endlessburningdarkness ยท 5 hours
i really have to make it myself don't i
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 1 day
no worse defeat than doing something your mom suggested months ago that you stubbornly refused and it actually works :/
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 2 days
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 2 days
how to go from daydream to draft:
begin by daydreaming as you normally do, or just after you've finished doing so. write down every thought you have. one after another. do not reread. do not stop for spelling mistakes. just dump out every thought. this is called stream of consciousness writing. you can do this for every scene you need a first draft for.
struggling to draft the scene? try to daydream about it. start thinking about how it would look, feel, what the characters would say, act it out in your head and then write out the stream of your thoughts as they arrive.
by now you have a few scene dumps. you may be tempted to go back and edit. do not do this expect for obvious spelling mistakes. do not read closely and start thinking "i need to rework this sentence." that is for later. now you're in the zone. draft more scenes. or work out what the next scene needs to be, scaffold it with a few comments. this will be the inspiration for your next deliberate thought stream that you will write out. repeat this process until you have the whole draft.
now that you have a draft or part of a draft you get to do this very fun thing called revise until you're happy. sweep through your draft with specific goals each time. one sweep to fix spelling/grammar. another for character voice. another for plot. repeat until you're happy with it.
leave it alone. just leave it for a bit. at least a few hours or days or even weeks. forget it exists. this will allow you come back with fresh eyes. then you can do your revisions with an eagle eye. now you may realize you need to add/remove scenes. you know how to get the first version down. close your eyes and daydream at your desk if that's what takes!
remember that fiction writing is persuasive writing. you are trying to persuade the reader to care about what happens next, the character's, the world, the feelings. as you're revising, consider whether you are persuaded. is the feeling/thoughts you wanted to provoke being felt by you when you read it? when working with beta readers, be sure to communicate what you're trying to convey so they can tell you if you've been successful or not.
this got a bit beyond getting the first draft done. hope you found it helpful.
bonus tip: check the spellings of names and places and other nouns that are not typically used, like the name of a magic tool!
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 2 days
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Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villian's Self-Saving System.
Artwork by ็™ฝๆณฝ (Sweeeets_cheng). Support the artist here.
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 2 days
"Go on. Take your anger out on me if you want..."
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 2 days
Unpopular option here, but I feel like mxtx isn't actually that good at writing romance, she's just really good at worldbuidling and making characters and it fools people into thinking the romance is good too. Most of the ships she writes are actually really flat if you really pay attention to them, especially wwx x lz
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 2 days
would especially like to hear from people who have completed multi-chaptered fic
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
A bilingual (Chinese/English) educational interactive website regarding various sides of Song dynasty, demonstrated via arts from Song dynasty.
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
Tech bros who think digital is forever and that uploading your consciousness to a computer is immortality crack me up. Like bro, you'd be "immortal" on the computer for like a year until your own company sends out some software update that makes you incompatible and whoops, there goes TechBro.soul into the great Recycling Bin in the sky
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
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Leฬo Forest Leo Forest (b. 1985, based Paris, France) - Chat, 2023, Drawings: Pencil, Charcoal, Pastel on Paper
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
i really want to write sadist shen yuan... reluctant and horrified but still turned on sadist shen yuan. masochist luo binghe begs for more, cajoling, manipulating and begging for it in equal measure.
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
I'm in awe of how we ran historical revisionism on the civil rights movement so bad that people truly believe it was quiet self-sacrifcial non-disruptive christ-like activism that forced progress and not โ€” like โ€” the incredible economic pressure of boycotts and outbreaks of illegal civil disobedience
Yapping to the choir but eughhh it burns me up girl effective protests have to be loud and inconvenient for change to happen because silent cries die in the dark that's the entire pointtt
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
i still can't believe there are people who think bingqiu sex scenes which includes shen yuan bleeding on luo binghe's dick, asking to slow down, and being blatantly ignored is somehow romantic "under-negotiated kink" or haha funny "bad sex" and not a blatant consent violation.
i feel like a crazy person being the only one saying consent needs to be enthusiastic and ongoing and freely fucking given at every point and for every action and can't be given retroactively - shen yuan claiming he's fine with it doesn't mean he's actually fine with it or that he's later consent can be applied to that point where he asked to slow down. like? if this happened to one of luo binghe's wives people would call him a rapist but bc shen yuan is a guy and an unreliable narrator about some things people refuse to see it. mostly, its very sad tbh.
that shen yuan doesn't run away screaming the next day or doesn't fight back isn't a sign of consent either. most people don't fight back during an assault, they freeze or fawn, and shen yuan does both those things. his soothing of luo binghe's ego and emotions and putting them above his own physical health is a textbook fawn trauma response.
people don't even know they've been assaulted in the moment or directly after because it's too much of a psychological shock. it can take years to realise. and even longer to try and escape.
the fact that luo binghe doesn't insist on stopping, even when the man he supposedly loves is bleeding and in pain is revolting. like luo binghe is not being pushed by xin mo here. he insists on so many other things, why does fucking shen yuan take priority over shen yuan's wellbeing? even if shen yuan is tearfully insiting he continue, why wouldn't luo binghe put his foot down and say actually i don't want to hurt you and fucking stop hurting him? it's almost like he's selfish and doesn't care or something.
and that entire scene makes the maigu ridge redundant. the whole point of maigu ridge is that this kind of sex is awful and yet we get the wedding scene where it somehow becomes romantic and enjoyable? what was the point of maigu ridge then? shen yuan is just magically not traumatised by either experience? be for real.
makes me wonder how long that will last though ~ cuz there's only so much borderline assault ahem i mean "bad sex" someone can take. even the gentle turn.
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
I feel like many people have a fundamental misconception of what unreliable narrator means. It's simply a narrative vehicle not a character flaw, a sign that the character is a bad person. There are also many different types of unreliable narrators in fiction. Being an unreliable narrator doesn't necessarily mean that the character is 'wrong', it definitely doesn't mean that they're wrong about everything even if some aspects in their story are inaccurate, and only some unreliable narrators actively and consciously lie. Stories that have unreliable narrators also tend to deal with perception and memory and they often don't even have one objective truth, just different versions. It reflects real life where we know human memory is highly unreliable and vague and people can interpret same events very differently
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endlessburningdarkness ยท 3 days
would especially like to hear from people who have completed multi-chaptered fic
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