sunsets-sea · 4 days
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This mornings sunrise was super relaxing ☀️
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sunsets-sea · 6 days
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Another pretty sky picture for tumbler
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sunsets-sea · 8 days
I love looking at the sun in the morning and since my friend is going through a tough time he asked for a few photos so I’m gonna start posting them here too 💕
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sunsets-sea · 20 days
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~🌿 Protection 🌿~
Protection magic allows us to keep ourselves safe, whether that be bad energy, a spirit, or even physical harm. Protection spells may also help give many people with anxiety a way to feel more safe in certain places and situations. But there are so many ways to protect yourself that I don’t see often and that includes
- sigils
- satchel spells
- spell candles (I usually see them with love or banishment)
- charging with crystals
- oils
- charged jewelry
These give us a structure to stand on and keep us safe from a lot of things that you aren’t aware of and are one of the most important things when you start a journey in witchcraft.
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sunsets-sea · 24 days
I don’t talk much about climate change anymore because of the fact that I don’t get listened to at all but I want to share this video showing off how much of a temperature change the climate has gone through
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sunsets-sea · 28 days
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~🌷 Glamour Magic Tips 🌷~
I don’t see glamour magic talked about as often as other magics so here’s a few tips 🩷
- make a playlist with music that makes you feel hot
- enchant makeup, skin care, and body products with corresponding intents, ex: lipgloss -> my lips are always soft and kissable
- use color magic as well as find out what colors complement you
- enchant jewelry like your make up and skincare
- take care of yourself, doesn’t have to be a lot but just making yourself your fav meal w/ the intention of being happier and having more energy is enough
- write a list of what makes you perfect by listing your imperfections that make you unique
- make sigils with intentions like “I’m pretty in everyone’s eyes including mine” or “I always smell good” etc
- take an “everything” shower and use the visualization of the water washing away negativity
And the list could go on. I may make a part 2 if I remember more later..
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sunsets-sea · 28 days
You’re not depressed, you’re a mermaid that’s land bound.. go to ocean 🌊 🫧🐚🪼
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sunsets-sea · 28 days
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~🩷 Sigils 🩷~
What do I put them?
- in your shoe
- in a notebook
- on your keys
- in your bag
- on your bottle
- back of phone case
- wallet
- backpack
- bra
- pocket
- in the car
- makeup bag
And many more places. Sigils can be used for so many things and you can get a lot out of such a simple and basic practice.
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sunsets-sea · 29 days
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~💜 Reminders 💜~
- you are good enough
- you don’t need to be expensive
- you don’t need multiple notebooks
- you’re enough in general
- your ancestors, guides and deities understand you forget and are a human
- don’t be hard on yourself
- allow yourself you time, it’s healthy
- you don’t need crystals
- you don’t need a crap ton of crystals
Remember you are you, and witchcraft can be inexpensive 🩷
Last post for tonight, sleep well
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sunsets-sea · 29 days
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~🩵 Low Effort Witchcraft 🩵~
- when getting a drink stir it clockwise or counterclockwise depending on the intent you have for it
- practice self care, shower/bath, face mask, etc.
- when showering visualize negative energy being washed away
- meditate by listening to white noise, rainstorm, ocean waves, etc
- ground yourself by either meditating, visualizing, or just using a crystal
- pull a tarot card for the day
- devote a meal to a deity, spirit guide, or ancestor
- write information down, when writing things down you’re more likely to remember it
- use color correspondence in clothes
Remember that not everyday is going to be easy, we are people who have lives. Incorporating your craft into your daily life will help so much. And not going full out and doing spells everyday is okay 🩷 no one will think you’re lazy, we get burnt out and that’s is okay
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sunsets-sea · 29 days
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My Practice
Practicing since : 2020
Aphrodite worship since : 2023
- pedos
- anti lgbtq
- pro life
- extremists
About me :
I’m Amelia, I’m turning 17 this year and I’ve been practicing witchcraft since 2020. I’m a sea witch and have ADHD. I’m also a cheerleader.
Signs :
Sun : Scorpio
Moon : Pieces
Rising : Scorpio
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