dearduende · 6 days
how do I keep my cool
when he’s got me panting
and losing it without
even taking my clothes off
how do I keep my cool
when we wake at 5am
sweat and saliva and sounds
that might wake the neighbors
how do I keep my cool
when I’ve been worshiping
all night and again in the morning
at the base of the altar
of this godly being I’ve been conjuring
who seems written by a woman,
(this woman, scribbling in her journal)
and here he sits before me
eyes sparking as we sip our coffee,
how do I keep my cool
when the right side of my neck
and my shoulder still smells of him
when my brain blurs in delirium
remembering the ways we danced
my body now sore in the best ways
so how do I keep my cool
when it’s still the early days
but I can picture us having coffee
in all the mornings to come
how do I keep my cool
when he has ignited something
that I hope will be lasting
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dearduende · 18 days
how often do we
tip our faces up skyward
and simply marvel
and then how often
do we do this en mass, a
chorus of ooohs and
ahhhs gathered outside
our concrete office buildings
to witness the sun
eaten by the moon
if only for a moment
that is all we do.
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dearduende · 1 month
and then spun around
on the dancefloor
to cumbia salsa Latin band
playing and the crowd singing
now that is how I feel alive again,
to lose myself in the moment
to the Brazilian whose hips I follow
these older men and their charisma
and their sweet talk but I’ll take it
when right now I need a reminder
of my radiance and my playfulness
to smile and take their hand
and join them on the dancefloor
spinning and laughing
dancing again
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dearduende · 1 month
missed connections
we lock eyes, I blush
and look away and back up—
we smile in passing.
I turn back to gaze
but the moment’s already
fading memory
our bodies drifting apart
from the first point of meeting.
call it randomness
or call it the strings of fate—
where did you come from?
maybe we just smile
or our sleeves brush or we fall
spinning in orbit
or maybe we don’t cross paths
or share any spark at all.
am I uniquely
fortunate or is life just
toying with us all
teasing, “Wake up, love!
Beauty is all around you.
Taste it or it melts!”
so I stick my tongue
out and lap up all of life
and savor it well.
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dearduende · 2 months
making movies in my head
when lightning strikes
it finds the fastest path to earth
not necessarily in a straight line
jumping from electron to electron
but it moves swiftly
altering anything in its course
and when I’m struck
by serendipity, by romance, by lust
it finds the fastest path to dreamland
and I’m flung far from earth
nonlinearly the possibilities spark
and web out before me:
how might we see each other again
how might we fall in deeper
how might we explore the world
how might we marvel at our kids
(who don’t exist yet)
how might we,
how might we,
how might we:
the brainstorming prompt we use
as designers and facilitators for co-creation
and what is love if not just that,
but we’re not quite there yet
maybe it’s just the early days of infatuation
jumping from electron to electron
pinging through my body and my being
into my subconscious and intrusive thoughts
and it moves swiftly
into realms of delusion
into rumination nearing obsession
replaying over and over and skipping forward
as I’m making movies in my head
and living in an augmented reality
altering everything in its course.
is the impulse stronger
for those who dance with the muses
that when the lightning strikes
it must find some path, some outlet,
into song or dance or poetry or stories
because I cannot hold them all,
these movies in my head.
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dearduende · 2 months
little miss
little miss does it all
on her own refusing help
even when it’s offered
let alone daring to ask for it
little miss on her own
and loving this little life
romanticizing all the moments
and protecting her peace
little miss romantic
daydreaming of meet cutes
and crushing from afar
too shy to do anything about it
little miss shy at times
but also bold enough
to go after what she wants
even if she’s still figuring it out
little miss “figuring out my dating goals”
wanting deep secure expansive love
but scared of commitment and true intimacy
and getting her heart dropped again
little miss big heart and big feelings
with so much love and nowhere to put it
except for her dog and her friends and family
but she’s learning to pour it back into herself
little miss new single dog mom
happiest cuddled up with her baby on the couch
most nights she can’t be bothered to go out
especially not when it’s cold and rainy and dark
little miss done with the fuckbois
but something about a charming tall boy
until she realizes yet again that is not enough
and figuring out what really matters
little miss learning and growing
and holding her heart through it all
and practicing rest and patience
and kindness toward herself
little miss accepting the help
when it’s offered that second time
and breaking patterns and practicing boundaries
and telling herself: you’re doing amazing,
you’re doing just fine.
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dearduende · 2 months
burnout dreams
my calendar
blocks disappearing
one by one meetings
[an actual dream
I woke from this morning,
but today I did also get
my week of leave approved
so the countdown begins.]
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dearduende · 2 months
how do I say
I want to do nothing
when the world keeps turning
and hurting and busyness
keeps churning as usual,
how do I feel
so tired all the time
maybe it’s the wheels spinning
stuck like my mind
and even writing
fails to un-stick me
the way it usually does,
how do I notice
the blur of burnout
in my periphery again,
that feeling of being heavy
with exhaustion and numbness again
that fear of tipping over the edge
(of what, I don’t know)
but it feels like I’m just about
to twitch and jump awake
except this sleeplessness
and sleepiness never ends.
how do I keep moving
when I’ve lost sight of the path
and I can barely manage the basics
to get me through the day
how do I slow down
how do I stop this
how do I hop off this train
that I’m not sure I even wanted
to board in the first place.
how do I even know
where I want to go
when all I want to do
is stop moving
for a moment.
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dearduende · 3 months
showing up late to lunch with my grandparents
I’m sorry I’m so late
it’s good to see you
how are you?
yes I’ve been busy
and yes I look tired
no I haven’t had breakfast yet
thank you for saving me a plate.
I’m late because of my dog—
how do you say “separation anxiety”
and “crate training” in Cantonese?
I’m tired because last night I celebrated
a friend’s birthday and we went dancing until 2
but I don’t mention this or the tequila shots
or how I held my drunk girlfriends as they cried
about moving and about distance and the challenge
of sustaining meaningful adult friendships,
how do you say “slightly hungover”
and how do I explain how my body
can’t handle this the way it did before,
I guess what they say about turning thirty is true.
work is…. busy
and what is it I do again?
(proceed the game of telephone translation,
at least my parents understand what I do)
and I see their faces beam as they say:
ohhh so you’re helping people!
thank you for the roasted quail,
yes it’s very juicy here, and the eel
that grandpa has been eager to try
and the crab and ribs and pea shoots,
I don’t even bother mentioning the vegan
I recently dated, how even if it had turned into anything
there would be very little for him at this table.
thank you for trying to pour me tea
from across the expanse of table and lazy susan
but set it down, thank you, let me.
and do I ask grandma how she’s feeling,
mention her recent health test results,
scan my parents’ faces for some clue
as to how and what we talk about
when I can barely muster
the words in either language.
so we talk about the rainstorms and the traffic
and I listen to their favorite game of name that price:
well the crab is by the pound and so fresh,
it must be at least $40—wow what a great deal!
and I don’t know how to get any closer
or where I would even start but just showing up
is better late than never, for lunch or for life,
and I give them big hugs as we say goodbye:
thank you for everything,
I’m sorry for everything,
thank you and see you soon.
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dearduende · 3 months
spark chasers
what even is a spark?
is it the flicker of candlelight
or the start of a bonfire
how does it start
and how do we hold it
when all the forces
seem to tamper with it,
how do we know
if it’s something lasting
like a steady hearth
or something hot and roaring
everything going up in flames,
what is a spark
and how do we know
if there might be action potential
when all we might feel at first
is a soft and steady glow,
but will it catch and will it grow
or will it splinter as hard as we try
to rub with flint spiraling into the ground.
what is a spark
and should we even chase it
when half the time they’re just fireworks
exploding and dissipating into the night sky
or a flare going up
to warn of the wreckage to come.
what is a spark
when I want warmth
and a fire I can tend to
with someone to tend with
are we smothering it too soon
before it even has a chance to catch
or are we calling it for what it is
something that isn’t quite enough
but if he’s a spark chaser
saying in a voice memo he can’t feel it
try as he might, he can’t find it here
then there’s nothing to do about it
so I release him back into the universe
to chase after sparks near and far
and tend to my own little fire
stoking the embers in my heart.
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dearduende · 3 months
I have dusted and vacuumed
deep cleaning my space
inside and out and all the nooks
and crannies of my home and my heart
picking up each piece of memorabilia
long collecting dust on the shelves
each of these I hold tenderly, thank them,
and wipe them until they shine again.
I know I’m excited to welcome him
into my home and my heart space
because I don’t know when is the last time
I had properly dusted so many surfaces,
getting on my hands and knees
just to wipe down my baseboards,
and finally clearing the clutter of my desk
the mail and book piles I’d grown ignorant to
but seeing everything with fresh eyes
only wanting to hold and delight him.
I have tended to my heartspace
for many months and years
and finally, I feel as ready as ever
to light the candles and incense
and open the doors and windows
welcoming him in hoping
that he’ll stay a while.
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dearduende · 3 months
to love is
to love is
to gaze into his eyes
and hold his face, saying:
you’re going to break my heart someday
but until then, we’ll have a beautiful life
and I’ll try to cherish all of it,
even the forgettable Tuesdays
waking and saying goodnight
with him by my side.
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dearduende · 3 months
where were we again?
I have so many stories
and I’ve told them to so many people
I can’t keep track of who I told which to
like treasure I’ve buried and dug up
and buried again over and over in the yard,
multiple sacks and bottles and chests
of treasure scattered in the soil with no map
which isn’t what they warn you
about casually dating multiple people
for the last multiple years, it’s not
my soul that’s been compromised
(or maybe I’ll find out much later)
or my physiology that’s been altered
or my spark of romance that’s been tampered—
it’s my mythos I can’t keep straight
like a record scratching and jumping
and so I can’t keep track of who I’ve told what to.
it’s not the people I’m mixing up, it’s the stories,
the fragment offerings of me I present to them
as I reveal my cards only to drop all of them.
I have so many stories
and I can’t keep smiling and checking their face
for a glimmer of recognition when I mention something
to see if I’d already dug up and into this treasure
only to ditch it and bury it again
it’s these parts of me I can’t keep straight
which makes sense when I’ve lived a dozen lives
in three decades across all the continents but one—
I can barely piece it all together.
so where do I even begin when
for the last multiple years, it’s not
them I’ve been searching for, but myself,
it’s these parts of me I can’t keep straight
and sometimes the déjà-vu feels like an insanity loop
or maybe I’ll find out much later
which stories (and which people) really matter,
but wait, where were we again?
0 notes
dearduende · 3 months
they say dogs are like their owners
they say dogs are like their owners
so that makes us both anxiously attached
at the hip and the waist he naps head in my lap
and cries and whines whenever I leave him
but I’m working on my secure attachment
and teaching him the ways of self- and co-regulation
so if dogs are like their owners
we’re both messy works in progress
and highly food motivated: we love broccoli
and peanut butter and we both are overachievers
always too eager to please with an instinct
to run ourselves beyond the point of fatigue.
we’re both learning how to sit
and how to wait (and do nothing)
the way Headspace says meditation
is just watching the cars go by without chasing
but we’re both sensitive beings easily overstimulated
in the big city and excited but shy at times
sometimes socially awkward with a serious exterior
when really we’re just a sad boi and a sad girl
with big hearts and big feelings
who just want to nap and to cuddle.
my dog is like me in that
he also has an irregular heartbeat
but is otherwise fit and healthy
and loves trail runs and the beach
and we sit at cafes and watch
the other people and their dogs
in our matching broccoli patterned fleeces
we’re stylin at the park and in my office downtown
because my dog is also a city person with roots in the farm
but it’s been many generations since (at least for me)
who knows what his life was like before his shelter journey
but whatever forces have been at play
to bring my dog into my life to this day
I’m glad this dog is like his owner
as we grow and learn and adventure together.
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dearduende · 4 months
is this excitement
I feel stirring
that lone butterfly
long gone in hibernation
lifting her wings
defrosting in January sun
or is it a tickle
in my throat
from the chest cold
I’ve been fighting
or maybe it’s both
but there’s a glimmer
or something
not empty but open
not definite but curious
to open me up
from within again
to stretch my roots
for nourishment again
to turn my face
toward the warmth
and to bloom
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dearduende · 4 months
skincare routine dating timelines
big tee in bed all to myself
after my multi-step routine
I’m cleansed, toned, serumed,
oiled, gua-sha-ed, and moisturized
fresh faced and staying up for no reason
but to scroll and sometimes to write
until we collide and tangle
through the hall and into bed, finally
collapsing naked but for the makeup
still on my face, smudged and spent
staying up until the silly hours of 4am
in sleepless delirium shared by new bedmates.
after we wake I’ll dust the crust from my eyes
and wear the afterglow of morning sex,
a fresh blush paired with day-old makeup
and I’m sleep deprived and slightly hungover
and yet I’m glowing and never looked better.
we eventually settle
into more decent bedtimes
and I return to washing my face
and oiling and moisturizing
and he marvels as he breathes in
the bright zestiness of my vitamin C serum
kissing me through three layers
of skin nourishment, and asks
for me to share my skincare routine.
maybe he tries a cleanser for the first time
or incorporates a toner or evening moisturizer,
or maybe a tub of shea butter
makes its way onto his shelf
as we oil and tend to old scars
it sits there long after
we have said goodbye and parted ways,
we now return to our routines alone
but we’ve borrowed bits from each other
that linger as evidence of rituals shared
and ways we have tended and cared
and here I am again
big tee in bed all to myself
well me and my dog now
back on my multi-step routine
I have cleansed, toned, serumed,
oiled, gua-sha-ed, and moisturized
fresh faced and staying up for no reason
but to scroll and to write
and my dog snuggles and kisses me
adding three layers of heart nourishment.
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dearduende · 4 months
back on the apps
I’m back on the apps
and my eyes are already burning
not out of lust or desire
but from the endless scroll
and swipe and scroll again
through yet another profile
of mediocre photos
how the taller they get
the shorter their bios
and the way to their heart
seems to be with a scalpel
(🙄) or tacos.
I’m back on the apps
and I’m trying to not fall
for all the usual traps
like their photos with dogs
(“not mine!”)
or with babies
(“not mine!”)
or leading with a group photo—
don’t make me guess
in a game of who’s who
and if you don’t list your height
I’ll assume I’m taller than you.
(I’m a tall girl for the record.)
I’m not here to play games
but I’m also not 100% sure
exactly what it is I’m looking for,
or maybe I do know what I want
but I’m not sure I’m ready for forever
and I don’t want to seem too keen
like those who list “marriage”
as their dating goal setting.
so I’m back on the apps
and I’m trying to remember
how I can have fun
but also I can’t be bothered
by yet another prompt
debating pineapple on pizza
or yet another couple
of unicorn hunters.
I’m back on the apps
and I remind myself
I can be picky
and have patience
and be brave
because to open
my heart even a little again
is a courageous thing.
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