#y/n x demetri
simpfordemetri · 1 month
Can you do an hc of the guards reaction to their human mate crying for them for the first time. Like its still early in the relationship and their mate gets hurt or something and there crying and all they want is their mate.
Protective mood activated
What's wrong sweet face?
He is scared tbh,doesn't know what to do,you just keep whispering his name and crying nonstop
When he thought things couldnt been worse,you started hyperventilating because of the crying
He pick you up and put you in bed to cuddle you until you decided to talk
As always,she is mad,but just because she think someone hurted you
She started looking around the castle threathing every guard that she sees because she think someone there did something to you
You had to scream her name to make her arrive to your side again
Tbh you had to calm her down too because she is in so much stress,she never saw you crying so
When she is okay she hugs you so strong that you thought you were gonna pass out
The most calmed one
He knows that if he let you know he is anxious about the situation things would be worse
He dry your tears from your face with his thumbs as he kiss your forehead
Will take you to the kitchen and hand you some water or te to make sure your throat is not irritated from crying
When he is sure you are actually calmed down he will take you on a walk to talk about whatever you need
Hugs and kisses
His inner alarms are activated the moment he sees you crying
He looks over your whole body to see if you are hurt
After making sure he will sit you on his lap and talk calmly at you
Kisses on the forehead there you go
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kimi240302 · 1 year
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A/N: Before you read this story, be aware I am from Germany and can't write a bit of English. That's why I'm sending this through an app that translates it for me. 
A/N2.0: In this story, the characters are all a little older. 
Summary: Y/N Swan tries everything to keep her promise to stay away from Demetri Volturi. But can you stay away from the man fate bound you to?
Demetri Volturi x Female!Swan!reader 
Words: 2,8
Part 1 of Daylight Masterlist
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Request list  / Playlist
18+ I am new to the whole smut writing so please be nice 
“ You and I drink the poison from the same vine Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time Hidin´ all of our sins from  the daylight” - David Kushner 
"You have to promise me that Y/N." Bella looked at her younger sister with piercing eyes. However, the latter did not understand what her older sister and the Cullens family had. Confused, the young girl looked up from her place on the couch. "Why should I promise you to stay away from Demetri Volturi? I don't even really know this man?" "Y/N..." Carlisle began, but Bella interrupted him. "The less she knows, the better it is for her!" Y/N jumped up angrily. "Tell me Bella are you kidding me?! I didn't know anything when you dragged me to Italy with you. I didn't know there were vampires or people who could turn into giant wolves. I was normal, I was happy." The young girl stopped, took one deep breath and wrapped her arms around herself. "Now I'm scared of what lies ahead, being bound to a vampire who is apparently the villain for you? But instead of explaining everything to me, I'm supposed to bluntly forget what I've seen, heard and felt because it's easier for you and your oh-so-great Cullens? You want me to make a promise I don't even understand just because you don't like the Volturi?" Y/N took another deep breath. Her vision blurred from tears she wasn't ready to let Bella see. "Let me tell you something Bella, I don't like Edward either. Yet I'm not telling you to stay away from him or how to live your life!" Y/N turned on her heel and left the Cullens' living room, leaving the entire family in stunned disbelief.
"She's right." Carlisle was the first to find his voice again. "Y/N has been through a lot the last few days. We should have explained everything to her calmly first and then..." "And then what? Demetri Volturi won't leave her alone. Not when she's his mate."  Rosalie looked at everyone around once, her gaze stopping on Bella. "You pushed her into this world, now you can't just kick her out. That's not how it works." "I'm just trying to protect her!" Rosalie raised an eyebrow. "Then you shouldn't have taken her with you." Esme looked at Rosalie warningly. "What happened can't be undone. Blaming each other doesn't change that anymore." The vampire turned to her husband, placing a hand on his arm as she did so. "You should talk to Y/N, after all, you know the Volturi best." Slowly he nodded, "But not today. Y/N needs to process what all happened from today first."
Humming to herself, Y/N was just turning around in the kitchen of her home to get to the fridge when, out of nowhere, Carlisle stood in front of her. "Jesus Christ! Do you have to scare me like that!" Amused, the blond-haired man looked at Y/N. "Sorry. I forget sometimes that not everyone, can hear everything that's going on around them."   Nodding, Y/N looked at Carlisle, which turned into an uncomfortable silence that the young girl was the first to break.  Sighing, Y/N let herself sink down on the chair in the kitchen and looked at Carlisle. "My father isn't here." "We both know I'm not here for your father Y/N." He lowered himself to the chair across from her. The latter tensed slightly. Reassuringly, Carlisle placed his cold hand on the young girl's. "I'm here to give you an idea of why Bella and my family want you to keep your distance from Demetri and the rest of the Volturi." Y/N just nodded and looked at Carlisle tensely. "You should know that the Volturi clan that Demetri belongs to are kind of like our supreme ones. They rule over the species of vampires and have done so for a very long time. Led by the three kings you met in Italy. Aro the head one, he can see everything you think, what you have experienced or what you have planned with one touch. He can be very overwhelming. But I think you have already witnessed this. He's occasionally..." Carlisle searched for the right words, but Y/N filled the void for him. "Extreme when you're not used to it?" Carlisle smiled, nodding as he did so. "Aro is extreme when it comes to enforcing the rules and can get too brutal in the process. But Caius is the one who has the most fun punishing those who have done wrong in his eyes." "What is his ability?" "He has none, other than his viciousness, he is simply loyal to Aro. Marcus, on the other hand, is the calmest of the three. His passion for life was taken from him when his wife was killed. His ability is to see the relationships between individuals." Y/N nodded. "And what does that have to do with Demetri?" Carlisle sat up a little straighter. "Demetri is part of the Kings' main guards with Felix, Jane and Alec. They do jobs and make sure no one can overthrow the Volturi. They do that by wiping out entire clans or individuals." "So he's an murderer?" Carlisle winced briefly. He hadn't expected Y/N to answer so directly with such a neutral expression on her face. "You can look at it that way, yes. But the main reason Bella wants you to stay away is because the Volturi feed on human blood. They don't see humans as equals, they just see them as something to feed on. Bella...we're all worried that Aro will see you as a threat to Demetri's loyalty and will have you killed."
Y/N let herself sink against the back of the chair with drooping shoulders. Several minutes of silence passed until the young girl cleared her throat. "Marcus lost his wife and became sad, absent and quiet after that?" Confused, Carlisle nodded and was about to ask why, but Y/N kept talking. "Was she his mate?" Again Carlisle nodded. "Is this what happens to vampires when they find their mate and can't be with them?"  Carlisle was startled by these thoughts. "I don't know. But I suspect this may lead to that." Y/N looked closely at the man in front of her. "Then you must really hate the Volturi if you wish such a fate for Demetri."
"Y/N..." Bella stood in the kitchen doorway. "I just want what's best for you." Defeated, the young girl looked down at her hands, which she had folded in her lap. "I won't say I understand this whole vampire thing, or if I even really want to understand it. But I do know that I don't necessarily want to be dragged into the middle of this whole thing. The Volturi thing is your thing, not mine and even if you think that the visit to Italy has dragged me into it, you are wrong. I have my life and I will live it how I want." Bella and Carlisle both wanted to say something, but Y/N's raised hand stopped them. "I will promise you Bella and the Cullens that I will do my best to stay away from Demetri." Bella smiled at her. "As long as you're here in Forks, nothing will happen to you. We'll all make sure of that." Y/N twisted her mouth into a pained smile. "There's something you should know. Our father already knows, and he supports me completely in this. I'm moving to Seattle next week." "What are you going to do there, and by yourself? Does mom know about this?" "I got a school offer, which I can't refuse. Mom was the one who helped me to fill out and get everything I needed for it. I'm going to start packing today." "Y/N you can't just leave now" Bella spread her arms, setting to say more. But Y/N simply got up to leave the room. "You willingly entered the world of the supernatural. I didn't, that's what you decided for me, and now I'm deciding for me to leave."
"Are you settling in okay?" Y/N set her phone down on her desk and saw Bella making herself comfortable on her bed. "Bella I've been gone for six months. I almost feel like I'm home already." Bella laughed. "I still can't believe my younger sister is the first of us to live alone." Smiling, Y/N looked around her one-bedroom apartment. It wasn't much, however it was nice and big and cozy. Everything she needed to get by on her own. "Now tell me what is Seattle like and your school?"
Y/N's face was barely noticeably twisted as she began to talk about her school. She loved Seattle and the people she had made friends with. They helped Y/N get out of herself and enjoy her life like the young girl never had before. But the feeling of constantly having eyes on her didn't leave her. As if someone was constantly in her shadows. Several times, she could swear she thought she saw Demetri Volturi. The first time, Y/N was sitting in a café with friends, relaxing after a long day at school. The second time was at the library and the last was at a club where she had gone to celebrate a Friday with her class.  However, she did not tell Bella about it. She didn't want her to worry or make up anything so that her parents would send Y/N back to Forks. Because she was sure her sister would go to such lengths to keep an eye on her. Especially now that Bella had calmed down a bit when it came to the subject of Demetri Volturi.
"Damn!" Y/N looked around at her desk, "What's wrong?" Bella looked at her sister with concern. The latter, annoyed with herself, just shook her head. "I have to turn in this homework tomorrow, and the book I need to do these assignments is in my locker at school." "Then just ask for more time." Y/N shook her head. "I can't, but the library is still open and I know they need to have that book there." "Be careful, will you?"  "I always am Bella!" The addressed raised an eyebrow and was about to say something, but Y/N pointed her index finger at her sister, "People who jump off cliffs voluntarily should be quiet!" Defensively, Bella raised her hands. "I'm not saying anything anyway!" "Better that way."
Y/N shakily rubbed her hands together as she walked down the street. Seattle was cloudy as the smell of a coming rain worked its way to the surface. The shivering came, but not only from the cold air, but also because of the renewed feeling of being watched. Discreetly, she turned her head from right to left. But she could not see anything that seemed strange to her. Shrugging her shoulders, Y/N looked for her headphones in her bag and put them in her ears, hoping to get rid of the feeling as quickly as possible. In the library she asked directly at the entrance if the book she needed was really here and was relieved when the librarian said that the book was in the back of the library.
Again with her headphones in her ears, Y/N walked past the many bookshelves. Every now and then she let her fingers glide over the various book spines, while she hummed softly along to the melody. The shadow that followed her stayed out of the young girl's thoughts. Nor did she notice him standing almost directly behind her as she stopped in front of one of the shelves, her eyes roaming over the various book spines. Annoyed, Y/N pulled a frown from her face. The book she needed was on the top shelf. Standing on her tiptoes, she reached for the black leather book, but only her fingertips touched the spine. With a sigh, she stood back up properly and was about to turn around to go back to the front to ask for a stool or other help.
Y/N froze, however, when a body came up directly behind her, or rather when the upper body of a stranger nestled directly against her back and she saw a pale hand reaching for the book. Startled, Y/N pushed the air out of her lungs and turned around. At the quickness of her turn, her headphones fell to the floor and rolled away in different directions. But the young girl no longer cared, because when she looked up, Y/N saw into a pair of red eyes. Demetri Volturi stood not two inches from Y/N, looking down at the young Swan. A smile had settled on his lips, which was more akin to a Predator having his prey where he wanted it than pure friendliness.
"Demetri..." Y/N sounded breathless, which only made the vampire smile wider. "Good evening mon amour. Is this what you needed?" Demetri ignored her questioning look and held the book between them, but Y/N didn't even notice it. She was too distracted by his closeness and his eyes. "What are you doing here?" The blond-haired vampire tilted his head slightly. His smile softened as he lifted his left hand, the one not holding the book, to brush a stray strand behind Y/N's ear. "I came to check on you." Unwillingly, Y/N closed her eyes as Demetri slid his cold fingers back over her cheek. Instantly, goosebumps spread all over her body as she leaned a little further into his touch. Y/N couldn't help it, it was almost as if something was pulling her towards Demetri.
"This isn't your first time here, is it?" Slowly, her eyelids fluttered open. Slightly, Demetri shook his head. His hand lingered on his mate's cheek. "You've just never been alone." Absently, Demetri placed the book, behind Y/N on the shelf. His hand he placed as a support on the edge of just that. In this way he enclosed Y/N and at the same time came even closer to her. His lips were just above hers. "Demetri, what are you doing?" Panic slowly spread through Y/N. Her hands went to his chest, where she tried to push him away. But Demetri just stopped, no matter what Y/N was trying to do. When the vampire put his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, she gave up. Y/N curled her fingers into Demetri's jacket and studied him. His left hand rested on her waist while he slightly strengthened the grip of his right hand on the shelf, making the wood creak in protest.
"I tried to stay away from you after I overheard your conversation with Bella. After I listened to you promise her to stay away from me." Demetri stopped. Still with his eyes closed, he moved his forehead away from hers. He tilted his face slightly forward so that his lips were only millimeters from hers. Y/N drew in a sharp breath as Demetri let his lips move further over her skin to her cheek, to her neck. There he found her pulse point and placed a kiss directly on it.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock as her fingers clawed tighter into his jacket. "Demetri?" Her voice trembled. "Don't do this, please!" Now the young girl sounded tormented. Demetri released his lips from her neck and looked at Y/N again. "Admit it Cheri, you were thinking of me as much as I was thinking of you. Of my hands on your waist, my voice close to your ear, like in Volterra when I finally found you." Again she closed her eyes, almost as if it caused her pain to admit this simple truth.
Y/N still remembered clearly the day she met Demetri Volturi for the first time. His arms wrapped around her so that he could better protect her. The way he had whispered in her ear that she shouldn't be afraid because he would keep her safe. The way he didn't let go of her until he was sure the danger was over. Nor had she forgotten the feeling of safety and security that Demetri had triggered in her.
"Tell me you haven't thought about me for a second and I'll let you go. You won't see me again." Demetri came closer to her lips again. Y/N opened her mouth to tell him to leave, but nothing came out. So she closed it again. Because the truth was, she hadn't stopped thinking about him. Demetri released his right hand from the shelf and let it wander to the back of Y/N's neck. He pulled her a little closer to him. Prevented her from looking away. "Say it!" He challenged her, his eyes falling on Y/N's lips. "Tell me you hate me!" "I can't." Demetri's eyes settled on hers again. He saw the confusion and at the same time the craving he himself felt when he was near Y/N. Demetri broke eye contact, lifted his lips to Y/N's forehead and placed a lingering kiss there. When he released his lips from her skin, he lowered them to her ear. "How long can you hide your sins from the daylight?"
Confused, Y/N wanted to know what Demetri meant by that, but in the next moment he was gone and so was the feeling of his closeness.
A/N3.0: Please let me know how it was and if you want a second part?
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Gentle loving | A.V x Reader
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warnings: NSFW but softish? ( @agirllovespancakes convinced me to post this, send your appreciation!!!!)
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i did NOT expect to write this today… i also did not want to proofread properly because i am slightly embarrassed with where this went but i guess you can enjoy… you’re welcome? 😇
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You pushed against Alec’s chest in an attempt to gain his attention, pulling your lips away from his own for a moment to speak. He continued to kiss you, lips closing in around the skin of your neck and peppering up and down roughly.
His name left your lips in a breathy whimper and you felt him smirk against your neck, lips brushing across the skin momentarily as he spoke.
“Yes, baby?”
You paused for a moment and he pulled back to look at you, concern washing through him. You sent him a shy smile before you opened your mouth.
“Can you- can we be more gentle today?” The question was adorably small and shy, making him laugh against you lovingly, moving to press a small passionate kiss to your lips.
“Of course we can, adorable girl. You just tell me exactly how you want it.”
You sent him another bashful smile, arms looping around his neck. Pressing deep,gentle kisses to his lips, you let out an annoyed huff as he attempted to pull away and stubbornly chased his lips with your own in a pathetic attempt to keep them attached to your own. He chuckled against your mouth, hands moving to grip your hips, his thumbs stroking soothing circles across your hipbone. You allowed him to pull away when he tried once more, looking at him in disapproval.
“You want my fingers first? Or my mouth?” You shook your head and he raised a questioning brow.
“I want you” You whispered. He shook his head, seemingly a little hesitantly, and your frown deepened.
“We need to get you ready for me first, sweet girl” You whined and he smirked, happy knowing you were practically desperate to have him inside of you already. He nudged you gently, silently scolding the disobedient noises coming from you.
“I don’t want to hurt you, amore. Which would you like? I promise both are equally as amazing-“
Alec smiled as you snorted, tickling your sides to hear you giggle some more and kissing across your neck and chest, down into the valley of your breast and across the edge of your bra. You sighed dramatically.
“I guess I’ll take your mouth.” He looked at you in faux offence.
“You guess? You are going to regret those words.” He quickly shuffled to lay between your thighs, tugging on the sides of your underwear and hooking his fingers beneath them to pull them off.
“Hips up”
You obliged, lifting your hips off the bed and allowing him full access to you. He disregarded your panties across the room, licking his lips and lifting his eyes to meet your lust filled gaze in a silent question. You nodded in response.
He stroked his thumb across your hip once more, winking at you before his head disappeared between your thighs. His mouth was on you in seconds, the drastic change in temperature making your back arch and your mouth fall open in a silent moan. His tongue glided across you, prying you open and taking you in greedily. You moaned once more, this time the sound echoing through the room embarrassingly loud whilst hands reached down to grip onto anything they could. His cold tongue skilfully slid through your wet folds, lips finding your clit and suckling on the bundle of nerves gently. The fingers of your right hand carded through his hair, tugging and scratching as you grinded yourself against his face causing him to let out the growl of desire that had been building in his throat. You moaned once again, much, much louder than the previous noises and your felt as your face heated up, flushing in embarrassment whilst your free hand moved to cover your mouth.
He pulled away immediately, gripping both of your wrists within his own hands and pinning them to your sides.
“No- Let me hear all of those pretty little noises you make for me.” You squirmed in pleasure, feeling your wetness begin to drip out of your core and down onto the sheets of the bed. He moved his mouth back to you, resuming his actions and gliding the wet muscle across your heat until you began to grind against him desperately.
You were so, so close, and right as you were about to let go he pulled away. You groaned at him and he smiled, kissing his way back up to your lips, letting go of your arms to cup your breasts in his hands.
The taste of yourself on his mouth made you all the more aroused, and you whimpered as your felt your release simmer away.
“Why did you stop? I was about to-“
“I recall you saying you wanted to come on my cock, did you not? Or perhaps you have changed your mind, maybe we should stop completely”
“No! No, Alec! Please!” You were not expecting the plead to fall from your lips as you tugged on his hand in desperation. You pressed yourself against him making him moan softly and drop his head to your shoulder as you continued to plead with him. “Please baby, please fuck me”
“You beg so beautifully, sweetface” His response was breathy despite his lack of need for air and you cupped his jaw in your hand to press desperate kisses across his face in another attempt to coax him into fucking you. “Always such a good girl for me.”
As he spoke, he subtly pulled himself free from the restraints of his trousers and underwear, pushing himself through your slit to coat his cock in your wetness. You groaned as his tip brushed against your bundle of nerves and your hips subconsciously lifted on their own, seeking to push him inside.
“I know, beautiful. Be patient.”
He pushed himself inside of you not a moment later, fully sheathing in one go before he paused and allowed you a moment of relief before he moved. You gasped in surprise as he hit your cervix, pressing your forehead against his own. Your breathing came out in soft pants, his hands lifting to brush your hair behind your ears, lips pressing to the tip of your nose as he gazed into your eyes with his own lust-darkened irises.
“My beautiful girl, you take me so well. Such a good little girl for me, aren’t you?”
He accentuated his words with a sharp thrust and you cried out in pleasure as the tip of his member immediately found your sweet spot, hitting against it with every gentle thrust he made into you.
Alec quietly groaned into your ear, and you let out one of your own in response. His thrusts never stopped for a minute, hips gyrating against yours and lips attaching to one of your breasts, sucking your nipple into his mouth. You felt your earlier release begin to build once again, and you let out a whimpering sob as you struggled to push yourself to finish. Alec must have sensed your body’s hesitation, sneakily snaking a hand down to rub gentle circles against your clit. His lips left your breast in favour of sucking marks onto your neck, sweet nothings whispered into your ear.
“Come for me, mia amore. Show me how pretty you look when you come on my cock.”
That was your final straw, immediately falling over the edge and grinding against him to ride out your high. He watched you for a moment before letting out a moan of his own, gripping your thigh and using it as leverage as he took one final sharp thrust into your wet cunt before you felt his cool release fill you. You fall back against the sheets, moving a hand to cover your eyes in exhaustion as you breathed heavily and attempted to catch your breath. He removed the hand, pressing gentle kisses across your face once he was able to compose himself.
“So good…” Kiss. “You did so good…” Kiss “My pretty baby…” Kiss.
You felt him pull out of you, leaving momentarily to grab a washcloth to clean you both up with. You hissed as he brushed the cloth across your core, and he sent you an apologetic look, reaching for your hand to interlock his fingers with your own. After one last swipe across your entrance he threw the washcloth into the hamper, pulling you into his arms with a kiss to the forehead.
“Sorry, love. All done now.” You smiled up at him happily, content with how you both chose to spend your evening. After a moment of silence he spoke up again.
“So… you still ‘guess’ you’ll take my tongue?” You laughed loudly, pressing closer to him and kissing his cold cheek.
“I am very sorry for offending you, my love. Your tongue is very skilled indeed.”
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tag list: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes @icefrozendeadlyqueen @iloveslasher
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volturissideslut · 5 days
Hiii can you pretty please write about Alec Volturi having a human mate who ends up finally getting the chance to go out and ends up having a crazy night out while he’s away on a mission and being stress cause shes a party animal lol
𝕬𝖑𝖊𝖈 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎
I think the poor thing would be so stressed out for you and by you. He's already lost too, too much and all he really has is his sister, his loyalty to his masters, and now you.
He's not budging when it's your safety in the balance. And so the only way for you to get the night out you want is to sneak away while he's on a mission. And when he hears of it the man is livid.
Not with you, no. With you he's actually upset and maybe even a little disappointed that you would be so haphazard with your own safety.
But he's furious with the lower guard because what do you mean a massive group of over a hundred vampires who happen to always be everywhere at every time with vampire senses and everything... didn't notice a human - his human - leaving.
And secretly, he's a little proud that you did that. Not that he's gonna tell you for a while but the pride is there.
When he knows your back safe (he's also almost there because he rushed the mission to come back) his chest is not as tightly wound as before.
But you know who is stressed? The lower guard that was on the door.
You know who else is stressed? Aro. If Alec wants to kill them for their incompetence than fair do's, so long as he trains the replacement so that Aro doesn't have to deal with it.
Best believe you are on lock down for a while until he trusts you not to be 'stupid'.
And if you really really want to go out then just tell him, he'll come with you. Just please don't put yourself in unsafe situations is all he asks.
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
Hello. Yandere Volturi kings, yandere Volturi guards(Felix , Demetri, Alec) and soul mate reader. Can you write ?
A/N: Hi! And once again a disclaimer: this stuff is not healthy and not okay! And Alec is the movie Alec, of course.   
+ 700ish words.
TW: Yandere stuff, talk of Demetri breaking reader’s wrist, stalking, paranoia, kidnapping, in general not good stuff. 
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Felix didn’t really believe in love at first sight. He had been focused on his job for so long that seeing you for the first time his whole world turned upside down.   
Felix just had to have you, and he was going to make sure of it.   
He took you to the castle and locked you in his personal room. After all, the room was going to become yours, so you had to get used to it.   
Felix would hold you while you cried in his arms and tell you how much he loved you.   
Felix is a quieter type, don’t get me wrong he is possessive, dangerous and manipulative, but he doesn’t want to hurt you physically at least.   
If Demetri happens to be your soulmate you will be practically dead to anybody who is not Demetri himself.   
When he saw you for the first time, he got close to you but then he got a smell of another man on you. To say it shortly that man was hunted down and tortured until Demetri felt like the man had gotten enough of a punishment for touching you.   
Demetri is super clingy and will show his best puppy dog eyes, if you say no to him.   
He will also manipulate you to be okay with his behavior, but like Felix he doesn’t want to hurt you physically. Demetri once broke your wrist while you were fighting about his concerning behavior.   
Alec is shy with his soulmate but not any less yandere than s co-workers.   
Alec likes to know you before he starts to get into a relationship with you. He watches you, but to him he is doing this just to make sure that you are safe and happy.   
When you start your relationship, you will get a massive surprise when he starts to talk about your personal life that you hadn’t told him yet.   
 Alec hates to see you cry, but he is a bit more understanding. He will hold you and tell you how much he loves you.   
Caius is the most sadistic of all of them.   
Caius will bound you to a bed and force you to hear him. Caius will go on and on about the fact of how you could be killed and how that would crush him like it did with Marcus.    
In his mind, he needs to keep you safe from other people, but in the process, he will hurt you so much more.   
Caius is paranoid and sadistic, and rarely shows you any actual affection. But when you get some of that so needed affection Caius will be glued to you and you are left to wanting more.    
Marcus wants you to love him. His first plan isn’t to kidnap you and force you to be his. He wants the normal kind of relationship first.   
And he gets it for a short moment, but like everyone else in this post he is yandere.  
First, he manipulates you to stay with him at all times and next the paranoia hits. It’s his job to keep you safe anyway.   
Slowly he becomes more paranoid. Didyme had died and now you were a new chance for happiness for him. He just needs to be sure that something like that wouldn’t happen to you too.   
And if you didn’t like him at that point, it didn’t matter, because after all you were alive.    
Aro is paranoid too, but he doesn’t want to show it to you.   
He actually doesn’t want to show any weaknesses to you, in case you would use them against him  
Aro tries to get you to fall in love with him the normal way first, but soon sees that it has been a long time since he has talked to a human for more than a second.   
So, he kidnaps you and confesses his love for you, only to start panicking after you start to cry in terror. Instead of listening to you, he will hold you and whisper to you how he would never let you go.     
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Yandere Felix Volturi and soulmate reader and yandere Demetri Volturi.
❝you’re our soulmate darling❞
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✭ pairing : yandere demetri volturi x soulmate reader x yandere felix volturi
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : demetri and felix have found their soulmate in a human girl named (y/n), it was believed that vampires didn’t have soulmates though some argued that mates were vampire soulmates.
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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In the dimly lit corridors of the Volturi castle, Felix and Demetri, two of the most formidable members of the vampire coven, went about their duties as usual. Their crimson eyes scanning for any signs of intrusion, they were the protectors of the Volturi's ancient laws, and their loyalty to Aro was unwavering.
However, on this particular evening, something unusual was in the air. The castle seemed to hum with an underlying tension, and the normally stoic Demetri was more alert than ever. Felix, on the other hand, was curiously intrigued, his gaze flickering toward the entrance as if expecting something or someone.
And then, she walked in.
(Y/n) entered the castle with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. She had heard of the Volturi's reputation, and the legends surrounding them had always been a source of fascination. A young human with an undeniable sense of adventure, she had embarked on a journey to Volterra, Italy, without fully comprehending the gravity of her actions.
Her heart raced as she took in the opulence of the Volturi's stronghold, unaware that her arrival had already caught the attention of its most enigmatic residents. Her scent, a tantalizing blend of innocence and fear, reached the heightened senses of Felix and Demetri simultaneously.
As their eyes locked onto her form, something within them stirred—a deep and primal possessiveness they had never experienced before. They exchanged a knowing glance, and a silent understanding passed between them. This was no ordinary human; she was their soulmate, and they would do anything to protect and possess her.
But in their twisted world, love often took a dark and obsessive form. Felix's yandere tendencies had long been a source of fear among the Volturi, and Demetri, with his ability to track anyone instantly, was equally relentless in his pursuit. Together, they were a formidable force, and they were ready to claim (y/n) as their own.
As days turned into weeks, (y/n) found herself ensnared in a web of intrigue within the Volturi castle. Her initial trepidation had given way to a strange mix of fear and fascination, especially whenever she encountered Felix and Demetri.
Felix, with his broad shoulders and disarming smile, often appeared by her side, making sure she was comfortable in this ancient abode. His obsession with her was palpable, though he managed to keep it hidden beneath a veneer of charm. Every conversation, every touch, was calculated to draw her closer to him, to make her dependent on his presence.
Demetri, on the other hand, was a master of subtlety. He watched her from the shadows, his piercing gaze never leaving her for long. His ability to read her thoughts, her desires, and her fears gave him an unfair advantage, one he used to manipulate her emotions.
One evening, as (y/n) wandered through the castle's labyrinthine halls, she felt a presence behind her, an almost magnetic pull. She turned to find Demetri standing there, his dark eyes locking onto hers.
"Lost, my dear?" he purred, his voice a hypnotic melody.
"I...I was just exploring," she stammered, feeling a shiver run down her spine. There was something undeniably captivating about him, something that both terrified and intrigued her.
Felix's approach was far less subtle. He'd often join her for meals in the grand dining hall, positioning himself close enough that their legs brushed beneath the table. His intense, unwavering gaze was impossible to ignore, and his occasional possessive touches sent a shiver through her.
The more time she spent with Felix and Demetri, the more entangled she became in their dark, twisted desires. They whispered promises of protection and love, their words a seductive siren song that threatened to drown her in their obsession.
But (y/n) couldn't deny the dangerous allure of the Volturi duo. She was drawn to their power, their mysterious ways, and the undeniable connection that seemed to bind them all. Little did she know that her choices would soon lead to a point of no return, where her fate would be forever entwined with the Volturi, and the line between love and possession would blur beyond recognition.
As the weeks continued on, and (y/n)'s life in the Volturi castle settled into a dark and twisted routine. She found herself drawn further into the enigmatic world of Felix and Demetri, unable to resist the allure of their power and obsession.
Her relationship with the duo grew more complicated with each passing day. Felix's possessive tendencies became increasingly apparent. He'd watch her sleep, a twisted smile playing on his lips as he whispered sweet promises of eternal devotion into her dreams. His touch became possessive, his need to have her by his side at all times growing insatiable.
Demetri's subtle manipulation was just as potent. He knew her thoughts, her fears, and her desires, using his gift to create a sense of dependency within her. He'd appear at the most unexpected moments, his presence a constant reminder of the inescapable hold he had on her mind.
One evening, (y/n) found herself alone with Demetri in the castle's ancient library. The dimly lit room seemed to hold secrets of centuries past, and the atmosphere was thick with tension.
"You know," Demetri began, his voice low and intimate, "I can feel your every thought, your every heartbeat."
(Y/n) couldn't help but shiver at his words, her eyes locked onto his. "What do you want from me?" she whispered, her voice trembling.
He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "Everything," he replied, his hand reaching out to caress her cheek. "Your thoughts, your dreams, your soul. You're mine, (y/n), whether you like it or not."
Meanwhile, Felix's obsession had reached a dangerous climax. He'd stopped pretending to be subtle, openly declaring his desire to make her his forever. His presence was inescapable, and he seemed to be everywhere she turned.
One night, as she tried to escape the suffocating hold of the duo, she found herself trapped in a dark corridor. Felix cornered her, his eyes blazing with an unsettling mix of desire and possessiveness.
"You can't run from me, (y/n)," he hissed, his fangs dangerously close to her throat. "You're ours, you’re demetri’s but most of all you’re mine, and I'll do anything to keep you."
The line between love and possession had blurred beyond recognition, and (y/n) was caught in a dangerous game where escape seemed impossible. Her fate was now firmly intertwined with the Volturi duo, and as the days grew darker, the price of their obsession became increasingly apparent.
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iloveslasher · 1 year
Yall cannot tell me that this isn't volturi kings x reader
Someone please write this as an fic!
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psychooomind · 4 months
I'm creating a whole fanfic around my favorite characters from the Twilight saga, the Volturi. I think they are fascinating characters and ones that Stephanie didn't explore in depth. The fanfic is going to be about Alec x reader, but a reader who has a first and last name, since she is my beautiful creation: Cassandra Pavoularis, a human and Greek girl who had the luck (bad or good) to be Alec's designated partner. . The first three chapters are the meetings between the two of them, and that is what they will be called: “Encounters”. The rest of the story is about different missions that Cassandra and the rest of the guard undergo. Even though it's mostly going to be a CassandraxAlec ship, I want to explore what it's like to be part of the Volturi guard, how busy their days are, how they handle missions, what they are like as a group, between things. English is not my first language. The characters of Jane, Alec and Cassandra are between 15 and 17 years old, because these are the ages of the characters in the film adaptation and not the books.
Chapter 1: First encounter
Chapter 2: Second encounter
Chapter 3: Third encounter
I hope you like it 😊
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americancowgirl19 · 2 years
Twilight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Queen - Part Two - Volturi Kings x Female Swan Reader
Nobody to Somebody - Volturi Guard x Female Reader
Prince of Hell - Demetri Volturi x Male Reader
So Much More - Part Two - Part Three -  Riley Biers x Plus Sized Female Reader - Message me if you want me to write male reader rewrites.
Puppet Master - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
To The End Of Days - Caius Volturi x Human Gender Neutral Reader
Victory - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
Proud - Riley Biers x Human Plus Sized Female Reader
Husband of Mine - Carlisle x male vampire reader
Who You Were, Are, and Will Be - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Attempts - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Vengeance - Demetri x Female Reader x Felix
Polar Opposites - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Kidnapped - Riley Biers x Female Reader
Friends - Platonic Edward Cullen x Gender Neutral Reader
The Paranoia of a Nomad - Emmett Cullen x Male Reader
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simpfordemetri · 26 days
Voltrui guard with a mate who loves to cuddle without clothes or anything? Like loving the closeness of it 🤗
Volturi Guards Cuddling Skin to Skin
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Actually its his favourite cuddling position,he feel safe and on moments like these he will even be the little spoon,letting you scratch his hair and take care of him.Never turn into sex,for him cuddling like this its being vulnerable around you and its important to him,he feels in peace
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Normal cuddling was hard to get her to,so this was even more,she only stayed naked for sex so you had a long way of convincing her to this.However once you do she will spend days like this,even cancelling missions saying you were sick(she never told you this)
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He loves being close to you and also loves the feeling of your warm skin,so this feels like heaven for him.He will trace patterns on your thights but with him it can lead to to something sexual,just if you start it tho.He feels like he can fall sleep
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When he cuddle you like this he feels like you are made of cristal,he will be so delicated towards you and even afrait to touch you,gentle kisses are given by him and his hands rests on your lower back
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kimi240302 · 10 months
I´m Yours
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A/N: Before you read this story, be aware I am from Germany and can't write a bit of English. That's why I'm sending this through an app that translates it for me.
A/N2.0: In this story, the characters are all a little older.
Summary: Y/N Swan tries everything to keep her promise to stay away from Demetri Volturi. But can you stay away from the man fate bound you to?
Demetri Volturi x Female!Swan!reader
Words: 3,5k
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Request list
Last Part of Daylight Masterlist
Warning: violence towards a character
“Tryna wash away all the blood I´ve spilt This lust is a burden that we both share  Two sinners can´t atone from  a lone prayer  Souls tied, interwined by our pride and guilt”
-David Kushner
"I promise you...," Y/N paused, turning her gaze away from Mara, who was standing in front of her with her arms crossed, and looking at Mick, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow as he made himself comfortable on Mara's bed.
"I promise you I'll be back. I just want to be alone for an hour or two." Annoyed, the young Swan exhaled. She felt smothered within the four walls of the hotel room where she had lain in bed for the past three days. The fact that her two best friends, had not let her out of their sight for a second since the night with Demetri, supported this feeling.
Determined, Y/N took her bag from the bed and hung it over her shoulder. "Besides, you two could use some time alone." The young girl left no more room for arguments from her friends, as she was already halfway out the door when she spoke those words. But Y/N paused once more, stretching her torso back through the still-open crack of the door and looking back and forth between Mara and Mick in turn. "Just please don't have sex on my bed." Laughing, Y/N closed the door as Mara angrily threw one of the guidebooks at her, while Mick just laughed.
On the street in front of the hotel, Y/N stopped. She turned her face up to the gray sky. She flinched slightly as the first raindrops trickled down onto the skin of her face. Pressing her raincoat closer to her body, she dropped the smile she had put on for her friends and closed her eyes.
The raindrops slowly began to make their way down Y/N's face, but they didn't bother the young girl, quite the opposite. Y/N gratefully accepted the coldness of the water. The drops replaced the tears that she herself no longer had left to cry. For once, taking a deep breath, she absorbed the smell of the rain, the certainty settled in her bones that tonight was the last evening for her in Volterra.
Tomorrow morning, she would fly back with her class, and never return. Y/N would then go back to Forks, to her father, her sister, and the Cullens, and Demetri would exist only in her memories from that point on. This thought sent a shiver down the young girl's body.
Shaking herself slightly, Y/N turned her head straight ahead again and started moving. She didn't know where to go, since she didn't know her way around Volterra. But she didn't want to go back to the hotel room either, so the young Swan decided to just start walking and hoping that nothing would happen to her.
„To live is the rarest thing in the World. Most people exist, that is all!”
Hours had passed during which Y/N walked around lost in thought. She had lost her sense of direction and was aware that her friends and classmates were certainly worried. But the young girl could not convince herself to turn back or take out her cell phone and find her way back to the hotel.
Y/N was soaked, confused and exhausted. She didn't know what she wanted or what she was trying to accomplish by wandering around Volterra.
With tears welling up again, the Swan girl sat down on the edge of a fountain that stood in the middle of an empty, yet lit, sidewalk. She let her fingertips glide over the water and smiled slightly at each tear drop that fell into the water. The rain had stopped and so had her will to resist the tears. With her free hand, Y/N reached into her pocket and pulled out the crumpled note Demetri had left in the book. Again she read the lines written there in black ink, as she had done over and over again in the last few days.
"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be walking around outside alone at this hour, or at all alone with your mind elsewhere."
Startled, Y/N winced. She stuffed the note back into her pocket and stood up properly. As she did so, she didn't take her eyes off the man who had appeared behind her as if out of nowhere.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Y/N closed her eyes for a brief moment as she saw the stranger's grin grow larger. Even though she tried, Y/N couldn't stop the tremor in her voice. Which only confirmed to her opposite that the young girl was definitely alone and scared.  
The unknown man took another step towards Y/N, which she answered with a step closer to the fountain. Defensively, the stranger raised his hands. "Don't worry little girl, I won't hurt you." The young Swan's eyes widened. She immediately felt as if she was looking at the man properly for the first time. His skin was almost white as snow, while his eyes seemed black. Y/N swallowed, for she had a feeling that if she had met him on any other day, his eyes would be red. She also did not notice any breathing or blinking of the eyes.
Laughing, the man approached Y/N, he reached out a hand and placed it on her cheek, making her wince as panic began to spread inside her. The stranger's skin was as cold as ice. "Not as long as you don't fight back," he finished the sentence he had started.
Startled, Y/N slapped the man's hand away, surprising him, and ran. The vampire immediately started laughing, which echoed on the empty street and made Y/N run even faster. She knew that the castle of Volterra couldn't be far, since magically it was always the first thing she saw when she walked through the streets. If the young girl could reach it before her attacker, she was safe, she would be with Demetri.
Without warning, Y/N slammed into the side of the wall with her entire body. Gasping for air, she hit the hard floor. She caught the impact with her hands, causing the skin on them to split open in some places. Blood leaked from the small openings, causing the unknown vampire to draw air through his nose. "Your blood smells better than anything I've ever smelled!" He muttered to himself, his eyes still closed.
Gritting her teeth, Y/N tried to crawl silently away from the vampire. But he grabbed her ankle and pulled her back. Calling for help, she began kicking and punching at her attacker with her legs and arms. All this triggered another loud laugh. The vampire put his hands around Y/N's neck pulling her up by it and pressing her against the brick wall. As he did so, his grip tightened with each passing second. Y/N tried to strike at him with her hands, also scratching at his hands to loosen the grip on her neck, but her attempts were in vain. Just as black dots began to surround her field of vision, the vampire let go of her and caught her body. Gasping for air, she noticed how there was no spark of strength left in her. Her body felt limp and burning. "Such a pretty thing. If I wasn't so hungry, I would have spent more time with you."
The vampire supported her body with one hand while turning her face to the side with the other. He let the dome of his index finger trail over her pulse point as he grinned in satisfaction. "Please don't..." , Y/N muttered. "Don't worry it will be over quickly!" This was the last thing Y/N was aware of until the pain set in. The vampire had buried his fangs in her neck. Y/N felt her life being literally sucked out of her as the vampire drank more and more of her blood. Again black dots began to dance in front of her eyes and the only thing she could think about was Demetri, while more and more tears ran down her cheeks.
With a jolt, the feeling of the vampire in front of her disappeared, as did the arm holding her upright. Exhausted and preparing to hit the ground again, Y/N closed her eyes. However, before Y/N hit the ground one more time she was stopped by two arms and pinned against a chest.
"Mon amour please open your eyes!" Demetri pleaded with his mate. Blinking, she opened her eyes, contorted her face in pain, and then looked him straight in the eye. "Demetri, you're here." Her voice was no longer even a whisper. Carefully, Demetri stroked Y/N's bloodied hair from her face and left his hand on her cheek. "I will always be where you are. You just have to promise me to stay awake!" Smiling weakly, she placed a hand on his cheek, trembling. "I'm so sorry." Confused, the vampire looked at her. "Sorry for what?" His mate shook her head weakly, her eyelids beginning to flutter as her hand slid down from his cheek.
Everything around Demetri slowed down. The sounds of his friends killing the vampire became a low hiss as Y/N's eyes began to close and her pulse continued to slows. Demetri rested his forehead against his mate's. "Please don't leave me again! You can't leave me!"  
But Y/N no longer understood a word, the ringing in her ears had become far too loud for that. "I love you, Demetri Volturi." Whether she said it out loud or just thought it, she didn't know, but she was glad to have seen the man she loved once again, before her world went black and her body went limp in his arms, she knew she was finally home.
""Will she be awake in time?" Aro, and every other vampire in the throne room, looked closely at the doctor in front of him. The latter nodded slightly anxiously and looked around. "Miss Swan has lost a lot of blood, but nothing that can't be fixed with a blood infusion and bed rest." His voice trembled slightly, however, he did better than the Kings had expected.
Nodding, Aro looked to Jane. "Inform Demetri about this. He will be at her bedside. Felix escort the doctor out." Both guards stepped forward to follow what they were told to do. "And doctor." The man addressed stopped in the doorway and turned slowly. "Everything you've seen today, you'd better forget." Marcus looked at him, bored. Caius began to grin nastily, "Accidents happen every day!" Aro spread his arms, "And it would be a shame for such talent to go to waste!" Quickly the man nodded, "I was never here!" Satisfied, the kings looked at him. Felix put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him further in the direction of the exit.
"Why didn't he just turn her?" Caius looked questioningly at his brother. "He would have escaped the Cullens and that annoying sister that way. His mate would have no choice but to stay here to get used to her new life." Marcus turned to the blond-haired man. "And that's just it. It would have been forced." Aro nodded. "Our young friend wants his mate to want to walk this path willingly, with him by her side or without him."
"Demetri?" Jane entered Demetri's room. He was sitting on the floor with his back against his bed where his mate was sleeping. He had drawn his knees to his chest, buried his hands in his hair, and rested his forehead on his knees. At Jane's voice he looked up. "The doctor's gone, he says she'll be fine. She just needs bed rest." Demetri just nodded and laid his head back on his knees. Jane looked down at her teammate and debated with herself. She closed the door and took thoughtful steps toward the bed. Y/N looked pale, but since the second blood infusion, the redness of her skin was slowly working its way back.
The vampire sat down on the floor next to Demetri, which made him look to the side in confusion. "I thought at the beginning that you had gone mad. Fighting so hard for the Swan girl, even though she didn't want you. Letting your heart break over and over again. Now that I see you with her, now that I've seen the way she was in your arms, the way she looked at you, the smile just before she thought she was going to die, just because she could tell you she loved you. Makes me understand why you did it. Why you ran after her and why you didn't want to turn her. I don't understand the soul mates thing, I only have Alec who I trust and I don't think that will ever change. But Demetri, when she wakes up, and she will. Don't let her go again. You both need each other!" Jane looked deep into Demetri's eyes and put a hand on his shoulder. Demetri looked at her gratefully and placed his hand over hers. "I'm scared." Jane nodded. "You two will get through this, and if anything happens, we'll be behind you and her." Demetri smiled.
Jane stood up and headed for the door, but turned back to him. "If you tell anyone what I said here, I will cause you pain that will make you wish you were never born!" Demetri dropped his head back into his neck laughing, "There's the Jane I love!" Briefly her eyes lit up and a smile settled over her mouth. Shortly after, she was gone.
"You just confirmed what I warned Y/N about!" Bella looked angrily over at Demetri. The latter rolled his eyes, "And that would be?" "You put her in danger!" "She would never have been in danger if she hadn't been alone, and she was only alone because she pushed Demetri away because of you!" Felix laughed in disbelief from what he had just heard. Bella took a step towards the vampire, but Edward grabbed her waist and pulled her back to his chest. "Stop it now Bella!"
"You better listen to your fiancé young girl! It was pure kindness on Demetri's part to inform you of your sister's condition." Aro looked closely at Bella. "Kindness?!" Bella was turning red with anger. "Put a leash on your human before I do something about her!", Caius looked at Bella out of annoyed eyes. Edward tightened his grip around his fiancée. The latter took a deep breath and looked back at Aro. "If Carlisle confirms to us right away that my sister is fit to travel, I will take her back to Forks with me." She turned to Demetri and pointed a finger at him. "And you will stay away from my sister . From this day until her last day." Demetri shook his head. "You will not take her anywhere again. Until she can speak for herself, she stays here. Let Y/N make her own decisions, you've been calling all the shots in her life long enough!" "I only want what's best for her!" "By keeping her away from the one she loves!" Alec raised his eyebrow in amusement. Bella laughed mockingly. "She doesn't love him. My sister could never love a monster!" "Careful! Maybe none of our powers can do anything against you, but we can always hurt you, though! You forget you're still human!" Jane's voice became sharp. But Bella laughed again. "And that proves what I'm saying, you Volturi are nothing more than monsters!"
"The only monster in this room is you Bella."
All at once, everyone's heads turned to the kings. Y/N had entered the throne room through the back entrance. Next to her stood a sad-looking Carlisle. He knew he should not have taken Bella with him, for as the vampire knew Y/N would not return with them, but would remain with Demetri and therefore with the Volturi.
"Sister!" "Mon amour!" Bella and Demetri spoke at the same time. Y/N's gaze moved from her sister to Demetri. The latter looked at her with relief and a little fear, but she did not think twice. As fast as her bare feet could carry her, she ran towards Demetri and jumped into his arms. Relieved, he immediately wrapped his arms around her torso and hugged her to him. As he did so, the vampire closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of her neck.
Aro began to clap and even jumped up and down once. "I think my young Bella, this is answer enough where your sister wants to stay. Isn't it?" Bella shook her head. "Y/N..." Her voice was occupied with bewilderment. Her younger sister separated herself from Demetri and stood up properly. As she did so, she buried her fingers in the fabric of his top, while he placed his hands on her upper arms, where he gently ran them up and down. Y/N accepted this gesture gratefully. Since she had almost fled the room when she saw only Carlisle, she was wearing nothing but underwear and a black nightgown. Lightly she leaned her back against the blond vampire's torso, taking in the warmth of his coat. Demetri who noticed this detached himself from Y/N took off his coat and placed it over his mate's shoulder. Then placed his hands again on her upper arms. Everyone observed the gesture with a smile, except for the Cullen family and Bella.
Bella watched as Y/N gratefully gave Demetri a kiss on the cheek and began shaking her head again. "No!" Confused, everyone looked at her. "You have to choose sister!" Bella emphasized the word 'sister' as if to remind Y/N that they were bound together by blood. "Between what?" Doubting her sister's mental state, Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Either you come back to Forks with me and the Cullens, or you stay here, with Demetri and the Volturi." She paused, put her hands to her chest, and continued talking, "But if you stay here, I will no longer see you as my sist..." Bella hadn't even finished her sentence when Y/N interrupted her. "Demetri and the Volturi." Bella dropped her arms to her side. "What?" "I choose Demetri and the Volturi." She repeated, more slowly so her sister would understand her better. This made every single Volturi grin as they looked at their future new member.
Before Bella could say anything further, Y/N turned her body entirely around to face Demetri. "Can you take me back to our room?" Demetri looked from her to Aro, who nodded with a smile. "Anything Ma princesse, will." In bridal style he picked her up in his arms, not wanting her to walk around in bare feet any longer and catch anything else, made his way past the Cullens. Where Bella realized once again that she had lost her sister to Demetri Volturi. Y/N didn't pay Bella a glance, burying her face in her mate's chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Well Bella that must have backfired!" Laughed Felix, making everyone except the Cullens laugh along with him.
"Are you sure you made the right decision?" Demetri whispered these words while looking straight ahead and holding his mate securely in his arms at the same time. Confused, she looked up at him. "What do you mean Demetri?" Without saying anything he opened the door of his room, stepped into it, closed his door and carefully put his mate down on his bed. "You should sleep a little more, the doctor and Carlisle are..." , he spoke while walking back to the door. But Y/N jumped up from the bed, dropping the coat from her mate on the floor, closing the distance between them with a few steps and grabbing Demetri's wrist. "Don't do this Demetri." He turned his head around to face her. "Don't do what." "Don't drop me. I won't regret choosing you. I won't miss my sister and the time in her shadow. I won't regret you and my love for you, not today, not in our eternity you promised me Demetri." Carefully she pulled him to her by his wrist. His body turned completely to her, his eyes were filled with fear and yet hope was also hidden in them. Y/N let go of his wrist, took another step towards him and placed her hands on his cheeks, like he always did with her. "I will never forgive myself for how many times I have rejected you for a promise that was unfair to both of us and if you let me, I will try to make this up to you for the rest of our time together." Demetri closed his eyes and leaned more into her touch. "That's a very long time Mon Amour." "That's exactly what I hope!" Smiling, Y/N placed her lips on her mate's. Demetri returned her kiss instantly, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer. The kiss quickly turned into a passionate one as Y/N released her hands from his cheeks and let them disappear into Demetri's hair. When they both broke away from each other, their lips hovered just inches apart. "No more running away, no more hiding, I beg you!" Demetri looked at her pleadingly. Gently, she again placed her lips on his. Breaking away from him, she leaned her forehead against his and whispered, "I'm yours Demetri Volturi and I'm not afraid to show it to the daylight anymore!" They both started laughing and kissed again.
A/N3.0: Thanks for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it and if you think of anything else you want to read, like the wedding of the two or other things write it in my inbox, no matter if my request is closed or not.
@twilightlover2007 @ssnapsaurus @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @ms-sasa @elissanatok @helen06dreamer @animequeen454 @svtbpbts @alyeskathewave @kezibear @m-ichelles-world @angelsincident @esposadomd @xxxsecuritybreach @a-avengerparker
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Bite | A.V x Reader
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warnings: kinda smutty but not? smutty themes?? biting, mentions of blood, uhhh
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a/n: thank you to @agirllovespancakes who hyped me up enough to actually write a bite scene 😭 slowly getting over my fear of writing smut (i’m not sure if this even counts but WE ARE ONE STEP CLOSER BABAYYYY)
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“What does it feel like?” You blurted out the thought before you could stop it and Alec hummed as he looked down at you, frowning in confusion.You lifted your head from where it rested on his chest, unlacing your hands from the absentminded fiddling with his fingers you had been entertaining yourself with.
“When you bite someone… what does it feel like?” He watched you for a moment, taking in the way your head tilted in curiosity and how your eyes searched his own. He sucked in a breath before moving to take your hand in his once again, reinterlacing your fingers together.
“Well, I can’t say I really remember what it felt like-”
“That’s not a good answer.” You cut him off with a grumble. Playfully glaring at you for the interruption, he attempted to brush your pout away with the thumb of his free hand, smiling at you teasingly. Cupping your cheek softly he scolded you. “Stop sulking and allow me to finish what I was about to say.”
“Fine...” You playfully turned to nip at the palm of his hand. Alec let out a soft chuckle, the sound rumbling through his chest whilst pressing a kiss to your interlocked fingers before he continued.
“Initially it hurts- a sharp sting at the very least…” He paused to take in your reaction, and you raised your eyebrow. “However I have heard before that it can be rather… arousing?”
There was a short pause of silence before you spoke your mind again.
“ As in for you or-?” He thought over your question before he answered.
“Well, in a way yes. Human blood can send any vampire into a sort of… pleasure filled frenzy.” You scrunched your face at his words and he laughed softly, stroking his thumb along your jaw.
“But depending on the circumstances of the bite and whether the vampire allows for the venom to enter your bloodstream or not, it can feel pleasant.”
“So… it’s the venom that makes it burn?” You looked at him in mild wonder and he nodded.
“The initial bite will be painful, if we allow the venom to follow it makes it even more excruciating. Why do you ask? You want a demonstration?”
Your cheeks flushed crimson, burying your face back into his chest momentarily to compose yourself. You lifted your head up after a few seconds, scowling at him playfully.
“I was just curious. I want to be prepared for when I have to be… bitten.” You stumbled over your words for a moment making him frown.
“There isn’t a need to be worried, sweetface. I’ll be right there with you the entire time.”
You beamed at him happily though your nerves did not dissipate. He smirked, moving his hand from your face and removing his other hand from your grip to push your shoulder gently, forcing you to lay back on the bed as he moved to hover over you. “Perhaps I should give you a demonstration to get rid of those nerves”
You giggled loudly as he began pressing kisses down the side of your face, along your jaw, across your neck, before stopping and sucking lightly on the soft spot where your neck met your shoulder. You let out a shuddering breath as he lapped at the supple skin gently, occasionally pressing his tongue and grazing his teeth against you. Your hands fisted his hair, a breathy moan of his name spilling over your lips before you could stop yourself. He placed one last gentle kiss before pulling away to watch your face.
“Why- Why did you stop?” Your voice was small, an underlying sense of desire hidden beneath. With you half-lidded eyes you began searching his face for discomfort - you found none. A wave of embarrassment flooded over you, blinking them closed for a moment of composure whilst pressing the palms of your hands against them. Alec’s hand brushed across your forehead absentmindedly, moving away the hair which had strayed across.
“You really want me to?” The surprise was clearly evident in his voice. Almost nervously, he shuffled to hover fully above you, using his thigh to push your legs apart so he could slot himself between them, both hands now planted firmly on your waist. Your eyes opened fully, bopping your head enthusiastically and wrapping your own arms back around his neck. A low groan echoed through the room, and he tightened his hold on you. Goosebumps rose on your arms, a small wave of arousal washing through you before it went away just as quick. Only for a moment.
“You are certain?” The vampire buried his head back into your neck to continue the kisses he had stopped, only this time they were directly below your pulse point where your scent was much more potent.
“A hundred and ten percent sure.” You mumbled before taking a sharp inhale as his lips brushed a sweet spot once again. Arching into him, he removed one hand from your waist to wrap an arm around your back, pulling you against him and whispering softly, seductively into your ear.
“I’ll try to be gentle.”
You whimpered loudly as he pressed a rougher kiss against you before his teeth cut through you like a hot knife through butter. A loud gasp followed, and he just barely pulled away to hush you softly, using his thumb to brush soft circles on your lower back in comfort. He returned to the bite, sucking some blood from the wound and groaning as it hit his tongue.
“Amore.” The husky way he spoke, paired with the way his lips brushed against your neck and the soft circles he traced across your back drew a lust filled moan from you and you moved to tug the hair at the nape of his neck, releasing another moan from him, softer this time. Pleasure spiked across your body, down your spine and creating a pit in your stomach the more he drank from you, and all you could do as he licked and sucked at your neck was whimper and moan pitifully. He inhaled a few more mouthfuls before pausing to collect himself, unsure whether his control will allow him to take anymore from you.
“You taste fucking divine.” He moaned into your ear. He used his nose to gently trace across your jawline momentarily, a subtle attempt at comforting you. His eyes caught sight of the blood escaping your neck, leaning down and using his tongue to clean the droplets which attempted to drip down to your collarbone. You whimpered - much louder than you had previously - and made an attempt to pull him even closer than he already was. You felt your hips move on their own accord, desperately seeking some friction as he lapped at your throat. Teeth pierced through the bite one last time, taking a few more mouthfuls, followed by a larger gulp before he forced himself to pull away, sealing the wound shut with his tongue.
He moved himself off of you and onto his back, pulling you onto your side. You were still as you rested next to him, seeking to regulate your breathing before you tried to say anything. Your own eyes were closed as he watched you intently, frowning as he watched you shakily inhale. After a moment you opened your eyes, meeting his own with a lopsided smile on your lips.
“Hi…” You spoke shyly, making him laugh - properly laugh.
“Hello to you too, beautiful girl.” You shuffled and buried yourself into him, breathing him in and he smiled, still stroking your back with his head resting against your hair. Another moment of silence fell upon the both of you before he spoke again.
“Felt good?” He mumbled, kissing your forehead. You hummed in response, body still trembling irregularly and a petulant look upon your face as you looked up at him.
“Mhmm… but now I need help.”
He smirked at you, leaning down to press his lips against yours. The remnant taste of your own blood sent a fresh wave of arousal through you, moving so you were now on top of him, straddling his waist.
“I’m sure I can be of help.”
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taglist: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes
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volturi-imagines · 2 years
Demetri’s Newborn
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Being the only newborn in a castle full of century-old vampires was difficult, they all expected me to have the same amount of self-control as them and any sign of aggression was met with a week or a month in the dungeons, in isolation. 
I tried to be a good vampire, but it seemed like everything I did angered someone, and I was punished for it. I had contemplated running away, or stepping into the town square, forcing the other guards to kill me but something always stopped me, maybe it wasn’t something, maybe it was someone. Demetri Volturi. He was the one who had plucked me off the streets on my way home from the library where I worked and turned me. Master Aro had been furious when Demetri showed up with me, only a few hours into my new life. Aro had sentenced me to death but with a touch of Demetri’s hand, Aro abandoned that idea, so I was stuck being forced to sink or swim and I was currently drowning.
The stars shined brightly as I sat on the roof of the castle, I had another full day of getting my ass handed to me in training and just wanted to be alone.
“Knew I would find you up here.”
Felix came to sit next to me, he had slowly become a friend, but he never held back during training.
“Am I in trouble again?”
“No. Why would you think that?”
I hung my head, it was embarrassing to talk about my shortcoming with one of the elite guards.
“Because I do nothing right and I just want to die or leave this place. I feel so alone. I have no one that is there for me.”
I felt like I needed to cry but I couldn’t so I just had this lump in my chest as I took deep breaths to calm myself. Felix was quiet as I did my breathing exercises and once I had physically relaxed a little he finally spoke.
“Have you ever asked Demetri why he turned you?”
That question threw me off guard, I had never asked Demetri but I had asked one of the other lower female guards.
“No, but rumor is I was a feeding gone wrong. Demetri was ambushed or something before he could finish me off.”
Standing up Felix offered me his hand to help me up. Once we stood next to each other he put his hand on my shoulder.
“I think you should talk to Demetri. Tell him what you told me.”
Deciding to listen to Felix I left the rooftop and made my way to the elite guard's wing of the castle. Knocking on the big wooden door it took no time before Demetri opened it, he looked shocked to see me at his door but silently stood to the side as I walked in. Once I heard the click on the door close I turned around to face him, speaking up before he could.
“Why did you turn me? I’ve heard rumors that I was a feeding gone wrong, or I am just here as a punching bag for everyone, or it's all just a sick game to torture me for no reason and you will kill me sooner or later.”
I took a deep breath, Demetri wood pine scent filled my nose, calming in a way before I continued as Demetri stood silent watching me.
“I just want to die.”
Demetri looked hurt at my words as he crossed the room, slowly he intertwined our hands.
“I had thought if I gave you space and time to come to terms with your new life it would be better but I see now that what you needed was my support and guidance. Mi amor, I didn’t turn you for any nefarious reasons, I turned you because you are my mate. I am so sorry for how you have suffered and I promise I’ll do better and support you. Will you give this life another try?”
I felt like I was going into shock as I nodded my head in agreement. This was not how I thought the conversation was going to go but I did like the idea of an eternity with Demetri by my side.
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amazingmaeve · 2 years
Demetri Alexopoulos Fic Recommendations!
follow each and everyone of these authors because they take time out of their days to write these AMAZING pieces of work. also because they deserve all the praise and likes and follows!
also don't forget to like and comment your love about all of these fics because they deserve it! also the words that are colored in red are on AO3 (archive of our own)
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being in a poly! relationship with hawk & demetri (@sensei-venus)
they take you on a valentines date (@cow-smells)
you send them an anonymous love letter (@cow-smells)
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Smut 18+
nsfw alphabet (@cades-outsider)
jealousy games ii iii (@cow-smells)
owe you one (@cow-smells)
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Angst with a happy ending
complete recovery (@writingwithciara)
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Hi, I am wondering how would you rank yandere Volturi (the kings + guards) with a human obsession from worst to best (how bad and suffocating is it for reader, how easily it is for them to break? Etc)
Ranking the Yandere Volturi members (the kings + guards) by their level of obsession with a human partner from worst to best (or least bad) can be subjective, but generally, it can be assessed based on the following criteria:
1. Aro : Aro is the leader of the Volturi and is known for his psychic abilities. His obsession with a human partner could be particularly suffocating, as he may constantly be probing their thoughts and emotions. Breaking free from his grasp might be challenging due to his power and cunning.
2. Caius : Caius is another leader of the Volturi. While he may not possess Aro's psychic abilities, his obsession could still be intense and suffocating. Breaking free from his grasp might be relatively easier compared to Aro.
3. Marcus : Marcus, the third leader of the Volturi, has a unique ability to sense the strength of relationships. His obsession might be less overt but still could be suffocating if he becomes attached. Breaking free from his grasp might be moderately challenging, depending on the strength of the bond.
4. Felix : Felix is a powerful Volturi guard. His obsession might be intense, but as a guard, he might not have the same level of control and influence as the leaders. Breaking free from his grasp could be relatively easier.
5. Demetri : Demetri is another Volturi guard with tracking abilities. His obsession might involve stalking and tracking the human partner, making it uncomfortable but not as suffocating as some of the leaders. Breaking free from his grasp might be relatively easier if the human partner can evade his tracking.
It's important to note that these rankings are based on fictional characters and their abilities within the Twilight series. Obsession in any form is unhealthy, and the impact on a human partner would vary depending on their individual circumstances and resilience.
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iloveslasher · 2 years
Volturi Guards
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