#3x01: the magnificent seven
bvtchcas · 2 years
Season 3
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shirtlesssammy · 3 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 45/326
Supernatural 3x01//The Magnificent Seven
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gh-0-stcup · 2 months
Polls for the Gamble era and Carver era.
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cockworkangels · 1 year
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sam's like so what incredibly traumatic event happened in your life that lead you to becoming a hunter
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stanfordsweater · 2 years
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Well, let's not make it easy for them.
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deanstudies101 · 1 month
3x01, The Magnificent Seven 
Critical theory: The light at the end of the tunnel.
Discussion question(s): Dean’s suicidal ideation is now more overt than ever—why is it still treated as subtext? 
Key quotes: Sam, “What you did was selfish.” Dean, “Yeah, you’re right. It was selfish. But I’m okay with that… After everything I’ve done for this family, I think I’m entitled.” [leads into, but to be considered separately from]; Dean, “Truth is, I’m tired, Sam. I don’t know, it’s like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.” (Sam, “It’s hellfire, Dean.”)
Discussion: A lot like what we’re talking about at the season finale—Dean is so tired of this job, and now there’s an end in sight. It’s giving last few weeks at MT, the pressure was off, I could do whatever. This is the happiest Dean’s been in a long time. He’s happy because he got to sacrifice himself for his family, and he gets to enjoy it for a bit. He’s paid off his guilt debt. 
Sam is always criticising Dean for “not working”... when Dean is. He’s flirting with someone because. He already did his job. He noticed the video camera straight away. Also, oftentimes the flirting is him doing his job. He has ADHD. He did all his work in 10 minutes and now he’s playing games on his phone. Leave him alone. 
Envy tells us Dean’s sins (gluttony and lust), and Tamera’s (wrath), but not Sam’s or Bobby’s. Sam’s is pride. Say it. 
We discussed a little bit the disparity between how Sam and Dean are presented vs. how we’re supposed to feel about them. Is our tendency to analyse Dean’s microexpressions (vs. other’s ability to take them at face value/miss the depth), because we are used to having to analyse facial expressions, whereas others may just accept their initial assumptions are correct? 
Notes: Visiting student Sumner. 
Not necessarily further reading, however after this episode I read them one of my favourite ficlets, the last line of which pops into my head fairly often. (@defilerwyrm)
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thebeautyofspn · 1 year
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3x01 The Magnificent Seven
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Round 1, Poll 8
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odesofmeddea · 3 months
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Incest and the elements of (obstacled) voyeurism, or the penetrative gaze.
supernatural, 3x01 ‘the magnificent seven’; the borgias, 3x04 ‘the banquet of chestnuts’; crimson peak, dir. by guillermo del toro, 2015; flowers in the attic: the origin, 1x02 ‘the martyr’; bates motel, 4x08 ‘unfaithful’
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bloodydeanwinchester · 10 months
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✨3x01 || The Magnificent Seven✨
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seasononesam · 8 months
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Stackednatural- 18/327
The Magnificent Seven (3x01) October 4th, 2007
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xofemeraldstars · 9 months
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🥁🥁 aaaand congrats to the 40.4% that got it right!! 🎉
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cockworkangels · 1 year
but honestly though this episode feels like another example how supernatural often only has black characters there to be either the ones who suffer the most or to be vilified. like yes every character in supernatural suffers but black characters tend to suffer especially brutal fates and isaac and tamara are an example of that....
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shinelikethunder · 8 months
kripke: show creator; seasons 1-5 showrunner; wrote or co-wrote 1x01 pilot, 1x02 wendigo, 1x09 home, 1x16 shadow, 1x22 devil’s trap, 2x01 in my time of dying, 2x22 all hell breaks loose part two, 3x01 the magnificent seven, 3x16 no rest for the wicked, 4x01 lazarus rising, 4x07 it's the great pumpkin, sam winchester, 4x10 heaven and hell (story), 4x22 lucifer rising, 5x01 sympathy for the devil, 5x09 the real ghostbusters, 5x22 swan song, 6x22 the man who knew too much; directed 2x20 what is and what should never be, 4x22 lucifer rising
gamble: seasons 6-7 showrunner; wrote or co-wrote 1x03 dead in the water, 1x12 faith, 1x14 nightmare, 1x21 salvation, 2x03 bloodlust, 2x08 crossroad blues, 2x13 houses of the holy, 2x17 heart, 2x21 all hell breaks loose part one, 3x02 the kids are alright, 3x07 fresh blood, 3x10 dream a little dream of me, 3x12 jus in bello, 3x15 time is on my side, 4x02 are you there god? it’s me, dean winchester, 4x09 i know what you did last summer, 4x17 it’s a terrible life, 4x21 when the levee breaks, 5x02 good god, y'all, 5x07 the curious case of dean winchester, 5x13 the song remains the same, 5x21 two minutes to midnight, 6x01 exile on main st, 6x11 appointment in samarra, 6x21 let it bleed, 7x01 meet the new boss, 7x10 death's door, 7x17 the born-again identity, 7x23 survival of the fittest
edlund: wrote 2x05 simon said, 2x12 nightshifter, 2x18 hollywood babylon, 3x03 bad day at black rock, 3x09 malleus maleficarum, 3x13 ghostfacers, 4x05 monster movie, 4x08 wishful thinking, 4x16 on the head of a pin, 5x04 the end, 5x10 abandon all hope, 5x14 my bloody valentine, 5x20 the devil you know, 6x03 the third man, 6x09 clap your hands if you believe, 6x15 the french mistake, 6x20 the man who would be king, 7x02 hello cruel world, 7x09 how to win friends and influence monsters, 7x15 repo man, 7x21 reading is fundamental, 8x05 blood brother, 8x13 everybody hates hitler, 8x21 the great escapist; directed 6x20 the man who would be king, 7x21 reading is fundamental
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thebeautyofspn · 1 year
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3x01 The Magnificent Seven
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