#(   sweet pea   )   /   *   answered  .
thedeadthree · 6 months
TAGGED BY @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @shellibisshe, @leviiackrman, @nightbloodbix, @lavampira, @marivenah, @faerune, @socially-awkward-skeleton and @corvosattano to take this uquiz for a few dears !! ty ty!!!!!!
TAGGING: @ruinbringer, @griffin-wood, @duskfey, @jendoe, @aponibolinayen, @pinkfey, @unholymilf, @gwynbleidd, @adelaidedrubman, @carlosoliveiraa, @grapecaseschoices, @flyntz, @jackiesarch, @katsigian, @quickhacked, @full---ofstarlight, @avallachs, @risingsh0t, @dameayliins, @starforger, @vanoefucks, @yennas, @bloodofvalyria, @malefiicarum, @ravensgard, @theviridianbunny, @mrdekarios, @shadowglens, @fenharel, @nokstella, @swordcoasts, @leondaltons and you!!
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The tunnel never had a light. You wish for nothing because you know you'll receive nothing, and your hopes died out long ago. The only thing that keeps you going is the thrill of emptiness you feel when things don't turn out your way. It's bitter. It's proof. Proof that you don't feel this way for nothing.
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There's a hole where your heart used to be and nothing is filling that hollow void. You could drown in a world curated for you, and still nothing seems to fit. It eats you alive knowing you're unsure how to satiate the hunger of your soul. It's barely hunger, it's more like a blackhole.
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Your expectations are ones you can barely meet. You compare yourself to others, but with a hypocritical light. You'll never find what you're looking for if you're laying down half of what you receive. It stings to be given less than expectations you've set, but if they were more reasonable, do you think even then you'd be happy?
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The pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. You're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish you were or had as opposed to what you do. It's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead.
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Your energy depletes as you hand it out to anyone passing by your basket. People walk by and take, but no one ever leaves. You're constantly running on low when people keep asking you to give. You'd give your soul away for free, and then what left do you have of yourself if you can't say no?
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Your heart feels full of the connection you feel you lack. No matter how many people are around you, strangers or not….someone is missing. You don't know who, what, or if you'll ever find them. You're unsure if there's a person out there who'll really satisfy your life, so really what's the point of continuing to look?
#only if you want to of course !! <3#oc: amavet aerasume#oc: yeva yakovleva#oc: vaermina vanthampur#oc: tissaia thorm#oc: chiara de laurentis#oc: cythia vassermiller#GEE WHIZ QUIZ WARN ME NEXT TIME BEFORE YOU GUT AMAVET LIKE THAT gvashgdv *SCREAMS*#DESPAIR. HE GOT DESPAIR IM - !!!!! are you KIDDING mee!!#they dont call him the mourning lord for giggles :') THE NERVEE#im fine with this im fine with this im fine :)#*screams* ok ok i was a bit ?? with yevas but I THOUGHT ABOUT IT AND RAHH ITS !! it gets her!!!!!!!#they were too on the nose sweet pea im SORRY vaer !!#TIISSAIAAAA FIRST OF ALL HOW YOU DARE QUIZ SECOND OF ALL DO YOU MIND IF I BEGAN CRYING BC!!#TISSAIA MY SWEET GIRL :') this is fine!!!!#CHIARAA i knew she would get this answer I KNEWW ITTTT#cythias *screams* THE WAY THERE WAS SOMETHING I HAVE HAD BRAINSTORMED FOR HER IN MIND THAT FITS THIS SO WELL??#over the course of her arc in the novels (and show as well!!) loneliness is PREVALENT the part on how in spite of the people around#she can still feel loneliness is SO poignant to the isolation she feels at court this answer gets her to the letter AHH!!#TY TY SO MUCH FOR THE TAGS i missed doing uquizzes sm !!!!!! THIS WAS FUN <3 i may do more clowns with this it was lovely !!#cy ur so a*licent coded <3 'is there no one in the empire to take my side' 'i have no friends here all they see is the empress' SCREAMSS#something something 'id like to think im still the lady cythia' AAAAA BABY BABY MY POOR BABYY#i mean vaer was living in an estate alone with just her t*ressym trying not to be a sacrificed to summon the hells by her family so she#really just had her expectations of the life she manifested SO LIKE..... yk?? sweet pea'll marry the love of her life and#skxjjxjx
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not-poignant · 6 months
Hi Pia I love your Stardew Alex so much that I always think of him when I play now
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Anon you and I are in the same boat here, because this is what I do too.
*gentle high fives*
I also think of BDSM Elliott down by the sea a lot lmao
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mushpotaeto · 1 year
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: ¨·.·¨ : ‌ ` ·.  𝖨𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖼𝗄:
✿ ᰍ 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐞𝐞 — collection Please fill out the form & tick all items you are interested in buying from us.
Likes ♡ and Reblog ↺ are appreciated ៸៸៸៸
🌿🌷 : https://forms.gle/GNjixhrAiBRunKyi6
Looking forward to your response! Thank you so much for helping us out 🫶🏼 ✎ᝰ. Minty Palette  ₊˚ʚ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎₊˚✧
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
Patron saint of being a cute little house wife to men who would take The Best care of you but also not be afraid to be a bastard in bed
even if im not a housewife this still sounds just so nice. be as sweet to me as possible in public but fuck me like you hate me 😚🤌
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madame-mongoose · 9 months
Blorbo Martian? I know ur also insane about the little guy, I just wanna know in what way <- Wants to study you in a bug box
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MARVIN MY BABY SWEET we got our first bingo 💖💖💖
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antis-hell · 7 months
Question for the bearded dragon!
What's your favorite food?
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hypercam2 · 10 months
im sort of hiding a cat from my landlord but i don't think they care but what if it's some stupid long game where they try to kick me out for having an animal even though i did ask for permission and i know other people here have them i just..... AAHHHH
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cafe-au-lait-21 · 10 months
Sweet Pea needs some sweet SMOOCHING.
Sweet Pea's skull flushed with magic just enough for him to quickly cover his cheek bones, a wide and giddy grin finding its way onto his face. "Awwww! Why thank you! - I would assume you're human, since creators are usually human - but like a different type of human, right? Either way, thank you! Although I'm afraid I do have a case of haphephobia, so I'd be glad to blow you lots of kisses instead!"
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
deeplyflxwed asked: [  ELEVEN  ] :  “ we can’t do this again. ” (for sweets)
MEME: complicated feels dialogue prompts FROM: @deeplyflxwed​ STATUS: accepting!
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         It wasn’t the first time, and he’s almost certain it wouldn’t be the last. He’s heard it before, the shame that creeps over him in the wake of what they’ve just done, Sweet Pea would be lying if he said he hadn’t felt like that too, after the first time he hooked up with a guy, so he gets it, the shame and guilt that he’d doubled down on himself in the past. It’s not gay, if you top, had been Matra for so long he’d almost believed it. Eyes roll at Nate’s words and he shrugs, “Yeah, and you said that the last time too, pretty boy.” a coy little smirk curves on his mouth, because he knows it’s only a matter of time until the initial shame washes away, until Nate is back blowing up his phone, looking for another little fix.
        That was the fun part about hooking up with straight boys, it made the back and forth, i love you, i hate you, spiel all that more enticing. And maybe there was something to unpack there, some deep-seated belief that this was all he deserved, but that was a conversation for another day. Right now, his attention focused solely on Nate, he’s shaking his head, inching closer, hands on his waist, pulling him in, their height almost a match, tongue running the length of his lip, not breaking eye contact, oh he was baiting him, testing, and teasing - seeing if there is really any conviction behind his words. “shame, you looked so pretty on your knees for me, you’re loss, princess...but you know none of your little cheer leaders are gonna ruin you like I do.”
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amara-among-the-stars · 9 months
🥹🥹🥹🥹 I loved it!!! Thank you love bug 🖤🖤🖤
🫶🩷❤️🩵 im glad you liked it sweetpea
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wild-penguin · 1 year
happy birthday you gorgeous, sweet girl i hope today is wonderful for you <3
Neeaaaaa Peaaa 🩷🩷 means everything coming from you thank you!!
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makiswirl · 1 year
you stink!!!!! Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
(only if you want to of course 😌🙏)
I am always inspired by you! your pokemon au is living rent-free in my mind and I'm so tempted to make my own! your blog is such a treat to visit~
this is literally so sweet jes, thank you so much!!!! honestly one of the best things that has happened to me in my whole life has been joining a community of people who are creative and kind and ugh i love it.
PLS write pokemon au PLS PLS PLSPLS i am begging everyone to please participate bc i want to read everyone's stories and lore and see their drawings. i loved star wars au but i REALLY love pokemon au lmfao
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redscorpiocat · 2 years
can i... give sweet pea a kiss? 👉👈
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He loves himself a good kiss! He takes it like no problem!💖
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mrsandypants · 1 year
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications ✨
Oh my goodness how precious is this~! Why thank you sweet pea! Always love an adorable chain post. 😊
Things that make me happy... hmmm. Well... 1) Kpop in general. I'm about as multi as they come but I absolutely love anything regarding my ults. 😊 (Stages / Concerts / Variety Shows / and of course the music itself~!) 2) Discussing dramas with friends / mutuals! It's always a treat when you get the chance to gripe over characters you dislike or squee over your favourites. (Even if opinions differ, so long as everyone is copacetic!) 3) My daily cup of coffee in the morning (and the 5 cups of tea that follow). Pfft. I'm such a sucker for the comfort of a cold beverage though, so more often than not they tend to be iced. What can I say. 😂 4) Freshly baked bread once a week. Like I cannot tell you how excited I get whenever it's finally done. Like the whole household smells of yum and it's just such a treat. Chef's kiss~ 5) Winding down at the end of the day with a game. It's not an every day afair, but if I get a little time to chill with my partner or some friends and play something for an hour or so, it really brightens my day. 😊 Thank you for the ask precious pumpkin~~~
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julcia404 · 2 years
Do you read even bad fanfics? I mean there are no bad fanfics because in every story is a lot effort but you know what I mean ^^
Sweet nonny, what kind of question is that? ^^'
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But yes, I know what you mean and I do read also the ones that are ...umm, let's say... not that well written. I don’t necessarily read them to the end, sometimes it’s just a bit too much, but I give them all a chance. Because sometimes there are some really good ideas hidden behind unfavorable pace, missing line breaks or texts that are difficult to understand due to grammatical, spelling or logic errors and such things. And often you can see the improvement the writers make, and that's great! Everyone has to start somewhere 🤷🏽‍♀️
When I comment (or 'like') something, I really mean it. I'm a very honest reader. That doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t like something if don’t interact with it, it often just means that my free time and capacities are very limited (you know, everyday life and stuff...)
thanks for your ask and sleep well with greetings from the everbyte-timezone 💙
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