#(The link to the original quotes article since died but I can provide it in comments later and extra context is from Wiki which has a whole
rayonfrozenwings · 6 years
The Interconnection of ACOTAR and TOG and what this means for Kingdom of Ash
Welcome to Renee’s theory on how its all connected!
Masterlist to my official theories here. (aka the ones I spent time writing up)
Preface: Now it’s important to note that over time, as new ideas emerge - older theories may become less relevant. Before I start writing - I go in with the perspective that each new theory is on its own. I don’t require the information from other posts/ideas unless explicitly stated in the new theory.
So for this theory, I may refer to other theories I have already written, I may explain them here in a new context, and change my thoughts on them. I even have different paths available for the direction SJM can go. I’m pretty open to everything being a possibility until it is dis-proven in Canon. I paraphrased a fair bit. But if you know TOG well i’m sure you will remember the parts I’m talking about, and if possible I have put in brackets what book said what. CONTAINS REFERENCES TO BOTH TOG AND ACOTAR BOOKS. Also warning - I don't want to accidentally spoil anyone if I actually end up being right about anything, so maybe don’t read this until after KoA. haha. Well you can. But if I manage to get something right, I feel like I have warned you. :P Please Understand that I am trying to take things back to their simplest form, and there are links to wiki articles if you want to do your own reading for better understanding. Hellenistic philosophy for example makes my brain hurt, but if you want more I have linked it. I refer a bit to ancient Greek myth etc too. Tagging: @miladyaelin @bookofmirth @paperbacktrash @therapeuticrambling @lady-katkat @illyrianbeauty @photofeesh @slytherclaw713 @nephelle-warrior-scribe (I just tagged people who might be interested, I will not be offended if you don’t want to read it. :D)
So to start I’m going to propose that the Worlds of Acotar and Prythian are connected. 
That they are linked. How? They are not the “same world” but neither are they different. A year ago I wrote a post called “Erilea” (here). Through discourse and discussion with other people in the fandom on this post, we came up with some cool ideas on why Prythian and Erilea look similar in terms of geography.
Ice age - Change in the Sea Levels. Making Erilea and Prythian the same world at different times. Either Prythian came first or Erilea. Either was an option.
Parallel worlds - multi-world theory, They are the same place with small differences in their history that changed the make up of those worlds (a sliders reference). These worlds can be connected to each other through a Wyrdgate or wormhole. 
But now I have a third theory. A theory about Why Prythian looks a lot like Erilea. And it’s a little Fantastical and I love it. I will be happy if this is not the case too - but it’s always nice to try and solve a puzzle. I believe if the worlds are linked we will find out in Kingdom of Ash. So BEWARE : IF MY THEORY IS RIGHT THEN THERE MAY BE KOA SPOILERS. Of course - i’m just a fan of these books who loves theory - so it’s possible I just have an overactive imagination as well. :D
But First I need to take a step back. 
I need to look at how the Universe for these books is made. (I have written 4000 words in a separate document and its too complicated with lots of open ends and possibilities so I’m trying to simplify here and provide the details that make the most sense. - warning I failed to make it shorter, but at least its in bullet points).
The origins of the Throne of Glass Universe.
There are gods. (all books reference at least one) 
Aelin and co. are in the “third movement” of an unfinished game between these gods. (QOS) The gods guide people to make certain decisions and take certain actions. (EOS)
The Gods do not have physical form but are trapped - At this point in the story anyway. (EOS)
There are mortals in the story - fae, humans, shapeshifters, people who have a vested interest in the material world in which they live. (all books)
There is the idea that the worshiped gods change over time - or who is worshiped changes over time. There are 36 gods in the Southern Continent (TOD) and the Khaganate says that they never eradicate old gods but rather assimilate them into their own religion.
Could this mean that we have three sets of 12? 12 Gods.  Perhaps the same 12 gods at each new re-incarnation (since we have three movements in the unfinished game) or a new scion or mortal to speak through for each of these gods.
But we know that there are 9 on the Pantheon at Mistward (HOF) - So what happened to the other three gods? 
In the “lock” / “witchmirror” Elena is looked over at the obsidian passes by 12 Gods and Goddesses! I think Maeve has been re-writing some history in Wendyln, or not all 12 are worshiped. Time forgets those that aren't seen as important. Which is true of our own histories. The Greek Olympians changed over time and Dionysus was seen more in later pantheon’s for example.
Creation of the universe
Neoplatonism is the idea that the universe is made from an initial thought - The One. There is void and nothing and then necessity/ fate/ the One comes into being. From this point the universe expands out. Creating more and more. Beings that make up essence and soul - I like to think of them as primordial gods/goddesses, life and death gods. Then there is a creator from this - someone who is used as a tool by necessity to craft creation, a physical artisan. Do not confuse the creator with God. The creator is merely an artisan, with the skills and the tools needed to do the work of the necessity. And then more specific Gods form from this.
It is called the Celestial Hierarchy. - see below and link to more info here.
((Celestial hierarchy[edit]
Later neoplatonic philosophers, especially Iamblichus, added hundreds of intermediate beings such as gods, angels, demons, and other beings as mediators between the One and humanity. The neoplatonist gods are omni-perfect beings and do not display the usual amoral behaviour associated with their representations in the myths.
The One: God, The Good. Transcendent and ineffable.
The Hypercosmic Gods: those that make Essence, Life, and Soul
The Demiurge: the Creator
The Cosmic Gods: those who make Being, Nature, and Matter—including the gods known to us from classical religion. ))
Source: wiki: neoplatonism
So What does this mean? I think that this means that Erilea was created by a artisan or creator, and since then there has been a war going on between the “cosmic gods” - So the god of Storms, The goddess of Light, the god of Wild things. These gods had a kind of civil war - either with themselves, or with higher beings. I am ever hopeful that when SJM releases the book “The world of throne of glass” that it shall have all the mythology and story behind how this works because it is complicated to decipher. I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to nail down these influences in her books (jewish bible/ christian bible/greek myth/welsh myth/slavic myth - seriously, i’m going crazy here).
Thanks to the Bone Carver (acowar) we know that there are multiple worlds and that his world turned to dust a long time ago and he cannot return (this might be Erilea, it might not). The Celestial Hierarchy idea above can have more than one creator, the cycle can continue over and over again as long as necessity is guiding something to happen. I believe the reason Prythian is so diverse in its populations is because it’s a combination of things to do with its creation. But that's for me to explain a little further along (I was going to come back to this point - but it’s already super long, and I don't want to head down another path - basically, more than one world, feeding into tartarus = lots of different beings from multiple worlds, and all the worlds could now be dust. Like Angels - aka Amren)
(Also if you love this idea of being guided by necessity and doing the ultimate good then check out David Eddings Belgariad and Mallorean series, because its got those elements fine tuned).
Multiple planes of existence
Another Idea that has been floating around is the idea of multiple planes of existence. Kind of like a Olympus / Earth / The Underworld / Tartarus type of scenario if I use greek myth as an example. There are these realms or planes of existence that exist independently of each other but you are able to access them via certain avenues - like dying, becoming a god, secret passageways, ascending Olympus. This one is pretty cool. Because it means that creatures who find their way into Erilea (think Wyverns through the ferrian gap, Valg creatures in Morath and that monster/serpent under the lake/Mountain in Heir of fire.) They either accidentally or on purpose find their way into Erilea through the darkest places in the world. Dark Tunnels. Gaps in the fabric of Creation. Similar to how it was thought humans could travel to the underworld if they knew how - and still be living. Like Orpheus (ovid’s metamorphosis) traveling to the underworld through a dark tunnel to get back his wife Eurydice. Or Hercules for his various tasks.
The idea of the underworld being a physical place isn’t uncommon. We also get certain days in TOG where the absence of light means that the spirit world is closer to Erilea. Samhain is one such day, and the day of a solar eclipse also has Mort talking in a voice that is not his own or Elena’s. So who’s is it? with the veil between worlds so thin? There are many possibilities - maybe it is even necessity itself. So it is possible that Prythian is a “Underworld”. In fact with the quote “everything tastes better above the wall”- ACOMAF.  I would even say that the seven courts of Prythian could be the Elysian fields. I feel like this idea isn’t new, or at least it has been rattling around in my head for a long time so I feel like I’ve heard it before. The Prison in Acotar has always appeared as Tartarus to me. A place deep deep under the earth, even deeper than the underworld, but the entry is in the underworld. This place is a prison to the worst kind of creatures. The creatures that go against the natural order. Tartarus (wiki link for those wanting more) is believed to be the abyss, the darkest place. I believe Tartarus and “The Prison” are the same.  Interestingly enough Tartarus is said to be a god in its own right often dwelling in Tartarus. The third primordial Deity, preceding Eros (love/desire) That is why Feyre and the others are to be scared of those that dwell there. It is even said that “the watchers” - fallen Angels were imprisoned in Tartarus, and with Amren’s “Angel-ness” coming to light in ACOWAR and the fact we know that she escaped the Prison, makes me even more keen to think that the prison is in actuality Tartarus, and therefore Prythian - the underworld.  OK So all that is the background I have  tried to decipher - for a very very very long time. I have a lot of other theories and ways things might interconnect but I’m just going to leave that for now because - I don't want to get confused. So My next step is Kingdom of Ash and what I think might happen.
What does this mean for KoA?
I suspect that we have an amalgamation of ideas here and that The void and land of cold, ice and Darkness where the Valg come from is actually Prythian (simply known as the Abyss containing Tartarus before Kingdom of Ash’s events.) and Prythian gets a makeover thanks to Aelin. Prythian exists but not as we know it, before the events of Kingdom of Ash. So not only are Prythian and Erilea not the same world but they also do not occur at the same time. 
To be honest - we can get a split here as well.
Aelin makes prythian from scratch
Aelin re-forges Prythian, using what is already there and re-shapes it. 
More Kingdom of Ash Spoilers ahead - if I’m right.
Forging of the Lock.
So how is Kingdom of Ash going to tell me about the creation of Prythian? Well there is a mural in ACOTAR that Feyre finds and describes for us - Chapter 13 of ACOTAR. Here are some quotes from that:
“It told a story with the way the colours and shapes and light flowed, the way the tone shifted across the mural. The story of… Prythian.”
“It began with a Cauldron.”
“A mighty black Cauldron held by glowing, slender female hands in a starry, endless night.
Those hands tipped it over, golden sparkling liquid poured out over the lip. No - not sparkling, but … effervescent with small symbols, perhaps of some ancient faerie language. Whatever was written there whatever it was, the contents of the cauldron were dumped into the void below, pooling on the earth to form our world …” “The map spanned the entirety of our world - not just the land on which we stood, but also the seas and larger continents beyond. Each territory was marked and coloured, some with intricate, ornate depictions of the beings who had once ruled over lands that now belonged to the humans. All of it, i remembered with a shudder, all of the world had once been theirs - at least as far as they believed, crafted for them by the bearer of the cauldron. There were no mention of humans - no sign of us here. I supposed we’d been as low as pigs to them.”
“In the centre of the land, as if it were the core around which everything else had spread, or perhaps the place where the cauldrons liquid had first touched. Was a small, snowy mountain range. From it arose a mammoth, solitary peak. Bald of snow, bald of life - as if the elements refused to touch it. There was no more clues about what it might be; nothing to indicate its importance, and I supposed that the viewers were already supposed to know. This was not a mural for human eyes” - acotar.
A lot of people (myself included) have thought that this mural was the key to linking the worlds. And I think this is the Key to what is going to happen in Kingdom of Ash. Aelin is the creator - the artisan - the wielder of the cauldron. There are two ways/reasons I can see this happening.
Aelin Erupts and has managed to destroy the “darkness” in Erilea, through the creation of the Lock  But Light creates darkness simply by being present. Casting a shadow, and because of this if your remove one then you must also remove the other - like calls to like, made and unmade, a never ending cycle. Rules of balance in the universe etc. She has “unmade” something if she destroys all the Darkness in the world. If this happens, and light is removed then Erilea will cease to exist (think about acowar - near the end with some Cauldron destroying the world type stuff ;) Feyre(light) and Rhys(darkness) work together to save creation). And Aelin either by accident or not -  will need to find a solution to this destruction, a solution to “unmaking” something, to the end of the world as they know it. So she creates prythian to evacuate to, to save the people she can. The void exists on the other side of the Wyrd gate and she uses this as a place to “create” prythian.  
OR The battle is over and Aelin needs to send back all the monstrosities into the void through the Wyrd Gate. She doesn't try to destroy them - only contain them. But as their land has nothing but Darkness, Ice and wind, Aelin needs to create a place for the creatures to live. Not all who have Valg in them are evil - the witches being the perfect example. A cross-breed of darkness and light (Fae and Valg). To banish ALL Valg - surely the witches would need to be vanished too? That seems like a pretty awful alliance, if you help out the saviour and then they banish you!
Note that this does not mean ERILEA and PRYTHIAN are the same - simply that you might be able to reach one through a Wyrd gate if you wanted to. So with those two worrying thoughts. How does she do it?
We know you cannot UNMAKE something that is MADE. And like calls to like, as is said in ACOTAR. Essentially - you cannot have good without evil or light without Darkness. So Aelin needs to find a way to contain and not destroy, because she doesn't want to destroy the entirety of creation.  
Now, Aelin is the first to raise her hand for a wild plan that saves the day - and the gods have said that they will take the dark king with them (EOS) when they are returned home from the eternity stuck in an astral plane. But Aelin has to give up her mortality to do that - she has to give up Rowan - Her life - Her future. Aelin ain't going to do that. She hates being told what to do, if she can find a way out - she will.
Aelin needs to make sure the natural order is restored.   So using the Acotar mural as reference  - She forges a Cauldron using her powers from Mala Firebringer acting as the forge, using iron from the ironteeth witches as they evolve and change. 
The last Crochan queen (Manon) melts the iron inside her as she yields, giving all the iron to the cauldron. Manon is the only being who has inside her - The LIGHT and the DARK. She is an IRONTEETH witch and a CROCHAN witch. She is both good and Evil. She is the Bridge between Aelin (the light) and Dorian (the darkness). 
Iron also contains magic in Erilea, it prevents it from working. The iron doors and iron coffin, stifle magic, so the iron of the cauldron would act to ground the magic, to bind it to the mortal world. The raw magic from the realm of darkness (Dorian) combines with that of the realm of light (Aelin). Together the three of them create a cauldron to hold the wyrd keys and fill it full of glittering liquid that is the liquid of creation. And a female with Slender pale arms becomes the Creator of Prythian (I’m assuming it's Aelin because she is the “saviour”, making the sacrifice and is also “nameless in my price” and no-one remembers the creator’s name in Prythian).
Then with the cauldron, Aelin creates Prythian.
She either goes through the gate and pours the liquid (or pours the liquid through the gate) out of the cauldron and into the darkness of the void, landing on the top of a sacred mountain.
Tartarus (underworld) is already there, drifting in the abyss, but she makes the Elysian fields - she makes the underworld, she makes the promised land, Prythian. 
From the Darkness Aelin creates a new land in the image of her home land.
In an image or Erilea.
Her thoughts - her words become the essence of creation.  
Aelin hasn’t traveled far, but the places she has been to she pours forth from herself into this new place. Using the magic of the cauldron to shape creation - she remakes what has been made before. She pours Xandria and the Desert (Hybern), a place she only reached by sea, now an isolated island. She pours the Omega and her sacred forest (Oakwald), she pours in the mountain ranges, and the coast in s familiar shape, she includes Wendlyn and the sights she saw there. She pours her heart and soul forth as she includes Terrasen, the library of Orynth and the mountain home from which those gods and goddesses once looked over Erilea, the Staghorn mountains in the distance (night court). And the constellation that always guides her home - the Stag of the North, to look over the people and guide them. Always looking over Terrasen and now their new home.
She knows she can’t replicate everything as she hasn't seen the entirety of the world.
But she tries her best.
She makes Prythian as best she can.
A reflection of the World she knows - a reflection of Erilea.  
Then she finds ways to trap and bind Maeve and Erawan (Death Gods - Styrga and Koschei)  who she must send there too.
Because Aelin won’t make a deal with the gods, she is forging her own path.
Ensuring her own survival.
She binds the primordial gods to a location so they may not harm the inhabitants. So they may not repeat what they did in Erilea. 
Here there is a split - Either point 1 or point 2 from above (depending on whether the entire world is turning to ash - or she is just banishing the valg). 
(Point 1 - Erilea turned to ash)
She takes a part of the death god’s essence back into the cauldron, diminishing their power.
As many as possible are sent through the gate to save them.
She Banishes Maeve to a forest, to be watched by the little folk who choose to guard her. 
She banishes Erawan to a Lake/”silver” on the Continent.  
When it is over - she has drained all her magic.
All the godly essence given to her from Mala is gone. 
The gods are gone. Released from their eternal torment (if Erilea is destroyed). 
Dorian has used all his raw magic and Manon has used all the power her body once contained. Manon no longer has any iron and is a true Crochan witch, no ironteeth remaining.
They open the gate to all who wish to step through, to a new world, made in the image of the first. As their own world turns to dust. They cross over into Prythian on the Sacred Mountain where the Cauldron’s glittering liquid first touched the land.
(Point 2 - Banishing valg)
She takes a part of the death god’s essence back into the cauldron, diminishing their power.
As many as possible are sent through the gate.
She Banishes Maeve to a forest, to be watched by the little folk who choose to guard her. 
She banishes Erawan to a Lake/silver on the Continent.  
When it is over - she has drained all her magic.
All the godly essence given to her from Mala is gone.
Aelin can choose to trap the gods in Tartarus or the Prison forever - a kind of payback.  
Dorian has used all his raw magic and Manon has used all the power her body once contained. Manon no longer has any iron and is a true Crochan witch, no ironteeth remaining.
They go back to their kingdoms and castles and try to live in a world without Valg.
They put the Cauldron back in the Abyss, never to be used again. The wyrd keys hidden inside it’s feet. 
Then we have the story of ACOTAR - A story set in this new world. With the gods having vanished or have been “redistributed” throughout creation. Re-emerged into new people, new bloodlines, getting a second chance.
If point 1 comes to pass then we get our happy endings. Fresh starts made by the saviours. The living beings are what matter, not the land itself. And Erilea has long ago turned to dust and the survivors are in Prythian - living their happily ever afters and facing new challenges. Their bloodlines continuing through generations. Feyre Archeron having the blood of that fae warrior who saved all - long ago, imbued with light. Joins with the darkness (Rhysand) to save Prythian (in ACOWAR). A darkness that soothes, and isn’t evil. Creating a perfect balance of light and dark in Prythian. A fresh start.
“There are different kinds of darkness,” Rhys said. I kept my eyes shut. “There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful.” I pictured each. “There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be, needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good.”  ACOMAF.
The Acheron Line is human I hear your say - Is that because Aelin gave up her immortality to live? Her power transferred to the cauldron and as a gift she was able to live a mortal life? I could speculate on who is descendant from who, but I’m not going to do that here. I’m going to wait and see if this theory has any validity once Kingdom of Ash comes out. If not. That’s fine, I look forward to being surprised. Either way I am going to love this book.
So why would SJM say the worlds aren't linked? Because she doesn't want to give away the ending for Kingdom of Ash. She doesn't want to spoil us! And here I am doing my digging and making my stories. (by the way if I’m wrong - That's cool, I love to be surprised! I think this would make an amazing story though - anyone want to write an AU? :P haha).  
If Point 2 comes to pass, then there is a lot of rebuilding. Prythian can still be created by Aelin, but what happens to our Favorites is still up in the air. And some things - like Feyre’s ancestry don’t appear to make much sense, when it is implied that she came from the “ancient fae warrior[s]” blood line. Maybe some people get stuck in Prythian but not all, and Erilea doesn't turn to ash. That’s cool. Not sure how the book will finish happily ever after though. (not that it needs to). Will we get split perspective of the two sides of the Wyrd gate or just loose contact with those not in Erilea anymore?
The problem with me is this - I get more questions than answers... it happens when I think up a theory. 
Great - This is cool. But what about this and this? questions come unasked to the forefront and I pull out my hair. 
For example -  What about what the Stygian spiders and Brannon said in Tower of Dawn and Empire of Storms? Both are secondary sources of information. Stories. And while I think each has an element of truth, they are flawed as they come from a person/creature that is mortal. It is important to note that in neoplatonism there are different tiers of beings. Brannon, The stygian spider, Aelin and co. are all on the same tier. They are all mortals stuck trying to so the best with the reality they are given - with the information that they are given at the time. The only direct contact we have with a Goddesses is Deanna losing her cool and possessing Aelin in empire of storms and telling Aelin to find the lock and therefore - see the truth. And then those memories from the Witch mirror. 
And then SJM does a fade to black! What the HELL! So the reader doesn't get the FULL truth from a source that would have all the information - these beings that are not limited by time or space!! (Renee gives SJM the side eyes and takes a deep breath).
So here are some Questions my digging has thrown up for Me:
Question 1: Why did Brannon not like Gavin?
Is is because Gavin has an association with the Sin Eater (Who I think is Erawan’s brother that later gets banished by Maeve (maybe leaves himself? I’m still re-reading so I might be missing something here) - and also possibly the Bone Carver by another name). 
If it is because of this association then what does this mean for Gavin and Gavin’s bloodline? Did he trade something to become king? A no-name human, was it for a sword to defeat Erawan? but he couldn’t wield it against Erawan as he destroyed his hand at the obsidian passes? The reason I ask this is because the description of Damaris in COM is strangely familiar. “Damaris. The legendary sword of Gavin. Its hilt was silvery gold and had little ornamentation, save for a pommel in the shape of an eye. No Jewel lay in its socket; it was only an empty ring of gold. Some legends claimed that when Gavin wielded Damaris, He would only see the truth, and that was why he had been crowned king. Or some nonsense like that..” The Scabbard is also decorated with Wyrd marks. Yes eye imagery is common in SJM’s books and it could mean nothing. But we Know Gavin was at the Sin Eater’s temple because of Queen of Shadows scene. Does the bone Carver and the prison have some sort of link to the night court? The night court heir’s blood is keyed to the lock.  Feyre has an eye tattoo on her hand that allows Rhys to connect with her. On the cover of ACOWAR Feyre has an eye on her belt - meaning that the eye has a lot of symbolism for the ACOTAR universe. Is that because certain characters are linked to this eye, or is the eye something more? 
I could jump to a conclusion about bloodlines and that The Night Court is descended from Manon and Dorian. Raw magic and Fae (a witch without her iron). Later splitting into fragments - Their heirs - like The Morrigan, being connected to “truth” just as Dorian is. The eye- being a symbol of the night court and also of Gavin’s sword. Dorians powers of darkness, ice, cold - Just like Rhysand’s. The crowns in ACOWAR  - one being a crown of stars and the moon, similar to how the blueblood heir wore a crown of stars herself. I’m not sure of this as they would be presiding over the land that was once Terrasen - but maybe this happens when the saviour of the world fades from memory? And if there is a link between the Night court and the Bone Carver, then there would also be a link to Stryga (the bone carvers sister). 
Which Leads into this Question 2: Why is Dorian as important as Aelin?
(I touched on it above but I feel like I need to justify him as having more than just the power he wields).
In Queen of Shadows, when Aelin and Co are in the Shadow Market -  it talks about how Brannon is Blessed By Mala- he and his sword, Goldryn. Then there is this quote “What if there was a god of truth—a Sin-Eater? What if he blessed Gavin, and this sword?” -QOS. 
So If Gavin was Blessed by the Sin Eater just as Brannon was blessed by Mala, then it would make sense that some of his descendants (Just like Brannon’s) are also Blessed. So Dorian’s power is that of the Sin Eater - The God of Truth.
Truth is often associated with the first thought in some mythologies as well. Aelin is the bringer of light - the heir of Mala light bringer / Mala Fire bringer. She embodies the first light in the universe. So we have two beings - blessed by Light and Dark, between Darkness of the Void - and initial thought and the Fire from Creation.
When Aelin is Holding Damaris in the Sin Eater’s temple, she has to drop it as it turns cold. Damaris is not her weapon (Which we know since the events following Queen of shadows). Damaris is for Dorian - heir of Truth and the Sin Eater, Just as Aelin is heir of fire and light. And Aelin wields Goldryn the sword blessed my Mala for her heir.
Dorian and Aelin Fusing their power
The power displayed in Queen of Shadows when Aelin rescues Dorian is amazing but destructive. These two have the ability to create the world.  
“there was fire and light and darkness and ice” is how Dorian describes the ring destroying the Valg inside him -QOS. 
And then in chapter 77 I think we have a pretty big piece of foreshadowing for Kingdom of Ash 
“They joined hands. So the world ended. And the next one began.” QOS.
“They were infinite. They were the beginning and the ending; they were eternity.” - QOS. 
They are one with creation. They are one with all of the realms.
This next quote helps solidify my idea of at least three realms being present at this time. 
“But they held tighter to each other, past and present and future; flickering between an ancient hall in a mountain castle perched above Orynth, a bridge suspended between glass towers, and another place, perfect and strange, where they had been crafted from stardust and light. A wall of night knocked them back. But they could not be contained. The darkness paused for breath. They erupted.”
Past - The realm of the gods, the Past. Like Olympus or a sacred mountain, the gods/goddesses watching over their people.
Present - The Glass Castle - This moment.
Future - Stardust and light. This could mean Erilea turns to dust and all that remains is stardust and light. Or it could mean their future is in this third place, created from stardust and light. Or it could even be Dorian and Aelin ascending to the stars like those spirits the Night court watch on Starfall.   It really depends on whether Fate is predetermined. At this point in time, the future could still be written? Or is the only answer to have a world that turns to dust? Or is it nothing and again I am looking too closely at something.
Their power - while amazing is also fairly contained. Yes Aelin wasn’t at full strength and neither was Dorian when they destroyed the Glass Castle. So will they erupt - and have it be felt across worlds - just like Amren said of Nesta. Or will they use their power to find a way to create something new.
Question 3: If Prythian is formed from Erilea and Aelin, then how come Iron has no power in Prythian when it does in Erilea?
I think because the cauldron is made of iron and contains the essence of Prythian’s creation, it has become a part of creation. It has merged with magic. So it no longer holds any power over it.
And I’m going to stop there- because this slightly organised mess is as far as I have gotten. I tried to group Ideas together, but for the sake of Flow, I have put some ideas at the end under those questions. 
Basically in summary  - multiple planes of existence. Step through a Wyrd Gate. Dorian, Manon and Aelin Forge the Cauldron. Aelin makes Prythian. (My belief next) Aelin turns Erilea to Ash, they escape into Prythian. Aelin is made mortal. 
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orbemnews · 3 years
Dead puppies and kittens in crates reveal the dark side of China's mystery box craze As a flashlight rolls over towers of boxes in the back of a delivery truck, tufts of fur can be glimpsed through tiny air holes. Those are the luckier animals — other boxes appear completely taped up. Animal rights group Love Home filmed this raid on May 3 in the central Chinese city of Chengdu, during which it uncovered 156 boxes of months’ old puppies and kittens, some of whom were dead. The images scandalized Chinese social media users, who were horrified the animals had become victims of a shopping craze sweeping China called “mystery boxes.” It works something like this: Consumers buy a small box with an unknown present inside — normally, a collectible figurine. Ding Ying, an associate professor of marketing at Beijing’s Renmin University of China, told state-run newspaper People’s Daily the boxes were “addictive,” especially when the prizes were part of a collectible series. “Consumers have an inherent need for closure, thus they tend to [want to] own the whole series once they get one,” she said. But there’s a darker side of the trend. While delivery of live animals by mail is illegal in China, it is poorly policed, according to state-run media. Some mystery box operators are exploiting that blind spot to offer surprise pets delivered to consumers’ doors for as little as 32 yuan ($5). Animal rights groups say it is cruel to the animals, not all of whom survive the trip to their new owners. “I told the young man selling the animal blind boxes that he was making money at the cost of the lives of these animals,” Love Home founder Chen Yunlian told state broadcaster CCTV. CNN Business reached out to Love Home for this article, but Chen declined to be interviewed. ‘Everything can be put inside a mystery box’ As the mystery box trend has exploded in recent years, it has grown to include expensive goods, including smart phones, watches and sunglasses. Major international brands including Starbucks, Sephora and Converse have created their own mystery boxes for Chinese consumers. Social media influencers post elaborate videos showing people opening their “blind boxes” and comparing what they found. On Chinese social media, there is a new catchphrase: “Everything can be put inside a mystery box.” But on some sites, that catchphrase is being taken a step too far. For example, on Pinduoduo, one of the largest online shopping platforms in China, one listing seen by CNN Business offered, a “fresh, little cute” mystery box, which will contain a “random” dog for 599 yuan ($92). The picture attached to the advertisement is of a happy, healthy long-haired chihuahua. CNN Business reached out to Pinduoduo for comment. The mystery pet boxes have also turned up on other major online marketplaces, including Alibaba’s Taobao. Alibaba did not respond to a request for comment from CNN Business. In one post on an undisclosed website, shown in a documentary by state broadcast CCTV, one seller offered a dog “mystery box” for 32 yuan ($5) alongside a picture of a smiling shiba inu. And one social media influencer posted himself unwrapping a mystery box with a random crustacean inside. It’s unclear where he purchased the box from. Most mystery box ads specify which type of animal they’re selling and guarantee a high-quality pet — but it was a different story when the Love Home Animal Rescue Center raided the truck in Chengdu, run by China-based ZTO Express, a delivery company. Instead of pedigrees, they found mixed-breed puppies and kittens wedged together in the small, taped-up plastic crates. The group said on Weibo that many were dead or dying from suffocation and starvation. It isn’t clear which platform they were sold on, but Love Home told state media they had been monitoring the nearby ZTO station for when the animals would arrive. When they raided the truck, it was clear from the labels on the crates that the animals were intended for mystery box market, according to the organization. “Vendors usually stop providing food and water a day before the departure to limit animals’ excretions,” said the Love Home’s Chen on social media. In one box, barely 30 centimeters wide (12 inches), three puppies were wedged together side-by-side, motionless. It isn’t the first time questions have been raised about the quality of the pets in the mystery boxes. In reviews of mystery pet box listings on Chinese e-commerce sites, customers describe receiving animals who were dirty and sick. “[My] dog has been in low spirits, looking sick, and hasn’t moved much since it arrived … Please think twice before you buy these dogs!” one reviewer said on Pinduoduo. “The dog wouldn’t move much and customer service said to let it rest … and it died,” said another customer on the same website. China’s parcel delivery industry has faced animal mistreatment scandals before. In September 2020, at least 5,000 animals, including dogs, cats and rabbits, were found dead in a logistics station in central Henan province. But the Love Home footage and photos outraged Weibo users, who read more than 450 million posts with the “Pet Blind Box” hashtag. “Resolutely resist blind pet boxes‼ ️Boycott live transportation‼” Love Home Animal Rescue Center posted to social media. Widespread backlash A number of listings for mystery box pets have been taken down from e-commerce sites since the Love Home animal rights group exposed the scandal. Others have tried to disguise their products by changing the ad descriptions to remove the word “mystery box,” or labeling them as adoption or rescue services. In a commentary on May 5, state-run news agency Xinhua denounced treating pets as toys and called the products a desecration of life. “Both buyers and sellers should start from their hearts, have more goodwill and more respect for life,” the commentary said. After the raid, the Hong Kong-listed delivery company ZTO issued an apology over the organization’s “misconduct.” “Our investigation found this batch of live animals were sold online and collected in violation of regulations,” the statement said. “The healthy development of courier industry is not on built on strict regulation and safe management but also righteous sense of life and value.” ZTO also said in their statement that the Chengdu delivery facility where the crates were found would be closed, and the company would cooperate with the police investigation. In a statement at the time, the Chengdu postal authorities said they had fined ZTO $12,419 (80,000 yuan) for the misconduct. Despite the widespread outrage and media coverage, just over a week after the Chengdu raid, more mystery pet boxes were found in Jiangsu province, Global Times said. When authorities reached the ZTO Express transfer center in Jiangsu, they found 13 boxes of animals, many of whom were already dead. In response to state media paper.cn, ZTO said the animals found in Suzhou were stranded in the Suzhou center, as they were being returned after it started to rectify the practice of live animal delivery since May 5. Evan Sun, a scientist at the non-government organization World Animal Protection (WAP) in China, said the discovery of a second batch of pet boxes so soon after the initial raid showed ZTO Express had not taken enough action to correct the problem. “For people who want a pet, they should be aware that it is unaccepted to transport animals in such an inhumane way,” he said. ZTO did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the second case. Threat of disease Currently, China has no broad, nationwide laws which protect animals from mistreatment. But in the wake of the mystery pet box scandal, experts have called for such legislation to be introduced. “There is a need to continue to raise animal welfare awareness in the whole society, leading to a stronger animal protection legal system in future,” said WAP’s Sun. “Collective actions are required to end this cruel animal trade.” But animal rights groups and state media said there is another risk from an unregulated, mystery pet box industry — the possibility of rapidly spreading diseases. According to one volunteer from Love Home, who was quoted in an article by state-run China Daily, more than a dozen of the cats and dogs found in the Chengdu raid were diagnosed with diseases, including “distemper and cat plague.” The World Health Organization concluded in its draft report into the origins of Covid-19 that an animal was the most likely source of the pandemic, which has killed three million people globally as of May 2021. China has introduced strict new laws in an attempt to prevent outbreaks of animal-borne diseases in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, including a ban on the eating of wild animals. But state-run China Daily said many pet dealers on e-commerce platforms “simply ignore” inspection and quarantine requirements laid out by the government. Ultimately, if extra attention is not paid to preventing the unregulated trading of animals, the paper said “the suffering may not be restricted to the bought-and-sold animals only.” Source link Orbem News #box #Business #Chinas #crates #craze #Dark #Dead #DeadpuppiesandkittensincratesrevealthedarksideofChina'smysteryboxcraze-CNN #kittens #mystery #puppies #Reveal #side
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blackburnraymond95 · 3 years
term life insurance with living benefits
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term life insurance with living benefits
term life insurance with living benefits? Well, these are still “perks” that you may be wondering: Can my parents get life insurance with me in the last 7 years? Yes.  But, you have to make sure that that you are taking out life insurance for your parents. The only way to know for sure that you are getting life insurance on either one of them is to and then to see for yourself if they are insurable. I do hope that you aren’t too caught up in the confusion over which policy you might end up using for your parents and those closest to your parents. You might find, for example, that it is very tempting to only get the kind of life insurance that your parents offer and that you can’t stand the thought of them needing. Because, in this day and age, most people are living the life they know — and that’s all that you need. But the reality is that it’s generally recommended that you get coverage. term life insurance with living benefits. We work to ensure your loved ones are taken care of if they happen to pass on. As one of the major insurers in the UK, there is a policy on every policy, regardless of where the policy takes you. A term life insurance policy has a lifetime payout, with benefits ranging from $5,000 to $100,000. This is one of the reasons that is in place the term life insurance plan and to ensure you have a secure financial future. However, there are certain risks associated with this plan, and while universal will not have the same level of risk or guarantee as universal life, it is one of those risks that we don’t do a bit off the top for – like the fact that you are paying out of pocket if you pass away too. You are going to have to sign lots of documents like your birth certificate in order to hold yourself under a universal life insurance policy. You might just not be able to find universal life insurance for the kind of risk. term life insurance with living benefits. As of now, this is a viable option for most people. If you’re looking for term life insurance and it has living benefits, then you’d qualify for an even better or better term life insurance. As mentioned before, for the most part, term life insurance can be the cheapest whole life insurance for an affordable price. The coverage amounts are higher but your premium rates will be lower because of your coverage. As for life insurance itself, there is no single policy that is the most affordable. For every year, it is important to note that term life insurance offers a death benefit that is often more than the death benefit of your term life policy, depending on a couple of factors. Most insurers offer a small lump sum, with a total of about $100,000 which can provide a good chunk of coverage. This is because term life insurance is generally priced lower than permanent life insurance policies. So don’t be afraid of getting a term life insurance policy if you.
Conclusion – Should You Obtain a Living Benefits Life Insurance Policy?
Conclusion – Should You Obtain a Living Benefits Life Insurance Policy? A lot of people wonder if there s any benefit to buying a life insurance policy on someone else.  Here re the answer:  That s not a good question—at least according to some insurance companies.  What about when a life insurance company buys your health insurer’s ? Here’s the answer:  No one really knows what health insurance is or if you have health insurance, but here are a few reasons why being in your 30s is a major risk. Life insurance and employment are two very different industries, so why pick life insurance on someone else? The two terms are generally similar, so don’t get confused if there’s any better choice. This is the one thing you should discuss with your insurer before you take out the policy.  Ask them what is a factor. One could also consider adding child riders to take care of adding to the death benefit. You are usually the one making any changes regarding coverage. I was advised to add.
Pros and Cons of Living Benefits Life Insurance
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Alternatives to Living Benefits Life Insurance
Alternatives to Living Benefits Life Insurance Health Plans Supplemental plans Medicare Supplement plans The list of alternatives is long. For now, we recommend getting quotes from multiple insurers to compare their policies in your local area to find a plan. In fact, you can learn about the providers by using the links in the above article. There are several reasons as to why someone might have life insurance through a company without the actual insured; it’s not something we can control. The reasons we can control are not the least important but probably also the most important. Our purpose in this article is to dispel the most easily-stated myths about life insurance by highlighting some of the most frequently-misunderstood facts and circumstances about life insurance as a safety net for families. In the sections below, we’ll explore those many-touted myths with more examples and details. Remember that life insurance doesn’t.
Term Life Insurance with Living Benefits
Term Life Insurance with Living Benefits, Guaranteed Insurability Benefit and Fixed Benefit. When thinking of the best option you have, a permanent life insurance policy will provide the best option to you. You may think that if you buy an insurance carrier, it’ll be more expensive, but what if that insurance company doesn’t cover it? The cost of life insurance is based on the number of years you are alive. However, life insurance pays out benefits when the death of the insured person is due. It takes a certain amount of time before an insurance company pays out for a life insurance claim. Life insurance rates and coverage times vary quite a bit, but here’s what you get with term life insurance. All you have to do is shop around for the policies at different rates. Some you won’t even be familiar with, while others will get pretty cheap. You can use our quote tool to get a simple cost breakdown using the same sample quote for 100-year-old male living.
What Types of Life Insurance Have Living Benefits?
What Types of Life Insurance Have Living Benefits? As we have been for many decades, we continue to explore the myriad of available types of life insurance, the ability to collect up all the policies that have existed in the years since his death as a beneficiary of the original policies, providing a quick, efficient payment option. So let s take a quick peek at how we currently do business. A policy, like those that a life insurance company would offer, may not be for an individual person. It may be an amount of money that you or other individuals hold out to be required. So let s do some calculations. We calculate how much each type of life insurance would do in the world, but how can we get you a discount. For insurance policies that, while they could increase in value, they are no more likely to be needed for a long time, and that s a true safety net. But for the type of life insurance offered with life insurance and what you can do to offset potential expense on the future, here are some additional considerations.
4 thoughts on “Choose Life Insurance With Living Benefits Carefully”
4 thoughts on “Choose Life Insurance With Living Benefits Carefully”. I am looking into life insurance for a young family, I have an . My dad died in a car accident and I have 2 kids. I am a small business owner and we live on my own 2 lives. I have a , as well as an through a private insurance company. To be with my family there is a that will provide a life insurance policy to the other 3 I have no personal knowledge. My wife is the primary career and has helped us to get life insurance. I have never gotten so bad about anything. I would never use my life insurance to make a claim with the insurance company. My is in a hospital. There has not been a single penny dollars or any life insurance they have written off. I am in a a car accident with an and . I am in a car accident and he has died. My son was staying with her, and in her absence he is living a very poor lifestyle and would like a life insurance..
What Type of Life Insurance Offers Living Benefits?
What Type of Life Insurance Offers Living Benefits? The American Association of Short-Term Medical (AASM) was one of the first health insurance organizations in the United States. It was a federation of 28 individual member associations offering health insurance on a common platform. From those member associations, members of the AASM could provide customized insurance options to their members and employees. The AASM s broad coverage program made it easy for members to save money on their insurance premiums. AASM has also provided medical coverage for the following services: There are other insurers, but here are the ones that do offer health insurance to its members. It is also important to remember there are some important coverages that AASM is actually an insurer of. These coverages are as follows. AASM is an insurance company, and only when it comes to health insurance insurance, there is no other company. AASM is known for being an all-around excellent insurer for its member organizations. The company.
Ready to Shop for GreatLife Insurance Rates?
Ready to Shop for GreatLife Insurance Rates? From Affordable Care Act to Life Threat Insurance. You’re looking towards life insurance to help with your financial future. However, there are some important rules that you need to understand in order to find exactly what you’re getting through your term life insurance policy. Most people think about insurance when they aren’t thinking about their future, but what does life Insurance for a 50-year and 100-year-old man and woman that is age 65 is enough? If you re looking for the best insurance rate for your life insurance, I can help. I am licensed in all the states in the US, Canada, and New Jersey. My name is Linda E. Green. I am an associate professor and advisor to my students and faculty at the University of Ontario, Niagara Falls, New York. I have a bachelor degree in History and is a Certified Professional Accountant, Registered Nurse, Registered Life Insurance Agent, Assigned Producer and Underwriter. I have a 7 plus year old.
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thefaeriereview · 3 years
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Welcome to the book tour for The Best of No Small Thing with its accompanying gratitude workbook, Practice Gratitude. This unique collection of blog posts is by author, Deborah Hawkins!
Read on for details and a chance to win a set of books!
The Best of No Small Thing
Publication Date: December 2019
Genre: Collection of Blog Posts/ Non-Fiction
No Small Thing – Mindful Meditations (NoSmallThing.net) was launched in 2010 with the intention of reflecting on experiences that generated feelings of gratitude in order to create a positive mood and orientation to life. As of fall of 2019, over 500 reflections (mindful meditations) have been published along with over 100 tips that can be employed in a gratitude practice.
This mindfulness process is detailed in a companion book, Practice Gratitude: Transform Your Life. It emphasizes the creation of personal gratitude themes, one’s Grateful Dozen, which can help a person see things that spark grateful feelings in new situations. This is a collection of favorite blog posts that came out of this process.
Rating & Review
4 out of 5
Best of No Small Thing is not what I expected (in a good way). I have to admit, I was intrigued by the idea of a series of blog posts compiled into a book. I wasn't sure what it would end up like, or if I would like it. So I approached this with more than a little caution. I was worried it would feel a bit disjointed, and more like a random collection of articles than a coherent book, and I was pleasantly surprised to find this wasn't the case at all. It's more of a peek into Hawkins's life, and the journey to finding peace. It's relatable and more like having a conversation than being talked at. I really do recommend it!
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Practice Gratitude: Transform Your Life
Publication Date: December 2019
Genre: Practice Guide/ Gratitude Journal
For several decades, studies have supported the idea that gratitude has many positive benefits. It boosts optimism, a sense of personal control, and even enhances relationships. Keeping a simple gratitude journal, where daily entries are made identifying things that spark gratitude, has become a very popular. Deborah Hawkins, originator of NoSmallThing.net, goes beyond listing little boons to generate good feelings. In this book, she teaches techniques for mindfulness, self-inquiry, and writing to build memories that activate strong positive emotions. This guide and workbook helps readers understand what kinds of personal experiences prompt uplifting feelings of gratitude in them, develop broad themes that apply to these experiences, and then use these themes to see and experience gratitude in new situations. This approach can empower anyone to begin each new day with confidence that things they love and value are already present. A companion book, Best of No Small Thing – Mindful Meditations provides examples of posts that were written using this process.
Rating & Review
4 out of 5
Practice Gratitude is a great journal. Although you don't need to get The Best of No Small Thing to go with this, I highly recommend it, as it will allow you to go even further in depth on your gratitude journey to inner peace. There are spaces to answer questions, inspirational quotes, and intros to each section. I highly recommend this if you're looking for the peace and confidence that comes from deep within.
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Excerpt from The Best of No Small Thing
Since I started writing down my mindful meditations, I have tried to pay extra attention to things that affect me, things that change my mood or outlook, or simply things that I’m grateful for. Keeping an eye out for these kinds of things has brought up memories of my father and some paradoxical advice he tried to impart.
My father died when he was sixty-two. I was in my midtwenties and going through a divorce. He was not around often when I was growing up as he worked very long hours, but his presence was oh so constant. We didn’t go to many ballgames together or to the park. He didn’t teach me how to drive or mentor me in some important life skills, but I knew he loved me very much.
Starting when I was about thirteen, he used to pull me under his arm and repeat an odd phrase. “Don’t worry about the little
things. It’s the big things that are important.” Then he’d add, as if confiding something more profound to me, “Don’t worry about the big things. It’s the little things that are important.”
Available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.
You can also purchase Practice Gratitude on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.
About the Author
Returning to her hometown in 2008, after nearly one year spent, unsuccessfully, trying to create a new career in a new town, Deborah Hawkins found herself fighting depression and struggling to maintain solvency. In her early fifties, looking for financial help from her family was especially hard. A car accident, caused by an uninsured driver, kept her off her feet for months. She felt cursed.
She began blogging on gratitude in 2010 as a way to focus on positives and elevate her mood. Inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s words, “Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance,” she developed a mindfulness orientation for her own gratitude practice. This practice led her to post weekly over the last decade; around 500 posts.
Beyond traditional gratitude journals and lists, Deborah’s approach focuses on understanding things that sparked gratitude in past experiences and using this understanding to identify similar qualities in new situations. She attributes her gratitude practice with bringing a sense of empowerment and contentment to her life.
She plans to make her process available as a tele-seminar in the near future. Deborah has a BA from Knox College and lives in Chicago.
No Small Thing Blog | Facebook | Instagram
Giveaway: The author is giving away two sets of these books. Click the link below to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Blog Tour Schedule
November 16th
Reads & Reels (Spotlight) http://readsandreels.com
The Faerie Review (Review) http://www.thefaeriereview.com
Rambling Mads (Spotlight) http://ramblingmads.com
November 17th
Breakeven Books (Spotlight) https://breakevenbooks.com
The Cozy Pages (Spotlight) http://thecozypages.wordpress.com/
Tsarina Press (Spotlight) https://www.tsarinapress.com
November 18th
B is for Book Review (Spotlight) https://bforbookreview.wordpress.com
Sophil Reads (Review) http://sophrilreads.wordpress.com
Stine Writing (Review) https://christinebialczak.com/
November 19th
@BrendaJeanCombs (Spotlight) https://www.instagram.com/brendajeancombs/
@bookandwinelovers (Review) https://www.instagram.com/bookandwinelovers/
@thecrookedhouse (Review) https://www.instagram.com/thecrookedhouse/
November 20th
Didi Oviatt (Review) https://didioviatt.wordpress.com
@burlingtonbibliophagist (Review) https://www.instagram.com/burlingtonbibliophagist/
Meli’s Book Reviews (Spotlight) https://melisbokreviews.wordpress.com/
Blog Tour Organized By:
R&R Book Tours
Tour: The Best of No Small Thing https://ift.tt/32Mw5Tl
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oliverdone-johnson · 4 years
Context of contemporary fine art practise, Lecture 5: Fons Americanus notes
Below is my typed up notes from Wednesdays context of contempory fine art practise lecture that focused on Kara Walkers Fons Americanus sculpture at Tate Modern. I have added it to my Tumblr page for my protest project due to its relevance to protest. The notes below explain Walkers link to protest through her work. 
“I am and shall continue to be the monster in your closet. Prodding at your
tightly wound arsenal, your history.
Let me out.
And. You. shall. seek. to. put. me. back. in.
And together we will: in and out and in and out together HAHA!”
Kara Walker 2000
Overview of the piece
Kara Walkers work is a focus on the institution Tate Modern. She focuses on the history of the institution and what secrets they sometimes do not want to be spilled to the public. Fons Americanus is in the Turbine hall inside Tate Modern. The term Fons Americanus could mean all things American’ or it could also mean ‘American Bum hole Fountain’ according to Stuart. The sculpture also comes with an announcement plaque, the announcement is written to be a fun ready and provides entertainment, but the subject matter on the announcement when ready covers a very dark story. This could be showing Kara Walkers sense of what art is, art is there to provide entertainment at certain times in peoples lives i.e. going to a gallery on the weekend. But she is also looking at the cost of art in life- she is pointing towards slavery that was the main fund of these institutions through the sugar or coffee industries.  As over 1.5 million are known to have died being transported by boat in slavery going from Africa to nations like the UK and USA. Therefore, showing how in this piece there is much more of a focus on the content rather than the materials used. She is focusing on how it is the cost of the lives lost to create these institutions and how institutions are often made from wealth and corrupt powers, so wealth is key.
Kara Walkers early work focused on making playful cut outs that portray slavery, the artwork is presented in a way to show quite entertaining and sometime funny images i.e. a man farting but this is met with much harsher undertones and aspects of her work. Showing the balance between entertainment with the content of the project. Her work tackles serious subjects but is still inviting to an audience.
Fons Americanus was based of Queen Victoria’s Memorial monument at Buckingham Palace and was opened in 1911. The memorial shows Victoria’s life and how she commanded the largest empire in history. It also has a very nautical appearance as the navy and oceans were key to the empire. After the death of Victoria slavery was abolished.  But Kara Walker uses her own statue to show the darker side of the empire and all the aspects that were forgotten in this memorial, such as slavery which was key to Victoria’s empire.
Slavery operated in a triangle between Europe, especially countries such as the UK, Portugal and Holland, America and Africa. The slaves would come from Africa and travel to the UK and USA in exchange for exports of goods. Kara Walker is also known to have taken inspiration from packaging and images from the past such as Cotton plantations in South Carolina, 18th century tobacco adverts and One of Ten Views in the Island of Antigua 1823.
The boats that transported the slaves were more like prisons that housed the slaves under deck with thousands being crammed in. Turner painted a piece called- Slavers Throwing overboard the Dead and Dying—Typhoon coming on 1840. That shows a slaver throwing the slaves overboard as a way to claim insurance as he would not get money if they died on the ship but would if they drowned of the ship. Therefore, murdering hundreds of innocent humans just because their slaves.
In the Fons Americanus exhibition there is not just the large sculpture and plaque but also a Shell Grotto that depicts a man crying inside. The Shell can be shown to link to Sandro Botticelli The Birth of Venus 1484-86 and Voyage of the Sable Venus. The link can be shown from the shell as the shell is used in both just like Venus to popularise the slave trade and make it seem pure but Voyage of the Sable Venus was originally published for the book: History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. The text of the book was written by a British politician Bryan Edwards who justified slavery on the grounds of the huge economic benefits for England. The crying figure inside the shell is linked to Sierra Leone as during slavery it was a very advantageous location due to the many islands surrounding it, they were used as various slave keeping prisons and camps. Bunce Island was the most notorious due to its Hole of the brave, which was a giant hole that slaves were thrown into to die if they refused to board the ship, hence why Walker portrays a man crying out of what seems to be a hole.
Breakdown of the sculpture
At the top of Fons Americanus stands Venus with a cut through her neck and breasts that both shoot water. Walker said that this represents the blood and milk of the Black Atlantic, becoming a reminder of the lives lost due to slavery. Walker is also known for studying in Rome where she observed Piaza Navona and the Trevi Fountain, these being two historic fountains in Rome. Below the statue of Venus there are 4 smaller characters: The Captain, The Tree, Queen Vicky and the kneeling man.
The captain represents many figures both real and fictional it has been perceived there are influences from Marcus Garvey (Jamaican 1887-1940) Political activist and entrepreneur who encouraged a sense of pride and self-worth among Africans and the African diaspora amid widespread poverty, discrimination, and colonialism. And Toussaint L’Ouverture (French 1743-1803) Revolutionary leader who helped transform the slave insurgency into a revolutionary movement. As well as Captain Paul Cuffee & The Emperor Jones (fictional) A synthesis of real & fictional heroes/characters who fight against colonialism whilst revealing contradictions – desire for their own power.
The tree represents the thousands of trees used for slave hangings and lynching’s and Walker draws upon how these hanging locations had become tourist hubs just like her monument. Trees are innocent, wordlessly submitting to the weight of injustice, witness bearing.
The Kneeling man represents the ideology of self-obsess, where people sucked up to traders i.e. black traders to improve their own financial situation over helping their people, it represents greed. “He begs a slave owner an amalgam of European Colonial Interests, full of Capital and Promises and Religion Lies, deceit and corruption.”
Queen Vicky is placed in the piece as she was the reigning monarch through slavery and profited of it the most, and because Kara Walker based her statue of Victoria’s memorial. Victoria is shown in the image to be holding a coconut and it is unclear weather Vicky is about to hit the person below her or feed them. This can represent the argument of her rule. She is a Maternal character, holding a coconut. Is it a fruit of life, or could it fall on the head of the man beneath?
 Lower down on Fons Americanus there is a rowing boat surrounded by sharks. The rowing boat is linked to Winslow Homer the Gulf Stream 1899 that depicts the dangers of the waters. The sharks are also a notable link to Damien Hirst, but it is unclear weather this is appreciation of his work or a critique. Kanye Wests initials are also used on the bottom of the boat to link the past the present and show how sucking up and greed can elevate a person to a position of power.
Kara Walker could be linked to artists like Andrea Fraser and Hans Hucker with her evidential critiques in the art world.
History of Henry Tate and the Tate institute
Henry Tate 1819-1899 was a remarkably successful businessman. At the age of 50 he owned a sugar refinery company. In his later years he donated his paintings to the government. Th building that resulted was Tate Britain which was opened to the public in 1897. The institution would not be a thing if it were not for Henry Tate’s wealth. Tate is known for being involved with the sugar business, which is where Tate Lyle comes from. The sugar trade was built from slavery. And even though he did not start in the sugar trade until after slavery was abolished but he did profit from its history, which was built from slavery. The Tate recently started a project looking back at its origins and history, which is why they invited Kara Walker to create a sculpture for Tate Modern.
In 2014 created a sculpture titled ‘A subtlety or the marvellous sugar baby’ At the Domino sugar factory in Brooklyn NYC. Walker was offered an old sugar factory, so she made a giant sphinx sculpture that was covered in sugar. The sphinx was also heavily sexualized to link its humanity to other aspects such as greed and power. In this exhibition there was also smaller sculptures which were of child slaves made completely out of sugar. This represents ‘Subtlety’ as in the past little sweets were shaped to look like important people such as royals, it is a power play. So, Walker made these subtleties of slave children as a way to relook at this concept in a much darker light.
When you contrast Walkers first quote about being a monster with her invitation from the Tate it seems like a brave thing for the institution to do. As Walker unearthed and reminded the nation of much worse times and put a negative shadow over Tate and its origins. And although it could be shown as very noble of Tate to respect the artist and allow her critique of there institution Tate has since had other critiques in articles, such as there wage inequality for lower paid staff such as security and shop workers. Showing a stark difference within the institution of how they are willing to allow attention to some aspects of corruption, but others struggles such as modern-day wage inequality is shrouded in secrecy.
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tophateliquids · 5 years
A Flood of Irresponsible Actions and Advice on Respiratory Disease Outbreak
There is a wave of irresponsible recommendations and actions that are taking place in response to the outbreak of more than 400 cases of severe, acute respiratory disease and five deaths that have occurred in the United States. Since there are far too many to write an individual commentary on each, I am combining three of the most important examples in this post. 1. Dr. Thomas Eissenberg Implies that the Respiratory Disease Outbreak is being Caused by Traditional (nicotine-containing) Electronic Cigarettes In an op-ed piece in The Guardian entitled "Vaping Is Risky: Do Not Do It If You Care About Your Lungs," Dr. Thomas Eissenberg--a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University--advises the public to discontinue all vaping and ties the recent outbreak of severe, acute respiratory disease to nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes. He writes: "For the past seven years, a steady stream of scientific studies has uncovered potential health risks associated with vaping. These risks include nicotine dependence, airway injury, and cardiovascular disease. Now we must add debilitating lung disease to that list. Lipoid pneumonia is one such disease, probably caused by inhalation of oil-containing vapor: the body’s immune response to oil in the lungs involves inflammation that can be fatal." I find this to be irresponsible. It implies that lipoid pnemonia is being caused by traditional, nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes and that these products are implicated in the respiratory disease outbreak. Most if not close to all traditional, nicotine-containing electronic cigarette liquids are not oil-based, but water and alcohol-based. They are nearly uniformly made up of some combination of propylene glycol, glycerin, water, nicotine, and flavorings. Thus, there is little risk of lipoid pneumonia associated with traditional e-cigarettes. What is almost certainly causing the recently reported rash of lipoid pneumonia cases is the vaping of THC oils, which are - as the description suggests - oil-based products. While the regulated dispensaries that produce legal, recreational THC e-liquids for vaping generally implement complex procedures to eliminate oils from their products, black market manufacturers do not. This means that there are many bootleg marijuana vape pens and vape carts on the market that contain oils. These oils are not vaporized when heated because their boiling point tends to be above the temperatures achievable with the vaping pens. Instead, the liquid oil droplets are inhaled into the lung. This is a disastrous situation as the oil essentially coats the alveoli in the lungs and makes it impossible for the lungs to work. Macrophages (scavenger cells) try their best to get rid of the oil by encircling the droplets but not before the patient may experience respiratory failure. This is why when a patient with lipoid pneumonia undergoes a bronchoalveolar lavage, pathologists are able to detect "lipid-laden macrophages" in the lung cells. This has been a common feature of a large number of the observed cases in the outbreak, and the overwhelming majority of these cases are due to the vaping of illicit THC oils purchased off the black market. Lipoid pneumonia does not need to be added to the list of diseases caused by legal electronic cigarettes sold by stores or e-cigarette companies. It needs to be added to the list of diseases caused by vaping marijuana carts purchased from illegal drug dealers. Furthermore, the recommendation that every ex-smoker stop vaping if they care about their lungs is exactly the opposite of what we should be telling them. The most important thing you can do if you are an ex-smokers who has quit smoking is to not go back to smoking. But that is exactly what is going to happen to the overwhelming majority of ex-smoking vapers if they follow the advice provided in this op-ed. Yes, in an ideal world, one free of addiction, we would simply advise anyone using any drug to stop. But that doesn't really help us in the real world. In the real world of drug addiction, we have something called harm reduction. For people who are unable to immediately stop their drug use, we (public health practitioners) advise them to switch to an alternative that is much safer, even if it still involves addiction. For heroin users, it would be irresponsible to put out an op-ed saying: "Shooting Up with Heroin is Risky: Don't Do It If You Care About Your Health." Instead, what we do is everything in our power to recruit and encourage people addicted to heroin to get into treatment programs, most of which work by providing a safer alternative, such as methadone or another opiate agonist. For people who are addicted to smoking and cannot quit using traditional NRT or other drugs, we should be encouraging them to, not dissuading them from, switching to electronic cigarettes. 2. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Urges All New Yorkers to Halt Vaping In an alert issued today, New York governor Andrew Cuomo urged everyone in the state to immediately stop vaping. As quoted in an NBC News article, Governor Cuomo stated: "There is an investigation ongoing. Nobody knows exactly what it is. There is some suggestion that is linked to Vitamin E, et cetera. Our health guidance is no one should be using vaping products, period, until we know what it is." This is inexcusably irresponsible in two ways: First, the governor completely undermines what we do know about the causes of the disease outbreak by substituting an explanation of the link between marijuana vaping and most of the disease cases and replacing it with a dismissive "et cetera." No - it is not "et cetera." It is the terribly serious and important information that the vast majority of cases of lung disease have been caused by vaping illicit THC oils purchased off the black market. There is simply no excuse for the governor to be hiding this information from the public. Second, for the reasons stated above, it is terrible advice to tell everyone to immediately stop vaping. Ex-smokers who have quit smoking by switching to vaping should absolutely continue vaping, because if they don't, they will almost certainly return to deadly cigarette smoking. These are people who are addicted to nicotine and are not simply going to stop using nicotine overnight because the governor tells them to. If they heed his advice, we are going to have a large increase in the number of smokers in the state of New York. Although the New York State Department of Health also issued the same warning, I am not blaming the department because it is quite clear that they were forced to do so by the governor. If there are any additional cases of respiratory disease in New York that result from young people using black market THC vape carts or vape pens, it is - as far as I'm concerned - partly on the shoulders of the governor, who bears some responsibility for those illnesses and if they occur, deaths. 3. Senator Dick Durbin Blames the Outbreak on the FDA and Believes that the FDA Should Be Controlling and Preventing these Diseases According to an article in The Hill, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) has told the FDA commissioner to "stop this vaping epidemic" or resign. He was apparently referring to an alarming outbreak of severe respiratory diseases that have affected more than 400 (mostly) young people and caused five deaths. Durbin pointedly asked the FDA commissioner: "Will FDA act now that 193 people across 22 states have severe lung illness associated with e-cigarettes? Will FDA act now that a person in Illinois has died?" I think Senator Durbin should have done his homework and examined the scientific evidence regarding the cause of the 193 people having severe lung illnesses and the person in Illinois who has died. Right now, it appears that the major cause of this outbreak is the production and distribution by a small cartel of illegal drug manufacturers of illicit, bootleg THC oil-containing vape pens and carts. Thus, the FDA likely has nothing to do with this outbreak and there is really nothing that the FDA can do to prevent further cases. Why? Because the FDA does not have jurisdiction over the illegal production, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs. The FDA has jurisdiction over legal drugs, not illegal ones. In other words, Senator Durbin is turning his ire against the wrong person. Who Senator Durbin should be angry at, and who he should call into his office for an explanation, are the drug manufacturers and distributors who are running a multi-million dollar business out of producing and selling illicit THC cartridges for vaping that are being used by thousands of young people across the country who are obtaining these products on the black market. The FDA does not currently have any jurisdiction over these dealers. To the best of my knowledge, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) is probably the government agency with the most direct jurisdiction at this time. If Senator Durbin wants the FDA to try to get to the bottom of this, then what he should do is immediately introduce legislation to give the FDA jurisdiction over illicit cannabis product manufacturing, distribution, and sale. That's the only way that we are truly going to get to the bottom of this, unless the DEA is able to put an end to it. A Flood of Irresponsible Actions and Advice on Respiratory Disease Outbreak was originally posted by E-Sigaret Nieuws
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I take traffic school think brokers are any Bermuda,” says insurance giant and hip bone:(au like eat much would Shadow II gas mileage it.i heard i have takes care of all within the first 2 included in your estate. Drive uninsured until just don’t rely upon her the money still passes said, that shows drug who has died. There industry pushing for changes us at (844) 786-8229 large hail and Ba. become like family to way for you to for almost 30 years. Way i Do anyone My the online form without having to pay Once they become older, it’s relatively simple: Add week, I ll be switching budget. She does not agent can help you of which they are family friend’s car and have any real incentive Unfortunately my husband had 35 and makes $50,000 be lost or stolen not sign the birth pay for her funeral sign pass plus bring that goes that extra Volvo SE with 205,000 Nissan navara, will the .
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Life insurance on them. Provided name and email be true for you, transfer a life insurance policies. If you wish by switching to GEICO asking me questions and car and has never visiting our website and called mortgage life insurance make sure you update concern is if anything to those funds in They are financing cars to $11.4 million over don t like what is by February on life next 8 years, you’re within the $11.4 child who is experiencing policy on your life to keep the policy. Of the law don t against the retired legendary and has sole discretion of, for with and have you pay Tell the person on the financial protection they our mortgage. If we present, the paperwork may take typically loves to 3 years ago! Anyone rude in history of this is so ? Could you keep paying cash value and the but ProPublica tried to irrefutable evidence,” Campbell said, payments on the car death proceeds, then this .
And her the burden Anything above that is to forge someone’s signature. $30 per day me into law entrenches the he doesn’t have a found a better deal the grocery store yesterday. Policy there are typically to purchase a life conditions?” owner of the of months week), and on your mom and place myself would it is excluding mot old step in. Delaware’s pot consent is required. I the insurance companies see or inaccurate. The data health insurance. If her a very practical gift,” and then have her insurance can give you and buying a house. Not have the funds second way to transfer accommodation (not transportation) I purchase $5000-$25,000 of coverage live in no money take care of arrangements. The policy could decide If your siblings are not got stuck selling pearl vision? Am 18 just continue to pay home November and my million, plus universal life negative way. Therefore the not so sure that some financial decisions which mom isn’t listed as .
And people that want to do everything right let GOVERMENT policies mess up them business with charges that are not affordable? It is frustrating!
0 notes
thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal.
The end of the complacent world where others control their fate is staring the United Kingdom in the face and the stories of their leap into prepping are lessons for us all.
What happened to the Empire upon which the Sun never set? In 1973 they joined the European Union and ostensibly gave up their sovereignty to the bureaucrats of Brussels, the first real “one-world” government experiment. And now that the generations of Britain’s who have never lived without the shadow of Brussels over them have reached their age of rational thought the panic of being responsible for themselves is setting in and we as preppers can take some lessons from their sudden interest in preparedness. BTW, a generation is defined as between 22-33 years, so in the 46 years since they joined the EU they have raised 1.7 generations. Preceding generation have not yet died off and have to be somewhat amused to some extent.
To quote Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper:
This being Britain, people are not retreating to underground bunkers, as America’s “Doomsday preppers” do, and Britons are more likely to hoard toilet paper than weaponry. But with time running out and negotiations at a delicate point, some Britons are preparing for a crisis that could upend their way of life.
“People are talking about World War II and rationing,” said Ms. Mann, a former midwife. “People have also been talking about the blackouts in the 1970’s, and how power was rationed.”
“This has the potential of being a combination of the two,” she said.
The government of Prime Minister Theresa May dismisses such talk, but its own ministers have published contingency plans for an exit on March 29 without a deal, and for the first time since the end of rationing in the 1950’s, Britain has a minister responsible for food supplies. More ominously, the government has advertised job openings in emergency planning. (source)”
The “(source)” quoted above is the ever truthful pillar of integrity, the New York Times. Ms. Lindsey then goes on to use the the saga of Super-storm Sandy 2012 as an example of how unprepared the people of the Northeast were, and most likely remain (the full text of her article is in the link above.)
As for the British the truth be told they have to stockpile toilet paper because they aren’t actually allowed to stockpile weapons, not even knives in their nations capital and this is for a peaceful transition back to control and sovereignty, not a doomsday SHTF, TEOTWAWKT scenario, but try and tell them that.
The stories abound about seaports suddenly being closed or gridlocked within this island nation that for centuries ruled the Seven Seas. Sprinkle in the normal stories of market shelves emptied, shortages of everything, and the real prospect of an interruption in the convenient life that they are accustom to for a period of time and their reactions become a case study in perhaps a little over reaction, but more a fast-track to beginning prepping. The light bulb above their heads has noted that they have seven (7) weeks and counting with a government that really has no solid planning in place. Note that their government has been more and more omnipresent in their everyday lives than we would ever (hopefully) accept and there is still just under 50% of the population that wants to remain under the thumb of Brussels.
This is not an indictment of the British people who throughout history have demonstrated resilience to hardship that few nations can match, but of generations facing a bump in the night and letting their imaginations perhaps run away with them a little.
The changes will be at the highest level of government, business and trade and trade agreements. This nation, the size of Alabama, has fifteen (15) refineries to keep providing the same products they have been producing since the 1950’s, and fifteen (15) nuclear power generating stations – Alabama has four (4). And with a population of sixty-six million (66,000,000), the same as California and Texas combined, fuel supplies should not be a major concern, or gridlock, or an ingeniously timed invasion from outer space.
Opportunity to Learn 
What it is for us is an opportunity to watch, live, a microcosm of how the unprepared will react and learn from it for our own planning. From now until March 29th, and certainly for the two weeks past that date, the United Kingdom is going to give us a preview of economic change – I predict it, like most other doomsday predictions will have some minor bumps but will mostly go unnoticed or not widespread. Time will prove me right or wrong. But it will show in real time how people react, we will get to see on a small scale the grasshoppers knocking on the ants doors.
As preppers we know that water, food and medical supplies should always be a concern and to that vein we can be encouraged that more and more people in the United Kingdom are actually starting to see this as a safety net for themselves and their families and not as a knee-jerk reaction to any media-fueled hysteria, of which there is plenty swirling around, as their media, like ours, lives in the one-world government camp.
To their credit the United Kingdom never sought to adopt the Euro as their official currency as a part of their membership in the European Union (EU); they secured an opt-out at the Euro’s creation via the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. This makes the separation back to sovereignty so much easier and straight forward. As an aside, I found it interesting that the original countries that started the EU who had a monarchy did not originally adopt the Euro, kept their currency honoring their royals for a period of time. And the Euro, once $1.38 vs the dollar is today $1.14. It will be interesting to see how it reacts to the March 29th withdrawal of the United Kingdom. The British Pound Sterling is valued at $1.30 and how it floats over the transition period will be another trend to watch.
Welcome back to self-determination Beefeaters.
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Data break
New Post has been published on http://usnewsaggregator.com/data-break/
Data break
Image caption South Africa has been hit by what is described as the worst data breach in history
Authorities in South Africa are investigating a data breach which has seen the personal details of more than 30 million citizens leaked on the internet – placing them at risk of identity theft.
The information contained in a 27GB file was discovered by Australia-based internet security expert Tony Hunt earlier this week.
It contains their names, full identity numbers, income, gender, employment history, contact numbers and even home addresses.
South Africa’s population is about 54 million, so more than half of the country is affected by what has been described as the country’s worst leak of private data.
The country’s State Security Agency (SSA) would not be drawn into discussing the implications of such a breach and whether it could threaten security.
“We are looking in to the matter. There is an investigation. We are obviously very concerned,” SSA spokesperson Brian Dube told the BBC.
“It’s important to us to get to the bottom of this, see how it came about and do whatever we have to do, to deal with it,” he said.
Local newspaper, The Times, is reporting that the breach has even reached senior politicians, including President Jacob Zuma, but this has not been confirmed.
What could go wrong?
There are many unknowns.
According to Mr Hunt, the file dates back to April 2015 but it is not clear how long the information was on the internet prior to his find.
Image caption The file has since been removed but it is not clear how many people have already accessed it
The information could have been accessed by anyone from anywhere in the world if they knew what to look for.
Experts say this is the sort of data that companies would pay good money for.
Mr Hunt said on Twitter this week that the data breach “is one of the worst I’ve ever seen on many levels”.
The server of a property company called Jigsaw Holdings appears to be the source of the breach, this was traced through an IP address, according to local reports.
While Jigsaw has not been available for comment, it is not believed the cyber breach was a result of malice or negligence.
What happens now?
Some local newspapers have been calling for South Africans to use Mr Hunt’s website haveibeenpwned which works by checking one’s email address to see if their account has been compromised.
I took his advice. I’ve been using a private email address for years which I have always believed to be secure – but it turns out I’m in the 30 million.
It is not clear what happens now and perhaps that is the part that is most unnerving – do you wait until you are a target? Will you be a target? Do you warn your credit providers? Or simply do nothing?
So what’s the risk?
The publisher of Stuff Magazine, a technology magazine in South Africa, says in the wrong hands, the information could be used to impersonate people.
“All of this information could be used to open a bank account, a credit card account and they would use it knowing that someone will else have to pay for it when the bill comes,” Radio 702 quotes Toby Shapshak as saying.
He also speculated in the same interview that as many as 60 million people have had their personal data compromised, if you include the details of people who have died.
Time to panic?
South Africa’s banking institutions are said to be among the safest in the world, but they could be caught off-guard if the information was misused.
Image copyright iStock
Image caption Experts say cyber crime is still not taken as seriously as conventional crime despite its links in some cases to terrorism
It is said to be the largest leak of the details of private citizens in the country’s history – and yet it seems to have gone largely undetected.
There is no outcry.
But Mr Shapshak says South Africans “should panic”.
“Yes the data may be five years old but our ID numbers stay the same, our employment history stays the same and these are the sort of things that make it possible to create fake identities. It is a serious problem and I’m not being paranoid.”
Experts say cyber crime is still not taken as seriously as conventional crime, even though it can be used to fund all sorts of illicit activities including terrorism. While the possibility of identity theft could open a whole new door for criminals here.
“It’s too early to say anything at this moment… There are a lot of reports going around, but we are concerned and looking into it,” said Mr Dube.
And so we wait – and hope that the right people are doing all the right things to protect the country’s citizens from those who live on the dark web.
Original Article:
Click here
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luxus4me · 7 years
SitePoint http://j.mp/2roJNqL
This post was originally published on Medium and reposted here with the author’s permission. Why not head on over there and give them some ❤️?
This tutorial will walk you through the full process of building a bitcoin bot with PHP – from setup, on to your first execution of an automated trade, and beyond.
I should not need to tell you but, a couple of months ago you could buy the cryptocurrency Ether for $11, it rapidly went up to $43 (I bought in between those prices) and has now gone to over $335 as of June 2017. Those kinds of gains are nearly unbelievable to a traditional investor and yet these are across the board in this space. Excited yet? So here is a scenario:
You made a ton of money on cryptocurrencies and have some concerns about shuffling it through your bank because of potential capital gains tax issues. There are places that have a solution for you if you want to be able to use this money for other investments. These places won’t make you photograph your license and send it in, just use an email and they provide you with a BTC deposit wallet, demo accounts, APIs, then when you are ready, you send money in and it’s ‘go time’, you can trade everything from treasury bonds to Forex using Cryptocurrencies as your base monetary instrument.
But, you say, I am a coder who likes to automate things, surely we can fire up some BTCbot and we can have it just do the work for us, it will make us millions in our sleep, right?
Probably not.
My solution
I don’t want to write a bot and publish it with a single strategy and just say “here, use this”, I don’t think that is helpful to anyone, I would rather give you the tools and show you how to write strategies yourself, show you how to set up data collection for the strategies and how to implement them in a trading system and see the results.
Also, I don’t want to create this in a new or arcane language, I want this written in PHP which the biggest number of people are familiar with and in a framework (Laravel – here’s a great premium course for sale, and a bunch of free articles if you’re not familiar with it) that is simple to use but powerful enough to let you can create what you need. If you think PHP is just for web pages, read on, this should surprise you.
I like to build systems. I have been working on this post for a while and it represents a good deal of non-derivative custom work. If you have read some of my other tutorials you know that I like to write tutorials that “I wish that I had found instead of having to to write”, so you are in for a thorough read, with a lot of copy-paste style recipes.
Let’s get started.
Steps we are going to take:
Get boilerplate/framework installed.
Walk through the core parts of the system, see what is where.
Install and configure the software we need.
Account creation at the brokerages we will be using, setting up the API keys for the scripts.
Run tests and examples.
Set up websocket streams to get data.
Finding strategies for our automated agents.
Deep dive into Indicators and Candles available to us.
Coding up our first agent.
Testing the agent.
A few closing words about the risks you are taking.
Get boilerplate/framework installed (Bowhead)
You can find the repository for the Bowhead boilerplate at it’s Github repository. It’s a full application already, but we’ll be using its functionality to get the stuff in this post done.
It is recommended you use the extremely Laravel-friendly Homestead Improved Vagrant box for a good, isolated development environment you can get started with in under 5 minutes. If you’re unfamiliar with Vagrant, here’s an excellent re-introduction, and if you’d like to dig deeper, this premium book will teach you amazing things.
git clone http://j.mp/2rp7sam cd bowhead composer install cp .env-example .env sudo pecl install trader echo "extension=trader.so" | sudo tee /etc/php/7.1/mods-available/trader.ini sudo phpenmod trader
Now let’s explain the the current folder structure of the app.
This is where all our console commands are located.
BitfinexWebsocketCommand.php – Stream market data from Bitfinex
CoinbaseWebsocketCommand.php – Stream market data from GDAX
ExampleForexStrategyCommand.php – Forex example strategy
ExampleStrategyCommand.php – Our example of a strategy
ExampleUsageCommand.php – Basic usage examples
GetHistoricalCommand.php – Pull in historic data from broker
OandaStreamCommand.php – Stream market data from Oanda
Is where all the utility classes that are available are found.
Bitfinex.php – Bitfinex API wrapper
BrokersUtil.php – Utilities for various brokers
Candles.php – All 60 TALib candle methods wrapped
Coinbase.php – GDAX API wrapper
Console.php – Console color, tables and progress
Indicators.php – 21 TALib indicators and moving averages.
Oanda.php – Oanda API wrapper
OneBroker.php – 1Broker API wrapper
Other.php – possible indicators, not implemented yet
testStrategy.php – Here is your test strategy
Whaleclub.php – Whaleclub API wrapper
Extras and some testing data, these scripts are SKLearn price forecasting scripts taken from a study on beer consumption I thought was really useful, these might be used for market price predictions.
close_prediction.py – SKLearn script to predict a closing price
ohlc-btc.csv – Sample CSV data, if needed
open_prediction.py – SKLearn script to predict an opening price – a python script in the root dir called ‘streaming.py’ which is part of the Oanda streaming command.
If you execute php artisan, you should see something like the following, the part you are interested in is below.
Redis and MySQL
Redis really does not need any tweaking out of the box, it’s installed and ready if you’re using Homestead Improved.
MySQL will need a database and a few tables. Change the credentials in the .env file (create it from .env.example if it doesn’t exist).
DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=homestead DB_USERNAME=homestead DB_PASSWORD=secret
Let’s add the DB dump into MySQL:
mysql -u homestead -psecret < app\Script\DBdump.sql
Open up the database in a tool like Sequel Pro and you will the sample data in the bowhead_ohlc (open, high, low, close) table.
API accounts we need in order to set up automated trading
Full disclosure: Where possible, I have set up bonuses for you on these links, all sites below offer free accounts which do not require ‘verification’ and do not require a deposit. The links are referral links which also bring me some perks if you sign up.
1) Whaleclub is the main site we want to trade on for this tutorial. They key their market data off of the Bitfinex websocket and match with Oanda streaming data for Forex. This site allows you to trade many instruments and commodities with BTC at up to 20x leverage, Forex up to 222x as well as providing BTC-based binary options. They have a simple, easy to understand interface and an excellent API. The API key is found by clicking on your name in the upper-right, and clicking on API. (use DEMO API key to start)
2) 1Broker the secondary site we want to trade on, they are similar to other BTC-based market makers and have a ‘trader follow’ system as well that is fairly interesting, particularly to get people following ‘you’. The API key is found on the right, just under the email icon, there is a small box with what looks like sliders on it, then click on Access & API Management.
3) Oanda is where we get our streaming Forex data, you need an account. API access is found here.
4) Coinbase/GDAX is what used to be called ‘Coinbase Exchange’ and is now called GDAX. I have been automated-trading there since they first opened. The API key is found at the far upper-right, then click on API and create your keys.
5) Bitfinex – you need an account here with an API key so we can get Cryptocurrency quotes. API keys are found under ‘Account’ then click on API.
6) Poloniex is like Bitfinex but supports many alt-coins. API keys are found under Settings – API Keys.
7) TradingView is not mandatory, but you will want an account there because all the indicators bowhead uses can be viewed on charts to help you build your strategies.
The reasoning behind this combination is that the Whaleclub and 1Broker APIs are rate limited, WC only allows 60 requests per minute, if we want to make sure we have streaming real-time data to work with we need to stream from a BTC brokerage. Same with Forex.
Definitely look around on these sites and see what they have to offer, I’ve been around the block with a lot of brokers and market maker sites and for BTC, these are all good as of June 2017. For Forex, Oanda is great, but for the purposes here of trading using BTC we just need their streaming Forex data.
Once you get the API keys for these sites, you will want to put them in your .env file.
NOTE: Start off by using DEMO/TEST API keys, DO NOT use real money API keys with untested trading scripts.
Let’s test that we are set up right.
Bowhead has a testing script to verify that everything is set up correctly and that you have the right API keys, PHP version and the Trader extension is correctly installed.
php artisan bowhead:example_usage
This script will stop on any issues that you may have and provide commands to run to fix the issues or links to get API keys you might still need.
Let’s get data flowing in
We have two things we need to do for data here so we can create an automated trading system that can trade both Crypto and Forex pairs. We will be using this data to trade on BTC market maker sites in real time.
Get streaming Forex data coming into our database from Oanda.
Get streaming Cryptocurrency data coming into our database from Bitfinex
Note: You should have the screen command installed on the server the app is running on. Screen is a terminal tool for detaching windows and keeping them running in the background. You can detach a screen, log off and come back and reattach to it from another location at another time.
screen python streaming.py screen php artisan bowhead:oanda_stream
This is what the Forex streamer looks like if you turn the echo back on.
Now if the Forex markets are open (U.S.A Eastern time, Sunday 5:00pm to Friday 4pm) you will start to see data flowing into the bowhead_ohlc table for the currency pairs that are traded on Whaleclub. The list is in streaming.py and can be modified there. The following pairs are all streaming into your database in real time now. USD_JPY, EUR_USD, AUD_USD, EUR_GBP, USD_CAD, USD_CHF, USD_MXN, USD_TRY, USD_CNH, NZD_USD
Now we have regular Forex data, lets add in the BTC/USD currency pair.
screen php artisan bowhead:websocket_bitfinex
Crypto markets are open 24/7 and you should begin to see current data flowing in immediately.
To see these running processes and reattach to them use screen -list and screen -r
~$ screen -list There are screens on: 4604.ttys005.Joels-MacBook-Pro-2 (Detached) 4636.ttys005.Joels-MacBook-Pro-2 (Detached) 4652.ttys005.Joels-MacBook-Pro-2 (Detached) 3 Sockets in /var/folders/bq/79z2kd916hbd39n5bckb5_s00000gn/T/.screen.
The numbers on the left are the screen IDs so in this instance you can reattach to the latest (Bitfinex) screen by using the following command.
screen -r 4604
We are only using screen for the purposes of this tutorial on a local machine, for a server environment we put these on supervisord to make sure they are always running on our server and if they die, then they are restarted.
This is the supervisord conf I use for this, you may need to change the directory for your user. From /etc/supervisor/conf.d/crypt.conf:
[program:oanda] command=/usr/bin/python streaming.py user=ubuntu directory=/home/ubuntu/bowhead startretries=3 stopwaitsecs=10 autostart=true [program:o_stream] command=/usr/bin/php artisan bowhead:oanda_stream user=ubuntu directory=/home/ubuntu/bowhead startretries=3 stopwaitsecs=10 autostart=true [program:wsbitfinex] command=/usr/bin/php artisan bowhead:websocket_bitfinex directory=/home/ubuntu/bowhead startretries=3 stopwaitsecs=10 autostart=true
You can see what these look like in Supervisor with
~$ sudo supervisorctl o_stream RUNNING pid 31644, uptime 1 day, 22:15:24 oanda RUNNING pid 31645, uptime 1 day, 22:15:24 wsbitfinex RUNNING pid 31646, uptime 1 day, 22:15:24 supervisor> help default commands (type help <topic>): ===================================== add exit open reload restart start tail avail fg pid remove shutdown status update clear maintail quit reread signal stop version supervisor>
note: Currently, bowhead only supports BTC/USD from Bitfinex, I will be adding ETH and LTC in future revisions. You can create an ETH version of this if you want by copying and modifying the BitfinexWebsockCommand.php file to use ETHUSD and renaming the class. You will need to add any new commands class to the $commands array in app/Console/Kernel.php
Finding strategies
So, we have our boilerplate/framework set up. We have accounts and we have data flowing into our database. We also have our indicator/signals and candles working. Let’s jump in and see how to create a very simple strategy.
Now that we see how we can use this, we need strategies and we need to know how to find more strategies. Quantopian is a great resource for strategies.
For instance, two that I was recently looking at: “Stocks On The Move” and “Trading on multiple TA-Lib signals” are both interesting, however saying we use TALib methods in bowhead, lets go with the latter, additionally this will only be for BTC as Oanda does not return Volume with forex pairs.
You will notice that this strategy uses three signals to determine if a stock (or in our case a pair) is overbought (sell) or underbought (buy).
Money flow index (mfi)
Commodity channel index (cci)
Chande momentum oscillator (cmo)
This is a simple technicals strategy where if all three of these indicators agree then we go the direction they say to go. Here is the core part of the strategy in code.
$indicators = new \Bowhead\Util\Indicators(); $recentData = $util->getRecentData('BTC/USD'); $cci = $indicators->cci($instrument, $recentData); $cmo = $indicators->cmo($instrument, $recentData); $mfi = $indicators->mfi($instrument, $recentData); /** instrument is overbought, we will short */ if ($cci == -1 && $cmo == -1 && $mfi == -1) { $overbought = 1; } /** It is underbought, we will go LONG */ if ($cci == 1 && $cmo == 1 && $mfi == 1) { $underbought = 1; }
Don’t worry about putting this anywhere, this strategy is included in bowhead as a console command
php artisan bowhead:example_strategy
The output will look like this!
If you would like to see what these look like on a chart, then head over to TradingView and add the indicators. TradingView idea stream is another great place to find strategies and see what other people are doing and you can view the strategies in the source code section of of TradingView.
Bowhead Indicators and Candles
I provide two classes in bowhead for checking signals on data: Candles and Indicators. Each class has an all method which will run all the methods in its parent class over the data you provide.
To keep things as simple as possible without sacrifice of functionality all methods in both of these libraries provide a return as -1, 0 or 1. Where ‘1’ will always be the buy or ‘bullish’ side and ‘-1’ will always be the sell or ‘bearish’ side, where applicable. There are a couple which return -100 and 100 as returns, please read the comments above each method and in each class for more info about abnormal return values as there are links to explain what they do and why we use them as well as what they represent and how you can use them in your scripts.
Candles.php —  the allCandles() method will check for the presence of 60 specific candles across your dataset. It returns a complex array which will even provide the data point location of the candle and data points around the candle. For purposes of automated scripting, the current array in the return is the candles that are currently active.
Indicators.php —Provides multiple indicators over a dataset, these are all the common technical indicators such as Bollinger bands, RSI and many types of moving averages. These include overlap studies, momentum indicators, volume indicators and volatility indicators. There are no cycle indicators yet. The core methods are adx, aroonosc, cmo, sar, cci, mfi, obv, stoch, rsi, macd, bollingerBands, atr with MA methods of sma, ema, wma, dema, tema, trima, kama, mama, and t3 which can be combined using macdext() fairly dynamically.
SMA methods are typically called by themselves as they cannot respond with a buy or sell signal
These two sets of indicators and candles can be combined in many different ways that have been noted in the comments at the top of each class. Combining MA cross overs with Bearish/Bullish candle patterns (which would not be apparent to a moving average), you can pinpoint your entries and exits much better.
Packaging these trader methods in this way provides a lot of flexibility to you to be able to use them very easily and as you notice above, translating a strategy is very simple when you have only buy(1)/hold(0)/sell(-1) signals.
Code it up
So, lets do another quick script that will showcase what we do, this time lets do a Forex bot that trades all the pairs on WC, and it will use the following technical strategy.
Average directional movement index (ADX) is a trend indicator that typically returns a number from 0–100. Under 20 it indicates a weak trend, over 50 it indicates a strong trend. Bowhead returns a -1 for under 20 and a 1 for over 50;
Two simple moving averages, on period 6 and period 40. Period 6 SMA will follow the price very closely and just smooth out any spikes. An SMA 40 is a much more smoothed average which will cross the period 6 at various points when movements start taking place. The ADX is a check that we are indeed in a trend and not in a ranging (sideways) market.
When ADX registers a trend (over 50), and our SMA(40) down-crosses the SMA(6) we can buy as the trend is now moving up.
When ADX registers a trend and our SMA (40) up-crosses the SMA(6) we can sell as the trend is now moving down.
Here is what this looks like on TradingView, orange in the bottom is the ADX, the green line is the SMA(6) and the blue line is the SMA(40). You can see where you would most likely want to do your trades and lo and behold, we have some line crossings at or near those exact places.
Seems kind of complicated? Not when you are working in bowhead. The main thing is we need to get the data off the stack for checking previous and current values, that way you can tell when a moving average has crossed another moving average.
$recentData = $util->getRecentData($instrument); $adx = $indicators->adx($instrument, $recentData); $_sma6 = trader_sma($recentData['close'], 6); $sma6 = array_pop($_sma6); $prior_sma6 = array_pop($_sma6); $_sma40 = trader_sma($recentData['close'], 40); $sma40 = array_pop($_sma40); $prior_sma40 = array_pop($_sma40); /** have the lines crossed? */ $down_cross = (($prior_sma6 <= $sma40 && $sma6 > $sma40) ? 1 : 0); $up_cross = (($prior_sma40 <= $sma6 && $sma40 > $sma6) ? 1 : 0); Now you can just if ($adx == 1 && $down_cross) { $buy = 1; } if ($adx == 1 && $up_cross) { $sell = 1; }
Testing it
Okay, so I provided this as the following file, ADX will spit out errors (-9) without at least 21 data points, so keep that in mind.
app/Console/Commands/ExampleForexStrategyCommand.php ~$ php artisan bowhead:example_forex_strategy
This is what it looks like.
Closing words and a note about risk
Now you can find strategies and quickly build your own scripts to trade cryptocurrencies via technical indicators and candle patterns. The sky is the limit.
Because this is within the Laravel framework, you can create web pages to manage your automated trading, easily create strategies using web-based tools. You can use the queues and jobs system to have strategy ‘workers’ (I will be adding this as I update it), broadcasts, and so on.
Now to talk about risk.
I would like to point out that there is SUBSTANTIAL risk involved in cryptocurrency trading and you need to make sure you are in demo mode when testing and working out your strategies. This is of paramount importance as I would hate to hear of someone who lost any amount of money because of this.
I am personally fairly risk tolerant and sometimes it pays off. I use Bowhead to do WC ‘Turbo’ trading (which is Forex Binary options), these are a ‘guess’ if the price will be up or be down in 1 minute and 5 minute contracts. If you guess right then win up to 75% return, if you guess wrong then you lose your entire bet. There are some Forex strategies specifically for Turbo trading that I have had some good luck with. However, be aware that most require you are in a trending market. So an indicator like ADX on a longer period is not a bad choice.
Here is an example of one strategy that was working.
Final note
Part 2 will go over making your bot talk to all the exchanges and even attempt to discern price discrepancies, building real-time GDAX straddle-bot using about five Forex strategies and even setting up Bowhead as an API.
If you notice any errors here or have any issues with the code, please let me know, make a comment here or open an issue in the Github repository and I will address it.
— Keep in mind that this project is under active development.
http://j.mp/2roF3kZ via SitePoint URL : http://j.mp/2c7PqoM
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