#you can tell this is old because he has 2 normal ears
strange-aeons · 9 months
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The prince is presented with a fish
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moonit3 · 7 months
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➥ warnings/notices: yandere, nsfw, cunnilingus, handjob, blowjob, afab! reader, male! yandere, dom! reader, sub! yandere, kissing, dry humping, non penetration but smut, I don’t how to write moans so bare with me, implied overstimulation.
➥ synopsis: a party leads to an unexpected moment for you and elliot that makes the relationship even more intimate.
➥ yandere! butler x f! reader
➥ a/n: with the help and guidance of @taeee0902 , im bringing the second part of the story that many of you have been waiting for! keep in minds this is probably the now longest piece of the blog for now, also the most long smut ive write before \(//∇//)\ so im hoping to all of you enjoy this piece as i loved writing this one! also, this is part two of this post! so check it out for some context.
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➥ it’s been a few weeks since you and elliot got closer than ever. letting his hands and lips going over your body during working hours, making you feel relieved after long days of paperwork and making you feel so much pleasure from his hands alone. to think he is doing it almost daily is insane, specially when it’s risky to be caught. one time, elliot touched you in the library, despite knowing there were servants around.
➥ the occasions when he isn’t touching nor speaking dirty things to your ears, elliot still helps with your family’s finances. despite being your lover behind the curtains, he still needs to be a presentable man to keep his job as your personal butler, but also to prevent anyone from finding it out the relationship you two share. elliot knows how many people wants to steal you away from him.
➥ “you are mine, [name]…” his hands holds your waist down to the bed, preventing you from escaping his touch as he teases your entrance. the lovely sounds coming out from your lips and seeing how your eyes are rolling back makes him smile. “none can see you like this but me, do you understand me?” the only thing you could do is nodded, too busy to speak when his fingers entered your hole and too much concentrated to not moan loudly, too focused to not moan out loud of this situation.
➥ and his touchy attitude got more intense with the invitation from an old friend of your late father. a gala where many nobles will celebrate the birth of the new addition of the duke’s family, not a big deal though. however when the party started, noblemen got all over you, asking for your hand and shameless flirting with you, not caring it’s that is against the queen’s words.
➥ i should’ve stayed home…that you keep thinking by every time one of those old men gets closer to you, offering you to become their second or third wife. you can’t believe men like this exist, how can they be this stupid? thankfully, elliot is here to help.
➥ his expressionless face and sharp words were enough to make those men step away from you. because of that, many nobles began to believe that he is the voice of reason of the barony, a harsh and cruel butler who has to help the inexperienced baroness who inherited a large territory, but they don’t know the true, none of them really does.
➥ when it’s the time to leave the party, you decided to go to the bathroom and elliot took the opportunity to arrange the carriage. you give your best at smiling at those nobles for hours and hours, so that’s the barely minimum he can do for you. he was ready to enter the carriage to wait for you, but suddenly a maid calls for his name, one that he recognizes to be working for the party’s host.
➥ despite telling her name, elliot’s mind fail to remember as she talks and talks even more about her admiration for him. it’s an innocent crush, elliot can tell that by how her cheeks gets reds when he pretends to pay attention and how she can’t hold her voice low whatever she speaks about her current hobbies. situations like this are normal, everyone gets a crush on someone else, but this girl is getting off the hook. trying to touch his gloved hand and taking steps to be closer to him, this girl is surely bold or stupid enough to not know her place.
➥ he was ready to yell, maybe making a scene to scold her behavior, but nothing happened as you returned. with a smile on the lips, you make your way to stand next to elliot and dismiss the maid. the tone of your voice is shape and cold, completely opposite of your usual manner. it was efficient and the maid quickly left the scene, but not before staring at you with hateful eyes.
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“my lady,” he is relieved by your arrival, things could’ve been different if you hadn’t arrived in time. “thank you for helping me with that maid.”
the sweet smile on your lips calm him down, “no problem, elliot. its my duty to assure that my closest friend feel uncomfortable.” is that so? your hands goes to his and you get closer to whisper your next words, “before we leave, i need to show you something. follow me~”
and he obeyed you. step by step, elliot walked behind you for a path that he didn’t visit earlier of the duke’s manor as he was too occupied by staying at your side during the party, however you seems familiar with this part of the mansion. have you visited here before? perhaps. after all, every noble knows each other from either arranged marriages or business relationships.
it took a few more minutes til you arrive at the place you wanted to show elliot, a library, where the only living souls around are you and him. the door is closed when he enters after you, there is something around that you want to show him? maybe an ancient book, money or could it be something else?
“elliot.” turning to face you, elliot is surprised by your hands pushing him to sit down an dusty empty armchair. slowly, you began unzipping the back of your dress, revealing the black bra and panties that you are wearing underneath it. what are you doing? this is unladylike of a noblewoman! but why isn’t he stopping you? “is this alright with you?”
he nodded, too busy to talk by the moment your hands hold his face closer to your. feeling your breath to his skin makes the entire world pause for an instant and the soft of your lips on his makes elliot feel the luckiest man to ever exist. the kiss was meant to last seconds, but elliot didn’t want to let go of this magnificent moment, so he pulled you closer with his own hands and kissed you for longer.
it’s a little weird to know that had touched you before in numerous occasions, but it’s just now that you shared a kiss with him, one that left a line of saliva when the two of finally separated. cheeks red and completely breathless, those are the words that describe you and elliot in this situation.
“a-are you—“ you interrupted him with another kiss, but it didn’t last long as elliot pushed you away. “we shouldn’t do this—it’s wrong and unacceptable to a noble lady kiss her servant.”
“really? off all the things we did before, you consider a kiss to be more blasphemy than those times you were in middle of my legs?” a laugh escapes from your lips, trying to minimize the awkward of this situation. “besides, i know you want this too, to take things just a little more further between the two of us.”
the embarrassment of elliot’s face faded with your words. “you want me?” the thought of alone makes him wonder for long you have planned this.
“of course i want you, elliot.” you kissed his neck, dirtying a small part of his white long shirt and smiling at his face. “but i will understand if you wish to pretend this never happened—“
“NO!” he holds your hips closer to his, not daring to let you escape from his grab nor getting up from his lap. “i want this. i want you, [name]…so please, continue to touch me as you wish, my lady.”
“then, i will begin.” you smiled.
with his hands on your hips, elliot guide you to move forward and back on his lap. soft moans comes from his mouth by every time you rub your intimate part closer to his buldge, it’s a new sensation for the butler, one that is making his body feel so good.
your hands on his shoulder makes him smile, this isn’t a dream, this is real and feeling your soft finger touching him is a reminder this whole experience is reality and he won’t ever change this for anything, not even for a fancy title.
elliot can feel that he is close. the moans turned into whimpers and whines speaking your name when his grip is getting weaker, his eyes are full of tears of pure pleasure. he wants to hold it, too make this moment last longer, but he failed to do so.
“ahhhh……mmm~!” one of your hands went to his lips, preventing elliot from moaning out loud to the entire manor, but that didn’t stop him from dirtying his brief and pants. its stick, you can feel as you get up from his lap and it’s visible if anyone pays closer attention. also the look on his face doesn’t help much either. “…[name]…”
things was supposed to end there, at least, that was elliot thought before you kneeling in front of him. before having you unzipped his pants, removing his briefs to take his cock into your hands. he couldn’t say a words, not when his own voice was betraying him by only letting the library’s wall listen to his stuffy moans.
the tears coming from his eye block mostly of his vision, only letting elliot see your blurry hands touching his cock and feeling your tongue licking the head of his member. wait. are you going to do what is he thinking? your lips gets closer to his shaft and then take as much as possible of him inside your mouth.
“ah…” elliot groans, the hand that isn’t preventing the moan from escaping goes to your head, guiding you to take just a little more of him. “hmmmm~”
the base of his cock is getting stoke with your non-dominant hand while the other one is holding his thighs from closing whatever elliot whimpers. your tongue can already taste the precum coming from the tip and he is already telling you to stop, saying that you shouldn’t drink it, that is dirty to a lady like to do it, but you don’t hear him.
and for a last time tonight, elliot whimpers as he finally came over and in return, you take it all inside your mouth. not a single drop escape from your lips as you smiled after drinking it all, impressing elliot in the process.
“elliot~” you still between his legs, holding his still hard cock in your hands. “are your ready for another round?”
“y-yes, [name].” he stuttered.
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hiding behind one of the many pillars of the manor, a maid stares at the library’s door, waiting for two people to step out and to caught them for staying after the party was finished.
“my lord won’t like this at all.” a smile crept into her lips, already imagining the many scenarios of the baroness and her butler getting scolded and gaining some extra money for it. “and i might get a chance with that guy afterwards.”
the maid stood there for at least an hour or so before the door finally opened, revealing the two individuals she was hoping to see, but instead of calling their attention or some knight to scolded them, her body freeze by what she notice of them.
lipstick marks on the butler’s neck, a tiny drop of white fluids on the noble woman lips and what made her too stunned to speak…they are holding hands! a member of the high society being touchy with a mere commoner, isn’t that wrong? she was supposed to say something or at least call someone to shame them in the public eyes, but she just stood still, watching the two walking away to the entrance.
the baroness and her butler smiled to each other when stepping out of the duke’s manor, happily to their relationship getting more intimate and to the maid who was too scared to do something against them.
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@moonit3 writings
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Non con sex pollen fic where Joel and the reader are waken up in a random room together and he recognizes who you are because he used to be friends with ur dad , he starts begging the people who took them to let him out because the reader isn’t the only person that’s ended up in this situation with him, and then there’s smoke that enters the room but it only has an effect on Joel, if you even decide to turn this into anything can you add oral f receiving pls and do the smut however you want! I’ll love it either way <3 IM SO SORRY ITS ALOT
Lazaretto (sex pollen)
2.6k ONE SHOT / joel x afab!reader / master
Part 2 HERE
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WARNINGS: non-con, sex pollen, manhandling, oral f receiving, unsafe P in V sex, anal, reader menstruates. poorly edited. Horror elements apparently lol idk how sex pollen is normally written. 18+
You wake up in a heavy-duty four-wall tent with a burly stranger, both of you in hospital gowns.  You were sedated and you're still groggy when a man in a biohazard suit explains you’re being quarantined in a makeshift lazaretto outside the overcrowded army hospital.  Neither of you were bitten in the chaos earlier, but it’s a precaution.  You'll be monitored for 24 hours, treated with an antifungal fog, then monitored for another 24 hours before they release you.  You sign a release about potential side effects which include psychological and sexual disturbances. 
He doesn’t elaborate, but Joel is clearly disturbed as if it’s not his first time.  
“No,” he says.  “No!" He screams, then begs, "Let me out, or let her out, I don’t care.”
“I’m not authorized to let anyone out.”
“Then put me in my own tent!" 
“I’m afraid we’re far past capacity.  Most units have three.” 
“Can you at least tie me up or somethin’?” 
“I’m afraid not.” 
"Then get me away from her!" 
You're offended and confused.  The quarantine man leaves.  For a while, neither of you talk except to say some variation of, “this is bullshit.”  Joel seems genuinely distressed.  You have your own problems to worry about.  You’re at the tail end of your period and don’t have any provisions, not even any underwear. You want to check and see if you’re still bleeding, but not with this stranger in the tent. 
You ask him, “What are you so worried about?” 
He starts to say something but stops himself and says, “I’ll tell you later.” 
"What did I do?" You ask and your temples feel weak. 
He recognizes how mean he must have sounded.  "Nothing at all, sugar.  It's me. I had. . . a bad reaction in the past."  
He changes the subject and tells you he recognizes you.  It hits you - Joel Miller - he used to run a smuggling route with your dad.  Life has hardened Joel into a much stronger, more attractive man since then.  He’s not a big talker, but he occasionally indulges your questions about pre-outbreak life.  You start to really enjoy his company.  For a minute at a time, you manage to forget about the scary circumstances. 
There’s one old cot and a blanket.  He says you can have them because he won’t be able to sleep anyway.  You’re not comfortable but you manage to fall asleep.  You wake up shivering and ask if he’ll join you.  He hesitantly agrees, then settles in behind you.  You grab his hand and hold it tight.  You’re gushing between the legs.  You expect a nice red spot on both your gowns in the morning, but that should be the least of your worries.
“Do you think we’re okay?” you whisper. 
“Yeah, we’re okay,” he replies softly in your ear. 
You start sniffling.  “I’m scared.” 
He tightens his arm over you. “I know, sugar. You’re gonna be alright. We’re alright.”  You can hear his heart beating faster.  
As you drift off to sleep, it’s impossible not to notice through your gowns when his dick hardens against you.  He backs off a little but you push your ass back into him and tighten your grip on his hand.  His chest swells against your back and you feel him inhale your hair, but he doesn't make a move and neither do you. 
When you wake up, he’s lying on his stomach on the floor using his massive bicep as a pillow.  Before he notices you’re awake, you subtly dip your finger into youreslf to check for your period, and it’s not there.  You were just wet.  You sit up and look at the back of your gown.  Nothing.  When he sees you’re awake and sits up, the fear returns to his eyes.   He says, “I reckon the fog will come soon, now.”  There’s no clock, but he senses it.  He moves his jaw side to side anxiously and his eyes dart around the tent. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask. 
He opens his mouth several times then stops before he manages to say it.  “Look, if. . . If I do anything after they fog us. . .  it’s not me, okay?"
"Okay. . .do anything like what?" 
"It . . . The fog has an effect on certain people."  He swallows and looks away.  "Like a sexual effect. It can make you . . . Aggressive."
"Oh. . ."
"Listen.  You can fight me off, do whatever you have to do, okay?" 
Your heart beats faster wondering what's in store.  You can’t imagine it’s that bad. 
Finally, one side of the tent ripples as a small, circular portal is opened and something clicks into it.  The tent begins to fill with fog.  The fog smells faintly like a thunderstorm and settles toward the ground before it slowly rises.  Joel backs away from it, sitting in the very corner of the tent as it spreads across the floor.  As the fog continues to pour in, he stands up and turns his face toward the ceiling.  But it reaches him. He tries not to breathe it, with his mouth in his gown, but it’s no use. He squats down, facing away from you.  
He swallows.  “I’m sorry.”  His voice is shaky.  He looks back at you one last time apologetically, then pinches his eyes shut and takes deep breaths. The fog valve is shut.  For a few minutes, you can hardly see him. 
You hear the sticky footsteps of his bare feet on the floor, then he gets close enough to see him through the fog, just a few feet away from you.  His whole face has darkened.  And it further darkens as he looks at you in a trance.  He wets his lips like you’re something to eat.  His chest rises and falls with heaving breaths.  
Minutes ago, it was hard to imagine being afraid of him,  but he’s a whole different man now.   You get up from the cot,  walk backwards to the opposite side of the tent, and sit in the corner. 
He crosses the tent in two long, swift strides.  As he looms over you, it’s impossible to ignore the massive tent in his gown or his muscular thighs. 
“Get up,” he demands through the fading fog.  You look down and stay where you are, pulling your gown over your knees, shrinking into yourself.  
“GET UP NOW!” he yells with his mouth wide open, face red, hair bouncing.  
You still don’t.  
"I’m sorry,” he says, then darkens again.  “But you're askin' for it.”  He squats down and gently cups your face.  “Get up.”
You don’t. “You don’t want to do this.”  A last ditch effort:  “I have my period!”   But it only makes him more feral.  You see it in his face right after you say it. 
Joel grabs you roughly by both elbows and manhandles you to your feet, then pushes you over to the cot.   He tears your gown off and throws you down on the cot face-up.  He scans you head to toe.  You futilely try to cover yourself with your arms and hands.  You’d feel even more naked without the fog though, which still hangs in the air.  You start to sit up and he forces you back down, pinning you with an arm across your chest.  "Starving,” he growls in your ear, giving you butterflies.  He grabs your hand off your pussy then shoves his own between your legs and the butterflies swarm to your core.  You try and fail to keep your legs shut tight but the pressure of your thighs around his hand feels far too good between your legs.
“Joel, stop,” you plead. “You’re not yourself.”  You beg him to stop, but you're getting wetter by the minute.  His intensity turns you on. 
“No use, darlin’.”  He inserts his middle finger and breathes heavily.  “Nothin’s stoppin’ this." 
You still try, though.  You thrash and kick, then he grabs you by the arms so hard his fingers dig deep into your muscles, practically to the bone. “Sit still, damnit.”  He softens only for a moment.  “Don't wanna have to hurt you.” Then he darkens again.
Your face gets  cold and you swallow.  He kneels at the foot of the cot and uses your thighs to violently yank you toward him so your ass is at the end.  He pries your legs open and holds them that way with his massive hands.  His mouth latches onto your pussy and you’re flooded with a rush of arousal as the hook of his nose begins to massage your clit.  He really digs in, pressing his lips hard into you, thrusting his tongue inside you.  A ball of tension gathers in your traitorous core and you twitch.  
He’s grunting “Mm” as he sucks and laps.  You squirm and he forces you still again and continues, ravenous to consume you.  He looks up with black eyes, and the animal between your legs terrifies you.  He intensifies his eating and you feel it coming.  The next time he thrusts his tongue inside you, his nose drags up your clit.  You moan and your spine arches as you see stars. He stops and watches you unravel with his head still firmly planted between your legs.  Your eyes water with your pulsations as you stare up at the ceiling of the tent. He lifts his head and a lighter patch of his beard is just barely tinged with your period.  He dug it out of you.  He inserts his fingers and you clench around him with the aftershocks.  You close your eyes and catch your breath.
He must stand up, because before you know it, you feel his tip at your entrance.   Your body wants him inside you. You could make it easy on him, but you don’t want him to fuck you and regret it.  It’s not just your body – you’re realizing you want him, too.  You may be getting ahead of yourself, but it’s the product of a near-death experience, of being sealed in a tent with him for 24 hours, and of getting head within an inch of your life. The perfect storm. If you’re going to have him, it has to be under different circumstances or he may never want to do it again.
He begins to push in. 
“Joel, no!” You squirm and thrash.  
He sighs.  “You're just gonna tucker yourself out like that.” 
You still give it your best try, but he’s right.   You’re no match for his strength. He overpowers you, pins you down with his weight, then shoves his thick cock into you with a grunt.  Your wet little hole can hardly take him.  You yelp as his unforgiving girth splits you open and fills you up.  When his length retreats, you try to push him off, but you can’t.  “You’re takin' it one way or another, darlin’.” 
He bottoms out with a guttural roar like he’s charging into battle. He pounds you brutally, slamming to the hilt each time.  It hurts but it isn’t long before it starts to feel okay, then good, and then, the delicious stretch of his girth feels like something you never knew you needed.  After a minute or two, you stop squirming and thrashing. It's happening, and you might as well enjoy it. 
When you stop fighting, he takes his weight off you and stands at the foot of the cot, your thighs in his hands, pulling you back on his dick as his hips snap into you. His hair is messy and his face and neck are splotched red.  His big arms bulge out from under the gown.  You’ve never seen such intensity on anyone’s face before.  
After a few minutes of him pistoning into you, you feel another climax building.  You whimper and he rails you even harder, sweating, grunting, growling.  When you come, it’s a burst unlike anything you've ever felt. You hear yourself wailing as he fucks you through it.  Your walls are still contracting around his cock when he grabs onto your hips for dear life and plunges into you with more force than ever.  
You realize he’s going to come inside and yell, “No!”  You try to get away.  You try to fight back, but he’s too strong and determined.  Rage falls across his face.  A groan rips out of his throat as his cock erupts into you, pulsing massively, extending your climax longer than you thought possible.  It’s a feeling you’ve never felt before.  
Your whole body is spent.  When he’s finished coming, he slides out of you and you lie there limp with your eyes closed. It’s quiet for a minute. The fog has settled more. 
He groans softly. Then, "I'm sorry. . ."  You open your eyes and sit up. You reach for him  at the foot of the cot, but he backs away.  It seems like he can't look at you. His eyes are tearful.  
"It's okay.  Look at me, Joel. It's okay."
It's quiet for a minute.
"God damnit,” he whispers. He covers himself and when your eyes follow his hand, it’s clear he’s hard again or it never went away.   The fog has faded enough that it seems he at least has the wherewithal to jack off instead.  "Close your eyes," he says as he turns away and wraps his hand around his cock.  You study his eyes and they’re dark, but not as dark as they were. You lie down with your eyes shut and listen to his breath and the squish of his hand around his cock, wet with your slick.
The  rhythmic squish gets closer and closer.   You open your eyes to the darkest look on his face.  He’s standing there at the foot of the cot, gown pushed up out of the way again as he strokes his stiff, imposing cock. 
“Flip over,” he demands but gives you no time to comply.  He grabs you under the arms.
“Okay, okay,” you comply and he forces you down on your stomach.  
He wedges the tip of his cock between your cheeks, aligning himself at your asshole.  You’re terrified.  You beg, "no, wait," but he's not there anymore.  It's not really him. 
He plunges into your tight, virgin hole and you yelp in shock. His hands on your hips lift your ass in the air and you bury your head in your arm, biting your own skin as he yanks you back into him, making your ass flush with his pelvis.  You’re stuffed full of him, fuller than you’ve ever felt, even fuller than when he was in your pussy.  
He pummels you with abandon and your eyes well up in tears.  You're mortified, you've never done this before, and you have so many fears – is he going to ruin you?  Is there going to be a mess?  But each time he buries his length in your ass, it feels better and your fears fade into pleasure. The longer he pounds you, the better it feels.  It feels surprisingly good, much better than you ever thought it would.  The tent seems to echo with his grunts and the slap of skin.  
Another orgasm is brewing as he pounds your guts.  It builds faster this time.  He grunts louder, then your whole body is seized by the deepest, most powerful climax.  You whimper, then your whimper turns into a groan as your ass spasms and your pussy clenches around nothing.  
And then he pulses inside you, filling up another hole.  By the time he's through with you, you're filled to the brim with him.  He slides out and you turn around. 
He stumbles backwards in horror at what he's done. 
“I’m sorry, sugar.  I’m so sorry."
Part 2 HERE
Thank you for reading and engaging! Might wanna follow me if you like this because my posts are getting reported and might not show up in the tags.
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chemerr2 · 16 days
eyeless jack headcannons :O can be sfw or nsfw <3
thank you anon I NEED THIS MAN. i need all 4 of his legs in front of my face. -SEXYPAPINOQUE
SFW !!
ik this is probably one of the most popular headcanons but he’s warm. He’s THE heated blanket everyone needs during the middle of winter. He’s usually warmer in places people wouldn’t normally touch or go near. Like his armpits for instance but that’s ok cause he’s comfortable with you being THAT close to him and on top of that he’s not musty!! yay!
best head massages known to man. those longs nails of his make you foam at the mouth when he slides them through your hair, on your scalp and the back of your neck.
very clean. like VERY. he cannot stand having a cluttered space especially when it’s his work area we’re talking about. he doesn’t go batshit crazy tho if his room has like 2 socks on the floor 💀 just doesn’t like to be surrounded by complete filth. Even tho he can’t work well in small spaces given his physical appearance and amount of equipment— he reminds himself to clean as he goes.
responsible but only for himself and you ofc. His reasoning for this is because he’s grown, toby is grown and so is jeff plus the others so he shouldn’t have to tell a 23 yr old to clean up after himself or wipe the toilet after he pisses cause he didn’t aim in the toilet.
always pampers you and chooses you over anyone else. sometimes he end up favoring your priorities over his own and forgets to do important things for himself. You wouldn’t even have to tell him because he’ll snap back to reality once he realizes he hasn’t done a chore or task he told himself he’d do.
like the cool older brother or the older brothers cool friend who takes you to the store and buy things for your mom when she’s cooking dinner
speaking of cooking, he can’t make anything past a traditional american breakfast dish (eggs, bacon, toast, grits or rice) other than that he’ll warm up a corn dog or reheatable pancakes in the microwave
if he has tomatoes on his burger snd he knows u like tomatoes he’ll give them to you. He’d give you a whole jar of pickles and drink the pickle juice (vice versa if u love pickle juice as much as me)
he stands in front of the tv likes he’s made of glass💀
DRAGS you by your arm, shirt, or ear if he even slightly thinks ur gonna get into an argument with anyone, For the sake of you and himself because 1. doesn’t want u to fight anyone AND 2. don’t want you to get ur feelings hurt. yep
rmbr when i said i need all 4 of his legs? 🤭 yeah he’s got 2 FATASS DANGLING COCKS.
ok let’s keep it realistic, he’s inexperienced but he’s not a vulnerable virgin, he knows what boojaina is, he knows what ur cervix is— he knows all of it and how much the female body can take.
his dick is wide so 1 inch of his demomic- hybrid 8inch cock takes up the full capacity of ur hole ifykwim.
it looks like he’s always had a boner but it’s just his thick and heavy cocks finally getting a good nights rest when you aren’t around.
Loves when you trace the veins on his cock and kiss his ugly circumcised scar on both his cocks. See i can get all into detail about the scar but y’all probably would get turned off. ANYWAYS
humps you. dry. all night, every night. Your smaller than him, even if someone says your big— to HIM your a delicate feather in his hand and he tosses you like a salad gently. He proceeds w caution when he gives you the nasties backshots
idc idcccc ur butt may not be big but when he gives u backshots it sounds like poseidons trident causing hell on sea.
horny dog?? nah horny bear. He literally locks you both up in his room or office and breeds you heavily like he’s trying to form a football team.
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s0ftand0nly · 9 months
This is about to be a long, kind of rambly post so stick with me if you want to, but I feel like a lot of people who make posts about Anakin have not experienced what it’s like to be groomed into doing what you don’t want to.
And no, I’m not calling Sheev a pedophile. Grooming isn’t inherently sexual. I suppose you could swap the word out for manipulated if that’s what makes you more comfortable.
Anakin did not jump from a good home life to the Jedi temple. He went from being a literal slave with an unhealthy attachment to his mother out of necessity for survival into an environment where he was immediately told that he was wrong. I’m not here to debate whether the Jedi were wrong or if their rules were wrong- I am ONLY saying they were wrong for taking this child, 9 years old, and telling him that he is wrong and a coward for doing what he needed to to survive day to day not even a full week ago.
Anakin was raised as a slave. We see multiple times what it’s like for slaves, but what impacted me the most were the Clone Wars episodes where Obi-wan and Rex are sold into slavery. It’s said explicitly in the episode that the slavers we see frequently make deals with the Hutts, and that fact alone makes it very likely that Shmi and even possibly Anakin were in those camps themselves at one point. These slavers whip and abuse the people there, force them to wear shock collars and leave lasting scars on both Obi-wan and Rex when they were both only there for a couple weeks.
Shmi would have been in one of those camps for years. If Anakin had, it would have been when he was an infant.
We even learn in one episode in season 2 that it’s commonplace to perform surgery on new slaves in order to implant a tracker in them so they can never be free. Anakin was not a normal kid with a normal, happy life.
Enter Sheev, who is immediately in a position of power over him and, not only that, but has consistent access to him. Anakin probably already felt wronged by the Jedi for being told he was a coward, but wow! The senator of Naboo later Chancellor thinks he’s very brave!
Anakin spent his entire life struggling with the Jedi Code- not because he’s inherently evil or selfish like some people like to act, but because he grew up being told the exact opposite. He couldn’t leave his attachments, if he did neither of them would be protected and they would both be killed. He showed anger when told not to because that was all he had ever been shown unless by his mother.
But all the while, he had a little voice in his ear telling him that he’s not like the other Jedi, he’s special, he’s better. Sheev played on his insecurities in every single scene we see them in together. He tells him to react to his anger, to keep his attachments and to be selfish. Anakin only gets worse from there.
Anakin’s problem has never been that he is inherently selfish or inherently evil. His problem was that he had no one close to him to tell him no- and anyone who did he was told to cut off by Sheev.
The tragedy of Anakin’s story has never been that he’s uncaring or cares only about himself, it’s that he was a child (22 in ROTS! i have mutuals older than that!) who was being told what to do and how to act by a man well over three times his age and he listened.
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lovecanyon · 2 years
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“Cherry is a strawberry?”
Jeff looks down at Cherry who was wearing a strawberry costume. Peaking out her head from the fabric, the one year old grins up at the man.
“For now she is.” Y/N says dropping her tote bag onto the couch. “She wanted to wear a costume because she saw one of the neighbors' kids all dressed up.” The mother explains making Jeffrey nod.
The family of three had just arrived at The Forum for rehearsals. It was sort of difficult touring with a baby but they worked together to make it run smoothly.
“Where’s Harry?”
“He’s getting my guitar and Cherry’s diaper bag.” Y/N tells him as she picks up her daughter and places her onto the couch that travels everywhere with Harry—even the pillows.
Just as she responded to Harry's manager, Harry himself walked into his dressing room holding Y/N’s guitar case and his daughter’s diaper bag. The father of one quickly greets Jeff and sets everything down onto the coffee table.
Once Jeffrey tells the couple their schedule for today he leaves their dressing room to greet the other band members that just had arrived. The plans for today were very different from all the other days and it made Y/N jittery just by looking at the paper taped onto the vanity mirror.
12 PM - Band’s arrival.
1:30 PM - Lunch provided by Sarah the tour catering.
2:00 PM - Stage starts getting set up.
2:40 PM - Rehearsels.
3:20 PM - Break from rehearsals
3:50 PM - Rehearsals continue.
4:40 PM - Free time.
5:30 PM - Last minute costume changes provided by Harry Lambert.
6:10 PM - Venue doors open.
6:50 PM - Free time.
7:30 PM - Dinner provided by Sarah the tour catering.
8:00 PM - Ben Harper goes on stage.
8:20 PM - Band gets makeup and hair done.
8:40 PM - Band changes into costumes.
9:10 PM - Band on stage performing.
“I’m not going to lie but this year I’m more excited to dress up.” Y/N speaks up, catching Harry’s attention. He smiles and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Looking in the mirror, Y/N finds Harry staring right at her.
“I can tell. Last year during Halloween you were pregnant and uncomfortable.” Harry mumbles against her shoulder, slightly kissing the skin.
Y/N laughed at the memory of her being a pregnant Dorthy last year. She loved and hated it at the same time.
“Why are you grumpy sweetheart?” Harry bends down in front of his pregnant wife.
“I’m not grumpy.” Y/N grumbles crossing her arms against her chest. Harry knew that Y/N felt taken aback once she found out she was going to be replaced by another guitarist for the rest of the U.S leg.
But she was getting too pregnant to play guitar nonetheless even hold a one because her belly was too big.
Still dressed in his dorothy costume Harry stands up from his crouched position and brings Y/N up with him. Moving to sit on the couch, Harry drops down onto the sofa and plops his wife onto his lap. Letting her lean into his chest, he kisses her cheek and lays a hand on her belly.
“I know you hate seeing someone in your place but it’s not permanent, it’s temporary darling. I just want to see you and our baby healthy.” Harry softly explains to Y/N as he rubs her baby bump.
“I’m sorry Ha-”
“Hey don’t apologize. You’re used to touring and always being on your feet so you feeling like this is completely normal.” He reassures Y/N. “You have a break now so take the time to do whatever you want to do darling.”
Feeling better than ever, Y/N’s pigtails bounce as she laughs.
“Can we go eat please?”
After the family of three ate lunch, they started to get ready for rehearsals. Sitting in the free space of the pit right next to the stage, Y/N and Harry were taking photos of Cherry in her strawberry costume. With his camera, Harry snaps at least 100 pictures of his daughter before she starts fussing around.
Now wearing her pink noise canceling headphones protecting her tiny ears, Cherry stares up at her parent’s getting situated on stage. Harry Lambert was on babysitting duty today which he did not mind at all, he really adored Cherry.
Y/N swiftly plugs in her instrument and grabs a guitar pick from Mitch after she couldn’t find hers. The electric guitar she used frequently was a special one made for her that Harry gifted her when they first started dating.
It meant everything to her.
Wearing her husband’s sweats and Rolling Stones tee, Y/N grabs her guitar strap and slips it onto her shoulder. She never liked to dress nice during rehearsals so did Harry and the rest of the band members.
As the rehearsals begin, the band starts off with Daydreaming. During the performance Harry kept turning around and staring at Y/N in all her glory. He always felt drawn to her especially when she was playing guitar.
He felt so happy having her on stage with him.
Little Freak was one of Y/N’s favorites even though it was about her and Harry’s breakup—the song was originally written for Fine Line but Harry never had the chance to use it until now. She always regretted running off to someone once they had broken off their relationship.
But she was glad they found their way back to each other.
After performing the majority of the songs off the set list, a special song started to play. You're The One That I Want by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John blasted through the venue speakers as Y/N let’s Mitch grab her guitar.
The couple memorized the dance months before even deciding that their costumes were going to be Grease related.
I got chills, they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying
The words leaving Harry’s mouth makes Y/N giggle into the microphone. Her laughs were intoxicating as Harry started to laugh with her.
The next verse belonged to Y/N and she couldn’t have been more thrilled.
You better shape up
'Cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do
Cherry sat on the venue floor with Lambert watching her parents smile and giggle at each other. A gummy grin formed on her face as she watched the two. She loved observing her parents being in love even though she didn't know what the word love meant yet.
The following part to the song belonged to both Harry and Y/N. One of their favorite parts of the song.
You're the one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh
The one I need
Oh, yes, indeed
Harry even drops down onto his knees like Danny Zuko did in the movie. He eyes her up and down as a smirk crawls onto his face.
He fucking loved her so much.
Lloyd the tour’s photographer caught the moment between the two and snapped a few photos of the musician on his knees, looking at his wife like she was the only person in the world.
“Are you ready to change bunny?” Y/N smothered a kiss against Cherry’s cheek making her giggle. She was now out of her strawberry costume and in her diaper.
Harry had just finished getting his wig done and already was changed. He was in his leather jacket when Y/N walked into their dressing room with Cherry. She smiled once she saw her husband staring at her with an all too knowing smile.
“I missed my darlings” Harry coos, grabbing ahold of Cherry. Quite quickly the one year old leans her head against her father’s chest.
“We were gone for 10 minutes.” Y/N breathes out a laugh as she starts to get undressed. She had went with Sarah to hair and makeup—whom she was twinning with.
“That’s too long for daddy.” Harry says making faces at Cherry which makes her burst out laughing. He seriously loved his girls.
As Y/N begins to put her leather pants on she observes Harry interacting with their daughter. He had unconditional love for her and seeing that with her own eyes made her feel happy and fulfilled.
She had always known he would be a perfect dad even before Cherry was born, she just had a feeling that Harry was a perfect person to start a family with.
As Harry sets Cherry down in her crib that travels everywhere with them, he moves to help his wife put on her black top. Without ruining her curled updo hair, Harry fixes and adjusts the fabric on her.
Y/N murmurs out a thank you as she leans in to kiss Harry’s cheek. Still in her sweats, Y/N turns around and grabs her leather pants off the clothing rack.
Quickly she changes out of her baggy sweats and into the tight pants. As Y/N buttons up her leather pants she begins to hear Harry sing to their daughter.
Leather and Lace.
Of course it was a Stevie Nicks song. The woman that got them together. Without her, Y/N didn't know what her life would be now.
Y/N slips her red vans on when she hears a knock. The dressing room door opens revealing Jeff.
“We need you in the box in five Harry.”
Once Jeffrey gets a nod from Harry, he sends Y/N a smile before shutting the door. Turning around to her husband she grins at him.
“You wanna help me change your daughter into a pink lady before you go?”
Walking out from backstage was the Love On Tour band.
Y/N stayed next to Sarah as both girls had their arms hooked around each other. The two of them had the same costume and it was Sandy from Grease—they couldn’t be happier to match.
Sarah grins at Y/N as they make their way onto the stage. Screams of each band member's names just made the six individuals smile and wave at the fans.
Though that was nothing compared to when Harry appeared on stage.
Just before the first song starts to play, the musician sends his wife a wink which makes her blow him a kiss for good luck.
And of course that moment was caught by fans.
This was going to be a long night and Y/N didn't mind it, at all.
Seven songs into the show and nothing could have gone smoother. Mitch and Y/N were synced and playing amazing, Harry was singing beautifully, Elin was showing her talent, Nyoh was doing great and Pauli was keeping the energy up as always.
Y/N watching fans dance and sing along truly made her so happy. The smiles on their faces just encouraged her to keep on playing and playing her guitar.
Until water came soaking Y/N.
It wasn’t just a small amount of water, it was a huge amount that soaked her.
Even Mitch got some droplets on him.
The water made it difficult for Y/N to play the guitar and her fingers kept on slipping off the strings. The loss of his second guitarist made Harry turn around to find his wife soaked.
Her once curled updo was flat. Her leather outfit had water dripping from it. Her shoes were standing in a puddle. And even worse, her mascara was starting to smear down her cheeks.
The sight of his lover made him mad.
Almost instantly Harry stops singing making the band slowly halt to a stop. He quickly signals the lighting technician to shut off the lights.
Right as the musician waves his hand signaling to stop, the lights swiftly turn off.
Not giving anything anymore thought, Harry rushes to Y/N and grabs her hand pulling her off the stage. He decides to take her under the stage where he normally takes his five minute breaks.
Y/N lets Harry sit her down on a seat and take off her wet leather jacket. She felt so embarrassed and defeated. Out of all nights this could’ve happened, it happened on one of Harry’s important nights.
She ruined tonight for him.
“I-I’m sorry.” Y/N stares down at her cold hands wanting to be anywhere but here.
Harry lets out a scoff as he drops down to his knees wanting to be face to face with his wife. He didn't know why she was apologizing. This wasn’t her fault at all.
“Darling I don’t know why you’re apologizing.” Harry murmurs moving his hand to cup her cheek. “This is not your fault. Okay?”
Y/N nods as she leans into Harry’s hand. She always loved feeling reassured by him, it was a feeling she would never get tired of.
“I just feel like I embarrassed you-“
“No. Don’t say that. You did not embarrass me. You can never embarrass me.” Harry cuts her off with a shake of his head. Nothing she does could ever embarrass him.
“A-are you sure Harry?”
“I couldn’t be more sure, baby.” Harry tells Y/N making a soft smile form on her lips.
“I love you so much.” She whispers gleaming up into her husband’s green eyes. Y/N loved being this close to him. She saw his freckles that she adored, she saw his long eyelashes, she saw everything and loved everything she saw.
A throat clearing interrupted the couple’s tender moment.
Looking up, Harry and Y/N find Mitch and Sarah standing next to the stage’s entrance. The two couples stared at each other before bursting out laughing.
“Mr and Mrs. Styles, we were looking for you!”
The rest of the show went great.
Before Y/N went back on stage, Sarah offered her jacket to the Styles woman claiming she was too hot to wear the leather piece. The drummer also let her curled hair down to reflect Y/N’s sort of flat hair.
Sarah and Y/N were true best friends.
Harry had even found out which fans threw water on Y/N after Elin pointed the three girls out after the concert. He had a whole plan to get those girls banned from ever attending his shows and he succeeded with that plan.
Seeing his wife in distress made his stomach turn. He hopes he never sees her that upset ever again.
Though seeing her now giggling with Cherry over their performance of You're The One That I Want made him happier than ever. Their daughter kept on smiling as she stared at her mother’s phone.
Harry circles Y/N as he dances around her. She keeps on singing though letting out a few laughs. But once Harry falls down onto his knees and begins to sing with her, she couldn’t keep her cool.
Harry and Y/N’s laughs echoed around the arena making fans scream like crazy. Everyone loved the duo especially when they were dressed up as Danny and Sandy while performing such an iconic song.
“Daddy!” Cherry lisps pointing down at the lit phone screen. Harry plops down onto his and Y/N’s bed, leaning into his girls.
Now sandwiching Cherry, her parents continue to watch videos of the show tonight that Jeff had sent them. Harry loved watching videos of his concerts, especially of Y/N.
She looked so beautiful in the hue lights while she played guitar.
Harry was glad he ended up with Y/N.
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @teawithcyb0rgs @lomlolivia
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impala1967dwinchester · 3 months
Sam Winchester: Fate
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader/Sam
Warnings: Monsters as usual (Dijnn), depression, pregnancy, fighting
Summary: With Y/n on the run, Sam's depression can't help but get the best of him while the fate of his relationship and child hangs in the balance.
WC- 2.677k
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers, This is a part 2 of something I wrote nearly a year ago. "Sam Winchester: Running Away" I
Main Master List // Sam W. Master List
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It's weird hiding from the Winchester boys. Weirdly, people are so much nicer to me now. The summer sun in Texas is hot on my back as I walk out of the grocery store. I tried my best to settle down and got a small job at a travel agency. I'm renting a small apartment from an old lady who helped me when I first got off the bus in Bay City.
In the past few months, my body has changed in many ways. I have a larger belly and more cravings than I've ever experienced. I talk to my belly almost every night after I calm down from work. I tell them stories about Sam and Dean. I tell them how their father is a hero, how he's saved the world, and how he has taken my heart with his bright, kind smile.
Like clockwork, every night, there's a message from Sam asking me if I'm doing alright, or begging me if I can just respond. It breaks my heart, but no matter what, I can't bring myself to type back a message. It didn't take long after I walked out of the bunker to know that I was walking away from the person that I love and that my home was disappearing into the background of the Kansas sunset.
Yet I couldn't bear to walk back into the bunker; somewhere in my twisted mind, it told me I had to go. I had to leave it all behind because I wasn't worth it. I wasn't worth the stress, the worry, or anything I might bring down on the Winchester boys.
I thought I had gotten away from it all—the grueling monsters, the death at every corner. I guess I was wrong because one second, I was shopping in a local baby store, and the next, I was somewhere completely different. Some places had air that felt lighter, and some places had my hopes and dreams feel like reality.
There's a warm hand wrapping around my middle. "Good morning, sweetheart." It's a voice I know, a voice I haven't heard in such a long time. One that makes my heart soothe from the racing it's currently doing in my chest. Then, I realize we aren't in the bunker but in a rather nice-looking bedroom. The sound of smaller feet pounding on the ground brings me to look at the doorway. "Anna must be up," Sam says in a whisper, his soft words brushing against my ear and giving me a round of shivers.
Anna comes busting into the bedroom, uncaring to knock on the bedroom door. You think you care but don't after you look at her. Hair as dark as Sams but eyes like yours. A gigantic smile on her chubby cheeks. "MOmmY!" She shouts as she climbs up the bed to get onto your body. You can see Sam out of the corner of your eye. It's a smile you only ever see reserved for you, and you don't know how you managed to be back in his arms and a kid you share together. You're lost in how you got from the store alone pregnant to here in his arms, in bed together with your family.
The feeling stays with you as the day starts, and you watch Sam shift from sweats and a white t-shirt to a pair of shorts and a hawwin shirt. "Aren't you gonna get dressed, baby?" He asks as he catches you staring at him from the bed still. "I… Where are we going?" You ask him, unsure still by the normality of this odd life. "Don't tell me you forgot about the barbecue that Dean invited us to?" He says, a knit-in his brow. You lick your lips and try to think, but there's nothing there, just white clouds that fog your thoughts.
"It's alright if you forgot, babe, just get dressed. It's warm out, so wear that pretty little sun dress you bought a few weeks ago." Sam says as he comes over, planting a kiss on your forehead. "I'm going to get Anna ready, I love you." You stare at the door for a few moments longer, waiting until he's left, and you can hear Sam and Anna talking down the hall. You get up feeling the carpet under your feet and the warmth that radiates through the window.
You do get dressed in the sun dress Sam mentioned. It still had the price tag on it, so you assumed it was the one he was talking about. It fits you perfectly, curved around your hips with ease, and giving everyone who might look at you a perfect display of your breasts. You find a nice pair of sandals and make your way towards the echos of voices.
"There she is," Sam says, happiness and warmth seeping from the kitchen. Anna turns around whipping her head in your direction, she too is dressed in a sundress pinks and purples mixed together with her hair up in braids. "You look good, Mommy," Anna says as she comes over, hugging your leg. You breathe it all in, getting deeper and deeper into it. You aren't sure still unsure how you managed to get here, but you can't say you're mad about it.
The ride to Deans is off, but everything is off for you. Sam can sense it; one hand from the wheel comes to the rest of your exposed knee. "You doin' alright, honey?" he asks, worry laced in his words. You shake your head, giving him more to worry about, but you don't know. All you can think of is the tiny giggles coming from the back seat.
Anna is watching something on a tablet, and her smile glows from whatever she's watching. "Come on, honey. You can talk to me about anything," Sam says, trying to trigger the conversation to continue. "I know, Sam. I'm just trying to be in the moment." You say, and that's the reality of it. Because this moment and the one this morning had been everything you were dreaming about.
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"Dean, I just know something is wrong!" I say to my brother as I continue to stare at my phone. The text messages aren't even being read anymore. At least when Y/n was reading them, I knew she was safe; I knew that she was doing alright. I can hear the sigh of frustration fall from my lips as I put the phone back down the library table. "Sam, we can't do anything if she doesn't want us to," Dean says, trying to support both of us.
I lift my head, staring angrily at my brother. "I don't give a shit anymore. I don't care why she ran away. I don't care at all. I just want her back in my life. Now I'm pretty sure Charlie can figure out where she is." I huff out. With a grunt and shake of his head, he's got his phone beside his ear, calling our good friend Charlie.
I can hear the slight argument between Dean and Charlie as I sit, waiting for a quick answer. "I know, but can you just help us. Y/n hasn't been reading." Dean says, looking over at me. "She hasn't been looking at Sam's messages. Can you just give us a location so we can restart this?" Dean finishes. There's mumbling on the other side of the phone, but then I see Dean hidden. "Okay, text that to me, Charlie. Thank you," he says and then drops the phone from his cheek.
ASnxeity has set in when we get to where Y/n has been staying for the past few months. Her car is there, but the door to her apartment is cracked open; my blood runs cold, and just like that, I'm set on finding her. Dean tries to calm me and reminds me that not everything is terrible. She might just be doing something, like taking out the trash.
I glare at him and bring my gun from my hip to sweep through her apartment. Baby books and a few baby clothes are in the living room. Her bedroom is perfect as if she had never made it home. "Is she just taking out the trash now, Dean?" I snark at him, "I was trying to help. So… we have to work this like a case now?" Dean questions, I nod, and just like that, I'm searching for Y/n all over again.
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Dean is wearing a Hawaiian shirt, and the kids run all over the house. His wife easily kisses his cheek, and he holds her close to his side. "Uncle De!" Anna screams, and Dean smiles broader and brighter than you've ever seen him. "Hey, kiddo," Dean says warmly as he picks her up and puts her on his hip. "You guys made it." Dean's wife says, and she comes over to give you a hug.
"What about us, baby girl?" a stranger asks. When I turn, I'm struck by the Winchesters' parents—happy, healthy, and very much alive. "Hey, Dad," Sam says happily, hugging his father and wrapping his mother tightly. You watch as the day goes on with absolute ease. Dean talks about adding a new portion to the Winchester auto shop; John lights up with joy at the idea of more business and growth for the business he's known since he was a young adult.
Sam holds you close to his chest as you two dance in the yard, the sky turning purple and orange. You rest your head on his chest and let the movement of your feet guide you into contentment. "You know I love you, right?" Sam asks you as his large hands hold your waist and back. You hum, but you are not willing to open your closed eyes. "And you know you are everything I've ever wanted, right? No matter what happens between the two of us, I'll always want you." Sam says you can feel the tears brimming in your lashes.
"I know Sam." Your voice cracks and gives away the way tears are threatening to fall. "I love you too." As you lift onto your tiptoes in the cool grass, you mutter back and press a needy kiss to his lips. You two are sadly interrupted by John. "Anna is sleeping; if you wanna, you guys can come to pick her up tomorrow." John offers, and Sam pulls me closer. "Thanks, Dad." He tells his dad, then turns to me, "Let's go home." You nod and take his hand in yours.
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"What did I fucking tell you!?" I knew she was in trouble; I knew something was wrong. To be the cherry on top, she's pregnant, and she's been taken for whatever fucking reason. "It's just a dinner. We've dealt with enough of them to know the deal," Dean says. I slam the trunk of the baby shut, my molars grinding as I look at the depleted cave that's currently holding my girl and baby prisoner in a fake world.
Of her own imagination.
The silver blade drips all over the ground as I enter the cave. The dark walls hold secrets and horror that I hope and wish Y/n would never experience. It's all a blank somewhere between entering the cave and getting to Y/n. The only thing I feel is the splatter of blood onto my face and my eyes searching for that beautiful face.
She doesn't look like she's been there for too long, but her arms hang above her head, her belly prodding out. I'm stuck standing still over the djinn. Dripping its own blood back onto the dead man, Dean is quick to get over to Y/n, pulling the attachments out of her arm and pulling her down gently.
"Sam, get your ass over here. We… we are gonna have to take her to the hospital." Dean says, and somewhere in my frozen mind, my legs move to get a closer look at her. Her cheeks are a little sunken, but her face is still full of color. I know why Dean said we would have to take her to the hospital.
It's not too long before the large white building in Texas appears in the Impala's view. "I'm going to stop by the emergency doors to help your girl and that baby get some help. I nod and wait for the red letters to appear. A nurse is already waiting for us, and she takes a view of Y/n. "What happened?" the nurse asks, and for a moment, I think of telling the truth, but something else comes out. Something like, "She went for a walk a few hours ago, and then I didn't hear anything back from her." I say, my voice wanting to crack. The nurse nods, and I follow them for as long as possible.
Y/n is stuck in the cold hospital room for way too long. Fluids and IV being run into her system, the baby had been pretty much okay. Besides needing extra fluids, everything was fine, according to the doctors. They allowed me to stay in the room with her. The ICU has too many beeping machines, and there's constantly a team over Y/n making sure her and the baby's vitals are alright.
"Sam," A small voice calls out. "Y/n," I say, alerting half of the ICU floor that she's awake. She smiles slightly and then looks around her surroundings. "Where… why am I here, Sam?" She asks me. The happiness that was once there filters out and hits the bottom of my stomach. "You… Dean and I took care of what caught you," I answer her. "What caught me?" The heart machine starts to pick up speed. "Calm down, baby, please. I need you to breathe slowly and out before I tell you." I say to Y/n. She takes a few breaths and then squeezes my hand, wanting me to continue.
"You were caught by a djinn," I say, swallowing hard. It took Dean and me about three days to find you and another two beforehand to figure out something was wrong." There's silence from Y/n, and then she looks up at me with tears. "What about our baby?" she asks. I nod. The baby is fine; I did all sorts of tests to ensure everything was good," I tell her.
The silence continues until Y/n brings her attention up from her belly. "I saw a few things." "Did you?" I ask, wondering if she's going to explain. "I saw us, Dean, and your parents. I saw a life I so desperately wanted with you but thought I wasn't allowed to have with you because of our life." She says with a heavy sadness in her voice. "I thought I had to leave to take that burden away from you and Dean. I thought…" She hiccups, and tears roll down her cheeks.
"Baby, you will never be a burden to me, nor will our kid. I want nothing more than for you to come home so I can keep both of you safe and protected. I worried about you every single minute of every single day. It was hard to know that you thought you would be better off elsewhere." I say to her, wrapping her tightly in a much-needed hug.
"How'd you know where I was?" She asks when I release her from the hug. "I had Dean call Charlie," I say without a single ounce of regret. She giggles a little, "It wasn't funny; I'm pretty sure the next time we see the girl, she's gonna slap me across my face." Dean says, making us both look up at him.
"Thank you." Y/n says, "Of course, you're family, after all." Dean says from his spot in the doorway. When can I go home?" She asks, "Let me go get the nurse, and we will figure it out, baby." I say, letting go of her hand before pressing a kiss on her temple and running out to get a nurse.
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Completed on: 03/15/24
Posted on: 03/15/24
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kiwinatorwaffles · 4 months
hermit species headcanons: volume… 2!
i made this post two years ago when i was fresh to the series and was just getting to know the hermits. a lot has changed since then, but a lot has also stayed the same! my headcanons are getting refined every single time i talk about them, so chances are, this list won't even be accurate to my thoughts a year later.
with that being said, let's get started! click the cut to read them all
bdubs: glare! small, hates the dark, is a feral creature, will never let go of the moss. he and pungance were born from the same tree in the same patch of moss so they are brothers LMAO
beef: vampire! but not a full one. he was bitten by a bat and gained two vampiric traits exactly: fangs and sensitive skin. beef thinks his tendency to get sunburnt easily is just something in his code or a genetic condition. he never got it checked.
cub: alien shapeshifter! his original form is this shapeless void blob, and he can only copy how other beings look like. his forms were taken from two astronauts he saw in space, an old man and a young man. his void form can be seen slightly on his inner arm, where there is just a sliver of night sky hanging out
cleo: zombie (duh) cleo was permakilled by a witch's curse but when faced with the pearly gates they were like. nah. i'd rather be down there. and just straight up left and came back as a zombie. that's how she met joe. because he was sitting on top of her tombstone eating a sandwich
doc: originally a fae, but now he's super fucked up? what can i even say. he was a fae who got super interested in the sciences and started experimenting on himself just for the hell of it. there was that whole dinnerbone cyborg arm thing but he also managed to make himself a centaur form that he uses for extra storage and height. nobody knows where the creeper came from. was it from his dad's side? did he give it to himself? not even stress, his cousin, can tell you how he came to be. what the hermits DO know however is that he can steal pronouns by asking for them
etho: redstone deity! etho was an ancient builder who was executed for witchcraft upon his discovery of redstone. he was resurrected by the universe as a second chance and to spread his knowledge to the world. you can read more from my fic here ehehehehe
false: human! yes she is 100% human. i just thought it would be funny if such an awesome and skilled fighter was just some normal ass human with a bit of social anxiety
gem: forest spirit! she has nature powers and can change parts of her body to reflect parts of nature. she's a deer? an elf? nope! only sometimes. she can mix and match whatever traits she wants on any given day. but be careful of those deer legs and horns. they Hurt
grian: red macaw avian! he has bird feathers covering his ears, parrot wings, and bird talons! he is also able to mimic voices perfectly (which he uses to play pranks and swear in other hermits’ voices) and is a Hollow Boned Menace. he carries a lot of bird tendencies, like being a piece of shit or preening his friends’ hair when it’s too messy (which is always). in start of seasons, he has x lock away usage of his wings to keep himself from an unfair advantage. he also has stolen powers from the watchers, which he can use to change his wing colors or view the entire map from afar.
npg: ????????????? he’s supposed to be a robot, but he has wings and flies sideways?????? he’s somehow even more fucked up than robot grian. not even grian is sure of what he created tbh. he just knows he did NOT give npg those conure wings to begin with.
ariana griande: galah avian! she is grian's cousin who is a pop star. she has never actually been on hermitcraft before -- that was grian cosplaying as her.
hypno: human warlock! he accidentally made a pact when he replaced his tooth with a piece of cursed gold. jokes on his patron though, his faulty human memory can't even remember how he got his powers! he has lots of inscriptions as tattoos written in galactic just all over his body that he completely forgot how to read at this point and is immortal. maybe that's a bit bad for his sense of self-preservation
impulse: demon/imp! he used to be a gargoyle that dispensed candy, but a wizard passing by granted him life and well. now he's here! demons are actually underworld spirits that punish permadead players who have been genuinely horrible to the players around them, but impulse wanted to build houses and play with redstone instead of stirring the torture soup. so when he met skizz he decided hanging out with the players was the best thing to do. he also used to have larger horns and wings but his time on the surface has made his wings very tiny and unusable without the help of an elytra. skizz always teases him for this.
iskall: cyborg! the hermits don't know if he was fully human before the cyborgification. me, personally? i think it would be funny if she was actually built to protect a village but had too much of a personality so the villages just let him go have fun with the players. not sure if i want to adhere to that though
jevin: slime! certain slimes have evolved to be more like players. jevin is from the blue variety (that's his gender)
joe hills: ???????? void-born universe being??? joe is actually the oldest living being in the universe. he was just popped out of void (even predating the void gods) and spent all this time just doing whatever fuckall was around to do. he looks like a normal human being but just Slightly to the left, like his a bit-too-many teeth or slight lean when he stands. other than that, he acts like any other human!
joel: human mage! he actually only has powers of illusion that changes only how he looks. he Really wanted to be an orc but the spell couldnt last forever (as his fae wife lizzie found out after marriage). every day he wishes he had as much swag as shrek did. more on the headcanon here
keralis: weird fucking eldritch cryptid being? except he looks exactly like a human. nothing weird about him, nope. just don't look too closely at his eyes. he promises that he blinks like a normal person and not with his pupils.
mumbo: robot! with a core heart and stretchy limbs, he runs mainly on the consumption of redstone and occasionally typical foodstuffs. he had a creator before the days of hermitcraft (who originally built him as a war machine but something went deeply sideways during construction) that taught him all there is to know about redstone and the outside world. he also inherited the british accent and mustache from his creator. his creator did want him to be free and wiped mumbo's memory of his creation before setting him off into the overworld and letting him roam free. now he's just a silly guy!
grumbot: robot! he was first built to give suggestions on what to do with the mayoral elections but then he developed actual attachments to his horribly neglectant dads </3 but it's alright! he now chills with renbob and goatman up in the hermitheus
pearl: moon spirit! she was the moon from a player's hardcore world. the player used to talk to the moon for fun, but suddenly disappeared from the world one day. now feeling lonely, pearl took a humanoid form and descended to find where her player went, but she ended up discovering the joys of being a player herself. contrary to popular belief, she had no influence on the season 8 moon.
ren: weredog! can shapeshift into a dog form, which he usually uses to either run fast or play fetch. he’s also more prone to change when the moon is larger…. except he just becomes a hyperactive dog who chases his tail all night and is deeply embarrassed by it. he also probably has rabies, but everyone whom he has bitten probably already had something deeply wrong with them to begin with anyway
renbob: human...? he's related to ren from the human side, or at least that what he tells people. but he might as well be 50% weed by now
scar: human(?) wizard! he can fly, subtly change his physical appearance, cast spells, and do all sorts of magical shenanigans! he also can read galactic fluently, which is how he learned that hypno enchanted himself with loyalty at some point. jellie is his beloved familiar. also he's a capitalist. nobody knows where that came from
skizz: angel! why are there angels in minecraft, you might ask? some people are satisfied with their lives and let themselves permadie. skizz, after being born randomly from an angel statue (i wonder if it’s related to the other statue guy) was supposed to be one of the angels who helped escort players to the pearly gates, but he met impulse while his demon clan was taking a field trip to heaven. the two immediately became besties and skizz begged the universe to let him join the players. the universe begrudgingly agreed and now he's here! he hides his many other halos as ring tattoos on his arms as well
stress: fae! she's got fairy powers, magical swag, an affinity for flowers, and will beat you up if you assume she's the resident server cleric.
tango: ex-blazeborn! he saw some yummy packed ice and ate it, which extinguished his internal flame. his blazeborn tribe felt bad for him but knew it would be dangerous if he stayed, so tango just left for the overworld instead. he tries to convince people that he is 100% a human and not suspicious at all because he's embarrassed of having to explain that he lost most of his powers due to eating some yummy ice cream. a more detailed post about my headcanon can be found here
tfc: human! the only non-human aspect of him is a prosthetic leg. contrary to popular belief, he did not lose that leg while mining. it was after fighting a horde of skeletons. (he won)
wels: human. he's just a human. nobody believes him when he tells them because they've seen him accidentally level a building while sparring before. but nope. he's just a human. and a very fucked up one at that
hels: ???? techncially has the traits of wels, beef, and etho????? is there a species for evil clones created by copying machines or
xb: guardian! he was a guardian made to guard the magical treasures of ancient builders, but he got bored of staying in the same spot for centuries and his creators never returning. hypno casted a spell of bipedelity on xb, so now he can walk on land! i wrote a fic about it here too
xisuma: voidwalker! created by the young void gods, he was made from a fucking mspaint file where the void gods dicked around with the program and made a deeply fucked up being (him) on accident. he has no mouth, his hands are as black as the void, and his voice is terrifying without a modulator, which is why he wears a helmet. more about it in my fic here
evil x: also a voidwalker, but this time the void gods pressed random on a picrew and sent him out into an alternate dimension. he grew up in super england until x fished him out of the void. this little rascal has red scleras, ram horns, and a devil tail. he doesn't need to sleep, so he gets all his energy from eating, which is convenient because his sharp teeth can crunch anything and he can digest everything. his hair acts like an enderchest with a portal to the void, where he keeps snacks and various trinkets.
zedaph: human, but he’s not sane. i mean look at this guy. look at what he’s doing. nobody knows how he became so deeply fucked up but he's truly just Like That. he gave himself sheep features once on accident though
worm man: surprisingly, human. he's lucky to have stayed human for this long with his brother's insane experiments. accurate to popular belief, he has no superpowers.
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epelletea · 2 years
Your TWST S/O reacts to you singing a familiar tune !!
First post oh lord. But this is mainly about if a certain TWST Character heard you singing song from their story for Ex: Hakuna Matata or Part of Your World! This is my first time ever writing something like this and fairly new to TWST spare me 🙇🏾‍♀️ !
Part 2
Azul Ashengrotto
You we’re hanging out with him in his office while Azul was doing whatever Fish Mafia do. Probably looking over his contracts.
You had nothing better else to do other than sit on your phone while you watched your boyfriend do his work. Just out of pure coincidence, you started to hum the tune ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’
At first , he doesn’t mind your humming and finds it quite enjoyable. Few more minutes go by, he finds himself somehow humming the tune with you. He stops, starts to guess what song you are singing and how does he know it.
After you finish humming the song. Azul questions you about what song name is. Sitting there confuse by the sudden question. You debate on telling him because from your world, this song is sung by Ursula. Would he believe you if you told him the truth?
In the end , you didn’t tell him the truth and decided to try and dodge his question. He didn’t stop questioning you about the name of the song. He kept saying how the song felt familiar too him but he’s never heard it before? He even asked you to sing it again but with the lyrics.
He eventually does give up, after you say that you don’t remember the words and you refusing to still tell him the name of the song not the artist. He treats you to a drink at the Monstro Lounge as apologies for even trying to dig in further.
But just cuz he’s not asking you about it anymore. Doesn’t mean he isn’t going to do his research about that songs origins. (Spoiler Alert: he hasn’t found anything yet.)
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Malleus Draconia
Another normal day of Gargoyle Watching with your lovely boyfriend Malleus. You enjoy every moment you spend with him but sometimes it can get a little boring with him. But you would never admit that to his face, it would hurt your heart to see his sad face.
Out of pure coincidence while on your stroll with Malleus looking at the statues. You begin to sing the tune ‘Upon a Dream’ by coincidence as you walked right beside him.
Malleus took in your beautiful voice as you sung this familiar tune. Your voice sounding like angels singing to his ears.
Huh? What was this tune you were singing actually? He pondered. Why did it feel so familiar too him.
He would stop his stroll to question you about the song. You shouldn’t have been surprised for Malleus to heard of the song. But you debated on telling him the truth because the song was sung by Princess Aurora herself. Would he question how you knew this song?
In the end, you decided not to tell him. He respected your choice and asked for you to keep singing for him for a little while longer for him. You agreed and kept singing while you kept watching the Gargoyles with him.
Bonus!!: He has gone to Lilia and spoke to him bout the tune you were singing. Lilia was quite surprised how you knew the tune that Princess Aurora sung to her Prince.
Lilia ought to question later about it but for now he explained to Malleus that the song was an old love song sung by a human decades ago. Malleus of course, wanted to question you as well for how someone like you would know such an old sung? But he decided to just relish in the fact that you were singing a love song to himself. His heart couldn’t take such a thought. He would start looking up love songs to sing back to you.
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Floyd & Jade Leech
Imagine dating both brothers. Wow isn’t your life just exciting. There is never dull day with these two as your significant other.
While your two boyfriends were doing gods knows what. You were sat in one of the booths at the Monstro Lounge. Sitting there drinking a nice glass of Coral Sea Blast. You got bored just sitting there and started singing to yourself.
Under the Sea, a classic song. You chose this song on purpose to sing due to the fishy and sea like atmosphere of the Lounge.
While singing to yourself, and staring off into space. You didn’t notice two sharp eye eels staring directly at you.
Listening to your every word as you sung out the catchy tune. They actually knew this tune because it’s quite the popular song back in their hometown.
Floyd was the first one to approach you, snapping you out of your little trance. Smiling at you goofily and nuzzling your hair. How did his little Shrimpy know one of the most popular songs in the Sea?
Jade not to far behind from his brother came up from the other side of you. Nodding and smiling agreeing with Floyd. He compliments you on how pretty of a singing voice you have.
The two basically have you squished between them as they both coo at how adorable you are singing and we’re having fun to yourself a few minutes ago.
They later on promise one day they’ll show you the sea and take you for a swim with them… this could potentially be very fun and exciting but also terrifying with these two.
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Ruggie Buuchi
When your little hyena lover isn’t taken away by a bossy lion and listening to his every rule. He’s busy sunbathing with you outside and enjoying your company as he lays his head in your lap.
He enjoys these moment to the fullest because it’s the few breaks he gets when he’s not getting bossed around by Leona or he’s the one bossing around Leona himself.
While relishing in each other’s presence, you decided to sing a soft tune to yourself as you closed your eyes enjoying the soothing atmosphere.
His little hyena ears perk up to the sudden humming coming from you. He feels even more relaxed and at peace. Hell he could even fall asleep listening to your voice.
But what was this song you we’re singing? Well you were humming the beat of Hakuna Matata due to the peaceful time you are having and it felt oddly fitting.
Ruggie couldn’t help but shake off the feeling as if he has heard this song before. The beat seemed awfully familiar.
That’s when it hits him. This song is a quite popular song back in his hometown he used to hear people go by sing it when he was younger. It’s been a while since he heard that song resurface.
You hesitated to tell him the truth of how you knew the song. So instead, you agreed on him saying that one of the students had sung it to themselves and you happened to overheard them.
He opens his eyes and decides to question you on how you have heard the song. Did one of the other Savanaclaw students happen to sing it near you?
Ruggie couldn’t help but feel like you weren’t telling the truth but decided to shrug it off. To be fair, the song is pretty catchy so it wouldn’t be surprising if somehow just randomly sung it.
He even joined on singing the song with you until he eventually fell asleep.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
YOU'RE FREEEEE yessss to celebrate I think we should talk about sub!Alpha Steve with hyperspermia and dom!Omega Bucky teasing him so bad that he's leaking down his own ass crack, creating his own slick for Sir
You know what this made me think of that has me frothing at the mouth?
Puppy alpha Steve.
Puppy alpha Steve as in, he's an alpha, but he's so perfectly pathetic, too. Not what you would expect an alpha to be. Not a leading wolf running down prey and howling at the moon, but a puppy trailing after it's owner making sad noises because it's not getting enough attention.
Helpless and subby.
Steve is an alpha that will get on his knees for his omega, no questions asked. He will get on his knees for his omega, no prompting needed. It's not about his designation as an alpha. It's about his innermost instincts that can't help but want a firm hand. He's always loved bossy omegas. He can't help it.
Those instincts to heel and obey for his omega are doubled by two factors;
1. His cock
2. And his balls.
And, no, that's not just a more convoluted way to say that Steve thinks with his dick when he gets horny, rendering him more than a little pathetic and dumb. I literally mean his cock and his balls. Because here's the thing--
They're big.
Not only is Steve an alpha with a large cock, he's a generously endowed alpha. He has a larger than normal large alpha cock. And, his balls are fit to match--his heavy, full balls that are honestly, actual fucking art (just ask his omega).
However, these two factors also create two challenges for Steve:
1. Whenever Steve gets hard within a short time frame, he gets dizzy because of all the blood that is needed to fill his big cock
2. And whenever Steve cums, it's a lot. He's fertile. His balls can hold a lot, enough to drown his omega. Plus, the amount that he cums only gets to be more and more if he's denied--not allowed to orgasm for extended periods of time.
Bucky loves this about his alpha.
He will intentionally make himself seem busy throughout the work week, coming home from work only to spend his time cooking, cleaning, doing other necessary adult responsibilities around the house, or "working" on his laptop. His pretend work usually includes typing nonsense on his laptop or looking at images on his laptop and making considering, serious, thinking faces. When he does that, he always makes sure that he sits in the armchair that is up against the wall, so Steve can't see what he's doing. By the time dinner is ready, Bucky will stop, eat dinner with Steve, and be present. He might even throw in a few complaints about working "overtime" to sell the charade even more. Then, when they cuddle on the couch after dinner, Bucky will let himself fall asleep on Steve's shoulder. Giving off "I'm too tired to fuck, sorry, baby," vibes to the best of his ability.
And his sweet Steve, he will try maybe once or twice... looking at him with his metaphorical puppy ears perked up and his eyes wide and begging, but, once Bucky tells him, no, not tonight, Steve backs off. He'll offer to give Bucky a foot or shoulder rub instead, tail half tucked between his legs. Most the time, Bucky will let him, too weak to deny his alpha. But, occasionally, he'll say no to really ramp up the tension. No touching at all. Make him hungry for it.
Make him hungry for it.
When Bucky is ready, he'll do something that he knows gets to his alpha all at once.
He'll wear one of Steve's old shirts. One of the ones that're worn indecently thin with a gaping neckline that shows off his throat, collar bones, and Steve's mating bite scarred into his skin. He'll do some light stretching in their living room in full view of Steve. He'll... He'll do yoga in Steve's shirt, a pair of briefs, and nothing else.
And before he can even get out of downward dog, hiding his smirk by letting his hair fall out of its loose tie to curtain his face, Steve will be next to him. Vibrating distractingly.
"You need something, Stevie?"
Steve can't even really make words. He just swallows audibly.
Bucky gets up, nice and slow. Standing up to his full height. A few inches shorter than his alpha. He raises an eyebrow, inquiring again.
This time, Steve whimpers.
Bucky stretches; arms over his head, exposing his soft tummy. Then he rolls his neck, cracking it, showing off his jaw and mating bite.
Steve stumbles forward, his big paws landing on Bucky's hips. Clumsy.
"What, honey?" Bucky asks, deceptively innocent.
Steve, who hasn't gotten to have anything in almost a week and a half, buries his face in the junction between Bucky's shoulder and neck. Breathing in his scent deeply with a moan.
Bucky can feel the moment his knees weaken. It's the same moment that Steve's dick jerks and twitches, progressing from half hard to all the way hard.
Bucky's hands, lightning fast, reach out to grab for that fucking cock. Squeezing him. Causing Steve to fall against Bucky desperately. A wordless little shout comes out of his gaped lips--his face still buried against Bucky. Needing his omega and dom.
"Aw," Bucky coos, "you're so hard, aren't you, alpha?"
Steve nods jerkily.
"Does it hurt, baby? Are you all achy, right here?" Bucky rubs the heel of his hand against the line of his dick. He fancies that he can feel his knot already. Beginning to swell.
"Y-yeah," Steve forces out. He already sounds near tears.
Perfect. 😈
"I bet you are," Bucky sighs. Continuing to feel him up but letting his hand wander lower at the same time, from the thick, impressive line of his cock to his heavy balls, "how about these? How do they feel?"
"H-hot," Steve whines, shaking all over now. Before long, they're going to have to move to the bed, the couch, or maybe the floor. Bucky isn't strong enough to hold up all the muscle and height that is his alpha.
"Mmm-hmm," he encourages, "are they all hot and heavy?"
"Yes," Steve gasps. "Yes, sir!"
"They full of the cum you're gonna give me?" He squeezes his balls meanly. A little too tight and hard. His touch must be sending radiating sparking of intense pleasure-pain through Steve, evidenced by--
The cute wail he lets out.
"Are they?" He demands.
"Yeah," he's cocky, he can't help it, "been making you save up so you can really fill me up like I deserve. I don't wanna be able to hold it all, alpha. I want it dripping outta me, no matter how fat your knot is."
"Oh," Steve says stupidly, his open mouth hot on Bucky's collarbone.
Bucky goes back to feeling up his throbbing dick. His knot is a little more swollen. Yeah, he's on edge. His other hand waves into Steve's golden hair, pulling his head back, exposing his throat in the way that alphas are trained to never do, but, his weak, weak for him, alpha loves, and the look on his face...
Pure desperation.
Desperation that only deepens when Bucky asks him, "and when do you get to fill me up? When do you get to fuck and knot your tight omega?"
He moans.
"When?" Bucky pulls harder, squeezing his knot hard.
"Ah, oh, oh, when--gah! When you say, sir, only when you tell me I can!"
"That's right," Bucky purrs, "now c'mon, bedroom." He drops his hold on Steve, selfishly wanting to watch Steve walk unsteadily to their bedroom. He looks like a newborn deer. Shaky. His eyes are black and hazy. Trailing after Bucky as if he's in a trance, close enough that Bucky could have slipped a collar around his throat and led him with a leash.
Jesus. That's quite the thought...
Steve is the most obscene fever-red from his hairline all the way to his peaked nipples. His glistening, sweaty chest heaves as he cries, "please, sir!"
When he begs, his hips jerk up hard and uncontrollably into Bucky's slick heat. Bucky lets himself moan gluttonously.
God. That feels good.
"Wanna knot!" He's fucking pouting. His lips are red and loose and swollen from all the times he's bitten his own bottom lip because his jaw aches to bite, and Bucky is too far away to reach, riding him. "'M gonna knot. Kn--nngh, mmm, ah!" He makes more nonsense sounds. Unable to hold them back. Unable to do anything but beg. His hands are tied to either side of the headboard, and his ankles are also spread and tied.
Completely at Bucky's mercy.
Steve's already sat through Bucky preparing himself, straddling his hips just above his hard cock, moaning and fucking his fingers into himself with one hand. Bucky's other hand was busy trailing down his chest, touching himself, then, while swiveling his hips like a fucking dancer, he dragged his hand up his flexing thighs. He touched himself like a lover. Like Steve would touch him if he wasn't restrained. Then, he sat through Bucky making himself squirt, rubbing and pressing on his slick glands to make a fucking mess over Steve's twitching abs. And THEN, he had to grit his teeth and bear it when Bucky sunk down on his cock inch by inch, telling Steve how good his thick cock filled him up and how nice it is to be stretched. By the time his cock was entirely inside Bucky, he wanted to cum. Bucky wouldn't give him permission.
Bucky still hasn't given him permission.
It feels like it's been days.
Like he's been strung out on this bed for days, tied and thrashing his head back and forth, begging uselessly, "please! It's gonna be a b-big one. I wanna knot! Please! I can fill you up, sir. Wanna fill you up!"
Bucky leans back, letting Steve's thick, perfectly curved cock bulge the smooth skin of his lower tummy. He rubs the tip of his cock through his belly. Steve convulses. Bucky pants, "b-but I'm having so, so-oh much fun with your cock. I don't think I'm done with it yet."
"Please!" Steve is hysterical.
He stops circling his hips, sitting heavily on Steve's hips, taking his dick as deep as he can get it, and making it bulge his belly. Instead, Bucky goes back to bouncing.
The wet slap, slap, slap of their skin, the needy sounds of Steve, completely un-alpha like, and the breathy punched-out exhales from Bucky are the only thing filling the sex-thick air of their bedroom for minutes on end. Steve is falling apart. Shaking. Spread wide. His knot is as swollen as it can get without actually popping. Bucky is squeezing him just right. He's pretty sure Bucky is gonna ring another orgasm out of himself before he's allow his. But--
Bucky surprises him. Leaning forward. Getting down onto his forearms and pressing back onto Steve's dick. Caressing his sweaty, hot face, Bucky whispers into his gaped mouth, "well..."
Steve arches his neck, moaning recklessly at the consideration Bucky is making.
"I do like cumming when I'm stuffed," he says, nice and low.
Steve can't even nod. Their wet mouths are pressed together. Not kissing, trying to devour each other.
Bucky sits back up.
"I guess, you can cum," he shrugs with a feral smile--a Cheshire grin.
Steve can't process it.
So, Bucky helps him. He slaps a hand down across his chest, catching a hypersensitive nipple and setting his entire chest on fire. "Cum, alpha," Bucky barks at him, "now."
Yes. Sir.
All Steve catches before whiting out, carried off the cliff into the void of pure pleasure by the intensity of his orgasm, his balls tightening and his knot swelling so suddenly, breaking him into a million peices, is Bucky arching his back, both of his hands on his belly. His lock squeezes Steve so impossibly good. Rippling. Wet. He's cumming at the same time. His voice hits a new octave. High. Shouting.
But the whole time, he keeps his hands on his belly, caressing himself pornographically.
Feeling it as Steve pumps him full.
Steve realizes what he's doing, feeling the way Steve fills him, and he can't.
That went a different way than what you described, but I hope you enjoyed it either way. I couldn't help that,, sometimes writing just gets away from you, y'know? This DEFINITELY got away from me 😏
I'm really back to filling requests with a bang, haha.
P.s. if you enjoyed this ask, then you should check out this one, too.
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hyperfixated-gvf · 1 year
Blame It on the Mistletoe
On the first day of Tropemas, hyperfixated-gvf gave to me:
A jealousy fic with mutual pining and friends to lovers too!
Christmas Song Pairing: “Mistletoe" by Justin Bieber
Trope: Jealousy
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Reader
Warnings: Language, smut, semi-public sex, possessive/jealous themes
Words: 5.2k
Author's Note: Let's start with a big one and end with a big one - here's a toast to the start of another 12 Days of Tropemas! 🥂 You can find the Tropemas 2022 masterlist underneath the 'Series' section at the bottom of my pinned Masterlist!
There were three facts about the night that contributed to bringing you to where you were currently. And where you were just happened to be lip-locked with Danny Wagner in the middle of a corporate party.
Fact #1: You came here as Josh’s plus one.
Fact #2: You were tired of waiting for Josh to give you an indication (literally anything would have sufficed) that he saw you as more than a friend.
Fact #3: Despite it being a major health risk around the talent that had already proven being sick wasn’t going to help anybody, there were plenty of mistletoe sprigs planted in the most inconvenient of places.
Like here, at the end of the bar where you picked up your poison of choice. You were already a couple of Amaretto sours deep, and Josh had gone off to schmooze with an older gentleman that you vaguely recognized as one of the senior sound tech guys, which left you a little lonely, a little bitter, and wanting another drink. So, in the spirit of the open bar, you got one.
And then, long story short, Danny had bumped into you, winked, made a crude joke before pointing up at the decoration in bad taste, and then kissed you.
And you kissed him back, because why the hell wouldn’t you?
It was over all too soon, and he pulled back chuckling, a drunken flush settled high on his cheeks. “Now don’t go falling in love with me,” he warned jokingly, already starting to drift away, back to where he had been listening to an old gramophone with Jake. “I’ve been told I have magic lips!”
Already in a better mood than before, you laughed and shook your head. “Sure you do,” you called back to him, taking a rather long sip from your newly poured drink.
It wasn’t a minute later that Josh wandered up to you, standing closer than he normally did. “Having fun?” he asked lightly, only maintaining eye contact for a second before he looked down to where he was swirling his liquor against the sides of his glass.
You dipped your head with a raise of your brows. “Always,” you said dryly. “Although the bar has been a considerable player in that evaluation.”
Josh mumbled something that you were a little slow to catch; you were settling into a nice buzz, and it was loosening the lock on the box that kept your feelings of insecurity and resentment that developed as a result of you somehow tricking yourself into thinking that Josh would ever see you as more than what you were now.
Just friends.
“You what?” you asked, bringing your ear closer. Josh took a deep breath through his nose, and then looked away.
You were glad that perhaps your allusion to not having a good time when he wouldn’t pay you any attention caused him to stick close for a while. You weren’t familiar with the people here, and having Josh to talk to and laugh with, once he loosened up a little bit (which, considering you hadn’t even yelled at him, you weren’t sure why he seemed so uptight in the first place) was a blessing.
But even fun events like these were still work functions, and Josh was pulled into another dull conversation with one of the few journalists that had been invited eventually, leaving your eyes to wander and attention to stray towards something – anything – that would be more fun than listening to Josh tell the same story you’d heard six times over the course of the night.
And, like a beacon of light, you just so happened to catch sight of Sam through the doorway where a live band was playing soft, jazzy Christmas tunes. 
Sam was always a fun time. 
You drifted away from Josh and followed the call of music. “You look a little lonely,” you teased once you got close enough, and Sam tore his eyes away from the band to smile at you. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, moving over so that you could both watch from the center. “Yeah, Mom and Dad just left with Ronnie, but I just really like this song. I wanted to hear it before getting back to work.”
You scoffed at his loose terminology, but listened closely and finally picked out the melancholy melody of I’ll Be Home For Christmas. “It’s a good song,” you agreed. 
Watching the musicians play, you caught the eye of a trombone player, and she smirked from behind her instrument before nodding her head upwards. At first, you thought that it was a part of the showmanship, but then she did it again, even more pronounced, and you looked up.
You were already one down on the list, what was the harm in making it two?
“Hey, Sammy, look,” you said, drawing his attention to the same spot. “Give me a little sugar, Sugar.”
He chuckled and hesitated just a bit, brow furrowing, but just as the song ended and you were about to pull away and laugh the rejection off, softly gave you a platonic peck, drawing a small cheer from the band, who cried out that you were couple #4 of the night that had been caught under the lover’s décor.
Sam tilted his head when you looked back at him from laughing along with the band. “Where’s Josh?”
“Here! Sorry, got caught up in a little business. Y/N is just…on a streak tonight, aren’t you?” Josh chuckled tightly, catching you by the hand as he approached from behind. “I can’t let you out of my sight for even one minute, can I?”
You deadpanned. “Doesn’t seem to be a problem for you,” you said petulantly as Josh dragged you away, back towards the party again. “You said this would be a party, but it’s not. This is a black tie event, Josh,” you lamented, trying not to complain but unable to hold it back. “There’s a big difference.”
Josh didn’t look at you. “I’m sorry,” he apologized softly. “I know that I didn’t give you a whole lot of details and that it was last minute, but Y/N—” He finally turned on his heel and came face to face with you, eyes softening at your stumble to stop before you collided. “I really do appreciate you coming here with me.”
Were you a little less focused on his features up close, you might have noticed the small amount of emphasis on the last two words that Josh slipped in. But you didn’t. His apology did make you smile a bit, though. “I know,” you sighed, flipping your hair out of your face. “What would you do without me?”
“Waste away in sorrow and boredom,” he assured you, patting you on the arm as you looped it through his. “And, uh, just so you know, you don’t have to kiss everyone you end up under the mistletoe with,” he said quietly, so as not to draw attention amongst the murmurs of conversation.
You shrugged against him. “I know. But it was fun. And I was the one who initiated that one,” you laughed. “It would have been in bad taste to reject him after I told him to.”
Josh didn’t laugh with you. Instead, he steered you around the room for a leisurely stroll - a tour of the paintings that hung for the event.
But, once again, your companionship wasn’t fated to last, and you’d only made half a loop around the perimeter, pointing out funny details in the art fastened to the wall all the while, when a woman locked her eyes on you both and started making a beeline towards you.
“Incoming,” you sighed, ready to let go of Josh’s arm. 
But he didn’t let it go; he tightened his hold, instead. “That’s just one of the studio execs. She’s probably just going to go over a couple of details for next week.”
Josh was wrong, though, and the studio exec grimaced at you apologetically before admitting that Josh had missed a piece of paperwork and needed to come cross his t’s and dot his i’s.
“It’s fine,” you said, waving her silent apology off. “In fact, I’m pretty sure I saw Jake and Lori mingling over there – I’ll just go join them.” Without much of a second thought about it, the exec stepped away and you again attempted to pull away from Josh, but he caught your arm. 
You glanced back at him, tilting your head in concern when you saw his jumpy, restless mannerisms. “Are you okay?”
He licked his lips and then let them pop open in a way that had you absolutely entranced. “Can you just…stay here? This won’t take long.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m just gonna go say hi to Jake and Mrs. Wagner, Josh. I’m not rushing out to my pumpkin now that it’s midnight or anything,” you teased.
“Please, Y/N?” Two minutes, and then I’ll be all yours, I promise. Just stay here for me,” he implored, looking serious as all was.
He wasn’t able to wait for an answer, not with the exec looking back and calling his name when she realized he wasn’t following. His gaze lingered, but he left with her, and you were stuck wondering what his sudden weird behavior was all about.
In the end, you did wait for two minutes. Five, actually, and you knew because you timed it. But it was weird being a loner lingering around some precious art with no one to laugh at it with, so eventually you disregarded Josh’s strange demeanor and sidled up next to Jake and Lori, who were just finishing up laughing about one thing or another.
“Hey guys, mind if I join your ranks?” you asked softly, knowing that the answer would be yes.
Lori’s eyes lit up, and she donned a slightly mischievous smile on her normally sweet-as-pie face that was more fitting of her son than it was on her. “Only,” she said dramatically, a sure sign that Big Dan was out there somewhere completely sober so that his drunk wife would have a safe ride home, “if you give Jakey a little kiss.”
The coincidence of it all. Out of everyone in the band, you’d gotten propositioned (indirectly) by each member except the one you wanted to. “Oh, is that right?” you teased, crooking a brow up at Jake, who rolled his eyes with a small smirk. “Is this a new band initiation thing?”
“No. Lori has been trying to get me to kiss every single person in this room because of the damn mistletoe,” he teased, smiling softly at Lori’s resounding giggle. It was nice to see her having fun.
You looked up, and sure enough, there was a small sprig hanging from a strand on the chandelier. “Well, I’ve managed to get caught under one with both of your little brothers,” you sighed, playing into Lori’s game. “Want to cross off another box on my BINGO sheet?”
“Do it, do it, do it,” Lori chanted gleefully, and Jake sighed overdramatically.
He held out his hand to you, amusement shining in his eyes. He reminded you so much of Josh in these moments, and it sent a rush of affection through you. “Well, if it has to be someone, I suppose you’re probably my best option.”
“Oh gee,” you snarked facetiously, “you really know how to flatter a girl.”
But you went anyway, meeting him in a kiss that was half-smile as Lori did a small happy dance, clapping softly and grinning so wide her eyes scrunched up and disappeared. “Christmas joy!” she cheered, and you broke away giggling.
It really was more reminiscent of the joy you felt when you were around the boys, and you were a little bummed that Josh hadn’t really been around most of the evening, but you had enough good company otherwise that you were beginning not to care.
But not caring was apprently not in the cards for you, since every time you began to settle into a group, Josh would come around and alienate you again. And that's exactly what happened when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“I thought I asked you to wait over there,” Josh whispered into your ear so that the others couldn’t hear him. His fingers were digging slightly into your skin, and it made your stomach flip-flop.
You shrugged. “Got bored.”
He didn’t answer you; instead, he sidled up and wrapped an arm around your waist, something he always did but, in a way that felt different this time. Almost…possessive if you didn’t know any better. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had quite the night, so I’m gonna get the car,” he said with a smile towards his brother and Lori. “Wasn’t expecting so much work this evening. You good to round the other two up?” That was directed purely at Jake.
He’d been the DD for the evening, and since they all had their stuff at Josh’s house, had decided to have an old-fashioned sleepover, putting more finishing touches on the album they were planning on going to the studio for the next week.
He got the confirmation he was looking for and you barely had time to say goodbye before Josh physically pulled you away from them, now grasping your hand as if you’d try to run. “You know, between the freezing cold and the warm party,” you said in confusion, trying to tug your coat on, “I’d much rather be in there. Do you need me to get the car with you?”
It came off slightly pissy, you were aware. But Josh's behavior was confusing and you were sobering up so nothing was as lighthearted anymore. You were out in the parking lot already, though, where you noticed that it had started snowing at some point during the party, and there was a light dusting covering all the cars now. Josh made it to his car without saying anything, but as soon as you hit him lightly to get him to stop ignoring you, he turned around as the car beeped unlocked. 
Josh had never been angry with you. You’d gotten in teasing little spats and had run annoyed with each other, but never bona fide angry. And that’s what Josh looked at the moment.
“I had to get out of there,” he said, an edge in his voice. “Sorry, let me rephrase: I had to get you out of there.”
His bitterness wasn’t lost on you, and standing out in the cold with Josh angry at you wasn't how you’d envisioned the night ending. “Why? What was I doing? And why are you angry all of the sudden?”
He looked at you, disbelief written out comically plain on his face. “All of the sudden?” he said patronizingly, stepping closer to you. “Y/N, I’ve been…god, you don’t even see it, do you?”
“See what?” His vagueness was wearing on you, and you began to shiver. 
“Ever since you decided you wanted to kiss all my fucking brothers right in front of me when I invited you,” he emphasized, growing agitated which, at the proximity you were standing together, made your heart rate pick up a little. “You don’t think that I might be a little bit angry?”
You blinked at him owlishly, eyes wide as you finally realized what he was saying. “You’re…jealous?”
He closed his eyes and ruffled a hand through his hair, muttering, “Hopeless,” before grabbing your waist abruptly and pressing you to his snowy car door. “So incredibly jealous. But I don’t want to have to be jealous anymore, Y/N, and I-- just...stop me if you don't want this, okay?”
It was all he got out before he slammed his lips to yours. He didn’t give you time to think, only react as he pushed forward on all accounts and began to overwhelm your senses.
It was out of character for Josh, this reckless carelessness. In all your daydreams, the first time he kissed you was like him: sweet, gentle, soft, and joyful. Not this erratic culmination of a frustrating night, sloppy and cold and rigid.
But you weren’t pushing him away. The 'erratic culmination of a frustrating night' applied to the both of you and, well, this was certainly a sign that he saw you as more than a friend. And either way - soft and sweet or rough and passionate - you weren’t complaining about the kiss, not when it came to Josh. You were sure it showed in how enthusiastically you kissed him back, pressing your hand to the back of his neck and clutching his coat with your other one, or hopes so, at least. 
To finally get what you wanted after waiting for so long – it was quickly becoming a drug that you didn’t want to stop, but Josh eventually pulled away after a minute.
“Get in the car,” he murmured softly, the demand clear but with room for you to say no.
There was absolutely no hesitation in your actions, though, as you threw the door open and climbed in, immediately crowded against the seat by Josh, who’d slammed the door as soon as his feet cleared it. The way he grasped your thighs and manhandled them apart so that he could slot himself between them had your legs trembling, and you were certain that he felt it.
The action also, however, made your dress ruch up around your hips, exposing your panties and making you intimately aware of the dull pulse that had started when Josh pushed you against the car grow into a full flutter of tightening muscles between your legs.
“Look at you now,” he whispered, hands smoothing up your thighs until his thumbs pressed into the crease where your underwear stopped. “All spread out for…who, Y/N?”
The question caught you off-guard and made you reel back, immediately pushing back at his attempt to get you to submit. “Who the fuck else would I be spread out for?” you snarked breathily, watching in interest as his eyes, cast in shadows from the outside street lamps trying to break through the layer of snow covering you. “The ghost of Christmas past?”
If someone asked you to relay the events that happened next, you’d be unable to recall just how Josh got your panties off without knocking either of you to the floor or losing the moment. But he was just as intense now, staring intently at the burgeoning wetness that he dipped his thumb into before staring you down and bringing the digit to his lips.
“Don’t play dumb with me. I was understanding tonight,” he said quietly, the low noise in the car just adding to the atmosphere. “When you kissed Danny, it was no big deal. A funny little coincidence, I thought.”
“I didn’t go around meaning to kiss your brothers,” you said with a roll of your eyes. Besides, it wasn’t like Josh was around to know that, anyways. He just happened to show up at the wrong times.
He didn’t agree, apparently, and his hand shot up to your throat with a gentle pressure that was only there to warn you. From there, those same fingers slid up to grip your chin. “I wasn’t finished,” he said shortly, molten eyes burning into yours. You were frozen - pitifully turned on at his display of desire and the discrepancy from his usual demeanor (not that you didn’t want to jump his bones either way). “I was a little pissed when you decided to suggest it to Sam; the poor boy was just trying to enjoy the music,” he tsked, and your face burned even though you knew he wasn’t really insinuating anything humiliating.
But it was enough to loosen your lips again. “Sam kissed me back,” you pointed out, expression melting into wanton desire as he leaned down to interrupt you with another kiss.
“I said not another word,” he said into your ear afterwards, right before he straightened up. His hand tore at his belt buckle and snapped it through the loops in a way that had you much wetter than you already had been. “See, even Sam wasn’t such a big deal, because it was mistletoe. But then?” he scoffed, pulling back to rip his fitted dress pants off. Following it up with a blunt drag of his fingers across your clit so that you arched your back and squirmed underneath him, his voice faltered in arousal. “Then you went and kissed my twin brother right in front of me when I asked you so nicely to stay where you fucking were for once. And that–” he chuckled, looking for consent that you gave immediately, if a little breathily, “–that was just the cherry on top.” 
His middle finger slid into you suddenly, slender and tough and skilled. You whined at the sudden intrusion, gripping the bottom of the seat as Josh used his limited space to pump his hand into you. It was quite evident how much your little game had excited you– the wet noises that sounded out when Josh added another one gave you away and seemed louder in the enclosed space of the car.
“Is this what you wanted?” Josh asked, his entire body tense as his forearms flexed with the ‘come hither’ motion he’d begun in fervor. “Kissing my brothers– do you know how long I’ve been waiting to kiss you?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but all that escaped was a half cut-off moan, shaking with the rhythm that Josh was making. Each thrust pushed you higher and higher, and you were surprised that the heat wasn’t melting the snow right off his windows.
Josh’s thumb met your clit, and the sensations were enough to make you whine. Against his cloth seats, your dress rode further and further up, until you used one hand to push it down again. It was getting in the way, obscuring your view of where Josh was taking his pleasure in yours, his eyes hooded and watching you – always watching you – while his other hand had brought his cock out to play. Or…for him to play with.
“What, you wanna be shy now?” he drawled, taking his fingers out and fisting his cock, warming it up with your slick before nudging himself between your lips and against your entrance. “Take your tits out, sweet girl. I wanna see them. I am the one you wanna show them to, right?”
“Yes, Josh,” you gasped, bucking your hips to try and slip him inside. It perhaps wasn’t the first time you’d imagined – it was better. It was raw (whoops) and validating in a way you didn’t know you needed after so long of just being the friend. “I want you,” you assured, peeling the stretchier material up until your breasts spilled out, having been tightly bound to you for the entire evening by the dress. It was on the few times you hadn’t bothered with a bra, and it was paying off, just to see Josh’s face drop slack as he drank them in, going so far to turn on an overhead light.
But that caused you to look nervously at the windows. What if someone saw?
As if he could read your mind, Josh ran his hands up your body to cup you and tease your nipples, already pebbled from the cold. “Don’t worry, Y/N, nobody can see through the snow and the tint. I promise.”
The peek of the Josh you knew made your heart clench, and with a pull of his shirt, he attached his lips to yours and guided himself into your body with a groan that echoed in your mouth.
“Oh, god, Josh,” you gasped, face screwing up as he stretched you out. Your toes curled and you clenched your thighs around his hips, fingers digging into his back while you brought him closer to you. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to feel you inside me,” you whispered, and Josh let out a soft moan at that.
“Well, you didn’t have to kiss my brothers to get me to fuck you,” he responded with a distracted grin, once he pulled up enough to brace himself. 
You were about to roll your eyes and object when he finally rolled his hips forward, nudging his cock even deeper into you before pulling out and sheathing himself once again, beginning to fuck you in a rhythm that was short and powerful to match the minimal space he had. 
The way he filled you up was nothing short of euphoric. He lit up the nerves everywhere he touched, and after fantasizing about it all those times, your body seemed to suck Josh in with the intent never to let him go. 
“You’re so wet, Y/N, damn,” Josh panted, eyes hooded and glancing down to where the wet noises of each thrust were coming from. “Kissing Jake didn’t get you all soaked and ready for my cock, right?”
You knew your hair would look like a rat’s nest from how much you were squirming and thrashing your head back and forth against the seats. “No. I didn’t kiss them like I wanted to kiss you.”
Josh’s response was interrupted by his phone ringing, and speak of the devil, Jake’s contact popped up on his screen, and you suddenly remembered where you were and what you’d been doing before Josh decided to give it to you in his back seat. Josh didn’t care, though, and the phone rang out as he upped his efforts and snapped his hips into you as deeply as he could, snaking his fingers down to play with your clit.
Your back arched at the stimulation, and any comment you had was preceded with a whine. “Josh, we’re supposed to pick up your brothers.”
Josh hauled you up, and you repositioned with him, letting him plant his feet on the ground as you straddled him with your breasts in his face. If anything, the change made him care even less about what he was supposed to be doing.
“I don’t care,” he chuckled breathlessly, sucking a nipple into his mouth as he grunted and shoved his hips up into you. 
You were fast approaching your high, quicker than usual, and Josh was doing everything he could to get you there, it seemed: angling his hips, mouthing over your tits, and still slipping those damn fingers around your clit and where he was still moving inside of you. “They might come looking for us,” you said, your hips twitching and bearing down to help get him to where you wanted. 
“Let them,” Josh grunted again. “You made me watch you kiss them, they can watch me fuck you. Fair trade.”
You would have laughed if you weren’t working your hips like a bitch in heat, desperately climbing a ladder upward, but not fast enough. You knew Josh was joking, but he seemed hell-bent on keeping up the narrative just for shits and giggles, and you wondered if it was part of his punishment when his fingers stopped dancing around your bundle of nerves. 
You saw him wipe his hand on the seat, and that distracted you enough that when he leaned forward, you were pitched with him, which forced you to wrap yourself around him even more as he desperately grasped the seat in front of him and used it to anchor himself as his rhythm faltered and all he could do was recklessly push his hips into you, deep and hard and without much finesse anymore.
Your noises grew in frequency and volume; you were right there, all it would take would be a couple more thrusts at this exact angle and— and—-
“I’m cumming!” you sobbed into Josh’s neck, jolting with each powerful thrust into you.
Feeling you cum around him, Josh groaned and pitched up once more, and then warmth exploded inside you. He hugged you to him as he leaned back against the seats to catch his breath, and you whimpered as he shifted in you. 
“Was that better than kissing my brothers?” he asked jokingly, stroking your hair with one hand while the other drew lines up your bare back. 
Now that you were cooling down, you felt the consequence of not turning the heat on, and the sweat on your body quickly made you shiver, so Josh grabbed his coat and covered you while you nodded. “Josh,” you deadpanned, “If you have to ask that question, you need to gain a little more confidence in your abilities.”
He snorted as his phone went off again. “Ah, shit. They really are going to come looking for us soon if we don’t…” He trailed off, obviously not wanting to leave the warmth of your body, or give off the impression that he wasn’t going to participate in any aftercare at all, but you hadn’t exactly picked the perfect time and place for that, so you understood.
“It’s fine. Just…bring me back to yours and make me hot chocolate, and we’ll call it even.”
Josh looked scandalized, and he vigorously shook his head in dissent. “Uh-uh. You’re getting more than hot chocolate– who have you been fucking that your standards are so low?” You smiled, but as soon as you opened your mouth, Josh’s face scrunched up and he kissed you to interrupt. “Actually, don’t answer that. That’s gonna change when we get back to my house,” he promised, pressing another kiss to your jaw. “I’ll show you as many times as you want,” he grinned, finally dislodging himself as he waited for you to get off his lap. 
You colored as you found and pulled up your panties as quickly as you could, not wanting to drip in Josh’s car. “I…might just take you up on that,” you said quietly, watching for Josh’s reaction.
His features softened and he smiled, which was a little off-putting since he was tucking his dick away simultaneously, then wiped his hand again on his nice, cloth seats. He must have seen your expression, because he cocked his head. “What?” he queried, moving to get out of the backseat.
“You just…wiped my cum on your seats,” you laughed. “Your brothers are going to have to sit back here, and they might–”
Josh tugged you out of the seat and pressed you up against the side of the car for the second time that night. “What? Feel you? Smell you? I bet their mouths would water,” he murmured lasciviously. “But I don’t care.”
You blushed but chuckled lightly. “You know, for someone who made such a big deal about me kissing his brothers, you’re sure making a 180 here with all the 'not caring'.”
“You wanna know why I don’t care, then?” he asked, lips by your ear as he fished for his keys. 
“Enlighten me.”
“Because those are my seats, and I made you cum in my car. If that’s where I have available to clean your sweet slick off my fingers every fucking time I touch you from now on, so be it—“ and that was a promise if you’d ever heard one, one that had you squirming and refocusing on the desire you held for Josh, tucked away and safe in your body, “—and my brothers will know that there’ll be no more of this mistletoe shit.”
You ran your tongue across the roof of your mouth, ducking under Josh’s arm to escape the newly-grown tension and into the front passenger seat. You wouldn’t be held liable for anything that transpired when he was talking like that and making vows that sounded a lot like a commitment— at the very least, like this would happen again, maybe even several times.
“Watch out, Josh,” you sang playfully, catching his gaze at your ass before you disappeared around the back of the car. You reconvened inside, this time fully dressed and going to pick up his brothers for real this time. “Your jealousy is showing.”
@fleetsonfire @theweightofstardust @theatrekidjosh @fictional-duchess @greta-van-yeet @prophetofthedune @toothgapjoshy @gretavanfleas @gretavanfleetposts @doodle417 @razorbladekiszka @sammysvanfeet @s-u-t @lallisonl @hayley1623 @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @toxbexannouncedx @sammyslappers @alexxavicry @thecoldwind @maedesculpaeusoubi @jordierama @sarakay-gvf @givemeyourtots2 @tripthelightfandomtastic @stardustchorus
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Where There's a Will, Right?: Dante x Male Reader
SUMMARY:      After Dante’s successful defeat of Argosax, he’s been ever-so-slightly more talkative than before; at least, that’s what you think. Both Trish and Lady noticed that Dante’s mood hasn’t improved and, if anything, he has only become more distant. Upon telling them that they’re wrong, they both tell you something that sends your mind reeling. 
MINORS DNI--Seriously, go away >:[
BEGINNING NOTES: ✨Dom/Top Dante* x Male Sub/Bottom Reader *Takes place between DMC 2 and 4 on the timeline; meaning Dante’s a bit angstier than normal--kinda Vergil-esc but he gets closer to normal at the end. ✨Unestablished relationship but everyone (including Dante) knows that you have a thing for him ✨The reader lives at the shop ✨Mentioned dark topics (nothing in depth but Dante having been suicidal is mentioned a few times) 🍊🍊🍊 ✨Fluff ✨Angst (? kinda) ✨Smut; Dante’s first time--the reader’s body count is not specified but it is implied you aren’t a virgin--meaning he is very sensitive to your touches. ✨Biting--draws blood and enjoys it. ✨Rougher--It’s not great but I wanted to try writing something a bit rougher, experimentation if you will.\ ✨Oral--Dante receiving ✨Reader gets emotional afterwards; like sad fluffy stuff. 🍊🍊🍊 ✨A little self-indulgent. I could’ve written this as G/N (and if anyone wants a re-write, I can totally do so) but I wanted something a bit gayer than normal smh ✨I know absolutely dick-diddly about motorcycles, so you best believe I just googled all of it lmao ✨Not used to writing Trish or Lady so they might be a bit OOC; if anyone has any better ideas for how they should sound (if they sound off) please let me know! I want to try and use them more often. ✨The reader uses Revenant (as per usual) and Ifrit. How can you use those wonderful gauntlets? You are just stubborn or strong enough to resist their demonic nature; idk just let me have this lmao. Demons are from DMC 1, 2, and/or 4 (Also I didn’t really feel like writing too much combat since “Bound by Blood” is so combat heavy, kinda got bored with it lmaoooo). ✨THIS IS NOT A PREQUEL TO “Deep Regret” THAT FIC. IS STILL IN THE WORKS (AND IS REALLY ANGSTY LMAO)
     “Really?” Trish leaned against the wall of the garage, watching both Lady and you work, “You sure we’re talking about the same Dante?”
     “What?” you set down the socket wrench and looked over at her, “Don’t believe me?”
     “No, not in the slightest,” she mindlessly looked at her nails as she continued, “I don’t think I’ve heard Dante say more than five words at once in years and you’re telling me--”
     “That he and I talk all the time?” You stood up, wiping your hands on your jeans, "I mean, we do live together-- what's so hard to believe?"
     Lady laughed, catching your attention, “Well, Dante’s not exactly the talking type anymore,” the raven-haired woman turned from the workbench, “Can’t say I blame her, hun.”
     “But that’s where you guys are wrong,” you sighed, “I mean, he’s not super talkative but we can hold a conversation for a good while,” you walked over to the stairs, grabbing your open beer on the way, and sat down with a huff, “You’re telling me that he doesn’t talk to you when you are on a job or anything?”
     Lady shook her head, “Do you know how rare it is for him to even say “hello” anymore?”
     “Bah,” you made a dismissive flick of your hand, “You two are full of shit, there is no way he’s that quiet.”
     Trish said something under her breath as she crouched down to check the work you'd done.
     “Huh?” You cupped your ear in a joking manner, “I’m getting deaf in my old age, Trish--you gotta speak up.”
     “I said,” she stood up and turned to look at you, “Maybe it is because Dante loves you.”
     Beer shot out your nose as you choked on it, going wide-eyed feeling flustered beyond belief. 
     “You can’t tell me you don’t have a thing for him,” the blonde walked over to Lady’s workbench, pushing up on the edge and sitting on the tabletop.
     “I do not!” 
     Lady shook her head, “It is painfully obvious that you have a crush on him,” she leaned her side on the bench, facing you, “I’m sure he knows, too.”
     “How is it obvious?! I mean--” You pursed your lips knowing you just dug your own grave.
     The women shared a laugh before Trish answered, “The two of you are practically joined at the hip.”
     Lady then jumped in, “He won't do anything without telling or asking you first.”
     "You're the only one allowed in his room."
     "And the only one that can use his weapons without him getting pissed, especially Rebellion."
     “Dante stares at your ass a lot.”
     Once again, you choked on your drink.
     Lady laughed at Trish’s comment with a shrug, “Can't fault him for that, you do have a nice ass.”
     The sound of the roller garage door being lifted caught everyone’s attention. In the doorway stood the very topic of the conversation with a few bags of groceries in his arms.
     “Welcome home, Dante!" You shot him a warm smile, "How'd shopping go?"
     Dante stared at you then at the women, “Why are they here?” His voice was cold and flat, his typical way of speaking nowadays. 
     “Oh!” Your voice was semi-cheery as you stood up, tossing the beer bottle in the nearby trash, “They stopped by right after you left. Asked to use the workshop for a bit.”
     He stared at them for a few more seconds before walking through the garage, past you, and into the shop.
     Lady grumbled to herself before sticking out a hand, gesturing at where he’d gone, “See! I told you!”
     “You two are looking too deep into it. Dante doesn’t,” you shrugged, “you know…”
     “Bullshit!” Lady pinched the bridge of her nose, “I swear-- if the two of you don’t hook up soon, I’m going to--”
     A quiet sound of a door being cracked open cut her off. Dante looked at you and quietly mumbled, “You coming?"
     “Huh? I-- Yeah,” you smiled at him, “I gotta finish the oil change and I’ll be in, okay?”
     He said nothing and shut the door. 
     Trish slid off the bench with a sigh, “Come on, let’s give the lover boys their room.”
     “Try not to break ol’ Dante," Lady jested as she picked up her tool bag, "He’s not as spry as he used to be."
      You flipped her off and she stuck out her tongue in return. As they left you meandered back to Dante’s bike, you couldn’t help but mull over what the girls said.
     “There’s no way that they are right,” your brow furrowed, “Dante is-- well, Dante. He’s a ladykiller, not into men… right? I mean, he has a mountain of bikini girl magazines-- ” 
     Lost in your thoughts, your hand slipped and you dropped the open bottle of oil, “Son of a fucking bitch!” 
     You snatched the bottle as quickly as possible but the damage was already done; over half of the contents were now in a black pool on the floor. A dejected grumble left your lips as you laid on your back, staring at the ceiling of the garage with a forearm resting across your forehead.
     “Everything okay?”
     “Hmm?” You tilted your head up slightly and saw that Dante was standing right at your feet, “Yeah… Just my good ol’ butterfingers…” Your head hit the concrete again as you sighed and looked at the mess, defeated. 
     His eyes trailed over to the oil on the floor before he wandered off. You propped yourself up on your elbows and saw Dante had grabbed the cat litter.
     “You don’t have to--” He looked at you for a moment before dumping the litter on the spill, “Thanks, I-- Sorry, that was like a brand new bottle,” you leaned up in a sitting position, “I promise I’ll clean it up and replace the bottle.”
     “It’s fine,” Dante stuck out a hand, helping you up. 
     As you got to your feet, you fell into him a bit and found yourself leaning on his chest. Your face instantly became hot as you froze. Strangely, Dante made no move to push you off of him or remove you, he just stood there and waited for you to do so yourself
     “Sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your space, hah…”
     Dante didn’t say anything, but rather, he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside the shop. On his desk was a box of fresh hot pizza and a few cold unopened beers. 
     Which in hindsight, you aren’t sure how he got the pizza. He didn’t have it when he entered the garage. Unless he got it delivered at the exact moment he got back… Or he had already stopped back in the foyer of the shop only to come around back to “interrupt” your conversation--but there’s no way he would do that, right?
     “So,” you grabbed a slice and sat on the edge of his desk, “What’s the special occasion?”
     “ ‘was hungry,” he grabbed a slice for himself and sat in his desk chair, putting his boots up on the tabletop.
     A look of shock spread across your face, “Really?"
     “It’s just,” you shook your head, “I’m just glad that you’re eating, is all," you smiled warmly, "It's nice."
     The red devil stared at you for a moment before continuing to eat. 
     Ever since defeating Nelo Angelo, Dante’s “human” habits had gradually deteriorated. He wouldn’t sleep, bathe, or even eat; any and all self-care was put on the back burner. You had to force the poor man to take care of himself--which is much easier said than done. 
     At one point, things got so bad that Trish acted more human than Dante. There was a small ray of hope, however; since Argosax’s defeat, Dante had begun to regain some small bits of life. He’d been bathing more often, eating every once in a while, and even smiling again. Most importantly, however, Dante hadn’t tried to off himself in almost six months which was a victory in and of itself for the tormented man; this, by extension, made you feel a little more at ease that the chance of you coming home to Dante on the cusp of death had slimmed significantly.
     “Hey,” you pursed your lips and waited for him to look at you in acknowledgment, “Do you care if I turn on some music?”
     He shrugged, "Don’t care."
     You hopped off the desk edge and waltzed over to the "well-loved" machine. Hitting a random track--and praying to god it worked--you went back to your resting spot against Dante's desk. The two of you sat and ate together, listening to the jukebox and enjoying the quiet company. 
     A loud knocking at the front door of the Devil May Cry woke you up. You must've fallen asleep downstairs. Across from you, in the middle of the room, was the coffee table with a TV that had been playing a DVD’s menu screen for only god knows how long. You were on your side and resting on the floor, in front of one of the couches… Even though there was an open couch adjacent to this one. 
     A large blanket was draped over you and onto the furniture behind you. That's when you heard a  snore and realized why you weren't on the couch. Dante was fast asleep and face down against the coffee-colored pleather. Goosebumps ran up your spine as you realized that his arm was across your chest, his fingers loosely grabbing the fabric of your shirt. Carefully, you slipped away from the sleeping devil and let out a soft groaning yawn as you stretched. 
     Another set of knocks. 
     You sighed and stood up, walking over to the door, opening it. 
     “Ah, good morning Mr. Morrison,” you smiled tiredly at the man, welcoming him into the shop.
     “You know, you make me feel old when you call me tha--” he stopped and stared at Dante, who was still asleep on the couch.
     A small huff of a laugh came from your nose as you whispered to Morrison, “I know. Shocking right?”
     His volume matched yours in return, “That would be an understatement," he turned to you, “Sorry to wake you but I have a job for the two of you that requires immediate attention,” he held out a manila folder.
     “What is it?” A flat voice asked, making both Morrison and you jump.
     After the two of you took a moment to calm down from the unexpected voice, the broker walked over to Dante and handed him the file, “Huge swarm invaded a nearby city--didn’t even have time to evacuate.”
     You walked over to Dante, peering over the edge of the file. He noticed your interest and scooched over to one side, allowing you to sit beside him. As you attempted to read, you found yourself leaning towards your partner, squinting harshly at the small text. Dante moved closer to you causing your sides to touch; which, despite how many times he’s been this close (and closer) to you, never failed to make your heart race. 
     As the two of you looked at the file, you couldn’t help but remember what the ladies had said yesterday; how stony he is to them compared to how acted with you. Dante might be a bit cold but he has his sweet moments--even if it’s him sharing paperwork filled with pictures of hundreds of demons and a destroyed cityscape.
     You whispered to Dante, “So, wanna do it?”
     His eyes flicked to you before he looked over the file once more, “Fine.”
     “Sweet!” With a jovial smile, you grabbed the paperwork. Your eyes flicked up at Morrison who moved to the edge of Dante’s desk, leaning on it with a lit cigar--as per usual, “We’ll take it!”
     The broker shook his head with a small smile, “I’m beginning to think you enjoy these types of jobs.”
     “Actually,” you stood up and walked over to him, “I do. Don’t have to worry about destroying things," you handed him the file which he grabbed.
     He laughed softly and shook his head, taking a puff of his cigar, “You two are quite the pair.”
     You tilted your head in confusion; that’s when you felt an exhale of air on the back of your neck, making your hair stand on end.
     “We takin' the bike?” Dante’s voice was low and his warm breath lightly tickled your ear.
     “Y-yeah,” you turned your head to the side and were only inches away from the sultry devil.
     His turquoise eyes locked onto your gaze for a few seconds before he gave a flat, “Ok,” and went upstairs to get changed. 
     Once the youngest son of Sparda was upstairs, Morrison laughed as he stood up from the desk, “I’ll let the city know you're on the way. You two be careful,” he nodded goodbye and headed for the door before stopping, turning his head over his shoulder to you, “Don’t forget that there is still a lot of people trapped and--”
     “And we should try and help them, don’t worry,” you winked at him, “Dante and I got this.”
     Morrison opened his mouth but said nothing; instead, he continued out the door whistling a tune to himself. 
     You raised a brow at the odd action but decided it was not worth dwelling on. 
     Humming to yourself, you made your way up to your room. One of the spare bedrooms of (The) Devil May Cry that you were “only staying in for a few months”... that was over a decade ago. A smile tugged at your lips as you reminisced about a time long since passed. 
     Rain quietly beat on the roof of (The) Devil May Cry as the well-loved jukebox played quietly in the background. It had been exactly a year since Dante had officially named the shop and begun to take jobs as a demon hunter. Sitting at the large wooden desk was said devil hunter without a shirt on, only opting to wear his pants and boots. His arms were placed neatly on the top of his desk with his head resting on them, facing down at the tabletop, snoring happily. A half-eaten pizza and several empty beers were scattered about, painting the same old scene that he partook in night after night. 
     That’s when you showed up in his life. 
     You burst into the shop, stumbling and out of breath; leaning against the door, holding it shut. 
     “We’re closed,” Dante didn’t even open his eyes. 
     Before you could reply, obnoxious loud banging and shouting could be heard from the other side of the door. Dante raised a brow and tiredly looked up at you, curious as to what was pursuing you so fervently. The shirtless young man’s ears twitched as he made out what was on the other side of the large wooden door; it wasn’t demons or devils, it was humans. A mob of what sounded like fifteen to twenty people that were spouting off insults that ranged from vaguely rude statements to flat-out death threats. 
     Dante sighed, standing up from his desk with a huff. Casually, he grabbed Force Edge from the wall it was resting against, walking over to you. 
     You, of course, were terrified, debating if it was better to take your chances outside. Bursting into some random dude’s shop was dumb but you didn’t expect a smoking hot white-haired man (who was possibly the owner) to approach you with a massive gothic sword. 
     He flicked his hand telling you to move off to the side, which you fearfully obliged. With a warm, soft, friendly feeling, he smiled at you revealing his oddly sharp teeth, “You’re gonna owe me for this,” your face instantly became flushed in embarrassment.
     Dante opened the door wide open and stepped out of the shop, the large blade resting on his shoulder. As he slowly went down each stair, the mob backed up away from him, “I’m only gonna say this once,” his voice was cold, loud, and angry, the complete opposite of what you’d just heard, “Get lost.”
     One of the group’s men decided to act tough and approached Dante, “And if we don’t? What are you gonna--!”
     The red devil grabbed the man by the face and held him up, not phased by the man’s struggling, “You know, I hate people like you,” his fingers tightened, “People that just don’t know how to listen.”
     Muffled complaints came from the man as Dante’s fingers tightened further before tossing him at the others, knocking several of them over. They helped each other stand back up but none of them moved to leave. 
     “Now scram,” Dante’s brow furrowed, “Last chance before you really start pissin’ me off.”
     With that final warning, the group ran like the wind and disappeared. A small laugh came from the red devil as he re-entered the shop. 
     “So,” Dante set Force Edge back where it was, “What is a guy like you doin’ being chased by a mob at this hour, huh?” He leaned against the edge of his desk, folding his arms. 
     “I uh,” your face became hotter and hotter as you looked at the smiling man, calling him stunning was an understatement. It didn’t help that he was lightly soaked from the rain which was dripping down his body, emphasizing his physique, “I just pissed off the wrong folks, that’s all.”
     “Uh-huh,” Dante pushed off his desk and wandered over to you, “That why you smell like gunpowder, blood, and demons? Or’s that some sort of weird cologne?”
     You froze.
     “You know," he continued, "it’s not every day I get to meet someone in the same line of work as me,” he now stood in front of you, his hands stuck in his pockets and a casual tilt to his posture. 
     “I-- What?”
     Dante’s smile widened, “You’re a demon hunter, right?” 
     Your expression said it all, making the young man laugh.
     “Now,” he turned from you striding over to the corner of the room, “as payment for waking me up from my nap,” the white-haired man stood near one of the couches, grabbing his black long-sleeve shirt off the back, “You’re gonna take me with you to finish your hunt.”
     As he slid the tight fabric over his body, all you could do was stare. Not only was watching him get dressed semi-erotic, but, the idea that you’d finally met someone else who enjoyed demon hunting like you do was enough to send shivers down your spine.
     “That’s what you were doing right?” The red-clad man raised a brow as he slid on his vest, buckling the straps.
     You blinked back into existence with a nod, “Yeah, you sure you want to come with? It isn’t exactly a small job, and,” you avoided his gaze, “it’s not only demons.”
     “There are cultists, too--I know,” Dante slid on his gloves, “Figured that out the moment I saw ‘em outside,” he tossed his coat on, adjusting the lapels.
     He meandered over to the same sword from earlier, placing it on his back, “So,” he raised a brow, “We doin’ this or what?”
     You smiled sheepishly, “Sure.”
     “Ah… Almost forgot,” Dante turned around and opened a desk drawer, grabbing his keys, “Here, catch,” he tossed you a box of shells, “Those work?”
     “Really-- I- Yeah, why are you..?”
     Dante began to walk out the door, you right behind him, “Can’t do all the work myself, babe,” he turned to you with a smile.
     After he locked the door, you led him to a building that was right outside of Red Grave; it was an old abandoned apartment complex. The two of you made quick work of the job; given, it was half-finished from your earlier attack.
     Despite not even knowing each other’s names, the two of you fought together quite well. Neither of you got in each other’s way. When you did interact, it was damn near perfectly choreographed; as if you’d known each other for a long time.
     “You know,” Dante dodged a Death Scissors, “You’re pretty good at this.”
     “Oh yeah?” A small amount of playful sarcasm loomed over your words, “I’m still not impressed with you,” you ducked underneath a Frost’s attack and shot it right in the small of its back, “mister white-haired stranger.”
     “Eh,” he used Force Edge to slice three Abyss in half, “Had to leave you something to fight.”
     Both of you shared a laugh and stood in the middle of the room, looking around at the carnage. Dante turned to see a cultist trying to escape. The red devil pointed Ebony up and shot the human, much to your dismay.
     “Hey,” you shoved his shoulder, “You stole my final kill.”
     “Oh,” he holstered Ebony and turned to you, “Didn’t see your name on ‘em, sorry.”
     You playfully rolled your eyes and sighed, “Thanks for your help,” you avoided his eyes, which were trained on your face, “I appreciate it.”
     “No problem,” Dante smiled, “This was fun, been a long time since I’ve had a partner to work with,” he stretched his arms upwards, cracking his shoulders, “Lady’s been off doing her own thing lately.”
     “Lady?” You raised a brow, suspicious of the red devil’s seemingly fake person.
     “She’s an old friend,” Dante and you began to descend back down the building’s stairs. It wasn’t until the two of you got outside before he spoke again, “Hey, so,” his voice was quieter than before, “You work by yourself all the time or?”
     “Yeah,” you sighed and placed a hand on the back of your neck, “Never been able to find someone who’d join me on a hunt.”
     “Well,” Dante put his hands in his pockets, “If you want, I’ve got an open spot at my shop...”
     “Mhm, haven’t had a partner in a while and could use the company.”
     You laughed.
     “I don’t even know your name and you are offering me a job?”
     The red devil stuck out his hand, “Name’s Dante.”
     You smiled and shook his hand, “Well, Dante, I think I’ll take up that job offer,” you sheepishly turned your head away and mumbled, “I think I could use some company, too.”
     “You coming?” 
     A sudden flat voice from your doorway made you jump with a loud startled shout. Quickly, you turned around to see Dante, fully geared up, and leaning against your doorframe with his arms neatly folded.
     “I- Yeah, sorry,” you shook your head, “Just lost in thought.”
     Dante stood up, saying nothing, and headed back downstairs into the garage. 
     With pursed lips, you continued to get ready; that’s when it hit you. Dante must've been standing there for quite some time, watching you; you who was standing in bagging half falling off underwear the entire time. Your face became hot, the idea of Dante seeing you this exposed was enough to make your mind reel. Shaking off the growing hot feeling, you shoved yourself into your hunting gear; which included Dante’s Ifrit and your shotgun, Revenant.
     Upon reaching the garage, you saw that Dante had already started the bike and was waiting outside for you to join him. Although you weren’t sure, you swear it looked like he was smiling at you; only hinted at by small creases in his cheeks. You joined him in the alley with a stuck-out hand, waiting for Rebellion, which he gave you. As you slid the sword on your back, you flashed a wide smile and playful wink at Dante. Then you mounted the back of the bike and a heavy wave of embarrassment filled your face as you firmly placed your hands on Dante’s waist. 
     Without a word, Dante kicked up the stand and you were off. As you held onto him, you couldn’t help but lean further onto his body, your face against his back. His cologne was that of lemongrass, lavender, and a light dusting of patchouli. You took a deep inhale, sighing longingly at the comforting scent; which didn’t go unnoticed by the white-haired hunter. 
     The two of you arrived shortly at the nearby city. Once both of you dismounted the bike, Dante stuck his hand out--mimicking what you’d done earlier. With a smirk, you pulled Rebellion off your back and held it out in front of you, blade facing down and your fingers tightly wrapped around the grip. The red devil grabbed the sword, making sure to just barely ghost your hand with his in the process. 
     A bright blush adorned your face as you gave him a small content laugh and looked at the less-then-happy scene before you. To say that the place was crawling with demons would’ve been an understatement. 
     An irritated long groan came from you as you slumped forward, “Those pictures must’ve been old; this is so much worse,” you looked over at Dante who was staring at you, “Wanna call in the ladies?”
     “No,” he turned from you and began to walk toward the city.
     With a baffled sigh, you shook your head and jogged to catch up to him, walking right beside him.
     When the two of you got to the edge of the zone, a large platoon of soldiers was along the city’s edge. As expected, the two of you were approached by the armed people and questioned as to why you were there. 
     You sighed softly, “We were hired by the city to come in and exterminate the infestation.”
     A mixture of various “bullshit”s and “no way”s were heard throughout the platoon. A greatly unamused Dante slyly reached down and grabbed one of your fingers with one of his, a sign he used when he wanted to move forwards.
     “Just stay out of our way,” you shoved past the soldiers, Dante right beside you. Before you got too far, you stopped and turned to the men, “Wait about thirty minutes and start sweeping this end of the city for survivors, continuing further inwards; we’ll have most of the demons cleared out for you.”
     Once more there were various forms of ill-natured or overly skeptical comments from the crowd; but, after all these years of hunting, it was expected at this point. The two of you just continued onwards, Dante’s finger still wrapped around one of yours.
     It didn’t take long for you to encounter a horde. At first, you were excited and readied Ifrit; however, Dante has taken up to not allowing you to fight anything more than Misras or Frosts. Today was no different.
     You vocalized your irritation (as you had done many times before) but it always fell on deaf ears, Dante simply didn’t care. Things came to a head when you were nearly finished with the job and the red devil had been nearly gutted by a group of demons but he still wouldn’t let you fight.
     “Dante,” you furrowed your brow as the two of you walked on, “Could you at least let me kill something? I’m getting bored with fighting small fries and playing cheerleader.”
     The red devil stopped and looked over at you, but said nothing.
     “Come on,” you made your best puppy dog eyes and stuck out your lip in a pouty manner, “Please?”
     “I can handle it,” he turned to continue on the path, “You are a human; humans are fragile.”
     “Excuse me?” You walked beside him, “You forget you’re human, too?” 
     “I can heal within seconds,” he glared at you from the corner of his eye, “You can’t.”
     You moved your jaw in thought, mulling over things before speaking again, “Yes, but that doesn’t mean you should push yourself like this,” the red devil’s head turned slightly, indicating he was listening, “Just ‘cause you can heal…” You reached out and lightly grabbed his bicep, “I’m your partner, remember? I’m here to help you.”
     Dante stopped and pivoted to look at you. His brow was slightly upturned and his eyes held an odd unplaceable emotion, “I know.”
     A small sad tilt decorated your brow as you lightly squeezed his arm before letting go. You had an inkling as to why he acted this way but had never been able to be sure; hell would have to freeze over before you’d get a clear answer from the red-clad half-breed.
     The two of you entered the center of the city where the demons seemed to have come from. In the middle of the large leveled area was a large mass of sorts. Both of you knew exactly what it was, the start of a demon nest.
     Almost as if on cue, an insurmountably large quantity of demons revealed themselves. The two of you split apart. Finally, you were able to fight something decent and were relishing in it. Your targets were, for the most part, Blades and Gladiuses; which wasn’t that big of a challenge but it is better than nothing. A smile shot across your face as you got to have some fun with Ifrit for the first time in years.
     In the complete opposite of an over-strained Dante trying to deal with several Plasmas and Blitzes.
     You had nearly finished up your half (well more like two-thirds) of the horde and destroyed the budding nest before you noticed Dante struggling. Quickly, you killed the last of your targets and rushed over to help the red devil, who had just been thrown through a building. 
     “Dante!” You kneeled down by him, “Hey, you alright?”
     “I’m… fine,” his voice was strained as he tried to sit upright, only to bare his teeth with a grimace.
     “Stay here, I’ll take care of this,” you stood up but found that your wrist was ensnared by Dante’s grasp.
     “No,” he attempted to stand again.
     “Dante, I can handle them,” you tugged your hand away, “Let go of me, please.”
     His expression was blank as his fingers only tightened around you.
     “Dante…” Now, you are starting to get irritated.
     “I can handle them, just let me do it,” he stood up and you saw that his ribcage had concaved, clearly broken.
     “No Dante-- You are in no condition to fight right now,” you pursed your lips, “I can finish this,” giving him one last chance to let go.
     “No, I am fine.”
     “Goddamnit Dante!” You snapped at him and yanked your hands out of Ifrit’s gauntlets, removing Dante’s grip on you, “You’re always protecting everyone else, so please, for once in your life,” you stalked over to Rebellion, which had been stuck in the ground nearby when Dante attempted to stop himself, grabbed it tightly and turned back to him, “Let me protect you.”
     His eyes widened, showing a mixture of confusion and anger, but you didn’t give him a chance to refuse. You had already gone off and were slaying the rest of the demons using Rebellion. If Dante wanted you to stop, he could have recalled his sword; he should’ve recalled the blade but, for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to.
     Although you were still concerned for Dante, you couldn’t deny that you were having the time of your life. You'd only been allowed to use Rebellion one other time on the field, which was shortly after being hired at the DMC. The feeling of wielding such a mighty blade was insurmountable; not only that, but the frictionless feeling of slicing through demons was damn near erotic. A wide smile spread across your face as you finished off the final few demons, pinning the final Plasma down into the ground using the blade. 
     “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
     “You’re just jealous that I got more kills than you,” with a playful shake of your head and a small laugh, you pulled Rebellion back out of the ground and turned around. Dante had healed and was giving you quite the venomous glare, your expression dropped, “What?”
     He aggressively grabbed the sword from your hand, placed it on his back, and turned to walk back the way you came, “We’re leaving.”
     You bent down and picked up Ifrit, sliding the fiery devil’s gauntlets back on, “Huh? We haven’t done our sweep back--”
     “Now!” His voice was much angrier than you’d heard in a long time, so you remained silent and followed behind him. 
     The walk and ride back to the shop were eerily quiet. Neither of you said a word, not even to the soldiers that you passed in the city. During the bike ride, you did your best not to latch onto the red devil and held onto the bike itself--which wasn't exactly comfortable or easy, but you were pissed off and didn't care.
     As the two of you entered the shop, you had thought about saying something to the devil but weren’t going to give him that satisfaction; no, you just silently went up to your room and slammed the door behind you. Leaving him in the foyer, alone.
     Doing your best to ignore the guilty feeling in your gut, you hopped in a quick shower and took a small unintentional cat nap on your bed right after. Around an hour later, you woke up and groggily wandered downstairs to get a glass of water--and to see where Dante had gone. As you looked around, you pursed your lips in confusion. Dante typically after a job would just get drunk at his desk or on the couch but he was nowhere to be found. It was rare for him to actually go to his room; but, then again, it is even rarer for the two of you to have a disagreement or fight like this. A sigh left your lips as you traversed back to your room. A small amount of regret lingered at the edges of your mind for using such harsh words at the poor devil.
     Mindlessly, you had wandered to stand in front of his room and stood there with your hand up, ready to knock. After a minute you decided to put your hand back down, hoping that maybe he’d be the one to come to you and apologize for once. With a heavy sigh, you entered your room and turned the light on, then nearly had a heart attack. 
     There, sitting silently on the edge of your bed, was Dante in his boxers and a long-sleeve black baggy shirt. His forearms were resting on his legs--one of which was bouncing nervously, his hands intertwined as he mindlessly twisted and played with his fingers, and his gaze fixated on the floor.
     “Uh… Dante? Everything okay?” You shut the door, set your glass of water down, and slowly walked over to the bed, sitting beside him. 
     “You remember why I hired you?” His voice was soft and sad, something was wrong.
     You shook your head, confused at the seemingly out-of-nowhere question, “Huh?”
     “Do you remember why I hired you?”
     “Because you said you needed company..?”
     His lips twitched at the answer; however, he said nothing and just stared at the floorboards in front of him.
     “Dante?” You gently and cautiously grabbed his forearm, making his leg stop bouncing.
     His voice became even softer, becoming barely audible, “Do you regret it?”
     Your brow softened as your fingers gripped him tighter, “Dante…” 
     His brow furrowed as he moved his jaw for a second before giving you a sad huffed laugh, “I wouldn’t blame you if--”
     “Stop,” you stood up and moved to stand in front of him, then knelt between his legs, “Look at me,” his eyes coyly met yours as you grabbed both his hands, “I have never regretted anything I’ve done with you, nor will I ever.”
     A small quiver found its way to Dante’s lip, “Why?”
     “What do you mean why?” You gave him a bittersweet smile, “I like being with you, Dante.”
     He opened his mouth but no sound came out, only a crack and a small whimper as tears filled his eyes. Then you did what you should’ve done the moment he started talking, you stood up and enveloped him in a tight hug. Dante quickly wrapped himself around you. The red devil’s fingers dug into your back and grabbed generous handfuls of your shirt. 
     Half-formed sentences and choked-up versions of “I’m sorry” are all that he could manage through the unwavering barrage of tears. All you could do was hold him tight and tell him that everything’s okay--that he doesn’t have to apologize, not for breaking down like this. Gently, you kneaded against his shoulder blades and placed one hand in his hair, petting him. You noticed his hair was wet; which, not only meant that’s where he was when you were searching for him but, this was the first time he'd taken a real shower in nearly three weeks. It seemed like a lifetime had passed before his tears began to slow, eventually boiling down to just small hiccups. 
     However, his hold on you didn’t loosen, if anything, it got tighter. You had placed the side of your face against the top of his head and quietly hummed, hoping to comfort him.
     “Hey…” Dante’s voice was thick and quiet, a hint of nervousness ghosted his words.
     “Would it be okay to stay like this? Just for a little longer…” He waited with bated breath for your response.
     “Mnmm… How about this,” you pulled back from him, making him hesitantly release you. A small warm smile tugged at your lips as you straddled his lap and re-wrapped yourself around him with your legs around his middle, “This okay?”
     Through your shirt, you could feel Dante hum with a small smile, “Mhm,” his arms regrafted themselves to your body as he pushed his head into your body.
     The two of you sat together for nearly two hours, Dante softly purring against your skin as you lightly rubbed his back and played with his hair. If the front door hadn’t opened, the two of you would’ve stayed linked together for much longer. 
     “I’ll get it,” you slid off his lap but were stopped by Dante grabbing your wrist.
     “Do you have to?” His expression was oddly shy, which sent a sharp pang of love through your heart.
     “Join me?” You smiled as you pulled him up. A small surprised laugh left your mouth as you felt him lace your fingers together.
     A bright smile adorned your face as the two of you made your way downstairs and found Morrison standing in the foyer.
     “Afternoon, Mr. Morrison!” You waved with a small happy noise but realized that he was staring with wide eyes. 
     “I’m not… interrupting, am I..?”
     You stared at him in confusion before you realized how the two of you looked; both of you were semi-disheveled, only in underwear and a shirt, and Dante’s hand was in yours, “No! No- not at all! We-- It’s not what it--”
     “You are," Dante released your hand, moving further into the room, “but it is my fault for not locking the door. What’s up?”
     A sputtered confused noise left your lips as your face became unbearably hot, mortified at what Dante was implying.
     Morrison laughed, “Blunt as always, huh Dante?” 
     “Why bother lying about it,” Dante leaned against his desk, arms folded casually.
     The broker shook his head with a smile, “I’m just here to drop off payment from the job earlier,” he handed Dante a thick envelope, “The client was impressed with how quickly the two of you worked--made sure to get it to you just as fast and added a little extra cash, too.”
     “Oh? Really?” Dante opened the packet and counted the cash quickly, “Huh… Thanks, Morrison.”
     Morrison did a double-take, taken aback at not only Dante’s words but, Dante’s willingness to talk, “No problem, Dante…” The broker looked over to you with a raised brow before turning to leave, “Sorry for interrupting, I’ll lock the door on the way out. Goodnight you two.”
     “ ‘Night, Mr. Morrison!” Your voice was sweet but still had a lingering sense of embarrassment to it. 
     Dante opened the top desk drawer and tossed the money in it, smiling.
     With a sudden nervousness, you approached the pants-less devil and joined him near the desk, “So… What was Morrison interrupting, Dante?”
     His turquoise eyes slowly moved up to meet yours, a heavy odd feeling behind them. 
     Your face became even hotter as you swallowed hard, “Dante..?”
     “We were sitting together,” small creases formed on his cheeks as he smiled wider, “Why? Did you have something else in mind?”
     Another loud set of sputtered discombobulated noises came from you, unsure how to respond to such a loaded question. 
     A dark chuckle came from Dante as he meandered over to you, slowly inching you towards the wall behind his desk, then placing a hand beside your head, “Something wrong?”
     “No, I--,” you closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to keep yourself from spontaneously combusting in embarrassment, “I’m f-fine.”
     He lifted a brow and placed his free hand on your cheek, running his fingers gently across your skin, “I dunno, you seem rather feverish… You’re not sick, are you?”
     “I’m just a little warm, that’s all,” you let out a half-hearted laugh, doing your best to ignore the pounding in your chest.
     The red devil wasn’t satisfied with this answer and moved his face closer, putting his nose right beside yours, and made half-lidded eye contact, “I don’t believe you.”
     Bit by bit, you leaned closer to him, placing your lips as close as you could without touching his. The two of you hovered for a moment before Dante pulled away and turned to look to his right, “Do you mind?”
     You mimicked Dante's action in confusion and saw Trish standing in the shop. 
     “Lady forgot a few things in the garage,” Trish raised a brow and addressed you, “You believe us now?”
     “Trish!” Dante’s face was bright red, “Seriously?”
     “What?” She placed a hand on her hip, “You do love him, don’t you?”
     Dante mumbled something you didn’t quite catch before his voice returned to the previous volume, “Can you leave? You’re kinda killing the moment.”
     “Just make sure that you two can work in the morning, we have a contract to do.”
     She gave you a wide smirk and a wink, “Have fun.”
     The two of you waited for the garage door to shut before Dante sighed, “Guess the moment’s kinda ruined, huh?” 
     He sheepishly turned to you, to which you grabbed his shirt and yanked his lips down to meet yours. A surprised muffled grunt came from the red devil as he placed his hand over yours, his thumb slowly running over your skin and removing you from his shirt. Gradually, he regained control over the situation and pushed you back against the wall. His lips were broiling and desperately pushing against yours, almost painfully so. 
     Dante grabbed the sides of your hips, picking you up slightly, so he could pin you against the wall using only his body and a knee that he had placed between your legs. Your hands frantically grabbed at his body, eventually settling for one hand in his hair and the other groping at his upper back. His hands wandered all over your body, sliding underneath your shirt and touching as much as you as he could. 
     Eventually, you managed to wrap your legs around his middle and his hands slipped down to support you from underneath your thighs. You cupped his face in both your hands to deepen the fervorous kissing. The red devil bit lightly at your lips, asking to enter your mouth. At first, you didn’t let him and playfully denied him entrance. Dante wanted to taste you and wasn’t taking no for an answer, forcing his tongue inside. His tongue was hot and he wanted nothing more than to explore every bit of your mouth, to devour as much as he could. The unexpectedly long appendage made you jolt and gag slightly in surprise, which made Dante smirk with a small amount of pride. 
     Only once you were both out of breath did the two of you separate, leaving you with labored breathing and hazy loving smiles. 
     Your thumbs gently rubbed the stubble that decorated his jawline, “Dante, do you really..?”
     He meekly smiled and mumbled, avoiding your eyes in embarrassment, “You think I’d treat anyone else like you..?”
     You placed a soft kiss on his forehead, “I love you… So much”
     A soft huffed laugh came from his nose.
     He placed a small kiss on the side of the base of your neck, “Never thought I’d hear you say that.”
     You laughed softly, “Dante,” he looked up at you and you ran a hand through his hair, “You want to know something?”
     “Hmm?” He began to purr and melt into your touch. 
     “Although, there’s obviously more a more emotional aspect now,” you broke eye contact and turned away to avoid his gaze, “When we first met if you had asked me to… ya know… I would’ve,” your face was completely on fire as you regretted opening your mouth.
     “Oh?” Using one hand to support you, he used a hand to turn your face to his, “What was that now?”
     Your voice was high-pitched and cracked from embarrassment, “N-nothing!” 
     He had a sultry smirk tugging at his lips as he ran his thumb over your trembling lips, “You know, I thought about asking for that--instead of joining your hunt.”
     “You-- you did?” Your face only became hotter with each word.
     “Mhm,” Dante put his lips above yours again, “Not every day a smoking hot, sopping wet, guy busts into my shop.”
     The two of you connected lips again and Dante’s hands gripped the sides of your thighs harshly, his nails digging into you, and dipped your ass lower to meet his growing heat. A small growl came from the back of the red devil’s throat as he ground his hips against you. Your hands grabbed his shoulders as you let out a small moan from the friction of Dante’s grinding. In response, Dante began to roll his hips harshly against you, shoving you against the wall with each thrust. Your hips jolted from the sudden rough movements and you broke from the kiss, letting out a low hissing groan. Dante, however, wasn’t done tasting you and immediately placed his lips back over yours; making sure to devour each one of your sweet noises. 
     He turned around and began to support you using only one hand again. With his free hand, he moved his mother’s photo to the desk drawer, closing it softly, and then swept his arm across his desk, throwing everything else off the top--making an absolute mess of the already cluttered shop. 
     Dante dropped you onto the desk and broke the kiss. Quickly, he removed your shirt and began to bite at whatever he could, making you squirm from the sudden, almost animalistic, aggression. His teeth broke through your skin and Dante excitedly lapped up the crimson lines, letting out a continuous lowly growl. A sharp loud gasp left your mouth as you arched your back towards him in response to him biting your neck; still drawing blood as he did for the other marks. Your fingers dug into him only further encouraging him to do it again.
     However, you weren’t about to let Dante have all the fun. You kneaded your way down his torso and to the edge of his boxers. Coyly, you palmed over his bulge with widening eyes. Of course, it was easy to tell that Dante had a nice dick from how visible it is through his pants but you didn’t expect it to get that much bigger.
     The sultry devil caught onto your sudden surprise and let out a small breathy laugh against your neck, “What’s the matter, babe?” He ran his tongue along one of the bleeding marks, “Surely you knew..?”
     “I,” your mind was blank, “I thought you were a shower, not a grower,” you let out a half-huff half-laugh noise through your nose.
     “Oh, just you wait,” a small seductive laugh came from him as he leaned back up to look you in the eyes, “Still not quite there yet.”
     You rolled your eyes and casually draped your arms over his shoulders, “You know, just cause it’s big doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know how to use it,” you let out a playful low laugh, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. 
     Dante leaned in, “Oh, don’t worry,” he kissed you again, “I know exactly what you like,” smiling happily. 
     The two of you exchanged loud pecking kisses, “Mhm, sure you do.” 
     He stopped and left his lips right above yours, his breath ghosting your kiss-swollen lips, “I can hear things, you know…” 
     Your eye went wide, “Wh-what are you--”
     “Every night, in your room,” he moved to kiss right behind your jaw, whispering against your skin giving you goosebumps, “Begging for me, saying my name,” he ran his tongue along the shell of your ear, “You’re much louder than you think, babe,” Dante gently bit your ear before he leaned back up to meet your gaze. 
     All you could do was stare back. Admittedly, it had crossed your mind a few times over the years that Dante might be able to hear you but you figured that he would’ve said something by now; especially with how long it’s been since you moved in. The idea that Dante had been listening to you for so long made your entire body hot and threw you for a loop.
     Through all your discombobulated noises, you finally managed to sputter out, “Why didn’t you tell..?”
     “Because,” he leaned in, intensifying his eye contact, “I get off listening to you,” he kissed your jawline, “I love hearing you come undone.”
     A shiver ran up your spine as you completely froze. 
     The red devil noticed your change in expression and began to panic, “I didn’t upset you--!”
     You yanked him down to your mouth, kissing him harshly once more. As you did, your hands ran up his shirt and began to grope at his pecs, eliciting a moan from the white-haired devil. Your nails ran down his body leaving loving irritated red skin, making him groan much louder.
     He broke off from the kiss and quickly pulled his shirt up and over his head, tossing it in a random direction in the shop. When he looked back at you, his heart skipped a beat at the face you were making. Although you were obviously already flustered, your face had turned darker by tenfold and your eyes were wide; staring directly at Dante’s bare body.
     “What?” He smiled with a tilt of his head and hips, “Like what you see?”
     You coyly reached out to touch his chest again, Dante watching you intently. Softly, you kneaded against him and whispered, “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”
     Now it was his turn to become red in the face, “H-huh?”
     “I said,” your voice returned to normal volume, “You’re gorgeous, Dante…”
     He stared at you. Although the red devil plays the confident type, his self-esteem was rather poor, and, to be quite frank, he hated how he looked most days; being reminded of his dead brother every time he looked in a mirror. However, hearing you say something so simple and, yet, so impactful made his head spin and his heart wrench.
     You leaned in and placed a string of gentle kisses along his collarbones. As you did, you could hear him purring ever-so-slightly and were able to feel the vibrations through your lips. Eventually, Dante snapped out of his stupor, he slipped his hands into your underwear and found purchase on your ass, groping and kneading against you harshly. Next, you placed kisses up his neck and placed a long kiss against his Adam’s apple, pushing against it slightly; eliciting a groan from Dante. 
     Now back up at his lips, you connected with him once again. The red devil leaned you back onto the barren desk, without breaking the kiss, and pulled your hips tight to his. Once you were fully laid back, Dante moved down your jaw all the way down to your chest with soft kisses. A loud hiss left your mouth as you felt him bite down on one of your nipples, tugging on it slightly--doing his best to make sure he didn’t give you an accidental piercing. 
     “Fuck… Dante,” you ran your hands through his hair and looked down at him, he was already staring back at you; something was different, “Hey,” he released his bite, “You-- You alright?”
     His brow twitched in confusion and he tilted his head, his gaze thinned.
     “Your uh… eyes are--” You pursed your lips, his eyes had become a vibrant burning red-orange
     “Oh- Oh!” Dante laughed softly, “Don’t worry about that,” his voice was quiet, seemingly shy, “I’m just excited, that’s all.”
     You smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek, thumbing over his flushed skin. He moved back up to you and stared down at you. His eyes are the exact same as when he uses his Devil Trigger except for his pupils, which are heavily dilated. It was a chilling reminder of how dangerous Dante really is, how much stronger than you he is.
     “Are you sure you are alright with me-- with us-- doing this?” His brow was upturned and his voice was filled with a unquenchable lust that made your entire body hot.
     “Of course,” you gave him a long drawn-out kiss and bit his lower lip, slowly pulling on it, “I wouldn't have it any other way,” you felt him shift his hips slightly and whispered against his lips, “I want you, please, Dante.”
     He nodded and took a deep breath, leaning back up. 
     Before he could do anything, you sat up and pushed him away lightly with your fingertips on his chest. A sultry smirk tugged at your lips as you slowly slid down to your knees, placing the occasional kiss along his abdomen. 
     Dante’s breath hitched upon realizing what you were doing, “You don’t have to- ah~” He let out a small groan at the feeling of your lips against his still-clothed cock. 
     You looked up at him and placed a few more kisses down his trapped shaft, feeling him twitch against you. With almost painfully slow movements you kissed back up his shaft then slid your fingers behind the band of his boxers, pulling them down. His cock sprung up proudly, already dribbling pre-cum. 
     With a small smirk, you looked up at him and ran your tongue up the underside of his dick, making sure to lap up the small bits of milky fluid. His eyes broke from yours and were staring upwards.
     “Dante,” you stopped, making him look back down at you, “Look at me, please,” you leaned back in closer to his body, whispering against his sensitive flesh, “I want to see if you are enjoying what I am doing or not”
     He swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath, “I don’t know how long I… If I watch you.”
     You smiled and let out a sultry laugh, placing a kiss on the underside of his tip, “That’s fine, as long as I get to watch you cum.”
     The red devil’s face was bright red, not only from your words but from, watching you give his slit small kitten licks. You made your way down his shaft with slow kisses again, reveling in how much he was squirming from your touch. Once down to his base, you moved to the side--between his cock and the meat of his thigh--and bit down on him, leaving a loving dark mark. All the while Dante was groaning quietly as he bit his lower lip, attempting to stifle his vulnerable noises. In fact, he was biting down so hard that blood had begun to trickle down his chin.
     After you felt the mark was dark enough, you placed several kisses on his balls and curled your tongue around his shaft, moving from the very base all the way back up. Slowly, you placed your lips around his cockhead and made sure to watch as Dante released his lower lip, unable to contain himself any longer. Bit by bit you took his length into your mouth, to the best of your ability; it’s not every day you suck an eight-inch cock after all. 
     Unhurriedly you bobbed your head up and down, making sure to savor his taste and the lewd mewls that he was making. You used one hand to play with his balls, making him buck his hips at the unexpected touch. Cautiously, he placed a hand on the back of your head, his fingers just barely ghosting against you. Noticing his hesitation, you used your free hand to push his palm harder against you. As you worked yourself into a rhythm, you noticed that he was moving his hips gently into you, making you take him in ever-so-slightly deeper with each intake. 
     You placed your free hand on your own dick and began to stroke yourself at the sight of Dante towering above you. He was breathing heavily with half-lidded eyes and was moaning sweet praises; such as “Holy shit” or “Goddamnit”. 
     After a while, you moved back to kiss down his shaft and his balls. Carefully, you licked his sack and took one of his balls into your mouth very gently sucking on it.
     Dante put his hands against the wall, pushing up, and arched his back as he let out a loud unfiltered moan, "Fuckin~~! God~" His fingers clawed through the wallpaper, all he wanted was to grab you and fuck into the back of your throat, but he needed to be careful and have patience; the last thing he wants is to hurt you.
     As you released his ball, you lightly ran your teeth against the skin, making him let out another loud moan. You flattened your tongue and ran it up between his balls, making sure to go slowly between them, all the way back to his tip only to generously give his slit more kitten licks. 
     Once again, you returned to bobbing up and down on his cock, moving a bit faster this time. One of your hands began to fondle his balls again whilst the other wrapped around to hold the back side of his thighs; encouraging him to thrust harder into your face. The red devil caught on quickly to the idea and placed both his hands on the back of your head and began to thrust his hips into you. 
     Admittedly, it was perhaps a bad idea to encourage him to face-fuck you since he managed to make you deep-throat him; something you weren’t able to do. Tears sprung to the corners of your eyes at the feeling. All you could do was wrap both your arms around his thighs and hold on for dear life, hoping he didn’t get any rougher. 
     Thankfully, it didn’t take Dante long to reach his peak. Your eyes met with his and he let out a thunderous whining moan as his fingers dug into the back of your head, pushing his cock as far into your mouth as he could. As expected, his cum didn’t taste the greatest--caused by his diet or lack-there-of, it was very salty and rather bitter. On top of that, he was choking you and pushing rather hard into the back of your throat but that didn’t matter much; you got what you’ve been lusting after for so long. 
     The look on his face alone made it worth the probable sore throat in the morning. He was disheveled with his hair falling in front of his face, some of which was stuck to the thin layer of sweat on his brow. His eyes were heavy and even more dilated than before. A dark red stain adorned his lower lip from his own smeared blood. Heavy labored breaths left his ajar lips, giving you a good look at his sharp teeth. You could tell that he wanted you, that he wasn’t done with you yet; which is exactly what you’d hoped for. 
     You felt him pet the back of your head as you removed his cock from your mouth. With heavy eyes of your own, you looked up at him with your mouth hung open slightly and breathing heavily. He noticed the tears that had finally run down your face and thumbed them off your cheeks, cupping your face in his hands. 
     Without breaking eye contact, you leaned against one of his hands and took his thumb into your mouth, biting it softly. 
     Dante’s voice was soft, “Can we do more?”
     With a smirk, you let go of his finger and stood up, placing a hand on his chest, “You sure you’re up for it?”
     The red devil picked you up, placing his head between your neck and shoulder, whispering in a low dark tone, “My room or yours?”
     A shiver ran up your spine, “E-either one’s fine-!”
     Dante bit down softly over one of the marks he made earlier in an attempt to satiate some of his growing desires, internally he felt himself becoming increasingly impatient. After a minute of thought, he went upstairs with you still in his arms and kissing your marred skin. Dante decided to use his room; after all, he knows where his lube is--plus he doesn’t have to worry about ruining your bedding, bed, or room in the heat of the moment. 
     He supported you with one arm as he futzed with the doorknob. You grabbed his face and moved it to yours, kissing him once again. Dante’s kisses were much less innocent and sweet this time; this time, they were overtly lustful and sinful. He wanted to indulge both himself and you in these unholy urges, to make you feel as good as he does; which, come hell or high water, is exactly what he’s going to do. 
     Finally, he got the door open and pushed it open using your back. Your hands made their way up to his hair, grabbing handfuls of it as he placed both his hands on your ass, pulling you as tight to him as he could. The only light in the room was provided by the sunset that was peaking through the blinds on his window; which poured directly onto the bed. He brought you both to the foot of his bed and laid you down, moving his kisses down your neck and to your shoulder. 
     When Dante leaned up the sight before him is one that will be immortalized in his jumbled mind. You were a hazy mess and were sprawled out on the untidy sheets. The sunlight gave your body a golden glow and only emphasized how beautiful you are to him. You looked heavenly, angelic almost. A small amount of pity sat at the edge of Dante’s mind, pity at how he is going to stain your pure and holy nature; how this devil is going to destroy you.
     He grabbed one of your hands and kissed the back of it, placing genteel warm kisses up your arm and stopping on your shoulder. His breath was hot and tickled your ear as he whispered to you, “I love you,” he placed a long kiss on the side of your neck, “So damned much…”
     Before you could speak, he placed a soft peck on your lips and stood up, moving over to his bedside table. You scooched up further onto the bed and Dante climbed onto it, a bottle of lube now in hand, sitting on his knees. To say he looked stunning was an understatement. You weren’t sure if he looked heavenly or if he looked demonic; perhaps he is both a devil and an angel wrapped up in a half-human shell. The sunlight made him appear god-like; between the sheer definition of his frame and the orange eyes that were trained on you, he looked surreal. Said eyes were flicking all over your body, absorbing every bit of you that he could, but he was hesitant; what if he messes things up?
     After a few minutes, you sat up and placed a hand on his bicep, “Hey, you okay? We can stop if you don’t want to do more, Dante.”
     He shook his head, “No, I want this, I want you. I just--” his gaze broke from yours and mumbled, just barely audible, “I’m nervous.”
     You gave him a gentle smile, thumbing over his arm, “You’re doing great, Dante,” you leaned the top of your head against his chest, closing your eyes, “Besides, that’s supposed to be my line.”
     He let out a warm laugh and placed his hands on your back, kneading against you. 
     After a moment, Dante leaned you back down and slid his hands into your underwear. He pulled your last bit of clothing off and tossed it somewhere within the messy room, then he took his own off; leaving you both completely exposed. The red devil then paused in thought for a moment before carefully turning you over onto your stomach.
     You peered over your shoulder at Dante. He was staring at your bare form, biting his lip. A small groan left your mouth as you felt him place his warm hands on your ass, kneading. After a moment, you heard him shuffle around and then he sat for a moment. A sharp gasp came from you as you felt him smack your ass then aggressively grabbed the slowly redding side. Dante’s lip twitched into a smirk as he did it again, hearing you let out another moan. 
     He put both hands back down and groped at your ass, listening to your whimpering beneath him. Admittedly, he wanted to continue teasing you but he was losing grip on his own emotions; fighting back an urge to Trigger. So, he let go of your tender flesh and grabbed the bottle of lube. Instinctively, you put your ass up a bit; laying in a downward dog position. Dante split apart your cheeks and applied a generous amount of lube before slowly running his finger around your hole. 
     A small buck of your hips back told Dante you wanted him to hurry up so he slid one finger inside you. You buried your face into the bedding in hopes to suppress your voice but were quickly pulled back up by Dante’s hand carefully around your throat. 
     Through a strained growl, Dante confidently huffed, “I want to hear everything, and,” he leaned down, slowly adding a second finger, and whispered in your ear, “I don’t want you to fake anything.” He kissed the back of your neck, “I want your real reactions, ‘kay?”
     Quickly you nodded, laying your head to the side and letting out a quiet groan as you felt his fingers fuck into you faster. Dante curled his fingers towards himself and felt you jolt forwards as you let out a guttural groan. So, he repeated the action and, when you repeated the same response, he continued to do it faster and faster. 
     Dante added more lube and slid in a third digit and saw that your brow furrowed a bit, grimacing slightly; however, you didn’t tell him to stop so he pushed it in further. As he played with your hole, he noticed you had begun to practically ride his hand. Mindlessly he opened his mouth and began to play with his teeth using his tongue, he found himself distantly regretting waiting so long and wished he had been able to gratify these taboo feelings sooner. 
     “Dante,” you stared at him from the corner of your eyes, “I want you,” you felt his fingers quicken, making you moan, “Please, Dante.”
     The red devil shifted his jaw in thought, still playing with your ass. He wanted to watch you squirm underneath him longer but he couldn’t deny that he was also growing increasingly desperate. With a small sigh, he removed his fingers and gently coaxed you to turn over; laying belly up. 
     Slowly, he ran a hand down your middle and gently thumbed over your aching cock, and the pre-cum that decorated the tip. You whimpered from the unexpected feeling of your long-neglected arousal. Dante leaned back to sit his butt on his heels and, using some lube, stroked himself to the sight before him. 
     Once fully slicked up, Dante aligned himself with your hole. A devilish smirk tugged at his lips as he teased you, running his tip along your hole; he wanted to hear you beg as he had heard in secret for so many years. 
     “Please Dante,” you pursed your lips and rolled your hips, “Please, I can’t-- Please~!”
     With a low growl, he pushed his tip inside and you let out a sharp gasp at the feeling. 
     Bit by bit Dante entered your body. You were doing your best not to tighten your body around the unfamiliar feeling. Admittedly, it made your whole body tingle in delight; never had you had such a large partner--living or plastic--making this quite a new and thrilling experience. It took nearly a minute for Dante to finally be fully inside and both of you were already on edge. You reached up for Dante’s head, pulling him down for a kiss. Your legs rested on the outsides of his hips, allowing him to bend down fully to kiss you. The kisses were slow, loud, sloppy kisses; both of you were a mess.
     Dante sat back up, holding you around your thighs, and ever-so-slightly pulled back then pushed back inside. He continued these small careful movements for some time. 
     “More, please, Dante,” you spoke between heavy breaths, “I don’t want you to hold back,” you flashed him a warm sultry smile, “Do whatever you want with me, Daddy~” You added a playful wink to the end and laughed as his eyes went wide with embarrassment.
     Your laughter quickly died down when you felt him quickly pull out over half his length and jab it right back in eliciting you to let out a loud unfiltered moan, “Do whatever I want, huh?” He gave you a dark full-teeth smile, you felt your stomach drop in a fearful arousal type of way.
     Dante pulled out almost the whole way and, once again, slammed right back inside. You let out another sharp moan and arched your back at the feeling. The red devil repeated this action until all you could hear in the shop was his balls hitting your ass and you spouting out random jibberish; singing the devil’s praises. 
     You went to jack yourself off but were stopped by Dante’s hand grabbing your wrist. Without slowing down, Dante leaned down and looked you dead in the eye, “You only get to cum when I say you can, babe.”
     Dante yanked you up to sit on his lap, making hard deep hard jackrabbit thrusts right into your prostate. As he did that, he also had begun to bite over your skin again and his hands hand found their way to your ass; groping it hard. You wrapped your arms around him and held on to him, leaving deep scratches on his upper back. His lips met with yours again for more sloppy wet kisses, his hands slowly traveled to underneath your thighs. 
     In one swift motion, he had both of you up off the bed and you pushed against his wall. His thrusts had slowed to a moderate pace but were still short, only pulling out two or three inches. You decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and bit down on his shoulder. Dante let out a loud sharp unfiltered moan and his fingers dug into your skin, clawing into your thighs. 
     Once you felt the mark was deep enough, you placed a few more; making sure to mar up each side, and with each bite, you got another frantic moan. You leaned back to admire your work and felt him start making longer, more drawn-out movements, purposefully teasing. 
     Now resting his head against the side of your neck, he placed a few kisses, “I don’t remember saying you could bite me, babe.”
     “Whatcha gonna do about it, hm?” 
     Dante pulled out of you and the next thing you knew you were being pushed face down into the floor, his hand grasping the back of your head tightly. He re-inserted himself inside you and began to fuck you even harder than before; pulling out to the very tip and slamming into you. Using his other hand, he took one of your arms and held it behind you, pinning it to your back. Your free hand was stretched in front of you and you were gripping the floor with your fingertips, desperately trying to ground yourself. 
     Admittedly, you were on cloud nine as you felt him continuously re-penetrate your hole. Your legs felt weak and you began to, unknowingly, drop your hips down; which caught Dante’s attention. The red devil pulled himself back out and took you to the bed, laying you face up. He remained on his feet and re-inserted himself, then yanked your legs up and over his shoulders. All you could do was grip the bedding tightly and continue to babble random moaning phrases to him, egging him on further. 
     This pose didn’t last long, Dante removed your legs and leaned down to you. He gave you a long impassioned kiss before resting his forehead against your chest. One of his hands grabbed yours, intertwining your fingers, and the other found purchase on your cock. With each jab inwards, he jerked your dick in rhythm with his hips. Your free hand gripped his hair, holding him into your chest. 
     Dante’s voice was ragged and low, almost desperate sounding, “I don’t know how much longer I…”
��    “Cum inside me, Dante,” you didn’t even need to hear the rest, you knew that he wanted to know what to do. 
     He moved his head to rest between your neck and shoulder then picked up his pace tenfold, in both his hips and his hand. Your body arched tightly against his and your fingers clasped even tighter around his hand and his hair. It only took a few more short sharp jabs for him to reach his climax, spilling himself deep inside you. Dante’s teeth sunk deep into your skin, breaking it once again, and creating a vice grip on you. 
     The hot feeling from his cum quickly spread throughout your body as his pace around your cock sped up, the combination of the two soon brought you to your own peak, “Fuck, Dante~!” Your voice was loud and semi-whiney and you pushed your head against his. 
     A gentle purr could be heard from him at the sound of your orgasm, despite him still having his teeth sunk into you. You gently ran your fingers through his hair and felt as if you were going to cry. The two of you laid connected for a few minutes, just enjoying the feeling of being so close.
     Dante carefully removed his bite, making you let out a hiss in pain, and released your hand from his. He leaned up and gently removed his cock from your body, making a shiver run up your spine. With a happy content huff, he relaxed back down on you and propped himself up by resting his forearms on your chest. A warm smile and half-lidded eyes adorned his face as he placed a soft innocent kiss on your cheek and then rested his chest on his arms, staring at you.
     Your hands slowly ran up his biceps and rested on his shoulders, mimicking his smile with one of your own. As you thumbed over his skin, you couldn’t help but think about how much you truly cared about Dante. Wandering thoughts devolved to the memories of coming home to a near-dead Dante laying on the bathroom floor; which only further darkened to the idea that it could always happen and, someday, you might not make it home in time to--
     “Hey,” Dante’s soft voice pulled you from your thoughts. His smile was gone and his brow was creased, “What’s wrong?”
     A tremble found its way to your lips as you stared at him and you realized that you had several tears running down your face. Unable to spit out what you were thinking, you spoke with a small crack in your voice, “Can you come closer?”
     He gave you a small sweet smile with a happy huff, “Here.”
     Dante stood up, picked you up, and placed you on the bed--laying you the correct way. The red devil then slid onto the bed next to you, placing his head on your chest. He laid with his body half on top of you and wrapped his arms around your middle, allowing you to do the same. Although you typically would’ve immediately gone to wash up after such a strenuous event, you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of him. A loud robust purring filled the room as both of you relished in the feeling of holding one another.
     You placed a soft long kiss against the top of his head, lingering against him for some time before whispering sweetly against his disheveled hair, “I love you, Dante; you know that, right?”
     The red devil turned his head to look at you better and placed a soft kiss against your lips, “I love you too babe,” he placed his head back on your chest, nuzzling into your hard, his arms wrapping tighter around you, “So damned much.”
ENDING NOTES: ;skfajfjlkdsjafkldj this wasn’t supposed to be this long--it’s 22 pages in docs; how the fuck-- This was supposed to be a short Dante smut fic, what happened lmaooo 🍊🍊🍊 Quick thing: If you are curious as to why I think a younger Dante would have issues with how he looks; it is because it reminds him of Vergil (Vergil has the same issue when his hair is down, thinking he looks like his brother--I mean, they are twins after all).  🍊🍊🍊 You know, I have written quite a bit of smut, right? So you’d think that I would stop laughing and getting embarrassed over writing words like “nipple” or “balls” but no, I fucking still giggle to myself like a fucking idiot when I write those words like… wtf is wrong with me smh Like I sit here typing one letter at a time all flustered when writing those two words specifically even though I just wrote about Dante fingerings the reader or like the reader linking Dante’s pre-cum like wtf is wrong with me lmaooo
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! /Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! /
 Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! /
Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here ! / Part 17 Here! / 
Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! / Part 20 here! / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / 
Part 23 Here! / Part 24 Here! / Part 25 Here! / Part 26 Here! / Part 27 Here! / 
Part 28 Here!  / Part 29 Here! / Part 30 Here ! &lt;This is Part 31!>
A/N: This one isn’t as good as normal but it’s the best I could do
* This is bad
* “Woah, how’d you do that Tyson?” Percy has stars in his eyes as he inspects Tyson’s unscarred hands after he caught flaming dodgeballs like it was nothing.
* Neither you nor Percy have a weapon, the only person here capable of taking on these flaming monsters is Tyson—but he’s like seven years old in Cyclops years so that’s not a good idea.
* ‘But I’ve been through worse.’ You remind yourself with a deep breath.
* These are monsters, not gods. You can always rely on your despair.
* You turn to Perfcy and Tyson, an apology on your lips when there’s a guttural groan on the other side of the gym.
* Invisible gashes form on the monsters one by one as they combust into flames, black scratch marks where they once stood.
* Annabeth materializes when her baseball is knocked of her head by a particularly violent gust of flames.
* But not before she strikes the last one down, shrieking in pain when a flame flickers against her arm.
* ‘Huh, I guess that works too.’
* “Annabeth!” Percy shouts. You both run over to her, your hands held over singed flesh.
* Her bottom lip trembles between her teeth until blue light emits from your hands.
* The wound drys into a scab, then tender pink flesh, before disappearing completely.
* “I’ll never get over this.” Annabeth whispers, fingers trailing the unblemished skin.
* “What do you think you’re doing!?” A voice booms from behind you, and when you turn to look sure enough — the former Olympic medalist for archery, now just a high-paid school gym teacher — is glowering at you.
* Percy immediately tenses with a sad look in his eyes. “It was nice staying here while it lasted,”
* The coach makes his way to you in heavy steps, Percy rises, his mouth trembling.
* “It was all—”
* He walks right past you three and to the red lever in the wall.
* “I know you kids care about each other, but in these cases, if there’s an electrical fire you really need to ring the fire alarm.”
* “An electrical fire?’ Percy mumbles to himself.
* “Come on kids! Let’s head out from the backway just like we practiced in the drills!”
* Percy, Annabeth, Tyson and you file into line with the other students.
* “He didn’t get mad,” Tyson whispers.
* Your first reaction is to tell him of course he wouldn’t get mad, it’s not like any of you asked for a fire.
* But when you see the look on Percy and Annabeth’s face, you swallow your words.
* You’ve always gone to St. Catherine’s, and with your divine father's consistent presence, you wouldn’t be surprised if the mist worked favorably here because the faculty had a good impression of you—and by extension your friends.
* But the same can’t be said for your friends.
* ‘They’re just children, they shouldn’t have to be so cunning that they can manipulate what a person thinks they saw.’
* Your lips tucks between your teeth and you swallow hard.
* “Of course, he didn’t.” you’re just a child. “You deserve to be trusted.”
* If they heard you they don’t make any indication as your group is jostled outside, cellphones held to ears as children call their parents.
* ‘Maybe I should call Dad and let him know. I should let them borrow my phone too, hopefully they know their parents number—‘
* “Annabeth, what are you doing here?”
* “I-I came here to get Percy, they’re asking for him at camp.” Then looking a bit bashful, she adds: “I didn’t know you guys went to the same school.”
* “I never mentioned it?” Percy says with a rather ingenuine shrug. Annabeth pouts.
* “Looks like it’s your lucky day, this is a three-for-one.”
* “Where did you find him?” She gestures to Tyson.
* “He’s my friend.” Percy answers, slightly miffed at her tone.
* Annabeth hails a taxi like you’ve never seen before, dark green in color with smoke creeping out of the windows.
* “Yeah, no offense but I’d rather cut of my left nut then get in that thing.” (this is said in a gender neutral way I promise—if you identify M it’s serious, if F or non-binary it’s being dramatic)
* You wave your hand and a portal opens before you.
* You’ve practiced enough with your father this year to manage making it to one location, it still takes a lot of focus.
* You watch one of the drivers amber at Tyson.
* “Do you want to come with me Tyson?”
* He hesitates for a moment before shaking his head with a sweet smile.
* “I’m going to go with Percy.”
* You return his smile with your own.
* ‘Brothers should stick together after all.’
* “See you guys at camp!”
* You keep the image of rolling hills and the scent of strawberries in your mind, walking into the inky black abyss until sunlight floods your view
* And just like that you’re here.
* “Squad five attack from the right!”
* “Watch out for the flames!”
* “Get it together!!”
* A mechanical Bull rampages through campers like they’re players in grand theft auto.
* And just like that it’s like you never left.
* From the mass you spot a golden mmmmm familiar bright yellow head of hair.
* “Clarisse!”
* Her attention is diverted from her opponent for a moment, just long enough for the bill to latch onto her as it’s next target.
* “Get out of the way!”
* The two of you tumble out of the way and down a hill.
* She seems more shocked than usual to see you.
* “You need to get out of here.”
* “Yeah, we all need to get out of here. How’d a monster even get inside—”
* “No,” she grabs onto your arm. “You specifically need to leave right now.”
* ‘That’s kind of a rude thing to say to someone who saved your life.’
* You hear a loud crash and look up to see Tyson going head to head with the mechanical Bull.
* “Come on.” She tugs you by the arm around the squirmish past a shrieking bull, a screaming Annabeth and an adrenaline filled Percy.
* “Clarisse, our friends are that way!”
* She pays you no mind almost making it all the way to Thalia’s tree when the world goes still.
* “Shit.” She whispers.
* You turn with your eyebrows threaded together, seeing a group of startled campers staring back, where the Bull once stood is a man—at least six feet tall with a head of perfectly gold curls.
* He looks at you with a wolfish grin, his bright red blush flanked over his nose and spilling onto his cheeks.
* “(Y/N)! I was wondering when you’d show up!” Ares shouts with an excited wave.
* “Shit.”
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justasimp1 · 2 years
Finn Wolfhard x F! Reader
Fluff, Actress/Famous AU ☆
It was a normal interview so far for the Stranger Things cast. Regular sly questions trying to find out more on the upcoming volume. The whole time you found your eyes drifting to Finn. His smile and stance are so intoxicating.
"So what about you, Y/N?" The interviewer cued the cameras toward you. Everyone's eyes glanced over at you, Finn included. The corners of his mouth slightly turned up when he made eye contact with you.
"Uh- Yeah. Filming this season has been an adventure...sometimes you think you become a part of the viewers because you are also watching the story unfold" You removed your eyes from Finn and towards the camera.
"Are you implying the Duffer brothers don't inform you fully?" The interviewer adjusted his voice. "Yes and no. It's like watching the show, you hear the script, and have your predictions, but you still are following that storyline" You smiled, feeling Finn's breath on your ear.
'Fuck why did he have to sit next to me?" You bit your bottom lip keeping the emotion from showing on your cheeks.
"I agree, even though I'm the actress playing the character, I feel like I connect to the story" Sadie chuckled, causing a chain of "Me too's". The man, positioned in the interviewer chair, shifted his index cards.
"With this new season comes sprouting romance. For instance, Will pining after Mike and we even get a glimpse of Argyle and Susie's older sister. Some fans have noticed--more like created a thing called screen tension, where the 2 actors in a scene have tension rather than the characters"
You're eyebrows quirked at the new phrase. You glanced around to look at everyone's reactions. Finn's eyes seemed trained on you, he smiled when you looked at him. Almost as if time stopped and your heart sped to the future.
You studied his expression, adornment no, infatuation no we're just cast members. You swallowed the lodge in your throat, pulling your attention away. Finn's smile slumped down in confusion, he wished he could read your thoughts.
"Kind of like Y/N and Finn~" Millie teased, her voice perking up. You smiled, feeling your cheeks temperature slip from your fingers. "Perfect example!" Noah clapped while laughing.
The group exchanged looks. "No me and Y/N are the opposite of scene tension. I don't even think about her that way or look at her that way..." Mike furiously blushed as he awkwardly scratched his nape. His eyes going to you, looking for reinsurance.
"I don't know- Season 1 and 2 Finn would say differently" Millie chimed, grinning. "What would 12-year-old Finn say?" You questioned out of pure curiosity.
"Can we please move on?" Finn flexed his jaw, looking at the interviewer. Everyone (besides you) seemed to have past knowledge on this joke. They laughed, mutually agreeing that flustering Finn on LIVE tv wasn't the best decision.
You're body guards helped your walk out the crowded door. Fans lined the street, waving, throwing notes and flowers. "Oh Y/N!" Finn grabbed onto your arm, pulling you at his side. "Can we talk?" Finn looked up at a person pointing a camera at you.
You nodded, taking his hand and pulling him closer for the photo. The photographer shared his gratitude. You waved toward the last group of fans before reaching your black SUV.
Finn reached for the door, holding it open for you. You got in, turning in the seat to wait for Finn. "So what is it?" You pushed his brunette curls out of his face. "What Millie said in the interview-"
"It was just a joke, we are very close friends it was bound to happen" You shrugged. "...It wasn't and you deserve to know at least. But when I was younger I had this stupid crush on you" Finn laughed, rubbing his palms over his pants.
You went stunned. "Really?" Were the only words that could mutter out. "Yeah. And I still do" Finn's smile faltered when he saw your eyebrows raise. "I wanted to tell you myself before Millie did"
Finn grasped the door handle. You tugged his shirt, pulling him back with one hand and cupped his cheek with the other. Your lips touch his, they were soft, slightly thin. But the emotion swirling through one exchange had your heart racing.
You poked your tongue at his bottom lip, pushing your lips deeper onto his. His hands lingered over your waist. "I do too" You mumbled, averting your eyes away from the contact.
"Can I kiss you again?" Finn stuttered, pulling your face back into his view. "Anytime" You replied, leaning into his touch.
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mrzombielover · 1 year
I’m begging for more alphabets yours are so good!! I’m still laughing at Soap being the “I’m in my girls ear like” meme
thank you anon im glad you enjoy them :)
here’s a gaz nsfw alphabet because i love him so very much and he is incredibly underrated (implied f reader)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
gives amazing aftercare, doesn’t hesitate to start cleaning you up, then he’ll jump right back in with you to cuddle
on the quieter side. not in a bad way, he still enjoys pillow talk but would prefer to listen to you ramble and occasionally add or react. likes holding you against his chest and absentmindedly tracing over your skin, placing kisses on your head or shoulder once in a while
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
pretty indifferent about himself, does like his chest and shoulders cause buff💪💪 military, also likes his back for the gains and goes crazy for love scratches down his biceps and back
on you? your eyes. classic and cheesy but he loves them and staring into them. LOVES when you two can have silent conversations and he can tell what you’re thinking just from the expression in your eyes
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i imagine he eats a pretty balanced diet and he’s generally a healthy guy, so it tastes fine. cums a normal amount, too.
he is not tryna have kids right now so he always pulls out before he cums and he looovessss seeing it all over you, almost better than he likes cumming inside you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
likes watching/hearing you get aggressive and tell people off it gets him going. this isn’t that dirty but he would be embarrassed if you found out. one time while decently drunk you yelled at a girl that wouldn’t stop hitting on him and he was smiling the rest of the night. also likes when you’re protective of him. again he’s a bit embarrassed about it
since neither of these are dirty you get 2 secrets to make up for it lolol
he has a bunch of pictures of you that you don’t know about. like, a TON. candids and stuff that you would hate but he thinks you look nice in. also some dirty ones like he took while you were passed out after sex, not necessarily sexual but intimate in a way that you would murder him if he ever showed someone.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s not inexperienced, but he’s not really fucking a lot per se, like he’s not a big fan of one night stands so majority of his experience is with old partners.
he knows what he’s doing though. it takes a bit for him to learn exactly how you like it but after a few times he knows exactly how to make you melt
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he likes any position where you’re in his lap, loves the intimacy and it kinda makes him feel stronger/bigger in a way lol
he also likes experimenting with positions though which sometimes ends up with both of you crumpled and laughing because you lost balance or his leg gave out or smth
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he can be a tad silly as a treat…. similarly to how he likes to tease he also likes banter and is not opposed to a bit of joking around during the moment
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
his hairs curly so it doesn’t exactly get very long, but he keeps it trimmed close anyway. he is very clean and neat i will die on this hill
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he can be super cheesy when he wants to be, but with the kind of confidence that he can somehow pull it off like he’s corny but lovable. and likes to spoil you so sometimes he really pulls out all the stops to give you a romantic surprise
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
another thing he’s a bit embarrassed about but he does it quite frequently when you guys are separated.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
light bondage!!! like handcuffs drive him crazy he loves to see you squirm and reach to touch him but be physically held back. blindfolds too
temperature play is another good one, goes insane when ice is used on either of you.
food play too, he accidentally pavlov’d himself tho and now cannot eat whipped cream without getting hard
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
all the classic places ofc your bed is the most common, he likes the shower too but i think the couch is his ultimate fav
cause he likes to experiment with different positions the couch allows for a bit more weird leeway going on, like the handles and stuff
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
like i said before it totally gets him going to see you yell at someone for some reason. loves a scrappy girl LMAO i’m projecting
would separate you if you ever actually got in a fight to prevent you from being hurt but there would def be a moment where he’s conflicted
also kinda weird but your scent. smth sciencey abt pheromones probably…. he goes crazy when he can smell traces of you on his sheets or on a shirt and loves to smell your hair as he’s falling asleep
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anal stuff kinda freaks him out wouldn’t want you to touch his ass 💀💀💀 if you’re really insistent maybe for your birthday or smth but not ideal for him
something he absolutely would never do would be any like dark hard kinks, the idea of cnc or abuse or humiliation makes him go soft
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
so weak to blowjobs. loves giving, too, ofc but you can get him to do pretty much anything if you give him head. he doesn’t wanna like guilt you into giving it, it’s much sexier to him when it’s your idea
ok back to giving he loves it fs! sex is 50/50 to him and he loves pleasing
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
not that he goes slow, but tends to be on the softer side. v much prefers sensual sex, and hates feeling rushed
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they have their time and place, but generally, he doesn’t prefer them. usually thinks it’s not worth the mess and clean up. does like the idea of picking up where you left off later, and you having to sit through the rest of work with ruined underwear.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
the idea makes him a bit nervous which makes him excited. probably wouldn’t initiate risky public stuff but also wouldn’t say no
with kinks, he’s pretty open, mostly just to make you happy. not unwilling to sub but prefers control. again he’ll try some stuff but isn’t really into heavy dom/dub dynamics or bdsm
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
quite a few depending on the night, but he does need a little break inbetween rounds he’s not superhuman lol. but usually y’all go 2-3 rounds if you don’t have some kinda time crunch
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i feel like he would enjoy using them on his partner, he’d looove to see the effect they have on you, especially a vibrator. is a bit shy about them being used on himself. not that he’d never let you use them on him, just maybe not all the time. like if he was in a particularly submissive mood he’d be game. uses them on you more often, see also in combination w blindfolding
also kinda related i feel like when he was a teenager his friends got him a fleshlight as a joke and he was too embarrassed to ever use it so he just kept it hidden in his sock drawer or something, and one time his mom found it and yelled at him. he was mortified and his friends never stopped making fun of him for it
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he can be a SMUG mf, likes to tease n make fun of you. it’s all light hearted, of course, but sometimes he’s so mean!!! totally unfair
he’s a good sport when you tease him, though. doesn’t let it bother him so much cause he knows he’ll make you pay for it, later
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
a little quieter but not silent, wouldn’t outright moan but he does grunt and whimper, voice getting shakier when he gets closer to cumming. lots of heavy, desperate breathing too, right in your ear. likes being quieter so he can hear the noises YOU make it drives him crazy
likes dirty talking a lot, too. like i said before, he can be a mean smug mf sometimes, which deffff transfers into his dirty talk. he lives for when you get so cockdrunk you can’t even respond to his questions as he teases you
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he has the HOTTEST VOICE EVER OMG IDK something about his accent and tone just DOES it for me fuck. anyway he’d be happy to indulge whatever voice kink you may have i need to hear him whimper bro
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
on the larger side, like 6.5 fully hard, and very very pretty. probably cut?
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
it’s pretty average for a young in shape high-testosterone guy. he won’t be like begging you 24/7 but like 90% of the time he’s ready whenever you are. gets intensely horny when drunk or high tho LOL so that’s when he’ll be more forward
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
would be fine not going to sleep, like he could get up and be functional, but he really does like holding you after and slowly drifting off. might take a little bit but he’s so comfortable he wouldn’t trade it for anything
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londonfoginacup · 5 months
Dude I’m slogging my way through a batch of books from the 1800s trying to figure out if they’re out of copyright or not and that’s TOO HARD so I’m just gonna post about something totally unrelated I’ve been thinking about.
I haven’t actually seen it in this fandom at all but probably because our fandom didn’t exist pre- 2010. But like there’s been a general *idea* circulating recently that fic authors are *too sensitive* now and in the old livejournal/forum days people *begged* for critiques on their fics. They think it’s insane that we, the authors of today, keep telling people to stop being assholes and putting negative comments on fics.
And first of all, I’ve got sort of a “and then everybody clapped” mentality about it. Like I’m just side eyeing anyone who’s like “yeah I wanted everyone to give me HARSH FEEDBACK so I could IMPROVE” as if Hans Christian Andersen himself didn’t lay down in the mud and cry when he read a bad review. It is not in human nature to be like “here is my precious child now everyone give her a good prodding with a knife”. It’s just not.
But ALSO you know what was DIFFERENT about LJ days? The community was SMALLER. I might be more willing to risk some negative critiques if the fandom is just me and, say, 300 other people who are so insanely into said fandom that they’ll track down a fucking livejournal community for it. Fandom is SO accessible now that 1. The Normal People (no offense) are involved and 2. Much YOUNGER people are involved. And that’s a big demographic shift!! (Okay “normal people” needs explained but like. A quick explanation being that fandom used to be for the people who would unabashedly say “squee” and “glomp” and wear cat ears in public. If you are not that level of brazen you may be slightly on the normal side. It’s not bad. It’s just different).
Like I personally do not want a negative critique left by someone who hasn’t figured out that a negative critique isn’t “I didn’t like this plot so the fic sucks”. I TOOK A CLASS ON CRITIQUE IN COLLEGE. I do not expect a high schooler who stumbled upon my fic to be able to leave a helpful negative critique! They’re new to this!
But also like. I’m gonna be real. I don’t care what a stranger thinks of my fic. If they post a negative critique on my fic and I read it and I cry, that’s not me caring about what a stranger thinks, that’s me walking along and being punched in the face by a stranger. I still don’t care what the stranger thinks but I will be getting a restraining order bc I don’t want that to happen.
I *will* sometimes go to my friends whom I *trust* and say “hey this fic is a mess pls help” and they DO they say HELPFUL THINGS. And maybe that’s actually what Fandom Olds are thinking of. Because in a small fandom community you can TRUST people! Like being in a church of 20 where everyone has known everyone for forever versus being in a mega church of thousands. I’m not gonna trust a rando in a mega church. I’m gonna trust Linda from the tiny neighborhood church because she makes the best pizza casserole and she cat sat for me once. Expecting critique in a tiny livejournal community =/= expecting critique in the vast ocean of ao3.
Anyway I’m getting on a tangent. The point is, is authors aren’t *weak* for not wanting negative critique. It’s natural. I don’t know you or your history with fic. I will take comments and compliments because that is fuel in the fire of a writer’s heart. That’s symbiosis. I will not let you prune my writing tree with big loppers because I don’t even know if you’re a tree surgeon, and pruning a tree in the wrong places KILLS IT. DON’T BE A TREE KILLER. Yes this is two completely unrelated metaphors. No im not changing my them.
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