pumpkinglooms · 4 months
This is important!
I apologize for not using what platform I have to speak about this sooner, but Palestine is still in trouble and it’s important for all eyes to be on it. The person I have reblogged has very good resources which are good for supporting Palestinians and keeping up with what’s happening.
I have signed up for the MoveOn movement which is a service that constantly keeps you updating on the issues surrounding Palestine, recommend petitions to sign and keeps you updated with other issues.
I highly recommend signing the petitions and supporting where you can, if you cannot donate, that is fine! There are plenty of petitions and other resources you can find that give your support to the people of Gaza.
As the strike ends tomorrow, I’d like to remind everyone to please keep continue talking about Palestine, we’re at a tipping point here. Please feel free and encouraged to talk about your interests once more but DO NOT forget about Palestine!! Talk about Palestine as much as you did during the strike! Continuing boycotting! We are the only voice Palestinians have. Continue keeping up with Palestinian news and journalists 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. and continue following the BDS movement and donate to Gaza based organisations if you can such as Care For Gaza .
Your silence is noticed. Even the smallest voice helps. No one is free until Palestine is free. 🇵🇸🍉
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pumpkinglooms · 5 months
Draken x Reader
(Small fluff Draken draft I never posted)
When this boys in love, He’s in LOVEE.
Draken loves you so much.
He can’t believe that you chose him over everybody else.
He feels so special in the way you hold his hand and kiss his cheek in public having to stand on your tippy toes cause you’re just that much shorter than him.
He loves the way that you tease him for liking white chocolate while also liking the chocolate that he likes.
He loves that he can brag about you to the rest of Toman, knowing that they can’t have anything that comes close to you. He’s just that damn petty.
He’ll never admit it out loud, but he loves you to bits. Want to give you the world and more.
I mean the man literally adores you he wants to see you smile and overjoyed at any given chance.
You want something he’s got it. You want a shirt? Not a problem, No questions asked. he loves you that much he wants to spoil you to bits.
A/N: Short draken ramble since I have not not been posting like whatsoever..whoops!
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pumpkinglooms · 5 months
Happy New Years to all!
May your resolutions come true and this year be better than last!!
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pumpkinglooms · 9 months
Ahh they look so good!
New game event!!!!! Look how pretty they all look!!!! And happy too!
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pumpkinglooms · 1 year
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we must operate now! do not worry. i don't need your insurance!
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pumpkinglooms · 1 year
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gratitude — fresh food — workouts — skincare — love
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pumpkinglooms · 1 year
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Love seeing Black girls receiving flowers 💐
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pumpkinglooms · 1 year
Guess whats my new hyperfixation
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pumpkinglooms · 1 year
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Short Drabble: Imagine W/ your favorite character
Fingers intertwined, legs tangled as a heavy blanket draped over the two of you as you’re both laying in bed. You talk about nothing and yet everything at the same time, giggling at small things while they smile at you. “Okay so, you like (favorite color) but not (other color?” They asked trying to grasp whatever your talking about. “Yeah.. f/c is Just better than o/c.” You reply, giving a small shoulder shrug as they roll their eyes and begin a new conversation..This one being more interesting than the last. The both of you talk and talk until the clock reads 2:31am and your eyelids finally begin to feel heavy.. “In the mor—g..I’m —ing—pr—ose—ay?” They tell you, but you don’t hear as your already being engulfed by sleep.
You wonder what they said that night
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pumpkinglooms · 1 year
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pumpkinglooms · 2 years
I dont even like Hanma like that but damn😭😭💔
his punishment, your demise.
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wherein hanma shuji loses the only person he has ever loved, despite all attempts to protect you from his world—a world of pain and death.
pairing: kmg!hanma x reader
warnings: heavy angst. death, profanity, blood, violence, knives, guns, kidnapping, gang fights, and a very heartbroken shuji.
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hanma shuji was no romantic man, but he was your man. he promised you the world, the stars, even the damn planets if you ask, and his entire future.
his love is too real, too true, and too sincere that you could almost hold it in your hands as he entrusted all that he is to you.
“i am all yours, for as long as you’d let me stay by your side,” he said that one october night when you bared your most naked feelings and thoughts to one another.
you can recall believing him, even taking reassurance from what he said. it made you sure that you will never lose him, because you will always—without a doubt—let him stay by your side because that is where you need him.
because as much as he was yours, you were also his. body and soul, and whatever else there is to offer.
oh, and another thing about hanma shuji, is that he is breaking up with you.
“i want to know why!” you almost can’t recognize your own voice from its strain. “you can’t barge in here this late in the night and decide that you don’t want to be with me anymore without a damn reason, shuji!”
there is no effort coming from your end in wiping the tears that filled your eyes, compromising the view you have of shuji who is sitting down on the couch with his hands clasped together against his face, avoiding your eyes.
“i just don’t wanna fucking do this anymore!” he shouts. “that should be enough reason to let me go! i don’t want this any longer!”
your sobs get caught in your throat, and your hand flies to your lips to stop the broken wails from coming out.
“y-you don’t want me anymore?”
the answer didn’t come nor did the love of your life move a single inch. it made you hope. that maybe he’s just confused. maybe he wants you. maybe he’s high off of something sanzu made him take even though he promised not to do that anymore—you’ll forgive him for it right now if you have to!
“shuji. shuji, you don’t mean it, right?“
a faint noise is heard when your knees hit the tiled floor of your apartment. when shuji raises his head to look, his eyes widens to see you kneeling in front of him with pleading and desperate eyes.
“what do you not understand?! it’s fuckin’ clear! they say you’re smart and all that with your damn straight As, right? why can’t you catch a clue that i don’t wanna be here!”
“but you said—you said you love me, shuji!”
he didn’t give you a chance to touch him. he stood up without a warning, making you lose your balance and falling on the floor. it was just a split second but you saw him stop himself from helping you.
what you don’t know is that it took everything in him not to come to your aid and take you into his arms to comfort you. he won’t tell you that now. maybe not ever.
“d-did i do something wrong? i know that i get clumsy and i make mistakes sometimes and if i did, i’m sorry!”
shuji can feel his entire body aching from head to toe, his skin screaming at him not to do this because it knows how much it will crave you for years after this night. but he knows what he has to do, and it involves breaking your heart.
because at the height of the era of gangs in japan, he found himself at the highest ranks of kanto manji gang. and the rival tokyo manji gang is out to kill him and the people he loves—but the only person he has ever loved is you.
like nothing happened, you pull yourself up from the floor to face him as best as you can because he is so adamant on avoiding your eyes.
“is there something wrong with me? you d-don’t find me pretty anymore? did i… change? i was stressed lately and i know it might have affected my appearance—“
“it’s not that, y/n! shit!” he curses without inhibition in the frustration that he cannot tell you anything, that he has to break your heart like this, that he has to leave you asking why.
“then what is it?!”
“i just don’t—“
you cut him off. “want this anymore! that is bullshit and you know that, shuji! we are better than this! i know that this isn’t right!”
time is running out. his enemies can find out where he is right this very moment and piece things out together, and they will figure out that in order to truly kill the reaper, they have to get rid of you first. he can’t have that.
“or…” you trail off at the last remaining possible reason in your mind, and the way the light left your once sparkling eyes didn’t go unnoticed by him. “you don’t love me anymore?”
fuck. he thinks. that will never fucking happen. he knows that in life, you will be the person whom his heart will beat for. even in death, his soul will always be in love you.
“if you don’t love me anymore… if you fell out of love with me… then i guess i can’t do anything about it.
“y/n—“ he was about to repeat his sorry of an excuse, the stupid excuse that he simply doesn’t want this relationship anymore. he knows it’s stupid, but at least it’s not him telling you the greatest lie of all—that he doesn’t love you anymore.
“just fucking say it, shuji!” you screamed. “look at me in the eye and tell me that you don’t love me anymore, and i’ll let you go!”
hanma shuji takes a step forward, leans in to level with your eyes, and like a heartless and soulless man says, “i don’t love you anymore.”
just like that, he walks out of your apartment and your life, something you have never imagined before.
the second the door closes behind him, the tears he was holding back came crashing on to him like a broken dam. he walked and walked and walked aimlessly, cursing himself to the depths of hell.
while he can’t regret you, he sure wishes that for your sake, he should’ve just contained himself from wishing to be close to you. he shouldn’t have let you fall for him so deeply. maybe you wouldn’t hurt this much.
with sin and punishment, his hands, he threw all the objects he could find in their hideout. sin and punishment. you are as clean as a saint, with no traces of sin. yet, he had to punish you in such a cruel, heartbreaking way.
what was he thinking? he’s one of the dangerous men that graced this earth! how could he think that an angel like you could live a normal, happy life with him?! outrageous! his selfishness is outrageous!
meanwhile, you grieve hanma shuji like he died. he is good as dead anyway, knowing that there is not a chance he would ever show himself to you ever again. you had no idea that he would be the one to actually grieve you.
a week after he broke up with you, the battle between the two tomans breaks out. a week after he broke up with you, two men kidnapped you from the comfort of your own home, and took you the site where the rest of them were.
to kill you right in front of him.
“hanma shuji!” the man holding you announces, momentarily halting the ocean of punches and kicks being thrown below you. they all looked up at you, being held at the top of the container van with a cloth on your mouth and blindfold on your eyes.
you are terrified. every inch of your body is trembling from the fear of being in another man’s hold, of being in this situation. but the mere mention of hanma shuji’s name is enough to make you relieved.
he’s here. your shuji is here.
but god, if you were terrified, shuji was already dying from the inside out. he thinks he could vomit all of his insides out of the unleveled fear of seeing you like that.
how did they get to you? he was so sure you were out of everyone’s eyes and ears! he protected you all this time! he has men tailing you to make sure no one would harm you! how could this fucking happen?!
“y/n!” he screamed your name before carelessly clearing the path in front of him.
for the first time in his life, he is afraid.
“fuckers! you gotta fuckin’ problem with me, you face me! cowards! she has got nothing to do with this!”
“well, well—you never played nice, reaper. why would i?” the man taunted, but everyone can see how he starts to trace your skin with the cold, sharp knife. you felt it, too.
in the middle of his trail to reach you, he is stopped by the captains of the tokyo manji gang.
you are scared for him, so you struggled. the toman captain holding you was kind enough to remove your gag. shuji curses out loud when he hears you call his name, “shuji! you can’t go here! he has a knife! he will hurt you!”
you think he cares about that?!
he is on the verge of breaking down. he knows you could die here. he knows what these men are capable of. men like him.
“i’ll get to you, i promise!” he shouts, trying to ease your worries in the midst of his own storm going on inside this head.
“no! you can’t! you will get hurt!”
he starts fighting off everyone, and normally, he couldn’t do it alone but maybe it’s the adrenaline and the sheer fear of losing you that enables him to knock them unconscious.
“shit! why the fuck does he have to climb that fucking high of the container vans?!” sanzu remarks.
the rest of kanto manji gang is holding off everyone else, as they also tried to reach you. if only you don’t have a blindfold, you’d see kakucho, ran, rindou, and sanzu killing everyone on sight to get to you as fast as they can—but not as fast as your lover.
however, the thing about his world is that there are no cliches, no promises of happy endings, and definitely no mercy. he can’t expect the enemy to play nice, to buy him time, because he never did the same for others.
an eye for an eye.
“say goodbye to your sweet lil angel, hanma!”
with that, a knife cuts through your side, and a bullet from another enemy from behind penetrates your chest.
a deafening silence follows, a precursor to hanma shuji’s scream of your name, a sound that would later haunt the people present that night both in their sleep and in their waking moments.
fate is cruel, because just a few seconds after you dropped down, he reaches you. if he had arrived a few seconds earlier, it is clear to everyone that he could have saved you.
but this is hanma shuji’s world.
“y/n! y/n!” at this point, he is full on sobbing and calling for your name with a broken voice. “call an ambulance, damn it!” he orders.
“baby? baby…” he taps your cheeks. “we’ll get you to the hospital, alright? it’s okay. it will be okay. i promise you. i’m here, see? i’m here.”
nobody cared that the kanto manji captains have killed the person who did it to you. nobody looked at anything or anyone else but the scenario unfolding in front of them.
everyone can only watch the man hold you in his arms to cradle you. they can only stand around and witness hanma shuji lose the love of his life, a person who is never meant to die like this, but does anyway because she fell in love.
“s-shuji…” your face is wet with tears, but they aren’t your tears. you raised your hand with the last remaining energy you have left as life slowly slipped away from you, holding his face on the palm of your hand.
your whole world in your hand.
“ssh.. sshh.. baby, it’s okay, yeah? don’t talk. save your energy. we’ll talk later, okay?”
his eyes are unfocused and he is trembling, but you badly need him to accept that if you two are to talk, you have to do it now.
“i-i… love you… shuji…” your voice is failing you but you have to say it, or else he will never forgive himself for today. because despite everything he told you the night you broke up, you know that he will always care for you whether he liked it or not.
“shuji… i have no regrets… d-don’t regret you. thank you f-for loving me before—“
“i love you. i love you. y/n, i will always love you, so please! don’t fuckin’ give up on me now, dammit!”
and you little shit had the guts to smile in this situation, “you l-love me… i’m so relieved… because i will always… love…”
you never finished the sentence.
“a-angel… c’mon. wait a bit more, baby. the ambulance is on its way. you can’t give up on me now. can’t leave me now. still gotta give you that home library you want!”
“baby, you can’t do this to me.” he’s still going on and on, trying to wake you up, trying to pretend that he is not bathing in your blood.
you’re not moving. you’re not telling him to calm down. you’re not assuring him that it is going to be fine. you’re not telling him you love him.
hanma shuji dropped his lips to rest on your forehead to kiss it over and over again.
i love you. i love you. i love you.
everyone stopped and bowed their heads, because they respect you—a victim of a life of blood and death. but also because all of them knows how it is like to find salvation in love, despite being stuck in this life.
but how about hanma shuji?
is this the price he has to pay for all his sins? the gods must be so cruel. if so, he prefers the idea of hell, than to live this life without you.
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a/n: it hurt my soul writing this as if their lives aren’t literally in my hands. anyway, likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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pumpkinglooms · 2 years
The Everlasting Flame
Howl x Gender Neutral Reader
CW: Mentions death of reader
Genre: Angst
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At that moment, he suddenly realized he might be alone for the rest of his life. He turned away the last person who care about him, the person that was there when he needed them the most.
“Y/N...I’m sorry...” He mumbled, knowing damn well his apologies can’t save him now. ”If I could change this fate, If I could make you come back to me I would do it without a doubt, I love you I truly do.” He pleaded to himself, kneeling on the bed of flowers surrounding the love of his life that laid lifeless on the ground.
He sat on his knees, clutching his shirt and crying over their body whispering apologies and what ifs over and over again, pleading with God himself to bring his love back. 
“I will find a way to bring you back,” He started, voice shaky as he continued “mark my words Y/N you will come back to me.” Were the last words he ever spoke to them as he stood on his feet, tears rapidly streaming down his face as he turned around and headed back into the castle to find an antidote that would bring back his love. 
He would search for weeks, months and even years if he had to.
All he knew is that he failed them once, and that he couldn’t fail them again.
A/N: I got a random kick and decided to write this from like 12am to 1:21am and deleting it on accident almost twice
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pumpkinglooms · 2 years
My hearttt😭 This is too cute
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ft: draken, mitsuya, kazutora & hanma
cw: gn!reader. hurt/comfort (you comfort him). set on the verge of bonten timeskip (around when hanma visits the cemetary).
⠀⠀⠀⠀ . 。˚ ♡ he's strong, but at times, he needs somebody to be strong for him.
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˗ˋ꒰ ♡ ꒱ˊ˗ MITSUYA IS RESTLESS. you wake up with a jolt, feeling the blanket wrapped over you get yanked away in one harsh, sudden motion. the thick duvet had been shielding you from the cold of the air conditioning, and as soon as it was gone, you were freezing. what the fuck—
startled, your head automatically jerks around to face the other side of the bed, and your bleary gaze focuses on mitsuya’s lean form, sitting up with his face in his hands. the blanket was crumpled up around him, pulled away from your body when he sat up.
it’s still early in the morning, you can see, because the sun coming through the window isn’t that strong. either that, or it’s a cloudy day — and either way, you’d wanted to sleep in with your boyfriend for as long as possible.
after all, you hadn’t booked a hotel room and taken him out on a mini vacation, and asked your parents to drive his little sisters to school for nothing.
mitsuya’d been working his ass off as of recent, and you were trying to give him the break he deserved. so when you found out that he’d convinced his mom to take a trip to the next city to visit her friend, you’d immediately made plans to allow mitsuya to relax as well.
you just wish he would make use of the opportunity and actually relax, though.
it takes you a moment to realize something is wrong, and when you do, you sit up immediately. “takashi? are you okay?”
he inhales, sucking in a breath of air through his fingers, and wipes his face. his gaze moves around the hotel room, as if he’s scanning his surroundings. then he turns to you, showing off sleepy, apologetic eyes. “yeah, ’m good. sorry for waking you up, baby.”
it doesn’t sound at all convincing, so you raise an eyebrow at him — waiting with more than a hint of impatience, for him to elaborate.
he laughs shortly at the gesture, waving a hand in dismissal and turning back around. the sunlight, dimmed further by the fancy curtains drawn across the window, falls on his pale hair as he tilts his head downwards. “just. panicked a little when i woke up. since it’s way past the time i drive luna and mana to class.”
“hm.” you blink. “but they’re staying with my mom and dad, remember? this week’s for us.”
“i … yeah.” mitsuya nods. “just forgot, for a second.” he still sounds off, and your brows crease with the concern for him that’s building up within your chest. scooting over so you were sitting next to him, you lean in and let your shoulders touch, and put a hand over his enclosed one. “what’s wrong, taka?”
he’s still for a moment, before he opens up his fist and curls his fingers around yours. he sighs, runs his other hand through his hair, and then meets your eyes again. “i’m just, not really used to it, you know?”
“having my responsibilites shared, i mean. i’ve been doing things on my own my whole life, so having someone around — having things easy, feels new.” he clears his throat, as if accomodating space for his words. “i’m fine, really. just had a moment.”
footsteps echo down the hall outside, other guests making their way around. you wait, because you have a feeling he’s not done yet. and you’re right, because he opens his mouth again.
“but i’m really glad, too. to have you around. it’s weird to share everything, and to have room to slow down and all. but i appreciate it. i appreciate you.” his grip on your hand tightens a little, and you let him hold it, moving closer to press a small kiss to his temple. “it’s okay, taka. i’m here for you.”
his eyes soften at that, so pretty and lavender, and he turns his face to press his forehead to yours. “i know. thank you.”
˗ˋ꒰ ♡ ꒱ˊ˗ DRAKEN IS OVERPROTECTIVE. “hey,” your coworker hurries up to you, calling your name — and when you look up towards them, it’s the first time you lift your head up from your work in a while. you glance at the clock on the wall to see that it’s almost midnight, but it doesn’t really register in your head.
“yes?” you sit up, and they jerk a thumb back. “someone’s outside. they’re looking for you. i think it’s, um, your boyfriend.” 
huh? you grab your phone from where it was half buried under a sheaf of papers, and when the screen lights up, you see seven missed calls and eleven texts — all from draken.
“is it a guy with his hair tied back, and a tattoo on the side of his head?” you get up, push your chair back and make your way down the hall towards the elevator. your coworker nods. “yeah, yeah that’s him.”
i’m sure i texted him to let him know i’ll be late tonight. you think as you step into the elevator and press the button that’ll take you to the ground floor. you’d got this job only recently, and you’ve been working extra hard so you could fit in and climb the ranks quickly.
draken was fully supportive, of course, but you’d noticed that he’s been a little … antsy, about the location of your workplace. he was always extra tense every time he dropped you off, or came to pick you up.
as soon as you step out of the elevator, you see draken in the hall, still in his D & D motors jacket. he's all disheveled, you notice, and tired.
he stops mid-pace when he sees you, roaming eyes stuttering to a pause, and he strides over.
“fuck, you’re here.” he lets out a deep breath, and now that he’s up close, you see the panic in his eyes and in the tense line of his mouth, in the way he walked. “why didn’t you answer my calls? you could’ve told me you’d be working late.”
“i did,” you begin, but he’s already asking his next question. “how many people are in there with you? you can’t stay here all alone. and you didn’t tell me—”
“ken,” you take his arm, pull him down to give him a peck on the cheek. the gesture calms him down a little - or at least you hope. “i did tell you. i sent you a message, and you literally read it.”
“what?” he retorts. “i didn’t see any messages. and i thought something happened to you, when you didn’t call me back.”
you unlock your phone, and swipe over to your shared chat. briefly going through the texts, you turn the phone around and show him the screen.
you: ken, i’ll be done at 12 tonight. pick me up then, k?
ken: hey. where are you?
he stares at the screen for a few seconds, before turning his face aside, looking decidedly embarrassed. “fuck’s sake.” he mutters under his breath.
“ken,” you say it softly. “you worry too much.”
he grimaces, looks around and then drops his head. “i’m trying, okay? but . . i don’t think too highly of this neighbourhood. and — and you know how i am.”
“i do,” you soothe, glad that the entryway is devoid of people, spare for the security guard sitting in the corner. “i understand. and i want you to keep in mind that i’ll be okay, hm?”
“it’s not safe here at night.” he says it firmly, but there’s a hint of hesitation anyway. “next time, call me if you’re staying late.”
“don’t worry.” you repeat, tracing his bicep with your thumb, still holding his arm. “i’ll call. and i’ll be fine, okay? and i promise, i’ll be here with you for as long as you want me to.”
“what does that mean?” he mutters, and then he pulls you in for a hug. you’re engulfed in his warmth, in his smell of motor oil and cologne - for a moment you’re surprised, because he doesn’t usually do things like this in places where people can see — but you manage to reciprocate, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
you don’t answer his question, because you know he knows what you mean. and he holds you in silence for a while, before he whispers, “i want you with me forever.”
˗ˋ꒰ ♡ ꒱ˊ˗ KAZUTORA IS SECRETIVE. “you’re home late.” you remark from the sofa, when kazutora finally steps inside your shared home, way later than he usually does. the streets outside have gone quiet, and the news channels are playing reruns of old sports matches.
he doesn’t say anything until he’s slipped his keys back into his wallet and put his shoes away. as you observe him, you notice his hair is a little messier than usual, and that there’s a troubled tint to his golden eyes. as he passes the sofa, he bends down and takes your face between his finger and thumb and gives you a kiss. “got busy.”
you catch a whiff of something as he does it, and wrinkle your nose.
“what?” he blinks at you, and you take another sniff. “why d'you smell like cigarettes?” you wonder if his boss at the pet shop's taken up the habit of smoking. know kazutora doesn’t smoke. at least, not anymore. as far as you know.
he freezes for half a second, and you see panic flash in his eyes — but it’s gone in a blink. “nah. do i?” he sniffs at his shoulder. “smells like bird feed to me.”
“huh.” you shrug, doing your best to at remaining nonchalant as you take hold of his wrist, stopping him from pulling away. “okay, but the shop closes at like, six. where have you been?”
this time, the loss of composure is more evident. he purses up his lips, looking away so he doesn’t have to meet your eyes. kazutora isn’t a liar. he’s an honest person by nature — always speaking his mind and following through his words with actions — and when he doesn’t want to lie, he hides things.
so when he remains silent and doesn’t answer your question, you know he’s hiding something. loosening your grip on his wrist, you try to get him to look in your eyes. “you can tell me, you know?”
“yeah.” he responds a little too quickly, then swallows. “yeah. it’s not that important, though. never mind it.”
“don’t say that,” you try. “of course it’s important. it’s bothering you, isn’t it?”
he stands there, and you think he might’ve gotten lost in thought when his gaze flickers, glancing at you and quickly looking away. the room is dark, the light of the TV being the only source of illumination, but it’s enough for you to see the look on his face. he’s not really in the mood to talk about it.
“tora,” you hum. he doesn’t say anything, but you know he’s listening. “baby, you know i love you, right?”
he nods at that, fervent. “i love you, too.” you nod back. “then, you know that my feelings for you aren’t gonna disappear because of just anything, right?”
letting go of his wrist, you take his hand. “i love you, and i promise i’ll stick with you through whatever happens. nothing you tell me will change that, okay?”
kazutora’s eyes widen, the dull gold turning brighter as they catch more of the TV’s light — and you don’t know if what you said had a good effect on him or not, but you do mean what you said.
“m'kay.” he mumbles.
“good. now take a shower, and let’s go to sleep.” when you try to let go of his hand, he resists, and when you send him a questioning look, he tugs at your arm. “come take a shower with me?”
“sure.” you smile, and when you get up and move around the sofa to walk to the bathroom with him, he hooks his fingers around yours again.
“something might be coming up.” he offers something, probably thinking of satiating your curiousity. “but … i’m not sure yet. i’ll tell you about it as soon as i’m sure. okay?”
you nod, curling your fingers so yours and his are locked in place. the light from the TV fades away as you leave, but your heart feels light. and you hope his heart is light, too. “anything, tora. i’ll be here for you whenever you need me.”
“mm,” he says it simply, yet it’s full of feeling. “i love you.”
˗ˋ꒰ ♡ ꒱ˊ˗ HANMA IS UNENTHUSED. you hope hanma doesn’t notice the way you’re nervously reading through the scratched poster you’d picked up off the floor of some gas station, when he’d stopped by for a refill with you behind him on his motorcycle.
the streetlight nearby crackles and flickers every now and then, and the sky is dark — you want to use the flashlight of your phone to help you understand the words better, but then he’d definitely see and inquire on what you’re doing, and you weren’t sure enough of your idea for that just yet.
taking another drag of his cigarette, hanma blows it out in a cloud of smoke, and clears his throat. you almost crumple up the paper by reflex, but you force yourself to stay still and slowly fold the thing away.
he still catches the action, though — and turns his attention onto you. “what’s that, huh, baby?” he grins at the way you pause with the poster half folded in your hands. “hidin’ something from me?”
“no,” you reply. “i just, um, thought this poster was interesting.”
“oh yeah?” he asks. “what is it? some carnival you want me to take you to?”
you’re fumbling to put together a reasonable, unsuspicious reply when he snatches the thing from your grasp, quick as lightning and so deft, you only realize it’s gone a second later. “hey!”
“let me see, let me see.” he chuckles, batting away your hands that came to grab it back, and shakes the poster open again.
he reads the words UNDERGROUND FIGHT CLUB and does a double take, before glancing at you, and despite your embarrassment your heart jumps to see a glimmer in his eyes.
“what’s this?” he muses, voice dipping into a teasing tone. “don’t tell me you’re into this kinda thing.”
you feel your face get hot — because truthfully, you’ve been trying to find hanma something to do. you’ve known him for a long time now, and you know he’s changed drastically from the way he was before, as a teenager.
where he was once unhinged, full of glee and adrenaline, always looking for a fight and brimming with self confidence, he’s now subdued and strangely quiet. of course, it never stopped your feelings for him from growing stronger and stronger by the day, but you thought maybe you could try and — and help him get back on his feet.
truthfully, though you’d gotten used to this more languid, downbeat version of hanma, you kind of missed seeing him full of that rampant spark he used to have. but it’s embarrassing to admit, and you’re not even sure how he’d react. “i don’t know, shuji. i just picked it up.”
“uh huh,” of course, he doesn’t take that. “what, you wanna watch me beat the shit out of some people, is that it?”
“you know that’s not it.” you complain, and he chuckles. “i just thought you’d maybe be interested. i-it does make good money, and you’re — well — into it, aren’t you?”
he skims through the poster again, and then slaps it down on the empty space remaining on the bench next to him. his arm snakes around your body, pulling you flush against him in one smooth jerk. “just might check it out, then. if it’s good money, then i can finally spoil you with shit like you deserve, hm?”
you roll your eyes, but the fact that he didn’t dismiss it remained warm in your chest. “i just want you to feel good again, shuji.”
“oh yeah?” he smirks. “you make me feel good just fine, baby.”
“think about it.” you huff, borderline offended. “i know you’ll do well. they’ll gladly let in kabukicho’s reaper, just for the fame. and it’s better than nothing.”
hanma laughs, nudging your face with his chin so he could land a kiss on your lips. “’m glad you like that side of me, baby. might just use the money to get you a ring.”
you kiss him back, hooking your arms around his neck - and because he almost never says something so romantically intimate, you know your efforts meant way more to him than he showed.
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pumpkinglooms · 2 years
Things they do only around/with You <3 |Demon Slayer Ver.|
A/N: Since Muchiro is a minor his is written with platonic intent!
Characters: Muchiro, Gyomei, Uzui, Obanai, Genya
Genre: Fluff
Warning(s): Mentions of slapping in Muchiro's part, One mention of murder in Uzui's part,
○Tokito Muchiro○
•He will run purely off impulse with you, he wants to hold your hand? He'll do it. He wants to give you a kiss on the cheek? He'll do that too! He wants to slap you over the head? He'll do that as well.
The both of you are having a small picnic whilst you talk about the Corps, Demons and other life stuff, and currently you're telling a story, "Yeah and so I was like, 'You can't do that!' And he was like, 'Yes I can I'm a demon blah blah blah' and so then I-" Muchiro is barley listening, in all honesty he zoned out 3 minutes into the story. All he can think about now is how hittable the back of your head looks, how fast he could slap the back of your head, and how crisp the sound would be. He doesn't think about the consequences to his actions, of course he doesn't. Instead he stands up, and gives you the cleanest slap on your head you've ever received in your entire life, and you shut up real quick. That slap was so violent it felt personal, you saw stars. He acts like it didn't happen too. He sat right back down and asked, "What were you saying again?" In return you stared at him like he was crazy whilst holding the back of your head.
○Gyomei Himejima○
•He stands in the middle of the hallway late at night and starts to softly cry that the most random things, you could be grabbing a glass of a water and you see a large ass, 7'2 man standing in the middle of a room/hallway. Its terrifying.
You softly open your eyes, it's dark in the room and you're thirsty as hell, so after a sigh you begrudgingly get up and lug yourself to the kitchen to grab a quick glass of water, while making your way there you see a figure in the hall, you stop. It wasnt moving to begin with. And then, it starts crying. This, this was odd. Both of you were pausing not uttering a single word and the only thing filling that silence were soft sobs. Then you remembered, your boyfriend, who you asked to sleep over at your house. That was him. That was the large ass figure literally touching your ceiling. "Gyomei? Is that you sweetie?" You call out loud enough for him to hear but softly at the same time. You see the figures head move and a somewhat quiet yes slip out of his mouth. You let out a loud and hard sigh of relief, "Holy shit- I thought my house was being haunted." You say to him and start laughing. "You wanna go back to bed and talk about it?" Gyomei walks over and nods to you, making his way past you to get to your room and you follow. And it's not until you're all snuggled up in bed cuddling with Gyomei about to go right back to sleep that you remebered the whole reason you dragged yourself out of bed in the first place, "My fucking water!"
○Uzui Tengen○
•This man has no shame in interrupting you half the time, You literally could say one word and he would start talking about a mission he had with Kyojuro, and he won't understand when you get upset with him.
You and Uzui are going through a small village looking for something Suma sent you both out to get, it was comfortable silence but you remembered a funny story Mitsuri had told you and wanted to share it with Uzui. "Oh yeah! So Mitsuri-" you begin, but are quickly cut off, "Do you remeber how I went on a mission with Kyojuro? Yeah and on the mission-" he begin, completely dismissing that you were talking, you get a bit irritated by this "You interrupted me." He stares at you for a second, smiles, then continues. "Anyways, I found the demon we were looking for and I wanted to do the element of surprise, y'know flamboyant and flashy sorta way. But Kyo was loud as hell and shouted at it. Which made it panic-" you stare at him like you're about to kill him, but you decided to just go a separate way and look for it yourself as you don't want to be held accountable for murder. Uzui noticed that you changed direction and he follows, still talking as you're on the verge of slapping him. "Hey, are you mad or something?" He ask, and you slowly turn to stare him dead in the eyes not saying anything while he stares at you nervously. "Are you?" He ask, a little more nervous, you turn back around and keep walking not paying attention to him. Mans was confused for so long.
○Iguro Obanai○
•He sometimes hisses his S' like a snake and when he did it in front of you he looked at you with wide eyes then continued to give you the swiftest, cleanest 1-2 piece combo you've ever had in your life. You didn't even get a chance to speak.
You and Obanai were currently hanging out on a rooftop peacefully watching the light blue sky chatting about snakes as Obanai is quite fond of them, "That's interesting! But how does that work?" You ask after Obanai gets done telling you about an nice fact about snakes, "Well, some of their prey produce 'slime or mucus-" he stopped as he realized he hissed out, 'slime'. He stares at you as you stare back, wonder where to go from here. Theres silence, nothing but silence, that you decide to break. Or at least try. "Ob-" you finish as quickly as you start as he stands on the roof, grabs your arm, he then proceeds to pull you up and his fist make contact with your stomach. He don't give you any time recover as he pulls you forwards and hit the side of your neck right on the pressure point, knocking you the fuck out. It was literally like 10 seconds, 10 seconds that you had zero time to process.
○Genya Shinazugawa○
•He's a sweetheart, truly. But this mf stares at you so intensely you literally get close to tears. You could get a small ass scar and he would stare at you tryna figure out if something new happend to you. Its terrifying.
Genya is training more and more as you're watching from a safe distance. Soon, Gyomei stops him and tells him to take a break because of his hard work. Genya nods and makes his way over to you and You and Gyomei share a simple yet friendly wave. "Hello Y/N." He says, a small smile on his face as he looks at you with kind eyes, you turn to face him and greet him back. He stares at you for a second, then his smile drops, he scowls and his eyebrows furrow. Now this. This is a lil concerning. You gulped a little and asked if something was wrong, he doesn't answer but instead grabs your face and squints his eyes, face still the same. Now you're sweating bullets. You don't know what the hell is going on with him. Shit, at this point you're thinking he's gonna start angry crying. Then, he sees it. A small scar is on your eyebrow. "You got a new scar!" He exclaims, all his previous expressions fade away as he seems so joyful for realizing that new small feature. You on the other hand just stare at him, and then crack a smile as a singular tear slips down your face.
A/N:I'm so sorry this took decades to write I literally lost motivation halfway through and didnt wanna finish writing this. But I did! :)
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pumpkinglooms · 2 years
Things they do only around/with You <3 |Demon Slayer Ver.|
Characters: Rengoku, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sanemi, Mitsuri
Genre: Fluff
Warning(s): Mention of death in Renhoku's part, Cursing in Shinobu's part, Small mention of blood in Sanemi's part
○Rengoku Kyojuro○
•This man constantly will eat your food and then say how tasty it was. Not even food you cooked either just food that belonged to you. Especially if it's your favorite food.
"Hey Kyo, Have you seen (F/F)?" You say, staring into the fridge as if you're going crazy. You bought your favorite food 2 days ago for yourself as a small congratulation and now you wanted it. "Oh yes, I had eaten it! It was rather tasty love!" He says, smile as bright as ever while he stares at you without blinking. You stare back. "Kyojuro, you..you know that was mine right?" You ask him, unsure if he realizes he ate YOUR favorite food. "Yes! I do understand that! I can see why you call it your favorite food!" He says brightly. You on the other hand look as if you're ready to kill him. "Thank you for the food love!" Oh yeah, now he's gonna die.
○Shinobu Kocho○
•She isn't the type to slip up, especially infront of you. But sometimes she gets mad enough that she let's her little facade fall and she starts swearing.
"Don't be mad cause you're tiny, it's okay to not have grown fully!" Uzui says in an argument as Shinobu looks like she ready to kick his ass. "Well don't be mad at me when you're six feet in the grave!" Shinobu says, a bit to cheery for your liking. Noticing this, you gently grab her by the shoulders and lead her away, saying goodbye to Uzui and taking her to the butterfly mansion to calm her down. Once there she starts muttering under her breath, "That man..Thinks he's so flamboyant and so amazing he lacks basic respect for others. I'll show that mother fucking bitch-" she stops and looks at you, eyes opened yet not filled with worry just yet. "...You didn't hear that did you?" She ask you, you did. But for your safety you shake your head no.
○Giyuu Tomioka○
•He's the silent reserved type but that doesn't mean he doesn't do stupid shit too. The stupid thing he does is that he'll try to kick rocks when hes upset, fall and then get up like nothing happend.
"I just feel like non of them like me, y'know?" Giyuu says as you guys walk around the Demon Slayer Corp grounds, you nod in support as you hold his hand. "Sometimes I wish I would speak out more!" He exclaimed, getting madder at the end and swinging the inside of his left foot full force to kick a rock. He missed, and since it was full force his leg flew in the air as he flew backwards. You on the other hand stood there in shock, you wanted to laugh but decided against it, "Tomi, are you-" you cut yourself off as he starts getting up quickly and turning towards you. "Let's keep walking." He says blankly, completey ignoring the fact that theres small pebbles and dirt now in his hair.
○Sanemi Shinazugawa○
•He's a night owl, he will stay up and sometimes go get a late night snack but beforehand he'll stare at you and goddamn is it terrifying.
It was a cold fall night, you and your lover, Sanemi, were comfortably sleeping in bed as you basked in each others warmth. (You more so than him) or at least, that's what you had thought. In reality your beloved boyfriend is currently awake and looking down at you. Lovingly of course. Sanemi is a night owl and sometimes when he wakes up he takes in your features and checks if there is anything new about you. Usually he does this until he falls back asleep, and hold you as you're still asleep. But not this time. This time, you woke up. And the first thing you see were Sanemi's wide eyes staring right back at you. And this, this triggered your fight or flight. So you hit him and jumped off the bed, you didn't make it far before he grabbed your arm and exclaimed, "Shit-! Babe it's me!" He said holding the part of his face you harshly attacked. "Oh..I'm sorry 'Semi.." you say, turning around to see your boyfriend with his eyes squinted and checking to see if he's bleeding.
○Mitsuri Kanroji○
•The sweetest thing on earth, but she will 100% be angry at you for not eating after you're done doing a hard mission or task, she thinks you deserve a good meal after all that but sometimes it comes off more aggressive than she wants.
You had just finished a mission killing a few lower rank demons and in the process got a cut on your arm, so now you're on the way to the butterfly mansion to make sure that this doesn't get worse. When you arrive you see none other than you're sweet girlfriend, Mitsuri. You smile at her and approach her before you can ask her anything she just goes, "Have you eaten yet?" And when you answer no her face turns pouty. "Wait but I can explain-" before you can finish she interrupts you, "Y/N you know you're supposed to eat at least 3 meals a day! Last time I saw you was lunch and you didnt even eat that! How are you supposed to be a strong Hasira if you dont take care of yourself? You--" she cut herself off when she saw your bleeding arm, "AND you're bleeding? There would've been less blood had you kept a good eating habit but no, 'Im-A-Meal-Skipper' you didn't!" She says getting more pouty and pissed. She means well yes but she very aggressive in making sure you eat right so that you're okay. So pull up a chair you might wanna get nice and comfy because depending on whenever Shinobu comes back this can take a while.
A/N: I was supposed to post this 2 days ago but never had the motivation, But its finally up and I hope you guys enjoy this enough for me to make a part 2 :)
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pumpkinglooms · 2 years
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I'm not gonna lie, I havent watch BSD but I do not like him
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pumpkinglooms · 2 years
Random Dating Hcs ||Ken Ryuguji||
Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: Fluff
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Isnt to much of a protective lover as long as he knows you can take care of yourself, but gets annoyed if people flat out flirt with you.
"I'd like to take you out someday lovely~" A way to cocky classmate tells you unknowing that Draken was standing at the door ready to pick you up from class. "Y/N you ready to go on our date?" Draken says, putting emphasis on date whilst glaring at your classmate as you grab your bag.
You and Mikey will fight for his attention 24/7.
"You see him everyday!" You argued against Mikey on who should have Draken today, "You saw Ken-chin all day yesterday!" Mikey argued, clinging on to Draken's arm as Draken stood there, not wanting to get involved.
He'll talk to you about motorcycles and even if you dont understand he really appreciates that you listen.
"-But it depends on the type of engine it has y'know? 'Cause if it's a large engine for a small motorcycle-" Draken rambles on, you on the other hand didn't get a damn thing he understood and he knows, but he appriciates that you listen.
Likes to go to your house after fights to help bandage him up and gives you a kiss of appriciation.
You sit in a small silence as you finish disinfecting Drakens wound and wrapping it tight, but not tight enough to hurt him. Afterwards he stand up and kisses your forehead, "Thank you."
Motorcycles dates are his favorite, biking through the city while talking to each other about the most random things is comforting to him.
"Yeah but no one likes white chocolate unless it's like Valentines day." You say to him as you guys slowly ride through the city "I like white chocolate." Draken tells you, defending white chocolate "Yeah but you're a weirdo it doesn't count."
If you ever get sad about something he'll take you in a private space, sit down with you and hold your hand until you tell him what's wrong/calm down.
"It's okay, I'm here." Draken says quietly, doing his best to not startle you but also reassure you as you let out choked sobs. When you start talking he squeezes your hand a little tighter and let's out 'Mhm' every few minutes to let you know he's listening.
He has pictures of you two on dates in his room at the brothel.
You let out a small gasp, "You put pictures of us on the wall!" You exclaim with happiness, Draken chuckles and sits on his bed, "Of course I did, you're my S/O afterall."
If you two get far in the relationship then he'll prefer you to do his hair over practically anyone.
Mikey sits on the floor while Draken sits on his bed as you sit behind him braiding his hair to get ready to go see Takemichi. "All right! All done!" You exclaim proudly as you look at the back of Draken head. "Ken-chinn~ Why dont you let me braid your hair?" Mikey whines at Draken "Because Y/N does it better than you." Draken says blankly as he stands up and Mikey continues to whine.
A/N: Since a lot of you guys liked the Baji dating hcs I decided to do one for Draken too :)
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