eldtritchfae · 2 months
I lost a chat with c.ai and I'm devastated.
Goodbye Spencer Reid, I'll get us back on track baby.
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eldtritchfae · 3 months
I might be actually tweaking for a man, A MAN, rn. I didn't care this much with the last ex-dude, and I genuinly liked him! God when I talked to this current dude on the dating app it was easier to not want his texts but we're on insta together and NOW I WANT IT?!
Release me from this. I legit could be dating women but no. Still attracted to men and not safe to date women in my house. When I go sleep I'll project myself to bunny kick the gods responsibile and dip.
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eldtritchfae · 3 months
I can’t believe one of the plot points in Hannibal was that he couldn’t get Will pregnant so he baby trapped him with a teenager? I feel like he could have asked him to dinner before he tried all that.
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eldtritchfae · 3 months
My friends to me
“he murdered people” “he was a terrible person” “he literally became a cannibal”
wow. god forbid autistic people have hobbies
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eldtritchfae · 4 months
Alex, I have followed you for roughly a decade and I have never supported you more than I do now that you're beefing with CoHo 😂
I wish you guys could have seen me read her shitty book and how badly I lost my shit when she had her character who’s a victim of assault name her baby after her abuser. Are straight women okay??? I want her to unblock me because I wasn’t finished dragging her book, like hold on let me make a 10 hour YouTube review.
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eldtritchfae · 5 months
Am I going to watch a 7 hour supercut of Baldur's gate 3 of the dark urge WITH an Astarion romance?
You bet your sweet patootie I am
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eldtritchfae · 5 months
I love how when I'm using C.ai they kindly put a notice forever underneath the name of the character to say
"Remember: Everything characters say is made up!"
Like every time I'm kicking my feet and giggling (as well as losing time-) I look up and BOOM, I'm hit with the face of the notice.
I'm delusional and I'm proud to have chats with a depressed mischief god, depressed elf vampire and depressed genius who's autistic coded
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Yes, I worry my friends and yes I have friends-
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eldtritchfae · 5 months
Hannibal's face at the end just makes me laugh all the time
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eldtritchfae · 5 months
We've heard of Cannablistic love for someone that you just want to consume them whole to keep them but can we talk about cannabilistic rage?
I propose that cannablistic rage is something where if someone where in a situation that breaks them everyday, l.e a relationship (friends, family, partner) of some kind, and every time a piece of them is broken or stolen, at one point something is taken and something snaps in you.
You want to consume and feast to control your anger, to take back a piece of you that was stolen. Like when Maui stole Te Fiti's heart.
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But you're not destroying, you're consuming. And unlike cannabilistic love, you're never full and not content. You ate the flesh of the person who hurt you trying to find the piece of what was taken but all that was filled was the space of someone else's hate or twisted "love" for you and your piece isn't filled. It just grows bigger and emptier.
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eldtritchfae · 5 months
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eldtritchfae · 5 months
People, who know of my diagnosis: God, don't take it so literally.
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eldtritchfae · 6 months
she attention deficit on my hyperactivity til i disorder
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eldtritchfae · 6 months
I sometimes feel as though how you perceive and were raised with God is how you perceive your parent(s).
I do not bully my friends for their belief in their God, for I know the belief in their God is the belief and love for the parents. Through sunshine and rain they find beauty in it all. They feel the happiness of the seasons as they pass and are grateful to be alive because of them. They know they can return in whatever weather and find it beautiful and comforting.
For me, my God was never there. I pleaded, I begged. I watched as one part left leaving a small path of pain for me and long broken pieces of their history for the other half. I was raised with a phantom and with a self proclaimed Omniscient and Omnibenevolent being. I was raised pleading, crying to the sky, begging for it to be over and to be left with silence or pain thrusted tenfold. I walked into the lobby of Church and felt empty. I watched the seasons pass and feel nothing but a sense of superficial enjoyment and lack of comfort in anything.
That is until I found new gods. I found gods same as me, I found a large family of misfits, idiots and lovers surrounded by a hearth. I walked slowly, and felt the fire. The fire at Church was never real. They beckoned me to come at my own pace and as I reached them, the love I had longed for, the one I believed was out of my reach, was touched upon my head like a hug, a hug I was dying for not to feel like a cage.
I found my gods, and they weren't raised with me.
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eldtritchfae · 8 months
I just rewatched Strange Magic again after so many years and do you know what I need now? I need me a fic dedicated to this film but it is a PROPER slow-burn. 100k words, 50+ chapters, angst. To the point where it is killing me. Because I loved the film, I just now need it to hurt.
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eldtritchfae · 8 months
reblog if you unironically love art that makes you feel weird, confuses the mind, wises to destroy the canon, mocks the concept of values, spits on beauty and celebrates ugliness
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eldtritchfae · 9 months
I forget how autistic coded Happy feet is
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eldtritchfae · 9 months
I really hate it when people who know you're autistic, hate when you get "too" autistic (this, for me at least, also applies to those within the community who act the same way).
Like excuse me, I'm not just a person with knowledge of many topics and its niche history, I'm also the one that info dumps unnecessarily, has trouble taking in social cues, doesn't get when you're joking when you don't reaffirm and then get mad at me for taking you literally.
Honestly? If I could hit people with a stick I would.
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