naraanges · 3 months
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naraanges · 3 months
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my favorite persona girlies 🏹💘💗
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naraanges · 4 months
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Chapter Summary: You wake up dazed and confused, no memory of anything he was saying. But it's Leon, and you can trust him right? Besides, maybe a vacation is exactly what you needed. Pairing: Yandere!RE4R Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, Dead Dove, Dubcon, Kidnapping, Stalking, Smut, Unprotected Sex, Pet Names, violence, gore, MDNI, masturbation, murder, slow burn. Psychological manipulation, abuse of power, etc. no use of y/n. PTSD, flashbacks. There is smut this chapter. WC: 9.5k
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 It’d been a long time since you had such a good night's sleep, not even realizing the way you conked out completely on top of Leon. The even sound of his heartbeat in your ear – ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump – lulled you like the world’s best white noise machine. His warmth was comforting in a way no space heater could be. The smell of his fresh and spicy cologne was familiar. The combination was killer and before you knew it, not even the rumbling in your stomach was enough to keep you awake on top of him. It was reminiscent of the nights you’d spent in his apartment all those weeks ago after everything happened. Leon was your comfort, he was your safe space. After speaking with Dr. Birkin, while still not fully having come to terms with things, you were at least able to get rid of the guilt and lean into the man under you – leaving you weightless, at least for the moment. 
When you woke, it was due to the feeling of wind on your face, cold air stinging at your nose. The feeling of confinement made you panic, gasping as you clawed around until you realized you were no longer on your couch, but Leon’s jeep. 
“You good?” He asked, looking over to you. You were too busy looking around in confusion, panting as you tried to calm down. “Yeah I’m just… I’m confused.” “Confused about what?” He asked, cooly flipping on the blinker, his free hand making its way over to your thigh giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“We were on the couch, and now I’m in the car. What happened?” “That was this morning, don’t you remember?” You shook your head. “No, no I –” “Hey, it’s alright. Don’t worry about it. You’re probably just tired.” 
It was dark out, definitely well into the middle of the night if you had to guess. The only lights were the high beams of his jeep and the overhead moon — no familiarity of the city. Just thick trees and empty grass fields every now and then. If Leon hadn’t been with you, heavy hand on your leg, you’d have panicked from sheer lack of awareness. The sound of his voice cleared your head. “I honestly thought you’d have been out longer.” “I don’t understand.” You paused for a moment, fidgeting with the soft knit sleeves of your sweater — you hadn’t remembered changing clothes either. “We fell asleep on my couch after ordering food. I don’t remember anything after that . . . but I don’t get why I was tired again if we slept. Where are we even going? Leon, I’m really confused right now.” “Hey, hey. It’s alright.” He cooed, moving the hand that was resting on your thigh to gently pry your own from its fidgeting, kissing your knuckles gently. “Relax.” “That doesn’t answer—“ “I’m getting to that.” He assured, laying your hand back onto your lap with his on top. Whatever road you were on was long and winding, barely even speed signs posted throughout. “Sometimes people are just tired, it happens. After we woke up we ate the leftover food, you were talking about stress. I said you needed to relax, I suggested we go on a trip, away from it all for a change.” An odd uneasiness washed over you at his words. “I don’t remember any of that.” Flashbacks were coming to you the more you saw the pathway, the drive out to the camping spot with Derek, what came next. ‘That wasn’t real. That wasn’t real.’ You tensed, feeling a wave of nausea hit you. “We’re not going camping right?” “No. No, of course not!” “Where are we going then?” “To an old farmhouse.” He said casually. “It’s actually mine. Was left to me by someone I guess I’d consider my adopted father when he passed away. It’s old, but the land is beautiful, there’s tons of cute critters you can see too. Hey, you alright?” “I don’t know. I guess I’m just held up on the fact that I don’t remember any of this.” “Well you know, gaps in memory are a thing. That’s what the Doctor said, right?” “Yeah I guess, but this just feels so immediate. I mean — my job requires two weeks notice. It just doesn’t sound like me to do something so abrupt.” “I took care of it.” “What?” “Your job, I took care of it for you. You brought that up as your first concern. And then your meeting with Doctor Barkin. I have you covered on both fronts, he can do virtual sessions.” “Oh. Ok.” A thick silence overcame you both as you settled back into the carseat, rubbing at your tired eyes. “What about Mrs. Wilson?” “What about her?”  “I was still checking in on her when I could…even after…you know…when my leg was hurt. At least I tried to.” Truthfully it had only been a few times over the course of those weeks that you managed to make it over to the old woman’s apartment. But you did call more often to check-in, ordered groceries and other items she needed. “Don’t worry about that either.” “You sure?” “Yeah. I promise, I have everything taken care of. All you need to do is relax, rest. It’ll be alright.” “Ok.” What else could you say? It felt strange, the whole situation felt strange, but everything always did. There was no point in questioning him further or arguing, so you instead focused on the drive, sitting quietly in your seat. 
“We’re almost there.” He added, breaking the tension. “Maybe 30 more minutes at most.”
You nodded in response, returning to leaning against the doorframe watching the scenery pass by. The road had narrowed out into an open field, the pavement replaced by a dirt road that expanded farther out than you could see past the headlights. It felt eerie in an existential way, the expanse of field, being the only two alone on the empty road. It made you feel small and uneasy. True to his word, no more than 30 minutes later, the dirt road narrowed further into a tight path of trees with only enough room for one vehicle to pass. The dark tube of greenery opened up to reveal the house, just as Leon described. An old fashioned farm house — two stories with a gigantic wrap around deck. In the dim light it was hard to make out much more detail than that. “Here we are.” 
The inside was nicer than expected — but then given the upgrades Leon had made to his apartment, maybe it shouldn’t have come as a surprise. The plush sectional in the living room was huge, followed by a large TV mounted to the wall. Unlike his apartment there was more decor hung to the walls, little knick knacks scattered around. The place looked nice, lived in. 
You felt his arm wrap around you from behind, gently corralling you towards the staircase. Opposite of the stairs was a door, it looked different from the others you’d seen so far, too sturdy looking. A keypad type lock was above the hook-styled doorknob. “That’s fancy.” You pointed out as you let him guide you further up the stairs.  “Oh yeah – I keep some work equipment down there.” He replied quickly, his other hand adjusting to lift the bags he was carrying, ensuring they didn’t smack the stairs as he went.  The top floor plan was simple, two bedrooms, a large open area that connected to an upstairs balcony, and of course a bathroom. The bedroom was different, less modern than the setup of the downstairs. It was like it was ripped out of a vintage magazine, a fancy blue duvet set and a sturdy dark wood bed frame holding the king sized bed all together. No closet to be seen, but there was a matching dresser and wardrobe set. It was cozy. 
You followed Leon’s lead, setting your phone on the nightstand before unpacking your things. 
“You hungry?” He asked, folding the last of his things into the dresser drawer.  “A little, yeah.” 
“I can do breakfast for dinner. Tomorrow we can go to the store to get some actual groceries.” “Sounds good to me.” 
You followed him back downstairs, leaning against the island, watching as he flicked on the burner to heat up the pan. The smokey scent of bacon and the popping sizzle of grease filled the kitchen, making your stomach rumble. It felt domestic in a nice way, normal. You watched his broad shoulders from behind as he focused on cooking. You had the urge to hug him from behind, press a kiss to his back – you didn’t act on it though. 
The relationship between you was still strange, you weren’t able to put a label on it. Whatever the two of you were was trapped in some liminal space between couple, friends, and caretaker. It made you freeze before initiating on your end, even if you’d never deny it when he does it. To not have to deal with the feelings, you chose to take a better look around while you waited. Circling the living room a few times, running your hand over the soft fabric of the couch, before swinging around through the french doors into what looked like a sunroom repurposed into a library. The walls were covered in large bookshelves, each filled. Most were encyclopedias, college textbooks, science books for things you didn’t quite understand. There was a desk in the corner, an older looking laptop caked in dust sat on it. 
Nothing was really interesting to look at, you were going to return to Leon when you noticed an open shoebox settled on one of the shelves, almost missing it as it sat atop some shorter books. It felt like snooping, but your curiosity got the better of you, pulling it down to peek. It didn’t have a lot, some documents with a few pictures scattered. 
The first was an image of a younger looking Leon, same cropped hair and smile, but with far more boyish features. He was standing next to a stern looking man in a police uniform. Leon was holding what looked like a diploma of some kind. The next was a much more recent photo, dated for only a few months before you and Leon had even met. He was wearing that suit you saw him pack for work. “Oh shit –” You muttered to yourself, noting the girl standing next to him. “Ashley Graham?” It made sense, he worked for the government, but still, the president’s daughter? It seemed more than professional, the way he smiled at her, hand on his shoulder. 
You went to toss both images back into the box when you realized that the first had another stuck to it. It was just a picture of a girl, brown hair pulled over her shoulder as she looked off into the distance, sitting on a bench. There was nothing really noteworthy about it, no label or date either.  
“What are you doing?” Leon’s voice nearly made you jump out of your skin, seeing him standing in the doorway. “Sorry, I was just looking.” “Where’d you get those?”  “They were just in this box, sorry, I shouldn’t have looked without asking.” He took the photos from your hand eyeing them before tossing them back into the box for you. “It’s fine. I thought I’d tossed them all anyway.” He said, chucking the whole box into the trash on his way back to the kitchen.  “Why’d you do that?” 
“They’re just memories I’d rather not remember.” He said coolly as he set the plated food out on the kitchen island. 
“I can respect that.” You replied, not questioning him further. If there was anything you understood, it would be wanting to rid yourself of certain memories – though his were real pieces of his life. 
The following morning started off rough. Out of habit you went to grab your phone off the nightstand the moment your eyes cracked open – yet all you felt was the hard wood of the table. You slapped your hand around a few times, still not feeling it. By the time Leon had woken up, you were buried into the wardrobe, digging into pockets of your own clothing, searching the bags too.  “What’s up?” He asked with a yawn, scratching the side of his head. Parts of his hair stuck up a little unkempt from sleeping. You frowned at him, shutting the wardrobe’s doors. “I can’t find my phone. I had it last night.” He nodded at you, rubbing some sleep from his eyes. “You sure? I don’t remember seeing it.” “Leon don’t… don’t say that please.”
“Ok, ok. Let me call it.” He plucked his own phone up, you could hear the quiet dial tone and ringing through his speaker, but no vibration or ringing anywhere else in the room. You chewed your lip out of frustration, tapping your foot on the ground. He rested his hands on your shoulders giving them a light squeeze. “Look, it’s almost time for your appointment with Dr. Birkin. Why don’t you focus on that and I’ll look for it?” “Well how am I supposed to even go to said appointment witho–” “I got you covered.” He said, placing a quick kiss to your temple. “Laptop downstairs, already logged in. Set it up last night.”
“Alright.” You conceded, not having much choice in the matter anyway. 
The appointment itself was standard. You talked about your feelings, he asked questions here and there. You answered. It didn’t feel nearly as emotionally heavy this time as before, and if anything you left feeling better having spoken about things again. It was also another sobering reminder of how much you needed Leon – how out of it you’d be without him. 
Stretching from the hour of sitting in an office chair, Leon knocked on the door frame to get your attention before making his way to you.  “How did it go?” “It went well.” “I’m glad to hear that.” 
“Did you ever find my phone?” “Unfortunately not, I checked everywhere, including the jeep.” “I guess I must’ve left it at home.”
“One less distraction from your mini vacation.” “Mmmm true.” You conceded, following him out the library. “You still need company for that trip to the store?” “Would be lonely going alone. Might even get lost in one of the aisles.” He said with that signature smirk of his. 
You couldn’t help but laugh in return. “Can’t let that happen.” The air outside was a little nippy, not wanting to change you asked if you could borrow a jacket. He pointed you to the hall closet, the one just inside the front door. You prodded around, there were several of what you assumed were Leon’s hanging up. A leather one with white stripes on the arms had your interest, you almost grabbed it when you saw a different one next to it. The bright red color caught your eye as you moved to pull it off of the hanger. It was smaller than the others, a woman’s styled leather jacket. You wondered for a moment why he would have something like that – an unfamiliar feeling of jealousy sparking up for a moment, you pushed it away telling yourself it didn’t matter. You slid the jacket on, fitting like a glove. It still had the lingering scent of perfume on it, one you recognized as your own. Not lingering to think about the situation further, you ran back out to the jeep. “There you are. Took so long I was starting to think you got lost in there.” When Leon lifted his head from the radio to look at you, his expression changed entirely, posture stiffening up like a cat.  “Yeah, almost found my way to Narnia.” You joked, settling into the carseat. “Why are you wearing that?” His voice was sharp, sounding like some kind of accusation, not a question.  “Well all I found were heavy winter coats and leather jackets. I saw this and thought it would be a better fit.” His knuckles turned white as he grasped onto the steering wheel, vision straight ahead at the house. He held his breath in for a moment, like a cartoon character about to pop and let steam out of their ears. “That belongs to her, it isn’t for you to wear.”  You weren’t sure how to respond to that. Immediately you were on edge, swallowing down that nervous dryness in your throat. “I’m sorry – “ “Take it off.” “Right, I can go grab another —” “No, give it to me.” He said, putting his hand out expectantly. 
Not wanting to argue with him, and more confused than anything, you quickly unzipped the jacket, sliding it off and handing it to him. Shuddering a little from the cold breeze hitting you now. He took it, tossing it into the back seat, his other hand still glued to the wheel, squeezing it tightly.  “I’m sorry if I did something wrong.” “I think it’s best if you stay here.” “But Leon “ “Out of the car!” He snapped, this time pointing back to the house. The sound of his voice made you jump in your seat, scrambling to open the door and step out onto the grassy ground. The moment the jeep’s door was shut, he was backing away so loud the tires whirred loudly, kicking up some of the dirt on the ground as he spun it around and took off down the road, leaving you where you stood, some mud specks on your face.  It reminded you of the movie theaters, getting left there out in the cold. The hurt and anxiety you felt after. But this was really happening, and you had no idea why. Standing there for a few seconds, like a lost child, you looked around taking in the place now in the view of sunlight. The dark trees that wrapped around the property danced in the wind. The house itself is more visible, the wooden exterior plated over itself, white painting chipping from the sides. You moved to stand on the wrap-around patio, following it around the house and towards the back yard to get a better view of the property you couldn’t see in the shadows of the previous night. 
There wasn’t much to see from where you stood. A small garden in the back that hadn’t been maintained in sometime from the wild weeds and flowers that were scattered about. A decorative white fence latticed in vines and other foliage wrapped around the backyard, separating that section of land from the rest. Your standard hammock like bench-swing swung idly in the wind on the back part of the patio.
With nothing more to see and the chill of the outside creeping up again, you made your way back inside, relishing in the warmth of the house. Not sure how long you decided to stay outside, or even what time it was, instinctively you reached for your phone, patting at your pocket before remembering that it wasn’t with you. ‘Shit.’ You cursed inwardly, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
Without Leon around, the house felt huge. It occurred to you that you were really all alone out in the middle of nowhere. No vehicle, no Leon, and not even a phone. It made your spine tingle, you squirmed a bit in place to get the feeling to go away before deciding to flop onto the couch.
‘I don’t get why he’s so upset. I would’ve just changed.’ You thought to yourself, mindlessly flipping through streaming apps. ‘Who is she anyway?’ The thought of Leon being angry with you made you want to cry. You didn’t though – managing to keep it together enough to idly watch some stupid show. 
You hadn’t really paid attention to how many episodes you watched or how much time had passed. The soft rumbling of your stomach was the only other indicator that it had been awhile. As if on cue, you could hear the familiar sound of the jeep’s engine outside, whirring to a stop. Next came the inevitable footsteps on the porch, followed by the door opening. 
Like a puppy, you bounded from the couch over to the sound, careful to get too close, scared he was still upset with you. There he was, hair slicked back slightly, multiple bags of groceries dangling on each arm.  “Is that all of them, I can help –” “I got it.” He said flatly. The words cut you, deflated you.  “Oh, ok.” You heeled back a bit, not moving from your spot. ‘So he is still mad.’ Tearing your eyes off of him, you looked down at the floor, fidgeting with your hands as you worked up to the courage to do or say something. The consideration to return to the couch won and you scurried back to sit and go back to your show.
A while later, the smell of food filled your nose, and a plate was held before you. Your eyes trailed up the muscular arm to meet Leon’s gaze as you took it from him. “Thank you…and hey look about earlier, I’m sorry.”
He sat next to you on the couch, his entire posture more relaxed than earlier. Setting his own plate down on the coffee table, and leaned back, one arm slung casually over the back of the couch. “Don’t even worry about it. It’s over with.” You nodded, taking a small bite of the pasta you twirled up on your fork. The silence lingering over the both of you made you feel heavy. Against your better judgment, you looked over to him and prodded. “Can I ask who she was?” He looked a little short circuited as he processed the question, like he was deciding what the right answer was. “An ex.”  “Oh.” “Let’s just say things didn’t end on good terms. I don’t really want to talk about it.” “Right, I’m sorry.”  “Don’t be. You didn’t know.” He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek before grabbing his plate to eat himself. “You know.” He added, “It’s still early enough in the day. I was thinking we should still get out of the house.” “Sure. Did you have something in mind?” “Yeah, a surprise.” He added with a big smirk.  You couldn’t help but match his smile, the corners of your mouth tugging up instinctively. “Sounds good.” 
It was the late afternoon, nearly early evening when you found yourself out by the lake. There was a small dirt path that led from the backyard and down through the woods. It had opened up to a small clearing by the water, some crude seating and a stone-campfire set up already there. 
Initially there was trepidation on your part, worried that the site of the woods might stir some of those bad memories up. He managed to convince you though, promising to take you back the moment you became uncomfortable if you wanted. 
So far things were ok. The last of the warm sun beat down onto your back as you laid out on the soft towel beneath you. It was refreshing and relaxing – it’d been so long since you’d had that full sense of pure normalcy and relief.  Arms crossed under your head, you watched Leon as waded through the shallower part of the water. He stopped when the water landed just below his navel, looking out towards the trees behind you. 
Your eyes ran from the dusty blonde happy trail upwards, over his abs and to his pecs, before finally landing on his eyes. The way the warm tones of the sunset casted down onto him, made him look beautiful, like he belonged in a painting. The blonde in his hair was contrasted by the different shades of purple and orange that lit his right side. Before the light of the day was finally gone, you wanted to get closer – see if it did wonders for the pools of blue in his eyes. 
Stretching out like a cat, you languidly crawled to your feet, wading into the cool water. A slight hiss escaped you at the abrupt change in temperature, but you continued forward until you reached him.  “Well hello there.” He looked down at you running his wet thumb over your collar bone slightly. “Almost thought you were sleeping over there.” “Almost was.” You confirmed. “But that was before I realized there was a view to admire.” This moment felt familiar, safe.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not talking about the lake?” That damn smirk again, got you every time. Your theory was right too, the specks and hues of blue stood out under his thick eyelashes as he looked down at you. He was gorgeous. So very Leon.  “Well maybe that’s because I’m not.” Placing a hand on his chest, you moved a little closer to him. 
“You’re not talkin’ about me are you?” “I just might be.” Leaning real close, you nearly stood on your tip toes, lips so close you could feel his breath gently fanning your face. You could see what he was expecting as his lips twitched. Unfortunately for him you broke the tension by splashing some water on him, your own smile twisting into an amused smirk.  “You play dirty.” He accused, splashing back at you. “Get back over here coward.” He said playfully, following you as you cowered back to shore to avoid his onslaught of water, stopping every now and then to launch a counter attack. 
Your back hit the soft sand of the shore, him on top of you, elbows on either side of your head. You couldn’t help but laugh at the cheesy exchange, genuine happiness rumbling in your chest. “Very cute, sweetheart.”  “I’d like to think so.” 
Again you were close, face to face, but it was his turn to deny you. He pushed himself up and out of the water. “It’ll be dark soon. You want to go back?” Pondering the question for a moment, you shook your head. “Not yet. I’m having a good time.” “Glad to hear it.” Digging around through the bag he’d brought out with the both of you, he pulled out a zippo lighter and some bundle of what almost looked like tumbleweed tied together. He held the small flame to the fire starter before tossing it into the bundle of wood that had been left in the fire pit. 
Everything was fine at first until the licking flames picked up intensity, the entirety of the pit filling with the dancing orange and yellow lights – high enough for the heat of the flame to slap against your face. A tightness in your chest formed, freezing you in place like a statue. Your throat dried and contracted like trying to breath in dust.  
“My head. It’s splitting my head.” Your head turned side to side, scanning for the source of the voice. The world around you black besides the flames. 
The words were so loud it was like a flashbang against your ears, brain rattling in your head. You couldn’t focus on anything, the hazy colors before your eyes turning into a kaleidoscope from the water forming in your eyes.  “IT’S SPLITTING MY HEAD!”
You couldn’t breathe at all now, gasping desperately for air. Every time you blinked a shadowy figure moved in the fire, a tentacle-like outline whipped about above it. ‘Leon. Leon please I’m scared.’ You couldn’t get the words to vocalize out of your mouth, trapped in your throat. 
“Sweetheart?” Leon’s voice whispered in your ear, two large arms snaking around you from behind to hold you close. “It’s ok. Breathe baby.” He cooed. You squeezed your eyes shut, gulping down as much air as you could. “There you go. There you go.” You did it a second time, and a third, until your breathing evened out and you could ground yourself where you stood. The heat of his torso was pressed against your back, the weighted feelings of his arms. “I’m right here. You’re safe.” 
When you dared to crack your eyes open again, the world was normal. No shadowy blackness, no bleak figure, just the fire crackling in front of you. The trees swishing back and forth, lit up by the twinkling stars and moon, sun having fully set. And of course, Leon. You spun in his arms, wrapping your own around him, he tightened the hug holding you close. “God I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…I….god.” “Shhh. Shhhh.” He rubbed your back softly. “Why don’t we head back?” “No!” You snapped, looking up at him. “No, I don’t want to go back yet.” He flashed you a confused look, opening to say something, but you cut him off. “Please. I was having such a good time. I’m sick of being crazy. I…it was just one incident. I don’t want to go yet.” “Ok.” He agreed. “Ok, we won’t go yet.” Conceding his tucked some of your hair behind your ear again, clearly still concerned, but not pushing it. 
You plopped down onto the towel, facing the fire. No more threatening images for the time being. The two of you sat in silence, his hand over yours on the ground. It took a while for your heart rate to fully go back to normal, for the feeling of being on edge to fully dissipate, but once it did you felt like you were floating, just sitting next to him – like his hand was an anchor and without it you’d just drift away into the vast emptiness of the sky. You didn’t deserve him but  God you were sure you loved him – the first time you could admit it even inside your own thoughts. It was freeing. No guilt or shame attached, just the gooey feeling of contentment.
 “Leon?” “Hmm?” “Thank you. For all of this.” “Don’t mention it.” “I mean it.” “I know.” He lifted your hand to his mouth, kissing it gently.  “I like you.” He let out a soft chuckle against your knuckles. “Well geez, I’d hope so. I like you too.” 
It felt a little pathetic to announce yourself that way. “Can I ask you something?” “Shoot.”  “What are we?” 
He looked up to meet your gaze, his expression soft but serious. You watched Adam's apple flex as he swallowed nothing, analyzing the question. “What do you want us to be?” “Maybe more than friends?” You offered a non-absolute answer, nervous of any true rejection.  “I think we already are more than friends.” “Well yeah, true.” You tapered the conversation off, not brave enough to ask for more definitives just yet.
He dropped your hand in favor of scooting closer to you, wrapping his arm around you to pull you onto his lap. “Why don’t you tell me what you’re really feeling.”  “Why are you so perfect?” Your words were barely above a whisper as you slunk your arms around his shoulders.  “Far from it, actually.”  “Disagree. God I disagree.” His retort stopped dead when you blurted out the next words so quickly they shocked even yourself. “I think I love you.” You’re not sure you’d even seen him with such a deer in the headlights expression on his face before, it made you feel the urge to backtrack, suck the words right back in. “I’m sorr –” He pressed his lips against yours, silencing any apology. Your heart skipped a beat, blood feeling boiling hot each time it pumped through you. You returned the kiss this time, softly, slowly. It wasn’t like the quick passion at his apartment. “Can I have you?” You whispered into his neck, kissing at his pulse.  “I’m already yours.”  You responded by nipping at that same spot. “Take me?” 
He sucked in a breath at the sensation, squeezing you a little tighter to him. You could feel his cock twitch in his swim shorts. “Are you sure?” His voice was low. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable again, move too fast.”
“I’m sure this time. Very sure. Please, I just want you.” 
He pulled you back from him just enough to scan your face, giving you one more moment to back out. When you didn’t say anything else, he kissed you again, this time leaning forward with you until you were laying on your back. His lips were as soft and plush as you remembered them, making you want more. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” He asked, mouthing more kisses along your neck and chest. He made quick work of your bathing suit top, sliding the straps out of their tied knot and tossing it gently to the side. Arousal mixed with the light breeze blowing the warmth of the fire past you made your nipples perk up, sensitive as ever. It didn’t go unnoticed by him as he took the opportunity to run his tongue along your collarbone before following down the center of your chest. The trail of saliva left behind drying in the outside air making your skin tingle in the best possible way. 
He pressed another kiss to the side of your right breast before he teased your nipple, flicking it with licks of his tongue a few times before sucking it into his mouth. The sensation made you squirm beneath him, thighs squeezing together around his leg that was planted between them. By the time he’d moved on to your other tit, you were rubbing yourself against his leg for some relief. He chuckled, popping off with a smile. “So needy baby. Must’ve been pent up these last few months.” “Mhmm” You nodded, eyes already hazed over with lust, mind empty of any critical thought.  “Don’t worry, I’ll make you feel really good. Scouts honor.” He punctuated the sentence by moving down to nip  at your hip making you buck up a little. Amused by the reaction he did it again, this time on the plushness of your inner thigh while he worked the ties of your bottoms off as well, discarding them with the top. He returned to what he was doing, this time sucking a bruise into the soft skin. Then another, each one a pleasurably dull kind of pain. He flattened his tongue to each one, helping soothe out the pain. “Purple’s really your color baby.” He cooed, admiring his work. 
Your clit throbbed with need, hole begging for attention. He rested one hand on your hip, rubbing soft circles into it as he continued to tease you, pressing a kiss to your mound, another on the opposing thigh. “Leon.” You whined. “Please I need more.”  “I know, I know. I’m getting there sweetheart. Just wanna take my time, been imagining this for so long.” He rewarded your please by dragging the tip of his tongue down before flattening it against your clit, lapping at it gently. The sugary heat radiated out as you moaned, fingers working their way into his soft hair, gripping at it. 
It should’ve been no surprise Leon was good with his mouth, circling your bundle of nerves with his tongue before sucking on it gently. You’re not sure you’d ever had a lover so attentive before, not even in your false memories. “F-fuck, so good.” You closed your eyes, focusing on nothing but the pleasure he was giving you. You felt him sink a digit into your slicked pussy. It wasn’t enough, but it was better than the nothing that was there before. He added another finger, pumping them as he worked your clit with his tongue. 
He curled his thick fingers just right, reaching that special spot inside of you. The one that made your legs tense, clit pulse. What blood was left in your head soared to your lower half, a weak gasp escaping your mouth as you came. Your legs trembled around his head, thighs clamping shut, you’d almost be worried about crushing him if you were capable of thought. He continued to gently work you, not enough to overstimulate, but the perfect amount to draw out that pleasure until it faded to just tingles at the tips of your toes.
You were left breathless, panting as he pulled away, wiping his chin off on the back of his hand. Your eyes landed on the now fully formed tent in his shorts, expecting him to move to get it out, to fuck you into the ground. Instead, he leans back on his legs, looks down at you. The silence feels strange, and you're suddenly reminded of your location – outdoors – as the crickets pick up their chirping, the leaves of the trees crash into each other from the wind. You shiver from the breeze, until it blows in the opposite direction, sending a wave of heat from the campfire washing over you.  When he still doesn’t move, you quickly become self conscious, scared that he was changing his mind. Worry takes over your face as you prop yourself up on your elbows, before you can say it, he leans down to kiss you again. This time he  makes a point to slip his tongue into it, letting you taste yourself on him. He wraps his arm around you, holding your head in place to kiss you sloppily. He grinds against you slightly, groaning into the kiss when he does. “Don’t worry princess. I just needed to take a moment after that. Was too good, so perfect, had to take it in.” He knew you so well.  “Want you.” You mumbled against his lips. “Want you in me, wanna feel you. Wanna be close.”  “I know.” He said, reaching his hand down between you both to undo the drawstring of his shorts. He tugged them down just enough to free his erection, thick and throbbing. You couldn’t see it perfectly in the deep shadows that the fire made, but you could feel it. He ran the head along your slit a few times. “Can tell how bad you want me, she’s practically crying for me.” 
You suck in a breath at his words, feeling arousal begin to twinge between your legs again. He gently pushed the tip into your soaking folds, the stretch stinging slightly despite his earlier actions. “Oh.” You gasped as he pressed each inch slowly into you. You’d never felt so full before, like he was in your ribs – it was overwhelming and comforting at the same time. “O-oh.” You moaned, feeling him pull out again, grasping up at his shoulders.
He gave a few more slow but deep thrusts, giving you the chance to adjust and accommodate him. “That’s it baby, so tight.” He flattened his palm against your belly, pressing down making the full feeling intensify. Your back arched into his palm, adding to the sensation.  “S’big.” You whined.   “Mhmm. Just relax, you’re doing such a good job. Already taking me so well.” He readjusted your position, leaning forward and pulling your legs up at the same time to hook over his shoulders. The shift made him feel even deeper inside of you, head of his cock pushing against your cervix with each thrust. 
You didn’t even know you were this flexible when he practically folded you in half while he fucked himself into you, making sure he was close enough to pepper your face with small kisses when given the opportunity. You heard him mumbling sweet compliments between his increasingly erratic breathing, but you were too blissed out to even register the words.  “God….god…oh my god!” You squeezed the towel beneath you,, bunching it within your fists as he continued to roll his hips against you, wiry blond hair and his pubic bone bumping into your clit as his cock rubbed past that spongy spot, more sensitive now from your first orgasm.  “That’s my girl.” He sped up his pace, the sound of skin slapping mixing with the cackle of the fire as you moved from death-gripping the towel to clawing at his back, desperate for your next release, desperate to be as close as possible to him. “My pretty Bunny.” 
The pet name clicked something in your brain, and you lost yourself again, muscles tensing velvety walls tightening around his impossibly big cock as you came again. His own eyes closed, a bead of sweat dripped from his forehead to between your breasts, his own quiet noises picking up in volume, his pace erratic as he chased his own high this time. Pulsing with the aftershocks of your second orgasm, you could feel as he throbbed within you, painting your inside white with his hot seed.  Half asleep and sated, you let out a noise of disappointment when he finally pulled out, wanting to stay as close as you could to him. As if he could read your mind, he immediately pulled you into his embrace, rubbing his hand against your stomach as he spooned you from behind. 
The visual of the campfire became blurry the heavier your eyelids grew, and it wasn’t long until you were out like a light, curled against him. 
You woke up some time later, scrunched up in bed. It was still dark out when you sat up to rub your eyes and yawn. You didn’t remember the journey back but you weren’t surprised Leon had managed that, likely carrying you back in your sleep. If not for your dry throat and desperate need for a glass of water, you’d have flopped right back down to resume your unconsciousness. 
Instead, you pushed your legs over the side of the bed, still a little wobbly and exhausted. In your half asleep state it took you an extra minute to register the fact that Leon hadn’t been next to you. “S’weird.” You muttered to yourself, sluggishly moving towards the door and down the hallway.  The house was dark, no light to be seen, not even from the bathroom – which you noted was open, no Leon inside. As you took a few steps down the staircase, you could see from above the living room was also dark and silent, not even the TV’s screensaver was on, and the only light emanating from the kitchen was the small light above the stove. 
A more awake version of yourself would’ve been a little more worried with his whereabouts, but for now you only had one mission – water. The moment the tap finished filling up the glass cup, you gulped it down, and then another. Soothing the cottony feeling in your mouth and the soreness of your throat. 
Relieved and quenched, you exited the kitchen heading back to bed. Though still tired, you were slightly more alert now, rubbing at your eyes again while you walked. Passing the double doors to the library room, you heard Leon’s voice, and it stopped you in your tracks.  “I miss you.”  “Huh?” The words caught your attention instantly. One of the double french doors was cracked enough that you could peer through without much effort. While the initial reaction had been jealousy, the fear he was talking to another woman on the phone, you were left dumbfounded by the reality.  He was sitting at the desk, the red jacket in his hands as he spoke. “You know I didn’t want things to end this way. I thought you were perfect for me. We could’ve been so great together.” He brought the jacket to his face, taking in a deep inhale of it, holding his breath before finally exhaling. “I blame it on him, putting those awful thoughts in your head. Tearing you away from me.” His grip on the jacket tightened so much you could see the vein in his arm flex even with just the dim lamp on the desk and the distance between you. 
‘What the hell?’ You weren’t sure what to make of what you were witnessing, but you knew it didn’t sit right with you. It was just…weird.
“I wish you didn’t force me to end things. But it’s alright, I’ve moved on. I know you’d be happy for me.” He spit onto his hand, moving it beneath the desk. A whimper left his mouth, needier, different from how he sounded above you. Wet schlicking noises told you exactly what he was doing as he sniffed the jacket again. “You both wear the same perfume. Love it so much.” He added between grunts. “God. Might take me a minute baby. Already blew a load earlier.” The sounds picked up speed.
It felt wrong to keep watching, whatever was happening was a clearly intimate moment you didn’t belong a part of. You took the opportunity to gently back away from the door, and as quietly as you could made it back up to the bedroom, pulling the thick blanket over your head, like a child fending off the boogie man.  “What. The. Fuck.” You whispered to yourself. It left you with a million questions you weren’t completely sure you wanted answers to. An amalgamation of emotions swirled in your head, confusion, worry, jealousy? You knew the jacket smelled like your perfume, but the confirmation as he jerked it to his ex made you shudder. “Gross.”
Your sleepiness had worn off, leaving you to lay awake with your thoughts. It wasn’t long after that the bedroom door creaked open, the sound of soft padding across the floor was heard before the weight of the bed sunk in behind you. Leon’s arm wasn’t comforting as it wrapped around you this time, it felt more like a weight forcing you in place. You wanted to pretend you were asleep, but the claustrophobic feeling was too much making you move a little on instinct.  “Why were you downstairs?” 
The question made the hair on your neck stand up despite his warm breath. “I needed some water.” “Mmmm, you going to lie to me now?” “What? I’m not –” “I know you were watching.” His grip around you tightened, squeezing you against him. It felt threatening in a way you couldn’t explain. “I didn’t mean to.” “It's not polite to stare.” 
“I know.”  “What were you doing downstairs?” “I told you I was just getting a drink.” “Then why were you watching?” “I heard your voice. I didn’t know where you were. I’m sorry.” Tears formed quicker than you expected. He sat up slightly, rolling you to face him. His hand gripped your jaw slightly, you could barely make out his figure in the dark room. He pressed his lips to yours. “Don’t let me catch you spying again.” 
“I’m sorry.”  He didn’t reply, instead laying back down, pulling you against his chest. He rubbed your back like he normally did when you fell asleep, but no comfort came from it. The whole thing had you wigged out, bad. 
“Leon?” “Hmm?” “Is there any way we could head back tomorrow?” “We have a whole trip planned.” “I know. I just wanted to get my phone, I’ve been feeling weird without it.” You let out an awkward laugh, hoping to play it off. Really though you were desperate to be closer to other people.  “Sorry I’m not good enough company.” You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. “No really. It’s nothing to do with you. Please, we can come back, I just really want to get it.” “No.” It was so firm it threw you off completely.  “But Leon that’s not f–”
“Leon –” “I said no. I’m not driving you hours there and back, wasting gas because you forgot your phone. You don’t even need it.” “It’s not about needing it. I’d just feel more comfortable if I had it.”
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” “I don’t want to talk about it tomorrow, I just want to go home and grab it.”  “I already said, no.” You yanked yourself away from his space, to the other side of the bed, flicking the lamp on. You can’t remember ever actually having argued with him before, at least not in a true capacity. “You’re making me uncomfortable.” “You’re being ungrateful.” 
His words sliced you like a knife, you frowned. “I’m not –” “You are.” “I want to go home. I don’t want to stay here anymore. You can’t just keep me here if I don't want to be.” “Sweetheart –” “No, I’m serious Leon. I’m not staying. I don’t know what’s up with this weird thing you have with your ex, or anything else. But I don’t want to be here anymore. I need to go home. I need space.” He clicked his tongue, sitting up. “We both know that you don’t know what you need. Just come back to bed.”
Resistant, you stood out of the bed staring down at him, face red with anger and upset. “No. Take me home right now.”  He didn’t respond immediately, scanning you with his eyes. “Sweetheart, you’re not going anywhere. Not tonight. Not tomorrow either.” “I –” He was making you so frustrated. “If you don’t take me home, then I’ll figure out a way home myself.” “No, you won’t.” He threw his own legs over the side of the bed, righting himself. When he turned to face you, you felt cornered. To combat the feeling you sidestepped closer to the bedroom door. “Stop.” You said, putting your hand out in front of you, palm open fingers spread out as if that would magically keep him distanced from you. “Stay there.” “Baby.” He said unamused.  “I mean it.” “What’s gotten into you?”  “I told you. You’re making me uncomfortable.” His brows came together as if he was considering what you were saying. You took the opportunity to back up from the door into the hallway. “I think you’re having an episode. I think you need to calm down.” ‘The fucking audacity.’ You thought to yourself taking another step back. Lightning lit up the hallway from the window, the boom of thunder following close behind. Rain pattered against the windows as silence took over the situation between you. He didn’t move from where he was standing in the bedroom, you didn’t move from where your feet were planted in the hallway.
“Please come back to bed?” His voice was soft now, pleading. “I’m really not sure why you’re acting this way right now. But I’m concerned about you. I’m sorry if you’re uncomfortable, just come back ok?” He reached his hand out gently, as if he were taming a wild animal – the only result was you taking a step back. 
Defiantly you shook your head.  “Sweetie.”
You took another step back. He sighed, taking a step forward. You felt sick somehow, legs telling you to run again, run before he did something. Run before you’d be stuck just like in the woods. Fear you couldn’t explain. You knew you were being dramatic. It was Leon, there was no reason to be this on edge, even despite the weirdness of the evening, but your nerves told you differently.  “Are you going to take me home?” “No baby.” 
That was it, you bolted as fast as you could, feet skittering across the polished wooden floorboards. If you hadn’t used the bannister, you’d have face planted with the quickness you used to get down the stairs, missing the last few steps entirely. There was no immediate sound of movement behind you, at least none you could hear through your own pulse thrumming in your ears. You tore through the living room looking for a home phone, his cell, anything.  Finally his flat steps were heard coming down the stairs
Your search came up empty. You knew there was nothing in the kitchen. Nervously you slid into the library, slamming the double doors shut and clicking the little turn locks on the inside knobs, just in time for him to be on the other side, gently twisting the knobs.  “Baby, just come out here.” 
“No.” You said weakly, looking around the room. The laptop was no longer on the desk, but you did see his keys tossed on the corner of it. With a shaky hand, you reached out and picked them up, tucking the fob into your palm, the metal part sticking out between two fingers as a defensive weapon. He stopped attempting to twist the knobs and instead knocked gently. “Why don’t you take a minute to calm down?”  “No.” You repeated again, looking for a way out.  “You’re not acting rational.” He added.
There were no other connecting doors besides the ones leading out into the living room area, and you knew you couldn’t make it past Leon that way. The windows to the office were large, missing screens like with most old homes. It wouldn’t take much to slip through one – ‘but which of us would make it out to the jeep first?’ 
“Just leave me alone!” You yelled back at him, clicking the little latch on the window sill. You waited for the next crack of thunder to make the move. Despite the old wood, the window lifted easily, giving you a view to the patio.  “I can’t do that. You know that.” He replied, seemingly unaware of your plan.
You went out leg first, making sure the key was tight in your fist. Rain was beating down on the ground so hard the yard had practically been rendered all mud, running through it barefoot was going to be a challenge. ‘Just get to the jeep. Just get to the jeep’ You repeated in your head, stepping out into the disgustingly wet dirt, cringing when it mushed between your toes. 
Without a second thought, you took off running towards the front of the house, feet slapping into the wet surface of the ground, tshirt and hair soaked in the rain. You tripped over a rock, tumbling flatly splashing up grass and more mud into your face and torso. Not giving up, you righted yourself completely, half falling again as you ran to the car.  By this point Leon had already figured out your plan, the front door of the house slamming open. You looked back only long enough to see him walking towards you as you grabbed the door handle to pull yourself back up and over into the driver's seat. Trembling, you dropped the keys trying to get them into the ignition. “Shit. Shit.” You felt around on the floor, grabbing hold of them again, this time successfully managing to stick them in the ignition and turning the jeep on. 
“You’re being so dramatic right now.” He called out, halfway to you. “You’re acting terrified. Just come back inside.” You shook your head, pulling the gearshift out of the parked position and into reverse, careful to not let it slip in your shaking and wet state. Slamming the gas pedal didn’t go in your favor, instead of moving, the vehicle roared in place, tires spinning against the soft earth, mud flying about, some flinging backwards smacking into you.  “No…no…shit no..” You squeaked, slamming down on the pedal harder, turning the wheel. It still wouldn’t budge, mud and grass going everywhere in the rain. You tried putting it into drive, the whole vehicle lunged forward an inch before getting stuck again. “Come on. Come on.” You begged the universe. Too focused on the jeep, you had lost focus of Leon.  The door opened and he reached over you, pulling the keys out and tossing them into the passenger seat floor somewhere. You went to dive for them when he scooped you up instead, holding you tightly as you kicked and squirmed, clawing at him to get out of his grasp. He didn’t speak, but held firm as he made his way back inside with you, depositing you onto the floor of the entranceway. 
You stared up at him, trying to scoot back. There was a claw mark on his face from your nails, a little blood beading up there, a matching one on his shoulder. He knelt down to look at you, face full of concern. He cupped your cheeks in his hands, stopping your movement. “Good god baby, look at you. I mean really, look at you. This isn’t what a sane person would do.” His voice was so sickly sweet, it made you choke out a sob.  “Y-you scared me – I.” “I scared you? Baby I’m bleeding because of you. You tried to steal my car. You’re soaked, covered in mud….God baby, see this is exactly why I had to bring you out here. Could you imagine what would happen if you acted like this in front of other people?” “But I –” You looked into his eyes, then at the stripe of blood on his cheek. You looked around, then down at your mud covered body. You felt pathetic. He was right, this was ridiculous, you were ridiculous. “I’m sorry Leon.” You said, face scrunching up into an ugly cry. Like a toddler you sat in front of him sobbing, soaking wet. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“Shhh. Shhh.” He hushed you, one hand leaving your cheek. You felt the sting of something in your side, but were hazy before you could even register anything. 
You managed one more snotty sob before your vision was spotty, head becoming harder and harder to hold up – then the relaxing tug of unconsciousness overtook you.
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Tag List (if i forgot anyone I'm sorry ): @explorevenus @gigabyte-flare @okayiamkassandra @fouyumixuri @yumeneji @dollfacefantasy @elfven-blog @kaitkatme @tosuckmyweenis
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naraanges · 4 months
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The thought that after Astarion ascends he’s still… in there, somewhere, screaming? That keeps me up at night
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naraanges · 8 months
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I drew what i think of Leon x Claire :)
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naraanges · 8 months
Royalty Nights (Chapter one)
Warnings: She/her pronouns, Language, Violence, Fluff. Will add more warnings as needed.
Summary: You were now taken in by the knights of the kingdom, having no clue what for but what you did know is that you needed to go home. You had a family to take care of. Thinking it would be something maybe simple until you are thrown into a room with the prince, hearing his new rules for your forced future.
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The sound of the tall doors slamming shut made you flinch, though the grip on the guards did not change. Darkness taking over fully as the doors closed before a bright light flashed on, one of the knights hitting the switch to it. A big and expensive looking chandelier lighting up the room, a red circle rug covering the middle of the floor. A mix of gold and tan within the room, pictures of the royal family covering the walls. The room itself looked like it was the size of your home, it sent a chill down your spine thinking about how lucky they had it. Steps were leading up to a big throne with red cushions, focusing your attention on someone sitting on the throne, one leg crossed over the other. The prince.
It was your first time seeing him in person, especially this close, well seeing any of the royal family so closely. Why did he need to speak with you of all people? A nod of the prince's head made the knights movement continue once more, bringing you to the start of the steps that led to the throne. They dropped you onto the floor, your knees hitting the marble tile under the red rug making you wince slightly to the pain. They couldn't have dropped you a few inches back so you could have landed on the carpet at least?
Bringing your attention up to the prince in front of you, his look made more chills run down your spine. A cold and stern look spread across his face, dirty blonde but almost a brown tint in his hair that was close to covering his left eye. His eyes showed both tired yet annoyance, his hand was resting under his chin without a single word still coming from his mouth. Just his crystal blue eyes staring down at you. Though you would not be saying anything first, its the prince whos in front of you of all people. Your hands rested in your lap as you stayed sitting on your knees after being dropped, the pain still slightly there from before, the cold marble tile soothing it the stinging.
"Well? Aren't you going to say anything?" His tone of voice deep, catching you off guard as he suddenly spoke, but afraid to defy the prince you went to speak before being cut off by him. "Of course not, you are one of those people.." What was that supposed to mean? Does he expect a peasant to willingly speak to royalty as if they were on the same level? Or was he picking at the fact she is a peasant.
The prince's attention turned towards the knights who stood at the tall doors once more, giving them one more nod. Turning your head from the prince to the knights, you turned in time to see the big doors opening then slamming shut after they had exited. The bang echoing through the room before bringing your attention back to the prince. Now he was standing up from this throne, crystal blue eyes still looking down on you and hands crossed over his chest. The look still not changing from before.
"Im going to assume you have no clue for why you are here?"
You shook your head slowly, not breaking eye contact with the prince.
His words made your eyes widen. Wife? Was he meaning you would be his wife? A peasant? Why would a prince marry a peasant, especially you of anyone. Going to speak and question his words before he once more cut you off.
"Thats a shock, my parents make things very obvious when there's an argument here. Your town people seemed very on edge by the arguing." His brow raised with a raise of the corner of his mouth, a small smirk onto his face. "Unless you do know and which you would be lying to me." One more shake of your head before he had scoffed, also shaking his head but in disappointment. You knew the royals were fighting, but why would that cause them to bring you here? What did you have to do with this?
"It seems like I will be having a quiet wife."
"Since you somehow haven't heard, I am supposed to be married by now. Thats what my parents want from me at least, though they wanted me to marry a princess from another kingdom. I cant stand them." His tone seemed annoyed, not at you though but at this situation. "I wanted a wife yes, but not some petty, spoiled ass princess-" Cutting himself off before saying anything else, he shook his head while a hand brushed some strands of hair from his face. Looking back at you once more. "Anyways, you will be my next bride. I wanted a bit of a change"
The smirk growing bigger on his face as he took in your apperance, stepping down from where the throne sat. Your eyes still widened at the words he spoke, watching him step down the few remaining steps until hes at your floor level.
"W-what do you mean, sir?" You questioned out finally, a soft and quiet tone since you were speaking to the prince of all people. He stood a few feet in front of you, eyes having the same look as before with the smirk plastered onto his face. "I-i dont think i understand.."
"What do you mean you dont understand? Do you have an issue that makes it to where you cant process simple situations?" The prince's tone now sounding annoyed as he rolled his eyes. "I got myself a dumb bride, just my luck." His words hurt more than you expected, though you couldnt understand why he had wanted you to be his bride, now he has called you stupid to your face. "You will marry me as my bride, we will have a wedding to announce that to other kingdoms which will make me a king, then you'll be my wife until death." When he spoke his tone sounded as if this has happened more than once in his life. You were forced in this situation, by the sound of it you had no choice to disagree. Though if you did you were afraid of how he would act, the prince is known for having anger issues. "So? Say something will you?"
"I-im sorry sir.. i just dont understand why me? You are roy-"
"God, i know what you are obviously. You are a peasant and im a prince. You wont have that title for much longer so its not an issue anymore." He cut you off again with a snappy tone as he bent down to your level. Being so close to him made your body tremble after a third chill ran down your spine. Afraid that you had upset the prince with questions, you didnt speak again especially now that hes a foot away from your face. His eyes were staring into your soul as he looked at your features, from your eyes to your knees. A small chuckle slipping from his lips due to the fact you were on your knees for the prince. Obviously not in that way, but he found it amusing. Without any words he stood up and walked past you, heading to the large doors. As if the knights could read minds, they opened the doors once more and stepped in. The prince in front of them and his back faced towards you.
Did you upset the prince? Was he already tired of you? He had to have changed his mind now right? All these thoughts were going through your head as no words were exchanged after he cut you off, hands trembling as any and every thought ran through your mind. Overthinking being cut off hearing his voice again.
"Take her."
The grip on your arm from the knights hands were back to being painful, pulled up from the cold marbled floor and into the air. Squirming once more though nothing changed from before, they were not budging. As if you were going through the same longest minutes of your life from earlier, two guards had their tight grip on you as the third one led the way. Walking out of the large throne room and down the hallway, thoughts coming back and running through your head.
"W-where are you taking me?!" Obviously no reply, they didnt speak nor pay any attention to your words. As if you didnt exist and that was nothing new.
A few minutes pasted that felt like hours of your head panicking, they led you to another large door but it wasnt as large as the one before. Bigger than any in your town. The knight leading the way had opened the door, also not as loud as the one before as the two knights plus you walked in. Their grips not loosening once in the room until they stepped towards the large, king sized bed in the room. You had no chance of looking around before they threw you onto the bed.
A yelp slipped from your lips at the contact from being thrown, as if you were a sack of potatos. Hitting the bed was soft, a lot softer then when your knees hit the marble floor of the throne room. At least you were in a bedroom rather than a dungeon like your overthinking made you believe youd be heading. You looked up at the knights to find them still standing there, without a minute to process one of them reached over to grab your wrists tightly. Struggling against the grip but again, it didnt do much as they put your arms behind your back, the second knight grabbing a thing of rope from his pocket and tying a tight knot around your wrists. Unable to move them at all as your breath picked up, starting to panic.
Why were they doing this? Did they think you would run? You wouldnt, you were too afraid. Its the prince, you wouldnt run and risk your life due to his anger. Panicking more as the knight once more grabbed your ankles pulling them close to him. You started kicking at them but they still had their grip, spite you attempting to kick. The second knight who tied your wrists behind your back grabbed a second thing of rope and tied your ankles together, tightly. Kicking didnt do much as they forcefully dropped your ankles once they were tied. No words or not even a second more they walked off from the bed and walked out of the room, the third knight who opened the door following behind them.
Another loud bang as the door closed though not as loudly as the echo of it in the throne room. Two loud locks were heard from outside the room. You were now tied up and locked inside a random, dimly lit room.
What did they want from you now?
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naraanges · 8 months
Royalty Nights (Prologue)
I have not written in years so please ignore how bad this chapter may be, im slowly learning and practicing once more. Bare with me for a little bit LOL. Plus my friend dared me to write this..
Warnings: She/Her pronouns (Im learning other ways to write but since i am a she/her its an easy way to start into writing), Small violence, Language, No smut but will be slight fluff. Will add more warnings later on.
Summary: Prince! Leon needs a bride as soon as possible for the royalty family name to continue in their generations. He dislikes the princesses nowadays since they are all spoiled, over confident and stubborn (as if he could judge). But he's getting desperate until his eyes land on a woman one day out on a walk, telling his knights to find information about her he finds out she's nothing more than a peasant. Though, that wont stop him from making her his bride.
In this day in age, your mother was sick and your father became an alcoholic off to work but when at home you wished for him to go back to work, home was hell. All you needed to do was take care of your mother and siblings. Two younger siblings who had to be mature for their age because of the living situation, you had one older brother but he was never around, no clue to where he went. The weekends were the times you had your alone time, but even then you still had to take care of mom, during the week you "worked" which was just helping around the town and gardening for the kingdom. It was nothing big, your father would never allow anything more for you.
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On a very early morning it was surprising that you were awake this early. Usually you slept in until the early afternoon on the weekends since you didn't usually have to go to work doing your usual peasant work. Living in the kingdom was all thanks to your family, your father owed debt to some of the mercenaries in the kingdoms village, which eventually led to blackmail and your family moving into the small towns in the walls. Your family wasn't always pour and known as peasants, it was because of your mothers gambling that your father needed loans, sadly he got loans from the wrong people. You grew up this way though, you were ten when you moved into this town, now being twenty almost twenty one your life has not changed.
You had a bit of free time before mother would usually wake up, which gave time to do what you wanted to do. what were your hobbies? did you have any anyways? A beautiful and expensive looking carriage was quickly driven out of the kingdom in the opposite direction of the castle. It had to come from there, more royal visitors you thought but paid no mind to it since you would never find the reasoning out. While she spent some time walking around the town thinking to yourself, taking the warmth from the sun, some of the towns people felt tense. Walking through the towns roads felt.. uneasy. Knights were seen more than usual walking around, they seemed on guard. Did something happen at night? What did you miss? Eventually, the tense feeling getting to you and making your anxiety rise too much you decided to ask one of the other peasants nearby.
"Well I dont know the exact details.. but supposedly its something with the royal family. I heard it from a few houses town but I guess the prince is being lectured by his father on not finding a bride yet..-"
"Yeah, Sally's husband a few houses down was telling me the royal family is arguing to the prince about needing a bride now. It makes sense.. usually they should have a bride by now. I dont know why he doesn't, I guess picky?" The peasants wife stepped in from behind with a smile, their home smelt like just cooked breakfast. the door open for them to peak out at the knights and speak to you. You have spoken to them a few times, so asking this was nothing new. They seemed to always know the details of what's happening. You kept looking out seeing the expressions of everyone else in town, the knights roaming around as something you haven't seen before. Being a peasant meant you had no respect if it was from the royals or knights. They could care less about your existence.
The wife and husband you spoke to waved before walking back inside with a close of the door, going to enjoy their delicious smelling breakfast, It reminded that you needed to go make breakfast for your family before they all wake up.
Now, the smell of a warm breakfast filled your families small home, easily spreading to every inch of the house. You knew how to cook, you had to since your mother was sick, father was drunk or at work and your siblings were far too young. Calling your two crazy monster siblings to the table before walking into your moms room, helping her from bed and to the table. Technically she can walk out by herself, but it was a simple kind gesture you did to help around more. Though thats all you do is help out. Sitting around the table with your family.. minus father felt at ease, forgetting the tension in the village for that little bit. Warm waffles with sliced strawberries, blue berries and bananas fresh from the market. Your two siblings chowed down on the waffles, ignoring the fruit since it was their least favorite part.
"You two wont be leaving the table until you eat the fruit too.. your older sister did all of this work to have a lovely breakfast.." Your sick mom spoke softly to them, always a loving tone of voice even when lecturing the younger monsters.
"Mother.. really its okay. It gives you more fruit to eat."
"I do need anything healthy to help I guess-"
A weak chuckle left your throat, not wanting an awkward silence when your mom was trying to joke, but the comment made you sick to your stomach thinking about how sick she was. She raised you growing up when father was at work, even now she tries but she's too sick to do as much as she used to. Even when father is drunk at night and shouting, she steps in the best she could even though any moment she'll roll over from a heart attack. Too deep into your head until your mom spoke again.
"Your cooking has gotten really good hun.. you'll make an amazing wife someday dear." Mother spoke with a soft voice, picking the fruit from your siblings plates as they were already gone from the table.
"You do realize you dont need to stay home all the time, you are almost twenty one.. you need your own life dear. You can find a handsome young man to pleasure you, or an older one if thats your type-"
A quick blush rose to your face, warmth in your cheeks from embarrassment in your moms comments. The biggest smile on her face as she laughed from her own jokes, your embarrassment calming down seeing your mother have a genuine laugh.
The warmth of the sun finally getting too hot now that its the afternoon, sun right over the town. It seemed to make the town even more tense then before. How is that even possible? No one was really out on the roads, few people but even then their posture seemed tense. Was the royal families fighting this bad? When was the last time everything was so tense in the town? You debated on turning around before you saw three guards turn the corner and walking your direction, you paid no mind since you expected them to pass by and continue walking as every other knight was. Though, it seemed they were walking right towards you, their fast paced movements as they marched closer. Your body froze curious for what they needed, you had to be just overthinking this, right? What would knights want to some useless peasant anyways.
The thoughts in your head were a mix of overthinking before your heart stopped when the three knights stood in front of your face. Looking up at them as they towered over you with no words, unable to see their faces at all. Your body started trembling as you took two steps back before you felt a tight grip on both your arms, a small yelp slipping past your lips at the pain from it. Two of the knights grabbed onto your arms, picking you off of the floor due to their height, you were not so tall anyways only between five foot and five foot, three. You struggled the best you could though their grip was too tight, you had no match on fighting back. Feet not even touching the floor to get some sort of structure in fighting back. Head running thinking of any reason this was happening, you could care less about what's happening to you, you had to get home to your family. Mother needs you, your two monster siblings needed rules and if father came home while you were not there, he would be enraged and put mother in danger. Thats the last thing she needs.
Unable to fight she gave up once realizing nothing was happening, body tensed as they carried you in direction of the castle in center of the kingdom. You had never been so close since there was no purpose to be. Heart started pounding in fear and anxiety. What did you do wrong? You have never been in fifty feet of the royal family, what did they need with you? The castles tension made your body feel sick, you couldn't tell if it was from the rumors of the family or the wondering thoughts of what they needed from you. Being inside the kingdom was like a dream, maybe you were dreaming after all. The heat from the sun perhaps made you pass out on the roads right? It was a better option to what's happening right now. The knights grips never loosening, it actually became tighter as they stepped farther into the castle, across the red carpet and in front of one of the biggest doors you have ever seen in your life. The extra knight stepping in front and opening the huge royalty door, pushing them open and allowing you with the grip of his coworkers to step inside. The room had no light, it was dark as they stepped in with you. Immediately the door slammed shut behind you with a loud 'bang'.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° .
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naraanges · 8 months
•What’s your phone wallpaper: Nightmare Before Christmas lockscreen and "Welcome Leon" homescreen.
•Last song you listened to: "Remains of the day" from the Corpse Bride.
•Currently reading: "Haunting Adeline" by H.D Carlton.
•Last movie: Rewatched "The Black Phone" and "Nightmare before christmas" because halloween season lol.
•Craving: Salted pretzels <3
•What are you wearing right now: Black croptop with skellington hands and black biker shorts.
•How tall are you?: 5ft 🧍‍♀️
•Piercings / tattoos ?: 7 piercings and 3 tattoos.
•Last thing you ate?: Subway 😇
•Favorite color(s): Pink (Hot pink because i like annoying colors) and Light blue.
•Current obsession: Resident Evil, Persona 5 and Pokemon.
•Do you have a crush right now?: Fictional crush yes, otherwise no i have a bf.
•Favorite fictional character: Too many lol- Leon Kennedy or Claire Redfield(Resident Evil), Yusuke Kitagawa or Ann Takamaki (Persona 5), Astarion (Bg3), Dylan Lenivy (The Quarry) and too many more.
•Last place you traveled: Iowa 🧍‍♀️i have family there and needed to get out of my home state.
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naraanges · 8 months
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just kind of scheming .... i think fuckboy leon would have cool tattoos
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naraanges · 10 months
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I drew Leon Kennedy for the first time. Tryna start posting more!
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naraanges · 2 years
Some Dylan Lenivy drawings :))
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naraanges · 2 years
omg your new boyfriend work
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naraanges · 2 years
Ann Takamaki appreciation with a redraw from the game!
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naraanges · 2 years
Heres a Wilbur Soot drawing i did a few months ago! Im going to start posting more often :)
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