#yoga alliance accredited
ranjith11 · 9 months
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training 2024 | Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation
The Advanced yoga teacher training program is designed for experienced yoga teachers who want to take their teaching skills to the next level. This program will help you explore advanced therapeutic techniques, alignment principles, and sequencing.
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tinakp · 10 months
Advanced Teacher Training 2024 | 200 hour TT | Akram Yoga
Our comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Programme is perfect for anyone who wants to become a certified yoga instructor or deepen their personal practice. Our 200-hour course covers the basics of yoga theory and practice, while our advanced 300-hour training delves deeper into advanced asana, philosophy, pranayama, and meditation.
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jasonjj45 · 11 months
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training 2024 | Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation
The Advanced yoga teacher training program is designed for experienced yoga teachers who want to take their teaching skills to the next level. This program will help you explore advanced therapeutic techniques, alignment principles, and sequencing.
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sreehari28 · 11 months
Our comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Programme is perfect for anyone who wants to become a certified yoga instructor or deepen their personal practice. Our 200-hour course covers the basics of yoga theory and practice, while our advanced 300-hour training delves deeper into advanced asana, philosophy, pranayama, and meditation. Watch the video to learn more, Yoga Teacher Training 200hr & Advanced 2024, Akram Yoga and Personal Training.
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monicascot · 1 year
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Advanced Teacher Training 2024 | 200 hour TT | Akram Yoga
Our comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Programme is perfect for anyone who wants to become a certified yoga instructor or deepen their personal practice. Our 200-hour course covers the basics of yoga theory and practice, while our advanced 300-hour training delves deeper into advanced asana, philosophy, pranayama, and meditation. Watch the video to learn more, Yoga Teacher Training 200hr & Advanced 2024, Akram Yoga and Personal Training. For 200 hour information visit - https://www.akramyoga.co.uk/teachertraining For Advanced training - https://www.akramyoga.co.uk/300hrtt
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oorjayiiyoga · 10 months
How to Choose the Right 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program
Are you passionate about yoga and considering taking the next step to become a certified yoga teacher? Enrolling in a 200-hour yoga teacher training program is a crucial first step towards achieving your goal. With the abundance of options available, selecting the right training can seem overwhelming. In this guide, we'll walk you through key considerations to help you choose the perfect 200-hour yoga teacher training program that aligns with your goals and values.
1. Accreditation and Certification:
Look for programs that are accredited by recognized yoga organizations like Yoga Alliance. This ensures that the training meets certain quality standards and will provide you with a certification that is widely recognized in the industry.
2. Curriculum and Focus:
Examine the curriculum of the program. A well-rounded training should cover yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, asana (posture) practice, pranayama (breath control), meditation, and more. Ensure that the program's focus aligns with your interests and goals.
3. Experienced and Qualified Instructors:
Research the instructors who will be leading the training. They should have extensive experience, a strong teaching background, and a deep understanding of yoga philosophy and practice.
4. Teaching Style:
Consider the teaching style of the program. Some programs may focus more on a specific yoga style (e.g., Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga), while others offer a blend of styles. Choose a training that resonates with your personal preferences and goals.
5. Class Size and Student-Teacher Ratio:
Smaller class sizes often lead to a more personalized and effective learning experience. A lower student-teacher ratio allows for more individualized attention and mentorship.
6. Location and Duration:
Decide whether you want to complete the training locally or in a different setting. Consider the duration of the program—some are intensive month-long courses, while others are spread out over several months. Choose what fits your schedule and lifestyle.
7. Reviews and Reputation:
Read reviews and testimonials from previous students to get insights into their experiences. A reputable program should have positive feedback from graduates who felt well-prepared for their teaching journey.
8. Cost and Value:
While cost is a factor, prioritize the value you'll receive from the program. A comprehensive, high-quality training might have a higher price tag, but it can be a worthwhile investment in your yoga teaching career.
9. Additional Opportunities:
Some programs offer additional perks like mentorship, teaching opportunities, or workshops. These can enhance your learning and post-training career prospects.
10. Your Intuition:
Ultimately, trust your intuition. Listen to your gut feeling about the program. If it aligns with your values, aspirations, and feels like the right fit, it probably is.
Choosing the right 200-hour yoga teacher training program requires thoughtful research and consideration. By evaluating the curriculum, instructors, teaching style, and other factors, you'll be well-equipped to embark on a fulfilling journey toward becoming a certified yoga teacher. Remember, this training is not just about teaching yoga; it's about deepening your practice and sharing the transformative power of yoga with others
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omshantiomyoga · 6 months
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
 Best yoga teacher training in Rishikesh – Yoga Ashram in India affiliated with Yoga Alliance, USA provides yoga courses for beginners to Advanced in Rishikesh India. The beginner's course includes asanas, meditation, pranayama and mantra-chanting, the study of Vedic sciences, and cleansing of mind, body, and soul.
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200 hours Yoga Certification is the very first step for any aspiring Yoga Teacher / Instructor to teach this ancient art of health, harmony, and well-being on a worldwide level. This is one of the most acceptable minimum standards set by an organization to teach Yoga in recent times. Credit goes to Yoga Alliance, USA for all the efforts made to bring an idea of ​​regulation over learning and teaching Yoga by setting up the designations for Yoga Ashram and Yoga professional's world over.
200 hours of yoga teacher training in India by Yoga Alliance accredited best yoga schools in India. Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram offers the best yoga certification programs by certified yoga instructors.
Our vision is: We will try our best to provide what is best for you!” It is designed for those who are interested in Yoga as a career, self-knowledge, mindful awakening, and also for leisure. Genuinely, the asanas of Hatha Yoga originally have a spiritual purpose within Hinduism, the attainment of `Samadhi a state of meditative consciousness taking oneself from ignorance into a knowledgeable person. This Yoga Teacher Training Course will bring spirituality, unity, egoless, togetherness, holistic, inner happiness, fun, enjoyment, laughter ever after, and understanding the unconditional love by the end of the session. It is a total self-awareness to gain everything in life but to live in nothingness. Just live in simplicity! Is the secret of answers for all the human sufferings. We emphasize spirituality, cultivating the basic rules and discipline in life. This Course is hectic but comprehensive to train the students to be disciplined in life and to build the strength for mental and physical faculties. Nevertheless…no worry that we still give you full relaxation, love, and care, enjoyment with inspiration.
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The 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh India at Om Shanti Om Yoga School is designed to develop Yoga Teaching skills by understanding the root principles of ancient yoga traditions. The course is ideal for those who aim to take Yoga teachings as a profession as well as for those who want to experience and follow yoga as a path of holistic living.
» Develop a daily practice of kriyas, asanas, pranayama, bandha, mudras, and dhyana.
» Delve deeper into Yoga Anatomy and Physiology.
» Introduction to Structural Yoga Therapy.
» Study philosophy from the classical treatises of Yoga (Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hathayoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and the Upanishads).
» Introduction to Ayurveda and Marma Points.
» Design and teach a 90-minute asana class to your peers which incorporates these components.
» Plan and teach a 30-minute presentation to your peers regarding yoga-related topics (ie, Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda, yogic diet, anatomy, physiology, chakras, philosophy, mudras, Mantra Chanting & Keertan, etc.)
» Daily nutritious vegetarian meals, detox juices, and teas
» Weekend excursions
» Yoga Material ( books, yoga t-shirts, ayurvedic body massage, etc)
» One the Himalayas sightseeing trip
» Private Accommodation USD 1200
All this knowledge will make you a pure soul, intelligent human, and peaceful man to understand the balance of body and life!
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rishikeshspiritualyoga · 11 months
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh
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100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh, India Rishikesh Spiritual Yoga offers Yoga Alliance accredited 100 hour yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh, India.
Join our #yogattc: https://www.rishikeshspiritualyoga.com/100-hour-yoga-ttc/
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rishikeshyogpeeth · 1 year
Best Yoga School in Rishikesh | Best yoga Course at Rishikesh Yogpeeth
Rishikesh Yogpeeth is a yoga school in India with a strong reputation. The Yoga Alliance has accredited us as RYS 200, RYS 300, and RYS 500. We have helped more people achieve their dreams than any other contemporary yoga school in India over the past decade.
Rishikesh Yogpeeth operates from a most beautiful location in Rishikesh called Abhayaranya Yoga Ashram. This location is unique in its own manner with plenty of open space and scenic greenery all around.
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tattvaayoga · 1 year
Nidra Yoga Teacher Training in India: A Complete Guide
Yoga has gained immense popularity in recent years and for good reason. It is not just a physical exercise but also helps in mental and emotional well-being. Among the many forms of yoga, Nidra Yoga has emerged as a popular choice for those seeking to improve their sleep patterns and reduce stress.
If you are interested in learning Nidra Yoga, then India is the perfect destination. With its rich history and culture, India is the birthplace of yoga and has many renowned yoga schools offering Nidra Yoga teacher training programs. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Nidra Yoga teacher training in India.
What is Nidra Yoga?
Nidra Yoga, also known as Yogic Sleep, is a form of meditation that promotes deep relaxation and restful sleep. It is a guided meditation technique that helps individuals to reach a state of conscious sleep. Nidra Yoga is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve the quality of sleep.
Nidra Yoga Teacher Training in India
India is a hub of yoga teacher training programs, and Nidra Yoga is no exception. Many yoga schools offer Nidra Yoga teacher training programs that are accredited by Yoga Alliance International. These programs are designed for both beginners and experienced yoga practitioners who wish to deepen their practice and learn how to teach Nidra Yoga to others.
The Nidra Yoga teacher training program usually lasts for two weeks or more, depending on the school you choose. During the program, you will learn about the science of Nidra Yoga, its benefits, and how to teach it to others. You will also learn about the philosophy of yoga, anatomy, and physiology, and how to create a safe and nurturing environment for your students.
The program will include practical and theoretical classes, meditation sessions, and teaching practice. You will also have the opportunity to explore the local culture and immerse yourself in the yogic lifestyle.
Benefits of Nidra Yoga Teacher Training in India
Learning Nidra Yoga in India has many benefits. Firstly, you will be taught by experienced teachers who have a deep understanding of the practice and its benefits. Secondly, you will be in the birthplace of yoga and will have the opportunity to experience the authentic yogic lifestyle.
Thirdly, you will meet like-minded individuals from all over the world who share your passion for yoga. This will provide you with a supportive community that will help you on your journey as a yoga teacher.
In conclusion, Nidra Yoga is a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving sleep patterns. If you are interested in learning Nidra Yoga and becoming a certified teacher, then India is the perfect destination. With its rich history and culture, experienced teachers, and supportive community, you will have an unforgettable experience that will deepen your practice and enhance your life.
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Accepting applications for RYT 300Hr certification
Calling all Yoga lovers, body art healers, Life coaches and emerging Yoga Instructors   We are very excited to announce that Bend it like Buddha Yoga school is now accepting applications for the Yoga Alliance accredited RYT 300 Hr yoga training cohort starting on April 4th!    We want to personally invite you to upgrade your skills by joining the advanced 300Hr Advanced Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training along the gorgeous beach coastlines of Algarve, Portugal! During this hybrid 20 days yoga program, you will go deeper into yoga philosophy, alignment, mudras, learn how to facilitate sound healing and cacao ceremonies, how to facilitate Usui Reiki healing sessions and practice daily advanced pranayama. Highlights:-Daily advanced Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga practice twice per day AM/PM or healing practice such as cacao ceremony or Tibetan bowl sound healing journey.-Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga lessons with Intermediate series postures;-Advanced Vinyasa sequencing and postures;-Advanced accredited Yoga Alliance RYT 300 yoga teacher training course 300-hour certificate in Ashtanga and Vinyasa-Daily philosophy classes: Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras meditation, heart healing intimacy exercises, inner child shadow workshops and profound Breath Work journeys-Acro, prenatal, kids yoga, Partner yoga, sound journey, traditional Kirtan Mantras, alignment, anatomy, trauma informed yoga therapy training, daily hands-on adjustment practice-Learn and practice how to teach advanced and tailored Vinyasa and Ashtanga classes each day 6 AMAZING BONUS:-Eight-hour Ayurveda therapy massage certificate;-Four-hour workshop on trauma-informed yoga principles;-Four-hour Nada yoga workshop, sound healing facilitator training, and cacao ceremony facilitator: best tips and recommendations for beginners and seasoned practitioners of Nada yoga / sound healing and cacao ceremony and learn how to conduct and hold space during your sound healings and ceremony for your future students.-Six-hour Usui Reiki level 1 training and certificate: if you have level one or two already, you will receive the next level training and attunement for the level you are at.-Learn how to facilitate and plan a breathwork journey for groups and practice advanced pranayama imparted by the Father of Modern Yoga Krishnamacharya, a student of BNS Iyengar based in Mysore, India.-Four-week yoga business lifestyle coaching: post-graduate support, weekly live training, accountability, and implementation labs to inspire you to take massive action to launch your micro yoga-niched brand to attract your dream students. Learn how to market your workshops and retreats utilizing the effective Online Yoga Challenge model taught by Bend it like Buddha Yoga school founder L. Farrah Furtado E RYT 500.The world is in great need of incredible yoga teachers, now more than ever, and it is RYS 200/RYS 300 Bend it like Buddha's  purpose to impart the practice for sharing it, with as many people as possible to awaken, heal, and move beautiful souls into their dharma and purpose as we enter into the most pivotal spiritual transition on Earth in human history! Learning and successfully implementing this innovative and nuanced yoga challenge framework is a must for all yoga teacher entrepreneurs in order to survive and thrive in today's competitive yoga noisy world full of distractions...Together as a yoga family, in friendships, also fun, and in community support, you will thrive as you create a positive ripple effect on the planet. Through sharing yoga, you are all sowing fertile seeds of hope, good health, joy, and inner peace into a world in desperate need of hope and healing. Join this movement that is happening within the Bend it like Buddha yoga community to receive training and support while helping as many people as possible, through the profound and powerful practices of yoga, meditation, and pranayama Hurry, very limited spots!Namaste [email protected] for more info.....#yogateacher #yogaforlife #yogateacher300Hr #reikicourse #meditation #yogamom #yogaworkshop #Yoga #yogientrepreneur #yoginilife #yogalover #portugalretreats #healing #portugalyoga #yogateachertrainingadvanced #RYT300Hr #retreatalgarve #portugalyoga #vinyasayoga #transformation #meditationretreat #ayurvedamassage #yogaportugal #algarveretreat
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ranjith11 · 10 months
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training 2024 | Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation
The Advanced yoga teacher training program is designed for experienced yoga teachers who want to take their teaching skills to the next level. This program will help you explore advanced therapeutic techniques, alignment principles, and sequencing.
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tinakp · 10 months
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training 2024 | Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation
The Advanced yoga teacher training program is designed for experienced yoga teachers who want to take their teaching skills to the next level. This program will help you explore advanced therapeutic techniques, alignment principles, and sequencing.
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jasonjj45 · 11 months
Advanced Teacher Training 2024 | 200 hour TT | Akram Yoga
Our comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Programme is perfect for anyone who wants to become a certified yoga instructor or deepen their personal practice. Our 200-hour course covers the basics of yoga theory and practice, while our advanced 300-hour training delves deeper into advanced asana, philosophy, pranayama, and meditation.
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sreehari28 · 11 months
The Advanced yoga teacher training program is designed for experienced yoga teachers who want to take their teaching skills to the next level. This program will help you explore advanced therapeutic techniques, alignment principles, and sequencing.
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monicascot · 1 year
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Advanced Yoga Teacher Training 2024 | Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation
The Advanced yoga teacher training program is designed for experienced yoga teachers who want to take their teaching skills to the next level. This program will help you explore advanced therapeutic techniques, alignment principles, and sequencing. ✨In our video about advanced yoga teacher training, we can cover a variety of topics . Some ideas could include: -Overview of the advanced yoga teacher training program - What will students learn? What are the prerequisites for the program? -Benefits of advanced yoga teacher training - Why should someone consider taking an advanced yoga teacher training program? How can it benefit their practice and teaching? -Curriculum and course structure - What does the curriculum for the program look like? How is the program structured (e.g. online, in-person, intensive, part-time)? -Advanced asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques - What advanced techniques will students learn in the program? How can these techniques deepen their own practice and improve their teaching? -Advanced sequencing and adjustments - How can advanced sequencing and adjustments help teachers create safe and effective classes? What are some advanced techniques for sequencing and adjusting asanas? -Yoga philosophy and history - How does the program cover yoga philosophy and history? How can this knowledge enhance a teacher's understanding of yoga and improve their teaching?
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