#❤️ ; tord
jokeiis · 1 year
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They are divorced ...I think so 💚❤️
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tuxalfredo · 1 year
When ur bf is a zombie
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Lazy sketch fo' today🫠👍
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tordistic · 16 days
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Woah thangs
The other ive posted already so whatevsWHY IS IT SO EMPTY
Also edd looks. Twinkish. And I called him a bear here.
You're all allowed to kill me for that
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av-276 · 9 days
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I am still alive!!!
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whoopsiedoodlez · 11 days
what are they jabbering about?
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no text version
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im-vin4h · 1 year
redraw time
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This image is beautiful
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lesbiantord · 1 year
I wonder if Tori is a he/him... 👀
May this sink in for just a moment.
god.. oh man oh god …
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sunny-face · 2 years
So cute
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northyourdakota · 2 months
Tord your friends are idiots.
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selfshipping-dreamer · 2 months
Here’s my tags post!
Ramblings tag: Dreamer Rambles
Art tag: Dreamer’s Art
Writing tag: Dreamer’s Writing
Tord tag: ❤️ ; Tord
Paul tag: ❤️‍🩹 ; Paul
Eduardo tag: 💚 ; Eduardo
The Batter tag: 🖤 ; The Batter
Bob Velseb tag: 🥩 ; Bob Velseb
Kevin tag: 🍬 ; Kevin
Kurloz Makara tag: 🔮 ; Kurloz Makara
Cronus Ampora tag: 💜 ; Cronus Ampora
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tuxalfredo · 1 year
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Fellas, is it gay to drunkenly cling onto ur homie as you guys basically fucking scream the lyrics to California Girls (or smthn) in a public bar on karaoke night?🤨🏳️‍🌈
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tordistic · 1 month
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Blond twat
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melodiofeddsworld · 5 months
ik tomtord is ur thing (same here) but how do u feel abt polyworld?
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Poly world is great! Although I don’t really draw it that much, I love seeing artists put up their own versions of the gang together!
I love all the couples between them too (especially the Tord ships lmao) my favorite, besides TomTord, is MattTord! There simply isn’t enough Matt love in the fandom ❤️
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Doodles of Matt ships lol
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erenthegreat · 1 year
Can you draw Tom x tord yaoi nya🥺
WHAT? ??.
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whoopsiedoodlez · 18 days
stupid little fish.
Made this for mermay. And I'm just uploading it now…. When may is almost over… I'm amazing at timing /s.
Cyrus Chrysanthus: [ left ] Striped poison-fang blenny
Tord Hersker: [ right ] Moray eel
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c0la-queen · 3 months
Heya, I just sort of stumbled across your blog and I’m genuinely so impressed by how good your writing is! I ended up binge reading a bunch of your works lol. I was wondering if I could request something for Eddsworld? Honestly, your last Tord piece has been stuck in my mind so I was thinking of a situation where the reader is either uncomfortable because of some other guy or even something more dangerous like being followed and Tord ends up being involved. I know it’s really cliche but I’m interested in how he would handle it and what he would prioritise first. Obviously, I know you’re gonna be busy for a while so don’t feel pressured to get this done soon or at all if you don’t feel up to it. Hope you have a wonderful day/night ❤️
HIII OMG reading this made me so giddy!! I had free time this weekend and your request got my neurons firing so I HAD to write a piece for this right away!!! Thank you so much for your sweet words, and I hope you enjoy it! Mwah mwah!
Scary Dog Privilege | Tord x Reader
Warnings: Creepy incel guy, heavy misogyny, homophobia if you squint, I cringed writing this guy, Tord makes a threat
Words: ~1.9k
The windows were down on Tord's car, letting the breeze in. It whipped your hair around, sometimes blowing a few strands into your face. It only made you giggle. A huff to your right drew your attention to the driver's side. Tord had one hand on the wheel, his other arm rested on the windowsill. His vape was in his hand.
"What are you laughing about over there?"
He blew a cloud out of the window before answering you.
"You're being silly. It's cute."
You settled back in your seat as you came to a stop at a red light. Without the rumble of the engine, the music playing from the speaker floated out into the town around you. You glanced at the display screen on the radio. fuK u lol by CORPSE. Your head bobbed as you took in the sights of the town. There was an older couple in the lane beside you. The woman seemed to be eyeing you suspiciously. It didn't bother you, though. You looked down, smoothing down the fabric of your outfit. White skirt, black tights, strawberry cardigan, and pink converse. Heart shaped earrings danged from your ears, and a matching heart shaped purse was at your feet. You felt cute and happy. Tord had, at least, put on a different outfit for your date, rather than wearing his usual red hoodie combo. It was still red themed, but you didn't expect any less. If your boys were anything, they were consistent.
You and Tord had always been opposites in most things. He was all doom and gloom, ice cold glares, vapes and cigarettes, black clothes and heavy rock music. He was blunt, he seemed apathetic, and often was rude. You were energetic and sweet. You loved bright colors and cutesy things. Cake and frappes with lots of whipped cream. You loved to share compliments with others, had a big heart, and cared deeply for others. That's not to say that you and Tord were incompatible - your relationship had been going strong for a couple of years now. Your opposite traits seemed to balance each other out. When you got too overwhelmed or worked up, he was there to douse you with a healthy round of realism, grounding you back to the present and calming you down. You were there when he started to feel like he wasn't himself, when he started to slip back into the person he was forced to be in the cold winters of Norway, you reminded him of the warmth of home.
And, over time, you developed similarities. Before you met him, you had dipped your toes into anime, but he let you watch them with him and soon it became a tradition of yours to binge-watch shows together. Tord had stopped drawing since high school, but watching you mindlessly doodle on blank paper while he tinkered away at his work desk reminded him of the joy it had brought him as a teen - so he started again. Plus, he had a brand new muse this time. Or if there was things that one of you enjoyed doing that wasn't quite the other's thing, that was okay too. Tord would sit at the kitchen table while you baked, scrolling away on his phone and occasionally showing you Tik Toks that you'd like. You would sit on his lap while he played PC games, either playing calmer games on your Switch or watching his gameplay until you fell asleep.
It looked strange to others, but for you and Tord, it worked.
You zoned back in as the car pulled into a parking space. Tord turned to you as he parked.
"Where'd you go, hm?"
"Nowhere. Just thinking of you."
Tord gave you a scrutinizing look, attempting to see if you were lying to him or not. (He always said you had a knack for downplaying your feelings. You insisted you had no idea what he was talking about.) Seemingly satisfied with what he found, he hummed and shut off the engine. You climbed out of the car, stretching out your legs.
The manga store that you and Tord liked to frequent was only a 20 minute ride into town from your neighborhood. It wasn't a little hole-in-the-wall, five sets of aisles in a tiny room type of place. This store was actually fairly popular, seeing an average flow of customers throughout the day. It helped that the owners had implemented a café area, where you could order anime character themed drinks.
The girl working the café counter waved at the two of you as you walked in. You smiled and waved as you walked over. She was familiar with you, since she worked on a lot of the days that you came in. You and her got along really well.
"Hi, Ruby! You dyed your hair a new color! The lavender looks really good on you."
"Thank you! I did love the red, but it was starting to get a little boring for me. Thought I'd spice it up."
She set down the equipment she was cleaning and walked over to the register.
"You guys gonna have your usual or do you wanna try something new?"
Tord was likely going to just have his usual drink, but you decided to give a new drink a chance. You looked up at Tord.
"I wanna try the Squirtle Sour Candy Boba."
He nodded, then ushered you off to the aisles. That's how things usually went during your outings here. He'd order your drinks while you went wandering off into the aisles, and he'd find you after the drinks were ready. It had taken a bit of argument between the two of you for you to give up trying to pay for your own drinks - he was just as stubborn as you were sometimes. You came to a compromise, though, when he let you buy your own manga and merch.
As usual, your first pit stop was to the romance manga. There weren't too many other customers - an older alt couple looking at the Jojo manga, a teenage boy at the BL section, and a small group of teenage girls giggling softly in the isekai aisle. You hummed softly as you looked over the covers, seeing if anything new caught your eye. You stopped once you reached the section you were looking for. Komi Can't Communicate.
You crouched down so you were level with the more recent volumes. Most of the time, you bought three volumes at a time. You huffed softly when you realized that this time, they were missing one of the ones you needed. Volumes 12, 13, and 15 were there - but no volume 14. With an exasperated sigh, you reached out and picked up volume 12, only to nearly drop it when a voice startled you.
"You know, there are more tasteful series that you'd probably enjoy more than that one."
You looked to your right. Someone had walked into the aisle with you when you weren't paying attention. It was a man, looking to be in around his 30s or so. You could feel yourself fight back a physical reaction to his appearance, and not in a good way. He had on what you could recognize as a Deadpool shirt on underneath a black zip-up hoodie that looked like it hadn't been washed in far too long. The ensemble was topped off perfectly with a leather necklace cord and a metal pendant that you would've guessed was a Naruto symbol of some kind (admittedly, you had never watched Naruto, and Tord mentioned that it wasn't really worth it in his opinion.)
Alarm bells were going off in your head at the sight of him.
"Oh. Is that so?"
As you stood up straight, you gave him a smile that you hoped wasn't too obviously forced. If he noticed, he didn't care.
"Since you're here by yourself, clearly you're a female of sense. You should start off with Dragon Ball. It is the very zenith of anime culture, and anyone who hasn't experienced it doesn't deserve to call themselves an anime fan."
Your alarm bells got louder.
"Actually, um, I know what Dragon Ball is. I've watched it since I was little - my older sibling showed it to me."
You hated the way an excited glint flashed across the man's eyes. He stepped a little closer to you.
"It seems I was right about you. You do have taste. It's not every day I meet a female who is familiar with real anime. Usually its only females who have been brainwashed by social media to think that they're bisexual, who come in here to read trash like Haikyu."
He stepped closer again. You tried to subtly shift backwards.
"Shows like that shouldn't even be categorized as anime. Its all woke propaganda that makes females change their dating standards for submissive men. But I can tell that you're different. You-"
"There you are."
Something solid and warm pressed against your back. You felt yourself immediately relax in Tord's presence. Turning to him, you gratefully took your drink from his hand.
His eyes weren't on you.
Tord was staring down the man in front of you, eyes the color of cold steel. He was easily taller than the other man, and definitely stronger. The man seemed to cower slightly.
"I was, uh, just talking to the lovely girl here-"
Tord cut him off by saying your name. Only when you tilted your head back to him did he finally glance at you.
"Get your other two volumes."
He didn't need to tell you twice. Ignoring the now blubbering man, who was once again the focus of Tord's piercing gaze, you dipped down and grabbed volumes 13 and 15. You could look for 14 some other time.
"Go to the plushie aisle. I'll meet you there."
You only spared one last glance at the man before slipping past Tord, heading around to the aisle filled with plushies and other merch. You couldn't see or hear Tord and the man, and you weren't sure you wanted to.
Standing in front of the bin of plushies, you slid your phone out of your purse and pulled up your private messages with Edd. You typed out a quick message to him.
'Tord might beat a guy to death.'
Edd, who was working on some commissions today, replied fast.
'Nothing new. What was it this time?'
'Creepy guy wouldn't leave me alone. Gave off incel vibes.'
'Yikes. I'm on Tord's side. Hope he kicks the guy's ass.'
Before you could continue the chat, you felt arms wrap around your waist. Tord rested his chin against your shoulder.
"You shouldn't tattle on me to Edd."
"Edd doesn't care, as long as you don't get yourself hurt. What did you do to the dude?"
Tord huffed. He was grumpy.
"Told him that if he was ever a creep to you again, I'd saw his balls off with a rusty scalpel and shove them down his throat. It was effective. He ran away, like a little bitch."
Despite it all, you couldn't help but giggle. You turned, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
"My hero. Let's go look at the Jujutsu Kaisen section."
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