411-axel · 4 years
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That cat rant had to be about Remus, that was so specific
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411-axel · 4 years
I also need this saved
List of Sanders Sides Ships
Okay so here’s a list of all Sanders Sides ships including every poly ship combination and excluding any ship that would include r*mr*m. If I’m missing any ship or any ship name PLEASE let me know cos I know some poly ships have multiple names and I’m almost definitely missing some cos I only just now put this together. I will edit and add anything I’m missing.
This is long btw.
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411-axel · 4 years
I just need this
List of Sanders Sides Ships
This is a reference list of all Sanders Sides ships, including polyamorous ships, excluding all ships that would contain r*mr*m, and alphabetised by character. Some ships have more than one name, and let me know if I have missed anything.
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411-axel · 4 years
A Night With Virgil
Patton:Did everyone enjoy the pasta?
They all, besides Virgil, respond with a resounding “YES”
Patton: Oh good, I’m so glad you all liked it. Does anyone know where my dark, strange son is?
Logan: No, I’m not 100% sure but I believe a likely location would be on some surface that isn’t meant for sitting.
Patton: Okay. Deceit it’s your night on dishes I’ve gotta go check on Virge.
Deceit: I believe i would recall that. It’s time for Remus to complete that task.
Patton: I know you are not doing this over dishes. Please just do them. Virge has me worried.
[Deceit gives in and goes to do the dishes. Patton searches the house in hopes of finding Virgil]
Meanwhile with Virgil
-in the bathroom-
Virgil: *sitting and crying on the countertop* They’re talking about me. They hate me. I’m worthless. I-I can’t do this anymore. Everything's going wrong. It’s all my fault. There's so much-
Patton: Hey there bud. I’ve been looking for you. Whats up?
[Virgil looks over towards Patton while shaking and crying]
Virgil: The sky. Why do you ask.
Patton: Virge you’ve got me worried. I care about you and I wanna make sure you’re alright.
Virgil: I’m literally the embodiment of anxiety, can I ever really be okay? Look at me and you tell me if I look okay to you.
Patton: No you don’t look okay . That's why I came to find you. I want you to know I'm here Virge. We all are. We love you.
Another wave hits Virgil. He feels the rush of panic through his whole body creating a pulsing sensation in his head. He’s dizzy and his head spins.
Virgil: I don’t feel so we-
Virgil hits the floor, hitting his head on the cabinet as he goes. Patton yells and tries to break his fall but instead falls on top of Virgill. Patton knew anxiety attacks could get bad but not to the point he could pass out. Yet there he was, standing above virgil who had either passed out or died right in front of him. He was praying for the latter.
Logan rushes to the bathroom with Roman trailing right behind.
Roman; OH MY GOD! What happened to Virge?????
Logan: According to what I know and can infer, Virge here was having an anxiety attack and passed out from it. Right Pat?
Patton: I- uh- yea. That's my best guess.
Roman: Is he gonna be okay? When will he wake up?
Roman bends down and yells in Virgis face-
Roman: ARE YOU OKAY???
At the same time Logan exclaims-
Logan: Don't do that Roman!
Right has both Logan and Roman finish their sentences, Virgil wakes up and screams and backs into the corner. Seeing three people towering over him was not the best way to wake up. Quite the opposite. After Virgil breathes for a second and calms down a bit he says-
Virgil: what are you all doing in here? I can handle myself. I always have. Remember I used to be on the dark side. I didn’t have you then so I can do it without you now.
Patton would never say but that hurt him. It hurt them all but it hurt him the most. To be reminded of the past and how they pushed him out and how he doesn’t really need them. Sure, it could be that he is just upset and saying stuff in the heat of the moment, but he does have a point. And a valid one at that. Maybe Virge was better off without them. Should they have just left him on the dark side? Should they have accepted him earlier? No one knows what the correct thing to do in that situation is. Anyway it doesn’t matter right now. What matters is making sure Virge is safe and okay.
Patton: Hey Virge, we are here because we care. We know you aren’t okay and we want to help even if we didn’t in the past. How can we help you?
Virgil: Nothing much now, I’m not really in touch with myself at all right now. I’m pretty sure I just passed out and probably hit my head based on this headache I’ve got.
Patton: Yes that is exactly what happened, kiddo. Are you okay? Do you have a concussion-
Logan, Patton, and Virgil: NO
Meanwhile with Thomas
Agh this headache is awful. What is going on?
Roman: *faintly but clearly* thomas!
Oh no somethings wrong. What happened? Who is it??
[Thomas summons everyone together]
To be continued, come back within 24 hours to get part 2. I hope you all enjoyed part 1 of this little story. This is my fanfic so be kind!
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