#you completely forgot about
rapidhighway · 1 year
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I think im on a streak… 👀
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hrokkall · 1 month
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Mama gave me music lessons,
now I play the saddest songs
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ninaps · 2 months
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Just another day on the Enterprise.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Vlad was injured by the GIW, and fled through a random experimental portal they had. He landed outside a smoking warehouse in Ethiopia, next to a dying child.
The kid was beat to hell and back, and worse off than Vlad himself.
There was a clown, ducking into a car, covered in the kids blood.
Vlad, desperate for an outlet for his anger at being stupid enough to be caught by the GIW, immediately turns around and hunts the man down.
By the time he's done with the clown, he's even eaten the man's newly formed ghost, permanently ending the threat.
Which leads to his current predicament; the dying kid is still dying, and he's calmed down enough to know he would feel bad later about letting some random kid die like this.
Luckily, he saw some ninjas while he was killing the clown, and after a short conversation, they agree to take the boy.
Vlad feels accomplished.
After all, what child wouldn't want to be raised by ninjas?
Meanwhile, Jason, delirious from pain and smoke inhalation, thinks he saw Batman murder the Joker and then turn around and sell him to Ra's Al Ghul (Vlad in his ghost form has pointy things on his head, and Jason was so fucked up he thought it was the cowl).
Jason's still fucked up and pissed when he comes back, but for entirely different reasons.
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slavhew · 22 days
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r/offmychest My girlfriend washed my hair today
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arealtrashact · 7 months
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Second Verse
Part 1
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charlie-kellyyy · 2 months
I love over analyzing characters I love picking them apart I love associating lyrics with characters even if it doesn't seem to make sense cause it makes sense to me I love projecting onto characters I love turning characters inside out just to explain one line of dialogue they had and the meaning behind it I love characters
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leafwateraddict · 4 months
Found some old sketches I had for @llamagoddessofficials Coraline au along with some headcanons I had for Dart and Patch (also stuffing.. gore?)
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Ft. A sexy Dart because I saw a fancy looking corset and put him in it and instantly regretted it (along with some ideas for his button eyes)
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Also other Mc/Thread along with some sentences i thought of if I ever ended up writing that drabble (which I probably wont- rip)
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treloninjaki · 4 months
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What if...
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ficushuman · 17 days
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Yamai Syndicate Cheerleading Squad
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yexie · 8 months
imagine you're like 16 and you met this really cool and pretty girl at summer camp, but you didn't get to talk to her that much because your older brother keeps getting in trouble and shit. he then disappears and you go find him, only to run into your crush who is then mean to you, but it turns out she was trying to help you find your brother. together, you come up with a plan to help your brother, his sort-of-boyfriend who you don't like, and your fun but not-that-helpful friend. but you're worried about your crush and so once those guys are safe, you go to check on her. turns out there's zombies and the only way to save them is to kill some kind of evil smoke bird. your brother and that guy you don't like decide to do that, and instead of letting you deal with things yourself, your brother puts you, your crush, and your not-helpful friend in a magical cage to protect you or whatever.
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everyday jiang cheng wakes up.
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otaku553 · 8 months
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I have an agenda.
Long hair teenage sabo.
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arlo-rose · 9 days
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The baby <3333
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hrokkall · 4 months
really really nervous at sending this but maybe V1 x V2?
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Actually I'll do you one better. Here's a V4V piece I did for an art exchange in a discord server that I just... never posted here.
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jennsterjay · 3 months
Miles losing his mind when he finds out Hobie has a symbiote dog
Miles raising his eyebrows when Hobie throws this little inkblot some chicken and it eats it in one bite, then Hobie throws some abandoned frisbee he found and starts playing fetch with it like this is just a normal day on Earth-138B
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royalarchivist · 28 days
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The Rio Grande do Sul region of Brazil was hit by heavy rainfall last week, and the devastating effects of the resulting flood are still ongoing.
TZC_updates created an informative thread with lots of information about what's going on in Rio Grande do Sul, and resources on how to help. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already! Even if you can't help, it's good to stay informed.
Bagi has family living in the effected area, but she confirmed earlier today that they're doing ok (or as "ok" as can be expected, given the circumstances).
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