btsnz · 2 days
just thought of a good potential whump scenario where felix comes down w/ a sneezy cold while recovering from his back injury 🫣
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btsnz · 2 days
🔞 Relief (NSFW Sickfic, 18+) 🔞
Title: Relief 
Word Count: 4,240
Summary: Jungkook has a cold. Taehyung helps him relieve his congestion. 
Sickie: Jungkook (cold/snz)
Caretaker: Taehyung
A/N: A request for @bisnexykpopwriter :) This is a snz kink + smut fic. NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI. Please check out all tags on AO3 before reading! 
And pleeeaaasssseeee I’ll love you forever if you leave me a comment 🥺
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56325727
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btsnz · 3 days
Omggg I wasn't expecting you to write them today! You're actually amazing 😭❤️ I'd happily read the same for all members but I don't wanna ask too much of you lol, just do whatever you want <3
yeah i think this is actually the first time ever that i've replied to a request on the same day 😂 this is extremely uncharacteristic for me, so better not get used to it haha
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btsnz · 3 days
Jeongin headcanons please!!!!!!!!
his unstifled sneezes are MASSIVE, like easily the loudest out of all the members. they'd probably register on the richter scale
the first time he had a cold after moving into the new dorm where everyone got their own room, he let his sneezes out in his room at night bc he thought he finally had the privacy to do so. only it turned out that the walls in their new apartment are pretty thin and his sneezes are really /really/ loud so of course the others heard him (and teased him bc a cute little guy like him having massive dad sneezes is objectively hilarious). he was mortified
more likely to let his sneezes out when he's drunk
the others think he hates it when they tease him about how adorable and tiny his stifled sneezes are (and that's why they keep teasing him lol), but he just thinks it's kind of funny
he's mildly allergic to some perfumes and other strong artificial scents, air fresheners, hair spray etc
he rubs his nose a lot when it's itchy (whether from allergies or a cold), often with a tissue
he's actually quite good at taking care of himself when he has a cold, and he usually prefers to deal with those things by himself. he dislikes everyone fussing over him and smothering him with their attention
doesn't outright deny being sick if someone asks him directly, but he probably also wouldn't bring it up by himself
when he's sick he takes naps anywhere and everywhere - in the car, on the floor in a corner of the practice room, while sitting completely upright getting his hair and makeup done
doesn't like taking lots of cold medicine, he'd rather tough it out, or if it gets really bad he'll use some home remedies
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btsnz · 3 days
Omg your Felix headcannons were so cute!! Could you do the same thing for Changbin? Tysmmm ❤️❤️
alright let's fucking goooo
his sneezes aren't super loud most of the time, but they're still quite harsh/rough, and they can sometimes hurt when he already has a sore throat from a cold
his sneezes get louder and more aggressive if he's having an allergy attack
cat allergy and hayfever, and he's a tiny little bit embarrassed about it and he hates whenever someone teases him about it. he thinks having allergies 'doesn't suit him', whatever that means. it just doesn't seem very dignified to him
surprisingly sensible about not pushing himself too much when he’s sick
one time he did a really hard workout when he had a cold and it knocked him out completely - he nearly passed out, got a high fever and his cough lingered for weeks. he made his illness a lot worse than it would have been otherwise, but he learnt a lesson from it. now he always takes it easy at the gym whenever he feels a bit under the weather
doesn't get sick very often, but when he does it really kicks his ass
hates blowing his nose. he will not do it unless he absolutely has to or another member yells at him for sniffling constantly
when he has a runny nose from a cold, his sneezes can sometimes get a bit messy
usually doesn't remember to bring tissues with him when he's sick (because he doesn't blow his nose a lot anyway), but occasionally he'll have an 'emergency' and has to ask one of the members for a tissue (it's usually lee know or seungmin who step in and save the day - i don't know why, but i picture those two as always carrying a pack of tissues)
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btsnz · 3 days
I don't have a good or interesting ask to send but I just wanted to say that you are wonderful and appreciated! :)
aw thank you, this is so nice, you're the sweetest 🥺🥺🥺
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btsnz · 4 days
chris almost sneeze 😀👍
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btsnz · 4 days
pls discuss any & all felix headcanons you have THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️
ooh this is a good one. okay, here we go:
he's photic and the members sometimes tease him about it bc one of his nicknames is sunshine
mild hayfever in the spring, he gets really sniffly and itchy when he's outside in nature
his sneezes are pretty average sounding, not overly loud or anything, but he still gets embarrassed, especially when he's around people he's not 100% comfortable with. in those situations he often stifles, but ironically it just makes him sneeze more than if he would just let them out
often says excuse me after sneezing
sometimes he pinches his nose in order to stop a sneeze, but it rarely works
gets migraines from time to time, and having a cold is one of his triggers, though he's also prone to regular headaches when he's sick
used to have mild asthma when he was younger, it's mostly gone now, but when he has a bad cough from a cold he can sometimes get a bit wheezy
almost always wears a warm scarf when he has a cold, even if it's the middle of summer
needs hugs & cuddles at all times when he's sick, but he also doesn't want to get anyone else sick, so the only way he'll accept physical affection is if the other person is already sick as well. there has been at least one occasion where another member has pretended to be sick so they could cuddle felix and comfort him (and then they ended up catching his cold for real)
very affectionate when taking care of another sick member (and he's not worried about catching it himself bc he has a fairly strong immune system)
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btsnz · 4 days
i'm "working" from home today, but i have literally nothing to do, so you can send anons if you want!
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btsnz · 6 days
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btsnz · 6 days
Bless You, Yoongi
Title: Bless You, Yoongi
Word Count: 1273
Sickie: Yoongi
Caretaker: Hoseok
A/N: A slightly expanded Yoongi version of Grumpy Sneezes & Sunshine Blessings 
As he makes his way down the hallway, Yoongi feels as though he could collapse at any second. Preferably, in his own bed and preferably, after taking some medication that might help with the relentless congestion plaguing his sinuses and the fever that’s coursing through his body.
He stops short in the doorway of his room, almost dizzy with the abruptness of the movement, and clenches his jaw; there, sound asleep in the middle of his bed, is Hoseok.
Yoongi can’t fucking believe it. Hoseok has his own damn bed. But he’s too tired to deal with him, and so he stomps over to the bed and instead of waking Hoseok up to kick him out, he takes one of the pills from the bottle sitting on his nightstand and then climbs into bed.
He’s not exactly gentle as he moves around to find a comfortable position, yanking the blankets up to cover himself and causing Hoseok to stir next to him. Hoseok’s not the one who’s sick and has just had his bed stolen, though, so Yoongi doesn’t care if he wakes him up. All he cares about is getting comfortable enough to sleep– which would be so much fucking easier if he had his own bed all to himself.
When he feels a sneeze coming, he lets it out, lets it build in his chest until he feels like he’s about to burst, and when it explodes out of him, the sound echoes throughout the quiet of the bedroom. His throat aches and he regrets the dramatics until he feels the slightest movement next to him. 
“Bless’ya,” Hoseok mumbles in his sleep.
“Don’t bless me,” Yoongi hisses, trying not to feel a single ounce of guilt for waking Hoseok and still feeling irritated that Hoseok is even here in the first place. He sneezes again, and Hoseok rolls over and latches onto him, one arm draped over his waist. A third sneeze, and he can sense Hoseok waking up even more.
“Bless you,” comes Hoseok’s sleepy reply.
“Fuck off.”
A soft, shaky exhale that sounds like too much of a laugh, and then, “No.”
“Hoseok, shut the fuck up. I’m trying to sleep.”
Now, Yoongi can feel Hoseok moving next to him, clearly more awake. “Well, me too, but then you started sneezing.”
“Why the fuck are you in my bed?”
There’s a soft sigh, the sound of Hoseok rubbing his face. “You said you were cold and achy earlier. I thought we would cuddle so I could keep you warm and comfy.” He pauses, sighs again. “I fell asleep waiting here for you. I can leave.” 
But he doesn’t leave. He just lies there, a warm presence against Yoongi’s body. Yoongi rolls onto his side, facing away from Hoseok, and frowns deeply, fighting against the swirl of emotions in his gut he can’t possibly begin to comprehend when he’s feeling so miserable. 
Hoseok pulls the blankets up around Yoongi’s shoulders and tucks him in, then begins to rub his back. Yoongi hates to admit that it feels nice and comforting, but after a few moments Hoseok’s hand slows, and then comes to a complete stop. He hears a yawn, and then Hoseok’s hand moves from Yoongi’s back, his arm falling back down onto the bed. His breathing is slow and even, and for a moment Yoongi thinks he must have fallen back asleep. 
His nose twitches, and though he instinctively tries to suppress it, another loud sneeze shakes his body.
“...bless’ya,” Hoseok murmurs, and then less than a minute later he’s actually asleep, the sound of his soft snores floating throughout the air.
Yoongi almost– almost– smiles. 
Hoseok’s snoring lulls him to sleep, and when he wakes up, it’s quiet. 
He rolls over and pats the empty space next to him, blinking against the light streaming through the window. His nose twitches, and he pauses for a second, waiting for the prickling sensation in his sinuses to provoke a sneeze, but it takes too long– his fists curl in the sheets, his eyes watering so badly he can feel the tears trickling down his cheeks, and his lungs punch air in and out– and finally, when the sneeze comes, Yoongi makes a strangled sound that’s half desperation, half relief.
“Holy shit. Bless you!”
Yoongi flinches, startled, and then looks over to see Hoseok standing in the doorway. He blinks away tears, bringing a hand up to wipe his eyes dry and realizing he needs something for his nose too.
“I need a tissue,” he croaks, his voice raspy. 
Hoseok presses his lips together for a moment, regarding Yoongi with a look he can’t quite decipher, and then he strides across the room. Yoongi realizes to late that there’s a tissue box on the nightstand right next to his head, and he blinks in confusion as Hoseok plucks a tissue out and leans down and– 
“I don’t need– h-help with the tissue– f-fuck, Hoseok.” He’s going to sneeze again and Hoseok is right up in his personal space, wiping his nose with a tissue. “Fuck off.”
“Hold on,” Hoseok murmurs, folding the tissue over and pinching it gently around Yoongi’s nose.
And so that’s how Yoongi sneezes, into the tissue that he’s not even holding himself, lurching forward into Hoseok’s hand with such force that he fears he’ll fall off the bed– but Hoseok just holds him steady, keeps the tissue around Yoongi’s nose for a moment before he sighs.  
“Oh,” Hoseok whispers, almost like he’s talking to himself. “Bless you.” He reaches out and cards his fingers through Yoongi’s hair with his free hand, and when he pulls the tissue away Yoongi scrambles to grab another one for himself before Hoseok thinks he gets to do that again.
“Thought I told you to fuck off,” he mutters after he blows his nose, but he can’t bring himself to put much heat behind it with the way Hoseok is looking at him so sympathetically, his hand still moving soothingly through his hair. 
“Are you still cold?” Hoseok asks, ignoring him. “Or do you want to get up for a bit?”
Yoongi flops onto his back and wills himself not to sneeze again. “Better go wash your hands,” he says. “You’re gonna get sick, you know.” 
“Hmm.” Hoseok stands there for another minute, moving his hand from Yoongi’s hair to settle on his forehead, and then he pulls it back and crosses his arms. “I’ll be right back.”
Yoongi closes his eyes and listens to his footsteps retreat, and soon they’re back, and the bed dips as Hoseok gets in on the other side.
“Hoseok, I swear to–”
“Why won’t you let me take care of you?” 
Hoseok’s on his side, staring at him, eyes narrowed just slightly, and Yoongi sucks in a breath, looks over at him carefully. “You don’t have to be so miserable, you know.”  
There’s a long silence. Yoongi looks at Hoseok, and Hoseok looks at him, and neither of them moves or says anything.
And then, in the worst timing imaginable, Yoongi feels a tingling in his nose, and without much warning he sneezes and breaks whatever tension was in the air between them.
A huge grin spreads across Hoseok’s face, and he reaches over and wraps his arms around Yoongi, pulls him against his chest until Yoongi’s snuggled up close, his nose between Hoseok’s pecs. He knows exactly what’s coming, so he gives up, lets himself be held and lets all of the tension drain from his body, and in this position he can both hear and feel the words come from Hoseok’s chest–
“Bless you, Yoongi.”
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btsnz · 7 days
it’s so adorable how in that video with jimin sneezing he immediately looked at hobi bc he knew hobi would say bless you😭. (the one in the stifle compilation)
i just rewatched the video to see which clip you were talking about, and i agree, it's so cute 💕
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btsnz · 8 days
I FOUND A NEW TAEHYUNG SNEEZE😭😭(or maybe i just never seen this before!!) you can hear him in the background
oohh i completely forgot about that one! that's definitely one of the lesser known ones! (but still a very good one :} )
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btsnz · 9 days
hiii i'm sending you this link haha. the caption says tae snz but maybe it's coughing idk. thoughts?
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oh i completely forgot about this one! i've seen this included in sneeze compilations before, but i think it's just a cough sadly :(
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btsnz · 9 days
i didn’t read your whole post at first. i was like TAEHYUNG SNEEZE WHERE?!?😭😭 i’m so sneeze deprived it’s sad lmfaoo
waahh i'm sorry for getting your hopes up 😂
me tooo i feel like i'm going to starve if we don't get any new tae sneezes soon :(
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btsnz · 9 days
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btsnz · 9 days
hii, do you still have the jimin stifle compilation video? i cant find it
sure, i'll go ahead and reblog it for you!
(it should be in my #op tag, but that's getting quite crowded, so maybe i should reorganize my tagging system 😬)
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