#5sos imainge
whatmakesmehappyy · 5 years
Sunshine p. 2
“No. No. Maybe.” You mumbled as you hung up different articles of clothing on the hooks provides in the dressing rooms. You sighed as you looked at your ‘maybe’ pile and your ‘yes’ pile. While there were a few outfits on the ‘maybe’ pile there weren't any on the ‘yes’ pile.
It was hard to choose the correct clothing because of the lack of colors but the employees at the store were more than willing to help you pick things out. Instead of using their help with colors you just asked them to just give you black and white clothes. They gladly complied and now you were faced with a mountain of clothes and outfits that you had just tried on. You desperately needed more clothes not only for everyday outfits but also for the concert. It was coming nearer and you wanted to feel good.
You smiled when you thought back to last week, meeting Calum and Luke. You hadn't posted the picture anywhere, just kept them to yourself. They were more special that way. With a huff you pulled on your regular clothes and grabbed the outfits that you had tried on. Stepping out of the dressing room, your arms piled high with clothes you started back towards the racks, putting a lot of the outfits back. When you were satisfied with your small pile of clothes you walked towards the counter and put the clothes down, pulling out your wallet.
“Did you find everything okay?” The man at the counter said.
“I did thanks.” You told him, smiling brightly.
“Great! Your total is sixty-eight seventy-two.” The man said and you handed him your card. He swiped it and handed it back along with a receipt for you to sign. You grabbed all your clothes after handing the small piece of paper back to him. You walked out with a smile on your face. You felt accomplished as you made your way out of the mall and back to your car.
Opening the door to your apartment you tossed your bag and purse onto the kitchen counter as you pulled open the fridge to look for something to eat.
“Pizza is on its way.” Your roommate, Laura, called from the couch as you pulled out a bottle of apple juice and pouring yourself a glass.
“You’re the best.” You groaned as you walked over and flopped onto the couch. “Hey Matt.” You waved to Laura’s boyfriend and soulmate.
“Hey. How’re you?” He asked from his position on the couch.
“Same ol’, same ol’,” You shrugged, “got some new outfits, some for the concert coming up.” You explained.
“I wanted to talk to you about that.” Laura said, turning towards you, “I was wondering if you’d like some company?”
“You want to come?” You questioned her.
“Yeah! I’ve heard some of the music that you’ve been playing and I really like it.” She said, smiling widely.
“I mean, yeah! I’d love for you to come!” You said as the doorbell rang. Matt got up and went to answer as you continued the conversation, “Okay so it’s in four days.” You started, “And it’s only about an hour away. We should leave about two hours before the concert in case there’s any traffic.”
“Sounds great. Let me see the outfits you chose.” Laura said excitedly and you made your way over to the counter where Matt was pulling out paper plates and napkins. You brought the bag back over and gave it to her to sift through. “These are so cute! This is my favorite.” She said, pulling out a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, “The pants are an off-white and the top is black with sequins, though you can see the sequins. I suppose you can see the black too. But this is what you should wear, definitely.” Laura decided and you smiled. You had known her for most of your life and you were glad that you had such an awesome roommate. “We can choose which outfit I’m going to wear after dinner, ‘kay?” You nodded as Matt placed some plates on the coffee table as well as the pizza box. You dug into the pizza quickly, sighing at the food satiating your empty stomach.
“How does this look?” Laura asked as she walked out from her closet, a short dress adorning her body and heels on her feet, making her legs look amazing.
“You look great. But it might be a bit cold for the concert.” You informed her.
“Good point.” She pushed her hair off her face and walked back to her closet, kicking the heels off along the way.
“Okay!” She called from the closet, “What about jeans? Do you think that that’s to casual?”
“I mean, it’s a concert not a dinner party. I think jeans would be perfect.” There was rustling and she walked out with light-colored jeans and a lacy top. It was all black and white to you but you knew that Laura loved color.
“What color is the outfit?”
“The jeans are just a light denim and the top is purple. Lilac, the color is called.”
“What’s lilac?” You looked at the top, squinting as though it would suddenly make you able to see color.
“Lilac is a shade of purple. A really light shade. It’s very beautiful. I think I have a nail polish that color. Can I paint your nails that color?” She clapped quickly.
“Sure. I’ll have lilac nails for the concert.” You giggled. You wouldn’t be able to see the color but it would make Laura happy. You also made a mental note to ask Jennifer to describe lilac the next time you saw her. Laura shrugged off her outfit in favor of a pair of sweats and sat down at her desk, pulling out her nail polish and searching through them till she found the color she wanted. You looked at all the shades of grey that she had. You smiled as she made a small noise of triumph. She set down her container of polish and beckoned you closer. You sat in front of her and she shook the bottle, it made a clicking noise, “What is that noise? Why does polish do that?”
“I have no idea.” She shook her head and unscrewed the cap. You pulled out your phone and opened a tab in Google.
“According to Amy from Yahoo answers, ‘in good nail polish there are little metal balls that stir the nail polish when you shake it up to prevent it getting gooey and chunky.’ She says ‘If your nail polish does get gooey you can put a couple drops of nail polish remover in it and it will make it smooth again. I hope I helped!’ and the number eight with a closed parentheses. Informative.” You concluded, tossing your phone next to you on the bed as Laura painted your left hand.
“This is gonna look so good!” Laura said, excitement laced in her voice.
“Thanks for coming with me.” You said, trying to portray how much it meant to you.
“Of course. I’m excited. We’ll bring snacks for the car ride and jam out the whole way there.” Your stomach fluttered with excitement for the day.
Tag list: @softboycal
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highfivecalum · 5 years
The Air You Breathe {CH} 1
A/N: hi hello everyone since wouldn’t miss a chance is soon coming to an end i’ve decided to post the first part of my new calum fic which is stepbrother!calum and i’m super excited about it so i hope y’all like it 
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“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOUR mother is actually getting married.” Nevada laughed as she scrolled through her phone.
“Tell me about it,” April snorted and shook her head. She was still in disbelief that her mother was getting remarried to a man she had been with for only a little over a year. April was happy for her mother, of course she was, but she didn’t understand why she had to get married.
April never thought her mother would find love after her father passed away, and she was happy she did, but she wasn’t too fond of the idea of having a step-father and two new siblings. Sure, they were step siblings, but still. April was an only child, so she didn’t know what having siblings was like, and she was indifferent about the idea of two new people in her life.
“David has kids right?” Nevada questioned. It was like she was reading April’s mind, since that’s all she was thinking about, so she simply nodded her head. “How old are they?”
“No clue,” April sighed and puckered her lips, applying her deep red lipstick before giving herself a once over in the mirror. She was getting ready for the rehearsal dinner, which she was dreading, and forcing Nevada to come with her as moral support. Unfortunately April was miserably single, so she was bringing Nevada as her date to the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. Nevada was already invited to the wedding, being like a second daughter to April’s mother, but since she was being forced to be April’s date, she couldn’t bring one of her own. “Not looking forward to meeting them, though.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. You’ll finally have siblings!”
“I’ve gone twenty-one years without siblings, Nev,” April laughed. “I don’t need any now.”
April still couldn’t believe that she hadn’t ever met David’s kids, with her meeting him on multiple occasions and he and her mother being so serious, she thought it was strange. She knew he had a son and a daughter, both of them living in different cities than her own, but she didn’t know anything else about them. April was sure her mother mentioned their names, but April’s memory didn’t serve her too well, so she wasn’t surprised that she was drawing a blank when it came to their names.
“Alright,” April switched her purses, from the black backpack purse she used to a smaller clutch that matched her black dress, and strapped her red heels onto her feet. “Let’s get this over with.”
Nevada offered to drive the two of them to the venue where the dinner was being held, knowing that April would want to get a little bit drunk to deal with the dinner and meeting the new additions to her family, so she didn’t mind being the designated driver for the night. She knew that they would both be getting drunk at the wedding the next night, so Nevada didn’t see the point in getting drunk two nights in a row. But she knew her best friend had to.
The rehearsal was in full swing when April and Nevada showed up, only a few minutes late due to April’s poor time management skills, and her mother only scolded her a little bit. Melinda knew that April wasn’t too thrilled about the idea of having new family members, so she was easy on her. For now.
Calum exhaled the heavy sigh he had been holding in, swirling the whiskey around in the cup he had been babysitting for the past hour. He looked around the venue and frowned. He didn’t know many people there, only a handful, which included his three best friends, his grandparents, his father, and his older sister. He wasn’t too pleased with his father getting married to a woman he had only met once before, but he had voiced his opinion on the matter multiple times, and his dad told him to keep his thoughts to himself.
Calum was sure that Melinda was just marrying his father for his money. I mean, a fifty-two year old woman marrying an almost sixty year old man after being together for only a little over twelve months? To Calum, it didn’t add up. He didn’t want to straight up tell his father that he was marrying a gold digger, because, well, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure she was, but he had plenty to say about it to his best friends.
“You look miserable,” Mali exhaled a breathy laugh at her younger brothers permanent scowl that he was sporting since the day he found out his father had proposed to Melinda. Mali nudged Calum’s shoulder with her own and tried to cheer him up, tried to get him to crack at least the smallest smile. “Come on, Cal.” She sighed heavily. “You pouting about this isn’t going to make dad change his mind.”
“Wish it would,” Calum grumbled and downed the rest of his drink, knowing that he would need at least a little buzz to get through the night. “Don’t get why he has to marry her. Makes no sense.”
He drowned Mali’s words out as he watched two girls enter the diner hall, breathless with apologetic looks on their faces. One of them was short and blonde, the other tall and brunette, looking nothing alike so Calum knew they couldn’t be sisters. He watched as the brunette rolled her eyes, ignoring Melinda completely as she, what seemed like, scolded the two of them.
“Calum, Mali,” David’s voice brought Calum back to life and he blinked, looking up at his father expectantly, who had a small smile on his face. It seemed he was always smiling these days. “Melinda’s daughter just arrived. I’d like the two of you to introduce yourselves to her.”
Mali and Calum shared looks. Mali looked excited almost and Calum was sure he looked the exact opposite. There was no way Calum was going to introduce himself to his new step-sister. He didn’t know her, had never met her before, but he already knew he didn’t like her.
“Let’s go.” Mali grabbed Calum’s arm, yanking him up against his will and dragged him across the room to where Melinda and the two unnamed girls, one of which was Melinda’s daughter, were.
“Mali! Calum!” Melinda smiled happily when she saw the two approach them. Her and David shared a quick kiss, it lasting no longer than a second, before Melinda motioned to April. “Calum, Mali, this is my daughter April and her best friend Nevada. Girls, these are David’s kids, Calum and Mali.”
“It’s so nice to meet you!” Instead of shaking April’s outstretched hand, Mali pulled her in for an unexpected hug, which April hesitantly returned. April was surprised that the girl was so welcoming, but she was glad she wasn’t a total bitch like she expected her to be. “We’ve heard lots about you, haven’t we, Cal?”
“Uh, yeah. Heard lots.” Calum pursed his lips and gave April a once over. There was no denying that she was attractive, but Calum couldn’t let that fill his head. She was going to be his step-sister for Christ’s sake. That was borderline incest, Calum thought. “‘S nice to meet you, I guess.”
“Calum,” David scolded him, but Calum’s behavior towards April didn’t bother her or surprise her in the slightest, considering she felt the same way when meeting him and his way too nice sister. Mali, April could maybe warm up to, but Calum? She didn’t think they would get along too well.
“Nice to meet you, too.” April pursed her lips, putting on the fakest smile that made Nevada stifle her laughter, because she knew damn well that it was most certainly not nice to meet them, but April was nice, or at least trying to be, for her mothers sake.
After their brief encounter and introductions to each other, Calum swiftly excused himself from the conversation and made a beeline for the bar where his three best friends found home at. He ordered his usual whiskey on the rocks and downed it in one gulp.
Ashton cocked an eyebrow at him. “You good?”
Calum took a good look at his new step-sister. She was pretty, with long brunette hair, tanned skin no doubt from the summer sun, and a pretty smile that would make any guy do a double take at her. Calum’s disappointment increased tenfold when he realized that he would have to be around this pretty girl all the time now, since the three adults were being forced by their respective parents to spend the summer together in the Hampton's at the mansion that David owned, not being able to do anything about the attraction he felt towards her, because, well, they were going to be related.
Calum was definitely not good. This was going to be one long ass summer.
Taglist: @itjustkindahappenedreally @you-of-ghost @dukesnumber1 @gosh-im-short @alotof1dlove @sarendankodiznilend @inlovehoodx @protectingcalum @burningwobblerghoststudent @harrysgucciclothes @conquerwhatliesahead92 @misspinkpigg @wrappedaroundcal @cosmocalum @kinglyhood @roselukes @hereforlukescruff @imadontstopacoustic
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hungovercthood · 7 years
Close to Your Heart- Calum Hood Imagine
"Hey have you liked anyone since you moved here?" Calum asked as we pulled out of the driveway onto the road. 
"I mean people have caught my eye, but nothing more than that. Why?" y/n shrugged thinking nothing of it. 
"Because everyone's so concerned about who they're gonna end up with. I've never even seen you take another look at a guy." Calum was calm, no other tone was coming from him other than the concern of a friend. 
"Well, that's because I'm not the type of girl that boys like." Y/n started to play with her hands, every time someone brought up relationships, she did her best to stay out of the conversation. Being stuck in the car with Calum was like an unscheduled therapy session. Calum didn't say anything, which made her hope that we were done talking. 
"You know that's complete bullshit right? You're amazing." He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows as he stopped the car for a red light. He was relentless.
 "I'm an amazing friend, I would not be an amazing girlfriend or significant other to someone." Y/n fought back. Knowing how stubborn he was, Calum wouldn't stop until she gave up. An idea popped into y/n’s mind, maybe for the next 15 minutes, she could pretend he's saying these things to her as more than a friend. That's a dangerous self-mind game to play.
 "-third you've got a sick music taste which is super important. Fourth your-." Calum countined, y/n was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t even hear the start of his list.
 "Alright you win, I'm amazing." She stopped him, knowing that if she heard any more reasons why he thought she was amazing Y/n wouldn't want to be just a friend anymore. 
"Bet you'd make for an awesome girlfriend, you just haven't accepted it." Calum said pulling into the neighborhood. A few more minutes and this torture would be over. 
"You want to make a bet with me about me?" y/n played dumb and took him literally. 
"Yeah why not? In fact, I know just the guy for you." Calum challenged. It was too late to back down now so Y/n agreed. Calum would set her up with some guy. 
"Alright, he'll be at your place then. Tomorrow night at 6!" He yelled as y/n got out of the car. She thanked him for the ride home and he drove off. Y/n got to her apartment thinking she over analyzing the conversation, there was no possible way she would get out of the friend zone.
 Six came its way and y/n was more or less indifferent to who was going to show up at the door. Whoever Calum had lined up, they were going to be just what she needed with the bonus that they weren't going to be Calum. There was a knock on the door, y/n opened it to find Calum. 
"Did your guy bail? You could've texted me." Y/n pretended not to notice the flowers in hand or his freshly shaven face. 
"No, he doesn't deserve to bring you out until you know what a real date feels like. On a real date, you get flowers." He pushed the bouquet of flowers forward. Y/n opened the door for him to come so she could find a vase. 
"You don't have to do this, I know what a real date it." she said putting the flowers into a vase, not bothering to put water in just yet. 
"Yes, I do. In the time I've known you, you have never been on a date. If I'm setting you up, you better know how he should treat you." Calum fiddled with his car keys as he looked at her. Y/n couldn't go to dinner with him, not on a pretend real date. 
"Then don't set me up. I'm a big girl I can find a date on my own when I want to." 
"I don't think you can! I'm genuinely concerned that you're going to push away every guy that comes into your life." He started to sound irritated. It was perfect if Calum was frustrated enough, he would leave. 
"I haven't pushed you away!" Y/n retorted trying to make a point. 
"That's because we're just friends!" Calum replied fast,  "Go to dinner with me. Let me show you what it's like to go out with someone that-" y/n cut him off as she pulled the flowers out of the vase. 
"Give these to a girl you actually want to take out to dinner." she pushed the bouquet back in his hands. 
"I want to go to dinner with you, but not as friends. I want to take you on this date so you know what it should be like when someone else takes you out." He wouldn't stop until she agreed to go with him. 
"No. Go home." 
Calum wouldn't move, "why are you so against this?" he was angry but, there was a fire in his eyes that didn't look like it was going to quit anytime soon. "Because I can't go out with you for something that isn't platonic! I need to stay where I belong!" y/n shouted, out of frustration. 
"Where do you belong then?" He shouted back. 
Y/n knew she wouldn't be able to lie out of this question. He would finally hear the truth. 
"I belong where I've always been for you, the friend zone. I've put myself in the friend zone with every guy I meet, and I've stayed there with no problem, but then you happened and it is so hard to see you as just a friend." Y/n look at him, waiting for any kind of reaction. 
"I know that's what you do. I figured you out a while ago, I thought I'd be okay if you kept yourself there for a while but, fuck, I think about you all the time." Calum looked at the flowers and back at me. “I guess I’ll go home.”
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Newborns (Cake)
Highly requested, this is the Cake part to my Newborns preference, thanks for all the notes on the Mashton part which you can read here
Hope you like it xx
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“How are you feeling,” Luke asked you, getting more concerned. You were pregnant and past two days you had been experiencing really bad cramps. You just hoped the baby was alright, but you had a bad feeling everything was going wrong.
“Not too good,” you told him, groaning in pain when another cramp hit you. Luke started at you uneasily.
“Maybe we should go to this hospital. This isn’t normal, y/n,” Luke told you. You shook your head.
“No it’s fine,” you mumbled, even though you clearly weren’t. You told yourself that you would be fine by tomorrow and that your little boy would arrive 2 months later, happy and healthy.
“Yeah I know. But just in case,” Luke pleaded. You sighed, nodding. Luke smiled and brought you to the car, kissing you gently once you sat down. “Be right back.” Luke went back inside, lifting his two and a half year old daughter Aria out of bed. She clung to him, not waking up. He went into his sons room, walking him slowly. “Buddy?”
“What?” he yawned sleepily.
“Wanna go to Uncle Ashton’s?” Luke asked, talking his hand and leading him to the car. Drew nodded. He always wanted to go to Uncle Ashton’s, even if it was two in the morning.
Driving quickly, Luke soon arrived at Ashton’s, knocking on the door loud enough wake the whole household. “Luke?” Ashton answered the door, yawning and shirtless. Luke quickly ushered Aria and Drew inside.
“Y/n is having cramps, we’re going to the ER,” Luke explained. He kissed his sleepy children’s faces before saying good bye.
“Good luck mate,” Ashton said, picking Aria up and putting a hand on Drew’s back. Ashton smiled gratefully. When your bandmate showed up in the early hours of the morning, looking worried as he shoved his pyjama clad children in the door, you didn’t fight it. That was something Luke and learned over the years.
He drove you to the hospital , picking up the pace even more. You sat in silence. Both of you were doubting that everything would be okay.
He rushed you inside, explaining your condition to the doctors as they got working at took you up to a room.
“We suspect that you might be in labour. We need to check if your dilated. We can give you some medicine that can stop it thought,” A doctor told you. You looked at Luke. Of course that was it. You were in labour, but they could stop it. You would be going home soon and you would be fine. You would come back to have your baby boy weeks lat-
“Oh!” Well that didn’t sound to reassuring. You heard whispered shared between the doctors. “Mrs Hemmings, I’m sorry but your almost fully dilated. You’re going to have to give birth to him now.”
“Now as in right this minute?” Luke shouted, before you could fully take in what was going on. The doctor nodded and Luke began to freak out. “It’s okay,” he muttered. “You’re going to be okay,” he said to you. “The baby is going to be okay,” Luke said, his voice hitching. Both of you knew that the last one could quite possibly be far from the truth. “I love you,” Luke kissed your head holding you close. He let a thought cross his mind that it was also possible that that was the last time he would be holding you.
Luke felt his phone buzz in his pocked, he answered it seeing the call was from Ashton. “Is y/n okay?” was the first thing he heard. “Drew was asking for her,” Ashton lied. Drew was not “asking” for her as such. He was bawling his eyes out screaming for his mummy, but he didn’t want to bother Luke.
“Oh yeah she’s fine. She’s asleep. She had the baby like but she’s okay,” Luke told Ashton, still relieved that his wife was okay.
“WHAT?” Ashton yelled through the phone. “She had the baby?”
“Oh yeah. She was nearly fully dilated when we arrived!” Luke sighed, the night still a hectic blur in his memory.
“But she wasn’t even 32 weeks yet!” Ashton exclaimed. He knew this precisely because his wife was also pregnant. She was 32 weeks, and he knew that Luke’s son’s due date was a week behind his daughters. Ashton’s thoughts were not on Luke’s wife anymore and hesitated before asking, “Is the baby okay?”
There was silence on the end of the phone. Luke sighed. “He’s in the NICU.”
“That’s terrible!” Ashton literally shaking, wondering what Luke did to deserve this. He silently prayed that nothing of the like would happen to his girlfriend.
“He had a dangerously low birth weight, breathing complications, blood pressure problems, he couldn’t regulate body temperature and he can’t feed,” Luke whispered into the phone. Ashton could hear his mate crying on the phone.
“He could be just fine Luke. Lots of premie babies in the NICU come home within a few weeks. Just keep your head up. He could be doing much better in even a few days,” Ashton assured his bandmate
Ash was right. His baby boy would probably be fine. He might have to stay in for a few weeks, but soon enough he would have his family get back together. The other possibility was that his baby could die and it could tear his family apart but he chose not to think about that.
“Yeah. Yeah okay thanks,” Luke told Ashton.
“Is there anything you need me to do?” Ashton asked. “Do you want clothes or, do you want me and the lads do come up?”
“Umm..can you just look after my kids? We need to be on our own right now, but it would be great if you could bring them up tomorrow,” Luke said. “And will you tell Michael and Calum.”
“Yeah no problem. Call me if you need something,” Ashton offered. Luke sighed. He did need something. He needed a miracle..
“Hi Cody,” Luke whispered, sticking his had into the incubator and grabbing onto his sons tiny one. Cody Lucas Hemmings is what you decided to call your son.
He was finally allowed to see his baby. And he was allowed to touch him, but he couldn’t pick him up for a cuddle. “I’m your Daddy and I love you so much already,” Luke told him, beginning to tear up a bit. “You’re Mummy’s sleeping. She had a really tough time these past few days. She loves you too,” he wondered if Cody could hear him. Probably not, but he continued talking anyway. “You’re our little angel. Please get better.” Luke looked down at his poor, helpless baby. He was tiny and his skin was red. His head was covered by a while hat, tufts of fair hair peeking out from underneath. He was wearing a diaper that was much too big ad was almost swallowing his whole body up. He had an IV in his little hand and despite how tiny he was Luke could make out all his little fingernails. He had a cannula in his nose for oxygen and various tubes running out of his stomach. And there was absloutley nothing Luke could do to help him. It was so unfair.
He stood there, for hours on end everyday willing his little boy to get better. You stood with him, head on his shoulder trying not to cry. It was devastating though, you had to go home leaving Cody alone in the hospital. He was in good hands, but you both wanted to be there to cuddle him. It was so relieving when you finally got to pick him up, to hold the little guy in your arms and kiss his forehead. Maybe Luke didn‘t need a miracle after all.
“He’s not going to die,” you were told over and over again. “He’s sick, but he’s improving.” “His blood pressure went up this morning but we’ve got it back now.” “He doesn’t have to be in the incubator 24/7, but his breathing still regulated.” “You can try and feed him from a bottle later, the sooner he’s not been fed by tubes the better.” Each statement came with a new sense of relief, but you were beginning to wonder if you would ever get him home.
“Welcome home Cody!” Luke grinned lifting Cody out of the car seat. “We’re so glad to have you home!” It was such a relief, it was what you had been waiting for when Cody was in the NICU for three whole weeks.
You were so careful with Cody, never leaving him alone and he was held by one of you almost all the time. He had finally been able to come once he had finally mastered sucking, swallowing and breathing at the same time. Poor boy.
The other boys had been a great help to you for the three weeks they had visited Cody in hospital, babysat and told all the paps and fans to stay the fuck away from you and it wasn’t fair. When you came home with Cody, there was blue balloons and teddies everywhere and they “made” you dinner and it was really sweet but all you and Luke wanted to do was sleep.
“So happy to have him home,” Luke said when he finally dived down on the bed that night.
“Me too. He’s so precious,” you smiled, looking at his dainty toes and soft skin and blue eyes that were just like Luke’s.
“I know. I’m never letting anyone hurt him. And I’m gonna spoil him so bad,” Luke promised. Luke picked up Cody from beside him and laid him on his chest and kissed the top of his head.
“I’m so proud of you little guy,” Luke whispered. Cody was so small still, but he had grew so much and improved a lot in 3 weeks. “I love you.”
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Another wave of pain hit you and you cried out squeezing Calum’s hand as hard as you possibly could. “It’s okay, baby” Calum smoothed your hair back and gave you a drink of water with the hand that he wasn’t holding. “Just one more push you’re almost there.” You almost screamed wanting this whole thing to be over. Soon enough it was and Calum was telling you that she had dark hair and before you knew it you had become a Mom.
“Oh my God y/n you did it!” Calum screamed. He was looking at you in awe and your newborn daughter placed was placed on your chest.
“Why isn’t she crying?” Calum asked, panic in his voice.
“Some babies just don’t,” A nurse informed him. You looked at your baby girl taking of her in. She was so tiny and perfect and was looking straight up at you with her eyes open.
“Hi,” you whispered stroking her back and smiling at her. “I’m your Mummy,” you told her. Looking over to Calum, to see a tear stained face taking a picture of you.
“Awwh Calum come here baby,” you stretched out your arms and he came over and half hugged you trying not to squash the baby.
“I’m so proud of both of you,” he cried. “And she looks so perfect and you look so perfect and I think my life is complete.” He made your heart melt. You felt exactly the same as him.
“I love you so much Calum,” you told him staring to tear up now yourself.
“I love you more kitten,” he kissed your cheek. “And you too princess.” He said to your baby.
“Do you wanna hold her Cal?” you asked him.
“What? Am I allowed?” Calum stuttered.
“Well yeah, she is your daughter,” you giggled.
“Oh yeah!” Calum grinned. “But don’t you like have to bond with her?”
“Yeah, but I think it’s important she bonds with her daddy too. Take off your shirt babe,” you told him and he did what you said so you placed the little girl on his chest. He giggled before supporting her before bending down to kiss her head.
“Hi baby,” Calum cooed. “What should we name her y/n?” Calum asked. He liked the name Sienna Mae Louise Hood. You like the name Willow Marie Louise Hood.
“Sienna,” you smiled. You really wanted to call her Willow, but to be honest she looks like a Sienna and you really wanted to keep her Daddy happy. He grinned at your response.
“Hi Sienna. I’m Calum but you’re gonna call me Daddy. I love you so much already. You’re so small but I bet your gonna be running around the place in no time. You’re always gonna be my baby no matter what though. I promise that I will never let anyone hurt you. Ever. You’re my princess now. Oh yeah, I’m gonna take you to Disneyland a lot, because what kid doesn’t love Disneyland. And I’ll play whatever games you want, even dress up or makeup. And I’ll take you shopping whenever you want. I’m gonna spoil you so bad, but please don’t be a little brat. I know you won’t though. And you’re gonna have to help me beg Mummy for a puppy, I already know your gonna be an expert pouter. And God help if a guy decides to break your heart. You’re so tiny baby girl, but I already know I love you so much.”
“No please don’t cry,” Calum murmured picking his daughter up and pacing around the living room. “Please don’t wake Mummy up!” Calum sighed, jiggling Sienna up and down again. It was your first day home with your baby Baby girl Hood was wearing a pink Cindrella onezie with “Daddy’s Little Princess” embroidered in it. She looked absolutely adorable, with her dark hair and puppy eyes and Calum was half considering eating her, based on how cute she looked.
“You hungry princess?” Calum asked, warming up a bottle while he bounced her up and down. Sitting down on the arm chair, he popped the baby bottle in her mouth and her sleepy cries came to a halt. “That’s my girl,” Calum smiled as his little daughter stared up at him with her big eyes. He looked so like him, she was tanned and pretty even as a baby. She sucked eagerly, her eyes beginning to droop. He put the bottle down as it began to slip out of her mouth. She yawned, stretching her tiny arms out and her starfish hands reaching to grab something. Calum slipped his large finger into her hand, and she mad a fist holding onto him tight. He kissed her hair fondly.
“I’m going to sing you a song, Sienna. I do that sometimes to help your Mum sleep,” he told her and Sienna just made a tired noise. He giggled and began to sign.
“Isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful, isn’t she precious, less than one minute old, ” Calum sang quiet. His voice was soft and sweet and it was such a comfort to his newborn daughters years. Calum had no idea that he would sing this song along with many others right through his daughters life, even into her teen years as she would cry about boys and other stuff, cuddled into his chest just as she was now.
“I never thought through love we’d make one as lovely as she, but isn’t she lovely made from love?” Sienna yawned one last time, fluttering her brown eyes open before shutting them again. Calum rubbed her back a little and kept singing. By the time he had got to the end of the song, Sienna was now a sleeping beauty and Calum smiled at the sight of her. “I love you so much baby girl,” he sighed. He knew he would love her, but he didn’t realise that there would be this overwhelming feeling taking over his life. She was always on her mind now. It was his life now, protecting her. Once you and your baby girl were okay he was okay. He finally knew what it felt like, feeling similar to what Michael and Luke had described when they had their little ones. Sienna just looked so fragile, precious, helpless and beautiful at the same time and Calum just wanted to love her, and protect her from everything in this cruel world.
You were awoken from your peaceful sleep by the sound that only a new born could make and stood up lazily to go to her room, but suddenly the crying stopped. You turned around to see the other side of the bed empty and Calum nowhere to be seen. You smiled, knowing he had taken care of Sienna. You got up anyway, slowing walking into your daughter’s nursery, that had Disney scenes professionally painted on the wall. You stood bye the door staring at Calum.
“It’s okay, Daddy’s gotcha. Daddy’s here now, Princess,” Calum whispered, shushing his daughter. Sienna had stopped crying almost instantly with Calum’s touch and now he was rocking her in his arms, trying to get her to sleep. He repeatedly kissed her head and mumbled “I love you.”
“You’re such a great Daddy, Calum,” you said, making Calum jump and turn around.
“I thought you were asleep,” Calum smiled. Walking over to you.
“I slept for hours. Thank you for taking care of her,” you said.
“She is my daughter. I love her so much y/n, I wanna be with her all the time, cuddle her for the - until forever!” Calum giggled.
You smiled, you were so proud of him adjusting to being a father so quickly, after being quite a bad uncle when he accidentally dropped lil’ boy Hemmings but it was okay because Calum cuddled it and he Luke didn’t find out yet. “Get her to sleep so we can have our cuddle!” you giggled, standing on your tip toes so you could press a kiss to the back of his neck.
“Do you think she might be lonely here on her own?” Calum asked.
“Yeah, it would be pretty scary for her laying in the dark on her own,” you replied, knowing what Calum was getting at.
“C’mon so,” Calum lead you out of the room, still carrying his baby girl. You laid in bed cuddle up to Calum’s side with Sienna on your chest and you slept the whole night, Calum tending her whenever she need it. Calum was so good with her, and any previous doubts you had about him being a father went down the drain. Calum was a Dad, that would be embarrassing in the future, but any child would be lucky to have him.
**All feedback is appreciated x
New preferences every Wednesday and Sunday!**
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whatmakesmehappyy · 5 years
Does anybody want a soulmate 5SOS fic???? Let me know and I can have it posted today!
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highfivecalum · 5 years
Wouldn’t Miss A Chance {CH} 18
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Previous Chapters: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven��Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen 
❋ ❋ ❋
“WHAT’S UP WITH YOU, DUDE?” Michael threw a fry across the table at Calum who was glumly looking out the window next to him. The guys had decided to go out and get something for lunch since Ashton wanted to hang out with Calum, but he knew it would be a little bit awkward without the other guys, so they invited them along.
Calum looked away from the window to his friends who were all staring at him. Calum hesitated, not wanting to spill about his relationship since Ashton was there and he wasn’t sure if he was comfortable talking about it, but then Calum thought that if he couldn’t talk about it now, he would never be able to. So he told them. “I was picking Sophie was from work last night and walked in on her kissin’ that dude she works with.”
“Oliver?” Luke furrowed his eyebrows. Calum nodded his head in confirmation. The group of friends had only met him a handful of times since they didn’t frequent Suzy-Cue’s often, but they knew that he had a thing for Sophie, it was obvious to all of them by the way he stared at her all night and tried to flirt with her. “You sure he wasn’t kissing her?”
“What’s the difference? They kissed, that’s all that matters.”
In Calum’s eyes it didn’t matter who kissed who, all that mattered was that he saw his girlfriend and another man kissing and it was enough to break his heart in two. He couldn’t imagine kissing another girl, or even flirting with another girl, so the sight of Sophie’s lips pressed against someone that wasn’t him made his stomach twist in unwelcome jealousy.
“Have you talked to her about it?” Ashton surprised Calum by joining in on the conversation. Calum didn’t think Ashton would want to be apart of it, thought he would just want to listen, but he was glad that Ashton didn’t seem uncomfortable about it.
“Not yet. I’m too pissed about the situation to talk to her.”
“You can’t just run away every time something bad happens, Cal.” Ashton sighed and put his fork down. He knew Sophie better than Calum, especially when it came to how she was with relationships, so Ashton knew he had to give Calum some advice if he wanted this to work. “That’s, like, the number one thing not to do in a relationship, among with many other things, but walking away when there’s a problem? In the middle of an argument? That’s the worst thing you could do.”
“I’ve never been in a relationship before, Ash. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Calum sighed in defeat. He knew that relationships weren’t easy because all of his friends and his sister had been in many, but he didn’t know firsthand how it felt to fight or be disappointed by a significant other. He thought he wouldn’t ever have to feel anything like that, which was stupid of him to think, because every relationship has problems, no matter how perfect they may seem.
“I know that, so that’s why I’m trying to help you. You have to talk to Soph, alright? Let her explain everything and you have to actually listen. You can’t get pissed and interrupt her or walk away in the middle of the conversation if you don’t like what you’re hearing. You have to actually talk things through.” Ashton emphasized. “Talking and communicating are key in a relationship. And trust, which you should trust Sophie and trust that she didn’t kiss him. If you don’t have those things in your relationship, you don’t have much.”
Calum hated that Ashton was right. He knew he had to trust that Sophie would never do anything intentionally to hurt him, but it was hard for him to understand that. He was bad at communication, bad at talking when a situation was bad, but Calum knew that if he wanted this to work, if he wanted he and Sophie’s relationship to last, he had to learn how to communicate and trust.
“I just- I love her and I’m so scared I’m gonna fuck up and lose her.”
“Wait, what?” Luke squealed. “You love her?”
Calum’s face heated up at the sudden attention from his friends. He hadn’t meant to blurt that out, especially not at a diner with Ashton listening in on it. He wasn’t sure how Ashton was going to react to the news of Calum confessing his love to Sophie, but he felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders now that his friends knew. Calum found it was easier to tell Sophie that he loved her than it was to tell his friends.
“Uh, yeah. I do.” Calum cleared his throat and glanced at Ashton who was slowly chewing his food, obviously trying to digest both the news of his best friend loving his sister and the burger he was eating. The suspension of waiting for Ashton’s reaction was killing Calum. “I love her.”
“How d’you feel about that, Ash?” Michael piped up with a smirk on his face.
“Well, uh,” Ashton finished chewing his food. “If you love her, you love her, there’s really nothing I can do about it. Does she know?”
“I told her a few nights ago.”
Ashton slowly nodded his head. “And? Did she say it back?”
“Yeah,” Calum smiled at the memory of Sophie looking up at him so innocently through her eyelashes, telling him she loved him just as much as he loved her. That memory would be stuck in brain forever, Calum thought, and he didn’t mind. “Yeah, she did say it back.”
“Then I’m happy for you guys, really,” Ashton couldn’t help but smile, but he wasn’t going to let Calum off the hook so easy. “But if you break her heart I’ll break your fucking legs off. Got it?”
Calum laughed, although he knew Ashton was serious, and nodded his head. “Duly noted.”
Calum was glad things were almost completely back to normal. Hanging out with his best friends, including Ashton, and being able to openly and freely talk about his relationship with Sophie was something he wanted since the day the two of them had sex in their shared shower. He hated only being able to talk to Luke about it, hated only getting advice from one of his friends, but now he had all of his friends together, and that made him almost as happy as Sophie did.
❋ ❋ ❋
Sophie frowned at her reflection in the mirror. She had her hair up in a ponytail, revealing her neck and the few small, but very dark, bruises that lined it. Her run in with Robby didn’t go well, as one would expect, and after he wrapped his hand around her throat and threatened her, he pushed her away with a smirk and stalked away from her scared and trembling body.
He said that if Calum didn’t pay him the money he owed him from years ago, that he would use her as leverage, and she wasn’t exactly sure what that entailed, but she knew she never wanted to find out. Sophie knew that Calum selling drugs for so long wasn’t safe for him, but she never thought that she would feel unsafe because of it. She didn’t blame him, no she knew he would never think of Robby threatening Sophie, she was just worried for both her and his safety.
Just as Sophie was about to try and cover the bruises on her neck, the door on Calum’s side of the bathroom burst open and he walked in. “Oh shit. Sorry. I didn’t know you were-” Calum stopped when he saw Sophie through the mirror and his eyebrows furrowed. “What is on your neck?” He took her face in his hands and lifted her head up so he could get a better view. “What- are these bruises?”
Sophie nodded as best as she could with her head still in Calum’s grip. “Yeah.” She whispered.
“The fuck? Bruises from what? Sex?”
Sophie scoffed and pushed him away, letting her head fall back down to normal. Did he seriously just ask that? They hadn’t had sex in a few days and even if they had, Calum’s grip on her neck when he choked her was not that hard, definitely not hard enough to leave bruises as noticeable as the ones on her neck. “No, Calum. They’re not bruises from sex.”
“Well, how am I supposed to know? Last time I saw you you were kissing Oliver.”
Sophie shook her head angrily and threw her foundation back into her makeup bag, not caring if the impact was hard enough to break the glass bottle. She was annoyed, pissed even, that Calum didn’t let her explain herself and then accused her of something so ridiculous like sleeping with another man that wasn’t him. “Unbelievable.”
“Where are you goin’?” Calum grabbed Sophie’s arm lightly to stop her. “If they’re not from sex then what are they from? Did Oliver try to hurt you? What happened?”
“No, it wasn’t Oliver.”
“Then who?”
Sophie didn’t meet his eyes, too nervous of Calum’s reaction as she told him. “Robby. I ran into Robby after you left the bar last night.” Calum’s eyebrows drew together and he dropped Sophie’s hand to run his fingers through his hair. He didn’t understand. Why was Robby confronting Sophie? “He said you owed him money from before he went to prison, he threatened me, and then he-he-”
“Did this?” Calum traced over the bruises on Sophie’s neck lightly and frowned. He couldn’t believe he let this happen. It was all his fault, Calum thought. Even though he was pissed about Sophie and Oliver kissing, he knew he shouldn’t have left her there by herself. “‘M so sorry, Soph.” Calum had more than one thing to apologize for. “I’m sorry I left you there without letting you explain and I’m so sorry someone from my past did this to you.”
“I didn’t kiss him, Cal.” Sophie whispered. “He kissed me and you walked in before I could push him away. And then you left and I freaked out on him. A-And then this,” Sophie pointed to her neck. “Happened.”
Calum’s arms were around Sophie’s neck in a second as he listen to her stumble over her words and her voice crack as she spoke. He knew she was scared, scared of losing him and scared of what happened with Robby. Who wouldn’t be?
“I know, baby. I know you didn’t kiss him. I just- I just hated seein’ another guys lips on yours.” Calum kissed the top of her head and sighed in relief when he finally felt her wrap her arms around his waist. “‘M gonna confront Oliver and I’m gonna kick his ass for kissin’ you and then I’m gonna kick Robby’s ass for hurting you.”
“Don’t kick anybody’s ass,” Sophie laughed lightly against Calum’s chest. “Don’t want you getting hurt, Cal.”
“‘M not gonna get hurt, love. They are.”
❋ ❋ ❋
Taglist: @wrappedaroundcal @roselukes @hereforlukescruff @glitterprincelu @astroashtonio @catchinqcalum @irwinkitten @irwinvalentines @kinglycalum @monsteramongmikey @youmaycallmemrshemmings @musicsavedme-00 @complete-trash-101 @jupitergranger @cosmocalum @calteahood @mysteriouslycali @lex-micole @sincerelycalum @calistheloml @kaxseychill @hearts-to-the-sky @calumismyprince @cocktail-calum @calumsmermaid @verybelowaverage @forggetablle @ihatemyself21 @rexorangecouny @alotof1dlove @dionnealberts @turtlenecktgc @nipplyportman @lauwenrodriguez @uncrowned-cal @ghstofcalum @cliffordcntrl @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @it-was-a-lie @therainydays4 @booklove-2 @pattys-got-cakes @mpadge33 @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles @buddhas-princess @nostalgia-luke @tothemoonwithclifford @hopelessxcynic @dannisos @calpalbby @thebodaciouscth @blue-skies-are-alright @90s-good-vibes @sugarcoatedcalum @crystalisinfinite @toofadedtofight @girlstalkreality @rosesfromcth @parkerspicedlatte @rip-lukes-balsamic @miahelizaaabeth @wcstethenightt @mixedfeeelings @isabella-mae13 @antisocialbandmate @ohhmuke @absolute-moody
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highfivecalum · 6 years
Wouldn’t Miss A Chance {CH} 8
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Previous Chapters: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
❋ ❋ ❋
SOPHIE’S HEAD POUNDED as she sat at the dining room table, spinning around the cereal that was in her cup with her spoon, while Ashton and Luke talked about last night. Sophie was too nauseous to eat anything from her hangover, so she watched as the cereal turned soggy, repulsing her even more. “Mornin’ everyone,” Calum’s raspy voice spoke and Sophie looked up from her cereal to see him in a pair of sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and the worst bed head she had ever seen.
“Hey Cal,” Ashton spoke through his mouthful of cereal and Sophie scrunched her nose up at her older brother. “You hook up with Sarah last night? I saw the two of you leave together.” Ashton had a knowing smirk on his face.
Sophie refrained from rolling her eyes at the mention of the girl who was sucking Calum’s face off the night before. She hated that she was so jealous. “Nah,” Calum shook his head and poured himself a cup of coffee. “I took her home and dropped her off. Told her that whatever was goin’ on had to end.”
“What?” Luke laughed incredulously. “Dude she’s so hot. What are you thinking?”
“She’s alright,” Calum shrugged. His eyes bore into Sophie and she could feel them on her, but she didn’t dare look up, not wanting to meet Calum’s eyes. “I’ve got my eyes on somebody else. Somebody a lot better than her.”
Sophie dropped her spoon, it clanking loudly against the porcelain bowl, and she finally looked up at Calum. He was already staring at her, his mug in front of his mouth so she couldn’t see the small smirk that was on his lips. She rolled her lips into her mouth, tasting her chapstick, and tried not to give away that the new person Calum had his eyes on was her.
“Yeah?” Ashton cocked an eyebrow. “And who would that be?”
“You don’t know her.”
Lie. Total and complete fucking lie because Ashton knew Sophie better than anybody else did.
❋ ❋ ❋
Sophie hummed in contentment as her body sunk under the hot water in the hot tub. She had her hair up in a bun on top of her head, not wanting it to get wet, and lowered her body to her chin and closed her eyes. She had been living with Ashton and Calum for a little bit over a month and she hadn’t had the opportunity to use it. Ashton was inside watching movies and Calum was God knows where, so Sophie had the perfect chance to relax without anybody bothering her.
Sophie brought her waterproof bluetooth speaker out with her and connected her phone, turning the music up to a comfortable volume before sinking back under water. Sophie hummed along to the music playing when a familiar voice interrupted her alone time.
“Mind if I join you?” Sophie opened one eye, seeing Calum standing there in swim trunks with a towel around his shoulders. His soft brown skin looking way too inviting.
“Be my guest.” Sophie shut her eye and went back to humming along to the song. She heard the water slosh around and Calum hiss at the sudden temperature change and felt him finally get used to the water and settle in across from her.
The two sat in a comfortable silence; Sophie’s eyes still closed and Calum’s eyes nowhere but on her. She could feel his stare burning into her, but she tried to ignore it, tried to enjoy the water and forget about the fact that Calum had admitted that he was into her.
A song that Sophie didn’t like too much started playing and she reluctantly opened her eyes and crossed the hot tub, standing up and reaching over to pick her phone up from the table that it and her speaker were on. Calum watched her every move, not being able to keep his eyes off of her half naked body. The string bikini she had on didn’t cover much, her cleavage spilling out and most of her butt showing, leaving little to Calum’s imagination.
Sophie skipped a few songs until she stopped on I Wanna Be Yours by the Arctic Monkeys and settled back into the water, closer to Calum this time, and he reached under the water, his hand finding her ankle and tugged her towards him. Sophie’s eyes shot open at the sudden skin on skin contact.
“C’mere,” Calum mumbled, beckoning her over to him with his fingers, and Sophie didn’t hesitate to scoot down and sit right next to Calum, but that wasn’t enough for Calum. His hands found Sophie’s hips and he picked her up easily and set her on his lap. Her skin was so soft and his hands wandered up and down her legs, up her sides and arms, resting one hand on the side of her neck and one on her waist. “I can’t get you outta my head.” Calum’s eyes never left Sophie’s lips.
“Oh?” Sophie’s mouth lifted up into a smirk. She wanted to tease him, she really did, but the same was for her; she couldn’t get Calum out of her head. No matter how hard she tried. “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” Calum hummed and pressed his forehead against Sophie’s. Their lips were agonizingly close and all that both of them wanted to do was kiss each other. Lose themselves in each other. “Can’t stop thinkin’ about those lips of yours.”
“Watcha gonna do about that, Cal?”
The way his nickname tumbled out of Sophie’s mouth had him inching closer, his lips brushing over hers in a teasing manner, and Sophie had had enough of the teasing, the waiting, and the longing looks they sent each other from across the kitchen. So, without wasting any more time, Sophie smashed her lips against his, surprising Calum since he didn’t think she would be making the first move. Sophie’s fingers tangled in Calum’s hair and their bodies were flush together.
They sat there kissing, doing nothing other than that, and reveled in the feeling of lips on lips and the feel of their skin on each others. Calum had longed for her touch since the second she walked into his house and now that it was finally happening, for the second time, he wasn’t going to take it for granted.
“‘M turnin’ into a prune,” Calum uttered against Sophie’s lips, emitting a laugh from them, and she finally pulled away from him. She smiled at the sight of his plump lips and there was no doubt in her mind that hers matched his. “Should we move this party inside?”
Sophie’s words were suddenly caught in her throat at the new feeling of Calum pressing his lips to the exposed skin of her neck and collarbones and she had to hold in the moan that threatened to escape her parted lips. Sophie simply hummed in response and Calum pulled his mouth away from her skin.
“Come on then.”
Calum couldn’t wipe the boyish grin off of his face as he followed Sophie inside and up the stairs, not being able to tear his eyes away from her backside as her ass swung back in forth in her mini bikini bottoms. Calum felt like a lovesick teenager, but fuck it if he didn’t care, because it was Sophie that he was about to have sex with. Sophie; his best friend’s little sister. He knew of the repercussions of his actions, knew Ashton would have his head on a plate if he found out, but he couldn’t give less of a shit.
Calum was so lost in thought he hadn’t even noticed that Sophie had turned the shower on and stepped in, leaving the glass door open and looking at Calum expectantly. Shit, he thought. This is actually happening.
Calum’s lips were on Sophie’s in an instance and his hands wandered everywhere they could with her bikini still on. He didn’t want the material covering her anymore, wanting to see and feel her completely. Reaching his hands behind her he swiftly untied the top of her bathing suit, letting it fall the floor next to them, and united both of the ties of her bikini bottoms, those also following to their feet.
Calum leaned back, taking in every inch of her bare body and could feel his swim trunks tighten. They were still wet from the hot tub, cold now from the air outside, and Sophie could feel the cold against her body, so she took them off for him, tugging them down until they were pooled to his feet.
Calum had Sophie’s body pressed against the tile wall, strategically under the faucet so it was hitting their bodies, but not in their faces, and his lips were back on hers. Calum’s hands slid down Sophie’s sides and backs, landing on her ass and giving it a less than gentle squeeze, emitting a moan from her mouth and Calum took that as the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth.
Their tongues didn’t fight, Calum’s dominated hers with little to no effort, but Sophie wouldn’t have had it any other way, loving that Calum was in control. His fingers slid through Sophie’s folds and hers jerked his length up and down and Calum let out a raspy moan against Sophie’s lips.
“Jump.” Was all Calum said, gripping the back of her thighs and hoisting her up. Back pressed against the wall, legs wrapped around Calum’s waist, the feeling of his hands on her skin; Sophie was in pure bliss. The longing looks, the kiss they shared in their kitchen at midnight, the way Calum looked at Sophie in pure and utter lust, led up to the moment of Calum sliding his length into Sophie. A loud moan left Sophie’s lips and Calum halted his actions. “Gotta be quiet, babygirl.” Calum whispered, his lips grazing hers. “Can’t let Ashton hear us. Yeah?”
“Y-Yeah.” Sophie exhaled the words and Calum smirked; she was already breathless because of him.
Calum’s thrusts, hard and fast, had Sophie’s grip on his hair tightening and sinking her teeth into Calum’s skin to suppress the loud moans that threatened to leave her lips. Calum liked the pain, loved the feeling of Sophie’s mouth and teeth on his skin, and he picked up his pace. Sophie’s free hand went between her legs, rubbing at her own clit since Calum didn’t have any available hands to do so himself.
Calum watched as Sophie threw her head back, it hitting the tile behind, squeezed her eyes shut, and bit down on her lips. The whimpers and moans were quieter than Sophie and Calum would have liked them to be, but they had to be cautious. They couldn’t chance Ashton finding out, not now, not anytime soon, so they stayed as quiet as they could be.
“Oh, fuck,” Sophie moaned rather loudly as Calum hit a certain spot that had her reeling and neither of them cared about the volume of Sophie’s voice, too caught up in that moment, too caught up in each other to worry about it. “Gonna cum, Cal.”
Calum groaned in response as he felt Sophie clench around him and cum. He quickly pulled out, one arm wrapped around Sophie’s waist to steady her and prevent her from falling, the other pumping himself as he came, the water washing any sign of it away as it swirled down the drain.
Calum panted, body slumping against Sophie’s that was still pressed against the wall, and rested his head in the crook of her neck. They both sighed in content and panted as they caught their breaths wordlessly. Calum slowly lifted his head up, examining the few marks he had left on Sophie’s pale skin and a lazy smirk made its way onto his face as he looked at a very breathless Sophie.
“Wow,” Sophie finally breathed.
“Yeah,” Calum laughed. “Wow is right.”
Calum turned the water off and slid the glass door opened and got two towels out of the linen closet; one for him and one for Sophie, and reluctantly handed it to her, not wanting her to cover her naked body. He had seen it once now and he knew, he hoped, he would see it again. And again. And again. “Thanks.” Sophie whispered and dried her body off- not needing to worry about her hair since it was only a little damp from it being in a bun- and wrapped the towel around her body.
Calum helped her out of the shower, shut the door behind the two of them, and cupped her face in his hands. Beautiful, Calum thought. “Sleep with me tonight?”
“Thought I just did that.” Sophie smirked tiredly.
Calum rolled his eyes. “Not what I meant. Sleep- just sleep, in my bed with me.”
“I can’t. Ash and I are getting breakfast with my mom tomorrow and I told him to wake me up. He’s going to come in my room and see I’m not there.” Calum pouted at the excuse. Sophie wanted to sleep in Calum’s bed with him, she really did, but she didn’t want to risk Ashton catching them. Not yet. “But another night? I promise.”
“I’m holdin’ you to that.” Calum warned.
“I figured you would.” Sophie exhaled a tired laugh.
Calum kissed her lips once. Twice. Three times. “Get some rest, yeah?” Sophie nodded her head. “Goodnight, Soph.”
“Night, Cal.”
That night both Sophie and Calum fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, and all either of them could think about was each other.
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