#yandere mei hatsume
thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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You were in class 1a and you met Mei at the sports festival. Now, Mei might be calm and collected and sane, but when she saw you.... she went insane with love, something she NEVER bothered till she saw how PERFECT and innocent and adorable you were. It's your typical 'love at first sight' scenario
You didn't make the first move. SHE did. She was so excited being around you, she started squealing how cute you were every five minutes. You were a bit shy and asked her to quite down and she agreed though secretly, she wanted to show the world that you both were soulmates and were meant to be together. She wanted to show everyone that you were hers, ALONE
She's the type of yandere who's clingy, delusional and POSSESSIVE ASF! Not to mention creepy too
She'll just stalk you if you've injured yourself that day or something like that. What!? She, just wants you to be safe, that's all. But other than that, she'll insert some of her gadgets around your room and around your house just for her to know that you're safe
She just LOVES spoiling you and showering you with lots and lots of love and affection. Like I said, her clinginess is TOO MUCH, there won't be single second of the day when she won't be hovering around you like your shadow
If anyone tries bullying you? Oh, what a shocker: A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!!!
She won't kill anyone if they flirt with you though... she'll just let her 'babies' do the job FOR HER (aka, her many gadgets). She might tamper with some of her inventions and hand it over to the guy who flirted with you asking them to hold it for a sec... and BOOM! They'll get a few broken bones and injuries and NONE of them are gonna be from her side. At the very least, if they STILL continue to do so, she might 'accidentally' make one of the gadgets malfunction and kill them and make it look like an accident that no one has the answer for 
Very sneaky and secretive when it comes to killing people. She isn't the most patient yandere on the block so if anyone tries their nonsense with you... well, let's see how good they'll look with a burned and scorched face for the rest of their life
She won't invade your privacy like watching you shower and all that. She isn't THAT much of a creep. She'll give you space at least for that
Now for the million dollar question: Will she kidnap you? A 10000000000% YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, let's face it. She thinks you're a gift to HER from the heavens above and she WORSHIPS you like some god/goddess. She wants to be in your presence for the rest of her life (And yours too). So, when it comes to kidnapping you, she'll try her best not to use drugs on you. She'll just invent something that'll release a gas that'll knock you out and don't be surprised when you wake up in a room that'll look like this
If you refuse eating anything she gives you, she's obviously gonna start worrying her head off. Of course, machines were much easier than humans but she's willing to let you adjust. When you kept on refusing ALL your meals, she started getting really worried. Do you want something else? Are you allergic to the food? Are you sick? She'll try giving you your favorite food and even THEN you still won't eat it. Instead of losing her temper, she'll become really gentle and soft with you like a mother trying to feed her child. She'd grow really soft and patient with you. Mei would hold your hand, sit you down and ask what's wrong. And when you FINALLY start to eat something, be it a cracker or even a caramel, she'll act like she won the lottery for a million bucks (lol, delusional yanderes. Always living in their own fantasies)
She's the 'I'm gentle with you but Satan to others' type of yandere
Sometime during her gentle care of you, you'd realize that she actually cares about you and the reason you think so is because she never yelled at you or guilt tripped you or even raised her hand at you. True she released some waterworks when you were trying to adjust to your new lifestyle, but.... deep down she is still a person who has endless and infinite patience with you no matter how many times you act up or kick around or scream
Mei is NOT a sadistic yandere. She absolutely HATES seeing you get hurt and that's why she baby proofed the entire place and YES, even the FREAKING WASHROOM since she worried that you'll slip and fall and crack your skull open or something 
She will never punish you either. She doesn't believe in locking you up or starving you for days together. She thinks her love and affection isn't enough for you and while you're having a fit, she'll just hug you and let you calm down and not let go of you which usually results in you breaking down in tears while she comforts you and pampers you 
She won't kill someone unless ABSOLUTELY necessary
Overall, she isn't some psychopath and she'll treat you well. Just don't touch one of her gadgets or inventions or she'll make you wear SLIPPERS around the house 24/7
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Yay I'm right in time. May I request Kunikida (BSD), Tobirama, Madara (Naruto), Kaede (kakegurui), Mei (BNHA), and Byakuya (Bleach) with a darling who is a part time cane user cause chronic pain, but is also extremely stubborn and always refuses help and says they're fine even if they obviously aren't. Please feel free to say no to this and take care of yourself, and I love your writings.
I'm finished with all of Gintama and I feel so emotional right now. It was a true journey. I'm no expert in chronic pain so correct me if I'm wrong with something! The only knowledge I really have is from watching all seasons of Doctor House.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, controlling behavior, s/o with chronic pain, clinginess, overbearing behavior
Stubborn cane user s/o with chronic pain
Madara Uchiha
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🌑Considering that he is a war veteran and the head of the Uchiha clan, Madara has spent his entire life training and getting stronger. He and his clansmen always had to go to war if injuries weren’t severe and so he is expert in anything but the problem his darling suffers under. Madara reacts sort of insensitive to your pain, he lives in a simpler world. Pain is something that goes away after all so he doesn’t really get why you still suffer from a disease/injury that healed long ago. You only give him a smile through the pain and just tell him to keel over and die before you go your separate way. Aren’t you just charming?
🌑Physically you’re weak, you can’t even walk properly sometimes even with your canes. But mentally you’re a castle, stubborn, fierce and snarky. You fight with words and insults that slap in the face and that is what draws Madara in. He’s quite amused how you threaten him despite his position and always manage to have the last word in something. He loves riling you up a little to the point where you swing your cane after him to bonk him just once. The elders object to the relationship, see you as a nuisance and not ideal to give the clan strong heirs yet Madara remains stubborn himself.
🌑He eventually has to know more about your chronic pain and how to treat it. Initially he believes that it’s good that you just endure all the pain and never bother to ask for help. That is until he sees the suffer written all over your face and how you even struggle to move. You remain stubborn, even if you fall down you reject any help. Madara blends out your protest though and just ends up carrying you if he realizes that you won’t get far. You don’t have to try so hard to endure all the pain by yourself, he’s your soon-to-be-husband so it’s fine to ask him for help. He grows more protective as he starts accompanying you everywhere.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Tobirama has a fight with his clan too when he announces the relationship but he has a thick skull himself, won’t let anyone else be his partner. Hashi supports him, giddy to welcome you into the family. Tobirama grows significantly more protective due to your chronic pain himself, studies everything including cause and treatment thoroughly and arranges the best treatment and medication he can put together. He even starts learning medic jutsus himself so he can provide help when the pain is especially bad. Most likely wants that someone with medical knowledge is always with you when he can’t.
🌊Physical weakness doesn’t automatically mean that you’re completely helpless, the Senju knows that. You’re a little force to be reckoned with, your temper and your tongue sharp. There is probably lingering frustration you harbor due to being at a disadvantage due to your pain which makes a fitting job a bit difficult. He arranges something fitting for your skills though. He’s softer with his s/o a lot, understands how they must feel sometimes since their pain interferes with their social and normal life. He’s a bit paranoid sometimes, worried that enemies would attack you due to being a easier target.
🌊He butts heads terribly with you when it comes to you refusing help from anyone. You shoo everyone away even if you drop down on your knees from the pain in your joints, grit your teeth and heave yourself up with your canes before you continue to go despite the pain. Even if you feel like a burden and don’t want to bother anyone, you have a hard time convincing him to let you do as you say. If you’re in too much pain, you shouldn’t force yourself since it might put a strain on your body or mentality. Tobirama is strict in such regards, even controlling, tells the medics who normally are there to assist no matter what, he does the same.
Mei Hatsume
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🔧Mei’s mind is all about all of the wonderful things she can create to support other heroes. Whilst she isn’t dumb, she has a severe lack of education when it comes to her darling’s main problem and they’ll have to sit down with her and explain it to her. Mei feels just bad for her s/o after since it must suck to live with the pain all the time and not be able to do what others can do. She tries to be a help as much as she can, runs your errands when she has time so you don’t have to and tries to cheer you up as good as she can when you seem a bit gloomy. A big smooch, a tight hug or something fun she put together.
🔧Obviously she soon comes up with the brilliant idea to create something that will help you walking around and she puts especially much passion behind her project. Mei spends hours inside her labour, working tirelessly on her machine and sometimes completely forgets the time around her and doesn’t even take a break. It’s up to her s/o to drag her out and force her to take a bit care of herself. She doesn’t appear to be tired though but keeps her creation a secret. She wants to surprise you. Mei is predictable to you though so you already have a good idea what she’s doing.
🔧Mei understands your wish to be able to do things by yourself and your stubbornness to endure alone. You always refuse her help, insist that you’re fine and continue to suffer. She can’t do much to help you in such situations so her invention is her answer to help you and your pain somehow. You just want a more carefree life without being shackled to your pain and Mei wants to fulfill that wish somehow. She’s covered in dirt and sweat when she storms one day to you with stars in her eyes, tells you that she’s come up with something to help you. She’s extremely excited and proud, it’s hard to say no to her.
Manyuda Kaede
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💴Kaede is a knowledgable guy so even if he shouldn't know too much in the beginning about chronic pain, treatment and medication, a few days of intense and thorough research are everything he needs. After that he is like a walking book, knows everything there is to consume. He kind of turns more clingy since he can't help but fret a bit about your situation and the pain you might feel in your joints. He has long discussions with his darling in regards of them stubbornly refusing to admit their pain and doing everything on their own. Kaede doesn't care if he has to argue hours with you, he just wants you to listen.
💴​Even if he should have lost his seat in the council, he can't help but grow a tad bit more controlling with you. He wants to know where you are when he isn't, most likely convinces Sumeragi to stick with you when he can't. It's all for safety reasons he tells you, if something should happen to you he should always know where you are. He's more awkward when it comes to affection but tries his best to somehow help you when you're depressed due to the pain hindering you from going outside or enjoying activities that require physical work with your friends.
💴​He has still money even in the scenario where he lost the bet against Yumeko. Sumeragi doesn't want his life after all so he has the needed financial strength to pay for everything his s/o needs when it comes to therapy or medication. He insists on doing at least that for you, in that regard he rivals you with your stubbornness. Despite his controlling tendencies Manyuda actually attempts to be a bit more understanding when it comes to his darling. He can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be restricted because of your pain but he's still willing to use calculating manipulation to stop you when you trigger his protective side.
Kunikida Doppo
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📓​Kunikida grows immensely protective and controlling due to your condition. He has books where he notes down on which days you felt pain, at which time and how painful it was. He's always questioning you as soon as you tense up and the pain clearly shows on your face even if you quickly try to deny it. When your condition worsens, he writes it down and ends up contacting your doctor to ask for advice which he heads quickly and makes sure that you do so too, even if you don't want to. He calls you when he isn't with you to ask how you're doing and even asks your family in case you should tend to lie to him.
📓​Somewhere deep down Kunikida understands why you feels so frustrated and mad with him, he can be quite overbearing. Seeing you suffering and barely managing to stand hurts him though, he feels sick and paranoid when he thinks about you being targeted due to him working for the Agency. When he realizes that you're not fine, he ignores all your protests and forces you to sit down and not push yourself before he tries about everything he knows in order to ease the pain at least a bit. Kunikida has even moments where he gives you sturdy scoldings when you end up pushing yourself despite the terrible burning and stinging in your joints.
📓​Sometimes he ends up feeling a bit guilty for supervising and manipulating you as much as he does but if you're too stubborn to realize that you're straining yourself too much, he doesn't have much of a choice. You must feel sometimes like you can't do anything due to your chronic pain. When you're in a better condition he tries to make up for it somehow by letting you do what you want even if he still keeps a sharp eye on you. Kunikida still wants you happy after all, too much stress and frustration could after all also worsen your pain so he tries to not push you too much.
Kuchiki Byakuya
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🌸​Byakuya ends up feeling more paranoid and protective when he finds out that his darling suffers from chronic pain. Hisana already died because of an illness so he can't help but fear a bit that he might somehow lose you too because of your frail condition. His paranoia makes him very strict and controlling and you find your already limited freedom even more restricted. A doctor is called in the estate and stays there so they can always cater to your need when your chronic pain is especially bad. You also have to endure daily checkups and Byakuya is always informed about your condition.
🌸​Your stubborn behavior in regards of your own health angers him mildly and triggers his protective side even more. He confronts you and is incredibly blunt, tells you in a demanding tone to stop pushing yourself so much and rejecting any help when you clearly need it. He scolds you for it and might trigger your own temper and subbornness in return which might escalate in a serious argument. In order to keep things more 'harmonious', Byakuya isn't above threatening you mildly with even more restrictions. He just can't understand you and your childish behavior. He won't allow you to act just like you want, not when it causes you severe pain.
🌸​He orders someone to always accompany you since he doesn't trust you, you'd just end up still going even if you're under immense pain. Normally serene and hardly angered, the moment your thick head leads you to a smaller accident, chances are that you are presented with a rarely angered Byakuya who glares at you with icy eyes. You're most likely put under house arrest, aren't allowed to venture outside the estate. After he's calmed down a bit, he attempts to talk more reasonable with you so you understand why he did what he did. Sometimes he's more vulnerable, admits that he is a bit scared something might happen to you.
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
Agere List
To me Carer/Regressor dynamics are different than your typical Romantic/Platonic/Familial type of realationships, so I've decided to make a separate list for F/Os who are my Caregivers, or who I Caregive for.
This is very different from a headcanon list of characters who I think are Caregivers/Regressors, this is characters I personally have this relationship with. I am also only a Caregiver in a Fictional space, and cannot CG a real regressor in the real world.
Thankyou for your attention, list below the cut.
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Alder - Pokemon BW - Grandpa
Darmanitan - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Whimsicott - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Maractus - Pokemon BW - Big Sister
Molayne - Pokemon SuMo - Big Brother
Hassel - Pokemon SV - Daddy
Salvatore - Pokemon SV - Trainer
Stoutland - Pokemon BW2 - Companion
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY - Knight
Bloodmoon Ursaluna - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Daddy/Yandere
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mommy
Doctor Mario - Super Mario Series - Doctor/Yandere
Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon - Grandpa
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Big Sisters
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2 - Boss/Yandere
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Boss/Papa
Papyrus - Undertale - Babysitter
Chara - Undertale - Chaotic/Babysitter
Swatchlings - Deltarune - Butlers
Gaster - Deltarune - Father/Eldritch
Enderman - Minecraft - Companion
Winston - Overwatch - Teacher
Moira O'Deorain - Overwatch - Doctor/Babysitter
Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) - Overwatch - Grandpa
Sombra - Overwatch - Big Sister
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Chaotic/Big Brother
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2 - Babysitter
Genocide Syo/Jack/Jill - Danganronpa UDG - Chaotic/Yandere
Shirokuma - Danganronpa UDG - Daddy/Yandere
Toy Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's - Big Brother
Nightmare Fredbear - Five nights at Freddy's - Babysitter
Huggy Wuggy - Poppy Playtime - Guardian
Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime - Mommy
Wally Darling - Welcome Home - Yandere/Neighbor
The Doctor - Little Nightmares - Doctor
Morgo - Little Misfortune - Eldritch/Yandere
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight - Mommy/Yandere
Chzo - Chzo Mythos - Eldritch/Father
Kyle + Brett - Drive Time Radio - Chaotic/Eldritch
The Narrator - Stanley Parable - Eldritch/Guardian
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Guardian (former)
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Guardian
Aziraphale - Good Omens - Guardian/Knight
Crowley - Good Omens - Chaotic/Guardian
Edgar + Alan + Poe - Ruby Gloom - Babysitters
Scardy Bat - Ruby Gloom - Big Brother
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Animated Series - Chaotic/Papa
Mashirao Ojiro - My Hero Academia - Babysitter
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Chaotic/Big Sister
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Knight/Papa
Watanuki + Domeki - xxxHolic - Daddies
Chieko - Princess Jellyfish - Mother
Mayaya - Princess Jellyfish - Chaotic/Big Sister
Muta - The Cat Returns - Companion
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Royal/Babysitter
The Storyteller - OC - Eldritch/Guardian
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Permaregressed
Arven - Pokemon SV - Kid
Giacomo - Pokemon SV - Involuntary/Toddler
Saguaro - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Baby
Hydreigon - Pokemon BW2 - Trauma/New Born/Baby
Smeargle - Monster Mind - Dreamer/Puppy
Princess Peach - Super Mario Series - Baby/Princess
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Dreamer/Kid
Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch - Trauma/Baby
Toko Fukawa - Danganronpa 1 - Involuntary/Baby
Celestia Ludenburg - Danganronpa 1 - Dreamer/Gothic/Kid
Kyle Klim (K) - Virtue's Last Reward - Kid
Kazuaki Nanaki - Hatoful Boyfriend - Dreamer/Baby
Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend - Trauma/Involuntary/Toddler
The Little King - Hatoful Boyfriend - Baby/Toddler/Prince
P03 - Inscryption - Involuntary/Bratty/Baby
Mae Browski - Night in the Woods - Dreamer/Toddler
Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe - Trauma/Ageless
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Involuntary
Tomura Shigiraki - My Hero Academia - Newborn/Baby
Dabi - My Hero Academia - Involuntary/Bratty/Kid
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia - Dreamer/Toddler
Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Toddler/Kid
Toma E. Fiore - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Prince
Tamaki Souh - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Involuntary/Prince
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Baby
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate - Baby
Micheal Myers - Halloween - Permaregressed/Evil/Kid
Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th - Trauma/Baby
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy - Permaregressed/Toddler/Kid
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Musical - Spooky/Horror/Baby
N - Pokemon BW - Permaregressed/Baby/Toddler
Jacq - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Big Brother
Miriam - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Nurse
Kieran - Pokemon SV - Evil/Pokemon
Gooigi - Super Mario Series - Big Sister
Kirby - Kirby series - Toddler/Big Brother
Flowey - Undertale - Trauma/Big Brother
Vulkin - Undertale - Pet
Ralsei - Deltarune - Prince/Big Brother
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher - Kid
Pheonix Wright - Ace Attorney - Involuntary/Teen
Monokuma - Danganronpa - Dreamer/Object
Kazuichi Soda - Danganronpa 2 - Involuntary/Toddler
Moon - FNaF Help Wanted 2 - Baby/Toddler (former)
Kissy Missy - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Kid
Boxy Boo - Poppy Playtime - Permaregressed/Object
CatNap - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Cat
Grendan Highforge - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Old Dog
Rosé - Drawtectives - Pre-Teen
York - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Little Brother
Muriel - Good Omens - New Born/Ageless
Frank + Len - Ruby Gloom - Teen/Toddler
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Toddler/Little Brother
Banba - Princess Jellyfish - Hyperfixation/Kid
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thepariahcontinuum · 7 months
An MHA x Parahumans Crossover idea
Because I did the same thing for RWBY x Parahumans.
Which members of the MHA cast would each member of the Slaughterhouse 9 try to recruit for their "Try-Outs" the way they did in Brockton Bay?
Hatchet Face: Okay so in canon Hatchet Face doesn't get to make a selection, because he's dead and the others are picking his replacement; also we never got much of an insight into him beyond 'Serial killer vibes' now for the RWBY version of this I picked Tyrian for matching vibes and there is a very straightforward obvioucs answer here, but you'll see I saved that for later. The least important member of the nine can pick a minor character so: Moonfish, the guy with the teeth
Mannequin: For someone whose whole modus operandi is to find Tinker class Capes who are trying to make the world a better place and break them there really is only one option in the MHA cast and that is Mei Hatsume.....Try not to think about the fact that Mei's Quirk is related to her vision and not her genius and so there's an easy but symbolic way for her to pass Mannequin's challenge of "Change yourself"
Crawler: Crawler's nominations are a unique thing, he doesn't nominate people with any intention of the actually surviving and joining the Nine, all he wants is the strongest possible opponents to fight so that he can keep on evolving and that makes things simple; I considered Deku, Shiggy and Allmight but really, the best possible challenge for Crawler would be All For One, something that gives him a chance to evolve to fight multiple different threats at once.
Bonesaw: Easiet possible answer: Dr Kyudai Garaki/Daruma Ujiko, the Nomu scientist; of course Bonesaw wants a grumpy grandpa mad-scientist to join the family.
Burnscar: Okay so hear me out, in canon Burnscar forewent her opportunity to nominate in order to visit someone she was in the Parahuman Asylum with; so I think that yet again she'd forego her chance in order to basically veto someone else from being nominated. In this instance I'm gonna go with the idea that she saw Shoto's burned face and selected him/the Todoroki family as off limits for the rest of the Nine....Also because when she's not in serial killer mode she's a weeb and a dork and the idea of her being awkward as fuck but thinking that this is clearly the start of a romance is amusing to me.
Shatterbird: She takes fighters and cold blooded killers, or people she can mould into cold blooded kilers....I like the idea that she was weighing up several options, maybe Endeavour, maybe Mirko, maybe Lady Nagant but then she heard about Katsuki Bakugo; a promising young hero who has already proven his abilities, his capacity for violence and has already been kidnapped by one villain team seeking to poach him. Immediately she decides that he's the only possible candidate.
Siberian: In canon he recruited Rachel because she was an outcast who reminded him of his daughter and I honestly considered the idea of taking one of the Heteromorph heroes like Froppy or Mina but then I had to slap myself and realise that Himiko Toga is the obvious choice....Also Toga and Burnscar can be Yandere together.
Cherish: Again, in a situation without Alec Cherish would just pick whoever reminded her most of Alec and initially that was gonna be Todoroki; son of a bastard and clearly the favourite....When Burnscar denied her that I like to think she debated picking someone close to Shoto, like Momo just to be petty, but whilst scoping out UA she found someone whose personality reminded her of Alec; I think she'd nominate Neito Monoma....Granted Shinsou's power is closer to Regent's but Cherish picked her brother to get him killed, I think we all want Monoma dead at least a little.
Jack Slash: Okay this gonna be another 'Cop-out protag vs villain match up' but hear me out....I think Jack would go looking for Stain and be unimpressed in the end, the same way he was with Oni Lee and then start looking for other candidates, if Hatchet Face was dead than I can see him wanting Aizawa as a replacement, if not then maybe LeMillion for the potential and the opportunity to break someone heroic....But, in canon he forewent his chance to nominate in order to have his game with Theo; and I think if anyone's gonna piss him off like that and make him second guess himself and change his plans....It's gonna be Deku, the kid who started with no powers and who even the Hero Killer respects; of course Jack Slash is gonna want to tear him down.
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fluff-n-cookies · 9 months
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Shoto Todoroki
Shoto spoiling his daughter (ft. aunt fuyumi and the american healthcare system)
Tenya Iida
Ochaco Uraraka
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Hanta Sero
Fumikage Tokoyami
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Deku things (ft. bigbro bakugou)
Momo Yaoyorozu
FORGOTTEN COOL GUY GANG (sero, tokoyami, shoji, sato, koda)
Baku squad
Deku squad
Girl squad
Hitoshi Shinsou
Mrrp powers
Class 1b
Mei Hatsume
Mirio togata
mirio with a shy child (ft. uncle amajiki and 2 tsundere brothers) (does contain swearing and tad bit yandere-ish)
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lovesick-desires · 2 years
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Read my rules before making a request!
What I write:
❥ Yandere Alphabets
❥ Yandere Headcanons
❥ Yandere Letters
❥ Yandere Matchups
❥ Yandere X (Gender Neutral or Male) Reader Fanfics
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❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Sebastian Michaelis Yandere Alphabet
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(this header looks so wonky lol)
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❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Leona Kingscholar Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Yandere Headcanons
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet. * These characters will be written as STRICTLY platonic. No romantic requests for these characters will be written.
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This will be the Day
This Will Be The Day by RWBYsnow
Aiyama Izuku, son of two very powerful villains Eraser and Soundwave, has made a name for himself as the villain Kitsune. He's found his family and a boyfriend he would kill for. Literally. Now, he's going to have to navigate a new chapter of his life; high school. That and dealing with this League of Villains group that's demanded to see them. All Izuku wants to do is save some people he's already put a claim on as his family, spend time with his family, cuddle his boyfriend, and maybe kill a few people. All Might, Endeavor, and Bakugou Katsuki are at the top of that list.
How will being in a school full of hero hopefuls go? Will he be able to bring more people into his family? How many surprise adoptions is too much?
Words: 11047, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of From Shadows
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Snipe, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Shirakumo Oboro, Yaoyorozu Momo, Monoma Neito, Hagakure Tooru, Nedzu, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Hatsume Mei, Tamakawa Sansa, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Class 1-A, League of Villains
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Shirakumo Oboro, Hagakure Tooru/Monoma Neito, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight & Shirakumo Oboro, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku & Monoma Neito & Shinsou Hitoshi & Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Blood and Torture, Yandere Midoriya Izuku, Yandere Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yandere Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yandere Shinsou Hitoshi, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Villain Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Villain Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Villain Shinsou Hitoshi, Villain Monoma Neito, Villain Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Kurogiri is Not Shirakumo Oboro, Uncle Snipe, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is Midoriya Izuku's Parent, Grandparent Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Grandparent Nedzu, Gay Disaster Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46721284
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I Hate Titles with a Passion
I hate titles with a passion by Bubz Bubz
If there is any triggers they will be written at the start of the fic! (I'm terrible at summaries lord save me)
FEM! Izuku
Basically all might beats all for one and the heroes public safety commission discover all for one conceived a child and someone leaks the information chaos ensues in the streets so Izumi is put into all mights care for "protection". Night eye convinces all might to give one for all to mirio but the past OFA users disagree and make him give it to Izumi, all might is an asshole, people manipulate Izumi, everyone in 1A is a yandere for Izumi (emotionally manipulating Izumi and other people not killing them) and uhhh yea I think that summaries it
Mineta bashing
All might bashing
Monoma bashing
Idea suggested dby @Anonyme
Words: 1718, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku's Family, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei, Uraraka Ochako, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Todoroki Shouto, Mineta Minoru, Monoma Neito, Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina, Iida Tenya, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Eri, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Nezu, Pro Heroes, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Past One For All Users, Sensei | All For One, Toogata Mirio, U.A.'s Big Three
Additional Tags: Female Midoriya Izuku, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Abuse, Yandere Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yandere Shinsou Hitoshi, Yandere, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Protective Class 1-A, Pervert Mineta Minoru, Mineta Minoru Bashing, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Monoma Neito Being an Asshole, Monoma Neito Bashing, Everyone Loves Midoriya Izuku, Protectiveness, Innocent Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Izuku's Parent, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, One For All Quirk Haunted by Past One For All Users' Ghosts, U.A. Dorms | Heights Alliance
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41260008
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If you ever were to a write a story involving Class 1-A in a platonic and non yandere-ish relationship with a female reader/oc that came to U.A with intentions of destroying the school and everyone in it and then moving on to the pros but then their plans gets completely flipped on its head mainly due to Class 1-A being their adorkable selves and actually accepting her for as she is, but will be challenged by the reader/oc which results in her death; how would you do it?
This platonic relationship also extends to Hitoshi Shinsou and Mei Hatsume. Also Dadzawa and a fatherly Power Loader. The reader/oc is quirkless and has an Iron Man like scorpion suit.
First and foremost, I want to apologize for the long-awaited response! This has been sitting in my ask box for more than a few days, sorry about that. Now, onto business!
This is quite the story idea! I say that because some of the basics of writing is having a flushed out rough draft of an idea of what you want to write about. You do not have to have all of the parts of the story entirely thought out/ready to be seriously wrote down, but it is good to have a foundation of an idea (based on the Freytag's Pyramid; Exposition/Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution/Cliffhanger, etc.) It seems like you know what you want to write about, which is awesome!
Character expression in Reader/(Y/N) is extremely important because it entails how the other characters will react to the (Y/N). Now, if it is an OC you're writing about, you most likely already know how they behave since you created them (mean, nice, kind, ditzy, etc.), so you will have an easier time writing them. However, (Y/N) [at least, to me] is meant to represent everyone who reads it. They are someone who you have no idea exactly how they act or how they look. Defining their personality through speech is much better than blatantly spelling it out for your readers (i.e. Don't just write "they are mean & cold-hearted", rather, try having them speak to the characters like, "Just stay out of my way, got it?" "I'm a part of your class, but that doesn't mean we're friends." "You really have no idea how cruel this world really can be, do you?"). And their personality can be anything! They can be rude, they can be quiet & shy, they can be loud & rowdy, they can be peppy & cheerful to hide their ulterior motives (kind of like Toga)! Just because they are planning to destroy the school, doesn't mean they automatically have to act dark and depressing!
Looping back to how they interact with UA students, it can affect your story quite significantly. You mentioned the students made them want to change their ways, so the interactions and conversations that Reader/OC has with them should reflect that switch flicking in their mind. Because, at the end of the day, destroying a large building and possibly killing those who are inside (plus, planning to move on after that point and hurt/kill even more people in an even higher position of power) is not a decision that is typically made flippantly. It takes time to think of the plan and get all the supplies needed to carry it out. They had to infiltrate a school system filled with thriving young heroes-in-the-making while staying under the radar from pro heroes who work at the school. What could the students of Class 1-A & 1-B do that made them change their opinion so drastically, and frankly, so quickly since the school year does not last that long?
Another question I have that you should flush out in your story is why do they want to destroy the school, as well as the heroes? Of course, they could be tearing it down for no other reason than to simply watch the world burn for enjoyment, but even that is considered doing it for a reason. They did it because it made them happy, excited. Did the heroes wrong them? Did someone in UA hurt or bully them? Do they not like how their society gives pro heroes so much power in the system, sometimes even higher than that of the police? There are a multitude of reasons they could be doing it, you just have to pick one and have Reader/OC stick by it!
Be careful how you write the Reader/OC if you are still planning to make them Quirkless. There is nothing wrong with wanting to write them in that way, you just have to be cautious of it. I assume they are trying to keep a low profile because of their plans to destroy the school, but making them the literal only person in that school who is Quirkless (you can argue that Izuku once was Quirkless and made it into the school, but he's not anymore, thanks to OFA. That Quirk is what got him into UA in the first place) & they are in Class 1-A? That will draw a lot of eyes from the higher-ups on them. They will be noticed and talked about A LOT, not just by the other students/pro hero teachers but also by the public, because of them being Quirkless in this prestigious school & in the top class of their grade. Plus, there are a few times in Aizawa's training with Class 1-A that does not allow hero costumes/equipment that helps boost their Quirk. Of course, since Reader/OC is Quirkless, he may make an exception, but I highly doubt it because of Aizawa's nature. Though they did let Mei use her gadgets in the Sports Festival, they only did that because she made them herself. Plus, Mei has a Quirk, one she uses to enhance the machinery she makes. Did Reader/OC make their suit. or did someone else make it for her? It is a cool idea with the metal suit, don't get me wrong, just think about how you will write it to make sense.
Speaking of Mei! If you still want to write them as friends, I would especially buckle down on their friendship. It seems like both of them are nerdy about machinery, so that could be a great starting point for their friendship to blossom. Also, regarding the rest of the students you mentioned; you said in your ask that they would "accept her for who she is", but I am confused about what you meant. Do they know that she is trying to destroy not only UA, but also the Heroes Association? Because, if they do, I can think of multiple characters just within Class 1-A who would not let that happen. Is that what you mean by "challenged by Reader/OC"? That they duke it out and they are the ones to kill her? If you are trying to have the students be the one to be Reader's/OC's demise, that's an eye-catching idea, but think about and write about the repercussions of their actions. It is possible that, since they killed one of their classmates/a minor even though they are also minors (evil, or not), they could fully lose their Hero License because they are still not fully Pro Heroes yet. They might be shamed as murderers by the public who don't know the full situation. Plus, if they grow close with her & then have to kill her, the psychological damage that would occur would severely fuck them up. Again, it is not bad to write about these dark and gritty topics! We need them in the world of fanfiction! It all depends how you go about it.
I have a few tips from when I was writing my story!
IT IS GOING TO TAKE TIME! That Yandere Class 1-A story DID NOT happen overnight (as much as I would have liked it to). More like months of multiple hours of writing. Do not feel bad that it is taking time to execute the story, especially if you write for all of the members of Class 1-A, you are doing your best.
Take breaks! There were times I took a few weeks away from writing the story because I was so burnt out of writing it, especially near the end. Allowing yourself to write on something other than that is somewhat therapeutic too.
Inspiration & creativity come and go day-to-day. Sometimes I had an amazing idea and I spent hours cramming it in until I was satisfied; other times I sat frustrated in front of the computer for upwards an hour with a blank page, trying to force a creative thought to come to mind. Don't waste your time, the story will come to you when it is ready. Don't try to force creativity, or you will not be happy with the outcome!
You might have to rewrite a word, a sentence, an entire paragraph, an entire page, or maybe even the entire story if you are not happy with it; but that is okay! I had to rewrite an entire page more than a few times during the Yandere Class 1-A story. Believe me, it was heartbreaking and incredibly discouraging; you work so hard on this just for it to turn out crappy or not make sense and the only solution is to scrap and restart. But I did it because I truly cared about the story. I wanted it to be the way I had originally imagined it going, and I hated the way I had shifted the plot. And, after rewriting it, I was happy again. I have no regrets and I'm still extremely satisfied with the way it ended up. Make those choices out of love for your story, even if it hurts.
That is pretty much all I have to say at the moment. I hope some of what I said was helpful LOL! Whew, I kinda went off on a tangent there! Please, if you need more help/advice, don't be afraid to shoot me a message in my inbox or, if you prefer to say anonymous, keep asking me questions through my asks. Also, if you need someone to edit your work, I am available! Just send a message to me and we can work something out. I hope your writing goes smoothly; I know the finished product will be spectacular! Have a wonderful day, thank you for the ask!
With Love,
Kraken 🐙
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Yandere Mineta x Midoriya
Yandere Mineta x Midoriya by JarsOfPumkins
15 year old Minoru Mineta has had a crush on Izuku Midoriya since they were only twelve. Izuku made Mienta feel complete, like the hole inside of him was finally filled. As time went on his feelings for the green haired boy only grew, slowly turning into an obsession. So when the girls at UA start flirting with Deku, Mineta can't help but feel extremely jealous. He became so jealous that it drove him mad and turned him into a killer. Will he get caught? Will Deku feel the same about him? (minus the killing.) Read the story if you wanna find out ig.
Do I actually ship this? No. Is this kinda crack? Yea. Why? Because I don't like serious romance. Mostly, anyway.
Words: 730, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mineta Minoru, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Iida Tenya, Aoyama Yuuga, Yaoyorozu Momo, Hatsume Mei, Shiozaki Ibara, Kendou Itsuka, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Mineta Minoru
Additional Tags: Yandere Minoru Mineta, Yandere, Murder, Gay, Unrequited Crush, Secret Crush, Crush at First Sight, Teen Crush, First Crush, Intense
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40266915
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verygaymasochist · 3 years
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀;𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞‘𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨‘𝐝 𝐈‘𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦, 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐝𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫.
𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐌𝐄𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐄.
Poor girl, she just wants someone to admire her and her work.
She's optimistic, if she ever sees you sad, she'll do anything in her power to make you feel happy again. As if her, herself, wouldn't be enough. She'll cuddle or kiss you, she really doesn't care if you don't feel comfortable with it though.
But she's number three for a reason, she can be quite manipulative. You want to spend one day for yourself? No. What if you feel the urge to hurt yourself? Or what if someone comes to hurt you?! What would you do then?!
Tatami is a nice and bubbly girl, she's cuddly and sweet.
She loves your affection so much. She would never think of hurting you. The thought of you being mad, sad or scared of/at her, makes her mad, sad and scared. She doesn't want to be alone without you.
And then again, everyone had their flaws. If you ever refuse to be affectionate with her, she'll have a huge hissy fit. Do you not love her anymore?
𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐊𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐊𝐎𝐃𝐀.
He's a soft boy. And as if he wasn't shy already, he just got 100x shyer.
He would never think of hurting you. Ever. To him, that would be a sin. But that wouldn't stop him from having impulsive thoughts on killing other people. Not like he'd ever do it. He doesn't really want to harm anyone.
He's the type of yandere that just wants all your attention. He'd feel like nothing without it. He's really dependent on you, but he would never mind you being debendent on him. He thinks you're his goddess. He just wants you to take care of him.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How about yandere Ochako, Momo, Tsuyu, Jiro, Toru, Mina and Mei gaining the ability to clone themselves?
Girl power!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, stalking, clinginess, aged up characters
Obsession multiplied
Ochaco Uraraka
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🎈Seriously? I don’t really believe she would use that ability in any way to control or stalk her darling in any way. She’d really only use it for her hero work together with her other Quirk to help others. Ochaco wants to spend time with her darling alone without other Ochacos around and she knows from her own experiences with them that her clones tend to take a quick liking to you as well whenever they see you and even get the chance to talk to you. She isn’t one to get jealous fast, most likely because she’s a sweetheart and has patience so imagine how she felt when she got jealous of herself. She was beyond embarrassed.
Momo Yaoyorozu
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💳She’d really just be the greatest to use during missions and fights such a Quirk since Momo is a very perceptive and smart girl. She’s saved so many lives already with her Creation and her cloning. But I can’t really imagine her wanting to use that power in any regards with her obsession for her s/o either. She knows of the attachment her own clones have for her darling and they’ve probably ended up already with a lot of gifts from all the Momos. That’s on the one hand of course sweet in Momo’s eyes since those people are still in a way her yet she’s at the same time…not completely happy because those people aren’t her. And the clones always have to gift you something that you like as well.
Mina Ashido
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🎉Pretty sure that all the girls will end up using their second Quirk to become even better heroes and Mina is included in that, obviously. And she kind of ends up becoming sisterly friends with everyone of her clones and the other way around, they all get along very well. That might sound at first really good considering possible worries her darling might have had and she obviously deactivates her Quirk when with her darling, thing is that she sometimes introduces a few of her clones quickly to you when she has time and Mina is terribly clingy, like a second shadow. Her clones aren’t any different and since all of them get along, she often asks them for help when she wants to throw a surprise party for her darling or plans something big.
Kyoka Jiro
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🎸Her clones are just as chill as she is and that is a reason why she works well with them together. Wasn’t used to it when she discovered that she actually had a second Quirk and initially overwhelmed the tiniest bit, but by now she can use it smoothly. Kyoka probably still is smart enough to not let her clones interact too much with her darling. The girl knows that her feelings are unhealthy so she can safely assume the same for her clones or that they probably still have the chance of falling in love wrongly and quickly with you since they’re copies from her. Even if she is a calm person, she wouldn’t want to risk it. And all the other Kyoka’s understand that.
Tsuyu Asui
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🐸Handles her Quirk extremely responsible since Tsuyu was already in younger ages a very mature person and understands that people with more than one Quirk have probably more attention on them due to the public either having higher hopes in them or fearing them. Tsuyu shares actually the same mindset as Kyoka does, she isn’t fond of the thought of all her other selves meeting you since she knows about her own feelings as well. By all means, she doesn’t consider herself a dangerous threat but wouldn’t trust herself completely either. She wouldn’t feel jealous though if her clones would show signs of love towards you, it was just within what she would have expected.
Toru Hagakure
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👀Having multiple Torus around you is chaos since she is such a upbeat and bubbly girl, but multiplied a new maximum is set. It’s not like she’d exactly use it to her advantage though she could easily stalk but Hagakure is clingy and it’s not her style to watch from the distance. Her copies are the same and every time she has them around and you walk in, they instantly surround you. The girl is someone who might get jealous about it as well, though she still has a friendly relationship with all of her clones who all constantly end up discussing things like presents and surprises for you or just talking and fawning in general over you.
Mei Hatsume
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🔧Good luck with her because she’s probably the one who ends up taking advantage of that Quirk the most. Though more for her work to finish all of her ideas and machines she has. Mei is indefatigable when it comes to such things and her copies are just the same. All of them are greatly motivated to finish ideas and also lots of useful things for you, even if those might not always work in the end. Mei’s clones are quite a touchy case themselves whenever they happen to meet you and Mei isn’t happy with it. She’s an attention seeker and her clones are as well so it happened a few times that she started bickering with them about it before deactivating her powers.
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Mei Hatsume Masterlist
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A work in progress :3
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Top 10 bnha yandere ladies?
10?? Dang, this going to be a toughie, but let me do my best. Alright, in no particular order
Himiko Toga: this girl is a legitimate yandere who won’t hesitate to kill for you. Aww, did someone make you cry? What’s there name? I just want to talk. 
Momo Yaoyorozu: She will spoil you like the queen she sees you as. Just name whatever it is you want and she’ll make it just for you. She prefers to make you things because to her it's more personal and meaningful.
Kyoka Jiro: She always seems so cool, but never hesitates to freak out around you. You’re just so amazing and incredible, how could she ever stay calm in your presence. When she decides to take you, she’ll make sure to sing to you every night with songs she wrote specifically for you, no matter how nervous she gets. She just wants her lyrics to touch your heart the way you touched hers.
Rumi Usagiyami: She loves the thrill of the chase when it comes to you. No matter how many times you turn her down, she won’t take no for an answer. The two of you are meant to be, so it’s easier of you just give in.
Mina Ashido: She’s the perfect yandere in the sense that you won’t even know she’s a yandere until she strikes. She has the perception of this perfectly cheerful easygoing person, that you don’t even realize what happened until you’re locked in her basement.
Mei Hatsume: Lord help you if you manage to catch this woman's eye. She is so incredibly smart and cunning, that once she has you in her grasp, there's no possible way you could ever hope to escape. All the locks, your chains, your cage. Everything. All hand made by her to ensure you’ll never escape.
Fuyumi Todoroki: Now hear me out. I think she has a lot of potential as the mothering type yandere. Constantly cooing, and coddling you. Making you feel loved and completely dependent on her. She’ll give you so much love and attention that you won’t want to go on without it. Just the way she wants it.
Ochaco Uraraka: You know how Uraraka is usually all cheerful and sweet. Unless there's a competition, then she gets really competitive and determined and gets this really intimidating Aura. The same goes for when it comes to you. She sees you as a prize to be won, and she doesn't plan on losing.
Nemuri Kayama: This girl will go from zero to one hundred whenever you’re involved. Hates when your name is even mentioned by others. Will take you out to party together, but will gouge anyone eyes out if their looks linger longer than she likes.
Cow Lady: Ye-Haw. Literally no other reason other than I think she’s cute
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Assistant (Yandere Mei Hatsume x Support Course Reader Headcanons)
-You had arrived at UA with little more than your tools and plans to innovate and help. To be honest, you had no idea what you were getting into when you arrived in UA.
-Mei had been assigned to you as your temporary mentor while you settled into the school, and she was not exactly planning to pay you much attention.
-Her machines were priority, but if you could test them out with her... well, that instantly gave you more value in her eyes.
-It was many, many days of testing her gadgets and gear with her, only occasionally getting scrapes luckily.
-To start, she honestly saw you as nothing more than a test subject for her equipment and gear, and didn’t care much for your input on anything aside from her machines.
-Over time though, she began to feel a strange amount of... care for you, and suddenly, she began to be just a bit more careful, listen a bit more, and try to get you patched up a tiny bit slower when you get hurt.
-Mei would be a bit slow to really catch feelings, but once she did, well, she would do whatever she needed to get you.
-It began with longer times working with her, as she would sometimes now need your help until 4 or 6 PM in the evening, rather than the usual time.
-Then, it continued with her giving you a couple little gadgets occasionally, things that you assumed were only a night light, or little stuff that was harmless.
-This would continue until you opened up one of the gadgets, looking inside and noticing the camera.
-Mei would start off cold to you the next day, her anger triggered slightly. How could you hurt one of her babies!? This coldness would last for a day or two, until she had one more machine she wanted to test with you.
-This machine was her attempt at a shrink ray. Little did you know that she had been testing it for days extensively, making sure it worked perfectly.
-You got in... and well, you felt a sinking feeling.
-Once you stepped out of the machine, you were only about 5 inches tall, and when you tried to get her to change you back so you could give her a big ol friendship hug- well, she took one of her cleaning rags and picked you up, shoving you in her pocket with the rag.
-Yeah, you weren’t going anywhere, but she doesn’t have the energy to keep you from causing trouble as a tiny person.
-The next day, the staff would get a letter that you had resigned from the school, and the week after, you were in the newspapers as having been killed by villains.
-Little did they know though, that you were still in Mei’s clutches, her own little mechanic.
-She would keep you on a tight leash in her room, but also, she genuinely did care about you- the twine keeping your leg tied didn’t make that very clear though.
-She liked to give you little hugs with her fingers, often just having long conversations with you- and when she didn’t like what you had to say... well, she just gave you “the look”, and you were back to behaving... hopefully.
-If you did continue to be a pain though, she wouldn’t have an issue explaining just how easily she could give you a one way ticket to her stomach.
-At the end of the day though, why cause an issue when all she wants is for her Little Engineer to love her back?
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amusedyan · 5 years
Hey Idk if this has already been asked before, but if it’s not to much trouble could I ask for some Mei Hatsume yandere head cannons?
I have been asked about her but it’s a cool thought!
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Yandere Hatsume Mei Headcanons
Okay first off her Quirk is one of those that is unfortunately suited to stalking
well, unfortunate for you
Obsessive to the max
She makes all sorts of shit to keep you on lock
trackers, restraints, ‘reinforcement’ equipment
She’s under no delusions that you love her back
However she’s never been afraid of hard work in her life
Her favorite thing to do is sketch out ideas  with your head in her lap after she sedates you
It’s just so peaceful!
Mei’s not exactly gonna cut you off from the world but she will limit your access to it
I honestly think she’d make a voice modulator just to imitate you so that on your bad days she can keep you in the house and make contact on your behalf
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