mrs-sharp · 1 day
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One of my favourite quests.
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mrs-sharp · 3 days
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His facial expressions are gold in this quest.
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mrs-sharp · 3 days
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mrs-sharp · 4 days
I DO obsessively read peoples tags when they rb my art
And, yes, I DO kick my little feets and giggle when I get compliments
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mrs-sharp · 4 days
The eyes of Graphorns
I've finished a new part of my fanfic, and we finally reach the part where the title is explained. Hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Aesop Sharp x mc
Summary: After their confrontation, Elaine and Sharp avoid each other. But after a short while, they both realize that they have difficulties being apart. Elaine takes the first step and invites Sharp to meet her in the corridor of the seventh floor.
Read part 1-4 here
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Chapter 5 - Elaine's Laughter
Aesop Sharp sat in his classroom, turning a piece of parchment in his hands. In recent days, he had often sat here, lost in thought, although he really hadn't had the time for it. Every day, he would review the events in Elaine's office, and her words would echo in his mind. She had tried to find a cure for him. She had been injured in the attempt to confront his attacker. She had become a damn Auror and went to that cursed place named Scarborough. It wasn't that he hadn't believed she was capable, but the fact that she now had to endure the same pain that had haunted him for years because of him — he should have warned her before it was too late. But what troubled him most was what she had said to him: "You mean too much to me."
In the past week, he hadn't seen her often. They mostly met in the Great Hall, but she hadn't given him a chance to speak with her. Usually, she was already there before him, leaving the teachers' table before he had even started eating. Now he sat there, the empty parchment in hand, unable to find the right words. He had thought about sending her an owl. He wanted to apologize to her. For his behaviour and for not having control of the situation. But most of all, for accusing her of not wanting to help him. He wanted to say so much, and...
"Professor, we've finished brewing our Focus Potions," a voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked up, and there stood a student holding a vial.
"Yes, yes, write your names on a piece of parchment and then place the potions on my desk. We'll discuss the results in the next class. Class dismissed..."
The students looked at each other questioningly and then began to leave the room one by one.
"What's wrong with Professor Sharp?" he heard a student whisper, and another replied, "I don't know, he's behaving strangely, maybe..."
The rest of the sentence left the room with the students. Aesop Sharp leaned back in his chair and sighed as an owl entered the room through an open window, dropping a piece of parchment onto his desk and disappearing without landing. He recognized the handwriting immediately:
"Please meet me after lunch on the seventh floor of the Astronomy Wing."
There was nothing more on the piece of parchment, but he knew who it was from. The whole week, he had caught himself waiting for a message that he had believed would never arrive. He had thought about a possible meeting with Elaine Hopkins much more often than he wanted to admit, and it unsettled him. Until now, he had never found it difficult to stay focused on his work, but since the confrontation with Elaine, he had noticed behaviors in himself that he didn't recognize.
Lost in thought, he imagined seeing her again outside the Great Hall while simultaneously trying to push the thought away. He knew he was behaving highly unprofessionally, even though she was now his colleague.
The morning dragged on like an eternity. When Sharp arrived in the corridor of the seventh floor, Elaine was already waiting for him. She didn't look at him as he approached and stood beside her. She sensed his presence, though, as he stopped next to her. He too looked at the wall she was staring at, perhaps hoping to discover something there, but all he saw was sand-colored stone.
"How was your first week at Hogwarts, Professor?"
He said her title as if it brought him joy to treat her as an equal. He glanced at her from the side and caught himself admiring her. He noticed again and again that he compared her to the student she had been when she left Hogwarts. Even then, he had appreciated her talent and courage, but he felt how much she had grown. She radiated sincerity and sharpness. She tempered her confidence with restraint and humility. He noticed that he had been staring at her for a bit too long, quickly looked away, and condemned himself for his inappropriate behaviour.
"I'm still getting used to standing on the other side of the classroom," she replied, "but it's going well."
Elaine was glad that Sharp was actually there. She hadn't been sure if he would come. He hadn't responded to her owl, but she hadn't expected him to. Even during her school days, he hadn't revealed more than necessary about himself. For the first time since she returned to Hogwarts, she felt something familiar. So much had happened in the last few years, and everything had changed, but now, with the professor standing next to her, who had fought side by side with her long ago, she felt that the shadows of the past were at least loosening a bit. She valued the Potions Master greatly — his knowledge and experience, but also his honesty.
"I want to show you something."
Elaine looked around to see if they were alone, closed her eyes, and after a few seconds of silence, a door formed on the bare wall.
"Is that..." Sharp began, and Elaine couldn't help but notice the wonder in his voice.
"The Room of Requirement," she nodded, finishing his sentence.
Elaine opened the door and invited him in. Sharp walked through slowly and felt like he had entered another world. The walls were filled with books, plants, and potion ingredients up to the high ceilings. Here and there were alcoves with seating, plant tables and potion stations. He spotted cauldrons and shelves full of vials filled with various potions. Diptam, river grass, shrivelfigs, and knotgrass grew in the room, along with mandrakes, Chinese chomping cabbage, and even a venomous tentacula. Sharp looked around with his mouth slightly agape.
"Professor Weasley led me here. This way, I was able to catch up on all the material I had missed in my first year," Elaine explained.
"Matilda, huh? I always thought of the room as a legend until now. She never told me about it," Sharp said, still marvelling at the sight. Elaine walked through the room.
"Oh, the shrivelfigs could use some fertilizer, and the venomous tentacula needs pruning."
"Miss Hopkins, is that you?" a voice suddenly squeaked from the other end of the room, and a house-elf appeared from behind one of the huge planters. "Oh, what a pleasant surprise!"
"Deek, nice to see you. I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier. Did you take care of everything with Professor Weasley while I was away?" Elaine asked, and Deek's face lit up.
"Yes, Deek did everything he could to take care of everything. You're accompanied today, I see?"
Elaine turned around. "This is Professor Sharp, the Potions teacher at Hogwarts."
"Pleased to meet you," he replied curtly, nodding to the house-elf.
"Deek, would you excuse us for a moment? I want to show Professor Sharp something," Elaine said.
"Of course," Deek replied and disapparated.
Elaine turned to her colleague, suddenly looking serious.
"I know it may sound inappropriate, but when we enter the next room, it's very important that you do what I tell you. Do you understand?"
Sharp's face became pensive, puzzled by the authoritative tone in her voice.
"I mean it. Please, you have to trust me."
It was hard for him to relinquish control, but he was also curious about what else this room held.
"All right," he answered and nodded.
"Follow me," Elaine replied, sounding suddenly very mysterious.
Aesop Sharp followed closely behind her, and they entered another room, although the word "room" hardly did it justice. Suddenly, he found himself in a vast hilly landscape. In the distance, he could see ruins. It felt as if they had landed in the farthest corner of the Scottish Highlands, although they were still inside the castle. Hogwarts never ceased to surprise him.
Elaine's whistle cut through the cool air. Sharp had been so busy marveling at the landscape that he hadn't noticed the magical creatures. Suddenly, Nifflers popped out of the tall grass bushes, starting to squeak excitedly when they saw Elaine, then bustling around her feet. Mooncalves danced around her, and from afar, Thestrals came flying. They galloped around Elaine, sniffing her. One lay on its back, rolling excitedly in the grass and making joyful noises. The smallest of them was snow-white and nudged Elaine's hand, urging her to scratch its head. Sharp had never seen anything like it.
The way the creatures approached Elaine so trustingly fascinated him. He had previously thought it was dangerous to get so close to magical creatures, but Elaine's interaction with them exuded a calmness that soothed him.
Sharp looked around. Diricawls darted through tall grass on one of the hills, next to them Kneazles dozed in the sunlight, and in the sky, he spotted a flock of Fwoopers in all the colors of the rainbow. In the distance, he even thought he saw unicorns.
"This is... wonderful," he remarked reverently. Elaine smiled. She couldn't remember ever hearing the former Auror speechless.
"I started this because I wanted to provide them with a safe environment. Almost all the magical creatures here fell victim to poachers. At first, I had no idea how much I would learn from them."
Sharp remembered hearing stories during Elaine's school days that she had taken down entire poacher camps with Poppy Sweeting, but he had dismissed it as gossip, embellishing the story of the dragon attack on Elaine's first day.
"So, the rumours about you and Miss Sweeting are true?"
"I don't know what rumours you've heard, but when I think about what Poppy and I experienced together in my first year, it's likely that they are true."
"You don't have dragons here, do you?" Sharp asked with a touch of irony, but also visibly concerned.
"Not in this room," Elaine replied. Sharp recognized from her expression that her response wasn't serious and smiled then. For a moment, Elaine paused. Her former teacher's smile flowed through her body, leaving behind a warm feeling of security. Over the years, she had realized how much she had missed him, but only now did she realize how much.
Suddenly, the ground began to shake. At first, it was just a faint vibration under their feet, but Sharp noticed it immediately. He looked around hastily, trying to locate the source of the tremors, which had now intensified into a full-fledged quake. Suddenly, he felt Elaine's hand on his own. A warm shiver ran through his body like rain after a summer day.
"Don't," she said gently, looking at him. Without realizing what he was doing, he had stepped in front of Elaine and drawn his wand to defend them both.
"But..." he stammered.
A Graphorn came running towards them menacingly. It looked angry, and for a split second, Sharp hesitated, but then he followed Elaine's instruction and put away his wand. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the worst. When the impact he expected didn't come, he blinked cautiously. The magical creature had stopped just a few inches in front of them.
He had heard stories about Graphorns. About how powerful wizards were heavily injured or died in battle against them. The Ministry had even put bounties on the creatures. But up close, it didn't look so angry anymore. It reached out its tendrils, which swirled around its mouth and strongly resembled tentacles, and touched Elaine with them. The Graphorn snorted and wrapped its tendrils around Elaine's neck.
"It's okay, it's okay," she reassured the magical creature, "Yes, it's me."
When the creature turned towards Sharp and critically eyed him, Elaine spoke to it in a gentle voice, "This is Professor Sharp. He won't hurt you; you can trust him."
Sharp was touched; on the one hand, to hear his colleague say that he could be trusted, and on the other hand, by how gently the Graphorn treated her. The calmness Elaine radiated seemed to affect both him and the Graphorn. He felt himself relax and be overwhelmed by the beauty he observed.
Elaine looked at Sharp over her shoulder, "Most people are afraid of them, but they're actually quite gentle."
Sharp felt a bit caught off guard and lowered his gaze as another Graphorn appeared behind the first one followed by a second, smaller one.
"My goodness, this is unbelievable!" Elaine exclaimed. "You've had offspring!"
When the young one appeared behind its mother, Sharp was speechless. For some reason, the sight of the young one, about a head smaller than him, now purposefully approaching him, deeply moved him. It touched him with its tendrils. The touch tickled a bit, but it was gentle and friendly. Suddenly, Sharp felt a peace within himself that he had never known before, almost bringing tears to his eyes. The little Graphorn purred contentedly.
"It likes you," Elaine explained, now standing next to him and petting the head of the first Graphorn. "Graphorns use their tendrils to sense emotions. I studied them for a while when I was travelling. In the Pyrenees, there are village communities where wizards and Graphorns live peacefully together."
Elaine turned to Sharp, "Because the Ministry keeps hunting down these creatures, they are almost extinct here. That's why they usually attack immediately when they encounter a human in the wild. It might even be that these are the last ones in Britain."
With his mouth slightly open, Sharp looked at the huge Graphorn in front of Elaine. Upon closer inspection, he noticed how gentle the magical creatures looked up close.
"Their eyes..." he began, "they remind me of -"
"Pain?" Elaine tried to finish his sentence. "Graphorns seem to seek the presence of those who have experienced great suffering." They stood silent for a few moments. Sharp alternately looked at the small Graphorn and at his feet. It unsettled him that Elaine seemed to know his greatest vulnerabilities so naturally. But what unsettled him even more was the fact that he felt comfortable in her presence nonetheless. He wasn't used to trusting anyone.
Before he replied, Sharp examined the melancholic look in Elaine's eyes since she had returned here and nodded, "I wanted to say they remind me of you."
Elaine looked at him surprised. Graphorns' eyes were gentle, sad, perhaps even desperate, but above all, they had a fragile, vulnerable expression. Elaine had studied the creatures for a long time; they were intimidating and proud, but also strong, gentle, loyal, and intelligent. They fascinated Elaine, but she hadn't expected to be compared to Graphorns one day.
Suddenly, she started laughing because it sounded like a compliment from Sharp. It was an infectious and heartfelt laughter. Sharp hadn't heard her laugh since she had left school. Since she had been back at Hogwarts, he hadn't seen her smile even once. And he immediately knew that it wasn't a mocking laugh, but a liberating one that drove away the darkness of the past few years for a few seconds. It filled him with joy to see her like this. When she regained her composure, Sharp smiled at her.
There it was again, that feeling that Sharp's smile triggered in her. It touched Elaine and wrapped around her shoulders warm and soft as if it could protect her. For a moment, it felt like Elaine's laughter had dissolved everything that had stood between them, as if there was a particularly strong connection between them. They looked deep into each other's eyes, and for a moment, they both forgot the pain and Scarborough and all those they had lost. For this moment, everything inside them was free.
"I... I need to apologize to you, I shouldn't have..." she began, but Sharp shook his head.
"No," he replied in his deep voice, which sounded unusually calm and gentle, "I should have trusted you. The accusations I made against you... that was unfair. I'm sorry."
Elaine fell silent. Never in her life had she expected him to apologize to her. He looked at her. He looked at her with that penetrating gaze that seemed to look directly into her soul. He looked at her with his dark eyes and all the sadness that lay in them. He took a step towards her. He was so close to her now that she had to look up at him. A trembling tension ran through the silence between them, which slowly transformed into intimacy.
And then Sharp heard something that moved him so deeply as if he had been enchanted. It was the purest and truest thing he had ever heard. At first, he thought he was imagining it, but then a scarlet bird flew overhead, its song filling the vastness of the sky above them.
"Is that... a phoenix?"
Elaine nodded, also moved by the sound that seemed to fill everything around them and inside her. She swallowed and answered in a soft voice, "I've never heard him sing."
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mrs-sharp · 6 days
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something i made a while ago, uploading bc fallout is back in town. dont mind the main blog signature 🥴
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mrs-sharp · 6 days
Reminds me of this legendary duel:
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Ranrok: You've lost! I have an army...
Aesop Sharp: If I may interject...
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mrs-sharp · 6 days
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I can't cope with the sadness in his eyes.
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mrs-sharp · 7 days
This is incredible. 😭
Do you like it?
Aesop Sharp and his wife's more intimate moment ❤️
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Morana (Aesop's Wife) is my MC.
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mrs-sharp · 9 days
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Superwholock (+ guests) : Happy Birthday Doctor! - (2024)
"Hey, angel! Why are we even here? It's the fifth time we're celebrating the Doc's birthday this year! Being a time traveler, it doesn't even make sense anymore! He's so old, I'm sure he doesn't even remember how old he is anyway. And there are two of them today? Shall we celebrate this one's birthday too? How does this even WORK?
Can you behave for a minute? We are here because it's fun, because it's a great occasion to be together again, and because he's our FRIEND. We are enjoying ourselves!
Are we? I mean, is he going to regenerate and go PshHhiTt at the same time as the candles? *That* would be entertaining!"
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mrs-sharp · 9 days
Honestly, I wish I had money. 🧡
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💚Commission prices💚
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mrs-sharp · 9 days
Whoa, this is amazing!
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Maxson: How dare you betray the Brotherhood! Danse: It's not her fault. It's mine.
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mrs-sharp · 9 days
This is so beautiful, I can't.
‘Masters of the Air’ meets ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ 😏
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mrs-sharp · 9 days
Everyone shares screenshots of Sharp's secret drawing room, but can we talk about that hidden room under Hecat's office? Like wth?
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mrs-sharp · 10 days
Weasley: "Alright, you two, which one of you wrote 'Kill trolls' as a task in MC's field guide?"
Sharp: "I can't remember writing anything about killing..."
Hecat: "I didn't come up with a task involving trolls..."
Sharp: "...I'm sure, I wrote defeat trolls."
Hecat: "...I said kill dark wizards."
Weasley: "Merlin, help me."
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mrs-sharp · 11 days
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I found this Daily Prophet that says 'Auror killed' on a random bench in the Highlands. The photo looks a little bit like young Sharp with short hair. I first doubted that it's him because the newspaper must have been lying there for ages, but then again, maybe someone took it there recently or it's a little easter egg, wdyt? Maybe they took the photo of him right after his partner died (the man in the photo looks rather devastated - if it was an epitaph for the deceased auror they may have chosen a better photo?). I honestly don't know.
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mrs-sharp · 11 days
The Eyes of Graphorns
Chapter 4 of my Aesop Sharp x Professor mc fanfiction.
Read part 1-3 here
tw: angst, mention of pain and death
(but also a little fluff towards the end - I guess)
Summary: MC tells Sharp she has uncovered a black market for goblin artefacts in Scarborough. And there's another secret she reveals to him.
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Chapter 4 - The Renegades
The next day, Aesop Sharp stood outside the office in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. After climbing the last step, he raised his hand and paused. Should he really be here? Was it appropriate to visit his former student so late on her first day? He had a good reason, yes, but now that he was standing in front of her door, doubts crept in. But then he shook his head vigorously and decided to knock. On the other side of the wooden door, Elaine looked up from her desk. The sun had already set, and she had lost track of time while preparing for the lessons for the next few days. She ignited a fire in the fireplace with her wand and called out, "Yes?"
The door opened, and suddenly Aesop Sharp was in her office. It was strange to see him in a different office than his own.
"Good evening," he greeted her politely, looking around. The room looked different from Dinah Hecat's time. Shelves lined the walls filled with books, potions, and ingredients. Some shelves were stacked with loose papers, inkwells, and feathers from birds he didn't recognize. Between the shelves, strings were stretched, hanging herbs and roots for drying. Everywhere he looked, he discovered items and objects he had never seen before, some apparently from distant lands, including masks, maps, amulets, clay vessels, and other curiosities he couldn't name.
"Professor Sharp, what can I do for you?" she asked, although she knew the reason for his late visit. Elaine stood up to greet him.
"Well, I wanted to ask how your first day of school went."
"Oh, well, it went quite well, I think. Today I discussed Boggarts with the third years."
There was a moment of silence in the room.
"Well, the reason I'm actually here-"
"Why don't you sit down?" Elaine offered, conjuring a second chair to her desk with a flick of her wand, on which a candle holder illuminated a stack of books and parchments.
"Thank you. We didn't talk about it yesterday, as we were so abruptly interrupted, but you mentioned that you were in Scarborough?"
Elaine noticed him shudder at the name of the place where he had carried out his last assignment for the Ministry. She had also noticed yesterday that the name caused him discomfort. She wanted to address it, but at that moment, Professor Black had inexplicably appeared and stated that he could not tolerate his teachers still being in the corridors at such a late hour, with classes scheduled for the next day.
Elaine nodded and decided to get straight to the point. "I uncovered a secret black market for Goblin artefacts."
Elaine paused briefly before continuing, "We found a hidden storage room in Scarborough full of Goblin artefacts and an empty repository, similar to the one under Hogwarts. The artefacts were partially enchanted with dark magic. They are mainly used as weapons, as Ranrok did. The storage room must have been in use for some time. I..." Elaine paused briefly before hesitantly reaching into her coat pocket. She placed an Auror badge on her desk and slid it over to Sharp. He recognized it immediately. It was the badge of his deceased partner.
"I found this in their hideout..."
"But, what? That can't be. You mean... the smugglers in Scarborough?"
Elaine nodded.
"They didn't just smuggle shrunken heads. That was just what the Ministry was supposed to believe. I persuaded the Ministry to reopen the case. Ranrok had already gathered followers long before he pursued me. The smugglers from Scarborough worked with Goblins, who had turned away from Ranrok. They are an organized group and call themselves 'The Renegades.' They abducted or killed Ranrok's followers to obtain the artefacts and then sell them. They also smuggled metal from the mines to make their own repository. After Ranrok was defeated, they continued until today. And now they are after me again. They believe that through me, they can obtain more dark magic to fill the new repository and produce new artifacts. That's why the Ministry wanted me to go into hiding. Then, this summer, I happened to meet Professor Hecat, and when she told me that she wanted to resign from her position... I took the opportunity."
Aesop Sharp was lost in thought for a while.
"But how? Why do the Renegades believe that they can obtain dark magic through you? Just because you can see traces of ancient magic doesn't mean you practice dark magic."
Elaine ran a hand through her short hair and thought.
"Come. I think I need to show you something."
She got up, walked past Sharp, and stepped into a corner of the room behind him. It was only now that Sharp noticed a Pensieve standing there. He followed her and watched as she drew a silvery thread from her temple with her wand and let it slide into the basin. Her appearance had something graceful and dignified, momentarily causing Sharp to forget why he was here. The melancholy in her gaze, the scars on her face, the short hair, all gave her a unique beauty that overwhelmed him.
"Please," Elaine said, gesturing towards the Pensieve. Sharp approached it and lowered his head into the cool liquid.
Sharp saw Fig and Elaine standing in Fig's office, talking.
"Rookwood is working with Ranrok," he heard Elaine say, "and they want... me."
"Then they want what we found in Gringotts," Fig replied.
Then he saw Elaine and Fig standing in front of the four large picture frames he had seen below Hogwarts when he entered the underground caves with Elaine, but this time they were not empty. In one of the portraits, an older wizard was visible.
"You must pass four trials…"
The scene changed, and he could see Elaine and Fig observing Ranrok and Rookwood.
"Bring me the child…"
Then back to the room with the portraits, this time with more frames filled. Elaine asks, "What did Isidora extract from her father's chest?"
The last scene seemed to be the day of the Battle of Hogwarts.
"Did Isidora absorb the pain? I don't understand, how could she derive power from it?"
"I wonder that you ask about your power?“
“There is a powerful Goblin who wants to use this power for himself…"
Finally, Sharp hears the woman's voice again: "Just because you can dispel the darkness doesn't mean you should always do it..."
Sharp was brought back to the present and looked at Elaine.
"I don't quite understand, what does this mean? Who is Isidora?" Sharp asked puzzled. He couldn't believe what he had just seen.
"Isidora Morgenach. She was a professor at Hogwarts. She could also see and use traces of ancient magic like me. She had the containers built and filled with an ancient, dark magic. That's why the Renegades want to find me. They believe they can force me to produce this dark magic for them so they can create new weapons."
Elaine pressed her lips together briefly. After a short pause, which Sharp also noticed, she continued, "I don't know exactly how they make these artefacts and what powers the dark magic has, but... whoever survives their attack must live with a curse forever. And... with the chronic pain it causes."
She looked at Sharp's leg and avoided his gaze. Elaine swallowed. She felt Sharp's thoughts racing as he looked at her. Gathering all her courage, she looked up at him: He had an equally sharp and alert as well as hopeless look in his eyes.
"You... You mean to tell me that you knew all along what kind of magic cursed me and you didn’t say anything?" Sharp seemed tense. It was as if something in him was breaking that he didn't know was there. As if a connection between Elaine and him has been destroyed that had never existed. Elaine remained silent. She had feared this moment since she knew she would return to Hogwarts.
"So you do possess ancient magic, like Isidora. You share her abilities... If she could extract pain, then..." he began hopefully. Elaine looked at her trembling hands. The right time to tell him the truth had long passed, but she had to do it eventually – preferably before she got too used to his presence, in case he decided to turn away from her permanently.
"I know what you're getting at. I won't do it," she interrupted him curtly but firmly. Sharp jumped up and slammed his fist on the table. Elaine didn't flinch. She had already anticipated what would happen. Sharp was about to lose control. Elaine couldn't bear to look at him anymore. She ran her fingers over the notches in the wooden table they were sitting at. The pendulum of the grandfather clock ticked heavily through the silence.
"You don't know what it's like," he retorted, his voice trembling, "to wake up every day and realise what happened in the past is still paralysing you. Not knowing what you're worth to the wizarding world and then the pain..."
What was he talking about? She had been back at Hogwarts for a day, and he behaved like a whiny, bitter man dependent on the pity of others. He had never talked to anyone about it in his entire career, and now he was making a fool of himself. Elaine looked away so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes.
"Look at me!" he suddenly shouted. He couldn't hold himself together anymore, not after what Elaine triggered in him. "You knew all along, you know the cure, and you said nothing? Do you even care at all what I have to endure day after day?" Now Elaine was slowly losing patience.
"Do you really think that I don’t know what you're going through?" she snapped at him. Sharp fell silent. In the three years he had taught her, he had never witnessed her losing control. With her left hand, she unbuttoned her shirt sleeve, pushing up the fabric and revealing her right arm – it was covered with burnt skin, forming a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt, shimmering reddishly. Sharp recognized it immediately. He has carried the same scar on his leg for years. So that was the reason why she had changed so much. On her first day, he had already noticed that something couldn't be right, that she was in pain, and that she avoided his gaze. He fell silent, his face taking on a sad expression as Elaine's words poured out. She no longer bothered to hide her tears:
"Do you really think I wouldn't know what it feels like? I've been travelling the world to find a cure for you! Because I couldn't bear to see you suffer even back then. I didn't want to return to Hogwarts until I had found at least something. That's why I didn't write to you. That's why I was afraid to come back. After a year, when I still hadn't found anything, I became an auror, to at least bring down your attacker, and I would have succeeded if there hadn't been a spy who betrayed us. That's why I didn't want you to know about my return. I came back with the same pain you suffer everyday and with the knowledge of having failed."
At the last sentence, she turned away from him and wiped her face with her left sleeve. Elaine took her coat from the chair, threw it over her shoulders, and stormed out. Sharp stood frozen in the room, feeling lost. He waited for the second door in the classroom to close, but the sound didn't come. Sharp slowly walked into the room where Defense Against the Dark Arts was taught. Hecat's dragon skeleton still hung from the ceiling and looked even more menacing in the torch-lit room than it already did in the daylight.
He found Elaine at the front of the room. She stood motionless in front of an old wooden cupboard that Sharp had seen before. He knew what was inside. Sharp approached Elaine and stood behind her. She didn't turn around, but he knew she felt his presence. She always did. With a trembling hand, Elaine silently opened the cupboard door. At first, nothing happened. Then Elaine broke the frosty silence. There was an insecurity in her voice that Sharp had never heard before, not even after Fig's death: "I didn't know what form he would take. Back then, I always saw Fig's corpse, but today..."
Elaine stopped herself as a tall figure emerged from the cupboard and staggered towards her. Sharp took a moment to realize that it was himself approaching Elaine. Was he the thing she feared the most? She had mentioned being afraid to write to him, but...
However, upon closer inspection, he noticed that the second Sharp had a strangely absent expression. His lips were twisted into a grotesque smile, and his eyes... They were empty. They weren't sad or desperate; they lacked any emotion, and a white mist in them seemed to stare directly into his soul, trying to extinguish all life from within. Elaine turned to face Sharp, looking at him. Her reddened eyes and the fear in her gaze weighed heavily on Sharp. Elaine now spoke a little calmer, but still sobbing: "Isidora didn't just free people from their pain, but from any emotions. They all turned into soulless shells."
Elaine paused briefly before silently and without turning around, transforming the Boggart into a few colourful streamers and sending it back into the cupboard.
After a moment of silence, she took a step towards Sharp and looked deep into his eyes. The blue of her eyes overwhelmed him, and although he had just been angry with her, he now felt an unusual attraction emanating from the fragile hint of trust in her gaze. They just stood there in silence for a while, and then, Elaine did something he hadn't expected: she touched his hand. Sharp breathed in briefly and barely audibly. Her touch tore him apart internally – it was the most gentle and tender touch he had felt in decades. Yet it felt like a farewell. Elaine continued softly: "I can't take the risk. You mean too much to me."
Then, she turned around, left her classroom, and disappeared into the darkness of the castle.
Chapter 5 - Elaine's Laughter
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