cheapandevilgirl · 10 years
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Just speak human. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 10 years
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A little holiday cheer - the Santa Brand Book. (And let's pretend we've never actually seen things like this actually presented). 
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cheapandevilgirl · 10 years
Tullamore Dew. Finally, an liquor ad that isn't about partying in a bar. NY based creative boutique Opperman Weiss nails it (and it's not what you think). Raise a glass. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
The average number of acquaintances separating any two people no matter who they are . . . is not six but 3.9.
Eman Yasser Daraghmi and Shyan-Ming Yuan, DCS Lab, Dept of Computer Science, 
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROC via 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
Louis CK talks about why his kids can't have iPhones...and insightfully points out how that device in our hands has put us into a place of mediocre emotional instant gratification. It's like a quick hit - we keep wanting more, but it's really never as good as the first time. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
Kevin Spacey nails a key insight that is vital not just to the entertainment industry, but to everything we do in marketing & advertising.
Say it over and over again, because it's a universal truth, not something that has to be "proven" with a deck or a presentation: 
"The audience wants the control. They want the freedom...we have learned the lesson that the music industry didn't learn: give people what they want, when they want it, in the form they want it in...the device and the links are irrelevant, the labels are useless..for kids growing up now, there IS NO difference.  Watching Avatar on an iPad or watching YouTube on a TV or watching Game Of Thrones on their computer.... It's ALL content. It's. Just. Stories. All we have to do is give it to them."
The overall premise is right there, right in front of us and incredibly easy to understand. We couldn't ask for a better scenario. Grab it, because another brand will quickly figure it out and take it away from you. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
Technology and The Power of One
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Stumbled upon the story of Patrick McConlogue, a 23 year old software engineer and Leo, a 36-year old man who lives on the streets of lower Manhattan near Patricks's office. 
Patrick passed by Leo every day and actually took the time to notice details about him that many others did not. And so, a few days ago,  he took a gamble and gave Leo a choice - $100 or an opportunity to learn how to code.  Leo turned down the cash and instead took Patrick up on the coding lessons.  
Within a day, the backlash to Patrick's efforts was astounding.  
And I'm confused by it. Patrick is 23, and yet saw something in an individual that others missed. He can't (yet) make broad sweeping changes for the masses or even for one person long term, so he offered what he could. 
Yes, it's a gamble. But so every decision we make. And quite honestly, in this case, it's pretty much no harm, no fail. If Leo doesn't step up, Patrick's out some cash for a laptop, 3 books and a few hours in the morning.  But if Leo does step up, then the outcome will be incredibly interesting. 
I'm curious and want to better understand why people are so pissed off because I believe making the difference for one person - or giving them the tools they need to make a difference - has the potential for creating a broad sweeping impact for the masses, a la the "butterfly effect". And because I believe that just because you can't "go big" doesn't mean you just do nothing. 
How many of the critics have actually looked at a homeless person in the eye and talk to them, see them as human beings? Or spotted potential in an unlikely place? Or tried to do something that might have long lasting impact with short term actions?
Personally, I'm routing for Leo and Patrick - and so are other people. I'm pretty sure Patrick feels good regardless of the outcome - he won't ever have to ask himself "what if" - he made an effort. And I really hope Leo nails this.  He turned down the $100 which would have been an easy take, so the determination is there. The desire to change something is there.  But he needs to run with it.
And I hope the critics start to better understand what this is really all about, end the criticism and perhaps, take a better look at the people they choose not to "see" every day. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
"Betting Bad" brings together Breaking Bad fans for the last time (sadness) via Facebook, where you can make bets on key events that you think will play out over the last 8 episodes.  If only money were involved. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
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Google takes the work out of the Tour de France. Thank-you Google. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
Nike's "Just Do It" turns 25. Still my mantra. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
Some of the worlds' most creative people show that faster doesn't always equal better.
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
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"It's almost fairy time!" Shakespeare goes social A Midsummer Night's Dreaming (yes, "dreaming") with the RSC #dream40 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
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foursquare Time Machine - is this just the first sign of foursquare evolving to a recommendations platform? 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
What happens on the Internet in :60. Then do the math. It's almost impossible to grasp.  Every 2 days we create more information as we did from the dawn of civilization to 2003 (if not more). So how do we filter it, how do we breakthrough? 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
A break from the usual programming for a bit of cheap and evil fun.
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New Tumblr “Jony Ive Redesigns Things”. You knew it was coming. 
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
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Graphic visualization of all geo-tagged Tweets since 2009.  (Every dot is a Tweet, and the color is the Tweet count.)
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cheapandevilgirl · 11 years
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”
 - R. Buckminster Fuller (via unequal-design) 
CRUCIAL journalism advice in 2k13. (via annfriedman)
Not just journalism - applicable across so many industries that are impacted by the intersection of culture and technology. As ad agencies start to integrate "digital" and "traditional" let's create a stronger new model instead of force-fitting both into the restrictive existing model.
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