salty-about-it · 2 years
Texas thinks it's so fucking tough, but three Texan cops couldn't even keep a teenager from killing a bunch of elementary schoolers. Fucking pathetic cowards. Disgusting.
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salty-about-it · 3 years
On Stupid People
I wish stupid people had some kind of warning built in
so you don’t have to wait until you hear “I think the earth is flat!” or “T*rmp isn’t a racist!” before you can tell
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salty-about-it · 3 years
Do you like fish?
I do. Or, at least I thought I did.
Until I met a fish called Saba. A kind of mackerel.
Saba is obscenely popular here in the boonies. It’s also the distilled essence of all the rotting detritus of the ocean that gets caught up in the piers of port cities to emit noxious fumes at all times of year. 
I know lose my appetite when I smell other people eating it. That, and natto holy shit.
Also, I understand that it’s quite common in many places in the world to eat small fish whole with the bones in, but as I did not grow up somewhere like that, please excuse me for going “eeeeeeeewwww grooooossssss” like an elementary schooler. We’re not here to be mature, we’re here to complain about petty shit.
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salty-about-it · 3 years
Also, just american politics. This is maybe applicable elsewhere?
either way, I’m fucking mad. I know it’s super cliche to be like, “anyone who disagrees with me is trash!” but like, seriously. Some of these people are trash. Your policies are bad an you should feel bad.
For example, libertarians. Go like homestead in siberia or something. You’re the only ones that hate having social programs, stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us.
Hey fiscal conservatives. Everything about your economic policies is stupid and deflationary, and all the evidence you need of that is that the golden age of american prosperity was after FDR enacted the CCC, the New Deal, Labor Laws, 80-90% tax rates for the rich, environmental regulations, and all that other shit that you keep calling us commies for wanting. The 50s were prosperous because even normal plebians like you assholes could afford to own a home and have 2.5 kids on a single unskilled income. GO FUCK YOURSELVES and the knobby legged, narrow chested, stupid, slow, ugly, mean horse you rode in on.
Hey police officers. I don’t really have anything to say but FUCK YOU. What the fuck ever happened to “if you see something, say something” jackasses? huh? Did your nana teach you that only counts when you don’t think it would be fun to kill somebody? Do everyone a favor and just go ahead and throw yourself into the nearest large body of water. 
but hey, that’s mainly just Americans, right? Y’all over in like Europe and Australia don’t have anybody that thinks like this in your country right? Hey, wait, where are you going?
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salty-about-it · 3 years
Hey, this blog isn’t just for ranting about Japan! What about racists?
Hey, you’re right! What about racists?
I might as well admit that I’m an american, as humiliating as that is. As such, I had the fun experience, that I’m sure was shared by many others, of discovering that half the population of my country are disgusting pieces of shit that are apparently OK with white supremacy and facism as long as poor people get their healthcare taken away. Cool.
So yeah, I have family members that are pro tr*mp, and at this point there’s really no excuse. If you voted for the orange wannabe dictator, you’re a terrible human being and you really honestly ought to all be put on a deserted island to fend for yourselves a la Lord of the Flies (incidentally I also hated this book).
If you want the world to be about survival of the fittest and the best man left standing, why don’t you go wander into the woods in nothing but your underwear and do something useful, like become food for an actual apex predator. Like a mountain lion. Or a bear.
Middle class white people who bitch about affirmative action, how about you stop being fucking racist when hiring and then it wouldn’t be fucking necessary.
So yeah, shut the fuck up. They might be black on the outside, but you’re black on the inside. In a, y’know, souless, evil kinda way.
Whoops, this is kinda about Japan because they hella racist here too, except you don’t even need to have a different skin color to be discriminated against. Japanese people fucking hate Koreans and the Chinese. And you should look up Japan’s treatment of Eta and the Ainu. Damn son.
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salty-about-it · 3 years
Japanese people prefer not to be comfortable. Enduring hardship is character building.
Did you know that central heating and cooling (i.e. HVAC systems) are very unusual here? Instead, they either have individual air conditioners that also heat in every room, OR, where I live, kerosene heaters! Because it makes more sense to heat your house with kerosene and fumes than, yknow, central air!
Also, the walls are very thin, as are the windows. Insulation? What’s that? Why would anyone keep the windows closed in the summer??? Or the winter for that matter! It’s 1C outside??? Better open the windows for a breeze! Wouldn’t want any rooms to actually be warm!
Kotatsu are a fun, quirky, cozy thing right? Just cuddle on up underneath the heated table! Don’t think about the fact that you need that heated table because your apartment leaks heat like a volcano!
Ironically, japanese bathrooms are custom designed to specifically keep heat in your bathwater for as long as possible, often having automatic settings to continually add extremely hot water, in addition to heated tubs. There probably wouldn’t be the need for all that extra effort if the rest of the house was insulated, but hey, suffering builds character!
Tangentially related is the common habit of japanese women to wear multiple layers of clothing covering them from head to toe (hands, wrists, ankles, feet, neck...) in 40C weather because you wouldn’t want to tan! Because then you’d be brown and look dirty all the time like those dirty foreigners! Or, god forbid, other Asians. (There is a subculture that thinks tans are cool, emphasis on subculture)
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salty-about-it · 3 years
Things about Japan that piss me off
1. Japanese people get offended when I try to get them to pronounce my language correctly. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were the one who spoke English, my bad
2. Cured bacon is not a thing. Uncured bacon is no bacon at all
3. A single watermelon costs the equivalent of 30 US dollars
4. An appalling number of Japanese people buy pets, get tired of them, and have them euthanized. About 90% of pets in shelters are euthanized within about a week
5. They eat whales. Like, a lot
6. It’s quite common where I currently live for 3-year-olds’ teeth to be black and rotting because apparently teaching your kids to brush their teeth is for squares? (Also the Japanese government seems to think fluoride should be classified as a narcotic, or something similar, so the only way to get even lightly fluoridated toothpaste is with a prescription afaik. I buy my toothpaste in bulk on Amazon now)
7. Pavement, everywhere. Why have grass when you can have a large swath of gravel instead? What, have trees in your city? Preposterous!
8.  Being stared at wherever I go, like I’m a zoo animal or a dangerous lunatic
9. People out in the boonies think it’s more fun to swerve to hit stray cats, rather than to avoid them. Not tanuki though, tanuki are just too slow and too stupid to avoid cars
10. This is more just baffling, but the Japanese drove the unique species of wolf that lived here extinct more than 100 years ago, but school children are still actively afraid of them. Wild
I think that’s good for now. I could do a list of all the things I like too but this blog is for offloading my anger and resentment so if you come at me crying about me being racist or some other bullshit fuck off. There are no stereotypes or subjective statements here, this shit is straight facts so eat a bag of dicks.
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