#with seaweed!
howdoyousleep3 · 1 year
i’ve been looking forward to this alllllll week 😩😍😋
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basicpotathoe · 4 months
this scene is so funny when you think that if this cabin moment had happened in the book, percy would have said something like
“annabeth looked at me like she was going to use her necklace and strangle me with it but instead she just gave it to me”
and then we see her with the sweetest most genuine expression and he’s just a seaweed brain
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lilislegacy · 3 months
frank: let me get this straight. thalia and jason’s domain is the sky, percy’s domain is water, and hazel and nico’s domain is basically the underground?
annabeth: yes
frank: but… can’t percy also create storms? that have clouds and lightning and thunder?
annabeth: yes
frank: and… and can’t percy also create earthquakes and make volcanoes erupt?
annabeth: yes
frank: so… in a way, doesn’t that mean everywhere is percy’s domain?
annabeth: yes.
annabeth: but don’t tell him. he hasn’t had that realization yet
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socra--tease · 5 months
The way they’re holding back the first “seaweed brain” like it’s a bass drop bc they know it is going to irreparably alter all of our brains forever
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prinnay · 1 year
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etoilesdeglace · 5 months
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seaweed brain vs. wise girl
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Watching the Percy Jackson series has made me empathize with Aphrodite more than I ever thought possible.
Cuz these kids are TWELVE and are out here just trying to SURVIVE, but every time Percy and Annabeth interact I’m giggling and kicking my feet like “Hehehe you don’t know it yet, but that is the love of your life. Yes, yes, there’s a big scary monster but what about the slow-burn romance?”
And I always found it so annoying in the books when Aphrodite would show up and only be interested in the romantic dynamics between the characters and otherwise be kinda useless. But now??? I’m totally on the same page with her. Cuz I know they’re going to fight a million monsters and win, and at the end of the day one fight looks just like the next. But they only fall in love ONCE and it’s AMAZING.
Like damn. Apologies the goddess Aphrodite. I suddenly get it.
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captain-watercress · 5 months
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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svndvn · 11 months
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wandering underwater, hoping to find some magical items.. 
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seaweed-butch · 5 months
The desperation in annabeths “wait” when Percy shuts the door. When she screams “Percy don’t do this to me” my HEART!!! THE SIGH OF RELIEF WHEN PERCY KNOWS SHELL BE OKAY. Honestly Percy outsmarting Annabeth to introduce his fatal flaw is possibly the best way to introduce who he is. They shattered my heart with this scene.
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vangoghcore · 1 year
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by mermaid_danii
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liesmultixxx · 5 days
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we don’t talk about this nearly enough- the way percy is so dumbfounded that someone actually likes him for who he is
i’m crying …
like of course annabeth loves you, seaweed brain
now you just need to see that YOU ARE MORE THAN WORTHY OF IT
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lilislegacy · 3 months
clarisse: you know Chase, i would have SO much more respect for you if you just weren’t dating jackson
clarisse: even putting aside the multitude of idiotic things he’s said and done over the years
clarisse: i just watched him have a heated argument with a horse. over donuts.
clarisse: because he claims that bear claw donuts have a completely stupid name and should instead be called bear paws, “because the donuts don’t actually depict claws”
clarisse: and then he proceeded to ask a stingray for it’s input
clarisse: because he thought a stingray would know what a bear claw looks like
annabeth: he’s a really good kisser
annabeth: and to be fair, he’s right
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clouvu · 16 days
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Joined in matrimony
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kororobus · 1 month
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I don’t know how many drawings I’ll be able to make, but at least I’ll take part (●'◡'●)
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"Any good gardener knows what a good de-weeding can do for a vegetable garden. As it turns out, it’s much the same for coral reefs.
Following a volunteer “sea-weeding” program launched in Australia, scientists are witnessing compounding coral recovery both in quantity and diversity, and suggest that this simple method has the power to transform degraded reefs overrun by macroalgae.
In a balanced ecosystem, macroalgae is kept in check by the size and health of corals, but as extreme weather events or coral bleaching causes some sections of reef to die, macroalgae has no other neighbor keeping a check on its spread.
Over a period of three years, the joint Earthwatch Institute program led by James Cook University Senior Research Officer Hillary Smith and Professor David Bourne, also at JCU and the Australian Institute of Marine Science, has organized volunteer citizen scientists to help remove macroalgae at two experimental reef sites.
The results of the first three years of work and study have now been published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, and they show a 600% increase in coral recovery rates.
“It’s just like weeding your garden,” Smith said. “Every time we return, the seaweed is growing back less and less, so this method could provide lasting benefit without requiring endless effort.” ...
The importance of the study, Smith details, is that a lot of reef recovery efforts globally are powered by expensive, high-tech, and experimental solutions. The study hoped to show that manual de-weeding was just as effective, and thereby encourage organizations or nations that lack the tech or funding of a country like Australia to pursue sea-weeding as a way of protecting their corals.
“We have yet to see a plateau in coral growth within these plots at Magnetic Island, which is characterized as one of the degraded reefs on the Great Barrier Reef,” Smith said. “We also found an increase in coral diversity, so this method is benefitting a wide range of different coral types.”
Smith said her team are now scoping other locations where the sea-weeding technique could be useful, including the Whitsunday Islands, which are home to a different species of predominant seaweed.
They also want to employ them in French Polynesia, Indonesia, and even Singapore, where experts have identified out-of-control macroalgae spread along coral reefs."
-via Good News Network, September 19, 2023
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