kurt is attractive and makes no attempt in hiding her attraction.
Kurt for his part didn´t seem to notice for Cerise all that much-sure, she´s lovely, yet, Kitty marching ahead and talking with Rachel seems far lovely as her chestnut hair is not tied in any form and is free to bounce by the soft wind and by her movements- and this didn´t deter Cerise in any form.
Cap Brittain and Meggan watch her obvious interest unsure of what will happen next. Brian whispers in her ear kindly. "What you think?" this is a question that engulfs many scenarios and doubts here. Meggan hummed softly and stated. "Things will never be boring here, right Brian?" and he chuckles shaking his head amused.
Cerise is with Excalibur for almost 2 weeks and picks up some habits but not the entirety of their meanings and when she saw Meggan and Brian kissing after a good mission completed- Meggan and Brian punched the monster until there´s no more monster- Cerise thought this was Kurt was waiting for.
So, Cerise grabs Kurt and gives a kiss-which she did label as mouth contact- and kissed him in front of the others and offer a big smile for the elf who in turn is conflicted. His eyes look up to Kitty and Kurt wonders if he wasn´t in such a situation ...would he have been like been kissed like that?
Self-aware much, Kurt?
And Kurt bamf away leaving a confused Cerise behind and Kitty bitting her lips. She didn´t take her white pill and can feel his conflicted emotions and emotions.
"Elf, can we talk? I know what are you feeling..." she states as she opens his door-open, not phase and Kurt is thankful for this little act in favor of his privacy-and Kurt is upside down, literally, looking at Kitty as if waiting her final decision about his life.
"I feel what you feel, elf, you don´t want to date Cerise?" she asked knowing the answer and Kurt can be honest (and hate himself for it) as he can confess some things Kitty already knows.
"I´ll never like Karma. You did date Karma...and while we agree on a date other people, I can´t help by wonder if ..." Kurt trails of unsure.
"If I could sit and wait for you? Well, do you want to sit and wait for me?"
"if I date Cerise...if I get the same arrangement you have or had" Kurt is a bit spiteful here even though he has no real ill intention against Karma "will you be jealous?"
"I think so...but, do you want to wait for me or do you want me to sit and wait for you?"
"I don´t know...maybe? Is just...I never had a real relationship, hell Scott and Jean had their strangeness and oddness here and there, I mean, Jean is sort of a God" he jokes weakly "and yet, they are still together and still love each other. I can admit to you...me and Amanda never had this nor I ever felt this for anyone..."
"Wanna know something, elf?" Kitty offers a weak smile. "me neither and this situation is really odd..."
In the end, Kurt made his mind about Cerise and the Shiar is more than happy to be with Kurt-she may not get some Earth costumes but is familiar with friends with benefits- however, Cerise look at Kitty for a moment.
"Are you his wife?" she asked remembering how some humans marry different sizes of humans.
Kitty blushes and shakes her head.
"So...you´re his woman then?"
"I´m his soulmate"
"What this mean? Are you two together?"
"Not yet...I´m still too young"
"But...you´re a warrior. There´s no such thing as a young warrior. So, Kitty is old enough to have her soulmate...whatever this means" and adds something a bit too much Courtney-esque. "Should I sleep with you too?"
Kitty blushes and smiles awkwardly at that.
How Kitty managed to tangled herself with Shield is all thanks to Cap Britain and her aunt Moira who were asked by Shield if they have someone to lend for a special mission and, in the end, Kitty was pick -she suspects it was a way to take her away from Kurt and Cerise...is awkward to watch and even Cerise seems to agree- and is thanks to this call that allows Kitty to meet Polaris, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver.
To sum up the mission, they are dealing with a phaser (Kitty is shocked too) who is stealing data from Shield and the Avengers and using this information to hunt down mutants and humans of interest.
Kitty created a plan to stop the evil phaser and it was a success- she tells her team and Kurt seems to be the proudest and it makes Kitty offers a real smile at the elf- and once the mission is over she is allowed to meet more of the Shield´s composed and spot Lorna aka Polaris alone.
Now, she´s not too friendly with the Maximoff + Lorna to meddle, but, at the same time, she can´t ignore how lonely Lorna feels right now. "Uhm, hi? any problems?" and Lorna looks up and shakes her head but then stops.
"You know about me and Alex, don´t you?" Kitty only nods as well, who doesn´t know about a man that abandoned his future wife in the altar because...because.
"Well, he was my soulmate...or rather was" and she shows her arm to where her soulmate mark should be "and now my soulmate mark is gone ...Wanda told me is not uncommon and it means the universe is selecting me a new soulmate, but, honestly ...I don´t think I need one"
"Soulmates aren´t always easy as media made out to be"
"True and my sister is married to a robot and is happy with such marriage. On the bright side, my brother is no longer with Inhuman princess" and now she smirks amused "Good, cause Wanda was ready to kill Crystal...she cheated on Pietro in many levels...she tricks him into believing she was his soulmate, gaslight him and cheat on him...piece of advice, don´t mention the name Inhuman near Wanda unless you want to see her truly mad"
"Sisters are here for that. I think"
"Yeah. They still offer to kick Alex´s ass...which I´m not completely against it"
"Nightcrawler is my soulmate" she confessed and Lorna blinks and nods.
"He´s a womanizer, but, look...he´s better than Alex and is a good person ...with flaws like any human, but, he seems to be a good match for you. I think. I mean, he´s still a womanizer and if he tries to do anything like Alex did let me know and we kick his ass"
Kitty laughs amused and nods promising this won´t be necessary.
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alcoholicakina · 5 years
It’s R U OK Day and I’m not okay
Good thing no-one reads these or I’d feel guilty for being a drama queen and delete it before I even hit publish.
Got a shit amount of sleep last night and I have begun to learn that this is my kryptonite. It’s a double whammy if it’s Shark Week; that’s generally when I start up again with the self-harm. It’s not Shark Week at the moment, but then conflict at work happened. Yes, actual conflict.
See, I’m forgetful. I forget stuff. Sometimes I use my forgetfulness as an excuse if there’s something I really don’t want to do and expect it to go away if I ignore it. This works, sometimes. Usually, it comes back later to bite me in the arse. My Mum’s been getting mad at me my whole life for being forgetful. It stopped, obviously, when I moved out for good last year (we actually get along great and video call every now and then), but now it seems my boss is getting mad at me for it.
Okay, I have two bosses. One is the bookkeeper, J. The other is the Operations Manager, C. They’re both kind of my direct bosses, I guess. It’s a tiny office. There’s me, J, C, someone in spare parts, the warehouse guy, and two technicians who are usually out on jobs but pop into the office a few times a week. C’s wife also works part-time to help out her husband.
J has always been a bit ... abrasive. She’s not a bad person, but I guess you could say that her people skills need work. She’s been at me more than once for not following up with some people, and I got mad about it a few weeks ago. The story was that a customer said there was an issue with an order. I’d done a few for him over the last three weeks, and it got ... messy. Broken parts, returns, incorrect quantities. I sent him a spreadsheet, detailing everything from my perspective, and asked him where the issue was. He never got back to me. I shrugged it off; it must be fine then.
But then it turns out he’s refusing to pay because there’s an issue, and he’s waiting to hear back from us. Excuse me? I complain to J about him, but she says I should have followed up with him; stayed on top of it. I’m sorry? He’s a grown man. An adult. I’m not his babysitter. I got mad in private, and I’m tasked with following up with the customer. As of today, I’ve left him several voice messages and emails, and he still hasn’t gotten back to me. But when J had been told that he was waiting to hear from us, she took me to task about following up, speaking quite forcefully as she said ‘you need to follow up, stay on top of them, don’t trust them to get back to you. Make a note or a reminder in whatever system you have, and stay on top of them’.
Okay, noted. Still, it upset me. She was right, but she said it so harshly. I didn’t bring it up with her because I didn’t know how, and it was a one-off. Right?
Not so. Today, she got annoyed at me again. I’d forgotten to empty a filing cabinet. An EXTREMELY low-priority, not-in-the-slightest urgent task. She turned to me, SNAPPED HER FINGERS AT ME THREE TIMES UNDER MY NOSE, and said “focus!”. The death glare I gave her when she turned her back could have curdled milk.
It took me a solid half hour to even slightly calm down to the point where I could talk to her about it. Again, she was right to be annoyed. I was annoyed. This was something I’d genuinely forgotten, not simply put off in the hopes it would go away. But why was it such a big deal?
Eventually I was able to walk into her office, heart still racing because I legitimately suck at confrontation, and let her know that it felt incredibly rude when she snapped her fingers at me, and told her not to do that again. I didn’t even say ‘please don’t do that again’. No, I said ‘don’t do that again. It doesn’t help’. I’m really proud of myself for not watering that bit down. Like, I disrespect myself enough already. Don’t you DARE add to that. Only I get to be cruel to myself.
And J apologised. Which was great. But after work, after J had left, I spoke with C about it, and he said it wasn’t the only complaint he’d heard. He said, ‘there’s a right way to speak with people, and that’s not it’. It’s so nice that C has my back in this, but the whole thing, though really minor, left me emotionally drained. Standing up for myself takes a whole lot of energy, but I knew I’d feel worse if I didn’t.
So I caved and bought a moscato. I knew that my partner wouldn’t like it, but when I got home, he hissed quite ferociously at me. I told him I couldn’t really take him seriously when he did that, and turned around to lock the front door. He stood up, hissed some more, then came over to me and began to swat at me - not hitting me, as such, but rapid, light swats to my arm and my back. I kind of curled in on myself and waited for him to stop. “Bad Akina!” he said. “Bad!”
I already feel bad enough about giving in to my cravings. I’m not sure in what god-forsaken way he expected his actions to help me in this case. I felt like he only reaffirmed everything that sucks about who I am as a person.
Sometimes I think he’d be better off without me. My bullshit cannOT be easy to deal with - not that he ever complains. Still, the guilt it causes me is ... incredible.
It doesn’t help. Nothing does.
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The Magnus Archives Season 3 Q&A – What We Learned!
So this isn’t my usual analysis, but I did decide to collate a little bullet-point list of all the things we’ve learned from the Season 3 Q&A for those of you who can’t/don’t want to listen for whatever reason, but still want the delicious information that we got.  I’ll also be including my own thoughts about some of the points, so there will be some tasty meta.  This will just be a bit more of an informational post than most are.
·         The metaplot is known through season 5 (which will be the final season), and is hashed out in more detail at the beginning of each season.  The individual spooky stories are not necessarily known prior to the week before writing.  There is usually a general idea, but no specific details until far closer to the deadline.
·         Martin’s crush on Jon was known from the beginning of the series.  No specifics were given about when and how it came about on Martin’s end.  I imagine we’ll probably get more into this as we go forward (I lean toward it developing while he was living in the Archives, as his attitude toward Jon definitely shifted from “I have to prove myself to my boss who doesn’t believe in me” to getting very emotional when he thought he left Jon and Tim to die in the tunnels). But it was known that the crush would or already had happened from the inception of Martin’s character.
·         Tim’s background was known 2 seasons prior to now (so end of season 1).  It only came about at that point because, prior to that, Tim was going to be the one to be replaced by the Not-Them at the end of season 1 rather than Sasha.  There had to be a last-minute change because Lottie (the woman who played Sasha) had a scheduling conflict that meant she couldn’t commit to the continued large-scale time commitment.  So Sasha got replaced, Tim got a backstory, and the rest is history.  Very interesting to think that the descent into bitterness and potentially even the ties to the circus were originally meant to be Sasha’s. Is that why she was so interested in the calliope in season 1 perhaps?  Having the only main female character also be the first to die was also one of the big reasons why they added a lot of major recurring female characters from then on.
·         Basira and Daisy becoming as significant as they were was a combination of the characters being interesting and the actors being fun to working with.  They also very much fulfilled certain necessary narrative roles.
·         They knew Melanie was going to become an assistant from shortly after Lydia’s recording of her initial episode.  I’m guessing this is partly to do with Lydia being already available, but I also have to imagine it was due to the instant, nasty rapport she had with Jon.  She was certainly the character from season 1 who I most wanted back when I initially heard her.
·         Jonny’s original pitch for the show was the 13 fears, though the Slaughter and the Hunt were initially the same, but as he worked through them he realized that the root fear was very different.  It became especially apparent due to the fact that extremely different (and likely very poorly cooperating) sorts of people were driven to each of those powers.  This is interesting, because it implies that Melanie and Daisy, though we have not seen them interact, would not get on at all. They’re driven by instincts that are too close but too different.  
·         Poor, poor Jonny is haunted by Elias’ surge in popularity during season 3, particularly the large contingent of fans who found him suddenly and definitely attractive.  He blames Ben Meredith for all his woes: “It was only after [episode] 92 when he started to be properly, overtly villainous, and everyone just decided how sexy he was!  When we were planning things out, there was no way for us to foresee how sexy Elias was going to be.  Something I blame entirely on Ben.”  And Alex cackled in the background.
·         Melanie’s clap-marker as her statement beginning was actually improvisation on Lydia’s part (and works wonderfully with her background in video production).  By and large, though, there was little improvisation from the actors. There was a lot of lean-in to certain qualities that actors brought out if they were particularly good at it.
·         Jonny’s favorite power to write is the Flesh because it’s super weird and lets him dig into really odd writing.  His least favorite is the Dark because it’s so easy to fall into tropes and clichés, and he doesn’t actually share that particular fear.  He also finds writing the Desolation particularly challenging, as it treads the closest to his biggest distaste in horror: linking spooky fictional stuff with real-life trauma.  The very nature of the Desolation lends itself to trauma-porn, so when writing it he has to be especially careful not to do that.  Alex’s least favorite from a production standpoint is the Spiral because it’s always a nightmare editing it, but the Vast is his favorite, because he adds high amplitude low frequency noise to induce an on-edge feeling in the listener.
·         Alex really enjoys killing all the characters you love.  Sasha’s replacement might have been his favorite moment in the show, because it was subtle enough a lot of people didn’t catch it.  He also seemed positively gleeful when joking about how very dead Tim is.  Of all the changes in personality from character to actor, Alex is always the one who gives me the most whiplash.  Which, I suppose, is a testament to his acting abilities.
·         Perhaps Jonny’s greatest regret is naming the main character after himself and not thinking that would become … complicated.  Apparently, in the earliest drafts he was just the host of the anthology series, and not a character in his own right, which is why he originally just went with his own name.  Then he didn’t think to change it as they made Jonanthan Sims his own character with only vague similarities to Jonny (he was basically all the bits of Jonny that would make a good horror protagonist, exaggerated for effect, right up until about episode 20, at which point the character began to develop along his own lines and moved farther and farther from Jonny), who would like to believe that his own personal decisions were less “overtly horrific” than his fictional counterpart.  Alex described Jonny vs Jon as “I’d like to think that you’re less of a hot garbage-fire of a person”.  They both agreed that Jon (the character) was the absolute king of terrible decisions, and that it was hysterical to listen to Jonny’s parents eviscerate Jon’s incredibly awful decisions.  I love Jonathan Sims, Head Asshole of the Magnus Institute, but I will agree with their assessment of his character.
·         A similar regret was naming the assistants after Jonny’s then-roommates.  Not only did it cause confusion (as all 3 have now also been in the show at some point), but he brutally killed off his fiancé’s namesake first.  Oops?
·         It sounds at least probable we’ll get the last bit of the Daedalus space station story in season 4.  On that note, I found it interesting that all recurring story themes, etc, are mentioned to recur in season 4.  There was absolutely no mention of season 5 at all.  Which makes me leery.
·         US distribution and ratings for podcasts are … interesting.  Jonny could add in all the violence, explicit gore, and even sex he wanted.  The only thing (literally the only thing) that gets a podcast marked *explicit* is swearing.  Which meant that the podcast, in order to not be marked as explicit, had to scale back the language and nothing else.  Every time a character swears, it has to be well-thought-out, and Jonny has to sell Alex on why it’s important.  On the up-side, the lack of swearing was apparently what convinced Sue Sims to be a part of the cast, so I think getting Gertrude is well worth adherence to a laughably odd rule for US ratings.  Also, on that same note, Alex’s imitation of Jonny’s mother nearly made me snort tea up my nose.  So thanks for that, Alex.
·         Jonny believes that what he writes is ‘escapist horror’.  It’s a way of indulging in fear and spookiness in a controlled, safe way, when it won’t suddenly turn deeply unpleasant and traumatic.  He believes that his audience needs to trust that they can enjoy the horror without worrying that it will unexpectedly cross lines. He separates that from literary horror, which often does dig into very traumatic issues through the mechanisms of horror in very thoughtful ways.  All horror, in his opinion, needs to be respectful when it tackles very traumatic subjects.  The reason that Jonny personally doesn’t write literary horror is that he has no personal experience with those sorts of traumas, and would not feel qualified to dig into them in a genuine and thoughtful way.  He therefore sticks to escapist horror that his audience knows they can enjoy without worrying about it suddenly veering from spooks to trauma.
·         The sound of the Anglerfish is a baby crying, slowed down 100x.  Nikola had record scratches layered under her voice very subtly.
·         Jonny’s favorite thing to record in season 3 was his [MUFFLED FEELINGS], and he revealed that he managed to sound like he had a gag in his mouth by trying to stuff as much of his fist into his mouth as possible before trying to deliver lines. Which produced a really amazing amount of saliva, apparently.  They also had a lot of fun trying to record one of the larger group scenes in which most of the participants shouted at one another, because they used up most of the oxygen in the studio and all got very dizzy.  Alex really enjoyed recording his scenes in episode 100, because it was one of the few times he got to improvise, and he and the actress spent the entire episode trying to make one another laugh.  
·         Also, all statements in episode 100 are confirmed to have been supernatural events, simply told badly.  The actors got a paragraph telling them what really happened, as well as some bullet points detailing how they might get side-tracked or otherwise be terrible statement givers.  The rest was slowly improvised, with frequent checks for canon-compliance.  And, yes, episode 100 was absolutely a funny way of answering the question: “Does the magic power also make them really eloquent storytellers?”  “YES. YES, IT DOES.”
·         Alex misses his old analogue mixer.  There was about 2 minutes of eulogizing.  
·         Tim is 100% dead.  They also specify that they will never resurrect characters or bring them back from the dead (which makes Jon’s current situation particularly worrisome, as he’s not quite dead, but he’s inches from it).  Dead characters may still make appearances via tape (Gertrude’s been dead the whole time, and it hasn’t stopped her from showing up plenty) or speak from beyond the grave (thanks Gerry), but if a character dies, they will not come back to life.  This also means that Michael will not be coming back as the Distortion.  The distortion is now Helen, and the story of the Distortion is about what and who she is.  Michael may return as audio, of course, but not in the form of the Distortion.  Likewise, Gertrude and Leitner in the season finale were not ghosts; they were mostly Nikola, with a little bit of Unknowing reality-bending-weird thrown in.
·         Georgie will be returning, but she will be an occasionally recurring character rather than a regular.  
·         The Usher Foundation is the American sister foundation to the Magnus Institute, which is similar to it but different.  It’s a way to broaden the world and give a nice hook for fanfiction/RPG settings/etc. The same can be said of the other institutions like the Chinese research institution.  It’s a way to expand the world and to give a sense of scope without a locked-down story.  There’s just too much story to fit into two more seasons as is.
·         There is a nexus of timeline discrepancies that is 100% part of the plot, but the rest of timeline issues are probably just mistakes.  Mary Kaey’s dates are almost definitely oversights in writing, but Jonny doesn’t discount that he might do something with the discrepancy to make it an interesting plot point in the future.
·         Gerry’s father is not confirmed to be Eric, the research assistant of Gertrude’s who took the statement in ‘Upon a Stair’, as Jonny refused to answer the question.  He did, however, state that whoever asked had been listening very closely.
·         Any character who believes they understand how the powers work is absolutely wrong. This does include Gerry’s interpretation of Robert Smirke’s cosmology, though Jonny did state that what Gerry said is about as close as we’re likely to get to the truth of the cosmology (no exposition dump is a lie, but it’s only a decent approximation).  However, the powers are going to defy any attempt to nail them down or perfectly sum them up.  Plenty of things will not line up with the way Gerry described them, because the powers work on nightmare logic, not normal logic.
·         The tapes are NOT neutral.  They are not simply objects to record.  There is more to them than that, but we don’t know what.
·         Jonny is a massive history nerd.  He got very into Wolfgang von Kempelin, and his imitation of von Kempelen’s speaking machine was hysterical.  His favorite episode to write was ‘Tale of a Field Hospital’ for similar history nerd reasons.
·         The first trailer for the series (with the chanting) was meant as a mood piece, but has absolutely nothing to do with the meta plot.  It was recorded before half of the meta plot was even established.
·         The Magnus Institute, beyond the Archival staff and Elias, is just a legitimate supernatural academic research institution.  The library does exactly what it says it does (house and catalogue valuable texts on the supernatural).  Artifact Storage really does just store and experiment on supernatural artifacts.  Research is mostly students working on dissertations and theses.  They are even confirmed to run on an academic fiscal year (thanks to whatever fiscal nerd asked that particular question!)
·         All the supernatural things encountered in the show are tied to the powers, but Jonny does not categorically deny that other supernatural stuff exists in the TMA universe. It very simply won’t be addressed in the show, as introducing other supernatural stuff beyond the powers wouldn’t work this late in the story.  The powers play with folklore, but they do not necessarily generate folklore themselves.
·         For purposes of the story, every power only has one ritual we need to be concerned about.
·         BIG ANSWER: no power has completed a ritual to date.  The rituals are now confirmed to so radically change the fabric of reality that there is no one on the planet who wouldn’t notice a successful ritual or be effected by it in a massive way.  We are not living in a world in which the Beholding has already succeeded, or any other power.  Jonny would not answer whether or not it was possible to reverse or somehow mitigate a successful ritual.  And that makes me very suspicious that the season finale of season 4 will be the successful completion of the Watcher’s Crown, and season 5 may be trying to reverse or mitigate it in some way.
·         Leitner is likely to return (one would imagine in one of Gertrude’s tapes).
·         Jonny and Alex have made the deliberate decision not to overly describe any of the major characters beyond their plot-relevant descriptors (Tim is described as attractive, but we will not get any details of that attractiveness).  Jonny doesn’t even have confirmed ages for most of the characters. He thinks Jon is his age (almost 30).  Martin is either a bit older or a bit younger than Jon.  Tim, Sasha, and Melanie are ‘young adults’, which Jonny defines as somewhere between 25 and early thirties.  Elias is middle-aged.  Gertrude and Leitner are old.  Trevor is “old as balls”.
·         Jon is 100% on the asexual spectrum, but may not use that term to describe himself.  He would instead avoid the question, and avoid thinking about it too deeply in general.  He would be very uncomfortable describing his own sexuality. Also, Jonny made it very clear that the way Jon grapples with his inhumanity is neither a parallel to nor a comment on his asexuality.  He approaches them very differently.  He didn’t specify this, but so far as I can tell, he avoids even thinking about his sexuality, but he actively agonizes over his increasing inhumanity.  I wonder if we might end up getting a bit more of how Jon thinks about his own asexuality if he and Martin ever get their shit together enough to discuss things.
·         The statements are 90% Intangible Horror colonizing Jon’s brain, and 10% Jon is a massive drama queen secretly.  They also agreed that, if he did amateur theatre as a younger man, he would have been insufferable.
·         Tim, prior to his revenge kick, was into lots of socialization, adventure vacations (rock climbing, kayaking, scuba, etc), and may have also been a bit of a console gamer.  “Lots of socializing; adventure holidays; dead.”
·         There are no specifics at this point on the characters’ families that haven’t been addressed that Jonny was comfortable discussing, as he wanted to hold those details in reserve for later relevance.  He doesn’t want to be beholden to random answers he might throw out right now.  He would say (potentially joking) that Martin has a spider (or a series of spiders) that live in his closet over the past year, and he calls it/them George.
·         The Admiral is a composite of all the cats in Jonny’s life, which all seem to have odd rank-names (Sir Pouncealot, Ambassador Cat, the Colonel).  The Admiral is a reflection of all Jonny’s favorite things about cats.
·         We are not going to be meeting any other plot-integral characters we haven’t already heard of.  There will be new voices, but they will be names we recognize.  There will be no new archival assistants.  They’ve played that card.
·         The characters with horror-writer last names (Martin, Tim, Sasha, Georgie, and Melanie) all have paranormal research backgrounds.  This is why that convention was used for them specifically.  Given that they were not certain of the direction they were going to take Basira and Daisy when they were first written, their last names did not follow this.
·         Jon cannot compel dogs.  Probably.
·         Why an owl is the crest of the Magnus Institute (officially): “Owls are weird.  They are considered very wise, but actually one of the stupidest animals in the world.  They have a very strong field of vision.  And, some species of owl, if you look in their ear you can see the side of their eyeball.”  
·         To serve ANY of the entity is to bring fear and suffering to others.  That is what your existence is twisted into.  
·         Alex is most frightened by the Vast.  Jonny is most frightened by the Corruption, but worries his lack of tidiness might tempt its attention.
·         My favorite question and answer: if they could fight any writer in hand-to-hand combat, who would it be?  They both agreed on HP Lovecraft, because “I could almost definitely take him, and it would be so satisfying.”  They both agreed that neither of them would feel bad for punching Lovecraft, which, even as someone who does a yearly reading of a lot of his works … yeah.  I’d agree.  He had amazing creativity and really laid out my favorite horror sub-genre (debatably Robert Chambers invented it, but Lovecraft properly expanded it into a genre), but there are few authors as in need of a proper walloping as HP Lovecraft. They agreed that others—for Jonny, DH Lawrence, for Alex, James Joyce—were also in need of some fighting, but had serious doubts whether or not they could beat them in hand-to-hand combat (“We’re not exactly prime physical specimens”).  Maybe just kicking them in the shins.  Jonny admitted to an embarrassing love of a lot of literary ‘classics’ people like to shit on, like “Ulysses” and “Moby Dick”.
And that was that!  This is the entirety of the MASSIVE Patreon Q&A.  Apparently the one that went up tonight on the website is a very pared-down version of this Q&A (website version is 43 minutes; Patreon version is 1 hour 48 minutes). Not sure which of these answers didn’t make the cut, but here you go!  All the delicious meta and answers you could want, fresh from the Patreon!
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strawblemon · 5 years
All the Disney fan service that bothered me in KH3
(long post)
[Edit: apparently, Phil's Japanese voice actor passed away, so he was left mute as a sign of respect] Was the Danny DeVito impersonator unavailable? Did they not want people to keep joking about getting on the Hydra's back? What I'm saying is why was Phil mute? It feels very weird not to hear him talk.
Once you're done with Olympus, people start appearing in Thebes, and broken buildings are shown to be partially repaired. This is a really good thing, but why was Olympus the only world to drastically change after its story ends? I kept expecting all worlds to do the same but none of them did.
Toy Box:
Listen, I really like this world, but I would have liked it more if it took place entirely inside Andy's house. Galaxy Toys is cool but it's not a location from the movies at all, despite the fact that there is a toy store in the movies that could have easily been used.
I understand that a lot of Toy Story characters are actual licensed toys and including them all would have been impossible, but this excuse that half of the toys were sent to an alternate reality is very dumb. And that also makes the Toy Box a boys-only world, as neither Jessie nor Bo Peep were chosen to appear in this reality.
Yozora looks exactly like Riku, so why does Rex think Sora looks like him? He's a huge nerd, he can make the difference between the two.
The Verum Rex section is a cool idea, but the gameplay of it looks nothing like the trailer at the beginning of the world (which I guess might be a reference to the fact that Square Enix made it and they sometimes do that, but still). What was the point of hyping it up like that when it's just a mech section?
There’s a Dissidia NT aisle in Galaxy Toys, and for some reason, the reference doesn’t go beyond that? No Final Fantasy toy boss? Lame.
Kingdom of Corona:
I don't remember the movie enough to decide whether it's a legitimate plot hole or just badly explained but, Flynn's satchel seems to be able to teleport from the tower to Rapunzel's hands, and from Flynn's hands back to the tower...
Like... Rapunzel hides it in the tower, Mother Gothel finds it, Rapunzel (without going back to the tower) gives it to Flynn, Flynn runs away with it, back in the tower Rapunzel wears the crown that was in the satchel she gave to Flynn?? Was it a different satchel? It didn’t seem like it was a different one.
This isn’t the worst world to have this problem, but the environments aren’t very varied, which makes it really easy to get lost, something that wasn’t really a problem in Kingdom Hearts 2 and most of the games that followed.
I’m confused on the timeline for this one. It’s soon enough after the movie that Mike is still worried about monsters being afraid of humans, and the Monsters, Inc. factory entrance still says “We scare because we care”, but Boo’s door is already back in one piece?
Most of the world takes place in a part of the factory we had never seen before, and frankly, I didn’t think it existed. Apparently Monsters, Inc. is not just a power plant but an actual factory that makes things beyond inter-dimensional doors and scream batteries? It’s an... interesting idea but it doesn’t feel like the movies and the parts of the factory that don’t include doors feel uninspired and don’t really give me any nostalgic feelings.
As a kid, I was a big fan of the CDA agents’ design, and i was really happy to see them in KH3, but they’re the Child Detection Agency, which means taking care of unidentified life forms isn’t their job. They also don’t seem to care about Boo at all, despite the fact that they’re the reason her door was destroyed...
Apparently I wasn’t the only one to think this was the worst world by far, so I feel validated.
Contrary to the restored Thebes in Olympus, Arendelle stays completely frozen even after Elsa unfreezes it.
You don’t go to the kingdom itself, which is a huge disappointment after Corona’s beautiful little castle town.
Hans is voiceless and doesn’t matter until the very end and never appears before revealing his true intent. What was the point of even keeping him in?
F*ck the Labyrinth of Ice, it’s not in the movie and it adds nothing interesting to the story or the world as a whole.
Surprisingly, the Labyrinth isn’t the only place where you can get lost. The mountain is even less interesting than Corona’s forest and all parts of it look the same. It’s also really easy to fall from a cliff and having to climb all the way up again.
The original Let It Go video on YouTube has more than 600 million views. Nobody needed to see it done again in a slightly worse CGI cutscene. This could have been a musical mini game, or the music could have been remixed and used during a boss fight. Whatever they could have done, remaking a scene from the movie as a cutscene is the worst thing licensed games can do, and that’s what they did.
Why is Sora impressed by Elsa’s power when he first discovers them? Building an ice castle is actually impressive, but Sora can just shoot ice with his key-shaped magic sword, he shouldn't be this surprised. 
Speaking of non-impressive things, Sora met living scarecrow, puppets, furniture, gargoyles and toys, but apparently a living snowman is absolutely unbelievable!! Sora being amazed by things he’s never seen is always adorable, but a walking snowman shouldn’t be enough to make Donald and Goofy doubt his sanity.
The Caribbean:
Jack Sparrow really creeps me out in the CGI cutscenes, I don’t know why but he does.
This is just a weird movie to make a game adaptation, and it feels strangely incomplete. The story is a lot more complicated than other Disney movies which means that removing some parts for adaptation reasons will make the rest harder to understand. Characters like Cutler Beckett and Tia Dalma end up feeling kind of superfluous since they have very limited screen presence. Sora and the gang are also absent from a lot of the important plot scenes, so when they rejoin there’s no real connection with the rest of the cast.
Why does this world end with the Leviathan disappearing? It doesn’t actually disappear since you can still use it when you come back. There’s no point to that scene at all.
San Fransokyo:
I didn’t check online, but it felt like the shortest and smallest of the main worlds. I really didn’t expect it to end this fast. I understand what they were going for with the single open area, but it’s too small to really be memorable, especially compared to size of The Caribbean. I wanted to like this world, but it feels so rushed, and the fact that it was both the last main world to be fully revealed and the last Disney world you go to really reinforces this idea.
Giving Hiro the original Baymax back kind of devalues the ending of Big Hero 6. It feels like Nomura didn’t want to deal with the idea that a character can be gone for good and just decided to bring back a dead character from the movie. I would not have been surprised if they somehow managed to bring Tadashi back to life too. Having 2 Baymax also makes them both less special.
100 Acre Wood:
This one somehow feels even more rushed than San Fransokyo, it adds nothing to the plot, There’s only one minigame with slight variations, the story isn’t separated into pages like previous games,  it ends in less than an hour and basically only serves as a place to farm ingredients. What happened with this world?
Another complaint that doesn’t go anywhere:
Maleficent and Pete did nothing in this game, outside of setting up a sequel, and yet they still appeared in trailers like they were going to be important?? Why???
Anyway I liked the game, but this is just like half of the things that bothered me about it so...
I have... conflicted feelings about it overall.
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sumergosuigeneris · 5 years
February 12, 2019 Part I
Boss got home around midnight. So he’ll be in today. That is both good and bad. It’s eh b/c he’s back, but very good that I don’t have to reschedule everything for today. In between around 6pm last night and 6 am this morning, the mofo had the nerve to add a couple meetings to his calendar AND offer up a shit ton of time next week for a meeting, most of which were meetings that were hard to schedule. It is an interesting request though. Either he got offered a job that would require him to leave the university, or he didn’t get it and he wants help getting to that next step. The thing for me is, he’s kind of in the same boat as me. At our levels, it’s really hard to make it up to the next step, simply because there are so many fewer jobs as you go higher. Unless they create a new job, I don’t see how they can match it if he did get the offer. Unless there’s a few people retiring in the next couple years....Although, now that I think about it, there were a couple of jobs here that, while not exactly his expertise, would have moved him up. I wonder if he applied or not. As someone who works for him, and understands the drive, I want him to succeed. As someone who works for him, he’s not a good manager or leader, so I only want him to move up into a position where he wouldn’t make things worse, but could contribute in his way to make things thrive. Bureaucracies are good for that. Wow, my spelling is really terrible lately. I couldn’t even spell bureaucracy without looking it up online. However, along the way, I did invent the word ‘brocracy.’ It makes sense as a word.
Didn’t sleep well last night. Didn’t do my laundry last night. Did it this morning, but somehow everyone was using the machines this morning, so it’s a late to work day. When the boss flew in at midnight. You know he’s gonna think some kind of way.
I made my first real apartment building friend in the laundry room today. We started talking bc I was wearing a Kentucky tshirt. He went to UK. And he knew where my tiny first college was. And he’s moving in April. That’s my life lol. Three of us were talking and it was lovely. We talked about racism. We  talked about the grammys, we talked about rachel doozer. I’m going to watch a doc they have on net flicks about her and we shall then discuss lol. The other person we were chatting with is currently working on her masters kind of sort of  in the field my dept is in. What a small world.
Highlight of my day so far: finding out a meeting I worked on was being held in a bad location for my people, and getting them to agree to move it for me. As long as I do all the work.
The girl in fresh off the boat who asked Evan if he liked her, was so freaking brave! I got anxious watching her lol.
I was walking in between work offices today, and I had some really good thoughts. Which I forgot. This is why I don’t make progress on things. This, and about a billion other reasons. But one thing I do remember is that I started thinking that my career doesn’t necessarily need to be over and dead-end. I could commit to growing and becoming an expert in something. I don’t know. It was a thought. And hell, maybe I can try to get my phd after I retire! I know, I know. It was just an idle thought b/c I’m surrounded by academia. Oh yes, another thing I was thinking was maybe I should reconsider not trying to stay here. lol. I had to remind myself that - no!
I went a decent part of the day without headphones in. At one point, I was talking to myself when my boss walked by and he thought I was talking to him. It occurs to me that I speak to myself more when I don’t have music or tv going on. What’s up with that?
Please god do not let biden or sanders win.
For a minute during work I was energized and excited to get home and do stuff. Got home and I’m exhausted. And this is why I never get anywhere with anything.
There are about a bazillion points where I see I went wrong. Normally, I say I wouldn’t go back in time to change anything if I didn’t maintain my knowledge of all this. Today I’m not feeling it. I’d go back in a heartbeat and just cross my fingers that I’d make different choices.
A congressperson made a comment about a jewish org funding pro-isreal stuff in the government. I don’t know anything about that particular organization, but it says something that both parties quickly disavowed her remarks. Other than the whole batshit crazy people trying to foment wwiii so they can start armageddon, I don’t understand what the other reasons are that politicians are so afraid to say anything negative about the country. Why they’re so beholden and afraid. Besides the fact that people are quick to consider anyone who’s anti-israel to be an antisemite. As a pro-jew, antiisrael person I don’t get it. But then again, I’m not old enough to be close to the founding and all the conflict back then. I just see it as a country/government doing whatever it’s doing, in the same way other countries are primarily catholic or primarily protestant or primarily muslim, without those countries’ actions reflecting on the religion. Don’t get me wrong, I know very well that many people/governments pervert religion for their own ends. But I don’t see that as the religions themselves, just yucky people.
Random thought popped into my head. A while ago, I tried to start watching last man standing. I couldn’t understand how it could be a conservative show when the mother (an actress I’ve been fond of for years) was a working woman and an engineer. Just now it occurred to me that I don’t understand how I could have been perplexed? Because I tried watching it AFTER I spent a couple of years working with sexist, racist, homophobic, etc, chemists. Wow. Sometimes I am real slow.
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