spillingmind-blog · 5 years
You have to know it’s okay to seek peace around chaos, everything can be falling apart in the outside but you can still be the same strong person you always were, look for what fills your soul, what makes you heart beat, you don’t have to carry the bag, you can simply let it go, and trust that everything will work out, the universe and God always have a plan for you. There is nothing you can do, you can’t control what happens to you, you can’t control others feelings and what happens around you, but what you can do is pull yourself together and move on, keep going and take all of that crap that’s going on and make yourself proud, take the pain, embrace mistakes, forgive, move on, and grow, bloom. Good things will come, I promise. You’ve been down this road before, haven’t you? You’ve been through worst or perhaps the same, and yet... here you are, wondering if you’ll overcome this. Let me tell you, you will, free yourself.
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
Things You Will Never Regret Doing
Exercising once a day
Complimenting yourself or others
Loving yourself before loving anyone else
Not forcing people to be in your life
Sticking with your goals
Cutting off toxic people
Living every day to its fullest
Encouraging yourself and others
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
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Ivonne Bordelois on Alejandra Pizarnik, in ALEJANDRA (2013), dir. Ernesto Ardito & Virna Molina
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
‘I have entered the destruction and dissolution from which I struggled to save others. I have struggled too much. I have been sickened by their poison as I sucked it from their wounds to save them from death. I feel and understand for the first time the pleasure in dissolution.’
Mirages: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin (1939-1947)
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
“We return to the sane and humbling realization that we are very small, that we control very little, that we know even less—and that powers greater than ourselves can lead us back to a sane, serene, and spiritual life, if we are willing to wait.”
— Waiting, Marya Hornbacher
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
MEN IN THE ZODIAC (from personal experience) 
I always call Aries people, ‘Action Aries’, because they are always up and about and they love sport.  I’m not really into sport; I’m more of an intellect and creative person.  Aries like to go out so that is good; I like going out as well.  They like drinking and socialising and so do I.   But Aries have a bad temper, I can’t deal with men who have bad tempers I’m a relaxed kind of girl who just wants to have fun and get along with people – and I hate fighting with people – if anyone throws negativity in my face, I close the door on their face, I just want positive energy in my life.  Sure everyone gets angry and moody sometimes, but Aries men get angry a lot – Aries are very moody, bossy and angry people – and I can’t deal with that.   I don’t like people screaming, emotional or verbal abuse (or anything else); I just won’t tolerate that in my life. Even though Aries are sporty and active they are very very intelligent (which is good), they love reading and learning new things – they aren’t meat heads (which is good), no girl really likes a meat head, well some girls do (the dull unintelligent ones).  
Aries can control and dominate, I don’t let anyone control me anybody who tries to dominate me – I’m running away.  I’m into 100 per cent commitment (I’m against cheating if I’m in a relationship) but I’m not into the whole ‘we have to be together all the time kind of relationships’ and I’m certainly not into anyone telling me where I can go, what I can wear, what I should eat, and what I should do and where I should work – all those are my decisions and my decisions alone.  
I need a man who is committed to me, someone I can trust, but also someone who likes enough air to breathe as much as I do.  I don’t want to be with a man every day of the week, just 2 or 3 days out of the week is fine with me.   Aries can be really critical of their partners, they can put their partners down for what they look like and tell them they are fat (even though they only weigh 40kg), this is called emotional abuse, putting down someone (especially your partner) is abuse (emotional abuse) and I don’t tolerate that.
All men can be big kids at heart, but Aries can be overly immature, so they can act like spoilt brats – sulking when they don’t get something they want.
The one thing an Aries likes is a challenge – they don’t go for easy street or the girl who is throwing herself at him – they want a challenge they are like hunters they want to hunt for their food.  I’m a woman with self-respect and I never throw myself at a man (I don’t need to). But men find me challenging, I’m not easy (I’m not promiscuous like some women are today; they spread their legs wide apart as soon as a guy takes a fancy to them).
A lot of Aries men are attracted to me because of that, because I give them a challenge, and yes I have dated Aries men a fair bit in my time.  I’ve always found Aries attractive so I’ve always been attracted to Aries men, I always seem to go for them (even though I don’t know at the time they are an Aries) – they are like magnets to me.   But Aries don’t know a good thing when they have it, and when they lose it; they come crawling back – wanting you back in their life because they miss you.  
Is Aries good for me?  I’ve had Aries boyfriends in the past, it hasn’t really worked out – but I’ve had a good time with them at least.  I’ll remember the good times.  But I think it’s time I try something new.  
I’ve always been attracted to Taurus men – they are hot hot hot and sweet.  I’ve never actually dated one (they are probably all taken).  But most guys’ I fall in love with happen to be a Taurus (but they never single). Taurus men are handsome and intelligent and that is hot to me.  They have an earthy and stable side, which is something I’m definitely attracted to.   Taurus men do tend to eat a lot, which is good because they always come food. I don’t want Mr Perfect looking, but I do want someone who cares about their appearance and hygiene. If someone doesn’t respect the way themselves, then how are they going to make an effort to respect me? I just want someone who likes tidy. Taurus is a great guy to stay indoors with, especially in winter snuggling under a blanket.
But there is a downside to Taurus, they can be boring – they don’t like going out and partying – and I’m a party girl – I like to go out and drink and have fun.  I don’t want someone who wants to stay at home every weekend watching movies.  The biggest turn off about any Taurus is that they are sooo stubborn, it’s a major turn off – they always have to be right – and they will blow you over with their anger if you don’t agree with them or you have a different opinion to them – they are big on throwing shit attacks (and who wants to be with a guy who acts like that?  NOT ME). I’m a girl with a brain and common sense and who is intelligent and strong and I definitely am a hundred per cent honest and I speak (or write) my mind – so if a man wants to censor me and control my mind or my voice – that’s not going to happen and I have enough self respect for myself not to ever let that happen.
Taurus men like women who can cook – I don’t cook, I cook in the microwave and even then it goes wrong. I want a guy that can take me out (and most Taurus wouldn’t mind that anyway).  But I won’t be a slave to a man, if someone is competent enough to be able to survive on their own – they can cook their own meal, all men can prepare their own meals for themselves it’s not their partner’s job. If you believe it is then you are old fashioned and you are a chauvinist.  I don’t like chauvinists they treat women like maids and slaves. I can’t cook, but I don’t rely on anyone else to cook for me or prepare my food, I can prepare my own food, and once a week I get take away for dinner or go to a nice restaurant (well that’s every blue moon) but even if you can’t cook (or can’t cook well) you should behave as an adult and be competent enough to fix a meal for yourself. If I can do that with my poor cooking skills a man can do the same (no excuses). Some women like to cook in the kitchen and some women would rather cook in the bedroom.
If a woman is cooking for a man, to keep him with her – then he probably is just taking her for granted and he doesn’t really love her or respect her and she doesn’t respect or love herself either.  If a man loves you – he won’t expect you to cook for him every night a week. If you are living with a partner then chores should be shared equally, it shouldn’t be based on gender roles.  I know a Taurus woman, who is in a relationship with a Scorpio man, and she doesn’t cook but he cooks for them every night because he loves cooking. So it should be about taking turns or who enjoys cooking the most – it shouldn’t be based on gender roles.
I like this sports star and he is a Taurus.
I’ve never fallen in love with a Gemini. I’ve met a few Gemini men in my time and some of them have been wakers (I’m anti wanker). They aren’t big on commitment, and if they do commit it’s probably because of some suspicious reason. I am into freedom and I love my independence I’m not the sort of girl who wants to revolve her life around a man or see him every single day or every night of the week. I’m the sort of girl who can see a guy once or three times a week and be happy and content with that. Sometimes too much commitment is just smothering and you aren’t living your own life which means you have nothing to talk about and nothing else to discover about each other. But I do believe in commitment, if I’m in a relationship with a man I love I don’t want a guy cheating on me and if I’m in love with a guy I want commitment and no cheating (on either side). If people want to cheat on their partner then perhaps they should just stay single or they should separate from their partner. Cheating is just deceit in the end – and deceitful people can’t be trusted – and I’m big on trust. If I find I can’t trust someone and they aren’t loyal to me then they are quickly kicked out the door. Gemini females I’ve come across seem more decent than Gemini males. Gemini men can be a bit perverted (not in a good way). They can be creepy. They come across as nice and decent and almost perfect. But they aren’t… no… they have skeletons in the closet and good luck if you’ll ever find them. A lot of people can’t see their seedy side, but I’m very good at analysing people, and I can suss out a dodgy person straight away. If it does takes me longer to suss someone out – I will eventually suss them out eventually (better late than never).
The best thing about Gemini is their love for music; Gemini men have the best taste in music you will find in any other male in the zodiac.
Gemini men also love flirting, kissing or having sex with someone behind their partners back – Gemini’s can be tacky at the best of times. It is very hard to trust a Gemini, they can be very sneaky. They are also clever at covering up with lies, if you catch them out they will stand there and abuse you and call you an idiot – they don’t like being caught out – this is what they hate the most. But if they do get caught out, trust me they will always have a little lie story to tell to cover their tracks. They will go from one partner to the next without even blinking an eyelid. They really don’t care who they hurt in the end either.  
The best thing about Gemini men is that they can be fun and outgoing, so they are great to party and hang out with – Gemini men make great as friends. Gemini’s are like children, young at heart.
Gemini men are also expert at ghosting – they can be there one minute and gone the next – they definitely have ants in their pants they can’t stop moving around.  
It’s hard for any woman (no matter how long she has known the Gemini male) to know who he really is.
Geminis have the nickname ‘two faced’ for good reason (and that’s no fable). Gemini’s can also have bad mood swings as well, and can be verbally abusive, and I don’t tolerate verbal abuse of any kind.  
I haven’t met many Gemini men who I’ve felt passionate about.
I don’t think the Gemini man is good for me.  
I don’t think I’ve ever liked a Cancer man in my life – apparently my astrology sign and Cancer’s are supposed to be a good match, but I don’t agree and neither does my female cousin (who’s the same sign as me). I had a crush on a movie actor when he was young (and I was young as well) and he is a Cancer – I used to dream about falling in love with him, getting married and having his children – I even wished upon a star that it would happen. I’m so glad dreams don’t come true. I mean blah look at him now.
I did have a friend who is the same sign as me and she fell in love with a Cancer and she got married and had children with him. That’s the thing about Cancer they are really into kids. I don’t want children so that isn’t going to work out for me.
Some of the Cancer men I’ve come across have all wanted a woman to be at home doing housework and looking after children – which isn’t my goal in life.  Cancer men want a Stepford Wife and I’m no Stepford Wife. It’s not the 1950s anymore.
Cancer men can drive you crazy the way they carry on all the time – I’m glad I’m not with one actually. I know a Cancer who abuses me all the time, not physically but every other way. They verbally abuse you, emotionally abuse you, and put you down. They also can talk shit and they often talk about subjects they know nothing about. They pretend they are smart but don’t do the homework.
Don’t even start me on their mood swings.
They expect respect from other people, but won’t respect you in return.  
I find Cancer men to be boring, bossy, unintelligent; unfunny they just aren’t my type.  
I had a crush on a Leo man once but I got over it, thankfully – he was a whore. He was okay looking. He had a nice voice (he didn’t sound like a yobo) and he had good taste in music (well better than some other men I’ve known).  But he wasn’t the type of guy to ask you out on a date or go out with you in a serious relationship. He was the type of guy who would see some chick at a pub and hook up with her and have a one night stand, it was kind of gross. Leo men can be into one-night stands and many Leo men don’t have long lasting relationships. Sometimes he would hook up with a woman and spend longer than a night with her but usually he would just hook up with her and treat her like an f buddy and nothing else. I’m into commitment, love, decency and romance. I’m not a piece of meat. This man liked me and I liked him, but I didn’t get involved with him. I noticed for long enough how he treated other women with so much disrespect and I didn’t like that. I won’t let any man treat me like that. A man that walks around using women and breaking their hearts, I don’t want that, I want serenity.
There are men who don’t like being rejected by women, because some are egotistical and some feel they are entitled to get what they want. Leo’s have a lot of pride and being turned down by a woman really kills their pride because Leo men have the biggest egos and they hate anybody saying ‘no’ to them. It didn’t stop him though, the fact that I wasn’t interested in him just made him want me more. He thought I was a challenge because I’m not a scrubber who puts out easy. Men like a challenge because they are hunters like cave men.
This guy even had sex with his best friend’s girlfriend and they are no longer friends anymore. That’s how poorly behaved he was. You don’t do that to your friend! The lowest of the low. So I guess not only didn’t he respect women but he couldn’t even respect a person who he called his best friend.
I want a man who respects himself but also respects women. If a man doesn’t respect me he’s out the door.
From the Leos I’ve known through the years they aren’t my type.
I’m attracted and compatible with Virgo men. They can be intelligent, even the Virgo’s who come across as dumb and dopey – they are smart deep down and they have common sense. Virgo men are gentlemen and they are intelligent.  Virgo men can seduce you with their eyes, if you look into their eyes you will be taken away to a magical place and you won’t want to return. They won’t have to say or do anything; they can win over women without even trying.
Virgo men are perfectionists and they are extremely fussy – so if a Virgo man chooses you over everyone else you know you are pretty awesome – it’s the ultimate compliment.
A lot of other guys in the zodiac aren’t that fussy and would rather take ‘maybe’ over ‘worth it’, but Virgo will only go for the best every single time.
Virgos are down to earth and easy to get along with.  They are also very reliable, if they say they are going to be somewhere at a certain time – they will be, you won’t have to wait around for a Virgo man to contact you.
Virgo men rarely cheat on their partners, they take long enough to find that one perfect partner, they won’t risk it by cheating on them – they know a good thing when they have it.  If they do cheat it’s because they are near the cusp of Leo.
If you go get a Virgo man and think they are nice, don’t think you can walk all over them and treat them bad and think they are nice enough to put up with it – they won’t, you disrespect the Virgo you will be out the door. There are no second chances, and if you get a second chance then you are fortunate because you won’t get a third.
Don’t put Virgo’s down or start arguments with Virgo, Virgo’s will think you’re an idiot and walk away or they will just kick you out of their life completely. Virgos have a lot of respect for themselves they know they are valuable and they treat themselves as valuable.  If someone devalues them, they won’t be in the Virgo’s life for long.  
Virgo’s are relaxed and don’t like arguing, screaming or fighting – they want a relationship that is relaxed and is complete harmony.  
Virgo men can spend years or a lifetime finding the right woman to come along, because that is how fussy they are – they won’t be with just anyone. This is why it’s more rare for this sign to settle down and get married, they won’t jump into a marriage and family lifestyle like the other 11 zodiac signs would do – they proceed with caution, they won’t go into something if it has any red flag that there is something wrong. If they do marry you, you know you are god’s gift and pretty awesome to be with and they love you with all their heart. If he does get married, it will be very rare if he files for a divorce or cheat on you, when a Virgo marry it’s for life.
Even if a Virgo man is into you, you might not even know it – it’s hard for Virgo’s to show their feelings, they fear rejection and they will proceed with caution and can spend years liking someone without even telling them so.  Virgo’s don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves. In the zodiac, Virgo men are one of the best men to be in a relationship with, but they are hard to find and when found it’s even harder to get into a relationship with one – so good luck girls finding your Virgo man and if you do find him please give him to me first.  
I’m extremely attracted to Virgo men always have been.
I want a Virgo man; all Virgo men are hot.
Libran men are supposed to be romantic, dreamy, creative and fair. Some are and some aren’t. From the Librans I’ve known over the years – they are a bit unusual.
I knew a Libran man who abused his wife, she got sick of the abuse and she went to leave with their kids and he killed her in front of their children (nice guy). Some Libran men can be pretty obsessive, controlling, weird and freaky at the best of times.
A lot of Libran men can be really moody, these men know how to sulk they can be down in the dumps for weeks or even months or even years – they just love to sulk.  
The best thing about Libran men is that they can make you laugh, they have a nice soft side and they can be fun, lively, loves drinking, and the life of the party. But they can be like Jekyll and Hyde.
They can get a crush on you, and it can get a bit odd, they will just send you all these gifts, like trying to win you over with gifts – it can get a bit too much and overwhelming, especially if you’re not into him (and he knows you’re not into him) and he tries to seduce you with gifts.
I had a male Libran friend and this girl took him back to her house, the next morning she woke up and he was at the front of her house taking photos of her house – she thought it was strange (which it was), as I don’t really know why he would do something like this. She used to pick up the strangest men (but that’s her).
Some men can’t be friends with women, and I’ve met Libran men who can fall into this category. If you are friends with them and they want you as a partner and you just want them as a friend, they can become deeply resentful and be a bit spiteful. If he likes you so much, and doesn’t even want to be friends with you – he can’t like you that much. If he likes and respects you he will remain friends with you.
Librans can be the life of the party and be the funny one. They can also make interesting conversation. They love to party. I once had a Libran man at one of my parties and he got so drunk he put his head through our stereo speaker. He knew how to party!
Libran men can be a bit jealous at times and are keen for revenge.
A lot of women are into Libran men and they are charmed by them.
There are a lot of attractive actors who are Librans.
Librans are okay but they aren’t really my type.
My cat is a Scorpio male – sure he isn’t human – but he has a nice side, so he can be sweet one minute and then completely evil and psycho the next. Human Scorpio men can be similar.
Scorpio men can be complete sleaze bags – no matter what they look like they will think they are the hottest thing on the face off the earth and will come onto you anyway. Scorpio men have huge egos.  They think everyone wants to have sex with them, wooo-behold if you say no to them that will kill their ego even more. If you turn down their advances they will just throw the knife in your back. Scorpio men can have bigger and more vicious egos than Leo’s have. Scorpio’s can go too far, even if they are in a relationship – this won’t stop them sleeping around behind their partners back. They are huge flirts in the zodiac, maybe even bigger flirts then Geminis.  
They will be the first ones to put their hand up to do you a favour and you think at first they are just helping out of the kindness of their hearts. NO – they are doing to get something in return.
They view women as pieces of meat.
Scorpio’s will have a nice attractive woman at home, and on the side he will have like 3 women on the side. Scorpio men don’t have much self-respect or respect for women.
Some Scorpio men can be really snotty and stuck up, they will put you down for what you look like, even though there
(Although they are nothing to write home about). They can be arrogant and insulting. Scorpio men believe they are good looking stud’s that women can’t resist – they can be totally delusional.
Scorpio’s don’t have standards either; they will have sex with anything and anyone. They will go for the easiest option, they aren’t fussed.
Scorpio men can also be extremely arrogant (have I written that already?)  
They talk down to people thinking that they are above them and they really like to boss people around.
The Scorpios I’ve known in life haven’t been good. There are probably nice Scorpios out there but I haven’t met any.
You won’t agree with everything a Sagittarian man has to say, they can talk shit most of the time – and to them it’s completely logical (even though its not). But occasionally they will have something interesting to say and it will be worth listening to. A lot of Sagittarian men can talk about boring subjects that put others asleep. They just go on on and on for hours about the same old boring subject and everyone in the room will be asleep.
Sagittarian men are fascinated with sex and it’s almost like they study the subject and could be a teacher on the subject. They know things that other people don’t know. However sometimes they say things that are disgusting and disturbing. Sagittarians can be pretty kinky.
Sagittarian men aren’t tactful, what is tact Sagittarian? (They have no idea) they will say some shocking things that will totally blow you away. Sagittarians have many ‘DID I JUST SAY THAT?’ moments. They can be extremely blunt. Sagittarians are great to drink with, like one of the best zodiac signs to party with and drink with, they know where all the good bars are and know the coolest people – this is the best thing about Sagittarian men.
There is a down side to Sagittarians as well, I mean yes they are fun, they love going out drinking – but when I say that – I mean they do this A LOT. If you are going in a relationship with them, expect freedom and I mean a lot of it.  Being in a relationship with a Sagittarian man is little different to being single, actually you are probably better off being single – Sagittarians aren’t big on commitment. They will probably sleep with you and tell you they like you, but at the end of the day they just want sex and they will forget you a week later.
Sagittarians like easy sex– but they don’t like to screw the same person too often – I mean that gets boring after a while. So even though Sagittarian will cover you with covers one night, they will be covering someone else with kisses another – or just at the pub drinking.
Don’t expect a romantic and settled life with a Sagittarius man, you just won’t get it. You want marriage and kids?  Sure you can get marriage and kids – but don’t expect commitment and a father to be at home helping with the upbringing (or anything else), he will be out partying or drinking (or god knows what else).
Sagittarian men are bad boys, and this could mean they do drugs, alcohol and crime. Anything and everything that is bad, unfortunately for you this won’t be good for your sex life either – because you know what happens to men who drink or do too many drugs (or both), you will be sitting there waiting for V to kick in – yay – not! Not only that but the excessive amounts of drugs or alcohol that Sagittarian men indulges in will also leave them with a destructive or possibly an abusive personality – not something you want in a relationship.
You want stability?  You won’t get stability with a Sagittarian man – you might as well be single.    
There are better men in the zodiac (all 11 of them).  
If you want a romantic guy that is stable, caring, will give you anything you want, who is intelligent, kind, thoughtful, beautiful, perfect, successful, rich, give you marriage, kids and the white picket fence you found it in the Capricorn man. This is one of the best signs to date – you won’t get many problems with this man.   One of the nicest guys in the zodiac, if you find a Capricorn keep them – any woman who finds a nice Capricorn man and takes him for granted and releases him is a fool and will never be able to find another nice guy again.  They are caring, faithful, truthful, romantic, and sensitive and devoted – what more could a woman (or a man) want?   They are into equality, loves children, is intellectual, isn’t threatened by strong intelligent independent women, has a great sense of humour, creative, ambitious, complimentary. If you want a nice guy, go find a Capricorn now.
Saying that not all Capricorns are nice guys, and if they aren’t it’s because they are sitting too close to the cusp of Sagittarius. But if you do want one of the nice Capricorn men, they are hard to find – this isn’t a man that likes going out – this is the problem. You won’t find many Capricorn men on facebook, you won’t find them at clubs………. Where do you find them? If you want to find a Capricorn you will most likely find them at work, at a nice café or restaurant or somewhere normal. Not the kind of places you would usually pick up men, but if you are lucky to work with a single Capricorn man – luck is on your side.
But of course not everyone is perfect, not even Capricorn. Some Capricorn men can be the most boring signs in the zodiac and if you like clubbing and partying you probably won’t find it in this sign. Capricorn men are home bodies they don’t want to go out, and if they do venture out for somebody’s birthday or wedding they would probably be one of the first people to leave to go home. You aren’t going to get much drinking fun out of the Capricorn. But hey you can’t have everything.
If you want a great guy, the Capricorn is for you – but apparently women only go for assholes (so I heard).
If I ever come across a single nice Capricorn man I will bite into him like an apple – crunch.
Aquarian men are great to get along with, they are the most caring people in the zodiac, and they care about human rights, women, animals, the environment – everything and everybody. They are eccentric, hippies, funny, caring and have great manners.    They probably love to smoke some pot as well and listening to Bob Marley.  People think Aquarians are odd – but they are odd in a good way. They are down to earth, creative and have great taste in music. They can make you laugh and are always there for you for a helping hand.
Down side to Aquarians is that they can sometimes be nasty and say cruel things. They also love to feel sorry for themselves, and if they can’t find a partner they will sulk and blame the whole world for it – they are very good at self-pity. They can easily put others down and can be vicious and cold hearted and love being offensive and they won’t even care. Aquarian men can easily turn on you and can be your world’s worst enemy.
Stay away from the feral Aquarians they are dicks.    
Aquarians are generally good men. They won’t care if you are short, fat, old, got a moustache, missing a finger – they won’t discriminate – in fact they will be drawn to your oddities.
I think its better to be friends with an Aquarian male rather then go into a relationship with them.  
Piscean men can resemble children; they can be quite foolish and silly.  But they can also be warm and kind hearted.  You can spill your feelings to them and they will listen and they won’t judge you unfairly in fact they will be understanding and stay with you for hours to try and comfort you (they are good like that). Pisceans can be popular and have lots of friends.  Piscean men can be unlucky in love and end up in relationships with people who take advantage of them.  But they always seem to find the right one in the end – they just need to be patient to finding the right one.  Finding a Piscean is always easy, holding onto them is another matter – they are hard to hold onto, they can sliver out of your hand – they really are like fish.  Fish will swim away.  
Pisceans will tell you they like you, act like they are in a relationship with you but this could be all of a mirage – they commit without actually committing.
Pisceans can be extremely materialistic, selfish, and mysterious and who knows if you can trust them or not, they are so secretive they are hard to bust out so it’s difficult to accuse them off anything.
There are many Piscean men who are nice guys who will commit – but they can be hyperactive sometimes they are like firecrackers – sparking in different directions – they are full of energy and colour.  
Committing to Pisceans can sometimes be easier said then done; they can propose and get married to you in less then one year of you knowing them.
But getting rid of a Piscean man is difficult; you will be trying to get rid of them just so you can have some ‘me time’.  Pisceans are like flies, you have to try and shoo them away.  
Pisceans can be awfully clumsy as well.  But their hearts are in the right places.  
I’ve dated a few Pisceans, but none of them have made me want to date another Piscean again.
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
🐂taurus season affirmations🐂
i am grounded in reality. i am stable and secure. abundance flows through every aspect of my life. growth comes naturally to me. i see the potential innate within me. i connect with the world and the people around me. i do not allow myself to grow stagnant. 
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
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pluto persona chart
previously, I asked you guys to choose one of the planets here for me to show you how to interpret. after procasting a lot, I finally finished! and before I start, the disclamer:
I am not a professional astrologer, and this is simply MY method of interpretation.
Choose which planet you want to interpret, it doesn’t have to be Pluto. I advise you to choose your dominant planet, or if your ascendant or mc is strong, see these.
What is a Persona Chart? Here I talked very briefly about it
Look where Pluto falls in your birth chart and its strength, because that will change on how visible the features below are for you and the others. Someone with Pluto dominant will feel more their Pluto Persona’s chart.
The house where it falls and actually the entire chart will point to how we deal with transformation. Being the sun, there’s where our transformation will shed light the most. For example, someone with Sun in 9th house on the Pluto persona Sun, will often renew their beliefs, or travel, or even relocated to complety transform who they are. Someone with Sun in 10th house on the Pluto persona Sun, will often change their profession or how they appear to be in the world (since 10th house has the midheaven). Someone with Pluto persona Sun in 7th house can use new relationships as a form of transformation and rebirth.
If in the Chart the Sun makes hard aspects to other planets (highlight conjunction and opposition) can show a lot of struggle to transform and change. Especially if Pluto and Saturn is conjunct!
The moon in the Pluto persona chart shows our hidden fears, emotions and how we relase them. For example, someone with the Moon in the 5th House can release those fears and use to help on their transformation art, dance, activities related to the use of the body (exercises, gym, sports, yoga, running…), poetry, acting, even sex and etc.
The aspects shows hidden emotions, for example The moon opposite Neptune show’s a hidden emotional state, the person is extremely sensitive and a dreamer, they lack practicality and realism leading to fantasize excessively and being easily deceive by themselves and others. They may not even realize this, since we are talking about Pluto here. That can be a blockage for the person to complety transform and actually change. 
The Moon sign shows how will you deal it, for example someone with a fixed moon sign may have hard time transforming and releasing emotions. Someone with a Leo Moon would have a dramatic transformation, while someone with a Capricorn moon would have a quiet transformation, while a Pisces Moon could have a very confusing transformation of emotions.
The house and sign where Mercury falls on the Pluto persona chart can show where our minds get stuck and obsessed over a matter, but also where we guard our biggest mind potencial for transformation. For example someone with Mercury in the 2nd House can be obsessed with the idea of gaing money, obsessed when it comes to financial matters and issues, possessions, can get their head stuck on work, can fear getting unemployed, but also someone with Mercury on 2nd House may have such skills and powerful intuition (since we are talking about pluto here) about when to buy and when to sell, they are able to transform and change the world of the business communications. Someone with Mercury in 2nd House can also have a great memory, making it more  difficult to forget traumas. 
The Mercury sign shows how we communicate with the world about our transformation, someone with a Virgo Mercury would keep it for themselves but use them to teach others about the transformation and what they passed, someone with Pisces Mercury may choose to use art or inspiration words to show their change of mind.
The aspects show how it can aggravate, someone with Mercury Opposite Saturn can enhance a obsessive and restricted mind.
Here with Venus, it talks about how we transform the meaning of love and beauty, what we are obsessed with on the love field. For example, someone with a Venus in the 9th House can be obsessed over the ideia of freedom within a relationship, can escape transformations in relation to love (by trying to avoid complety the situation), someone with Venus in the 1st can be obsessed over their looks and how their partner sees them, it can also trigger fear of changing their appearance.
In the good side, someone with Venus in 9th house can transform their view on what love is in the world. Venus in the 1st can be bold and use their appearance as a transformation protest.
Here mars shows our sexual desires, the ones buried inside, the ones that we usually don’t talk about. Someone with Mars in Aquarius may secretly want to try some crazy stuff in sex, want to try everything possible, they can be super kinky but they hide it very well (Is Mars inside Pluto’s chart, is a buried desire). Someone with Mars in 12th house can be secretly drawn to secret affairs, and submission fantasies.
Depending on where Pluto is on your chart and its strength (dominance) will change how hidden those desires are.
How far can you go to transform yourself? How much you limit yourself with fear? Jupiter here shows. Someone with hard Jupiter aspects can have trouble growing into the idea of change, someone with Jupiter in Cancer can extented their past having more trouble working with change.
Saturn inside Pluto’s persona chart, is that big ass red sign that stops you from doing what you want. Is the one that makes traumas and fears run over someone’s soul. Someone with Saturn in 3rd House can think everything through very carefully, and if in hard aspects, can make someone paranoid, even scared of talking, the person could have traumas related to school and learning.
Someone with Pluto opposite Saturn, feels that the external world demands they to change when they do not want to change, or that it forces they to stay where they are, when they do want to change.
The Pluto inside the Pluto’s persona chart, is our true somehow. Is where it gets pitch black, but also where the light raise. Pluto here is like a papercut, seems superficial but isn’t.
Look for the conjunctions and others aspects, those will be of great importance.
Here is where the chart becames a whole, its the ultimate hidden part of yourself. From fears to the most beautiful art work of your heart. For example someone with Pluto in the 9th house can hide their spirituality, their knowledge about the world, all their beliefs, even their intelegence, their healing powers, and feel like others are not allowed to see that part of them. They can be scared of the world, they can be scared of sadness (9th house ruled by Jupiter and Sagittarius tends to avoid negativity), they can be scared of getting out and actually knowing things, scared that if they change and transform they will lose their sense of presence in the world. While someone with Pluto in 5th house may hide every single talent they have, they can be scared of rejection, of not being good enough for the public, that they will not get the attention they want, they can fear not having any talent/hobbie at all. Not knowing how to have fun and lose it.
The potencial of healing and transforming resides in the Pluto house and sign, and the more aspects it makes, higher the chance for change and healing but also bigger are the fears!
I didn’t include Uranus and Neptune because the post was getting longer and longer, but if you are curious: Uranus shows where we suddenly have a desire to change, someone with Uranus on 11th House can have a constant desire to change their friends or group of friends, someone with Uranus in the 1st house can change their appearance several times and out of the blue. While Neptune can show fears and confusing in relation to the house it falls (don’t forget we are talking about Pluto’s Persona Chart), someone with Neptune in 11th house may have a hard time trusting their friends, afraid of disappointment and abandonment.
Looks for voids in the chart, for example, a void on earth means that the person has 0 planets in earth signs. Most of their fears are not related to the material world, when I say material world I don’t mean money and objects, I mean here, earth. The fears and obsessions are related to everything they can not see or achieve, to spirituality, to imaginations that do not make sense and can’t happen.
Look for stelliums, for example, someone with a Stellium in 9th House can become obsessed or fanatical for just one belief, religion, someone with a stellium in 10th house can be obsessed with their public image and getting the recognition of their dreams.
I’m sorry if I repeated the word “transformation” a thousand times during the post, I couldn’t avoid not using it lmao.
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
You are not some puzzle, whose parts can be lost or for anyone who decides to take them. You’re an entire person, not a game, you do whatever you want with you, you have the power, stop giving it to others.
You’re worth it, only you, know the way out, only you can turn on the lights, get out, get away, run, as fast as you can, from them, because, life, just is. Let yourself be loved, because that is what you deserve, you are very aware of what you are, you always have been, and trust me, you don’t deserve that kind of shit, maybe stop trying to understand others actions would make so much good in you, it’s not your job to fix others pieces, you fix yourself, you give yourself love, you owe yourself love, you owe kindness to yourself, not others. Please remember sweetheart, life goes on and on, give yourself what you always knew you deserved, love, kindness, honesty, and all of those things you want for others, that’s what you deserve, that’s why too.
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
Goes on and on, and you’re there, stuck on the same people, stuck on the same place, stuck on the same state of mind.
Are you even aware of that?
Same pattern every single day of your life, swear it’s the end of it, you tell yourself this is it, that you can’t take it no more, that you’ve hit the bottom, that you’re ready to move on, but yet... here you are, writing again and driving yourself crazy over the same things and the same toxic people. Aren’t you tired of hating yourself on others behalf? Aren’t you? Sweetheart, as i said, life goes on, and you keep reading and staring at the same page.
People come and go, why don’t you just let them go?
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
We all know how emptiness feels like. We all know the void that disappointment leaves you with. We all know the pain that finding out something you didn’t mean or wanted to, feels like. We all know how much hate it provoques on you knowing that those things people said about you are mostly true.
We all know what feeling dead inside feels like.
Unfairness is real, just like when you’ve waiting something for too long and it doesn’t happen, feeling positive about something and it turns out badly, working hard for something and failing, giving your everything to somebody and not getting anything back, risking your dignity and life for people, and getting nothing more than hate, or shame.
Those are sadly true.
But we have to know, things happen for a reason.
Life just is, life doesn’t wait, life just goes on and on.
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spillingmind-blog · 5 years
Is the wind as free as it wants to be? Do butterflies feel as beautiful as we see them? Are flowers as quiet as we feel them? Are birds on cages prisoners as much as she in her own house? Do you think she believes in justice? Because, what is justice when you’ve never had it? What is freedom when you’ve never felt it? What is beauty when you’ve never seen it? Who is she, at our eyes? Who is she, at the seek of her very own eyes? Do you think certainty exists? Do you think complete peace is real? Or just as she does, do you think that you don’t know anything because you’ve never had anything real?
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