“If you can't end every chapter with a sassy 'and that's the tea,' then you have not, in fact, successfully written a chapter” - new English proverb I made up five minutes ago
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besides your own current book, you should likewise have a book going from your friend's shelf for when you visit.
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Loving how Jane speaks so highly of Miss Temple, even to the slight of her "almost worthy" husband.
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writer's notes to themselves be like
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reading Christy with a friend as the sun sets ☀️
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When I write, I watch like a film the occurrence before me in my mind's eye, and write down its happenings as it unfolds. I know not else how to do it.
They are not mere voices or simple figures floating in the void conversing -- they are in places and setting in rooms. At tables and seated in chairs and on couches, with different lighting and weather outside windows. There are benches and trees and ornamental statues in the gardens. The times of day progress, they wear different clothes with their own details and stitchings, and there are trinkets on the desks. The full setting is there at the instant that I think it; it already exists, served up to me on the silver platter we call imagination. I am just putting it to note on the paper. But it lives already within me.
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"Something of revenge I had tasted for the first time; as aromatic wine it seemed, on swallowing, warm and racy: its after flavour, metallic and corroding, gave me a sensation as if I had been poisoned." - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
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As a forgetful person who still wishes to feel things, yes, thank you 🙏
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When I was 16, I randomly watched (if I recall correctly) the 1996 version of Jane Eyre, with Charlotte Gainsbourg and William Hurt as Jane and Rochester. This is the only version I have been able to watch, as all others have off-put me in some way or another. I recommend it to anyone! It is incredibly sweet. I'll probably post more about that later.
After I watched, I was so emotionally moved, I rushed to read the book over the following four days. It was life changing! It made me think like a story never had before.
It also made me write. I began penning my own period novel, and worked at it for perhaps 3 years. I abandoned it mostly due to personal life events that made continuing it difficult and unappealing.
However, now I am 27. I decided to try NaNoWriMo after seeing John Green mention it in a video (at the tail end of November '23!) and was delighted to find... I loved it! And I wrote every day, every free moment. I stayed up late into the night. I was hooked!
I originally (11 years ago) had written my story on the notes app on my iPad -- I know, I know. I likewise kept a notebook as a hand written key for OCs backgrounds. That has been since lost -- I believe I discarded it, as I did many things in my college days. But I had emailed copies of my Notes to myself and was able to use them as a starting off point.
Let me tell you -- a lot of it was discarded, but some parts surprised me! It can be invigorating to rediscover your old art -- and be impressed or moved by it. Though, I am arguably better at writing and plot development now, with experience (English degree) and just life stuff.
Anyway, it's been like two months and I already have around 350 pages -- with lots more to write. I didn't think I'd ever actually write a book, but this is one of my biggest projects yet. And it's been a joy to create something! Since I graduated, I have slowly fallen out of my love and dedication to art -- it lingers but is overshadowed by daily life. I'm married and have a toddler now. But I believe I can have both! I am seeing inspiration and beauty everywhere -- I cannot escape it! I initially feared writers block but I have found myself to have the opposite problem. I can't turn my writers brain off. My OCs conversate in my head all day. Not being able to write down their ramblings is agony.
I'm rereading Jane Eyre, revisiting old artistic inspirations (music, period romances, books, poetry, etc.). I feel like I'm in my art-girl renaissance.
I even returned to Tumblr, if that tells you anything.
The point of this is mere unloading. To share my obsession somewhere safe. Bc I'm afraid of seeming silly or bugging anyone with my interests (introverts be like). Thank you for listening. I hope I finish my book, and make art that makes me feel something. That's it for now.
I hope you know there is a story in you.
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Reblogging this bc I remembered this storyboard still after all these years and went and read the scene from the book and then wrote a poem about it (slightly intermixed with the musical's storyline since that's what I'm familiar with). Just wishing to show my appreciation for good art that makes one feel something! 👏 That is what art is, that is what makes it special.
My poem for those interested:
There once was a weak, mysterious creature,
who sought after love, and lived in the theater.
Penning hypnotic music, he kept down below,
where no one could find him, nor dare every go.
Likewise, was there a dancer, Christine, of ballet,
who sang like an angel and lauded the day.
Her beau from long past reappeared in her sight,
but torn was she from him by Erik one night.
Through river and fog, deception and greed
she followed, entranced, to his heart which did bleed
for love and companionship, beauty, delight;
but deeper within her a voice rose up, “fight!”
Raul was ensnared, cadged in phantom's ire,
while Erik presented Christine's wedding attire,
Enrobed in white lace and veiled then as a bride,
the monster before her both trembled and cried.
No hope to be free, no chance of escape,
Christine shed her tears on that abominable face.
He kissed her sweet forehead, emboldened and broken,
they wept with each other, and then by that lone token
she grieved and took pity – a first kindness towards the beast!
In his joy he did forfeit her, granting release.
“Go to him! Marry! Please, take my ring!”
Too euphoric to sigh, too broken to sing.
Short after, he died, a relic and mystery,
his music immortal, his tragedy history.
For he felt compassion and was altered that night,
so that poor woeful creature in death knew delight.
(And I also have rediscovered my love for Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre recently, so yes I still hope to one day make that storyboard. Long live the 1996 version of the film that is oddly hard to find (Amazon Prime is the place my dudes).)
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I storyboarded the last chapter of Phantom of the Opera because it’s such an emotional and vulnerable scene… and I love it.
Drawn based on these character designs I did earlier
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There once was a weak, mysterious creature,
who sought after love, and lived in the theater.
Penning hypnotic music, he kept down below,
where no one could find him, nor dare every go.
Likewise, was there a dancer, Christine, of ballet,
who sang like an angel and lauded the day.
Her beau from long past reappeared in her sight,
but torn was she from him by Erik one night.
Through river and fog, deception and greed
she followed, entranced, to his heart which did bleed
for love and companionship, beauty, delight;
but deeper within her a voice rose up, “fight!”
Raul was ensnared, cadged in phantom's ire,
while Erik presented Christine's wedding attire, 
Enrobed in white lace and veiled then as a bride,
the monster before her both trembled and cried.
No hope to be free, no chance of escape,
Christine shed her tears on that abominable face.
He kissed her sweet forehead, emboldened and broken,
they wept with each other, and then by that lone token
she grieved and took pity – a first kindness towards the beast!
In his joy he did forfeit her, granting release.
“Go to him! Marry! Please, take my ring!”
Too euphoric to sigh, too broken to sing.
Short after, he died, a relic and mystery,
his music immortal, his tragedy history.
For he felt compassion and was altered that night,
so that poor woeful creature in death knew delight.
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Christmas is as good a day as any to sketch 🎄
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New colored pencil practice. It's me. Blehh. The shading is kinda wonky and uneven but meh. Just did it to break from my more involved drawing of the couple.
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I would never have attempted to do so many rose petals (with accuracy!), especially after doing so well on the human subject. Props✊🏻
even the ring is perfect.
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The Roses of Heliogabalus (detail), 1898 oil on canvas Lawrence Alma-Tadema
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So great🎀
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Albert Edelfelt - Good Friends, Portrait of the Artist’s Sister Bertha Edelfelt, 1881. Oil on canvas 
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David with the Head of Goliath (detail), Caravaggio, 1606-7
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New WIP colored pencil drawing... went nuts with the filter contrasts but whatever, it's mine, I can do that. ✊🏻
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