#(( They're not OCs but most of these questions should be interesting to flesh out some lore and/or headcanons ))
acewitch-writes · 5 months
Hello! I recently found your account, and I went on scrolling down and down...and now I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank u- Merci. About 90% of the content you share here has made me feel so much better. I realllyy hope wonderful things happen for you. I've been a fan of hp since 2001, but I'm not really a social media person so I haven't been active in the fandom. I had no idea what was happening here until recently..two months ago to be exact (other details are not important) and omg.. I ended up in a discussion with some I think, new fans. tbh I thought, "Great! I'm good at this, I read all the books more than once Let's talk :)"  and omg their very first question was "What do you think about Regulus?"
I was like, "Who?" *dying from secondhand embarrassment bc It turns out I'm not that good at this
but as the discussion continued, I became more and more baffled bc "Why was everyone talking about Barty, Evan, and Regulus? who is daddy Remu? and what do you mean people ship James Potter with R.A.B.? What?"
I swear for a moment I thought "Did the writer publish a new book? Did I miss something? " tbh, I respect everyone's opinion it's none of my business but I'm still shocked. The only thing that bothers me is everything that happened with this new Wolfsar
omg, for most fans around my age (or at least people I know), Sirius was the complete portrayal of a bad boy- a rebel, with boots, tattoos, a leather jacket, and a fucking motorcycle. so this new Sirius is like a stranger to me, and that's okay. Mein issue is kinda with this new Remus T T my beloved .
They (the fans I was talking with) told me Remus is "tall, so handsome, SO strong, and hot-headed person because,  yk he's a werewolf." I was like "hot headed? excuse me?" I tried to explain to them that Remus being a werewolf is a metaphor for illnesses like HIV, it's not some superpowery gift.  they didn't believe me, but then they literally looked me in the face and said, "Then why would Sirius like someone like him? He's poor, short, and ugly." I swear I wanted to cry right then and there.
What is this mindset that makes some people think that a person should be, Idk, hot and flawless to deserve to be loved? Yes I don't think Remus is tall and super hot and perfect and isn't it fine? and I am 100% sure he's so beautiful. not like Sirius ofc but he has this "warm, cozy, and soft" sort of beauty. and I don't think he was a coward (ok maybe he was a liitle) but I guess it's easier for us, humans, to take the worst or weakest moment of a character and amplify it until it defines them entirely. and omg I'm so sorry for my rant and my bad english. but once again thank you for your beautiful soul <3 thank you
Hi anon! I, too, am baffled by the recent obsession with Regulus in this fandom. I think Jegulus is fine as a crack ship, but it has become so mainstream that many fans have just gone ahead and canonized it to the point that you'll be vilified for not accepting it as canon. I underestimated how popular the "best friend's brother" trope was, apparently. I also think it appeals to many fans as a Marauders Era version of one of the most popular ships of all time, Drarry.
This new version of Wolfstar is my biggest complaint with today's fandom, too! I get that the Marauders have very limited canon information and therefore we have more creative freedom to flesh them out, but I really believe that it has gone way too far. Sirius and Remus in today's fandom don't bear any resemblance to the characters they're based on. Remus is just a generic alpha werewolf OC and Sirius is his generic himbo femboy love interest OC. They don't even share a physical description with their Canon counterparts, and their personalities and character traits are so far removed that I can't even fathom how we reached this point as a fandom. How can you claim to like these characters if you have to change everything the source material says about them?
You're English is great, by the way! I completely agree that Remus has a cozy-and-warm sort of beauty. He made a point to distance himself from the stigma surrounding Lycanthropy because it was the focal point of his shame and self-loathing. And I just adore Wolfstar's dynamic from this lens, with the intimidatingly beautiful, confident, headstrong Sirius Black, who could have his pick of anyone he wants, choosing this ordinary guy because he's cozy and soft and it's exactly what Sirius wants after surviving the harsh ideals and abuse of House Black.
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threadsun · 1 year
I LOVE HIM !! I LOVE Z SO MUCH ALREADY the uh— that one thingy about finding them all beated up at a random ally (or alley I have no idea English is so hard LMFAO—) sorta woke something in me should I be worried? yeah I should- also the thingy about easily flustered people was so sweet idk why,,,
Another question uh- do you have any headcanons for him? Okay wait let me— I like to think of random headcanons for my own Ocs then realize “wait they’re mine so technically they can be canon,,???” BUT ALSO NO??? LIKE LMFAO WHY WOULD I DO THAT LETS JUST KEEP IT AS A RANDOM FANTASY- idk if that made sense I just hope it’s understandable no don’t expect me to explain it again I have no idea how to put words together in order for them to make sense.
-silly example, that one fact about Bun liking reptiles started off as a joke with a friend then I started liking the idea turning it into a silly hc and now she’s just a reptile freak yeah fun-"
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Yesssss!!! Seeing a pretty man in distress is so hot!!! Z simply looks very good bruised and bloody~
He goes feral for people who are easily flustered!! He sees someone cute and he needs to make them feel good!!
Oooooh yes, I know exactly what you mean!! Ummmm let's see... these all started as joke headcanons but then became canon:
He has absolutely shit eyesight. Like he needs very strong prescription glasses. Technically, he owns a pair, but he just doesn't bother to use them most of the time. Instead he just squints at everything, which makes him seem more intimidating than he actually is
If he gets part of him cut off, like his arm or something, he just boils a kettle and pours the water on the two bits that need to be reattached and then just... jams them together and waits for the clay to dry again?
Oooooh this one kinda goes back to the idea of turn offs, he once found out that a guy he was dating (a vampire named Charles) had previously dated his grandfather and he immediately dumped the guy. It was just too fuckin weird for him. His grandpa thought it was very funny though
(Just in general, his exes are very interesting imo. I've got like 12 or so of them fleshed out, and they're quite the line-up. Z has... some interesting tastes)
He and his spouse had a very romantic meet cute where Nik killed the guy who was beating Zander up, and Zander was not thrilled about it, but was very into the tiny angry person who just committed murder in front of him. And then Nik couldn't get rid of Z because he was enamoured with them
His grandfather (on the golem side) prefers to take the form of a cat so he can more easily keep an eye on Z. This does lead to Z picking up a giant fluffy grey cat and introducing him to people as his grandpa, 100% seriously and with no understanding that this may confuse people or make them think it's a joke
He was a baby at one point, and did sort of half do the whole "childhood and growing up" thing because his mum wanted him to, but once he hit about 14 he said fuck it and just kinda... became an adult. He didn't wanna have to deal with that bullshit anymore, and his mum had already sent him away to the circus when he was 10 so he realised he didn't have to be a child for her anymore
He loves worms, they're his favourite animal!
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pile-of-bugs · 3 years
You can learn so much about people just by asking them what super-power they would have in a world of superheroes. For example:
"Oh uh... I would want invisibility."
Probably very shy. Maybe they wanna go to parties but not be seen. Or they simply want to observe people's everyday lives without being noticed (as in, overhearing a coffee shop chat, not stalker stuff).
High self confidence, but don't mistake it for narcissism! They're probably just very driven and want to show off their talents, but not in a selfish way. Probably an extrovert.
"I would control [very obscure/specific item, like dust, ceramics, bubble wrap, clothing, etc]. When you think about it, you could do a lot with a power like that."
A very technical person. Probably a bit of a loner. They're often lost in thought. They notice the little details other people don't, and appreciate them. They're usually silent, but can rant on for hours about a topic they're interested in.
"I wish I had wings and could fly!"
A simple person. But simple is good! You might think they want to travel everywhere, but there's so much to explore in just your hometown! Maybe they just hate traffic.
"I wish I could talk to plants/animals."
They are probably very sensitive. Their feelings are hurt easily, but they're also perceptive to the feelings of others more than most people. I'd say they're also likely a vegan, unless they specified the "talking to plants" part. That would probably be terrifying for a vegan.
"Haha, I'd just like to sort through papers faster!"
You'll mostly get responses like this from boomers. It kind of ruins the mood and just makes everyone involved depressed. They're the kind of person who tries to tell jokes to lighten the mood, but they're clearly weighed down and just need a break. Give these poor people some rest.
"I want to print money from my hands!"
Evil. This person would most certainly be a villain and should not be trusted. Even if they say, "But I'd use that money to buy people food!" Why not just print food from your hands then? Idiot.
"Shape-shifting would be awesome!"
Either this person just really wants to turn into a specific animal, or they are trans. How many trans people would kill for this power? Many. I know I would. Not only could you cure your body dysmorphia, but just imagine the possibilities!
"I would have the power to see the future."
Creepy and disturbing. This power would raise some uncomfortable questions. Is everything pre-determined? Is there such a thing as free will? People who want this power probably have good intentions, but often don't think about the consequences of their actions.
"I want to print food from my hands!"
Heroic. Noble. Or just very hungry and lazy. No matter what reason they have for wanting this power, they deserve it.
"I just want the the power to get a good night's rest and not feel dead in the morning..."
God, same.
"I dunno, metal powers or something? Like making and bending metal and stuff."
Wow! What a craftsman. This person probably already works with metal. They just want their job to be easier, but at least they're not mopey about it like the boomers. A simple, yet forward thinker.
"I want to be able to make anything I draw come to life, like that one guy from Fairy Tail!"
This person watches Fairy Tail, and also just wants to make out with their OC's. Can you blame them?
"Full control over technology."
Likely a Redditor who is mad about being banned from multiple sub-Reddits and wants all responsible to suffer. Either that, or a coder who understands how fucking hard it is to code. There are no alternatives.
"I just want to be able to heal anyone!"
Naive, young, and foolish. Could have easily asked for total control over flesh, which would've also granted them combat prowess and the ability to reanimate the dead. At least their heart is in the right place? (It could be somewhere else with that flesh control power).
"I'm gonna be super strong!!"
The lovable knucklehead. A big, mean tough guy would not ask for this power. Only a big, nice tough guy would ask for this power. You are a big, nice tough guy, and you're asking for this power. But the truth is? You already have it. Now get back out there, champ.
"I want to have super intellect, and be smarter than everyone else!"
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masonscig · 3 years
Hi! Just stopping by to say that I adore your detectives! I always love seeing the art and reading all the posts about them. I'm most familiar with Sofia, she is wonderful. Still trying to remember everyone's OCs. I stopped posting about mine, they're not popular or interesting. It's fun to send asks so I try to send them when I can to learn more and always enjoy having something to read! I'll send some more asks when I remember all of the questions. I should write those down. 💗
ANON!!!!!!! HI YOU’RE SO SWEET :’) genuinely thank u sm !!!! i love my detectives a lot and fleshing them out has been keeping me sane during quarantine (fandom space in general has so it means a lot that you like reading about them!!! <3)
ALSO – HELLO DO NOT PUT YOUR OC’S DOWN IN MY ASK BOX!!! this is me politely asking you to tell me about your detectives – i promise i’m interested and that someone else is interested!!! seriously, if you’re comfortable coming off anon, send me your posts!!! ill gladly rb <3
so i will ask YOU questions: which li/friend dynamic is your favorite? which detectives want to be turned and which ones are fine being human? which ones dated bobby and do they still care about them?
I EXPECT AN ESSAY IN MY INBOX STAT (and anything else u want to tell me about them) !!!!!
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