#🔚 Last Days of
girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Happy last days of Pesach!
The final days of Passover 2023 begin before sunset on April 11 and end after nightfall on April 13.
Chag Pesach Sameach!
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britsyankswheels24 · 14 days
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🇺🇲 The last Edsel, a station wagon, rolled off the Louisville assembly line on November 19, 1959. The story of the 1960 Edsel is brief but poignant. Production began on September 14, 1959, at the Ford Louisville plant, the only remaining Edsel manufacturing facility, and just over a month later, on October 15, the cars were introduced to the public. However, by November 19, production had ceased, with only 2,846 vehicles assembled.
📅 The final Edsel to be built, known as Job Number 344, was a tan station wagon. For the assembly crew, it was just another day at work. The engine gave a slight cough as it started, and in two minutes, the last Edsel rolled off the line and into history.
🔚 It's clear that by the time the 1960 models were introduced, the Edsel was already a lost cause for the Ford Motor Company. Despite its short production run, the Edsel has left a lasting legacy as one of the most memorable names in automotive history.
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js4440 · 9 months
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The crisp autumn air whispers through the trees as Jake sits alone on his porch, gazing at the setting sun. Memories flood his mind, each one is reminding him of a love which was lost but never forgotten.
"I still keep the ring you gave me, Bradley," Jake whispers softly, as though the wind itself carries his words. The ring, a simple silver band engraved with their initials, hold a weight of emotions which Jake couldn't bear to part with.
"Do you, now?"
"Yes," he answers, his voice is laced with equal parts longing and sadness. "It's a reminder of what we had, even if it didn't last."
Bradley nods, his gaze is fixed on the horizon. "Sometimes, all we have left are the remnants of what once was," he responds, his voice is filled with melancholy. "But those remnants can be powerful reminders of who we were, who we still are."
An unspoken ache reverberates between them, a silent acknowledgment of the love which had slipped away. They had been young, foolish, and perhaps not ready for the depth of their connection. Now, years later, their paths has crossed once more, a bittersweet reunion of two souls forever entwined.
Jake cannot help reaching into his pocket, his fingers are grasping the cold metal of the ring. "I reminisce the day you gave this to me," he says softly, his voiceis trembling. "It was spring, you handed me this ring with a smile, and I felt like the luckiest person in the world."
A wistful smile tugs at Bradley's lips as he remembers the vivid details of that day. "It was radiant under the canopy," he recalls. "We were filled with hope."
Jake's eyes well up with tears, a mix of joy and pain is flooding his heart. "We were foolish to let go," he whispers, his voice is barely audible. "I still wonder what could have been if we had fought harder."
"What's done is done, my love," Bradley says tenderly, his gaze is locking with Jake's.
Hope twinkles in Jake's eyes as he searches Bradley's face for any signs of hesitation. "Do you mean...?" he gets unable to end the sentence.
Bradley takes a deep breath, his voice is steady. "I still love you, Jake," he confesses, each word is wrapped in longing and vulnerability. "We can't dwell on the past, but we can learn from it. And maybe, we can find a way forward, even if it's different from what we imagined."
Tears begins to slip over Jake's cheeks as he reaches out to clasp Bradley's hand. "I've missed you more than you'll ever know," he chokes out, his voice is filled with raw emotion. "If there's a chance, if there's even a sliver of hope, I want us to try again."
In that moment, the weight of the past seems to vanish, replaced by a shimmering future filled with promise. While the stars start painting the night sky, their destinies are intertwined once more, guided by a love which refused to be forgotten.
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giraffeter · 1 year
find the word challenge
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you.
I was tagged by @kinnbig and by @fleet-off — thank you friends! I ended up going with kinnbig's word set because the results it brought back worked better with this format. My words were warm, shiver, end, love, understand. I went with a mix of WiPs and published fic for this one.
☀️ warm
“Shh,” Gumpa remonstrates. “Go to sleep.” He pats the back of Sean’s neck, the knob of bone at the top of his spine. He presses his palm firmly down along that line to a spot between Sean’s shoulder blades, then does it again, and again, like he could push the tension right out of Sean’s body. Sean sighs, relaxing into him ever so slightly. His skin is warm and yielding beneath Gumpa’s fingertips. — 4 Times Gumpa Didn't Fuck Sean + 1 He Did (WiP)
🧊 shiver
Arm swallows, running his palm up and down Tankhun’s calf. He leans forward and kisses Tankhun’s stomach again, pressing his face against Tankhun’s skin and inhaling deeply. His lips are soft as they skim down over the front of Tankhun’s underwear. He mouths gently at the head of Tankhun’s cock, warm breath through the soft stretchy fabric, and Tankhun shivers with the feeling. — Brave Enough for Everything
🔚 end
For the last two days Vegas has felt like he’s going crazy over him. He’s spent most of his life obsessed with one thing or another — he’s an intense person — but obsession usually makes him miserable. With Pete he feels high, out of his mind; he wants to snort lines of Pete all night, he wants to devour him alive, he wants to cut Pete open and see what’s inside — but that would put an end to his fun, and Vegas isn’t intending to end this for a long, long time. — How Deep It Goes
❤️ love
The ring is a collar. Porsche understands that when he puts it on, just like he understands that Kinn isn’t the one holding the leash. Kinn is the leash, or perhaps love is: Porsche’s love for Kinn, his love for his mother, his love for Chay. He sees the look on Kinn’s face when Korn hands him the ring, the split-second please don’t make me be the one to do this glance Kinn shoots his father. But Kinn has been wearing his own ring for a very long time; he won’t go against Korn’s wishes. — Untitled Kinn/Porsche/Vegas/Pete WiP
🦉 understand
Porsche washes dishes. He waits tables. He tends bar. He learns how to smile at people who pretend not to understand his accent; he learns how to draw a fight out, so people will bet more before he wins. He learns that women will tip more if he flirts with them, that they’ll come back and bring their friends. Sometimes he’ll call the numbers he gets, scrawled on cocktail napkins or credit card receipts, and he’ll get a free meal or two. It never goes anywhere. — Untitled Porsche on the Run WiP
Feel free to ignore me if you've already been tagged or just don't want to do it, but I'll tag @phneltwrites @ginnymoonbeam @ectoplasm-james @magnolia822 @aplethoras with the words: wrist, long, shadow, jump, habit
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Who are the chosen vessels? The CALL TO ACTION is 🔥 ignited.
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Major 🦇⚡ Intel, out today: Don't be defined by tragedy.
🫵🏽 U are the chosen vessels.
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Ahead of tonight's local 🍿🦇 premiere, the SPIRITUAL call to action is 📴 THE CHART.
@ whatever age @🔚 of Days --when God issues a call to action, 💯🔥 BE 🪖 READY.
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bremont · 12 days
(via (99) We must stay ahead of the enemy, and then victory will be guaranteed! Putin, Russia, Ukraine - YouTube)
Having 90% of the world population👼👲🧑‍🦰🫅 behind Russia and china & 10 % of Oligarchy main media billionaires and corrupt politicians behind NATO WASHINGTON 🌎🤔 aliens 👽 understand 🎡🎱⛳ the game end of NATO WASHINGTON 🤡 the last days of ISRAEL as a WASHINGTON + EUROPE CLIENT STATE / Kiev ✝️🕎 Jerusalem will not be a Victory for OCEANIA💲🔚🪐🧭🏔️
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cityonlinementor · 21 days
Don't let the semester catch you unprepared...
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Mentor Message 5.17.24
Please do at least 3 things this week before the last day of classes:
💥 1. Extend your end-of-course date: 
This allows students to turn in anything you choose to keep open or if they need to contact you in Canvas/Pronto. You can always close it, but you can’t extend it after it closes.
Text tutorial: Settings>Course Details> adjust your dates> at bottom, click BLUE “Update” 
Cara’s Video Tutorial (1:23) 
📜2. Submit Incomplete forms:  Dean DeVore’s Tutorial (5:22) 
🔚What happens after a course closes: Students can only view the course for the past 2 years by searching their past enrollments (under “all courses”).
Aileen’s Tutorial (1:08) :How to View Past Canvas Courses
Text Steps: Courses>All Course>Past Enrollments 
⭐IMPORTANT:  If you want to keep course materials so you can easily edit, be sure to export the course & import it into a Development Shell (aka Sandbox Shell). These stay in your control.
🗣📢3. Consider Offering brief student conferences or post an announcement
Remind students end-of-semester schedule, how grades are calculated & when/how they can see them, what classes come next if you’re teaching a prerequisite class, etc.
 🆕Campus Updates 
📩 1. Single Sign-on (SSO) in Canvas: Starting this Summer, everyone will need to use their sdccd email login/passwords to log into Canvas. See pop up announcement in Canvas. *Consider giving students an assignment having them email you from their sdccd student email to make sure they can use it this summer & fall.
Online Live Webinar: Online Learning Pathways will be hosting an Introduction to SSO on July 10th at 2 PM: SSO Introduction Zoom
Resources: SSO Faculty Information  & SSO Student Information
🏫2.New Online Faculty Certification Program (OFCP): Current version is ending. New 2-part OFCP starting July 1. Registration is Open
Part 1: Teaching with Canvas & Online Accessibility (Approx. 5 hours – open entry)
Part 2: Introduction to Online Instruction (Approx. 15 hours – 4 weeks - offered each month)
Reminder: Faculty must have OFCP Certification complete before they can teach an online course of any online modality. Faculty can check with Dean Brian Weston ([email protected]) for equivalency if they have been certified for online teaching at another campus or entity such as @One.
🧠Free Professional Development Opportunities!
Creating Accessible Videos: Presented by Donna Eyestone, Monday, May 20, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. PST, Location: Online Accessibility Mentor Zoom
@ONE: Free self-paced & facilitated courses
@ONE Webinars (Archives available)
*Many thanks to Cara Smulevitz & Dean DeVore for their terrific videos included in this posting!
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milkeybaby · 8 months
👉🌏🌎🌍💣What do the wars happening in the world mean and where are they heading‼️ =📖Bible prophecies are now being fulfilled, indicating the "last days" when all systems in this world will end, and evidence that the world is heading toward Armageddon.☑️🔚🔥 I'd say it's very close.🚨
🗣️I'll add one more related article after this.
Please take a look.👁️
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kazu88sworld · 8 months
👉🌎🌍🌏💣What do the wars happening in the world mean and where are they heading⁉️=📖Bible prophecies are now being fulfilled, indicating the “last days” when all systems in this world will end, and evidence that the world is heading toward Armageddon.☑️🔚🔥☄️ I’d say it’s very close.🚨
🗣️I’ll add one more related article after this. Please take a look.👁️
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peterstanslizzie · 2 years
Is the Day of Unity really the FINALE of The Owl House?
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I have FULL faith in Eda and Lilith to have already left by the time the Emperor’s guards showed up 
BTW, is this the last time we’re going to be seeing the main characters living in THE OWL HOUSE…at least until the end of the series? 😯
I doubt Luz, King and Hooty will be coming back here unless they weren’t given the heads up yet 
We’re approaching the ENDGAME 🔚 people!!! Only 1 week away till the Day of Unity!
That’s SOONER than I thought tbh because we still have 4 episodes left in season 2 and roughly 6 episodes in season 3.
Are they trying to fit like 8-10 episodes worth of scenes that only stretches a period of 1 week? 🤨
This makes me think that the Day of Unity isn’t the last event that’s going to happen but I could be wrong 🤔
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aimixx · 3 years
I've 👁 had a couple 👰 of Samsung 🤣😅 phones 📱 and I 👥 think 💭 they're 👨 great 🇬🇧. I've 👁 ever 😠 only had two 💏 of their smartphones 📱 tho 😏, or three 🍗 if you 👈🏼 count 🔢 the Galaxy 😤 Young 👶. Galaxy 😤 Young 👶 was an experience 🖐 to say 💬 the least 💯. Looking 👀 back ⬅ it doesn't even 🌃 seem 🤔 like 😄 a smartphone 🆕📲☎ but 🍑 just because it had a touch 👈 screen 📺, it was a smartphone 🆕📲☎, at least ❗ for me. I 👁 remember 💭 the pressing 👊 of the buttons 🔴😤 surprisingly 😯 smooth 😭 and didnt feel 😜👉🍆 like 👍👈 those screens 💻🖥 where you 👈🏽 had to press 👊 with mild 😷 pressure 🛃 to actually 😳 interact 🍆 with the screen 📺. And after 👀 a while I 👁 got 🍸 really 💯 good 😎👌🏻💯 at the typing ⌨ and using 😏 the phone 🗣 in general 💂. But 🍑 seeing 👀 all 💯 the other people 👨 in my group 👥 move 🚚 away 😂😅 from those types ⌨ of budget 💵💸 smartphones 📱 didnt even 🌃 phase ℹ me one ☝ bit 😢. And this was a true 💯 budget 💳 phone 🗣, hell 🔥💥😰 it cost 💸💵💴 30 📅$ and it lasted 🔫 me 3 🖱 years 🗓⌛. And then I 👁 got 🉐🇮🇹 the Galaxy 😤 S4 🕹 for 12th ⏳ birthday 🎉. I 👥 won't 🚫 ever 😠 forget 🤔 it. Started 🆕 hyperventilating and everything 💯 when 🍑 I 👁 saw 👀 what I 👁 actually 😳 got 🉐 as a present 🎁. It became ❓ a joke 😜 in the family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and even 🌃 my friends 👬 because my reaction 🗑🙅‍♀️ was filmed 🎥 and was showed 🕺 to every ☝ member 🍆😩 of the family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 of the friend 👫👬👭 I 👥👈 was at. Cus 😐 I 👁 had been looking 👀 at this phone 🗣 for a while, looking 👀 not in a "I 👁 wish 🙏 I 👁✂ had it" kinda 🍕 way 💫, but 🍑 literally 💯 going 🏃 to the shop 🏢 and just lookin 👀🍑 at it and using 😏 it. If my dad 👴 or my mom 👩 asked 🙏 me to come 💦 with them to the mall 🏬 I 👁 would always 🕔 find 🔎😃 a electronics 📺 shop 🏢 and go 🏃🏻2️⃣🎃 to the phone 📞📱😒 section 😼👌💥 and start 🆕 using ✍🏻 the phone 🗣. And there I 👁 would be testing 💯 out all 💯 the features 🎥 for hours 🕐 on 🔛🐆🚌 end 🔚. Gosh 😱, the freaking 🙀😰😱 features 🧬 this phone 📱👉 had, half 💀 of which I 👁 didn't even 🌃 use 🏻 and was defo 💯 a gimmick. But 🍑 at that time ⏰ I 👁 was pretty 👸 goddamn 😤 impressed 😍 with some of them, especially 🙌 the eye-scrolling. Worked 🏢 surprisingly 🤯 well 😦👀🤷 a lot 🍑 of the time ⏰. And the camera 📸 was good 👍 in that time 🕐 period 😩🍫. But 🍑 this phone 🗣 goddamn 😤, I 👁 had this phone 📱 for 5 🎄 years 🗓⏱. In that period 🩸 the people 👨 at my school 🎓 already 😞 had already 👋 changed 📈 about 💦 5 🎄 phones 📱, 1 🎄 each year 📅. But 🍑 there I 👥 was, still 🤞🙌 happy 👍😀😃 as day 🌞 with my phone 📱😫. Around 🧱🎶🎵 year 📆📅 2 ✌ of having the phone 📱↘ I 👁💰 broke 💔 it. I 👁 was coming 😩🍆💦 home 🏠 from school 🏫📝 and had the keys 🔑 and the phone 📱📲 in the same pocket 👖. You 👈 know 🤔 that keyring with the branded ™ ribbon 😳🎁🎀 looking 👀 thing 📴 a lot 🍑 of people 👫👬👭 have, for having the key 🔑 around 🔃 your 👉 neck 🧣? Yeah ✅, so the phone 📱 was above 🆙 that and got 🉐 lifted 👐💪 out of the pocket 👖 and kissed 💋👄 the concrete 🤕 floor 😂 about 💦 2 ✌ metres 📏 down ⬇
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novakspector · 3 years
Today 📅 is the end 🏁 of the Republic 🏛.
The end 🔚 of a regime 😖 that acquiesces to disorder 🖕. At this very 👌 moment 😳 in a system 🗺 far 🌌 from here, the New 👌 Republic 🐘 lies 😤 to the galaxy 🌠 while secretly 🤐 supporting 💕 the treachery 👿 of the loathsome Resistance 🙅🏽.
This fierce 😠 machine 😡🤖🍆 which you 👈 have built 🔧🔨, upon 👦 which we stand 🕴 will bring 🚶 an end 🔚 to the Senate 👈😤👌, to their cherished 😍💕🚀 fleet 👀.
All 💯 remaining 💻 systems will bow 🏹 to the First 👆 Order 📑 and will remember 🤔 this as the last 😍 day 🌞 of the Republic 🏛!
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papatus-camron-blog · 2 years
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A terrible conflict is in progress between God and the devil. It has raged through the centuries since Lucifer, heaven’s most powerful angel, rebelled against God( Isaiah 14:14). With the angels who joined him, he attempted to seize control of the universe. God and the loyal angels had no choice but to eject Lucifer and his angels from heaven( Rev 12:9). Lucifer, who became known as Satan, was infuriated. His determination to control the universe has only grown since. Amazingly, he has won the support of the majority of earth’s people in his rebellion. The Lord also asks for people’s loyalty and support, but He leaves all free to choose. Soon every person on earth will have aligned with either Satan or God no neutral ground. The final battle between Satan and God is just ahead, and it is described in the book of Revelation. This prophetic book points out that God has an emblem, a mark, that will identify His people. Satan also has an emblem, a mark, that will identify those who support him. As usual, Satan will work through an earthly power—symbolized in Revelation 13 by a beast—to impose his mark. The beast’s mark( Sunday), which every lost person of the end time will receive.
Like the three Hebrew men in the Old Testament book of Daniel, when they refused to worship an idol, choosing to face the death penalty rather than violate God’s commandments. (See Daniel 3.) What’s fascinating is that, using imagery borrowed from Daniel’s story, the book of Revelation foretells a time when people in the last days will also have the chance to take a public stand for God by refusing to “worship the beast and his image,” even on pain of death (Revelation 14:11).
Those who expect to refuse the beast’s mark in the future must step under Jesus’ Sabbath banner now. His power is available to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32). Without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). With Him, all things are possible (Mark 10:27).
What is Jesus saying to people today?
“He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12).
What a fantastic promise! If we follow Him, we will not end up in darkness but will, instead, have glorious truth ( proverbs 28:5). Further, following Him and keeping His Sabbath will put God’s mark on our foreheads and protect us from the dreadful plagues (Psalm 91:10) that will fall upon the disobedient (Revelation 16). It also marks us as ready for translation at Jesus’ second coming. What blessed protection and assurance God has offered us!
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timorin11 · 2 years
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It’s the last Monday and the last day of this month of January! Have a wonderful day today, amazing end of the month, powerful beginning of the new month from tomorrow and blessed and productive week ahead! Enjoy the time. 🍀 #mondaythoughts💭 #mondaymotivation #thelastdayofthemonth🔚 #feelingalreadyinspired #feelingblessed😇 #suchaninspiration❤️ #keepgoing💪 #powerfulwomen #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womenforever❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CZYsD5YrKwX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pipelinelaserraygun · 14 days
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Thursday May 23rd was the local premiere of what I now consider the VERY BEST "Mad Max" 🍿 movie of ALL.
It's 1 of the GREATEST action movies EVER created, stand alone.
AND, as is often the case with God, it's a MAJOR 🎥 Pop Culture event that has significant SPIRITUAL Intel embedded into it: Protect the GREEN place (Eden). Find your way home (Heaven).
The road to 👿 perdition is a dystopian path cluttered with debris, which with God's help needs to be "crossed"/ ✝️.
Even at its bleakest, Mankind is on an ongoing mission: a Return-to-Eden.
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Return to Paradise: This IS going DOWN, @ 🔚 of Days.
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MUST 🙈🙊🙉 SEE‼️The 👺👺 weeds/globalists are getting trimmed.
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MUST 🙈🙊🙉 SEE‼️The 👺👺 weeds/globalists are getting trimmed.
THEIR 🪳 bug spray, 🌎 intended to harm God's people, WILL backfire‼️
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You are being asked to think about TITLES given to the World's Savior and Messiah as they relate to those who are wed to THAT person: For example, ✝️💍 Christ is acknowledged as the Lion of Judah, so THAT makes the 👑👰🏽 Bride of Christ the 🦁 lioness of Judah.
In THIS devotional example, another title for our Spouse Jesus is The last Adam.
THAT would mean that another title for Mrs. Christ is The last Eve.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 3 months
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Evil government 👺 📴-icials were on display, prematurely celebrating a fall of 🇺🇸 American Beulah, during biden's 2024 SOTU 🤮 drivel.
"Slavery. Gladiatorial games. Tyranny."
... WHAT (nothing) has changed?
Those were the opening ceremonies...
FINAL celebrations concern the fall of American babylon.
✝️🛐 Christ has the last say.
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On Tuesday March 5, 2024, 🎙️a "subspace transmission" was JUST unearthed❣️ It is an example of John Salazar, whose SPIRITUAL likeness in our Family is that of Spock, reaching out to us FROM BEYOND-beyond, ONE day before his Celebration of Life Memorial service/Luncheon.
--🖖🏽 A show of "Morality and Philosophical questions."
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Highlights from the mafioso's speech.
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satan's puppeteer, the 👺💩 defacto "mayor" of Chicago.
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⬆️ Interviewed Thurs 3/7/24.
Zack Snyder and Trump have something in common: their works remain UNFINISHED.
IF 📬 God delivers Christians and conservatives a decisive victory 🆚🗳️ irregularities at year's 🔚, let's hope WE'VE learned our lesson, & resolve to NEVER let crime lords rob us 🦮🦯 blind AGAIN.
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