#you know what’s scarier than a psychopath?
softer-ua · 11 months
Izuku 🤝 Ochako
Thinking their creepy af, crazy af, blood thirsty blonde counterpart is the cutest things in the whole world
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marsxcutie · 19 days
Fixation│Jonathan Crane x Reader
Part two here <3
Fixation Masterlist
A/N: This is a TEST, PLEASEE interact if you're interested in this story line and I will gladly continue. This is my first fanfic so I'm just publishing this first part to see if there's any positive feedback! Suggestions are welcomed!
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x Female Reader
Synopsis: (Y/N) is Arkham's new lead psychologist in the developing acute pediatric unit. Dr. Crane soon becomes fixated on the pretty young doctor. Is she just as fixated on him?
Warnings: no warnings in this part, planning on it becoming a little dark if that's what the people want hehe
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Dr. Crane's eyes scanned over the email, his brow furrowing in confusion. Arkham decided to build another wing for an acute pediatric unit? Who in their right mind allowed this? Yes, there was a desperate need for children's psychiatric services, especially in Gotham, but to put children in the same building as psychopaths and murderers? Even Dr. Crane had the common sense to see how bad of an idea this was. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, this was not a change that he had been anticipating. He shut his computer off, deciding to be done for the day. He had much more pressing matters that needed his attention.
Your eyes scanned over the email, eyebrows raised at the seemingly amazing opportunity presenting itself to you. You had just checked your emails to see a new message from a job recruiter.
"Hello (Y/N),
Arkham Asylum is opening up an acute pediatric unit and is currently accepting applications for various positions. I got ahold of your resume and found it very impressive. Please take a look at the open positions and let me know if you were interested in applying for any of them.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Attached to the email was a link, that took you to all the open positions and their job descriptions. Scanning over all of them briefly, one in particular caught your attention:
The sound of your kitten heels clacking on the pavement stopped suddenly as you were met with the front of the large ominous gate. You looked up at the building beyond the gate, a knot beginning to form in your stomach, this place looked a lot scarier than you had remembered. You let out a breath that you seemed to be holding and looked around for a buzzer or something that could someone of your presence. You jumped at the loud creaking noise that came from the gate as it swung open slowly.
"(Y/N)! Nice to see you made it in one piece."
A man stepped out from the opening of the gate, extending his hand. "I'm Rick, Arkham's executive director. I'll be showing you around and getting you settled, we're happy to have you here." His voice was gruff but his eyes were quite kind. You took his hand in yours, giving him a warm smile, "Nice to meet you Rick. I'm happy to be here." He gave you a smile and turned, gesturing you to follow him.
You followed him, taking in your surroundings as you walked. The grey overcast made the large vast building look like something out of an old horror film, the tall weeds poking out in the cracks in the cobblestone really added to the creepy scene laid out before you.
Rick led you inside, giving you a quick tour of the building. "I'll show you to your office now and let you get started with your training." Rick led you up a flight of stairs and down a hallway stopping at an office door. "So uh, since we haven't exactly finished building the pediatric wing, your office will temporarily be over here." You nodded, "That's fine by me."
He brought out a key from his pocket, turning the lock and opening the door for you. You stepped into your new space, it was a good sized space, with a large white desk, a couch, and some bookcases.
"Feel free to make yourself at home. I will let Dr. Crane know you're here, he will be doing most of your training with you. His office is actually right next to yours so should be pretty convenient for the two of you." Rick gave you a smile and nod and closed the door behind him.
You let out a small sigh, looking around the room, even though this was only your office for a short while it was still a good way to envision all your ideas for a cute and cozy space for you and your patients.
A loud knock on the door broke you out of thought, your head turning to the now open door. Your mouth unintentionally dropped open a bit at the sight of who you assumed was Dr. Crane. You were honestly expecting an old man not someone like Dr. Crane. His dark hair framed his handsome face perfectly and his intense eyes were the most perfect shade of blue. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you'd be surprised if he didn't notice the blush that covered your cheeks.
"You're (Y/N) I presume?" He smiled softly at you, extending his hand to you. "Y-yes, nice to meet you, Dr. Crane." You took his hand in yours, feeling silly at the flutter in your chest. "Call me Jonathan."
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ohisms · 2 years
↪     𝑯𝑶𝑳𝒀 𝑾𝑨𝑹  .    (  a  collection  of  sentence  starters  from  S4  of  syfy’s  wynonna  earp .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .  )
still not looking at your ass .
does it hurt ?
a first - aid kit ,  yeah ... that’s something we should have ,  right ?
what kind of psychopath doesn’t use a pen ?
come voluntarily or you’ll be taken by force .
is that why you’ve been so moody and unpredictable ?
absorbent is as absorbent does .
well ,  that’s a felony .
you could’ve killed me !
it’s nice to see a familiar face .
i need to find  [ name ] .
a little help ,  please .
when i find [ name ] ,  i am gonna torture her .
you’re alright now .
[ name ] ,  you came .
[ name ] ,  i need you to come with me .
i don’t even get where you’re going .
you PROMISED you’d be honest .
let me have a sip of thinking juice ,  here .
what aren’t you telling me ?
so you also lied to me about NOT lying ??
i need to atone for my recent history .
we’ve all done bad things to each other .
you’re being forgetful .  or kind .
next time someone has to risk their lives ,  YOU’RE IT !
god ,  you are such a ...
i would do literally anything to keep her safe .
sometimes life is a real backpack of balls .
i am so serious ,  shut your mouth .
if you die ,  i’ll kill you !
don’t you know how dangerous this is ?
i swore to protect you .
listen ,  we can help each other ,  alright ?
is everything a sex joke to you ?
who’s a girl gotta screw around here to get a gun ?
that sounds kinda lesbian .
[ name ] ,  how could you ?
i’ll show you how it’s done .
you’re stronger than i expected .
i told you ,  i’m leaving .
[ name ] ,  what the hell ?!
are you real ?
something  here  is  pretty  off .
we’ll  think  a  little  better  with  some  fire  in  our  bellies .
say your piece ,  [ name ] .
it’s just so good to be home .
who are you ?
i thought i’d be safe in here .
the only place scarier than in here ,  is out there .
i didn’t mean it like that .  not at all .
please don’t say you’re sorry anymore .  you don’t need to be .
vacation’s over ,  assholes !
please tell me everyone’s okay ,  [ name ] .
what really happened to  [ name ] ?
i know i let everyone down .
i hope that means there’s no hard feelings .
as you all know ,  i excel at having opinions .
i wish i knew what we were up against .
don’t yell at me .
home - brewed mold juice will NOT defeat pure evil !
at first i thought it was irrelevant ,  but then i figured it out .
what does a  [ last name ]  know about keeping their word ?
there’s been enough crime today .
[ name ] ,  what’s going on ?
why do i taste skunk ?
that would get my slacks off in a second .
please don’t get off on the wrong foot .
i know every curve .  every sigh .  every taste .
yeah ,  i guess i forgot .
i can’t wait for the rest of our lives to unfold .
sorry ,  i’m just .  i’m so distracted .
thanks for taking care of my friend .
i feel like i can handle it .
baby ,  i’m sorry nobody’s here .
you’re sorry we’re alone in the house ?
i could introduce you .
i’m merely here to conduct business .
everyone knows you’re  [ name’s ]  man .
stand down ,  big boy .  all it is to me is interesting .
i’m sexy ,  i’m cute ,  i found it in a boot .
sometimes i feel like you’re keeping me a secret .
love wins ,  after all .
you stay away from us .
even if your family sucks ,  you don’t .
you  ...  opposite of suck .
crush ?  don’t say that ,  okay -  not here .
there’s easier ways to say you feel different .
can we go ?  now ?  like ,  right now ?
rule number one ,  we do not work for the enemy !
you’re better than this .
what do you want me to do ?
you wanna see childish ?  how about this ?
i know you  ...  and you know me .
what the hell is this place ?
i don’t have my gun !
you have me .
it’s high time we leave this place .
i got you .  i got you .
what did you do ?!  idiot ,  what did you do ?!
all i have is my people .
i owe you nothing .
you may be dumbstruck but you’re not an idiot .
what are you doing sleeping with a pistol under your pillow ?
it’s my bedroom ,  i’ll ask the questions .
i’ve been keeping watch .
we don’t talk about that anymore .
oh my god ,  don’t ever do that to me again !
say hello to my little friend ...
in the future ,  if you wanna hurt me  -  just say please .
give me one good reason why i shouldn’t pluck your eyes out like grapes  ...  then steal these shades .
i’ve made my own fate .
i knew you could handle yourself .
demons can’t hold their liquor .
you are a welcome sight for these sore eyes .
it’s so good to be home ... and in your arms .
extreme makeover ,  homo edition ?  kill the drill .
what choice do we have ?
speaking of the team ,  has anyone seen  [ name ]  since this morning ?
all that matters is he’s safe .
we all did what we had to do to survive .
what’s happening to me ?
i can’t wait anymore .  it’s been over a year .
can you help ?
the price is steep .
i will do anything to get her back .
[ name ] ,  it’s all coming back to me .  i did something terrible .
sweetie ,  it’s okay  --  just  ...  spit it out .
any man that would shoot another man in the back doesn’t deserve to be known or remembered .
you miss it ,  don’t you ?
the rules were simpler ,  then .
i don’t have the luxury of getting old and forgetting all the things i’ve done .
i’d like to know the plan before i celebrate it .
they don’t deserve death ,  they deserve to be destroyed .
you look like you need an ambulance .
so we’re dealing with what ,  some kind of hex ?
we need to focus on a cure .
wise words from a leader of tomorrow .
oh ,  great  --  you’ve heard of me .
you listen to me ,  goddammit .
everyone still needs me to keep them safe .
this thing between you and i isn’t over until i say it’s over .
how am i supposed to live a normal life ?  why the fuck would i want to ?
just once i’d like for someone to come in with flowers .
i don’t pick sides .  i’m in it for myself ,  does that sound familiar ?
it’s a compliment .  it’s how we’ve both managed to survive .
noble men do not have the luxury of being neutral in times of war .
i like taking care of you .  i’d be happy to do it for the rest of our lives .
you did something terrible .  but you being you ,  how terrible could it be ?
i come bearing apology beer .
do you wanna hear my sob story ?
i did manage to get my hands on this stupid thing .
you are everything .
hide your kids ,  hide your wives ,  ‘cause we are storming the fucking castle .
can you not do that right now ,  during my rousing speech ?
don’t jump to plan c before we’ve even tried plan a .
wait ,  wait  --  are you sure about this ?
no ,  no  --  GAH ,  I’M GONNA KILL YOU !
i shouldn’t have given up ,  cause that’s what i did .  i gave up .
i let everyone down ,  but today i’m gonna change that .
i need you to kill me .
hey ,  i know how this looks  ..  but i’m asking you to TRUST me .
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sincerelylaurel · 7 months
how to make your readers hate a character
@sincerely_laurel on instagram <3
source: helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com
just like how readers love to love the protagonist, they also love to hate the antagonist. your antagonist is equally as important as the protagonist, so make sure you develop them well! although your antagonist isn’t 100% evil, you’ll have to be intentional with how you portray them if you really want your readers to hate this character. that being said, here are 10 ways you can make your readers hate a character!
we all know a few characters who are cruel just because they can be. we all hate pain (physical, emotional, and mental), so the thought of a character who purposefully inflicts pain just because they can is simply despicable.
hypocrisy is loathsome. it’s one thing to be cruel and be proud of it, but it’s another level of abominable when they pretend to be a saint.
this one can work both ways. although making a protagonist relatable will make them more likeable, making an antagonist relatable will make the readers reactions to this character so much stronger because they can glimpse “bad” parts of themselves in this character.
we all know arrogance is obnoxious. have the antagonist be perfectly aware of the power they hold— have them rub it in and let them act smug about it.
when a characters holds power over the protagonist and abuses that power, that character becomes not only obnoxious but also terrifying. bonus points if this character is a family member.
some of the best antagonists are those we not only hate but also fear. serial killers, sociopaths, and psychopaths are all scary and creepy, and would also make great antagonists. “you always fear what you don’t understand” —carmine falcone.
also this trait can sometimes make a character boring, but when done correctly, it can make a character seem inhuman to the point where your reader will be infuriated and terrified. although every character has their weaknesses, this character seems unstoppable and it makes them worthy of all the hate in the world.
your protagonist will need an antagonist who is equally skilled or more skilled than them to create suspense and raise the stakes. when a character is skilled, readers are intrigued; when a character is skilled and uses their skills for evil, readers are compelled.
insanity means unpredictability. unpredictable evil puts the protagonist at a disadvantage, because it’s unexpected and goes places the sane protagonist would never dream of. insanity makes the antagonist 10 times scarier.
nothing hurts more than having a loved one suddenly turn against us. “hate is often just love flipped on its head”. if the readers loved this character at first, they will hate the character so much more when they unexpectedly “betray” the reader and turn evil.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Happy Life, Interrupted: A Sequel
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Summary: Sequel to Happy Place, Interrupted. After encountering your ex-boyfriend at Target, you quickly realize that he's more dangerous than you thought. Read the final installment HERE. 
Warnings: Dark themes, Obsessive Ex-boyfriend, Stalking, Pregnant Reader, Cursing, Racially Charged Language, Scared Reader, Angry Andy, Protective Andy, Violence, Minors DNI
A/N: Written for @9daykrisr, @birdie-girl, @elle14-blog1, and everyone else who wanted a sequel. Please read the warnings. I don't want to inadvertently trigger anyone. Part of my Growing Pains Series. Please let me know your thoughts. I love feedback. I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading. Written on my phone. All mistakes my own.
It started with a phone call. 
A random number that you didn’t recognize appeared on your screen, and without thinking, you answered. 
“Hello?” You ask as you check on the cheesecake brownies you had baking in the oven. 
“Y/N?” The voice replies.
You knew that voice.
“Who is this?” You whisper into the receiver. 
“It’s Malcolm.”
What the fuck?
“Malcolm? What the hell? Why would you -? How did you even get this number?” Without meaning to, you slam the oven door.
“Y/N, I don’t, uh - I’m not a fan of the way things ended the last time we spoke.”
“Neither was I, but you know who really wasn’t a fan? My fucking husband. Now, I asked you a very simple question. How did you get my number?” You press a hand to your forehead, feeling the slightest bit nauseous. 
“I work in cyber security, sweetheart. And virtually everything these days is a matter of public record.”
“Great.” You mutter. “Now that you’ve found it, how about you lose it?”
“Have lunch with me. Let’s just talk. Please. I just want to talk. You don’t know how much I’ve thought about you after all this time, and then to see you…” His voice sounds strained. 
“No, Malcolm. Like I told you before, you need to move on.”
“It’s just lunch…”
“The answer is no.” And then you hang up. You silence your phone when it rings again. And then you block his number.
You never say a word to Andy. He didn’t need to know.
One week later…
You’re at your favorite coffee shop, the one just down the road from your babies’ school. You had just ordered a lemon raspberry scone, along with an unsweetened papaya green tea when you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
Turning around, you nearly jump out of your skin when you see who it is.
“Malcolm.” You hiss. Turning around again, you hastily hand over a $10 bill to the cashier, telling her to keep the change. When you move to the other end of the counter to wait for your order, so does he.
“I can see why you like this place. I’ve been here a few times, trying to see if I could catch you.” His large hand goes to touch your belly, making you blanche. “You’re looking beautiful, Y/N.” You’re quick to remove it. “Do not touch me or my babies.” You growl. 
“Can we please sit down and talk? I want to make-up for how I reacted before. Especially in front of your…baby girls. Speaking of,” His finger goes to scratch at his ear. “How are your little ones? I, uh, hope I didn’t scare them too badly.”
He offers you a self-deprecating chuckle. “Actually, I’m not sure who was scarier. Me or your husband.” Thankfully, one of the baristas finally hands you your food. 
“Leave me alone, Malcolm. Last warning.” 
“Does he, I mean your husband, get aggressive like that often?” When you try to duck around him, he blocks you. “Are you…safe?”
How dare he imply that your husband would ever do anything to hurt you? You could feel the rage bubbling up, beginning to crowd your vision. 
“The only person who isn’t safe here is you, not if my husband finds out that you keep contacting me. And he’s not the only one you have to worry about. I’ve got a lot more fire than I did ten years ago. Get in my face, in my goddamned space, one more time, and I will make you wish you hadn’t.” 
He only smiles and shakes his head. The man really was handsome. For a fucking psychopath. 
“I’ll be seeing you soon.”
“For your sake, you had better hope not.” You snarl as you exit the shop.
You should have said something to Andy then. But you didn’t. 
Two weeks later…
You pull up at St. Gabriel’s Prep School to pick up BiBi and KitCat. You sit there in your car as an administrator walks them out. 
“Hi, my little goobers!” You step out to greet them. “Did you both have a good day?” It stunk that you technically couldn’t pick them up anymore, but that didn’t stop you from pulling them close and rubbing their little backs.
“Mommy and the babies missed you so much! Let’s get you in the car, okay? Oh, and what am I thinking? Sorry, Diane. I’ve got a serious case of Mama Brain going on. How are you today?” You ask the woman as she helps assist the girls into their carseats.
You were a team. She lifted, you buckled. 
“No worries, Y/N. I’m great. But I did want to mention to you that, um, the girls’ Uncle Malcolm stopped by to see them. I explained to him that even though he was their uncle, he wasn’t on the list of approved visitors so we couldn’t let him beyond the front desk but -”
You immediately cut her off as your breath catches in your throat. 
“They - the girls - they don’t have an Uncle Malcolm.” You tell her.
“Oh God.” Her hand goes to her chest. “Then who…?”
“I don’t know. But thank you for not letting him in.” You grab her hand and squeeze. “Just thank you. I’ve got to go.” 
You get in our car and drive, checking the whole way home to make sure you weren’t followed.
Tonight, you would have to tell your husband. You’d have to tell him everything.
Later that night…
Your hands tremble as you struggle to drag a brush through your kinky, curly hair. Andy was just finishing up reading the girls a bedtime story. Katrina had insisted upon sleeping in Bianca’s bed tonight, which is something she requested often. Not that her big sister ever minded…
But you were dancing on pins and needles. You felt sick. You knew you had messed up by not saying anything to Andy about Malcolm the first time, or the second. And now he’d involved the girls. 
What kind of mother allowed herself to put her children in danger like that?
The tears begin to fall before you even realize what’s happening. And once they start, they don’t stop. 
And that’s how your husband finds you. Sitting at the vanity, sobbing in front of your mirror.
“Baby,” he leans down to lightly stroke your back. “Hey, Y/N, my sweetness, what’s wrong?”
“I - I -” You hiccup. “I have to tell you something. And you’re going to be really mad at me.” You hiccup again. “And you have every right to be. Because I’m mad at me too. And I’m sorry, because I should have said something sooner but I -”
“Okay, okay.” Andy pulls you from the chair and onto the floor before settling you in his lap. “What is this thing that has you convinced that I’m going to be mad at you, huh? What’s got my baby girl beating herself up like this?” He coos softly as he gently rocks your shaking body back and forth. 
He freezes. 
“What about Malcolm?” His voice suddenly gruff. 
“Af-after we saw him at Target. I mean, I hadn’t seen or thought about him in a decade.” Pull it together. Get the damned words out. You tell yourself. This isn’t just about you anymore. Your fucking kids were invollved!
“A few weeks later he called me. I didn’t know it was him. I wasn’t paying attention to the number. He said he wanted to get together and talk so that he could, um, apologize for how he handled everything. Of course I said no. I told him to lose my number. I hung up, I blocked him.”
“Alright.” You could feel how tense he was underneath you. “I get the feeling there’s more. Keep going.” His voice is hard and flat. 
“A couple weeks later, he showed up at my favorite coffee shop - the one down the street from the girls’ school. He told me again that he just wanted to talk and that he was sorry if he scared them. He asked if I was s-safe with you. And I told him that he was the only one who wasn’t safe if he didn’t leave me alone.” Another hiccup.
“And still you didn’t say anything.”
“I thought I had it handled. But today, when I - when I picked the girls up from school, one of the administrators mentioned that their Uncle Malcolm had stopped by. They didn’t let him in or anything but…”
“He knows where our babies go to school.” Andy finishes for you.
“Yes.” You whisper as fresh tears begin to flow. Your husband is quiet, his big body enveloping yours sure, but you knew that mentally, he was miles away.
“You should have told me from the beginning. From the first time it happened.” He growls. 
“I know.”
“I’m not happy with you right now, Y/N.”
“I know. The girls -”
“Were safe where they were, thank God. But you fucking weren’t! I could - I could - Jesus Christ! I will take care of this. I will take care of him. I need a last name and the number he called you from.” He pinches your chin between two thick, slightly calloused fingers forcing you to look up at him. “And if he reaches out to you again, you had better open up that pretty little mouth that loves to fuss at me so much and fucking tell me!”
His hand goes to cup the back of your head as he takes your lips in a ferocious kiss.
“Now, tell me his name.” Andy snarls when he finally lets you up for air. “His full fucking name.”
You take a deep breath.
“His name is Malcolm Waters.”
One month later…
It had been weeks since you’d heard from or seen Malcolm. True to his word, your husband had done whatever he had done to “take care of it”, or your psycho of an ex-boyfriend had finally decided to leave well enough alone. 
You felt safe, you felt secure. Both of you did. Secure enough to indulge in what you were sure was going to one of your last date nights before the babies arrived. And to leave the girls with a babysitter. 
And as always, your man doted on you at every moment. He’d even surprised you that afternoon with a new dress. He’d even gotten the measurements just right. 
That was your District Attorney. He paid attention to everything. 
For your evening out on the town he’d whisked you away to SASA, a new Asian Bistro that was supposed to be divine. Andy helps you out of the car, before placing a hand on your back. Your man had infinite patience for your slowly waddling form.
As he should.
“You look fucking gorgeous, my sweet little love.” He tells you as he glances down at you in your fall coat and jade green dress. “Luckiest man here.”
You press a kiss to his hand. Yes, at this stage in your pregnancy, flattery would get you anywhere. And you weren’t even ashamed. 
“I love you.” You tell him.
“Good. Because I love you more.”
“Oh my goodness.” You roll your eyes as he opens the door for you. “This is not a competition, Big Man.”
“You’re only saying that because I come to win. All day, every day.” 
Later that evening…
Dinner had, in fact, been divine. You two had enjoyed traditional soup dumplings, pork spring rolls, Peking Duck, their signature Hot Pot, and Char Siu Pork with ham fried rice. 
After Andy pays the bill, he helps you up and into your coat before you venture out the door. It was time to get home and relieve Jessica. 
“Oh, shit. Y/N, wait right here. I forgot to grab my credit card. I’ll be super quick.” He presses a kiss to your forehead before running back inside.  
You stand there, enjoying the early fall weather. It was only September, but you needed to start planning for little KitCat’s Birthday. You knew she wanted a Halloween theme, of course, but should you go with pumpkins or…
You allow yourself to get so lost in your thoughts that you don’t notice the man approaching you until you hear his fucking voice.
“Hey, sweetheart. How was dinner?” 
Not fucking Malcolm! Not again!
“I really, really wanna be friends, baby. Did you really have to sic your husband on me like that? Especially when I only wanted to talk? Come on, Y/N. That’s not right and you know it.”
You take a step back, fully prepared to amble back into the safety of the restaurant. 
“Honey, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he’s not stable.” He spares you a sympathetic glance. “He really shouldn’t be around you or the kids, at least not until he gets some help. You heard about what happened to his first wife and son, didn’t you?”
Oh no he did not.
“Shut the fuck up, you bastard.” 
“What? It’s all public record. His son was a killer. And he drove his poor wife insane.” 
“You don’t know shit. Get away from me right now, before *I* fucking kill you. You went after my babies. That gives me grounds to murder you on the spot. And I will if you do not take the goddamned hint and get the fuck away -”
“The fuck are you doing here, Waters?”
Aw, fuck. And there was Andy.
“I thought I made things very clear. You’re not to come 100ft of my wife and children, otherwise you go to jail. Or I put you in a pine box. Your choice.” 
“Is that right, Casper? I know you might be one of them fancy white boys and all, but you ivy league, birkenstock wearing bitches can’t do shit. So, how about you let me and Y/N here finish our discussion so I don’t have to embarrass you?”
Shit. This was getting out of hand quickly. 
“Andy, baby. Let’s just go. Please.” 
Instead of doing as you ask, he places you behind him before uncuffing and rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. 
“Stay. Behind. Me.” He snarls, his muscles tensing and flexing. 
“Oh, so White Bread wants to fight? Well, c’mon, Chuck. I ain’t did a damned thing wrong, and I’ll be sure to tell the cops just that when *I* press charges against you.”
“Oh? Against me?” Your husband chuckles as he rolls his shoulders, gearing up for what’s about to happen. “So you harass my wife at Target, curse my family in front of my children, harass her on the phone, at her favorite coffee shop, go to my girls’ school…and you’re going to press charges against me? You are one stupid ass motherfucker.”
You shriek when Malcolm swings, landing what looks to be a solid hit to Andy’s jaw. He rears back just slightly, before shaking his head. 
“See, I was hoping you’d do that.” Your husband’s smile is dripping with menace as he spits blood out of his mouth. Malcolm goes to hit him again, but this time Andrew blocks it. And then he lands a hit of his own, his fist cracking against the other man’s temple. 
But he doesn’t stop there. You’d never seen Andrew fight before. And you hoped, after tonight, you would never have to again.
Because your man keeps going. He’s a beast, like a monster unleashed. He lands another blow to Malcolm’s kidney, and then another. While your ex is bent over gasping for breath, he takes that opportunity to ram him head first against the wall.
Malcolm coughs, staggering as he does. 
“C’mon, you little bitch.” Andy goads him, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “You go after my girls, you scare my wife, and Mr. Ivy League will whoop your sorry ass all goddamned day!” 
One last punch to the jaw and Malcolm is down. You watch as he tries, and fails, to get back up.
“You want more, Waters? You’re not done yet?” Andy wipes his nose. “Then get up. I’m enjoying our talk. Haven’t had a workout like this one in ages.” He notes as you see a flash of red and blue in the distance.
The Police?
“Had the staff call them the moment I caught wind of him out here.” Andy mutters. His attention focused solely on the man gasping for breath. 
“You had your chance with my baby here. You blew it. You lost her. I found her. And I’m fucking keeping her. Because I make her happy. The way she makes me happy. But you wanna know what doesn’t make me happy?” He levels a kick to the fallen man’s gut.
“Seeing my wife fucking cry. Seeing her scared.”
Malcolm moans in pain. 
“Now, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay down and start thinking about all the ways you’re going to decorate your new digs. Not sure what color schemes go with orange, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
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ano-po · 2 years
It is a rule that when a gated house is more than 40 years old, it is haunted.
I decided to remain in this old and pink house alone because I love isolation more than I love my relatives or any human interaction. It's quite big, the yards are big enough that I don't have immediate neighbors, and it's really quiet.
All my cousins said they saw something here. All the maids experienced violence from the unseen. All my friends that visited said I really am not alone. I only shrugged, saying, "Thanks, you know you will be leaving me alone here at night when you get home after telling me there is something here. Hahaha."
I mean, it's hard to leave this house. I feel comfort. I am alone and free. I feel 100 percent independent. Plus, I've never seen or felt anything.
They thought I would be the one with the most ghost stories for always living in haunted locations since I was in Manila. I always say, no, never had experience.
"Wala ka siguro'ng Konsensya."
That wasn't the first time I heard that.
When I was still studying in Manila, I lived in a dorm with reported sightings of a white lady. One night, I was alone in the entire floor when they thought nobody was there. They asked me if I felt or saw anything. I said, "No. I slept very well."
"Wala ka siguro'ng Konsensya."
I don't know if this is a superstition, but because of the Filipino Horror movie "Segunda Mano", people believed (jokingly, maybe) that people who never had any ghostly experience are psychopaths.
I have never been afraid of ghosts, I don't really believe in them, but what's scarier is the apparent judgement of the people around me when they believe I'm a psychopath. Should I start lying about seeing ghosts, then?
Living in this country, it made me realize that Everybody I know is spirit-sensitive. Except for me.
Except for me.
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letpol · 2 months
It is weird how things can change in a moment.
For some reason i haven't found an answer for a simple question, what do I want to do?
It has been more than a month, this question comes through my mind several times a day and for some reason i feel fine with no answer. At least a concrete answer.
As there are goals i have but i'm currently just trying to live my best life and try to enjoy it.
Having suicide roam your mind every single second of your life is hard, harder than people think it is. Seeing a grey world is fucking depressing.
Seeing how life loses colour, that's the toughest part. Having all those vibrant colours around and not being able to notice them, it hurts.
As someone who already experienced what's on the other side let me tell you that it is worse. A big empty black nothingness, that's the other side.
Walking aimlessly and endlessly with your own thoughts. Knowing well enough that your mind is your own worst enemy.
Loneliness is hard, for both mind and body. End up losing interest in every little and small thing you used to enjoy.
Depression ends up killing you inside bit by bit, in chunks so small that you don't notice it. People around you will start noticing it, they will tell you and the same depression will silence their warnings.
Having to constantly play music within my thoughts to hear some background noise instead of my own thoughts, or the silence within my own head, which is scarier. The silence within your thoughts is hard to describe. At least the feeling of it. As someone with always something making noise when the silence arrives it is hard.
Feels like a void, like i've been disconnected from this world. Like i no longer belong here. Weirdly as it brings some discomfort it also brings a deep sensation of peace. Like the world finally did shut up.
Losing my safe place was the trigger that made me start to work on myself. Sounds weird but it is true.
The moment i lost what i loved the most was the moment that triggered a change in my life.
As it was the moment i knew that i had lost myself. Lost sight of who i was and what i was set to do.
Would love to see that i have found my path back, unfortunately i haven't.
I know, somehow, that i'm currently working on finding my correct path, has been hard. But knowing that i'm on my way is what has taken me this far.
Doing things that I have never done before has helped too.
Going step by step is the way, sometimes depression will bring you back, but all you have to do is keep moving in a direction, doesnt matter which one as long as it itsn't going back to where you have been.
Reached the point where human life became meaningless and more of like a game, thats the point on which i decided it was enough. As I didnt want to end up becoming a psychopath, as seeing people die in front of me became meaningless and sometimes even fun.
Thats the point that i realized that i was going on a dark path. When human life became meaningless at all for me. Seeing people die even became a hobby and got to enjoy it. Human stupidity at its finest so i thought those lives were just a waste of resources.
It came to a point where i was just deceiving myself and everyone around me as i had become a soulless man with no ambitions at all. Lying to myself every second telling myself that everything was gonna be fine while knowing i was a complete mess inside, slowly killing myself.
Might write a little bit more another day or just might droop it here. Im just leaving my mind run wild a little bit.
Meditation is key to getting better, at least in my case.
The only reason you cant change is because you're dead. If you want to make a change just do it, dont wait for when it is too late and you will regret it. Already lost what i loved the most, but thats the reason i decided to change. To get back what it's mine and work toward that path of personal happiness.
Who knows if i'll get there, if i do, i just hope that the journey will...
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amgurd · 2 years
Borderlands writing was easier to stomach when that same writing wasn't used in every MCU movie and by every writer who wants to copy MCU writing. Okay, let's do a different one: what's your least favorite game that is basically competently made?
I assume you mean a game that is either fine or good in a vacuum, but just one I personally dislike or think is overrated, because I'd consider BL3 and Vermintide II to be games that are functional, but have some huge glaring issues.
I guess it would probably be something like Nier Automata or The Last of Us Part II, at least in more recent memory. I also remember being down on Dishonored.
For Nier, it's just really boring. I know I'm in the minority in this, but the characters weren't really engaging, the combat wasn't much more than button mashing, and the environments were pretty bland. To be honest, the only reason that game is held in high regard is because you can take away a character's skirt, but it basically dumped a bunch of philosophical nonsense (without actually making any point with it) so people could just jump to defend it as being more than the game where you can have the robot lady fight with no pants. It isn't really a bad game, but it's really overrated. There is a weirdness to it that I like, so that's at least something.
I just think TLoU2 is just kinda gross. Sorry, I don't need to watch an old man get tortured by a group of people while they beat him to death in front of his surrogate daughter. I don't really care about violence in video games, but it has to be borderline comical, like Mortal Kombat's goofiness.
It's not really a subtle theme in that game's story that humans are the real monsters, but that kind of horror is a fine line to try and walk on. A lot of times, what can make something in a game actually horrifying is the complete inability to stop whatever it is. Maybe that's a monster that can't be damaged by weapons or maybe it's a faction that's so massive you can't do anything about it. That element isn't there in TLoU2 because they're just people. They aren't really scarier than the other psychopaths in that story, so it doesn't make the situation a "Oh man, how can we possibly stop these guys?" one, it just makes it gross to see them gang torturing an old man.
The entire story is pretty much miserable, and that was 100% done by design, but that's also a huge issue. I always tell people you can't have a story that's only miserable and depressing for the same reason you can't really have one that's only cheerful and upbeat. It becomes narratively repetitive and is almost always guaranteed to be narratively unsatisfying as well, which it is here. It's a one-note story that just doesn't do it for me.
Also, the ending was kind of frustrating too. Ellie spends the entire game having no issues killing other people in her pursuit of revenge, which while not a strong aspect of personality, is kinda the only thing she has going on. The last part of the game isn't any different in that regard. She kills plenty of people for her revenge, and the game even encourages you to free infected to have them kill people as well, so it's kind of clear that killing people really is the only string to Ellie's bow.
So when she gets to Abby and is finally in a position to get revenge, all of a sudden remembers Joel and decides that Revenge Is Not The Answer. One of the only people she had legitimate reason to want to kill, so much so that she killed dozens of other humans to get to it, but just decides to not go through with it. Like, I get that they wanted to make the Revenge Is Not The Answer a big thing there, but it just doesn't work when she's slaughtering others before letting the one person she actually might have some justification in killing go free.
The characters are just too one-note like the story. Ellie and her girlfriend in particular have almost no charisma because they're too similar in personality and goals. It's just a bit of a mess all around and the gameplay is just a nuts and bolts shooter, so there's nothing exciting going on there.
That one got a bit away from me, but I hope the answer was something along the lines of what you were looking for.
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malsmemes · 2 years
   ☁️  𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬  ☁️
from the 1996 movie Scream!
❛ Well, I think that you have the wrong number. ❜
❛ Wait, wait. Don’t hang up. ❜
❛ Why don’t you want to talk to me? ❜
❛ What’s your favorite scary movie? ❜
❛ Why? You wanna ask me out on a date? ❜
❛ ‘Cause I wanna know who I’m looking at. ❜
❛ You hang up on me again, I’ll gut you like a fish, understand?! ❜
❛ I’m getting scared. I’m shaking in my boots. ❜
❛ Sorry don’t hate me. ❜
❛ You sleep in that? ❜
❛ (whomever) is in the other room. You can’t be in here. ❜
❛ It occurred to me that I’ve never snuck through your bedroom window. ❜
❛ The, uh, The Exorcist was on. It got me thinking of you.❜
❛ You know, I- I appreciate the romantic gesture. ❜
❛ Do you believe this shit? ❜
❛ And we’re not just talking killed. We’re talking splatter-movie killed. Ripped open from end to end. ❜
❛ The killer could easily be female. ❜
❛ That was an ice pick, not exactly the same thing. ❜
❛ Hey, it’s called tact, you fuck rag. ❜
❛ Ooh. Was that before or after he sliced and diced? ❜
❛ Scary night, isn’t it? ❜
❛ Fuck you, you cretin! ❜
❛ Well, we’re seein’ a lot of you today. ❜
❛ Yeah. You’re a real pain in the ass. ❜
❛ The janitor’s your superior. ❜
❛ Isn’t there a back way out of this building? ❜
❛ Where’d you learn to punch like that? ❜
❛ He was destined to have a flaw. I knew he was too perfect. ❜
❛ An innocent guy doesn’t stand a chance with you! ❜
❛ Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough. I promise. ❜
❛ I’m sorry I mangled your face. ❜
❛ Oh, you mean after you branded him the Candyman? ❜
❛ No, his heart’s broken. ❜
❛ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You still think it’s me. ❜
❛ Understand what? That I have a girlfriend that would rather accuse me of being a psychopathic killer than touch me? ❜
❛ Okay, okay, I’m sorry. It’s a bad analogy. ❜
❛ Serial killer’s not really accurate. Gotta knock off a couple more to get that title.❜
❛ If I may say so, you are much prettier in person. ❜
❛ Totally protected. Yo, I am so buff. I got you covered, girl. ❜
❛ If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section? ❜
❛ Now, you’re telling me, that’s not a killer? ❜
❛ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare ya. ❜
❛ Oh, you wanna play psycho killer? ❜
❛ Subtlety, (name). You should look it up. ❜
❛ I can’t wallow in the grief process forever... ❜
❛ What do I have to do to prove to you that I’m not a killer? ❜
❛ We all go a little mad sometimes. ❜
❛ What’s the matter, (name)? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. ❜
❛ You hear that (name)? I think she wants a motive. ❜
❛ See, it’s a lot scarier when there’s no motive, (name). ❜
❛ It works better without the safety on. ❜
❛ Peer pressure. I’m far too sensitive. ❜
❛ Ow! You fuckin’ hit me with the phone, dick! ❜
❛ My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me. ❜
❛ Guess I remembered the safety that time, you bastard. ❜
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
pog! requests are open! okay so i've had this idea for a while, cc!beeduo doing a stream where they play horror games with reader, and the boys are trying to do everything they can to get reader scared and while ranboo and tubbo are screaming at jumpscares, reader's just sitting there like 😐 and they're just unaffected
so ranboo and tubbo give up on the horror games and end stream and decide to binge some horror movies, but that still doesn't get reader at all scared, so ranboo and tubbo give up yet again, that is until they're all getting ready for bed (sleepover with the boys pog 😩👌) that ranboo and tubbo just hear the loudest shriek from the bathroom and they rush over and reader's freaking out over a mouse that somehow got into the bathroom
so that day, the boys learned that reader is scared of mice and rodents in general and they constantly tease them about it
thank you as always author! -froggy/tori
I don’t understand people’s fear of mice, I think they’re cute, but oh well! /pos
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Summary: Some things are scarier than the supposed to be scary things 
Pairing: P!Bee Duo X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are closed, please check back later <3
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Tubbo huffed in disbelief, he and Ranboo had been trying to scare you all night with no success. They had tried everything from scary videos to sneaking up on you, none of it worked. Which ended them where they are now, sitting beside you and screaming for their lives as you played through one of the scariest games that either had ever seen.
“How are you not scared, Tubbo is on the brink of tears and I’ve almost pissed myself twice!”
“It’s just not scary.”
“Like hell it’s not, this shit is terrifying!”
“I suppose.” You shrugged, focusing on the screen in front of you as the game progressed.
“See (Y/n), even chat agrees that this game is scary. If you really aren’t scared you must be some kind of serial killer.”
“Or a psychopath.”
“Sorry to disappoint but I am neither, I’m simply not scared.” The two boys, sat on either side of you, nearly died from how heavily they sighed.
“Ya know what, pause the game.” Tubbo reached over and paused the game, swatting your hand away in the process.
“Sorry guys but we’re gonna end early tonight, I’m super tired and wanna get to bed. Goodnight!” Tubbo was quick to end stream, closing down everything and shutting down his setup.
“I didn’t even get to say bye to chat.”
“Yeah, what was that sudden ending for?”
“There is no way (Y/n) is this unscareable. Forget scary games, we’re watching scary movies now.” The movies had the same effect though, Tubbo and Ranboo were losing their minds and freaking out whereas you sat there unfazed.
“I don't get what’s so scary about this, it’s obviously fake. These jumpscares are super predictable and the ‘horror’ is cheesy enough for any kid to see through.”
“Speak for yourself dude.” You turned to look at Ranboo, who was covering his face with his hands, clearly not amused with the current scene displayed on the tv.
“Screw this, I give up!” Tubbo turned the tv off, storming over to turn the lights back on.
“I’m going to bed, if you need me you know where to find me.” Tubbo stormed off to his room, leaving the two of you to sit on the couch alone.
“You can head to bed, I’m gonna go to the bathroom and then I’m also gonna get some sleep.” Ranboo wished you a goodnight before gathering his blanket and heading towards the rooms, leaving you to do your business. Which would’ve been no problem if it weren’t for the fact that you were standing on the toilet, screaming for Tubbo and Ranboo to help you.
The two came rumbling through the door, Tubbo holding a shoe and Ranbo holding a broom.
“What’s going on? Who’s dying?” There was no response, only you pointing and whimpering in response.
“This?” Ranboo reached down and scooped up the small mouse, cradling the critter in his hands.
“Get that hellspawn away from me!” You were shaking in fear, hands pressed firmly against the wall in an attempt to steady yourself.
“You’re scared of mice? Of all the things to be scared of, out of all the games and scary movies we sat through. You are scared of mice?”
“You are never gonna live this down. Do you wanna hold him?”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @minty-ghast @rokkyy @duddum-froppers @mellohisallium @l0ver0fj0y
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bakarilennox · 2 years
The Syndicate Initiation
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Pairing: Dark(er)!August Walker (John Lark) x Reader (No definitive feature other than the reader’s gender is mentioned)
Words: 2,279
Synopsis: You are the newest assassin for the syndicate and August Walker is assigned to shadow you. Until he reveals your true mission…
Warnings: 18+ content (MINORS DNI), Dub-Con(ish), SMUT, abuse of power dynamic, God complex, rough unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap ya willy), gun play, knife play, choking, mentions of Trypophobia, post-Ethan Hunt fight scarred August, Breeding kink, Anal, Hyperspermia, & mentions of death/murder. (I will switch between August Walker and John Lark because both of them are his alias, but August Walker is the more familiar/known one)
“Go again,” August commanded as you tried to regain your breath.
“Seriously?! I’ve been at it for the past two hours, I’m exhausted.” You huffed.
“Oh I’m sorry, do you think the IMF is going to just let you take a break as you try to murder them? Especially with that weak-ass stance?! GO. AGAIN. NOW!” August bellowed, his voice echoing against the walls of the training room.
You sucked your teeth at him as you got back into your fighting stance and began demonstrating your knife-fighting skills. You flipped the shiny metal blade from your holster and gripped the handle tightly as you started slashing away, breaking the sound barrier with each violent, yet calculated stroke. As you back flipped your way to perform ‘the kill’ you paused as you realized you were staring down the barrel of a gun…August’s gun.
Your breathing was shallow as you could clearly see the bullet in the chamber. This psychopath could’ve easily killed you in a split second and you wouldn’t have even known. You looked away from the barrel proving what you already knew, August Walker was the one pointing his gun at you. What made it even scarier was that he was smiling, like he wanted to do it, but for some reason he thought hesitating like this would cause you to be more fearful of him. And he was right as your pupils dilated and mouth left ajar.
“You act like you know so much, but you understand so little. I am the least of your fears, Little Mouse.” August teased.
The sight of his face riddled with scars and burns sent shivers down your spine. You hated it when he called you ‘Little Mouse’ You knew it was a power play, and no one else in the syndicate gave a shit. If anything, they felt you should feel honored to work under the one and only John Lark, former alias August Walker before he was burned, figuratively and literally by Ethan Hunt and the IMF. They all presumed he was dead and he wanted it to stay that way until, as August put it, ‘the time of peace arose’.
“If you were more focused on completing your task instead of performing theatrics, you would’ve seen this coming and acted accordingly,” August said, holding the pistol against your lips, “Open”, he calmly demanded.
You slowly parted your lips as August began to push the cold steel past your teeth. You shivered internally hearing and feeling the cold metal scrape against the enamel yet he continued to push the barrel further into your oral cavity so that you could taste it on your tongue. Your eyes widened slightly as he pulled the barrel out slightly only to push it back in repeating the motion in slow languid thrusts.  If you didn’t know any better, by the way he stared at your lips, you would think the sight captivated him, maybe even aroused him.
“Now suck, or I’ll blow your pretty little brains out.” August growled in your face.
You began to suck on the barrel of his gun as he drove it in and out of your mouth. The safety was still off, your life was literally in his hands and the small smirk on his face proved that he reveled in that fact. Beads of sweat trickled down his face rolling over the ridges, in and out of the deep pockmarks of his partially disfigured face. He was a bit hard to look at, but not any more difficult than the other members of the syndicate.
At this point your saliva coated his gun and he had moved so close that he was standing chest to chest with you. It dribbled down your chin and dropped down to your breasts that were barely covered by your sports bra. With his free hand he reached for his belt but paused when he realized your knife was already pointed at his crotch. His eyebrows furrowed as he took his gun out of your mouth.
“If you were more focused on completing your task instead of performing theatrics, you would’ve seen this coming and acted accordingly.” You mocked his earlier statement.
August ran his tongue across his teeth behind his lower lip and chuckled. The second you allowed a smirk to appear on your face, August swiftly wrapped his large hand around your neck. Your airway was nearly cut off by the viper-like motion paired with an overpowering grip that he possessed causing you to drop the knife from your hand.
As you were gasping for air and clawing at his wrist, his free hand untied the drawstring of your sweatpants. You were unable to speak a word, all you could do was whimper faintly. Once August had enough space, he slid his hand down and massaged your folds with the fabric of your cotton panties. You became lightheaded as you were close to passing out. The Syndicate leader released his grip from your throat and switched to grabbing the back of your head.
“Don’t pass out on me now Little Mouse, you need to be awake so you know your purpose,” August breathed into your face. 
The heat from his breath went straight to the growing arousal between your legs. Your eyes fluttered as your chest heaved up and down while regaining consciousness.
“My what?!” Your eyes narrowed at him.
August chuckled before he began, increasing the pace of his occupied hand. “There is a reason why you (italic) were chosen to be trained by me, why I had to keep you…close.”
Walker drew you closer to his lips. You tried to gravitate closer to his face to kiss him, but you were quickly turned around by August and slammed against the pommel horse that was in the middle of the equipment room. The impact caused a pain to shoot through your abdomen as you grabbed the bars on top to brace yourself.
Walker wasted no time removing your pants revealing your lace panties that barely covered your lower region. He smiled as he ripped them off without hesitation and used his thighs to spread your legs apart. He pressed himself against your exposed flesh, marking your wetness on his khaki pants. The feeling of his growing erection causes you to instinctively make a deeper imprint of your desire onto his fabric.
“Wha- what are you doing?” you whimpered.
“What we’re doing is creating the next recruits of The Syndicate. A legacy.” August sighed as he pulled himself out of his pants and rubbed his tip against your lubricated folds, grazing your clit as he did it. 
You moaned as he kept teasing you mercilessly, the lewd sounds becoming louder and louder until he fully sheathed himself inside of you. He growled as your warm, wet cavern gripped him tightly, his palms digging into your waist as he began thrusting roughly. The jerking motion made you hold onto the pommel rails even tighter to brace yourself.
“Yes, I knew you were the one.” August quickened his pace. “I need my seed inside of you, to fill you up. I need you to give me a child.” August pulled your hair back as your moans grew louder.
“But…Lark…anyone could…walk in…on us.” you moaned after each thrust.
“I could fuck you in front of the entire Syndicate if I wanted and no one would tell us shit! If anything, they would honor you…celebrate you…be in awe of you as I fill you with my seed.” August pounded into you harder as he held your arms back.
Your moans quickly became screams of pleasure, your lewd squelching filling in the pauses in between. Beads of August’s sweat fell from his brow onto your back as he hyper focused on his stroking. His grip tightened while he pinned your arms down on your back. His thrusts were inhibited and animalistic throughout your orgasm and then he filled your womb with what he hoped was the next generation of Syndicate recruits. He stopped, then quickly pulled himself out of you so he could catch his breath.
“Recite the manifesto.” August spoke in a lower octave.
Before you could even process what the Syndicate leader commanded, he spread one of your ass cheeks open and penetrated your unexplored cavern. As you began to scream from the unexpected pain, August quickly switched hands. One to hold you down and the other to cover your mouth as he pushed himself deeper inside of you. 
His overwhelming strength made your frame no match for him as you tried to resist this agonizing, yet slowly satisfying new feeling inside of you. You could hear your leader grunting and gasping as his shaft slowly disappeared inside of you, then you felt his warm breath as his teeth lightly grazed the helix of your ear before he spoke.
“I’ll let go, when you let go.” He repeats this in almost a chant as if to motivate you.
You relax your entire body when you reach the hilt of August’s dick, your ass clear pressed against his pelvis. August slowly pumped himself in and out of your ass and then he removed his hands from your mouth and your wrists on your back.
“Recite the manifesto, now!” August demanded as he ground into you at a steady pace.
You gasped before you began, gripping the bars of the pommel horse again. “There has never been peace without first a great suffering, the greater the suffering, the greater the peace.”
“Keep going.” He grunted.
“As mankind is drawn to his self-destruction like a moth to the candle, the so-called defenders of peace–” you yelped as Walker roughly thrusted inside of you.
“Don’t stop.” he held a strong grip on both sides of your ass, spreading you wide open.
You moaned as he grinds himself deeper inside of you. “The church, the government, the law – work tirelessly to save humanity from itself, but by averting…disaster, they serve to delay…a peace that can only come…through an inevitable baptism of fire.”
Your mind went blank as your orgasm washed over you, your legs were uncontrollably trembling as Walker kept thrusting through your orgasm dripping down your leg and your wetness slapping against his balls in a chaotic, steady rhythm.
“The suffering…” John Lark queued your next part to recite as he continued fucking you.
“The suffering I bring you is not the beginning of the end. It is the beginning of a greater…mutual understanding through common suffering. It is the first step towards the ultimate brotherhood of…man. The suffering I bring you is the bridge to ultimate peace.” you sucked in a shaky breath as you proceeded.
“Today, mankind has been handed the opportunity to escape his destiny, an otherwise…inevitable…conclusion to a thousand years of…intolerance and…fear. I call all rationalists…who can stand and join in the struggle…against the radical theists, all of which fall beneath a common umbrella of ideology. I-if we were to continue any further we would reach mythology and Aesop’s fables. When do we stop? OH GOD!” you exclaimed as another orgasm flowed out of you.
All that could be heard in the room was lewd sounds made from skin contact. Lark thrusted at a quicker, but still steady pace. “I’m so close, Y/N. Finish it!” He let out a guttural growl. 
You whined after he slaps your ass hard before you continued. “Any belief…in a spirituality…with no other proof…other than the cravings to…project one’s self over the-FUCK! …rational thinking of the others…must be era- AH! dicated as it does not only halt progression and development of the human mind and reach, but also hinders…it.”
You matched John Lark’s rhythm, giving into him the more his pace picked up. You were fully used to his endowment and you wanted every advantage of it. The confidence in your voice raised as you continued. “Here I will emphasize clearly…that the judgment…upheld…against us…will be one of human hands, not of a god…or other worldly being… Part of the absurd rationale is what leads to the obscure justifications…the believers place upon their own disgraceful…and belligerent behavior.”
You moaned again as you bit down on your bottom lip. You look back at August with a sense of satisfaction plastered on your face. August smirked before he held you up by both your arms as he thrived in an animalistic manner. “Finish it! I want to hear it all before I cum!”
You wasted no time finishing the manifesto as your final orgasm was approaching. “No! The loss of human life cannot and will not be justified! For this is not the taking of human lives… They are merely puppets! Hollow shells that were once human beings. Brainwashed by stories…and tales of old…their weak minds have been overpowered…by the pressure placed on them by other lifeless puppets And so, the cycle continues!” 
“AHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!” You and August exclaimed in orgasmic ecstasy, surrendering to the carnal nature of the mission. August pulled your head back by your neck as he stared into your eyes. “You have no idea how long I wanted to fill your tight, little ass and watch it drip down to your sweet pussy. You will bear my children and fulfill my destiny. Our destiny! The future of the Syndicate will live on through you and I…as long as you never deny me, I will never deny you.”
In a twisted sense of adoration for him, you leaned in and you both kissed each other and then you heard clapping from the upper rafters of the gymnasium. All of the members of the Syndicate were present the entire time and once the clapping stopped they all exited the viewing room.
Author’s Note: If you have made it this far, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my work. If you enjoy this story, I have a few more on my Masterlist available to read. Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you stay healthy and moisturized.
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ultranos · 3 years
Zuko was also abused. That's a lame excuse. Azula can only think in terms of cost benefit instead of empathy for its own sake. There is no way she will ever offer compassion and kindness like Iroh did in the show just for its own sake without any expectation or reward like he did with the robber for example
Zuko had a support system and still had a really difficult journey to break out of that toxic mindset.
And that’s why I’m saying blaming an abused child is really distasteful. So is apparently condemning someone for being non-neurotypical. Because what you’re actually condemning her for is a real mental disorder that real people have. Lack of empathy is not cause for any sort of moral judgement. It is a condition real people have and real people can learn to live with, and have fulfilling, productive, fully-integrated-with-society lives. Where society never even knows they have this disorder.
Because guess what: being born with the traits means jack-shit. There was an article about a neuroscientist who was doing MRI scans on serial killers and saw there was a specific pattern in brain structure. On a whim, he scanned his own brain. And discovered he fit the exact same pattern.
“I’m obnoxiously competitive. I won’t let my grandchildren win games. I’m kind of an asshole, and I do jerky things that piss people off,” he says. “But while I’m aggressive, but my aggression is sublimated. I’d rather beat someone in an argument than beat them up.”
Why has Fallon been able to temper his behavior, while other people with similar genetics and brain turn violent and end up in prison? Fallon was once a self-proclaimed genetic determinist, but his views on the influence of genes on behavior have evolved. He now believes that his childhood helped prevent him from heading down a scarier path.
“I was loved, and that protected me,” he says. Partly as a result of a series of miscarriages that preceded his birth, he was given an especially heavy amount of attention from his parents, and he thinks that played a key role.
This corresponds to recent research: His particular allele for a serotonin transporter protein present in the brain, for example, is believed to put him at higher risk for psychopathic tendencies. But further analysis has shown that it can affect the development of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (the area with characteristically low activity in psychopaths) in complex ways: It can open up the region to be more significantly affected by environmental influences, and so a positive (or negative) childhood is especially pivotal in determining behavioral outcomes.
If anything, the neuroscience actually condemns Ozai, Ursa, and Iroh even more if you really want to pull out the sociopath / “born bad” card. Because the research says that being loved and cared for in childhood is absolutely critical, especially in the case of people with the genetic markers for pyschopathic tendencies.
No matter which way you look at it, Azula needed a responsible adult as a support system. She didn’t get one.
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sincerelylaurel · 2 years
how to make your readers hate a character
writingwithacutlass on instagram <3
source: helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com
just like how readers love to love the protagonist, they also love to hate the antagonist. your antagonist is equally as important as the protagonist, so make sure you develop them well! although your antagonist isn’t 100% evil, you’ll have to be intentional with how you portray them if you really want your readers to hate this character. that being said, here are 10 ways you can make your readers hate a character!
we all know a few characters who are cruel just because they can be. we all hate pain (physical, emotional, and mental), so the thought of a character who purposefully inflicts pain just because they can is simply despicable.
hypocrisy is loathsome. it’s one thing to be cruel and be proud of it, but it’s another level of abominable when they pretend to be a saint.
this one can work both ways. although making a protagonist relatable will make them more likeable, making an antagonist relatable will make the readers reactions to this character so much stronger because they can glimpse “bad” parts of themselves in this character.
we all know arrogance is obnoxious. have the antagonist be perfectly aware of the power they hold— have them rub it in and let them act smug about it.
when a characters holds power over the protagonist and abuses that power, that character becomes not only obnoxious but also terrifying. bonus points if this character is a family member.
some of the best antagonists are those we not only hate but also fear. serial killers, sociopaths, and psychopaths are all scary and creepy, and would also make great antagonists. “you always fear what you don’t understand” —carmine falcone.
also this trait can sometimes make a character boring, but when done correctly, it can make a character seem inhuman to the point where your reader will be infuriated and terrified. although every character has their weaknesses, this character seems unstoppable and it makes them worthy of all the hate in the world.
your protagonist will need an antagonist who is equally skilled or more skilled than them to create suspense and raise the stakes. when a character is skilled, readers are intrigued; when a character is skilled and uses their skills for evil, readers are compelled.
insanity means unpredictability. unpredictable evil puts the protagonist at a disadvantage, because it’s unexpected and goes places the sane protagonist would never dream of. insanity makes the antagonist 10 times scarier.
nothing hurts more than having a loved one suddenly turn against us. “hate is often just love flipped on its head”. if the readers loved this character at first, they will hate the character so much more when they unexpectedly “betray” the reader and turn evil.
have a great day/night!!
remember you're loved and remember to drink water. see you next time! (turn on post notifications so you don't miss any of my posts!)
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。・:*˚:✧。 love, laurel
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You Can Run... (S2, E11)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:03 - Baby!Malcolm and baby!Ainsley playing together is so cute. <3 
0:05 - Malcolm is playing with Batman (the hero) and Ainsley is playing with the Joker (the villain). But Ainsley wants to play with Batman. Coincidence? Foreshadowing? I’m torn. 
0:20 - ....I can’t tell if this is regular “kid fake crying to get sibling in trouble”, “bad fake crying because kid actors are still just kids who are learning”,  or “Ainsley is a psychopath and she’s never been able to cry properly fake crying”.
0:50 - “I’d much rather stay at home with my favourite guy.” UgH. Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep. No wonder Malcolm has so many Daddy issues. This broke my heart. Malcolm clearly idolized Martin. Martin was his hero. :( 
1:35 - “Where are you? Talk to me.” This hurts because it makes sense. Malcolm’s one constant in life was his father’s voice. For better or for worse. It reminds me of anxiety disorders/depression. Part of you doesn’t want to heal. You don’t know what to do without the pain and fear. You don’t know who you’d be. The unknown is scarier than the pain and misery. That’s Malcolm right now. He knows Martin is bad for his mental health but he’s afraid to lose Martin because without Martin’s voice Malcolm has no idea who he is. 
1:55 - I can’t decide if I love or hate Ruiz. She’s really combative? Like Malcolm didn’t say “You’re here to take over” aggressively. At all. I respect the hell out of her for being a total badass and good at her job....but she’s also kind of verbally aggressive? And pretending she doesn’t know Martin is Malcolm’s father? Like - I know she was probably trying to break the ice but it was really unprofessional and kind of a dick move? IDK something about Ruiz just kind of rubs me the wrong way (no this isn’t sexism. I’m a woman working in a male-dominated field. I respect the hell out of career-driven women. This is purely just something about her personality that bothers me.)
2:41 - Oh yeah. Gil did not like the joke about Ruiz not knowing The Surgeon = Malcolm’s father. Look at Gil. He’s annoyed but he’s also worried af about what that little comment did to his already mentally fragile profiler. 
3:22 - Just how many times has Malcolm played that voicemail since the end of 2x10? It looks like Gil’s already heard it. Dani’s probably heard it. How many times did Malcolm listen to it - desperately searching for clues? This is not good for Malcolm’s mental health. He needs a hug - not to listen to his manipulative serial killer father on repeat (although, that’s kind of the show isn’t it?). Also, where’s the “we’re the same” part of the message? Did Malcolm delete the end of the message? Maybe so he doesn’t become a suspect? 
3:32 - Look at how utterly furious and concerned Gil is. Guys. Guys. Papa!Gil is BACK. <3 <3 <3 <3 Oh how I’ve missed him. Seriously though, Gil looks absolutely livid (at Martin) because he can see how upset Malcolm is and he knows it’s all Martin’s fault. Plus the concerned looks he keeps shooting at Malcolm? <3 My heart <3 
3:39 - “Of course not.” LIAR. I truly believe this episode is an excellent example of a character “knowing something as fact in their heads but feels the opposite way in their hearts”. Malcolm is still a little boy desperate for his father’s love. Problem is, Malcolm is also a highly educated adult man who knows that his father is incapable of truly caring about him. 
3:55 - Gil watching Malcolm’s hand shake. <3 I have no words. Gil looks so concerned. We’re getting so close to a full Malcolm breakdown and I’m here for it. If we get a full on intervention and/or hospital scene I will be the happiest person alive. 
4:15 - A couple of things 1) look at how Capshaw is glancing around the room when Gil, Malcolm, and Jessica are talking about how Daryl tried to kill Jessica. Capshaw is showing equal amounts of disdain, envy, and guilt. 2) Gil making a joke just to make Jessica and Malcolm smile is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Gil is single handedly, emotionally, holding these two together and it’s the content I’ve been desperate for. 
4:42 - <3 <3 My heart is melting. <3 Gil’s little smile when he looks at the picture of baby!Malcolm and baby!Ainsley. Look me in the eyes and tell me Gil isn’t their dad. I’ll fight you. 
4:50 - “All the kooks will come out. I know the drill.” Poor Jessica. She’s really been through a lot of crap. :( 
4:55 - Did Gil shoot Capshaw that suspicious look because he was about to show blatant physical affection to Jessica or because he suspects Capshaw knows something about Martin? Maybe both?
5:00 - Sooooo Gil and Jessica just flirt openly in front of Malcolm now? ....Look at Malcolm’s reaction to their little moment. That boy has heart eyes. <3 Forget Brightwell - Gillica is the ship I will die on. 
5:50 - I promise you. Jessica’s eye roll+huff when Malcolm says he’s going to stay with Capshaw for a minutes is defensive. She’s knows that Malcolm is trying to get information that will help recapture Martin. But right now? She just wants a hug from her son. She wants to keep him in her sight; where she knows he’s safe. 
6:12 - soooooo Capshaw is definitely a psychopath and she’s 100% acting in this scene. Look at her. She’s angry but she’s trying to act calm. She’s trying to justify everything she did but it never quite connects. She’s just a little bit....something. Vacant? Insincere? Malcolm seems to believe her though...because she told him exactly what she knew he would sympathize and empathize with...the next two episodes are going to be incredible. 
7:00 - Damn. Malcolm looks so destroyed in this scene. He looks scared, sad, angry. This boy is riding an emotional elevator that only goes down. I’m just waiting for it to hit the ground. 
7:14 - This is fake. Capshaw’s “crying” here? How completely put together she seems? Fake. She’s trying to act distraught and guilt-ridden but she just seems too put together and angry to make it believable. 
7:25 - How much do you want to bet that Capshaw is either 1) after Martin because one of her family members was killed by the Surgeon, 2) some sort of already established serial killer/psychopath who thinks killing the Surgeon will make her a serial killer legend?
7:30 - Malcolm being kind is everything. <3 Ugh. This little cinnamon roll is such a sweetheart. <3 
8:12 - I’m on Malcolm’s side. Ainsley can’t think about work? Bullshit. Ainsley is somehow in on this whole thing. Istg.
8:21 - “Dad is out there and I don’t know. I’m just not okay.” ....this whole exchange between Ainsley and Malcolm felt forced? Like Ainsley is really off here. It seems out of character that Ainsley would admit that she’s not okay so calmly. She’s too passionate (generally speaking) to just be this calm right now. 
8:24 - Ainsley is way too calm for the daughter of an escaped serial killer. Malcolm looks utterly terrified. Ainsley just looks....indifferent. Sure, maybe she’s processing things different or she’s in some state of shock but I find it unlikely. 
8:41 - Awwww. Looks like Gil let a Whitly near his car. <3
8:51 - Awwwww...Malcolm literally jumping into the ambulance is adorable. <3
9:00 - “So it’s official. The Surgeon’s killing again.” THE LOOK. The look that JT, Dani, and Gil exchange everything to me. It’s concern. For Malcolm. For what they know this is doing to him. It’s fear. For what may happen next. 
9:19 - “Dude.” Some people think JT is being a dick to Malcolm here. I disagree. Sure, it’s not what Malcolm wanted (or needed) to hear. BUT the way I interpreted that ‘dude’: JT is concerned about Malcolm. JT knows that Malcolm is having a hard time right now and JT is worried that Malcolm is reverting back to ‘scared little boy who doesn’t want to believe his dad is a killer’ instead of his usual ‘profiler-mode’. I don’t think JT is upset with Malcolm. I think this is JT acting like Malcolm’s big brother. 
9:26 - “I’m not saying I believe it. But I’m sure he believes it.” Gil isn’t buying that. Look at his face. Gil knows Malcolm is struggling to separate his complex feelings about Martin ‘Dad’ Whitly and Matrin ‘the Surgeon’ Whitly.
9:33 - Again. The phrasing here may have been a little blunt but I think this is JT trying to remind Malcolm that his dad is a monster who doesn’t love him. It’s not a pleasant thing but it is a reminder that Malcolm needed to continue working the case effectively. 
9:38 - JT and Dani exchanging looks of concern when Malcolm raises his voice (and again when Gil sends them to canvas the area for missing cars) <3 WHERE IS MY INTERVENTION?!!? <3
10:01 - “You think I’ve lost it.” :( This breaks my heart. It’s not enough that Malcolm has been on a downward mental health spiral this whole season. Now, Martin escapes and Malcolm is so fragile that he can’t tell the difference between concern and disapproval. He genuinely can’t see that Gil, Dani, and JT are concerned about him. He’s interpreting their concern as distrust and disapproval. :( 
10:30 - .....where’s Gil’s car? Did he leave it with Dani and JT? 
10:45 - “He lived here with my mother before I was born.” Excuse me? What? My brain is short circuiting. I want more details. I find this information utterly fascinating. Were Jessica’s parents alive? Is it a Milton family home or did Jessica and/or Martin buy it themselves?
10:51 - “If my father was a serial killer I may have fortified my house a little better.” .....no. This felt wrong. I don’t like that Gil said this. Why would Malcolm fortify the house more? Martin was literally chained to a wall. PLUS Gil’s been to Malcolm’s place before. If Gil (the cop) was concerned about safety he would’ve said something to Malcolm about it before now. 
11:44 - I want to punch that US Marshall in the face. Don’t you dare suggest that Malcolm should’ve seen this coming or that he has anything to do with Martin’s escape. I also love this interaction. It really shows the story of Malcolm’s life: his colleagues don’t trust him because of who his father is. Malcolm’s skill is never enough for the cops/FBI/law enforcement to trust him because Martin is a serial killer. Shouldn’t it count for something that Malcolm is the one who turned Martin over to the cops AS A 10 YEAR OLD? ALSO - WTF did Malcolm have ammo for his antique weapons??!?!?
11:54 - Look at Dani and JT. They look ashamed and concerned. Almost as if they just realized that they’re the only ones in the precinct (other than Gil) who have ever given Malcolm a chance. 
12:02 - The hand tremor <3 Damn. Someone hug him. He is so close to a full mental breakdown. I can’t wait. 
12:17 - “I’m not fine.” I. Am. So. Proud. Our broken boy just told the truth about his mental state. Look at Dani. She’s shocked and she’s more concerned than ever. Malcolm admitting he’s not fine means he’s really really not fine. This is bad. Malcolm is going to lose it soon. 
12:35 - “You were in control” I understand why that would be comforting for Malcolm. HOWEVER, when it’s said like that Malcolm probably draws the parallel between himself and Martin (the manipulative control freak). :(
12:55 - Malcolm expressing his self doubt is shattering. He’s being so vulnerable with Dani right now and I don’t even care about the Brightwell ship at the moment - I’m just proud of him for opening up to someone. 
13:03 - “Usually his voice is in my head all the time” Yes. Because even though Martin was chained to a wall, he was still in control. The constant phone calls. The verbal chess games. The traumatic memories. Malcolm has never been able to escape Martin. Ever. Now 2/3 of his regular Martin exposures have disappeared and Malcolm doesn’t know how do go about daily life without the constant harassment. 
13:40 - There’s no way Jessica was actually in enough pain to ask for a painkillers. Jess overheard Malcolm and Capshaw talking and she came to ask Capshaw about it. 
14:14 - “I feel like I’m in Hell’s waiting room.” “Been there for 23 years.” Ouch. Capshaw is lying through her teeth but Jessica? Jessica is being sincere. My heart breaks for her. Also - the fact that every time we’ve seen Jessica bond with another woman (Eve, Capshaw, Birdie) that woman is a manipulative woman trying to use Jessica’s connection to Martin for her own personal gain is very upsetting. I petition for Jessica to bond with Tally and/or Dani. 
14:40 - Look at Capshaw’s face when Jessica mentions Martin’s open casket. She’s hopeful. Like she just found a potential partner in crime. Or at least she just found another reason to justify what she’s about to do to Martin. 
15:15 - I can’t anymore. It’s been driving me CRAZY that Dani’s curls are extremely different sizes in almost every other scene this episode. Sometimes the curls are reasonably tight and a little frizzy, Then in scenes like this one her curls are big, loose, and clean. Her hair is gorgeous both ways but the inconsistency is really bothering me. 
15:52 - Americans - help me out. Is this a thing? Do your bowling alleys serve alcohol? Specifically wine? My Canadian ass is curious (our bowling alleys serve pop and bottled water. And maybe fruit juice). 
15:52 - Look at how cautious Malcolm is as he approaches the boy. He’s afraid. Afraid that he’ll see evidence that the Surgeon is killing again. 
16:45 - Who did Pete steal those clothes from? It wasn’t the EMTs.....did he raid Malcolm’s closet?!?!?!
17:15 - Pete was 10 when he found a quasi-sanctuary from his abusive father. So was Malcolm (in the sense that Martin was arrested and physically removed from the home). 
17:40 - I love this about Malcolm. Pete helped Martin escape. Pete is a killer. But Malcolm is standing there talking to Pete like they’re friends. Malcolm genuinely empathizes with Pete’s childhood. It’s messed up but it’s also beautiful. Malcolm truly has a good heart. 
18:00 - And now Malcolm is scared. He’s just remembered that Pete is a serial killer and he’s in danger.
18:15 - Look, Pete’s a bad guy. But his childhood? Damn. That sucks. :( 
18:33 - “Tell me where Martin’s headed.” Not “The Surgeon”, not “Dr. Whitly”, not “my father”. “Martin”. Because Malcolm doesn’t know “Martin”. He’s met his father/dad - the man who loved him and cared for him during the first 10 years of his life. He’s met “The Surgeon” - the man who chloroformed him, manipulated him, and emotionally abused him his entire life. He’s met “Dr. Whitly” - the man who tried to teach him about the human body as a child and the man who gives him valuable medical insight on cases. But Malcolm’s never met this side of Martin Whitly and he doesn’t know what to expect. So he’s calling him “Martin”.
18:56 - Malcolm, you moron. Pete can see that you’re already suffering.
19:07 - I’ll be honest. I was kind of shocked that they killed off Pet like this. I knew Christian Brole was a guest star so obvious something would happen to write his character off the show but....this was intense. 
19:16 - “Bright I saw it too.” Thank you, Dani. Calm this boy down. He’s about 10 seconds away from being arrested for being a moron at a crime scene. 
19:30 - “It is my job to find my father.” This runs deep. Malcolm isn’t just talking about how it’s his job to profile where Martin might be. This is Malcolm admitting that he’s been subconsciously looking for his father for 23 years. He’s just a little boy who keeps visiting a serial killer in prison because he hopes that one day he’ll find the father that loved him (or at least acted like it). :( Someone hug this boy. <3
19:44 - I found how Malcolm pushes Dani off of him interesting. He’s clearly furious. He clearly is not in the mood to be touched but as soon as Dani starts manhandling him he sort of calms down? He’s not calm but he gains better control of himself. He listens to Dani when she guides him away from Ruiz, (he’s not perfect by any means) but he walks away and you can see his body language relax slightly. 
20:11 - I kind of feel bad for JT. Gil and Jessica have blatantly flirted in front of him twice now (2x5 and now). That’s got to be awkward for him. hahaha
20:14 - “Where is Ainsley?” Good question Gil. Malcolm (who is on the verge of a panic attack) is working himself ragged to find Martin. Jessica is terrified and going through old photos to see if she can find anything that might give a clue to Martin’s whereabouts. But Ainsley? Not only is she calm - she’s not reporting on the prison break. She’s not actively trying to find Martin and she’s not terrified. Why? I honestly think (hope) she’s working with Capshaw. 
20:20 - That look Gil shoots JT. Yep. Gil definitely suspects that Ainsley’s involved. I’m pretty sure Gil has pieced together what happened to Endicott and now he suspects Ainsley. 
20:30 - hahahaha the way that JT stares at Gil as Gil leaves the room. hahahaha. He’s like: “This is awkward. I don’t want to babysit your rich girlfriend (and the Mom of the most annoyingly endearing profilers in existence). I am uncomfortable and I hate that you’re leaving me here alone.”
21:05 - I LOVE THIS SCENE. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.  I love how Dani is slouching in Gil’s chair like she owns it. I love that Malcolm is sitting on the couch like a scolded child. I love that they’re talking about Gil’s birthday. 
21:32 - “I’m already drafting an apology letter.” “That’s not enough.” SAY IT LOUDER DANI. This. FINALLY we get someone calling Malcolm on his passive suicidality. Yes, Malcolm is driven and obsessed with the case (any case). But he also risks his life needlessly to solve them. As though he thinks he’s not worthy of saving. As though he believes he deserves to suffer for what he did to The Surgeon and for what The Surgeon did to his victims. Malcolm is passionate and dedicated to his job. But he doesn’t care about his life enough to protect it. That’s passive suicidality in my books.
21:43 - “For a killer who has done nothing but make your life a living hell.....he’s not worth it.” THIS. Malcolm doesn’t hear this enough. People always suspect him of being like Martin. People rarely take the time to realize that Malcolm was just a little boy who was traumatized by the things he found out about Martin. Strangers judge and treat Malcolm like a criminal just because his father is a publicly bad person. It’s been happening for so long that Malcolm believes he’s a bad person who isn’t worthy of happiness. 
21:52 - Poor Malcolm. His little face. :( He looks so sad, angry, and scared all at the same time. This is another case of “the logical part of my brain knows I’m acting irrationally but I can’t stop it because the emotions are too big and strong and everything hurts.”
22:05 - “I’m sorry.” MALCOLM WHY THE HELL ARE YOU APOLOGIZING TO DANI?!? Because you yelled at Ruiz and now Dani’s worried about you? Dude. You’re having a mental health crisis and a really really bad day. You don’t need to apologize right now. Dani doesn’t want your apology. She wants you to take care of yourself. 
22:25 - “Jury’s still out.” Ouch. 
22:32 - Oh look. Another old person with a landline. hahahahha
23:11 - JT being a sweetheart to Jessica. <3 I love this man. This is so cute. I feel like this is the first time JT’s truly seen Jessica as a full human with a personality as opposed to Malcolm’s rich mother and Gil’s love interest.
23:18 - “I get a call like that once a week.” OH HELL NO. 
23:30 - I love the fact that Jessica and JT are bonding over the fact that they’re both being harassed and judged for something outside of their control. 
24:04 - “I don’t know. Why did you pretend no one was on the phone earlier?” I love this line. Jess didn’t tell for the same reason JT didn’t. They’re independent, strong people. They don’t want bother other people with their problems. They’re embarrassed that this is happening to them and on some level they probably think (wrongfully) that they deserve it. 
24:46 - Oh look. All of Malcolm’s worst nightmares are coming true on the same day. The look of pure terror on his face. <3 
25:20 - I want more Gil + Ainsley scenes. I find them fascinating. Ainsley looks like she resents Gil (probably because he spent so much time with Malcolm instead of her in the 90s+00s). Gil looks remorseful, sad, concerned, and fatherly. Like, even though he didn’t spend a lot of time with Ainsley - he still loves her. Because he loves Jessica and Malcolm so he loves Ainsley by extension. 
25:30 - “People always suspect him” THIS. Ainsley is trying to manipulate Gil into believing she’s innocent by drawing parallels between her actions and Malcolm’s. What Ainsley doesn’t seem to realize (and why Gil is so cold when he says “People always suspect him”) is that Gil watched Malcolm grow up. He watched the cops question him in 98′ because they thought he was a suspect. He watched Malcolm grow up as people bullied him and locked him in closets because he’s the son of a murderer. Malcolm was fired from the FBI for being the Surgeon’s son (and punching a sheriff). Ainsley though? She forwarded her career by televising Malcolm’s mental health issues and proudly announcing that she’s the daughter of a killer. She still has a job. People still treat her with respect. Malcolm wasn’t granted that luxury. Gil knows it. He watched as Ainsley used Martin as a tool for success while Malcolm struggled under the weight of Martin’s crimes and abuse. 
25:34 - “Ouch”. Malcolm’s not offended. Look at the little smile he sends toward Dani. <3
25:36 - Ainsley is furious. That’s the look she had in her eyes when she confronted Malcolm about the pig’s blood incident. She has no remorse. She’s pissed that her brother is overshadowing her.
25:49 - “We didn’t plan a prison break.” Who’s the ‘we’. Her and Malcolm? Or Ainsley and Martin? Or all three? Or Capshaw and Ainsley? ....this 3/4 of those options are definitely true. But one of them might be a lie. I think Ainsley was purposely vague to make it harder to Malcolm, Gil, and Dani to tell if she’s lying. 
26:17 - Ainsley isn’t scared, stressed, or anxious when she picks up the phone. She seems annoyed but hopeful. I find that interesting. 
26:46 - That smile. Ainsley loved talking to her dad. As a girl who grew up without a father - I feel for her. BUT GIRL - he’s a killer and this is not healthy. 
27:08 - Malcolm suspects Ainsley. And he’s scared. Bring me my popcorn. I’m here for the show. 
27:18 - This must be killing Ainsley. The fact that she knows Malcolm, Gil, and Jessica are a quasi-family unit. It’s probably making her feel more left out than usual. 
27:30 - “Maybe I should’ve done more for her when she was growing up.” :( My heart is shattering. This isn’t Gil’s fault but damn, does this hurt. 
27:40 - “No matter what we did, all roads led to Martin.” More confirmation that Jessica and Gil co-parented Malcolm. <3 This is amazing. I’m so happy. 
27:53 - Really Jess? You’re turned on by the fact that Gil has a secret plan while your daughter is being questioned about helping a murderer escape prison?!?! It’s adorable (especially how Gil starts flirting back with her) but also - not the time. 
28:14 - This is why I think Ainsley is somehow involved with Capshaw and/or is a budding serial killer. She’s so cheery. She’s being questioned by the police because they suspect her of committing a crime. Even an innocent person would be a little anxious or defensive. She’s just....numb but also cheery at the same time? Something’s not right here. 
28:19 - “This room is under surveillance at all times.” ....but is it under audio surveillance? Is this interrogation going to become a bigger part of the plot later in the season? Because Ainsley verbally questions if she’s like Martin.
29:17 - As much as I hate Martin, I agree with his analysis of Ainsley. She’s high on charm, low on compassion and empathy. She doesn’t have normal reactions to traumatic events. She never appears scared or sad. We’ve only ever really seen Ainsley happy, determined, or angry. 
29:20 - ....I fully believe Ainsley is fake crying to manipulate Malcolm during the interrogation.
31:25 - “Do you think I’m the reason he broke out?” Ugh. Ainsley is so starved for parental attention and it’s heartbreaking.....maybe that’s how this killer was made.
32:00 - Gil doesn’t think Ainsley’s a credible source of information. Let’s all just sit on that information for a bit. 
32:19 - “It’s not him I’m worried about.” <3 <3 <3 <3 Papa!Gil <3 I’ve missed you. <3 <3
32:34 - YO Gil, Malcolm. Have you two knuckleheads really never watched Criminal Minds?!?! This dude is showing textbook “I’m a hostage” behaviour. 
33:19 - Gil calling Malcolm his ‘partner’ is so precious. <3
34:50 - Sooooo 400K is a LOT of money. Did Martin use Milton family money for his murder agenda?!? Did Jessica never notice that much cash missing from their accounts?!? Where did all this money come from?! 
35:32 - Ahhhh lovely. Martin had a fake Canadian passport. 
35:46 - Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep because Martin put Malcolm’s batman toy in his murder escape bag. It’s so twisted and yet, sweet? 
35:50 - “What’s that?” <3 My heart has shattered. Look at the unshed tears in Malcolm’s eyes. Listen to how soft Gil’s voice is. Look at Malcolm’s sad little heartbroken, hopeful smile and Gil’s heartbroken look of concern. <3 I adore this exchange so so so so much. This is the Papa!Gil content I’ve been hungry for. 
37:38. -”Bright, she said no.” ....and Gil doesn’t want him going in there either. It’s not safe for anyone. But especially not for Malcolm in his current mental state. 
38:25 - “Don’t ever imply Bright doesn’t want to save lives.” YES TELL HER GIL. YES. I’m living my best life. The Papa!Gil fans were FED this episode. <3
38:51 - “They’re going to kill him.” I love this because I get it. My dad was abusive. I don’t like him and I don’t respect him. I think he’s a shitty human being. But I still love him. A part of me always will. Malcolm’s relationship with Martin is a little more complicated but it boils down to the same thing - no matter what a part of you will always love your parents. You might hate that part of yourself. You might try to suppress it. But it’s always there. Whether you like it or not. The idea that Martin will be killed? That’s terrifying for Malcolm because a dead Martin Whitly means he’ll never ‘earn’ his father’s love. It means his chance of finding the father who loved him pre-age 10 is gone forever. And that’s terrifying. Malcolm will grieve what he lost but he won’t grieve Martin as a human being - just who Martin could’ve been for Malcolm. 
39:22 - Gil chasing Malcolm <3 I’m in love. 
39:55 - Again, where the hell did Hector get these clothes? He sure as hell didn’t steal that plaid shirt from Malcolm’s place or the EMTs. 
40:10 - Hector is my favourite killer. I love him and I don’t know why. 
40:50 - This sequence is haunting. Watching Gil, Jessica, and Malcolm terrified and concerned in isolating shots. <3 *Chef’s kiss*. AND THE FACT THAT JT is still with Jessica?!?! <3 Glorious. I’m here for it. 
41:35 - I don’t like the way Capshaw looked at Malcolm when she said, “He’s your father.”.....it was appraising. Almost like she’s considering killing Malcolm to snub the whole Whitly family of potential killers. 
42:17 - That line about karma......holy shit. Capshaw is evil #confirmed. Malcolm is a moron for not spotting it right this second. 
42:55 - I have so many questions. 1) how did Capshaw get Martin in the car without anyone noticing? Like, why didn’t the security cameras catch it? 2) ....how much air circulation is in a car trunk? 3) How long has Capshaw been planning this? 4) is it really Martin in the car? Or someone else? ....maybe she had a goon kidnap Martin and take him to a secondary location after he left Claremont grounds? 5) Did Capshaw ever have a romantic interest in Martin? Was it ALL show?
AHHHHH this episode was amazing and I can’t wait for Tuesday. Thanks for hanging out. <3 
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Come play with me Part 2
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, cursing, allusion to non-con.
Words: 2060.
Summary: Having to deal with Bucky Barnes, a talented head engineer who you have to convince cooperating with your boss, you suddenly discover his psychopathic tendencies. Worse, he has taken an eerie interest in you.
Part 1
P.S. More references to “Death Machine” movie I saw when I was a kid 🙈
Nervously glancing around a messy room full of odd equipment, screwdrivers, nails, military clothing like combat pants, and scary drawings hanging on the walls, you sat on an empty chair Barnes had offered you. In fact, it was the only empty chair in the room.
“Yeah, I need to clean up, I know.” He muttered under his breath, grabbing a pile of papers on his seat and dropping them to the floor close to his table as he started typing something on his laptop. “Never have time for this.”
You nodded, pretending you cared. Actually, the only thing you wanted was getting away as far as you could from Barnes, a man who had completely turned your life upside down in a matter of hours.
First, as you tried fighting him, he had blocked all your cards and literally stripped you of all your money - you couldn’t understand how the bank security overlooked the transfer, but all you had left were ten dollars on your account. When you got hysterical, crying and pleading Bucky to get it all back, he carefully explained to you that all you needed to do was to listen to him. You were still furious, remembering how he talked to you as if you were a child.
Then Barnes told you he would have what he wanted anyway, but he didn’t need to break you in the process. It wasn’t fun, he said, albeit having you cry under him as he sat on top of you laying on your bed. When you finally submitted, knowing you couldn’t overpower him, that bull of a man, Bucky returned you your money, adding a few thousand dollars “for the trouble”. You had never felt so humiliated in your entire life.
You chose not to think of what had happened after that.
“Shit, they fucked it up again.” Bucky growled in frustration, rubbing his eyes as he stared into one of several monitors on his desk. “Baby, can you make me coffee while I’m dealing with this shit?”
What? Coffee? Did he bring you here for this?
Clenching your fists, you kept your mouth shut as you glanced over the room, quickly finding a dirty coffee maker in the corner. Trying to convince yourself it was better than giving him a blowjob while he was working, you moved from your seat and went to have a look at the little glass kettle. It definitely needed a good wash, so you disconnected it and headed to the door. While passing beside Bucky’s back, you were abruptly stopped by him tugging on your pencil skirt.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He growled, narrowing his eyes at you. There was something carnivorous in his gaze as he watched you freezing in place.
Showing him the coffee maker, you nervously said, “It’s dirty. I want to clean it before making coffee for you.”
He blinked for a few times and let go of your skirt. Lifting his eyes to your face, he softened, motioning to you, “Kitchen’s on your left. Thanks.” As he turned back to the monitor, making no attempt to stop you, you carefully moved forward, stopping yourself from running away.
When the door closed beside you, you finally exhaled as if you escaped the death room with a deranged psycho with an axe in it. Well, the deranged psycho was actually there, but without a weapon, you hoped. Not that you saw any.
Speeding up, you found a kitchen on your left just as Barnes said, relieved no one was there - for some reason, you were afraid of his co-workers since none of them had reported Bucky before... Come to think of it, maybe they did. But HYDRA wiped everything out because Barnes was irreplaceable, and until he murdered someone the company was probably okay with pretty much everything he was doing if he continued to work for them. Or were there any boundaries at all? If Barnes was a murderer, would the company cover him up just because he was the one making billions for them?
You threw away the used filter and placed the kettle into the sink. You needed to find a way to leave him, but as careful as possible. No one knew what Barnes was capable of.
The smell of coffee made Bucky finally snap back to reality as he inhaled the aroma, stretching his arms while you watched his muscles flexing. Despite him looking pretty good, you were more scared rather than aroused.
“Here.” You said, placing a cup of black coffee in front of him - no milk, no sugar just like he instructed you.
Barnes grinned at you, tucking a strand of his dark hair behind the ear, and the next moment you ended up on his lap as he gripped you by the waist, then taking his coffee like it was something completely natural. Stilling, you squirmed uncomfortably, unwilling to be so close to him. He was acting as if you were his girlfriend, and you were not okay with it, but preferred being silent rather than having an argument that could lead to Barnes becoming violent.
“Thank you, doll.” He whispered, leaving a quick kiss on your cheek, and you winced from a sudden feeling of his three-days beard brushing against your sensitive skin. Bucky proceeded to sip his coffee and stare into the monitor, a dozen of blueprints opened at the same time didn’t bother him, seemingly.
You had been tense for a couple of minutes before you realized Barnes was completely absorbed by his work, caressing you through your clothes with his hand from time to time, but doing little else. All he saw were numerous reports and blueprints. Sometimes Bucky was getting upset when a small window with a chat popped up above his programs, and he hurriedly typed a message to some of his colleagues, you supposed.
Since there was nothing much left to do, you tried to understand what Bucky was working on. In the end, it was going to be your job - he had already submitted all the forms to get you a position of a project manager. You didn’t know how HYDRA’s executives was gonna react, but something told you Barnes could convince them to do as he pleased. Even the thought of that was frightening to you.
The more you watched, the more you thought the new project didn’t remind you the weapon control system but the weapon itself. Of course, you weren’t an engineer, but you had a good knowledge of HYDRA’s already existing active protection systems. This wasn’t it even in the slightest. It was more of some weird cyborg thing, you thought as you kept looking at what appeared to be biomechatronic body parts.
Was he working on some side project now? Was it even HYDRA’s project?
As you leaned closer to the monitor, trying to understand what this was and why Barnes was working on it, your heard the man chuckling.
“Interested?” He asked, making you lean back into him with his hand pressed to your chest.
“I thought you were working on the new weapon control system. What’s this?”
“Oh, this is the best thing I’ve ever done, baby. It will bring HYDRA to the top of the world.” Grinning, he closed the blueprint he was working on and opened a different one, a colored 3D model of a heavily armed man wearing something that almost looked like a futuristic military suit. “This is the Supersoldier project, the top-secret thing Pierce wants me to be the lead of.”
Pierce. Alexander Pierce, the new CEO of the corporation who took this position after Fury’s dismissal. Did he give Barnes a secret project? Why on Earth did he want HYDRA to be involved into weapon production? It was beyond corporation’s reach. They simply didn’t have the permission, never cooperating with military for this purpose. What Barnes was doing was illegal.
“So, is this why you don’t submit the new reports?” You asked, trembling slightly on his lap and almost missing a kiss Bucky left on the back of your neck. It was better not to ask too many questions.
“You don’t understand.” He laughed, making you turn your face to him as he caressed it with his gloved hand. “There can be no reports because there is no new weapon control system. It had never been planned. Your boss won’t have any details, because there are none.”
You felt your head spinning. What? What? How could it be? The Board of Directors wanted that project. You were sure most of them knew nothing about the thing Barnes was working on now. It was simply unbelievable. The head engineer of HYDRA’s Corp was involved in an illegal project to create a cybernetically-enhanced soldier, and no one knew of it.
You were becoming involved in something very, very dangerous. People like Alexander Pierce and the ones he was doing this project for were much scarier than a psychopathic genius Bucky Barnes.
Fuck. You were in deep, deep trouble.
“Mr. Simons will get fired then, I see.” You mumbled, trying to find words and talk about something that wouldn’t involve the Supersoldier project. The more you knew, the shorter your life would be, you feared.
“Sorry about that, doll.” Barnes’ smirk was irritating at best. “But I really need you here with me. This project is quite stressful, and when I’m stressed, I don’t work well. Last time I’ve fucked up my arm completely.”
“Your arm?”
“Huh, you didn’t see?”
Oh, you didn’t like it. You didn’t like it when Barnes lifted his arm and took his leather glove off, revealing a metal hand instead of a flesh one. He then rolled the sleeve of his thick hoodie further, and you realized his whole arm was made out of metal.
Barnes was experimenting on himself. He was that first supersoldier Pierce wanted.
As you looked at him with an expression of utter horror written on your face, Barnes chuckled, making you lean closer to him and kissing you deeply, his tongue licking the insides of your mouth shamelessly while you froze, unable to accept the truth. When you touched his metal fingers, they radiated heat as if they were of flesh and blood. How was it possible? Why Barnes was doing this? Didn’t he understand why Pierce wanted him to work on this project and what he was going to do with it once Bucky finished?
No, Barnes knew. He was anything but stupid. Maybe he wanted HYDRA to have its own supersoldiers. Maybe Bucky wanted this power.
“I’m a war vet, baby. I’ve lost my arm around ten years ago.” He said as he touched your skin with his metal hand. “Dealing with those shitty prostheses was a nightmare, believe me. But look at this - it’s perfect. I can draw with it - and I can crack Pierce’s skull just as easily. Isn’t a miracle? You didn’t even realize what I had there until I showed you.”
“I don’t think people will call it miracle when Mr. Pierce makes his personal cyborgs army.” You said quietly and shivered from the thought. It was unbelievable, like a plot of a sci-fi movie or something, yet you were staring at Barnes’ metal arm now. If anyone could make this horror a reality, it was him. “Why are you doing this? Don’t you understand what’s going to happen?”
“What? Like a war or something?” He asked with irritation, watching you frown. “Since I’ve returned home, there was not a year without a war somewhere on Earth. This peace pacifists are talking about exists only in their idle imagination. So why not to be prepared in advance, huh? Besides, it’s so much fun, baby. You’ll see soon.”
As you attempted to stand up, he squeezed you with his solid, beefy arms, bringing you closer so you sat back on his lap, spreading your legs while Bucky made you face him, caressing your thighs. Your face was burning hot as your skirt got up, baring your silk stockings.
“I’ll show you everything you want to know.” He breathed into your face, and you felt Barnes was becoming hard, his dick brushing against your core covered by pretty black laced panties as he made you roll your hips, touching your back. “But let’s do it after a small break, ok?”
Tags: @finleyjayne​ @alexakeyloveloki​   ​@helenaeisenhower​ @villanellevi​ @hurricanerin​ ​@void-hoechlin​ @abyssaint​ @heeeyitskay​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @navegandoaciegas​ @rosalynshields​ @brattycherubwrites​ @sllooney​ @angrythingstarlight​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @soleil-dor​ @iheartsebastianstan​​ @lookiamtrying​​ @buckysbunny​​
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alonely-dreamer · 3 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 35: Dangerous Opportunities
Summary: Mackenzie, Elijah and Klaus keep busy in New-Orleans...
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 2856
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1 | Chapter 23: Part 2 | Chapter 23: Part 3 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 (Part 1) | Chapter 25 (Part 2) | Chapter 25 (Part 3) | Chapter 26 (Part 1) | Chapter 26 (Part 2 & 3) | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32  | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34
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I made Marcel everything that he is.
I treated him like a son.
And when my father chased me and my family from New-Orleans a hundred years ago we believed Marcel was killed.
We each mourned him in our own way.
Yet, when I returned, I found not only had he survived… he had thrived.
Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice, to take everything my family had built and make it his own.
Now he is living in our home.
He is sleeping in our beds.
The letter ‘M’ he stamps everywhere… it’s not for Marcel.
It’s for Mikaelson.
I want it all back.
And if I have to push him out to get it, then that’s exactly what I’ll do.
 Mackenzie’s giggles filled the room. “Stop it,” she kept repeating, but she didn’t mean it, and he knew that. They had started new games together, some even new to Elijah, as if Mackenzie was his muse inspiring him dirty little games he’d only play with her. It was innocent, at first, but soon, Mackenzie became more comfortable with him, more confident, and the stains of blood on the white bed sheets were so common now the compelled staff knew to change them almost every day. The implications of their activities only made them want each other more. Mackenzie, because she knew the effect her blood had on him, and Elijah, because he would never experience anything like this with anyone else other than her. Sure, he knew he would never love anyone the way he loved Mackenzie, but it wasn’t just about love. And that was something that made Mackenzie feel powerful. That was the reason why, sometimes, she refused to take his blood after they were done. So that she’d keep the marks. So that he knew they were there. His marks on her body. Claiming her. And she loved the way it made him feel when he saw them too.
While Mackenzie and Elijah were enjoying what both Katherine and Rebekah had called their ‘honeymoon period’, Hayley wished for death. Well, maybe not literally. But she did pretty much hate her life, and she didn’t have faith that it would get better in the next eighteen years. She was uncomfortable in every way. Not only was she pregnant with the world’s most hated supernatural creature, but her future baby’s father also was a total psychopath who didn’t see her as anything more than an incubator for his miracle baby. He had forbidden her from leaving the house where he left her to rot every day. Every day, she was left with a couple acting not unlike two hormonal teenagers around the house, in other words, alone, alone with dusty books she had no intention of reading, and a TV remote giving her access to hundreds of channels she wasn’t interested in watching at all. In other words, days passed and stayed the same, aside from the rising heat, and growing belly.
To make matters worse, when Elijah wasn’t busy eating his girlfriend (in every sense of the word), he turned into an over-protective grandpa, building the nursery from scratch, making sure she had vitamin, protein, everything a pregnant woman needs according to What To Expect When You’re Expecting, which she wouldn’t be surprised to find on his nightstand. Not only did it make her uncomfortable, and even more irritable, but it made Mackenzie self-conscious and sad, not matter how hard she was trying to hide it.
At first, Hayley thought it was jealousy. But Mackenzie was better than that. And she had no bad intentions towards Hayley, or feelings, on the contrary. After they had made sure Marcel’s secret weapon, whatever it was, could not detect Mackenzie’s powers, they had unlinked Hayley to Sophie, making the witches regret their whole plan to bring the Originals back in town, giving them enormous doubts about whether they would still go on with the plan to dethrone Marcel or not. Of course, Klaus was a threat to them now, after all they had done. Kidnapping Hayley, using his child to blackmail him… The witches were scared, and now, they had bigger problems than Marcel, and the witch community of New-Orleans was starting to turn against Sophie, who had insisted her sister’s plan would work. But Klaus didn’t attack the witches. No, Klaus was still in a suspiciously good mood. Aside from keeping Hayley locked up in the house, he was pleasant with his brother, he was pleasant with Mackenzie, and he was pleasant with Hayley, to whom his nickname little wolf had stuck. He wasn’t acting like a future father, by any means. He didn’t check on Hayley’s health, never asked how she felt or if she needed anything. He didn’t spend any time in the nursery, helping Elijah, or didn’t even talk baby names with his future baby’s mother, not that anyone had expected that from him. No. Klaus spent all his time with Marcel, and they were seemingly getting along great, greater than great, in fact, as if they were the best of friends who weren’t hiding deadly secrets from each other.
Hayley had started to worry about his behavior. What if he really enjoyed spending time with Marcel? What if he just wanted to get back at the witches? What if he didn’t care? What if… all the bad things Klaus could do, that she could think of, or even scarier, that she couldn’t even imagine. However, her worries were put to rest one day, as Klaus came back home one night with a newly made vampire named Josh.
“Josh here,” he had told them, “will be my eyes and ears. My joker, my…”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it,” Hayley had interrupted him. “He’s your spy.”
Klaus had gotten to Josh before Marcel even had the chance to put him under vervain. The vampire was compelled thoroughly by the Original hybrid and will be the key to taking Marcel down.
Though the existence of Josh was a relief for everyone, neither his brother nor his girlfriend trusted him in any way. Not when he was in such a good mood. He was plotting something, and they had a feeling it was nothing good, for anyone.
 Mackenzie caressed Elijah’s hair, her thoughts wandering back to earlier that day, when he had taken her to one of his favorite places in New-Orleans, a once peaceful beautiful park that was now a crowded and loud playground. She sighed, moving slightly but enough for Elijah to let a drop of blood slide down on Mackenzie’s neck. It drew a red line on her slightly tanned skin and the drop came to rest down her cleavage. She ignored it, she knew he’d take care of it later. Though the maids would have to change the sheets again in the morning.
She had almost forgotten his mouth buried in her neck, his free hand moving up and down her arm, as they were lying naked in their bed, resting from their long day of exploring the city Elijah had missed so much for the past century. He drank from her, her blood, the most delicious in the entire world, like she was the Fountain of Youth herself and he was the only one who got to drink from her, the only one who had that privilege, because he was the one who had discovered her. He had been there first, explored and found her and now she was his and only his and that thought would never cease to amaze him, to make him feel like the luckiest man in the world. But right now, Mackenzie felt everything but lucky, as she was haunted by a picture that would not leave her mind. A picture of his face in that park. And the look that said it all, even though he would never say it aloud, perhaps because he didn’t know it himself. A look she knew well now as it kept coming back, every time he looked at Hayley, every time he talked about the baby, about what Klaus should be doing but wasn’t, about everything he was doing in his brother’s place. It saddened him, perhaps unknowingly, and it saddened her as she knew she could never give that to him. In truth, no one could give that to him. But as powerful as she was, she felt she should be able to do anything, and everything she could do, but that.
He was content, lying in her arms, her hand in his hair, her blood in his throat, just enjoying the moment, enjoying her. But that was not the only reason why the question took him by surprise.
“Do you want kids?”
He froze, puzzled by the question. It surprised him, not only because it seemingly came out of nowhere, but mostly because he had buried that question and that answer a long time ago deep inside of him. So deep, in fact, that it was a hidden part of him, like an obvious take away of his very existence, of every single one of his actions. So deep, that the answer was practically engraved on his bones, carved onto his heart, like an invisible dormant pain that he would never let himself feel or remember. An immortal curse that could not be enchanted away and that will torment him for the rest of his eternity. Why that question? Why here, why now?
He slowly and gently retracted his teeth from her vein, licked the blood that escaped from the wound, though he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop it from bleeding as he moved away and looked up at her. She had asked the question so quietly, like a whisper, like a spell echoing in his head, losing itself in time, making his bones quiver like an earthquake would make a house shake. That question had been asked and answered centuries ago. That choice had been made for him centuries ago. That choice had been taken away from him centuries ago.
She was looking away but turned towards him as he sat up and pulled the duvet to cover them. Not because they were cold, but because the time for their adult activities was obviously over. Now, they had to have another kind of adult conversation.
“I can’t have children, you know that.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Do you? Want children of your own?”
“It doesn’t matter if I do. I can’t.”
“I know you do,” she said quietly, once again looking away, staring at that spot that didn’t exist.
“Where is this coming from?”
She shrugged. “Same place your regret is coming from…”
“I have no regret,” he replied, confused.
“You regret not being able to have children.”
“That is hardly anyone’s fault but my parents, and they are dead. There is no one to blame, though blame wouldn’t lead us anywhere.”
Her hand found his arm and her fingers caressed his skin as if touching him would fix everything.
“Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know… I just thought… it’s unfair Klaus gets to have a child and you don’t. He clearly has no interest in it. But you do.”
“My interest in Hayley’s pregnancy doesn’t go beyond anything an uncle wouldn’t do. Though, I am no ordinary uncle.”
“This is no ordinary family.”
“And that is why your question has no answer, my love.”
She looked back at him. He rarely used such words in front of other people, but when they were alone, when they were being intimate, he called her all sorts of sweet words. ‘My love’ being the sweetest. ‘My love’ was the answer. It meant ‘don’t ask’, ‘it’s okay’, ‘I get it’, ‘I love you too’.
 Klaus’ face tired of his never-ending smiling. However, he was motivated. Nothing would stop him from reaching his goal. Nothing ever could. And certainly not a stupid smile.
He couldn’t tell which was louder, the screams or the music, however, he had stopped caring. He was tired and annoyed, and he wanted to leave this wretched court of amateurs as soon as possible. Marcel called himself a King and had forged himself a throne, but he was just some tyrant wannabe, a little boy in a paper crown running around with his friends, bullying the weakest kids on the playground. Though he would never reproach Marcel from banishing the werewolves from the Quarter or stopping the witches from doing magic, everything that had allowed him to get to that point he had stolen from him, and that fact was like wood to a fireplace, it kept his immortal rage burning.
Perch on the balcony above the party, Klaus and Marcel stood like Kings in a court of horrors, watching their nobles feast on the buffet. Though Klaus was too old to enjoy such an obvious and basic vampire party, he had to give Marcel a nod of approval every once in a while, to keep things civil. He was bored out of his mind and had run out of things to talk about with his ‘friend’. Fortunately, Marcel had a surprise for his sire.
“I’m hosting a party.”
“Yes, you are,” the hybrid nodded, making the vampire laugh.
“No. I mean, I’m planning a party, in two days. It’s a charity dinner for some… I don’t know, charitable organization for the city.”
“I didn’t take you for the charitable type,” Klaus teased.
“Well, I got a reputation to uphold,” he replied with an amused smile. “It’s mostly an excuse to see Camille again, though.”
“Who? Ah, the bartender.”
“Yeah, the bartender,” he chuckled. “It’s a fancy dinner, just your brother’s type of things.”
“You’re inviting Elijah?” Klaus raised an eyebrow, surprised Marcel would want to be anywhere near his brother.
“Right, and his witch girlfriend, you know, what’s her name…”
“That’s right. She’s a funny little thing,” he said as he smiled at his sire accusatorily. “She’s not afraid of you.”
“Ah, she’s been through a lot.”
“Do you mean you?”
They laughed.
“I admit, I may have been less than cordial to her… more than once.”
“It’s a miracle Elijah lets you go anywhere near her.”
Klaus knew what Marcel was doing, where this was going. He had been working at it slowly, but not as subtly, for a while now. Marcel wanted Elijah gone, out of his city, no matter how, no matter what it took. He figured Klaus was his best shot, and usually he would have been correct, but not now, not anymore. If anything happened to Elijah, Mackenzie would destroy the whole city, hell, the entire state. No, Klaus had one goal, and he wasn’t going to let Marcel distract him from it.
“It’s different with her. If I kill her, he’ll stop at nothing to take me down, and I’ve tired of our little wars. The last one lasted a century and almost killed me.”
“Ah, let him have his fun. She’s mortal, they’re fleeting little things.”
Klaus chuckled, though not because he found the obvious threat funny, but the mere thought of Marcel going after Mackenzie made him want to laugh. He’d pay to see it, if only it wouldn’t result in Marcel’s certain death.
“Not this one. This one is here to stay.”
Marcel frowned and looked at the hybrid with curiosity. “You actually mean that.”
“She’s a Mikaelson, Marcel,” he nodded as he put his hand on the King’s shoulder. “You know what happens when you go after a Mikaelson.”
Marcel laughed. “Hey, I’m just talking, no harm meant, no harm meant.”
“She’d kill you before you even had a chance to see it coming.”
“See, that’s my problem,” Marcel grimaced. “Witches aren’t allowed to do magic here, and I don’t think she’s understood that.”
“What? Your secret weapon’s been shining bright recently?”
Marcel laughed as he shook his head. “No, nothing like that. It’s the attitude, Klaus. Elijah… he doesn’t respect my authority here. And neither does she.”
“Then why invite them, then? They’re happy enough on their own. Trust me, they’re unbearable to be around right now. They’re so… in love,” he said, disgust visible all over his face, making Marcel laugh whole-heartedly.
“You were never one for sentiment.”
“Right then,” Klaus sighed. “I’ll let them know.”
“I appreciate that, brother.”
Marcel tapped him twice on the shoulder before he moved towards the middle of the balcony, where he’d be best seen from downstairs, to make his usual speech. The words never changed. “Have fun”, “don’t kill too many of them”, and last but not least:
“And no matter what you do, no matter how good she smells or how pretty she looks, leave the barefoot blonde alone!”
That last part they all said together like a chant, like it was a joke. But when Marcel explained the meaning to Klaus the first night, he learnt he wasn’t joking in the least. He had puzzled out all the tiny bits of information Marcel could give him, and the hybrid knew it was no joke indeed.
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