ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
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The three times she tried (and failed) to wish Saeran a happy birthday, and the one time she did. (Ray/Saeran × MC)
Author’s note: Reblog! Do not repost!
Happy birthday to my favourite flower prince…
The first time she tried was a few months after she and Saeyoung had rescued Saeran from Mint Eye. Saeyoung had headed out to stock up on some groceries, and she and the younger Choi twin were curled up at opposite ends of the sofa, watching a movie together. Or rather, Saeran was watching the movie while she stared listlessly at the screen, fidgeting with her phone as she debated with herself on whether or not to wish her counterpart a happy birthday. A part of her desperately wanted to break out the party poppers and throw him the birthday party he’d never gotten the chance to experience. But the (slightly) more sensible part of her knew that that wasn’t really a good idea yet; after all they had just been through trying to free Saeran from Mint Eye, after all the trauma Saeran had dealt with for his entire life…holding a birthday party just didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore. But alas, she was stubborn. She desperately wanted to let Saeran know that even if no one else did, she remembered his birthday. That he was important to her. That she cared about him.
Saeran must have noticed her inner turmoil, despite the fact that he usually remained oblivious to other people’s emotions (or at least, if he did notice, he hardly ever responded). When she shot a sideways glance in his direction, she noticed that he was no longer sitting as far away from her as he could. He had shuffled over to sit closer to her. She held her breath as she watched him tentatively reach out and cover her hand with his own.
He did all this nonchalantly while he continued to watch the movie playing on screen with a bored look plastered across his face. But you had to be blind to miss the fact that his cheeks now matched the colour of his crimson locks.
Keep reading
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
I thought I responded but I guess I didnt?
Thank you so much!!! I dont write much anymore but I sort of want to change that? Maybe? Dunno, I'm contemplating some stuff, we shall see~
@miss-helen-choi @intelligenceagent606 💜
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
[MM] Celebration of RFA App’s <1,000th Day> : Two Events You Can Enjoy!
Hello, this is Cheritz.
The pretty flowers blooming here and there are making it a beautiful spring day, here in Korea. We hope your day is delightful as well!
These days our team is having a wonderful time reading all the Happy Birthday messages you have sent ZEN! Your loving and encouraging words are brightening up our days!♥
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the <Today Is ZEN’s Birthday! For Real!> event! (A little reminder that the event will end on the 5th of April. Please hurry and participate, if you haven’t already!)
We are here to announce 2 very special events for everyone who’s been there for the RFA members! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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[Event #1] Drop by the App on the Special Day!♥
Access the game and join us as we celebrate the 1,000th Day Anniversary of Mystic Messenger, and receive a small gift. *The gift is provided only once during the event period
Event Period : April 6th(Sat), 2019 (Only available on the 6th of April, local time) Event Reward : 1,000 hearts♥
[Event #2] <Boast Your RFA Registration Date!> Event
It’s been 1,000 days since the release of the RFA app! But how many days have you spent enjoying Mystic Messenger?
In order to participate in this event, please take a screenshot of your Mystic Messenger Profile page and boast your RFA Registration Date on Twitter or Tumblr using the hashtag #MM_ourtimes!  ୧(˃◡˂)୨
Winner will be drawn at random, so please don’t worry too much about being a newbie! We want you all to take part in this event!!
Event Period : April 6th(Sat) ~ April 12th(Fri), 2019 Event Reward : Mysterious snack bundle filled with love! (10 lucky winners will be chosen at random) Event Announcement : April 17th(Wed), 2019
Example :
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We wouldn’t have made it today to celebrate this wonderful anniversary if it hadn’t been for your continuous love and support!
Thank you sooooo much!! We really appreciate everyone out there for being with us for 1,000 days! ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡ We hope we will be able to celebrate our 2,000th, and 3,000th Day with you as well!
Thank you.
Best, Cheritz.
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
The Soulmate’s Mark (Saeran x MC Soulmate!AU)
I know I haven’t posted a writing in ages and this probably will not get nearly as many notes as I would have before, but I found this AU buried in my drive, and I don’t think I actually posted it? It’s pretty decent, so I’ve decided to post it now. My requests are still closed, but to those of you who read this, I hope you enjoy this angsty oneshot!
Pairing: Saeran Choi x MC
Rating: Angst
Words: 1,924
Trigger Warnings: Death, Car accidents, blood
June 2nd, 2018. S.C. That date and set of initials has been ingrained on the skin of your wrist since you were born. You don’t even need to look at it to know exactly what your mark says. You also don’t need to look at it to know the meaning behind the date, because it has been haunting you your whole life.
The date? A death date. The initials? Your soulmate’s.
Every single person is born with a specific death date on the inside of their left wrist. It could be one of two people’s death dates: yours, or your soulmate’s. You won’t know until the date comes and goes. If you die, it was yours, but if you don’t die, you have lost your soulmate, and the date and initials disappear from your skin.
Most people don’t meet their soulmate in their lifetime, and if someone were to find their soulmate in the time they are allotted on Earth, they are considered one of the lucky ones. You have come to terms with the thought of never meeting your soulmate, but it didn’t stop you from hoping that one day, before the dreaded date inked into your skin, maybe you would find them.
You could always tell when someone’s date has come. The fear and anxiety lays heavily around them, clinging to them like cigarette smoke to fabric. Their eyes carry a hollow look, and they become jumpy, starting at every noise. You can practically hear their thoughts as you pass by them on the street.
And today?
You were one of them.
Your family and friends had sent messages to you in the morning just in case it was your date. The messages were sympathetic, stating their love and support for you, but at best, the messages made you feel worse. You tried your best to put on a smile and send out cheery messages so that they wouldn’t worry, but despair was a heavy weight in your stomach, dragging you down.
You went about your day as normal. That’s the only thing you can do. It was a Saturday, which meant going out and shopping for essentials back home. You were careful while out, looking twice before crossing streets, keeping an eye out for others around you. But you didn’t need to worry about people bumping into you, because they could all see that today was the date on your wrist.
The stares were like lasers, digging into your flesh and signing your skin. You felt almost naked, as if you stepped out of your home in just your underwear and a ratty bathrobe or a blanket.
Pleasant? Not really.
On your way home from shopping, arms full of bags from the local grocers and nearby shops, one of your friends spotted you and called out your name. You turned, halting on the sidewalk and waiting for him to approach.
“MC! How are you holding up? Let me take those,” he said as he reached you, relieving you of your bags before the two of you started off down the sidewalk again. Zen was always pretty cheerful, and had a habit of throwing compliments at you and flirting all the time, but today, no compliments and praises were to be heard, and his crimson eyes were only filled with concern.
You shot him a faux cheerful smile, praying that he would buy it. “I’m good! How about you? Have you gotten news back from the director of that musical you auditioned for?”
He shook his head sadly as you came up to an intersection. The light was green, and cars zoomed past and almost blinding speeds, making you slightly dizzy as you watched. You tried to focus on what your friend was saying, but inevitably, his words turned into a steady hum in your mind as it drifted back to the date on your wrist.
Zen’s date wasn’t anytime soon, and you envied him for that. He had all those years to find his soulmate, and there you were, either going to lose your life or lose your soulmate’s life without actually meeting them.
“MC!” You jumped as Zen yelled your name, heart leaping into a panicked frenzy. You started to teeter, but Zen quickly grabbed you, steading you on your feet. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…” Your head nodded like a bobble head as you tried to regain your surroundings.and figure out what you were doing.
Oh, right. You were crossing the street.
Around you, people were walking around the two of you and into the street, where the steady stream of traffic was momentarily paused.
“Come on, let’s get you across, okay?”
Zen’s hand gripped your upper arm with his free hand gently as he guided you, as if he were a boy scout guiding an elderly person. You didn’t mind, and felt a bit grateful, as you felt a bit shaky.
He didn’t let go until you were a bit past the intersection, and seemed hesitant as he removed his hand and transferred a bag into it. Part of you wanted to ask for him to hold you again, but you held back. He had a following and a reputation to uphold in the media. You didn’t want to taint it because you were scared.
After a while, Zen reached his destination, Jaehee’s coffee shop, and hesitantly left you to walk alone, returning your bags to your arms. Your place wasn’t far from her shop, so you would be fine. With a quick hug and a wave, the two of you parted.
Your mind drifted to your soulmate as you continued on your way home. Who, exactly, were they? What did they look like? Would they have liked you? Of course they would have liked you, right? That’s what all the stories of meeting your soulmate are like.
As you allowed your mind to drift, you lost touch with your surroundings, going through the motions without much thought. That’s why you barely registered when someone yelled out behind you.
“Wait! The light’s green!”
You weren’t quite sure what was happening until you heard a car horn. It was loud, and it thoroughly jolted you from your daze and back into reality. Only, when you realized what was happening, you immediately wished you could go back to daydreaming.
So it was your death day today, huh?
As the car hurdled towards you at a seemingly blinding speed, you knew you wouldn’t have enough time to move. Your feet felt like they had lead blocks tied to the bottom of them, and you stood frozen in the middle of the crosswalk, staring at the bumper of the car.
A pair of hands shoved into you, causing you to stumble a few steps and lose your footing. You went sprawling onto the concrete, your groceries and goods tumbling out of their plastic homes. You felt sore, and knew that at least your knees and forearms had some road rash on them, but that wasn’t your main focus. Someone had pushed you out of the way, and when you sat up and turned to face the intersection, someone was sprawled out in the road.
A pit opened up in your stomach as your brain caught up to the situation at hand, and you quickly got to your feet, sprinting to the man lying in the road despite your protesting limbs.
Bystanders stood on the sidewalk, watching with looks of horror, shock, and even mild annoyance. Nobody moved to help the man in the road but you.
You knelt beside him, checking over his body. The scent of blood invaded your nostrils, a sickening metallic scent that made you want to vomit. The red was pooling underneath his head, growing larger by the second. He looked absolutely wrecked, his clothing ripped in places and bruises already sprouting on what skin was exposed.
“Someone call an ambulance!” You screamed, hands hovering over his body in an attempt to figure out how to help the man lying in front of you.
A few people responded, pulling out their phones. Some others came out to join you in trying to help him.
When a shaky hand rested on your thigh, you jumped, startled by the pressure, but quickly realized it was his hand and took it in yours. It was warm and slightly rough, and he squeezed you gently.
“Sir? Sir, we are calling an ambulance right now! Hang in there!” The wail of sirens could be heard in the distance, but you ignored them as the man started to speak.
“Are… you okay?”
You wanted to laugh out loud at the ridiculous words coming from his mouth. Were you okay?  You? “I’m fine, I swear. Just a bit scraped. Please hang in there!”
“What is his date? Is today his date?” Someone called out, and a man knelt in front of you, quickly picking up his left arm and inspecting his inner wrist.
“It’s not today, but his soulmate’s date may be today.” Your stomach plummeted. You had today’s date printed on your wrist.
While his wrist was still exposed, you caught a glimpse of the initials on his skin, and nearly sobbed out.
Your initials were written on his wrist.
Your mind frantically tried to piece together the information it had been given, and one conclusion came to mind: Today wasn’t your date, it was his. He was your soulmate.
You felt numb at this realization, and as the sirens’ wails grew to a deafening roar, you took time to take in his face.
He was handsome, with silvery white dyed hair with pink tips. His eyes were fluttering open and shut, but you thought you could make you mint colored eyes. He was lean, and dressed in a now stained white button-up shirt and black slacks.
This man was your soulmate.
You leaned closer to him and took his cheeks into your palms, your hands sweaty and shaking horribly. His eyes slowly opened and, with some effort, focused on you. “Sir, what is your name? My name is MC.”
A group of paramedics came up behind you, ordering everyone away, but you ignored them, waiting for his response with a heavy heart.
A sad smile spread on his face, and his hand twitched upwards, as if he wanted to reach for you. “S.. aeran…Choi…  you’re my… soulmate, right?” His breathing was labored, and he gasped out, eyes going cloudy and dulling as he shuddered out a last breath.
Someone’s hands clamped down on your shoulder and hauled you away, firing questions at you, but your eyes remained on Saeran’s body in the road. Paramedics kept swarming him, but every now and then, you caught a glimpse of him. A hand, his torso, his hair. His initials were inked into your skin, and he died today. You hadn’t even met him before this, and you lost him already, all because you were daydreaming.
His last words echoed through your mind, even after you returned home later that night. “You’re my… soulmate, right?”
When you looked at your wrist, shock flooded you as you found it bare of the date and initials, further proof that you lost him today.
For the first and last time in your life, you wept for your soulmate.
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
[MM] 2019 April Fool’s Day? Event Announcement : <Today Is ZEN’s Birthday! For Real!>
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Hello, this is Cheritz.
The warm weather in Korea makes us slowly start to crave for cold desserts! If you share the same season with us, are you enjoying the sweet fragrance of the blossoming flowers of spring?
Actually, doesn’t the thought of the flowers’ beauties remind you of someone? Does anybody know that someone’s special day is coming?!
April 1st!
We are celebrating the birthday of Mystic Messenger’s handsome musical actor, ZEN!
As you may already know, ZEN may get gloomy this year as well, since his birthday is on the same day as April Fool’s Day.. So! We would like you to participate in <Today Is ZEN’s Birthday! For Real!> event and cheer ZEN up on the 1st of April!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
On this very day, when everybody is off making jokes.. Will you wish ZEN a sincere Happy Birthday? Or, will you be witty as everyone else and show him April Fool’s Day spirit?
It’s completely up to you!
We look forward to seeing various styles of participation from you guys! For instance, you could send him a sincere birthday wish, your love, a drawing to show that you care, or even a beautiful poem… (And of course, some of you would rather prefer April Fool’s Day jokes, embarrassingly sentimental poems, poorly drawn doodles, funny memes, etc.!)
Please share your work using the hashtag #happybday_ZEN on Twitter or Tumblr!
Event Period : 22nd of March (Fri) - 5th of April (Fri)
We will be drawing a total of 3 domestic and 3 international winners and award them with ZEN’s merch set (2 merch included)!
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*You will be taking part in the event as long as you upload your messages on Twitter or Tumblr with the hashtag. Therefore, there are no requirements on the format, whether you upload an image, a piece of writing, or a link. *You will be excluded from lots if you use inappropriate words or express linguistic violence. *You are welcome to upload multiple messages, but each person can enter only once for drawing lots.
Event Tweet : https://bit.ly/2Oh0wsj
We hope you will all participate in this event in your unique ways!♥
Thank you!
Best, Cheritz
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
[MM] Happy Birthday, Yoosung!
Hello, this is Cheritz.
The month of March has come back! And the birthday of Yoosung, the cutest man in RFA, is coming up!
Please access our game to receive hourglasses and read fun random intro chats!
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First, drop by the app on Yoosung’s birthday !
We would like to give a small thank-you gift to those of you who access the game and celebrate his birthday with us. *Only for first access during the event period *Mode Select page > Original Story / Main screen of DLC
Event period: 10th of March, 2019  -  12th of March, 2019 Event reward : 40 hourglasses
Second, feel free to ask questions to me! I’ll answer them★
Our 5th Special Birthday Event will be featuring Yoosung★! We’d like to thank everyone who submitted questions to [Ask Me Anything].
Access the game and see what kind of answers Yoosung has prepared for you! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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Event period: 10th of March, 2019  -  12th of March, 2019
If you have questions for other characters, please click on the link below. [MM] Ask Me Anything - Please submit questions you have for our characters!
Please be careful not to catch a cold during the change of seasons.♥ Have a lovely day! ( *´▽`*)
Thank you.
Best, Cheritz
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
Just a reminder to live your life to the fullest. Do the things you want to do. Reach out and let your loved ones know you care for them. Cherish the little moments you have with them because you never know when you could lose them forever.
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
Hi I haven't used this blog in a while, but I just played the after end and... oh my god.
Waiting a year for it to come out then staying up until 2am on a schoolnight to play was 10000% worth it. That is all.
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
[Mystic Messenger] New contents update and #to_Rika hashtag event
.Hello, this is Cheritz!
To those of you who celebrate Lunar New Year’s week, did you enjoy your holidays? (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
Today we bring you a special news on contents to be updated for the upcoming Valentine’s Day and an event soon to be held! (≧∇≦)b
< V’s After Ending >
On 14th of February! V’s After Ending you all have waited for will be updated. (*´∇`*)♥
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This after ending will take an unprecedented format!
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The ending will turn out differently depending on your choice! And you’d get to see different free talks from voice actors depending on your choice! Why don’t you spend this Valentine’s Day with V’s After Ending soon to come?♡ We hope you’d look forward to it! ♡^▽^♡
We have prepared something else for those of you who want more than V’s After Ending. Would you like to find out her veiled past? So we bring you a new DLC for upcoming 14th of February!
< Rika’s Behind Story >
We will soon release Rika’s Behind Story, a story about Rika’s past that has kept a lot of you wondering.
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Why don’t you find out more about Rika’s veiled past through Rika’s Behind Story?
We highly recommend you to clear Secret 01 from the Original Story, since the first episode of this DLC will be free for those of you who have cleared it!
Also, we plan to hold a new SNS event in celebration of the upcoming updates. ꈍꈊꈍ We’d like to feel your heart for Rika!
< #To_Rika, What Would You Tell Rika? >
Rika… Is she a tragic character? Or is she a selfish character? If you can deliver her a message, what would you tell her? All types of messages are welcome, including advice, support, judgment, greeting, and joke! Please show us what you’ve got to say, along with the hashtag!
Please check the image below for more details. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
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*You will be taking part in the event as long as you upload your messages on Twitter or Tumblr with the hashtag. Therefore, there are no requirements on the format, whether you upload an image, a piece of writing, or a link. *You will be excluded from lots if you use inappropriate words or express linguistic violence. *You are welcome to upload multiple messages, but each person can enter only once for drawing lots.
You have seen Rika with various faces, and she’s been at the center of dozens of quarrels and discussions.
Please feel free to tell her whatever you’ve wanted to say!
< Valentine’s Day DLC Newly Moved >
Our Valentine’s Day DLC, originally placed with After Endings, has been moved to Mode Select > DLC! Now you can purchase and play Valentine’s Day DLC without unlocking each character’s good ending.
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We have uploaded the interview video of the voice actors who participated in V’s After Ending and Rika’s Behind Story! Check out the video right now through the link below!
Cheritz YouTube link: https://youtu.be/AT27w8f7r9U
Thank you so much for your endless love, support, and waiting for Mystic Messenger.
We wish you happy 14th of February!
Thank you, from Cheritz
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
[MM] Mint Eye is Going to Hack into the RFA-Themed Cafe! Read about the New Merchandise as Well!
Hello, this is Cheritz!
The cold, dry winter is passing by, and we are beginning to feel the light breeze of spring, as February draws near in Korea.
It’s already been a month since our offline collaboration event with Hongdae Dungeon has begun!♥ However…we have picked up a mysterious energy threatening the RFA-Themed Cafe. (๑•﹏•)
Can you see the glimmer of mint…?
Mint Eye will soon hack into the RFA-Themed Cafe.. Please refer to the details below to see what will change at the cafe!
1. New Additions of Taiwanese Version of MM Merchandise
Along with Mint Eye’s plans to hack into the RFA-Themed Cafe, we also have some news regarding new additions of Taiwanese version of Mystic Messenger merchandise presented at the Hongdae Dungeon from today, the 30th of January. (KST)
And they are the masking tapes!!
In addition to the RFA members’ masking tapes we made a notice on earlier, we are now introducing V’s and Ray’s tapes to the set!
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*V’s and Ray’s masking tapes will only be sold offline at Hongdae Dungeon.
2. RFA-Themed Cafe Menu and Giveaways
Starting from the 1st of February, Ray’s mysterious menu will be added! ୧(˃◡˂)୨ Please tap on the image below to take a closer look at Ray’s brunch and beverage menu!
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*You will be able to receive Ray’s luncheon mat/coaster if you order his menu.
The cute cup holders (sponsored by C&R) with Elizabeth the 3rd’s paw prints have been renewed by the Mint Eye!
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*All drink orders made after the 1st of February will be provided with the Mint Eye version cup holders. *Please keep in mind that the C&R version cup holders will be provided only until the 31st of January.
Hold up..!!
We also have news for those of you who cannot attend our offline event!!
Starting February, we will have new merchandise available for purchase! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
Please hold on to your hearts and scroll down to browse the new merchandise we have prepared for you!
1. Mystic Messenger Chat Bubble Sticky Note
Finally! The long-awaited chat bubble sticky notes will be available at Hongdae Dungeon starting from the 4th of February!
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*The Sticky Notes will be available for online purchase at Cheritz Market starting from the 14th of February. *Please refer to the Cheritz Market page for details on the price and the product.
How about decorating your surroundings with these cute chat bubble sticky notes to make them look like the chat rooms from Mystic Messenger?
To take a better look at the products, click here!
The following merchandise will be available after the 14th of February!
2. The 3rd Version of L-Shape Folders with Illustrations
To follow up with the 1st and the 2nd versions, we now have the 3rd version of L-shape folders! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Along with six illustrations showing various looks of our Mystic Messenger characters, you can now have your very own L-shape folders with Christmas, Jaehee’s birthday and the New Year’s event illustrations on them as well!!
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*Please refer to the Cheritz Market page for details on the price and the product.
To take a better look at the products, click here!
3. New Mystic Messenger Tapestries
Were you thinking that the A4-sized L-shape folders are too small to take a good look at the handsome and beautiful faces of characters?
Well, in that case! Here’s what we have prepared for you!
In addition to the RFA-and-Mint-Eye-themed tapestries that were made in celebration of our participation in Otakon, we will be releasing new Mystic Messenger tapestries with Halloween, Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving), 2nd Anniversary, and New Year’s event illustrations, which will sooooo be worth keeping!!! Please don’t miss this opportunity to treasure the bigger and prettier versions of the illustrations you like.
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*Please refer to the Cheritz Market page for details on the price and the product.
To take a better look at the products, click here!
The Mystic Messenger Chat Bubble Sticky Notes will be available for offline purchase at Hongdae Dungeon starting from 4th of February and for online purchase at Cheritz Market starting from 14th of February. And the 3rd Version of L-Shape Folders with Illustrations and new Mystic Messenger Tapestries will be available at both Cheritz Market and Hongdae Dungeon after the 14th of February. Please look forward to them!
Link to Cheritz Market :- http://en-shop.cheritz.com/
Also, don’t forget about our game update during the Lunar New Year’s holiday! For more information on the update, please refer to the notice below  :-
[MM] Notice on Update Version 1.12.2 Link :  bit.ly/2G7HQsJ
We hope all of you will have a wonderful and safe holiday!! >ᴗ< Thank you.
Best, Cheritz
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
2019 Lunar New Year Event Announcement
Hello, this is Cheritz!
We have a Lunar New Year’s week coming up! We hope those of you who celebrate Lunar New Year would get loads of good treats and enjoy your holidays! And we hope all of your wishes for the new year would come true!
We bring you a news of joy for the upcoming Lunar New Year’s holidays.
<2019 Lunar New Year’s Week Updates>
[Event 1] 2019 Lunar New Year’s Illustration
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In celebration of 2019 Lunar New Year’s holidays week, Mystic Messenger’s title illustration will be changed into a new one. Please access the game to check it out!
[Event 2] 2019 Lunar New Year’s Intro Chats
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We will bring you special intro chats that show what the members of Mystic Messenger are doing during the Lunar New Year’s holidays week! How would the members of the Mystic Messenger spend the Lunar New Year’s week? (By the way…we just received an intel that an unidentified group of people are plotting something mystic!)
Check out what happens through the intro chats.  ღ(╹◡╹)ノღ
Events period : February 1st - 7th, 2019 * Chats will be randomly displayed upon starting the app.
We hope you’d have a safe, warm Lunar New Year’s week with your beloved ones. And we hope you’d have another brilliant year with Mystic Messenger! ꈍꈊꈍ (And *cough, cough* you might get to see the new contents soon!)
Thank you, from Cheritz
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
[Cheritz] Blissful News That Will Melt Away the Winter Cold!
Hello, this is Cheritz.
In Korea, the season for a hand warmer in one hand and a steamy drink in the other has come. How’s the weather for everyone else around the globe?
Although it’s winter here, we Cheritz are having a warm December, thanks to all the love and support you are sending us!
We’re especially so touched by your dedication and plenty of love for the game, Mystic Messenger, which had its 2 year anniversary this year!!
We were also very pleased to serve as a connection to pass on the love we have received from you to the institutions that really need our help once again ♥
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The amount of money we have donated to each institution was reflected on the Donation Preference of 780 thousand party coordinators who have hosted the RFA party over the year (yes, that means you!). 
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for wishing for a better world with us! (We’d like to let you know that the Donation Preference will be initialized through this update in December and will be reflected by our next year’s donation). 
We really couldn’t have done this without all of you, and we are forever thankful of your existence in our lives.
We will always prioritize your happiness and strive to pour out our heart and soul to develop great games, so that we’d remain by your sides as ‘Cheritz, the Deliverer of Happiness!’
We hope you have a loving and joyful end-of-the-year!!
Thank you.
Best, Cheritz
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
I can’t think of a better time than now to share my social medias, as 1) I will probably be putting this blog to rest and 2) Tumblr is actually imploding and dying. If you want to get in contact with me or just want to creep on me, I don’t care, these are some of my other social medias:
Twitter: spicysarahchas
Snapchat: lillimabeanz 
AO3: Nyooom 
Instagram: spiicysarahcha 
Main Tumblr: spicysarahcha (I’ll probably still use this despite The Purge™ happening... unless I’m taken down then rip)
I’m most active on Snapchat (used daily) and I’m planning on being on twitter more often. AO3 I’ll be using from time to time to post any writings I do, and Instagram? I have all of one photo up, but I want to try and post more, but idk. Pick your poison I guess  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
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support fic writers! 
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
A kind of important post
I... really don’t know how to start this, or where this will go. It has been a constant weight in the back of my mind for the longest time, and I just need to get it off my chest. I’ve written and rewritten this over and over again since last night, so I really hope this works out.
I guess I should start off by saying hi, again. I don’t mean to keep disappearing from this blog, I swear. Life is just hectic. I have a lot on my plate with work, school, keeping my grades up, getting college set up for next year, and much more. I’ve complained many, many times already so you all are most likely sick of hearing it, so that’s all I’ll say on the matter.
But life isn’t solely what is keeping me from writing. It’s really hard to write for something you don’t have much interest in anymore.
I’ve lost my interest in Mystic Messenger. The game is amazing and I adore Cheritz for creating such a beautiful game, but with the lack of new content coming out along with finding new games to play, my mind has drifted and moved on. That makes it really difficult to write the good quality writing you guys all deserve but I can’t give anymore. 
So, that’s a major factor of why I haven’t been writing. Whenever I try to write and finish a request, I write some, read it, and hate it. It’s out of character and just feels half-assed/forced to me, even if I try hard to make it good. And like I said above, I don’t want to give you guys half-assed, forced, out of character writing. You deserve good, quality writing from me.
Branching off from that, I want to discuss the future of Mystic Messenger, because this also has been weighing heavily on me.
Honestly? I don’t know that Cheritz can do much more with the game. The After Ends still need come out, of course. But after that? I don’t know what else could be done. A Rika route, sure, but I’m not sure how successful that route would be, as she is definitely not a fan favorite in the fandom. DLCs are also an option, but you can only release so many of those before it gets old. Same goes with the birthday events, you can only do so much of those before they get old, too.
In my opinion, after the after ends come out, Cheritz should set Mystic Messenger to rest and focus on a new game (like their new one, The Ssum). But that’s just me.
Now, on the topic of my blog.
I... haven’t wanted to write this for this very reason. I absolutely adore this blog. I’ve had it and have written for it for over a year (I missed the one year anniversary, oh well). I’ve held many events, celebrated milestones, celebrated holidays, made friends, and above all of that, genuinely enjoyed writing and making someone’s day a little brighter through my writing. Hell, I even wrote my community paper based off this blog.
But now?
I don’t know how much more I can offer on this blog. I won’t be offering to pass it on, as I’ve had failed attempts at that on other blogs of mine and don’t want that for this blog. But at the same time, I’m far too busy and don’t have to interest to give you guys the quality writing that you guys deserve. Hell, I can’t even stick to a regular updating schedule to save my life. 
I won’t be shutting my blog down yet. I’m not ready to do that. But, I will be closing down requests (not that I’ve been getting any). I’m not sure what I will do with the remaining requests, because I feel bad not answering them. Believe me, I want to. So for now, my requests will be closed. 
If you have made it to this paragraph, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for caring enough to read this stupid ramble, thank you for caring enough to not just scroll past. Thank you, and I’m sorry. I love you all. I’ll get back to you soon.
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ellygoesnyooom · 5 years
[MM] Happy Birthday, Rika!
Hello, this is Cheritz. We hope you enjoyed the Halloween Event with Mystic Messenger characters!
Our next special day to follow up the previous happy event would be Rika’s birthday!
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Happy Birthday, Rika!
Upcoming November 3rd is birthday of Rika! Let’s celebrate Rika’s birthday together!☆
First, drop by the app on Rika’s birthday !
To the MCs who access the game and celebrate Rika’s birthday together, we would like to give a small thank-you gift. (Only for first access during the event period)
Event period: 1st of November, 2018  -  3rd of November, 2018 (KST) Event reward : 40 hourglasses
Second, do you have questions for me ? I will try to answer as much as I can.
Special Event for birthday! Our third host would be Rika! We’d like to thank every MC who submitted the questions to [Ask Me Anything].
What kind of questions has been chosen for Rika? What would her answers be? Let’s find out together! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
Event period: 1st of November, 2018  -  3rd of November, 2018 (KST)
If you have questions for other characters, please click on the link below. [MM] Ask Me Anything - Please submit questions you have for our characters!
We hope Rika, the tragic character who has been both bright and dark, will spend a blissful time with you on her birthday!
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