#Answered; Inquiries.
griefurias · 6 months
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Okay, Maron gets a signed one for free because the idea of his signature being frames is REALLY exciting to him.
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"Thank you, Mister Emmet! It's going right next to the ones from papa's travel agency work."
And this one's special! It's signed! And this guy's a regional celebrity -- even if some people probably don't appreciate the subway the way they should (well, Maron hasn't quite gotten to go to Unova, but the Battle Subway is pretty high on his list of things he wants to do if Jimeno's work can snag them all a trip there). Of course this postcard goes right with the family ones, it's just as special.
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illmerge · 1 year
Stares right back at her, slowly putting a finger to his mouth (or, well, where it would be if he were wearing his "face" today; the gesture comes across clearly enough). There's a dusty swirl for a moment, one single eye rendered visible: unnerving, eerie, but used to clarify some kind of emotion...if one can even be read. (He's always had blank eyes, apparently. At least, "always" to the people here.)
"Don't tell anyone I'm outside of the adult's wing. They have stricter rules for me than they even have for you."
@emilieco | promptless.
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flauxrist · 1 year
(sips soda) tags post. I converted an old blog for this.
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breelandwalker · 10 months
You seem like you're more familiar with the broader occult community than my scholarly shut in ass. I'm curious. If there were a few lessons you wish you could drill into the head of every prominent social media occultist, what would they be?
Ohhh the number one thing I wish I could drill into the head of every aspiring occultist and magical practitioner is that CRITICAL THINKING IS YOUR FRIEND.
Study magic but keep fact-checking! If there's a claim in a book on witchcraft that should be able to be backed up by mundane sources, look for those sources. If they're not cited in the book, that's a red flag. If the sources you do find don't support the claim, that's another, bigger red flag. This is especially true with claims about history, science, medicine, psychology, anthropology, and religion.
Also, be wary of anything New Age. There's a pipeline to anti-science, eugenics, and racism there that runs directly through portions of the modern pagan and witchcraft communities and it's brightly painted with New Age buzzwords.
If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If something seems geared to appeal to your emotions, especially that which seems formulated to make you feel special or "chosen" or to fire up some kind of righteous anger or feelings of superiority, you should immediately be suspicious of it.
If a source tells you to disregard science, modern medicine, or recorded history, or tries to tell you that some people are inherently more special or magical or deserving of power than others, discard it immediately. That is a bad source.
Don't believe everything you see or hear online. Too many witches roll their eyes at their parents and grandparents believing everything they read on Facebook, then turn around and insist that everything they've seen on TikTok or Tumblr or YouTube is Absolute Truth.
Believing in and studying magic does not mean that common sense goes out the window. You should be supplementing your magical studies with parallel practical topics (i.e. botany, geology, chemistry, mythology, etc) and ALWAYS keep one foot squarely planted on the ground.
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tarobii · 6 months
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you can check out the listings on my ko-fi!
please note that there are limited slots available <3
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expos8ionfairy · 6 months
You don't really sound happy.
Maybe you should take some time to self reflect on the actions that lead you here?
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
What's Hels' reaction to hermitgang
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it made him rethink diabolical
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qrowscant-art · 1 year
hello i am asking about your supercomputer oc with every disease and also flesh
are they single
IS can answer for himself !
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capn-twitchery · 2 months
I love your ocs but I fear I am a bit out of touch with some of their lore. how much does Grace know about the red honey fuckery?
thank you sm!! :D♥︎ don't worry--i'm not sure i've actually spoken about this a whole lot!! (plus my lore is scattered around random posts like a ransom note. imagine being organised, couldn't be me)
for context: the two of them are a ridiculously slow slowburn bc neither of them know how to talk about feelings, they go in different directions a lot, twitch's response to Having Feelings (or anything) is to disappear to zee. everything takes forever. there's a summary of their timeline here if you want it !!
ANYWAY to answer:
tl;dr summary: most of the time, nothing! eventually, more than anybody else.
so, for most of the time, grace knows absolutely nothing. nobody does, really--twitch doesn't tell anybody, they don't want to talk about it, nobody sees their face at all.
as far as anyone knows, including grace, twitch's bad memory, lying & inconsistent stories are just a personality quirk. and they get sick sometimes, they just need bedrest & won't be available for a few hours, a day, a couple of days. nobody is allowed to see them.
grace remains mostly unaware for a long time--he has inklings that something is up. once he gets to know twitch better, he can tell they're not themself sometimes. but prying would push twitch away, so he just offers help, if they want company, for their headaches the surgeon mentioned. he'll leave the cabin door unlocked, just in case.
he has no idea how bad the "headaches" are until it's happening right in front of him, once they're close enough for twitch to trust him to that degree. he has no idea why it's happening, but he knows twitch doesn't want to tell him, either. and when they're sobbing in his lap, pleading for something he doesn't understand to stop, begging him to help them tie a blindfold because they don't want him to see their face, it's not exactly the time to pry.
it happens a few times. it never gets easier, and it never gets any clearer. it's not til after grace leaves for the new sequence and comes back that he finally sees their face uncovered. he doesn't connect any dots-whether that's because he genuinely just doesn't make the connection, or because twitch doesn't want him to make a big deal about it, who knows!
while he was gone, twitch starts connecting some dots: something's weird with their memories. they don't know how to process it. they bring it up subtly, ask grace if he knows anything about red honey, and maybe he can figure it out himself. he tells them he does, he learned about it during nemesis, in the palace cage gardens. it still haunts him, sometimes, the prisoners with their crying, the suffering the hollow looking eyes-
the eyes.
everything clicks all at once-twitch's eyes, their headaches, the memory issues, the inconsistencies, the lies. it only gets worse when twitch tells him they're starting to wonder if the memories are all theirs.
oh, god. how could anybody do that to them? who did that to them? but twitch doesn't want him on any kind of revenge mission, they don't even think they remember where the cage garden was, and they don't want to try either. he settles for comforting them the best he can-but what can anyone do to help, really?
at the very least, trusting someone enough to talk about it is a huge weight off twitch's shoulders. grace can help them try to figure out what's going on with their memories, it makes them better at talking to each other. it's not easy, but it helps twitch to move forward-slowly, but surely
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emilyjunk · 21 days
could we get a synopsis of what your ongoing fic is about?
To say that Regina is making an effort to be a better person would be, in her personal and superior opinion, an understatement. Just this morning in homeroom, for instance, after Kevin G. made a math pun that functioned as a raunchy innuendo truly so horrific that everyone in the vicinity lost several brain cells, Regina bit her lip so hard in an attempt to hold back her comment that she drew blood underneath her several layers of lip gloss. Growing pains.
Still, despite her efforts to change, she kind of thought senior year might not be that different. She thought everything would go back to normal, or at least some version of normal in which everything stayed the same except for her. Obviously not everything is about her, but, like, this is her moment of growth, hello? Can the universe not acknowledge that?
But it turns out that a semester of high school in which a math teacher is falsely accused of pushing drugs, a new girl with zero fashion sense wins Spring Fling Queen, and Regina gets hit by a bus is wont to transform the entire DNA of the senior class population. 
This is probably great news for everyone else. 
For Regina, well. Like a caterpillar in the chrysalis, she temporarily died. Only for 15 seconds, but still. Metamorphosis is a real bitch.
Anyway. Back to the point. 
So, Regina thought things might be the same this year, or at least similar enough that she could follow the initial blueprints of teenage socialization she’s been carefully crafting since 6th grade, barring a few modifications to fit her new and excruciating improved outlook on life. The world of course has other plans because it’s a cruel and unrelenting place (re: Regina got hit by a fucking bus). She’s attempting to adapt, but there are a few crucial changes to her life that are making it difficult, such as follows:
The Plastics become friends with the Art Freaks
Regina comes out 
Cady and Aaron break up
Regina joins the lacrosse team
Regina falls in love
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 month
If you care to entertain the thought:
The Finnish language has a gender neutral 3rd person pronoun for people and an "it" pronoun for objects & animals = not people. In official/book language at least. But 90% of the time in casual speech, we use "it" to refer to people as well. (It feels like night and day to use "it" in Finnish for people compared to English.)
Do you think Neo would thrive off of hearing people refer to it as "it" so casually if it interacted with (& translated) language speakers with this type of convention? Or would "it" being used like a "3rd person pronoun" feel strange/not fulfilling to Neo, due to the lack of distinction unless written down? (I assume "neutral 3rd person pronoun", by itself, might be like they/them for Neo?)
Similarly; you hc Omega with a strong he/him preference &, IIRC, an even stronger distaste for it/its. Would he tolerate a language that uses "it" so casually when meaning *3rd person pronoun*, not meant to sound objectifying in any way? + All while only having gender neutral pronouns in the first place, even if one was speaking properly (or in writing) & actively not using it/its. >No existing masculine pronouns to affirm gender anywhere (not counting using "Mr/Ms" type of titles).
I suppose it's up to interpretation on how difficult/easy it would be for them (compared to organic characters), to adjust to different language conventions like this, but I'm curious if you have any thoughts?
Ooooh, this is a fantastic question.
I think that Neo would be flattered with either pronoun! Sounds like both forms of "it" within the Finnish language lack a gender or pluralness- and gender is what Neo is seeking to avoid. It would be very pleased with this, and it would also wonder why it was programmed to think in a language as silly as English instead of the clearly superior Finnish. Neo's a bit more, shall we say, cerebral than Omega. I think it would adjust to the different language conventions very quickly.
Omega, meanwhile, would definitely have a preference. He would not tolerate the pronoun that's meant for objects and animals. He'd see it as incredibly demeaning, and you'd have to have a long talk with him to explain that the inanimate pronoun is not demeaning in the context of Finnish culture. He's got a little bit of a self-centered view of the world and doesn't handle the idea of different traditions very well? Mostly he just thinks they're weird and perceives himself as not being a part of any culture (despite that being untrue. He's kinda got the stereotypical American thing going on lol.) He's already a bit of a rebel in his own cultural context, let alone understanding the connotations of different cultures, if that makes any sense? He wouldn't adjust to the different language conventions very easily is what I'm saying.
Thank you for sending this ask!
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griefurias · 5 months
Staring at Maron, pleadingly, like a hungry dog. Please feed him he's so hungry, he's all out of spaghettios, what is he supposed to do, cook a REAL meal???
"Hmmm...does a frittata sound good? It's like a crustless quiche. It's an easy way to get protein and veggies in, and since there's no crust, there's no weird texture mix."
He's thinking over his ingredients: there's definitely enough vegetables from crop gathering to use, and he still has some meat saved from the livestock rearing practicum last semester (though he'll have to ask about using it; wouldn't want to give meat to someone uncomfortable with eating it). He'd thawed the sausage for something else, but it could be used for this, too! Anything that gets it eaten.
"We did a livestock practicum with Lechonk last semester -- if you're not uncomfortable with meat, I have some leftover sausage I could add to it."
He's already gathering the rest of the ingredients, carefully organizing them along the counter: eggs, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, bell peppers, garlic, herbs, milk, cheese.
"Do you want to help me chop the vegetables, Mister Emmet? It's okay if they come out messy. Half the fun of a home-cooked meal is that every person makes it a little different."
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droolfang · 2 months
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ooh baby ooh baby- its that time again!!
OPENING COMMISSIONS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL/MAY!! Slots are limited, email [email protected] with any inquiries or questions!
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kinglyisms · 4 months
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♚ — @ebresos ;; Eric & Siius. ❛ please don't go, i can't handle losing you too. ❜
   “Despite the pieces of your species I carry inside of me, that does not make me one of your people.” Eric stated, turning his head away from the taller man. He seems to be trying to make a habit out of surprising Eric and he doesn’t know how he feels about that. Being caught off guard once is one thing, having it happen repeatedly was starting to be rather weird and alarming. He took a breath and moved a bit against the wall, gaze sliding down to the arm that had him trapped in his own bedroom. He had just intended on showing Siius where he could sleep, he thought he would offer him his own bedroom, and now he found himself stuck in said bedroom. 
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   Telling someone he doesn’t know that well not to go, what an odd request. Eric never considered himself anything special, the only thing he knew that he was without a doubt, was a monster. Because he was, without a doubt he absolutely was a monster. Yet, for some reason, apparently Siius thought that he was something important. Be it the curse within him that makes him carry part of what Siius is or something else, he isn’t entirely sure. Eric shifted around and turned his head slightly back toward Siius, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye.
   The words were so soft, they clearly carried a good amount of emotions, but Eric can’t say they’re returned. With everything inside of himself, with his heart buried six feet under, with the way that he was–there was just so few emotions to feel and whatever Siius was feeling–this desperation. It wasn’t returned. Very few things were returned at all when it came to all of this. With the way he was at most he felt numb, which was the feeling he had wanted when he yanked his heart out. Eric had no intention of feeling the pain and loss that came with living, the heartache that an immortal life could drag around with it. Who wants to feel those things when the world comes dragging itself at your feet dropping the worst situations at you? Ripping you apart. 
   Pain and heartache. If someone could avoid those things, wouldn’t they?
   “How long do you intend to keep me pinned to the wall?” Eric asked, reaching his hand out and gently placing it against Siius chest. “This is the second time you’ve done this. Though the first was unintentional this time it clearly wasn’t.” He used his taller and wider stature easily, but pinning Eric to walls doesn’t exactly help anything. 
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breelandwalker · 2 years
hi! ive been getting back into the craft recently and i was wondering if you have any book reccomendations that i could learn more from! (i know youve published your own, which i will be checking out soon!!)
I have a book recs tag that contains most of the titles that I regularly recommend for witchcraft studies, but there are a few I could mention by name:
Drawing Down The Moon (Margot Adler)
Triumph of the Moon (Ronald Hutton)
The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present (Ronald Hutton)
The Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic (Owen Davies)
Witchcraft, magic and culture 1736–1951 (Owen Davies)
The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft: Seeking an Intentional Magical Path Seeking an Intentional Magical Path (Fire Lyte aka Don Martin)
New World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic (Cory Thomas Hutcheson)
By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn: The Theory & Practice of Effective Home Warding (Althaea Sebastiani)
Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices (Dana O'Driscoll)
Honoring Your Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestral Veneration (Mallorie Vaudoise)
Spellcrafting: Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells (Arin Murphy-Hiscock)
The Magical Writing Grimoire: Use the Word as Your Wand for Magic, Manifestation & Ritual (Lisa Marie Basile)
Light Magic for Dark Times: More than 100 Spells, Rituals, and Practices for Coping in a Crisis (Lisa Marie Basile)
Sigil Witchery: A Witch's Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols (Laura Tempest Zakroff)
The Hearth Witch's Year: Rituals, Recipes & Remedies Through the Seasons (Anna Franklin)
Previous Posts:
Here are the Top Ten foundational texts that I started out with.
Here are the books I recommend if you want to work with plants.
Here are the three titles I have on the market.
Here is the Dropbox I made with free (legal) historical texts on witchcraft and magic.
And here is my personal library (slightly out of date) which might give you some more ideas!
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pochapal · 4 months
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when will people learn that this is categorically the wrong question to be asking
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