yuzenji-archive · 4 years
Can you please do hcs of atsumu, sakusa, ushiwaka and osamu with a really small and timid s/o? they really dislike crowds or anything that makes them feel unsafe and one day, they accidentally let go of their hand and when they went to find them, they get hit on by men + fluffy ending pls I hope this wasn't too much >~
tbh i relate omg im super short and i hate crowds so much but the only exception is if im in disneyland or universal studios (fuck it im gonna write a scenario where u and a haikyuu bebe go to an amusement park) ;; otherwise i’ll end up crying :< and no no omg it wasnt too much at all!!! thank u so so much for this request
aware that ur timid and dont like crowded places so whenever he plans dates its usually in a place that doesnt have a lot of crowds and stuff so hes very much aware of that
but when the chances lands on a crowded place atsumu’s senses are just SHARP
he doesnt EVER let u out of his sight and he rarely lets go of ur hand
hes just scared of what would happen to u if ur not near him or if hes not holding u u know
then this one day,, just had to come around
u and atsumu basically got squished in the middle of the ever so busy tokyo and he accidentally let go of ur hand and the panic just
and he didnt even hear u call for him so he doesnt have any fuckin idea of where u went so homie is swimming thru the sea of people and calling ur name and is extremely stressed
like oh my god my smol and shy and timid baby is lost where tf aRE U
he found u where u originally started and u were partially surrounded by boys who are obviously from harajuku LMAO
they were just towering over u and being very weird and atsumu fuckin sped walk to where u are and shoving people around to get to u
“JESUS i thought i fucking lost u i was panicking back there”
“hey back off we got them first”
“hey why dont u shut up and leave my partner alone?” he really has no shame knowing this bitch isnt even from tokyo
he apologizes profusely for even not holding ur hand tight enough and hes just extremely guilty :^(
his calm nature kinda just reminds me that he probably doesnt like crowded places either
but he asked if u wanted to go to fuji-q with him and u said sure why not bc ya kno what would be the harm of it
osamu picked the worst date and it was partially crowded and now ur like “oh great”
the roller coasters were scaring u and theres a haunted house so that would be mf fun amirite
osamu promised that he would never let u go if yall went to the haunted house and u trust him so yall go 😐
there were a couple sets of people after u and it just so happened that this one couple screams every time somebody breathes like ??
this one jumpscare scared the shit out of them and they ran past u and osamu and ended up taking osamu with them along the way and u were left alone
it was dark and scary and u feel like u were going to die inside and osamu was panicking silently and quietly but really his mind was absolute chaos
even if its dark hes trying to find a way to find u by walking in the wrong direction of the entire house
u ended up ducking behind one of the counters in the house and u just sat there waiting for osamu while the panic just grows bigger and bigger in ur chest
eventually his eyes adjust to the dark and hes checking EVERYTHING and i mean every single corner of the whole thing and hes asking the staff for help
they did not find u but osamu heard tiny sniffles and he found u just )); head buried on ur forearm bc uve been stuck there for a while
“oh baby im so sorry-”
“osamu..” u hugged him so tightly and it broke his heart seeing u like that omg :^(
throughout the day he only ever kept u super close to him ): if he could say he developed some sort of paranoia bc of that, he would
he likes going outside and stuff !! especially the park he likes the park but he likes it even better when ur with him <33 ik super cheesy
so new years came along and he messaged u asking if u wanted to go to the temple with him for new blessings and good luck for the year
u kept in mind that there will be a ton of people there but it eases ur mind a little knowing wakatoshi is with u and u know he’ll just stick by u the entire day
yeah well slight inconvenience when he went to go get a little snack and this little charm thingies for u, he came back and u poofed!
he doesnt think much of it but he starts looking for u while holding the charms in his hand
when he does find u, ur expression was uncomfortable bc this dude was pushing himself onto u and he just
marches right up to him and yall know this a big bitch so he just glares at the guy tbh trash talking wakatoshi would never work
he’d apologize for not taking u with him and the second he hands u the charm thingies ur smile when u see it just warms his heart so much
he thinks ur the best lucky charm in his life <33
imma keep it real simple here
but u will never catch this bitch in a crowded place like ever
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