#* ch : emma swan
houseofwisteria · 4 months
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" I'm not...prickly...right? "
0 notes
jrob64 · 2 months
Pet for Rent , Chapter 4/4 (The Happy Ending) A CS Modern AU Story
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And so we've reached the end of this little journey. Thank you for reading this story that was one way for me to move through my grief of losing Zeke. Some of you have mentioned that you've lost a pet and reading this has helped you, and that makes me very happy
This chapter earns the story its M rating, but the smut is bracketed by double rows of asterisks and can be easily skipped.
Thanks one more time to @hookedmom, who helped me work out the ending until it was satisfactory to both of us.
Chapter Summary: Henry, Emma, Killian and Winston get their happy ending.
Chapters on Tumblr: Ch. 1 (The Meet Cute) Ch. 2 (The Idea) Ch. 3 (The Adoption)
Rating: M (See note above)
Words: 9319
Also posted to Ao3 and ffn
Story begins under the cut
Winston’s routine between the two households was firmly established during the next month. He spent weekdays with Killian at his apartment, and evenings at Emma and Henry’s house. On the weekends, all four of them spent as much time together as possible.
Emma and Killian were both happy to see that the dog was housebroken and didn’t require a lot of extra work. He did crave attention at times and demonstrated some behaviors that made them think he still had some puppy in him, but the three humans were consistent in their training to stop him from jumping up and barking excessively.
From the very first night he spent with them, he didn’t need to be put outside until morning, and slept soundly on Henry’s bed. The boy and dog formed a fast friendship and once again, Emma had her happy-go-lucky son back. He kept a picture of Ernie on his dresser and mentioned how much he still missed him from time to time, but the joy of having a new dog was healing his heart.
On Fridays and Saturdays, Killian would stay for a few hours after Emma got Henry into bed. They watched television, had lengthy conversations and kissed…a lot. Once they were sure Winston was acclimated to his new environment, they were able to plan another date to eat out and see a movie.
Their relationship was deepening, but they had yet to declare their love for one another. Killian was sure of his feelings for Emma, but didn’t want to spook her by saying anything. Emma wanted to make sure what she felt wasn’t just an infatuation. She had only fallen in love with one other man and had her heart shattered into a million pieces. She couldn’t afford to be wrong about her feelings again, especially since she now had Henry to take into consideration.
The bond between Henry and Killian was getting stronger as well. The two of them watched sporting events on TV, played video games, worked on training Winston and built Lego sets together. Emma was happy her son had a male figure in his life now, but worried about what would happen if Killian decided to move away from Storybrooke.
The first substantial snowfall of the season happened on a Friday in early December. School was letting out at noon due to the storm, which put Emma in a bind. Ashley couldn’t watch him because she was away for the weekend. Emma had already arranged to take off work at three o’clock instead of five, but she wasn’t able to leave another three hours early.
When she considered who else would be willing to help, the next person who came to mind was Killian. As she quickly placed the call, she tapped her fingernails nervously on the desk.
He answered before she even heard it connect. “Swan! This is a nice surprise.”
“You might not think so when I tell you why I’m calling.”
She could hear the instant concern in his voice when he asked, “Is something wrong?”
“They’re letting school out in half an hour because of the weather and Ashley is out of town. I can’t get off work until three o’clock and I need somebody to pick Henry up and watch him until…”
“Calm down, Love,” he interrupted. “Winston and I will pick him up and take him home.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to take you away from your work…”
“No worries. I’m finished for the day because I already put in extra hours this week.”
“Oh, good,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief. “I’ll call the school and tell them you’ll be picking him up. Since you’re not an authorized pick-up person, you’ll have to go inside to fill out a form when you get there. I’ll also text Mary Margaret and let her know. I really, really appreciate this, Killian.”
“It’s truly no problem, Love. I’ll get Winston ready to go right now. We should be there in about twenty minutes. Will that work?”
“That’s perfect. I need to warn you that it’s probably going to be a bit chaotic in the school office because of the early release.”
“Duly noted. I’ll send you a text when I’ve collected Henry and we’re in the car ready to go home.”
“Thanks, again. You’re a lifesaver.”
Ending the call, she sent up a prayer of thanks and went back to work.
Emma was right about the chaos in the office. Killian had to wait several minutes before they could verify who he was and hand him a form to complete. Just as he was signing his name at the bottom, Mary Margaret ushered Henry in the door, along with two of her other students, whose parents were also waiting.
“Killian!” Henry cried, spotting him immediately.
“Hello, lad. Your mom asked me to pick you up.”
“Yeah, Mrs. Nolan told me. Thanks!”
“You’ll have to sign him out,” Mary Margaret explained, gesturing to the line of parents who were waiting to do that very thing. “Be careful driving home.”
“Thank you. You do the same,” Killian responded, stepping behind the last person in line.
Once Henry was properly signed out, they slipped and slid through the accumulating snow to where Killian had parked the car. Winston started barking from inside as soon as he caught sight of his boy.
While Henry greeted the dog and got himself buckled in, Killian texted Emma, then started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. So far, the snow was just making the roads slushy, but with such precious cargo in the back seat, he drove with extra caution.
By the time Emma arrived home three hours later, the snow was making travel hazardous. Killian heard her come in the door and paused the video game he and Henry were playing.
She was stomping off her boots and shaking the snow out of her hair when he greeted her. “Did you have any trouble, Love?”
“The roads are terrible and the snow is picking up, which means they’re only going to get worse.”
He helped her out of her coat and hung it on one of the hooks on the wall. As she sat on a bench to pull off her boots, he scratched behind his ear and said wistfully, “Perhaps I should just go home now, if they’re getting that bad.”
She glanced up at him, then back down as she finished her task. Once both of her boots were sitting on the rug, she stood and looked toward the living room. “What’s Henry doing?”
“We were playing a video game. He’s probably waiting for me to rejoin him.”
“Let me go say hi to him, then I have something to ask you.”
“Okay, but first…” he said, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a tender kiss. “Welcome home, Love. I’m very glad you made it safely.”
“Mmm, me too, especially when I get a greeting like that.” After giving him one more kiss, she linked their hands and led the way to the living room. Henry was sitting on the couch petting Winston, who was laying beside him. Both of them perked up when the adults entered the room, a wide grin splitting Henry’s face, while Winston thumped his tail on the cushions.
“Hey, kid. How was school today?”
“Great! I wish we could get out early every day!”
Emma laughed. “I wouldn’t count on it. Were you able to go to art class? I know how you look forward to it.”
“We still got to go and I finished my Rainbow Fish project. It turned out really good!”
“Oh, yeah? Did you bring it home?”
“No, it had to finish drying. Mrs. Fisher said she wants to hang it up in the hallway.”
“Maybe I’ll schedule a day to come in and have lunch with you, and you can show it to me then. How does that sound?”
“Cool! I love it when you have lunch with me!”
“I know. I love it, too. Let me know when it’s hung up, okay?” She watched him nod his agreement, then asked, “What have you three boys been up to this afternoon?”
“We went out and played in the snow for a little while, but it got too windy and cold. Killian made hot chocolate when we came inside. Winston loved the snow, didn’t you, boy?”
“He was trying to catch all of the snowflakes,” Killian laughed. “Then he started eating the snow on the ground. He’s such a funny pooch.”
“Show her the picture you took, Killian,” Henry urged.
Killian pulled his phone out of his front pocket and opened his photo gallery. Holding it so Emma could see, he said, “I took several pictures and a couple of videos.”
As he started scrolling through them, he didn’t see the doey-eyed look she gave him before directing her attention to what he was showing her. When he came to the last picture, she burst out laughing. In it, Henry was kneeling on the ground beside Winston, who had snow all over his muzzle.
“He looks like he has a white beard,” she giggled.
“Aye, Whitebeard the Weird, distant relative of Blackbeard the Pirate,” Killian chuckled.
Emma laughed again, then asked her son, “Where did you put your wet clothes?”
“Killian put them in the dryer.”
“Henry showed me where it was located.”
“Thank you. He usually lets them lay in a heap inside the door.” Turning back to Henry, she said, “What else did you do?”
He picked up the Nintendo Switch controller, gesturing to the TV with it. “We played video games until you got home.”
“Sounds like you guys had a good time.”
“We did,” Henry assured her. “And don’t worry, Mom. I thanked Killian for everything.”
“Aye, he did. Henry has very good manners, don’t you, lad?” Killian said, ruffling the boy’s hair.
“Yeah. Are you ready to finish our game?”
“Your mother wanted to talk to me about something first, then I should probably head home. She said the roads are getting bad.”
Henry’s shoulders drooped. “But I thought you would stay like you always do on Fridays.”
Emma said, “Henry, why don’t you play a game by yourself for a while, so I can talk to Killian?”
“Can I play Mario Kart?”
“You know the rules - only if you turned in all of your homework and didn’t get your card pulled for bad behavior this week.”
He jumped off the couch and grabbed his book bag from the recliner where he had tossed it when he got home. Unzipping it, he pulled out a folder and handed it to his mom.
She took it and pulled out the papers from the ‘keep at home’ side, placing them on the end table to look at later. Then she took a sheet from the ‘return to school’ pocket. After looking it over, she gave Henry a smile and kissed him on the forehead. “Good job, kid. I’m proud of you.”
While he was putting the folder back in his bag, she went to the closet and got the treasured game off the shelf above the coat rack. As soon as he got the game set up and was fully engaged in choosing his racer, Emma motioned for Killian to follow her into the kitchen.
She leaned against the front of the sink out of Henry’s line of sight, and Killian stood in front of her, his hands on her hips. “What did you want to talk to me about, Swan?” he asked, a concerned crease across his forehead.
Her eyes remained focused on the floor for several moments. When she finally looked up, there were tears in them.
He stepped closer, dipping his head to scan her face. “Emma, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she answered quickly. “I just…I…I think I love you.”
Killian’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “Wh-what?”
“I love you. I’ve fallen in love with you, Killian Jones.”
He surged forward, claiming the lips that just uttered the words which were music to his ears. He could have kissed her for hours, but he needed to ask her a question. “When?”
“When did I fall in love with you?” she asked, seeking to clarify.
“Aye. When did you know?”
She licked her lips. “I think I’ve been falling for you since the first day we met, but I wanted to make sure it’s really love that I feel. I’ve been burned before, and with Henry to consider, I didn’t want to jump right into a serious relationship. Then today, I just…I realized…I mean, you’re there for me, for us. You’re wonderful with Henry and it…it’s not because you’re trying to impress me or win my affections through my son. You honestly seem to like spending time with him. You dropped everything to pick him up today and then, those videos and pictures…you took videos and pictures of my kid because you were having fun with him.”
She paused for a second and he waited, understanding she needed to gather her thoughts. “But it’s not just because of Henry. That’s important, but it…it’s the way you make me feel. I love every minute we spend together. I can never get enough of being with you. As soon as you leave, I immediately look forward to the next time we’ll see each other. I…I…oh hell, I’m rambling and not making any sense.”
“You’re making perfect sense. I completely understand what you’re trying to say.”
“You do?”
He framed her face with his hands, brushing the apples of her cheeks with his thumbs. “Aye, because I feel the same way. You’re the best part of my day, whether we’re texting, talking, or actually together. I truly do love spending time with Henry because he’s such a great kid and I would never use him to try to impress you, Emma.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “I’ve known for a while, too. That I love you. I’m in love with you, Emma Swan.”
The brightness of her smile was nearly blinding and it was her turn to initiate the fiery kiss. Afterwards, they stood with their foreheads pressed together, while her fingers played with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck. “Can I ask you something?” she whispered.
“Of course, Love. Anything.”
She looked into his eyes. “Are you still thinking about moving away from Storybrooke?”
“No,” he answered without hesitation. “I’ve got every reason in the world to stay right here.”
He kissed her sweetly, then sighed. “I hate to ruin this moment, but I really should get started for home. The road conditions are probably worsening by the minute.”
“Actually, that was the original reason I wanted to talk to you. I was thinking that maybe…you could…stay here tonight.”
“Why, Swan,” he teased, “are you inviting me to a sleepover?”
“Well, it would be a very adult sleepover,” she said, watching him closely to gauge his reaction.
He tilted his head and studied her for a moment or two. “Are you saying…you want me to actually sleep with you?”
“I guess we would sleep eventually…”
“Emma, are you sure you’re ready to take that next step?”
“You’re not?”
“I’m not saying that at all,” he said quickly. “I just…would you be comfortable having me stay with you when Henry is right down the hall? We could…we could wait until we’re at my place, if you’d rather.”
“This isn’t spur of the moment, Killian. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. I think Henry is too young to understand what it means for you to spend the night and still be here in the morning. He just loves having you here and is always sad to see you leave. I’m not saying it’s going to be something that happens every night…”
“I wouldn’t expect that, especially during the week, but perhaps on the weekends?”
“That’s what I was thinking. Of course, we might be jumping the gun to consider more than tonight. You might be appalled by my snoring, drooling, or what I look like first thing in the morning. Or maybe we won’t be…compatible…in bed.”
He grinned. “I highly doubt that will be the case, Emma. Ever since the day we met, I’ve felt like we have a connection to each other that goes beyond friendship. I can’t imagine that not transferring to the bedroom. As far as your snoring and drooling, I’m sure I’ll find it to be absolutely adorable.”
“Whatever you say,” she scoffed. “But when you wake up with my morning breath in your face, you might change your mind.”
“I’m willing to risk it,” he smirked.
She began playing with the buttons on his shirt. “There’s, um…there’s one more thing I need to tell you.”
“What’s that, Love?”
After stepping away from him to check on Henry in the other room, she returned to face him again. “I haven’t been…intimate with anyone since Henry’s father. Henry is my world and everything else has taken a back seat.”
“Which is quite understandable,” Killian said. “It’s been a while for me, too. After getting hurt like I did, I was in no hurry to be with another woman. You have changed so many things in my life, Emma, and I’m anxious to begin this next chapter with you and Henry.”
“Don’t forget Winston,” she quipped.
“How could I forget Winston?” he laughed.
“Okay, so how about we get some supper and watch a movie like we usually do on Friday nights? My guess is that after the excitement of the day, Henry will be asleep before it’s over.”
“That sounds wonderful, Love. What were you planning to eat?”
“I was planning to order pizza, but with the roads the way they are, I think we better go with plan B.”
“Which is…?”
“I have no idea.”
He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Do you mind if I search your cupboards a bit?”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and crooned, “You can search anything you want.”
“Swan, are you flirting with me to get me riled up?”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he teased.
“Perhaps I would,” she answered, before scattering kisses along his throat.
“Bad form, Love,” he groaned.
“You don’t like it?” she asked innocently, looking up at him through her lashes.
“I like it too much, that’s the problem,” he said, pressing his hips against hers so she could feel the effect she was having on him.
“Okay, I’ll stop…for now,” she said. She started to move away and he reluctantly released her. “Dig around to your heart’s content and I’ll go see what movie Henry wants to watch.”
Killian ended up making spaghetti with garlic toast for supper. Afterwards, they watched “Luck” on AppleTV, while munching on chocolate chip cookies Emma whipped up. She and Killian managed to make the food while sharing lots of kisses in the kitchen.
Henry didn’t question Killian staying instead of going home; he was simply happy to carry on with their usual Friday evening routine. He made it through the movie without falling asleep, but was reluctant to move when it ended. Emma realized that he wanted Killian to carry him to his room, which he did, making her heart melt as she watched.
While Emma took Henry through his bedtime routine, Killian put Winston outside to do his business. Although he had cleared the patio of snow earlier in the evening, it was covered again.
When he took Winston into Henry’s room after toweling him off, he reported, “I’d say there’s at least six inches of snow and it’s still coming down.”
“Oh, boy!” Henry exclaimed, perking up. “Can you come over tomorrow to play in it with us again?”
Killian scratched behind his ear, looking to Emma for help.
“Actually kid, Killian is going to stay here overnight,” she said.
“He is?”
“Yeah. The roads are pretty bad and I didn’t want him to risk driving home. Is that okay with you?”
Henry gave her a puzzled look. “Sure. Why wouldn’t it be okay?”
Emma shrugged. “He’s never spent the night here before.”
“Well, he should, because we’re usually together all day on Saturdays, too. It doesn’t make sense for him to go home.”
Killian and Emma exchanged a look, then he bid the boy goodnight, patted Winston and left the room so she could read to her son.
After kissing Henry and closing the door to his room, she found Killian sitting on the couch. “Well, I guess that answers the question of whether it’s going to bother Henry,” she said, plopping down beside him.
“Aye,” he chuckled, but she noticed he didn’t look at her.
“Hey,” she said, reaching to take his hand. “Is something wrong?”
“I, uh, I…if we’re going to take that next step in our relationship, I’m concerned about what to do because I don’t have any kind of protection.”
“Well, I obviously don’t have any STDs and I assume you don’t, either.”
“I don’t, but what about preventing you from getting pregnant?”
“Oh, that’s not a problem. I have an IUD. My doctor suggested it because I had such heavy periods after Henry was born.”
“Well, that is a relief,” he said, finally looking at her. “Did Henry fall asleep while you were reading to him?”
“He was out before I read half a page. He actually held out longer than I thought.”
“Tomorrow will be another fun day in the snow for him.”
She turned on the sofa to face him, draping her legs over his. “I was meaning to ask you - did you bring along clothes to wear out in the snow?”
“Aye. Liam advised that I keep extra clothes in the car during the winter months, so I changed into them once we came inside.”
“Did you dry them with Henry’s clothes?”
“I did. I hope that was alright.”
“Of course. I want you to make yourself at home here. I was thinking it might be nice to put up the Christmas tree tomorrow.”
“That’s a wonderful idea. I’m sure Henry loves doing that.”
“Oh yes, he really gets into it,” she laughed. “Although I’m sure you can’t imagine him getting excited about anything!”
Her sarcasm made him chuckle. “That’s one reason why I enjoy being with him so much. He’s enthusiastic about everything.”
“You clearly haven’t seen him do his chores.”
“Well, that’s true,” he agreed with a grin. “I suppose that’s typical for a kid.”
“Not just a kid. I hate doing chores, too.”
“You know,” he said, wrapping his arms around her to pull her into his lap, “I could think of much better things to talk about than chores.”
She adjusted herself so her knees were on either side of his hips, her hands on his shoulders and her forehead resting against his. “Like the fact that I love you?”
“Aye, that’s a much better subject,” he said, nuzzling her nose. They indulged in a long, slow kiss, while their hands roamed each other’s body. “I love you, too,” Killian murmured against her lips. In response, she deepened the kiss and adjusted her position, putting more pressure on his groin. “Swan…” he rasped.
“Maybe we should move to the bedroom,” she whispered in his ear.
The tickling sensation and implication of her words served to increase his arousal. “I like that idea, Love.”
She kissed him one more time, then pushed herself off of him. Threading her fingers through his, she tugged him to his feet. As they quietly moved down the hall, Emma stopped outside Henry’s door, listening intently. Giving a nod, they continued into her bedroom and she closed the door behind them.
“He’s out for the night,” she commented.
“You can tell that just by listening for a few seconds?”
“He’s a mouth breather, a loud one. He probably needs to have his tonsils and adenoids removed, but up until now, I haven’t had a job with good insurance. I just haven’t taken him to the doctor yet.”
“What about Winston?”
“If he needs his tonsils and adenoids out, I’ll let you pay for it,” she teased.
“You’re hilarious, Swan,” he remarked, trying to look stern, but failing to keep the smile from taking over his face.
“Yeah, I know,” she smirked. “Winston has slept through the night since the first night we brought him home.”
“In that case,” Killian said, sauntering into her personal space, “I guess the night is ours.”
“I guess so,” she said, then nervously pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
Tilting his head, he looked into her eyes for several seconds, then brushed some locks of blonde hair over her shoulder. “Emma, please don’t feel like we have to go ahead with this if you’re…”
“No, Killian,” she interrupted firmly. “I really want this, I’m just…out of practice, I guess.”
He put his hands on her waist and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Relax, Love. Just let things happen naturally, and if they don’t, then we sleep instead. No pressure, okay?”
“You know, the first time I saw you, I had to convince myself you were real. I was sure no one as handsome as you could actually exist. And now, you say something like that and I have to convince myself that you’re real all over again. I mean, when a guy’s girlfriend is offering them sex, how many would say it’s okay if it doesn’t happen?”
“Probably more than you think. I would hope there are more gentlemen than rogues out there.”
Emma thought about that for a few moments, before saying, “I should wash my face and brush my teeth. Why don’t you, um, get comfortable in here and I’ll go take care of that.”
He watched her leave the room, then ran his hands through his hair. He longed to show Emma how much he loved her, but the last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable or pressured in any way. After stripping down to his navy blue boxers and white T-shirt, he sat on the bed to wait for her to return.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, she was quietly berating herself in the mirror. “You have this sweet, sexy, perfect boyfriend in your bedroom and you come running in here like a scared rabbit. What is wrong with you?” she asked her reflection. When she didn’t receive an answer, she sighed, tossed a washcloth into the sink and turned on the hot water.
After she finished in the bathroom and padded back to her room, she tapped lightly on the door before entering. Killian looked up at her from his seat on the bed, concern etched on his face. “Alright there, Swan?”
She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. I, um, I laid an extra toothbrush out for you if you wanted to, um, brush your teeth,” she stammered.
“Thank you, Love.” He stood up and slipped out the door.
Emma used the time to change out of her clothes and into a turquoise nightshirt that barely covered her underwear. She was standing in front of her dresser brushing her hair when she heard a soft knock on the door. “Come in,” she said, when it didn’t open right away.
As Killian entered, she saw his reflection in the mirror. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him before he left the room; but now, she saw that he was utterly tantalizing in very little clothing. It made her mouth go dry, but at the same time, made all of her nervousness vanish.
Turning toward him, she saw the anticipation on his face and quickly crossed the space between them. Standing in front of him, she reached up and cupped his face, then pulled him down to connect their lips, trying to pour every ounce of her love into the kiss.
His arms wrapped around her, pulling her snugly against himself. She’d been in his arms many times, but there were always more layers of clothing between them. Feeling his well-defined chest pressed against hers and his strong back under her roaming hands, she could feel her own body reacting.
Finally breaking the kiss, she said breathlessly, “I’m sorry for being so hesitant. I asked you to stay and then I let my nerves and insecurities get to me. It’s just that, in the past, people were always letting me down…”
“Let me assure you, Love,” he said, softly stroking the tips of his fingers over her cheek, “I don’t intend to let you down or hurt you in any way. You mean far too much to me to ever let that happen, trust me.”
Her eyes searched his, knowing she would see nothing but sincerity and love in them. “I do trust you,” she whispered. Taking his hands, she backed up until the backs of her knees hit the bed, then sat down and pulled him down beside her.
“I’m yours,” she said. “Make love to me, Killian.”
Twisting his body, he embraced her, then rolled them until he was on top of her in the middle of the mattress. “As you wish,” he grinned.
They took their time undressing each other between impassioned kisses, their lips finding the skin that was revealed with every discarded article of clothing. Killian paid special attention to Emma’s bare breasts when he removed her shirt, his mouth and calloused fingers on the sensitive flesh making her body sizzle with desire.
When she pushed his boxers down his legs, her eyes widened as she took in the size of his manhood. Her hand wrapped around it, the smooth skin feeling like satin on her palm.
As she slowly stroked him, his fingers moved between her thighs, feeling the damp heat. She widened her legs as one finger made its way inside her. “Killiannn,” she whined.
“Does that feel good?” he murmured into her ear.
“Yesss…so good.”
“What you’re doing feels good to me, too,” he assured her. He pushed himself up to lean on one elbow, sweeping his eyes up and down her form. “Gods, Emma. You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen,” he praised. “You’re absolutely perfect.”
Her hands moved to his chest, fingers swirling through the generous dusting of hair. “So are you.” The fingers of one hand followed the dark trail of hair down his belly and between his legs to fondle his testicles, satisfied when she heard his sharp intake of breath.
They continued to explore, working one another up until both were panting and pleading. Killian took his time ensuring that Emma was prepared, using his fingers around and inside her opening to make her slick with arousal. At the same time, her attention to his cock and the way she scratched her fingernails over the skin of his chest and back made him the hardest he’d ever been.
As he sucked love marks into the soft skin of her breast and rubbed his thumb over her clit, she gasped, “Killian, I…I’m ready.”
He looked up at her through his long, dark lashes. Her skin was flushed, her tongue licking at her kiss-swollen lips. As his eyes connected with her lust-filled green ones, a rush of love and longing crashed over him. “I love you, Emma,” he said, moving up to seal the declaration with another kiss.
“I love you, too. So much,” she replied, running her fingers through his damp strands of hair. Then she shifted on the bed so he could settle between her thighs.
Holding himself above her on one elbow, he reached down to grasp his cock, rubbing it through her slick, wet folds, then slowly began pushing forward. His eyes scanned up her body to study her face, hoping to catch any sign of discomfort in her features. He halted his progress when he detected a slight grimace. “Does that hurt?” he asked.
“No, no,” she assured him. “It burns a little, but mostly it feels…amazing. Please don’t stop.”
He was happy to hear those words, because being only partially inside her felt incredible, and he yearned to keep going. Dropping his elbow down to the other side of her body, he pulled back a little, then pressed forward again, going deeper inch by inch, until he was fully engulfed in her warm, tight sheath.
Resting his head on her chest, he ground out, “Bloody hell, Emma. You feel fucking fantastic.”
She skimmed her hands through his hair. “It feels like you were made for me,” she whispered. Bending her knees, she pulled her feet up beside his hips and gave a slight thrust of her pelvis.
He got the hint and began rocking slowly, savoring every moan and gasp from her. Sensing that she had adjusted to his size, he pulled out until only his tip was still inside, then slid all the way back in with one stroke, gradually picking up the pace.
“Faster…deeper,” she begged.
He obliged, thrusting into her several times in quick succession. Her hips raised off the bed to meet him every time, while her fingers gripped his hair almost painfully.
“Killian, I can’t…I’m going to…”
“Let go, Love,” he encouraged, knowing she was right on the edge.
Throbbing heat and a sudden flood of wetness around his cock told him that she followed his command. She crossed her ankles behind his back, trying to pull him closer, while her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow.
He stilled within her, trying to delay his own climax. As good as it felt to have her pulsing around him, he didn’t want it to end so soon.
“T-top,” she mumbled.
“You want to be on top?”
After wrapping his arms around her, he carefully rolled them over. Emma planted her hands on his chest and pushed herself up, her knees tight against his hips. His hands gripped her forearms as she began lifting and lowering her pelvis, his cock sliding in, then almost out of her over and over again.
Killian was muttering a steady string of praises, telling her how perfect she was and how good she felt. Raising his head, his mouth found one of her nipples, alternately rolling his tongue over it and sucking hard. The effect caused her rhythm to stutter and she threw her head back, letting out a long, guttural moan of his name.
Feeling his release growing imminently closer, he started thrusting up into her. His hand moved down to find her clit, rubbing it roughly as he groaned, “Come again, Emma. Please come, Love. I…I can’t…”
  With one final slide down on him, she did, shuddering and shaking as she cried out, “Yes! Yes, Killian!”
Watching her ecstasy, hearing her shouts and feeling her pulse around him brought him to his peak, too. He jerked and spasmed, spurting hot streams of cum inside her.
When she collapsed on top of him several moments later, he held her close, murmuring words of adoration into her hair. Gradually, their breathing and heart rates returned to normal, and Killian groped around the bed, finding the blanket and pulling it over the top of them.
Emma sighed happily, pressing kisses to his throat and collarbone. “That was amazing! I know it’s been a while, but I don’t remember sex ever being that good.”
“Well, that’s because you’ve never done it with me before,” he chuckled. Hearing her hum of agreement, he added, “It’s never been like that for me, either. Then again, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. I think that’s what made it so much more intense and meaningful.”
She lifted her head and rested her chin on his sternum, looking into his face. “I’m sure you’re right about that. I’m very glad we decided to take this next step. I feel like we’re more closely connected now.” She wiggled her hips, causing his softening length to shift inside her. “In more ways than one.”
He grinned and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ears. “Meeting you and Henry is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Leaning forward, she kissed him; a slow, tender kiss that communicated her feelings more than words ever could. They cuddled a while longer before Emma slipped her shirt back on and went to the bathroom to clean up, bringing a warm washcloth back so Killian could do the same. After he put his boxers on and visited the bathroom himself, they burrowed under the covers, intertwining themselves and sharing more kisses until they finally drifted off to sleep - content, sated and thoroughly in love.
Emma awoke slowly the next morning, the smell of coffee tickling her nose. When her foggy brain remembered what happened the night before, she reached over to find the other side of the bed empty. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and stretched.
She felt pleasantly sore in all the right places and smiled when she remembered how she had awakened in the middle of the night to find Killian watching her sleep. The sliver of moonlight seeping in through the slight opening between the curtains illuminated his mischievous blue eyes. It was then she realized he had worked her shirt up above her breasts and was gently massaging them. Soon they were engaged in round two, finding more ways to bring pleasure to one another.
Flinging back the blanket, she grabbed a robe out of her closet and put it on as she walked down the hall. She could hear Henry chattering before she reached the kitchen.
“...and after we play in the snow, we can play more games and watch movies and…”
“Slow down, lad,” she heard Killian say, his gruff morning voice sending shivers down her spine. “I think your mother has some plans for us today.”
“That’s right,” she said, joining them. “I think you’ll like what I have planned.” Peeking over Henry’s shoulder, she asked, “What are you eating, kid?”
“Killian made egg in a basket!” he said excitedly. “It’s really good and he told me he would teach you how to make it too, if you want.”
“Is that so?” she asked, passing behind the ‘chef’ and discreetly pinching his side.
“Bad form, Swan,” he chided playfully. “And to think I made coffee and breakfast for you.”
“Sorry,” she said, stretching to her tiptoes to kiss the underside of his scruffy jaw. He turned so her next kiss was to his lips.
“You guys are being gross,” Henry complained, making the couple laugh. “So what are we doing today, Mom?”
She poured herself a mug of coffee, splashed some creamer into it, then leaned against the counter to take a sip before answering, “I thought we would put up the Christmas tree and decorate it. How does that sound?”
“YAY!” Henry shouted. Winston started barking from where he lay under the table.
“Winston, enough!” Killian commanded and the dog quieted immediately.
“Good morning, sweet boy,” Emma said, bending down to ruffle his ears. “I didn’t see you under there.” Straightening up, she asked her son, “Did you already feed him?”
Henry’s ears reddened. “Uh, no. I forgot.”
Emma gave him a stern look. “You know you’re supposed to feed your dog before you sit down to eat, young man.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” he said, hopping out of his seat and going to the pantry where the dog’s food was stored.
“Apologize to Winston, not me.”
Henry scooped out the food and dumped it into Winston’s bowl. “I’m sorry, boy,” he said, as he set it down beside the refrigerator where the dog sat waiting.
Killian laughed as he watched Winston inhaling his food like he was afraid it was going to disappear. “I think he forgives you, lad.” Looking at Emma, he added, “I already put him outside to do his business. The snow is up to his belly, but he found a spot by the side of the house that wasn’t quite as deep.”
“How long have you been up?” she questioned.
Killian glanced at the clock on the microwave. “Almost an hour.”
“Wow, you’re a morning person. It usually takes me half-an-hour just to pry my eyes open and get out of bed, especially on a Saturday.”
“Well, you know what they say - opposites attract,” he said, setting a plate of food in front of her and sitting down beside her with his own.
As they began to eat, Henry returned to the table and asked, “When are we gonna put up the tree, Mom?”
“You can help decide. Do you want to do it before or after we play in the snow?”
He thought for a second. “Let’s go outside first. Can we bake gingerbread cookies like we did last year, when we decorated the tree?”
“I’m afraid not. We don’t have the necessary ingredients for that kind of cookie.”
Seeing Henry’s disappointed look, Killian said, “I know a good recipe for sugar cookies. Do you like that kind? I know your mother has all the ingredients for them.”
Henry perked up again. “Yeah! Can we decorate them? We have sprinkles left from when you tried to make cupcakes for Avery’s birthday, remember?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me of that fiasco,” Emma groaned, making Henry giggle.
Killian looked between the two of them. “Why was it a fiasco?”
She covered her face with her hands as she answered, “I forgot the baking powder.”
“Do you mean to say,” he began, trying to contain his laughter, “that you baked cupcakes and didn’t put any baking powder in them?”
Dropping her hands, she replied indignantly, “Hey, it happens to the best of us. I’ve seen episodes of the Great British Baking Show where the bakers forget to put in key ingredients.”
“Point taken. Did you take the cupcakes to the party?”
“Are you kidding? They looked like hockey pucks! Of course I didn’t take them to the party.”
Killian laughed heartily, while Emma tried and failed to give him a reproving look. Instead, she dissolved into laughter, too.
“Mom picked up cupcakes at the grocery on the way to the party,” Henry said, then shoved another bite of food into his mouth.
“Well, I promised to bring them, so I had to do something.”
“Very resourceful, Swan.”
By the end of breakfast, they had the day’s schedule worked out. They played in the snow as soon as they were all dressed, then drank hot chocolate and baked cookies. While waiting for the cookies to be cool enough to ice and decorate, Henry and Killian brought the small artificial tree in from the garage.
As they were setting it up, Emma explained, “Henry wants to have a live tree, but I told him he needs to be a little older, because I don’t think I could get one unloaded and set up by myself.”
“Ah, well, if it weren’t for the fact we’re snowed in today, I could have helped you with that,” Killian said. “Perhaps next year.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “I hope we’ll still be together by then.”
He pulled her against him, wrapping her in his warm embrace. “I have every confidence we will, Love.”
The day was the most fun any of them could remember. They decorated cookies and the tree while listening to Christmas music, played some board games, then watched two Christmas movies with only the lights from the tree and television illuminating the living room. Killian sat on the couch between Emma and Henry, both of whom were snuggled close to his side.
Emma and Killian shared many affectionate caresses and kisses throughout the day, unable to keep from touching each other. That evening, after Henry and Winston were in bed, they spooned on the sofa, quietly discussing plans for the next day, Christmas and New Years Eve.
Both of them were hopeful and excited about their future together.
Eight Months Later
“Great pass, Nicholas!” Killian shouted, running along the sidelines to coach his players. “Keep it under control, Grace! Get open, Henry! There he is! Pass it, Grace!”
As Henry’s kick sent the soccer ball flying into the goal, Emma leaped from her seat with a cheer, causing Winston to jump up and start barking. Everyone around them laughed, used to the excitable black dog who was always at the games to watch his young master.
When the game ended, Killian’s team was victorious for the third week in a row. Henry shook hands with the other team, then sprinted over to his mom and Winston.
“Good game, kid!” Emma exclaimed, returning his hug. “Your team is doing great this year.”
“That’s because we have the best coach in the whole world!” he beamed, taking Winston’s leash from her as the dog jumped around him enthusiastically.
Emma watched Killian gather his clipboard and Henry’s water bottle. Several parents approached him to offer their words of appreciation, and she smiled as he humbly accepted them.
He really was too good to be true, except that he absolutely was…and he was hers.
She turned to fold up her lawn chair and collect Winston’s favorite ducky toy, and soon felt two strong arms wrap around her from behind.
“Congratulations, coach,” she said, twisting in his arms to kiss him.
“Thank you, Love. The team is really starting to gel, don’t you think?”
“That’s because, as Henry just said, they have the best coach in the world.”
“He said that?” Killian asked, rubbing self-consciously behind his ear.
“Yeah, and I agree. They love playing for you, Babe.”
“Well, they’re fun to coach. I’m glad you talked me into it.”
“Pfft,” Emma scoffed. “I’m not the one who did it. It was that nine-year-old con artist who lives with us.”
“He can be quite persuasive,” he conceded. “Takes after his mother.”
“Hey!” she said, lightly slapping his chest. “I never talk you into doing things you don’t want to do.”
“That’s very true,” he murmured into her ear. “I’m always up for what you want me to do.”
She giggled and engaged him in another kiss, only to be interrupted by a loud, exasperated, “Mom! Killian! You guys are embarrassing!”
They broke apart with a laugh. “Sorry, kid,” Emma said, not sounding one bit apologetic. “Ready to go home?”
“Actually, Henry and I thought it might be fun to go to the nature preserve this morning,” Killian said. “Is that alright with you, Swan?”
“Sounds good to me. I’m glad I wore sneakers instead of sandals.”
They headed to the car and were soon on their way to the preserve. Emma noticed Killian shifting in his seat and nervously tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“Oh, um, aye. Just working out some energy left over from the game.”
She studied him for several more moments, then shrugged slightly and turned to ask Henry what he wanted for lunch when they got home, later.
There were several cars in the main parking lot at the preserve, so Killian kept driving until they reached a more remote section. Winston always got distracted if there were too many people around, so they tried to stick to the paths that weren’t likely to be as busy.
Once they found a place to park and were out of the car, Henry and Winston started along the path that led into the woods. Emma and Killian trailed behind, falling into easy conversation, as always. Their current topic was Belle and Liam, who were due to return from their honeymoon the following day. Despite being wed at the beginning of June, the couple waited to go on their trip until August, because Liam could get airline tickets for a much better price late in the summer.
“Bloody wanker, always after a discount,” Killian grumbled, not for the first time. “Even for his honeymoon!”
“Belle didn’t seem to mind,” Emma pointed out. “She was excited because the best time to see Beluga Whales in Alaska is during the month of August. I hope they were able to see some.”
“Aye, me too. That’s probably the reason Liam booked it for this month, anyway. He just wants to make everyone think he’s a miser.”
Emma wrapped her arm around his more tightly and leaned into him. “I definitely got the better brother,” she stated playfully.
“That you did, Love,” he grinned, pressing a kiss to her temple.
After hiking for twenty minutes, they came to their favorite spot on the path - a small fishing pond surrounded by tall, reedy grass and cattails. Henry and Winston started exploring the perimeter of the water, in search of frogs. Ever since finding one at this pond earlier in the summer, they were determined to find another.
“Care to sit down for a bit, Love?” Killian asked, indicating a wooden bench.
“Yeah. I’m sure the two of them will want to stay here a while.”
They sat together in comfortable silence, listening to the chirping of birds and buzz of insects. Finally, Killian turned to her and said, “We’ve known each other for almost a year now, haven’t we?”
“We met in September, so it’ll be a year next month.”
“It’s been the best year of my life.”
“Mmhmm. Mine, too. Especially these last three months when you officially moved in with us.”
“Well, I did have to live somewhere, since the lease on my apartment was up,” he teased.
“Oh, so now the truth comes out,” she shot back with a giggle.
“Aye,” he sighed dramatically. “I only love you for your house.”
“You’re so full of it, Jones,” she said, elbowing him in the side.
He leaned back and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side, both of them watching Henry and Winston chasing what looked like a dragonfly.
“Those two are something else,” she remarked.
“They’re both good boys. I’m very lucky to be part of their lives.”
Emma hummed. “We’re all very lucky to have you in our lives.”
After another lengthy pause, he murmured, “I love you, Emma.”
“I love you, too.”
He slipped from his seat and knelt in front of her. “Enough to marry me?” he asked, looking up into her eyes, widened in surprise.
“Killian…wh-what are you doing?” she stammered.
“Isn’t it obvious, Love? I’m proposing. But I guess I’ve forgotten something, haven’t I?” Unbuttoning the pocket on the side of his cargo shorts, he reached in and withdrew a diamond solitaire ring, holding it up between them. “Emma, we may have met because of a mistake, but I don’t think of it that way. I’m convinced it was God’s plan for us to meet in just the right place at exactly the right time. You, Henry and Winston are the center of my world and that’s where I want you to be for the rest of my life. So, Emma Swan, will you marry me?”
She brushed at the tears trickling down her cheeks as a huge smile crossed her face. “Yes, Killian! Of course I’ll marry you!”
He took her trembling hand in his and slid the ring into place. Then he wrapped her in his arms, kissing her hair, eyes, cheeks, and finally, her lips, salty with her tears.
Their celebration was cut short when Henry asked, “Did she say yes?”
Both of them dissolved into laughter. He was notorious for interrupting them when they were kissing, whether out of disgust or because he was simply oblivious.
“Aye, lad. She did,” Killian answered.
“Wait, you were in on this?” Emma asked her son.
“Yeah. Last night, Killian asked me if it was okay for him to marry you. I said it was, so that’s why we decided to come here after the game today - so he could oppose.”
“Propose,” Killian corrected, as Emma laughed.
Henry shrugged. “Whatever. So you’re getting married? We’re gonna be a real family?” His excitement grew as he realized what it all meant.
“Yeah, kid. We’ll officially become a family. What do you think about that?”
It wasn’t a surprise to either of them that his answer was a loud, “YAY!” while Winston barked his approval, too.
Emma and Killian were married sixteen months later, the day before the second anniversary of when they first declared their love for each other. Fortunately, there was no snowstorm on their wedding day.
Henry proudly walked his mother down the aisle to meet Killian at the altar. The boy shook his soon-to-be stepfather’s hand, then nearly tackled him in a hug, before taking his place beside Liam.
The ceremony was beautiful and perfect, which in Killian’s mind, matched his bride. Everyone had a wonderful time at the reception afterwards, celebrating the couple with food and dancing. Liam’s best man speech caused Killian’s face to turn red with embarrassment, as everyone else’s turned red with laughter.
The traditional father/daughter dance was replaced with a mother/son dance instead. As the two most important people in his life moved in small circles in the middle of the floor to the song “How Long Will I Love You?”, Killian repeatedly swallowed past the lump in his throat and wiped away a stray tear or two.
While the newlyweds enjoyed a honeymoon in a tropical climate, Henry and Winston stayed with Belle and Liam. The boy and his dog slept in the spare bedroom that was in the process of being turned into a nursery for Henry’s future cousin, due to arrive in two months.
Emma and Killian purchased a larger house, two blocks from the Storybrooke harbor, six months after their wedding. While they were signing the final legal papers for the sale, they were beginning another legal process.
One morning in October, Henry came into the kitchen and gave Winston an extra helping of food in celebration of their pet’s ‘gotcha day’. Sitting down at the table, he was excited to find his favorite breakfast of French toast with bacon on his plate, and folded pieces of paper beside it.
After drowning his food in maple syrup and taking a huge bite, he picked up the papers and asked, “What are these?”
“Open them and see,” Emma said, her face glowing with excitement as she met Killian’s eyes across the table.
Henry did as he was told, scanning the page until he realized that the first one was a certificate of adoption. His eyes shot up to land on Killian. “Does this mean you’re officially my dad?”
“Aye, lad, I’m legally your father. I signed the final papers a couple of weeks ago. We’ve just been waiting for that other paper to arrive before we told you.”
Henry slid the second paper out from underneath the first, his eyes widening even more. “It says Henry Andrew Jones. Is that really my name now?”
“Yeah, kid,” Emma answered. “That’s your new birth certificate and it names Killian as your father. What do you think?”
In answer, he jumped out of his chair and ran around the table to fly into Killian’s waiting arms. “I think it’s the best day of my life!” he exclaimed. “I love you, Dad!”
“I love you, too, my boy,” Killian replied, a slight catch in his voice at hearing Henry call him that title for the very first time.
Henry turned to give Emma a hug, also. “It’s pretty cool that Winston and I both have the same ‘gotcha day’,” he said.
His parents laughed. “I didn’t think about that,” Emma admitted.
That Christmas, their friends and family received a card which included a picture of Henry, Emma, Killian and Winston in front of their decorated, live Christmas tree. It was signed:
Happy Holidays! With love from the Jones family.
Thank you so very much for reading!
@qualitycoffeethings @grimmswan @cs-rylie @wyntereyez @kmomof4 @hookedmom @ultraluckycatnd @paradiselady19 @xarandomdreamx @motherkatereloyshipper @lfh1226-linda @pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23 @tiganasummertree @bluewildcatfanatic @eleveneitherway @elfiola @kday426 @julieenchanted-swans @gingerchangeling @andiirivera @djlbg @jonesfandomfanatic @snowbellewells @anmylica @booksteaandtoomuchtv @cocohook38 @ilovemesomekillianjones @zaharadessert @lyssapup27 @undercaffinatednightmare @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @xsajx @jackieorioncat @teamhook @soniccat @jarienn972 @softkilly @kymbersmith-90 @apiratewhopines
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cssns · 8 months
WOW!!!!!! Can you believe it? We're done and it's time for the CSSNS23 Roundup!!!
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Before we get started, I need to recognize and thank my team of mods, @winterbaby89 @jrob64 @stahlop and @ultraluckycatnd, without whom this event wouldn't have happened this summer! Please join me in giving them all the long distance internet group hugs!!!!
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And NOWWWWWWWW... Here we GOOOOO!!!!! Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
@hufflepuffinstorybrooke opened us up this year on July 1 with a wonderful soulmates OS called If You're Lucky, Love Leaves Scars, that I was privileged to make artwork for. The fic left me in tears and melting at the same time!
On July 3, @teamhook posted the first chapter of her fic The Last Witch Hunter, inspired by the Vin Diesel movie of the same name. Only one ch so far, but I'm absolutely captivated and eagerly awaiting more! Very intriguing artwork by herself.
@spartanguard dropped her Killian's evil twin MC on July 5, Sons of Love and Death, with artwork by herself. That artwork, of two incredibly handsome guys shouldn't be as chilling as it is, but IT IS... The fic is completely written and she's been updating weekly, so we're on ch9 of 13. Just sayin, but I'm about ready to use a certain dagger on a certain evil twin.
July 7 @goforlaunchcee posted Smoke and Mirrors, a HOOT of a ghost story, with such lovely artwork by @piinfeathers that perfectly captures CS in this fic. Three chapters are up so far, and I can't wait for more!!!
July 10, @killiansprincss posted her OS A Court of Vines and Shadow inspired by A Court of Thorns and Roses, with absolutely gorgeous artwork by @hollyethecurious. I was not familiar with the source material, so I was completely surprised and delighted with this fic!!!
@athenascarlet posted her merman Killian OS on July 13, The Merman with a wonderful visual on Tumblr 😏 Just a regular night between a sheriff and her merman pirate... Would love to see more of this, but it's staying a OS... for now, she says...
Also on July 13, @anmylica posted the first chapter of Fly With the Black Swan with amazing artwork by @zaharadessert. We have two chs of ten up so far, and I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for more!!!!
On July 15, @whatevenisthisbloganymore posted the first chapter of Forest View Apartments, a ghost story that has the questions swirling through my mind and eagerly awaiting the next installment! Amazing artwork by @undercaffinatednightmare!
Speaking of @undercaffinatednightmare, real life has been very rude lately and has left her unable to post her two planned fics for this summer, but she has managed to make the artwork for them both that you can find here and here! I love her writing so much and I know whenever RL lets up, both these fics are going to be wonderful!!! *EDITED* The first of her fics, A Charming Curse, has now posted and it promises to be FUN!!!
July 19, @deckerstarblanche posted An Offer She Can't Refuse, with more lovely artwork by @undercaffinatednightmare. Emily only planned two chs for this very hot and sexy Omegaverse fic, but she took it in a very angsty direction in the final scene of ch2, and so has now promised that she'll come back and add one more ch to give us all the happy ending we deserve!
July 22, @zaharadessert posted a very hot demon Killian OS, Sacrificial Lamb that made bloodthirsty Krystal VERY happy. I was once again privileged to make artwork for the fic, with an assist by @motherkatereloyshipper who was responsible for the Emma edit I used.
July 23, @mie779 posted the first chapter of Finding Caldera: The Hidden World of Dragons, with just lovely artwork by @undercaffinatednightmare. The adventure of this fic is just wonderful! We're on ch9 and nearing the end!
On July 25, it was my turn to post for the event! Into the Light was inspired by the 1987 movie The Lost Boys, my very first introduction to vampires and it has never left me! Incredible artwork was created by @motherkatereloyshipper that still just leaves me staring at it slack jawed!
@hollyethecurious posted the first chapter of The Law of Surprise on July 28. Now complete in three parts, this beautiful BEAUTIFUL but also heartbreaking fic was inspired by the law of surprise from The Witcher. Breathtaking artwork was provided by @eastwesthomeisbest and can be found here, here, and here.
@xarandomdreamx posted her CS Practical Magic AU A Crystalline Knowledge of Love and Magic on July 30. Beautiful artwork by @hollyethecurious. Only one chapter so far and my heart is so broken for Emma and Elsa but also completely in love with the story!!!!
Rounding out July, @caught-in-the-filter posted original artwork featuring ghost Emma and vampire Killian that was absolutely CHILLING!!!!
@snowbellewells started Aug off on the 2nd with an incredible one shot, Deluge! Gorgeous artwork by @eastwesthomeisbest. I am so hopeful that Marta will eventually write more of this wonderfully intriguing fic!!!
Then, @eastwesthomeisbest was so inspired by Marta's fic, she made her own original art in the same vein as the art she made for the fic. Absolutely breathtaking!!!
On Aug 8, @booksteaandtoomuchtv posted the Prologue and ch1 of Witchy Woman. I have sooooo been waiting for this fic and so far, four chs in, it is hitting ALL my buttons! Artwork coming soon from @cocohook38.
On Aug 10, @cs-rylie posted The Journal, a seriously SCARY fic, only 3 chs in, inspired by Native American legend. Artwork by me, again with a much needed assist from @motherkatereloyshipper who was responsible for Milah and the journal itself.
@iamstartraveller776 posted her new fic, To Cleave Destiny on Aug 13. Featuring Demon Killian, just this Prologue has me on the edge of my seat!!! Artwork coming soon from @cocohook38.
@exhaustedpirate posted Parent for Hire on Aug 14. A Mandalorian inspired fic, Caro has melted my Captain Cobra heart so many times already, only four chs in. She also did moodboards to accompany each ch that you can find on each of the Tumblr ch posts x x x and I was also privileged to make a banner for the fic.
On Aug 16, @grimmswan posted the first chs of TWO fabulous fics!!! Dracula in Storybrooke comes from the woefully underutilized Land of Untold Stories arc, and Love Bites (But So Do I) is a supernatural adventure of vampire Emma and werewolf Killian. Artwork coming soon from @cocohook38.
On Aug 18, @snowbellewells posted her second fic of the event, Carolina Moon. A fic inspired by the Nora Roberts novel of the same name, my heart is already, only two chs in, broken for Emma and on the edge of my seat waiting for more! Beautiful artwork again done by @eastwesthomeisbest!
@jrob64 posted Saying Goodbye and Moving On on Aug 20, a DESPERATELY NEEDED and ABSOLUTELY PERFECT fix-it fic from the Underworld arc. I was again privileged to make artwork for it, and I'm just gonna have to accept that I almost can't make picsets anymore without the aid of @motherkatereloyshipper. For this one, she was again responsible for ghost Milah.
Aug 22, @padfootprongslet posted the Prologue for Like Our Love (Falling Down and Over Again). A Mr. and Mrs. Smith inspired fic, my heart was absolutely SHATTERED in this first ch and I can't wait for more! I was again privileged to make a picset for this with @motherkatereloyshipper coming in the clutch entwining the rings.
On Aug 24, @jonesfandomfanatic posted Stolen From Time. Now complete in three parts, this fic was absolutely BRILLIANT!!! @motherkatereloyshipper made a beautiful video to accompany it.
Our final fic by @wyntereyez will post in the next few days. She’s dealing with a hurricane at the moment, so she’s excused! Artwork by spartanguard. Can't wait! *EDITED* the fic and art are both now posted!!! I melted at Kait’s artwork, and I cackled and melted repeatedly reading the fic!!!! AND I am BEYOND EXCITED that Jamie has more to come in this universe, because I NEEEEEEEEEEEED it!!!!!
That's it everyone! Please enjoy all these FABULOUS fics and artworks and be sure to give the authors and artists all the love they deserve!!!
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kmomof4 · 5 months
A Christmas Surprise: Ch. 4
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It's the 🎶final chapter🎶 (yes, I know I'm really dating myself with those notes, but I don't care. I just have to...) and all the happy endings are here!!! Thank you all so much for reading and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Summary: Elsa Jones enlists her friend Emma Swan to come up with a scheme to surprise her niece Alice Jones when her Papa, Killian, returns from deployment just in time for Christmas.
From the beginning on ao3/ Current ch
Rating G Total Christmas fluff ahead!
Words: Almost 6200 of 18,5K
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Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
The month had flown by, and Killian was due to report back in Boston in less than a week. He wasn’t anywhere near ready to say goodbye to Alice and Emma, even if it was only during the work week. Since Alice was in the middle of the school year in a school she loved, Killian didn’t see the need to bring her to Boston with him when he was planning on being in Storybrooke every weekend anyway. There was no way he was going to stay away from Emma from the first of February to mid April, when he’d finally be separating from the US Navy. 
While January had been a desperately needed respite from his normal duties in the Navy, that didn’t mean he’d been idle. He’d spent every minute he could with Emma, falling more and more in love with her as he did, in between sitting for his licensure exam that he blew out of the water, and pursuing the job opportunity in Storybrooke that looked better and better every day. Nemo had said, even before he’d submitted his résumé, that he didn’t foresee any problems bringing him on, but they were now nearly to the target date Nemo had mentioned for having an offer in hand, if he were to be hired.
Killian was making himself an afternoon snack when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Killian’s heart rate sped up when Nemo spoke on the other end of the line.
“Yes, sir,” he greeted the man that he hoped would be his boss in a few months.
Nemo chuckled and Killian’s hope soared.
“Well, there’s no real reason to beat around the bush,” the older man said. “The job is yours if you want it.”
Killian held the phone away from his mouth for a moment as he silently crowed at the ceiling and raised his fist in the air, before drawing it sharply back down in a ‘YESSSS’ gesture.
“I definitely do, Sir.” There was no need to talk to anyone about the decision. He knew he had Liam and Elsa’s full support to pursue and accept the offer when it came, and he’d had enough discussions with Alice to know that she desperately hoped he’d get the job as well. And Emma’s words on New Year’s Eve were the final green light he needed to accept the proposal.
“Excellent,” Nemo said. “You’ll be leading the department. With your experience in the Navy, I can’t think of anyone better suited to do so.”
Killian was stunned, and had to snap his hanging jaw shut before speaking. “Th- Thank you, Sir,” he stammered. “I’m honored.”
“When is your retirement date? I have it here somewhere…” Killian could hear papers rustling over the line and chuckled.
“April 10th is my last day of duty and the ceremony is on the 11th.”
“Very good. How about you start the following Monday, the 16th?” he asked. “That’ll give you a few days of downtime with your family, and to decompress a bit before we throw you in the deep end.” They both laughed at Nemo’s choice of words.
“Good thing I’m in the Navy, then,” Killian quipped. “I’m used to swimming in deep water.” Nemo laughed good naturedly.
“Did you have any other questions for me that we haven’t already addressed? The official offer will be emailed to you in a few minutes. Just for you to have for your records. Can you come in on Monday to get your paperwork squared away and meet a few folks?”
“Yes, I can, Sir,” he replied. “And I don’t have any questions. The offer is very generous, and I’m excited to be leading the team.”
“It’ll be good to have you, Killian. Come in Monday anytime after ten.”
“I will do that, Sir. Thank you.”
Killian hung up his phone and immediately checked his email. There it was. The employment offer that was going to make all his dreams come true. Killian could have leapt with joy. 
After another fist pump, Killian ran for the stairs to go tell Liam and Elsa. He would have preferred to share the news with Alice and Emma first, but Alice was at dance class for a little while longer and Emma was at her house. There was no way he’d be able to contain his excitement until he could tell them, so he had to go with who was readily available. Liam had come home early for some reason and had immediately gone upstairs without so much as saying hello when Killian passed him on his way to the kitchen. 
He came to a stop outside their bedroom to see Elsa sitting on the end of the bed, her head in her hands, Liam sitting next to her rubbing circles into her back. His excited words died on his lips completely.
Liam looked up at him. His eyes were slightly glazed, and Killian wondered if he really saw him standing there. He looked completely shell shocked, and Elsa’s posture was no better. She rubbed both of her temples, and Killian could just hear low mutterings coming from her mouth.
“Hey, guys,” he said, coming in slowly. “What’s wrong?”
Elsa raised her head, and threw it back laughing. It had a manic quality to it that made Killian even more nervous.
“Your brother,” she began, pointing at Liam who still sat on the bed, his hand on her back.
“M-, ME?!” Liam sputtered.
“Yes, you!”
“Last I checked, babe, it takes two to tango.”
Killian’s confusion suddenly cleared and he moved to the bathroom to see a little white stick sitting on the vanity. PREGNANT showed clearly in the tiny window. Killian had to press his lips together hard to keep from laughing. It may have been a lot of years since he’d had to concern himself with women’s cycles, but it wasn’t rocket science to figure out that his brother and sister-in-law had made fireworks of their own on New Year’s, and this was the result. 
“Congratulations,” Killian said, coming back in the room, smirk planted firmly on his face. He could understand their shock and surprise. Elsa was closing in on forty, and Liam was well past that milemarker. Plus, the twins were thirteen years old, and would be fourteen before their new sibling made their appearance. They obviously needed some time to themselves to come to terms with the hard left turn their lives had just taken. But he still wanted to share his own news with them. “I have some good news of my own, if you’re ready to hear it.”
That got both their attentions. Their countenances cleared and a wide smile broke on Elsa’s face.
“Did you hear from Nemo?” Liam asked.
“I did.”
Elsa let out a loud whoop and launched herself at him. But before she reached him, her hand flew to her mouth and she ran for the bathroom instead. He could hear her retching as he followed his brother who’d rushed after her. Killian stood in the doorway to see Liam hovering, and Elsa waving him away.
“This is all your fault,” she said in between heaves, a petulant whine in her voice. “Get away from me.” She disappeared behind the wall separating the toilet from the rest of the bathroom again; whatever she’d eaten earlier making another appearance. “Congratulations, Killian,” she wheezed when she was done. She made it to her feet, slapping Liam’s hand away as he tried to help her up. “Did you tell us first?” she asked. “It’s almost time to go pick up Alice! She’ll be ecstatic!” Killian turned to go, when Elsa spoke again. “Don’t say anything to the kids about this yet.” She waved her hand around in an aimless gesture. “We’ll make an announcement… sometime. Soon.”
“Just the kids?” Killian asked. 
“Ohhhh,” Elsa said, realization coming over her. “Yeah, go ahead. You can tell Emma.”
Killian smiled at them both and all but ran from the room.
Killian grinned widely when Alice came out of dance class. As soon as she was in her booster in the back seat with her seatbelt on, Killian turned to her.
“So, you want to stay in Storybrooke, Starfish?”
Alice’s eyes got as big as saucers. “Did you get the job at Uncle Liam’s, Papa?”
“I did,” he replied. Alice’s shout was loud enough to burst his ear drums. “He called a little bit before I came to get you. I’ll start on April 16th.”
Alice unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned across the front seat to hug him as tightly as she could in the awkward position.
“I’m so excited, Papa!” she exclaimed. “So what does that mean? What’s going to happen?”
“Just like what we’ve talked about, Starfish,” he reminded her. “I’ll be heading back to Boston on Wednesday night after you go to bed. I’ll be there Thursday and Friday before coming back Friday night to spend the weekend with all of you. Then I’ll be going back to Boston again Sunday night for the whole week, and I’ll be here on the weekends. I’ll do that every week until I retire on April 11th. You’ll be staying here while I’m there, living with Uncle Liam and Aunt Elsa and your cousins, going to school and dance and all the things you normally do.”
“And after you retire, we’ll still live with Uncle Liam and Aunt Elsa?” she asked.
Killian chuckled. “Oh, no. We’ll move into our own home after I retire.” Killian thought about the house Liam had told him about. It was still on the market, but Killian hadn’t wanted to really look at it until he had the offer in hand. And now that he did, he could begin seriously looking for a home that would accommodate him and Alice and perhaps a couple of others, as well. Killian couldn’t keep the smile off his face if he tried.
“Yayyyy!!!” Alice shouted again, bouncing in her seat.
“Now I want to go see Emma and tell her,” Killian said. “Do you want me to take you home or do you want to come with me?”
Alice bounced in her seat again. “Come with! Come with!”
Killian chuckled and turned the car on. “Alright then. Let’s go.”
No sooner had Killian brought the car to a stop in Emma’s driveway than Alice was out like a shot, shouting as she ran for the front door.
“Miss Swan! Henry! Papa got the job! We’re staying in Storybrooke!”
Killian knew his smile was ridiculously wide with how much his cheeks were hurting, but he couldn’t begrudge his daughter being the one to break the news. He caught up to her as she banged on the door, opened moments later by Henry, followed closely by Emma.
“What?” asked Henry, his own smile taking over his face.
“Papa got the job!” Alice repeated. “We’re staying in Storybrooke!”
Emma’s face looked like the sun coming out from behind the clouds after a storm. She ran for him, and he caught her in his arms, spinning her around as she hugged him tightly and showered kisses all over his face. 
Once he put Emma down, Henry and Alice scurried off to his room to play and Emma showed Killian into the living room.
“I’m so happy for you, Killian,” Emma said, sitting down next to him and holding his hand tightly.
“Me, too,” he agreed. “It’s a relief to be sure.” Killian looked her full in the face. “And now that I have the offer in hand, I can start moving forward into this next phase of my life.” He paused and scratched at the spot behind his ear, his eyes skittering away from hers for a moment. He took a deep breath, and met her gaze again, his eyes full of love and hope. “A phase that I hope I’ll have a companion for.”
Emma gasped. They had of course talked about the job and the opportunity it would present for him and Alice, but they’d been careful to steer away from what it might mean for them. But now that the job was certain… 
“Calm down, Swan. I’m not proposing.” Emma hoped she kept the surprise and slight disappointment off of her face, but wasn’t sure she succeeded when he winked at her. Or attempted to, anyway. “You’ll know when I do,” he assured her. Emma giggled. “Anyway,” he continued, “I’ll need to start looking for a house for myself and Alice to move into once I’m here permanently. And I was hoping you might join me in that search.  To help me find a house for all of us. Where we can be a family.” He paused again, giving her a moment to absorb everything he’d already shared. 
“I love you, Emma.”
A gasping sob escaped her and she grabbed him around the neck and pulled him to her until their lips joined in a joyful expression of love, both felt and reciprocated. When air became necessary, she pulled back.
“I love you, too, Killian.”
Killian surged forward and captured her lips with his own, pushing her back on the sofa until she was reclined and every part of her body was fully lined up to his. The passionate kiss they shared was making his head spin, but he knew they couldn’t go any further, not with their children in the next room. Very reluctantly, he pulled back.
“We have to stop, Swan,” he said, “As much as I don’t want to.”
“I know,” she agreed, her own reluctance on full display. 
Killian rolled off of her, tucking himself between her and the back of the sofa. “I just had a thought. What would you think about coming down to Boston the Thursday after Valentine's Day? We could have a nice dinner without fighting all the Valentines’ crowds and you could spend the night?” It was a question, and she knew exactly what he was asking. She had to admit, it was something she’d definitely thought about and he obviously had, too.
“I think that sounds like a fine idea, Captain.” She lifted up slightly and kissed him.
“Then I could take Friday off and we could do some touristy things around town before coming home a bit earlier than I normally would.” Emma smiled in agreement.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you.” 
“You remember what I walked in on on New Year’s?”
Emma’s eyebrows shot up, her cheeks flushing with secondhand embarrassment. “Uh huh.”
“Well, Elsa’s pregnant.”
Emma’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened so much that Killian couldn’t hold back his chuckle.
“Are you kidding me?” She was stunned and couldn’t pretend otherwise.
“Nope,” Killian assured her. “She found out this afternoon. She must have called Liam to come home early. When I came up to tell them about the job, she was…” Killian trailed away, searching for the words. “A bit hysterical? Extremely annoyed? Both? Yes.” He nodded decisively. “Both is good.”
A snort laugh burst out of Emma. “Bless her so much.”
“She said I could tell you, but she doesn’t want to say anything to the kids, just yet.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Emma said, pursing her lips and miming locking them and throwing away the key. “My lips are sealed.”
Killian chuckled. “I can think of another way to keep those lips busy,” he said, eyebrows waggling.
Emma grinned at him. “A method I highly approve of,” she said, before drawing him down into another kiss, celebrating all the news of the day.
The next day was Saturday, and Emma and Elsa were finally enjoying their joint spa day. After the news she’d received the day before, Elsa was especially ready and thankful for it.
Once the ladies were gone, Liam joined Killian in the kitchen where he was just finishing his coffee.
“You ready?”
Killian took his last swallow and got up to put the mug in the sink. “Yep. Let’s go.”
When he had come back home yesterday after giving Emma the news, Killian asked Liam if they could go look at the house he had told him about while the ladies were occupied Saturday morning. Liam’s grin was blinding as he made all the arrangements. 
Now they were pulling up in front of a beautiful Nantucket style three story home. It was sky blue with a huge wraparound front porch and a three story turret anchoring the front facade.
Killian’s jaw hung open slightly as Liam opened the gate of the white picket fence on the edge of the sidewalk and moved toward the steps leading up to the front porch. He couldn’t take his eyes off of it as he followed Liam, almost in a daze.
Once inside, Liam took him through the house, from the basement to the finished third story that would be ideal for an office or a game room when the kids were a little older. Or, and a small smile turned up his lips at the thought, perhaps another bedroom, if needed. But as it was, the house was beautiful, inside and out, with all the room they needed for a growing family. The price was a little higher than he wanted, but it had been on the market, sitting empty, since autumn, so Killian was hopeful the sellers would be willing to come down a bit in order to get it off their hands. 
Killian’s excitement was sending his heart rate into overdrive. This house was perfect in every way, but he needed to get Emma’s input as well. If she was going to be a part of his life going forward and a part of his family in the not-too-distant future, she needed to be on board with whatever home he bought. The ladies would be done with their pampering about one o’clock; maybe he could bring her over afterward to have a look at it. 
“Could I bring Emma back this afternoon when they’re done to have a look?” Killian asked his brother. “I love it. It’s perfect. But I can’t in good conscience make an offer on a place that I would hope will be a home for all of us without getting her opinion first.”
“I completely understand, Brother. And I agree,” Liam said. “Let me let the seller’s agent know, and I’ll give you the key.”
Killian nodded and turned around in a full circle looking at the main floor of the house. He imagined moving into this beautiful home- Emma, Alice, and Henry with him- filling it with love and laughter for a lifetime.
A few hours later, he parked his own car in front of the house and looked at Emma in the passenger seat. Her face was very much like his when he’d seen it for the first time earlier. Killian couldn’t keep the grin off his face if he tried.
“What do you think?”
“It… it’s gorgeous,” she breathed. “Have you…?”
“Swan! No!” he exclaimed, completely shocked she would even ask him that. “I’d never make that kind of decision or make a purchase like this without talking to you first.” He took her hands in his and looked her right in the eyes. “Not if we’re going to have a future together.”
Emma’s heart completely melted. She already knew she loved him, but this was just another confirmation that her heart and soul had found a haven in his. She reached up and pulled him to her in a kiss that he eagerly reciprocated and that quickly turned heated.
“Come on,” he said, pulling away some moments later. “Let me show you the inside.”
Emma followed Killian through the gate and up the front steps. It was the most beautiful house she’d ever seen, the wraparound porch a feature that she’d always wanted in a home. When she’d bought the house she lived in now, her budget didn’t come anywhere close to affording a house with a porch like that. But, she had to try to keep her excitement in check. Killian obviously wanted her honest opinion on the house that he hoped would be a home for all of them, and she couldn’t let her immediate affection for the exterior drive that opinion. The house would have to meet certain thresholds in order to be something they could all live in for many years to come.
And as Killian took her through the house, it became quite obvious that it met every single one of those thresholds. A wide open floor plan and tall ceilings weren’t necessary, but were very welcome additions to the generous square footage, ample storage, kitchen and bath upgrades that thrilled Emma to no end, large bedrooms and even enough room for any future children they might have.
Emma looked at Killian, a soft smile on her face as she imagined moving into this beautiful home with Killian, Henry, and Alice by her side. It was everything she could have hoped and dreamed of.
“So what do you think, Swan?” Killian asked, love and hope in his eyes.
“I love it, Killian,” she said sincerely. She stepped toward him and took his hands in hers, her gaze meeting his. “I can see us, all of us, living here for many, many years. Many happy years.”
The relieved grin on Killian’s face, made her own smile bloom before she drew him into another kiss. When they separated, Killian wrapped his arms around her as they both turned and looked out the back window to the large backyard where the kids would no doubt spend many hours playing.
“I didn’t even ask,” Emma began. “What are they asking for this place?”
“It’s a little more than I can afford,” Killian said, “but it’s been sitting empty for four months, so I’m hoping they’ll be a little more motivated to come down on their asking price.”
“With my income, you could probably afford it,” she suggested.
“Yes, but we’re not married yet, and that will create all kinds of complications that we really don’t need to deal with right now,” he explained, kissing her on the tip of her nose.
“Hmmm, yes, that’s true,” she agreed, smiling at the tender gesture.
“I’ll talk to Liam, make them an offer, and see what they say,” he continued. “Wouldn’t it be great if we could have this squared away before I go back to Boston?” The hope in his eyes made her smile and matched the joy in her own.
“Yes, it really would.”
Retirement day had finally arrived. His last two months, one week, and two days of duty were over and all that was left now was the ceremony that would signify his official separation from the United States Navy. He couldn’t believe how quickly the time had gone. Living it day to day, he didn’t think this day would ever get here, but looking back, the time really had flown by.
The offer he’d given Liam for the house back at the end of January had been eagerly accepted by the sellers, even at significantly below their asking price. His offer wasn’t unfair, but he’d fully expected them to counter, and when they didn’t, he was stunned. They’d closed on the house on Saturday just a couple of weeks ago, to accommodate Killian’s work schedule, and he and Emma had been busy both weekends since, moving boxes and some furniture into it, so they’d be able to fully move in tomorrow. The movers would be collecting the rest of his and Alice’s furniture in Boston tomorrow and bringing it all to Storybrooke. He hoped to be fully moved in and unpacked before he started at Storybrooke Real Estate on Monday.
After Emma visited him in Boston in February, they figured it was time for him to meet her parents. Mary Margaret Swan had immediately welcomed him into their family with open arms. It took just a little longer to win David over, but now the bromance between him and David flourished after Killian assured him of the honor of his intentions.
He peeked through the curtain to see all his loved ones arriving en masse and making their way to the front of the room. As the family members of the retiree, they had reserved seating. Seeing Emma there surrounded by his family and hers, sudden inspiration hit him. There was only one thing missing that would make this day truly perfect. When she spotted him looking at her through the curtain, he signaled her to join him. She turned to her mother for a moment and then started toward the podium and backdrop.
Emma came around the edge of the curtain where Killian waited for her to join him before gathering her into his arms and planting a kiss on her lips that wasn’t nearly enough, but would have to be, given their present location.
“Emma,” he said, sinking down on one knee, “I know you probably didn’t expect this today, but when I saw you come into the room, all I could think of was that I wanted you by my side today as my fiancée, not my girlfriend.” He pulled a small, black velvet box out of his dress blues pocket. Emma gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. “These last four months since we met have been the best of my life. I love you more than words can express, more than I ever believed possible. Would you make me the happiest man alive and consent to be my wife?”
Emma’s eyes were filled with tears and she could barely see straight to nod and hold her hand out for him to put the beautiful round diamond solitaire on her finger. She knelt in front of him, taking his face in her hands. The tears escaped her eyelids and rolled down her cheeks as she pulled him to her and kissed him with all the love in her heart.
When they pulled back, she touched her forehead to his, tears still streaking down her face.
“I love you, Killian,” she whispered. “And yes, I want nothing more than to be by your side today as your fiancée.” They were both quiet for a moment, just enjoying the love between them. “I should probably go back out there. They’ll be wondering what’s going on.”
Killian chuckled. “Don’t say anything. Let’s see if anyone notices. If they don’t, we’ll announce it at the reception.”
Emma smiled her agreement. They got to their feet, and Emma moved around the curtain to go back to her seat. Killian peeked through the drape again and saw her sit down on the front row, Elsa on one side of her, Mary Margaret on the other. Killian grinned and pulled back from the drape only to hear twin squeals from the other side of the curtain. He moved back, a wide grin spreading on his face as he saw his fiancée showing off her ring to her best friend and mother.
It was going to be quite a party this afternoon, and he couldn’t wait.
Emma sat before the vanity on her wedding day, watching as her mother gathered her hair into an elegant bun at the nape of her neck and tucked the comb holding her veil underneath.
Everything was ready for her to join her life with the love of her life, Killian Jones.
She rose from her stool and turned to face her mother, best friend, and daughter.
“Oh, Mama,” Alice breathed. “You look so beautiful.”
Emma smiled at the child, her heart swelling with love for her. Once school let out last May, Emma and Killian had both initiated adoption proceedings for Alice and Henry, with Emma’s adoption of Alice going through in August and Killian’s adoption of Henry finalizing just last month due to residency requirements.
“Thank you, baby,” Emma said, opening her arms for her hug. She felt the tears fill her eyes as she looked at her mom and Elsa. Elsa’s own eyes glistened with tears as well. She was radiant in the ice blue gown she wore. You couldn’t even tell that she’d given birth three months ago to a daughter, Lila Emily Rose. 
When they first talked about dates for the wedding, Killian had suggested August, thinking that would be plenty of time for the planning, but Elsa, Mary Margaret, and Emma herself had loudly protested that it wasn’t nearly enough time. Plus there was the fact that Elsa didn’t want to be walking down the aisle as Matron of Honor nine months pregnant. And so December 15th was chosen, one year to the day since their meeting.
“You look so beautiful, too.” She stepped back, holding Alice’s hands, then releasing one as Alice spun a perfect pirouette under her arm, the skirt of her dress, a smaller version of Elsa’s, flaring out before settling back around her ankles.
“Your father is gonna cry,” Mary Margaret said, completing the teary eyed trio. “We’re so happy this day has finally come. You’re marrying Killian, joining together to create a new family.” Mary Margaret sniffed, and Elsa handed her a handkerchief. 
“One year ago today, I saw something that I’d despaired of ever seeing- my brother-in-law, Killian Jones, noticing a woman,” Elsa said, her smile nostalgic as she remembered Emma and Killian’s first meeting. “He’d been alone for six years, but he was smitten with you from that very first moment, and my heart rejoiced. And now here you are, a year later, about to join your lives together, forever.” Mary Margaret handed the handkerchief back to Elsa when a tear escaped and ran down her face. Emma chuckled and then wiped away her own tears. 
Outside the room, they could hear the organ beginning to play Sheep May Safely Graze, the last piece before Mary Margaret was to be seated. They moved from the Bride’s Room to the vestibule, where Emma’s dad, Liam, and Henry waited for them.
Elsa and her mother took their places on either side of Liam, and Alice took Henry’s arm, making Emma’s eyes fill with tears yet again. Henry was growing up much too fast. Holding his arm out to his best friend and now sister, just like a little gentleman, made her realize just how quickly time passed. She shouldn’t be able to see glimpses of the man he would one day become, not yet. She looked at her loved ones, meeting their eyes in turn, accepting the love and joy they all had for her on this special day. Having them all here on the happiest day of her life- loving and supporting her, loving and supporting them- made the day perfect. In every way.
“I’ve waited for this day for years,” David whispered. “In the sense that I hoped you’d one day find someone to love. Someone to love you and Henry the way you deserve. Someone to walk beside you through all the ups and downs of life. Killian is everything a father could want for his daughter and I cannot be happier.” The smile on his face was happy and sad at the same time, and Emma could no longer hold back her tears. She moved toward him, hugging him tightly, his hand coming up to cradle the back of her head.
“Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
Emma pulled back and took a deep breath, accepting the now ruined handkerchief from Elsa to dab at her own eyes. Pachebel’s Canon in D was beginning, and Liam led Mary Margaret from the vestibule into the sanctuary. She carried two tall taper candles that she’d place on either side of the Unity candle Emma and Killian would light toward the end of the ceremony. In the absence of Killian’s own mother, he’d asked her if she would step in and fill the role.
Only a few minutes later, Liam and Elsa walked down the aisle, followed by Henry and Alice.
Emma felt David turn toward her, so she raised her eyes to meet his. Tears glistened in them and his smile trembled slightly at the corners.
“This is the… third best day of my life,” he said. “First was marrying your mother. Second was the day of your birth. And now today.”
Emma had nothing to say, so she simply rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. 
“Are you ready to give me away, Daddy?”
David nodded. “Let's go.”
The doors to the sanctuary opened as the opening bars of the Trumpet Voluntary began to play. She and David entered, and her eyes immediately landed on Killian. He wore his Navy Captain dress blue uniform, and Emma caught her breath at how handsome he was. 
She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as they continued moving forward. He beamed as he watched her, his smile lighting up his eyes and his entire face with profound love and unspeakable joy.
When they reached Killian and Liam, the four of them faced the vicar. 
“Welcome everyone, to the wedding of Emma Swan and Killian Jones,” he began, addressing the small congregation. He turned his eyes upon David. “Who gives this woman in marriage?”
“Her mother and I do,” David answered. He turned to Emma and placed a tender kiss on her cheek before turning to Killian and placing Emma’s hand in his. With a nod and smile of approval and affection, David turned and took his place next to Mary Margaret to watch the rest of the ceremony. 
Emma, Killian, Elsa, and Liam followed the vicar up the steps to the stage before he turned to them and began the ceremony.
Killian couldn’t take his eyes off of his bride. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, period, but today, she was literally breathtaking. She wore a simple gown in a slimline style with a sleeveless deep v-neck wrapped bodice with a satin skirt. Her hair was pulled back into a soft bun, her veil trailing down from the bun almost to the floor. He’d never beheld a more exquisite sight. He missed what all the vicar was saying, simply soaking in the vision that was his almost wife, until he announced it was time for the vows.
“Emma Swan,” he breathed. “I think I may have fallen in love with you on the very day we met. I knew that day my life was about to change for the better, and that sentiment has been proven correct many, many times over. You’ve made my life complete, Emma. I can’t imagine loving you more than I do right now, although I know I will as we walk through life together, because my love for you has grown every single day already. This day do I pledge thee my troth, to share everything in life, the good and the bad. No matter what the future holds, I want you to be certain that I will always, always be by your side. I love you, Emma.”
A hiccupping sob escaped Emma’s lips as she prepared to share her own vows.
“Killian, the day I met you, I had a feeling that there were many wonderful things to come. To look forward to, having you in my life. And it was hardly any time at all before I knew that I loved you and wanted to spend my life with you. Killian, you are the best man I know and I love you deeply. Truly. This day, in the sight of God and our dearly loved friends and family, I promise to love you. To honor you, respect you, cherish you. Walking through life together, the ups and the downs, will be a great adventure with you by my side. Until death do us part.”
Killian swallowed heavily. “And I promise to love, honor, respect, and cherish you, Emma, until death do us part.”
Once the vows were spoken, they exchanged rings, solid white gold bands, the vicar speaking a blessing over the rings. As they moved to light the Unity candle, the vicar read from the Book of Ruth, the passage speaking of never leaving the other, as long as they both shall live.
They returned to the vicar at the foot of the stage where he proudly proclaimed, “Killian, you may kiss your bride!”
Killian grinned, his eyebrows waggling as he took Emma in his arms and dipped her back before joining his lips to hers. The congregation around them erupted into shouts and cheers, but they were oblivious to all of it, simply soaking in the love they had for one another as their lips moved together. 
Long moments later, he finally raised them back up and they turned toward all their loved ones as the vicar announced them.
“Presenting Captain and Mrs. Killian Jones!”
The congregation again erupted in cheers as Emma and Killian proceeded back down the aisle, followed by Liam and Elsa, then Henry and Alice.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End
Thank you for reading and sharing! I'd love to know what you think! Merry Christmas!!!
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sssammich · 7 months
hello i wrote some fics
my writing shenanigans. links default to ao3 for most of them, with some tumblr posts sprinkled in (like, if i haven't gotten around to posting on ao3, for example).
supergirl: not for nothing, 4/4 complete. kara/lena. lena finds out kara is supergirl, they have a fall out, and then kara loses her powers indefinitely.
one way or another, oneshot, complete. kara/lena; kara and lena meet on the subway
evergreen, oneshot, complete. kara/lena; lena meets kara later in life
snapshots of superreigncorp, ongoing. kara/lena/sam; in collaboration with chaoticsuper; all three women go on a date
sam's supercorptober 2023 entries, 7/7 complete. kara/lena; for supercorptober 2023
tumblr post roundup crepe AU: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 day 19: hazy, day 22: art, day 24: enchanted, day 30: magic
collateral; ongoing. kara/lena, kara/andrea, lena/jack; kara is in love with lena, lena got married to jack, and andrea somehow clocks kara's feelings from the jump. then, you know, life happens.
samfic: collateral (main tag); part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
samficlet: in pursuit of calm. oneshot. lena/kelly; kelly is in town and back from her deployment. lena processes. (tumblr post)
you've got mail; oneshot, complete. kara/lena; lena and kara are neighbors and someone's mail gets delivered to the wrong apartment NSFW
come what may. 3/3 complete. kara/lena; post-rift healing times or something like that. there's dancing. part 1 | part 2 (tumblr post)
let there be another day: oneshot, complete. kara/lena; 6 months after lena breaks up with kara to keep her safe. (tumblr post)
there's a human in the storeroom; ongoing. kara/lena and lena's friendgroup shenanigans; in collaboration with sideguitars. fae!au, basically. post 1 | post 2 (tumblr post)
samficlet: soak up the warmth. oneshot. kara/lena. lena luthor and her sad yet hopeful introspective vibes while kara is in the phantom zone (tumblr post)
bumbleby: homecoming; 3/3 complete. blake/yang. blake and yang reunite after ten years.
heart's devastation; oneshot, complete. 4+1 airport fic
swan queen: it ends or it doesn't; 3/3 complete. emma/regina. emma and regina drive to new york to retrieve henry's passport. and then truths are revealed.
rituals; ongoing. emma/regina. emma stays at regina's house for a time and a breakfast routine is established ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3
a change of scenery; oneshot. complete. emma/regina. emma gets a haircut
feel free to send me prompts, but i make no promises only so that i don't let you down lol but if it strikes my fancy, i usually try to fill it! thanks in advance for those.
link to my other fics (of which there are plenty and span many years and random fandoms, if you so wished to explore.)
thanks again x
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drvcxrys · 7 months
hello guys! i'm going to post this starter call and also a plot call for the event. feel free to ask the starters that you like or just like to plot, for the starter call, there is no cap. i'm going to put under this read more who is there willingly and who is there not and also the ones that are open for death has an asterisk so you can see <3
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willingly went in:
alice cullen
edward cullen (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore) kaiden (monster: werewolf)carlisle cullen (monster: masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask)laurent da revin (monster: minotaur) kate denali (characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.)
*anna of arendelle
*betty cooper
*beverly marsh
*buffy summer
*caitlin snow
*caroline forbes
enzo st. john (though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress)
emma swan
patia por´co (monster: masked murderer wearing the ghostface mask) killian jones (monster: giant spiders)
*hermione granger
hagrid (though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress) harvey hufflepuff (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around) james potter (monster: a hoard of geese)
*hope mikaelson
rebekah mikaelson (monster: living scarecrow) klaus mikaelson (characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.) josie saltzman (monster: skeletons)
*isabelle lightwood
max lightwood (monster: ghosts) leia organa (monster: skeletons)
jill roberts
tatum riley (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.) stu macher (characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.)
kara danvers
lexie grey (characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in) alex danvers (monster: living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.)
korra (characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.)
lila pitts
diego hargreeves (monster: a swarm of bats)
*lissa dragomir
isaac lahey (monster: ghosts)
*nancy wheeler
rapunzel corona
*samanha carpenter
kirby reed (monster: gelatinous cube) billy loomis (monster: masked murderer wearing the ghostface mask) feng xing (monster: stormtroopers)
sara lance
sheila hammond
kevin snipe (monster: minotaur)bloo regard (monster: a rat with a gun)marco del rossi (monster: murderous clown)
usagi tsukino
madoka kaname (characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.)
wednesday addams
dragged in:
*annabeth chase
*annie cresta
*bianca di angelo
bree tanner
choi nam ra
*daenerys targaryen
drogon (monster: dementors) aelin (the husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in)
daphne bridgerton
eloise bridgerton (monster: a rat with a gun) edmun bridgerton (monster: living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.)
*effy stonem
*elizabeth midford
*hanna marin
heidi volturi
yoon chi woo (monster: a hoard of geese) victoria sutherland (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore)
intouch chatpokin
*jean grey
jessica riley
malia tate
peter hale (the area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. characters are aware of this when they enter the space)
team siriyothin (characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour)
*mary stuart
lola fleming narcisse (characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud)
*melinda halliwell
piper halliwell (monster: living scarecrow)
myrcella baratheon
*narcissa black
rabastan lestrange (monster: skeletons) lily evans (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore)
*rhaena targaryen
lucerys valeryon (monster: a rat with a gun)
sharon carter
daisy johnson (characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them) peggy carter (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.)
*victoire weasley
fred weasley (monster: minotaur) fleur delacour (characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark) teddy lupin (monster: dementors)
win wanichakarnjonkul
*yelena belova
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myfearless-love · 3 months
Swan of the Lake Ch. 11 - Lacuna
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While searching for her past filled with mysteries and legends, Emma Nolan loses her present in an unfortunate accident. The man rushing to save her is no prince charming, and he must realize soon enough that the girl, who has no idea who she is, awakens instincts and desires in him that he had long since buried deep within his soul. But who exactly is she? What if her memories come back? Will she remember anything at all?
Words: 3.7k
Read on: AO3 or FF.net
Buy me a coffee if you like :)
prologue II ch. 1 II ch. 2 II ch. 3 II ch. 4 II ch. 5 II ch.6 II ch.7 II ch.8 II ch.9 II ch. 10
Chapter 11: Lacuna
Killian shoots a surprised glance at Swan, utterly clueless about what's racing through her mind at that moment. Before he can decipher it, she shuts her eyes, and her face becomes a canvas drained of color. In a heartbeat, he darts towards her, cradling her in his arms just as she threatens to make a less-than-graceful return to the icy stage. Scooping her gently into his arms, he pulls her close.
"Well, I tend to have this effect on women," quips the dark-blond guy with a mischievous grin.
Killian shoots him a look that could chill a cup of espresso and signals for the dimmer switch on the charm offensive. The girl in the black hat takes a subtle jab at the man, successfully dialing down the wattage on his smile.
"Is she okay?" Concerned, the lass – Lily, or was it? – questions, prompting Killian's sarcasm to make an entrance.
"Does she look like she's okay?" he retorts with a raised eyebrow.
Suppressing the urge to unleash a kraken of irritation on the unwitting duo, Killian reluctantly acknowledges that they aren't to blame for knowing Swan. He really shouldn't harbor resentment towards them. Still, annoyance simmers within him like a pot of overzealous soup, threatening to boil over. As he looks at her, who's blissfully unaware of the turmoil within him, he contemplates the unexpected turn of events.
"Swan," he murmurs gently, but she remains unresponsive. Are her memories resurfacing, threatening to erase the Swan he knows when she opens her eyes? And why does the prospect sting with an unexpected, piercing pain? Killian sighs and turns to the duo, reigning in his irritation for the sake of friendliness. "You two seem to know her," he observes, prompting bewildered glances and a subtle nod from the man.
Tagging some folks who might be interested:
@anmylica @elfiola @zaharadessert @gingerchangeling @undercaffinatednightmare @jrob64 @teamhook @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @mie779 @winterbaby89 @tiganasummertree @stahlop @rylieblu @ultraluckycatnd @eddisfargo @booksteaandtoomuchtv @laianely @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @beckettj @whimsicallyenchantedrose @captainswan-kellie
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anmylica · 2 months
Writing Patterns
Tagged by @iamstartraveller776 (by way of the addition that requested anyone do it that wanted to, and I was curious.)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there is a pattern!
(I didn’t have 10 posted fics yet so I did the ones I have plus 2 that are coming pretty soon. I also chose to do the most recent chapters on fics that aren’t completed yet.)
1. Delayed for a While- OUAT CS
Emma and Killian walked out of the Storybrooke Town Hall, both calling out their goodbyes to their friends and waving as they walked away from the crowd that had gathered to help awaken Snow White and Prince Charming from the Evil Queen’s latest sleeping curse.
2. Something About December (Throw a Wrench In Your Plans)- OUAT CS
David tried really, really hard not to disturb his sister before 9:30 in the morning on her days off (and let’s be honest, he tried not to disturb her before he had to on days she wasn’t off anyway), as Emma “Swan” Nolan wasn’t a morning person in any interpretation of the word.
3. The City of Lights- OUAT CS
Killian Jones opened the door of his apartment to the sound of his girlfriend, Emma “Swan” Nolan, quoting Steel Magnolias verbatim as the television blared in the background.
4. The Fields of Asphodel- OUAT CS CH. 9
Here’s the thing:  Neal knew not to trust his grandfather.
5. Like Slow Spinning Redemption- OUAT CS
Liam Jones’ day consisted of restocking the bar and wiping down surfaces, the same old monotonous routine that he had followed since he had been sentenced upon his death and subsequent arrival in the Underworld.
6. Take Me Out (After the Ball Game)- OUAT CS
Emma rolled her eyes as she tried to hide that she was checking a text from her brother during the meeting with the mayor of Boston bugging her about going to a Red Sox game with him and Mary Margaret, his wife.
7. Season II- OUAT CS CH 6
Sorry?!  She was sorry?!  She didn’t know the meaning of the word, but Hook decided that he would delight in showing her how sorry she could be once he was through with her. 
(The first line was just one word so I gave more to go with it!)
8. Fly With The Black Swan- OUAT CS CH
Their arrival in the tiny port town came late at night.
9. A Little Glimpse of Heaven- OUAT CS CH 4 (not published yet, but coming soon once I finish edits!)
Neal sat motionless as the screen in front of him went black.
10. Romancing Mister Jones- OUAT CS (not published yet but hopefully soon!)
Dearest Gentle Reader,
It is rather remarkable the kind of popularity Miss Milah Smith has managed to cumulate during her brief time in London’s social season this year.
No, I definitely don’t have a pattern.😆
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hookedonapirate · 1 year
Lady Cassidy's Lover
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Summary: 1919 England, Emma Cassidy, wife of a baronet, finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage after the war leaves her husband, Neal, paralyzed from the waist down and unable to produce an heir.
Despite the obstacles, she sticks by her husband's side at Goldby Hall, his family's estate, but when she meets former army lieutenant and Neal's aloof gamekeeper, Killian Jones, she feels curiously drawn to his distant blue eyes and quiet demeanor.
At first, she seeks him out for reprieve from her soulless, mundane existence at Goldby Hall, but what starts out as purely physical quickly turns into more than either of them expects.
But Emma is a baronetess, wife of an aristocrat and Killian is a working class servant. Their love affair is frowned upon, and she risks losing her title, her wealth and her position in the world by being with him. But she is determined to get her happy ending with the man she loves. Even if it means losing everything else in the process.
A/N: Despite Emma's last name and marriage to Neal, this NOT a swanfire fic! This definitely ends with Captain Swan so if you're expecting swanfire, this is not for you.
This is the Lady Chatterley's Lover au no one asked for. I had never read the novel but when I watched the newest movie adaptation (there are 4 that I know of), I simply had to write this for CS even though I already have a mountain of wips in my doc. This fic will mostly be following the 1981 and 2022 versions. If you haven't watched the 2022 version, I highly recommend it, if no other reason than to watch Jack O'Connell.
This fic deals with mature themes (some of which the book was banned for back when it was written), adultery, postwar, language, smut.
Hope you enjoy!
Catch up: Ch 1 I Ch 2 I Ch 3 I Ch 4 I Ch 5 I Ch 6 I Ch 7 I Ch 8 I Ch 9 I Ch 10 I Ch 11 I Ch 12 I Epilogue
We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen—D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover
Chapter One
Emma releases a heavy sigh as she slumps down onto the sofa, relieved the ceremony is over with. If only the day were done too, so she wouldn't have to be subjected to dancing and all the other useless traditions of a wedding reception. Now she has to listen to dreadful toasts and her and Neal's family drone on about how perfect she and her new doting husband are together.
"So, how does it feel?" One by one, her sister, Mary Margaret unbuckles Emma's shoes and pulls them off her tired feet.
Emma shakes her head. "I don't know. Ask me tomorrow." Perhaps then she'll feel differently about exchanging vows with a man she barely knows.
She and Neal had met and courted shortly before he was shipped off to war, and during his leave, he had confessed he'd hated being without her and asked her to marry him. She had said yes and they were quick to get married before he returns to the front. Their fathers may have had a hand in rushing things along as well. Britain declared war with Germany three years ago, heightening Sir Rumpelstiltskin's long-held desire to see his only son marry and produce heirs to their fortune.
Emma's father, Sir Leopold, wants her to have a stable husband, and who better than a man with a hereditary rank and title? She and Mary Margaret were raised in Kensington by Sir Leopold, a royal academician and their mother, Eva, a well-educated socialist, and had what one might call an aesthetically unorthodox childhood. They had been taken to Paris, Florence and Rome to breathe in art, and to the Hague and Berlin for socialist conventions where the speakers spoke in every civilized tongue.
Emma comes from wealth and Neal from aristocracy, so some could say it's the perfect match, except for the fact she has not known him long enough to truly love him. But from her perspective, this marriage is the perfect arrangement. The perfect way to get her father off her back about finding a suitable husband like her sister's. Furthermore, she does not have to worry about getting hurt by someone she does not love. She has experienced what it's like to lose someone she loves. She lost her mother ten years ago to illness and had to witness her father almost become a shell of a man without her. Emma made up her mind long ago she would never give her heart to a man. She would never submit to him emotionally.
She has been with men before, of course, but none she had loved.
A man is like a child, and if he doesn't get what he wants, he whines and fusses, exposing an unpleasant side of himself. But a woman can yield to a man without yielding her inner, free self. A woman can take a man without truly giving herself away. Certainly, she can take him without giving herself into his power. Rather, she can wield the power over him.
"You need to eat something."
"I need to get out of this dress first." She doesn't quite care for the high-waisted empire line, the tiered skirt made of dreadful lace or the sleeves that fall to her elbows. It reminds her of a tablecloth rather than a dress. Don't get her started on the extravagantly large bouquet of flowers that nearly touched the ground when she held it. And she'd tossed away the Juliet veil as soon as she had returned to the bridal suite.
Mary Margaret agrees as she takes her hand and pulls her up, helping Emma out of her wedding gown and into a simpler dress for the reception.
"How do I look?" Emma asks once she's in it, twirling around in the green dress to give her sister the full effect.
Mary Margaret smirks. "Well, I doubt Neal will want to stay long at the reception."
Emma's cheeks warm as she stands in front of the mirror and removes her earrings, replacing them with emerald ones that will match her dress. She and Neal have not even had sex yet, so tonight will be their first time. "You don't think his mother would've approved?" Neal's mother was the daughter of a viscount before she died.
"Well, I'm not entirely sure I do."
Emma rolls her eyes at her sister as she recoats her lips in red lipstick. "Are we talking about the dress...or the wedding?" Not everyone can find their prince charming as she did. Mary Margaret's marriage to David was definitely not forced or rushed. They are true love, as she always likes to boast. "We had to marry quickly before he returns to the front in the morning."
"Yes, but couldn't you have just had sex with him instead of marrying him?"
Emma laughs. "Mary Margaret! Be serious." She studies herself in the mirror, turning and running her hand over her dress, deciding to leave her blonde hair braided into a crown atop her head. She looks like herself, but somehow different now that she's married. She had honestly never thought this day would come.
"I am. It's much less commitment, and it's all Neal will want anyway."
"Neal's not like that. He's kind and thoughtful. He makes me feel safe."
"You mean safe from getting hurt?"
Emma looks up to see Mary Margaret's reflection in the mirror as the brunette narrows her eyes. But Emma knows she can't lie to her sister. Mary Margaret would see right through her. Emma stands and turns around to face her. "Precisely."
Mary Margaret places her hands on Emma's shoulders. "See, that's just it. If you never open that heart of yours up to anyone, you'll grow old and gray without ever experiencing the wonderful things life has to offer."
"I do experience the wonderful things life has to offer." Not that sex is really that wonderful. It has always been merely a way to let off some steam.
Mary Margaret tilts her head. "I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about love."
The clearing of a throat interrupts their conversation when Neal steps into the room with a tray of three wine glasses. "I brought reinforcements."
The two women blush when they realize he must have heard the tail end of their conversation.
Mary Margaret goes over to Neal and grabs one of the glasses, taking a sip. "You read my mind."
"I nearly drank yours on the way up," he tells her, chuckling as he hands one to Emma and takes the other one for himself. Setting down the tray, he clinks his and Emma's glasses together. "Cheers."
"Cheers." Emma smiles at her new husband and takes a sip.
"Our fathers are preparing their toasts."
Emma groans, not looking forward to going downstairs. "Can we face them together?"
"Of course." He smiles at her, and she has to admit, Neal is not the worst man she could've chosen for a husband. He's handsome and charming, his eyes crinkling at the corners when he smiles. She can tell he cares for her. "You look beautiful, Ems."
She offers a smile in return. "Thanks."
After they finish their wine, she takes his offered hand, allowing him to lead her downstairs, where their fathers give speeches and announce their hope for a new heir to Goldby.
Two years later
Dearest Mary Margaret,
I knew the war would change us all, I just didn't know how much. It feels as though it ended half a lifetime ago, not half a year. Neal and I have already moved away from London, and we've just arrived at Goldby, his family estate. Once we get settled in, I expect to write to you often.
Your loving sister,
Lady Cassidy gazes vacantly through the window as the motor-car winds through the park of oak trees. The sky is about as gray and murky as the future, for who knows what tragedies it may hold. Clouds of smoke rise from the chimney of the pit in the distance where Misthaven village struggles to stay afloat beyond the park gates.
The car pulls up in front of the eighteenth century home made of brown stone that sits on the top of a knoll, overlooking the park. This is her new home in the smoky Midlands where she and Neal will finally begin their married life at Goldby Hall, the family seat. His father had died of heart failure, and Neal is now baronet. But he claims his father died of chagrin since he and Emma are without a child. And they most likely will be childless forever. Not only did they never get the chance to consummate their marriage the night of their honeymoon since she had been too exhausted and he had been too anxious about returning to war, they never will.
The chauffeur opens Emma's car door and grabs her luggage.
"Thank you." She steps out, taking in her new home. This place is nothing like her childhood house in London. Goldby certainly needs a lot of work.
The housekeeper, Mrs. Potts, who worked for Rumpelstiltskin, approaches with her husband to greet them. "Welcome, Sir Neal. We've been praying for you."
Mr. Potts helps him out of the car, picking him up and placing him into his wheelchair. An explosion during the war left Neal paralyzed from the waist down, and the doctor said he may never be able to walk again.
Emma tries not to think about that, however. She tries not to think about how she may never get pregnant or be able to give birth to a child as long as she's with Neal. She will never get to raise children or watch them grow up and run around the park at Goldby. She can't think of herself anymore though. She is married to a baronet, whom she vowed to have and to hold, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health until they are parted by death. After he returned from war, he told her he could never lose her, and she promised he never would.
She will spend the rest of her life keeping that promise.
"Mr. and Mrs. Potts, this is my wife, the new Lady Cassidy."
Mrs. Potts turns around to greet her with a curtsy. "It's so nice to meet you, milady."
Emma smiles, bows her head and steps toward her. "Nice to meet you."
Neal wheels himself over to his wife, and the four of them avert their attention to the worn-looking house towering over them. "There's plenty of work to be done," Neal comments. "Hire back all the workers we can, Mrs. Potts. Old girl's seen better days."
Emma places a hand on the back of his chair and tries to be optimistic. "We'll bring her back to life."
"Killian Jones." Sir Neal looks up from the application in his hand from where he sits at the other side of the desk. "You, uh, worked for my father before the war?"
"Aye, sir. For two years." When he returned, he heard Rumpelstiltskin had passed and that Neal would be taking over and hiring new staff.
"And you were an army lieutenant?"
Killian nods. "I was very sorry to hear about your father. My condolences, sir." He wishes he could say Sir Rumpelstiltskin was a good man, but that would be a lie. He was ridiculous, chopping down trees in the forest and weeding men out of his colliery to shove them into the war while he, himself, was a coward who stayed safe at home and buried his country in heaps of debt while claiming to be patriotic.
"Thank you." Neal looks at him skeptically. "Do you honestly believe returning to gamekeeping will be satisfying after your time as an officer?"
Killian shrugs, his fingers drumming along his wool cap. If he could, he would leave. Every night, he dreams of escaping to a new place where a new voice says his name with warmth, where eyes filled with love look at him instead of ones filled with hatred and betrayal, where he is not dismissed. There is no freedom here, there never will be. Milah doesn't love him, but nevertheless she holds him close. One more possession.
"Bit of quiet would do me good. I've seen enough of what war does to men." Not only had he seen men brutally die in battle, but his brother had been one of them. Every day, he tries to push away the horrific images that have plagued him since the war. Every day he tries to forget. About the war, about her. Being a gamekeeper, tending to the animals, breeding them, enjoying the quiet of the forest while protecting it will be therapeutic for him.
"Hmm. As have I." Sir Neal has learned firsthand what war can do to men. He himself was paralyzed from the waist down.
Rumors about his injury had spread before Neal came to Goldby.
Neal sets the application down and joins his hands on the desk. "Very well then. Welcome back, Mr. Jones."
"Thank you, Sir." Killian turns around and heads out of Neal's study, moving past the long line of men seeking employment. He was lucky the baronet had hired him so quickly, and he is grateful. Killian receives a monthly war pension, but since he and Milah are still legally married, she's entitled to half of it. So now he is stuck in Misthaven, barely skimming by to make ends meet while Milah prances around with various menfolk of the village, spending the money he had earned by going to battle and risking his life.
Now he spends restless, lonely nights in his cottage, thinking about his brother and the war and everyone else he has lost.
But at least he has Jolly to keep him company.
He returns home to his cottage, where she's waiting for him at the door. His lips crack into a big smile when he sees her. "There's my good lass." He kneels down to ruffle a hand through her fur as she yaps, wagging her tail excitedly.
She truly is a good dog and the best companion he could hope for. She's loyal and trustworthy and always appreciates his affections, unlike his wife who betrayed him to be with other men.
After everything that's happened, Jolly is the one good thing in his life.
All he has left.
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eddisfargo · 1 year
Not a Day Will Go By (12/?)
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After a bunch of time not being able to write, I suddenly knocked out like 2K words in a day. Still reeling!
Thanks as always to @motherkatereloyshipper for beta-ing and for the BEAUTIFUL banner, and this time both for saving the ending of this chapter AND for the line I stole directly from one of her comments!
And thanks to YOU for sticking with me, despite my somewhat irregular update schedule!
AO3 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12
Tagging: @undercaffinatednightmarere, @jrob644, @kmomof4, @winterbaby89, @mie779, @elfiola, @tiganasummertree, @anmylica, @booksteaandtoomuchtv
Fic summary: Captain Hook wakes up in a strange bed, next to a woman he does not remember. He finds nothing particularly unusual about this situation. But the woman seems to know him very well.
In Storybrooke, there's only one surefire way to get back a lost memory. And it's not going to work until he loves her.
Chapter summary: Well, he can't just stand here like an idiot. Something's got to be done.
The volume of the argument in the back of the shop had dropped enough that this time, when the bell rang, it broke off entirely. 
The woman who’d intentionally hidden the truth from him, the woman who called herself his wife, walked into the store. “Hello?” she called. 
This had not, of course, not been meant for Hook. She didn’t seem to have spotted him behind a shelf full of detritus. But he would have found himself disinclined to acknowledge the greeting even if it had been.
Footsteps entered the room. From his vantage, Hook could only see Regina’s legs. Garbed in her strange trousers, she strode in just as if she were wearing one of the elaborate gowns in which he was used to seeing her. 
Then… more footsteps. Less hurried, more measured. And the Crocodile was in the room with him. Hook felt cold, and then hot. He cast his eyes about as if there would be a weapon right here in the room that was capable of killing an immortal. If such a thing were anywhere, it seemed likely to be here – in this room of strange objects – but the imp was far too clever to leave it lying around in reach. 
Regina made a cursory salutation, and the Crocodile hummed a greeting, as if not deigning Hook’s wife’s presence worthy of words. The bastard . 
Emma spoke up, evincing a total lack of surprise at the company in which she found herself, and confirming Hook’s worst suspicions. “We… might have a problem.” We . So. She, the Crocodile, and the Queen were a “we,” and Hook was… the problem, presumably.  
She addressed Regina. “Has he been briefed?” Hook tried to discern what he could from her tone of voice. It certainly wasn’t warm . A small mercy. 
Regina snorted. “If he doesn’t know more than we do already, I’ll eat Jefferson’s hat.”
This, evidently, “Gold” considered worthy of a reply. “A safe assumption, generally, I’ll admit.” His footsteps carried him in Hook’s direction. Hook still couldn’t see him, which logically meant that he couldn’t be seen, but he still stopped breathing. A weapon. His hook? No, he already knew well that a mere sharp object couldn’t damage him in any lasting way, and he wouldn’t humiliate himself by trying and failing. The loathsome man continued. “Although I can’t say that I have the information you’re looking for.” 
“Right,” Swan said, not sounding any more convinced than Regina had. “Actually, though, I came here for something a little more pressing.” She sighed.  “We… might not have been entirely forthright with Killian about certain things.” If Hook hadn’t known better, he might’ve thought she sounded as if she regretted it. 
“Such as?” the certain thing asked politely. There was a moment’s pointed silence. “Ah,” he said. “And now you’re worried he’ll find out on his own and do something incredibly foolish. An understandable fear, of course.” 
The temperature was rising in the room, and the only foolishness Hook could see was the fact that he was behind this damned shelf. But what could he do now? Barrel out with nothing but his bravado, admitting that he’d been hiding like a bloody coward? In front of about the last three people before whom he’d like to look the fool? And what was the alternative? Keep hiding here until they all left? Ridiculous. He cursed everything about the situation he’d gotten himself into. 
With effort, he brought his focus back to the conversation. 
“Okay, look,”  Emma said with evident disdain, and proceeded to tell the imp in no uncertain terms what he could do with his understandable fear . Hook nearly forgot his anger. The mouth on this woman! 
But before he even registered his own grin, it slipped off his face.  Did she truly know what the man was, after all? Surely, if she knew the danger he posed, she wouldn’t dare speak to him in that tone. Memories overtook him of another woman who’d been bold enough to speak to the Crocodile with disrespect. And how that dreadful scene had ended. It couldn’t happen again. Not now. He wouldn’t let it . 
Hook had been waiting to think of a plan. But time had run out. 
Emma was still speaking, saying something like “It’s not foolishness I’m worried about. I’m just afraid he’ll –” 
She was interrupted by the crash of a shelf full of knick-knacks falling directly onto the Dark One’s head. 
Was it the ideal course of action? Likely not. If he’d had a moment to think, would he have come up with something better? Perhaps. But if anyone was going to provoke the Crocodile to violence, he was damned if it wouldn’t be himself. 
Exposed now that the shelf he’d been hiding behind was gone, Hook stepped over some of the debris, trying to exude as much dignity as he could muster, ignoring Regina’s guffaw. His eyes met Emma’s instantly. Her eyebrows were raised high and her mouth hung open, just slightly. There was really no reason the expression should have been attractive, but he found it hard to pull his gaze away, even when he knew he must. After all these centuries, a falling shelf was hardly likely to have finished him off. Hook looked toward the spot where the shelf had fallen, where he knew for a fact the Crocodile had been standing, but saw nothing. 
The pointed clearing of a throat from the opposite corner of the room caught his attention. Magic-wielding bastard . “You were saying,” that loathsome voice said, speaking only to Emma, “that foolishness was… unlikely?” 
“Killian!” Emma exclaimed, ignoring the other man entirely. She reached toward him, as if by reflex, but hastily lowered her arm, grimacing. 
“A word,” Hook said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the shop. Despite his expectations, no magical barrier appeared to stop him. As the outside air hit him, he felt as if he could breathe again. He continued pulling her until the cursed shop was out of sight behind the surrounding buildings.
“Killian, I’m so –” 
“Swan, do you know who that was ?” Hook demanded, grabbing her arm. 
She closed her eyes, chewing on the inside of her cheek. “Yes,” she admitted. “I was going to –” 
“Do you know what he is? What he can do ?” 
She hesitated, as if she’d been preparing for a different conversation entirely. “I’m… pretty familiar with Dark One powers, actually, yeah.” 
There seemed to be a significance behind that he was missing, but at the moment he couldn’t be stopped. “Then what were you doing , provoking him like that?” 
“Provoking him?” She sounded genuinely baffled. “I’m pretty sure I’m not the one who knocked one of his shop shelves on top of him.” 
Well, he’d have to concede that point, he supposed. “It didn’t even hit him,” he grumbled. 
“Oh, it did,” she informed him, brightening his day just a bit. She grinned. “Hell of a way to make an entrance.” 
Even though the whole proceeding had been fairly ridiculous, he couldn’t keep the answering smile off his own face. 
There was a moment of just standing there smiling at each other before he came to his senses. 
He scowled purposefully. It was strange how much effort it took to rearrange his features into what was by far his most frequent expression. 
Emma’s smile faded more slowly, until, under his scrutiny, her expression looked something like guilt. 
“You knew,” he said, with no preamble. It wasn’t a question. “And you tried to keep it from me.” 
Whatever lies or excuses she came up with, Hook wouldn’t let her weasel out of it. He steeled himself.
“Yes,” she said simply, her face completely serious now. 
Like just about everything else this woman ever seemed to say, this one word did not fit his script. 
“ Why ?” he asked. He had meant to sound demanding, compelling her to respond, but he was horrified to hear a plaintive note creep into the question. “Don’t you know what – what he did ?” 
“I do,” she said quietly, squeezing his hand. And how long had she been holding his hand? “And it was terrible, and I absolutely understand why you’re angry.” She looked into his eyes. “But I also know the toll your quest for revenge has taken on your life. And Killian, he’s not worth that.” 
Hook pulled his hand from hers. “I suppose,” he spat, “you’re going to say that he’s changed. ” 
“Actually,” Emma said, shrugging, “he has. He has a wife and a baby – and don’t get any ideas, by the way,” she added sharply, as if she could see the gears start to turn in his head. “His wife is a close friend of yours, not leverage.” 
“A close friend ? The Crocodile’s wife?” 
She raised an eyebrow. “Since when do you judge someone for being the Crocodile’s wife?” 
He rolled his eyes. “I won’t, if she decides she needs help leaving him. I suppose you’re going to tell me he’s a paragon of the community now?” If that was so, why had Regina been interrogating him about Hook’s own memory loss? 
“Oh, yeah. He volunteers at the local soup kitchen and he’s donated all his money to charity,” she said. Just before Hook could express his distrust of the intentions behind those implausible actions, she interrupted. “ Please . No, he’s not a paragon. He’s still a conniving little bastard and I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.” Just as Hook realized the list of charitable actions had been her idea of a joke, she went on, with a shrug. “But he’s family.” 
“He’s what ?” Hook spluttered.
“He’s Henry’s grandfather, remember? Not that being part of Henry’s family is exactly unique around here. You can’t throw a rock without hitting a second cousin. And one time Belle tried to make a family tree and realized Henry and Baby Neal are both each other’s uncles.” 
Before Hook could even attempt to process this, Emma had barreled on. “But Storybrooke is built around the forgiveness of some pretty heinous crimes. If everyone went about killing everyone who’d murdered their loved ones, there’d be no town left. You certainly wouldn’t survive.” 
“Oh?” Hook broke in. “Who did I kill?” He realized with an unaccustomed discomfort that he’d likely killed thousands of people’s loved ones. He’d always known that, of course, but it had never been something he exactly minded . Why now   did it require a concerted effort not to squirm?
“My grandfather,” Emma said quietly. “David’s father. When he was small.” 
Hook looked sharply at her, dreading the condemnation he’d see on her face. What he saw instead was something like… sympathy? No, that made no sense – he must be misreading. 
He opened his eyes, which he seemed to have closed, and tried to rally. “Well,” he said, with a forced joviality. “I suppose that explains why he doesn’t like me very much.” 
Emma actually laughed. “Please, you two are thick as thieves on a normal day. He didn’t take too kindly to your little error , but he’ll get over it. Personally, I think he’s just mad your bromance doesn’t transcend amnesia.” 
Before Hook could even decide whether to ask what she was talking about this time, she’d continued. “But that’s my point! He’s forgiven you for what you did to his father. My mom’s forgiven Regina for killing her father. Regina’s forgiven my mom for killing her mother. And me, I’ve forgiven Regina for essentially ruining the first twenty-eight years of my life. It’s actually a little ridiculous, but it’s the only way to live your life around here.” 
There was a moment’s silence as Hook tried to wrap his mind around all this forgiving . Regina, in particular, he knew to be not especially strong on forgiveness. This time, Emma let him have a minute to think without telling him another fourteen insane things. 
“That’s… that’s as may be,” he said finally. “But I’m not the forgiving type.” He pushed away the sensation that he was reminding himself who he was as much as Emma. “He took my hand . And he took…” Hook brought her face to his mind. Unchanging, beautiful, imprinted on his memory. He couldn’t lose sight of her. He couldn’t . Not even for the face right in front of him, equally beautiful – no, almost , surely, almost as beautiful – and alive, with eyes that looked back at him, eyes so full of – No. Think of Milah. “Are you really trying to tell me,” he spat,  “that in this future you insist upon, I’ve forgiven him that?” 
Emma sighed. “Maybe ‘forgive’ is a little generous. Coexist maybe? Things have changed for you in the last few years. Killian, you’re happy . You have things in your life that are more important than revenge.” 
“ Never .” Hook shook his head. The more he learned about the man he was supposed to have become, the more he despised him. Giving up on the one thing that had kept him going for centuries? Giving up on Milah ? How could he? “How could you possibly have changed me that much?” 
Emma shook her head. “I didn’t change you, Killian. You can’t change another person. You chose to change. I just… gave you room to do it. Maybe…” Her cheeks turned a shade of pink. “Inspired you, I guess.” She took his hand. “You once told me there were two things you would die for. Love, or revenge. I guess you decided that… maybe at least one of those things is worth living for, too.” 
For just a moment, Killian looked down at their clasped hands. He couldn’t disbelieve that the words she’d attributed to him were his own. Love, or revenge… But there was no difference between the two! He loved Milah , so he would revenge her. There was no choice . This woman could say all she wished about change and forgiveness, but Hook knew who he was. He would find a way to have his revenge, and then take the Jolly before Regina could collect on that blasted bet. He was a pirate , why wouldn’t he cheat? At any rate, she’d been cheating too, knowing who was at that moment less than a league away. And if that meant breaking Emma Swan’s heart, then… 
Then he’d better get started.
“Fine,” he began. “You claim I changed for you. Changed everything about who I am and how I see the world, just for you . The thing is,” he said coldly. “I have no idea what’s supposed to be so special about you. I just don’t see how you’re worth completely upending my life for.” 
There, he’d said it. He hadn’t quite managed to look at her as he’d been speaking, but after a moment’s steeling himself, he turned to see her face.
Proving that she was, in fact, constitutionally incapable of responding to anything as he expected, she didn’t look dismayed or hurt, or even remotely offended. Quite the opposite. Her expression would’ve made more sense if he’d just told her that her eyes shone like the sea, or that he’d never seen anything as lovely as her smile. Had she misheard him? He thought he’d been very clear. It occurred to him, not for the first time, that they honestly not be speaking the same language. 
For what felt like a long moment, she didn’t say a word – just looked at him with those adoring eyes and a hint of a smile, until he could stand it no longer. “Stop looking at me like that!” 
She raised her eyebrows innocently. “Why?” 
He could think of nothing to say beyond, “Because I don’t… like it!” 
Far from stopping, the soft look intensified. He started to back away, unnerved, but she reached for his hand. 
“You were wondering what was so special about me?” she said, the smile breaking out in earnest. 
Hook hesitated. “Yes?” he said tentatively. 
“Well, I don’t know if there’s much, but I do have a superpower.” 
“A… superpower?” 
“Yup,” she said, popping the p . “I always know when people are lying. Works most of the time, anyway, but I know you better than anyone. Actually, you’ve lied to me so rarely it rounds to 0, but sweetheart?” She beamed at him. “You just lied to me twice .” 
If he’d meant to make any denials, he already knew the blood rushing to his face would give him away. Bloody hell, this woman was going to be the death of him. But the things he’d said just then, surely they hadn’t been outright lies . The statements she was referring to had made too much sense to be lies. He swallowed, unable to think of anything to say – any words in his own defense that he was absolutely certain she wouldn’t call lies. “I don’t –” he stammered. “I don’t want –” 
Next thing he knew, her face had grown awfully close to his. 
Inches away, she sighed, and her breath was gone. “No,” she said, sounding resigned.
Hook opened his eyes. “ No ?” 
“I may be pretty sure I know what you want, but consent still matters. And I don’t see you admitting to wanting anything at the moment.” She thought for a moment, and then smiled. “How about we meet in the middle? If you don’t want me to kiss you, just say the word, and I won’t.” 
Simple enough. All he had to do was tell her not to kiss him, and he’d be free of her. At least for the moment. He licked his lips. “Good to know,” he said. Well, what was a kiss, really? He could still leave after he’d figured something out. Save the heartbreak for later. Her heartbreak, that was. His heart was perfectly safe. 
She grinned, and leaned back in. After a few very pleasurable moments together, she pulled away and looked at him searchingly, as if she was waiting for something. Hook raised his eyebrows inquiringly. 
Emma opened her mouth as if to speak, then shrugged. “It’ll happen,” she whispered. “I will win it.”  She gave him a confident smile, and another lingering kiss, just long enough to make him forget the question he’d been about to ask. “Meantime, let’s see what Regina’s managed to get out of Gold. Are you OK to go back in there? No murders or… vandalism?” 
Hook shrugged. “Not today, at least.” 
Emma grinned, and Hook followed her lead back to the shop, feeling lighter than he had any right to.
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A Year Without (1/10)
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Summary: After the curse returns Killian to the Enchanted Forest, he struggles to acclimate to his old life and his old ways. When a bird with a letter and memory potion arrives on his ship, he accepts the challenge to find Emma and help her save her family. Getting to Emma won't be easy and will cost him dearly, but what choice does he have when he cannot go a day without memories of her haunting him?
A03 | CH  1  |   2  |   3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  | CUTS
Day 05
Golden strands of sunlight break through the forest canopy as the horse trekked on and carried him further from the Enchanted Forest for which this land was named and toward the first port on his search for his misplaced ship. Watching the golden strands dance pulled him back to Neverland.
Soft, golden strands of hair filling the space between his fingers. Warm lips pressed firmly, desperately on his own. His own surprise and quick surrender to her sudden invasion. The shift he felt in the depths of his soul when they connected for the second kiss. The words "just a one time thing" thrown at him, nonchalantly, as she raised the walls back in place to protect herself from the very real truth that kiss revealed to both of their broken hearts - broken hearts can be put back together, to be broken, again, in new ways.
Killian let out a shaky breath and pulled himself into the present. The forest was thinning, the trees less suffocating than the days before. A breeze stirred the leaves and carried a briny scent, stirring up a bit of anticipation.
Pirates, for that is all he was, belonged on ships. Fierce pirate captains, feared in the seas, belonged to their ships. And somewhere out there, the Jolly was out there, waiting for her captain to be back at her helm. Without him, she was lost, directionless, rotting at sea. Despite a lack of consciousness, she was more aware of his absence than Swan would be.
With the crocodile gone, his future lied with his ship. Wherever she was and he needed to find her to figure out just what that would entail.
Day 13
Another shabby sea town, another rumour of his ship sighted followed directly into a dead-end, another pub with cheap pints of watery ale, and another day he kept his promise to Swan.
Even, now, while drowning in the tenth? ninth? pint of the warm ale that small smile she gifted him before turning away and leaving them, leaving him, to the curse lingered in his mind. Perhaps, he'd cursed himself when he'd spoken those last words to her. Words she'd forgotten as easily as she'd forgotten him.
A loud eruption of laughter drew his attention to how crowded the pub had gotten. Killian scowled at the lot of messy sailors yelling for women, booze, and rooms. Throwing some coin on his table, he stumbled from his table toward the door. His escape was blocked by a burly in a bright red hat.
“Captain?” squeaked out a familiar voice.
Killian smiled, more of a grimace that didn’t reach his eyes, “If it isn’t my favourite, flea-ridden, bilge rat scampering about on two legs again, are we?”
“We’ve been looking for you since the curse dropped us back here. We can’t wait to join you, we’ve been keeping an eye out for the Jolly Roger, but I knew you’d find her!” Smee spoke without pause for a breathe, then he called over his shoulder to a table behind him, “boys, captain’s back, we’re going home, tonight!”
Killian groaned and stepped into the persona he’d worn so comfortably over the last few hundred years.
Hook turned, spread his arms wide, and greeted his former crew with a wicked smile. “Men, tonight we celebrate for tomorrow we will begin a new adventure. One on land. Relieving many a carriage of their burdens.”
Day 27
A few of his faithful crew left that night, muttering about how the captain had either gone soft or lost his senses. The few who'd stayed with him had profited handsomely. They'd gotten rich as highway bandits as they travelled between ports searching for the Jolly.
While they enjoyed pints in a pub indiscernible from those visited the evening prior, Killian's wondered if he'd left enough with the carriage to ensure the safety of the couple he'd robbed. They'd had knights escorting them, so that spoke of some wealth and standing. He'd assuaged his guilt with another pint and stood to toast his crew.
"To the most clever, dastardly band of pirates to ever set sail-," he shared a laugh at his slip up with Smee before continuing, "stride, on the open road!"
"To Captain Hook!" Smee responded, clinking his drink with Hook's. They took a sip in a companionable moment of quiet. As Hook turned, Smee stopped him, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The boys and I chipped in and got you something."
Hook followed Smee's fingers toward a brunette woman walking toward him, seductive smile at her lips. He forced a smile as he escorted her out, planning on how on to buy off her silence and where he'd spend the rest of the night. It was too early to go to the room he'd let - quiet nights welcomed thoughts veering dangerously close to heartbreaking - but he couldn't return to the pub once he'd dismiss this mistress.
Once she'd left, pleased with her heavier purse, Killian planned to walk the docks. Maybe the Jolly had made an appearance after all. A sharp pain burst on the back of his head and he was on the ground with a knife at his throat. One of his victims must have recognised him an planned to exact his revenge.
"Move and I'll slit your throat!" The command was issued by a feminine voice.
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thegladelf · 1 year
She could shoot him. She couldn’t shoot her feelings.
Emma Swan, An Open Heart is An Open Wound, Ch. 13
11 notes · View notes
kmomof4 · 5 months
A Christmas Surprise Ch. 3
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We are back with the next ch of A Christmas Surprise!! In this ch, Killian takes Emma out for NYE. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!!!
Summary: Elsa Jones enlists her friend Emma Swan to come up with a scheme to surprise her niece Alice Jones when her Papa, Killian, returns from deployment just in time for Christmas.
From the beginning on ao3/ Current ch
Rating G Total Christmas fluff ahead!!!
Words 4550 of 18,550
Tagging the usuals. Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed.
@jrob64 @teamhook @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @xarandomdreamx @undercaffinatednightmare @the-darkdragonfly @stahlop @superchocovian @pirateprincessofpizza @tiganasummertree @anmylica @cosette141 @motherkatereloyshipper @zaharadessert @jonesfandomfanatic @ultraluckycatnd @jennjenn615 @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @kymbersmith-90 @booksteaandtoomuchtv @wistfulcynic @mie779 @snowbellewells @lfh1226-linda @aprilqueen84 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @pirateherokillian @elfiola @ilovemesomekillianjones @justanother-unluckysoul @poptart-cat-78 @myfearless-love @goforlaunchcee @searchingwardrobes @gingerpolyglot @gingerchangeling @djlbg @cocohook38 @cs-rylie @thisonesatellite @donteattheappleshook @deckerstarblanche @veryverynotgoodwrites @wefoundloveunderthelight @fleurdepetite @alexa-fangirl-forever @bluewildcatfanatic @qualitycoffeethings
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
New Year’s Eve arrived, and Killian was thoroughly beside himself. The last week had been a whirlwind of activity that included talking to Alice about moving to Storybrooke permanently, polishing up his résumé, getting up to speed on what was required to get his architectural license renewed, not to mention planning the date with Emma. 
It had been almost twenty-one years since he’d graduated with his degree, and his head was spinning with the requirements he’d need to meet to get his license in place. Thankfully, since he wasn’t reporting back for active duty for another month, he had time to get it all done and submit his résumé to Liam’s firm before returning to Boston.
Alice was ecstatic about staying in Storybrooke, at least through the end of the school year. She realized quickly that as happy as she was with her Papa being home, she didn’t want to leave her school, Henry, or her cousins behind to move back to Boston permanently. 
Killian, Liam, and Elsa agreed it was a bit premature to tell the kids about his job opportunity, just in case it didn’t come to fruition, but after Liam talked with his boss, and then Killian talked to him as well, he was having trouble keeping a lid on his excitement. Everything was falling into place, and he couldn’t be more thrilled. 
He wondered how much he should tell Emma on their date tonight. He wanted to be completely forthright with her about his intentions, but he didn’t want to scare her off, either. This was only their second official date, after all. And the first where they’d be completely without their family for the duration.
He looked at himself in the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair, touseling it just a bit. He was a little old to be preening in the mirror like this- now that he was in his 40’s, just a touch of frost was evident at his temples- but he had to admit, Emma Swan sent the butterflies in his stomach into flight like no one ever had before, and he wanted to look his best.
He came down the stairs to see everyone gathered in front of the fire, laying out Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit.
“Aren’t you going to wait for Henry to get here?” he asked.
Liam and Elsa looked up at him, matching grins on their faces. “Papa!” exclaimed Alice. “You look so handsome!”
Killian scratched behind his ear as Alice ran for him, throwing her arms around his waist.
“Thank you, Starfish.” He looked up at the rest of his family, happy to see all the smiles directed towards him. “I’m going to head out, but we’ll be back to drop off Henry in about twenty minutes.”
“We’re on teams anyway,” Elsa informed Killian as he turned toward the door. “And the boys are going first. As good as the kids are at Harry Potter, I expect it’ll still be Alice and Henry’s turn by the time he gets here, if it’s gotten to their turn in the first place.”
Killian chuckled his agreement before heading out into the night. Just a few minutes later, Killian was standing on Emma’s front stoop. He took a deep calming breath before knocking on the door.
“Hi, Mr. Jones!” Henry exclaimed, opening the door wide for Killian to enter. 
“Hello, Henry,” Killian said, stepping into the foyer of the small house where Emma and Henry lived. Killian looked around at the tidy and tastefully decorated home before turning his attention back to the beaming boy in front of him.
“So where are you taking my mom tonight?” he asked.
Killian chuckled and scratched behind his ear, not surprised, but also not quite prepared for the boy’s question.
“I’ve made reservations for us at a restaurant in Portland that has an entire evening planned to ring in the new year,” Killian explained. “I hope your mother enjoys it.”
Henry’s eyes turned mischievous as he nodded. “My mom doesn’t date,” Henry informed him. “My dad died before I was born, and she hasn’t gone on a single date in my entire life. So I’m sure whatever you have planned, she’ll enjoy.” Henry’s gaze turned suddenly serious, and Killian’s heart rate picked up just a bit as he waited for the boy to gather his thoughts. “I love my mom a lot,” he said. “And I want to see her happy. Just, don’t break her heart, ok?”
Killian’s heart melted at Henry’s statement and request. The seriousness of his words demanded a genuine and heartfelt response. He knelt before Henry and placed his hand over his own heart. 
“Henry,” he began, looking him right in the eyes, “You have my word. I will never knowingly hurt your mother. I can tell already, just from the time I’ve spent with her, that she is a priceless treasure, and her heart even more so. And if she were to deign to place it in my hands, I will honor and protect it to the end of the world and time.”
Emma stood around the corner from the foyer with tears in her eyes. She had stopped in the hallway when she heard Henry telling Killian that she never dated. He wasn’t quite accurate in his statement, but looking back now, she realized just how long it had been since she’d been on a date. She’d had a few dates when Henry was a baby, mostly at her mother’s behest. Mary Margaret Swan’s belief in True Love and Happily Ever After and how intertwined they both were would rival any Disney princess.
But hearing Henry’s request and then Killian’s response made her so glad they were both unaware of her presence. It gave her a few moments to dry her eyes and compose herself before greeting her date.
Killian rose to his feet as she came around the corner. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth at the gorgeous man in front of her. He wore a black suit that fit him perfectly. The scruff along his jaw had filled in a little more over the last week since she’d seen him, and Emma had to fight to keep her own jaw from hanging open. Her eyes roamed over him in blatant appreciation, and when she finally met his gaze, she caught her breath at the flame of desire she saw there. She didn’t know what he had planned, but she hoped her outfit was appropriate.
Killian’s gaze took Emma in from head to toe. He didn’t even attempt to hide his unabashed attraction and admiration from her. She wore a perfectly sinful, yet modest sleeveless black dress. It clung to every one of her curves, its neckline coming nearly to her neck and the hemline hitting her just above the knee. She wore black stockings and black wedge heels, perfect for dancing. Killian licked his bottom lip as his eyes met hers. He reached out his hand and took hers.
“It’s freezing outside, darling,” he said. “You’ll need a heavy coat.”
“I was born and raised in Maine, Killian,” she informed him with a smile. She opened the foyer closet and pulled out a long red wool coat. She handed it to him, and he held it open for her with a wide smile on his face as she slid her arms in and he settled it on her shoulders. She reached behind her under the collar and pulled her long hair out. She didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened at her innocent action. She needed a distraction and quickly. “Do you have your bag ready, Henry?”
“They were getting ready to start Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit when I left, Henry,” Killian called as the boy ran back to his room to grab his coat and overnight bag.
“I’m ready,” Henry exclaimed as he came around the corner again. Killian opened the door for them both and let them precede him into the frigid night air. He’d left his car running so it would be comfortably warm inside when they got in. It was cold enough outside that just the few minutes he’d been inside their home, would have been enough for all the heat accumulated on the drive over to be completely lost.
When they arrived back at Liam and Elsa’s house, Elsa’s earlier assessment was proven true. The twins had finally missed a question about five minutes before they arrived, and now Alice was already on her first pie piece. Henry jumped right in.
“Bye, guys,” Killian called. He chuckled when he was completely ignored.
Elsa waved distractedly at them. “Go, have fun! We’ll expect you home by one, Killian.”
Killian laughed. “I’m forty-one years old, Elsa. Little old for a curfew.” And with that, he ushered Emma back out the door.
Once they were on their way, Emma turned to Killian. “So where are we going?”
“Liam told me about a relatively new place in Portland that he and Elsa found a few months ago,” Killian said. “When I looked them up, they had an entire evening agenda for ringing in the new year. So I thought we could try it.” He looked over at her, gratified that her happy countenance was unchanged.
“That sounds fun.”
“The prix fixe menu on the website sounded great,” he told her. “I don’t remember what all was on there, but it included four courses, with several choices for the main course. The entré I remember was the Surf and Turf, lobster and a six ounce filet. I’ll be getting that,” he said, licking his lips.
“That does sound good,” Emma agreed.
“And after dinner, there’ll be dancing and they’ll be turning on the broadcast from New York for the ball drop.”
Emma was excited. A fancy dinner and dancing. She’d never been dancing before and she hoped she didn’t embarrass herself. Or him. She really liked him, and being so close with Elsa, she was keenly aware of how invested her best friend and her husband were in this new relationship. 
“I heard you and Henry,” she said quietly. “Before I came in.” Emma bit her lip as she smiled when his cheeks flamed and he scratched behind his ear. The nervous tell of his was adorable and made her want to kiss the spot where he always scratched.
“I, ah…” he stammered.
“It’s alright,” she rushed to reassure him. “Your words were very sweet, and I don’t want you to worry that they’ll scare me off.” She took his unoccupied hand in hers and turned fully to him, taking in the flush on his cheeks and the ticking of the muscle in his jaw that told her just how anxious he was about her response. “I haven’t dated much since Henry’s father died, but I…” She looked down for a moment, a little anxious about revealing quite so much. But then she remembered Killian’s exact words to Henry. Words that were definitely not meant for her ears. Not yet anyway. She took a deep breath and continued. “I like you, Killian. A lot. And finally meeting you after listening to Elsa and Alice talk about you for nine months,” she paused again, steeling herself for her next words, “I know that you are very special, too. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.” 
Emma was normally a bit more circumspect about her thoughts and feelings. About anything, not just matters of the heart. But everything she already knew about Killian- from his words earlier, to her own observations, to the information she’d gleaned from Alice and Elsa- told her that this man before her was very special indeed, and her heart would be safe in his hands. 
Killian had to blink rapidly to clear his vision so he could see to drive. He cleared his throat a couple of times before speaking.
“I’m looking forward to getting to know you better too, Emma,” he said sincerely. They were silent for a few moments before Killian spoke again. “You said you haven’t dated much, but Henry said you hadn’t dated at all.”
Emma laughed good naturedly. “Yeah, he was a baby the last time I went on a date. I’d be surprised if he remembered that.”
“He said his father died?” Killian asked. “If you wouldn’t mind sharing that, I’d like to hear it.”
“No, I don’t mind,” she replied easily. “It’s been a long time. Henry’s father was a lobster fisherman. We met while I was still in college at BU. We’d been together for several years, I was teaching in the Boston public school system, and we’d just gotten engaged. But he got caught in the lines on his boat and was swept overboard.”
“Oh, Emma,” Killian breathed. “I’m so sorry.”
Emma’s smile was small and soft. “I found out a few weeks later that I was pregnant.” She paused for a moment, blinking back her own tears. She hadn’t spoken about that time in her life in many years. “It was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. After Neal was gone, I came home. I wanted my mom,” she said with a shrug. Killian gave her a soft, understanding smile. “I was on summer break, and when I found out I was pregnant, I couldn’t face returning to Boston and the home I’d shared with him, pregnant with his baby, knowing that I’d be raising our child alone. I got out of our lease and turned in my resignation to the school system. At least here, I had family, a support system I didn’t have in Boston.”
“I’m so glad,” Killian said. 
The rest of the drive was made in companionable silence. Emma already knew about Milah from their first date, and Killian didn’t want to trivialize what she’d shared with him by immediately jumping to another topic of conversation. It wasn’t much farther to the hotel that housed Bacarmi Restaurant and Wine Bar, and they could just as easily pick up the conversation once they arrived. Just a few minutes later, Killian pulled up to the valet parking station.
After passing off the keys to the attendant, he opened Emma’s door, holding his arm out for her to take. Bacarmi’s was on the top floor of the hotel, and when they entered, they were immediately taken to their table near the back windows, giving them a spectacular view of the city. 
“How did you get reservations here?” Emma whispered as soon as the maître d’ left them with menus. “This looks like the kind of place that would be booked for New Years in June!”
Killian blushed and scratched behind his ear again. “Apparently they hold a certain number of reservations on holidays for military servicemen and women and first responders. And since I qualify…” he trailed away, slightly embarrassed. He didn’t serve his country to be recognized as a hero or anything of that sort, but he had to admit, benefits like this for his service were quite welcome.
“That is lovely,” Emma said sincerely.
“It is,” Killian agreed, then turned his attention to his menu. “Ah, there it is,” he said excitedly, “Surf and Turf. A six ounce lobster with herbed butter paired with a six ounce filet topped with porcini compound butter, sautéed spinach and kale, and whipped potatoes.”
“That sounds delicious, but I’m looking at the seabass.”
Killian nodded in agreement. “Lump crab, lobster sauce, parmesan risotto and sautéed broccolini. That does look good.” 
Once their wine and meal order was placed, their conversation flowed naturally. Emma told Killian about growing up in Maine and how Elsa had helped her get a job at Storybrooke Academy. Killian told Emma about some of the antics he and Liam got up to when they were growing up, and about his years in the service. And now that dinner was concluding, the thoughts from earlier returned of just how much he should share with Emma about his future plans. He watched her carefully as she took her last bite of chocolate mousse cake dessert.
Emma swallowed and took another sip of the best wine she’d ever enjoyed before meeting Killian’s gaze. His eyes were mesmerizing in the low light, but she could see some hesitancy and even a small amount of trepidation swirling in their depths.
“What is it, Killian?” she asked gently.
Killian dropped his head for a moment, a bit chagrined that he hadn’t kept his thoughts better concealed. There was nothing for it. In the face of a direct question, he had to answer her honestly. Not that he’d even consider telling her a falsehood, but he wasn’t sure how wise it was to bare his heart and mind to her quite this much at this point in their relationship.
“Speaking of my career in the Navy,” he began, looking her full in the face again, “You know that I’m about to retire.” Emma nodded. “I was commissioned not long after I graduated college with my degree in architecture. My commitment is done at the end of May, but with my terminal leave saved up, I’m out on April 11. I hadn’t given much thought to what I’d do once I was out,” he continued with a shrug. “I mean, I have some savings and I’ll continue to be paid at full salary until the end of May, then my retirement pay kicks in. Alice and I would be able to live comfortably for several months before I’d need to find another job. But as far as what that job might be, I really hadn’t thought about it.” He looked at her again, his eyes bouncing back and forth between hers, trying to read how she was taking this surplus of information. “Until Liam and I had some time to ourselves Christmas Eve after everyone was in bed,” he continued. “You know what he does, right?” 
Emma nodded. “Of course. He helped me find our house not long after Henry was born, which is how Elsa and I met. I’d been living with my parents since moving back.”
Killian nodded. “Well, his firm also builds, and they are about to open a new division dedicated to commercial property. He encouraged me to submit my résumé and move here permanently once I retire.”
His eyes met hers again, and Emma was stunned to see a question in them. Was he asking her opinion on what he should do after he retired? Surely not.
Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open slightly before she swallowed hard. Killian could have kicked himself. He’d shared too much.
Emma placed her hand on top of his where it lay on the table and laced their fingers together. “You have to make the best decision for you and for Alice,” she said. “Would I be happy if you moved to Storybrooke permanently? Yes,” she acknowledged, and Killian could breathe again. “But, it’s not my opinion that matters.”
“Alice doesn’t want to leave Storybrooke,” he informed her. “Of course, she’s happy I’m home, but she loves her aunt and uncle, she loves her school and her friends, and she loves you and Henry, and I don’t want to take her away from all of that. If I don’t have to.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Liam talked to his boss and explained my situation, and when I talked to him, we really hit it off. Liam thinks, and I agree, that my chances of being hired once I’ve separated from the service are pretty high.”
“Oh, Killian,” she breathed, “that’s wonderful! When will you know for sure?”
“The online portal for applicants will open at 8 am Tuesday morning,” he said. “My résumé is ready to go, but I will have to get my license reinstated, and that means sitting for the licensure exam on the 8th.”
“A week from tomorrow,” Emma said quietly. “Then you’ll have to go through all the interviews and things?”
“Yes,” Killian agreed. “But Liam’s boss, Nemo, said that he didn’t foresee any problems with bringing me on, and I’d likely have an offer in hand before I had to report back to duty on February first.” Killian smiled at her and rubbed her knuckles with his thumb. “I know this is a lot of information to take in and probably not the best topic of conversation on our second date, but I wanted you to know what I was thinking about my and Alice’s future and maybe start to explore how you and Henry might fit into that future.”
A soft smile spread across Emma’s lips. “I don’t think it’s a bad topic of conversation at all.”
A wide smile bloomed on Killian’s face as he rose to his feet, still holding her hand in his. “Well then, Swan, may I have this dance?” 
A live band was getting ready to play on the opposite side of the room. Emma followed Killian to the empty dance floor, just as the band started playing The Carpenters Merry Christmas, Darling. 
Killian put his arms around her, drawing her close. She could drown in the cerulean depths of his eyes and she wouldn’t mind one bit. 
“I’ve never danced a slow dance like this,” she whispered.
Killian’s grin was thoroughly delighted. “Well, there’s only one rule. Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.”
They danced for hours. The band was very good, playing classics like Nat King Cole’s Unforgettable and Frank Sinatra’s The Way You Look Tonight. They also played Let’s Start the New Year Right, by Bing Crosby, 1999 by Prince, and Happy New Year by ABBA. Sting’s Brand New Day and Rod Stewart’s What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? were also included. As midnight approached, the band played NSYNC’s Kiss Me at Midnight. Emma couldn’t keep the grin off her face as she and Killian danced closely, Killian singing the words in her ear.
Baby, it’s New Years Eve
A time we can believe
In making wishes
Dreams come true
Just for me and you
Kiss me at midnight
Dance into the morning light
Party into the new year
All my friends are here and when the time is right
Kiss me at midnight
The band stopped playing and the volume on the big screen TVs in the bar area was  turned up so they could all join in the countdown to the ball drop.
“Five… four… three… two… one!” they shouted. “Happy New Year!” The noise around them was deafening with the party horns and noisemakers being blown and shouts welcoming the turn of the calendar. Moments later, the band launched into Auld Lang Syne.
Emma stared into Killian’s eyes. He appeared to be as spellbound by her as she was by him. She couldn’t look away. This was a man she could love. She had no doubt. He held her close swaying to the music. Everything around them faded, and Emma wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on hers.
“Happy New Year, Emma,” he whispered.
“Happy New Year, Killian,” she replied just before his lips captured hers.
Emma all but melted in his arms at the feeling. Her lips parted when his tongue traced their seam, gently requesting entrance. Desire flared inside her as their tongues tangled. Killian held her close, one arm wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly against him, the other running through her hair. Emma tightened her own arms around him, never feeling as desired or as beautiful as she now felt in Killian’s arms. Much too soon, air became necessary and Killian pulled away from her.
They were both breathing heavily as they stared into each other’s eyes, still oblivious to anything around them. 
Killian was completely gobsmacked. If it was possible to fall head over heels in love with someone from a single kiss, then that was exactly what had just happened to him. But it wouldn’t do to say that out loud at this moment in time. He thought back to his words to Henry earlier this evening when he’d promised to protect Emma’s heart were he so blessed to be gifted with it. A small smile touched his lips as he realized it was the other way around. His heart was unequivocally hers. To the end of the world or time.
Killian touched his forehead to hers. She still seemed a bit dazed from their kiss, and he couldn’t help the surge of male pride that flowed through him at that realization. 
“I should probably be getting you home.”
Emma giggled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “You’re probably right. You do have a curfew after all.”
Killian snorted. “You don’t think they’ll be waiting up for me, do you?”
 Emma raised her eyebrows slightly. “If I know Elsa, I expect she will.”
Killian groaned and Emma giggled again. She was probably right. And if Elsa was up, that meant Liam would be up, too. There was nothing for it, he was gonna have to face the music. At least he wouldn’t have to face the inquisition from the kids tonight. No, Emma would have to join him in the hot seat when she came to pick up Henry.
Killian grinned as he saw the same realizations were coming over Emma as well. He held out his elbow to her and escorted her back to their table where he helped her into her coat.
The drive to Emma’s home was quiet, but they held hands the entire way. And after another kiss on the front stoop of her house, Killian stood there for a few moments once Emma retreated inside. His life had been thoroughly turned upside down in the last two and a half weeks and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Killian arrived back home just a few minutes later and made sure to rattle the front door a bit just in case Elsa and Liam were waiting up for him. Sure enough, when he entered the living room, he found his brother and sister-in-law hurriedly smoothing down hair and clothes as they both sat up on the sofa, trying, and failing, to present a respectable and united front. Killian chuckled, he wasn’t fooled a bit.
“So how was the date?” Elsa asked. Her cheeks were still a little pink, whether from her husband’s attentions or embarrassment at being caught, Killian couldn’t tell. “We want to hear all about it. Did you dance? I’ve never known Emma to dance. Was there a goodnight kiss?”
Killian chuckled again. He cut his eyes at his brother, whose cheeks were also red, but didn’t seem to be as anxious for answers to Elsa’s questions. Killian took a deep breath.
“You’ll have to ask all that of Emma tomorrow,” Killian said with a smile. “Or, later today, rather. We had a lovely evening. Thank you for the recommendation, brother.” With those words, Killian turned toward the stairs and started making his way to his room. But before he got to the top of the stairs, he heard Elsa speak in a low voice.
“He looks happy.”
“Yes, he does.”
Killian paused at the top of the stairs, straining his ears for anything else they might say. But when Liam spoke again, he wished he hadn’t.
“Now, where were we?”
Thank you for reading and sharing! The final ch will be up on Friday!!
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sssammich · 3 months
one word swan queen prompt: "Snow"
(see what i did there.... is it winter themed? is it Emma's annoying mother?? is it something unexpected from your galaxy writer brain???)
XD luv ya bestieeeeeee
lol no galaxy writer brain here but i do have an update to ritual fic.
if you wanna read on ao3
otherwise, here's ch 1
Storybrooke, Maine is not exempt from the dirty piles of snow that accumulate after trucks go through the streets and plow them off the road. The snow is never ending, pouring out of the sky like a broken machine. For days now, fat flakes of snow descend from the heavens, blanketing any and every inch of whatever has been cleared the day before. 
Still, Emma shoves her feet in her snow boots donning only loose black sweatpants and a zip-up hoodie before making her way to the garage to retrieve the snow shovel. She grips the shovel while the other presses the garage door button, the metal cranking of the door rising fills the quiet stillness of the morning. It squeaks and it screeches and Emma notes to herself to get some grease to put on there. 
Carefully, she maneuvers around the parked Mercedes Benz and begins the first dig. She clears the path with a small ‘hup’ as she exhales and chucks the shoveled snow out of the way, a growing snow mound on the perimeter of the driveway. All too soon, she works up a sweat, her hands reddening from both the cold and the exertion, her breath visible as she tows herself back and forth.
Before long, she has cleared half of the driveway and is making her way towards the walking path to the front door. She quickly surveys her progress and wipes the sweat off her brow with the back of her sleeve. She doesn’t know how long it takes her to do this; only focuses on the way her muscles strain and stretch with each shovel, with each dig. It is as meditative as it is repetitive and it gives her body purpose despite the tempest of her thoughts. 
She takes a small break and inspects her work thus far, her gaze not quite landing towards the front window where she can just make out a shadowy figure. 
She returns to her task, her mind wandering once more. Emma is exploring unknown territory having accepted the offer to move into the mansion. She is happy to live in the same place as her son, the back and forth shuffling of shared custody taking a much deserved respite after all that’s gone on. She is happy to carve out space for herself instead of whittling herself down to fit whatever space is available. 
She enjoys leaving work on time in time for regular dinners, happy to close out the workday at her desk knowing what waits for her at home.
All of these, she favors more than where she’d been in the past. The mansion is very much Regina’s house, without question, but she does not feel temporary, like an outsider, like a trespasser. 
However, what she struggles to contend with is the limbo space she has found herself in as of late. One that blurs the lines that she’d drawn for herself when she accepted Regina’s offer to make her temporary stay more permanent. 
“It’s not too much of a leap, dear. But I won’t stop you if you need to find your own space. Just know that you have a place here,” Regina said, pausing her stirring of that night’s dinner and turning to face Emma sitting at the far end of the counters. She’d placed the spatula on the holder before docking her hand on her hip, tilting her head slightly and studying Emma. For her part, Emma tried her best not to squirm under Regina’s gaze.
“Alright. Can I let you know soon?” she asked, flashing a lopsided grin just as Regina smiled at her warmly in return.
“Whenever you want.” 
So here she is now, heaving a large chunk of packed snow and swinging, until it hits the top of the existing snow hill and breaks into hundreds of tiny pieces. She grunts and breathes hard, resting against the ground and her arm against the handle. The walking path is clear now, and she can return to the remainder of the driveway. 
Despite the cold weather, Emma has shed herself of her hoodie and wrapped it around her waist until all she’s left in is her black tank top. The cool, crisp air a welcomed sensation on her heated skin. 
While she resumes shoveling the driveway, she doesn’t immediately turn towards the soft click of the door to the garage opening, nor the padding sounds of boots approaching. 
She angles her body away just slightly under the guise of her shoveling efforts, waiting. 
She bites the smile threatening to swallow her face whole before she turns her head. Only when Regina comes into view that she draws herself back up, propping the shovel up and resting her weight on it. “Hey, morning. Oh, careful you don’t slip.” 
She holds a hand up to catch Regina, if she slips or falls, but she never does. She is as graceful and poised on snow as she is on dry land. 
“Thank you.” The corner of Regina’s lips quirk upwards, the scar on the top of her lip moving slightly. “Thought you might like to have some breakfast.” 
Emma glances down to find a rolled pancake wrapped in wax paper in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other as Regina stands right in front of her. She observes that the coffee is the exact shade of brown she likes, no doubt from the perfect ratio of cream Regina has added. If she takes a sip now, she knows it'll have the right amount of sugar just to her liking. 
She arches a brow at the offered food, but Regina shrugs, almost defeatedly. That brings an amused smirk on Emma’s face.  
“Henry insists that the pancake is better this way. Something about syrup density.”  
“Well, he’s not wrong,” she says, slowly taking the food out of Regina’s hands. Without any more prompting, she takes a healthy bite. 
Regina grimaces before sighing. “Please stop teaching our son terrible eating habits.” 
“It can’t be terrible when it’s clearly genius.” 
She continues scarfing down the rolled pancake, alternating sips with her coffee. Regina wraps herself in her arms, her focus shifting around her driveway, seemingly inspecting Emma’s work. 
“You know, there’s more snow coming overnight,” she announces needlessly. Emma is more than aware that there is another week of heavy snow forecasted for them. 
“I know.” 
“Yet you still do it.”
“If I don't, who will?” she asks, testing. The answer, of course, is Regina will. If Emma didn't do it, Regina’s magic can easily melt all of the snow on her property before Emma can even think it. 
It’s not about the snow. It's not about the magic. 
“You’ll be late to work if you don’t hurry along.” 
“It’s fine. I have it in with the boss. She won’t get too mad if I’m a few minutes late.”
“Is that so?” 
She doesn’t immediately respond. Instead, she polishes off the now empty mug of coffee and places it back in Regina’s hands; the coolness of her knuckles grazing against the warmth of Regina’s fingers. 
“I have it on good authority.”
“And how can you be so sure?” 
“Just a feeling,” she shrugs. 
Emma chooses to participate in the same song and dance with Regina if only to make sense of the steps she’s making—if it will lead to anything. If it will lead to anything more. 
“I wouldn't be too sure of that.” Regina hums, thoughtful. Emma just offers her another toothy grin before returning to her task, flexing her arms just so as she shovels a particularly dense section of snow. 
“Thanks for breakfast.” 
Emma catches Regina from the corner of her eye and simply stands there without moving. She shovels three more times before she sees movement, Regina trekking back into the garage. She’s just about to fully turn to her shoveling when Regina glances back at her. 
Wickedly, she smirks at Emma and waves her fingers.
A small rumble fills the air until a small avalanche of the snow on the roof drops straight down and covers the driveway that Emma had just finished clearing. 
Her jaw drops, but she can’t get too upset when she hears the melodic lilt of Regina’s amused laugh filtering out from the garage and to her ears.
She takes a deep breath and starts shoveling again.
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hollyethecurious · 1 year
Final Words Meme
Rules: Post the final line of your 10 most recently published fics (Or as many as you have published). You can either omit MC WIPs or include the last line of the most recent ch. Up to you!
Thank you @iamstartraveller776 @stahlop and @kmomof4 for tagging me in this! (A couple of you also tagged me in the First Lines Meme, so I’ll be posting that one later!)
I have a few more than 10 published works, so I’m only going with my most recent ones.
Pan Says... (Modern AU / MC / WIP)
Pulling him up by the collar of his shirt, she fused her mouth to his, but not before demanding, “Fuck Pan, and make love to me, Killian.”
Tell No Tales (Season 6 Fix-it Fic / One Shot)
Indeed, dead men tell no tales… and neither would he.
Conviction (Period AU / MC / Complete)
Crashing his lips to hers, he kicked the door closed behind them, all the while kissing her… with great conviction.
Unwilling to Repeat (Neverland AU/Divergence / MC /Complete)
Thoroughly lost in the kiss, and all the sensations that came from finally holding the other in their arms, neither of them noticed dawn crested the Neverland horizon for the first time in more than a century, illuminating the sails of the Jolly Roger in its morning glow.
Rebranded (Canon Compliant / One Shot)
A swan, of course. Her brand. One he would wear proudly for the rest of his days.
Ghost in the Void - Additional Scene (Ghost AU / One Shot...ish)
“I don’t think so, buddy,” Emma called out over her shoulder. “House rule number one: stay out of my bedroom.”
A Mutual Craving (Vampire AU / One Shot)
She wet her lips, then scraped her teeth over the bottom one, leaving it pinked and slightly swollen before she huskily informed him, “I have blackout curtains.”
Crimson Crystals and Mating Stones (A/B/O AU / One Shot)
“Killian Jones. At your service, My Omega.”
Carved - Curious Whumpers Collection (Whump Dark One AU / One Shot)
When the sharp point began to drag down his neck, a fresh trickling of blood flowing from the new wound that sent the Darkness into throes of anguish, he did start to wonder if there’d be anything left of him to rescue once she did.
The Witch in the Woods (Witch!Emma AU / One Shot)
“I do,” she told him. “His great-grandfather, Peter Pan, took him. He’s in Neverland.”
Tagging: @winterbaby89 @artistic-writer @caught-in-the-filter @cocohook38 @wyntereyez @pirateherokillian
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myfearless-love · 4 months
Swan of the Lake Ch. 10 - Tracenda
Tumblr media
While searching for her past filled with mysteries and legends, Emma Nolan loses her present in an unfortunate accident. The man rushing to save her is no prince charming, and he must realize soon enough that the girl, who has no idea who she is, awakens instincts and desires in him that he had long since buried deep within his soul. But who exactly is she? What if her memories come back? Will she remember anything at all?
Words: 5k
Read on: AO3 or FF.net
Buy me a coffee if you like :)
prologue II ch. 1 II ch. 2 II ch. 3 II ch. 4 II ch. 5 II ch.6 II ch.7 II ch.8 II ch.9
Chapter 10: Tracenda
"Do you think she could be the little girl?"
"Did Granny tell you that?"
Swan awakens to a haze in her head, and Wendy's hushed voice grabs her attention. She lies still, eyes sealed shut, tuning in to the clandestine conversation wafting in from the kitchen.
"I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind as well," Liam confesses.
She has to pay close attention to hear them. She feels a bit guilty for not letting them know she's awake, but her curiosity is stronger. "Even before Granny mentioned it?"
Liam dodges Wendy's inquiry, his movements suggesting a rendezvous with the coffee machine. Yesterday, they tiptoed around her like secret agents, preserving her slumber. Swan appreciates their considerate nature, teetering on the verge of abandoning her covert eavesdropping. Yet, Liam drops another breadcrumb.
"Do you remember August's exhibition?"
The exhibition about the little girl. Swan faintly smiles but quickly composes her features into a calm expression.
Swan found herself captivated by the enigmatic allure of paintings she hadn't laid eyes on, only glimpsing their photographic avatars. If the images managed to dazzle her through the mundane medium of a brochure, she couldn't help but wonder about the magic they might unleash in person. The painter's delicate strokes and pastel palette weren't the sole enchantments; it was the very act of depiction, a unique lens through which the world was unveiled. Take, for instance, "The First Snowflake" – an intricately detailed snowflake dominated the foreground, a masterful dance of precision, while behind it, an ethereal green glow lingered like a mysterious secret. It wasn't as if the color possessed eyes, yet Swan felt an inexplicable connection, as if a gaze latched onto hers – a gaze that somehow felt like her own.
Tagging some folks who might be interested:
@anmylica @elfiola @zaharadessert @gingerchangeling @undercaffinatednightmare @jrob64 @teamhook @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @mie779 @winterbaby89 @tiganasummertree @stahlop @rylieblu @ultraluckycatnd @eddisfargo @booksteaandtoomuchtv @laianely @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @beckettj @whimsicallyenchantedrose @captainswan-kellie
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