nikkistudieshere · 3 years
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Hi! This is admin Nikki! Welcome to my studyblr. 
First of all, I would like to introduce you to my latest idea to keep you guys (and myself) motivated to study, even more now that most of us have to do it online, making it difficult to keep up with everything that is going on around the world. I hope this blog makes you stay focused on your education as long as possible, as well as helps you with different kind of stuff. My main idea is to make it collaborative with all of my followers! How will you do that, Nikki? you’d ask. Well, I have a few ideas. Keep reading if you want to know more!
Let’s make it happen! 
Well, if you’re this far it means you’re interested into this, right? Well let me tell you what I want to do! 
Throughout all of my years spent on Tumblr, I've seen a lot of studyblrs, most of them based on the aesthetic of studying instead of helping each other out. I am not judging anyone! I love aesthetic pictures and stationary as much as anyone else, but I'll try to keep this blog on the practical side. 
I want you guys to be able to collaborate on updating this blog. The main idea is that you, the ones reading, will be the one sending/submitting your progress on whatever topic you’re studying! I don’t know about you, but when I see that other’s are progressing as much as I am I feel more motivated to keep doing what I do! 
Having a study group behind you that studies as hard as you, people who are working with their best, may help you out on focusing! It is so easy to lose motivation and concentration these days with everything that involves COVID, elections, negative news on the media, and a large etc. That’s why I want to create a safe space for people who don’t want to lose track on their education! I want you guys to know that it’s not only you, there are a lot more people who struggle to study on this new era. Why don’t we come all together then?
Second of all, let’s get to know each other! 
The reason behind this blog also relies on the emotional support some people need to keep studying. It is hard. I know. That’s why sometimes you need to vent out why your professor is not doing his job right, or maybe how f*cked up you are because you have to submit a paper due to five hours, which hasn’t been started yet. We’ve all been there, don’t lie. 
The main idea here is to create a discord server! it will probably have different categories: you need help with literature? you need to vent out and cry? you don’t know what to major in? Let’s talk then!
Seeking help out is nothing to feel ashamed about. I have felt lost a lot of times in my life, and looking back now, I'd have loved to have a safe space like this one to talk about important matters that involve my education. I didn’t have it, that’s why I want to create it for you guys!
On the third place, don’t make it boring!
I know studying can be boring if you don’t feel motivated enough. Maybe a nap sounds better than four hours of sitting on a chair in front of your notes and memorizing things that you’re not interested about. That’s the worst case scenario I can come up with. 
That’s why we can challenge ourselves! I don’t know about you guys, but when I set a goal of read pages for the day, and I accomplish it, I feel like the god of the world. Well, maybe I exaggerated a bit, but you do understand me, right? Submit your own goals and then tell us how it went? did you have trouble? did you feel good when you achieved it? how long did it take you to do it? let us know! 
A very important part of the process of achieving things is to see your own progress while doing it. It feels great to see that you’re not in the same place as the last week, or maybe that you’ve said that you would read all fifty-five pages today, and actually do it! The moment you write down your goal is the moment that you have to start working on it.
But let’s not stop it here! Tell us about your dream too! Why are you studying? Why did you decide to take that major? What are your future plans? Do you think you’re on the right path? Is there something else you want to do? What is your dream job? 
Just tell us why are you studying. Don’t hold back yourself. This is the best way to visualize the reason behind all of the hours spent studying! 
Four! Food! 
Okay okay, I know this is a studyblr and I am not trying to lie to anyone here. But if we can extend our topics, why don’t we? I have noticed, throughout all of my years of hard studying and late night stress, that my diet when I have exams is the worst! Junk food, very messed up schedule for eating, too much caffeine or maybe not eating at all, are things that have followed me around for a long time. It is hard to concentrate when you only have three cups of coffee in your system, or if you’re surviving out of sugar. Please do not do that, you’ll thank me later. 
That’s why I also want to redirect this blog to keep ourselves motivated to be healthy while studying! We must prioritize our health, mental and physical, before anything else! if you’re not feeling good, you won’t do good. That’s also why I want to help people on that matter. 
Share with us your very best snack recipes! maybe some vegan lunch or just the greatest dinner your family has ever made! Yum! 
And finally, thank you!
To finally close this, larger than what I expected, first post, I wanted to let you guys know that I feel very motivated to keep up with this project! if we all collaborate on this, we can make it happen! 
I hope to achieve a safe space for a lot of people who need to feel that they’re not alone while studying, who seek out tips on how to concentrate better, people who just want to talk with someone and don’t know who. I am here, we are here. 
This is my goal with this blog guys, what is yours?
Be part of the family and come study with Nikki!
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