#fbi cbs fic
13shadesofanni · 4 months
Fuck it Friday!!!
I was tagged by the lovely @sherlockcrossing thank you, dear 😊🩷
Lately, I worked a lot on my current FBI fic "Reverberation" which deals with the personal tragedy surrounding Maggie's late husband Jason and the circumstances of his death. Yesss, as you can see from the description, it's going to be a turbulent emotional rollercoaster ride I'm going to take the reader on... 😉
Here's a snippet from near the beginning where OA is racking his brains as to why Maggie isn't spending the evening with him. (Let me add, I had a lot of fun delving into his inner life. 😏)
It happened at the same time as she left the apartment that someone came home just a few blocks away.  
That one was her partner, OA.
Exhausted and exasperated from the day, he kicked the apartment door shut behind him and threw his coat and jacket over the back of a dining room chair as the sound of the door crashing shut flooded the open living area. Indeed, his first thought was the neighbors would complain again. That literally everyone in the damn house would notice when he came home. Frankly, though, he didn't even care. 
His thoughts revolved around Maggie and her answer to his question about whether she had to leave early because she had a date. "Not really." Well, what was that supposed to mean? Did it mean yes, and she simply didn't want to tell him, or no, because it was business? But what else could be work-related at this late hour? She couldn't possibly be meeting with the wife, now widow, of the deceased general? 
OA took off his business shoes and dropped onto the couch, one arm across his face. He knew Maggie took many cases to heart and often visited the bereaved of the victims after the investigation was completed to comfort and encourage them and to find closure herself. 
Unfortunately, she often overstepped her own boundaries, demanded too much of herself and struggled when it came to treating herself well afterwards. To switch off and not see herself as a collector of all the misery in the world. 
He knew that she knew that. And he also knew that she was aware that he knew that too.
Musing he dismissed the idea of her meeting with the bereaved, after all, the general's family was abroad. So it had to be a date with someone else, right? At this thought he had to swallow, for he simply couldn't imagine and didn't want to bear to see her with someone else. Yes, it was awful what had happened to Jason and to see how much Maggie suffered depressed him on a level he hadn't thought possible.
However, things were the way they were and now he was her partner. In the FBI.
And when they went jogging after work. And when they would go for a drink together and play darts in the bar. And on many other occasions too.
Absolutely no pressure tagging @relentlessescapism @starry-mist @stefanmikaleson1864 and anyone else who wants to share 🧡
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Her brain seemed to block out the hustle and bustle of people around her, until her eyes locked onto OA walking fast towards her. Releasing a shaky breath, she managed to get out, “that was close.”
He instantly wrapped his arm around her, holding her tight against his side, and she wrapped her arm around his waist, trying to get as close to him as she could right now.
“Well done,” he said, but his simple words were betrayed by the tight grip he had on her and the fact that he wasn't letting her go.
She certainly wasn’t complaining.
His arm around her, pulling her into him, grounded her, and her faded surroundings slowly came back into focus.
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trashpandafiction · 9 months
Safest Place To Hide - Four
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Summary: Avery McCall witnesses a murder that is linked to one of the biggest crime organizations in New York, and when she helps the FBI identify and catch the bigger players, she becomes a target. Being the key witness for the upcoming trial, she's forced into hiding at a secluded upstate cabin with her appointed guardian, Jubal Valentine. It's not the ideal situation, but as they spend more time together, they don't mind it nearly as much, and even start to enjoy their time together. With the looming trial and growing feelings between Jubal and Avery, an open-and-shut case becomes a little more complicated. Pairings: Jubal Valentine/OFC Word Count: 2,498 Warnings: Mentions of violence. A/N: Winged it with the FBI stuff, but that's not why we're here. We are here for the Jubal/Avery stuff, let's be honest. Hope you like it! If you’d like to be tagged in future updates, just let me know! Please do not redistribute my work without my permission! Reblogging is fine with credit intact.
          Once they had gotten to the field office, Avery was taken to an interview room to wait while the team got briefed about the case, the newly uncovered groups, and the plan. She sat at the table and bounced her leg underneath it, her nerves taking over. The room was freezing and since she was told to stay put, she didn’t think it would be a wise decision to walk out and look for a blanket. Every sound outside of the door made her tense and pause to see if the door was going to open, but it didn’t. All she wanted to do was curl up and sleep until this went away, but she knew she couldn’t. She didn’t even have her phone to keep her occupied since Maggie had taken it so it could be scanned and searched.           So, she crossed her arms on the table and rested her head on them while she tried to think of anything she could to busy her mind.
          In one of the meeting rooms, Jubal, Maggie, and OA were finding out about the groups that were being found that were connected to Maroni. It wasn’t just an issue in New York, it was an issue nationwide, and that meant that the bosses of the bosses were now involved.
          John Coleman, one of the agents from the DC office cleared his throat. “We need to keep things close to the vest until the trial is over. If any of Maroni’s connections get word about this, they could run. We can’t put Ms. McCall into witness protection until after she testifies, but we can put her in hiding.”
          “The trial could take months, if not longer, are we really going to ask her to live in a hotel that whole time?” Maggie asked.
          “Are we even sure she’s still willing to testify?” another agent, Nick Cooper, asked.
          “She’s willing to testify. She doesn’t want these guys getting away with it, she won’t back out now.” Jubal added.
          “In my opinion, and in the opinion of the bureau, we think it would be best to record her testimony and statement and put her into protection immediately.” Coleman continued.
          “You don’t think she’s been through enough? Cutting her off from everything and everyone she knows and not letting her face these guys doesn’t seem fair.” Maggie argued.
          “She’s right, we have a willing witness who wants to cooperate with us, hiding her away seems counterproductive.” Isobel Castille said as she entered the room.
          “Well, what would you suggest?” Cooper asked her.
          “A safe house. We have plenty, there’s one upstate that she could go to and be monitored until the trial. She’ll be in our custody without anymore trauma and once the trial is over and these guys are put away, we can go from there.” She suggested simply.
          “You want us to put a civilian in a safe house by herself? We’re just supposed to trust that she’ll be safe there and won’t do anything stupid?” he asked.
          “She’s not going to do anything stupid.” Maggie said.
          “She wouldn’t be alone; we could station someone there with her and do weekly check-ins.” Isobel said.
          “You want to put her in a safe house with a federal babysitter?” Coleman asked.
          “Obviously having officers taking shifts didn’t work, and if you want to keep this close to the vest, then have one person stay there with her instead of rotating agents.” She shrugged.
          “It’d be cheaper than the hotel bill she’d wrack up.” OA chimed in.
          Coleman and Cooper looked at each other and then at Isobel. “You’d be willing to put one of your agents in a safe house for an unknown amount of time?” Coleman asked.
          “She’d probably do better with someone she trusts.” Maggie said.
          “I don’t know how I feel about running this plan by the higher-ups, Castille.” Cooper said with a sigh.
          “Then I’ll do it, it was my idea. I’ll give them the plan and we can get things going by morning.” She shrugged.
          “If this works out, which one of your agents gets to draw the short straw?” Coleman asked.
          Avery was sitting in the chair with her legs brought to her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees. When the door opened, she nearly jumped out of her skin, only relaxing when she saw Jubal walking in. She wanted to ask for an update but when she saw that he was holding a sweatshirt in his hand, that was her only focus.
          “It’s probably gonna be a little big on you.” He said and handed it to her.
          She pulled the sweatshirt over her head and wrapped her arms around her knees again. “Big or not, it’s warm.” She mumbled. “What’s going on?”
          He sat in the chair across from her and let out a breath. “Maroni’s group is just a small branch of a bigger crime group, and he’s on very good terms with some bigger players.” He started.
          “Okay.” She shrugged some.
          “If we shut him down, we lose contact with those bigger players who could lead us to the top of the food chain. If we can let him think he’s getting away with more than he is, he’s gonna get cocky and that will make him sloppy.” he explained.
          “So, he just gets released?” she asked him.
          “No, I don’t think so. The trial is still going to happen, but it won’t look like as big of a deal as it is. Then once we can get his other contacts and find these other groups, we can get him on more charges and throw it all at him at once.” He said.
          She listened to him and took a breath. “Okay, well where does that leave me?”
          “It’s harder to keep things lowkey while needing to take stronger precautions towards your safety, so we had to figure something else out.” He started.
          ‘Great.’ She thought.
          “You’ll be moved to a safe house upstate, you won’t be able to contact your family or friends, but you’ll have anything you need or want, and you won’t be alone.” He continued.
          “I don’t know if I trust another security detail, no offense.” She said.
          “We didn’t want to put you in that situation again either, and we want to keep trips there and back to a minimum if we can, so they’re letting us send one agent to room with you while you’re there.” He replied.
          “Someone’s gonna babysit me? Who?” she asked him.
          “Yours truly.” he said with a crooked grin. “We thought it would be better if it was someone you’d worked with before.” he added, trying to gauge her reaction.
          “You’re going to sit in a safe house with me for weeks? Wouldn’t you rather be doing something more important?” she asked him softly.
          “Your safety is important, Avery. Besides, I think I’m getting the better end of the deal anyway. Relaxing at a safe house instead of dealing with cocky criminals and sometimes running?” He teased some, trying to keep things light.
          She smiled some and nodded. “Right.” She said and took a breath. “So, I can’t go home?” she asked.
          “Not for a while. Everything’s getting finalized now so hopefully we can get you to the safe house by morning if nothing gets held up. Once they have a solid plan, we’ll know more about the details.” He explained and stood up from the table. “Do you need anything while you wait?”
          “No, I’m okay.” She said. “Oh, can I get my phone back?”
          He gave her an apologetic smile, “Not just yet. I’m gonna see how things are going and as soon as I can, I’ll bring it to you.”
          “Thank you.” she said softly.
          He nodded and headed out of the room to see where things stood so far.
          It was a lot to take in. She had tons of questions, but also no questions at all. She was tired, she was cold, she was nervous, and she was frustrated that she had to do all of this because of some thug.
          An hour later, Jubal and Isobel walked into the room, the latter holding a file folder. Avery looked up and put her feet back on the ground, not recognizing the woman, but feeling like she must have been a boss.
          “Avery, this is Isobel Castille, she’s the boss and the one who set this arrangement up.” Jubal said.
          “Hi.” Avery said, shaking her hand.
          “It’s nice to meet you, Avery.” Isobel said and sat across from her, Jubal taking the seat beside her. “So, Jubal told you the basics, do you have any questions so far?”
          “Um, I guess I just wanna know the rules.” She shrugged.
          “You’ll be taken to a safe house with Jubal, and you’ll stay there until the trial starts, and possibly until the trial ends. The only people who know the location of the safe house will be us three, the bureau chiefs, Maggie, and OA. Those two are going to be coming to the house every two weeks or so to bring you groceries, medicine, clothes, anything you might need.” She explained.
          “Can I get more stuff from my apartment?” she asked.
          “Not right away. You can have your phone with you, and any laptop or tablet you might have, but the service will be blocked. We’ll have a phone and a laptop to use for communications with us, but they won’t have normal services outside of emergency services. The house is secure, and there will be a team that monitors the perimeter of the area, but you won’t see them, so you don’t have to worry about them.” She continued.
          “What do I tell my family?” she asked softly.
          She glanced at Jubal and then back at Avery before answering, “It’s best that they don’t know. We’ll take care of that though, and we’ll take care of your job too. All the logistics will be taken care of the only thing you have to do is stay put and then when you’re needed at the trial, we’ll prep you for that too.”
          She bit her bottom lip gently, taking everything in. “When do we leave?” she asked.
          “As soon as we get the okay, you’ll be taken to the safe house. We hope to have you guys settled by morning, but paperwork can sometimes hold things up.” She stood up and looked at the file, “Oh, this is information on the house you’ll be going to, different phone numbers and procedures. I’ll make a copy of it, and you can look it over when I’m done, okay? Hang tight.” She gave her a small smile and headed out of the room.
          It was quiet in the room before Jubal spoke up, “Are you processing all of this?”
          Avery looked at him and shrugged, “I guess. It’s not how I expected my night to end up.”
          “I wish it didn’t have to be like this.” He said sincerely.
          “It could be worse, I guess.” She shrugged. She could have been killed by these people. “We’ll just have to make the best of it.” She smiled some.
          “And we will.” He nodded with a small smile.
          It was almost three in the morning by the time the paperwork had gone through, and everything was settled. They were loaded into an SUV and had a two-hour drive to a secluded cabin in a wooded area upstate. Avery had dozed off in the backseat, exhausted from everything. Once they pulled up to the house, Jubal got out of the car and opened the back door, touching her arm gently.
          “Rise and shine.” He said softly.
          She stirred awake and looked around some, then looked up at him. “Are we here?”
          “Yeah, we are.” He nodded and stepped to the side.
          She climbed out of the car and stretched, looking up at the cabin. It was a lot nicer, and much larger than she expected it to be. The driver carried their bags into the house and set them along the wall in the living room before doing a sweep of the house and then handing the keys to Jubal.
          “Thanks.” He said and watched as the agent got back into the car and drove down the long driveway. He looked over at Avery and gave her a small smile, “Welcome home.”
          She followed him inside and looked around. It was fully furnished and there was plenty of space. She slid her shoes off and left them by the door before walking in to look at the full living room and the kitchen.
          “There’s four bedrooms, so whichever one you like best, it’s yours. Do you want the verbal tour or the physical tour?” he asked her.
          “Verbal’s fine.” She said and came back into the main area.
          “Bedrooms are all upstairs, you saw the kitchen and the dining room, this is the living room. The two master bedrooms have attached bathrooms, and there’s a third bathroom too. There’s an office upstairs, there’s a den down this hallway.” He explained, pointing towards the hallway beside the stairs. “The basement is fully finished and has some rec stuff down there too I think.”
          She listened to him and nodded, taking a deep breath. “You think?”
    ��     “I’ve only been up here once and that was years ago. They’ve remodeled a bit since then.” He explained, putting his hands on his hips. “The fridge and pantry are stocked already too.”
          “Okay.” She nodded. “I think I’m gonna go lay down. I’m a little tired still.”
          “Sure. Do you want me to take your bags for you?” he offered.
          “No, I got it. Thank you though.” She said and got her bags, then headed up the stairs.
          The upstairs seemed bigger than the downstairs, and it was easy to tell which bedrooms were the masters. She peeked inside each of the bedrooms and picked the smaller master bedroom with a bench in the window. She set her bags on the armchair in the corner and then went to the window to look out at the backyard. It was large and led right back to the lake behind the house. Trees surrounded the area and it felt like she was in a different world here. Maybe this wouldn’t be bad after all.
          She pulled the FBI jacket off her and set it with her bags, then crawled into the huge bed and underneath the covers. Her head was on the pillow for two minutes before she was asleep.
          Jubal double checked the doors and windows before grabbing his bags and heading upstairs. He took the bedroom closest to the stairs, in case of emergency, and set his bags at the end of the bed. He sat back on the bed, leaning against the pillows and letting out a breath. This was definitely going to be an experience; he just hoped it was going to be a good one.
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aethermint · 2 months
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Going to be writing prompts for my favourite ships in April! First time ever for me to actually post anything I write so excited for it.
The ships in question...
And whatever else I fixate on in-between. Probably TIVA AND HANNIGRAM also
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 4 months
okay, y’all hear me out.
After a friend recommend I watch FBI I think I’ve fallen in love 😫 Isobel Castille is so underrated you can’t change my mind. EVER.
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You best believe I’ll start writing her.
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dxringred · 4 months
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i just want to live this lie, lying right next to you...
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natandwandaseries · 2 months
I hate when a tv show glosses over a characters recovery and it happens all off screen. Let me see the hurt/comfort/angst! Don’t just do *8 months later* Just a little bit of an idea of what went on!!
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littlesolo · 2 months
FBI Fic - Unprepared
Summary: Maggie calls Isobel after everything in 6x06 Unforeseen.
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 years
Whumptober #15
xxx emotional damage
It’s kinda weird, OA thinks as he struggles to catch his breath, how used to this I am.
The bullet had knocked the wind out of him (it always does) and it’ll take him another second or two to get it back. There’s a familiarity as the adrenaline floods his system, and it might almost be comforting if everything didn’t hurt more this time. Still, he waves an unsteady hand in Maggie’s direction.
“Go!” he gasps. “I’m--I’m good! Go! Get him!”
Maggie looks worried, but she nods and chases after the suspect, just as he knew she would. He just lays there a little longer, and breathes. As he does, he notices just how much more it hurts this time. Something’s wrong, something feels…different. More serious, somehow, like the adrenaline is working harder. It takes a minute to put it all together.
He can feel something warm spreading across his right side. 
He blinks a few times, trying to slow his hundred-miles-a-second thoughts. Somehow he commands his fingers, trembling from the adrenaline and from nerves, to feel for holes in his vest. He finds the first bullet near his midline, stuck in the Kevlar. Only one bullet made it through then; that’s something at least. The other had gone through near the middle of his right side below, he thinks, his ribcage.
He allows himself another minute to breathe before he attempts to get to his feet. Every moment elicits a quiet grunt and he has to use the wall for support, but he manages to get upright without yelling or passing out, and really once he’s standing it’s not so bad... 
That’s when he hears a gunshot, and the pain is forgotten as he draws his weapon and he runs, down the hall and up two flights of stairs and he doesn’t see any sign of them so they’ve got to be on the roof so he hurries up those last few stairs and bursts through the door with his gun raised and shouts, “Freeze!” and--
There she is, with her knee in the suspect’s back slapping handcuffs on his wrists. The relief makes his knees weak as he lets out a long exhale. 
“You--you got him?” He’s more out of breath than he normally would be, heart hammering so hard and fast that it’s making his already aching chest ache even more. 
“Yeah, I got him.” Maggie looks over her shoulder with that look she gets when she’s trying to suppress a smug smile, though the expression quickly drops. “Hey, you okay?”
OA just nods, struggling to catch his breath and slow his heart rate. Now that the immediate threat has been neutralized, the adrenaline is fading. He’s grateful when the back-up they’d called for arrives, because it takes the attention off of him for a moment so that he can just breathe. 
“You guys take care of him,” he hears Maggie say, and two agents start leading the suspect away while she works her way over to him. There’s concern etched on her face even as she lifts one corner of her mouth. “He really got you good, didn’t he?”
OA nods again and tries to smile. Tries to think of something clever to say, too, but he’s dizzy and hurting and all he manages to get out is, “Yep.”
And then her expression drops, eyes widening slightly as her brow knits together. “Oh, my god,” she breathes. “OA, you’re bleeding!”
“What?” OA looks down as she closes the space between them. She’s right; the part of his shirt that’s visible between his vest and his pants is red. The blood from the wound must have soaked through. He brushes the fabric with his fingers. It’s still wet, and saturated enough that his fingers come away tinged with scarlet. He’d known he was bleeding, but it didn’t feel this bad. Or, it hadn’t, before the adrenaline started to wear off…
He staggers, and would have fallen if not for Maggie grabbing his arm and putting a steadying hand on his back. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got you.” She looks up at some of the agents still on the roof and points at one of them. “You! Call an ambulance! Tell them we’ve got a wounded agent! C’mon, OA, let’s get you out of here.”
He leans on her heavily as they make their way across the roof. His legs feel like they’re made of jello, if jello weighed the same as lead, and the effort it takes just to walk has him sweating and panting as if he’d just run a 10k. But he can’t just collapse on Maggie, so he forces himself to keep going, through the door back into the building and on to the elevator. They come to a stop as Maggie pushes the down button (actually, she slams the palm of her hand into it repeatedly while muttering curses at it as if that will somehow make it go faster). 
She glances up at OA and apparently doesn’t like what she sees because her already stressed expression grows more pinched. “We’re almost there.”
OA doesn’t answer, doesn’t even nod this time. The unrelenting pain in his chest and side is only getting worse and he’s got to focus on his noisy, painful breathing. In and out…He’ll never take the usually simple action for granted again. 
The elevator arrives with a ding, and Maggie helps OA crowd into it, jamming the button for the ground floor until the doors shut. Then the elevator lurches into motion, and it’s enough for OA to lose his balance and his heavy-boneless legs fold underneath him.
“OA!” Maggie tries her best to catch him. When she can’t do that, she kneels next to him instead, working quickly to undo the velcro straps on his vest. “Hey, hey. Stay with me.”
“‘m with you,” OA grunts. He’s not sure how long that’ll be true. He feels like he’s been trying to catch his breath for the last twenty minutes and he has yet to do so.
Maggie pulls the top part of his vest away and makes a small sound that gets OA’s attention. He tries to lift his head. 
“Lie back, lie back.” Maggie puts a gentle hand to his forehead to keep him from sitting up. “I’m just gonna put pressure on this, okay?”
He doesn’t have time to respond before she’s pressing against the wound and if it hadn’t hurt before, it sure as hell does now. He does his best not to cry out, but he does anyway, eyes squeezing shut. He does it again when the elevator jolts to a stop. 
“I know, I’m sorry,” Maggie says. “Hold on one second...”
The pressure lessens a little as the doors open and she leans over to push the emergency stop button. 
Things are louder down here; the ground floor is milling with agents and local law enforcement, which is just great because an audience is exactly what OA needs right now. 
He doesn’t have the strength to yell when Maggie applies pressure again, just lets out a low groan. He’s getting tired. His breaths are finally slowing, too, but they’re heavy and loud and it doesn’t feel like a good thing. 
“Hang on, OA,” Maggie urges. “Where are we with that ambulance?”
“Five minutes, maybe more with the parade traffic,” someone answers. 
“Shit. Okay. Someone--someone find me a first-aid kit, please! Now!” She takes a deep breath, then turns back to OA and tries to smile. “How we doin’?”
“Um…’ve been better.” It’s as honest an answer as he’s going to give, but Maggie gets the picture and her face falls. 
“I shouldn’t’ve left you,” she says. “I should’ve--I should’ve made sure you were okay.”
“Don’t do that.” OA’s voice is quiet and strained, but he makes sure it doesn’t leave room for argument. “You did…you did ever’thing…right…”
His vision is starting to go fuzzy at the edges, like tv static, his ears ringing, and in spite of his best efforts he can feel his eyelids flutter. The last thing he hears is Maggie begging him to keep breathing.
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ten-cent-sleuth · 1 year
This is a VERY URGENT QUESTION. Which Monopoly token do you think Maggie would choose to play as, and which would OA choose?
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: FBI: Most Wanted (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Remy Scott, Ray Cannon (FBI: Most Wanted), Kristin Gaines, Sheryll Barnes, Isobelle Castille (mentioned), Fugitive Task Force (FBI: Most Wanted) Additional Tags: Whumptober, Explosions, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Hurt Remy Scott, Kristin Gaines is Missing, Worried Fugitive Task Force (FBI: Most Wanted), Short, Mentioned Isobelle Castille, Whumptober 2023 Series: Part 24 of NatK - Whumptober 2023 Summary:
Whumptober 2023
Day 24 - "I thought they were with you"
Searching for a dangerous fugitive leads to an explosive end...
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13shadesofanni · 1 year
“Isobel said it was a last resort, to double down. Certainly, she had to make sure the highly contagious, lethal virus was not going to be released. But here’s the thing-” Maggie paused for a dramatic long exhale, “-when I objected she froze, saying I would have the choice to be on board or - to leave. And believe me, she was very insistent, warning. You-" she gently patted his forearm, "you would definitely call her demeanor intimidating."
OA furrowed his eyebrows almost to his hairline and muttered in disbelief, "What the hell? Isobel?"
(Fix it fic/ missing scene fic, taking place at the end of 5x15 "the lies we tell", ~4.5k words, rated M, canon compliant)
Read on AO3
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“Any chance you know what the sellers have?”
Her expression indicated that she didn't, but before her words could confirm as much, a voice called out 'Mags', and Nestor looked up to see Maggie's partner heading over. He also saw the moment the ease for his partner went away the instant he saw him.
So that's how it was gonna be, huh?
“Nestor,” he curtly greeted as he stood at Maggie's side. “Here for the buyer, huh?”
“Clearly,” he replied, and when the man's frown deepened slightly, added, “and you're here for the seller.”
“Clearly,” Omar repeated.
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trashpandafiction · 10 months
Safest Place to Hide - One
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Summary: Avery McCall witnesses a murder that is linked to one of the biggest crime organizations in New York, and when she helps the FBI identify and catch the bigger players, she becomes a target. Being the key witness for the upcoming trial, she's forced into hiding at a secluded upstate cabin with her appointed guardian, Jubal Valentine. It's not the ideal situation, but as they spend more time together, they don't mind it nearly as much, and even start to enjoy their time together. With the looming trial and growing feelings between Jubal and Avery, an open-and-shut case becomes a little more complicated. Pairings: Jubal Valentine/OFC Word Count: 3,116 Warnings: Mentions of violence/blood, guns, drugs. A/N: Here's the first chapter! It's honestly a sort of "intro" chapter. I'm not 100% confident with it, it wasn't beta'd, but I want to get this story going. If you’d like to be tagged in future updates, just let me know! Please do not redistribute my work without my permission! Reblogging is fine with credit intact.
          When Avery walked out of her apartment in the morning, she would have never guessed that by noon, she would be in a police station, her clothes covered in blood, and images that wouldn’t leave her mind any time soon. She was checked out by a paramedic at the scene, but the blood all over her wasn’t even hers.
          Avery McCall walked into her favorite convenience store, Dom’s. It was a nice, family-owned place that was only two blocks from her apartment. She stopped there before work, and sometimes afterwards if she had a rough day and wanted to curl up in bed with her favorite snacks. The owner, Dominic, was always kind to everyone who came in, even if they weren’t kind back. A few months before, Dominic started to have some health issues and couldn’t work as much as he had been, so he brought in his son Damian to help. That’s when Avery noticed a change in the customer base, but she figured it was just because Damian was probably bringing in his friend group.           She was happy to see Dom behind the counter when she walked in, since that meant he was having a good day. She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and smiled at him,
          “Morning, Dom.” she said, waving to him.
          “Miss Avery! I was worried you wouldn’t come in today.” The older man beamed.
          “You know I’d miss you too much if I didn’t come in on my days off too.” She teased him. “How are you feeling?”
          “I’m still alive, and that’s about all I can ask for. But I haven’t had to use that stool so far today.” He said, pointing to the stool that he had behind the counter for when he needed to sit down.
          “That’s good. Hopefully you won’t need it at all.” She smiled, stepping aside as another regular came in to buy her lotto tickets for the week. “Think it’s too early for a slurpee?” she joked as she headed to the back of the store.
          “It’s never too early to make yourself happy, Miss Avery.” He replied, ringing up the lotto woman.
          As she looked at the snack aisle, she noticed Damian coming out of the back room with a pallet of boxes and crates of items he needed to stock. She gave him a polite wave and received a nod in return. She tried not to have too much conversation with him, and he did the same to the other customers.           She heard the bell at the front of the store, and then heard it again. The lotto woman had left and now someone else was entering, she assumed.
          “Morning, gentlemen.” Dom’s voice sounded from the counter.
          Two large men came into the store and split up, each going to a different aisle. Avery was looking at a bag of Chex Mix when one of the men walked past her. She glanced up at him and didn’t recognize him, but he looked like he was from the ‘Damian crowd’. Tattooed, buff, in an old leather jacket that smelled like stale ashtray. He gave her a wink before picking up a bag of Cheetos and opening it up eating a handful. She felt a chill when he did and she casually set the bag of Chex Mix down, then went down to the end of the aisle where Damian was stocking slower than he ever had, his eyes going from one of the big men to the other.
          The bell rang again, and Dom’s voice could be heard again, “Morning.” It didn’t sound like a friendly welcome; it sounded like an obligation.
          “Dommy. Where’s your son? I’d like to have a little chat with him if he’s around.” Another man spoke.
          Damian stiffened when he heard the voice and walked over to the counter. “I’m here, Val.”
          “There he is. Dommy, you can go ahead and finish stocking while I talk to your boy.” The other voice said.
          “We don’t have to do this here, man.” Damian said.
          Avery walked to the end of the aisle and peeked through the shelves to see the man talking to Damian. He was a little older than her, she thought, and he was tattooed and wore a leather jacket that was nicer than the other guy had on. As the man’s voice rose slightly, her stomach began to turn.
          “No, I think we do, Damian. It’s the only way you’re gonna get it through your thick skull that there are rules. I had to come here myself to make sure that it set in.” Val said, turning to Dominic again. “Did your little boy come in with a bag today?”
          “I’ll go get you whatever you want.” Damian said.
          Val kept his eyes on Dominic. “Would you do me a favor and go get that bag for me? It’s in the back, right?”
          “Val…” Damian started.
          “I’ll get it, just as long as there’s no trouble out here.” Dominic said. The sooner he could get these guys out of the store, the better.
          “No trouble.” Val smirked.
          Dominic came out from behind the counter and walked towards the back door that Avery could see from where she stood in the last aisle.
          When he got to the end of the aisle, Val spoke up again. “Hey, pops. One more thing.” It all happened so fast.
          Val pulled a gun from the back of his jeans and shot Dominic twice in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground, his head and shoulders landing in the aisle Avery was in. She dropped to the ground, putting her hand over her mouth so she didn’t scream.
          “Dad!” Damian cried out.
          Avery could hear a scuffle and an argument from the front of the store, but she wasn’t paying attention to the words. She crawled over to Dominic so she could try and stop the bleeding at least, but he was gone.
          “Please…don’t!” Damian cried again.
Four more shots rang out, and Avery laid down on her side, her back against the bottom of the shelf. There was some groaning, and another scuffle, then a voice.
          “Grab his shit and take care of any witnesses.” Val said before leaving the store.
          She laid still as the two men went into the back room. It felt like an eternity had passed until they emerged from the back. The first man walked straight to the door while the one who had winked at her turned, looking right at her.
          “Take care of witnesses, Vec.” The first man said before heading outside.
          Avery felt her entire body tense as the man came over to her, a grin on his face. “Please, I won’t say anything, please.” she said softly.       
          “You’re too pretty to beg.” He said, grabbing her by her hair and pulling her over to lay next to Dominic’s body, into the blood pool beside him.
          “No, please!” she cried, her hands moving to hold his wrist as he pulled her.
          “Shut up.” He growled, putting a hand over her mouth. “I’m doing you a fucking favor by not blowing your head off.” He aimed his gun at her, and then at Dominic, shooting him again.
          Avery flinched, whimpering against his hand as blood sprayed her face. It took everything in her not to scream.
          “See? I like you sweetheart, that’s why you’re alive. Now play dead, and don’t make me come back here.” He grinned.
          The man stood up and walked out of the store, leaving Avery on the floor. She didn’t move until she heard sirens, and when a police officer approached her, she burst into tears.
          After she had pictures taken of her, Avery was allowed to shower and change into a pair of sweatpants and an NYPD T-shirt that looked like it came from a gift shop. She was taken to an interview room where she gave a statement to two detectives, and then left alone for what seemed like hours. When the door opened the next time, a different man came into the room with a woman, both wearing FBI jackets.
          “Hi, Avery. I’m Maggie Bell, a special agent with the FBI. This is another agent, Jubal Valentine.” The woman said with a small smile.
          “The FBI investigates robberies?” Avery asked.
          “Not usually, but this is a special case.” Jubal said.
          “The men that you saw, you said you heard their names?” Maggie asked.
          “I heard a few names. Damian called one of them Val, and the one who left me alive was called Vec. I don’t know if it was a nickname or something else.” Avery replied.
          “The guy who owned the shop, his name was Dominic Hubbard, right?” Maggie asked.
          “Yeah, and his son Damian was there too.” She nodded. Maggie and Jubal exchanged glances which didn’t make Avery feel even more tense. “Was Damian involved in something?”
          “Possibly. I know you’ve already answered a lot of questions, but we’d like to ask you a few more and get a better picture of what happened. Would you mind coming with us to our station?” Maggie asked.
          “Do I really have a choice?” she asked, standing slowly and taking a breath.
          Jubal smirked to himself before nodding. “You always have a choice, but we’d appreciate as much help as you can give us.”
          Avery nodded and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’ll do what I can. Dom was…he didn’t deserve that.” She tried to cover the crack in her voice by clearing her throat.
          “We know you’ve had a tough day today, and we’re sorry for your loss; but we are going to do everything we can to get the guys who did this.” Maggie promised.
          “Thank you.” Was all Avery could think of saying.
          The drive from the police station to the FBI building was shorter than she expected, and when they got there, Maggie took Avery to a room that looked more like a meeting room than an interview room. There was a large table in the middle of the room with chairs around it, two large white boards at one end of the room, and a large monitor on the wall at the other.  
          “Go ahead and have a seat, do you want anything to eat or drink?” Maggie asked.
          “Just some water please.” Avery said, sitting down in one of the chairs. It was a lot more comfortable than the one at the police station.
          “Sure, I’ll be right back.” She nodded and walked out of the room.
          Moments later, Jubal walked into the room with some files under one arm and a cup of coffee in the other hand. “Did you want anything to drink or eat?”
          “Got it covered.” Maggie said, appearing behind him. She shut the door behind her and brought a water bottle to Avery.
          “Thank you.” She said and opened it, taking a small sip.
          “Of course.” she replied, sitting in the chair across from her.
          Jubal set the files on the table and sat beside Maggie. “Alright, so why don’t you start by telling us what you know about Dominic and Damian Hubbard.”
          “I’ve known Dominic since I moved here two years ago, and Damian I only met a few months ago when he started working at the store to help Dom out.” Avery said.
          “What did you think about him?” he asked, handing the folders to Maggie so she could get what they needed.
          She took a breath and shrugged. “To be honest, I didn’t like him. He was kind of standoffish and the people he would bring around seemed sketchy.”
          “Before this morning, had anything happened at the store before?” he asked, writing some things down on a pad of paper.
          “No, it was quiet there. I mean, I probably wouldn’t go in there late at night if Damian was working, but it was quiet.” She said.
          “Okay. You said you would recognize the men if you saw them again, right?” he asked, looking up at her.
          “Yeah, definitely.” She nodded.
          “We’ve got people working on some pictures for you to look at. In the meantime, is there anything else you can remember? Even if it seems small or unimportant, it could help.” He asked her.
          She thought for a moment and looked at the bottle of water in front of her. She took a shaky breath and shook her head. “I don’t think so. I told the detectives everything I saw and heard.”
          There was a knock at the door, and Maggie got up to open it, getting another folder from another agent and shutting the door again. She came back to the table and sat down, looking at Avery.
          “Are those the pictures?” she asked softly.
          “Yeah. When you’re ready, I’ll lay them out and you can tell us if you recognize any of them, okay?” Maggie said.
          Avery took a breath and nodded. “I’m ready.” She wasn’t sure if she was actually ready, but part of her worried that she’d forget what they looked like.
          She nodded and opened the folder, laying out some pages that each had six photos on them. “Take your time, and if you need a minute, just let us know.”
          She looked at the pages and leaned forward some to look at the pages. She looked at the first page and shook her head, sliding it back to Maggie. The second page had someone who looked similar, but wasn’t any of the men, so she slid it back to Maggie. On the third page, she looked over the pictures, her breath catching in her throat when she saw the fourth image. “This is Vec. I’m sure of it.” She said, pointing to the photo.
          Maggie grabbed the page and nodded. “Okay.” she said, exchanging glances with Jubal again before looking back at her. “Go ahead.”
          Avery looked at the next page and picked it up so she could look closer. Val had been a bit farther from her, but she was sure that he was the second picture on the page. “This one is Val.” She said, showing the picture to Maggie and Jubal.
          They both looked at each other and then at Avery. “Did you see the third guy at all?” Maggie asked.
          “I only saw him from the side, and it was a quick glimpse. Sorry.” She said, leaning back in her chair again.
          “No, you don’t have to be sorry, you’ve done great.” She assured her with a small smile.
          “Who are they?” Avery asked, toying with the string of her sweatpants.
          “Val is Valentin Maroni, a sort of kingpin drug dealer in the city. Vec is Ryan Vecchio, one of Maroni’s right-hand men. We’ve been investigating his gang for a few months but they’re hard to pin down.” Maggie explained.
          “They’re not usually so careless.” Jubal mumbled. “Damian was dealing for Maroni and was using the store as his own pharmacy.”
          “Val mentioned Damian breaking rules.” Avery said. “He didn’t say what rules, but he was mad at Damian for whatever he was doing.”
          “We think he was skimming his own supply and keeping more of the profits than he should have been. Since Maroni came to the store and killed Dominic himself, it was probably true.” Maggie said.
          “Dominic was killed because Damian was dealing in his store?” Avery asked.
          “Damian hasn’t been around because he was in jail for possession. He picked up right where he left off, but this time he got cocky.” Jubal said.
          “Why wouldn’t they just kill Damian then? Why take Dom?” she asked, her brows knitting together.
          “They wanted to teach him a lesson.” Maggie said carefully. “It’s not fair, it’s horrible, but these crime bosses don’t let anything get in the way of their business or rules.”
          She looked at the table and then back at Maggie and Jubal. “You guys have enough to get them now, right? All of them?”
          “We will, but we’ll most likely need your help, especially if this goes to trial.” Maggie said.
          “I’ll do it. Whatever it takes to get them off the streets, I’ll do it.” Avery said. She didn’t care about the consequences in that moment, she cared about getting justice for Dom and stopping whoever she could from doing this again.
          “It’s not gonna be easy.” she said softly.
          “But it’ll be worth it.” Jubal added.
          Avery felt her hurt and her sadness turning to anger. She wanted to put these men away for what they did to Dom. “Just tell me what you need me to do.”
          After finishing a few things with her statement and getting things in motion, Jubal and Maggie drove her home to her apartment. They rode the elevator with her and walked her to her door to make sure she was alright, then walked inside to check and make sure her apartment was empty.
          “You guys didn’t have to do all of this.” Avery said softly. It seemed a little over the top to her, even with the circumstances.
          “We’d rather be safe than sorry.” Jubal said and gave her a small smile. “If anything else comes up or if you think of anything, you just give us a call.” He handed her a business card and put his hands on his hips.
          She took it carefully and nodded. “I will. Thank you for the ride.”
          “We’ll be in touch with you about the case and let you know what the next steps are. Don’t hesitate to call us if you need anything or if something comes up.” Maggie added.
          “I appreciate it.” She nodded.
          “You’re sure you’re gonna be okay here alone?” Jubal asked.
          “Yeah, I’ll be okay. I think I need some quiet time anyway.” She nodded.
          “Okay. Thank you again for your help. I know it’s not easy, but you’re doing a good thing.” He assured her.
          All she could do was nod and give him a small smile. When they left, she shut and locked the door and then went to her bathroom so she could take a real shower and changed into her own clothes. Avery didn’t know what the next few days, weeks, or months held, but she knew that she was going to do her best to be strong so she could get justice for Dom. At the very least, it would give her something to focus on instead of her feelings about what she had witnessed. She felt like she was in a daze throughout the shower, and when she changed, she laid in bed and at some point, she drifted off to sleep, too tired to dream.
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parisian-nicole · 1 year
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Zillace is my new ship, but I will not get invested in them getting together on the FBI series. I have been disappointed enough with the TV couples I ship. I will love them only in artwork and fanfics ... but if FBIcbs ever gets them together I will ship that shit so hard!
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captain-penguin2 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: FBI (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nina Chase/Stuart Scola Characters: Nina Chase, Stuart Scola Additional Tags: talk, Original Character - Freeform, relationship, Dating, last day with the team Summary:
Nina’s last day with the team, and confession to Scola.
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