themakebelievediaries · 5 years
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Will Poulter Request Part Two
Part One
Okay nonnymoo. Let’s do this. *cracks knuckles*
**** 4 days earlier ****
Will was about to go off filming again, you can’t say you have gotten used to it by now. After that rather ‘interesting’ introduction to his family, you were surprised when they agreed to let you take him for his flight at 1 am. 
He’s going to be gone a proper 4 days,  you know you will miss the heck out of him. At the airport, he did anything and everything to make you laugh or at least smile, from ballet, jumps in front of everyone to lifting you up and spinning you around. he did get a giggle he knew would sustain him for his time away. You didn’t cry since you have been through this a dozen times but deep sadness did overcome you when he walked off pulling his suitcase behind him.
**** Now (4 days later) ****
It was 6 in the evening and you came directly from work
His sisters insisted on snuggling up on the couch and watching all kinds of nostalgia-inducing movies, chick flicks and even one horror movie which you are still not sure why you would do that to yourself after 11 in the night.
By midnight they were exhausted and headed to bed, pausing the horror movie halfway promising to finish it later on; something that probably will not happen.
You check the time and it’s not even 10:00 pm so you thought maybe you could stay up watching some of your favorite YouTubers, so you head back upstairs and into Will’s old room which Mrs. Poulter’s mom happily made for you.
You snuggle into Will’s bed which smells like him in every way and immerse your self in a comfy position with your laptop beside you.
A little past 11:30 pm, Will and his dad arrive from the airport; Will’s mom gives him a welcoming hug.
“Is she here?” Will asks setting down his suitcase. His mom nods “Upstairs. She said she wanted to head home as soon as you arrived.” Will nods in agreement and heads upstairs only to find you fast asleep with the laptop still playing youtube videos. 
He smiles to himself at how cute you looked with your hands tucked under your head. will slowly lower himself onto the bed and turns the laptop around to turn off the video, he closes the youtube tab and your twitter account was open, he wouldn’t be able to miss it even if he wanted to; countless amount of tweets on his relationship with you and as much as there was support there was twice as much of criticism. 
Binnie45ty: I don’t know what he sees in her #Willsnewgirlnotcelebmaterial
Maxattacks24: Look at her hair! She needs help 
Yaniielaws6: I can’t believe he went for her, she is not even interesting #Willbemineforever
This is why Will never formally introduced you, this is the kind of criticism he didn’t want you to have to deal with but paparazzi were sneaky and the press didn’t help one bit.
Will looks at you ‘if only they saw what I did’ he thought and lets out a little too loud sigh, your eyes flutter open.
“Will!” you exclaim upon seeing him, and immediately sit up, he closes the laptop and hugs you, holding you tight in his arms where you always felt safe.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” he says softly almost whispering.
“No it’s o.....” a yawn comes right through without any warning you hold up your hand to your mouth “kay.....” you smile,
“You’re cute when you’re tired” he smiles, “hey so I was thinking...”
“That’s not healthy” 
He chuckles, “What if I finally shared you with my fans?”
“Uhhhhh.....” you have witnessed first hand how his fans can be and honestly it made you all kinds of nervous, maybe he couldn’t tell how nervous you are.
He can and he did. Will takes your hand and kisses it, “I just want them to see you the way I do, beautiful and perfect”
You felt your face go hot, you look down “Sure... if you’re okay with it then I am” you stand up and gather your things “I need to go to work in 5 hours so I should get home and get out of these clothes.”
“Alright, I love you”
You turn around “I love you too” you lean down to give him a kiss and he grabs your waist and pulls you down to the bed, you fall on your back giggling “Will!”
“Why hello there,” he says and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips, slow and filled with passion. 
Whenever you left his place, you left with a smile that didn’t fade even as you slept, during the 30-minute drive your phone had been blowing up notifications the whole time, so when you reached home you just had to see what all the commotion was about.
New Tweet from @WillPoulter  Attached was a picture, a selfie of you and Will, one of your favorite ones. And below it was the caption “I wouldn’t change a thing about you and me, not a single thing for this is us”
And there it was; another reason to smile.
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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Hey nonnymoo! 
I want to start off by saying how sorry I am to have you wait this long for these fics, please forgive me :3 Also you sent me a total of 5 Will Poulter prompts I hope it’s alright that I merge some of them, I took the first, third and fourth as shown above and made them into this massive bomb-blast of a fic.
So I truly hope you like it! c:
“Hey, you ready?” Will walks into the room just as you are putting on your jacket, you don’t answer him, your mind has wandered to the weird part of your thoughts telling you his parents may think differently of you and if you are being honest with yourself you were a tad bit edgy.
“Y/N?” he places a hand on your shoulder snapping you out of your thoughts and you jump,
“Hey woah! it’s me” he raises his hands, you let out a sigh of relief, “You okay?”
He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Oh yeah! I grew up with four brothers I’ll be fine!” you smile and then look at your hands, “truth? I’m nervous.”
“I would have never guessed” he smiles his cheeky smile that makes you smile every time.
“You can do this.” he pulls you into a hug, “they are going to love you”.
The steps leading up to the front door were nerve wrecking, “Will.” you stop, your feet froze in place, Will turns around “You okay?“
"What if–"
"Na-uh. nope. don’t even say it.” He interrupts and cups your cheeks in his warm hands “if you give way for those kinds of thoughts, they’ll just take over, trust me when I say, They. Will. Love. You.” He smiles and looks into your eyes he then crunches his nose and does his best granny impression “How many times you going to get me to repeat it?"
You giggle into his hands and he kisses your forehead "okay?” he raises an eyebrow. You nod and he rings the bell.
His mom shrieks upon seeing him and pulls him for a hug, over her sons’ shoulder she smiles at you. “Why hello there” she opens her arms “Will, who is this pretty girl?”
“This is Y/N, the one I was telling you about” Will looks at you like you’re something he is proud about. You smiled at his mom “Mrs. Poulter, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you”
“Likewise” she smiled sweetly “Come in, come in, there are others dying to meet you”
There were voices yelling “Will!!” and hugs went around. For a moment you were lost in all this friendly-interactions. Will took your hand and introduced you to each of them one by one until there was no one else left, everyone just gazed upon you in curiosity.
You met his two sisters who wasted no time in pulling you to a side and bombarding you with questions which were too many to answer all at once and his brother, who looked like a shorter version of him.
- Dinner time -
Will’s father is a quiet man with a kind face, he sat at the head of the large dinner table.
There was something about large tables with everyone facing each other that wrecked your nerves. His sisters would smirk at you once in a while and whisper to each other while giving side glances toward you and the rest of them just
. Smiled.
Suddenly you felt self-conscious and didn’t know what to do with your hands. Where do you keep your tongue? You end up swallowing more than usual and puffing your cheeks out awkwardly, which made his sister’s giggle.
The pressure to impress them was getting too much you felt your mouth getting dry and your throat a bit itchy so you reach for your glass of wine a bit too fast and knock it down spilling wine into your plate which generously pours down into your lap staining your dress. You stand up startled “Oh no! I’m so sorry” at this his sister’s belted out a laugh, you nearly wanted to cry.
“It’s okay,” Will said standing up attempting to help you somehow with his napkin.
“Oh my, Will why don’t you give her something to change into” his mom suggested smiling a kind smile toward you assuring you it was okay.
But nothing was okay about this.
Will grabs your hand and leads you upstairs, you stay silent, replaying what just happened over and over again; torturing your mind with embarrassment.
He takes you to his old bedroom and finds one of his old hoodies, you take it without saying a word and head to the nearest bathroom to change, being about a foot and a half shorter than Will the hoodie is almost to your knees, you sigh.
“It looks fine!” Will says trying so hard to back a laugh, you don’t even crack a smile.
“Oh come on, Y/N” Will walks over and pulls you into a hug, “I think it will take more than some wine spill to get my mother to hate you.”
You lean your head on his chest, you always did love being comforted like this.
“Oh, there you guys are-” You suddenly heard a pair of hardcore belly laughs coming from the doorway as his sisters pointed at your dress hoodie situation.
“Alright, Alright are you done?” Will rolls his eyes at them with his arms still around you.
One of them wipes the mirth from her eyes and comes and tugs on your hand pulling you from Will’s embrace  “Come on love, I’ll get you situated” 
“Na-uh, I will do it” The other tugs on your other hand 
“I have smaller clothes”
“Are you calling me fat then?”
And they both get into a little squabble, and you look back at Will and mouth “Help.”
Will immediately walks up, “Woah! Hey!” and they both stop “would you two stop bickering for I don’t know two minutes?”
They give an apologetic nod and gently lead you into a large room, handing you a pair of jeans and a hoodie of their own which felt quite nice but secretly you did want to hold onto Will’s. 
Will smiles as he sees you dressed properly, you smile back “Well I see the smile is back” he puts his arm over your shoulders. You felt your cheeks go hot.
When you come down you see everyone staring and smiling at you like you’re a helpless child who dropped her juice all over herself.
Will clears his throat “Y/N has a very impressive skill she would like to show everyone”
“Will what are you doing?” you lean into him and whisper.
“You want to impress my family, there is nothing that impresses them more than an ‘impressive skill’” he air quotes with his fingers.
“What skill are you talking about?” you whisper a tad bit louder than before.
Will smiles at you continues to announce “She can make a cake in 15 minutes” A round of “ooos” and “ahhh” come from everyone.
“Are you out of your mind! I did that once, you don’t count that as a skill” you whisper to him again.
“Trust me you can do this, I’ll help.” Will always had a way to reassure you of what you can and cannot do. Although you weren’t given much of a choice when his mom suddenly approached you both “Well I would love to taste this cake, what would you need?” 
“Oh the usual, flour, sugar and eggs and vanilla extract-” you give Will’s mom the entire list which she immediately gathered for you in the kitchen.
Seeing everything in front of you, you get nervous plus Will’s mom and sisters were standing there watching you very eagerly. Will walked in “Well we can’t surprise you if you stand and watch how it’s done, go and enjoy yourselves. I’ll help her.” and he gently leads them out. His sisters groan.
As soon as they are out the door, he rushes over to you and sweeps you up bridal style, you squeal.
“Will?” you giggle, he gently places you down on the counter and kisses you. In between breaths, you speak “so...... this was your....... plan all ..... along”
You finally place a hand on his chest stopping him briefly, “we should really make this cake though” he sighs and lets you down. You giggle at how he’s pouting and he sets a timer for 12 minutes and you rush : cracking eggs and whisking them with some butter then continue on adding in ingredients and whisking until 5 minutes in you are done with the batter, then as you remember from your one time doing it you take some microwave safe bowls and pour the batter in and then you pop them it into the microwave with only 5 minutes left on the timer. 
“Eeeeeh!” you jump anxiously and Will laughs and tosses flour your way and you start a mini food fight tossing flour at each other and laughing.
With the last “ding!” of the microwave the timer goes off and you scream in excitement and leap unto Will in joy.
You did it, perfect 15 minutes mini cakes in bowls, Will lifts you up “No! Will put me down!” you laugh as he spins you. You guys begin to kiss..... and kiss it was slowly turning into a make-out session. He places you on the counter.
Suddenly you hear someone clear their throat, you immediately pull away and Will helps you down. His mom and sisters and his brother and dad were just standing in the doorway with their eyebrows raised.
You tug your hoodie down and smile “It’s not what it looks like”
“Okay... maybe it is..... but hey look the cake is done” Will segues. “Oh and don’t worry we will clean up.
Will mom smiles “Okay then let’s just taste them” and she hands out the cake to everyone who takes a bite and smiles as the delicious flavor kicks in and they thank you and walk out. Will’s mom give you both a look before following them.
You look at Will and he looks at you 
“I bet you made quite an impression” 
“Really WIll? you think?” 
Then you both burst out laughing.
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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This Imagine is inspired by the prompt this fantastic nonnymoo sent in, I love it! Thank you so much for sending in your request.
Anonymous said: Hey sweets lpve ypur page and your kindness! Do you by change write imagines for Ian Nelson but if so could you write an imagine with the prompt: Does he know about the baby? Thank you in advance and if you can't that's alright!
“Ian, You’ll be late for work”
“Work can wait...” and he continues to kiss your belly and neck and cheeks.
“Ian!...” you giggle, smacking him on his arm.
“Alright, alright” he chuckles and after stealing one more kiss, he heads to the bathroom.
It’s been 3 months since you and Ian got married in a small chapel surrounded by your families who disagreed with your ways, despite what they thought you both managed to get jobs, small jobs but at least they pay for your small run down apartment and the food you eat.
You have to admit, you didn’t have much but it was all you needed if it mean’t you get to spend every minute with him,
2:00 pm...
Come time for your shift at the cafe. You are overwhelmed by the variation of scents of coffee and cakes.
Feeling the constant sensation of nausea is not fun.
“You do not look so hot right now” Your friend and fellow waitress Amy smiles as she places her tray down on the counter.
“Thanks” You shut your eyes and rub your temples, “I don’t know how much more I could possibly throw up.”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Shh Amy!” you whisper looking around nervously, “someone could hear you, you know I can’t work here once they find out.”
“You didn’t tell him?” Amy raises an eyebrow, “You can’t wait, eventually you’re going to become round. very. round.”
You bite your lip “I know” you pout, “it’s just I don’t know how to tell him, it hasn’t exactly been the best time.”
Amy looks up towards the door and her eyes grow wide “Well you guys can’t stay away for a minute can you” you follow her gaze and see Ian walking into the cafe smiling at you as he strides over.
“Now could be the best time” Amy whispers and walks off,
“Hey” Ian smiles wide, “I have news.”
“Must be important for you to come here?” you lean onto the counter, your fingers inching closer and closer to his,
“Are you saying I never visit you at work?” he raises an eyebrow “because I could totally see us in that closet having some “us” time.”
You giggle, “Well you don’t do it often enough.”
“If you could stop being cute and making me forget why I came, I could maybe tell you why I’m here” He kisses your hand, you blush.
“I kinda have news too” you blurt out unsure of why you even said it,
“Oh?” his eyebrows go up, “you go ahead then”
You look around, “Not here, follow me” you take him to the little alley outside, behind the cafe.
Ian noticed the look of resistance on your face like you don’t know how to give it to him straight. “Y/N you’re scaring me is everything alright?”
“Yeah of course”
“Then what is it?” 
“I- I” you stutter..
“Just tell me” he smiles rubbing your arms “I’m here for you, what ever it is we can get thr---”
“I’m pregnant!” you blurt out nervously and immediately clamp your hand over your mouth. 
Ian is just stunned staring right into your eyes, all you could think was ‘what have I done?’
“Ian, say something” you say softly,
“That..... is” he takes a deep breath “AMAZING!!!!” he screams, He grabs you and spins you around. 
You laugh, “so you’re not worried?”
“You” he cups your cheeks in his hands “are giving me a baby” he smiles “I’m not even a little bit worried, you want to know why?” 
“Why?” you smile,
“I got a new job that pays twice as much” 
“What?!” tears fill your eyes, tears of joy.
“Yeah! that’s my news” he smiles,
“Oh My God!” you sob, burying your face into his chest, 
“Awww Y/N” he holds you tight “We will be perfectly fine”
You look up at him “I love you”
“I love you too” he kisses your forehead.
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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So this little imagine/mini fic is for @cas-kingdom.The coolest, sweetest and most amazing writer, so from me and from an anonymous source who requested this for you... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May all your dreams come true and may you have the best birthday ever and many more to follow <3 
“Y/N! Y/N” 
You eyes spring open, as you gasp awake, your throat is dry and hoarse as little droplets of sweat trickle down your forehead. 
“Hey, Hey look at me” Logan gently holds your chin and turns you to face him.
“It’s just a dream.” he whispers in your ear as he pulls you closer until your head is against his chest and his warm arms wrap around you.
Slowly your breathing regulates and you are calm, if there is anyone who could make you feel secure that would be Logan.
“You want to talk about it?” He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear, you shake your head ‘no’
“Okay.” he nods “how about some breakfast?” he smiles, you shake your head again.
"Oh come on you know you can't say no to my scrambled eggs" as he speaks your eyes meet his, "with some bacon" he inches closer and closer, you feel a smile about to break out but for some reason keep it under control, "You know you can't resist any. Of. This" and he rubs his nose on your, and you break.
"A-ha! a smile! Okay come on" he stands up, grabs you,
"No! Logan!" you laugh as he throws you over his shoulder.
He places you down on the counter.
Within minutes he was done. It was amazing how good his eggs are.
He smirks as he sets the food on the table neatly arranged on a plate.
You get down from the counter and hug him from behind.
He turns around, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up gently to his height, you didn't need to say anything, your eyes did all the talking, you both wanted the same thing. Your lips inch closer and closer until it touched and you felt all the love he had to give.
He put you down and feeds you a piece of bacon. You smile up at him "thank you."
"You're welcome" he smiles back "and also" he walks over to the fridge and pulls out a cupcake with a single candle on it "Happy Birthday."
You laugh and blow out the candle.
He had managed to drown out the fact that you had a nightmare in the first place.
Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed it.
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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Another meet and greet. Fans clapped and cheered as Tom got on stage, as their gleeful screams continued, his eyes scanned the crowd, looking for you.
But there are too many people, everyone settles down into their seats and he smiles taking the mic out of it’s stand, I’m going to sing one of my favorites, while saying this, he sees you, his eyes widen as you smile at him and bite your lip.
He gives you a little nod and starts singing.....
“Look for the bare necessities,  the simple bare necessities, Forget about your worries and your strife”
Your mouth is open in awe, to think he is secretly reminding you of the first time you went out with him and of all the movies available you watched the jungle book with him. 
So now that he is looking at you lifting his eyebrows to the beat, you can’t help but laugh, feeling your face go hot and red you bury it in your hands.
In turn by being all adorable and shy, you’re making him smile all goofy like in front of all his fans, he tries to contain it but he can’t. 
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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“So what do you think?” Damon walks into the living room cuddling two adorable black kittens, “do you want black or black?”
You laugh “I choose black”.
“These are the only two left” he kisses one, you smile at how gently he held them, 
You approach him and softly run your fingers over one of the kittens’ head, he let out a heart melting ‘mew’ to which you nearly die of cuteness, “Well.” you sigh “we just have to take them both”
He turns his gaze to you and rubs his cheek on one of them, you giggle “You can’t separate them, they belong with each other” you inch closer and closer to his lips,
“No you can’t.” he smiles and presses his lips on yours.
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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“I miss you” you smile, placing your hand gently on the glass, wishing you could hug him.
“I miss you more” he smiles, placing his hand over yours on the glass. “I’ll be out before you know it, then maybe
” he smirks “I could make it up to you”
You giggle “I’ll hold you to that”
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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You’ve looked at the clock on your wall one too many times, Bucky was due home 3 hours ago. You couldn’t decide if you were mad at him for not calling or worried that something might have happened, maybe a little bit of both.
The landline rings startling you out of your worried mind, you couldn’t have answered it faster “Hello?! Bucky?”
“Hello Miss Y/L/N?”
“Yes, that’s me.” at this point all that was left was worry.
“I’m Officer Bill with the state police department, you were under emergency contact for a Mr. James Buchanan Barnes, Is that correct? Do you know this man?”
You just wanted to cry, you have already assumed the worst “Oh God, is he okay?”
“Miss, he tried to abduct a fawn from a national park”
..” you had nothing. “I’m sorry, what?!”
“He tried to abduct a faw-”
“Yes. yes officer Bill, I heard that part, I just don’t believe it” you massage the bridge of your nose with your fingers, “Okay. which police station?”
The station is fairly close so you take a cab and rush, upon walking into the station you see him seated in a cell with two other men, his eyes go wide when he sees you. 
You narrow your eyes at him, “Seriously! Seriously. I’m at home waiting for you for God knows how long and you are out stealing Bambi!”
“Babe, I can explain” he groans,
You hand the money to a police officer at the desk and he releases Bucky, You didn’t wait until they opened the cell door and let him out, you just marched right outside.
He catches up with you and pulls you from behind, hugging you “I’m sorry”.
“Bucky.. they could have found out about your arm” you sigh turning to face him “I can’t believe I’m going to ask this but why were you trying to abduct a fawn?”
“I was on my way back and along the back, the fawn was trying to get to it’s mother on the other side of the fence, when the police caught me, I didn’t run or use my arm, don’t worry no suspicion was raised.”
“Oh.” You thought as much that he had a good reason “that’s horrible, why didn’t you tell me, I’m sure there is a better plan than abducting?”
“Come on Y/N they will never give him up to the wild forest, I just want to take him home.” Bucky’s head dropped “to where he belongs.” 
You take his hands and he meets your eyes “Let’s do it then” you smile,
“You mean you’ll help?”
“Yes, you nutcase, let’s go release a fawn”
He lifts you up and spins you around “Thank you.”
“Thank me when the poor guy is free” 
The National Park had one guard, the very same that busted Bucky, if you could distract him, Bucky could get over the wall and grab the fawn.
You walk up to the guard, “Hi! I’m so lost! could you tell me where I’m at?” you tucked your hair behind your ear and smile. In the corner of your eye you could see Bucky climbing over the fence effortlessly.
The security guard hears the clink of metal and almost turns but you grab his arm and turn him back to you “I don’t! feel so good
” you place your hand on your forehead and collapse on the floor” you even got Bucky’s attention, in a moment you wave in the air indirectly to him to keep going.
Bucky carefully picks the lock to the enclosure gate and after grabbing the fawn from it’s small enclosure, too small for any animal, he closes the gate and makes a run for it.
Once he is in the clear, you wobble up, faking dizziness and thank the security guard “I’ll be fine, thank you”
“You sure miss? I could call you a cab”
“No! no. I just remembered I live down this road” 
You exit the National Park and bump right into Bucky “Ow, wait where’s the fawn?”
“Bucky lifts your chin and turns your eyes to the little hill surrounded by the wild forest trees, to where the mother deer gently licks her baby’s head, for a brief moment she looks up at you both and the look in her eyes is definitely a look of gratitude.
“Be free” you smile leaning your head on Bucky’s chest, you look up at Bucky and he is smiling a relaxed smile up at the deer.
“Let’s go home” He smiles.
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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“Hey!” You spring up from the couch to greet Spencer as he walks through the door, you wrap your arms around him.
” he sounds tired, and who wouldn’t be after chasing yet another horrific killer. He returns your embrace and walks over to his desk, plopping himself down into his chair,
He’s more quiet that usual, you could sense this is one of those times that you just can’t forget what you have seen. You’re barely coping with the little you saw on TV. You didn’t know how to word it or truly what to say in a situation like this. So you thought it would be best to give him his moment of isolation to think.
“Maybe I should go, you’ve had a rough day” you grab your coat and bag,
Spencer looks up from his desk, a little surprised “No, wait” he gets up and holds your hand.
Your eyes follow his hand up to his eyes, “No Spen, it’s okay, you need rest. After what I saw on TV I need rest” you give him a comforting smile,
“I need you” he says with a smile, “The one normal thing in my life”
You smile and cup his cheek with your hand, “Okay, I’ll stay. For as long as you need me, I’ll stay.”
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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I truly hope you like it, as requested here by this beautiful fantastic nonnymoo c: >> Anon Ask
Besides being at home and surrounded by family, he was the other person who could make you feel all warm and toasty,
After being together for 5 years I think it’s time that you spent Christmas and New Year with your boyfriend,
So off you go, with a small suitcase, away from home, ready to make some new memories on the way.
Of course he was ecstatic, having planned a whole bunch of stuff for you guys to do,  Every Year he goes to his parents house and stays there until New Years, You were beyond blessed when they said you could stay too, they even gave you your own little room.
“There’s a party on New Years at this roof top restaurant” He says excited,
“You just skipped right over Christmas” you laugh,
“Oh right, for Christmas, you’ll be having dinner with us right here, we usually have a big dinner and give each other presents and end it all with hot chocolate and Christmas movies” he grins “How does that sound?”
“Perfect” you smile inching closer and closer to him, just then his mom walks in and you quickly step back, 
She smiles and you smile back, wondering if she saw you trying to kiss her son,
When she’s gone, Giles whispers in your ear “there is one way we can be alone” he smiles, you look into his eyes questioning him.
“Hey mom! we are taking Lucy out for a walk” he yells 
He grabs your hand and pulls you “Woah, Who’s Luc–” and there she is the cutest Pomeranian you have ever seen, with her white fur she looks like a cotton ball flopping and hopping all over the place. you almost died of cuteness.
He grabs her leash and stretches out his hand to you “Shall we m’lady?”
“We shall” you giggle and interlock your fingers with his,
There’s a cool breeze yet you are warm by his side, watching his adorable dog hop and plop itself about in front of both of you, you couldn’t imagine yourself being anywhere else.
Christmas Day came and the day fell into place just like he said it would, with wishing everyone then a simple lunch then a big dinner, followed by presents and finally what you were looking forward to
 hot chocolate and a movie.
The Next day, he would sit on your bed listening to you sing in the shower and just laugh his head off and afterwards you just get cuddled up with him on the sofa watching TV and nothing felt more perfect.
New Years Day, you dressed up in your pretty black dress which blew his mind at how gorgeous it made you look, he cleaned up well with a navy blue tux. 
The roof top restaurant was exactly how you pictured it and much, much more. Fairy lights stringed across every end, red velvet sofas in corners with fancy white cloth dining tables in the middle and not to forget the view of the city that took your breath away, it’s safe to say this New Year Party is off the charts.
As for Giles, He didn’t care who was around he would kiss your hand or your cheek, give you surprise hugs from behind, he has been a gentlemen from the day you arrived and it has made you fall deeper in love with him.
Nothing could top these past few days. Nothing 

 except when he went down on one knee and pulled out the ring.
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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As requested here >> Anon request, Hope you like it nonnymoo <3 
For the first time you have been invited to hang out with your boyfriend’s family and you were nervous to the point of shaky hands and hyper ventilating.
“I don’t fit in Emm, it’s just the way things are, I can’t do this” you pout trying to steady your hands...
“Listen to me” Emmett gently cups your face into his hands, “I love you and I also love them, they are after all, my family.” He slides his hands down your arms and holds your hands, looking deep into your eyes he says “So I need you to trust me cause, I’m not leaving here without you” 
He slides a strand of hair behind your ear, “Can’t a guy show off his super awesome girlfriend to his vampire family?”
A giggle escapes your lips,
“That’s much better” he smiles “Now come on, let’s have some fun”
You take a deep breath and grab his outstretched arm.
You watched him run along the field and yell out at his family during the game and it truly warmed your heart..
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themakebelievediaries · 6 years
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“You honestly believe they’ll like me?”
“Trust me, they will love you” you wrap your arms around his waist resting your chin on his chest,
“Oh yeah ?” he whispers inching closer and closer to your lips,
“Yeah, maybe just don’t mention that you’re a bloodthirsty vampire, who is over a 100 years older than me” You smile “They have this thing about me dating older guys”.
He chuckles and grabs your face, placing a soft and long kiss on your lips.
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themakebelievediaries · 7 years
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The End 
It’s been a week since you’ve seen the turtles, Donnie and of course Leo sends you a message or so checking up on you, to which you reassure them that you are fine and just need more time (best rhyme xD)
April and Casey have dropped by a couple of times, fortunately Beth wasn’t around.
“You need to visit” April reassures you, 
You nod looking at your hands,
“You’re more aware of your powers, you can’t hurt them” she smiles and holds your hand,
You smile back,
Just before they walked out the door, Casey turns to face you “Look” he whispers “I was a little skeptical at first, they led me to believe that Master shredder was an enemy”
You chuckle just picturing it.
He smiles, “You’ll be fine, besides I think more than anyone, Leo is the one you should see”
Your thoughts race back and forth long after they have left, what ever is was, whether Casey’s speech or the ever small reason that you genuinely missed seeing him, with this sudden sense of determination you grab your phone, ordering two of the largest pizza that the pizza place could bring, always extra cheese. Always.
While waiting for the delivery man you freshen up and get out of your PJs, the pizza guy arrives and you pay him.
Before you knew it half an hour later you were standing in an alley staring at the man hole that looked both really heavy and very light, you take in a deep breath and after placing the pizza boxes down, you heave the man hole open, looking down at the dark deep hole, “come on Y/N, you’ve got this” you reassure yourself and then carefully began your descend.
Many steps later you’re at the bottom you can feel the hard slightly damp concrete beneath your feet, you turn on your phone’s flash light and start maneuvering through the tunnels.
“Was it a left or a right?” You ask yourself, Finally you let out a long frustrated sigh, “Great I’m lost” you groan.
“You sure about that”
His voice echos through the dark atmosphere of the tunnel sending a momentary chill down your spine,
You turn around slowly, your fingers twitching ready to work your new found power. Purple fire sparks between your fingers.
Your phone light illuminates his face and you let out a sigh of relief, pressing your palm to your forehead,
“Leo, I almost killed you” you smile “again.”
“You didn’t tell me you were coming”
“My idea for a surprise visit ended up with me getting lost” you shrug, you look at him and see little beads of sweat, “What were you doing out here?”
“Training” he looks at his cloth wrapped hands then back at you with a smile “come on, I’ll lead you”,
You catch up and walk beside him, he stretches his arms and one falls gently over your shoulders pulling you closer to him,
You raise an eyebrow “smooth”, he chuckles,
Finally at the Dojo,
The guys are bickering as always, “Dudes I’m telling you April digs me” Mikey blurts out happily, 
“Shut up Mikey” Donnie and Raph say in unison, 
“There is no way in hel–” Raph was about to speak his mind when suddenly their eyes dart toward the door where Leo stood with you right behind him, it would seem you brought silence with you as it fills the dorm, you could even hear yourself breathe. 
Your heart races not sure of what to say,
“Dudette! You’re back” Mikey flashes one of his famous goofy smiles, you smile back as he walks over and smells the boxes,
“Yes! double cheese” he fists bumps the air and does a little dance with a slice of pizza, you couldn’t help yourself, you start giggling.
Raph walks up to you and you go silent “Raph.” you nod, 
At first he stares you down from top to bottom like he is studying you, then his shoulders relax and he opens his hands “Can I help you with those?” 
You smile, handing him the pizza boxes.
You felt Leo’s breath heating up the nape of your neck “Looks like you won them over” he whispers and walks over to his brothers at the table and sits down, giving you this smirk that got your heart rate up.
You spend the rest of the night, playing video games with Mikey, working on a drone with Donnie and a little one on one training session with Raph, a couple of hours later you were exhausted, you wonder around looking for Leo, and right around the corner you see him perched on a ledge with a book.
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He looks up and gives you a smile, shoving the book away.
“Well our first meeting was
.. interesting” you fall back into a nearby chair, 
“Our first meeting? I thought it would be the fact that I’m a talking turtle” 
 no it was the fact that you really are a ninja who is green” you laugh
He shrugs with a smile, clearly loving the sound of your laugh. 
“I’m sorry I walked out” your smile slowly fades, 
“No its okay, it’s a perfectly natural response” he looks down at his hands “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you came back.”
You stand up and make your way to him, placing your hand in his “me too”
3 days later  
“You know we don’t have to do this” Leo says tugging on the knot of his clad to make sure it’s secure, 
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“Whats the matter Leo?” you raise an eyebrow, “scared you can’t keep up with me?” you smirk, 
Leo chuckles and shakes his head, then he tilts his head side to side, stretching his neck and you could hear the cracking sound, then his eyes rest on you and he gives you a deadly playful grin “You’re on" 
You giggle and take off running, and he let’s out a laugh and comes after you, 
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"Come back here!” he says in a deep rushed voice that made you squeal in excitement, the adrenaline rush got stronger the closer he got to catching you, you could see his massive figure over shadowing you and you squeal just before dodging his hand and taking a sharp turn.
The feeling of power coursing through your veins and the adrenaline pushing you to run faster, you knew everything that happened to you was leading you up to this moment. This moment where you are truly happy.
Even if it meant you had to be Catfished.
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themakebelievediaries · 7 years
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For @the-word-weaver-of-the-faeries based on the prompt below :
the-word-weaver-of-the-faeries said: Harry and Hermione having a relaxing day :3 
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themakebelievediaries · 7 years
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“You’re such a good little kitty” seated on the floor, you cooed to the white fluff ball that’s rolling on his back and purring, there was no doubt you loved Steve’s new cat, you felt him and mumbled all sorts of strange sounds whilst doing so, at one point you were singing ‘soft kitty, warm kitty’
After a while the cat rubbed his body against you and then walks away, you stand up and dust yourself of his fur, upon turning around you see Steve standing there with a wide smile,
“Holy Pineapples! Steve.” you place you hand to your chest, “how long were you standing there?” 
“Soft kitty is a good song “ he smiles,
You bury your face into your hands letting out a groan, feeling your cheeks burn,
He laughs and approaches you, tilting his head to somehow get a glimpse of your face,
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“You are so cute” he smiles and then he gently grabs your chin and lifts it so your lips meet his in a sweet kiss.
You pull away and look down to see his cat rubbing along your legs.
“He has good taste in women” he smiles a cheeky smile,
You laugh.
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themakebelievediaries · 7 years
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He laughs with marsh mellows stuffed into his cheeks struggling to say something as simple as “I like chocolate” instead “I why mocomate” keeps coming out, you laugh as a marsh mellow falls out of his mouth mid sentence, 
“How many do you have in there?” you laugh, Unable to answer he just shrugs, making the whole thing more hilarious.
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themakebelievediaries · 7 years
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“Come on, I can take you” you say confidently bouncing back and forth on your heels your fist up,
“You’re pretty cute” he smiles,
“I think you’re stalling because I can totally win” you say with a cocky grin,
Suddenly he rushes over and topples you to the ground, you squeal, startled.
He has you pinned to the floor “You were saying?” he smirks,
You giggle, “You’re pretty cute too” and you kiss his cheek.
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