13shadesofanni · 5 months
Fuck it Friday!!!
I was tagged by the lovely @sherlockcrossing thank you, dear 😊🩷
Lately, I worked a lot on my current FBI fic "Reverberation" which deals with the personal tragedy surrounding Maggie's late husband Jason and the circumstances of his death. Yesss, as you can see from the description, it's going to be a turbulent emotional rollercoaster ride I'm going to take the reader on... 😉
Here's a snippet from near the beginning where OA is racking his brains as to why Maggie isn't spending the evening with him. (Let me add, I had a lot of fun delving into his inner life. 😏)
It happened at the same time as she left the apartment that someone came home just a few blocks away.  
That one was her partner, OA.
Exhausted and exasperated from the day, he kicked the apartment door shut behind him and threw his coat and jacket over the back of a dining room chair as the sound of the door crashing shut flooded the open living area. Indeed, his first thought was the neighbors would complain again. That literally everyone in the damn house would notice when he came home. Frankly, though, he didn't even care. 
His thoughts revolved around Maggie and her answer to his question about whether she had to leave early because she had a date. "Not really." Well, what was that supposed to mean? Did it mean yes, and she simply didn't want to tell him, or no, because it was business? But what else could be work-related at this late hour? She couldn't possibly be meeting with the wife, now widow, of the deceased general? 
OA took off his business shoes and dropped onto the couch, one arm across his face. He knew Maggie took many cases to heart and often visited the bereaved of the victims after the investigation was completed to comfort and encourage them and to find closure herself. 
Unfortunately, she often overstepped her own boundaries, demanded too much of herself and struggled when it came to treating herself well afterwards. To switch off and not see herself as a collector of all the misery in the world. 
He knew that she knew that. And he also knew that she was aware that he knew that too.
Musing he dismissed the idea of her meeting with the bereaved, after all, the general's family was abroad. So it had to be a date with someone else, right? At this thought he had to swallow, for he simply couldn't imagine and didn't want to bear to see her with someone else. Yes, it was awful what had happened to Jason and to see how much Maggie suffered depressed him on a level he hadn't thought possible.
However, things were the way they were and now he was her partner. In the FBI.
And when they went jogging after work. And when they would go for a drink together and play darts in the bar. And on many other occasions too.
Absolutely no pressure tagging @relentlessescapism @starry-mist @stefanmikaleson1864 and anyone else who wants to share 🧡
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I had a thought on Twitter dot com that Vash from 98 and Vash from Tristamp are two different critters and I have decided that 98 Vash is like that chaotic Labrador running around the house while Tristamp Vash is more like a skittish gecko.
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Please share your thoughts I’d love to hear them!
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sleepsucks · 4 days
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noyzinerd · 17 days
Imagining a sterek soulmark AU, where the first thing you hear your soulmate say is tattooed on your body, but Derek is full-shifted when Stiles hears his 'first words', so Stiles' soulmark just says
Meanwhile, Derek's soulmark would be an equally unhelpful:
From Stiles' undignified shriek due to suddenly being face-to-face with a fucking wild wolf.
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etirabys · 29 days
something that peeves me in fiction – in a setting where society that hasn't mostly eliminated scarcity, anyway – is when someone really kindhearted takes in a near stranger in need (e.g. orphan, ex slave) and that person is their only project to whom they can give a lot of care. irl I feel like everyone who's exceptionally nice, or at least bad at drawing a line for their own health, has a full case load and is close to burnout
I don't mind this at all when there's a good plot reason for why X should be helping Y in particular and isn't already overbooked; I feel some ugh when X is depicted as someone who'd always help people in Y's shoes but has mysteriously evaded all other supplicants.
I'm pro-fantasy but this kind of moral fantasy strikes me as a bit uglier than the others: you can be a nurturing figure who gives unconditional help without running something so unphotogenic as a vetting interview or cost/benefit analysis, but you'll never be overwhelmed, either
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psychedelicsees · 5 months
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King of storms but he cant control lightning or anything he just blows you. I mean. At you. Blow. Wind.
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entropyvoid · 2 months
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Golden Hour (+ lineart below cut)
I took a picture of the lines for once and did some basic crappy photo editing on my phone, so you could probably print this out and use it as a coloring page or something if you so wish lol. Do with it what you will.
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sleepyminty · 19 days
There are two type of strongest person in the city and they take no shit against damages
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sky-ham · 6 months
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saw that Cleric was the least played class so I decided to play it for my Honor mode run and it's the most fun I've ever had in this game so far
with the right build not only can you can hit like a truck and lock down an area, you can also debuff / damage enemies regardless if they hit or miss you
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don't touch the cleric challenge
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ruelpsen · 4 months
something about belching with a mouth full of food is disgustingly hot
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rubra-wav · 3 months
Entry #7 : Vox and Blackouts, Connection, etc.
A/N / Disclaimer : Fanfic is fanfic, and people are allowed to make things as OOC or just in their own image as possible, so I'm not shitting on that at all. Everyone has the right to make whatever tf they want and explore concepts and stuff.
This is just me vomiting ideas that have been plaguing me for a while.
If I'm proven wrong by the show, then I'll eat my hat and apologise for this one, but for now I'm trying to think about this stuff like - as logically in the frame of what's canon as possible.
It's funny to say that when this is the topic but yeah haha 💀
Ah yes, theorising about the goddamn TV Man again.
Cw: SFW to NSFW/18+ (below cut)
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- So, let's establish some things before I begin to truly dig into this haha.
- Vox is not wireless, and thus does not get effected by things that are not directly connected to him. This is seen with him directly plugging into his set-up before being able to control all the TV's and devices connected to the main-frame.
- This would most likely mean that when the whole system goes down, he isn't affected by it and vice versa if he's not directly plugged into it. So yeah- if he blue screens or glitches out like he does just casually while not plugged in, then the whole city most likely would not blackout.
- An anon asked me about whether he would just go offline if the WiFi was down or if he would be just fine and yeah - he'd be just fine if he wasn't plugged in. If he was, however, then he'd most likely lose reception. He'd probably blackout/shut down.
- For an example: if he's plugged in and it's storming outside and lightning hits the main tower, then he'd probably be pretty injured because his system would be fine. But if he wasn't plugged in he'd be absolutely fine.
- I also could see his face dropping to low resolution and voice doing the blocky-glitchy thing audio over calls does if he's plugged into the system and the reception goes to absolute shit.
- Think 180p quality display and audio Vox lmao.
(Here's the other post as well)
- Having said all that, I also don't think that there wouldn't be any effect at all on surrounding technology if he starts glitching out.
- If he's near things like phones, laptops, lights, etc. Etc. He'd likely effect them, but on a way smaller scale then what most people seem to write about.
I'm gonna start going into directly NSFW below the cut
- So yeah, if you're just casually fucking Vox really hard and he starts glitching or goes to the point of bluescreening while coming, the whole of Pentagram city isn't going to experience a blackout because he's not plugged into the system.
- However
- He would most likely start effecting the direct surrounding technology.
- Think lights blinking on and off or getting brighter and then dimmer to the pace you're screwing him at. Think surrounding devices turning on and off.
- Think light bulbs and phones and clocks in the room - anything electrical or running on batteries - exploding into shattered bulbs, being destroyed, getting fried, etc. When he comes.
- Bro basically starts doing what ghosts/poltergeists start doing to mess with people lmao.
- The trope of him causing whole city-wide blackouts when hes fucked so hard is funny as hell in theory, but going off of canon that wouldn't happen that way.
- And maybe you're saying 'okay - but what if Vox is plugged into the system' That would also not happen.
- Yes, if you did screw him into bluescreening while he's hooked up to everything then yes it would most likely happen.
- but, it goes against literally everything we know about Vox to have that ever happen.
- He is all about appearances and looking perfect 365 days 24/7 to the public.
- I keep seeing these fics where that happens and he's all embarrassed and cute about it, but if that ever happened with what we know about canon Vox he'd be mortified and fucking pissed as all hell around it.
- I feel like if you're in a relationship with Vox, the first thing he'd make abundantly clear is how important his image is to him.
- So if reader was riling him up in his office while he's around all the machines and stuff or actually directly plugged in - he wouldn't be going 'no, stop it' as a kind of bratty thing, he'd be seriously telling you to stop.
- Like, to push him to causing a city-wide blackout by having sex would absolutely in my mind based on all we know about Vox; be violating his boundaries to one of the highest degrees there are.
- His public image is everything, and you would be let know that from day one. Hell, dude would probably jeaprodise/push your relationship to the side if it fucked up his image. Thats how important it is to him. The boundaries around doing something to fuck his image up would be set in stone from the second you enter his life.
- So doing that and causing that to happen wouldn't really be?? Like the cute fanfiction trope it is, he'd be rightfully angry as fuck that that's happened because it's what not to do 101 to not screw up his image.
- The 'blackout' you'd be able to cause and not have him absolutely hating you afterwards would be with your house, hotel room or wherever you're doing the do.
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I'm way too passionate about this, i know, but like I see it so frequently, and it just makes like absolutely no sense to me at all, haha. I liked it the first time i saw it but after actually thinking about it I just find myself raising my brows and cringing each time I see it in fanfics because it just feels inaccurate asf 😭
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wintahhh · 23 days
The Chicago Ensemble
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cryptidcrocuta · 5 months
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some ladies from library of ruina
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fandom-geek · 1 year
so i finally read scum villain yesterday. got to say, i came away with one take-away:
scum villain is still a harem story, but shen qingqiu is too fucking dumb to realise he’s got the harem now.
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psychedelicsees · 5 months
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Quick doodle !!
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