#words cannot express how much i hated these quests
corgibardballads · 5 months
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Yes, because the plot makes me. My native ass would leave those bastard colonizers on their own.
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There are many things that frustrate me with the writing of Annabeth in the PJO TV Show, but I think one thing that I haven’t seen people talk much about is the mini-arc of Percy needing to help Annabeth with her sense of fun/humanity.
Just so we’re clear, I absolutely hate this arc.
Prior to the show’s premiere, I believe there was a quote from Rick discussing new-ish things that we’d see in the show, and one of those things was Percy helping Annabeth “tap into her humanity”. I can’t find the exact quote, but it should be on the series update Twitter account if you search it.
When I first read this quote, I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant, but I thought maybe we’d get an expansion of the theme of forgiveness that we got in the original books, or maybe we’d get an arc about Annabeth’s pride and how that gets in the way of her relationships with others. Or maybe they’d try and break down the ways in which Annabeth helps to uphold the gods’ ways of doing things, and align her more with the mortal point of view (which they essentially did, but not the overall point).
What I certainly wasn’t expecting was for them to strip Annabeth of most, if not, all of her smaller/softer traits, and give her this unusually stoic and stiff personality, where she suddenly has no familiarity with casual aspects of the mortal world (movies, Disney world, common idioms), and needs Percy to introduce these concepts to her in an effort to “unlock” her humanity.
Words cannot emphasize enough how much I despise this arc. Not only is it entirely nonsensical for Annabeth not to be familiar with these things (she was with her dad at least until the age of 7 and she goes to a camp full of other children who are regularly in contact with the mortal world; do you seriously expect me to believe that at no point in her 12 years of life, she never saw a single film, heard of Disneyworld, or heard common idioms and slang terms from her camp-mates? Seriously???)
Book!Annabeth had PLENTY of humanity to go around! Even with her pride and initial coldness towards Percy, she plays hackeysack with him and Grover on the first day of their quest! She has a cute silly crush/admiration/infatuation on Luke. She nerds out big time over the St. Louis Arch! She’s the first to steal clothing from Waterland! She screams and cries when she encounters the mechanical spiders! She has an expression of sadness when she shares her backstory about Thalia and Luke! She gets lost in her little construction game at the Lotus, so much so that Percy has to use her phobia to pull her out of the trance! She grabs Percy’s hand when they first enter the Underworld because she’s scared! She tears up when it’s time to leave Cerberus!
And you stripped her of all these things, because you’re so desperate to overemphasize the Percabeth romance, and you felt that it was absolutely necessary to have Percy educate Annabeth on “unlocking humanity”??? Why!!!!
Not only did Book!Percy help Annabeth discuss things about bad parents and approaching forgiveness, but Book!Percy already had something important to offer Annabeth: loyalty, trustworthiness, and reliability. You didn’t need to take away her already-present traits and wits to convince us that Percy was the type of person she needed in her life, because we can already see what he offers her in the books. So why oh why did you feel the need to give us the silly “tap into your humanity” arc? Why did you turn her personality into something that it wasn’t? Why did you take away her depth just so her character could better serve Percabeth?
I don’t even necessarily agree with the criticism that this version of Annabeth feels like it prioritizes Percabeth more, but I can see why people made that complaint. Y’all took away so much of what made this character endearing, because you felt like it was a much bigger priority to have Percy help her unlock humanity than to let her be human prior to meeting him and outside of him. Not only does her personality get shafted, but her relationships with other people get shafted too! Her interactions with Luke are affection-less, she sent Grover off on his own in the Lotus so she could go off with Percy, and I don’t even think that she and Chiron interacted once this season; I don’t even think she mentioned the part about her calling him to come pick her up after she attempted living at home again!
But don’t worry; we’ll get plenty of scenes doubling down and tripling down on how Percy is the center of her world now! Yay!
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cosmic-metanoia · 6 months
An Amazing Protagonist (of All Time)
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***Warning – Spoilers for Final Fantasy XVI***
Clive is seriously one of the best protagonists I have ever come across not just in a video game but in any media. He is not perfect but the transformation we gradually witness from the age of 15 through 33 is absolutely astounding. As a teenager, he’s incredibly mature and has a strong sense of loyalty to his nation and his brother despite being treated like garbage by his own mother. At 28 during his “revenge era”, we see a brooding and darker side of him and it’s obvious that he has experienced too much. He is hellbent on avenging Joshua only to find out he was the one who killed him. The shame and guilt that burdens Clive and the eventual forgiveness and acceptance of his new identity is something many of us can relate to. We see his heroism when he becomes leader of the Cursebreakers and holds the torch handed over by Cid. Of course, we cheer him on as the warrior that he is with his amazing combat skills and Eikon powers. Yet there is so much more to Clive than his epic presence on the battlefield and his handsome looks. Many heroes (and superheroes) encompass similar qualities I just described but there are a few things that REALLY set Clive apart as a main character.
Clive is incredibly emotionally intelligent and has a lot of empathy for others. He can discern relationships between people and how deep their bonds run. He also has a wonderful sense of negotiation when dealing with tough issues and he is often able to help third parties come to a mutual agreement. He doesn’t need to use intimidating gestures, facial expressions, or harsh words to scare others into doing what he wishes. Even if he cannot convince someone, he knows when it is time to give up and politely step away. (As a random thought – have you noticed that Clive doesn’t just step in and take Bearers away from their masters when he witnesses them being abused in public? I think it’s because he’s more concerned with being on the radar which may lead adversaries to the Hideaway. He has to think about the Bearers currently under his protection. Nevertheless, I can imagine it must be hard for him to watch.) The tenderness he has for Jill makes my heart gleefully burst. The way he treats her as his equal and is so supportive of her is divinely refreshing! Not to mention his absolute loyalty to her even before they revealed their feelings to each other aloud. And I could go on and on about his love for his dearest little brother. One other quality about him is that he's not afraid to weep tears of joy or grief at certain moments - which, in my opinion, makes him more masculine and not less. There’s a TON of evidence to support everything I said but I would just encourage everyone to play ALL of the side quests to really understand Clive.
Generally speaking, many people have lived harsh lives and unfortunately some of those people use that as an excuse to treat others badly. With that logic, Clive could use his maternal issues as an excuse to treat women ill or use his upbringing as an excuse to hate on others but he was MUCH stronger. He chose love, brotherhood, and righteousness. I heard someone on the internet say that “Clive makes me want to be a better man” and that is FREAKING beautiful!
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dilxcc · 1 year
:: mrs magic. diluc ragnvindr
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contains. fem!reader, small angst, fluff, love confessions, mutual pining, idiots in love, grammatical error . . .
summary. his head is filled with you. he just had to figure out what kind of sorcery that you had casted on him . . .
requested. none
note. this basically sucks 😭
he pants lightly, holding his claymore in both hands as he finished his training. the sun had already said goodbye to the city of mondstadt. yet, he didn’t seem to have noticed.
“she cannot keep on jeopardizing my quests,” those were the words that kept on ringing in his ears. he didn’t want anyone to help him. he doesn’t require one’s help. kaeya, who was there to deliver an apology letter from venti (a drunkard that seems to always drop by angel’s share), clapped his hands in amusement.
he could see clearly even with one eye how affacted his brother is by you. you. his only thoughts. it would have been natural if diluc’s only thoughts were of surpassing you. but kaeya had heard from adelinde that his brother was always thinking of you.
not just thinking of you, but would also have dreams about you. and not just any dreams, ones like where he would be with you in the same room, just reading a book or simply relishing in each other’s company.
diluc wondered what kind of spell that you had put him under. it’s got to be some sort of sorcery to make him feel this infatuated by you. he ought to ask adelinde about this soon.
with a tired sigh, he put down his claymore and gave kaeya an annoyed look. “what business do you have here?” he asked flatly. “what? i can’t come here and visit my brother now?”
with an unamused expression, diluc quickly drag his claymore and went inside the winery. “hey, that drunkard have something for you,” kaeya said, his eye casting a longing feeling. “i... will take my leave now,”
he simply hummed, only turning back when he was sure his brother had left. he took the letter and went back inside.
“why has she always been on my mind?” diluc groaned into his hands. “i do not need distractions,” he mumbled. “what seemed to be the problem here, master diluc?” adelinde asked, her head tilted to the side slightly. she had never seen the master diluc to be so distressed these days.
“it is nothing for you to concern yourself for,” he said, quickly dismissing her. “is this about that lady who often carried you here injured?” adelinde asked. “n-no. what makes you think of that?” he stuttered.
adelinde smiled at that. “you see, she came by this evening. told me that she wanted to see you for the last time,” at that, his ears perked up. “last time? what does that mean? is she leaving?”
“i suppose. she left you a letter,”
he basically snatched the paper from adelinde and read it immediately.
dear mr. grumpy,
i have come bearing this letter to tell you that, i will soon leave mondstadt for liyue. perhaps i shouldn’t have needed to write this letter. but i felt that i would... indeed miss you after a long time. so this letter is to lessen that longing feeling.
it is quite odd for me to write this letter to you. especially when you probably hates me. and for some unknown reason, i fell for you mister. how did you even do that simply by standing around and pushing away my help? i will be missing you dearly in all honesty.
i hope that you will be happy staying here in mondstadt. i will be continuing my traveling elsewhere after i finished venturing liyue.
your truly,
he quickly scrambled to his feet and dashed out of the winery. he had to find you. he just had to catch you before you leave.
you looked at your house with sadness. you so much wished to stay. but you also wanted to do this. you finally had enough mora to go travel all around teyvat. maybe do some commissions along the way for mora.
you quickly whipped your head around, trying to find that source of voice. it felt like his heart had stopped for a bit. you looked... alluring. he doesn’t know if that is the right word. everything about you is just magical. had you always been this beautiful?
his thoughts scattered in his brain as he walk towards you. his heart beating hundreds of miles per hour. “you... you’re leaving,” he stated. as if it wasn’t obvious enough. a bitter smile appeared on your face. “yeah... my journey in mondstadt has come to an end,”
“but you don’t have to leave...?” his voice came out more pathetic than he had hoped for. why has he become so... fragile in front of you? “i’m afraid it is important for me,” you said. you hoped that he would leave you now. if he stays any longer, you might actually stay and confess your love for him.
diluc stood in front of you, slightly out of breath from rushing all the way from the winery back into the city of mondstadt. “i need to know... what sort of sorcery have you put me under... to make me so... attracted to you, to make you so alluring that it’s hard for me to not think of you,” he admitted.
you couldn’t believe his words for a second. but the way he was looking at you, staring at you with heart eyes. “i wondered the same,” you chuckled, your eyes filling with tears. slowly, he pushed your hair away and tuck it behind your ear. his hand rested there for a bit, and he leaned closer, his forehead meeting yours.
“would you... keep in contact with me?”
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lemonhemlock · 4 months
1 and 8
character everyone gets wrong
hmmm.... there's so much asoiaf meta at this point it's hard to say.... tyrion perhaps? he generally maintains this antagonistic view of his father and sister, but, in hindsight, it does seem to me that not everything tywin and cersei did was to designed specifically attack him or to work against him. tywin does send him to KL to be hand of the king in his stead and gives him actual power to reign cersei in and cersei does try to team up with him at the beginning of ACOK. but tyrion is so set on undermining her that he never really takes this offer of collaboration seriously and everything escalates quickly afterwards.
idk how to best express this but i feel like, even though the ableism was real, there was a point where they could have mended their relationship, but tyrion did play a crucial part in destroying this truce, it wasn't all a premeditated assault on him. but, while fans have smartened up to his POV trap and realised that he is truly on a downwards spiral and not necessarily a "good" person, this unblemished victimisation narrative remains
by now i sound like a broken record but i cannot truly investigate these leads until i begin the great re-read project (if only i wasn't preoccupied with other books rn !! )
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i'm gonna start this with cersei bc this is the shorter rant, but people are so obsessed with this take that she doesn't really love her children, they're all just extensions of herself and that's what she cares about. it's so boring. it sounds like something parroted back from a psychiatry textbook. listen, cersei is her own brand of delusion, but she is also a person with feelings, not some ice-cold demon. people forget that in the quest of stripping her of her humanity, they also make her a less interesting and complex character. yes, she is an awful person with the capacity for love, otherwise what's the point? why do you think she became a POV character if it's all clowning around? also i think many people are way too eager to mistake paranoia and the effects of two recent traumatic deaths in the family with stupidity in her case
i'll have to move onto jaime rn bc his redemption discourse is also reaching tedious levels. first, in the ancient days, you had the dudebros who considered him a villain from the get-go and absolutely hated his guts, then these same dudebros discovered his POV in book 3 / season 3 and thus jaime gained a lot of fans who were suddenly on board the redemption train for him. then others got sick of this interpretation and countered with "jaime is not on a redemption arc !!! insert many exclamation marks!!!". this reaction was necessary at the time because debates were getting frightfully silly, but, nowadays it's like we've veered too far in the other extreme (from what i've seen anyway. i'm not an up-to-date scholar in jaimeological studies).
what i mean to say is that "redemption" has become such a dirty word in relation to jaime, when it's truly just a term. what does it matter what you really call it? redemption arc, identity arc, we're getting bogged down in definitions, snootily pointing the finger at each other and not really seeing the forest for the trees anymore. like he is objectively reconsidering, reinterpreting and trying to redefine both his relationship to the people around him and to abstract concepts like knighthood, justice and honour.
he doesn't exactly """regret""" pushing Bran out of a window, but he doesn't not regret it, you know what i mean? (another thread people are obsessed with: jaime will not get "redeemed" bc he doesn't regret pushing bran. i mean sort of? it's not that black or white, though: the situation was constructed in such a way as to be a fucked-up trolley problem with no true right answer. even sainted NED thinks this, i.e. to what lengths he or cat would have been willing to go to save their children. EVEN NED). yes, he also famously threatens to trebuchet edmure's baby, but he is also kind of pissed off in that moment, bullshitting and playing the tough guy in front of edmure. he lies a lot, to others and to himself. he is prone to violence, but he's not heartless. he is delulu but he is also re-evaluating his life. he's thinking about emulating his daddy but also cosplays as goldenhand the just. the man is really going through it.
if you ask me, it's vvvv likely jaime is the valonqar and his story will end with cersei in a bout of violence. but: as a manifestation of his unjust jealousy or as an act of kindness (to save her from a worse death)? i think both are possible. jaime is the pendulum swinging, he is a work in progress, he can get better, he can get worse. he is not a good person, he is pretty decent at heart and trying to do better. his 'identity' arc or whatever you want to call it might as well be a 'redemption' arc but with the quest unfulfilled. or partially unfulfilled. he might retcon himself into a true white knight, but still choose to go back to cersei, because he feels responsible for her or, you know, (incoming controversial opinion) because it's the right thing to do. yes, the incest is a bad coping mechanism, yes, you did many fucked up shit together and that was wrong, but, for better or worse, she is your sister and the person you shared your life with. you can't let her die alone. whatever she did, you also did, and you should carry the burden together. there is love there and you must honour that or else nothing means anything in this world. you go into the light together!!
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astranne · 2 years
If memory serves right you mentioned professional gamer!xiao?
I hope i deliver! (Ofc hope ur day is going well and ur not shriveling up in the heat like i am)
PG(professional gamer)! Xiao would absolutely have THOUSANDS of fan
Most would be simps, but a good portion would be impressed by his speedrun skills, how well he handle jumpscares and doesn't interrupt dialogue? Helloooo??? Hand in marriage rn.
I cannot see him with facecam though, he probably though his facial expressions arent as good as other streamers who are more lively than him. I can see him being a casual gamer sometimes playing co-op shooters? A few peaceful games for his more younger audience if he has one
Onto his fandom...
I can see his fans being um.. feral? If he ever posted a picture of his face i can see him blowing up on every social media in mere hours, edits and everything being done. Hell, a picture of his shadow would make them lose it. But he would absolutely keep his fandom on a strict leash especially if hes aware of their ages. Im rolling off of ganyu's story quest, that he would be strict with his chat and have many mods to control their outrageous behavior. His fandom would probably would be the most well behaved out there.
But if he gets hate? Prayin for them. I hope they're okay. Passive aggressive threats 😰
His gaming style?
I can see him playing occasionally with Hu Tao or Childe, maybe in a horror game he doesn't know about
"You go first."
"Im not going first."
"Oh my god go first-" and it keeps going on like that for awhile till Xiao goes first and gets jumpscared envitably.
I dont see him actually screaming or getting scared? More like a huff and "you guys are dramatic" thing but on the rare occasion he is scared its just a swift movement of the mouse and maybe he hit his mic thats all. A few curse words thats it.
The games he would play?
I can see him playing multiple games, mostly small indie game devs from itch.io maybe a few big games but he likes giving credits to smaller game devs on steam and other websites but on occasion he posts a poll just in case his viewers get bored of his style :/
Another thing, he would absolutely have a day dedicated to having no mic or anything just him playing a game like Unpacking or Minecraft, or calm game like stardew maybe some soft copyright free music.
Charity events?
Bro raises thousands 💀 especially if theres a goal involved? Met the same day.
Now im back in my minecraft phase purely because the new update but The Warden being out gives me so many ideas about PG!Xiao.
Him coming across it the first time and freezing up, because the warden has a heartbeat effect that fades your screen in and out its literally so terrifying even if you know its there.
The clicking noises is horrendous, Xiao literally audibly saying "Hell no." As soon as he hears it literally SNIFF HIM OUT (it sniffed me before and i almost cried) and trying to escape, but pisses it off more and it uses That horrendously loud sonic screech to kill him because oh my god you cant tower away from it to escape and he stared in shock while chat spams F's in chat.
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oh boy. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR BLESSING ME DEAR FISCHL ANON <33 sorry this took so long, but i had to stare a bit at this ask and got lazy answering for a time but psht
more brainrot under the cut hehe
yes, i did indeed talk about professional gamer!xiao and it has been on my mind during my finals :D (and i'm doing well, my body finally doesn't die that much anymore when going outside but i'm still a bit sick ew)
PG!xiao would be on a fame level similar to dream. and i stand by this. this man is fan service in person, of course he has millions of followers.
and yes, most would be simps, but then they would look closer and be like, damn this man actually knows what he's doing. this man is definition of speedrun, minecraft speed run? genshin speedrun? acnh speedrun? any kind of speedrun and you bet he did it.
hand in marriage, always. goddamn, he would get so many messages, and it's not only his fans, but also other gamers and influencers. xiao tries to ignore them, but he always gets blushy and flustered over it.
he first started without a face cam, and then had one, but with bad lightening. now that he's a bit more confident, he still has one, but sometimes it gets too much and he just,,, puts a paper over his cam or smth
this man slays in every game he touches. he just has the talent for gaming, you bet he's totally into valorant (maybe that's his professional part), cod, even fortnite (but he slowly started hating this game because of the random kids in it), but also grinding games like hayday or others. he totally has animal crossing new horizon and his island is just... perfection. he's a rich island owner and will spoil the shit out of his fellow islanders.
feral fans for xiao. yes. they see him as their god, too beautiful and skilled for this world. this man doesn't only have a model face but is also a very skilled gamer (professional gamer in valorant, wins in minecraft contests all the time, etc.) and his style... OH AND HIS HAIR. you bet it's his friends who thought eyeliner would make his eyes pop (goddamn he's just beautiful and gorgeous and-) you bet xiao has like the whole color palete just as eyeliners. and he slays in every color
xiao has an army of mods. most of them are older than him, which is why he chose them, and they are very strict with the rules. because yes, you have to keep his fans at a very, very, VERY tight lash. he literally trains them- they can be feral in his twitch chat, his comments, but as soon they are in other fandoms/chats/whatever, they must behave. and they do. nobody wants to be responsible for a disappointed xiao. he is very strict with his chat, but let's them have their 5 minutes (chat always breaks in those 5 minutes lmao)
xiao getting hate. first of all. WHO?! WHO IS HATING ON HIM?? probably another streamer wanting some drama for more fame. yeah, big mistake. xiao's fanbase cancelling the shit out of them. playing FBI and finding dirt and the reason why this streamer doesn't stream anymore. and this all in 6 hours. not even a day, 6 hours. xiao didn't even realize what his fans were doing, until a friend wrote him how twitter is blowing up.
xiao fanbase is now feared by all. streamers, gamers, influencers. the boogiemen of the internet. and xiao is their god. lmaoo-
him playing with childe and hu tao!!! yes pls. hu tao will always vote for horror games and she will search the internet for the best ones. childe just cackling in the background- fans love it.
xiao would play everything he gets his hands on. naturally the games as professional gamer, but also relaxing games. and he will totally play snake.io
this man is definition of indie game enjoyer and every smaller game dev will pray for their moment- the moment when xiao plays their game and rates it (xiao doesn't know the power he holds. he really doesn't)
viewers will never get bored of xiao, but it's still a big fear of his. his fans will love watching him doing anything- just breathing would be fine too and they will lose their mind. and their hearts melt when xiao is like, uhm yeah today i'm doing something new, so you won't get bored- HHHHHHH
and yes. once xiao does smth, he is dedicated to it and will do it, and nothing can stop him. 24hrs streams? he will play 24hrs, nothing can stop him. no mic day? that means no mic day.
charity events. okay listen. everyone knows xiao is big on charity. and if you wanna look good (as a famous person) you better give the man a few thousands. and his fans? they don't want to get outplayed by attention seeking bitches (that's what they always say, and this is why they always spare more than a few bucks)
also- minecraft. xiao is a minecraft kid, and he will always come back to his roots. this is why i think PG!xiao would be part of this dream/tommyinnit/snapnap/etc. group. not very often, but as soon the peeps say he joins- everyone freaks tf out. all their views go the hell up once xiao joins them, and you bet they want him as often as possible with them (jokes on them, xiao is an anxious little bean, he would rather rot in his room all alone instead of talking to people. his excuse is training for next tournaments lmao- and it works everytime)
xiao would die. and he did. wanna bet he screeched? it's the newest tiktok trend.
"okay, we doing good..." a few seconds pass.
"click. click. click."
"oh fuuuu-", is barely heard, more seconds of xiao muttering and running tf away.
"SCREEEEEEEEE-", xiao's screech was louder.
yeah- xiao would be trendsetter for tiktok trends and it's all his fans fault. yk those videos which show the videos to the sounds and go viral? since people don't know where thos sounds came from? yes, those. thanks to those, everybody knows it's xiao's screech.
GOD DAMN- PG!XIAO JUST HITS DIFFERENT- okay but, another thing. i'm not really into tournament valorant, but i know a group is slaying rather often there (or i think so??) anyways, xiao is part of said group. what would his chosen character be? cuz i see him as multi player, he slays in everyone he chooses. just as always. xiao just slaying.
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sentfromwolves · 1 year
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Thank you so much @tananaphone for the tag! ; 0 ; ofc I’m five hundred years late, but I love getting tagged in fun new things. Here we go!
🌺 The rules are this:
🌷 In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. 
 🌷 Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post! 
 🌷 After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
My file names are honestly pretty boring coz they are usually just the wip names ; w ; but here’s some snippets PLEASE MAKE ME WRITE!!! 
“Is that so?” Magnus purred. His gaze drifted past her shoulder to the edge of the highway. Carmine stiffened when it seemed to flit up the bole of the pine tree itself, but Magnus looked back at the Dolmir princess without spying Carmine hidden among the shadows. “And where is that jaguar who nearly tore my throat out? Perhaps we have different opinions on what it means for a person to come for your head. Does it count if you use only your teeth?”
How would you have me describe it, Leda, that night we first met?
You might hate me for saying it this way, but Cantha was beautiful back then. Our winters are harsh and brutal, we both know this well. But then comes spring, at first a whisper and then a storm, and our hills shed their snow pelts for endless fields of flowers, all of them in bloom, an endless cascade of color that glows brightest beneath a sky full of stars. In my youth, I would roll down them laughing, hollering, all the joy in me spilling like an overfilled cup. I loved Cantha then, her warm floral scent, her towering mountain teeth. The way she held and watched over me as I grew from a foolish boy into an even greater fool of a man. I love her even now, ruin that she is, graveyard that she has become and become again, at long last.
After all, every winter, the snow bathes her hills under blankets of pure white. Every spring, her flowers still bloom.
🚪The Magician's Daughter & The Doorways of June
On the third stop in Coral City, Jewel of the Atlantic and third-largest of the respectable magicking cities of the globe, the Crescent Compendium Express picked up a most peculiar passenger. 
“Oh, Ozymandias,” his companion said irritably, tabby tail twitching as he adjusted the wide brim of his hat, “it is even more garish in person. Are you sure we cannot travel some other way?” 
“We’re not just traveling, my dear Parmesan,” Ozymandias, Lord-Wizard of Barro-Salvatore, thirteenth of his namesake and most honorable Third Chair of the Council of Nine Moons, said, and laughed a great and hearty laugh at the way the cat beside him bristled in indignation at the use of his archaic pet name. “We’re about to start the fascinating adventure of parenting. Such a quest should not be undertaken so lightly, or at the wrong starting line.”
Summer licked its way down his spine as he stepped down off the wide wood landing of the front porch, swinging the screen door shut behind him. Sweat beaded at the nape of his neck, matting the lambent moon-silver of his hair to the soft flesh just below the titanium piercings studded through his ear from lobe to helix. Fireflies puffed up in clouds across the field, glowing just as green as the inhuman emerald of Nemesis’s eyes. When he was young, he thought they were natural—some endemic affliction of this particular place. They could grow dense as mist, those fireflies. Sometimes when they swarmed, even the clouds above the house glowed sickly, bathing itself in all that immutable light. 
Now he was older, and he knew better. His mother had loved to slip on the skins of other professions on her trips across the globe—model, actress, monster, mistress, and always more, more, more—though she never wore one false life for long. They were all chameleon flesh to her, the rippling surface of a pool of water, hiding sharper teeth somewhere in the depths below. She liked the sensation of it—of shedding her masks from one airport to the next, one decade to another. She wore them the same way she wore names, discarding their pretty syllables the moment her interests flared in another direction, turned another way. Nemesis had only ever shed one—a dead name for the truth.
Vashon drew to a sudden halt. 
The headless body didn’t have any mouth to speak with. But Vashon wasn’t hallucinating—he’d made sure to carve the runic spellwork against auditory distortions into the shell of his ears years and years ago after a job gone horribly wrong on the Second Continent. The voice had been odd and androgynous, a gravel tenor as though it were rattling through the throat of a long-dead thing.
Interesting, Vashon thought. Very interesting. 
He dropped the spell in the back of his throat. The runes carved there went dull and lifeless, the searing heat and corrosive tang layering thick over his tongue until he swallowed it all away and said, “I don’t have what you’re looking for.”
The headless body lumbered another step.
“Give it…back.” 
“I can’t.” Vashon frowned before lifting his arms slowly to either side, palms spread in a show of harmless surrender. “I don’t have what you’re looking for. If you tell me what it is, I may be able to help you find it.”
I have goldfish brain so consider the tag list on this one OPEN!! If you want to do this and get some words in, consider yourself tagged! 💝💝💝
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ceadgearst · 8 months
Rectify myself and all everything else
If there was wealth to toss I would gag and then cough and drop dead on my bed I’m sorry friend and lend me a hand so I can stand so habitually
I apologize that you’ve been such a bitch to me honestly I could be in a crowd a sea of people and I would not know where to sit and smoke a sequal
I let things go that I don’t know that’s why I still walk outside in the snow there’s a glow to my skin because it is only so thin I begin from my heart and collapse like I’m art but I destroy a cart and act so tart that I think that I’m smart I could just be so toxicity but I hate that shit
capitulate against me I can never be an enemy
I just hate to be so critically
and cynically defined
i have a journey of wrapping my head around what hurt me
so I can feel fine
Designed me so curtly that I’m saying sorry before I’m 30, words are so pretty when the expressive and depressive because that’s when you can just be so bless-ed I quested for the less then anything anyone knows and god I know less than before and my eyes my ears my brain all sore I’m poorcore for lorical reasons I change with the seasons and leave with my keys and
How much of anything am I wasting how could I be sacred when I am filled with so much self hatred the page rips the ink runs dry like a lie freshly written I am printed with a plea for forgiveness I can’t do any of this i just criss cross myself inside I move with the tide and I feel like I’ve cried enough to stuff into a 5 gallon drum and sell for a portly sum to a liquor store on the sun
Run from the alum ni that try to convince me otherwise I cannot capitalize on my own inner issues the tissues run out and I can no longer wipe away my doubt I become such a drought that I start to scream and shout
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Right now I'm busy editing my new video on the WRPG VS JRPG discussion. Thought I'd show a piece of the script to give a teaser so here's the intro.
Way of the Samurai 4 is a japanese game. Not just because it was made in japan by a japanese dev team. But because of its style, its characters, its cultural influence and even, shall we say, its unsavory sense of humor. Yes, this game is incredibly japanese. And it is also an RPG. In this game you can make whatever character you want. You can react to people in different ways, you can choose your fighting style, join different factions, you can be a cop, a nationalist, a colonialist sympathizer, you can even be a huge pervert. And at the end you get a rating on how much you acted like a samurai.
So, is this a japanese RPG?
People say that Japanese people just roleplay differently, they say that the difference between western and japanese RPGs is that one is about expression and the other about narrative. Yet, most western RPGs have a narrative, they have a story while still giving the player agency. The Witcher is based on a book series. Gerald is an established character. Yet, you can still play him your way. You can play him nice, you can play him mean, you can make him abuse his powers. Yet he is still a set character.
Naoki Yoshida has recently stirred up turmoil because he believes that people should stop using the term JRPG. That his game Final fantasy 16 should be treated like it is no different to any other RPG. But if he wants these games to be treated the same, why doesn’t he take the initiative to make his games more similar to western RPGs?
In FF16 your character is being discriminated against for being a bearer in the same way Gerald is for being a witcher. Yet, when you are being abused by the townspeople after just doing a quest for them, can you tell them to fuck off? Can you punch them in the face?
Way of the samurai 4 makes that effort, gives people choices. While still being one of the most japanese games I’ve ever seen. Adding agency did not make it western. Which raises a very uncomfortable question. Do Japanese people not like choice? Do they not like agency? Do they not want to change the fate of the story? Not everyone likes platforming, not everyone likes shooters, not everyone likes puzzles and not everyone likes roleplaying, but that depends on your personality not on your race.
People criticize the term Japanese RPG for being discriminatory, not realizing that that term was created as a compromise. Whether you like both, prefer one or hate the other. I think most can agree that these 2 kinds of games are not the same. Are we crazy for thinking these games are dissimilar? Or are we just being gaslit?
I’m willing to bet that the people who would defend the term the most would be the big JRPG fans. That term was chosen and protected out of love for these games, to explain an obvious contradiction. Two things cannot be the same while still being different. Something has to budge.
Right now, JRPG fans are scrambling to come up with a different term. A term that still calls these games RPGs, does not use the word japanese, while still recognising their differences. And they won’t find it.
But I did, and they are not going to like it.
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springcatalyst · 1 year
What are their final thoughts in the dark silence of night before they sleep? How do they sleep?
How do they choose their clothes when purchasing and dressing?
What is a fear that they cannot pull themselves away from? They need it, and they hate it.
OMG HELLO HI HELLOOOOOOOO i am taking ur coat like a victorian gentleman and inviting u inside.  These are so specific and dramatic i love
Sleep, rather, the moments right before it, is when a person is at their truest.  You can’t really hide from it.  So those final thoughts are typically a lens into the basal forms that make up a character.
Liliana is a character that’s very true, very genuine, so her sleeping mind doesn’t show much that you wouldn’t expect, because there’s not a lot that she hides, at least not from herself.  She’s obsessive: stuck (though ‘stuck’ implies that she’s here by some force other than her own) in this quest that she’s been trailing for years, getting closer but not in any way that’s tangible.  She goes to sleep with ‘what next’ floating around in her skull, and dreams of a goal reached.  And she sleeps like the dead, but only because she puts it off for as long as she can.  Not that she avoids sleep itself, though, rather she stays up and works until she can’t stay upright anymore.  She is laser-focused, set on her task.  It can benefit her, in certain conditions, but mostly it leaves her running on so little sleep she has trouble functioning. Her being a satyr means her sleep schedule doesn’t quite align with a ‘typical’ one anyway, but she definitely fucks it more and also that’s not set in stone atm.
Julian, on the other hand, is a liar and he hides just about everything about himself, including from himself.  Julian and Liliana are similar in a lot of ways but this is not one of them.  So his unconscious truth doesn’t always align with what he appears to be.  It’s careful.  It’s somatic: a sort of ‘is the door locked is the knife within reach is the cane by the bed,’ but it’s also theoretical: more a ‘who here do I trust (in the most basic sense of the word) or who do I watch out for.’  He absolutely is the impulsive asshole he looks like, but the little bit of careful caution that remains beneath plays a role in his continued safety (relatively speaking).  Julian is also a pretty light sleeper, growing up with five siblings (lmao) there’s a good amount of noise in the mornings or if something is wrong at night, so he’s just kind of grown accustomed to waking up, even if it’s that barely-awake state, to evaluate the noise.  And he rises with the sun- mostly old habit, but it’s also convenient for guaranteeing some time unobserved, for safety or just for some quiet.
Brooke is different in that the thing that follows her into sleep isn’t as much a thought as it is a feeling.  Brooke spends a lot of time busy, not necessarily with the intent of keeping her mind securely in the present, but that’s the effect it has, no matter.  So when she isn’t doing something- following or fighting or helping or hurting -she gets that little moment of quiet calm and it’s occupied by guilt.  The weight of it kind of lingers above her, the knowledge of what she was a part of, the remembrance of what she’s constantly trying to undo.  Brooke lives in the shadow of a debt to repay, and it catches up to her when she has a moment of still.  She is an uneasy sleeper, heavy to the ongoings of the waking world, but she rarely sleeps straight through the night, nevertheless.  She doesn’t dream, just wakes with the feeling that she did, even as it evades her. 
I feel like this is already so long and that’s just the first thing but like, you gave me the opportunity so I’m taking it <3.  Choice of fashion is a little less dramatic but I’m sure I’ll find a way to make it anyway.  Clothing basically serves three functions: utility, expression, and comfort.  For the sake of character designs I usually focus on the first two unless it’s particularly relevant, which it isn’t for these three so much. 
Brooke is mostly utility.  She has casualwear, of course, but honestly I haven’t really designed much of it and usually just draw her in her armor.  Which is pretty obviously utile, but it’s also familiar.  She keeps this leather armor, embossed around the edges (that I’ll actually design and make mean something eventually but... not yet apparently) and either similar or just the same to the kind she wore with her family, their guild.  Familiar isn’t always a good thing, but it’s all she knows.  If I’m being real she’s still being developed, especially storyline specifics, so not a lot is decided.  I’ve thought about switching around the colors, the blue I typically give her can be a changed version, removed from its ties to before, which was maybe a gold or a purple, something more implicative of importance.  Or of having her rid herself of the armor completely, so caught up in breaking her bonds that she makes herself vulnerable... but I’m a little too attached to how the armor looks... basically, she’s just balancing the safety of utility with the unrest of something recognizably hunter. 
Liliana is mostly expression.  She doesn’t need anything particular from her clothes, so chooses what makes her feel good.  Nothing too extravagant, because she is still wrecking shit and needs to not be hindered by what she’s wearing, but she dresses to look good and be scary, when the need arises.  She wears dresses and skirts despite the fact that, as a satyr, she really doesn’t... need to?  Because satyrs, post-cataclysm, live closely tied with humans in particular, though fauns as well, depending on locale, and as such have absorbed some social elements of theirs- like clothing and gender norms.  She abides by those norms, gender in particular (to a certain degree), not because she has to but because she wants to- because, you know, trans.  She carries a good amount of things with her on average- swords and knives and lockpicks and money and various other whathaveyous -but rarely carries them all at once, taking them on or off her person whenever she thinks she may or may not need them, but her belt remains on no matter, because that’s what she needs to have any of them at all.  Her compass, too, stays on her at all times, but that’s more sentimentality than use. 
Julian is a bit of both, but with him, a lot of the expression melts over into utility.  The puffy shirts, while inherently pirate out-of-universe, are conveniently the opposite of form-fitting.  They make him look bigger than he is like a cat puffing out, but also hide, you know, trans.  Typically they’re white or otherwise lightly colored, because it’s cheap and function-over-form, but later era when he’s particularly full of himself he trends towards darker colors and black.  Black, as a dye, is expensive to make, so wearing it is a way of making it clear that he is either important or dangerous or both- he strives to command respect or fear and it doesn’t always matter which.  Julian, like Liliana, also carries some stuff with him, but the difference is that he has less, and so almost always has all of them.  The exception is his sword, which is bulky enough to always have that unless he for sure needs it, he’ll leave it in favor of a knife (or two, counting the one in his cane).  And because his right hand is typically occupied by his cane, his things are all strapped to his left, another reason he doesn’t always carry the sword- it gets in the way.  Finally, depending where storyline-wise he is, he wears a couple little gold earrings- mark of a pirate.  Been considering having it be a status thing, too: one for crewmate, two for first mate, three for captain, or something similar. 
Fear is a really interesting one.  I dig where you’re going with it, and I’m sure I’m about to exhibit some mental illness, but like, fear is possibly one of the most important things in a character, because it’s what’s really behind at least 90% of a characters’ motivations, isn’t it?
Gotta start with Julian for this one.  He is afraid of a thousand entwined things in a way he will never admit and might not even be aware of.  The way he is perceived is so important to him that he lives with the constant threat of what he’s built for himself being taken away.  He’s so... I can’t call him exactly fake, because it’s not all false... he’s so constructed.  Everything he is, is exaggerated.  He is angry, and impulsive, and fast and rude and detached, but the way those things are presented is curated to be viewed in the way that he wants it to be.  And because of that, because everything he is is built on a not-quite-lie not-quite-truth, he runs the risk of having it all crash down around him.  That’s what follows him: the fear of being seen past it all, because he thinks that with that, he’ll end up right back where he was before.  Not to be too insane but in my silly little character.doc that I have for fun there’s this segment that’s pretty much what I just said:
He is afraid of no longer being taken seriously
He is afraid of losing the image he has created
He is afraid of trust being broken and secrets getting out
He is afraid of being patronized or the subject of pity
He would have you believe he is afraid of nothing
Liliana, now that I’m thinking about it, is actually pretty similar to him.  I didn’t even do this one on purpose oops.  Her difference, though, is that what she is isn’t fake.  She has this legacy, this name, that she reigns- people know of her, she commands that same respect or fear that Julian has to try so hard to.  Part of that, though, is taken from her.  She has her... I don’t want to call it a birthright, because that sounds entitled, but she has her birthright, then it’s stolen from her, and she rebuilds it even as she is on a hunt to reclaim it.  And so her fear stems from the possibility of failure.  If she never reaches her goal, if she truly loses what should never have been taken in the first place, then it’s all been for nothing, not only her work, but her father’s.  And the longer she goes without reaching that finish line, the more she is afraid of ‘what if it’s too late’ and ‘maybe it’s already over.’  Because her failure is also his, what she’d lose is also his, and that’s worse than if she just failed herself, because she feels the need to honor what he built, what he left, and what he was, in his absence.
Brooke is afraid of exactly what you’d expect.  A thousand what you’ve done’s follow her.  She terrified of never making it right, of the possibility of her wrongs being something that she never can make right.  She made a vow and she intends with all her being to keep it, but there is no endgoal, there is no ‘finished.’  It’s constant, and as such the constant threat of failure, of breaking that promise, whether by action or inaction, stays with her.  She lives with it for so long that it begins to leech into her, more than it already was, so it becomes what drives her.  But also... it’s what’s always driven her.  For a long time, she’s driven more by what’s behind her than what’s before her, and all that does is make her steep in this guilt and fear, fighting for a repentance that she doesn’t even know if she deserves. 
Okay I’m done being insane now, I hope my fucked up little guys provide enrichment to your enclosure but either way you’ve given me the GIFT of LETTING ME BE ANNOYING so THANK U AGAIN BESTIE. KISSING U KISSING U KISSING U KISSING U K
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antarctic-witch · 1 year
Rarely have I hated a game as much as jedi fallen order. This game sucks so fucking bad it's a wonder I even made it most of the way through before giving up.
The difficulty comes from an asinine control scheme, infuriating input lag on EVERYTHING, and quite genuinely the worst level design I've experienced in a video game.
Seriously I LOVE convoluted levels, my favourite games are everything made by FromSoft, but this game goes wayyyyy past that and decides that the best way to travel through the world is through endless backtracking. I don't even know how but it feels like you spend more time backtracking through each level than you do going through them normally!!
The story is lackluster at best, and every time I was invested for even a moment, the game proceeded to utterly disappoint me with low-grade dialogue and characters which can only barely be considered even one dimensional.
Usually when a game doesn't allow for the slightest bit of character creation, it's because the creators decided to have a more fleshed out main character with an interesting and important personality. Cal Kestis is neither. I genuinely cannot come up with any words to describe his personality! Is he serious or laid back? Is he invested in ANYONE around him? Why is he even following the main quest other than because he is the main character and you control him? This man is so generic and bland, your average Star Wars OC probably has more personality shown in one image than he expresses throughout the time I played the game.
The combat is so fucking boring. It relies on enemies that have gigantic health pools to artificially inflate the difficulty, but it's really more tedious than challenging.
If I had to sum up my problems with this game in one word, it would be *SLOW*
Everything takes so looong, from combat to navigating levels. The game wastes so much time on every single small action: opening chests, respawning, travelling to a different planet, walking, running, climbing, waiting in elevators, dialogue, etc.
Overall, I'd give the game a 3/10. This is the first time that I cannot FATHOM how someone can enjoy a game
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lucielerror · 2 years
CW (s): SAGAU, self-deprecating thoughts from Xiao, mention of death, slight Zhongli's Archon Quest spoilers if you haven't reached that part?, lowkey obsessive Xiao towards the end
Summary: Do you perhaps hate Xiao? Then why have you not used him? Xiao gets sad because of your inability to build.
A/N: This is from your very dear newbie author who pulled Xiao somewhere around ar 25+ and only started using him around like ar 35 because I didn't know how to build or use him. Plus, I was very attached to my team. But yes!! My first 5-star character who has a special place in my heart now ¨̮
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He doesn't get it. While he's not one to boast his skills, he knows he's one of the most powerful characters here. He's Xiao, The Conqueror of Demons... so why won't you use him? Did his karmic debt make him that undesirable to you? Or was he simply not enough? Not as powerful as he thought himself to be? Or worse, do you... hate him?
With that thought, Xiao scowls further and takes an angry bite out of his almond tofu. Useless to Rex Lapis who once laid dead on the ground, and now, useless to you. Then what was the point of going any further? To keep Liyue safe and vanquish all evil of course, who else will do the protecting if not him? He discards the unfinished tofu to the side, no longer in the mood to eat anymore, and chooses to stare at the moon with more questions filling his mind.
Is he being ungrateful? He's lucky to even have a chance to be your personal acolyte when there are others out there who can only dream of being so. He knows you can't use everyone in battle, you don't have the resources or don't know how to and that's alright. He understands that. What he doesn't understand is how you don't give him a chance to prove himself, to prove his ability to fight, his ability to knock out enemies before they could harm your precious team of acolytes. He's been stuck watching your chosen team run around and while he may never admit it out loud, it pains him... it pains him to the point of jealousy, the ugly green monster rearing its head. You didn't even think of giving him a chance and that irritated him.
But he could never be angry with you, never with you. You took great care of the world and everyone! Your team's always all healed up, well-fed, and you tried to avoid any monsters so that your team wouldn't have to fight so much. He knows how great you are because he watches. No he was not stalking your team, he was simply keeping them safe, and of course, preventing any troubles from reaching you! He just wants to make it easier for you to keep Teyvat safe. Just like how he keeps Liyue safe, you keep Teyvat safe as well, always going around helping everyone be it from simply sending letters to fighting literal gods, you do anything and everything to protect the safety of the world... your world. He admires you so much for that. While you did seem a bit clumsy at times, giving the wrong artefacts and weapons to your acolytes, you still tried your best and that's what matters to him. You, no matter how clueless or confused, did your absolute best for the whole of Teyvat. You're just so... he can't find the proper words to even express his awe and admiration for you.
【 ✦ 】
Xiao blinks as he feels a strange presence overcome him. This... was a similar feeling ,described by the main acolytes, of being controlled. Except... this wasn't your presence. Plus, he knows you're resting around this time of the day. Is this an intruder? Where were you. He feels panic enter his system as his mind suddenly goes through all the worst case scenarios you could possibly be in. Where were you? Who's this stranger?
Suddenly, he gets placed in a void full of stars and he feels himself being studied. After a few seconds, he could feel his power go up- oh. Is it time? Is he finally being used as a main acolyte?
Then, his usual weapon is switched out with another. Hmm... a white tassel. It's alright, he can still make do with this. He cannot be ungrateful. Not long after, a wide array of artefacts float in front of him. Not the best, but there are still plenty of good options.
Before he knows it, he sees the other acolytes beside him. Wait, there's one missing... Where's Chongyun? He knows Chongyun's your favourite so where- he's been replaced. More specifically, Xiao has replaced Chongyun. His artefacts were Chongyun's.
You called?
While he was happy to finally be closer to you, he couldn't help but feel guilty for replacing Chongyun. The boy will be heartbroken for sure, but even then, Xiao allowed himself to indulge in his selfishness just this once, indulging himself in the pure ecstasy he's feeling. Finally. Finally, he's a step closer to you, and he can finally help you keep the peace in Teyvat. He does not admit to himself that in all honesty, all this time, he just wanted to feel you closer, have a more intimate connection rather than trying to feed off crumbs of your presence from the acolytes he wasn't a part of. He definitely has to thank the strange presence for this chance.
Now, all he has to do is wait for you to wake from your rest.
You rub your bleary eyes, waiting for the game to load.
Xiao's face stares back at you.
You shoot up, much more wide awake than before. XIAO? You look down at his HP bar just to see "Lvl 60" right beside it. NO WAY. Frantically opening the character menu, you looked at his attributes, weapons and artefacts. You let out a shriek of delight as you close the menu and stare at Xiao from all angles with a stupid smile on your face. Your friend built Xiao for you while you were sleeping!!
Reduced to standing around. How absurd.
God, he's so pretty! And you can finally use him! You take him running around for a while, starting easy with slimes. It's so cool watching him fight and you're so excited to use him even more. You need to thank your friend immediately!
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buckttommy · 3 years
listen to me. Words cannot express how much I do not give a shit about Taylor Kelly. I don’t care about her quest for truth, I don’t care why she’s so obsessive about the truth, I don’t care about her healing, grief, or closure. I realize this makes me sound like an asshole, but... if her storylines are going to be more case-centric, I don’t want it !!! How many goddamn times do Tim et al. need to be reminded that this is a procedural show about first responders, and not, you know, a fucking news reporter? look, on ANY other show, I would probably not hate Taylor as much. She’s fine, she still wouldn’t be my favorite character, but her overwhelming presence in this episode wouldn’t be fucking annoying, you know? This was annoying. I do not want to see this happen again, please and fucking thank you
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bi-leth-eisner · 2 years
it has been a while since I was last Emotional over Dimitri. tonight, on an overslept and sleepy brain, I’m gonna try my best to articulate why I love him so much.
he speaks so formally! it’s cute. “Crown Prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus,” and “it’s just...I’ve never seen you look so happy before. it’s downright mesmerizing.” are lines I often think about even with my burnout wanting to think otherwise.
him wanting to accept everyone for who they are, not who he wants them to be.
when he cracks in Remire, showing what he’s actually thinking for but a brief moment, almost echoing the words of his father during his final moments. a nice break from the princely accent, and a glimpse of what’s to come.
his lack of sleep and the cause of his headaches implied to be because he was praying to the Goddess late at night, even though it doesn’t work for him, because he knows it works for others. he’s just trying to find peace, if only for a moment.
the Flame Emperor reveal... to find out his only remaining family member is working with his sworn enemies: the people who were behind the murder of his father and closest friends, that she benefit from it, that he knew who it was when he saw the dagger he gave her drop. he probably didn’t want it to be true, and it was probably eating away at him. to find out that it really IS true after a few months of hoping it wasn’t... his breaking point, it’s a little tragic.
war: pre-Gronder
oh boy.
his eyebags, his pure anger, his stature... there’s so much I love about this.
his formal talk is gone. now his tone is harsh, and rather violent, and he refuses to even talk during an entire month.
his reunion is not sweet, but rather rude. he’s been in the slums for five years, thinks his vassal died to protect him, and the only other people he’s encountered were probably only there to kill him. he doesn’t even think Byleth is alive. does he even take Byleth’s hand to get him up up off the floor? or does he get up himself? when they tell him that everything will be OK, he believes them an Imperial spy sent there to kill him, because again, that’s probably all the human interaction he’s had for the past five years. isolation does numbers on people. “I’m glad you’re safe.” ...“Am I?”
how his expressions are usually blank until he’s angry, face contorted in a terrifying way that tells you to run the other way... until he’s sad, when he looks so drained, so beaten, so done with everything... until he’s smiling. nowhere near happy. the twisted look his lips form is almost mocking, why would he smile if he weren’t feeling joy? it’s so clearly unfitting for the way he looks...
“i miss the Dimitri i once knew.” “the Dimitri you once knew is DEAD.”
how he gradually gets a little less angry as the moths pass, but you can tell he’s not going to get that much better any time soon.
war: Gronder
“Kill every last one of them!” and so we fight on.
war: post-Gronder
Live for what you believe in.
fighting for his people even though he doesn’t feel worthy of their praise (heck, even worthy of anything positive), because he turned his back on them! never mind becoming some sort of a folk hero for slaughtering Imperial troops during his absence. he ran from an execution, left his home for five years, and yet when he stood there at Fhirdiad to see everyone celebrating his return, like they never abandoned him... he’s their prince, their king. he’s back. and he doesn’t think he deserves any of it. “bloodstained as I am... am I fit to be king?”
he hates himself. thinks he’s only alive to atone for his sins and to get revenge for those who cannot. he fully expected to die on his quest for vengeance. and now he’s here, with his people fully on his side, with his friends well and as happy as one can be during a war, he’s alive. he’s breathing. he’s making it day by day to protect those he cares about.
him wanting to accept El even when he knows she’s more likely to swim in the deep ocean than to stop her progress. instead of seeing her and immediately readying a weapon, he sees her and offers his hand out to her. a world where he isn’t the only one left in his family would be nice... if Byleth weren’t accompanying him at the Imperial Palace, he probably would run to El’s body and mourned her.
one of his driving motivations being appeasing the dead, without getting into personal territory, is very relatable. something drew me to him when i first got the game, and by Sothis am i glad it did. he’s helped me cope thanks to his story and helped me realize a lot about myself.
Dimitri fire emblem makes me Emotional.
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multific · 3 years
Meeting Din Djarin When He Goes to Earth - Headcanons
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The way he and Grogu ended up on Earth is when he went to help Cara
They found the weapon the Empire had built, some kind of weird machine, Din wasn’t sure what it can do. But when the weapon was turned against Grogu, he acted quickly getting in front of the Kid.
The next thing he knew, he woke up on a planet he wasn’t familiar with. Only to add to his confusion, he couldn’t see droids, creatures of all kinds, they were all humans.
Humans looked at him with a weird expression whenever he asked a question about the Galaxy.
Din felt lost.
He couldn’t purchase a ship to fly off with. Everyone laughed at him whenever he asked about pointing him to something called, Nasa. But he was sure that wasn’t what he was looking for.
He couldn’t find a way to get back.
He saw the vehicles they used. Four-wheeled machines. To him, they were primitive machines.
The way he met you was when he decided to visit a book store to get to know more about the planet he was one and find a way to get out. You were purchasing a book for a friend of yours and he was the person standing before you. You thought his costume was cool. You never saw anything similar. But the weird robot by his side looked more realistic than it should have for a toy. Especially when it seemed to react to your and reached out. 
“I’m sorry, Sir. But I cannot accept your payment. We don’t take such money here, please go to the change booth so they can exchange your current money. Or I can take your card.” Din was more confused than as a child when he was rescued. 
He had a helmet on, but the confusion was clear for you, so you decided to help him. 
“I’ll pay for him.” you said and since he only had one book, you had no issues. 
“So, you are interested in history, are you a teacher or something?”
“No. I’m a bounty hunter who was quested to return this child to his kind.”
“Ooookay.” you started to slowly back away from him, he was a freak for sure. 
“Thank you very much for your help, here take my coins.” he said handing you two coins. 
“Are you a foreigner?” you thought maybe he just came from a faraway country.
“Something like that.”
“And why are you dressed like this?”
“I am a Mandalorian, we all dress like this.”
“So there are more people like you. Is it a cult or something?” you didn’t know why you kept on asking him, he could be dangerous, but something about him interested you.
The next thing Din knew is that he was sitting in a cafe watching you as you sip on your drink. Grogu sitting beside the two of you, babbling as he asked questions.
“I like your toy. He is very life-like. Did you make it?”
“He is not a toy. I’m not sure what his species are, he’s special.”
“Wait. So he is…alive?”
He didn’t know why, but he told you everything. You seemed like a trustworthy person to him.
And for some weird reason, you believed his story about another galaxy, creatures, planets, droids, and many more. He even told you about the Mandalorians.
“So, you never take the helmet off? Do you cut your own hair then?”
It was a question Din never been asked about. Washing, yes, sleeping, yes, but never about his hair.
It was a lot to wrap your head around, but you managed and even offered your home for him.
“This is called a television. We watch movies and such on it as entertainment.”
“Please promise me you won’t eat all my stuff, not everything that’s shiny or colourfull is a food.” you said looking at the green bean in his arms.
“Shower is that way, I won’t peak I promise.” you pointed him around your place. 
You saw him as this scared, lost puppy who wanted to find a way home. But you weren’t sure how he will find his home. The things he explained to you, they were way more advanced than anything you have ever seen.
You began to form a special connection with the man and Grogu. 
Grogu often slept with you as you were watching your movies while Din was reading his book.
The book was no help.
But when you told him more and more, he enjoyed those nights.
You two sitting on your couch exchanging stories.
While Grogu stayed at your place, sleeping, you two often went out to the store or just in public so he can learn more.
Although he wanted to get back, he was also very interested.
People gave you looks, but you didn’t care.
You just told to the ones that came to take a picture that he liked costumes.
One particular day you left Mando with the shopping cart in the store while you got the last ingredient you will need for your soup.
When you got back to him, you find a group of girls taking pictures and flirting with him, he was very uncomfortable, you could tell.
So, you walked over, claiming to be his girlfriend and getting the girls away from him.
“Please girls, leave my man alone.”
“Is he handsome under all that?” one asked.
That day changed everything.
Din saw you in a different light.
He now understood why Grogu always wanted to be around you, even though he had to understand you had work to do and go to.
You just knew you wanted to go with him.
When or if he finds a way to get back to his old life, you wanted to go with him.
His galaxy sounded much more interesting than your life could ever be on Earth. You wanted to go.
Din wanted to object, wanted to tell you that you needed to stay, stay here where it was safer.
But he was also selfish.
He wanted you by his side, he wanted to be happy with you, show you his world as you showed him yours.
He wanted you on the Crest, help him with the child.
But no matter how selfish he was, he could never ask for you to leave your life behind.
“You are not asking me to go with you. I want to! I have nothing here. No one. I hate my job, all I have is this shitty apartment. I want to see your galaxy.”
“It’s dangerous, Mesh'la.”
“That’s why you will be there. To protect me. Please don’t just leave me here. I care so much for the kid. And I love you.”
After your confession, there was no doubt in his mind that you will go with him.
Love was something he never knew, yet he yearned for.
A clan of his own. A clan of three.
It was Cara who rescued him, opened a portal to get Din and Grogu back.
You were just an addition she wasn’t prepared for but she didn’t mind
Cara immediately liked you.
And there you were finally, in his world, trying to process all the new things that you see.
You had to get used to the droids
All the planets and everything. The creatures, the people.
In his word, he wasn’t considered to be a weirdo.
If anything people looked almost afraid of him.
You thought that leaving your old life behind would be a lot harder, but no. 
Even on the other planet, all you could think of was your Mandalorian and his son.
Soon, you were in the cockpit of his ship, ready to take off and see the start.
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hafanforever · 3 years
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It’s Good to Be Bad
I’ve described in previous analyses that I have a strong affinity for villains in fiction, including those by Disney. But like any fan of Disney, there are villains that I love and ones that I deeply detest with every bone in my body. So for my last analysis of the year, I will discuss my five most favorite and five least favorite Disney animated villains, though I also want to list a couple of other characters as honorable mentions to explain why I like or hate them.
The reasons I have for liking my favorite villains are simple, if not somewhat shallow, because I don’t exactly have deep reasons for liking them. Regardless of how evil, sadistic, cruel, and ruthless they are, I like them primarily because they are funny or charismatic. But it’s so much easier for me to list why I hate my least favorite villains, which is largely attributed the kinds of traits they display (most of which I cannot stand in people), their motives for being evil, and how they carry out their evil deeds while showing their evil natures.
This essay has turned into a longer one than I anticipated, so I am adding the “Keep reading” feature. Before I begin, I want to thank my dear buddy and soul sis @minervadeannabond for coming up with this title. Here is yet again another analysis of mine for you to enjoy, sis! 😁😄😉❤️
Most Favorites
Scar - Since The Lion King was the very first Disney film I ever saw in theaters as a child, and the first one I remember well from my childhood, many of my favorites Disney things come from it, including Scar being my #1 favorite Disney villain. Yes, he is a sadistic, tyrannical, narcissistic, cold-blooded murderer, but I think it is because of his cunning, smooth, elegant, charismatic nature and how pivotal he is to the story, particularly with how much he turns out to be a dark reflection of Simba, is why I love him so much. Furthermore, his song “Be Prepared” is my favorite villain song and among my favorite Disney songs of all, further showing how much The Lion King has given me Disney favorites since I was a child. 😁
Hades - Another one I remember well from my childhood, Hades is undoubtedly one of the funniest villains from the Disney animated canon. Although he is as cruel, evil, ruthless, and sadistic as any Disney villain, Hades is also so fast-talking, sleazy, sarcastic, cheeky, and hilarious that it makes it hard for me to take him seriously as a menacing villain. And while he constantly goes into fiery rages and blows his hot-headed top when furious, these help make Hades far more a comical, rather than scary, figure. Heck, when I was a kid, I always laughed, rather than got scared, whenever he unleashed one of his temper tantrums (except when he blows up at Meg with “I OWN YOU!!!”). And James Woods’s performance, especially since he ad-libbed many lines, helps make Hades such an unforgettable and memorable, if not lovable, character. So yeah, Hades’s wisecracking, talkative personality made him a memorable villain for me as a child, and I’ve loved him for it ever since. 😆😂
Ursula - Much like Hades, Ursula is sleazy, scheming, and cunning, yet wisecracking and comical at the same time. Besides her dry sense of humor, Ursula’s eccentricity, flamboyance, and elegance have always been the traits that drew me to her, and Pat Carrolll’s performance of the character is pure excellence. 😉
Maleficent - Despite being an incarnation of pure evil, including with her self-proclaimed title as The Mistress of All Evil, to me, Maleficent is by far the coolest, most badass Disney animated villain of all! 😆👍🏻 Yes, she curses Aurora with no true motive whatsoever, and she’s sadistic, ruthless, blasphemous, and murderous, but her display of her ill temper and dark magic just makes her totally awesome, most especially when she zaps her minions for their stupidity and incompetence upon learning they were only looking for a baby during their 16-year search for Aurora. 😁
Ratigan - Again, Disney has an evil, murderous, sadistic villain in Ratigan, but I love him because he is very collected, calculating, sophisticated, and charismatic, not to mention Vincent Price delivers such a great vocal performance as the character. 😉 What I also love about Ratigan is the moment when he undergoes what is known as a villainous breakdown, which is when a villain snaps and goes utterly crazy. During the film, Ratigan has some moments of losing his cool, but just as quickly manages to become calm and regain his composure. However, upon seeing Basil and Olivia escape from him inside Big Ben, along with Basil having having foiled his earlier scheme to kill the queen and take over England, Ratigan finally snaps, turning from a formal, sophisticated, composed rat to a highly feral, aggressive, savage one. It is the moment when Ratigan reveals the monster within and looks like a true rat, with an aggressive expression, hunched back, elongated claws, and running on all fours. The fact that Ratigan’s breakdown juxtaposes what kind of rat he was for the majority of the film is why his villainous breakdown is my favorite of any Disney villain.
Most Hated
Gaston - I have stated this before in “Bride and Prejudice”, but I pick Gaston as my #1 choice as my least favorite Disney animated villain. And it’s not just because of his extreme vanity, egotism, chauvinism, and arrogance, which are the very traits I hate in people, but because of his inferior, sexist, misogynistic views of women. Gaston is THE walking definition of toxic masculinity, the fictional example of the worst kind of man, the epitome of what men should NEVER be! 😡😡😡 He thinks men are the superior gender and that women are inferior to men, with their only purposes being to serve men and be their sex objects. And since I am a feminist who believes in gender equality, I dislike men who have low, sexist opinions of women, and Gaston fits the profile of what I think is the worst example of such a man. I could go on and on explaining just why I loathe this monster of a man with all my heart, but you can just read the aforementioned analysis to find out more.
Lady Tremaine - If it weren’t for Gaston being my #1 pick because of his extreme sexism and misogyny, I would pick Lady Tremaine. She comes such a close second because her motivations for abusing, oppressing, and being so cruel to Cinderella are petty and stupid, ESPECIALLY because Cinderella never even did anything to deserve such treatment from her in the first place! 😠😡 Lady Tremaine hates Cinderella and is very jealous of her purely because Cinderella so much better-looking and kinder than her own daughters and herself. So they abuse her and make her their servant to make her miserable and unattractive so that they can look better than her instead. Additionally, Lady Tremaine has a deep-rooted obsession to be above Cinderella at all costs that she resorts to lying, manipulation, trickery, and cheating in order to stay above. I particularly loathe it when she manipulates her daughters into tearing up Cinderella’s dress just so that she can appear fair and keep her word regarding her side of the bargain (she says ”if you can find something suitable to wear”, and once it’s wrecked, it’s no longer suitable) while simultaneously making sure she doesn’t have to keep her promise since she never wants Cinderella to go in the first place. All that being said, do these sound like justifiable excuses for hating a completely innocent woman? I DON’T THINK SO!!! 😡😡😡
Claude Frollo - Now if weren’t for BOTH Gaston and Lady Tremaine coming first, Claude Frollo would come on top as well! 😡😡😡 Frollo is without a doubt in my mind the most evil villain in the Disney animated canon. Unlike most Disney villains, he is COMPLETELY devoid of any likable or redeemable traits, making me have nothing but feelings of pure hatred for him. Ruthless, cruel, blasphemous, racist, and evil to his core, Frollo holds a deep-seated hatred for the gypsies and seeks to eradicate them from Paris, making him not only murderous, but genocidal, especially since he seeks to kill them simply out of his own racism, supremacy, and superiority. Throughout the years in his quest to eliminate the gypsies, Frollo murders Quasimodo’s mother by violently kicking her, causing her to fall and hit her head on the stone steps of Notre Dame, then tries to burn Esmeralda at the stake, declaring that she must be killed because she has been practicing witchcraft. After killing the mother, Frollo even attempts to drown baby Quasimodo simply because of his deformity. What makes Frollo even more evil besides doing his deeds is that he is a judge with control over the city, yet he proves himself to be corrupt and hypocritical by violating the laws to accomplish his dark, sinister deeds. Perhaps what makes Frollo the most evil villain of all is that he is in complete denial about how evil he really is. He has a delusional belief that he is a good, religious man doing God’s work by trying to purge the world of evil, when all he really does is twist his “faith” and hypocritically use it for his own evil purposes. What’s worse is that Frollo never once takes an ounce of responsibility for his crimes; he makes excuses to justify his actions, painting himself as guiltless and his victims as the only ones at fault. So with Frollo being such a blasphemous, hypocritical, racist, genocidal, murderous, corrupt judge who never believes he is doing anything wrong and always lays blame on the victims of his misdeeds, I can’t say there is a single thing about him that I like, and I’m happy he met his death in a fiery blaze! 😡🔥
Mother Gothel - A character I see as being an amalgam of Gaston, Lady Tremaine, and Frollo, the reasons why I hate all three of these villains are also found in Gothel: vanity, narcissism, oppression, mental abuse, trickery, manipulation, dishonesty, hypocrisy, and flat-out cruelty. First of all, Gothel’s vanity, narcissism, and obsession with her own beauty makes her extremely insufferable and annoying, not to mention the fact that she hoarded the flower to herself for hundreds of years just to stay alive shows how incredibly selfish and possessive she is. And due to her selfishness, she kidnaps Rapunzel, hides her in a tower, lies to her about the outside world, and continually mentally abuses, manipulates, oppresses, mocks, and belittles her just to ensure that Rapunzel will never leave the tower and the flower’s magic in her hair will keep her (Gothel) alive and young forever. On par with her narcissism, Gothel is shown to be a very spoiled, childish, immature woman who seeks to always have things her way and throws tantrums or other emotional outbursts when she doesn’t get her way or what she wants, especially the very moment she wants it. Furthermore, Gothel possesses a martyr, or victim, complex, which is shown perfectly when victimizes herself and places all the blame on Rapunzel whenever any sort of conflict befalls their lives and relationship, especially when they argue. So with all these flaws in mind, like Gaston, Lady Tremaine, and Frollo, I can’t find any good reason to like Gothel at all. “Mother Knows Best”? More like “Gothel Knows Worst”! 😠😡 
Governor Ratcliffe - I said above that I hate Gaston because of his bigoted, low views of women, and prejudice is the main reason why I hate Governor Ratcliffe. However, his prejudice is in the form of racism, the kind of bigotry that I hate the most. Ratcliffe displays this attitude towards the Native Americans, considering them savages and seeing himself as better than them all because of his race, which makes him a white supremacist. Besides his supremacy and superiority regarding his race, Ratcliffe is intensely greedy and selfish since he wants to keep any riches found for himself and believes that the Virginia land and anything he finds on it is his for the taking. In relation to his bigotry, he is also quite delusional and self-righteous, which makes him believe that any theory he has is right and he refuses to believe otherwise or listen to reason. For example, Ratcliffe dismisses Wiggins’ correct assumptions on why the Indians attacked the settlers and John’s claim that there is no gold in the lands after Pocahontas tells him this. The hatred I hold for Ratcliffe is significantly less than the other four listed here, but the reasons I gave are virtually like those I gave for Frollo, so I’m confident with Ratcliffe and his place on my list.
Bonus Mentions
Hans - Hans is a villain that I place in the middle between my most loved and most hated villains, because I love him for WHAT he is as a villain while I simultaneously hate him for WHO he is as a character. I have said it to friends and some of my other analyses before, but one of the reasons why I love Frozen is because it took many of the traditional fairy tale elements and tropes used in their preceding films, and turned them upside down. So rather than having another prince as the heroic male lead in this film, Frozen twisted that trope around by making him the villain instead. And when Hans finally reveals his true nature, you realize that he has fooled not only Anna and the other characters who interacted with him, but first-time viewers as well! So while I love Hans for being a villain who keeps his true nature under wraps for the majority of the film and almost gets away with his crimes because of it, I also hate him because of how cold, cruel, callous, ruthless, and sadistic he really is. When he reveals his true nature and explains his plan to Anna, he mocks her intelligence, naïveté, and desperation for love while explaining just how easy it was for him to deceive and manipulate her into being a pawn in his plan to take over Arendelle. Throughout the whole scene, Hans smiles wickedly and sadistically, clearly showing the delight he is getting from tormenting Anna and watching her suffer while he explains his scheme and extinguishes all light sources to accelerate her death. It’s also easy to see his sadism when he announces his plan to murder Elsa, and that he will get even greater joy out of carrying out the act itself (which we see when Hans smiles widely while swinging his sword over Elsa’s head as he tries to kill her on the fjord).
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Chi-Fu - While he is not a true villain, and not even evil at all, Chi-Fu is a very detestable character, one whose guts I hate completely because he has the same traits that make me hate Gaston: arrogance, conceit, egotism, bigotry, superiority, and misogyny. Prejudice against women is a main theme in Mulan, and Chi-Fu is the one man whose prejudiced opinions never change. While Shang and Mulan’s fellow soldiers initially hold views that women are beneath men, they learn to change them after Mulan proves herself a capable warrior in the army (even after her disguise is revealed), most especially when she helps save China from Shan Yu’s reign of terror. Despite the majority of his bigotry being aimed at women, Chi-Fu is also detestable because he shows it towards nearly everyone else, except the Emperor. As the second-in-command to the Emperor, Chi-Fu sees himself superior to almost everyone else around him, which enhances his pompous, elitist, arrogant attitude. Because of all these antagonistic traits, I loathe Chi-Fu while I don’t hate Shan Yu at all, even though the latter is truly pure evil and genocidal! 😠😡 It just goes to show that some people who are neither necessarily good nor bad can be even more contemptible that the most malevolent, murderous people.
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