gyro-rella-rella · 5 years
Dio x reader~{princess}
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On a cloudy dark night. You've decided to sit outside. Yes, you hated it, but your dear Dio loved to sit out on a cold night to watch the stars, the moon, and feel the humid air in his palms. As he put it, it was a way to calm down and gather important thoughts. The way he explained it you'd think sitting outside would give you some kind of magical flying power of the sort. You layed down your blanket since you didn't like sitting in the grass, when you mentioned this to Dio he was kind of disappointed, however happy you even agreed to sit outside with him. You knew he'd been lonely pretty much all his life. You were happy you were the only person to help him open up at least a tiny smidge. You stared into his dark eyes. Loving and cherishing every bit of him for a couple of minutes. He'd eagerly stare at you a couple times , it seemed as if he was holding back saying something.
"Something on your mind..? "
"Alright then" You looked directly at a tree with a dark blue bird landing on the branch "I wouldn't want to force you"
You thought about a couple things while you stared at the hopeless sky. You thought about your day with Dio, what you ate today. And the little things.
you bravely decided to rest your head on his shoulder. He looked like he needed it, and as much as he would deny it you knew he wanted it. you admired the clouds steaming over the shining moon and the dark sky background. The feeling of the soft blanket and Dios soft shoulder. {When you placed your head on Dios shoulder he was a bit shocked since he knew you weren't one of those type of women. He personally thought you were perfect for him, not too pushy, and strong. But also very kind and sweet. You were the only person who actually cared about him. And not just because he could probably kill you at any moment. But because you were genuinely interested in him. And he deeply admired that. }
You smiled.
"Hmm now I see why you like it out here so much. It's so comfortable out here. With, me and you of course. It feels so natural, this was a good idea after all dio." while still resting your head on his shoulder delicately, you started to mentally count how many trees there were to keep you a bit busy. He looked at you and told you "another reason I'm out here is to admire you better. my princess" he looked back to what he seemed pretty fixated on, with a devilish smirk on his face. "Oh? I'm your princess? So does that make you my p-"
"Figure it out yourself " He started to blush but in a way you couldn't tell he was mad. You really loved Dio and slowly started to love being out here with him in such a setting. You could tell he loved being out here with you too. He just never had the best way of truly showing it.
Soon you slowly started to drift off to sleep on his shoulder. When you fell asleep he picked you up with your blanket and placed you on the living room couch and tucked you in. "Soon I'll be able to show you how much you mean to me. How you belong to only me. however now is not the time. I love you, my sweet, princess"
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gyro-rella-rella · 5 years
Nyo ho~! Requests/imagines open!
Feel free to request anything jjba related! ❤
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gyro-rella-rella · 5 years
~Jolyne x reader~ 🏖suprise! +
"I can't believe you convinced me to come to the beach jolyne. "
"Pfft a body like yours was made to be shown off at the beach! "
You elbowed jolyne with embarrassment, you loved jolyne ever since you've met her and it's always normal for you to flirt with each other, but the only problem was you always would get flustered when SHE did it. Jolynes determination and her goofy personality is everything you would want in someone. I mean look at her she's beautiful!
"Jolyynneee! Can we go in the water it's too hot" You begged jolyne but she insisted you two stayed a bit longer. After you realized that "bit longer" Was a couple more hours you layed down on your towel and let the sun face you. You watched jolyne while she mysteriously grabbed a bottle of water from your bag. You thought she was just dehydrated and didn't wanna seem weird staring at her for too long so you just decided to look at the water slightly dazed.
"(Y/nnnn...) "
You looked at jolyne before you could fully respond and was sprayed with cold water! Darn... You shouldve known. You quickly got up and started chasing her down with all your might.
She just laughed while she ran and ran and eventually reached the water. She came to a stop when she finally went in the water. (Still laughing at how surprised your face was when the water hit you.) Her laugh was so cute you couldn't stand it you truly loved jolyne. Buut you still had to get her back somehow sooo.. You went in the water and finally when she was in close enough proximity you splashed a bunch of water in her face for revenge.
"How does it feel huh? **giggle**"
"Ppffttt now I'm completely wet! Let's call a truce... "
"Heh fine but I still win" For some reason instead of reaching her hand out she started leaning close for a..
Hug? A hug? Why would jolyne ever want to give someone like you a hug? She was so soft and cute.. And gentle..well sometimes.. You were pretty confused but you just went with it, you wouldn't wanna pish her away after all.
"J-Jolyne? "
"My bad. Just wanted to feel how soft and fragile you are, your like a teddy bear it's not my fault! " You started to blush. Damn you really did hate when that would happen.
"Jolyne... "
"Ah, see? Your even cute when ya blush! "She hugged you tighter. " I've been meaning to tell you how much I love you by the way.. Surprise! Haha.. "
Without a word you just held her closer to you. "Hmmm I have a surprise for you too then. " She looked up at you confused for a moment. "I love you too, surprise!" She lightly punched your arm "pfft nerd alright let's go find some seashells now... " You caught a glimpse of her blush and it filled you with over joy.
She's so cute -
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gyro-rella-rella · 5 years
Short narancia x reader writing~
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Today was an especially hard day for you. Your home now but... Stuck with all this homework. Great. You even promised that cute boy with the orange headband you'd help him with his. You reached your hand for your phone and started to call him up.
{You}~H-Hello? Is this um..
{Nara}-oh um, yeah! Can I still come over..?
{You}~yeah of course! I'll be waiting! ^^
{Nara}- great! See ya!
It seemed like seconds before you heard knocking on the door , so you headed for the door and opened it. Once you saw him you immediately smiled. "Hey! Why don't you come inside?"
"No Nara, you forgot that everytime you start a sentence it's a capital letter, but nice try! You just have to remember, and i just know you'll nail this! " He looked at you with a confused expression since he's used to aggressive behavior and being harshly reprimanded. "R-Really? Are you sure or.. No you can't be.. We've been here for hours on the same paragraph.. There's no way I can get through it" He looked away with sadness to his eyes with an equal amount of fraustration and anger. you were kind of angry yourself that a smart and cute boy like him didn't think he was smart enough to get through it. You grabbed his chin and faced him towards you. "Narancia. Never think you aren't smart enough to do anything. You are smart, and you and I both know that, I believe in you and.. I want you to know how much you matter, now let's get through this" You removed your hand and went back to what you were originally doing. He blushed and just sat there confused as hell. Then he picked up his pencil and began to try again.
"Thank you (y/n) I needed that"
"Of course anytime.. If you ever need help with anything I'm here" Then Narancia unexpectedly rested his head on your shoulder and said "you forgot the capital letter at the start of your sentence" He giggled and you replied with "pfft haha looks like your right smarty pants"
He soon ended up finishing his essay, you made sure his grammar was on point, punctuations perfect, and definitely the capital letters at the start of every sentence was there. Before he left he gave you a soft hug and told you how much he was greatful for you and if you could tutor him the next day, you blushed while enjoying the hug and replied with a yes. And then you two parted ways eager for what tomorrow will bring.
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gyro-rella-rella · 5 years
°Head held high° part 4 josuke
~trade with @babysheisakillerqueen ~❤
It was a day like every other day, however this day in particular was different...
The bell finally rung after a long tiring school day, you walked to the spot you usually wait for josuke at since most of the time his class gets released late.. You chuckled at remembering the one time he was held back 16 mins after class for tripping and falling on the teacher and dropping his/her papers.
"Hes such a clutz sometimes..its sort of cute" You thought to yourself
Just then you saw josuke walking up to you and then you both started your short little journey walking home together. You both laughed and talked about things on your way home as usual. "Haha (t/n) is the best teacher because he/she always forget the homework!" You both chuckled together and just before you could open your mouth to speak, a tall slender, brown haired main started walking towards you both."Maybe he needed help? Or maybe he was lost?" You truly didn't know, you glared at josuke and the same confusion on your face was plastered on his. You and josuke kept walking however everything fell silent as the man walked past you and shoved you out of the way, you fell and scraped your knee and it took a couple of seconds to process what was going on but as soon as you did you angrily got up and attempted to shove him back, but... An invisible force like thing was gripping your arms, and not just any grip, you could already start to see bruises form on your (s/c) skin, "g-gah" Josuke began to turn around and notice what was happening.
"Hey! (Y/n) are you o-"
The invisible force like thing gripped hard enough to probably fracture something, you screamed and then he threw you to the ground, and not just any puny throw, it was fast and aggressive, when you fell you bumped your head.. But before you blacked out the last thing you heard was
"Crazy diamond! "
You woke up in a soft comfortable bed. You looked around, and looked at your arm to inspect the bruises but.. There was nothing there?! You looked around more clearly this time and found josuke doing his homework at his desk, he turned around and caught you staring at him,
"Your awake" He stood up and then sat next to you. "You feeling any better? I'm sorry that happened.. You shouldn't have to go through that" He looked away "Y-Yeah actually im-im fine- but what happened to the injuries I, and-" He shyly responded with "oh! About that I.. Treated them for you I hope you dont mind.. " You looked up at him and blushed "you don't have to feel guilty, actually if it wasn't for you I'd be in a load of pain right now haha.. " You sheepishly said, josuke then decided to lean close, you were shocked but, before you could even think he kissed your cheek. You blushed like crazy, you were so shocked that he had- well.. That he'd ever- k-kiss you.. Youve always loved josuke so for this to happen was just so surprising.. You kissed him back softly.. And he replied with "I love you (y/n) , I was really worried and I'm glad your okay now" You didn't really think you just hugged him and said "thank you josuke... I... Really love you too"
**ring~ ring~**
"Sh// my parents.. "
Haha I hope you enjoy that! I'm always free to do writing trades so if anyone would like to I'm always active❤💙
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gyro-rella-rella · 5 years
Trading open~
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Hiiii! So, for those not aware of what a story trade is, it's when a writer and another writer, request eachother something, kind of like an art trade but with writing, I'm kinda new here so , yeah haha, text me if your interested! Also I forgot to mention, jjba and only x reader requests only! Thank you for your time❤
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