#💚 ; eduardo
spook-e-snail · 7 months
Stg I gotta develop crushes on fictional characters better. Like bestie what the fuck is this
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They all look like they've been pulled out of a fucking dumpster
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selfshipping-dreamer · 2 months
Here’s my tags post!
Ramblings tag: Dreamer Rambles
Art tag: Dreamer’s Art
Writing tag: Dreamer’s Writing
Tord tag: ❤️ ; Tord
Paul tag: ❤️‍🩹 ; Paul
Eduardo tag: 💚 ; Eduardo
The Batter tag: 🖤 ; The Batter
Bob Velseb tag: 🥩 ; Bob Velseb
Kevin tag: 🍬 ; Kevin
Kurloz Makara tag: 🔮 ; Kurloz Makara
Cronus Ampora tag: 💜 ; Cronus Ampora
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munson-blurbs · 5 months
Eduardo Franco Fan Project
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Hi, friends!
After watching Eduardo's reaction to people's concern about him not being in season 5, I realized just how important it is to show our favorites the love and appreciation they deserve.
I will be putting together a scrapbook of fan letters and art to give to Eduardo at his next US-based convention. While he does not currently have any convention appearances lined up, I want to start this project earlier rather than later so I can assemble the book once an appearance is announced.
Please send submissions to [email protected] as early as possible! If you have any questions, slide into the DMs.
Tagging interested people under the cut 💚
@edsforehead @chrissymjstan @rebelfell @cryingglightningg @josephquinnsfreckles @galaxy-siren @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @the-unforgivenn @hellfirehottie420 @chaoticpersonslay @sollody @byler-alarmist @mustlovesteve @thranduel @eddiemunsonsmum @sofiiel @reidsbtch
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jeffersonhairpie · 4 months
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Wound up at the pub where Roman tells Eduardo that he wants to lick his neck and then they agree to buy the wrong football team together. Love and light 💚
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jokeiis · 7 months
Los mexicanos en la comunidad de Eddsworld aman a Eduardo (yo también oo..) 😭✨️💕
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Es que Eduardo tiene mucho carisma y bastante potencial, como no amarlo? AJSJAJD 🥑💚
él no es malo solo incomprendido 😭
Pero no solo la parte Latinoamericana ,hay mucha gente en todo el mundo que igual ama a Eduardo
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senig-fandom · 4 months
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Historia de la imagen:
Un retrato de Centro, echo por un pintor de la ciudad de México que se encanto con la belleza icónica de nuestro querido Eduardo.
Estoy dibujando cositas porque estoy descansando de mis proyectos por lo menos estos días, por lo cual mi descanso es dibujar otra cosa XD y este es uno de ellos.
Espero y les guste 💚🤍❤️
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transacewithapan · 3 months
You read that right- I give you MORE playlists, fellow Eddheads!
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All of these playlists are based on the characters and not actual people :)*
Yuu Playlist
Yanov Playlist
Jon Playlist
Eduardo Playlist
Mark Playlist
About Mark's playlist... I tried, I really did, but it's hard to distinguish someone when they barely have ANY screen time! All we know about him is that he's scared of rabbits and he sucks at cooking, so... yeah.
Anyway, hope you enjoy those other playlists! If you want, recommend me some characters you want me to turn into a playlist.
Links to other Playlists:
Pt. 1 (Main cast + Tord)
Pt. 2 (Red Army)
Pt. 3 - You're already here :)
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vogue-valentine · 2 months
Eduardo (EW) cybercore Moodboard!! 🖤💚
Requested by @nxth-ngw-zeverfxndtxmx!!
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iwashie · 1 year
💛𝙱𝙻𝙻𝙺 𝚖𝚎𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 💚
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︶꒦꒷꒷꒦︶ "warnings"- brasileiros que curtem as minhas coisas, agora é hora de vocês aparecerem. AQUI É BR PORRA! The songs have Spotify link. (pt 2 coming soon)
He gives me the vibe of no matter if you're surrounded by people or alone, things with him get comfortable, you two create your own little world, lost in each other's eyes. It doesn't matter if you're just friends, have a crush, dating, married, things with him are light and cozy.
He would definitely love this song and dance with you, no matter if he doesn't understand the lyrics, the beat speaks for itself. He passes this chaotic vibe of Brazilian party. He is the fun in person and brings joy to things like this song, with him there are no bad situations!
he has the same vibe as the lyrics of this Brazilian anthem – as dramatic and passionate as Cazuza in this song. He would take you a thousand stolen roses, throw himself at your feet and apologize if you had made a mistake, he would also cry a lot, making drama if you ignored him.
He gives me this vibe of always fighting but never separating, always at loggerheads. You two have good times and bad. You don't know if you love or hate him, always wanting to strangle him but also kiss him. you two pull hair, beat each other, bite and love each other—people don't know if you love or hate each other. You two are match made in heaven like beans and rice.
Impossible to listen to this song and not remember ryusei. bottles of wine, fucking all over the house, on the balcony, in the car and in the bathroom of the bar. That mix of rap, blues and hi-hop is so much his vibe. Indefinite relationship, you fight and fuck, love each other. It's both of you against the world.
He's so smart, handsome, calm and everything you like that you get lost around him. He's so perfect and friend/boyfriend/husband material that you don't have eyes for anyone else. You like him so much that you want to keep him to yourself, etch him in every bit of you so you don't miss him.
he's totally Eduardo, all silly, funny and charming that the need to keep him protected and around is enormous. He was sure to fall in love with someone older, maybe a little different from him, but the feeling would simply be there, slowly growing. "And who will one day say that there is reason in things made by the heart."
He has this something that doesn't matter if you deny it or just haven't realized it yet, you like him and he likes you, and no matter how much time passes, that feeling isn't going to change. He's like, "If I date it's to get married."
You can compare he before and after the Wildcard to this song. Before he was all cheerful and had the dream of being a football hero, he was hot. And now he's "the sun froze its heart", all emo… sad. but I can also say that he would not give up so easy on you, as he does with football and like the sun still asks the moon in marriage.
he dumb like ryusei, not knowing how to deal with the passion of the person, but he sure would do the same as Junior in this song- I can see him messing up your wedding day, saying he still loves you and taking you still dressed as a bride away and promising eternal passion. or he just wasted the love, left and never called, ran away with your peace.
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melodiofeddsworld · 5 months
Character Ask Board!
When asking, please specify with these so I know which character/pairing you’re asking: ❤️💜💙💚
I might also be willing to do the other boys, like Eduardo, Jon, Paul, etc.
This is used for the main gang, but if any other users want to use this sheet you totally can!
1. What does this character’s room look like? What’s their cleaning schedule, if they have one?
2. What’s this character’s go to food and/or drink on a cold, sad day?
3. What’s this character’s sleep schedule? Are they an early riser or a night owl?
4. Does this characters have close family and friends?
5. Which friend do they like best? (And which friend do they actually like best?)
6. Has this character ever been to the hospital? Why?
7. Which character is most likely to cause trouble, and which is most likely to get them out of it?
8. What pet does this character want to have?
9. Does this character like pets?
10. Any allergies?
11. Favorite food?
12. Favorite dessert?
13. What did this character want to be when they were a kid? What do they work as now?
14. Does this character have a temper?
15. How does this character show emotion?
16. What skill is this character good at?
17. What skill is this character bad at?
18. What people skills does this character have, if any?
19. Is this character easily afraid? Do people tease/scare them?
20. What’s this character’s favorite flavor?
21. What’s this character’s favorite season?
22. Does this character take good care of themself?
23. Is this character active, or more of a couch potato?
24. How serious is this character about video games?
25. What is this character’s favorite hobby?
26. What does this character do when they feel down?
27. How does this character feel about jewelry/other accessories?
28. Does this character have any scars? How did they get them?
29. How did this character behave as a child? Has this transferred to how they act as an adult?
30. Does this character make friends easily? Do they want friends?
31. Can this character take care of a plant? A pet? A kid?
32. Does this character give good advice? Would they let their friends make bad decisions?
33. How sentimental is this character?
34. How empathetic is this character?
35. Has this character ever done something humiliating they want to forget? What is it?
36. Which character gets sick a lot? Which one has an immune system of steel?
37. What is this character’s favorite thing(s) about their friends?
38. How selfish is this character?
39. Is this character impulsive, or are they cautious?
40. Does this character swear a lot?
1. What was this character’s childhood like?
2. What is this character’s relationship with their family?
3. What are this character’s insecurities?
4. What is this character’s fear?
5. Would this character manipulate their friends/family?
6. How easily can this character lie?
7. How long can this character keep a grudge?
8. Has this character ever killed somebody/wanted to kill somebody?
9. Would this character be caught if they killed someone?
10. When was the worst time in their life and what happened?
11. What does this character’s mental health look like?
12. What emotion is the hardest for their character to express? What do they do when they feel it?
13. What does this character do when they feel overwhelmed?
14. Does this character accept help, or do they keep to themselves to a fault?
15. Would this character do anything for their friends, even if it hurt them?
16. Is this character more open, or closed off? Why?
17. How easily does this character trust?
18. How would this character act after a traumatic event?
19. How far is this character willing to go to get what they want?
20. What would make this character break?
Romantic partner/solo-
1. What is this character’s sexuality? What are their preferences in a partner?
2. What are the ‘musts’ this character looks for in a partner?
3. What’s this character’s default place for a first date?
4. Any special actions this character would do for their partner on a date?
5. Who prefers to cuddle when they sleep and who would rather have their part of the bed to themselves?
6. Which character is the little/big spoon?
7. How would this character propose to their partner?
8. What does this pairing often fight about?
9. Who is more into pda and who is more chill?
10. Who would scream at the bug/who would get rid of the bug?
11. What are boundaries this character sets in a relationship?
12. Is this character prone to love at first sight?
13. Does this character get bored of relationships easily?
14. Does this character get into relationships, or have three day relationships/hookups?
15. Which character hogs the blanket?
16. Which character
17. What’s this character’s love language?
18. Does this character believe in soulmates or ‘the one’?
19. Is this character a hopeless romantic? Or are they more grounded?
20. Which is the queen/king and which is the golden retriever partner?
21. Does this character spoil their partner? How?
22. Does this pairing use pet names? How often and what are they?
23. How prone is this pairing to abandoning their friend group(s) to go on a month long vacation together?
24. Which pranks the other? Is their partner receptive?
25. Does this character excitedly tell their friends about their new partner, or are they quiet about their love life?
26. How does this character take a break up?
27. Does this character post pictures of them and their partner on social media?
28. Which one goes to the grocery store and forgets everything, and which one has to tell the other the grocery list for the eleventh time?
29. Is this pairing project to causing chaos?
30. Which one constantly worries about the other?
31. Which one would get up in the morning to make breakfast for the other?
32. Would they die for their partner? Or, would they face public humiliation to protect their partner?
33. Does this character want kids? Why or why not?
34. How involved does this character get into other people’s love lives?
35. How possessive is this character over their partner?
36. Is this character easily jealous?
37. What would this character do if their partner was upset?
38. What are this pairing’s favorite thing(s) about each other?
39. What is something this pairing just cannot agree on?
40. When did this pairing realize their feelings for each other? How did they go about dealing with them?
Questions for the creator-
1. What character is your favorite? Why?
2. What character do you love to put through awful situations?
3. How many au’s do you have?
4. Which pairing is your favorite? Any specific reason?
5. Which character do you identify most with?
6. Do you have fandom oc’s? Who are they? Are any of them self inserts?
7. What character have you completely changed ever since you first created/met them?
8. How often do you think about your characters?
9. What is your current inspiration?
10. What is your favorite au/genre to write your characters in?
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ask-jonuardo · 2 months
👑: You know what? Eduardo and I have done nothing but sit on our butts for months on end with nothing to do, so why not have you guys invite us to have a lovely conversation with the public!
Ask us Anything !! 💚💙
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☢️: I was forced here without my consent so you can shame Jon if you’d like, I won’t stop you-
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dietcolqz · 7 months
When Eduardo first heard the news about his pregnancy, he was very nervous, and it felt nauseating to him, but Jon knew how to comfort him, and what to do when it comes to things like this. Even though Jon and Eduardo are not all too experienced with this, that’s just the experience that comes with being a new father, or fathers <3 💚💙
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argyledaily · 5 months
My heart goes out to you guys and eduardo 💚
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honeymariejai · 1 year
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Abuelita Ana ref sheet! 🧡💚 (Eduardo’s grandmother)
Her Story: She came from a rich family and fell in love with a poor townsman. Because her family would never approve of them, they both ran off, immigrated to Colombia and changed their legal names to “Ana” and “Santiago” to avoid being identified. They got married and became pregnant with twins. Traveling away from home, they then found a small town to live in where they would hope to raise their future children together. Unfortunately, that future ended shortly when ruthless soldiers came and attacked the villager’s homes. As they tried to escape the dangers, Santiago met his fate and was killed in a house fire saving his wife and soon to be kids. Ana felt helpless as she watched the soldiers burn their home to the ground. Once the Encanto formed, the villagers were safe. Ana was by herself and grew to raise both her daughters on her own.
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#THE EYES 👀 💚 #find a man that looks at you the way Juan looks at Mónica
Eduardo Palomo and Edith Gonzaléz in Corazón Salvaje (1993)
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tuxalfredo · 1 year
~ Eddsworld Deathnote au ~ (character roles introduction post)
To start off, I haven't drawn the characters in Light and Misas roles, but I will spill who the characters are. Larry and Bing are the roles of Light and Misa, but they are VERY different from Light and Misa.
To give a brief rundown, Bing finds the Deathnote first, but he's dumb as rocks, and so Larry is the smarter one who takes the lead and is chill with Bing just taking the credit lmao. Bing has the Shini Eyes in this au, and is more Misas role, but it's complicated. I blend a lot of roles into one, this AU isn't one of those copy+paste AUs with copy+paste personalities and exact storylines over different characters.
ALSO Kira in this AU isn't called "Kira", they're called "Zanta"
This was at first a joke, but then it stuck cus yes. I have no explanation it's just perfect and comedic.
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Tom plays Ryuks role in the story, basically (and also has some of Rems roles in this AU rewrite). Tom has more of an obsession with fruit in general, unlike Ryuk, being only obsessed with apples. Tom likes pineapples and apples most :3
Ryuk is honestly the only correct role for Tom to ever be in in any DN au, it is goddamn perfect, in general if he is not a Shinigami in any other DN au u are just blatantly wrong✌️🧍‍♂️*griddys away to next character*
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^L!Tord (aka "T" or "Toad")^
Ofc, Tord is Ls role in this AU. A lot of aspects of Ls character is changed to fit Tord, but nevertheless, they are still honestly very alike. Like Toad eats a lot of bacon and meats in general rather than sweets like how L does, but Toad has replacement for why L does this cus the explanation is to "store energy" since L barely sleeps. Toad just chugs energy drinks 24/7 and also barely has a sleep schedule. There's other quirks, but that's an example 👍
To bring attention to the sock notes, there's also no "foot scene" in this AU LMAO
What??! You want me to draw Tord fondling Larry's feet??? You want to IMAGINE that?? *insert Kurtis Conner clip* UR FUCKIN NASTYYYY🫵🫵🫵
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^Near!Edd (aka "E" or "Eel")^
Edd is Nears role in this AU. Near is an insanely perfect role for Edd, they are honestly SO alike (MANGA Near specifically. In this AU most of the lore is based off the MANGA btw). I imagine Eel to be sassier than Near, more smug and outward about his pride when he backs Zanta into a corner.
I love Eel he is so 💚💚💚💚💚*ueueue* I love drawing him
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^Mello!Eduardo (aka "e" or "Emu")^
Eduardo is Mellos role in the AU. Eduardo is so insanely perfect as Mellos role brooo also Near and Mellos dynamic is LITERALLY Edd and Eduardo shjsjdj. Lil quirk change, Emu eats dark chocolate and not milk chocolate like Mello. Just smthn I changed a tad bit cus Eduardo likes diet cola (that sounds kinda like an insult it's not lmao I personally prefer dark over milk chocolate- diet cola nasty tho I AM insulting that💥💥/lh /j)
These pieces of him are rlly lazy and noticeably unfinished, ik, making this mans refs were the literal reason I've taken so long to post this, I've given up. I WILL make finished art of him in the future tho ofc.
That's all for the introduction post, but I defs have more characters and other info to introduce!! So stay tuned for more if u care about any of this :)
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