#´ ・ .  ✶ ━━ SIRIUS & SEVERUS ⧼ you don’t love; you only devour what i give ⧽
Marauder’s: A Naughty Fiction (Part 1)
Requested?: No
Prompt: Y/N has always been a student at Hogwarts but has gone through her years practically unnoticed by anyone that caught her eye. This year, she expects that to change. Instead of shoving her nose between the pages of books someone will be begin to take quite the interest in her. Watch her finish off her last year of schooling while fucking around with guys along the way.
Warnings?: Extreme flirtation? Other than that, none... yet. 
Words: 1,110
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Contentment, I believe, is one of the hardest things to accept. After a 6 long years of sadness and a never ending sorrow which has occupied my life immensely, I have finally seemed to have reached a peak of happiness. Sadness, I assume, can only last so long, but I believe it's only a matter of time, a matter of seconds where anyone is truly happy, and right now i'm am caught in those few seconds, I better make sure not to blink.
I have reached my last year of schooling with nothing too eventful to fall under my name. My summertime is coming to an end and i'm willing to accept the fact by this time next year, I will by no means have to attend Hogwarts anymore.
I'm a pureblood, in Gryffindor house, but not a pure-blooded Gryffindor. My mother, Y/M/N, is a ravenclaw, my father is nothing more than a Slytherin, and frankly he was ashamed that I wasn’t sorted into either. My best friend is called Lily Evans. She has bright red hair and beautiful blue eyes, she's been the only thing to keep me sane during my time here. Mainly, my focus has been strictly on schooling, maybe I’d have a little fling here and there but nothing too spontaneous. This year, I expect that to change.
I would like to put in a effort of making myself more appealing, more noticeable. Not that no one didn’t notice me, because Merlin knows they did, I have a handful of admirers but none of them I admire back equally. This time, maybe if I tried, the ones I'd like to get to know would take a liking to me as well.
Me and her sat on the train, gossiping, going on and on about our summertime. She had been writing letters to the Potter boy all summer, and I had been working on myself.
“You look stunning Y/N!” She continued to say, and I smiled my cheeky smile, looking off into the gray distance.
We continued talking, blabbing on and on, until a loud knock pounded onto the window of our train box. The boy behind it mouthing, “Open up”
She obliged, picking up her wand and unlocking the door, Potter and three others piled into the car.
“Lily!” James yelled, his eyes suddenly landing on you.
“I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m James.” He said, fixated on you. You smirked slightly, reaching your hand out to meet his.
“Y/N.” You reply, gazing into his eyes, trying your hardest to seem mysterious, flirtatious.
“James, Y/N’s a gryffindor, like us.” Lily said, smiling at you.
“That so?” Another husky voice said, your eyes wandering to the source.
“Sirius.” He continued, holding out his hand.
“Hello Sirius, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You said back.
“The pleasure is all mine,” He smiled cheekily, then continued. “I thought girls like you turn up in slytherin--no offense Lily.”
“None taken.” She said, smirking at you, knowing your plan.
“Girls like me do, and I would be, my father’s a slytherin, yet they put me here.” You sighed dramatically, the other chuckling. 
“He must not be too happy then.” Sirius added back, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“He isn’t happy at t’all.”
“Were one in the same.” He finished, smiling at you flirtatiously.
“Remus.” One said, nodding at you, smiling brightly.
“Y/N.” You added again, reaching your hand out once more.
“How have I never seen you before?” Remus asked.
“I’m asking myself the same.” Sirius added, looking at you up and down, you could tell he wanted to devour you.
“Well, y’know I tend to hide myself in the shadows within my textbooks.”
“First time I met her she was talking to herself.” Lily added, giggling.
“Pretty and crazy, I like it” Sirius said, leaning back in his seat.
“I'm not crazy.” You said back, smiling, poking your tongue into your cheek.
“I find that hard to believe.” He countered, crossing his legs.
“I second that.” Remus agreed, laughing.
All you did was smile and look back over to the gray sky outside the window, you knew this was going to be a good year.
Everyone continued talking, Remus, Sirius, and Potter and exchanging looks with you from time to time. You also introduced yourself to Peter but he seemed a little distant, yet he watched you intently as well.
The train whistle screeched as the machine stopped abruptly on the tracks, all of us plopping into one another, Sirius holding me steady with his hand around my waist.
“Easy, Love.” He said to me winking, I began to roll my eyes, scoffing at him. I bet he does every girl this way, tries to lure them in at least. We all quickly piled out of the car, still joking around with one another, bumping into other students on the train.
“Oi, look.” Potter says, bumping Sirius in the ribs, catching Remus’ and Peter’s attention as well.
“What is it?” I asked, searching the snug train isle way.
“Severus.” Sirius said, his attention now fully on him.
He had greasy black hair down to his shoulders, and deep purple bags resting under the crinkles of his eyes. He seemed sullen, as if he never smiled once in his life, he seemed almost content with his sorrow.
“What about him?” I asked, genuinely interested.
“He has a mad crush on Lily, and I mean mad.” Sirius says.
“Thinks he’s in love with the girl.” Remus Adds. 
“Oi, let the boy like who he wants, not my fault I have admirers.” Lily said playfully, winking at James.
“I should toy with him, have a little fun.” I said daringly, Sirius giving me a mischievous smile.
“I like where this is going.” He said.
“I could be a little flirtatious with him, see how he reacts. Seems like he's never had a woman before in his life.”
We all continued walking, all the way up to Hogwarts. Foolishly, and mercilessly playing around with one another. I made sure to sway my hips each time Sirius walked behind me, making sure he saw the curvatures and how the plateaus of my body danced. He was hypnotized, I could tell, his mouth practically watering at the sight of me. Yet, each time one of his fellow whores walked passed him he made sure to say hi, and they did the same back, then giggling away with one of their friends. I laughed to myself, twirling my hair around my finger. I could put a spell on him, I just had to play him right. I had to play them all right.
[Note: If you have a request for an event you would like to happen in this series just message me, and yes, there will be smut. ;)]
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pseftisincertus · 5 years
My Take on Severus Snape
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So ladies and gents, I find it necessary to state my case since I did post a pro-snape fic. I am here to answer the age long question that is, Is Severus Snape a hero?
Short answer? No. But what is he? (for purpose of categorization) He is human.
A little background for me. I became a potterhead ages late, I mean so late, in fact Cursed child has been released when I actually became a proper fan, which to this day, I regret. But its not like I haven’t heard about Harry Potter (you’d be living in a cave if you haven’t, that thing is like a plague) I know the general premise: its about magic, its about a boy savior and a bad man. I’ve watched the movies too, for the sake of entertainment and an idea of why so many people are so crazy about it. (I was a dedicated anime fan then so I was greatly protective of being the ‘better’ genre entertainment fan {later on in my life would I have known I would have been just as crazy or even more crazy about it}). I fell head over heels for this book series. My boss (in the laboratory I work in) had three of the first books of the series, as I have nothing to do most of the time, I said, “You know what? Let’s give it another chance” and so I did. Until, one book led to another, then another and before I know it, I’m devouring each book as I read it, loving every minute of it. Honestly, I hoped I haven’t watched the movies so I didn’t know all big reveals but then, the book will give you a deeper depth of the story so that was good enough for me. What differentiates me from other fans is that these fans had finished these debates long ago, they have said their sides and have set their defenses. I had equal amount of pros and cons so here I am sharing my insight.
At first, I was a pro-Snape, I think  the effect of him protecting Harry all along did it, I think well, he turned out to be a hero in the end so why are people hating on him? But when you grow up you understand the saying “ The end doesn’t justify the means”. I tried to look back and realize he was a bully and there is no explaining why he was other than the fact he chose to be. I hated bullying and would not stand for it (especially because I know how it feels), some may say “it’s just for his cover as a double agent”, no, it wasn’t. He terrorized Neville, he said hateful words to Hermione none of that was necessary. He could have kept deducting points from Gryffindor house and that was proof enough for the Slytherins he hated them but he proceeded and targeted specific students. Some would argue Neville’s boggart was just because of a childish fear of a strict teacher and its juts natural (some went as far as saying some students fears were spiders, clowns and they were normal, not that bothersome) but guys? Harry’s boggart was a dementor and Remus’ boggart was the full moon. We had a full length movie and book that showed how these two characters dealt with these fears and they were pretty much genuine fear. Others would excuse that Harry and Remus would reflect real fears because of the life they’ve led but imagine having to go to school and fear coming to a certain class because of a teacher that would stop at nothing to humiliate you (given that Neville does alot of wrong things but kindness and a little supervision would have helped than terrorize the kid). Also, some of the people happen to erase the fact that he was a Death Eater, this man killed people for a faction he knew was promoting ruthless mindsets. I hated him with a passion for a time but then let’s look back on his childhood. This man was born into a family that is not that well off (given his state of clothes when he was a child) and a father who hated wizards. We could only imagine how bad that would have been for him, magic was his solace, it was the one thing he find that is positive in him (he saw how mediocre it is to be a muggle and he had this hidden pride that he can do things muggles can’t do). Then enter Lily Evans. Lily was Severus’ friend and confidante, this girl grew up in considerable comfortable family so given she would be a better off person in regards to class and personality (nature vs nurture). He was the one good thing Severus had in life, so it wasn’t rocket science that he would fall in love with her BUT TAKE NOTE! he never confessed, when the whole “Mudblood” thing exploded on Severus face, when Lily said to him, “Don’t talk to me”/or come near me (Not verbatim but you guys get the point) he respected her wishes unlike a certain Gryffindor we know. This goes to show I don’t support the people calling Snape obsessed with Lily, he loved her yes, but he wasn’t obsessed with her. So came the whole bullying thing by James and his comrades. We can argue Lily didn’t know about that and well Severus wouldn’t tell her because its between ‘dem bois’. But no one, no one can ever ever tell me that Severus owe Sirius anything. I love Sirius, Wolfstar is my life but Sirius Orion Black died because of his own mistakes. Severus can’t save him or neither does he have the right to do anything for him. Sirius tried to kill Severus? Shrieking Shack anyone? If not kill, he tried to condemn him in a more miserable life. What did Sirius get after that? Simple detention or suspension and a warning from Dumbledore (which i hate btw) ‘Don’t do it again”. Do you expect Severus to let it go? You expect him to be okay, you tried to kill me but were all good now? What the fuck?! I’d sooner face a speeding car than to forgive a man that tried to kill me! (and that is not because I have mild suicidal thoughts, that’s out of the picture). And how did that reflect to Severus? A child like himself tried to kill him and the kid just go off with it? What kind of message was that trying to show? That he mattered less because he was from the wrong house, or he was predisposed to be a Death Eater anyway? It was hard enough for him that he didn’t grew up in a place of comfort, it was hard enough that he was bullied in school for being in the wrong house. This child like everyone in that phase of life just wanted to be part of something, to be validated, to matter so when he was given the chance to be a Death Eater and become part of a cause, he walked through it with eyes wide open. Things could have changed if Lily forgave him (but we can’t fault her on that, it is a harsh word but she could have understand where Severus was, a little bit more understanding but then again, she was just a child). So when things shattered into pieces, the boy who had no home, no friends and bitter life turned out to be a Death Eater because it was the only thing he believed he could ever be. He had to live with that, he had to take pride in that because that’s all he had. And then Lily married James for a reason I never understand (some say he changed his bullying ways and yet he still continued with Severus, is that really a good man? really?) So the prophecy came and Severus made a mistake by sharing it to Voldemort and easily changed sides because he brought Lily to danger. Here’s the thing, some say that he was obsessed with Lily because she was the only one he pleaded with Voldemort to save (which with some fanon said Voldemort actually did but Lily did not step aside) but if Severus said to spare Harry too, do you think Voldemort wouldn’t kill him then and there? Harry was the prophecy and if Severus pleaded with him, c’mon, Severus is smarter than that. I don’t care about James lying on the stairs when Severus came to the Potter house, Snape owes him nothing. But when Severus saw Lily dying and held her in his arms, can anyone blame him? Keeping the letters, Severus last memoirs of Lily doesn’t make him a stalker, it makes him a grieving man. It was his fault that they died, and he is trying to hold on to anything that he can. He paid for it didn’t he? In fact he kept paying for it for the rest of his life, playing double agent for Dumbledre and the Death Eaters. The danger he had to face to ensure the outcome was favored to the right sides. Yes, he hated Harry with a passion but he protected him didn’t he? He did what mattered more, in a general scale. We could only wished he could have been a better man, easier to sympathize with but Severus was first and foremost a human being. He was a product of his circumstances and there are alot of things he could have handled better, but he was not given the gift of better hindsight. He did what he could with his shattering heart and soulless life. Harry was right to call him a brave man but Severus wasn’t a hero, he was just a man with a troubled life and did greatly for the war but he had victims of his own. He did things selfishly and selflessly, so in the end, he was just human. 
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