malliekayy · 4 years
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malliekayy · 4 years
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malliekayy · 4 years
“You are stronger than you think. You have gotten through every bad day in your life, and you are still undefeated.”
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malliekayy · 4 years
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Irish Architecture
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malliekayy · 4 years
A pagan prayer for those who are feeling haunted
This is one of my favorite times of year. Watercolor leaves crunch under my feet and somehow the air SMELLS cold. Food tastes warmer. The world around me is infused with energy like the Death card, a shedding of old to a barren winter to soon be reborn again. And these cycles we live through each year happen in our own lives too, but the winters can feel long. The dead things that we wish would leave us alone feel like they cling onto us sometimes, leeching off of our life force. And so this is a prayer for anyone who is going through a winter alongside me. If you are shedding something that just won’t let you go, if you are trying to bury a heart in the earth and it keeps showing up again on your bedside table, if the plants in your bedroom are all wilting in spite of your care for them because you yourself are depleted, this prayer is for you and me.
Mother of earth and father of sea
The spirits of all the things in between
Spirit of heart and spirit of soul
The ones in our doorways
The ones in our folds
I ask you to be here inside of my room
Gather together, there’s plenty of room
The fire of heat and the air of etheric
Water of love and earth, home of our weaving
Water flow through me and clean out the gunk
Rush through the blocks and the broke-in-two junk
Rush through my body and push it all out
Down in the earth, spit from my mouth
Air please come in, please pass by my tongue
Through every valley and mountain inbound
The wind with it’s playful chimes and it’s muse
That dances and rhymes, sing out my wounds
Fire unbind me and enter my chest
My lonely, my unloved, forgotten heart-vest
Fill up my cracks with light and inspire me
I trust my stomping feet to lead where I’m meant to be.
Earth rise up through the soles of my feet,
May a vine crawl up my limbs and make me a beast,
I become big and green as a giant
Strong in my footing, I let out a shout of sighing
HAAAA I push out the troubles that bind me
HOOOOO I release the ties that confine me
HEEEEE I claim my life as my own canvas to draw on
OHHHHHH I am stronger and brighter, connection
Mother of earth and father of sea,
Land that I walk on
Air that I breathe
Fire that feeds me and water that quenches
I pray for your energy to ground me and center
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malliekayy · 4 years
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In the arms of a dream so beautiful 🌙
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malliekayy · 4 years
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Amethyst geode
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malliekayy · 4 years
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malliekayy · 4 years
Rising signs and their meanings🌙
The elusive rising sign is so-called because it denotes which sign is on the horizon at the time of birth.
The rising sign (or ascendant) is both your outlook on the world and the first impression you give to others.
Aries Rising♈️
If you’re an Aries rising, chances are you come off as brave, opinionated, and independent. You have a very strong and commanding presence, and may even be seen as intimidating. You are the fierce warrior of the zodiac. Being the first sign, you lead the cavalry. As the first fire sign of the zodiac, you are intensely competitive and view the world as a series of competitions. Aries, you are a trailblazer who leaps before you look and asks for forgiveness, not permission. You also act on your instincts, which are usually spot-on.
Taurus Rising♉️
If you’re a Taurus rising, it's likely you give off fierce, dependable, and strong-willed vibes. But you also have a softer side. You enjoy the good things in life, including beautiful clothes, fine food, and massages. Taurus sometimes gets pigeonholed as materialistic, and while you do like to surround yourself with gorgeous finery, you're also hardworking enough that you've earned a bit of luxury. You’re the first earth sign and you represent earthiness in its purest form. This means you like being active and creative with your hands — for you, this could mean gardening, cooking, knitting, or even the challenge of finding a creative new makeup look.
Gemini Rising♊️
If you’re a Gemini rising, people likely perceive you as talkative, bright, and curious. You are probably the social media expert of your group, with your fellow air sign, Aquarius. You are always doing 18 things at once and working on multiple projects. Being one of the double signs, like Libra and Pisces, you can sometimes come off as two different people, but that’s not a bad thing. We need your boundless energy and inexhaustible resources. Your highly creative mind can spit out ideas a mile a minute. Sometimes you might get overwhelmed by the desire to do everything, but unfortunately doing everything at once is impossible — try sticking to one or two things you really care about and focus on the rest of your list later.
Cancer Rising♋️
If you’re a Cancer rising, then warm, nurturing, and sensitive may be at the top of the list for those who describe you. You are likely seen as the mother among your close friends. You are a homebody and deeply value your family connections, whether blood or chosen. You like your routine — after all, you’ve taken time and care to establish yourself and make things exactly the way you want them to be. You might also be the person people come to with problems because you know how to hold space for people.
Leo Rising♌️
If you’re a Leo rising, people probably think of you as confident, vibrant, and fun. You have a flair for the dramatic, and people immediately notice when you walk in the room. You are also extremely creative, whether you express yourself with a vlog, a gorgeous social media feed, or through creative outfits and makeup. Seeing you live your best life inspires others to do the same. Leo season is the summer and you carry that carefree, sunny spirit with you. Leo is also known as the child of the zodiac. Like children, you live in the moment, but can also be a little demanding. Not everyone can keep up with your fiery energy.
Virgo Rising♍️
If you’re a Virgo rising, people who meet you may describe you as organized, put together, and reliable. Friends often go to you in a crisis. You know how to deal with things in order of importance and are a natural caregiver. Being an earth sign, you are also connected to nature and probably love animals. You know this planet is precious and that we have to be cognizant of how we use its resources.
Libra Rising♎️
If you’re a Libra rising, those who come into contact with you likely think of you as pleasant, sweet, and charming — whether or not that’s what’s going on below the surface. Since Libra is an air sign, you are social, enjoy being around others, and collaborating on projects. You may have heard that Libras are indecisive, and while this may be true it comes with good intentions because you generally want everyone to be happy. Though you want the best possible outcome for the most people, it’s important to recognize that’s not always possible. Note that Libra is the diplomat of the zodiac. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Scorpio Rising♏️
If you’re a Scorpio rising, you may come off as mysterious, quiet, and alluring. It’s not always a sexually charged charm, although it can be. Most of the time there’s so much going on behind that cool, pristine face, and people want to know more. Rising Scorpios are intense, and you have your reasons. You’ve likely had some experiences that have caused you to put up your guard, especially if you have other Scorpio influence in your chart, and it may take time to get to know you.
Sagittarius Rising♐️
If you’re a Sagittarius rising, people may describe you as fun, vivacious, and bright. You have a zest for life that’s contagious and are known as the optimist of the zodiac. The glass is always half full for you. This may be a bit difficult right now, and your serious side may be coming out as a result. You are also known as a wise teacher and seeker of truth. You are outspoken, opinionated, and say what other people aren’t saying. You can often be quite blunt and sometimes it backfires.
Capricorn Rising♑️
If you’re a Capricorn rising, you come off as mature, organized, and driven. You are always put together and prepared. You strive for greatness, and you expect a lot of yourself and of others. You scale unscalable heights and often do things others wouldn’t dream of. However, given that Capricorn is an earth sign, you are also grounded in your quest for greatness. You work within the system and then defy expectations.
Aquarius Rising♒️
If you’re an Aquarius rising, you may be perceived as intellectual, innovative, and a humanitarian. Some think the “aqua” in Aquarius means you're a water sign, but Aquarius is actually the third air sign (along with Gemini and Libra) and a symbol of the water bearer. This sign has much more to do with community and being part of the collective; it’s about sharing the water, not being the water. You're also known for being very individualistic, and it’s possible to see a rising Aquarius coming a mile away given your turquoise pixie cut, your razor scooter, or maybe you’re just singing at the top of your lungs as you walk down the street. In any case, you stand out and you march to the beat of your own drum.
Pisces Rising♓️
If you’re a Pisces rising, people likely describe you as dreamy, compassionate, with your head a bit in the clouds. That’s because sometimes you have a deep connection to other worlds whether you know it or not. Pisces is known as the psychic of the zodiac and since it’s the last sign, it carries all the other signs in it. Therefore, you are intrinsically linked to all of humanity. When someone meets you for the first time, you may seem like you’re not paying attention and your mind is elsewhere. That may be partially true, but you are also taking in everything, including the person's words, their body language, and underlying emotions.
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malliekayy · 4 years
I think sometimes people forget that witchcraft isn't strictly religious. You can practice and not be wiccan, you can practice and be atheist, you can practice and be christian, witchcraft is not inherently tied tonone religion
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malliekayy · 4 years
Color Magick 🌈
While different colors have different associations for everyone, here are some more traditional uses and things I associate with these colors.
🕊White - Can symbolize purity, unity, and protection. It’s considered the color of new beginnings. Good for creativity, and makes a good substitute for any color.
🌑Black - It absorbs and removes negativity. A very protective color. Also good for keeping something hidden or bound.
🔘Grey - A very neutral and impartial color. Good for stability, calmness and composure
🔥Red - Usually associated with physical needs and the ability or will to survive. Good for motivation, confidence, and passion.
💥Orange - A very instinctive and uplifting color. Can help with grief and despair. Good for social situations, creativity, and inspiration. Also associated with drive.
🌻Yellow - A color that can inspire hope, happiness, and joy. A good color to use if you’re trying to heighten focus or trying to learn something new.
🌳Green - Works well with the heart chakra and emotions. Balanced mind and body. The color of rebirth and growth, though it can also be materialistic.
🍵Turquiose - Helps open communication between the heart and voice to help get feelings across. Very calming and uplifting.
💎Blue - Builds trust, and fosters honesty and loyalty. Considered the color of peace and tranquility, and is very relaxing. Helps build lasting friendships, and is very good for meditation.
📘Indigo - Color of intuition that can help open the third eye. Great for meditation and achieving higher states of wisdom. Helps develop wisdom.
🔮Purple - Aids in dream recall, psychic gifts, and awareness. The color of magick
💖Pink - This is the color of love, compassion, and understanding. It shows the more affectionate and kind side of red. Very good for emotional magick.
🍂Brown - A very grounded color. It’s practical and honest. The color of sincerity.
🌕Silver - A feminine associated color that can represent the power of the moon. This is a color that can help light your way, and it acts like a mirror by reflecting negative energy that was given out. Good for cleansing negative energy.
☀️Gold - Represents wealth, success, and triumph. The color of masculine energy, it’s associated with the sun. A very optimistic and positive color.
🌈Rainbow - Represents androgynous energy. It is every color at the same time. Good for inspiration and generally empowering anything you do.
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malliekayy · 4 years
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malliekayy · 4 years
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Wheel of the Year Embroidery
Catherine Koloman on Etsy
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malliekayy · 4 years
“You are stronger than you think. You have gotten through every bad day in your life, and you are still undefeated.”
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malliekayy · 4 years
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Everything is just- Energy 🔮💫🌈
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malliekayy · 4 years
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Omid Armin
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malliekayy · 4 years
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