#Ān Shí [ 安石 ]
acoraxia · 4 months
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Ān Shí [ 安石 ] - Rumble (Calm stone) Dì Zhèn [ 地震 ] - Savage (Earthquake)
I am not good with names but yippee here are the twins!! They are... Sun Wukong's... creations.. but not really so they're Xiaotian's Cousins or Brothers. No one is truly sure. Still fun tho!
More on them here!!
And no Macaque is not their father or mother or anything, they absolutely despise him
Also also: yes QXT's makings are new but they are to show off very weird and subtle snake motifs.
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chioneexo-blog · 3 years
80s rock band name in Chinese.
Guns n Roses 枪与玫瑰 (qiāng yǔ méi guī)
Skid Row 史奇洛 (shǐ qí luò)
Mötley Crüe 克鲁小丑乐团 (kè lǔ xiǎo chǒu yuè tuán)
Scorpions 蝎子乐队 (xiē zǐ yuè duì)
KISS 接吻乐团 (jiē wěn yuè tuán)
Van Halen 范·海伦 (fàn · hǎi lún)
White Lion 白狮乐队 (bái shī yuè duì)
Aerosmith 空中铁匠 (kōng zhōng tiě jiàng)
Queen 皇后乐团 (huáng hòu yuè tuán)
Bon Jovi 邦·乔飞 (bāng · qiáo fēi)
AC/DC 交流/直流 (jiāo liú/zhí liú) or AC/DC乐队 (AC/DC yuè duì)
Motorhead 摩托头 (mó tuō tóu)
Judas Priest 犹大祭司 (yóu dà jì sī)
Def Leppard 威豹乐队 (wēi bào yuè duì)
Iron Maiden 铁娘子 (tiě niáng zǐ)
Megadeth 麦加帝斯 (mài jiā dì sī)
The Police 警察乐队 (jǐng chá yuè duì)
Whitesnake 白蛇乐团 (bái shé yuè tuán)
Europe 欧洲合唱团 (ōu zhōu hé chàng tuán)
Black Sabbath 黑色安息日 (hēi sè ān xí rì)
Anthrax 炭疽乐团 (tàn jū yuè tuán)
Sepultura 神碑合唱团 (shén bēi hé chàng tuán)
Red Hot Chili Peppers 红辣椒乐队 (hóng là jiāo yuè duì)
Rolling Stones 滚石乐队 (gǔn shí yuè duì)
Pink Floyd 平克·弗洛伊德 (píng kè · fú luò yī dé)
Metallica 金属乐队 (jīn shǔ yuè duì)
Helloween 万圣节乐团 (wàn shèng jié yuè tuán)
Led Zeppelin 齐柏林飞船 (qí bó lín fēi chuán)
Ramones 雷蒙斯 (léi méng sī)
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the video is the english translation of the epic music Azhdaha Battle Theme 2nd phase - Genshin Impact OST by team of 待得一江烟雨 and yjhfyc-白翼龙
lyrics of the chorus are written in chuci楚辞 an anthology of Chinese poetry it speaks in Azhdaha's tone of the conflicting emotions of resentment, madness, sadness, anger, helplessness, sin and pain
this is the transliteration
suì yǔ xī  hēi yì zhú 邃宇兮 黑翳逐 shān yě xī  jiǒng bù  chū 山野兮 窘步 出! jūn cháng wéi xī  guó huī wú 君常违兮 国隳芜 xù chóu yuàn zēng xī 蓄雠怨増欷 huáng huáng xī  suǒ líng chí è tú  guī xī 惶惶兮 索陵迟恶途 归兮! chán shí luán yuè gǔ zhuǎn hū 巉石峦岳毂转乎 wàn chuān tuān liú tūn qióng lú 万川湍流吞穹庐 shān bēng yán zú 山崩岩崒 qiān gū ān chú 愆辜安除? líng luò xī  kùn wū dú 零落兮 困洿渎 jiāo jì xī  qióng lù 浇季兮 穷路 lín jùn mào xī  yǎn shū tú 林峻茂兮 掩殊途 shěn xíng mí yán zhù yuǎn xī  shān qióng fù 审行迷延伫远兮 山穹覆 
here is the official translation
"(Long ago) In the field of stars, Expelling the dark shadows" "(Now) Lost in the mountains and wilderness, with no way to go" "Show yourself!" "Since you left, this country has fallen into A terrible state" "Hatred, sorrow, and grief accumulate day after day" "Panicking and knowing where to go. I embark on the treacherous journey ahead" "It's time to return" "The steep rocks and mountains withstood the test of time" "Thousand of rivers rush rapidly, seemingly swallowing the sky" "(But even if) Mountains fall and earth tremors" "How can the evil (which caused all this) be eradicated?" "(Fate) Lonely and wandering, trapped in such a harsh place" "There's no way out of this miserable generation" "The mountains are precipitous and lush, hiding the path that diverged (between you and me)" "Recounting how i had lost my way and wandered away from you, engulfed by the shadow of a mountain ridge"
Full music by Yu-Peng Chen HOYO-MiX
According to The Birth of a Dragon: A Behind the Scenes Look At the Creation of Azhdaha released by the official account, Azhdaha's name comes from Iranian culture, and its image is inspired by dragon related artifacts from ancient China during the period from Western Zhou to Han Dynasty, as well as stecossaurs.
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lang-boy · 6 years
西奈半岛 - xī nài bàn dǎo - the Sinai Peninsula
西岸地区 - xī àn dì qū - the West Bank
戴维本古里安 - dài wéi běn gǔ lǐ ān - David Ben-Gurion
犹太复国主义 - yóu tài fù guó zhǔ yì - Zionism
集结 - jí jié - to amass, gather together
巴勒斯坦托管地 - bā lè sī tǎn tuō guǎn dì - Mandatory Palestine
特拉维夫 - tè lā wéi fū - Tel Aviv
耶路撒冷 - yē lù sā lěng - Jerusalem
白宫 - bái gōng - the White House
唯恐天下不乱 - wéi kǒng tiān xiā bù luàn - just want to see the world burn
推波助澜 - tuī bō zhù lán - to add fuel to the fire
投机份子 - tóu jī fèn zi - opportunist
阴谋 - yīn móu - conspiracy
夺权 - duó quán - to seize power
同伙 - tóng hǔo - accomplice
江青 - jiāng qīng - Jiang Qing, Mao Zedong’s fourth wife
林彪 - lín biāo - Lin Biao, Chinese army leader at the time of the Cultural Revolution
修正主义 - xiū zhèng zhǔ yì - revisionism
恶果 - è guǒ - evil consequences
欲罢不能 - yù bà bù néng - want to stop but unable to
李渊 - lǐ yuān - Li Yuan, personal name of the first Tang emperor
唐高祖 - táng gāo zǔ - Tang Gaozu, reign name of the first Tang emperor
国祚 - guó zuò - the longevity of the dynasty
红海 - hóng hǎi - the Red Sea
地中海 - dì zhōng hǎi - the Mediterranean Sea
坐落 - zuò luò - to be situated
主权国家 - zhǔ quán guó jiā - sovereign country
公约 - gōng yuē - international agreement
死海 - sǐ hǎi - the Dead Sea
X以西 - X yǐ xī - to the west of X
巴勒斯坦 - bā lè sī tǎn - Palestine
豁出去 - huō chu qu - to go all out, to go for broke
陡然 - dǒu rán - unexpectedly, suddenly
怨气 - yuàn qì - resentment
笑容 - xiào róng - smile
宁愿 - nìng yuàn - would rather
石墨 - shí mò - graphite
约旦 - yuē dàn - Jordan (country)
条 - tiáo - counter for 河流
油滑 - yóu huá - oily, slippery
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bx0032 · 7 years
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【双语美文】 Industry significance 原创 2017-03-22 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
27 Industry significance 27.勤劳的意义 27.qín láo de yì yì
The significant inscription found on an old key "If I rest, I rust" would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest taint of idleness. Even the most industrious might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them. 在一把旧钥匙上发现了一则意义深远的铭文——如果我休息,我就会生锈。对于那些懒散而烦恼的人来说,这将是至理名言。甚至最为勤勉的人也以此作为警示:如果一个人有才能而不用,就像废弃钥匙上的铁一样,这些才能就会很快生锈,并最终无法完成安排给自己的工作。 zài yī bǎ jiù yào shí shàng fā xiàn le yī zé yì yì shēn yuǎn de míng wén ——rú guǒ wǒ xiū xī ,wǒ jiù huì shēng xiù 。duì yú nà xiē lǎn sàn ér fán nǎo de rén lái shuō ,zhè jiāng shì zhì lǐ míng yán 。shèn zhì zuì wéi qín miǎn de rén yě yǐ cǐ zuò wéi jǐng shì :rú guǒ yī gè rén yǒu cái néng ér bú yòng ,jiù xiàng fèi qì yào shí shàng de tiě yī yàng ,zhè xiē cái néng jiù huì hěn kuài shēng xiù ,bìng zuì zhōng wú fǎ wán chéng ān pái gěi zì jǐ de gōng zuò 。
Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture --- every department of human endeavor. 有些人想取得伟人所获得并保持的成就,他们就必须不断运用自身才能,以便开启知识的大门,即那些通往人类努力探求的各个领域的大门,这些领域包括各种职业:科学,艺术,文学,农业等。 yǒu xiē rén xiǎng qǔ dé wěi rén suǒ huò dé bìng bǎo chí de chéng jiù ,tā men jiù bì xū bú duàn yùn yòng zì shēn cái néng ,yǐ biàn kāi qǐ zhī shí de dà mén ,jí nà xiē tōng wǎng rén lèi nǔ lì tàn qiú de gè gè lǐng yù de dà mén ,zhè xiē lǐng yù bāo kuò gè zhǒng zhí yè :kē xué ,yì shù ,wén xué ,nóng yè děng 。
Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness. Had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer 勤奋使开启成功宝库的钥匙保持光亮。如果休米勒在采石场劳作一天后,晚上的时光用来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为名垂青史的地质学家。著名数学家爱德蒙斯通如果闲暇时无所事事,就不会出版数学词典,也不会发现开启数学之门的钥匙。如果苏格兰青年弗格森在山坡上放羊时,让他那思维活跃的大脑处于休息状态,而不是借助一串珠子计算星星的位置,他就不会成为著名的天文学家。 qín fèn shǐ kāi qǐ chéng gōng bǎo kù de yào shí bǎo chí guāng liàng 。rú guǒ xiū mǐ lè zài cǎi shí chǎng láo zuò yī tiān hòu ,wǎn shàng de shí guāng yòng lái xiū xī xiāo qiǎn de huà ,tā jiù bú huì chéng wéi míng chuí qīng shǐ de dì zhì xué jiā 。zhe míng shù xué jiā ài dé méng sī tōng rú guǒ xián xiá shí wú suǒ shì shì ,jiù bú huì chū bǎn shù xué cí diǎn ,yě bú huì fā xiàn kāi qǐ shù xué zhī mén de yào shí 。rú guǒ sū gé lán qīng nián fú gé sēn zài shān pō shàng fàng yáng shí ,ràng tā nà sī wéi huó yuè de dà nǎo chù yú xiū xī zhuàng tài ,ér bú shì jiè zhù yī chuàn zhū zǐ jì suàn xīng xīng de wèi zhì ,tā jiù bú huì chéng wéi zhe míng de tiān wén xué jiā 。
Labor vanquishes all --- not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor, but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success. 劳动征服一切。这里所指的劳动不是断断续续的,间歇性的或方向偏差的劳动,而是坚定的,不懈的,方向正确的每日劳动。正如要想拥有自由就要时刻保持警惕一样,要想取得伟大的,持久的成功,就必须坚持不懈地努力。 láo dòng zhēng fú yī qiē 。zhè lǐ suǒ zhǐ de láo dòng bú shì duàn duàn xù xù de ,jiān xiē xìng de huò fāng xiàng piān chà de láo dòng ,ér shì jiān dìng de ,bú xiè de ,fāng xiàng zhèng què de měi rì láo dòng 。zhèng rú yào xiǎng yōng yǒu zì yóu jiù yào shí kè bǎo chí jǐng tì yī yàng ,yào xiǎng qǔ dé wěi dà de ,chí jiǔ de chéng gōng ,jiù bì xū jiān chí bú xiè dì nǔ lì 。
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hongjunxiong · 7 years
Thought via Path
URUTAN MARGA TIONGHOA DARI YANG PALING BANYAK HINGGA KE YANG LANGKA 1 李 lǐ 2 王 wáng 3 张 zhāng 4 刘 liú 5 陈 chén 6 杨 yáng 7 黄 huáng 8 赵 zhào 9 周 zhōu 10 吴 wú 11 徐 xú 12 孙 sūn 13 朱 zhū 14 马 mǎ 15 胡 hú 16 郭 guō 17 林 lín 18 何 hé 19 高 gāo 20 梁 liáng 21 郑 zhèng 22 罗 luó 23 宋 sòng 24 谢 xiè 25 唐 táng 26 韩 hán 27 曹 cáo 28 许 xǔ 29 邓 dèng 30 萧 xiāo 31 冯 féng 32 曾 zēng 33 程 chéng 34 蔡 cài 35 彭 péng 36 潘 pān 37 袁 yuán 38 于 yú 39 董 dǒng 40 余 yú 41 苏 sū 42 叶 yè 43 吕 lǚ 44 魏 wèi 45 蒋 jiǎng 46 田 tián 47 杜 dù 48 丁 dīng 49 沈 shěn 50 姜 jiāng 51 范 fàn 52 江 jiāng 53 傅 fù 54 钟 zhōng 55 卢 lú 56 汪 wāng 57 戴 dài 58 崔 cuī 59 任 rèn 60 陆 lù 61 廖 liào 62 姚 yáo 63 方 fāng 64 金 jīn 65 邱 qiū 66 夏 xià 67 谭 tán 68 韦 wéi 69 贾 jiǎ 70 邹 zōu 71 石 shí 72 熊 xióng 73 孟 mèng 74 秦 qín 75 阎 yán 76 薛 xuē 77 侯 hóu 78 雷 léi 79 白 bái 80 龙 lóng 81 段 duàn 82 郝 hǎo 83 孔 kǒng 84 邵 shào 85 史 shǐ 86 毛 máo 87 常 cháng 88 万 wàn 89 顾 gù 90 赖 lài 91 武 wǔ 92 康 kāng 93 贺 hè 94 严 yán 95 尹 yǐn 96 钱 qián 97 施 shī 98 牛 niú 99 洪 hóng 100 龚 gōng 101 安 ān 102 诸 zhū 103 卫 wèi 104 尤 yóu 103 华 huá 106 陶 táo 107 戚 qī 108 喻 yù 109 柏 bǎi 110 水 shuǐ 111 窦 dòu 112 章 zhāng 113 云 yún 114 葛 gé 115 奚 xī 116 郎 láng 117 鲁 lǔ 118 昌 chāng 119 苗 miáo 120 凤 fèng 121 花 huā 122 俞 yú 123 柳 liǔ 124 酆 fēng 125 鲍 bào 126 费 fèi 127 廉 lián 128 岑 cén 129 倪 ní 130 汤 tāng 131 滕 téng 132 殷 yīn 133 毕 bì 134 邬 wū 135 乐 lè 136 时 shí 137 皮 pí 138 卞 biàn 139 齐 qí 140 伍 wǔ 141 元 yuán 142 卜 bǔ 143 平 píng 144 和 hé 145 穆 mù 146 堪 kān 147 祁 qí 148 禹 yǔ 149 狄 dí 150 米 mǐ 151 贝 bèi 152 明 míng 153 臧 zāng 154 计 jì 155 伏 fú 156 成 chéng 157 谈 tán 158 茅 máo 159 庞 páng 160 纪 jì 161 shū 162 屈 qū 163 项 xiàng 164 祝 zhù 165 粱 liáng 166 阮 ruǎn 167 蓝 lán 168 闵 mǐn 169 席 xí 170 季 jì 171 麻 má 172 强 qiáng 173 路 lù174 娄 lǚ 175 危 wéi 176 童 tóng 177 颜 yán 178 梅 méi 179 盛 shèng 180 刁 diāo 181 骆 luò 182 樊 fán 183 凌 líng 184 霍 huò 185 虞 yú 186 支 zhī 187 柯 kē 188 咎 jiù 189 管 guǎn 190 莫 mò 191 经 jīng 192 房 fáng 193 裘 qiú 194 缪 miào 195 干 gān 196 解 jiě 197 应 yìng 198 宗 zōng 199 宣 xuān 200 贲 bì 201 郁 yù 202 单 dān 203 杭 háng 204 包 bāo 205 诸 zhū 206 左 zuǒ 207 吉 jí 208 钮 niǔ 209 嵇 jī 210 邢 xíng 211 滑 huá 212 裴 péi 213 荣 róng 214 翁 wēng 215 荀 xún 216 羊 yáng 217 於 yú 218 惠 huì 219 甄魏 zhēn wèi 220 家封 jiā fēng 221 芮 ruì 222 羿 yì 223 储 chú 224 靳 jìn 225 汲 jí 226 邴 bǐng 227 糜 mí 228 松 sōng 229 井 jǐng 230 富 fù 231 巫 wū 232 乌 wū 233 焦 jiāo 234 巴 bā 235 弓 gōng 236 牧 mù 237 隗 wěi 238 山谷 shān gǔ 239 车 chē 240 宓 mì 241 蓬 péng 242 全 quán 243 郗 chī 244 班 bān 245 仰 yǎng 246 秋 qiū 247 仲 zhòng 248 伊 yī 249 宫 gōng 250 宁 zhù 251 仇 chóu 252 栾 luán 253 暴 bào 254 甘 gān 255 钭 tǒu 256 厉 lì 257 戎 róng 258 祖 zǔ 259 符 fú 260 景 jǐng 261詹 zhān 262 束 shù 263 幸 xìng 264 司 sī 265 韶 sháo 266 郜 gào 267 黎 lí 268 蓟 jì 269 薄 bó 270 印 yìn 271 宿 sù 272 怀 huái 273 蒲 pú 274 台 tái 275 从 cóng 276 鄂 è 277 索 suǒ 278 咸 xián 279 籍 jí 280 卓 zhuó 281 蔺 lìn 282 屠 tú 283 蒙 méng 284 池 chí 285 乔 qiáo 286 阴郁 yīn yù 287 胥 xū 288 能 néng 289 苍 cāng 290 双 shuāng 291 闻 wén 292 莘 xīn 293 党翟 dǎng zhái 294 贡 gòng 295 劳 láo 296 逄 páng 297 姬 jī 298 申 shēn 299 扶 fú 300 堵 dǔ 301 冉 rǎn 302 宰 zǎi 303 郦 lì 304 雍 yōng 305 卻 què 306 璩 qú 307 桑 sāng 308 桂 guì 309 濮 pú 310 寿 shòu 311 通 tōng 312 边 bi Nah marga anda yg ke berapa? – Read on Path.
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bx0032 · 7 years
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【双语美文】May I sit here? 原创 2017-03-03 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
14.May I sit here? 14.我可以坐这里吗 14.wǒ kě yǐ zuò zhè lǐ ma
I look at spiders and butter-flies . I watch caterpillars and moths . Sometimes I think I'm the only one who notices these things . But if it hadn't been for a crowded cafeteria , I wouldn't Have ever noticed Valeri . After all , I wasn't looking for new friends . 我观察蜘蛛和蝴蝶,还研究毛毛虫和飞蛾。有时,我想我是唯一注意这些事物的人了。要不是一家拥挤的自助餐厅,我将永远不会注意到瓦莱丽。毕竟,我一直都没有找新朋友。 wǒ guān chá zhī zhū hé hú dié ,hái yán jiū máo máo chóng hé fēi é 。yǒu shí ,wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì wéi yī zhù yì zhè xiē shì wù de rén le 。yào bú shì yī jiā yōng jǐ de zì zhù cān tīng ,wǒ jiāng yǒng yuǎn bú huì zhù yì dào wǎ lái lì 。bì jìng ,wǒ yī zhí dōu méi yǒu zhǎo xīn péng yǒu 。
Valeri was a new student . She walked to class with her books huddled against her chest and her head down . He talked only when the teacher asked her a question . After a month at our school , she hadn't made any friend . At recess , she sat on a bench and read . If you asked who she was , you'd get a response like this , "She's in my PE class , I can't remenber her name ." 瓦莱丽是新来的学生。她总是将书抱在胸前,低着头走进教室。只有在老师提问她时,她才肯说话。她来我们学校一个月了,还没交到一个朋友。课间,她就坐在长椅上看书。如果你想知道她是谁,那你多半会得到这样的答复:“我和她在一起上体育课,但我不记得她叫什么。” wǎ lái lì shì xīn lái de xué shēng 。tā zǒng shì jiāng shū bào zài xiōng qián ,dī zhe tóu zǒu jìn jiāo shì 。zhī yǒu zài lǎo shī tí wèn tā shí ,tā cái kěn shuō huà 。tā lái wǒ men xué xiào yī gè yuè le ,hái méi jiāo dào yī gè péng yǒu 。kè jiān ,tā jiù zuò zài zhǎng yǐ shàng kàn shū 。rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng zhī dào tā shì shuí ,nà nǐ duō bàn huì dé dào zhè yàng de dá fù :“wǒ hé tā zài yī qǐ shàng tǐ yù kè ,dàn wǒ bú jì dé tā jiào shí me 。”
One day at lunch , I had nowhere to sit . Most tables were full , my friends scattered among them . But Valeri sat alone , book in hand , I walked over to her . 一天,吃午餐时,餐桌差不多都坐满了,我没地方坐了,我的朋友们都分散开了。但瓦莱丽拿着书一个人坐在那儿。于是,我朝她走了过去。 yī tiān ,chī wǔ cān shí ,cān zhuō chà bú duō dōu zuò mǎn le ,wǒ méi dì fāng zuò le ,wǒ de péng yǒu men dōu fèn sàn kāi le 。dàn wǎ lái lì ná zhe shū yī gè rén zuò zài nà ér 。yú shì ,wǒ cháo tā zǒu le guò qù 。
"May I sit here ?"I asked . “我可以坐在这儿吗?”我问。 “wǒ kě yǐ zuò zài zhè ér ma ?”wǒ wèn 。
"Sure ,"she said . “当然可以。”她说。 “dāng rán kě yǐ 。”tā shuō 。
The cafeteria was noisy , but silence hung between us . Valeri didn't seem to mind , but it drove me crazy . I searched my mind for things to say . 餐厅里喧闹不已,而我们一直都沉默着。瓦莱丽好像并不在意,但我憋得受不了了。我绞尽脑汁,想找点话说。 cān tīng lǐ xuān nào bú yǐ ,ér wǒ men yī zhí dōu chén mò zhe 。wǎ lái lì hǎo xiàng bìng bú zài yì ,dàn wǒ biē dé shòu bú le le 。wǒ jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī ,xiǎng zhǎo diǎn huà shuō 。
"So,"I said , "is that a good book?"Valeri gave a small nod and went back to reading . "What's it about?"I asked , after several more agonizing seconds of silence . She looked at me , her eyes sparkling . “呃,那本书很好看吧?”瓦莱丽轻轻的点了点头,又继续看书。“都写了些什么呢?”我问道。一阵令人恼火的沉默之后,她终于看着我,眼中闪出异样的光芒。 “e ,nà běn shū hěn hǎo kàn ba ?”wǎ lái lì qīng qīng de diǎn le diǎn tóu ,yòu jì xù kàn shū 。“dōu xiě le xiē shí me ne ?”wǒ wèn dào 。yī zhèn lìng rén nǎo huǒ de chén mò zhī hòu ,tā zhōng yú kàn zhe wǒ ,yǎn zhōng shǎn chū yì yàng de guāng máng 。
"Well , it's called Eragon , and it's about a dragon!This boy , Eragon , finds this dragon egg when he goes hunging one day . He thinks it's a rock !The egg hatches and Eragon hides the dragon from his cousin and uncle until it gets too big ." “唔,它叫《龙骑士》,讲的是关于一条龙的故事!一天,一个名叫鄂尔根的男孩打猎时,发现了一枚龙蛋。他以为那是一块石头,但那枚龙蛋孵化出龙来,鄂尔根怕他的叔叔和堂兄发现,便把那条龙藏了起来,直到它长大。” “én ,tā jiào 《lóng qí shì 》,jiǎng de shì guān yú yī tiáo lóng de gù shì !yī tiān ,yī gè míng jiào è ěr gēn de nán hái dǎ liè shí ,fā xiàn le yī méi lóng dàn 。tā yǐ wéi nà shì yī kuài shí tóu ,dàn nà méi lóng dàn fū huà chū lóng lái ,è ěr gēn pà tā de shū shū hé táng xiōng fā xiàn ,biàn bǎ nà tiáo lóng cáng le qǐ lái ,zhí dào tā zhǎng dà 。”
"That sounds cool."I said. I was about to ask her another question,but the bell rang. “听来真不错。”我说。我还想再问个问题,可上课铃响了。 “tīng lái zhēn bú cuò 。”wǒ shuō 。wǒ hái xiǎng zài wèn gè wèn tí ,kě shàng kè líng xiǎng le 。
As I rushed out of the cafeteria , I called to Valeri , "See you later ." 我一边往餐厅外冲,一边对她大叫:“再见。” wǒ yī biān wǎng cān tīng wài chōng ,yī biān duì tā dà jiào :“zài jiàn 。”
"Yeah,"she said,"see you later."She sounded doubtful . “好的,”她说,“再见。”她的声音若有若无。 “hǎo de ,”tā shuō ,“zài jiàn 。”tā de shēng yīn ruò yǒu ruò wú 。
A couple days later , I spotted Valeri looking for a place to sit at lunch . 几天以后,我发现瓦莱丽正在找地方坐下来吃饭。 jǐ tiān yǐ hòu ,wǒ fā xiàn wǎ lái lì zhèng zài zhǎo dì fāng zuò xià lái chī fàn 。
"Valeri , come here."I pointed to an empty chair . “瓦莱丽,来这里。”我指着一个空座位说。 “wǎ lái lì ,lái zhè lǐ 。”wǒ zhǐ zhe yī gè kōng zuò wèi shuō 。
She sat down and pulled out her book . Everyone was talking about next week's talent show . "So ,what are you doing for the show? "My friend Erin asked my friend Kelly . 她坐了下来,拿出书。当时,大家都在谈论下个星期的才艺展示会。“你打算表演什么?”我的朋友埃林和凯利交谈着。 tā zuò le xià lái ,ná chū shū 。dāng shí ,dà jiā dōu zài tán lùn xià gè xīng qī de cái yì zhǎn shì huì 。“nǐ dǎ suàn biǎo yǎn shí me ?”wǒ de péng yǒu āi lín hé kǎi lì jiāo tán zhe 。
"Oh,I don't know , probably nothing,"Kelly sighed ."What are you doing?"She pointed to Valeri. “噢,我不知道,也许会放弃,”凯利叹着气,“你呢?”她问瓦莱丽。 “ō ,wǒ bú zhī dào ,yě xǔ huì fàng qì ,”kǎi lì tàn zhe qì ,“nǐ ne ?”tā wèn wǎ lái lì 。
"Oh."Valeri put her book down ."I don't know . Maybe nothing." “噢,”瓦莱丽放下书,“我不知道,也许什么也不演。” “ō ,”wǎ lái lì fàng xià shū ,“wǒ bú zhī dào ,yě xǔ shí me yě bú yǎn 。”
The week flew by . Before I knew it . I was sitting in the auditorium , listening to a group of girls sing the latest pop songs at the talent show . I was bored out of my life , and I wanted it to end so I could read Eragon . I'd checked it out at the library , Then a shy girl walked on stage . I recongized her immediately . Valeri clutched a violin in one hand and a bow in the other . 不知不觉中,周末就到了,我坐在会堂里,听一群女孩子唱当下最流行的歌曲,感觉却枯燥极了,真希望演唱快点结束,那样我就可以看《龙骑士》了,我在图书馆找到了这本书。这时,一个腼腆的女孩走上了舞台,我立刻认出了她------瓦莱丽。她一手抓着小提琴,一手拿着琴弓。 bú zhī bú jiào zhōng ,zhōu mò jiù dào le ,wǒ zuò zài huì táng lǐ ,tīng yī qún nǚ hái zǐ chàng dāng xià zuì liú háng de gē qǔ ,gǎn jiào què kū zào jí le ,zhēn xī wàng yǎn chàng kuài diǎn jié shù ,nà yàng wǒ jiù kě yǐ kàn 《lóng qí shì 》le ,wǒ zài tú shū guǎn zhǎo dào le zhè běn shū 。zhè shí ,yī gè miǎn tiǎn de nǚ hái zǒu shàng le wǔ tái ,wǒ lì kè rèn chū le tā ------wǎ lái lì 。tā yī shǒu zhuā zhe xiǎo tí qín ,yī shǒu ná zhe qín gōng 。
She stared to play . The notes formed a soft , weet tune . Then it turned fast , then faster . The music stopped altogether before the tune retumed . Valeri ended the song with one hard , fast , loud note . The auditorium fell completely silent until we realized the music was finished . Still in a halftrance , we burst into applause . Valeri took a swift bow and walked off stage . 她开始拉提琴了。一个个音符变成了柔和,优美的旋律,韵律逐渐加快,她越拉越急,音乐声戛然而止。乐曲在瓦莱丽拉出一串强硬,急速,洪亮的音符后归于沉寂。会堂里出奇的安静,过了一会儿,我们才意识到她已经演奏完了。仍陶醉于美妙中的我们对她报以雷鸣般的掌声。瓦莱丽快速地鞠了一躬,走下了舞台。 tā kāi shǐ lā tí qín le 。yī gè gè yīn fú biàn chéng le róu hé ,yōu měi de xuán lǜ ,yùn lǜ zhú jiàn jiā kuài ,tā yuè lā yuè jí ,yīn lè shēng jiá rán ér zhǐ 。lè qǔ zài wǎ lái lì lā chū yī chuàn qiáng yìng ,jí sù ,hóng liàng de yīn fú hòu guī yú chén jì 。huì táng lǐ chū qí de ān jìng ,guò le yī huì ér ,wǒ men cái yì shí dào tā yǐ jīng yǎn zòu wán le 。réng táo zuì yú měi miào zhōng de wǒ men duì tā bào yǐ léi míng bān de zhǎng shēng 。wǎ lái lì kuài sù dì jū le yī gōng ,zǒu xià le wǔ tái 。
I smiled to myself . Valeri wasn't just a "quiet girl" .She knew about wonderful books and could play the violin like nothing I'd ever heard . Like a caterpillar or butterfly , she was beautiful and amazing when you looked closely . 我暗自微笑,原来瓦莱丽不仅仅是一个“安静的女孩”,她博览奇妙的好书,能拉出我闻所未闻的小提琴曲。她就像那毛毛虫或蝴蝶,当你靠近她,仔细的观察,你会发现,她有着惊人的美。 wǒ àn zì wēi xiào ,yuán lái wǎ lái lì bú jǐn jǐn shì yī gè “ān jìng de nǚ hái ”,tā bó lǎn qí miào de hǎo shū ,néng lā chū wǒ wén suǒ wèi wén de xiǎo tí qín qǔ 。tā jiù xiàng nà máo máo chóng huò hú dié ,dāng nǐ kào jìn tā ,zǎi xì de guān chá ,nǐ huì fā xiàn ,tā yǒu zhe jīng rén de měi 。
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bx0032 · 7 years
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【双语阅读】French artist to entomb himself in rock 原创 2017-02-28 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
Cracking story: French artist to entomb himself in rock for a week, then use body to hatch eggs 法国行为艺术家先住石头再孵鸡蛋 fǎ guó háng wéi yì shù jiā xiān zhù shí tóu zài fū jī dàn
法国有一个行为艺术家,曾经把自己塞在毛绒玩具熊肚子里过了两周,还曾经钻进一个巨大的软木塞瓶里漂流过河,这一次他要封闭在一块石灰岩里长达一周,还准备用自己的体温孵化鸡蛋。然而他表示最大的梦想是行走在云端,果然是敢做也敢想。 fǎ guó yǒu yī gè háng wéi yì shù jiā ,céng jīng bǎ zì jǐ sāi zài máo róng wán jù xióng dù zǐ lǐ guò le liǎng zhōu ,hái céng jīng zuàn jìn yī gè jù dà de ruǎn mù sāi píng lǐ piāo liú guò hé ,zhè yī cì tā yào fēng bì zài yī kuài shí huī yán lǐ zhǎng dá yī zhōu ,hái zhǔn bèi yòng zì jǐ de tǐ wēn fū huà jī dàn 。rán ér tā biǎo shì zuì dà de mèng xiǎng shì háng zǒu zài yún duān ,guǒ rán shì gǎn zuò yě gǎn xiǎng 。
A French artist is preparing to be entombed for a week inside a 12-tonne limestone boulder in a modern art museum in Paris, after which he will emerge and attempt to hatch a dozen eggs by sitting on them for weeks on end. 在巴黎的一家现代艺术博物馆,法国行为艺术家亚伯拉罕•伯安什瓦尔要在重达12吨的石灰岩里生活一周,一周之后,他会从石头里出来,然后用身体孵化12个鸡蛋一连数周直到小鸡出壳。 zài bā lí de yī jiā xiàn dài yì shù bó wù guǎn ,fǎ guó háng wéi yì shù jiā yà bó lā hǎn •bó ān shí wǎ ěr yào zài zhòng dá 12dūn de shí huī yán lǐ shēng huó yī zhōu ,yī zhōu zhī hòu ,tā huì cóng shí tóu lǐ chū lái ,rán hòu yòng shēn tǐ fū huà 12gè jī dàn yī lián shù zhōu zhí dào xiǎo jī chū ké 。
“I think of it as an inner journey to find out what the world is,” said Abraham Poincheval, who has hollowed out a hole in the rock just big enough for himself to fit inside. 他把这块石头内部凿出了一个仅够他容身的空间,并且表示:“我把这次表演当作是了解世界的心灵旅程。” tā bǎ zhè kuài shí tóu nèi bù záo chū le yī gè jǐn gòu tā róng shēn de kōng jiān ,bìng qiě biǎo shì :“wǒ bǎ zhè cì biǎo yǎn dāng zuò shì le jiě shì jiè de xīn líng lǚ chéng 。”
Poincheval is no stranger to bizarre and hair-raising performances. 另类惊悚的行为表演对伯安什瓦尔来说已是家常便饭。 lìng lèi jīng sǒng de háng wéi biǎo yǎn duì bó ān shí wǎ ěr lái shuō yǐ shì jiā cháng biàn fàn 。
He once spent a fortnight inside a stuffed bear, was buried under a rock for eight days and navigated France’s Rhone river inside a giant corked bottle. 他曾在毛绒玩具熊肚子里生活了两周,被埋在一块岩石下八天,还曾呆在一个巨大的软木塞瓶里沿着法国罗纳河漂流。 tā céng zài máo róng wán jù xióng dù zǐ lǐ shēng huó le liǎng zhōu ,bèi mái zài yī kuài yán shí xià bā tiān ,hái céng dāi zài yī gè jù dà de ruǎn mù sāi píng lǐ yán zhe fǎ guó luó nà hé piāo liú 。
He has also crossed the Alps in a barrel and last year spent a week on top of a 20-metre pole outside a Paris train station like the stylite saints of the early Christian church. 他把自己塞进木桶里翻越了阿尔卑斯山,去年,他在巴黎一家车站外20米高的电线杆顶呆了整整一个星期,像极了早期基督教教堂修行的圣人们。 tā bǎ zì jǐ sāi jìn mù tǒng lǐ fān yuè le ā ěr bēi sī shān ,qù nián ,tā zài bā lí yī jiā chē zhàn wài 20mǐ gāo de diàn xiàn gǎn dǐng dāi le zhěng zhěng yī gè xīng qī ,xiàng jí le zǎo qī jī dū jiāo jiāo táng xiū háng de shèng rén men 。
He also played at being a human mole, and crossed France on foot in a straight line with a friend. 他还曾像鼹鼠一样生活,也曾和朋友徒步直线穿越法国。 tā hái céng xiàng yǎn shǔ yī yàng shēng huó ,yě céng hé péng yǒu tú bù zhí xiàn chuān yuè fǎ guó 。
But curator Jean de Loisy, of the Palais de Tokyo museum where Poincheval’s “Stone” and “Egg” performances are being held, insisted that his work should not be regarded as stunts but as a series of mystical journeys. 伯安什瓦尔名为“石头”与“蛋”的表演是在东京宫博物馆开演的,该馆馆长让•德•路易西坚持认为,与其说他的表演是做秀,不如说是一系列神秘之旅。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr míng wéi “shí tóu ”yǔ “dàn ”de biǎo yǎn shì zài dōng jīng gōng bó wù guǎn kāi yǎn de ,gāi guǎn guǎn zhǎng ràng •dé •lù yì xī jiān chí rèn wéi ,yǔ qí shuō tā de biǎo yǎn shì zuò xiù ,bú rú shuō shì yī xì liè shén mì zhī lǚ 。
Instead they are profound meditations on “inner exploration, on modifying the self and of living in other realms beyond our own,” De Loisy said. 馆长表示:“这些表演谱写了一部关于心灵探索、自我修正、在异空间生活的沉思录。” guǎn zhǎng biǎo shì :“zhè xiē biǎo yǎn pǔ xiě le yī bù guān yú xīn líng tàn suǒ 、zì wǒ xiū zhèng 、zài yì kōng jiān shēng huó de chén sī lù 。”
The artist said he has spent months mentally and physically preparing himself for the practicalities of life inside the rock, where he will sit up with his arms outstretched. 伯安什瓦尔表示,到时候他将张开双臂坐在石头里,为顺利度过石头里的生活,他花了数月时间进行心理和生理上的准备与调整。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr biǎo shì ,dào shí hòu tā jiāng zhāng kāi shuāng bì zuò zài shí tóu lǐ ,wéi shùn lì dù guò shí tóu lǐ de shēng huó ,tā huā le shù yuè shí jiān jìn háng xīn lǐ hé shēng lǐ shàng de zhǔn bèi yǔ diào zhěng 。
Holes have been bored in the rock for air and cables for a heart monitor and emergency telephone line. 这块大石灰岩上已经钻了一些孔给伯安什瓦尔透气,也连好了电缆,以方便进行心脏监测和艺术家拨打求救电话。 zhè kuài dà sh�� huī yán shàng yǐ jīng zuàn le yī xiē kǒng gěi bó ān shí wǎ ěr tòu qì ,yě lián hǎo le diàn lǎn ,yǐ fāng biàn jìn háng xīn zāng jiān cè hé yì shù jiā bō dǎ qiú jiù diàn huà 。
Poincheval said all he will have to eat during his entombment will be a little dried meat and cartons of soup and other liquids. 伯安什瓦尔告诉我们,他呆在石头里的这一周,只会吃一点肉干和盒装的汤和饮料。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr gào sù wǒ men ,tā dāi zài shí tóu lǐ de zhè yī zhōu ,zhī huì chī yī diǎn ròu gàn hé hé zhuāng de tāng hé yǐn liào 。
The only mystery is how he will go to the toilet, with the artist becoming uncharacteristically evasive when pressed on the subject. 唯一搞不懂的便是他怎样解决如厕问题,但每每有人问及此,他就一反常态地闪烁其词。 wéi yī gǎo bú dǒng de biàn shì tā zěn yàng jiě jué rú cè wèn tí ,dàn měi měi yǒu rén wèn jí cǐ ,tā jiù yī fǎn cháng tài dì shǎn shuò qí cí 。
Loneliness should not be a problem, he said. When he was buried under a rock outside a gallery in the southern city of Marseille, former prisoners who had survived solitary confinement came to keep him company and a “young girl talked to me about the violin she had just bought for three hours”. 他说,孤独不是个问题。他之前在法国南部城市马赛的一家画廊外,被埋在岩石下面的时候,曾经被单独监禁的犯人过来陪他,有个年轻女孩还与他聊起了三小时前刚买的那把小提琴呢。 tā shuō ,gū dú bú shì gè wèn tí 。tā zhī qián zài fǎ guó nán bù chéng shì mǎ sài de yī jiā huà láng wài ,bèi mái zài yán shí xià miàn de shí hòu ,céng jīng bèi dān dú jiān jìn de fàn rén guò lái péi tā ,yǒu gè nián qīng nǚ hái hái yǔ tā liáo qǐ le sān xiǎo shí qián gāng mǎi de nà bǎ xiǎo tí qín ne 。
In fact, so many people came to “talk to the stone” that security guards had to be stationed around the rock at night so he could get some sleep. 其实会有很多人慕名前来与这块“石头”聊天,为了让伯安什瓦尔可以睡会儿觉,保安夜间还得在他附近驻守。 qí shí huì yǒu hěn duō rén mù míng qián lái yǔ zhè kuài “shí tóu ”liáo tiān ,wéi le ràng bó ān shí wǎ ěr kě yǐ shuì huì ér jiào ,bǎo ān yè jiān hái dé zài tā fù jìn zhù shǒu 。
The real wrench this time may be having to leave the rock after the week, Poincheval admitted. 伯安什瓦尔也承认,他这次表演最大的挑战,便是在石灰岩里呆了一周后重返正常生活。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr yě chéng rèn ,tā zhè cì biǎo yǎn zuì dà de tiāo zhàn ,biàn shì zài shí huī yán lǐ dāi le yī zhōu hòu zhòng fǎn zhèng cháng shēng huó 。
After previous performances, the end has always been what he called “delicate”, marked by a “day in the dumps... and a lot of turbulence inside. It takes several weeks to get back to normal,” he said. 他还告诉我们,以前表演结束后,他最终的感受往往是“脆弱”,“心情抑郁又躁动不安,要缓好几周才会恢复正常”。 tā hái gào sù wǒ men ,yǐ qián biǎo yǎn jié shù hòu ,tā zuì zhōng de gǎn shòu wǎng wǎng shì “cuì ruò ”,“xīn qíng yì yù yòu zào dòng bú ān ,yào huǎn hǎo jǐ zhōu cái huì huī fù zhèng cháng ”。
His next performance “Egg” will begin on 29 March, with Poincheval sitting on a dozen eggs for between three and four weeks until they hatch. 他的下一场名为“蛋”的表演将于2017年3月29日开始,伯安什瓦尔会坐在一打鸡蛋上,坐上大约三四个星期直到小鸡破壳。 tā de xià yī chǎng míng wéi “dàn ”de biǎo yǎn jiāng yú 2017nián 3yuè 29rì kāi shǐ ,bó ān shí wǎ ěr huì zuò zài yī dǎ jī dàn shàng ,zuò shàng dà yuē sān sì gè xīng qī zhí dào xiǎo jī pò ké 。
He will eat a special diet rich in ginger so he can keep the eggs at a minimum of 37 degrees Celsius, with only a half an hour break every 24 hours to keep him from cracking. 因为他得让鸡蛋保持在至少37摄氏度,所以他到时会摄入一种富含生姜的特殊膳食,而且他每天仅仅只有半小时的自由休息时间。 yīn wéi tā dé ràng jī dàn bǎo chí zài zhì shǎo 37shè shì dù ,suǒ yǐ tā dào shí huì shè rù yī zhǒng fù hán shēng jiāng de tè shū shàn shí ,ér qiě tā měi tiān jǐn jǐn zhī yǒu bàn xiǎo shí de zì yóu xiū xī shí jiān 。
The chicks that hatch “will go and live with my parents”, Poincheval added. 伯安什瓦尔补充道:“这些孵出来的小鸡将由我的父母来照看。” bó ān shí wǎ ěr bǔ chōng dào :“zhè xiē fū chū lái de xiǎo jī jiāng yóu wǒ de fù mǔ lái zhào kàn 。”
But his ambitions do not end there. 然而他的野心并不止于此。 rán ér tā de yě xīn bìng bú zhǐ yú cǐ 。
His big dream is to “walk on the clouds. I have been working on it for five years, but it is not quite there yet,” he add. 他解释道:“我最大的梦想是有一天可以在云端行走。我为此研究了5年,但目前还不成熟。” tā jiě shì dào :“wǒ zuì dà de mèng xiǎng shì yǒu yī tiān kě yǐ zài yún duān háng zǒu 。wǒ wéi cǐ yán jiū le 5nián ,dàn mù qián hái bú chéng shú 。”
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bx0032 · 7 years
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【双语美文】3 Promise 原创 2017-02-14 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
3 Promise 3 永恒的承诺 3 yǒng héng de chéng nuò
In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake. 1989年,一次8.2级的地震几乎铲平美国,在短短不到4分钟的时间里,夺去了3万多人的生命!在彻底的破坏与混乱之中,有位父亲将他的妻子在家里安顿好后,跑到他儿子就读的学校,而触目所见,却是被夷为平地的校园。 1989nián ,yī cì 8.2jí de dì zhèn jǐ hū chǎn píng měi guó ,zài duǎn duǎn bú dào 4fèn zhōng de shí jiān lǐ ,duó qù le 3wàn duō rén de shēng mìng !zài chè dǐ de pò huài yǔ hún luàn zhī zhōng ,yǒu wèi fù qīn jiāng tā de qī zǐ zài jiā lǐ ān dùn hǎo hòu ,pǎo dào tā ér zǐ jiù dú de xué xiào ,ér chù mù suǒ jiàn ,què shì bèi yí wéi píng dì de xiào yuán 。
After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I’ll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son. 看到这令人伤心的一幕,他想起了曾经对儿子所作的承诺:"不论发生什么事,我都会在你身边。"至此,父亲热泪满眶。目睹曾经的学校成为了一堆瓦砾,真叫人绝望。但父亲的脑中仍然牢记着他对儿子的诺言。 kàn dào zhè lìng rén shāng xīn de yī mù ,tā xiǎng qǐ le céng jīng duì ér zǐ suǒ zuò de chéng nuò :"bú lùn fā shēng shí me shì ,wǒ dōu huì zài nǐ shēn biān 。"zhì cǐ ,fù qīn rè lèi mǎn kuàng 。mù dǔ céng jīng de xué xiào chéng wéi le yī duī wǎ lì ,zhēn jiào rén jué wàng 。dàn fù qīn de nǎo zhōng réng rán láo jì zhe tā duì ér zǐ de nuò yán 。
He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son s classroom would be in the back right corner of the building; he rushed there and started digging through the ruins. 他开始努力回忆每天早上送儿子上学的必经之路,终于记起儿子的教室应该就在那幢建筑物后面,位于右边的角落里,他跑到那儿,开始在碎石砾中挖掘,搜寻儿子的下落。 tā kāi shǐ nǔ lì huí yì měi tiān zǎo shàng sòng ér zǐ shàng xué de bì jīng zhī lù ,zhōng yú jì qǐ ér zǐ de jiāo shì yīng gāi jiù zài nà zhuàng jiàn zhù wù hòu miàn ,wèi yú yòu biān de jiǎo luò lǐ ,tā pǎo dào nà ér ,kāi shǐ zài suì shí lì zhōng wā jué ,sōu xún ér zǐ de xià luò 。
As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: "It s too late! They’re all dead! You can’t help! Go home! Come on, face reality, there s nothing you can do!" 当这位父亲正在挖掘时,其他束手无策的学生家长赶到现场,揪心地叫着:"我的儿子呀!" "我的女儿呀!"一些好意的家长试图把这位父亲劝离现场,告诉他"一切都太迟了!"他们全死了!"这样做没用的","回去吧,这样做只会使事情更糟"。 dāng zhè wèi fù qīn zhèng zài wā jué shí ,qí tā shù shǒu wú cè de xué shēng jiā zhǎng gǎn dào xiàn chǎng ,jiū xīn dì jiào zhe :"wǒ de ér zǐ ya !" "wǒ de nǚ ér ya !"yī xiē hǎo yì de jiā zhǎng shì tú bǎ zhè wèi fù qīn quàn lí xiàn chǎng ,gào sù tā "yī qiē dōu tài chí le !"tā men quán sǐ le !"zhè yàng zuò méi yòng de ","huí qù ba ,zhè yàng zuò zhī huì shǐ shì qíng gèng zāo "。
To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now?" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school s ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You’re in danger. We’ll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now?" 面对种种劝告,这位父亲的回答只有一句话:"你们愿意帮我吗?"然后继续进行挖掘工作,在废墟中寻找他的儿子。消防队长出现了,他也试图把这位父亲劝走,对他说:"火灾频现,四处都在发生爆炸,你在这里太危险了,这边的事我们会处理,你回家吧!"对此,这位慈爱、关切的父亲仍然回答:"你们要帮我吗?" miàn duì zhǒng zhǒng quàn gào ,zhè wèi fù qīn de huí dá zhī yǒu yī jù huà :"nǐ men yuàn yì bāng wǒ ma ?"rán hòu jì xù jìn háng wā jué gōng zuò ,zài fèi xū zhōng xún zhǎo tā de ér zǐ 。xiāo fáng duì zhǎng chū xiàn le ,tā yě shì tú bǎ zhè wèi fù qīn quàn zǒu ,duì tā shuō :"huǒ zāi pín xiàn ,sì chù dōu zài fā shēng bào zhà ,nǐ zài zhè lǐ tài wēi xiǎn le ,zhè biān de shì wǒ men huì chù lǐ ,nǐ huí jiā ba !"duì cǐ ,zhè wèi cí ài 、guān qiē de fù qīn réng rán huí dá :"nǐ men yào bāng wǒ ma ?"
The police came and said, "You’re angry, anxious and it s over. You’re endangering others. Go home. We’ll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now?" No one helped.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead?" He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son s voice. He screamed his son s name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!?! It s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you d save me and when you saved me, they d be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What s going on in there? How is it?" the father asked. 警察赶到现场,对他说:"你现在又气又急,该结束了,你在危及他人,回家吧!我们会处理一切的。"这位父亲依旧回答:"你们愿意帮我吗?" 然而,人们无动于衷。为了弄清楚儿子是死是活,这位父亲独自一人鼓起勇气,继续进行他的工作。他挖掘了8小时,--12小时,24小时,36小时--38小时后,父亲推开了一块巨大的石头,听到了儿子的声音。父亲尖叫着:"阿曼德!"儿子的回音听到了:"爸爸吗?是我,爸,我告诉其他的小朋友不要着急。我告诉他们如果你活着,你会来救我的。如果我获救了,他们也就获救了。你答应过我, 不论发生什么,我永远都会在你的身边, 你做到了,爸!""你那里的情况怎样?"父亲问。 jǐng chá gǎn dào xiàn chǎng ,duì tā shuō :"nǐ xiàn zài yòu qì yòu jí ,gāi jié shù le ,nǐ zài wēi jí tā rén ,huí jiā ba !wǒ men huì chù lǐ yī qiē de 。"zhè wèi fù qīn yī jiù huí dá :"nǐ men yuàn yì bāng wǒ ma ?" rán ér ,rén men wú dòng yú zhōng 。wéi le nòng qīng chǔ ér zǐ shì sǐ shì huó ,zhè wèi fù qīn dú zì yī rén gǔ qǐ yǒng qì ,jì xù jìn háng tā de gōng zuò 。tā wā jué le 8xiǎo shí ,--12xiǎo shí ,24xiǎo shí ,36xiǎo shí --38xiǎo shí hòu ,fù qīn tuī kāi le yī kuài jù dà de shí tóu ,tīng dào le ér zǐ de shēng yīn 。fù qīn jiān jiào zhe :"ā màn dé !"ér zǐ de huí yīn tīng dào le :"bà bà ma ?shì wǒ ,bà ,wǒ gào sù qí tā de xiǎo péng yǒu bú yào zhe jí 。wǒ gào sù tā men rú guǒ nǐ huó zhe ,nǐ huì lái jiù wǒ de 。rú guǒ wǒ huò jiù le ,tā men yě jiù huò jiù le 。nǐ dá yīng guò wǒ , bú lùn fā shēng shí me ,wǒ yǒng yuǎn dōu huì zài nǐ de shēn biān , nǐ zuò dào le ,bà !""nǐ nà lǐ de qíng kuàng zěn yàng ?"fù qīn wèn 。
"There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We’re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you re here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us." "我们有33个,只有14个活着。爸,我们好害怕,又渴又饿,谢天谢地,你在这儿。教室倒塌时,刚好形成一个三角形的洞,救了我们。" "wǒ men yǒu 33gè ,zhī yǒu 14gè huó zhe 。bà ,wǒ men hǎo hài pà ,yòu kě yòu è ,xiè tiān xiè dì ,nǐ zài zhè ér 。jiāo shì dǎo tā shí ,gāng hǎo xíng chéng yī gè sān jiǎo xíng de dòng ,jiù le wǒ men 。"
"Come out, boy!" "快出来吧!儿子!" "kuài chū lái ba !ér zǐ !"
"No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you’ll always be there for me!" "不,爸,让其他小朋友先出来吧!因为我知道你会接我的!不管发生什么事,我知道你永远都会来到我的身边!" "bú ,bà ,ràng qí tā xiǎo péng yǒu xiān chū lái ba !yīn wéi wǒ zhī dào nǐ huì jiē wǒ de !bú guǎn fā shēng shí me shì ,wǒ zhī dào nǐ yǒng yuǎn dōu huì lái dào wǒ de shēn biān !"
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bx0032 · 7 years
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【双语阅读】What's selling at the inauguration 2017-01-20 汉人汉语
What's selling at the inauguration: socks, mugs and Trump-scented candles 川普周边产品热销:放屁坐垫、饼干模具、川普味香薰 chuān pǔ zhōu biān chǎn pǐn rè xiāo :fàng pì zuò diàn 、bǐng gàn mó jù 、chuān pǔ wèi xiāng xūn
特朗普20日将举办就职典礼,随着其就任日期的临近,美国商家再次抓住商机,希望从这位新总统的支持者和反对者身上大赚一笔。有商家推出了昂贵的特朗普就职纪念徽章,也有商家为了迎合特朗普的反对者售卖恶搞他的创意礼品。甚至还有商家推出了特朗普味儿香薰,称其“融合了所有经典香味”。 tè lǎng pǔ 20rì jiāng jǔ bàn jiù zhí diǎn lǐ ,suí zhe qí jiù rèn rì qī de lín jìn ,měi guó shāng jiā zài cì zhuā zhù shāng jī ,xī wàng cóng zhè wèi xīn zǒng tǒng de zhī chí zhě hé fǎn duì zhě shēn shàng dà zuàn yī bǐ 。yǒu shāng jiā tuī chū le áng guì de tè lǎng pǔ jiù zhí jì niàn huī zhāng ,yě yǒu shāng jiā wéi le yíng hé tè lǎng pǔ de fǎn duì zhě shòu mài è gǎo tā de chuàng yì lǐ pǐn 。shèn zhì hái yǒu shāng jiā tuī chū le tè lǎng pǔ wèi ér xiāng xūn ,chēng qí “róng hé le suǒ yǒu jīng diǎn xiāng wèi ”。
There are Donald Trump-shaped cookie cutters, "Drain the swamp" sweatshirts, and candles meant to smell like the president elect - a combination of "all of the classiest smells," according to the product's description. Keep searching among the Trump-inspired flasks, paperweights and peppermints, and you'll find coffee mugs that say "Build that wall" and a penny stamped with "Trump" selling for $2.75. 商店中出售的有特朗普人形饼干模具、“彻底清理门户”口号运动衫以及特朗普味蜡烛,其产品描述称该味道“融合了所有经典香味”。如果你接着搜罗,还会发现特朗普保温杯、压纸器、薄荷糖、写着“建高墙”的咖啡杯以及印有“特朗普”字样的1便士硬币,这种硬币单价为2.75美元。 shāng diàn zhōng chū shòu de yǒu tè lǎng pǔ rén xíng bǐng gàn mó jù 、“chè dǐ qīng lǐ mén hù ”kǒu hào yùn dòng shān yǐ jí tè lǎng pǔ wèi là zhú ,qí chǎn pǐn miáo shù chēng gāi wèi dào “róng hé le suǒ yǒu jīng diǎn xiāng wèi ”。rú guǒ nǐ jiē zhe sōu luó ,hái huì fā xiàn tè lǎng pǔ bǎo wēn bēi 、yā zhǐ qì 、báo hé táng 、xiě zhe “jiàn gāo qiáng ”de kā fēi bēi yǐ jí yìn yǒu “tè lǎng pǔ ”zì yàng de 1biàn shì yìng bì ,zhè zhǒng yìng bì dān jià wéi 2.75měi yuán 。
Online shops, street vendors and high-end boutiques around town are preparing for Friday's inauguration with equal parts sincerity and snark as they try to cash in on fans and foes of the next president. 电商、街头小贩以及高端精品店为20号的就职典礼做了两全准备,试图在下任总统的支持者和反对者身上大赚一笔。 diàn shāng 、jiē tóu xiǎo fàn yǐ jí gāo duān jīng pǐn diàn wéi 20hào de jiù zhí diǎn lǐ zuò le liǎng quán zhǔn bèi ,shì tú zài xià rèn zǒng tǒng de zhī chí zhě hé fǎn duì zhě shēn shàng dà zuàn yī bǐ 。
At Chocolate Mooose, a novelty gift shop a half-mile from the White House, shelves are lined with Donald Trump whoopee cushions and chocolate replicas of the US Capitol. The Donald Trump mask, a Halloween favorite, is back in stock. 距离白宫半英里的Chocolate Mooose是一间创意礼品店,店内货架上摆放着特朗普放屁坐垫以及美国国会大厦的巧克力模型。万圣节时最流行的特朗普面具也补上货了。 jù lí bái gōng bàn yīng lǐ de Chocolate Moooseshì yī jiān chuàng yì lǐ pǐn diàn ,diàn nèi huò jià shàng bǎi fàng zhe tè lǎng pǔ fàng pì zuò diàn yǐ jí měi guó guó huì dà shà de qiǎo kè lì mó xíng 。wàn shèng jiē shí zuì liú háng de tè lǎng pǔ miàn jù yě bǔ shàng huò le 。
"Up to now, absolutely, it's been all about the gag stuff," said Michele Cosby, the store's owner. 老板米歇尔•科斯比说,“到目前为止,店内出售的都是一些搞笑商品。” lǎo bǎn mǐ xiē ěr •kē sī bǐ shuō ,“dào mù qián wéi zhǐ ,diàn nèi chū shòu de dōu shì yī xiē gǎo xiào shāng pǐn 。”
The best-selling item so far? Toilet paper emblazoned with Trump's face. "We sold cases upon cases of it," Cosby said. "And at $12 a roll, it wasn't cheap." (But, she added, she has since stopped selling the popular item: "Now that he's our president-elect, we didn't want to cross the line.") 目前最畅销的是什么?答案是印有特朗普表情的卫生纸。科斯比表示,“我们卖出了很多盒,每卷12美元,不便宜呢。”(不过,科斯比说他们现在已经不卖这种纸了,“因为现在特朗普已经是美国候任总统,而我们不想过线”。) mù qián zuì chàng xiāo de shì shí me ?dá àn shì yìn yǒu tè lǎng pǔ biǎo qíng de wèi shēng zhǐ 。kē sī bǐ biǎo shì ,“wǒ men mài chū le hěn duō hé ,měi juàn 12měi yuán ,bú biàn yí ne 。”(bú guò ,kē sī bǐ shuō tā men xiàn zài yǐ jīng bú mài zhè zhǒng zhǐ le ,“yīn wéi xiàn zài tè lǎng pǔ yǐ jīng shì měi guó hòu rèn zǒng tǒng ,ér wǒ men bú xiǎng guò xiàn ”。)
At the Great Republic, which has inauguration pop-up shops at the St. Regis and Mandarin Oriental hotels, revelers can pick up pens made of wood from the White House and hand-painted with portraits of the president-elect for $1,950 each. 圣瑞吉斯酒店和东方文华酒店里有“伟大的共和国”就职典礼游击商店,狂欢者可以在此选购用白宫木材制作的笔以及售价1950美元的特朗普手绘肖像。 shèng ruì jí sī jiǔ diàn hé dōng fāng wén huá jiǔ diàn lǐ yǒu “wěi dà de gòng hé guó ”jiù zhí diǎn lǐ yóu jī shāng diàn ,kuáng huān zhě kě yǐ zài cǐ xuǎn gòu yòng bái gōng mù cái zhì zuò de bǐ yǐ jí shòu jià 1950měi yuán de tè lǎng pǔ shǒu huì xiāo xiàng 。
Over in Georgetown, local jeweler Ann Hand has sold nearly 1,000 inaugural pins bearing Donald Trump's name and a slew of pavé stones. She is also selling inaugural cuff links, charm bracelets and a limited number of mother-of-pearl pins with Swarovsky crystals for $250. 在乔治敦,当地珠宝商安•汉德已卖出了近1000个刻有特朗普名字的徽章和一系列密镶宝石。她还售卖特朗普就职版袖扣、精致手镯以及镶嵌施华洛世奇水晶的限量版珍珠母徽章,其售价为250美元。 zài qiáo zhì dūn ,dāng dì zhū bǎo shāng ān •hàn dé yǐ mài chū le jìn 1000gè kè yǒu tè lǎng pǔ míng zì de huī zhāng hé yī xì liè mì xiāng bǎo shí 。tā hái shòu mài tè lǎng pǔ jiù zhí bǎn xiù kòu 、jīng zhì shǒu zhuó yǐ jí xiāng qiàn shī huá luò shì qí shuǐ jīng de xiàn liàng bǎn zhēn zhū mǔ huī zhāng ,qí shòu jià wéi 250měi yuán 。
"We were astounded by the reaction that we got," Hand said. "All these inaugurals seem to take on a life of their own - there are those who love their candidate and those who don't." 汉德说,“顾客的反响让我们大吃一惊。所有总统就职周边似乎拥有了生命——有的是热爱他们的候选人的,而有的则并非如此。” hàn dé shuō ,“gù kè de fǎn xiǎng ràng wǒ men dà chī yī jīng 。suǒ yǒu zǒng tǒng jiù zhí zhōu biān sì hū yōng yǒu le shēng mìng ——yǒu de shì rè ài tā men de hòu xuǎn rén de ,ér yǒu de zé bìng fēi rú cǐ 。”
Jim Warlick, owner of White House Gifts, says he spent months buying $100,000 worth of items for the inauguration. There was just one problem: He had projected the wrong winner. 白宫礼品店老板吉米•沃利克说,他花了几个月时间买入了价值10万美元的总统就职周边产品。唯一的问题是:他预测错了赢家(他买的是希拉里的周边产品)。 bái gōng lǐ pǐn diàn lǎo bǎn jí mǐ •wò lì kè shuō ,tā huā le jǐ gè yuè shí jiān mǎi rù le jià zhí 10wàn měi yuán de zǒng tǒng jiù zhí zhōu biān chǎn pǐn 。wéi yī de wèn tí shì :tā yù cè cuò le yíng jiā (tā mǎi de shì xī lā lǐ de zhōu biān chǎn pǐn )。
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