#you collect furniture n floors n wall styles
topazshadowwolf · 8 months
ok we know Nightmare plays Animal Crossing but what would his opinion on Stardew Valley be?
I think his opinion would be “meh.” It is cute and there is some collecting involved but it’s all pixels, farms aren’t interesting to him, and the dating aspect Killer explained made him roll his eyelight. He doesn’t need or want a virtual spouse.
#i looooved Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo.#I played it so much#I read about it in a Nintendo power magazine and was all set on buying it#but they stores near me never got it on the release day.#found my copy in a game stop on a trip to my grandma’s house#she didn’t have a Super Nintendo and her TV was old… so I had to wait to play it a week before we went home.#I read the instruction manual cover to cover every day in anticipation#I knew how to play that game like I had been playing it all my life when I turned it on#played it the very next day after we got home#I was never an early riser but I got up that day before everyone else and played all day…#then I got my mom into it X3#basically#I think I’d like Stardew Valley if I ever get around to playing it#since I loved Harvest Moon so much#and I heard it was like the original Harvest Moons.#the first few when the focus was your farm and life#what Nightmare likes most about Animal Crossing is the collection aspect of it.#you collect for the museum fossils n bugs n fishe#you collect furniture n floors n wall styles#heck#you even collect clothing and pictures of residents when they move#that is what he enjoys#collecting#flowers#forgot that you collect those#and yes#he will make sure to hire Dust to go through and water the flowers for him to make sure he has at least one of each color.#but he is a busy skeleton and forgets at times#he does need someone to either remind him to water the flowers or do it for him#and he trusts Dust to not accidentally run through his roses.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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This is the most whimsical mid-century modern home I've come across in a long time. It was built in 1957 in Phoenix, Arizona, has 3bd. 2ba, and is listed for $549,900.
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This is unlike the perfect MCM homes we usually see. This one looks lived-in. I wonder if the sweat box conveys.
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The owners collected and curated quite a collection of MCM decor.
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This bump-out is the perfect size for a dining area.
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Look at this cute feminine bedroom and the little bath.
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This looks like a play room. Are those Mickey Mouse's shorts on the line?
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This is so perfect, a genuine 1950s kitchen set.
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A little tiki room with a bar.
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And, we're let down, b/c we just saw it all decorated, but this is what you get for $550K. An empty house.
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Well, there tiki room walls are still up and they left the china cabinet and some pillows. Gee, the fireplace is so bare.
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They took the bar, but left some decor and the kiddie pool from outside.
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I love the pastel kitchen. The appliances are vintage. Very nice.
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Check out the old exhaust fan setup. Looks like they also left a mixmaster.
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The main bedroom. I like the floors.
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And, it also has an en-suite.
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Oh, look they left furniture in here, plus Mickey's clothes and someone's pantaloons, too.
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The 2nd bath is colorful.
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This room is decorated in a Victorian style.
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I don't see a back yard, this is all in the front.
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In the back of the house is dirt that was staged to look like a beach.
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Spiral stairs go up to this rooftop deck.
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Aerial view of the property. I would have to do something with that back yard.
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yourfavoritewitchbitch · 11 months
Evermore - Part 2
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Summary: It’s been 7 years since the love of your life left you behind for his career. When he decides to come back, is it too late to start anew? Will you decide to start over or realize what's been right in front of you this whole time?
Warnings: 18+ for future chapters. AFAB!Reader. Alcohol/drug use mentioned. General angst. Swearing. Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is given the nickname Peach.
Word Count: 2.5K
As soon as Eddie touched down in Indy, he phoned Wayne. Not going into all the gory details that had led him here, but Wayne knew well enough not to prod. He was simply happy to have his boy back even if it was only for a couple of days. This would be the first time the metalhead would be back to Hawkins since he had moved Wayne out of Forest Hills and into a one level ranch style brick home across town. It was modest but enough for the old bachelor. Even then he merely stayed long enough to get Wayne situated then he found himself on the next flight to L.A., thankfully avoiding any other interactions in town, namely you.
He rented an inconspicuous black car at the airport and headed home. In L.A. rockstar Eddie wouldn’t be caught dead driving but back home, he was just Eddie Munson, resident freak and Satan worshiper. The small-minded people of this town still probably thought he had sold his soul to get where he was today. At times, he might agree with them.
The drive went rather quickly, finding himself pulling up to Wayne’s in record time. He grabbed his small bag and slung it over his shoulder making his way up to the front step. Before he made it up to the door, it swung open with a screech of its hinges revealing the older man.
“There’s my boy! Happy Birthday old man!” Wayne beamed, meeting him halfway on the porch engulfing him in a warm, crushing hug. Eddie hugged him back with as much enthusiasm. He led them through the threshold as he welcomed him in.
“How long you in for?” he asked hesitantly. Never knowing what to expect from his nephew.
“Uh, couple of days,” it sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Well, you’ve got a bedroom here. No need to hole yourself up in one of these dumpy motels around town son.” He took Eddie’s bag and walked to the room at the end of the hall giving him little choice but to accept the offer.
Standing alone in the living room gave him the chance to inspect the space. Wayne decorated it much like he had the little living area they had back at the trailer. Updated furniture but he still had his collection of hats hung on the wall above the couch. He also had his mugs proudly displayed in the kitchen and dining room. Eddie silently cursed himself for not bringing him a new one but made a mental note to pick up one to gift him before he left.
He noted the picture hung on the wall from his graduation. He stared at the smiling faces in the small oak frame. He studied the way your smile reached your eyes as you gazed up at him like he had hung the moon. At one time his favorite picture, now he despised the way it mocked him.
He lifted his hand to touch your face in the still photo when Wayne cleared his throat as he re-entered the room. Eddie retreating it quickly as if it had burned him. “She’s still in town, you know? She checks up on me from time to time. Doin’ real good for herself.”
Eddie looks away from your warm smile, looking down to the floor clearing his own throat before speaking, “That’s good. She uh… she happy?” He looked back to his uncle expectantly.
“Well, she seems to be. Always keeps herself busy. She bought a house not too far from here a couple of years ago. A nice little 2 story over on Maple.” The old man smiled fondly as he spoke about you. He never told Eddie anything that you two spoke about or even the fact that you had stayed so close after all these years. But Eddie wasn’t naive, he knew you were like a daughter to the older man as much as he was his son. Since moving away he suspected that the two of you were closer than he and Wayne were now.
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They caught up over a couple of beers and a hot meal. It had been ages since Eddie had a real homecooked meal. It made him long for something he couldn't quite explain. He spilled his guts to Wayne. Telling him all about the ex he had just left behind, leaving out some of the details. He didn’t need to hear another lecture about the alcohol or drug fueled parties.
Wayne hadn’t expected Eddie, but he had somehow still managed to get him a cake. They laughed and reminisced over the dessert. Then he handed him a small, wrapped package.
“Wayne, you know you didn’t have to get me anything. Save your money for something useful. It would be better spent on yourself.”
“Non-sense! I can’t not get my only son a little something for his birthday.” He waved his hand dismissively.
Eddie opened it, revealing a lighter that held his initials, E. J. M. “Thanks old man.” He clapped Wayne on the back. “I lost my good one a couple months back, so this is perfect.”
The two shared a few more stories before Wayne decided to retire for the night leaving the other to ruminate, once again alone to spiral in his own thoughts.
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Watching the dwindling sunlight hide behind the trees, welcoming the twilight, he decided to take a drive. The house was too quiet for his liking. He didn’t have any specific destination in mind, he just wanted to clear his head. He drove through the downtown area, Family Video and the arcade still going strong after all these years. Hawkins didn’t have much else to offer in the way of entertainment.
He noticed the area had gotten nicer, with a quaint little coffee shop occupying the space that Melvald’s General Store used to be. Something about the name caught his attention, but he brushed it off thinking it to be a coincidence. Once the mall had been built most of the mom-and-pop shops shut down, but it warmed his heart to see his little town still thriving.
He found himself in the parking lot at the Hideout, staring up at the all too familiar red and blue neon above the door. It was the same, but somehow different. The outside had been updated and he wondered if the inside had been too. He thought about the little apartment above the bar that held a special place in his heart, and all the memories he made there. It looked deserted now. No lights or signs of life.
A little while later after more aimless travel, he found himself on Maple Street. If he was completely honest with himself this is exactly where he intended to come. He parked in front of the only 2 story on the block. It didn’t look like anyone was home in the quaint little Tudor style home. The house was somehow exactly what he had pictured for you. Not a large home, but certainly taken care of. Manicured lawn and flower beds. He didn’t know how long he had been sitting out front when he noticed a familiar BMW slowly coming down the road and turning into the drive.
“Fucking Harrington,” he cursed out lowly to himself. “Of course, it’s Harrington.”  His grip on the steering wheel subconsciously tightened, turning his knuckles white.
He picked up the pack of smokes, resting in his lap, placing one between his lips to light and that’s when time seemed to slow. His breath hitched as he saw you exit the car. He couldn’t see you fully from this distance, with the light from the porch only giving enough illumination to make out your silhouette. He noted your hair was longer, but you looked good, healthy. Happy. You got out chatting with Steve, not able to make out the conversation but then he heard your laughter float through the air bright and clear. It hit him with such ferocity that if he weren’t sitting, he knew his knees would have failed him. He’d give just about anything to be the one to make you laugh like that again.
Much to his surprise, you didn’t immediately start for your front door but turned your attention to the back of the car. He watched with bated breath as you leaned down and picked up a sleeping form from the backseat. The child stirred slightly as she wrapped her arms tightly around your neck as you made your way to the house with “the hair” hot on your heels. He opened the door for you as you slipped inside and out of sight.
“What. The. Fuck.” he huffed. To say he was stunned would be an understatement. The cigarette between his lips threatened to fall as he was trying to pick his jaw back up from the floor as his mind caught up with what he had just witnessed. You… with a kid, with Harrington in tow. The what ifs started to take over.
He tried to maintain his composure as he drove back to Wayne’s. He picked up a fifth of Jack along the way. He was still having trouble trying to comprehend the scene that had played out before him. Why hadn’t Wayne told him you had a kid? With Steve Harrington of all people. He knew the two of you were close. Always had been. It had been a sore subject for your relationship a time of two. Eddie had been jealous and insecure back then, but you always assured him that there was nothing. And to your credit, never had been. But Eddie wasn’t blind either, he saw the way Steve looked at you. He could almost picture the gloating bastard, “I got the girl. What did you end up with?”
He slipped into the house making as little noise as possible so as not to disturb his sleeping uncle, hiding the liquor under his jacket as he made his way to the spare room. He shimmied out of said jacket and his shoes. Sitting on the bed he exhaled, as if he’d been holding his breath since leaving your house. He lifted the bottle and let the dark amber liquid flow down his throat, burning on the way down. Matching the way he felt, burning with something he could only describe as jealousy. He had no reason to be jealous. He knew that. You weren’t his and hadn’t been in a long time. He downed the rest of the bottle and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, catching some liquid that slipped from the corner of his mouth.  
His head hit the pillow as his eyes were already growing heavy. He let the drowsiness take hold and prayed like hell to a God he didn’t believe in, along with the help of his friend Jack, it would be a dreamless night.
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You woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and coffee wafting from your downstairs, a most welcome invasion to your senses. Neither you nor Steve grew up in a household that reigned in domesticated bliss but you both try your damnedest around Maddie. He was a great dad, which didn’t come as a shock to anyone that really knows him. He'd always wanted kids and that whole picket fence dream. He just never imagined doing it alone. Which, he was never alone with the help of you and Robin, Maddie had plenty of motherly influence and love.
You yawned, stretched and not at all ready to face the day but the little tornado would be up soon, and you'd have no choice at that point. You grabbed your fuzzy robe and bunny slippers creeping from your bedroom and tiptoeing your way to the guest room. She was still sound asleep, laying on her stomach with her little face smooshed into the pillow and lips slightly parted. The exact sleeping position you'd often find her dad in. 
You cracked the door and padded your way softly down the stairs to the kitchen. Steve was standing at the sink, coffee in hand with a towel slung over his shoulder with his grey sweats and plain white tee hugging the expanse of his chest. He looked deep in thought peering out the window, you didn't want to disturb him, but he turned and noticed you in the doorway. 
"Oh hey," he smiled softly, his warm gaze falling to you. "You're up." He huffed a laugh as you passed by headed straight for the coffee pot without a word. He had already made quite the feast, with biscuits warming in the oven. He would make some lucky woman very happy one day. It was a selfish thought to hope you could keep him like this forever. Misery loves company and all that.
“Sleep well?” you finally asked, while pouring yourself a cup and sitting down at the counter that separated the kitchen from the small dining area.
“Always do when I know my kid is safe and you’re happy.” All syrupy sweet. So sticky, those words could pin you to the very spot you sat.
“She's still passed out, so I think our little adventure wore us all out." 
Just as those words left your mouth you heard a thud upstairs followed by the pounding of little bare feet running across the floor. Steve smirked as he held his mug to his lips. "Spoke too soon, Peach."
Maddie bounded down the stairs and ran into your waiting arms. "How'd my favorite girl sleep?" You picked her up, smoothing her sleep mussed curls. Her pajamas almost too small for her growing frame.
"Daddy was snoring loud!" You let out a hearty laugh and looked over at Steve, as Maddie buried her face tighter to your chest.
"Hey!" He gasped, setting his mug on the counter, his hands finding their way to his hips for that signature dad stance. "That's not very nice. I think you snored louder than I did."
"Nuh uh daddy!" She flew into fit of giggles; head thrown back as you pulled her into a tight hug. You were about to tell him to get her some breakfast when you heard three sharp knocks at the door. 
Maddie immediately jumped down and shouted, "I get it!" 
"Who are you expecting?" He mused, quirking his eyebrow playfully.
You shrugged, "no one,” as you followed her.
"Mads baby, hold on. You don't know who it is." She reached the door before you could catch up to stop her.
"Hi mister!" She greeted all smiles with a small wave.
"Uh... Hi," you heard him respond and your heart dropped as your throat immediately tightened. It was suddenly too hard to swallow. A voice that you could never forget.
You sidled up behind the girl to see the metalhead rockstar standing before you, ripped jeans and leather jacket, his usual go to look. His hair a little shorter and scruff lines his jaw, as if he hadn’t shaved in a week or so.  You noted he was twirling his rings around his fingers, a habit he only exhibited when he was anxious or nervous. His eyes immediately found yours. Those dark, doe eyes you once held so much love for.
"Eddie?" You barely breathed out above a whisper, too taken aback to say anything else.
"Hey Peach." 
Taglist: @josephquinncore @theawkwardbutterfly @jadedhillon @angelina16torres-blog @justheretoreadleavemealone @heyyimmisunderstood @micheledawn1975 @devilslittlebabyxx @luciferiorbxtch @bebe07011 @pettydonuts @munsonmecrazy
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homeimprovementway · 1 month
Living Room Paint Colors Benjamin Moore: Transform Your Space with Stunning Shades
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Choosing the perfect paint color to adorn your living room can be an exhilarating yet daunting task. Benjamin Moore, renowned for its exquisite range of paint colors, offers an array of options that can transform your living room into a space of elegance and serenity. From soothing neutrals to bold statement hues, Benjamin Moore has something for every taste and style. Let's explore some of the best living room paint colors by Benjamin Moore that can breathe new life into your home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMLpVMlXIR0
Tranquil and Timeless Neutrals
Neutrals are a timeless choice for living room walls, providing a versatile backdrop for any decor style. Benjamin Moore presents a captivating selection of neutrals such as: - Gray Owl: This soft, airy gray with subtle undertones of green and taupe exudes an understated elegance, making it a popular choice for modern living rooms. - Revere Pewter: A warm, light gray that beautifully adapts to varying light conditions, creating a welcoming ambiance in your living space. - Edgecomb Gray: A sophisticated greige that effortlessly blends gray and beige, lending a sense of warmth and tranquility to your living room.
Rich and Regal Jewel Tones
If you're inclined towards infusing your living room with opulence and drama, Benjamin Moore's collection of jewel-toned paints is sure to captivate your senses. These stunning hues include: - Hale Navy: This deeply saturated navy blue evokes a sense of grandeur and luxury, creating a rich, cozy atmosphere in your living room. - Cranberry Cocktail: A luscious, deep red that radiates warmth and sophistication, perfect for making a bold style statement in your living space. - Amherst Gray: A dignified charcoal gray that imparts an air of refined elegance, adding depth and allure to your living room.
Refreshing and Vibrant Pastels
Embrace the charm of pastel hues to infuse your living room with a fresh, breezy aesthetic. Benjamin Moore offers a delightful array of pastel paint colors, including: - Breath of Fresh Air: This ethereal blue with a hint of green captures the essence of a tranquil seaside retreat, bringing a sense of calm to your living room. - Soft Pink: Delicate and soothing, this subtle pink hue adds a touch of whimsy and elegance to your living room without overwhelming the space. - Pale Moon: A gentle, barely-there gray that infuses your living room with a soft, serene ambiance, creating a perfect backdrop for diverse decor styles.
Essential Tips for Choosing the Perfect Paint Color
When selecting the ideal paint color for your living room, consider the following essential tips to ensure a harmonious and visually appealing result: - Consider the Lighting: Take into account the natural and artificial light in your living room to gauge how different paint colors will appear throughout the day. - Harmonize with Decor: Harmonize the chosen paint color with your existing furniture, decor, and flooring to create a cohesive and inviting space. - Sample the Shades: Before committing to a paint color, test sample swatches on your walls to observe how they interact with the room's lighting and decor. - Mood and Atmosphere: Determine the mood and atmosphere you wish to create, whether it's serene and tranquil, vibrant and energetic, or regal and luxurious. With these tips in mind, you can confidently embark on the journey of selecting a Benjamin Moore paint color that resonates with your style and elevates the allure of your living room.
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Credit: town-n-country-living.com
Frequently Asked Questions For Living Room Paint Colors Benjamin Moore: Transform Your Space With Stunning Shades
What Are The Popular Benjamin Moore Paint Colors For Living Rooms? Benjamin Moore offers various popular paint colors for living rooms such as Revere Pewter, Hale Navy, and Edgecomb Gray. Which Benjamin Moore Paint Colors Are Best For Small Living Rooms? For small living rooms, Benjamin Moore's Light Pewter, Sea Salt, and Silver Sage are ideal choices as they create the illusion of space and bring a sense of calmness and serenity. How Do I Choose The Right Benjamin Moore Paint Color For My Living Room? To choose the right Benjamin Moore paint color for your living room, consider factors such as room size, lighting, existing furniture, and your preferred color scheme. Start by getting paint swatches or small paint samples to test the colors in different lighting conditions before making a final decision. Are Neutral Paint Colors Suitable For Living Rooms? Yes, neutral paint colors are highly suitable for living rooms as they create a timeless and versatile backdrop that can easily be paired with various furniture styles and accent colors. Colors like White Dove, Gray Owl, and Simply White are great examples of neutral shades for living rooms.
Benjamin Moore's exquisite palette of living room paint colors presents an inspiring array of options, catering to diverse preferences and interior styles. Whether you're drawn to the serenity of neutrals, the opulence of jewel tones, or the freshness of pastels, Benjamin Moore offers a spectrum of hues to breathe new life into your living room. By considering essential factors such as lighting, decor harmony, and desired atmosphere, you can confidently select a Benjamin Moore paint color that transforms your living room into a space of unparalleled beauty and elegance. Embark on this color journey with Benjamin Moore, and witness the transformative power of paint in redefining your living room's aesthetic appeal. Read the full article
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barnesbabee · 3 years
collab || J.Y
ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴅᴀʏ 2 - ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴍ.ʟɪꜱᴛ
Summary: Two famous porn stars have a fun collab together.
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x gn!reader
Words: Just enough
⚠ although there is no mention of gender, the reader wears makeup and lingerie, so if you are uncomfortable with that, don't read  ⚠
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As Yunho dried his hair with a small towel, he heard the familiar ding sound from his social media. He had just finished uploading the edited version of his live stream, so it wasn't unusual for him to be contacted by a bunch of people right after, however, he didn't expect to see you.
You weren't well known in the porn scenario, as you were fairly new and the competition was vast, but your 'Around The World' series had become a huge success and a major hit for its originality.
Yunho was quite a fan of the series, so when he saw your message, his fingers were crossed.
Y/N: Hello! My name is Y/N, I'm not sure if you know my work, but I am a porn star that is currently doing a series called 'Around The World' where I... well, fuck people all around the world. My next stop is South Korea and I have seen your work before and I think our style is very similar and I would love to do a collab with you! Feel free to check out my work on my page, I hope to hear from you soon! xoxo
The tall man squealed like a high schooler getting a text from his crush, he's always wanted a collab and now he was about to get one in one of the biggest series of the moment!
Yunhxxx: Hello Y/N! I am aware of your series and I am a fan! I would love to do the collab with you! I'll send you my number so we can talk about the details more comfortably :)
Part of your anxiousness died down at his response. Most porn stars were very polite and kind in front of the camera, and in business discussion, all for that quick buck, but you'd find, with your series, that a lot of them were just assholes with a huge ego. You had a good feeling about Yunho, but you didn't want to get your hopes up and then be disappointed.
The arrangements didn't take long, as you were both excited for the collab to happen, making it very easy to communicate. Yunho was kind enough to offer his own home for you to sleep in, arguing that 'whoever fucks me gets to sleep in my house for free'.
Yunho spent the weekend preparing everything for your arrival on Monday morning: he cleaned his whole house, stocked his fridge and cabinets with all sorts of food, and sanitized every toy of his. By the time he received your 'I'm on my way!' text, his house was the cleanest it had ever been.
The man showered, put on his best cologne, and applied some dark eyeshadow under his eyes. As he stood in front of the closet in his briefs only, he wondered what he should go for. A sophisticated look? A sexy look? An outlaw-looking look? He wanted something to get you immediately attracted to him. Yunho wanted to make you feel good, not to make you act as if you felt good.
Ultimately he chose a black button-up and black suit pants. He decorated his long fingers (that he had come to learn was something many people liked about him) and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.
Yunho was aware of his innocent appearance. He had had his cheeks squeezed one too many times, so he caught on quickly. However, the man loved to play with his looks. He loved to make people wonder what kind of person he was, with a cute face, yet an intimidating look.
Before he knew it, his doorbell rang. Yunho took one last look in the mirror, just to make sure everything was in its place and walked towards the door. The first hello wasn't awkward at all, as you'd already had a few zoom calls to discuss what would happen in your collab, just to make sure there were no misunderstandings.
Once you stepped in with your suitcase, you couldn't help but notice how neat, modern, and well decorated his house was. The walls were white with big windows, and the furniture was a mix of grey, light blue, and white. Yunho lead you to the guest room where you'd be staying, and it was a lot nicer than you expected. The bed was high and large, the duvet was grey with a bunch of fluffy white and red pillows decorating it. In front of the bed was a modern black vanity with lightbulbs around the squared mirror, and against the wall in front of the door was a black, sliding door wardrobe, with a large, orange, and red abstract painting of a couple. His house looked simple yet classy, with just the right amount of colour and decoration. You took a look at him, his dark look contrasting the house.
"You already got prepared?"
Yunho looked a little puzzled for a second, but then understood. "Oh! Oh no, you've just arrived, you must be tired! This is just... how I dress?" He said, feeling a little embarrassed.
You took a good look at his outfit.
"You always dress like that? Wow..."
Yunho's cheeks became a little red at the comment, and he stumbled over his words as he thanked you. He was used to receiving compliments when he had his clothes off, but with clothes on? Not so much... Before closing the door, Yunho told you to feel at home, and that when you were ready you could start setting everything up in the room he used to shoot.
The man had never felt that nervous, so when he finally closed the door, he immediately headed to his living room, and found the whiskey bottle he kept for emergencies. He poured a generous glass and sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone as he waited for you.
You were pretty much used to the routine, and since you had a stopover in a neighboring country and spent the night there, the trip hadn't been too tiring. You sat on the very convenient vanity and re-did your makeup. You liked to match your look to your type of content, so you went for a dark look: dark purple lipstick, a heavy, black smokey eye, and loads of mascara. You made sure to apply a lot, so it would run down your face and give the viewers the fucked out look they loved to see.
The lingerie matched your makeup: black lace lingerie with some bling here and there, and a garter belt to accessorize. You grabbed your robe from your suitcase and exited the room.
"Yunho?" You called, peeking your head from behind the wall.
His eyes widened when he looked up. You were completely different from the person he had met.
"I am ready if you are!"
He nodded and stood up, downing the rest of his 2nd whiskey cup in one go. Yunho took you upstairs and opened the door to his 'studio'.
In the center of the room was a carpet, and a big, empty space behind it.
"I usually move the bed or the couch over there, depending on what I want to do that day. I found that it was easier to move the furniture than the whole set up." He explained, pointing at the empty space.
Against the wall, opposite of you, there was a bed, much like the one on your bedroom, and a nice, black leather couch. Beside you there was a closet, where Yunho kept all his toys, accessories, and streaming outfits. Other than that it was just the usual setup: a desk with a computer, professional lights, and a camera.
Yunho walked over to the couch and moved it with ease to the empty space.
"So we've already decided?" You asked.
The man smirked as if simply entering the room turned him into a completely different person.
"I already have everything planned out for you dear, it would be rude to have my guests work."
You blushed slightly, and sat on the couch, waiting for the green light.
You watched as he opened the closet, displaying his wide collection. He picked a bunch of stuff that he set on top of a towel on the floor.
"Alright, that's about it."
You cocked your head to the side, in confusion.
"You're not getting dressed?"
Yunho reached for the choker he had brought and softly placed it around your neck, tying it just tight enough. He hooked his finger on the big metal ring on the front and tugged on it. You followed his silent command and knelt on the ground, in front of the couch.
"I'm already dressed, for the concept we're gonna try."
You were getting curious and excited. You stayed still as he started up the live stream. Yunho turned on the lights, set up the camera, and pressed 'Start Live Video'. The screen counted down from five, until the live started.
Yunho sat on the couch behind you, and placed his large hand on your head.
The man smirked as soon as the comments started raining.
There was a mixture of fuck yeah's and happy cheers as they recognized Yunho, and became excited for what was to come. The live was obviously happening on your account, although you would always split the tips with the person you worked with.
"Hello," Yunho started, and you let him take the lead "welcome to the 24th edition of Around The World, I am today's guest, and we have such a great show for you today, don't we?"
Yunho tugged on your hair, making you wince. You looked at the camera and nodded.
The 30 dollar donation ding sounded, announcing that someone had made a request.
'Make her sit on your thigh'
You let Yunho take the lead once more, hooking his finger on your choker's hoop and pulling you up, to sit on his thigh. You hummed as you rolled your hips, causing friction between your core and his thigh. Your hand ran along his torso, feeling the fabric of his shirt.
"He has too many clothes, don't you think?" You asked the camera, in a flirty tone.
There was a rain of comments agreeing with you, and you immediately got to work, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. His dick print was already very visible in his pants, and you could now understand why he wanted to wear that look.
You removed his shirt, slowly and teasingly, as the viewers praised Yunho's toned body.
The male hooked his finger on your underwear and snapped it against your skin. Your little whimper at the sudden pain made him smirk.
Yunho ran his hands along your body, making you shiver from the cold metal of his rings.
Tips and donations rained down with many requests, and so you went back on the floor and laid your head on Yunho's thigh, your face mere inches away from his hard-on. You perked your ass up and traced the shape of his cock with your finger.
"What do you think? Should we reward them?" Yunho asked, petting your head as he stared into the camera.
As expected, everyone gave you the green light to continue, so you slowly opened his fly, to find he had no underwear on. You freed him from his pants, gripping his length in your hand. You kept eye contact with the male, and although you were a professional, you were always nervous when you had to take dicks on the bigger side.
You spat on his tip, and played with his cock for a second, before slowly inserting it in your mouth. Yunho groaned and threw his head back, taking in the warmth of your mouth. His hand was tangled in your hear, gripping it and tugging on it from time to time.
"Shit, you're doing so good..."
Yunho was very vocal, to your (and the viewer's) pleasure.
The 50$ notification ding sounded, and a message played right after.
'bby I wanna see you jump on his cock'
Yunho smirked and gripped your hair, in a firm, yet not painful way. He swiped his thumb across your bottom lip, cleaning the remaining saliva.
"Hmm, you know what, so do I."
You stripped from your underwear, in a sensual way for the viewers (and Yunho) to enjoy.
Yunho slapped his thigh, and you climbed onto his lap, slowly but surely sinking down on his length. You gripped onto his shoulders for stability and groaned as every inch of his cock disappeared inside of you.
His hands gripped your ass, spreading your cheeks in a beautiful way for the camera to see. The male helped you, as you rode him, not only by holding your hips and guiding you, but also by snapping his hips up against yours. Filthy slapping sounds along with the mixture of your moans echoed in the room, and the donations were reaching their peak.
"F-fuck baby you're s-so good, you're doing so well."
You gripped his shoulders harder, as his praises drew you closer and closer to your edge.
"They're c-close! Should we l-let them cum?"
It was impressive how professional Yunho was. How he looked so immersed in you, so tired and fucked out, with his fringe sticking to his forehead and eyes burning into your soul, yet he didn't forget to interact with the viewers.
There were many people leaning towards yes, begging to hear the way you sounded as you came, and so he worked hard until you screamed his name and tightened around his cock. He let you rest and recompose for a second, but the way you clenched around him made it impossible for him to hold it in any longer.
"Shit, get on the ground."
You gladly complied, and got on your knees for him, immediately sticking out your tongue, as you could predict what would come after.
Yunho jerked himself off to your fucked out face, and soon a string of curses came out of his mouth, as he spilled all over your face. He smirked and wiped some of his cum off of your face with his thumb.
"Say ah, pretty baby."
You smiled and opened your mouth. He inserted his finger in your mouth and you happily licked it clean.
Yunho cupped your face with his hand, and smiled.
"You behaved so well, I might have to reward you again."
His head tilted to the side, pointing to the couch, and you followed. You sat down on the couch, and Yunho knelt in front of you. His arms wrapped around your thighs and pulled you forward, so your hole would be of easy access to him.
The man teased you, as his tongue danced around your hole, not quite getting where you wanted him. You rolled your hips up, earning a slap to your inner thigh.
He looked up at you, with a hint of darkness in his eyes.
It didn't take long for you to get what you wanted, as he started tongue fucking you, with the help of his fingers. You gripped his hair, and your back arched as your high approached once more.
You came quickly, with his tongue still inside you, and he held your trembling legs and body, to keep you stable.
He didn't move for a second, giving you time to breathe and rest. After you had recomposed yourself, he helped you up, and the two of you shared a heated kiss, Yunho's hands never leaving your ass, that he definitely had a fixation with.
You finished the stream by thanking the viewers and donors and shut everything off. Once everything was done, you sighed and plopped onto the couch.
"Do you not want to shower?" Yunho questioned, as he saw the mess in your face and body.
You chuckled.
"Yes I do, very much, but I'm so fucked out..."
Yunho very kindly scooped you up.
"Well, I wouldn't want my guest to work too hard, I'll help you out."
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Ingredients: Shouto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou and Hitoshi Shinsou
Contains: ikea furniture and the semi-complicated instructions, swearing, frustration, domestic fluff, violence towards furniture, Shinsou's is a bit short, not proof read
Summary: Just some headcanons about shopping and building Ikea furniture.
A\N: I redecorating my room at the moment and these furniture instructions are the living hell. So I am sitting here and write some headcanons 😭😁
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The two of you needed a new bookshelf
Since you bought a crazy amount of books in the last few years, your bookshelf was too full for any new books
It was Ikea so you didn't get away with just one bookshelf
"This candle smells like heaven, can we buy it?" You said with gleaming eyes.
Shouto couldn't deny your question, you were just too happy that he didn't want to let it vanish
This scenario repeated itself a lot
"Look this plant is nice" or "This little baking tin looks cute."
At the end of the shopping trip, you came home with more than just a bookshelf, but the two didn't care
At home, you clean out your newly bought stuff and started to build the bookshelf
At first everything was relaxed and fun
A bit of music played in the background and you both counted the supplied utensils
Then you started to build the thing
Everything was fine until you noticed the back wall was missing
"Shouto we forgot the back wall." You said frustrated
"How could we have forgotten this, we followed the instructions?"
You took the instructions and scrolled through the papers
There you found the missing page
"We forgot one page." You were at the edge of throwing the shelf out of your window
You build hours and now you had to rebuild it
Shouto only stared confused at the page
"Alright then we will start again."
You asked yourself how he could be so calm and collected at the moment
It was devastating and he took it like it was nothing
In the evening you both crashed down on the sofa a looked up to your new, slightly slate bookshelf
The shelf was already filled with the books that once laid on the ground
"We should treat ourselves after that horrible building experience" you said and dialed the number of your favorite delivery service
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You just had moved into your new house and needed some new furniture
Ikea was now the place to go (This sounded kind of an advertisement. It's not. 😅)
You even wrote a list with things that you needed and to your surprise you only bought this
Maybe it was also because of the squeaking girls that noticed the green hair under Izuku's hat. After that, you needed to flee. Sometimes it was quiet a hassle him being the No.1.
You drove home faster than you should, still in the mode of fleeing from the fangirls. Luckily, no one noticed your risky driving style.
At home, you carefully cleared out the furniture of your car.
After a refreshing drink, you started to build up the furniture
Just to clear things up neither of you had experience in crafting
"Izu, do you somehow know what this is?"
"I have no clue, honey."
He counted the pieces of the screwers, and the other stuff that got send with the furniture
In the meantime you called someone to help you with the crafting tools
You went into the basement and tried to get all the tools your person told you on the phone, but then you noticed that you didn't had all the tools
You had to drive to the supermarket to get your stuff
When you came home you got greeted by a mess and a distressed Midoriya
"What happened?"
"I somehow broke the new closet"
He wanted to surprise you, so he tried to build up the closet on his own using his quirk, but he ended up breaking the closet, now you had to buy a new one
It took you weeks to finish your "little" project
And in the end, you didn't break more furniture
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He didn't let you buy unnecessary things
"But this candle smells so gooooood! Please, Katsuki." You whined.
He actually gave in and let you choose three more things that you didn't need.
You were here for a new bed and not an excessive amount of useless things
He refused to go to buy a bed with you at first
It just had to be functional and not fancy
But you could convince him
"Do you want me to choose a pink princess bed?"
"Hell no, dumbass"
With that said you drove to Ikea
After you got the perfect bed (after 1 hour of choosing) you went home
You unpacket the individual parts and went onto building the thing
Bukugou didn't even wanted to read the instructions
"It's easy. I don't need them."
With that, the instruction landed in the trash
"I don't think this fits, Katsuki?"
"It will."
With determination he went on
At the end you had a perfectly fine bed in your bed room
"See I told you it was easy" he said and crashed onto the bed
Only to lay on the floor afterward
"I told you, you missed something," you told him, laughing
He grumbled and picked you up
"Whoa, what are you doing?"
"We will build the bed with your stupid instructions and then we will use it."
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I think he will be the one that spends hours there and choosing between different mugs
You only went there for a small stool and a cute cat bed
You got your things and a lot of mugs because someone couldn't choose one
He is the one that really gets the instructions and manages to build it up
You once build up this complicated closet and everyone told you not to buy it because your relationship will suffer, they were so wrong. Shinsou built the whole thing himself and didn't even need you
You were there to hand him the tools
"Thanks, love."
The stool was build in no time
The two of you enjoyed the rest of the day
You drank cool lemonade and you rested your feed on the small stool
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damn-stark · 3 years
The trouble final pt.
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A/N- it's over :( I’m sad that it is, but I’m so thankful for all of you that read it and stuck around to finish with me :)
Warning- ANGST, talks of loss and grief, ptsd, Violence, blood, light fluff
Pairing- Jesse x fem!reader
“Give me your arm again,” Ellie mutters after she had cleared the room that had once been filled with enemies part of the same group as those two me she, and you had taken out. “It’s—”
“It’s okay,” you cut her off and pull your arm away before she could grab it again. “It won’t change sizes, or color in the last ten minutes that you checked.”
After finding out that you had gotten bit by the infected that the man taunted you with, Ellie has been careful with you, she’s made sure that you wouldn’t strain yourself, she’s kept you from helping her fight the danger that lingered, as if you were some child.
And you understood why she kept insisting on trying to keep you from harm's way, she was being cautious, she was worried, but that isn’t going to change the outcome of your dooming fate.
“We could try cutting it off,” she insisted again, hoping that this time you’d change your mind.
You shake your head, “no, we don’t have the proper equipment.” You sit up and begin walking out of the broken down corner store. “I’d end up bleeding to death instead. Plus,” you sigh. “We don’t have time. Not if we want to reach Abby.”
Ellie follows behind you slowly, albeit somewhat lagging behind as she comes across good loot to collect. “We?” She quieres, “it’s we now?”
Your gaze drops to the ground, seeing the natural greenery that cracked through the sidewalk and began to take back its natural place. “I told you my reason already. No matter what’s happening, I’m sticking to it.” You feel chills all over your body and when your head lifts and your eyes flicker to her passing you, that’s where you see him again; Jesse. The bullet that shot through his face and took his life. His cold dead eyes were piercing into you, and his body was stuck in place, unable to even move but causing the same effect it always did.
Ellie noticed your wavered attention, followed your line of vision and saw nothing and knew what was happening. But perhaps that was because of the horror in your eyes. Regardless, she didn’t question it, she just walked towards you to break you from your stupor. “It’s not far anymore. We’re almost where the man told us. I see the round building.”
You pull your eyes from the now empty space where Jesse had been to glance back at Ellie and follow right behind her—for the most part it was silent, but as far as your mind, it was loud and booming with different racing thoughts and memories.
Ellie’s eyes follow your line of vision to the couple quietly talking amongst themselves in the far end of the room. And at first she didn’t think much of it. Actually she simply ignored it and just thought you might be spacing out, but just as she was going to look away the young girl in front of the tall guy with dark shaggy hair, caught her attention. Ellie did a double take and found herself captive by the girl's looks; her long dark hair styled in a ponytail, the light freckles on her face and her bright, charming smile.
She couldn’t keep herself from asking about her in complete starstricken awe. “Who’s that?”. Albeit her words didn’t register in your mind until she grabbed your shoulder and ripped you from your own awe. “Y/N?!”
You blink and look down at the drink in your hand, thinking she was referring to the guy and smiling softly as you answered. Even if a slow sizzling jealousy did begin to boil in the pit of your stomach because she asked. “That’s Jesse.”
Clueless to the fact that you told her the guy's name, Ellie nodded and slowly turned her head to pick up her drink from the table, unable to keep a smile from tugging on her lips. Her curiosity got the best of her before she could even think of taking a sip from her drink like she had planned to. “Is Jesse…dating someone?”
You glance at Jesse and answer her with bitterness in your tone. “Yeah, he's dating Dina. The girl he’s talking to.”
Ellie snaps her head and takes another look at the couple before looking at you with confusion. “Wait, Jesse is the boy? Or the girl?”
“The boy,” you tell her.
“Oh.” Ellie’s eyebrows furrow deeper and thinks that the name Dina suits the girl a lot better. It was actually a pretty name.
“Wait, why do you ask?” You probe as you shift around to look at her better. “Do you…” you pause and narrow your eyes. “…think Jesse is cute?”
“What?” Ellie scoffs with even more confusion. “No. No,” she shakes her head, “I thought the girl was named Jesse, since when I asked you for her name you said that.”
Oh. It makes sense now.
“Oh,” you breathe out and then smirk when you realize why she asked if Dina was dating anyone. “Do you think Dina is cute?” You sip on your straw and raise your eyebrows.
Ellie’s cheeks turn to a tint pink and she looks away from you to hide her flustered smile. “No. Just curious.” She turns her head and smirks when she looks at you. “Do you like Jesse?”
You sigh and look at your hands on the table. “Yeah, but well he’s dating Dina, so I can’t really tell him how I feel can I?” Your heart sinks to your stomach, but you try to ignore the gloomy feelings. “Regardless, he’s a good friend, so I’m better off not telling him anything at all.”
Ellie’s eyes wander to Dina for a brief moment and just like you, a heaviness sets over her heart because of the girl that she can’t try and pursue. You both were stuck looking from afar like a couple of love-struck idiots.
But maybe it was better off that way. Looking from afar.
Neither of you would get hurt that way. If only it was that easy to keep looking and not desire their love in return. Especially when you have to face them everyday of your life, around the same four walls that kept you secure from the rotting, walking corpses…and other humans.
Why couldn’t things be simpler?
When you steal a glance from Jesse that’s all you asked for. Which was such a funny thing to ask with the world as it was. It made you wonder if people back then asked the same thing?
How’s having clickers for simple?
Nonetheless that’s what you wanted right now. A simple life…or really simple feelings, platonic feelings for the guy you’ve known for too many years now. It would make those thoughts—dreams you had of an intended life with him nonexistent. It would make being around him feel like nothing.
Why couldn't life be so simple—why couldn’t your feelings be simple?
“Through here,” Ellie waves you over into a dimly lit hall that was crowded with a bunch of old broken furniture and worn down junk that covered wooden doors, leaving an open path towards a darker-lit corridor. Making this part of the invasion the simplest part of sneaking inside.
“Sneaking inside this building was much harder than actually getting in the property,” you snap in a sharp whisper as you turn off your flashlight and continue behind Ellie, seeing her peek over her shoulder to steal a quick glance as she remarks on your comment.
“Tell me about it.” She scoffs and stops in front of the only unblocked door after turning the corner. “Would’ve been much easier if you stuck behind like I asked.”
You narrow your gaze on her and stop to put your hand on your hip and retort. “You know I’m not a child. Maria doesn’t even treat me this way. I can take care of myself.”
“You’ve never been bit, that's why.” Ellie snaps, her back still facing you and her head turning to face the door after she caught what came out of her mouth.
When her words hit you too, you drop the sass and exhale deeply, letting a sorrow filled frown replace the curled lip. Instead of responding to her with something you know would weigh down on the already heavy subject, you just smoothly change it to the matters in front of her. “Are you going in first, or should I?”
Ellie rolls her shoulders back and straightens her posture to slowly push the door forward, and reveal another poorly lit, dirty room. This time however, whispers came from beyond the shadows of the room, making Ellie put her hand out, signaling you to wait as she carefully snuck inside with her revolver in hand.
Not like you listened albeit, because once she had taken a few steps inside you followed behind her with your hand around your weapon. However once you stepped inside the room your eyes instantly fell on the cell filled with people all poorly taken care of, people they called their prisoners and proved that letter you found about an escapee right. The sight shook you to your core and froze you just under the doorway, that hesitance causing you to miss the woman who jumped out from behind the door and attacked Ellie with a bat like some crazy person.
Of course, Ellie reacted quickly and managed to jerk back, grabbing a hold of the bat and shoving the woman to the wall by pressing the wooden weapon against her throat. But since Ellie was wounded, and weak from lack of food, the woman overpowered her, caught her off guard, and kicked her injured side to then push her to the floor when Ellie was hit with that throbbing and blinding pain.
The woman thought she was going to win, but she hadn’t seen you when she just abruptly attacked without a plan, leaving you with the perfect chance to sprint forward and grab the side of her head, completely startling her. She tried to rip your hands off, but you punctured your thumb into her eye beforehand, causing her to groan out in pain whilst you lifted your leg to kick her towards the cell where the prisoners got ahold of her instead.
“Ellie,” you instantly called out in worry, letting the people behind the cell overpower their captor and take her out with a hard squeeze to her throat with the same bat she used on Ellie— “Are you okay?” You offer her your hand to help her off the floor, and she takes it without an ounce of hesitance. The moment she stands up though, is when you see that more blood began to leak from her wound. She noticed your worried stare and just covered it with her hand, pulling your eyes up to meet her gaze for a lingering second before she looked at the prisoners. You follow her line of vision and watch the prisoners letting themselves out of the cell and quickly occupying their hands with different guns.
Before the prisoners leave Ellie leaves your side and steps towards them with an obvious question. “Where’s Abby?”
They all glance at each other and before any could answer, a woman points out what you thought you had well hidden. “She’s bit!”
A man beside the woman doesn’t fret to point his rifle at you, triggering Ellie instantly and causing her to point her gun at them as she spat out at the man in a venomous tone. “Don't point that gun at her!”
Seeing the gun in hand pointed at the man, those behind him point their weapon at the both of you and surround you with one single intention in mind. Yet before they could act on it, an older man comes in between all of you. “Hey, hey, hey! Abby tried to escape.”
Ellie’s aim on the man falters, and her glare shifts to the man who continues. “She’s down in the pillars.”
“The pillars?” Ellie presses for clarity.
“Head down to the beach,” the man motions out the door with his head. “You won’t miss it. She’s probably already dead.”
With nothing else to ask, or share, the prisoner, Ellie and you, slowly step away from each other and part your own ways; with the prisoners leaving out the door you just came out of, Ellie and you march out the double doors the man had pointed to. Yet the beach wasn’t outside these doors, it would be much easier if it was, but no, you were welcomed by a dark hall, that was purely lit by the moonlight that peeked through the broken windows on the wall. Still the menacing darkness didn’t scare you away, you both continued down the path that led to a broken pair of doors that led to a brighter room, one that smelled like rotten, and moist wood.
Besides that annoying smell, the old, green covered patio was easy to navigate through, even with its broken floors and disorganized room. But through the silence between your friend and you, the sound of gunshots, and shouting against the new threat that escaped from the cell easily and loudly echoed in your ears, even after you jumped a small ledge and walked between the palm trees that scattered when you finally reached the beach.
However, salt, nor water is what you smelled, instead the stench of blood, and putrid aroma of death tickled your nose, almost causing you to gag. You would have thrown up if it wasn’t for all the people you saw tied to actual pillars on the beach. Most were already dead—all were already dead, most were just left as skeletons.
It was such a horrifying sight, like straight out of a nightmare. You’ve heard of tortures like this from Tommy, from other older people in town who experienced similar situations but you never thought it was real. You could never believe it.
“Ellie,” you murmur in disbelief, your eyes unable to stop glancing at every body tied up to pillars when you pass by them in search of one woman. “We should just—”
“There.” Ellie blurted in what almost sounded like excitement. “She’s there.”
Ellie points to a figure up on a pillar, and that’s when you see her. Abby; She’s a lot skinnier now from the lack of food every person not part of the gang seemed to suffer through, her hair was cut close to her scalp, her clothes were torn and her muscles were almost completely gone, leaving nothing behind but slightly toned arms. She didn’t even look alive, but her raspy voice proved otherwise.
“Help me…please.”
It was shocking hearing her talk, but instead of feeling pity, sadness and an urgency to help her, knowing you could, all you felt was an unknown uncontrollable and blinding anger that invaded your mind and judgment. All the sorrow you felt was for the man she killed, the man you loved. She took him right as you both had gotten the chance to finally discover what it was like to love each other. That anger that you warned Ellie about, the rage and thirst for revenge that you’d seen burning in Tommy’s eyes, now overwhelmed you too. It completely fueled wild and violent, revenge filled thoughts that you once thought vile.
Now you shared what motivated Ellie to leave behind her life on her farm.
“It’s you…” Abby whispers hoarsely after she picks up her head and spots Ellie, leaving you to be almost invisible in her eyes. If it wasn’t because Ellie surprisingly let her down from the pillar you would’ve remained nothing but a shadow. Alas Abby saw your face behind Ellie’s when she managed to stand on her feet, she didn’t recognize you at first, but then you saw the flash in her eyes when the memory faded in.
Albeit she didn’t react any differently, instead Abby simply walked to that boy she had been with before; he looked skinnier now, just as weak as Abby. He’s someone you felt pity for, your fight wasn’t with him, but you still did nothing to help, you stood frozen behind Ellie, shocked that she tied down Abby instead of using her switchblade to finish her off. That state of disbelief only heightened when you both began to follow Abby towards boats.
You sought for answers with a simple look, but Ellie’s expression on her beaten face gave nothing but rage. You almost wanted to end the ache you felt in the fragments of your shattered heart, however right when you raised your trembling gun, there he was. Jesses ghost reappearing. He stopped you from acting on revenge, but fueled an adrenaline you couldn’t act on. Not with how Ellie was holding back after coming all this way. You couldn’t help but wonder out loud.
“Ellie, what are you doing? She's right there.” You come to a stop on the side of a small boat, meeting Ellie’s gaze. “Let’s do it. Let’s kill her.” Your eyes drift behind her shoulder to look at Abby, seeing her seem eager to get out of here with the boy without as much of a question of why you were both here. It’s as if she didn’t care. It pissed you off. It made you eager to just kill her yourself.
And it was due to that eagerness that blinded you that you didn’t see Ellie’s sudden switch with the sight of her blood on her hand. It wasn’t until you heard the water clash with her stride towards Abby. Her voice broke through your ears and made your eyes focus intently on her. “I can’t let you leave.”
You take a step back, intending to walk to her side for aid, but you stop when Abby responds with such nonchalance. “I’m not doing this.”
Those words trigger Ellie, causing her to take those last steps towards Abby to grab her shoulder and her hair to forcefully throw her to the water. Continuing then to kick her side and making Abby groan, but not fight back. She just stayed in the water and simply shook her head, “no. I’m not going to fight you.” Abby looks back at you and shakes her head. “Either of you.”
Again you stand frozen. Her words stung like cold ice against your skin, they just stomped on your already broken heart and broke it to finer pieces within your chest. How could she just decide that after what she did?
Then again….
Ellie killed Abby's friends. All of them. But it was for Joel….but….Abby was down, she pleaded for mercy even if she didn’t directly say it.
Why is your mind so confused? Why did this hunger for revenge suddenly begin to fade away? Just when it started?
What would’ve Jesse done?
Your eyes fall on your bite from that infected and then you glance at the vision of Jesse. His bloody face reminded you of what you wanted….of what Tommy wanted, even if it wasn’t for Jesse’s death. And you tried to force your anger to be as furious as moments ago.
“Yes, you will.” Ellie seethed, pulling your eyes back to her as she stormed towards Abby's boat and threatened his life with her blade against his throat. Not like he could even fight back, he was too weak to even open his eyes. It should’ve made you protest, but Abby beat you to it.
“He’s not a part of this.”
“You made him a part of this.” Ellie retorted angrily.
Abby stands up and says, “okay, okay,” to give Ellie what she wanted. A fight that would deem one winner, and it was obvious who. Even as Abby charged at Ellie and tackled her to the ground first, you knew in the back of your head Ellie would win.
Even still though, you watched their fight attentively. Maybe you should’ve helped, but this solely felt like Ellie’s fight now. Because again, you couldn’t find it in yourself to act on those feelings.
Nonetheless when your eyes fell on Abby's boat whilst Ellie swung her blade and fought her, Jesse’s haunting ghost made you think of taking what Abby loved the most. The kid—he was there, you could slip by them now that Ellie had forced Abby to the ground with a harsh jab on her shoulder. Abby wouldn't be able to stop you until it was too late, she’d only see his dead body just like how you saw Jesse when you ran out of the theater. She’d suffer the same way, she’d stay on the ground in shock and broken hearted, it would be good revenge to finally stop seeing Jesse’s dead body haunt you.
But you didn’t want to—your eyes return to Ellie and Abby fighting to watch neither of them get the upper hand. Ellie managed to stab her blade through Abby's shoulder when they were on the ground, but Abby reacted quickly and kicked Ellie off her, only continuing the fight, this time with no weapons, just their fists. It left the kid open.
Even if you didn’t want to, you walked past the boat and slowly walked towards the boy. You didn’t stop until you were beside it and overlooking the unconscious boy. And just like you had predicted Abby didn’t stop you, she couldn’t because she didn’t know you were here now, Ellie knocking her to the ground kept her distracted. This was your chance.
You lift your own knife and move your hand towards the boy's throat, the tip of your blade hovers inches over his skin; one more inch and the blade would puncture his skin and flesh, he'd be dead, Abby would have no one. She’d feel your heartbreak. Jesse would be avenged….
The knife in your hand begins to tremble, and hesitation pulls back your hand. Your heart aches every day, the nightmares never stop, continuing everyday felt like being stabbed multiple times all over your body, but it wouldn’t change anything, killing the boy wouldn't stop the vision of Jesse’s dead body from reappearing. Jesse would know that. He knew that when it came down to it he’d have to do bad things, but he was also merciful when he could. He wouldn’t do this, not to the kid. You can’t either. You can’t kill Abby either, it wasn’t right.
These couldn’t be your last moments either. Which is why instead of falling prey to revenge, the knife in your hold falls from your grip and your body crashes down into the water. However instead of crying, you find yourself being more worried over Ellie. You couldn’t lose her….even if she was going to lose you, you couldn’t fathom the thought of losing her now. You needed her in your last moments.
However when you look at her, she’s proving you right, she’s on top of Abby and keeping her underwater to keep her from breathing. She’s moments away from winning, from finally killing Joel’s killer and completing her revenge. The thought of stopping her popped in your head, but this was her fight, she needed to make her decision. Even as you saw Abby struggle to resurface to breathe in air, you couldn’t stop Ellie now.
You watched the rain in her eyes, watched tears and ocean water glisten on her face, cleaning the blood off her cheeks. You waited to be there for her when she was done. But the moment never came, Ellie let go of Abby, letting her resurface to gulp in a breath of fresh air whilst she fell down. She chose to let Abby go and the girl took that chance after she recuperated enough to move. You let her go too. She never paid any attention to you until she glanced at you once because you were beside her boat, but that was it, she left with no hesitation after.
Leaving Ellie panting, and crying as she stayed sitting in the water. You let her have time alone for a little, but it was through the silence after Abby and the boy left that it all set in. The ultimate and unavoidable truth. You’ve tried to ignore any symptom that you could feel due to the bite, which didn’t turn out to be hard since well so far all you’ve felt is a slight annoying dull pain. Any other effect had yet to set in, but the wait was the most irritating side effect.
That and noticing that Ellie couldn’t even face you; due to her processing what just happened, what caused her to let Abby go, and that looking at you without having the mission of finding Abby as a distraction meant that she has to face the harsh truth of your death. She had to face the fact that she was losing someone else, she was going to lose someone else to the infection she couldn’t prevent. She was going to be alone.
“Ellie,” you mutter as your footsteps crash on the water while you slowly step towards her. “It was a good thing that you let them go.”
Said girl sits down in the water, letting the small waves crash into her legs, and feeling the breeze blow past her hair and wet her face, mixing her tears with water droplets.
“You’re right…” she breathes out, dropping her head to look at the cold dark blue water. “Joel wouldn’t have wanted it. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that sooner.”
Your lips tug to a smile and you sit beside her, the feeling of your body brushing against hers making her lift her gaze to steal a quick glance. “Why didn’t you stop her? You seemed eager at the end.”
You sigh and dip your fingers in the water to gently sway them back and forth while you answer her. “Realization set just like with you. The nightmares won’t go away anytime soon, and killing her wouldn’t have solved anything either.”
“Nightmares?” Ellie scoffs, finally daring to meet your gaze. “You're still worried about that.”
You laugh softly and glance at the bite on your arm before looking back at her again. “It’s weird, I thought it would hurt, but all I feel is annoyed. No fever, no pain. Nothing.”
Ellie straightens up and her eyebrows furrow as her eyes fixate on your bite mark. “Nothing?” She repeats and the back of her hand presses on your forehead. “Hmm. Maybe we’ll both live with that burden then. Would be nice.”
You offer her a soft smile and grab her hand to interlace it with yours. Feeling hope piece together the fragments of your broken heart. “I guess we’ll have to wait then, to see what the future holds.”
Ellie’s eyes shift to the grey clouded sky, while her hold secures around your hand in hopes that by doing so you wouldn’t leave her. She hoped that her words would be the manifestation needed to keep you alive and keep you from leaving. She couldn’t lose someone else. She couldn’t bear feeling that pain all over again. “Well, I hope you do live.”
A grin spreads on your lips, and your head falls on her shoulder as your own eyes drift to watch the clouded horizon in a peaceful, waiting silence.
Tagged- @protect-lev, @expecto-nox @vintage-and-hypnotic , @kokomaesadie , @0j-b0, @itsyellow , @minheoly @traceylader
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
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boys, their rooms, and what it feels like to stay in them
A/N: this is a direct consequence of me looking through bed sheet+pillow case sets and thinking who would have which colour scheme lmao
Pairings: Miya Atsumu/Oikawa Tooru/Nishinoya Yuu/Kita Shinsuke x reader
Word count: 1263
Miya Atsumu
Miya Atsumu’s room was full of life, full of signs that there was someone who lived and laughed and cried and woke up to each new day in there.
Your first impression of his room when you stepped into it was that it was a mess, even though he argued that he could always find what he needs when he needs it. His things were littered everywhere. A volleyball leaning against the closet, his jacket dangled on the back of his chair, and groups photos stuck all over his walls. His bed was never made, the blanket kicked to the edge and put a smile on your face at the image of him burying his face into his pillow, his legs kicking at the covers as he grudgingly forced himself awake.
Ultimately his space was... him. Finally having his own space after having to share made him indulge in it as much as he could, and the unabashed display of personality in front your eyes was the end result. There was a baby photo of him and his twin pushed back against the corner of his desk, a group photo of his beloved Inarizaki teammates from his most carefree days stuck next to a cut out from the Sports Monthly published right after his VLeague debut. The Polaroid of him lifting you up as you laughed at one of his stupid jokes had doodles all around it, nearly covering all the white spaces with your jabs abut his hair and his complains that you were not cooperating.
Full of him, tugging you by the sleeve closer and closer to him with each glance of your eyes. Until he pulled you into his arms, into his bed that was too tiny for his large frame and you, and right on his chest as you fell asleep to your whole head full of the steady breathing from his chest.
Oikawa Tooru
For someone so mesmerising, so bright and so hard to ignore once you saw his light, Oikawa Tooru’s room was surprisingly simple.
White linens, heavy curtains that hadn’t been changed since the last tenant, wallpaper in a muted cream.
He had never been one for excessive materialistic possessions. He did not really think that these four walls standing on foreign land was home, at least not yet. It would take a while before the sound of people shouting as the day awakes each morning become familiar to his ears, he still had a long way to go till he no longer has to think and concentrate to know that the bakery owner was screaming at the clerk for sliding a pan onto the floor or the truck driver was honking because the worker was too busy flirting with the girl waiting for her bus to actually be quick with his work.
But empty walls would eventually be filled up. One frame at a time, one postcard from home at a time, one crash into his arms when you see him after so long at a time. And suddenly his room was filled with the sounds of you laughing at something he said, white sheets tangling your bodies as you basked in being surrounded by his scent that you so missed.
There was home when he watched the San Juan sun filtering through the flowing curtains that blended into the walls, the temperature of your skin slowly melting into the white lining tangling around his waist the day slowly woke up, as he waited for you to wake up, while he enjoyed the way your chest rose and fell steadily against his mattress for just a little longer.
Nishinoya Yuu
Nishinoya Yuu spent a good amount of his life chasing the sea wind blowing through his hair, running after the vague memory of the wide fields where the scent of grass evades your senses with each gentle brush of your finger along the soil, going where ever he wants as long as he wanted, that he never did spend much time in one single room until the time finally come for the bird to build its nest.
His room was the one shared with a few others he could barely communicate with through gestures in a youth hostel in Naples, then it became the rundown bunk at the cheap room he got as part of his salary as a shipmate in Italy, or a sleeping bag at the bottom of some cabin if he hadn’t been lucky. But all and all, he didn’t care much. He’s happy as long as he woke up each day feeling ready, ready to head onto the next pin point of his map.
Some days you would squeeze into his cramped bed with far too hard mattress with him when you join him, listening to the sea crashing onto the shore outside as you focus on his arm around your waist instead of how vividly you could hear each noise outside.
He never stopped wanting to see the world, only his world had come to find the place it can always circle back after each flight. His final destination was where he could hang all the knickknacks he collected on his way, with the seashells you picked together on the beach of Santorini next to the plastic replica of the sphinx he bought at a roadstand in Kairo.
Here, the bed was soft and the furniture all looking somewhat different in style but came together in harmony.
And when he pulled you close to his side, tugging the blanket up on your frame before bidding sweet dreams with a yawn, you felt like you had the world in your arms too.
Kita Shinsuke
Kita Shinsuke’s room was so tidy and so spotless that it was hard to believe that it belonged to a young man.
The factor of simplicity was hard to miss. He preferred not putting much of his possessions or keepsakes on display, keeping them nicely somewhere safe rather than letting it become a collector for dust and a headache during cleaning. The design of the old house he lived in meant that you wouldn’t even get to see his bed unmade for just a second. The futon and tatami was always rolled up and stored in the cupboards neatly each morning after he woke up, only smoothen out again after a long day and the moon hung high.
The distinct smell of fabric softener was still left in the blankets that were not often used, with some trace of the sun’s ambiguous scent lingering from the ritualistic task of letting each sheet air dry on a sunny day. There was nothing out of place at the sight of the young man sitting with his legs together, back straight and hands on both thighs, the type of ease and calmness that seemed way beyond his age.
A calm space creates a collected mind, that was what he told you as he took out the spare futon for you the first time you stayed over.
He wouldn’t even initiate anything out of his place, even as you were just breathes away in the now dark room after the lights turned off. The futons laid out side by side properly as you laid next to him, your eyes closed but too conscious of each inhale from your side that you couldn’t let your mind drift away.
But that doesn’t meant he would stop you if you eventually got closer and closer until you slipped yourself under his cover, the faintest smile tugging at the corner of your lips when you felt an arm around your shoulder.
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astouract · 3 years
The Smell of Soil — Chapter 2 (Y/N)
Synopsis: (Y/N) almost burns her house down, and of course Loki shows up to help
Words: 1901
Warnings: None yet 😈
You practically slammed the door behind you, leaving the god-turned-gardener on your front step. Something wasn't right. You weren’t supposed to be stationed at the house right next to his, why would they put you there?
Watch him from afar, they had told you, don't get too close. He's still dangerous. Unpredictable.
Your heart felt as if it would beat right out of your chest, you noticed, as you placed a hand on your chest and let the door support you. After taking a moment, you pushed yourself off of the door and wandered into the cottage. It definitely wasn't anything like the Asgardian architecture you were used to, floral patterns and natural wood instead of stark white marble and expensive accents. There was no television, which was almost a relief as you had absolutely no idea how to use one. There was, however, a little pink radio on a shabby looking green end table.
A floral sofa was the centerpiece of the room, placed in front of a small fireplace. Small tables held little knickknacks and tiny vases that could only hold one or two flowers. And, actually, it seemed like plants were taking over the house. They were everywhere, you realized with a groan. You’d have to water them every day, and they’d still end up dead.
You moved on and into the kitchen, where there was not nearly as much counter space as you were used to. The room was a cacophony of different patterns and colors, but somehow it all came together to form one cohesive style. A little round table sat in the corner, with two mismatched chairs and, of course, a potted plant. Everything looked like someone else had used it for twenty years and then dumped it on the side of the road somewhere. Even the gas stove could've used a cleaning. Cooking--yet another thing you would have to learn how to do. Fresh herbs hung from the wall above the large window, making the room smell faintly of rosemary and basil.
To the left of the kitchen was a small flight of stairs that led to the second floor, which you soon discovered was more of an attic with a bed and some windows. You let your hand trail along the puffy duvet, feeling its softness under your fingers. It wasn't an Asgard duvet, that's for sure, but you had a sneaking suspicion that you may like it more. It was plush and inviting, and you resisted the urge to sink into the mattress.
A little dresser held flowing skirts and dresses, and a few pairs of jeans. You looked down at your current outfit, your last work of magic before hopping through the portal, and the first assignment of your mission: a loose T-shirt, paired with blue jeans that had to be the tightest pants you had ever worn. Not your usual clothing choices, but you were to play the part and do it well. So, flowing dresses and flower crowns it was.
Your feet carried you to the window, where you brushed the curtains aside. You had a clear view down the street, and your eyes landed on Loki's house, where he was on his hands and knees in his garden.
It was so odd, seeing him like this. Loki, God of Mischief, Prince of Asgard, was on his hands and knees digging through dirt to care for fruits and vegetables. Loki, who a week ago would have killed anyone who even looked at him wrong, came over just to help you with a yard sign. His hair had been thrown haphazardly into a top knot, and he'd had dirt smeared on his cheeks. He wasn't in Asgardian robes, trading his armor out for cotton button-ups and flannel pants. What had become of the prince you’d known your whole life?
Shaking your head, you stepped away from the window and retreated back to the first floor. The rest of the downstairs consisted of a small bathroom and an equally small study, where picture frames hung on the wall presented pressed flowers of all kinds and random journal entries. A wooden desk sat against a big window, and a small bookshelf was tucked into the corner.
You made your way back into the kitchen and through the back door, where nature had reclaimed the property. It was immensely overgrown, with so many clusters of weeds and flowers that your eyes couldn't find a place to settle. There was a rotting shed, and a greenhouse hidden behind greenery. Various gardening tools were scattered around the area, and you couldn't even imagine what else might be hiding in the bushes.
"It's. . . Charming." Loki's words echoed in your mind, and you rolled your eyes.
You liked a good project.
"Shit shit shit shit!"
You clamped your hands down over your ears, rushing into the kitchen and throwing the oven door open. You reached through the billowing smoke and grabbed the pan, crying out and dropping it immediately as burning pain overwhelmed your senses.
"Fuck!" You switched the oven off and held your hands helplessly in front of you, coughing.
You didn't know what to do. Your hands were an angry shade of red, an alarm was blaring from somewhere in the kitchen, and the smoke wouldn't stop billowing out of the oven. Somehow, above all of the noise you were able to hear a series of knocks at your front door. You crossed the distance from the kitchen into the living room, and carefully pulled the door open, hissing sharply at the pain rolling over your hands.
There, standing on your doorstep for the second time that day, was Loki. Of course it was, because what else could happen when you were supposed to be watching him from afar?
He looked into the house behind you, and back at you with wide eyes. "Is everything okay? I heard the alarms and some loud crashes, and. . . Your house is full of smoke." His gaze asked what he wouldn't say out loud--asked if you needed help. Norns, he was practically begging you to let him help.
Who even was he?
You sighed, and then did the unthinkable: you stepped aside to let him in. He followed you into the kitchen, and you realized just how much of a mess you’d made. The oven door was hanging open, with smoke still billowing out relentlessly, and there were charred cookies all over the floor. The baking pan was upside down in the middle of the room, but Loki didn't seem to notice as he rushed around the room trying to reconcile the smoke issue.
"What happened?" He asked breathlessly, propping the back door open and sliding every window open that he could.
"I made cookies. I think."
Loki reached up above the door frame, and pressed a button on a white box that stopped the screeching alarm. He started opening every drawer in the kitchen, until he found what he was looking for. He offered you a tea towel, but you just stared at it.
"I can't," you murmured, looking down at your hands. Loki's gaze followed.
"Oh my God." He sucked in a breath, "You need to take care of that."
I would, if I could use my magic, your subconscious snapped.
He turned on the sink, and gently guided your hands into the cool water. "I think maybe you should go to Urgent Care."
"Urgent Care?"
Loki didn't seem to hear you, lost in thought as he looked around the room. He pulled over the chairs from the kitchen table, offering one to you at the sink before leaning against the counter while you soaked your palms.
"Did all of this furniture come with the house?"
You nodded. "It was mostly furnished when I got here, I just had to add a few small things. I only brought one suitcase with me."
"I see. Where did you move from?"
Shit. Why was he interrogating you? Did he know something?
You removed a hand from the water to gesture vaguely. "Just some run down old town about a day's trip north of here." The lie came effortlessly, and Loki accepted it with a nod.
"Where's your bathroom? Though I really think you should see a doctor for your hands."
"To the left of the entry, and there’s no need for medical treatment. I’m a fast healer." You grimaced, not daring to move your fingers.
Loki disappeared into the next room, and returned a moment later with gauze bandage. "It's going to hurt, but you have to wash your hands with soap before I can wrap them."
"What?" You asked stupidly.
Loki took the old soap from beside your sink and squirted a bit into your open hands. "Just wash them real quick. The internet said so."
Gods, being mortal sucked.
You did as told, and Loki turned off the tap before grabbing the gauze. "I'm going to wrap them now, okay?"
You offered him a hand, and he began to unwind the bandage with extreme delicacy onto your skin. It was mesmerizing, watching someone who you knew to be an actual war criminal act so selflessly. Gone was the dark, brooding prince, and standing in his place was a mortal, kind and simple. And concentrating.
Loki released one hand and moved onto the next, and suddenly, those green eyes were staring right back at you. Your breath caught, and for one, fleeting moment, you were swept up. The atmosphere felt different, like a static kind of electricity clung to the air.
War criminal. He shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be here, with your hands gently in his.
The things those hands had done, the lives they’ve ended. The cities destroyed, each one’s story carved into the lines on his palm. Those hands were unpredictable. Dangerous.
War criminal.
"That should do it," Loki said softly, "and look, the smoke has cleared!"
You grimaced as he collected the charred cookies from the floor. "You don’t have to do that. ."
Loki only grinned, putting the now dented pan in the sink. "I'm more than happy to help."
You walked together back through the house, and ended up back on the front steps for the third time that day. The sun was setting behind the trees, the sky a breathtaking canvas of oranges, yellows, and pinks. The world outside was quiet, peaceful.
"Seriously," Loki emphasized, turning to face you. "If you need anything. You know where to find me." He offered a sympathetic smile.
And, unfortunately, he knew where to find you.
Loki pointed to your hands. "You should take the bandages off in the morning and see what the burns look like; your hands will likely get worse over the next twenty-four hours or so. Whatever you do, don't apply ice. And, don't apply any ointment until the burns have cooled. Make sure you keep them clean and wrapped."
You cocked your head slightly to the side, regarding him curiously. Suspiciously. “How do you know all of this?"
Loki smiled all the way to his eyes. "Internet."
"Oh. Right.”
Loki rubbed his hands together--something that you wouldn't be doing for a couple days, by the sound of it. "Well, you seem to have had a rather. . . eventful. . . day so I'll leave you to it. Have a good evening, (Y/N)."
"Loki," you called out, stopping him on his way down the steps, "Thank you."
He smiled.
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handmaid - 02
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: you guys have been so extremely sweet with this new work i don’t even know how to thank you!! thank you so so much for supporting my writing, it always makes my day. i hope you enjoy xx
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Y/N was laying in her new room right stuck in between the guest and Gwen’s bedroom. It was a rather bleak room if she was being honest. The walls were all white in exception to one of them that like the entrance was covered in floor to ceiling windows. There was little to no furniture in exception for a king sized bed, a white chest of drawers and a wall embedded wardrobe where she had put most of her clothes already. 
She wondered why a man of such income would like to be surrounded by such bleak colours. From what she had noticed his whole place was decorated in shades of grey and black with the occasional beige and white. Sure, it looked lovely, sleek even, something worth of being in the cover of an architectural magazine, but it wasn’t a home. A home had warmth, lived in sheets, walls and floors, this house however was ... was ghosted, almost as if no one lived in it. 
Rolling onto the comfortable white sheets, she took the contract into her hands, looking at the lettering on the cover itself. Y/N fully understood why he wanted all his employees to have a binding legal document, what she didn’t expect was to see the first line constricted her breathing. “The individual agrees not to follow any legal action against the employer in any circumstance”, it read. This was definitely not what was she expecting. 
     - Y/N? - she shoved the contract under her sheets as Gwen’s voice sounded through the room, her head peaking through the opening of the door. - What are you up to?
    - Not much. How are you? Do you enjoy the new room? - Sebastian had put her in a different room from his, something she had expected but still found odd. They were to be married after all and despite it all being a business move and transaction, it was still a valid marriage. However, none of them seemed to eager to at least try and create some chemistry. 
    - Boring. I need a favour, though. Please and when you decide remember you’re my oldest and best friend since we were babies. - Y/N knew that face and she did not like it. It was the same face that got them both stranded in the Carribean because she just needed to get to know some guy from the opposite terminal before catching the plane. However, she also knew Gwen to be a great driving force of making her do things she didn’t exactly want to do, so she decided to nod her head yes, already overwhelmed with the move and the contract. - I need to head out for a few minutes, could you cover for me?
     - What ... where are you going? 
     - I have a date. - she cheekily entered the room, closing the door behind her after checking if someone was in the hall. The redhead sat in front of her, a childish grin on her face as if she were in high school going out with the captain of the football team. - And he’s really sweet.
     - Gwen, you’re engaged. - the big sapphire in her left hand’s third finger was all she could look at. Of course Y/N wanted to be happy for Gwen, she really did and she really shouldn’t put too much effort in the thought that she was going to get married, after all it was just a strategy, but her mind was screaming at her that it wasn’t right. - Don’t you wanna at least give it a go before you completely give up?
     - No, I wanna go out with Chuck. - she took her engagement ring off, placing it on Y/N’s white sheets. - Please cover for me, please.
     - What if Sebastian notices you’re gone?
    -  He won’t because you’ll cover for me, besides, he probably won’t even leave his office. Please, Y/N? - Y/N sighed. What was the use of saying no if she was gonna leave any other way? Besides, if she were right and Sebastian didn’t leave his office, it should be alright. Losing whatever piece of resolve she has in her, she let out a soft smile, nodding her head yes which led the redhead to hug her with a death like grip. - It’ll one be for a few hours. I owe you one.
     -  I’m pretty sure you’ve own me one since we were one. - Gwen let out a celebratory chuckle before grabbing her bag and leaving Y/N on her own once again. 
The whole house was constantly silent, almost as if all the employees were scared of making a sound which when it came to the demanding presence of their boss, she wondered if that was the case. The only disruption of silence that could be heard was the soft rain against the windows which was enough to lull her to sleep. She would’ve possibly remained asleep if it hadn’t been for a slight knock interrupting her slumber. She took her head off her pillow, confused as if she had slept for so long, Gwen had returned. Another knock made her get from the bed, sleep still in her eyes as she opened the door to come face to face with one of the dressed up employees. 
    - Miss Y/N, dinner is served.
    - Just Y/N please. 
    - I believe it would be more of Miss Forrest’s comfort if you were to inform her dinner is ready. 
    - Oh ... Miss Forrest ... she’s, she’s not feeling very well. 
    - Should we call a doctor?
    - No, it’s just ... you know, that time of the month. - Y/N had the most nervous smile on her face, but as the man heard that specific term, he scrunched his face for a few seconds before returning to his normal formal and stoic posture. Maybe she had gotten away with it. - I don’t think she’ll want any dinner.
    - Oh, alright, would you still like to have dinner, Miss Y/N? - he questioned. She was rather hungry, after all, all she had before coming in was dinner and after sleeping she always awake up feeling like snacking, therefore dinner sounded like a good idea. 
She followed the man into the kitchen that similarly to the rest of the house had the same simple yet modern design to it. The floors were in the same shade of marbled black with few specks of grey, the walls were white with a black wooden backsplash and one of them had the same full amount of windows which gave a beautiful view of the Upper East Side. There were various balconies connected to the walls but the biggest one was in the middle where some chairs were laid. 
Y/N watched as a woman, probably middle aged, set the table. Just like the man who had brought her to the kitchen, she was dressed in sleek, working clothes with her hair held in a perfect bun up-do. 
     - I hope you like goat cheese and bistro salad, m’am. - she set a beautifully prepared plate in front of Y/N as she took a seat in the table. - I can prepare you something if you don’t like it, m’am.
     - No, it’s beautiful, thank you so much. - yes, she was used to living in some sort of high fashion style due to the environment she had brought up with but this, this was different. This was expensive in all sorts, from how the employees dressed, to the way the food was presented. However, Y/N noticed that instead of being surrounded by other people eating like it would normally occur at her prior home, she was instead surrounded by staff watching her eat, no Sebastian in sight. - Is Mr. Stan not joining us for dinner?
     - Oh no, m’am, Mr. Stan eats in his office. - the woman replied. 
     - What about you guys? Don’t you wanna eat? 
     - It’s fine, m’am. We’ll eat after you finish. 
     - Alright ... - Y/N pushed her plate slightly away from her, turning on her chair so she could face the two staff who were now staring at her as if she were any sort of threat. - Where me and Miss Forrest were raised, staff is treated just as well as family members. I don’t know what orders you follow from Mr. Stan but when you deal with me or Miss Forrest, you sit down and have dinner with us if you wish. 
The dinner went a bit better after she gained some company. The staff was sweet, very professional still but sweet nevertheless. After dinner and fighting a bit with the woman named Anna so she could help with the dishes, Y/N decided to walk around the house. Gwen still hadn’t returned and despite her countless messages sent to her, they were seen but not replied to. Thankfully, Sebastian hadn’t left his office as promised which meant she only had to lie whenever any member of staff would ask if she needed something. 
The penthouse was pretty much a regular place with more rooms than she could ever imagine with some being locked and others being open and perfectly decorated yet seemed to be non inhabited. However, what had sparked her interest was the very last room she checked. The room’s wall except for one were filled with book shelves which were filled itself with endless amounts of books. She looked around, wondering if someone was spying on her, before entering the room, her hands grabbing the first book she saw. The Great Gatsby. It sorta made her chuckle how that had been the first book she caught, the story of a wealthy man who lives by himself. The book itself was in rather good condition with the traditional blue cover with those unsettling eyes staring right back at her. She opened the book, her eyes going to the date of print making her realise what she was holding. April, 1925. A first edition. 
      - Looking for a good read, Miss Y/N? - she dropped the book out of surprise, not expecting the voice. Her head snapped in the sound’s direction, watching as Sebastian walked over to her, slowly crutching down to grab the book from the ground.
       - Are these all yours? - this was the biggest self collection of books she’d ever seen, it was somewhat hard for her to wrap around her head it belonged to a single person, specially first editions. 
       - My father made sure I got an expensive education. 
       - Have you read all of these? - her eyes widen at the mere thought of it. Just reading one shelf of books looked like it would take at least five years, at beast. 
       - Not all of them ... some are in Greek. - he couldn’t help but be entranced by her as she lowered her head to hide the small smile that settled itself on her lips. - Are you one for reading?
       - I majored in English Literature, reading was all I did for three years. 
       - Fits. - he put his hands on the pockets of his formal trousers. - You wouldn’t lie to me, would you Miss Y/N? 
       - I wouldn’t think of it, Mr. Stan. - Y/N wasn’t one for lying unless necessary, specially to someone who had a reputation for ignoring empathy and other human emotions. 
       - Where’s my fiancée, Miss Y/N? - the mere question knocked the air away from her. - And please do not use the same excuse you used with my staff. I know everything that goes on in this house and I know for a fact she’s not in her room. 
       - I ... I don’t know. 
       - I think you need to figure out where your loyalty lies, Miss Y/N. - he picked her chin, making sure she looked into his eyes. If there was something he knew was to intimidate someone with his gaze alone, however, she looked embarrassed to be caught in a lie rather than scared. - As my employee, you owe me your loyalty and the truth. 
     - My loyalty lies with Gwen ... not with you. - she took a step backwards. He sucked his teeth, arms crossed on his chest. - I don’t mean to disrespect you, Mr. Stan but ... Gwen’s my friend and my employee and I owe her my loyalty. 
     - You do realise that if Miss Forrest gets hurt it is you who’s gonna be held accountable. 
     - Please don’t be mad at Gwen. - she rubbed her arms. - She’s never really wanted to get married, at all, to no one. This is a bit of a change she has to adapt to.
     - Don’t flatter yourself, angel. Genevieve Forrest is not exactly the type of woman I’d personally chose to be with but I’m not being childish about it. If you wanna have a good time under my employment then you better reconsider telling me the truth.
taglist: @sideeffectsofyou​
487 notes · View notes
idk if i'm gonna do all of the BJ book on here yet, BUT here's a section of it that kind of helps expand on the 'Evil Bill and Evil Ted trash Bill and Ted's place' scene and I fucking love that we got a little bit more fleshed out characterization of EB and ET in the book because I love them (also a funny little bit on De Nomolos' 'teaching')
Bill and Ted weren't the best housekeepers in the world. Evil Bill and Evil Ted were even worse - horrible, in fact. They were also totally into mindless destruction, and while Good Bill and Good Ted had their faults, destroying for destroying's sake was not one of them. Of course, they knew that once they got the Wyld Stallyns off the ground, they would have to destroy a few thousand dollars' worth of equipment whenever they played some live gigs in mega-arenas -the fans would expect it - but that was in the future, when they could afford it.
With Evil Bill and Evil ted, on the other hand, it was not only their life's work, what they had been totally programmed to do, but it was their hobby was well. Now, having destroyed their relationship between Good Bill and Good Ted and the princesses and murdering Bill and ted into the bargain, Evil Bill and Evil Ted were addressing themselves to the question of trashing Bill and Ted's apartment. They were very good at it. Pros, you might say.
They had already had a certain amount of fun tearing up what there was of bill and Ted's meager wardrobe, flushing smaller household items down the toilet and totally scratching and smashing their prized collection of Aerosmith and Iron Maiden records. The stereo and the TV were just smoking shells, the posters had been stripped from the walls, the rug ripped up from the floor, the curtains destroyed, the furniture hacked to splinters.
Evil Bill and Evil Ted now turned to the kitchen and found that that was a very entertaining venue, opening up many opportunities for creative and imaginative ways of destroying things.
Ted threw open the door of the refrigerator and yanked out a can of soda. He shook it ferociously and then fired a long stream of sticky liquid at Evil Bill.
"You look thirsty, dude!" cackled Evil Ted.
"And you look hungry!" yelled Evil Bill. He grabbed a handful of eggs from the rack in the door of the refrigerator and pasted evil Ted in the side of the head with two of them.
"Yah!" Evil Ted squeezed some of the yolk from his hair. "And I know what you want!"
"Dessert, dude!" Evil Ted pulled out an aerosol can of whipped cream topping and blasted away at Evil Bill. Cream, eggs and soda made the kitchen floor sticky underfoot, and just for the heck of it, Evil Bill and Evil Ted pulled all the food out of the refrigerator, tossed it to the ground and trampled it into paste.
Then they turned their attention to the kitchen cabinets, inventing, on the spur of the moment, a new kind of basketball. Instead of using a ball, like normal people, or even normal robots, they played with all the glassware - plates, glasses, saucers - that they found in the cabinets. True, you couldn't dribble a plate - no bounce, right? - but it did make for a very satisfying slam dunk.
You see, Bill and ted had a little indoor basketball net over their kitchen door, and sometimes, when they had to have some very serious and deep conversation, they would sit at their kitchen counter, talking about the Wyld Stallyns, their babes, their future and other serious things, shooting a nerf ball at the hoop. It helped them concentrate and it didn't do any harm.
That just wasn't evil Bill and Evil Ted's kind of game. Evil Ted had a big water glass in his right hand, and he was backing in toward the basket, his left arm out to keep Evil bill out of the way. Evil Bill, for his part, was working hard to block, in Evil ted's face, trying to prevent the attacker from getting a look at the basket.
"No way, dude," said Evil Bill, "you'll get through my totally non-heinous and most resplendent blocking."
"Yah?" Evil Ted powered in a few feet and hooked the glass at the basket. It sailed through the air, end over end, whiffed through the basket and exploded with a crash on the tile floor.
"Two points, dude!"
"Lucky, dude, that's all. My turn." He scooped up a dinner plate, faked right, went left and blew by Evil Ted, leaped for the hoop and jammed, slamming the plate into smithereens.
"He shoots! He scores!" yelled Evil Bill. "The man, er, robot is unstoppable!"
Evil Ted had an armful of glasses, and he was standing about where he imagined the free throw line to be, pitching them toward the basket. Not all of them swished - a couple of them just smashed against the kitchen wall, showering glass over everything - but most found their target and then shattered.
Evil Bill did his best to help out, goaltending, tipping in a few of the rim shots. It sounded as if it were raining broken glass in the wreckage of Bill and Ted's apartment.
Then, abruptly, it stopped.
"More!" demanded Evil Bill.
Evil Ted was peering into the cupboards, rummaging around, throwing out cans and cereal boxes, rifling the shelves, like a thief searching for hidden valuables.
"Bad news, dude."
"Game's over. We are totally out of dishes!"
They look for a moment over the extensive wreckage, smiles of satisfaction on their faces.
"Well," said Evil Bill. "It was fun while it lasted. I just wish those other us's had more stuff to wreck."
"Well, we didn't make all that much at Pretzels 'n' Cheese, dude."
"Yah, but I wish we had spent more on decorating."
Evil Ted suddenly had a totally triumphant idea. "Wait, Evil Bill, check this out."
"This, dude." Evil Ted put his hands around his neck, as if he were trying to strangle himself, and pulled. His electronic, completely solid-state head popped out of his neck, trailing a few wires like tentacles. His headless body thundered across the kitchen, crunching glass underfoot, and slam-dunked his own indestructible head into the basket.
"Two points!" Evil Ted's head roared as it rolled across the kitchen floor.
Evil Bill was most impressed with this new variation on the game. True, they were trashing themselves now, but trashing is trashing.
"Not bad, dude, not bad."
"That's what I call heads-up basketball, dude." Evil Ted's head was still on the floor, and it was giving a certain amount of thought to the problem of how to get back to his body.
"Here," said Evil Bill, "lemme try that." Just as Evil Ted had done, Evil Bill pilled his head off his neck, as easily as popping a tab on a soft-drink can. "Check this out, Evil Ted. Keep your eye on the ball and watch a perfect Kareem-style sky hook." Evil Bill lofted his own head high in the air, a long graceful arc that seemed to be perfectly on target - until it slammed into one of the blades of the ceiling fan in the kitchen. It stuck there and turned slowly around, as if it were on a merry-go-round.
"Whoaaaaaa!" shouted Evil Bill's head. "Totally bogus!"
"Dude! You totally didn't see the fan!" Evil Ted's body, all on its own, decided it was time it had a head back. It reached down and grabbed it and stuffed it back on his neck.
Evil Bill's head continued to turn round and round. It was beginning to make him a little dizzy.
"Evil Ted! Get my body over here and take me off this thing."
"Yah! You heard him, dude," said the now-complete Evil Ted to Evil Bill's headless torso. "Go get your head, dude."
Instead of doing what it was told, the body casually waved to Evil Bill's twirling head, gesturing to him as if it didn't give a damn whether it ever got back with its head again.
"Whoooaaa!" said Evil Ted. "What a lousy attitude you have, Evil Bill."
"As soon as I get back to my body, dude, I am gonna totally beat myself black and blue."
"You'll totally have it coming to you, Evil Bill. Trouble is it's gonna hurt you more than it'll hurt yourself."
"It'll be worth it. Evil Ted, dude, get me down from here, would ya please?"
"Yah!" Evil Ted leaped as if going up for a jump shot, grabbed the head off the fan blade and came down lightly. This seemed to get Evil Bill's body's attention. Evil Ted waved the head at the body. "Got your head, dude!" he said tauntingly.
"Stop fooling around, Evil Ted, and totally reunite me with my body."
"No way, dude!" Evil Ted tucked the head into the crook of his right arm like a football running back. "I'm gonna score a touchdown!"
Evil Bill's voice was muffled. "Gotta get through my triumphant defense first." Evil Bill's headless body charged toward Evil Ted like a front-line blocker. "I'm gonna totally tackle you, dude!"
"No way!" Evil Ted danced around Evil Bill's body, raced into the living room and spiked Evil Bill's head into a wastebasket. "Touch-down for Evil Ted! Now for the triumphant field goal!"
"You're not kicking my head anywhere, dude!" Evil Bill's body rushed into the living room and grabbed the head out of the wastebasket. Quickly he jammed the head back on his shoulders. "That's better."
"That was fun!" said Evil Ted.
"Yah! Way to go, dude! We are truly most resplendent total headbangers."
"Yah!" Evil Ted air-guitared wildly for a moment, then stopped stock-still, a funny look on his face.
"What's up, Evil Ted?"
"We're wanted on the phone, Evil Bill. It's the boss from head office." Evil Ted smacked the back of his head and his eye popped into his hand. There was a moment of static and fuzz in the pupil, the De Nomolos's sneery face came on the screen.
"How's it goin', master-dude?"
De Nomolos looked with utter contempt at his two evil creations. Even though they were central to his plan, he couldn't help but loathe these two creatures. He looked forward to a time when not only would there be no Bill and Ted, but no manmade Bill and Teds either. Bliss...
"Give me a report," snapped De Nomolos. "At once!"
"We totally ruined things between Joanna and Elizabeth and Bill and Ted," said Evil Bill.
"Yah. They were most sad dudes when we totally murdered them."
"Yah! And now we've been having a little R and R while we trash their heinous apartment."
"Stop wasting time," De Nomolos barked. "You must proceed with the plan. Immediately, do you understand me?"
"Yes, master-dude!" they said in unison.
"Understand me, you cretins," said De Nomolos, "it is not enough that you destroy those two...those two...," he couldn't even bring himself to say their names, "...imbeciles. It is imperative that you destroy everything about them."
"Totally!" agreed Evil Bill and Evil Ted.
"So get on with it," De Nomolos ordered. "Follow you orders to the letter."
"Okay, dude," said Evil Ted. "What's next? What does the program say?"
"Don't think! You're not programmed to think!" yelled De Nomolos. "Just do! The next phase consists of completely alienating Bill and Ted from everyone they've ever known."
"Right!" said Evil Bill.
"Excellent!" said Evil Ted. "You are one most smart dude, dude."
De Nomolos looked withy disgust at the machines he had created in the image of his greatest enemies. "I hate them and I hate robot versions of them."
"Hey, dude," said Evil Bill, "don't blame us. You're the one who made us."
"Yah!" said Evil Ted.
"Don't remind me," said De Nomolos. "Get to work!"
The image on the eye monitor fuzzed over and De Nomolos disappeared. Back in the future, he was busy implementing his own part in the plan, which consisted mainly of indoctrinating his captive students at Bill and Ted University in the history he had so carefully and nastily rewritten.
"Pop quiz!" he said suddenly to the class. "Close your books!"
Thomas Edison, Bach and the rest of the class closed their personal copies of a not very fascinating book called Nomolos de Nomolos - The Greatest Man In History and sat up straight.
De Nomolos scowled at the ranks of students. "In what year did Robot Ted marry Missy?" He scanned the room, as if about to choose a candidate for execution. "Thomas Edison! Answer me!"
Edison started as if he had been pinched and swallowed hard. It had been a while since he had taken a pop quiz, and he had never taken one with a gun to his head. It was a most disconcerting feeling.
"Uh...1996?" he asked hopefully.
De Nomolos actually smiled, an expression that looked sort of peculiar, out of place on his face. "Very good. You are as smart as your reputation said you were."
Seeing as Edison was on De Nomolos's good side, he thought he might use the opportunity to get out of the jam he found himself in. "Sir, I hate to bother you, but I have to be getting back to New Jersey to invent the motion picture, and I happen to know that Johann Sebastian Bach here was halfway through Das Musicalishes Opfer - really smoking, really on a roll too - so maybe we could be heading back to our own times now."
Edison wasn't teacher's pet anymore. "Shut up. You know no one can leave the century during a quiz. Leads to cheating. Now... you!" He pointed to a student in the third row who was so scared she jumped about a foot on the air.
"Yes, you..." De Nomolos's brow furrowed as if he was trying to think up a real toughie. "In what year did Missy marry Robot Bill?"
"1998," she said quickly.
De Nomolos smiled his bad guy smile. "Good... Good... Things are coming along very nicely, very nicely indeed." De Nomolos looked around the room, drawing a bead on another hapless student, like a sniper fixing a victim in the crosshairs of his sights. "You!" All the time that Robot Bill and Robot Ted were on earth, where were the actual Bill and Ted?"
The student swallowed hard. "They were dead, sir. Totally."
"Exactly." De Nomolos spoke with a great and obvious sense of satisfaction. Things seemed to be going his way, just as planned. "Gone... dead. Never to return again. And that means that their idiocy will have died with them. No one can do anything about it. Ingenious, isn't it?"
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beauvibaby · 4 years
all along - m.tkachuk
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a/n: so like, if you look through my page you can legit see me say like two weeks ago how much I disliked Matthew, but clearly, that has changed for the better
warnings: toxic relationship, trust issues (if that's a warning?)
word count: 1.7k
You hesitated, finger hovering over the contact, “fuck it.” You muttered, pressing down on the screen, a picture of you and Matthew covering it as it dialed his number. You flinched at the sudden noise from the hallway, “hey, Y/N, I was just going-are you okay?” Matthew cut himself short as he heard you sniffle into the phone, “no.” You squeaked out, “Danny and I got into a fight, and he won't leave.” You whispered out, feeling stupid, calling your best friend because your boyfriend was being a drunk idiot. “I’m coming.” Is all Matthew said before you heard him moving around, coincidentally, you lived in the same apartment building as him, it’s how you meant a couple of years ago. “Y/N, come on, babe, open the door.” Danny muttered, knocking softly, you didn't respond, only stepped away from the door when he slammed his hand against it. When you felt the fear rushing through you, you knew everyone had been right, why were you dating him? He should be the one person who never scares you, but now you were paralyzed in fear when he jiggled the knob. “It’s your fault, you’re the one who started this fucking fight, if you could just stop flirting with every guy that gives you attention.” You shook your head at his words, even if he couldn't see you. “I think you need to leave, Danny.” Matthew’s voice echoed through the wall and you felt relief coming over you. “Of course she called you, fucking bitch.” Danny muttered, you heard a thud followed by a groan, “get out, now.” Matthew barked out, I heard rushed movements before the doorknob started moving again. “Y/N, it’s alright.” Matthew spoke softly through the door and you rushed to unlock it, he nearly fell into you from the sudden movements. “Thank you.” He was taken back by your words as you wrapped your arms around him. “don't thank me, you shouldn’t have to deal with that prick.” Matthew assured you, hugging you back as you stayed silent. “What if he comes back?” You finally whimpered, thinking about how many times he had done exactly that, go and get drunk, come crawling back apologizing and how you’d always let him back in. “You can come stay at my place tonight, I’ve got a spare room.” He offered, you pulled away, not realizing you had started crying until you saw the wet patch on his shirt. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, awkwardly looking away as he stood there looking you over. 
“Don’t apologize, you didn't do anything wrong.” He shushed you, reaching up to wipe a tear from your cheek, but freezing when you flinched back. If you had kept your eyes open, you would have seen his heart break covering his face. The thought of anyone ever doing something to make you flinch away from him, it was killing him, but he pushed it aside and put his hand down. “It’s okay, just get whatever you need for the night. I’ll be out here.” He whispered to you, backing out of the room, your eyes shot open, “Matty?” You both froze, you never really used that nickname with him, when you first met you had used it as a joke and quickly found out he hated it. His gaze softened, watching as you fiddled with your fingers. “Can-uh-can you just stay in here with me, it’ll only take a minute.” You whispered shamefully, he could see the nerves on your face. “Of course.” 
It had been well over a month since that fight with Danny, and Matthew was there with you when he came back to collect his things, it was silent no one said anything, in reality it was ten minutes but it felt like ten years as you stuck close to Matthews side, keeping as much distance between you and Danny as possible. 
And that led to where you are now, laughing as Matthew struggled to put together the set of nightstands you insisted he get for his guest room. His parents were coming to visit, and as you had stayed in his guest room for a couple of nights, you could attest to how badly he needed more storage in there. “It’s not funny.” He groaned dramatically, dropping the screw driver down on the ground in a defeated sigh. “Help?” He questioned, looking up at you with a pout that you didn't know he had in him. You gave in and joined him on the floor, “what would you do without me?” You teased, thinking of all the mundane things you had taught him to do properly over this past month, wether it be as simple as how to change his air conditioning filter, or how to properly defrost chicken to cook it. “I really don't know.” He whispered under his breath, watching you easily figure out how to assemble the furniture. You tried to hide the blush rising up your skin at his response, “it’s rude to stare.” You reminded him, he let out a breathy laugh as he held the wooden shelf up for you while you got the screw properly lined up. “Thanks.” You sighed out of instinct, making his eyebrows shoot up. “You’re literally putting furniture together for me, stop being so polite.” He groaned, rolling his eyes, nudging you softly when you didn't respond with your usual snarky comment. “It was a joke, don't be mad.” He added, you nodded, focusing on what you were doing before the door being knocked on made you both jump up, “who is that?” You asked instantly, he suddenly got a little flushed. “My parents?” It was a statement but it came out more as. question as you went wide eyed. “Matthew,” you whacked the back of his arm, “you said they were coming in tomorrow! I can’t be here, I’m just your weird downstairs neighbor!” You panicked, looking down at the clothes you were in, an oversized t-shirt and spandex shorts. “Oh my god, I’m going to look like a hookup leaving here.” You panicked more and he started laughing to the point of having tears in his eyes as his parents knocked again. 
“First of all, it’s fine, they’ll be happy to know that I have a friend who isn't forced to talk to me.” He paused getting your attention, you gave him an unamused look as he shot you a smile, grabbing your hand and dragging you along with him. “Matthew.” You warned, as he had a devious smile on his face, “you look cute,” he shrugged, pausing at the door, “and you’re not my weird downstairs neighbor, you’re my amazing downstairs friend.” And with that he opened the door as you hid behind him face turning bright pink. “Delivery for Matthew Tkachuk?” You heard a deep voice ask and you gasped, stepping out from behind him and shooting him a glare as he signed for the package. “You jerk!” You snapped the second he shut the door, “you made me go into a full panic for no reason!” You crossed your arms dramatically, not missing the giant smile that covered his face when you pouted walking away. “Y/N, just having a little fun.” He called, and you could hear him ripping into the package as he followed behind you. You had already settled back down on the ground in front of the nightstand, putting the last couple of pieces on it, you glanced up when you heard him fumbling with fabric. Your eyebrows shot up, “are those the curtains I pointed out three weeks ago?” You teased, watching as he sheepishly nodded. “Well, you have the best taste of anyone I know, so I figured you had to be right about these curtains being right for this room.” He mumbled, approaching the window, the previous renter had left the curtain rod, but no curtains on it. You began laughing the second you saw him holding the fabric up. “Matty, did you measure the window?” You asked, teasingly, he looked at the single panel he had purchased and how much shorter than the tall window it was. “Sure didn't.” He admitted with a genuine laugh as he watched the way you giggled. 
“How about I’ll buy the curtains and you can pay me back?” You offered, your fit of giggles breaking as he sighed a little frustrated with not knowing how to do something as simple as buying curtains. “Next time, you have to measure how long the window is, and how wide it is, and you’ll need to buy the according amount of panels.” You explained sweetly, taking the fabric from him and folding it back up to be returned to the store. “How do you know all this?” He asked with a groan, flopping back on the bed, “I don't know, I guess I kind of just learned it?” You answered uncertainty in your tone, you weren't quite sure, its almost as if you just knew. “So, could paying you back be dinner?” He asked suddenly, your face went pale, looking over to him. “What?” You squeaked out, the butterflies dancing around your stomach. He had that smirk on his face, “I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while, and now just seemed like the right time.”
 “As long as you pick me up.”
 “That is a done deal, Y/N.”
“Wow, you, wow.” Matthew gasped out when you opened the door to your apartment, it was later in the week, his parents having just left from visiting, you become self conscious, looking down at your dress. “Is it too much? I can change.” You rushed your words, stepping aside to allow him to come in. You took in his appearance, slacks, dress shirt and nice shoes. his curls somewhat styled. He looked even more amazing than he normally did, and that shocked you. “No, no, you look amazing, beautiful.” He assured you, watching the sparkle come back to your eyes at his words. “Clean up pretty well yourself.” You teased in response, not being able to keep yourself from smoothing the wrinkle out of his shirt, your hand resting on his shoulder just a moment longer than it had too. He cleared his throat, bringing you both back to your senses, “we have a reservation, we don't want to be late.” He whispered, but still, neither of you moved. “Reservations are over rated.” You muttered, a small smirk gracing your lips when he glanced between them and your eyes. “I couldn't agree more.” And with that, he kicked the door shut behind him as he finally, finally, kissed you, instantly you knew, you should have been with him all along. 
Taglist: @thathockeygirl @literarycharleton
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Haunted Love (Illinois x Gender Neutral!Reader)
Ship: Illinois x Gender Neutral!Reader Request: “So I saw you needed some requests! I was wondering if you could maybe write a spooky Illinois x reader for the spooky season? Maybe he and reader are investigating a haunted castle or something, maybe they realize that their greatest fear isn’t ghosts or spiders but losing each other? I dunno. I hope you’re doing well! Stay safe! 💕” - Anon Warnings: Horror atmosphere, mention of ghosts, slight depictions of gore, blood. Summary: Illinois has a Halloween adventure planned and it turns out scarier than you could imagine. Notes: I love writing horror, thank you so much for the excuse to do it XD. Words: 1467
If you like my writing, consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/itsyourimaginaryworld/
Silence was between the two of you as Illinois drove the car, the engine humming softly. When you looked out the window, all you could see was trees and the city was far behind you. At some point you had questioned if Illinois wasn’t just lost or something and wanted to question him about it, but the determination and confidence that always resided in his eyes silenced your wonderings. The car lights started to flicker on and off in a spooky way while making its way further into the woods, until a fence blocked the road.
“You brought us all the way here to walk between a bunch of trees?” You questioned as you both got out of the car into the chilly night. The two of you had planned to go on a Halloween adventure, and while, sure, the woods was scary, but the only danger were animals lurking about. Most of them would be too scared of you two in the first place and Illinois went to so many animal Heaven’s that there was nothing to fear as long as you had him by your side.
That actually kind of went for everything, you thought to yourself.
“Of course not,” he smirked. “You’re not that lucky.” He flicked on a flashlight and threw himself over the old wooden fence. You followed behind him, still smug as ever.
A long walk ensued, but nothing you weren’t used to. With Illinois as a partner, all you ever did was walk, climb, avoid traps, go to multiple heavens, pick up cursed artifacts, flirt with each other and make Indiana Jones references. Even the cold breeze on your skin couldn’t bother you, or the singing of the owls, or the crickets hiding in the grass.
Until, in the distance, you saw something you’d never seen before. An enormous gray castle, displaying signs of age in its cracked walls, vines and patches of moss sticking on the bricks like glue. Your eyes widened in amazement and excitement, and you picked up your pace.
“They say that this castle was cursed thousands of years ago,” Illinois started in a low, grim voice that sent shivers down your spine. You couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth or trying to scare you with an improvised story. After all the adventures you’d been on, a cursed castle was anything but strange. You passed over the bridge of a river and then entered the castle through one of its broken windows, Illinois following behind.
“The curse was created after the unsolved murder of the King,” he said, shining his flashlight on portraits hanging on the walls. You didn’t recognize any of the people and the art style had Tim Burton vibes, especially in the setting you were in. Desperate for a light of your own, you snatched one of the candles off of their holders and lit them up using the matches you always carried in your adventurer bag.
“The King was said to be murdered by the ghost of the Maid, who still roams around, longing for souls and blood,” Illinois continued as you both continued up the stairs. Right as he said that, the flame of your candle revealed the portrait of a maid.
Your heart started going wild along with a drop in your stomach.
“Is that her?” You said.
“Seems like it,” Illinois replied, still in the horror-story narrator voice. Then his tone completely shifted and he smirked.
“She’s kinda hot, though.”
“Shut uuuup,” you grinned playfully. “But not as hot as me, right?”
“Screw you!” Playfully, you held the candle closer to the portrait. “I can make her burn if you say yes…” You tried to do the same creepy voice as he did, but he was somehow better at it. Damn him and his naturally sexy voice.
“Wouldn’t that literally make her hotter though?” Illinois joked. You deadpanned at him and held the candle just a bit closer to the portrait.
It wasn’t your intention, but suddenly a flame caught onto the wooden frame. Immediately you pulled away your candle. You would’ve been brave enough to keep the portrait as an artifact for your guys’ collection, but it was too late for that now.
“Oh, you actually did it,” Illinois said with a hint of disappointment.
“I didn’t mean to,” you said, stepping backwards and watching the maid burn. Suddenly, your blood ran cold as you heard a long, deafening scream through the air, definitely one that sounded like it would belong to her.
Immediately you grasped Illinois close, who looked as terrified as you did.
“What’s that? Where did that come from?” You asked, panicked, and looking around.
“Don’t worry, it must’ve been something else,” Illinois said reassuringly. How could he stay calm in a situation like this?
And then you heard footsteps. You’d dropped the candle on the floor out of fear, but Illinois still held his flashlight and shone it at its source. You turned away at first, burying your face into his chest.
“(Y/N)…” he said, slowly and cautiously.
“I think we need to run.”
And then you looked up to see the pale figure step into the weak light of the flashlight. A woman with blank white eyes, bleach blonde curled hairs along her shoulder, and skinny, almost skeleton-like arms grasping forward into nothingness. The most unsettling thing that had you paralyzed at the sight, was the maid costume stained with crimson blood.
Even with Illinois by your side, you had never felt that much terror. Frozen in place, adrenaline made its way into your bloodstream, absolute horror making its home in every single one of your guts. It was Illinois who saved you by pulling you away into the fastest sprint you’d ever made.
You clenched his hand tightly, not wanting to be away for him for one moment. You fled into another room and stepped back as Illinois boarded up the door, dragging furniture and desks and everything he could find.
As he was working on that, you kept taking slow steps backwards. Scared that any move you would make could be your last. Then you looked to the side, only to lock eyes with your reflection in an old mirror hanging on the wall. Your reflection turned paler and paler, your hair turning as white as the maids, until your image was replaced entirely with the ghost’s.
You screamed at the top of your lungs, and suddenly felt Illinois’s warmth, he’d wrapped his arms around you. You buried your face in his chest again, now shivering. He kept himself cool, but you could feel his heart beat as quickly as yours.
“Don’t panic, hey, we’ve got this, okay? I’ve got you,” he said, rubbing your back. You were too panicked to notice the bonking on the doors, but Illinois swallowed a lump in his throat, trying to ignore it.
“What if it takes one of us? What if I lose you? What if you lose me?” you said.
“That won’t happen, okay? I have no fears except losing you,” he said calmly, but with a trace of emotion in his voice. “And I will make sure that will never happen.”
“My biggest fear is losing you, too,” you said. “What do we do now?”
“The curse… well, they said the soul of the maid was trapped inside the mirror, like all ghosts, and therefore couldn’t escape our reality,” Illinois continued. You couldn’t see it, but his eyes wandered to the mirror. He tried to step away from you towards it, but you tugged on his shirt.
“No, don’t let me go,” you said.
“I won’t,” he reassured, and held your hand tightly. With his other hand he grabbed the mirror, and you finally found the courage to open your eyes to the scene again. Then he threw the mirror against the wall, smashing it to pieces, and the bonking on the doors stopped. A cold breeze pushed past the both of you, and then, complete silence.
“I think we did it,” Illinois said and smirked. “I’ve protected you from yet another thing. And I always will.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his smugness, although it was probably the adrenaline rush and the relief at this point. You still didn’t feel quite safe, but the atmosphere had changed somehow. It was inexplicable, just like the paranormal.
“Let’s get the hell outta here!” You said, and Illinois nodded. Staying close together the two of you hurried out the window of the castle, wandered around it back to the car, and drove off faster than you’d ever did before.
Looking back on it, there was some aspect of fun to it. A spooky adventure where you had been horrified. And you’d discovered your real fear: losing Illinois. No ghost, ghoul or monster could ever be scarier than that.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 3 years
Extra Part 5
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U.A. a school for students to learn how to become the best Pro-Hero. When young Y/n Midoriya returns from her traveling to be accepted through recommendation. What awaits her when she meet the explosive blonde Katsuki Bakugo
Words- 2722
Katsuki Bakugo x Midoriya!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x Cousin!Reader
Warning-Spoilers from show and bit angst but mainly fluff in this chapter
Series Masterlist
When you made it there all of your classmates were already there talking to each other and whatnot.
“Am I late?” You asked fixing your bag. Everyone turned to you smiles on their faces
“Y/n!” They yelled rushing to you. You were swarmed in hugs by the girls as they were talking about everything they missed.
“Oh my god, how are you.”
“We missed you so much!” 
You were gone for so long.” 
After all the greeting you saw Bakugo off to the side with Kirishima.
“Hey, Blondie.” You called him out making him turn to you, he had a glare on his face from the comment but it softens and he gave a brief nod.
You were standing next to Uraraka and Izuku while the others were just in little groups.
“Does it hurt?” Uraraka asked pointing at the scar on your face. Your face instinctively goes to your face embarrassed
“Um not really the pain is gone is just there is a lot of them so I keep the bandages on.” You explained pointing that it went from your shoulder to where the scar was shown on your face. Izuku squeezes your hand
“Well we are happy you are back and better.” Ida said making you smile. By the time everyone had finished their greeting Mr. Aizawa had come out of the front doors of the dorm.
“I’m glad to see everyone was able to be here, each of the dorms is for each class. ” He pointed down the road where multiple houses were.
“With your provisional hero licenses exam coming up we were supposed to be training at the camp. But you will all have to push yourself further to be ready, before we go in I want to be very clear. I should have you all expelled except, Bakugo, Y/n, Hagakure, and Jiro for not stopping the group from going after the two of them,” 
Everyone’s jaw dropped about him talking about being expelled, “You will be working your hardest and you will only be doing school and training, not a step out of line. Am I understood?” He stated.
“Yes sensei.” Everyone said in unison.
“Ok let’s go inside and enjoy the dorm.” Mr. Aizawa’s attitude flipped like a switch making everyone confused
“How can we enjoy the rest of our day with that speech.” Sero complained. Bakugo goes over and grabs Kaminari and pulls him behind the wall at the entrance and you all see sparks go off before they both turn the corner and Denki is lucid babbling nonsense making you all laugh. You turn away and see Bakugo hand over a stack of cash to Kirishima. When he turns around he sees you watch with a smile. He gives you a glare and looks away grumbling under his breath.
“Hey guys! Dinner is on me.” Kirishima calls out holding up the same cash Bakugo gave him. When you guys entered the dorm it looked so cool, there were couches and tables and windows that led to a courtyard in the middle of the building.
“The first floor is a common area with a living area, with a shared kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry room.” Mr. Aizawa explained pointing around the room as everyone looked in awe.
“We are sharing the showers with the girls.” Mineta drools over the thought of seeing the girls.
“Each dorm has a separate bathroom for themselves.” Mr. Aizawa sends a glare towards Mineta
“Each floor are separate boys in the left-wing and girls in the right-wing.” He pulled out a list “You belonging are already in your rooms so feel free to relax or explore more.” After he had finished he left you all to get explore the empty room.
“These rooms are as big as my house.” Uraraka says looking at how big they are before passing out at the sheer size
“Uraraka!” Ida yells making you and Izuku laugh.
“We have balconies.” Izuku smiles as he and Kaminari wave down to the group. You all go off to your rooms to unpack and change out of your uniform into a sweater and sweatpants and heading downstairs where most of the students were hanging out
“This is place is so cool.” Ashido squealed flopping onto one of the couch.
“It great we have our own room to decorate.” You said sitting next to Ida.
“Oh my god, that’s it! We should have a contest on who has the best room.” Uraraka jumped up and most of the girls agree and some guys were unsure. 
“Isn’t this kinda invasion of privacy.” Ida said as everyone made their way into the elevator.
“Eh It’ll be fun, think to as bonding of students, right class rep.” You smiled as you made your way up to the second floor.
“I guess.” Tenya nodded
“So who’s first?” Ashido asked looking at the floor plan.
“Well, my room is on this floor.” Izuku spoke up
“Great!” The group made their way to Izuku’s room, 
“Wait don’t go in there.” He waved frantically but the door was open and we walked in. Izuku’s face was completely red, his room was covered in All Might posters and collectibles
“Fanboy huh.” Uraraka teases him. On his desk, there is a collage of postcards from different locations
“You kept my cards.” You looked at the cards from different locations and you froze staring at the Paris postcard.
“Yeah I kept them it was the only way we could talk, but they all stopped after Paris.” Izuku said looking at you.
“Aww that’s so cute.” Hagakure cooed. Everyone left Izuku’s room and watched in amusement as Ashido and Hagakure try to push Tokoyami away from the door.
“Y/n help us.” Ashido pleading you shook your head laughing
“I’ll pass this is very entertaining.”
When the girls entered they look around at the dark gloomy room.
“Spooky.” Uraraka looked around at the skulls on the tables
“You have a sword so cool.” Izuku freaks out over the sword on its stand. Aoyama was more than happy to show off his room and it was the opposite of Tokoyami. There were mirrors all over the room and very sparkly and bright.
“Is anyone going to come and see my room.” Mineta stood against the door and you and the girls grimaced.
“I don’t want to know what’s in there.” Jiro said as they went up onto the 3rd floor. Ojiro’s room was very basic, and Tenya’s as well but his walls very covered in bookcases.
“I need all the books to be the best Class Rep.” He stated proudly.
“Why do you have so many glasses.” You and Uraraka chuckled at the shelves of glasses
“I expect all my glasses to be broken in battle.” He defended himself this making you and Uraraka burst into laughter. Kaminari’s room looked like the inside of those shops in Kamino which made some of the girls laugh and he deflated at the comment. The group continued into Koda’s room and most of the girls freaked out when they saw a bunny in the room. After spending a bit with the rabbit, the group makes their way to the elevators
“Why are we only seeing our rooms if this is a competition the girls need to be included.” Mineta said making all the boys who were disappointed with the reactions to agree with him.
“Yeah, I’m fine with that.” You shrugged your shoulders and the rest of the girls agree. You decided to finish the boy’s side before going to the other side, You checked out Kirishima’s room which had weights and sports equipment around the room
“Very manly Kirishima.” You compliment and his smile gets bigger. Shoji’s room was a very empty room with the bare necessity, and when you guys made it to the last floor everyone was surprised at Sero’s stylish Asian-style dorm.
“Well let’s get this over with.” Todoroki opened up the door to his room, everyone’s jaw had dropped it looked like you had entered someone’s house, not the dorm room. His room was very traditional in the Japanese style.
“How did you even do this!” Kaminari looked at Todoroki as if he grew two heads. There was a pause
“Hard Work.” He responds. You finished up the boy’s side with Sato’s it was fairly normal but there were baking supplies and treats
“I had to take up a skill in baking to help with my quirk.” Sato pulled out some cake from the oven and served it out to the group.
“This is so good.” Uraraka grinned,
“The flavor is amazing, can you make something for my tea.” Yaoyorozu grinned.
“This is awesome Sato.” You finished up the treat. Your group headed over to the girl’s side.
“Finally the girl’s rooms, what secrets do they hold.” Mineta rubs his palms together only to get hit in the head by Jiro. You guys started at Yaoyorozu’s room but the group decided to stay outside as her room was completely crowded with her furniture.
“I thought my stuff would fit in here but I guess not, this room is about the same size as my closet back home.” Yaoyorozu explained.
“Your closet is this big.” Uraraka said before passing out in shock.
“Uraraka!” Tenya yells at her again.
“Are we going to Asui room?” Jiro asked Uraraka shook her head
“Tsuyu wasn’t feeling well and decided to head to her room.” she explained the group skipped her room head down to the floor you staying in. You guys went into Uraraka
“It’s a low budget room I know.” She rubbed the back of her head.
“Well, now you can fill it with memories.” You grab her hand giving her a squeeze. Even though your room was next Ashido wanted to show off her room 
“Be my guest.” You gave her the go-ahead. Her room was very girly with Pink and black cheetah pink. You stayed there for a bit before you guys made your way to your room 
“We know nothing about you, this is gonna tell us everything.” Ashido pointed out and the group nodded.
“Well let’s hope I leave a good impression.” You smiled opening up your door. You had your bed against the wall like everyone else, you had some plants on your dresser with trinkets there as well. There was a record player on your desk and your guitar. On the wall, there were photos and paintings, on the wall were your bed there was a huge map with multiple thumbtacks on different locations. 
“You’ve been to all these places.” Kirishima looked at all the thumbtacks
“My parents traveled a lot for work I’ve been traveling for...I don’t know... Maybe 7-8 years.” You said to expect the reaction 
“You’ve been traveling for 7 years!” Kaminari yelled. 
“Not for 7 years straight but I’ve been taking online school and homeschool since I was seven.” You responded. The group nodded continuing to look around your room.
“Aw look at you, you look so cute.” Ashido points at a photo of when your family went to Athens you were mid-laugh on a boat.
“Yeah, that was Athens. We spent almost a year there.” You said.
“Who is the boy in this one.” Todoroki
“BOY!” The girls and Izuku yell trying to see the photo.
“Ohh he’s cute.” Hagakure gushes over him and you are able to see the photo. 
“That’s Henry.” You replied the photo was you and him together dancing smiles on both of your faces.
“Where is this one.” Uraraka asked for more information. 
“We were in Venezuela and I usually spent in exploring and we just met and click. My parents had to go to Columbia and I asked to stay and they left me so I spent the next few months with him and his family.” You explained looking at the photo feeling nostalgic.
“Were you guys together.” Sero asked leaning against your desk
“Oh god no,” You shook your head, “I was 13 and we were constantly moving around so we spent the time together and kept in touch when I left but that was years ago I haven’t talked to him in forever.” You said putting the picture back on your desk. 
You turned back at the group and clapped your hands “So who’s room is next.” 
The group made their way downstairs and we saw Jiro’s which was really interesting as she had many instruments around her room, and she knew how to play them all, you then check out to see Toru room which was very girly, with stuffed animals surrounding it. You all made your way back to the common room to cast your votes.
“Ok everyone’s vote is with one person having 6 votes, the winner of the best room is… Rikido Sato!”
“You only won because of your food!” Mineta yelled,
“Your room wasn’t even that cool!” Kaminari cries.
You get up from your spot next to Izuku and Uraraka “I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” You said your goodnights to your classmates and headed back to your room. 
You closed the door behind you going to the mirror, slowly being careful not to hurt yourself you undo the bandages around your neck, take a deep breath lifting your hand and delicately trace the scars. Pulling away from the mirror you go over to the photo, you had a smile on your face a genuine one as you both stared at each other. You sit at your desk grabbing the guitar reading the message on the side of it.
‘To my angel, keep this and never forget your time here and come back soon. Te amo.’ -Henry. 
Ok so you didn’t tell them you were in a relationship with him, you two would have never made it work, he’s probably happy out there living his life. You climbed into bed and let sleep take over you. 
Your eyes shot open as you shot up in your bed trying to get your breathing under control. You rubbed your eyes leaning your head on your knees, you get up to go some water then you remember you still need to put stuff in your fridge. You slide slippers onto your feet and made your way downstairs to the common room. When the elevator dinged you walked out and walked over to the kitchen. You poured yourself to water and leaned against the counter taking a sip from it every once in a while. You heard footsteps heading in your direction a red haze surrounded one of the knives in the chef block and sent it flying towards the person, only to stop yourself when you see it’s Bakugo.
“Try not to kill someone on your first night here eh.” He said grabbing the floating knife and placed it back on the counter.
“Sorry just jumpy,” You apologized grabbing your drink, “I’ll leave you be.” You began to walk away from the kitchen.
“Wait,” He sighed, “You don’t need to leave.” You nodded and sat in one of the chairs at the island and continue to drink your water as Bakugo went to grab a fruit from a pile. He came over sitting on the other of the island.
“Does it hurt.” He said looking at your scars. You bring a hand up and touch you neck.
“No, It stopped hurting before I even woke up just the reminder hurts.” You said he leans over reaching his hand out but stops short of your neck until you nod and he makes contact with your skin.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles as his hands trails up you neck his finger tracing each scar.
“It wasn’t your fault if you weren’t there I would be good as dead.” You said grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. You both stood basking in the silence holding each others hand.
“I should probably head to bed.” You looked at the time.
“Uh yeah.” Bakugo coughed pulling his hand away from you. You placed your glass in the sink and made your way to the elevator
“Night Blondie.” You gave him a smile.
“Night Idiot.” He responded making you laugh.
The doors closed separating the two of you and for the first time in forever you and Bakugo had given a genuine smile.
(A/N: So here are some links for the your dorm room you can always think of something else, and here is a photo of you and Henry) Room: 01/02/03 Photo
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Dig a Grave to Dig Out a Ghost - Chapter 26
Original Title: 挖坟挖出鬼
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 26 - Photograph
From the South Third Ring Road overpass, turn right and cross a small road covered by empress trees to reach Shenjiayuan.
The fragments of low-rise buildings and the chaotic street stalls on both sides of the street were standoffish in such a modern city. However, this was one of the country's famous antique marketplaces, and tens of thousands of people came here every day with lots of money to spend, risking being baked by the sun and getting heatstroke by lingering around each of the stalls, hoping to find one or two hidden treasures stashed away in a corner somewhere. It was an industry gaining some traction. There were many speculators, collectors, tourists, calligraphers, painters, and even gamblers among them. They firmly believe that a city thousands of years old hid unknown wealth somewhere. It was this mentality that gave them a similar look; intoxicated and wild-eyed with a long outstretched tongue, drooling over the crude high antique imitations on the stalls.
This was the place where Lin Yan made countless memories when he was a teenager. The middle school he went to was nearby. After school, he often came here alone with his schoolbag on his back. Back then, there weren't as many people. There was a very polluted river nearby that hadn't been turned into a landfill yet. The air was always filled with the smell of stinky salted fish. The vendors who set up stalls hadn't yet learned to casually laze about while sneaking glances at the faces of customers to judge how much money they could cheat out of them.
The old days were like rolls of yellowed newspapers. A young man in a light blue school uniform walked through it, exchanging his pocket money for a piece of colored glaze from the late Qing Dynasty. He squatted in front of a stall to sift through the options. The old man at the stall was smoking a cigarette while telling the story of Liulichang in the late Qing Dynasty. Lin Yan didn't know why he was only interested in street stalls when kids his age were saving up to buy posters of celebrities. Just like when they were gushing over the Belgian chocolates their relatives brought home, he was still obsessed for years with the pot full of honey hard candy the old lady in front of the school had.
The wood, rice paper, and the dusty rusticity of the old objects held a taste of time, and teenage Lin Yan couldn't help but be immersed in it. Like a lone fish in the stream.
The sun was shining on the ground at 3 o'clock that afternoon. Lin Yan carried a bulging bag in his left hand and a cup of roasted sencha milk tea in his right. He paced slowly in the crowd, the grass green V-neck T-shirt and cotton calf-length pants standing out. He didn't know why antique hunters liked to wear black, the dust on their clothes making them look like they had just crawled out of the ground.
"Here, it's weirdly hot. Do you want a sip?" Lin Yan shook the milk tea, the ice cube hitting the wall of the cup with a soft thud. Onlookers thought he was talking to the air when actually there was an invisible person next to him helping take off some of the weight of the bag. That mean, even though Lin Yan was carrying a lot of things, it didn't take much effort.
Xiao Yu lowered his head and took a sip where Lin Yan had touched. He bit on the straw a few times and turned his head.
Lin Yan wanted to laugh a little, and brought the cup back to the corner of his mouth.
A-Yan said that Xiao Yu might remember more following him around, so Lin Yan took him to the antique market after breakfast, hoping that something from his own time period might bring something back. Who would've guessed that, after going through all these stalls, lots of purchases were made but there was no progress with the ghost's memory. Lin Yan glanced at the bag in his hand. It was stuffed with clothes bought from a well-known Hanfu store in Shenjiayuan. They were well-made and expensive. Most people only bought them to complete a Hanfu set for their collection. For Lin Yan to buy these kinds of clothes on a daily errand, that was really a rare sight. Even the clerk couldn't help but do a double take.
Xiao Yu didn't understand the time they were currently living in, so he stood his ground and refused to adapt his style to the times. Lin Yan rolled his eyes and glared at him bitterly. He thought, you're the boss here making me throw away my money while I'm just your servant who follows behind you and pays.
Right after they left one store, before he could recover from the purchase, Xiao Yu suddenly stopped when he passed a woodworking shop. Lin Yan looked at the store’s gorgeous decorations and pieces of pearwood and red sandalwood furniture, whining that he really couldn't afford this stuff. Xiao Yu ignored him and dragged him inside. Thirty minutes later, Lin Yan swiped his card to check out under the watchful eye of the clerk and bought a beautiful Tongzhi wood guqin.
"Oh great ancestor, what more do you want?" Lin Yan tucked the order slip from the woodworking shop into his pocket and glared daggers at Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu shook his head nonchalantly.
There were more people on the street. Some of them didn't know the treasures that they had found, and they couldn't hide their excitement, sneaking a peek at what they have just bought. Some of them had grim faces, looking like they had been ripped off. There were also groups of foreign tourists wearing Lei Feng hats gathered at the roadside to buy shadow puppets. Occasionally, they turned around and curiously look at the antique city, which was built in the traditional Chinese-style.
In the market area to the south, there were large ancient buildings imitating Ming and Qing style architecture. The bustling narrow street seemed like scene straight out of the Water Margin. The wooden window on the second floor were pushed up, supported by a short stick. Looking up, he could see customers sipping tea. The shopkeeper was a short man, busily carrying a large teapot back and forth.
The narrow street lead to a large emerald-green stall covered with plastic tarps to offer shade from the sun. Lin Yan and Xiao Yu walked under the shadow of the tarps when they heard a familiar voice yelling loudly.
"Look at how green the colour is and how good the water head* is! You won't be able to find another one at this price anywhere in Shenjiayuan!" The peddler selling jade pieces had a round belly, one foot on the stool, holding up a transparent fortune bracelet, spittle flying everywhere. The plainly dressed middle-aged woman in front of the stall looked hesitant. She took the bracelet and took another look at it.
*(T/N: Water head [水头] refers to how light shines through jade. Kind of like how the light would look if it were shining through water. There's a list of transparencies if you want to look at how jade is graded, but basically the best jade has a vivid colour with even transparency across the whole piece.)
"It's too expensive, lower the price a bit." The woman said sincerely.
"It's so green, so transparent, I can't go any lower. Miss, if you want a lower price, it'll affect my livelihood. Don't waste my time." The peddler grabbed the bracelet, his eyes bulging.
"I wanted to buy it for my daughter as a birthday gift. It's too expensive. It'd be a pity if she dropped it. Give me the lowest you can go."
"Here." The peddler rolled his eyes. He took out his calculator, punched in a few numbers, and showed it to the woman in front of him, "Is this all right? I can't go any lower!"
Lin Yan couldn't help but lean over and glance at the numbers on the screen. He let out a laugh.
The peddler squinted at him.
Lin Yan shook his head. He took the bracelet and said to the woman: "Don't buy this, he's fooling you."
"Hey, hey, what are you trying to say? I'm running an honest business here. If you don't believe me, go around and ask. . ."
Lin Yan smirked. He put the roasted sencha tea cup on the stall and held the bracelet at a different angle. The curved surface reflected the light from the plastic roof. He said to the woman buying the bracelet: "Look at the blurred edges of the reflection. If you look closely, you can see that there are very fine meshes on the surface." Lin Yan raised the bracelet to let the light through. "There is purple fluorescence inside, indicating that the reason this bracelet is so transparent because of acid washing and a glue filling."
"Also, notice how the green is only sitting on the surface and doesn't reach the middle. That means it was dyed after the fact. This thing is worth one or two hundred yuan. Don't buy it."
The peddler's nose and eyes scrunched up. At first glance, they looked like a dried walnut.
"Oh." The middle-aged woman hurriedly stuffed an envelope containing the money back into her bag, repeatedly thanking Lin Yan.
When she left, the peddler huffed. Pissed, he turned his head away, not looking at Lin Yan. Even his swollen belly seemed to be flatter than before.
"What else should I do when I notice that someone with money on the street?"
Lin Yan roughly flicked the peddler's forehead: "Everyone here has money. It's embarrassing to lie like this, there's no skill in it."
Several surrounding stalls burst out laughing. The peddler rolled his eyes back to normal. He grabbed Lin Yan’s milk tea and poured a few mouthfuls out of the plastic lid. He muttered while he crunched on the ice cubes: “I don't fool people in this business. It's not my fault their eyesight is poor. No refunds is the standard."
This much was true. Antique jade sales rely on good eyesight. Figuring out which store has more genuine products than fake depends on the customer. They can't return them either so the shop doesn't have to admit they were fakes. Lin Yan clicked his tongue: "These people don't know what to look for. You're just trying to make your father think you're good at this job."
The peddler rolled his eyes, knowing that he was in a bad position and couldn't say anything.
Lin Yan had been a frequent visitor to this antique market since he was a child. Since choosing his major in university, he preferred to come to the small stalls to practice his appraisal skills when he had nothing else to do. See what was selling for a high price but was bought for a low price. He was also kind and helped others pick out the best items, so many peddlers knew him. For example, Lin Yan first met this guy's father, a very honest old man. He even took out the receipt with the price he paid for it when he bargained with customers. Unfortunately, when Lin Yan graduated from high school, the old man fell ill and his son took over the business. and this was the leeching peddler in from of him.
Lin Yan wasn't polite with him. When he walked around the stall, he took out a copper box from under the table. Inside were piles of Ming and Qing paperweights. These objects were all family heirlooms that the original stall owner received from nearby residents’ homes when he was young. Lin Yan had just remembered this box of objects then dragged Xiao Yu over to look at them. Brass mirrors, jade bracelets, thumb rings, snuff boxes, tobacco pipes; Xiao Yu looked over them all and just shook his head. Lin Yan threw the last piece back into the box and patted the dust on his clothes, a little frustrated.
"That box has been there for ages and no one's ever touched it. What are you looking at it for?" The peddler kept squinting at him and was too curious not to ask about it.
"Looking for Ming Dynasty artifacts for my classes." Lin Yan actually didn't know what he was looking for. He moved on and put the box back.
"Ming Dynasty?" The peddler didn't care about the bracelet anymore. "Old man Liu has lots stashed away."
"No, no, no. . ." Lin Yan hurriedly refused, but he thought about it and sighed, "Forget it. I've been shopping all day and haven't gone there. I'll give it a try."
"Don't say the wrong thing. Good luck." The peddler made a face.
The shop run by old man Liu was quite famous in Shenjiayuan. Not just because he was the only antique peddler to sell only sell antique pictures, but also because he was notoriously grumpy. Every day, he'd leave the shop and hang up his old camera in the park to make money. Whenever he went to the shop to buy something, the owner was never there. Walking down the street, he ran into him wearing an old Mao suit, cursing and waving around. His thin mantis-like face was slanted and a pair of glasses rested on his nose at an angle. Sometimes the lens' were shattered like cobwebs, and sometimes the lens' weren't there at all.
His shop sells old photographs of the old city, hung densely from the floor to the ceiling. Because old photographs were difficult to reprint, they were also very expensive. The sub districts of Qianmen, Dashilan, old gardens in the setting sun in 1872, passers-by in long gowns with thin faces and numb eyes. The TV station came to interview him, but only half the program was filmed. From photographers to reporters, old man Liu chewed them all out without exception. The interview never went anywhere, and the shop still didn't have any business. The old man still walked around outside with his camera everyday.
The shop was in the northwest corner of Shenjiayuan and its location was considered unlucky. There was a symbol meant to ward off evil spirits designed by a famous Feng Shui master hung on the door. Xiao Yu couldn't enter and stood at the door waiting for Lin Yan.
Lin Yan looked at the ominous storefront. For the first time, he felt reluctant to part with Xiao Yu.
Unsurprisingly, Old Man Liu wasn't in the shop. A seven or eight-year-old girl in a red jacket was facing away from him. She was pointing at a photo on the wall and muttering something. When she heard someone enter the door, she turned back and grinned at Lin Yan.
Lin Yan was a little surprised. This little girl was his neighbor. Although he didn’t know where she lived, he often saw her running around in the yard downstairs in a dirty red dress. Sometimes when Lin Yan went out to buy dinner at night, he saw her playing with cats in the yard, no one coming to bring her home. He hadn't seen her often in the past month and he didn't expect to see her here.
Was it possible she was related to that strange old man? No wonder no one cared about her playing outside everyday, Lin Yan thought.
"Why are you here by yourself?" Lin Yan knelt down and asked her in a soft voice.
The little girl was lean, her eyes staring straight at Lin Yan, grinning silently. Lin Yan suddenly felt that the little girl’s smile probably made people feel uncomfortable. It didn’t seem right to call it a smile, but just a casual grin. The corners of her mouth were upturned but her eyes were dull. Wearing such an old jacket in summer, she seemed to be left behind by the times, like the rest of the photos in the room.
Lin Yan hesitated on whether he leave and wait outside for the strange old man.
"What the hell you XX, I XXXX. . ." Lin Yan was distracted, and suddenly there was a thud. Old man Liu hugging his broken camera fell through the front door. He fell on all fours in an extremely embarrassed posture, landing on the only part of the floor that had sunlight hitting it.
"A-Are you okay?" Lin Yan rushed over to help. Unexpectedly, the old man gave him a sour look. He rolled over and sat on the ground, patting the dirt on his knees, and continued his tirade of curses towards the door relentlessly. Lin Yan stood awkwardly off to the side, neither leaving nor staying.
The old man felt he had cursed enough. He grunted and got to his feet. When he turned his head and saw Lin Yan, his eyes widened like he had discovered a whole new world, and said with a quacking voice: "What are you doing here?"
"I came to buy something." Lin Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Shouldn't that be the first thing the shop owner thinks of when he sees a customer in the store?
"Leave. What is there to buy? Young people are clueless." The old man held his stern gaze and walked around behind the counter, irritated: "Why are you still standing there? You have no business being here!"
Lin Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with the old man, so he pat his back and turned to leave.
"Hey! Wait!" The old man yelled. Lin Yan had just reached the door and was so frightened by the voice that he came to a halt.
"You look good, I'll take a picture of you." The old man suddenly walked out from behind the counter with his camera in hand. He grabbed Lin Yan by the collar and pulled him into the room. After couple of pushes, he stood beside the little girl. He squatted down involuntarily, and the shutter sounded with a few clicks. The old man's furrowed face appeared from behind the camera and he smacked his lips with satisfaction.
After the shutter, several photos appeared from the top of the camera. The old man took one in his hand and glanced at it. He pulled one out and shoved it at Lin Yan: "You take it."
Lin Yan was shown the strength of this old man. He turned his face angrily, trying to walk out, rubbing his shoulder: "I don't want to."
"Take it!" The old man yelled in Lin Yan's ear, making his ears ring.
Lin Yan took it and glanced speechlessly. He saw that in the black-and-white picture he stood like a wooden pole, staring expressionlessly at the wall. The background was dimmed, and the entire thing looked like a horror picture people would share online.
What's wrong with. . .
Lin Yan eyes widened and a nerve in his head popped. He couldn't help taking a step back, looking at himself in the photo. When he looked at the spot where he was standing when the picture was taken, it felt like a bucket of ice water was poured over his head.
The little girl who took the picture with him just now wasn't in the photo. He was the only person in the black and white background straight out of a horror movie.
Lin Yan hesitantly looked up. The girl in red was standing where he stood, wearing an out-of-date ragged jacket, grinning at him biting her fingernail.
"Hehe, hehe." The old man held up the camera to his crooked eyes and a piece of the lens fell to the ground. "Perfect, great picture."
Lin Yan crawled out of the house.
The sun was bitterly hot and the bustling street was swarming with people. Xiao Yu was standing casually by the doorway. Lin Yan couldn't say a word, swallowing hard. He rushed over and wrapped him up in a fierce hug.
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vventure · 4 years
Kiss it Better
Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou x f!reader
Characters are aged to 20+
Warnings: SMUT [biting kink, unprotected sex], jealousy angst, toxic relationship, alcohol consumption
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I need to work on my smut, but I was listening to kind of angsty songs after work and this popped into my head and I couldn’t not do it. It’s based on Kiss it Better by Rihanna. Sorry if it’s shit, literally no one asked for my work addled brain to do this. Also, way too afraid to tag anyone in this lmao
Been waiting on that sunshine boy, I think I need that back
Can't do it like that
No one else gonna get it like that
The alcohol was making her head feel like air as she stepped out onto the dark dance floor. Green and purple lights shot around the club, their beams illuminated by the smoke that was filling the confined room. Bodies writhed together to an R&B song, and [y/n] was glad she chose this club in particular; nothing could make her feel sensual and ready to dance quite like the music she was hearing now. 
Worming her way through the packed crowd, she found her friends and swayed her hips back and forth to the rhythm, allowing her body to dip during the middle of the swing, accentuating her ass she hoped. Her girlfriends laughed and grabbed her hands so they could mimic each other’s movements. It wasn’t long before a pair of hands settled on [y/n]’s hips, guiding her to turn around to face a very handsome man dressed in a black v-neck and dark jeans, his grey eyes sparkling in the neon lights. Her friends giggled behind her as they continued dancing.
Wrapping her arms around her new dancing partner’s neck, she ground her pelvis into his, and he had to grip her tighter to keep her on her drunk feet. She giggled into his chest as he held her close, swaying her hips back and forth much like she had been before. This seemed fun in her slightly tipsy state, but the little voice at the back of her mind whispered about how stupid she looked and how wanton she seemed with a stranger; the voice was quickly tamped down as the stranger lifted her chin to look at him. He pressed his forehead to hers, allowing their noses to touch and their lips to be separated only by a breath. 
At that moment, a strong hand gripped her arm, the other going to sock the man in the face. She whirled on the intruder, coming face-to-face with none other than her fuck buddy pro-hero Red Riot, Eijirou Kirishima. He looked livid as he pulled her from the club, waving a curt goodbye to her friends, and pushed her into the passenger seat of his black sports car.
So I argue, you yell
The night air did wonders to sober her up a bit more as she walked up to her apartment with Kirishima close on her heels. She slipped in and tried to slam the door in his face but his foot was able to wedge into the frame in time for him to stop her. Following her inside, he slammed it behind him, making the pictures on her walls shake with the force of it.
“I can’t believe I let you manhandle me like that, Eijirou,” she spat as she retreated to her kitchen to grab a glass of cold water. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I could ask you the same fucking question, [y/n]. Why didn’t you just tell me you had a new fuck buddy?”
“You are not talking about that guy at the club.” Kirishima didn’t have an answer for her so she pressed on. “He was a stranger! And why were you there anyway?”
“Pretty damn close for a stranger,” he shouted, his sharp teeth gnashing over every word. “And it’s none of your business, you’re not my fucking keeper.”
“That’s rich coming from the guy who literally kidnapped me from a club just to scream at me in my own home.”
“Maybe if you weren’t such a fucking whore I wouldn’t have to do shit like this!”
Before her brain could stop her, she threw the semi-filled glass of water straight at the raging redhead, who used his quirk to swat it against the wall where it shattered into a million glittering pieces. A low growl left his mouth as his eyes bored into her soul.
“You are not my father, or my boyfriend, or even my friend, Eijirou!” Tears pricked at her eyes from the words he’d used against her. The man had never even degraded her during sex but apparently all bets were off when fighting. A lone tear ran down her face as she stared at him from across the room. “You aren’t allowed to be jealous!”
In the blink of an eye Kirishima closed the distance between them, gripping her cheeks as he crashed his lips to hers.
But you take me back
Who cares when it feels like crack?
Boy you know that you always do it right
Kirishima easily lifted her off the ground and slammed her back against the nearest wall, almost knocking all the air out of her as he kept his lips on hers. He moved his mouth away to bite down on her neck, making her gasp out a moan and wrap her legs around his back. Her nails dug into his biceps as he continued to leave large bite marks along her supple skin which he barely stopped to lick at before moving to an unmarked area. 
“Eiji--” Her words came out in a moan urging the pro-hero to rut his hips up into her crotch. His hardened member was evident as she tried to grind down to meet it, but his hands were bruisingly gripping her hips.
“You’ll get that when I decide you’ll get that,” he growled against her skin sending delicious vibrations through her chest. Kirishima unceremoniously ripped her cheap dress from her body, freeing her black lace bra holding his favorite part of hers from its confines. His hands gripped at the top of the cup, the lace soft against his palm.
“Don’t you dare, Eijirou,” she warned. But he was punishing her for making him jealous and so he pulled the bra from her body roughly, tearing the cup and rendering the clasps at the back useless. Before she could protest further, he sucked her right nipple into his mouth and she groaned at the contact. His tongue ran circles around the hardening bud before he bit down on it with his sharp teeth eliciting a scream of pain and pleasure from her as her fingers wove into his styled hair. She gave his short locks a tug, causing him to switch to her other nipple, giving it similar treatment, but this time he sucked marks into the area surrounding it. Her moans were amplified as he reached around her thigh to paw at her soaked panties.
“Does me getting pissed excite you, babygirl?” He asked, trailing bites down the valley of her breasts as his fingers stroked up and down her clothed slit. “I’m gonna devour you.”
Man, fuck your pride
Just take it on back, boy take it on back boy
Take it back all night
Just take it on back, take it on back
Kirishima flung her down onto her couch, tearing away the rest of her dress to reveal a pair of black panties, the dark material growing ever darker in the crotch.
“So you were planning on getting fucked tonight,” he growled, his eyes narrowing at her as she clamped her legs together to try to get some friction on her aching clit. “You’re gonna find out that no one can fuck you like I can.”
Kneeling between her legs at the edge of the couch, Kirishima bit into the thin material covering her core, sucking the juices into his mouth which he savored while destroying her underwear. His tongue shot out to give a tentative lick to her folds, circling lithely around her hole before traveling teasingly slowly up to the bundle of nerves he knew so well.
“God--fuck--Ei--” He pulled from her as he sucked harshly on the little button, her legs began to quake. She could feel her stomach tightening as he pushed her toward her release so quickly. His teeth grazed against her clit and her back arched off the sofa as she came into his mouth. Delving his tongue into her core, he collected the fluids there and gulped them down like he hadn’t drank anything all day making her moan and grip at the fabric of her furniture.
Kirishima slipped one of his fingers into her tight cunt, pistoning it in and out slowly, making sure to hit her g-spot occasionally; he wanted to bring her to another release but wanted to drag it out as much as possible for his own enjoyment. His crimson eyes glared up at her from between her thighs as he inserted a second finger, still going painfully slowly in and out of her sore cunt as his tongue lashed against her clit.
“Please--please Eiji fast-ah-faster,” she yelped, her head slamming back as his fingers pressed harshly against the spongy spot inside her before pulling out again.
“You’re so wet, [y/n] you taste so good sweetheart,” he cooed, his mouth covered in your release. “One more before you get this cock.”
She groaned at his filthy words, her hips bucking up into his hands causing him to press down on her stomach to keep her still as he ran his tongue up and down her slit. Feeling her stomach tighten, she reached down to hold Kirishima’s face against her heat, practically suffocating him in her folds as he continued fingering and licking her. The sensation of having to pee hit her right before he fingered her g-spot, making her see white. When she’d come down from the second orgasm, she saw that liquid was dripping from his face and he had a cocky smile.
“That’s fucking right. Who else is gonna make you squirt, baby?”
Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night
Hurting vibe, man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye
“Please, Eiji. I need you right now,” she pled with her lover as he lazily looked over the mess he’d made of her. A fierce blush was coating her body, sweat dripping on her forehead and her own arousal slipping between her legs. He could look at this scene all day, but his cock was starting to throb with neglect. Placing her foot against the straining bulge in his pants, she snapped him out of his stupor, letting out a low growl and slapping her foot away.
“Have some fucking patience, [y/n].”
“I think I’ve waited long enough, Eijirou. Are you just going to tease me all night?”
“You’re such a brat,” he said, unbuckling his belt and letting his pants sag to the floor. She was shocked at just how wet he’d made his boxers with his precum while he was ravishing her with his mouth and hands. Hissing as he did so, he pulled down the boxers, his cock slapping against his abdomen and leaking precum along his black happy trail; she bit her lip at the sight.
Lining himself up with her sopping core he pressed into her to the hilt, her ample juices allowing for easy access to the back of her cunt. He groaned as she forced her aching core to clench down on his massive cock, then started yet another slow pace with his thrusts.
“You’re fucking killing me tonight, Red Riot.”
“You needed a lesson--hah--” He started, his sentence cut off by a sharp clenching of her walls around him. “So I’m giving you a lesson.”
She whined in response, wrapping her legs around his hips and locking them into place so his thrusts would be shallower, allowing the veins along his engorged member to caress her walls with each short stroke. This was the only way that she’d get any semblance of control, and she wanted to show that she wasn’t done being annoyed with his antics. In response, he pulled her legs from behind him and placed them over his shoulders, his cock hitting ever deeper inside of her, making her groan as her eyes rolled back. Leaning down, he pressed a searing kiss to her lips as he started to play with her nipples, pulling and pinching them with his free hands as his cock stroked in and out of her puffy cunt.
“I know every inch of this body,” he said, thrusting into her harshly to punctuate his words, his hands moving to anchor himself on her breasts and they bounced with each thrust. “I fucking love you, [y/n].”
What are you willing to do
Oh tell me what you're willing to do? (Kiss it, kiss it better, baby)
Oh what are you willing to do?
Oh, tell me what you're willing to do?
Snapping her eyes open at his words, she took in his blissed out face and assumed that he hadn’t meant what he’d just said. That hope was dashed as he opened his mouth and his thrusts stopped.
“I--” he stuttered.
“I love you too, you fucking idiot,” she spat, grinding her hips against his. “But now is not the time to discuss this, can you please fuck me!?”
Those words made him pound into her, his hands moving to run circles against her clit as he stared at her in awe. Her walls clenched as her release hit her, trying to suck every last drop of his release up for herself. He toppled over the edge, releasing his seed into her cunt before collapsing on top of her, kissing her deeply. As she recovered from her third orgasm of the night, he kissed every one of the bite marks he’d left.
Kiss it, kiss it better, baby
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