kiyoko-kitsunefox · 1 month
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Iriya is so cute getting drunk on cola hehehehe
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wolfchild48 · 10 months
Cho Micchaku! Toritsukare CD 「Yugen Romantica Hatenko」 Dai Ichi no Nazo Karasutengu Hifumi (超密着!取り憑かれCD 「幽幻ロマンチカ 破天荒」 第壱の謎 鴉天狗 ヒフミ)
KENN Copyright Rejet 2017 Genre: Yokai / Karasu tengu / Lovers / Situation Company: Rejet Date: 19 April 2017 Website: http://rejetweb.jp/yuroma3/ Websites to buy from: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E3%83%92%E3%83%95%E3%83%9F-%E5%A3%B0-KENN/dp/B01MSAB9L2/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=%E8%B6%85%E5%AF%86%E7%9D%80%21%E5%8F%96%E3%82%8A%E6%86%91%E3%81%8B%E3%82%8C&qid=1689440089&sr=8-1 Summary: The…
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mo0nlighttea · 3 years
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Yuugen Romantica Illustrations
Source: yuroma
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hitogatarock · 3 years
モノノ怪恋慕 . mononoke renbo
LYRICS TRANSLATION of the theme song of Yuugen Romantica series.
Translated name : A Spectre Falling in Love
Singer : 佐々木恵梨 ( Sasaki Eri )
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
hanabira no maiochiru manima ni
As the flower petals falls and dances around,
futari no koi, hanafubuki
the love of us two is a blizzard of flowers,
acchi kocchi samayotte
makes us wander to here and there
anata, sonna kao wa yamete
My dear, you don't have to look like that
watashi doko demo tsuiteku wa
because I'll follow you everywhere
何故にその横顔 霧の如く煙(けぶ)らすの
naze ni sono yokogao kiri no gotoku keburasu no
Why are your face looks hazy, as if mist covers them
sorya watashi datte sa, nurasu sode tarinai
That would have been me since shedding tears wasn't enough
一夜(ひとよ)、あの一夜に 胸を這った指先が
hitoyo, ano hitoyo ni mune wo hatta yubisaki ga
That night, on that one night, my fingertips who trailed your chest
dare yori yokatta no hoka no donna "hito" yori mo
You were better than anyone, from any other "human"
"nee, anata no makoto ga nan datte kamawanai sa
"Hey, it doesn't matter what your truth is,
issho ni narenai to shitte nao horeta nante
I fell in love, knowing that I couldn't be together with you,
watashi ga, ahou mono"
Such a fool, I am."
horeta hareta wa ukiyo no tsune demo konna
It's always love and hate in this world, but not this one
kikkai kettai na kanashiki go en ga arimashou ka
Would there be a mysterious yet sorrowful fate between us?
hanabira ga midarezaku aima ni
In between the flower petals who blooms profusely,
秘密の戀(こい)、影日向 そっとそっと紛れて
himitsu no koi, kage hinata sotto sotto magirete
a secret love gently blending in with the shadowy sun
anata, kono mama nigeyou yo
My dear, let's run away just like this
futari no ai mo sakasou yo
Let's make our love bloom too.
haru no, yoru no, yume no ukihashi to daeta, akashi da
As the floating bridge of dreams ceases by the spring night, it was a proof
demo mezamete mireba, anata wa soba ni iru
That when I'll wake up, you'll be by my side
fukaku, motto fukaku, tokeru hodo ni karamiai
Deeper, and deeper, entwined enough to melt
mou hodoke yashinai, kono mi koso ga akai ito
This self is the red thread that won't be untied anymore
"nee, sore ga karisome no ai demo kamawanai sa,
"Hey, it doesn't matter if it's a transient love,
horeta yowami ni hitasarete,
immersed in the weaknesses I fell in love with,
sore de mou shiawase dakara"
because of that, I'm already happy."
yume shibai nara kokoro hazu no kassai no
If this were only a dream play, a heartfelt ovation shall be given
issai gassai ga nakute mo anata ga ireba ii
I don't need everything, you're the only one I need
ano sora ga kageri yuku katatoki
At a moment where the sky fades into dark,
tsumetai ame harushigure
This cold rain, spring shower,
jitto, jitto nureta tte
fixedly, intently, soaking everything wet
sore ja, kono hi wa kienai yo
That's not going to put out this fire
futari no ai wa moete iru
as our love burst into flames
naite, naite, nakasare ayakashi renbo
It makes me cry more and more, about our wondrous love
demo, zutto soba ni itai yo
But I want to stay by your side forever
sou iu to anata wa, kuchi wo fusagu no de
as I said that, you then covers my lips
sono tsumetaku, yasashii, kuchizuke de
with that cold, yet gentle kiss
hanabira no maiochiru manima ni
As the flower petals falls and dances around,
futari no koi, hanafubuki
the love of us two is a blizzard of flowers,
acchi kocchi samayotte
makes us wander to here and there
anata, douka hanasanaide
My dear, please don't leave me be
kono yo no hate demo tsuiteku wa
I'd follow you to the ends of this world
tokoshie no sakura nado nakute mo
Even without the cherry blossoms of permanence,
futari no koi mankai ni douka douka kanaete
whether or not our love is in full bloom, please, please make it come true
anata, te wo totte choudai na
My dear, why don't you take my hand?
hanamichi wo, saa, yukimashou
Come, let us go towards the flowery path
hanabira ga mata maiochiru
The flower petals falls and dances once more
— translator's note : 濡らす袖 is an interesting term that I manages to find its meaning while refining the translation. It has the meaning of "crying and/or shedding tears", because like the literal translation "wet sleeves", they used this term when they wipe their tears with their kimono sleeves, thus making it wet.
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yamadadadadaaaaaa · 4 years
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「幽幻ロマンチカ 有頂天」ザクロ
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jpeg-gg · 4 years
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麻天狼 x 幽幻ロマンチカ
ig | tw1 | tw2
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elysium1oo · 4 years
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jiebsa · 4 years
【魚醬渣翻】超密着!取り憑かれCD 「幽幻ロマンチカ」 第弐の謎 妖狐 ザクロ 声:櫻井孝宏
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半夜去理科室的話,藍色的鬼火會飄來飄去也有人曾經看到過,不管怎麼說從前這裡也是野原呢,建立了學校讓很多的野生動物都犧牲了。 然後在那些可憐的動物中的其中一匹,狐狸能夠幻化成人。 萬一發現了鬼火,就會被狐狸大人附身的傳聞啊,如果不想的話,就不要抱著輕浮的態度到半夜到理科室。
但是,實際上也有想要自己親身嘗試想看到的傢伙,不管在哪個時代都有。 那個證據就是會有像是試膽團的團體出現。 你看,今晚也有一群笨蛋們來了呢,一人...兩人...發抖的進來後又害怕的出去了,下一個進來的是女人啊...全黑的教室裡看到鬼出現的話,一步...兩步,在她背後,慢慢接近的是.........
「從剛才開始進來反覆走來走去吵死了啊,在害怕什麼,以為誰都不在嗎?」 「為了見我特地在半夜來理科室的吧?」 「真是盡做些無聊的事情啊人類,看了就知道吧。」 「這個深藍的火焰、背後的尾巴,就是你們這些傢伙想見的...妖狐大人。」 「沒想到真的出現真物嚇到了嗎?"幻化成人的狐狸不可能存在的"被小瞧了呢。」 「被那麼害怕的視線看著的話,就照你希望的讓你體驗一下吧(附身」 「想逃也是沒有用的,你的身體現在...是我的所有物啊」 「不明白嗎?自己已經被附身了,身體內聽得到聲音吧...既然這樣了話,身為人類的你手腳都不能動彈了。」 「想逃去哪我都會跟著,不論是....地獄的盡頭吶。」 「就照你希望的....把你殺掉吧(靈魂上抹滅?)。」 「被抱著以為可以動嗎?就這樣馬上把你殺了,從耳朵、脖子開始,全身好好的品嚐過的。」 「我很可怕嗎?那麼為什麼來這種地方,吵死了!被邀請了沒辦法這是什麼理由啊。」 「我啊,最討厭像你這樣的笨蛋女人,什麼都不多想就照別人說的做、被人騙了都不知道的無神經的類型。」 「不見過一次的話像你這樣的人類是不會懂得吧。」 「使用鬼火的話...這種事也做得到喔。」 「你看,說到理科室的怪談,就是會動的骷髏對吧,好好看著吧。」 「那什麼啊那沒用的悲鳴,被骷髏嚇到也太好笑了,還有什麼把___聽不懂~___也拿來吧?」 「啊啊~就算很暗也看得到呢這裡,脖子...雞皮疙瘩也起的太厲害了吧。」 「被摸一下而已就這種反應啊,已經不行了嗎?」 「就是為了看到這些才參加試膽團的吧。撒該怎麼辦呢...大聲呼喊求救嗎?」 「還是..哭著鼻子求我饒命嗎?想叫就叫吧,讓在外面等著的朋友們聽到吧,嘛如果擔心你而來到這裡的話,他們也會一樣被我殺掉吧?」 「那些話...是真的吧,抱著一半的態度謝罪的話是不會赦免妳的喔,(哼笑)這次就先原諒妳,不要再來這裡了。」 「還有之後....見到我的事不能跟任何人說,如果妳說出去了,那個時候...會用鬼火來迎接妳的。」 「聽好了,絕對....不能說出去喔」 「那些話...別忘了喔。快走。」 「切,不小心做過頭了,好久沒附身在人類身上了,那個女人...應該不會把我的事情暴露出去吧。」
「喂,快一點好不好?噢妳這傢伙,是之前的....」 「什麼啊沒注意到是我啊....嘛,因為現在是幻化成人類嘛。」 「什麼事沒有啦,不說這個了你在磨蹭什麼啊?很擋路啊。」 「啊?錢投下去了食券沒出來?(咋舌」 「這個食堂的販賣機也有點年代了啊... 一二....(碰!」 「哼...這樣踢一下不是輕易就出來了嗎」 「這個券是妳的吧?道謝就不用了,趕快閃一邊去。」 「阿姨,跟平常一樣的狐狸烏龍麵 。」 「啊?什麼嘛,你也吃狐狸烏烏龍麵啊。蛤?」 「啊~嘛食堂的烏冬面還不錯吃。」 「嘛,我只要能吃到油炸豆皮什麼都好啦。」 「啊這種事怎樣都好喇! 不要突然那麼友好的跟我搭話啊。」 「好,我要開動了!等..為什麼妳要坐我旁邊啊?!」 「蛤?!確實...其他座位都有人了。沒辦法啊。」 「嘛這樣剛剛好可以監視妳有沒有守好約定啊。」 「吶,妖怪什麼的靈什麼之類的那種喜歡嗎?」 「最近聽到傳聞了呢....說是試膽團來著半夜在校舍吵鬧的笨蛋,ㄏㄟˊ你也被邀請去了啊。」 「那麼,有什麼出現嗎?什麼東西都沒出現餒。哼....至少有守住約定吶。」 「別陪那些無聊的傢伙好不好,被低能的人類給妨害安眠,給理科室的妖怪添麻煩了吧。」 「嘛,這個話題就這樣。好了,要涼了快點吃吧。我開動了~」 「嗯?幹嘛啦一直盯著看。」 「啊?"要吃嗎?"什麼東西?誒!(高興)油炸豆皮!要給我!這這..這這樣好嗎?」 「等...妳這傢伙給的炸豆皮才不需要呢!」「嘛....剛才的券賣机的謝禮不管怎樣都想要給我吃的話那我幫你吃也沒關係的呦..」 「切~都說到這份上了真拿你沒辦法吶~(超傲嬌)」 「啊~超好吃的! 呼...呼...呼..(吸麵」 「幹嘛啦....別人在吃的時候別直直的盯著看啊。」 「不管是什麼做法都好吃啦,熱熱的烏龍麵配上炸豆皮果然還是最棒的啊。」 「呈供品的傢伙大部分都準備了這個啊。」 「什麼事都沒有,好了你也快吃吧。」 「話說...雖然現在很普通的對話啦...你不覺得我可怕嗎?」 「大部分的傢伙對我的印象都是冷漠的壞傢伙呦,哼~"不可怕啊"...你也大概只是對人感覺遲鈍而已吧..啊?」 「別說什麼傻話了,只是覺得是少見的人類而已。」 「我吃飽了,剛才幫了妳的謝禮的話就油炸豆皮就好,我們就互不相欠了啊。」 「所以說謝禮什麼的不需要!那就醬啦。」
「果然夜晚的理科室真安靜舒適啊~熱鬧的就中午那些就足夠了。」 「話說回來,中午那個女人,真是個奇怪的傢伙啊。」 「謝禮啦、莫名奇妙坐在旁邊啦,不過有好好遵守跟我的約定,以人類來說已經還不錯了。」
「啊?怎麼回事啊...吵死了啊,又是試膽團的笨蛋嗎..?」 「啊?!切....為什麼有那麼多學生啊。可惡..要藏起來嗎...」 「哈?剛剛那邊說了什麼...? 這些傢伙為什麼...怎麼知道理科室有真正的妖怪...?」 「不會是...那個笨女人暴露了!? 」 「一瞬間以為人類變好了是我太傻了,背叛我的後果是怎樣...就讓妳嚐嚐吧..」
「知道我為什麼帶你來這裡嗎?有話跟你兩人單獨說啊。」 「你這傢伙,暴露了遇到妖怪的事吧。」 「別裝蒜了,那天晚上看到我的人就只有你這傢伙而已。」 「跟誰暴露了就會被我鬼化妳忘了嗎? 對,妳在理科室遇到的東西。」 「笨女人...多虧你說了多餘的事我越來越難安眠了啊。人類果然一直都是這樣,每個每個傢伙都可以很平常的就背叛....」 「就像約好的,給我負起責任啊。就把你殺了。」 「哼,什麼"住手"啊....這不是妳自作自受嗎,要怪就怪妳太笨了居然背叛我啊。」 「還是不打算認罪嗎,既然這樣...」 「在你承認之前.....陪你玩一下也可以吧......」 「逃也沒有用噢,妳已經困在我的妖術裡面了啊。 嚇到了嗎,是叫做『分身之術』。」 「狐狸對於詐騙可是很拿手的,話先說在前頭,不管哪個都真的是我哦。」 「這個摸著背的感觸也是可以明顯的感覺到吧?」 「怎麼啦,在發抖嗎。」 「不是還有可愛的地方嘛,嘛妳哭著求原諒你那又好說了啊。」 「背叛我的事...讓你好好地後悔吧。」 「還不承認啊,像這樣,脖子被冷冷的抓住怎麼樣?」 「背已經在顫抖了,現在也是..快要毀掉一樣。」 「切...都這樣被嚇了還是不承認嗎。」 「不是妳這傢伙的話那到底是誰,對了,把那天晚上參加試膽團的傢伙都聚集過來吧。」 「除了妳以外可疑的就只有那些傢伙了啊,方法什麼的很多吧,要一起去玩之類的隨便找個理由就好。」 「反正是在半夜的校舍想要看到神隱而組成試膽團的笨蛋們啊,說要去玩的話,馬上就會答應的。」 「接下來就是我怎麼外出的問題了,我就附身在你身上找出真犯人。」 「聽好了?我可沒什麼耐性啊,這點給我好好~記住。」
「這些就是全部的成員了嗎?」 「男生四人、女生三人,總而言之先叫出來等吧...」 「喂..別亂動啊,有那麼不習慣在耳邊講話嗎。」 「出去外面的話就必須要附在人類身上啊」 「而且看著這些傢伙反倒覺得在你體內是最好的啊」 「聽好了...照著我說的做啊」 「要是做了傻事的話....知道下場吧...?」 「然後?說的你們人類遊玩的場所的話,在哪」 「啊?アニメイト?(安利美特)」 「那是啥啊?嗄....販售動漫產品的店啊。」 「雖然搞不清楚是怎麼回事,原來是那麼有人氣的地方啊。」 「那麼,就去那裡吧。」
「這裡就是アニメイト...感覺好華麗的店啊 哼真吵啊...這些傢伙在吵鬧什麼啊?」 「角色的商品中獎了?怎麼,你也參加了啊。」 「給我看看吧,什麼什麼...D賞...資料夾?」 「話說回來,最好的是中什麼?」 「角色的靠墊?」 「就是只是個字條真虧你們能這麼高興啊」 「這種東西很簡單就能用妖術做一個的,在那裡的葉子給我一個。」 「那個鉢植えの葉っば啦(大概是種植物的葉子吧)」
「好了,安靜閉上嘴看清楚了。」 「哼,看吧。使用妖術的話簡單就能把葉子變成中獎的字條了。」 「快點去把那個中獎的景品拿來吧。」 「蛤?為什麼不行啊。」 「不是想要中獎嗎?什麼手段都沒關係吧」 「只是個字條不要講那麼多啦。」 「你看,都是因為你發呆的關係,有個男人走過來了哦。」 「啊?這傢伙是怎樣突然裝作很熟的樣子,你的男朋友?」 「雖然那個樣子看起來不像啊,真是...ベタベタ摸來摸去的,真是混帳啊。」 「啊那個混帳,擅自把字條拿走。」 「哼,『朋友們』跟你不一樣比較坦率吶。 「換成店員把他們的字條拿走了你還真親切啊。」 「別那麼慌張好不好~好了別說了,乖乖的把獎品收下啦,那個字條是假的的事不可能會穿幫的。」 「你是在生氣什麼?你好像很厲害的在對我說教?」 「呃?!知道了啦!」 「真吵啊,把那字條燒掉就好了吧。」
「驚訝什麼,證據煙滅啊。」 「把字條燒掉的話就沒證據了啊。」
「呃?!怎麼回事?!」 「火災警報器?那是啥?!」 「就算你叫我把火滅了....嗚呃啊啊?!」 「明明是在室內卻下雨了哦?!」 「滅火灑水用?」 「可惡!這到底是怎樣!(挫」
「對不起了啊...沒想到會發生那樣的事。」 「不怪我嗎?」 「明明因為我的關係都淋濕了還有各種事情,都遭遇這些事情還不生氣你還真笨啊。」 「我知道的啦,不會再作弊了。吵吵鬧鬧的做了這些已經夠了吶。」 「話說回來,都濕成這樣了也不可能繼續玩下去了吧。」 「結果還是不知道犯人是誰啊~」 「在對方露出馬腳前只能觀察了嗎..」
「沒問題嗎~? 驚訝什麼啊,是我。」
「什麼理由都可以吧,我在這裡不好嗎?」 「不說這個...你還好嗎? 不是,你在打噴嚏啊」 「我想說你感冒了呢,昨晚淋濕了不少啊。」 「什麼啊....只是吸到灰塵阿。」 「哼還真是讓人搞混的傢伙啊~」 「你都是自己一個人做完走廊的掃地工作嗎」 「嗄~對方要參加委員會逃掉了,你就接受了啊」 「需要我幫你嗎?昨晚的道歉啦,讓人類欠著人情我可很不高興啊,這樣就扯平了吧。」 「能有這樣勤快地打掃的地方真好啊~」 「理科室的話不管是哪個傢伙都快速掃好就逃跑了,灰塵可多了呢。」 「嗯,一百年以上一直在理科室待著。」 「不是喜歡才待的,等意識到了後就發現被束縛在那個地方,隨便的便認定成七大不可思議了。」 「神社的狐狸大人的詛咒啊、建築學校時死掉的狐狸的作祟啊,傳說真是隨便決定的東西啊。」 「不知道是誰為了什麼把我束縛在這裡,出了學校後妖力就會被封印,就連現在的樣子也沒辦法維持了。」 「『找到第七個七大不可思議,咒文就會解開』的樣子吶。」 「到現在那種東西怎樣都沒關係啦。」 「沒什麼,解開咒語後能自由去的地方能回去的地方也都沒有。」 「才沒有感到寂寞,反倒誰也不來才能清靜一點了。」 「有興趣的東西也是很快感到厭煩了啊,這邊就可以了吧,這樣我就沒有欠你了。」
嗯,還不壞吧。 但是應該不是特地該晚上帶來的東西吧。
那傢伙真是很煩啊~ 睡著的話會把像你這樣的女人不知不覺帶走舔舔的傢伙喔。
我 才 不 是 在擔心你咧 別自戀啊!
你,明天晚上 有空嗎。
嗯~.......啊~~~ 我知道了。
才不是想給你看才邀請你的... 在學校看太遠了看不清楚,偶爾想要近一點看而已。
已經幾百年過去了呢, 平常ヘマ流しねのに,
會冷嗎? 是說,附著身的狀態下就算抱著你也溫暖不到你呢。
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d-sakamaki01 · 5 years
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幽幻ロマンチカ 満天花
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yutami-n · 7 years
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kiyoko-kitsunefox · 1 year
Omggggg someone needs to translate all the yuugen romantica bonus special cds!!!!! I'm literally melting listening to them!!!! but my japanese isn't that good.😭😭😭😭
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teddystrap · 4 years
Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・破天荒] 第弐の謎 獏 ウタシロ
First post of 2020!!!! Happy New Year, and a special treat for all my lovelies - here is a bonus audio track from Yuugen Romantica's Utashiro (cv. Kimura Ryouhei). Remember, whenever you are feeling sad or down, he is always by your side. Just call out to him in your dream and he will be here...
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This time the subtitle is hatenkou, which refers to a major feat that has never been accomplished before. The common theme seems to be that your demon boyfriend goes back in time to rewrite a tragic past event into a happier one using his magical powers and the strength of your love.
Oh wow, looks like I just spoiled the whole story? End of review. Bye bye (*^-^)/
(No srsly let's get started.)
This disc starts with three glass explosions [[#VOLUMEWARNING]] to make sure I was listening I guess... #RIPeardrums... ;_;
Anyway, you have a nightmare that you are in a creepy dark room. The ceiling is lined with needles and coming down on you, and Utashiro tells you that you have to escape before the candle burns out. He counts down to zero seconds and the ceiling collapses with a BANG,... but he tells you that the game is not over. It will just infinite-loop back to the beginning, until you are able to escape...
You wake up drenched in sweat, in your own bed/room with U-kun sleeping beside you. He comforts you and figures you must be nervous about the school camping trip tomorrow.
Next morning, ya'll head off on the trip. He disguises himself as a student and comes along to protect you, ofc. He's complaining about everything from the choice of location (deep in the woods), to the amount of food+cooking materials ya'll have to carry, blah blah. Better shut him up by sticking my tongue down his throat ;)
Apparently there's the rumours of the Seven Supernaturals nearby. He wonders whether to *make those rumours a reality* and scare the shit out of your classmates. This prompts you to throw food (and utensils?) at him, so he possesses you and touches you in a few non-erotic places, and you totally freeze and blush because apparently you are some kind of virginal Victorian maiden whose momma never told you how babies are made. Orz
At night you go to the bathroom and find him waiting outside for you. Turns out he has been sensing some *demonic energy* in this place. He possesses your body and rushes you back to the bungalow for some sexy fun times.
Back in the room, the girls are excited and stay up chatting late into the night. They ask you what you like most about your boyfriend, and to U-kun's horror, you happily tell them about the time he waited for you at the station with an umbrella when it was raining :3. He's sooo mortally embarrassed that he puts everyone to sleep with his demon powers. #useful #powersIwishIhad
With everyone down, however, you can't sleep because of the nightmare from last night. You tell U-kun about it, but he doesn't sense any 'nightmare vibes' from your dream. He thinks it's either: (1) a premonition, or (2) someone hacking into your dream with their evil plan. Then he changes into chibi form to comfort you, and ya'll fall asleep...
...And enter the 'nightmare'. The setting is an old house. There's Japanese dolls rolling around, paper amulets and blood bags lining the walls. U-kun still doesn't feel any 'nightmarish vibes' from it, and he tries to get you both out of there with his demon powers but guess what - IT'S NOT WORKING!! Dozen of lit candles appear, and bloody writing on the wall says: 「ここから出られるかな」 ('Can you get out of here?')
U-kun is all like: 'CHALLENGE ACCEPTED >:)' and yells at the dream-maker to leave you alone. Suddenly, the candles blow out. A timer starts, and you notice that the ceiling - which is gradually lowering - is lined with needles. U-kun tries and fails to blast through the locked door, and, panicking, he finally blows up the ceiling just in time. The two of you narrowly escape, by hiding in a corner where the fallen needles cannot reached.
You wake up in the bungalow, and U-kun notices that your hand has been scraped by the needles from the dream (i.e. if you had died in the dream, you would have died for real). U-kun kisses you wound and apologises for not being able to protect you with his powers. Then he tells you to keep awake for the next few hours, to avoid any bad 'after-effects' of the dream.
In the daytime, your class go hiking, and the two of you drop rank and stumble upon an open space in the woods. U-kun *generously* offers his knees for you to lay your head and make up your sleep from last night. Awwww~~~ (dies from kyun).
As you fall asleep, he kisses your lips to taste what kind of dream you are having. Just then, he senses a strong demonic force nearby...
That night, the two of you once again enter the recurrent 'nightmare'. U-kun asks the dream-maker why it's doing this to you, and the bloody writing on the wall appears again: 「ここから出られるかな」 ...Ya'll start running, but find that every room in the house is the exact same. Cloth appears and tie up both your bodies, and U-kun cuts them off with his powers, causing everything to return to peace and quiet.
U-kun immediately possesses your body to comfort you. He remembers back when the entire baku race died before his eyes, and vows to protect his loved ones and never let that happen again. Just then, he senses some uncertainty coming from the dream-maker, as you have remained unafraid despite repeated threats. Insert *inspirational speech* about how you are a fearless #sassygirl and u gonna get to the bottom of dis shit.
...You wake up back in the bungalow. U-kun is wondering if you have successfully escaped, and if your next 'nightmare' will be fatal, when he notices that you are actually holding a f-ing candle from the 'dream'. It's impossible to take objects out of a dream, which means that... OMG that is no f-ing dream!!! The horror house exists in reality. Dun-dun-DUN.
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The two of you trek back to the open space from the previous day. There is an info sign that you missed before, of a hospital that was torn down around 100 years ago. The lingering spirits from this place must be kidnapping people in the dead of night and making it look like a 'nightmare'.
Over a century ago, a natural disaster caused many people to be admitted to this hospital. However, the treatment did not seem to be working, and their moans of pain could be heard every night. After the hospital was demolished, word spread of people living nearby being trapped in nightmares of this hospital: the rumours of the 'Escape Game', one of the Seven Wonders.
So, the mystery is finally revealed. The 'nightmare' is the work of the demon which has been spawned by the pain and anguish of the patients of this hospital. Demons are formed from the strong emotions of people, and this demon takes the shape of the hospital building.
To stop the threat to any more innocent lives, U-kun decides to destroy this demon... by himself. He reveals that he has felt known from the beginning that a love between a baku and a human would experience untraversable obstacles, and he would undertake all the pain to give you happiness.
*Of course* you could never be happy if anything happened to him, so you insist to tag along. He warns that he could be wrong and you might both die. But your reply gives him strength, he thanks you and apologises for trying to be the lone hero. And with that, you are off into the belly of the shark--!!!
Once again, you land in the horror house after falling asleep. U-kun announces to the demon that he knows its true form - that the knife attacks were actually surgical knives, the needles were for injection, and the cloths were bandages. His correct predictions send the demon into a state of panic once again. It sends out more surgical knives, which U-kun shields you from.
Turns out, the bloody writing on the wall is not an escape challenge, but rather an honest question: 「ここから出られるかな」 ('Can WE get out of here?'). The demon is not an embodiment of pain and anguish, but rather born out of hope, continually searching for someone who can reassure the patients that they will recover and be discharged from this place.
In the climax, he tells the demon that it can cut the two of you with a gajillion medical instruments, but it will never break your spirits. That the demon can be saved, and that is why you are here: to save it.
You are transported back in time to when the hospital was still running: patients lying in their beds, their faces distorted from the frightening dreams they are having every night. U-kun decides to help them by eating all their nightmares - to restore their happiness in the midst of despair, just like you did for him when he thought he had lost it all.
After eating all the patients' nightmares, their fears become soothed, and the dream-demon can be laid to rest eternally. The two of you wake up back in the open space, and it looks exactly the same as before. U-kun asks you if he actually managed to change anything, and you tell him: regardless of whether he did, the most important thing is to have faith.
Soon, it will be dawn. Cherry blossoms fall like snow from the surrounding trees, as if the patients are waving goodbye.
[Epilogue] The legend of the 'Escape Room Game' has changed: When the casualties of the disaster were moaning in the hospital at night, a baku came and saved them from their nightmares and soothed their fears. But whether all of them recovered and made it out of the hospital is anyone's guess.
At the end, U-kun thanks you for wishing for his happiness, and he now believes that he can find happiness too - together with you, of course!! *KISS*
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mo0nlighttea · 3 years
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Yuugen Romantica Illustrations
Source: yuroma
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hitogatarock · 3 years
宵闇カレイド . Yoiyami Kaleido
LYRICS TRANSLATION of the theme song of Yuugen Romantica Uchouten series.
Translated name: Twilight Kaleidoscope
Singer: 佐々木恵梨 ( Sasaki Eri )
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
tokeatta murakumo ni
The melting clouds that had gathered,
uzumaku yoi no yami
the swirling darkness of the evening,
sariyuku anata wa mata
and to you who are going away,
nee, kaori dake nokoshite...
Hey, leave only the scent...
izanatte yowasarete
Tempted and intoxicated,
utagatte kawasarete
while in doubt, and hesitating
horekonda yowami datte
Even the weaknesses I fell in love with,
"hito" de aru sei ne
because I was only a "human"
怪し恋し万華鏡 覗く私が
ayashi koishi mangekyou nozoku watashi ga
Into the kaleidoscope of mysteries and love, I'm the one who peeks inside
itsunomani torawareta
How long have I been trapped,
anata no fukai yami de
inside the deep darkness of yours?
tada no hoshi no hitotsu
this one of the only stars —
eien ni samenai yo
— it'll never wake up,
aki no kaze ni kasumu you na yume ja nai sa
it's not the kind of dream that blurs within the autumn wind.
hakanai ne, tayutatte
Such ephemerally, it sways
sore yue mata itoshiku natte
Therefore, it becoming very dear again
anata ga nandarou tomo
No matter what you are,
一時でもこうしてさ 触れ合えたら
hitotoki demo koushite sa fureaetara
if only we could touch each other like this, even for a moment
廻り出す 空高く 私は光放とう
mawaridasu sora takaku watashi wa hikari hanatou
High in the sky that spins around, I shall give this light
anata no yami terasu you ni
so that it'll illuminate your darkness
締め切った襖から 滲む朝の光
shimekitta fusuma kara nijimu asa no hikari
Morning light seeping through the closed sliding doors
夜明けを待ってたくせに 目蓋で翳す
yoake wo matteta kuse ni mabuta de tamasu
Even though I was waiting for the dawn, my eyelids aloftly holds
暗く閉じる万華鏡 其の果てし無さ
kuraku tojiru mangekyou sono hateshina sa
The dark kaleidoscope closes, with its endlessness inside
itsunomani nozondeta
How long have you wished for this?
isso yoru no oku made
Let us go deep into the night,
korogari ochiteyuke
falling down and giving in
itsumademo kienu mama
It'll never go away, no matter what
soko ni aru omokage nara uso janai sa
If there were traces left, then it wasn't a lie
na wo yonde temaneite
Calling your name, beckoning to you,
tatoeba naraku no soko datte
even if I'll follow you to the bottom of hell
anata to ireta naraba
I wish I could have been with you
誰にも分りはしない 幸が在るの
dare ni mo wakari wa shinai sachi ga aru no
There is a happiness that no one can understand
包まれる 空深く 貴方に抱かれる様に
tsutsumareru sora fukaku anata ni dakareru you ni
You hold me on your arms deeply, as if we were wrapped by the sky
nee, mou nidoto hanasanaide
Hey, don't ever let me go again.
iroka wo matou nureta me wa
That alluring, soaked eyes of yours
naze ima fui ni yureteta no
Why was it shaking so unexpectedly just now?
化けの皮剥いで 心を見せてよ
bake no kawa haide kokoro wo misete yo
Peel off your disguise and show me your heart
hontou no anata ni, aa, ima fureta
I just touched it now, ah, your truest self
eien ni samenai yo
And it'll never wake up,
aki no kaze ni kasumu you na yume ja nai sa
it's not the kind of dream that blurs within the autumn wind.
hakanai ne, tayutatte
Such ephemerally, it sways
sore yue mata itoshiku natte
Therefore, it becoming very dear again
anata ga nandarou tomo
No matter what you are,
何も構わないから 傍に居てよ
nani mo kanawanai kara soba ni ite yo
I don't care about anything, so stay by my side
廻り出す 空高く 光が煌めいた
mawaridasu sora takaku hikari ga kirameita
High in the sky that spins around, this light sparkles brightly
anata no yami terasu you ni
so that it shall illuminate your darkness
owari naku mawari tsuzukeru sora de
By the sky that keeps spinning endlessly,
anata to...
with you...
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clearui · 5 years
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幽幻ロマンチカ 満天花 / Yuugen Romantica Mantenka The Fifth Rumor, Yamata-no-orochi, Iriya
Characters: Iriya (CV. Tachibana Shinnosuke) Release date: 2019.4.24 Price: ¥2200 + tax Product code: REC-866
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jpeg-gg · 4 years
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yue (ccs) x 幽幻ロマンチカ
ig | tw
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