#(oh oh sorry. pro censorship only when they can have final say on what does and doens't get censored because they're tootally leftist tho)
🍂This user is always happy to see ao3 surpass their donation goals btw.🍂
This user is glad to see publically-funded archives of all kinds and especially those with a history of standing against censorship, especially fully volunteer-run ones with artists generously sharing their works for free, especially well organised ones that I respect the hell out of.
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Okay listeners, ya know I can't STAND the media but this latest story is really pissing me off. And yes, I freely admit, I AM planing-n-attacking the news station-any police listening go ahead and try to stop me! I would love a challenge later but right now i just really need to vent. 
Just listen to this: 
'On tonight's story, we have ground breaking information on a new villain that has terrorizing inner Tokyo and Mustfusu area.' 
Ground breaking she says. I know she's playing on my quirk but I didn't even do any damage to the ground this time! Sorry, sorry, not the issue.
'The villain previously known only as a Banshee, is a new villain on the seen who has been attacking Tokyo. His crimes include attacking heroes, costing countless in property damage and even manslaughter and assault. we-' 
Notice how she makes no mention on which heroes I've attacked or what proprieties I've damaged. Censorship at it's finest!
'-now can confirm that the so-called deafening villain-' 
So-called, so-called! I've literally deafened people!! Look over those assault charges! I've had people hospitalized because of damage to their ears that usually results in at least PARTIAL deafness.
'-is in fact the former voice hero, Present Mic, a former teacher at UA High.' 
They forgot all my other jobs and, no, i'm not bitter...
'As of now, Present Mic has been missing for a month,-’ 
Month and two weeks but good to know people only started looking when classes started back up.
'With no contact to any of his colleagues or bosses.’
They could have tried contacting me first but then again I did 'loose' their numbers after those first two weeks.
'Today Banshee had a run in with the pro hero Eraserhead. While Eraserhead was unable to apprehend the villain and let him get away,-' 
‘Let him get way' just uggh this drives me mad. Like a hero has any say on if a villain escapes or not- news flash! we- they don't! All we can do is our best to bring them in and sometimes we can't do that! Also did it ever occur to these people that MAYBE it's not a simple as capturing the villain or not? That MAYBE it's hard to take in or fight someone you've 'known' for over 15 years. Not everything is black and white! Guy, I swear they take every opportunity to drag the good heroes through the mud the SECOND they make a mistake.
'-he was able to confirm his identity. We can only speculate why Present Mic wasn't taken into custody,-'
‘We can only speculate why he wasn't taken in' ARRUGH! What bullshit! Again on them making stupid assumptions on everything. Just- just listen to this!
'But this might be another slip up by the hero.' 
SEE WHAT I MEAN!! They immediately jump to blaming the hero, not the villain who is clearly out matching and TARGETING the heroes. No, of COURSE it's the heroes fault! God forbid he have EMOTIONS while on the job. After all heroes are just robots who take down the SCUM of the earth right? After all CLEARLY for the media at least it's a SIN to have -oh what's that word empathy? Compassion? A desire to understand both sides? Guy, I hate the media.
'Some suspect a quirk might have been involved in his sudden change,-' 
Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you. To be able to pin the blame on some nobody instead of the flaws in the system." 
 '-or perhaps the fame has finally gone to his head.' 
Yes, it's the fame that corrupted me, brilliant deduction. That's why I've been luring heroes away from the main streets or have been targeting news outlets while making sure not to be caught on camera. Because that makes perfect sense. Yep, the hero went bad because of the fame they had as a mid ranked hero, who was only known for their radio shows. Sure, you could argue that it was the top ranked radio show in japan for years, but it's just amusing to me that they think I'm doing this for more fame and don't even consider that it was, say I don't know, the pressure of being so famous and relied upon.
'-but far more people suspect the villain may finally be showing his true colors.'
I hate that she's not wrong here just because I know what angle they're going to play this.
'With the recent attacks on UA, we have reason to speculate that Present Mic may have been secretly working with the League' 
SEE? YA SEE?!  This! This is what I meant! They're playing the 'villain among us' card! Of COURSE they jump to the conclusion that I'M the traitor! Because of course they do! I knew the most about the security system outside of Nezu and Ecto, I had 'every opportunity'. So sure why not! Let's not look at his crime pattern or history at all! Let's ignore the fact he has never harmed kids and jump straight to he's obviously working with the people wHO GO OUTTA THEIR WAY TO TARGET AND HARM KIDS!
'-endangering the lives of his students.' 
AGAIN!! DOES ANY ONE EVEN CHECK MY PATTERNS?? This is beyond insulting...
'With this new information, it seems Banshee is yet another risk that might be the fault of another oversight on UA's part-' 
Yes, if you don't blame the heroes blame one of the best hero factories that keeps being attacked.
'With the fall of All Might, a spike in villain activity and heroes going bad, we can only wonder how much trust we can really put in the supposed heroes keeping us safe.'
Yes, question that and not WHY the villains are on the rise or how heroes are taught to handle one on ones and the media and not what to do when they get in over their head. Focus on if 'heroes' can be trusted and not anyone else. 
Uuuuurggh, Sorry listeners this one got under my skin.
They can bite my ass. 
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Simpsons anon here. The person I had a misunderstanding with saw some pro-shipping posts I uploaded and spammed me with pms about how "shipping adult/minor to cope is dangerous and does no good because it normalizes it and people can use it to groom children" That made me really nervous and blocked them in a hearbeat. They meant well, but the arguments still made little sense to me. They don't want censorship but still think problematic literature should be ignored. (1/2)
And I'm sorry, but as someone who may have some mental issues that need checked out, that shit just boggled my mind, reeks of cope-policing, even if it's well intentioned. As a person on the internet, I'm not responsible for anyone's internet experience, especially if they're my age, aside from needing to tag. And as an artist, what someone does with artwork is entirely on them, not on the artist. Also, I posted about them in a readmore (deleted it), and they still saw it. Fucking HOW?! (2/2)
I’m gonna be a bit salty because I’m done with people acting like they can own the fucking place of tumblr. not sorry for the rant.
tbh no one on here (not even me honestly, unless you say I can) can speak for what you, personally, use to cope. I can’t stop that just as much as the next person. Like, no. I can offer you my complete support and love, but overall: that’s only up to you, as the user, about coping and shipping. People cope with what they cope, big whoop, no one can stop that.
And, for a moment, let’s just go with the argument of no censorship but ignoring problematic literature. First of all: That’s still censorship because you’re removing something from view of all. And second: if it’s so “problematic” in the first place, then it should be there for people to learn from. Also, some American school have pretty much taken up to that policy of “We’re trying not to censorship, but this could be problematic literature” because famous books (did you know that Anna Frank’s DIARY used to be band??) that were free to read before were band “because they could be offensive” (though now, a lot of the books that used to be band are no longer cause people actually got smart) (Also! Fun fact, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss used to be band too, crazy right?). So no. That’s censorship, and people don’t get to police you about it. Just because someone has “good intention” doesn’t mean anything. Honestly, it doesn’t. I could intend not to say something hurtful to a friend, but it could still hurt them, even if I go “Oh, but i didn’t mean it that way”. Good intentions mean jack shit, and people who act like assholes when they turn it around and go “But you just took it the wrong way” can go fuck themselves.
And like you said, as long as you tag properly, you can’t really control anyone’s experience on here. That’s why people get shit like the new XKit or Tumblr Savior. To block stuff they don’t wanna see. It’s quite simple and it’s free (amazing!). I even have it. Or you can block the actual person (like you have done). I’m all for blocking people if it makes you feel safer and less likely to be harassed. Fun fact, I have a nsfw-ish blog and I have the blog listed as NSFW, cause that’s what it is. I still tag what’s nsfw as “nsfw” cause you never know who’s following, and you honestly can’t stop that, even with a “Don’t follow if you are under 18!” warning on your blog. you can’t stop shit. you don’t own shit. you can take actions to make your tumblr experience better (by blocking and ignoring, plus surrounding yourself with friends and good and nice people) but honestly that’s about it.
And that’s the part that people don’t seem to get. When you just finally accept there are some things that are out of your control, then it makes everything a hell of a lot easier.
And they might have seen it before you deleted it. Someone might have shown them or something before the readmore was deleted.
Honestly, people need to take a breather sometimes. Go out. Get fresh air. Stop and smell a flower, hug a dog. Read a chapter of your favorite book. Do something! But relax.This is tumblr. It’s a blog site. That’s all it will be. People aren’t going to like things, people are going to yell at you for liking what you like, but in the end, it’s your choice and it always will be.
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