#(even though I can't animate ahaha)
urg had other questions abt the truman au wowowowow
what abt eclipse? would there be an eclipse in this au ??? would he be trapped w sun or just as aware as moon???
ALSO, urrrmm are they separated in this au? Are they separated in the digital rendition and one body in the real world or the reverse of that??
After Sun escapes (if he does), how would he readjust to the real world? would he have conflict with moon after the fact?
sorry this au has got me in a CHOKEHOLD
okay so I'm gonna be honest I haven't really fleshed out much of the details for this au (it kinda took a backseat in terms of development simply because no one was showing interest in it and my witch au was more compelling at the time), so I'm not too sure about an Eclipse. In terms of a combined Sun and Moon ai, that does exist (it only appears at the very end of the au, but it exists). There's also a possibility of their base functions that are fronting the body while these two are stuck in the mindscape gaining sentience and not being too happy about being forced back in, so take that as you will...
Sun and Moon do share a body within this au, with the two taking on separate forms within the mindscape, though they don't really stay in the same spot long enough to see each other properly. They mostly communicated through message exchange and an emotional frequency prior to events in the au, but the au basically starts with Moon already being infected, so they haven't talked in some time...
Sun doesn't escape for a good while-he's gone through a good many loops by that point and struggles with differentiating between reality and fiction. He experiences a lot of relapses where he's still convinced that he's in the mindscape, and sometimes his code mimics the functions inputted during that point, so that his thoughts are very jumbled and he can't really think straight. Moon can't really help him through this-how can he help when his mere image is the very source of the problem? If he tries to interfere, Sun becomes even more panicked and can't tell if it's the real Moon or what his brain replaced Moon with. It's extremely painful for Moon to watch knowing that he can't help or even be in the same room as his sibling without triggering a traumatic response. He usually excuses himself to go patrol (they get separate bodies after they reunite in the fire) and cycles through the daycare camera feed to keep an eye on Sun while giving him space. The only thing that really helps Sun is looking through his own programming and memory files to make sure that nothing's changed.
Moon also develops a severe fear of isolation and being alone-he gets antsy when Sun isn't with him, and often forgets that he and Sun aren't sharing a body anymore. He sometimes experiences this during patrols when it gets too quiet in his head-he always goes straight to the Daycare to make sure Sun's still there. Sun can't really snap him out of it, he just stays close and tries to talk about things to calm him down.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Something a music YouTuber I watch said was that he noticed a huge spike in the popularity of AMVs after Linkin Park released the music video for Breaking The Habit, which was done by an anime studio and took great care to make sure the visuals matched the original artist vision of Mike Shinoda (who is an art school graduate and thus had a lot of input and ideas). Can either you or other people who were in fandom circa 2004 when it was released confirm this? It does sound like that would make sense, as Linkin Park fans and anime lovers overlap a TON on a Venn diagram (and AMV makers and Link Park fans, even moreso) but I'd be curious to see the numbers before and after. Unfortunately, though, since it was pre-YouTube, most AMVs were hosted on individual sites, so I can't really go digging and figure this out personally, given my lack of knowledge on where to even look for fandom content from that era + the fact many of those sites are offline now.
Ahaha. Anon, it is far easier to research AMVs from back then than from the youtube era.
Unlike Media Fandom vidders, AMV editors were fine being out in the public eye, and they very heavily used animemusicvideos.org. I hear the BL crowd didn't as much, but everybody who was entering mainstream con contests listed all their shit there.
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The site opened in late 2000. Youtube started in early 2005, though it didn't fully take off for a while. (Red shows the era between these.) AMV editors may have been using YT for hosting early on (I don't recall), but it took a long time and a lot of turnover for them to stop bothering to list their work on AMVs.org. (It's primarily a database of what exists, not hosting, though it does also have some downloads.)
On the face of it, yes, AMVs seem to have boomed around 2004-2006, so that Youtuber is superficially correct.
However, I suspect this has more to do with the community getting organized and anime cons with AMV contests sprouting up like mushrooms in that era. No doubt the obscene popularity of Linkin Park on AMVs.org was influenced by that official video, but I don't think this was the main driver behind editors editing in general.
(I admit, though, that the height of my anime fannishness was like 1996-2003, and I was not a Linkin Park fan, nor did I care much about AMVs aside from the ones at YaoiCon.)
The rapid decline from 2007 on probably reflects more and more editors being Youtube-only rather than con contests ceasing or anything like that.
The music overall reflects the era and demographic on the site:
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But before you assume too much from this huge Linkin Park number, the site overall lists 169,973 videos.
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bredforloyalty · 1 month
Hii would you like to share your favourite fics?? In any fandoms tbh i just trust your taste a lot 🫣
oh i am an animal i don't think i have good taste i have the taste of someone who's always horny and a teeeeny tiny bit fucked in the head jcsgbhy but i'm honored you asked and i'll share<33 you said you don't care if it's more smut or more plot so i didn't worry too much about that 👍
first off, a warning: most of these are explicit, involve incest, rape, child sexual abuse, and more!!! also most of them are on the shorter side + all are male slash! you'll be able to tell based on the pairing and the concept (i'll describe them a little) so just go by common sense and, idk. beware ahaha i'll go from some pairings to assorted and then the rick and morty ones will be under the read more (i feel like i can't leave them out because some of them genuinely made me insane and changed me as a person or allowed me catharsis like very very few fics before and even though it's repulsive to most others i can't deny that. there are big favorites in there. favorites of all time if i'm being fully honest). let's go..
ghost dancer - by the lovely and talented rye @ supersonic1994!!!! noel overdoses on coke. i looove the image of kissing your brother when you think you're about to lose him forever,, does that make sense? love is love is love when one is desperate and if it's deep then it can transcend taboos and boundaries of self and all that shit. you know
things we never see - told through jill furmanovsky, their photographer, noel comes back (after they had almost broken up and he went to san fran without telling anyone). when it comes to them i do love an outsider pov. speaking of outsider pov,
you never notice you are blind - five times alan mcgee thinks he catches something between them and one time he definitely does. it is what it is
i don't really want to know - Nawt consensual, made me a bit sad hehe liam is not sick like him
some that are like, unhealthy jealousy possessiveness dubcon angst and so on: sins like scarlet, fishhook, what am i gonna dream now
hungry til well fed - by the wonderful bug @ deanjohn (and mandymovie)!!! iconic cannibalism fic, just so them
brighter wound - wound blood pain codependency babeyyy
take the things you love - hathfrozen is iconic also.. i loved the heaven fic (you'll find it. if you want) but i want to share this because i like how conflicted sam is about their relationship and about the way dean treats him. smutty though
manhattan for beads - what i wrote down is this is the one where they try and it doesn't work and it's heartbreaking. so yeah candle_beck can be trusted w spn, iconic too
serpent round your heart - one of the first ones i read haha ^^
where the evening splits in half - bug fic also!! all of bug's fics are great do check them out if you're interested in this pairing or dadson at all, seriously.. "Sam says, "I know how you felt about the man." No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t know that Dad was a pig. He has no idea how far down Dean was in the mud with him. How dirty they both were, how much Dad ruined him."
midnight midnight - first time, dean hooks up with men so john can take blackmail pics and he gets jealous and yeah, hooray
and you learn how to settle for what you get - sex again but they're fucked up so it's always fucked up. dean never asked for it
like i'm underwater - by the amazing @ kuleaxoxo!! yayyy power imbalance!! "Mister White's showing him off, isn't he?"
monaco - jesse gifts walt the watch. dubcon
i'm asking you to - rape roleplay, ignored safeword
countercontrol - terence fletcher/andrew neiman, "Andrew leaves; but he always comes back. He likes to think that it’s of his own accord. But then he thinks of those paintings of staircases with the optical illusion of the stairs going nowhere except winding into each other, going the same place again and again, and ultimately going nowhere."
beach fag - roman roy/jeryd mencken, "Roman wishes he was a kid with an adult boyfriend."
the serpent under it - aaron stampler/martin vail, look i fucking love primal fear this is post-canon they get together etc. important to me
simple pleasures - edward nygma/bruce wayne, this is a big favorite i can't leave it out because when this was um coming out i was fucking obsessed. it's long i don't even read long fics
there's a head in the refrigerator - michael afton/william afton, this one's sort of self-explanatory..... i felt we needed necrophilia representation here
rick and morty:
bitter and begging - FAVE.. after the jealousy and possessiveness in vindicators 3 (the episode with the avengers copies that morty is enamoured with. who rick slaughters when he's off his shit and then covertly confesses how much he loves morty basically). this one really got me i think i cried because it's all so sad but um. full of love
that's my boy - this is the first of a series, i like that it's the start of.. the sexual abuse and they're still uncertain like i enjoy the in-betweens and when lines are crossed
love is a solitary thing - this one i love so much, it's about morty's fantasies and unrequited feelings for rick
safe - gen, morty starts talking with another morty whose rick rescues mortys from abusive ricks. i always really liked how the multiverse is like a prism? you can explore the different facets of their relationship and the possibilities and the extremes through it, you can have your characters meet their worst and their best versions, i just think selves from different dimensions are a great tool. in storytelling. and eliciting emotions. anyway rovingotter is fucking solid here
hands - a favorite.. the atmosphere... "He wonders if he'll still be sitting here in ten years, handing Rick his screwdrivers, feeling that hot instinctive rush of pleasure at knowing what Rick is going to ask from him before he even asks: bred for it."
the shape you made me - morty's stream of consciousness. i usually don't give stuff like this a chance but when i tell you that this affected me. because fuck it did affect me
the damage has been done - um..... internal cardiac massage fic 🥴
repurposed - "Is it ethical to leave the horrors of the universe at a boy's fingertips?"
and last but NOT least there's this series that i haven't read in full, just a little bit broken, that fucking killed me. tbh! i sobbed at some parts legitimately. maybe that's just on me i don't know maybe it isn't. the first 5 are crazy. admittedly alcoholism runs in my family too (lol!) and their relationship is so tragic.... this fic is about when rick quite literally stole the kid's dreams, concocted an entire plan to erode morty's love of heists and make him stop writing his heist movie script (and having any aspirations or plans outside of rick). when i watched that episode these are exactly the emotions i wanted more of.. it's madness......
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reitheist · 2 months
bucchigiri ep 12 lb thoughts:
wow, tbh I was not expecting to get more backstory on ara this late, but it's appreciated
aww ara thought matakara was cool
i'm still unsure what exactly a honki person is to be completely honest
komao is the best nurse thanks buddy
bucchigiri pleaseeeeee let mahoro do anything please im begging
ahaha the cat gag is finally revealed
also he just fucking stole jasmine right out of there lmaooo
okay so... mahoro uses a man to wake her brother up... sweetie I'm sorry but your brother only cares about men and fighting. it's time to give up
the siguma goons dressed in nurse outfits I'm cackling
yet again love is used as a metaphor for fighting and here it's applied to arajin and matakara hm
ahaaaaa as I predicted his wish changed. specifically to wanting matakara to wake up, no less
so like, is ichiya's issue with senya similar to matakara's issue with arajin? in that he wasn't as strong as he wanted him to be
is it inappropriate to say senya is lucky and I would like ichiya to beat me up as well
oh damn ichiya was sick and wanted to be killed by senya. senya looked up to ichiya and didn't want to do that.
komao carrying zabu aww
so now that ichiya is controlling matakara's body, matakara is stuck with his darkness. notably, the best friend stone lies in there, broken. he sits in the corner of his laundromat room, the place he's had to stay since his brother went to juvie
ofc these two muscled bitches can only make up by fighting
divorced dad senya got his wife back by being real for once
the only thing stronger than ichiya's pettiness--matakara's lack of self worth
ope well the only thing stronger than matakara's lack of self worth is ara's delusional love for mahoro ig
wow his wish change did not last for long lol
ohhh matakara shoving ara away, he believes everyone from his past makes him weaker "I don't need my friends, or my brother, or even you!"
matakara is deathly afraid of being left alone. it happened with ara, it happened with his brother, so now he wants to sever all his relationships so he can't be hurt again
literally shoving the love of friendship into matakara's face so he can't reject it, healing the inner child so afraid of loneliness
matakara finally having his investment in ara acknowledged and reciprocated
senya's unfinished business is done, he can ascend to heaven with his boyfie
i KNEW that stamp was gonna be for matakara. also stamping it in blood hell yeah
matakara I love youuuu
ahh a very sk8-type ending montage
i'm at least glad mahoro is still ignoring the fact ara exists
did shindo wear fake boobs and heels just to sneak back into NG 💀 he's fulfilling his true calling in life: to be the drama member of an idol group
lmaooo catboy doing his best sales
ara and matakara making gyoza again 😭
matakara's brother is alive phew
lmaoooo the ending
well, I guess the ending would keep it open for a potential S2, if that were to ever happen. good episode with excellent animation, even though it didn't quite fulfill all of my desires for this show. would've liked mahoro to have a more active role in all this. this show also felt a bit limited by runtime and writing at times, but overall it was a pretty enjoyable experience with charming characters (who I would've liked to learn more about, tbh). matakara and ara's fight was amazing. I wanted more ichiya and senya than we got but I'm glad they resolved their issues too. I'm kinda curious as to what happened with ichiya after the fight. is he also in the bullet with senya, did he pass on, or is he in his own bullet? if it's the first option, I need a spinoff of their stupid domestic lives inside their separate spirit world
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chaotic-toby · 5 months
Reasons why I kin Ashley Graves!
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... well, I wouldn't say kin, but here is a compilation of relatable moments with explanations!
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I felt this in my bones when I first watched a playthrough of the game. There is this girl at school who I despise with a burning passion. It seems like everyone likes her, and in my eyes, she stole my friend. My friend barely even notices me anymore; given, I did start distancing myself, but that is because I noticed that every time she was around, my friend would pay attention to the girl that I hate instead of me. Now, I'm not saying that my friends cannot have other friends, but I basically became the friend that you hang out with when your main friend wasn't around. That is exactly what happened.
Everyone likes the girl more than me...
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Now I know in this scene, Ashley was being manipulative, but I like to believe that she was voicing her genuine thoughts, or at least something similar to how she actually feels about Nina. And I have definitely thought something similar to this about the girl I mentioned earlier.
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Again, I know she is being manipulative, but as I said before, I think she is being slightly genuine, and I've had similar thoughts. I know people do like me-- my family and the few friends and acquaintances I have-- but it feels like they are putting up with me out of pity or because they feel like they have to.
I cannot fathom people genuinely liking me for the person I am, especially since I am an awful friend who can't even be bothered to check up on their friends.
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Whenever something bad happens, I think I compartmentalize. I push it away and try to focus on other stuff, acting like the bad thing doesn't bother me or doesn't affect me. Which is probably why my family isn't as worried about me as they should be.
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Me to myself every day. What is wrong with me? I mean, there has to be something that pushes people away, that makes it so that everyone I know prefers to hang out with other people over hanging out with me. I am no one's favourite person, and I never will be.
Why can't I just be normal?
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Ahaha, my sister once gave me a ring that costed her 50 cents, and I wear it everywhere I go. I love the ring so much. Also, a week ago, my mom bought me a stuffed dog because it reminded her of me and because I was upset the day prior. She didn't have to buy me anything, but she did. So now, I cherish that stuff dog just as much as I do when it comes to my favourite stuffed animal.
I named the stuff dog William.
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This is just the same as the earlier examples. She is mostly being manipulative or something, but this is relatable so I'm adding it
(There was another image I wanted to add to this reason but then I wouldn't have been able to add the image for reason seven)
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Now this image-- this moment at least in Ashley's mind-- is super duper relatable to me. I cannot remember the last time I felt like I was a part of my family. My family has barely done anything to make me feel ostracized, but for some reason, I just do. I remember numerous times where my family were talking about this and that, and I would just sit there, not chiming in at all, just watching them have so much fun without me.
I remember one time, I was in my room folding laundry, and I could hear my family laughing in the living room. They were having so much. I couldn't see them since I was in my room, but in my mind, I imagined a happy family (though my family has been far from happy).
Another moment that happened months ago was when my sister and her husband visited to eat with me and my mother. My sister and mother were talking about the houses my sister was looking at (she and her husband were planning on moving from the house they were living in at the time). At first, I tried to chime in, but they kept... I wouldn't say ignore me, but I couldn't really keep up with the conversation, so I just sat back and scrolled through Pinterest for God-knows-how-long.
My family looked happy. To me, it was like I was watching them on a t.v. That I wasn't actually there.
So yeah, in Ashley's mind, no matter how hard she tries to sit the Pink bunny at the dinner table, it won't sit up. She doesn't fit in with the family of bunnies, which is relatable and how I feel half the time I'm around my own family.
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1.) She is literally the saddest side character I know out of the series. She canonically went through severe abuse and bullying, oversexualizes herself as a defense mechanism, and has really bad anxiety that interferes with her interactions.
Does she get better? No.
Even though the whole theme of Danganronpa is overcoming despair, she never gets the support she needs despite having a lot of supposedly nice classmates. She CONTINUES to get verbally abused by another classmate nobody really bothers to stop, and one of her best friend even ENABLES some of her bad coping mechanisms. She's also the main source of fanservice for the second game.
Then she gets fucking brainwashed into one of the main villain's henchwoman. Yeah, the writers did NOT let her catch a break.
2.) The first two chapters are obsessed with having her do that stupid 'oh nooo all my clothes came off :"( u can see my panties :"(' shit and her free time events especially drift into the 'I'm accidentally saying something that's sexy but I don't know the connotations' brand of jokes. Idk what the spoiler policy is so I won't say much about her actual good points, but when she gets a chance to shine, she's really really interesting! For sure one of my favorite characters in the game! She's got nuance and character and relationships and motivations and interests and all that good stuff! She's even gay! It's just that its almost completely eclipsed by mediocre at best horny jokes for the first 2/3rds of her screentime in game and it drives me actually insane.
3.) You could put nearly all of the dr girls in this bracket, actually. But I picked Mikan because she's such a clear example. They just put her in there to sexualize her and her trauma. There were many ideas that could have been executed well with Mikan (I can relate to the aspect of her sexualizing herself, but the fact that they use it for fanservice is. Wow! And not in a good way) but they use her for fanservice instead. And she had the WORST execution or at least it was somewhere in the top 3. They unceremoniously cut off her development with the "despair disease" (hate that motive btw) and basically made her whole personality in what was supposed to be sorta love her 3rd act villain breakdown into "oooh my beloved ahaha I can't wait to be reunited with my beloved." I don't know shit about the anime but she seems to have been treated just as terribly there if not made worse! If it weren't for the fact that I refuse to acknowledge the animes existence it might have made me dislike her during the time I still actively liked the franchise. All the outfits they give her also feel like they were made just for fanservice shots (most of the outfits themselves aren't really bad at least not the ones I've seen it's that they were made with the intent to sexualize her and not to look good and fit her character) which is super frustrating. Oh and she was treated terribly in the game by Hiyoko but when she killed hiyoko it was just whoops she saw me kill ibuki gotta end her instead of giving her an interesting motive for even one of her kills. Honestly what makes me says she's screwed over by misogyny specifically is the fact that shit like this probably would not have happened if she were a guy. She wouldn't be written perfectly but her writing would be so much better. Like she was reduced to fanservice so so so many times and treated awfully.
1.) SO. actually she's combod by the heavy anti-pasifika racism in ot2 but one of the strongest elements of that is that ochette herself is infantilized to the point of a 20 year old woman, who is a fully trained adult warrior and ingame stated to be like a week away from replacing her island's ultrabeast white lion guardian, being characterized by cool normal things like "having the white catholic inquisitor character promise to teach her backward people human language(the fantasy pasifika tribe she's from are kemonomimi because of course they are)", "haha ochette no understand human custom and have funny naive misunderstanding", "ochette draws the catholic inquisitor character a cutesy kiddie drawing", and being completely removed from any discussions around sex because octopath has this sexism problem where the only two types of women are innocent babies and femme fatales which is so cool AND normal. so ochette gets actually written to be essentially a "mental child" or sometimes an actual animal and is never, ever, ever allowed to have any dynamic with a human that is not paternal in nature because she is Baby. so she's also fighting the ableism. and despite all odds being stacked against her she manages to fuck super hard in a way that makes it so obvious that if ot2 was just less sexist and less racist and less ableist and someone suplexed the non-pasifika dev team and brought in at least a sensitivity reader, she could have fucked SO much harder. honestly imo the fact that the racism against her is superficially gender neutral is not proof that it's not sexism but proof that it IS, as a major part of racist sexism is treating the womanhood of woc as either unimportant or inferior compared to white womanhood, where pasifika woc specifically are often treated as eternal innocent girls who just can never understand an adult woman's relationship with gender. ochette not being allowed to be a woman and trapped at "child too young to even have a gender" is sickeningly sexist. she should have been allowed to have zest for life and be literally the "my daughter might have autism but god damn she can work a grill" lady and be unsure about taking on a hugely important position without it being used as shorthand for her being a toddler in the body of a notably very skinny girl considering she is canonically jacked enough to carry an iguana the size of a bus but WHATEVER. she should also have been allowed to hunt the white catholic inquisitor whose story climaxes with him killing an indigenous woman who secretly infiltrated the church in order to get revenge for them massacring her entire tribe that confirms ochette's people are kemonomimi because an ancient wizard cursed the brutish natives for their violence. actually fuck it i would put kaldena in too but thinking about her actually makes me depressed im so fucking sorry girl. they should BOTH have gotten a ten minute cutscene of beating hm to death with hammers
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dingoat · 2 months
❛ it’s okay. you can let go. ❜
[Ugggh omg I made myself cry writing this, so fair warning to anyone who sobs at animal stories like me, um, proceed with care. ~900 words, not remotely proofed because I can't read it again right now ahaha. THANK for sending this ask even though I broke my own heart with it!]
Twenty years.
In many ways, Ahuska had come to measure her life against Pexu’s.
A tough and scrappy little cub, gifted to Ahuska all those years ago. She’d been a mark of respect from Ahuska’s mentor, acknowledgement that she was ready to raise the challenging animal as a companion and protector, and a token of congratulations for being accepted into a Clan and finally striking off on her own.
And memories of those early days were impossible to separate from the day she met Crow.
The day her life had truly begun.
“I hope you forgive me,” Ahuska said quietly, stroking the broad, blunt head that rested in her lap, all four eyes gently closed. An apologetic smile tugged at her muzzle. “For not naming you myself. For letting Nel name you just because I thought it’d win points with her dad. You were so silly back then… both of you, really. I kept the bow she put on you, did you know that?"
Pexu’s fur was thinner than ever before, her quills patchy and blunt. Her breath was shallow, but she wasn’t struggling, not when she was able to lie with Ahuska and feel the warmth of her hands against her. Fifteen was a good age for a nexu.
And Ahuska had come a long way in her training, her skills, and once properly honed and backed up by some solid scientific education, her natural affinity for healing through the Force had allowed her to give many more years to Pexu’s life. She soothed the aches and strains, she dissolved the stone in her kidney that caused her abrupt, acute pain. She took care of her teeth, her heart, her joints.
“You remember that time you took a blaster bolt for Crow?” Ahuska murmured, her fingers feeling the edge of Pexu’s jaw, rubbing firmly up and down the edge the way she liked it. “We sure won��t, not ever. Stars, once in a lifetime is enough…” she shook her head slowly, and found the little scar on Pexu’s shoulder, all that remained from the burn she’d prevented from leaving its mark on Crow. “I bet you never wasted time remembering silly stuff like that, not when you could be thinking about stealing my damn donuts again.”
Ahuska still didn’t know how Pexu had managed to pilfer all six luxury creme artisanal donuts from the gift box sitting at her bedside while leaving the box itself closed and entirely intact, especially considering Crow had been out with her the whole time and, for once, couldn’t be blamed for the nexu’s bad snacking habits.
She huffed fondly, and stroked across Pexu’s quills. “That, or about basking under the Tatooine suns. You really liked that last visit, didn’t you? Syd was sweet with you, but I guess she always has been, I mean nexus have always been her specialty. But you’re prettier than any of hers ever were,” Ahuska grinned down at her, and knew that no nexu would every be quite so beautiful in her eyes as Pexu.
She knew she’d never be happy living without an animal or two of some sort at her side, but she wasn’t sure she could ever bring another nexu into her life. “Wouldn’t be right,” she murmured, as though Pexu was able to follow her thoughts. “They’d spend their life being compared to you, and none could ever live up to that.” As if to reply, the old nexu offered a quiet, rumbling pur, and lifted her head to bump against Ahuska’s hand. “That’s right, pretty girl,” she said, biting back tears as Pexu’s next breath was a little strained, and she caught up the great cat’s head in her arms and cradled it close. “Shh, hey, take it easy. Take it easy. You’re okay.” Ahuska wasn’t paying attention to the time. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been sitting there, when the thrum of Crow’s heartbeat against her own let her know he was approaching. And not just him; Nela, too, just collected from the spaceport, who dashed over to kneel beside Ahuska without a word, throwing an arm around her shoulders and squeezing tight. “Hey, how’s she going?” Crow’s approach was a little more sedate.
He came in gently, settling down by Pexu’s rump and gently rubbing her favourite spot right at the base of her tail. The forked tip twitched, and her purr grew a little louder. “Hanging in there,” Ahuska whispered, still holding Pexu’s head, close against her chest. It was growing slowly heavier, her breaths ever shallower and less frequent. “But only just. I’m glad you made it. She’s… happy that you’re here.” And Pexu was. Ahuska felt it, that soft sense of peace that her beautiful old nexu felt, to have all her favourite, familiar hands resting on her. “She’s family,” Nela affirmed, and she couldn’t even say that much without a wobble in her voice, turning her head to press her face against Ahuska’s shoulder. Ahuska smiled, but her cheeks were wet. “She waited for you,” she whispered, before all her attention turned to Pexu, who now relied entirely on Ahuska’s arms to support the weight of her head.
She closed her eyes, and felt the way the Force shimmered inside her oldest, dearest companion. Aching for release. It’s okay. Her words, her thoughts, were for Pexu alone. You can let go, now. I love you so much.
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pretty-idol-hell · 10 months
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So I finally got to play Idol Land PriPara for a significant amount of time. I managed to sneak in around 4pm EDT (3am JST) and I've been in for hours since. If you do get in, whatever you do don't close the app hahah.
Here are my honest thoughts!
So, at first I was kinda baffled by a lot of the decisions that were made in developing this game. But when I actually took some time to think about it, I do think a lot of thought and effort was put into reflecting the true spirit of PriPara (...right down to the compulsive spending... more on that later...).
For example, at first the menu really confused me. I opened up Kuma and clicked on プロミス (promise) thinking it's the Promise Counter, but it's not. The Promise Counter is a part of the background, behind my character below.
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I found it kind of disorienting to figure out which buildings you can actually enter, and which are just decoration. But at the same time, I do appreciate the effort they made to make it feel like your character is exploring PriPara.
I was also confused by the need to wait to do a promise, since I'm used to being able to select and play songs right away. But after some thought, it is a very PriPara thing to do. Basically how it works is: You pick a "promise" to participate in at the Promise Center (or create your own) and then you have to wait until a total of three people have selected/agreed to the promise before you can play. At that time, you can play it from the プロミス (Promise) screen Kuma menu. From what I've gathered, it's not like all three members need to be online at the same time, just signed up to do the promise. It is definitely a very PriPara thing to find a way for you to play with other actual, real players like this. (I guess simultaneous play was a bit too much of a challenge, so you could say it's a compromise.)
But of course, here's where the money comes in. Because there are a whoooole lot of promises that you can't even participate in from the start unless you've bought a certain song, or a certain coord.
So, my attitude about spending money on this game has admittedly changed a lot over the past few days. I basically went from "TAKE MY MONEYYYY!!!" to "Well, what's the point in spending money on this game if I can't even play it when I want to anyway?" So, I decided that I will NOT spent a single cent until it's easier to access the game, and definitely not on the first day. As I'm writing this I have managed to stick to that, but...
The hardest thing for me so far has been songs. I think that's where you get the most value for money. I think the tipping point for me though will come when I run out of promise tickets because you need to create the promise if you want to be center and goddamn it I'm a spoiled PriPara diva and I need to see my character as the CENTER daaaMMITT ahaha.
So, a few random things I like: I like how when you create a promise you can decide which coord everyone wears. It's how I was able to get the upmost screenshot with two randos wearing the same coord above. (Back in the day, you'd have to scour the ticket board for weeks, ask a friend, or create more characters if you wanted a uniform team.) I like that there's an option to easily take screenshots during your live, as that was also convoluted to do during the arcade era.
I have mixed feelings about the Prism Stone Shop.
On the one hand, I would have killed to be able to easily buy so many coords back in the day. And many of them for free too! There were a lot of coords I wanted that you could buy with silver idollars. And, even though it's gold, I like the option to be able to buy the coords featured in the most recent episodes of the anime.
On the other hand, honestly... I'm realizing a lot of the excitement and heart of PriPara comes from the gatcha.
And of all things, I didn't expect the gatcha to be gold idollar exclusive. On the one hand, it sucks that you have to pay when you don't even know what you're going to get. On the other hand... I mean............ it's PriPara. It's... it's not like... it's not like this is new. It's not like I haven't spent hundreds of dollars on gatcha before. IT'S NOT LIKE THIS IS NEW... HAHAH ahahaha... help. Help I want to spend so much money on this game but I feel like I can't it's torture.
So. I feel like there's no point in complaining about how disastrous of a release this was. I'm sure Syn Sophia and everyone else involved knows that. It's not in their best interest to be keeping people out of the game. I mean, look at me. If they had let me in on Day 1 and given me the chance I would have given them so much money, but no. They outsourced the game to an inexperienced developer who was probably the lowest bidder, probably to save money, and here they are losing way more money than they probably would have initially by choosing a better developer due to delaying the release and keeping paying customers out.
I just hope that:
a.) Someone higher up learns from this
and b.) Eventually all the f2p people give up on this game and open up the gates large enough to let the whales in.
That is all.
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lawlietscaramels · 5 months
I think you and 🍰 have mentioned it before, but I’d love to hear your thoughts about the way the musical portrays L. The concept album was my introduction to Death Note as well, but I feel like the L in the songs is a much more dramatic take on L? Which, y’know, makes sense, since it’s ✨musical theatre✨ and all. Like, “The Game Begins” is SO fun, but we’d never get a monologue like it from L in the manga or anime. Idk, the musical paints a bit of a different image of L to me. Not a bad one at all, just a different one.
holy space cows 🎲 anon okay let's go! again answering this before my other asks because it's more me rambling than an actual story
GOOOOOD musical L when I first watched the musical I wanted to pick him up take him out of the screen and squeeze him like a stress ball. honestly I loved (love?) him maybe even more than anime L dhdhhdh
I'll put a break in here because I think I'm gonna say a lot
like. he did so many things like anime L (I've never read the manga so I see that L as "base" L) but also I feel had his own quirks. like how he hopped onto chairs (Teen Angst L did this too but because it was screen not stage it felt different. I've done stage acting before so maybe it's just me but screen doesn't feel as close, I just loooove stage acting, UGH. This was also why it was more dramatic in some places, you have to act for the whole audience but, I'm assuming you didn't see it live, WAIT have you even watched the recorded version?? It's on YouTube it's sooo good the subtitles are great too, you can sing along to the songs. it's in Japanese tho. Anyway my point was going to be, because you're acting for people really far away, your movements will be big and dramatic and you'll notice this if it's recorded up close).
HIS VOICE WAS SO NICE TOO like damn this is a fine ass man. His songs, I agree looking back at them they aren't all things anime L would say, especially not unprompted. But I don't think that it was so far out of character that it was unbelievable, you know? I actually think that though yes, the Game Begins was dramatic, that was just the song and not the tone of it, if that makes sense. I'd say songs like Playing His Game and (I can't remember the name but the one LawLight duet they sing at the college? not the tennis one. UGH I know the Japanese...) Anyway, I'd say those songs are more ooc. Cause I think L sees all of his cases as a game, his job as a game. Like yes he cares about human life but he also only takes on interesting cases. I've heard this is more like his manga version, which is kinda cool that this "headcanon" of mine is "canon."
AHAHA anyway the point I was actually going to make with that paragraph was: in the final song (a little ooc but in some lines very in character) L holds this one "O" note that makes me go WEAK IN THE KNEES and of course Light is singing over it at the same time, sobs. This is in the Japanese version. I prefer that version overall, but I like some of the English songs too, like Playing His Game and Requiem. So if you haven't listened to it YOU SHOULD!! It's on YouTube music, you can search up english song name + death note musical. A lot of them are by "LyricNear" I think. and you can ofc watch the full musical. but aaaa the final song breaks my heart but I have to listen to that goddamn note... you guys... you don't understand.
Uh, the musical did of course take some creative liberties. There was no Matsuda which I will always bring up because it is a crime, MUSICAL REMISA WAS THE BEST, the limited runtime cut plots and explanations (I kind of appreciated the ending, though I cried because I was hoping it would end differently), and I don't think they had a Watari. Actually thinking about that, that's probably the most ooc L thing in the whole movie: being able to take care of himself. (well presumably to some degree considering he's still alive at the start)
But yeah... I love musical L... I don't mind when he's ooc because it only disrupts soft headcanons of mine, not hard ones. I also haven't watched it for a while so I may be misremembering some things, but still. Gosh I really want to hug him... his clothes look so soft.... maybe I'll just steal his voice box/j
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madraleen · 6 months
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The Promised Neverland - Kaiu Shirai/Posuka Demizu Vol. 16-20: A “YOU STUCK THE LANDING!” Commentary + Overall Thoughts
-the seven walls are time and space? very interesting.
-smol emma jumping out of the cupboard and screaming RAAAYYY is the epitome of emma.
-jeez, hayato is adorable
-wth, ayshe's and demon's story is heartbreaking
-one thing i have to commend the manga for is structure. it stops the action and moves away to keep the tension- but just so. just for long enough. not too long so that it becomes frustrating or that you've forgotten what's happening.
-julius' comrades as first food offers?! JEEZ!
-hayato is a snitch.
-Iss should ask for emma's family, right? the most important thing to her? i call the being "Iss," yes. i don't know what to do with the lettering
-okay, clearly the reward is an emma sacrifice, but i don't believe for a second that emma will get an unhappy ending so how are we solving this
-oi! OI! NORMAN IS COUGHING UP BLOOD, OI, STOP THAT! i figured he might have been experimented on too, but oi~
-omg ray's so happy to see sonju and mujika
-low-key cathartic that emma calls norman a liar that she can't trust. yes, girl, say it. it's the same thing, always the same story, it goes beyond this manga. the positive traits when someone is your ally become negative traits when they become the opposition, even though the person themselves hasn't changed at all.
-norman's "i'm scared" inner thoughts are heartbreaking
-the part where norman asks ray and emma to help him, heartbreaking
-norman: gives the most honest and vulnerable "i want" speech of his life. ray: got it. the brevity, the simplicity, i love it.
-with all those lil lines on his face, i'm just imagining norman permanently beet red at this point. and i love the idea that extreme determination and single-mindedness can actually be a cry for help. i haven't seen it put so bluntly before, and it's very true.
-now that norman's opened up, he looks like emma and ray's age. it's cool
-why did they give norman a bow, that boy can't shoot to save his life
-yes, oliver, slay! we love to see it
-damn there's such good moments in these final volumes, i'm starting to worry about s2 of the anime. is any of that there?
-YES ISABELLA YES! YES! she looks so chipper when she explains she'll betray the farm, lol.
-i know i'm obsessed with aot, but at times i legit think the promised neverland is the deliberate antithesis of aot. and i have no problem with that.
-leuvis is also a sibling? did we know that? if so, i forgot.
-ray's scarf is blue?! i imagined it maroon
-ugh, they shot minerva in the back. somehow that feels worse
-SMEE?! SMEE?! SMEE KILLED MINERVA?! NORMAN'S SMEE?! (*in retrospect, norman’s smee is never explored, oof. an oversight)
-ray and norman are having a sweet moment in the panel where everyone's celebrating the end of the farms, it's adorable
-aah okay, not gonna lie, i teared up at emma and phil's reunion
-ray's expression when he says sorry and thanks to phil, they nail it.
-oooh you're killing off isabella? i didn't expect it, but it makes sense.
-yeah, of course they love isabella and isabella loves them. it's not as black and white as ally and enemy.
-ray continues to be my favorite and most nuanced character, followed by norman. but ray is number one by far. by far far far
-I CALLED IT, THE REWARD MUST BE EMMA'S FAMILY! i don't know what that means yet, BUT I CALLED IT because the story abides by its logic, love that for it
-lmao imagine how terrified all these children/adults who knew nothing must be, just whooshing out of existence into another world
-AHAHA EMMA'S NOT HERE! NICE! what did she do and how do we save her
-yes, that's a good reward. true to the story. i mean, bad for everyone, but narratively good. amnesiac emma
-emma feeling the void in the space inside of her where her family was, very well-expressed
-ah. final chapter. please stick the landing.
-ASDJHKSFJK THEY FOUND HER, WHAT A GREAT PANEL, RAY AND NORMAN AND EVERYONE. she must be terrified. they're all strangers.
-my boy ray shines, i love it
-aww norman "thank goodness," what a soft boy. also he's crying, have we ever seen him cry before? he didn't cry for isabella
-the lambda group thriving :'))) they have effective medicine for their side effects :')))
-dang it, norman's speech is giving me the feels
-"why does it feel warm but also painful in my heart?" is literally a summary of the final chapter.
-ah, bb ray is crying now too
-mujika looks happy, and sonju looks sonjuish :)
-not sure if the old man knows it, but he's just been adopted by fifty thousand children
-okay, i am so happy. this is a perfect ending. this is just. it's so good. it tooketh and it gaveth and now the mini torettos can all live together. i'm so happy with the ending.
~ ~~ ~~~
-i'm so happy in general that i read the manga. we started off neutrally, then things got rough and i genuinely thought if it might be better to quit, but from around the midpoint and onward it just got better and better. the story is exactly what it promises to be, very true to itself, and it pays off in every aspect.
-ray is my GOAT in this manga. norman is as nuanced as ray, i just vibe with ray the most. but i consider them both good characters. emma, on the other hand, is a very straightforward character, very static, but she works. she is the pillar of the story and she's exactly what she's meant to be. i like that she pushes everyone towards kindness, and when *they* can't be kind, she takes care of the issue herself from a place of kindness so that they won't have to fight from a place of unkindness. it's an interesting approach. and then, i have a soft spot for oliver and hayato for some reason.
-one thing that made me roll my eyes was that in such a huge cast, everything is so unanimous. the norman and vincent incident aside, there's no fights, no real resistance, no dissent. but it's not the kind of story where there would be, where there would be a point to be, so i don't feel like holding that against it. and it tried to give it that aspect too, with emma going against her fam to find Iss and all that.
-everything abides by the logic and tone of the story. and the ending just elevates the whole thing even higher, because it stuck the landing so well imo.
-now on to the anime, to finally hear their voices. i fear for the dreaded s2, and dare i say, i am also a little intrigued.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 9 months
can you rank the ninja suits pretty please
All right but I'm warning ya that *I* don't even remember all the names for them—
Destiny Robes/Airjitzu Suits (S6)- The All-Time love of my life. The perfectly distributed Black + Color combo. The winged symbols on the back. The sparkle accents. The front and center-ness of the animal symbols. Brilliant, darling, brilliant.
Core Outfits (Early!DR)- I looove these ones a LOT, especially in minifig form!! They're so colorful and vibrant, and they all follow the same uniform pattern while also highlighting everyone's individualities! Good stuff, good stuff, wish they were in the show just a bit more ;w;
Elemental Robes (S2)- Iconic AF, very clean design that has stood the test of time!
Deepstone Armor (S5)- I like these for the same reasons as Destiny + Elemental –> love me a good black + color combo, and the overall aesthetic is very clean and distinct!
Fugitive Suits (Crystalized)- These are sick! If we had these the whole time instead of the s11 suits I would've lost my mind these are cool aaaah–
Digi Suits (S12)- LOVE THESE!!! Perfectly fitting for the season, uniform yet unique to everyone, and used some very fun colors!!!
Hero Armor (S13)- All right, these were awesome for the short amount of time we got them. ...mainly for Cole's, but like, everyone was working what they had!
Movie Suits (The Movie)- These are a little more collectively disjointed than I usually like, but everyone's personality (theoretically) shines so well with these that I can't dock it snksnk
Island Robes (The Island)- I actually like these a lot! Makes me wish that the Jungle Suits were closer to what these were.
ZX Suits (S1/S2)- Iconic! So many fond memories <3
Tournament Robes (s4)- One of my favorites actually, though I do kind of wish they made them more individualized while sticking to a united theming. And then gave them to everyone in the tournament and not just the ninja :b
Stone Armor??? (S3)- These are pretty dope but I do not remember them outside of the last ep of S3 SO
Hunted Robes (S9)- Everyone being busted up in already cool outfits? Sign me up!
Resistance Robes (S8)- I like the spins they put on the movie gi, but in turn they all feel a little disjoined from one another. Individually they're great! As a collective, mweh.
Legacy Robes (S10)- I actually like these a lot, but they're not terribly memorable either
Merge Suits??? (DR)- Overall I like these (and the implied giant scarf thing around the necks) but they're kind of lacking a bit of pop. Plus the hoods are so smooth and it looks a lil strange snksnk
"Golden Armor" (Crystalized)- ...not everyone was meant to wear gold. Lloyd's fit is absolutely sick and is probably in the top three were it by itself, but it's very hit or miss when it comes to the others.
DX Suits (Pilots/S1)- Looove the little elemental dragons, but they a touch simplistic and not around long enough to make a lasting impression
Armor Robes??? (S11/Wildbrain Defaults)- I don't hate these but they don't stand out enough for me to really enjoy seeing them so very often either ahaha
Techno Robes (S3)- I love the individuality in these, but they're a bit busy and lack cohesion to me :d
Jungle Suits (S4)- I know these are fan favorite but they just never did it for me. I do have newfound appreciation for them, buuuut I like soooo many other suits more ahaha
Training Gi (Pilots/S1)- Classic! But very basic. Not their fault!
Fusion Armor??? (S7)- These have grown on me but I. Am Not. Fond of These. Lloyd and Nya's good, and Kai's if you squint, but the rest. I Cannot. Get Behind. AT ALL. (Jay looks like he's swimming in armor and Zane's is not easy on the eyes whatsoever snksnksn)
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strwbmei · 24 days
yesss i love the rain, it's my favourite weather!! it's been raining all day today :] i would have liked it to rain on a day that i wasn't walking to college in a dress, but you can't spell happy without one letter from soggy ✨
also jesus christ?? i'm surprised you read me so well based off the songs i recommended, have you got a crystal ball or something?? there are some differences, for example i definitely feel like my friends look out for me a lot (i think they're too good for me honestly ;w;), but this is mostly very accurate. i even showed my best friend and he said it's pretty on point haha
it actually makes me super happy you listened to them all, thank you 😭 and i'm really happy you found a few that you liked!!! especially chill, that's by my favourite band :D also fighter is actually by jack stauber!! are you a fellow jack stauber fan???
i'm just saying, i wouldn't be mad if you ever wanted more song recommendations.....hahha...jkjk....unless.....
I feel you! I don't wear dresses/skirts much, but the feeling of the dirty rain water getting all over my ankles is the worst. Sometimes they even get into my shoes which is just... blegh. Absolutely disgusting and I wouldn't wish that experience upon my worst enemy. I love the rain, but I feel bad thinking of all of the homeless people and stray animals outside...
I'm honestly surprised that it was accurate since a lot of what I said was just me projecting, though! I actually already knew Chill because The Ramus is also one of my sister's favorite bands, but I never knew the name of the song until now. Thank you for that! I wouldn't really call myself an active fan of Jack Stauber, but more of a casual listener. My favorite songs are definitely Oh Klahoma, Cupid, Baby Hotline, Today-Today, and the most recent, Fighter. I was listening to him yesterday after replying to your ask and realized that Fighter was actually one of his songs ahaha
But yeah, I don't have the time/know how to discover music similar to the ones I listen to, so recommendations are always welcome!
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
Sandstorm - Epilogue 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta, Rei, Kaoru, Koga, Adonis
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Yuuta-kun—He might’ve been serious, you know."
Season: Winter
Location: Chuugoku Region Qualifiers Stage
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Kaoru: Hehe, well, we all suffered through quite a lot this time, but I’m glad we all seem to be motivated.
I didn’t think it’s possible to make a full comeback at this point, but if Rei-kun thinks we can, it kinda feels like it is possible, y’know?
Adonis: Yeah. Sakuma-senpai is always so hopeful.
Koga: Peh, even if we get all motivated now, it’s still far too late, ya piece of trash! You and the seniors are aaalways like that, quit it!
Rei: …… (ignores Koga and turns away)
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Koga: Can ya stop that? Ya think it’s funny how I get upset every time ya ignore me, don’t ya’~?!
Kaoru: Ahaha, isn’t it nice to have a new comedy routine between you two?
Adonis: Uh-huh. It’s good to try to find the good in things, Oogami.
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Yuuta: None of this matters, can we just hurry to work pleaaase? The live has started, you know~!
Hinata: Ahaha, but it’s been a while since we’ve all been in the same place, don’t you want to talk to everyone too?
Yuuta: Still, go backstage for that, pleaaase? Your fans all missed you too y’know~, pleaaase don’t tell me you only care about your friends?
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Yuuta: If you can’t even do that much, maybe I’ll just set another trap and elimate you too~?
Koga: Whaat? Weren’t ya done with this exploitative character of yours? Didn’t ya just act like a villain just to fool the management?
We all know you guys are actually good kids, y’know!
Ya gotta be careful else other people are gonna think you’re actually cold-blooded merciless villains!
Adonis: That’s right, and you can’t entertain people who you scare. Instead, you won’t be able to approach the people who you want to make happy. I’ve experienced it myself.
And that's why instead of making such scary faces, I want you to be able to laugh—Yuuta, Hinata.
Hinata: Ehh~? But I’m always smiling~! ♪
Yuuta: Yeah, yeah. I promise we hear you guys~—we are the obedient good kids, after all.
Koga: …Fuckin’ idiot.
Yuuta: Ow-owow!? Stop messin’ up my hair! You animal! I set it all nicely, too!!
Koga: “~…♪”
Yuuta: Wait, you’re ignoring me! Don’t do what you don’t like done to you, didn’t your mama teach you that?!
Hinata: Ahaha, but for us, it was our dad who taught us that, wasn’t it?
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Yuuta: He didn’t teach us that, he just spat complaints out at us. That's how toxic parents are, complaining that we’re always causing trouble for others~, right?
Hinata: Man… You’re so fixated on our dad, one could even think that you do love him~...Yuuta-kun?
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Kaoru: —Hey, Hinata-kun.
Hinata: Hmm? What’s up, Paisen, ya want a kiss? We can't~, my big brother is watching~!
Kaoru: I can't grasp either you or Rei-kun’s jumbled characters, you know~?
But it’s fine, it’s more interesting to be so faceted.
But, moving on—
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Hinata: Eek, PLEASE don’t unsheathe your katana! I know it’s just a prop, but even knowing that I’m scared anyways!
Kaoru: Heheh, I’m copying Souma-kun~.
Hinata: Whoa, you’re Japan’s best! Kyaah~, you’re so cool, Hakaze-paisen~! ☆
Kaoru: …I just would like to ask one thing of you, is that okay?
Hinata: What? You look like you’ll behead me depending on my answer, though!
Kaoru: Yuuta-kun—He might’ve been serious, you know.
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Hinata: ……
Kaoru: That kid really tried to crush us, legitimately.
People like Adonis-kun will just interpret it in good faith, though. So as a result, they all think that he just took on a thankless role—As he was supposed to.
But I wonder if that was really the case.
Rei-kun does too of course, but Adonis-kun and Koga-kun go through life on instinct. They don’t think too far into things, and can’t read the air either.
Hinata: Whoa, you’re really tearin’ into them…
Kaoru: Well, yeah. But it is because they are pure children that they always see through to the truth. You can’t hide things from them.
So… if Yuuta-kun’s true intentions really were to deceive the management—Koga-kun and the others might have already noticed that.
But, as far as I can tell, they’re seriously confused.
They were all genuinely angry Yuuta-kun had betrayed us, so angry that they just wanted to grab him by his collar—That’s what Rei-kun told me.
I think the reason Koga-kun and the others got so angry was because they knew that Yuuta-kun betrayed them wholeheartedly.
That Yuuta-kun seriously tricked us so he could curry favor with the management—
To devour us so he could rise in power.
Hinata: ……
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lunawings · 3 months
Wonderful Precure 7
Komugi and Iroha's relationship is my favorite aspect of this show!!
Even though I am somewhat of a proshipper at heart, at the same time, the asexual spectrum person in me loves, LOVES to see such a deep, platonic friendship.
Is there anything more pure and innocent than the love of a girl and her papillon!?
Will anyone (human) ever love me the way Komugi loves Iroha!?
(No? Guess that's why I am destined to be a cat or dog lady...)
Also, my second favorite character in this show after Komugi right now is Daifuku. I love how this episode confirmed that Daifuku, THE BUNNY, is probably the most badass character and more masculine than Satoru himself ahaha.
I just love how they gave all the animal characters such complex and interesting personalities. All of them are more interesting to me than the humans right now! Like Yuki!? Omg I can't wait until she starts talking. The tough love relationship she has with Mayu! All those side-eye glances she keeps giving her!!? HAHAHH.
Such an accurate potrayal of a cat. And Komugi? Such an accurate potrayal of a dog. Not too dumb, but just like... the emotional intelligence of a toddler.
Iroha is somewhat annoyed with me: Iroha HATES ME!! I am going to run AWAY!!
*goes to a dog park and cries*
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
For pillow fort friday<3
If I had to make you a drink I would do a simple whisky cocktail !  (I hope you like whiskey as much as Saya does—bc I know I do!)
-Whiskey on the rocks with a homemade spiced* honey syrup *(cinnamon, ginger, orange, honey+ water/sugar) -A dash of Orange bitters and a weee bit of fresh lemon juice—garnished with an orange wheel
You pick a movie/tv show/anime! (Or 5?) I could use a good rec! :)
good morning, kaz! i'm so sorry i missed this last night, i was busy singing my lungs out very poorly at karaoke, ahaha.
that cocktail sounds fantastic, i will take two, pls & thank you. whiskey (and scotch whisky particularly) is my preferred liquor most of the time, though gin does edge ahead a little bit in the summer when i enjoy a nice fizz with fresh fruit. that cocktail sounds perfectly up my alley! <3
let's see what i can do about recommendations below the cut because they got looonnnnggg (sorry)...
tv shows:
ted lasso. i was very late to this one, but just binged all three seasons and really enjoyed it. on apple.
BEEF. it's sooooooo goood and bizarre and wonderful in the worst (best) ways. on netflix.
trial & error. was an nbc comedy over too soon. on peacock, i think.
the river. likewise cancelled early, but it's horror on the amazon and i loved it a lot. idk where to find this one, but i'm sure it's streaming someplace as all things are these days.
not dead yet. which finished its first season recently is an easy watch & pretty funny. the MC is very relatable in an, "i am a mess" sort of way alsjdf;adfs. i think this is nbc, but i watched it on hulu.
everything everywhere all at once. i can't wait to watch this again. it was my first time in a non-socially distanced movie theatre post-quarantine and it was such a joy to hold my spouse's hand while i laughed my ass off and cried and yelled. love this fucking thing (as does everyone else, as they should).
you won't be alone. this is horror. body horror. it's pretty messy in parts but so so sooooooo soooooooooooooo good. it's also primarily in macedonian with subtitles and i'm not sure how hard it would be to track down.
the impostors. with stanley tucci and oliver platt is a comedy from my youth that i still think is one of the best of all time.
a goofy movie. idk, y'all, i just showed this to my spouse because it was referenced in an episode of atlanta (another great fucking tv show) and it's still just so funny and heartwarming and the music they made for powerline is so good.
spiderman: across the spider-verse. haven't even seen this yet but my god i want to so badly and i just know it's gonna be killer because the first one blew my mind.
anime (i'm probably not gonna come up with much here you haven't already seen or know about tbh but let's see):
blue period. especially as an artist, i think you might enjoy this one. i binged it in like a day and a half and thoroughly enjoyed it all very much. on netflix.
maid-sama! i actually enjoyed watching this anime so much that i then went back and read the whole manga because i needed to know how it ended. it was cute and expected and exactly the sort of low-stakes shojo i needed at the time.
ghost hunt!.i fucking love this little horror anime and am so disappointed it didn't get to go longer. there is a manga and also a light novel that are very worthwhile if you ever have the time.
i think three is all you're gonna get outta me for this category, but i hope something there sparks your fancy! thanks so much! <3
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vcshstampede · 1 year
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name: "Vash!"
eye color: "A sky blue, I guess??"
hair style/color: "It's sort of all over the place, but blond!"
height: "Etto.... I haven't measured myself in a while...? I-I'm not sure, but I do know I haven't gotten any taller! I'll take a guess. Let's see.... I'll say..... 5'9"!"
clothing style: "I love my red long-coat! It's very distinguished, hehe. Oh but, let's see what else... I guess I just wear regular pants, & boots too? My glove as well. Heat doesn't bother me too much."
best physical feature: "Aaah you're gonna make me all shy! Etto.... I don't know ahaha! I've never been asked this before.... Today I'll pick, my smile!"
your fears: "Nai."
your guilty pleasure: "So you're asking what I enjoy that I think others would shun me for, huh? Etto..... let's see..... mmmn I guess I like Worms more than the average human would? Er I mean, that I find them fascinating! Even the bigger ones, though they're kinda frightening, I just wanna, learn more about them too."
your ambitions for the future: "I don't really plan that far ahead ahahaha.... etto... let's see... I just want to live my life! & Enjoy it with the ones I cherish. So I guess, travelling and meeting new people??"
your first thoughts waking up: "I should stretch and have some water."
what you think about most: "Ahaha, that's very, etto, private you know? It's, a lot of different things! For now, I'll pick.... Nai."
what you think about before bed: "I hope I won't have any nightmares."
what you think your best quality is: "Eeeh this is an interesting question! Etto.... I guess it's my ability to.... hmmm.... actually, I don't know how to answer this ahaha.... sorry!!"
single or group dates: "Eeeeh a date huh? Ahaahaha~ Um! Let's see..... I-I dunno! I've never thought about that before~."
to be loved or respected: "Both."
beauty or brains: "A soul~."
dogs or cats: "I can't choose they're both so great... oh I know! Worms!"
lie: "Etto.... yeah.... I mean I think everyone does, to certain extents. I try my absolute best not to but sometimes little white lies have to be told. You know?"
believe in yourself: "I try my best."
believe in love: "1000%, I'll always believe in love. It's the greatest source of power there is out there!!"
want someone: "I want people to be happy."
been on stage: "An actual stage? Etto... I guess! In a manner of speaking."
done drugs: "Oh I've taken medicine before yes."
changed who you were to fit in: "In subtle ways, yes."
favorite color: "Green!"
favorite animal: "Worms!"
favorite movie: "I used to make little movies with Nai when we were kids, do those count?"
favorite game: "Hide and seek, or tag!"
day your next birthday will be: "Ahahaha, I actually don't remember my own birthday! Sorry! I don't really see a need to celebrate it anymore, you see? It's just another day, to me!" 
how old will you be: "Old, hehe, surprised?"
age you lost your virginity: "Huh?! Ahahahaha, never! No! Sorry! Next, please!!"
does age matter: "For what?"
best personality: "Etto, I guess that depends.... I like a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. For now, I'll say... determination!"
best eye color: "It's hard to choose, I guess I'll say... blue!"
best hair color: "Hair colour??? Etto... I don't really keep track... most people have brown hair, right? So I'll say that!"
best thing to do with a partner: "Smile."
i love: "humanity."
i feel: "like going for a run!”
i hide: "until things calm down."
i miss: "Rem."
i wish: "I could have stopped things before it got so bad."
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